borom1r · 7 months
ok apparently I need to post more Feuerschwanz music after work
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moon3thereal · 3 years
Request for natasha x reader. So the avengers going on a road trip for some time off. 1 hour in Natasha is sleeping and you know she has a hard time falling asleep most times so you don’t want to wake her and nobody seems to bother that she is sleeping, after awhile she starts snoring softly that later turns into loud snores so the others starts to get really annoyed with her and really just wanna throw something at her. But you won’t allow them so when the others also try too sleep they can’t because she’s so loud. When you arrive where you were headed too you wake her and she’s feeling rested and good but everyone else is really grumpy and rude against her, even you feel a little grumpy Natasha is all like “I don’t snore” and then you just show her footage of her snoring incredibly loud and she is just really embarrassed. End in fluff:)
Title: Golden Holidays
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: suggestive comments, cursing
a/n: I wrote this in the middle of my writer's block so it may not be my best fic but I hope you guys enjoy! thank you for the request anon <33
P. S. My requests are open, however, don't forget to check out my request guidelines first before sending in an ask! Thank you <3
1k words
Being an Avenger wasn’t always glorious world saving and posing for magazine covers, it also entailed a not so appealing side of an enormous workload and an unbelievable amount of paperwork especially for you and Natasha since you were both S.H.I.E.L.D agents on top of being Avengers. In this rare occasion on which all of you had time off, all seven superheroes had agreed to take some time off work by going on a road trip. You’d laughed so hard, spilling coffee all over your shirt when Steve had first suggested a relaxing road trip. Keeping the seven superheroes in an enclosed space for 4 hours wasn’t a good idea unless you were asking for chaos and destruction then it’s the perfect solution.
Surprisingly, the avengers, including Natasha and Tony (after some persuasion) had agreed to going on a road trip to Chicago of all places. After you were done being astonished over the fact Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, your girlfriend had agreed to be in a car with people she mildly tolerated for four hours, you hesitantly agreed, convincing yourself it would be a fun experience and that it wouldn’t be all that bad considering you did need to bond more if you were to keep the world alive alongside these individuals.
Packing a few clothes, extra for Natasha since you knew that the woman would never wear her own clothes and your closet was basically Natasha’s. Your shoulders tensed instinctively when you heard a tiny creak of the door, your hand prepared to find the comforting grip of the dagger you knew you’d find at the waistband of your jeans. Recognizing the pattern of the soft steps, you relaxed and turned around, giving your girlfriend a chaste kiss on the lips. Seeing her pout, you laughed and shook your head at her “should I brush up on my ability to sneak up on people more? Why do you always notice me?” she frowned
You raised an eyebrow in amusement “you’re not the only spy here Romanoff, plus I can recognize the pattern of your footsteps” you said lightly and she plopped herself on your shared bed dramatically and huffed in defeat. The redhead opened her mouth to say something and you silenced her with another kiss, propping yourself above her and whispered against her lips “I’ve already packed your things” you replied to her unasked question. Flipping you over, she flashed you her signature smirk “well I guess that gives us plenty of time to do some other things then” pressing her lips against yours, it was safe to say Natasha properly tired you out that night.
The next morning, all of you were piled into a truck, your cases at the back and Natasha and you bullied everyone else into letting you have the back seats all to yourself while Thor, Bruce and Clint took up the middle seats and Tony was in passenger seat while Steve drove. It started out pretty peaceful, quiet chattering to each other while iconic 80s music played in the background, you letting out occasional chuckles while focusing on your crocheting while Nat read a book
About an hour in, the chatter had subsided into a comfortable silence with quiet humming along to ABBA. Small snores from the sleeping redhead brought you back from your trance. You smiled at her and stroked her red locks lightly, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of her neck. It started off as light, cute snoring which you found adorable. But it had gotten progressively louder to the point you could see the team starting to get antsy and letting out huffs of frustration when their own sleep was disrupted by the snores of your girlfriend
After 20 minutes of Natasha’s snores filling up the silence, tony had groaned and turned back to you “will someone please throw something at her” he said, annoyance lacing his voice. “Hey shut up, let her sleep, use your super nano tech whatever earbuds” you said placing a hand protectively on Natasha’s thigh. They all rolled their eyes, but they still knew better than to wake the sleeping assassin, none of them wanting to invoke your wrath when there was nowhere to run.
The next 2 hours was all six of you trying to no avail to fall asleep and curses threw Natasha’s way which you silenced with a glare. Finally reaching the hotel you were going to be staying at, you woke Natasha, shaking her shoulders with a yawn. Even you were exhausted and slightly grouchy. Natasha gave you a loopy smile which you answered with a half-hearted one where the other avengers just threw her dirty glares for denying them their much needed rest.
In the elevator, Natasha was fawning over the paintings while the others watched her energy unbelievingly “Nat, not everyone is as energetic as you are, so if you could tone it down a little” Clint said tiredly. She looked at him indignantly, turning to you for support, you shook your head and mouthed “you’re on your own”
Once you were in your respective rooms, you were obviously sharing one with Natasha. She huffed as she dragged in the last bag “why was everyone being dickheads today” she said, an annoyed crease in her brow. You wordlessly held your phone up to her face, a video of her snoring playing on your screen “you’ve been at it for like 3 hours” you said eyebrows raised
Natasha’s cheeks flushed red as she tried to act nonchalant “I don’t snore” you flopped onto the comfortable hotel bed, already half asleep and nodded “sure babe” she shook off her embarrassment and crawled in bed next to you “you want to break this bed in?” she asked in a teasing tone. You turned to face her, incredulity displayed on every feature of your face “you have the audacity to ask for sex now??”
“baby I was joking!”
“yeah you better fucking be-”
Taglist: @marvelwomenslut @phoenixofash @michelle-dsn @midgardianweasley @jokertgkk @yeeterthekeeper @unexpected-character @zolvaska
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Ya know, I truly hope Miss Renesmee Carlie Cullen fully dedicates herself to just....being as out there and iconic as possible
first things first- ANYTHING with the loch ness monster on it, she owns. Posters, shirts, jackets, shoes, folders, buttons, iron-ons, there is always at least 5 pieces of Nessie merch on her at all times
once she gets old enough to start high school, the cover story is her and Edward are siblings that Carlisle and Esme took in, and sometimes her classmates will ask her what her biological parents were like and she will flat out be like 'oh, they're vampires' and Edward and Bella are like. 5 feet away trying not to scream
every Halloween she'll show up to school in an elaborate Nosferatu costume
goes out of her way to photobomb people in increasingly ridiculous ways so there will Always be a photographic record of her and in like 100 years she can get a huge kick out of teens on the internet trying to make a conspiracy about her
joins as many school clubs as she can, even if she has no interest in them- she just Really wants a concrete record of herself to exist lmao
ICONIC at school theater though. One of those demon theater kids that come to rehearsal purely to cause chaos and nothing else, but her voice is incredible so she secures every lead. One time she somehow managed to star in a show while also playing in the school band for it- her classmates still have no idea how she pulled it off
Always brings blood out in public in a CLEAR THERMOS and it stresses her family out so much but everyone else thinks she's just like, weirdly into tomato juice so the Cullens can't stop her
to everyone's surprise...her biggest chaos enabler is Jasper lmao. everyone thought he'd be a logical, responsible uncle but they're just. A Problem together. He'll 100% assist her in any prank she wants to pull, he gets her fake id's when she wants to sneak into a club with friends, he bails her out of jail without telling her parents, they figured out if she gets high and he reads her feelings he'll get high too and it's. So fucking funny.
she's always carrying some random instrument around school- like for a while it's a guitar or a harmonica, fine, but then she'll start lugging a cello around, a tuba (she doesn't even play, she stole it off a guy who was annoying her) and it escalates until one day she's wheeling a piano around the building. no one's even sure how she got in in the doors of the school. She keeps running kids over in the hallway with it
You know the Catherine Tate Lauren Cooper skit with David Tennant? Where she's being a terrible student and then perfectly recites Shakespeare? 100% Nessie
when she starts getting dates Jacob keeps trying to wing man and be over supportive and give her a ton of girl advice and it's embarrassing as hell so one day when he was on a spiel about How To Woo A Lady she looks him in the eyes and goes 'oh really? did that work on my mom?' and the Cullens fucking LOSE IT. Jacob had to go live in the woods for a few days because he couldn't cope
Emmet and Jasper: arrive to school in their jeep. Rose and Alice: arrive in a convertible. Edward: arrives in his dumb volvo. Bella and Jake: arrive to school on motorcycles. Nessie: arrives to school on a unicycle while juggling
one year she ended up getting nominated for prom queen and Edward read the minds of the teachers tallying the votes so he knew she won and he and Bella were so excited!! they're like we're gonna take so many pictures of our baby looking like a princess! And then she emerges from her room, actually drenched in pigs blood. Like she just did it to herself and went to the dance and accepted her crown like that
she regularly commits crimes against fashion. If she comes out of her room and sees Alice contemplating turning herself over to the Volturi, she KNOWS she's picked a great look
somehow gets ahold of Aro's cell number and sends him selfies of her blatantly breaking vampire laws captioned 'whatcha gonna do'. he keeps blocking her but she keeps managing to get through to him somehow
she illegally sells soda out of her locker and does people's homework for cash, while also paying other people to do her homework for her. she organizes every single senior prank. she's never gotten a detention in her whole immortal life because every teacher just Adores her for some reason
had 100% used her powers for deserved evil before. Like, if someone's being a dick at school, she'll sneak into their room at night and give them nightmarea threatening them to be a better person lol
sometimes she'll show up at the hospital unannounced and ask Carlisle, in front of his coworkers, 'yo can I raid the blood bank?'
her bedroom looks like a library. every wall, floor to ceiling books.
she's been publishing trashy romance novels under a fake name for almost 40 years now and no one in her family knows
one birthday Jacob takes her on a trip to vegas and they get wasted, at some point they were laughing about how ridiculous their lives are and they're like 'wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if we had a baby'. they then black out, hangover style, and wake up like a week later with a payment on her card to a fertility clinic. Jacob's like 😱 and Ness is just like 'you get to be the one to explain this to my parents'
Their kid is absolutely hilarious, they were correct, and at some point they realized 'wait...drinks blood..doesn't sparkle...can shape shift...we've somehow created a classic pop culture vampire' lmao
Edward had to threaten them to get them to not name the kid Vladimir
Also to be clear: Nessie and Jacob have the EXACT same dynamic as Will and Grace. that's canon.
says its her goal to star in a live action all female production of mamma mia and Carlisle is like 'honey you know you can't do anything on broadway or in hollywood' and she's like, 'no, in real life. I'm gonna go to greece and attract a bunch of women with abba songs' and he's like,,,,,ah
she loves all music but she goes out of her way to Only play stuff she knows Edward hates lmao
one day she remembers she doesn't need to breathe and can see under water and just. books herself a ticket to scotland and Finds The Loch Ness Monster
she actually personally finds a lot of monsters and cryptids like her hybrid aura just attracts all kind of weird shit and she LOVES it. She stops writing trashy romance novels and starts writing autobiographies of her traveling and hanging out with paranormal beings and everyone just assumes its fiction so she becomes a best selling fantasy author lmao
100% she's very into witchy stuff and only like...half in a trendy way. She's like what if on top of everything I've got going on I can cast spells? Think I deserve that power
when she's a couple decades old she catches Edward looking grossed out one day and she asks him what's up and he's like 'I really dont need to hear what creepy teachers think about my daughter' and she's like. oh. Dad we are gonna get SO MANY pedophiles arrested shdndjdn she gets him to expose teachers and she baits them then calls the police. queen.
She finds out she can get tattoos but they fade completely out of her skin within 5 years so she's always getting crazy tats
posts selfies on social media of her just like. hanging out with mountain lions or chilling on top of the space needle. her classmates think they're all photoshopped obvi but it drives her family insane
imagine you're 15 and you're on a nice hike in the woods and you come across your one classmate half naked, sacrificing a bear in some ritual, blood dripping down her face, bigfoot chilling on the rocks behind her filming the ritual on her phone...like on one hand, what would you do, but on the other hand. you've known this girl for a bit and you aren't surprised at all
anyway. stan Nessie Cullen.
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mimizepp · 4 years
abba! surprise birthday date scenarios!!!
BB DESERVES THE BEST BDAY SURPRISE <3 ty for the request + i loved writing this !!!!! also no i didn’t post this with just fifteen minutes left in his birthday what are you talking about.. ha ha...
** edit: now that i revisit i see that i basically wrote this like a oneshot.. so i’m giving this it’s proper title as such **
abbacchio surprise bday date oneshot !!!
abbacchio normally treated his birthday just like any other day of the year. with you, he’s tried his best to humor your (admittedly) adorable attempts and try his best to celebrate himself. he actually kind of looks forward to the big day, now that he has you to spend it with.
leone grumbles quietly as you wake him with twice the amount of usual kisses. you leave your spot in bed to get him a nice cup of tea to start his morning. somehow he nuzzles even further into his pillow, wishing he could sleep the day away and get back on with his normal routine. buuut once he hears your sweet little voice call out ‘get up, birthday boy!’ from the doorway, he gives in (and is blushing like craaazy).
as the two of you eat a quiet breakfast you’re constantly checking the time, hoping it’s not noticeable. leone takes notice immediately but doesn’t question it, not wanting to spoil your potential surprises for him. he thinks it’s incredibly sweet, seeing you so discreetly excited about wherever you’re planning to take him. just to tease a little bit, he takes his time finishing up his meal.
‘leone...’ you laugh, slightly antsy due to time constraints, ‘i know we got up a little late today, but... we don’t have to take our time with.. everything.’ you emphasize the final word, glancing down at his plate. he smirks slightly, amused. he loves pushing your buttons.
‘hm?’ leone fakes a puzzled expression, avoiding eye contact so he doesn’t start laughing right in your face. he slowly brings his tea up to his mouth and is hardly able to conceal his pursed lips.
you sigh with a smile, caught up with his usual antics. ‘you’re so annoying.’ you stand and walk around the table to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, ‘be ready to get out of here by eleven.’ leone closes his eyes, pleased with how his birthday has gone so far.
some months ago you decided to book a private museum tour of the ‘poor souls church’, san severo chapel, for leone’s birthday. when you looked online the site seemed just as moody and alluring as your boyfriend, which was perfect. you knew he would enjoy the place, especially with the tour being privately booked (no lines, no random people to make small-talk with, nothing that could bother him).
leone was dressed up all nice and pretty by 10:45. he wore black, perfectly fitted pants with a thin black v-neck sweater that dipped down just the right amount, and ideally hugged his strong form. his hair was tied back in a messy bun, and damn did he look perfect. leone also put on a well-worn pair of dr martens, and his light purple lipstick had his lips looking delicious as ever.
your eyes widened at his delectable appearance, earning you a soft chuckle from your boyfriend. leone grabs some sunglasses as the two of you leave his home. the day is lovely, the atmosphere nice but not too warm. you start walking towards the museum, and it’s only about a twenty minute trek to get there. the two of you hold hands the entire way, a smile lingering on leone’s face as he notices your growing excitement. all he can do is wait and wonder.
upon arrival to the museum, leone freezes dead in his tracks, ‘what the fuck..’ he looks to you, nearly speechless.
you feel worried for a moment, already preparing an apology and plan b for the day. fuck fuck FUCK why couldn’t you have chosen that other museum.. the one with all those historical things! he would have loved those, dammnit.
‘h-how did you know?? i’ve been wanting to come here forever! i even thought about reserving tickets for us, but no dates were ever open...” he looks up at the chapel wondrously, lifting his sunglasses to get a clearer view. he is absolutely infatuated with the place.
‘wha-?’ you experience so much shock and relief, all at once. what a wonderful surprise this has been for the both of you!
leone is so incredibly ‘peppy’ the entire tour. he asks loads of questions about different artifacts and sculptures, taking in all the spook that the chapel has to offer. he is constantly walking up to different little things that catch his eye and calling you over, just as a child would excitedly show their parents the sandcastle they’d made. he was especially interested in the veiled christ piece, one of the more popular attractions of the site.
at one point the two of you are alone in a vast, dim room together. the walls are covered in various works of age-old art, but all leone can focus on is you. he stands before you, delicate eyes fixed on your own. you can’t recall a time he’s looked as appreciative as he does now.
‘my love... i can’t thank you enough. this is just.. perfect.‘ he takes your hands in his own, holding them prudently.
‘aw, leone... i’m happy you liked this so much, i just knew you would.‘
he smiles and looks around at the hoards of art surrounding the two of you once more, before lightly taking hold of your jawline. he leans in and meets your lips, kissing you with a familiar and heated devotion. he pulls away after a few moments, and you can tell he didn’t want to end that embrace so quickly. even in the dim-lit room he appears quite flushed.
‘i love you.. and thanks, again. i really do mean it.’
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Human/Demon/Angel family road trip!
Melaina and Lily purchase a camper van, hoping for some sister bounding time on the road, then the rest of their odd family members show up. They were a little put out, but after a promise of a worldwide trip and some (TARDIS) magic placed of the van, they decided what the hell having everyone around should be entertaining. And off they go!
Would be to only one Melaina trusts to drive while she’s taking a break or sleeping.
Can’t help but watch Melaina with an amused smile when her road rage comes out to play. 
Is low-key aroused when she yells out the window at the dumb ass drivers to “GET OUT THE FAST LANE!”
Warns her when her still small horns are showing.
He would take the task of driving the behemoth of a camper van very seriously; and would have Melaina sitting at the passenger seat next to him for company, if she wasn’t already spending time with Lily.
Would look over at his sleeping wife any chance he got, and smile softly. He will remove his cloak and use it to cover her when no one is looking.
Thinks Lily is a nice human and is happy to get to know his sister-in-law, but no one compares to his wife.
“Don’t make me turn this van around!”
“And put on your seat-belt!”
“No, we’re not stopping again!”
“You should have gone before we left!”
“Stop fighting back there!”
“Damn it, Mammon!”
Would want the passenger seat all to himself.
Will ask if he can drive. 
Sulks when Melaina said “No.”
Blasting his music and screaming the lyrics. 
Sulks when Melaina turns off the music.
Will be sent to the back of the van if he keeps asking “are we there yet?”
Would, somehow, get the van pulled over by the police and panic about hiding his weed.
Sulks in the time out corner at the back of the van for nearly getting himself and other’s arrested.
Whines to Melaina about visiting Vegas. 
Can’t believe a sweet wall-flower like Lily is related to a snarky and defiant person (now demon) like Melaina.
Wonder if they have other siblings, but keeps that thought to himself.  
Will be buying stuff (that’s not too expensive) for Lily to welcome her to the family.
Wants to hear stories about the sisters’s childhood. 
Doesn’t want to push them to talk about it since their pasts aren’t all sunshin’ and roses.
Will be sitting nearest to the outlet to power his phone and other devices. Has took everything but his desktop with him, but only because there was already one on the magically effected van.
In his happy little gaming bubble for most of the journey.
Is happy to play some board games with the others at times.
Gets excited when Lily takes out a DS and wants to play some multi player games and in-game trading with her.
Will be posting about everything the happens as it plays out.
When he’s in the passenger seat, he and Melaina sing to anime intro music. No one knows what they are saying.
Likes the English covers Melaina puts on and the effort other fans have put into making the song!
Will beg Melaina to stop at some pokestops and gyms.
Any arcades will be also be stopped at.
Also, can we go to Japan!? Pleeeeeeeeease?
Will be taking a demon load of books with him.
Quietly reading most of the time.
Will pick up travel pamphlets at each stop they visit. More reading material!
Will also buy more books along the way.
When he isn’t reading, he’s doing a mini book club with Simeon, Melaina (when she’s taking a break) and Lily.
Would sneak in his pet kitten, the one Melaina gifted him in front of Lucifer after he said no last week.
When it’s his turn in the passenger seat, he reads to Melaina with the kitten purring away on his lap.
Knows Lucifer is glaring at him, but won’t do or say anything while Satan in under Melaina’s protection, and it’s just the best thing ever.
Would also be reading to Lily, before his sister-in-law goes to sleep.
Photographs everything! Selfies at every stop.
He’ll be doing everyone’s nails at his corner of the table.
Will insist on doing Melaina’s and Lily’s hair.
Dramatic shocked noise when he finds out that Melaina “blow-dried” her hair by lowing the window all the way, letting the wind blowing her hair all over the place as she drives. 
He really adores the bathroom on the van, it’s so cute and cosy but not too small to be cramped, and there’s a bath tub!?
Will offer to have a bubble bath for two with, well everyone.
If he gets a turn in the passenger seat, you know he was get Melaina to singing along with him. Has picked a lot of ABBA and other chick-bands songs for them to sing to.
“That sign said that there’s a spa nearby! Oh Mel-Mel can we stop at the spa!?”
...they’re stopping at the spa. No one regrets stopping at that spa, everyone’s back pain is gone now!
Will be trying out perfumes that each stop has and buying a select few.
He’ll be buying gifts for everyone for sure!
Is the one who did most of the heavy lifting when loading up everyone’s stuff. 
Beams with happiness at the size of the kitchen. 
And the fridge!
Is the reason the van stops at most of the fast food places they find.
Worries about Lily’s constant red face and is concerned that she’s sick.
Gets a bit too close when taking her temperature.
“Lily are you ill?! You’re burning up!”
Will be upset when Lily locks herself in the bath room, not knowing that she’s overloaded and flustered.
Thinks he’s upset her and gets upset himself.
It takes half an hour for Bephie to spell it out for him. 
“Dude, she’s got a crush on you” 
“......wait what?”
Ends up getting flustered himself and hides in a cupboard.
It takes another hour for Bephie to get him to leave the cupboard.
When he does he starts to think about Melaina’s reaction to him and her little sister dating.
He goes back in the cupboard.
“Mel’s going to kill me!”
“..Dude, she’s not going to kill you..”
It’s another hour before the situation get’s Melaina’s attention and tries to help coax him out the cupboard.
“I’m not going to kill you, Beel. I think you’d be good for her.”
It’s twenty minutes later when Beel leaves the cupboard and gives both Bephie and Mel a big bear hug.
Beel offers Lily to share some food with him. They are both a blushing mess while sharing a bag of chips together. 
Claims one of the buck-beds.
When in the passenger seat, he and Mel talk about nothing and everything. Or he’s asleep, wrapped up in one of his blankets.
Will be hanging out with Beel and Lily most of the time.
Likes the idea of Lily being a sister-in-law, via Lucifer/Melaina and Beel/Lily.
Falls asleep on both of them while watching films.
Would climb into Melaina’s bed and snuggle with her.
Flips off Lucifer when he gets glared at for doing so.
Will buy more pillows, blankets and stuff animals at the stops he’s awake for.
Sometimes wakes up to a parked and empty van.
Will be grumpy at everyone when they return.
“...fuck you guys...”
Will lighten up when he’s give a gift from where ever they’ve been.
“Ok, you get to live”
Checks the cinemas nearby for newly released films for them to go and watch.
Will also go to DVD stores and picks a few “So bad they’re good” film for everyone to watch. 
Is the ultimate Dad on holiday. Constantly has a camera around his neck.
He’s ecstatic for family time and getting to know Lily.
In the passenger seat he switches between quietly watching the world go by and asking a seemingly unending string of questions.
“Those kids are waving at us Mel!”
“They’re playing ‘good car, bad car’.”
“Really? What does game in tale?”
“Well, they wave at other people in different cars, if they get a wave back it’s a ‘good car’, if not it’s a ‘bad car’.”
He waves with both hands. Has the biggest grin on his face when the kids react by cheering.
Will want to know other travel games and might get on his adopted daughter’s nerves just a little bit.
Takes all the photos at every stop.
Fatherly teasing when he catches Lucifer and Melaina holding hands.
Takes photos of them when they have loving moments without them knowing.
It’s the best day ever when Lily (accidentally) calls him dad.
He picks her up in a big Dad hug.
“Look Barbatos! I have another daughter!”
Spends most of the time waiting on everyone out of habit. 
Seems to always have some tea ready.
Can tell when Diavolo’s questions are starting to annoy Mel and diverts his Lord’s attention else where.
Is the keeper of the maps and only sits at the passenger seat to help navigate when lost.
He disappears into an unknown rooms in the van and no one knows where the rooms are, how to get there or what the rooms are for.
When asked about it, he just smiles and walks away to fetch more tea.
Makes sure that the humans take their medication/travel sickness tablets.
Keeps the van spotless, snacks on the table and cups full, despite Melaina telling him to stop and relax for a while.
Bakes some cupcakes special for Lily after Lord Diavolo “adopts” her.
Constantly doing narrating pranks on camera.
“And that’s when they became horrible lost.”
“Are we lost?”
“She lied”
“Stop it.”
Keeps making “Married Couple” jokes at Lucifer and Melaina.
Would attempt to prank Lily, but the burning feeling of Melaina glaring at him stops him.
Spends a lot of time exploring the van and all the rooms.
Refuses to admit that he got lost.
Sneaks off from the group when they’ve stopped to visit somewhere.
Keeps everyone waiting to for him to come back before they can leave.
When asked wear the fuck he was, he’d only ever say he was on a hunt for knowledge.
Translation: He’s been finding more magical knowledge with questionable means.
Is banned from the passenger seat, for recording Melaina while narrating everything she does. 
Absolutely adores Lily and decides for himself to be a guardian angel to both sisters.
Every time Lily does something that’s adorable he wraps his arms around her and snuggles her; his wings circle both of them as if protecting her.
“By my Lord, you are so adorable!”
“Melaina, help!”
“Hey, turtle dove, ease it back a bit please.”
He will be interested in Lily’s story, since gender identities work very differently for Angels and Demons, he’d be very interested in the subject. 
Plus, knowing what he does about their birth parents from Melaina; Simeon is concerned about the difficulties the poor thing faced trying to figure out her identity. 
Simeon makes sure that Lily does want to talk about it, he really doesn’t want to push her if she’s uncomfortable.
He ends up learning a lot about the subject from Lily, maybe there’s a new book to be written in the future.
Will be playing board games and card games, that he’s learned from the humans, with Luke and anyone else would like to join.
Can’t help but ship Beel and Lily after seeing them blushing like idiots at each other. 
He actually tears up a little, he’s so happy.
Then he looks toward the front of the van at the other couple. Melaina is asleep and he’s caught Lucifer laying his cloak over her.
Simeon smiles wide, he’s so happy for both the humans and his old friends. 
He feels nice and warm inside.
He’ll request to stop at a church now and then so he can pray for his friends’s happiness. 
He also requests to visit Venice Italy.
Will have his turn in the fabled passenger seat. He had fun picking songs to play... until one started playing that wasn’t his cup of tea.
He slowly looked at Melaina, trying to not judge.
Mel’s lips were pressed together and trying to not laugh.
Simeon then got up and left to sit back down with Luke.
“I’m sorry!”
“Turle Dove?”
“..I need time to forgive you, friend.”
Will be both excited for a road trip with the human sisters and annoyed that the demons are also tagging along.
Low-key is enjoying everyone’s company.
Is either by Simeon side or in the kitchen baking sweats.
Don’t really understand the concept of being transgender, but supports Lily all the way!
Really, really wants to play card games with Melaina, but she’s driving most of the time.
Isn’t aloud at the passenger seat. because they were pulled over by the police about letting a child in the front seat without a booster seat.
He is very, very sulky afterwards. 
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
bucci gang with a model s/o hc??
- Absolutely (and secretely) infatuated with s/o’s photoshoots to the point where he buys all the magazines, products etc. that include them. He won’t outright admit that he has basically all of their stuff and will be HELLA embarassed if s/o ever came across his secret little collection one day by mistake.
- Most likely that will happen someday and that’s when Bruno’s usual calm and collected persona would shatter a little, the man erratically stumbling over his own words and blushing madly whilst trying to explain himself. Last thing he’d want is to come across as creepy or stalker-ish for buying all of the magazines and pictures that s/o was featured in.
- Of course that s/o would just chuckle and call him adorable, something that would make poor Bruno lose it e v e n more. S/o would be flattered that their own partner thinks of their work so highly and greatly admires it, hence why from that day on they’d make sure to give him all sorts of limited edition stuff, some of which would even be signed! Needless to say, Bruno would feel like the luckiest man in the entire warudo.
- Just like Bruno, he’d be very invested in s/o’s work, every so often the man complimenting s/o on their photogenic nature and their overall lovely features. He’s just a little bit more open with his passion for s/o’s modelling career as opposed to Bruno, even though Gio would still be lowkey embarassed and would get hella blushy on many occasions.
- Giorno has an eye for art, and models are no exception. He thinks of modelling as its own kind of art because in his opinion it’s not easy at all for one to be able to fully convey all sorts of emotions and overall be photogenic in all of their photos at all times. He thinks of this career very highly and has a great appreciation for s/o’s work.
- One quick way to fluster him is for s/o to offer him signed pictures or even gift him a very rare limited edition magazine that features them on the cover! Of course that Giorno would modestly say that they really didn’t need to do that, but s/o knows him all too well and can see the sheer joy in his eyes once they give him such presents. If s/o was ok with it, Gio would even take some pics of them and keep them as memories.
- At first he wouldn’t even be able to believe that s/o is a goddamn model. How did he even end up with someone like this?? Hell, they could have ANYONE in the world and yet they chose to be with him. Every so often such questions would be plaguing Abba’s mind to the point where he’d end up asking s/o about it, to which his partner would just call him silly and explain that their career literally has nothing to do with their personal life and the choices they make of course.
- Abba would be lowkey embarassed of his behavior sometimes, but it’s just that he thinks they’re extremely beautiful and successful and that they could find someone way better than him. But honestly he’d be lying if he’d say that he ain’t fond of skimming through various magazines that include his hella photogenic partner. Just watch the man lose it after s/o secretely signs one of his magazines one day, Abbacchio letting out a comically loud gasp upon making the discovery once he turns to the first page.
- Seeing that their partner has a tendency of putting himself down sometimes, at some point s/o would come up with the wonderful idea of them taking pictures of Abba just to show him how goddamn beautiful he is as well. Of course that Abba would be extremely flushed and would make up excuses as to not do it at first, but s/o would eventually convince him and it would turn out to be quite effective. S/o would keep instructing him on how to pose (and the man would be a damn mess) and what expressions to make and holy shit he actually is very photogenic if he wants to??? S/o would ask him if he ain’t considering a modelling career, to which Abbacchio would just roll his eyes with a flustered smile.
- If you thought Bruno and Giorno were chaotic fanboys then you ain’t seen jack shit because Mista stands out the most. He’d immediately recognize them as “that one super popular and hella hot model” and would jump up and down whilst asking for an autograph with the biggest most excited smile ever. How did these two end up actually dating??? No one knows for sure.
- Mista is extremely open about his passion for s/o’s modelling career and is constantly complimenting and praising their work. You bet your ass that he has literally all the magazines and posters featuring s/o and he ain’t afraid of asking for some extra rare limited edition numbers either. He’s absolutely thrilled whenever s/o has a new photoshoot and is basically cheering them on all the time.
- He’d be the happiest in the world if s/o would sign stuff for him too. On top of that. Mista also has a habit of bragging to people about his partner and how great they are in general, so the fact that they’re a popular model will be thrown into discussion more than once. He would tone it down if s/o wanted him to though, but he just can’t himself sometimes since he’s really proud of them yknow??? Also 11/10 asks if he can paint them like one of his french girls even though he’s fucking Italian.
- We all know he’s a man of culture, so there’s no way he wouldn’t recognize them. Ok maybe he wouldn’t OUTRIGHT recognize them like the chaotic fanboy that Mista is, but the second he’d see them on the street he’d just k n o w that they look familiar...till he glances to the side and sees an ad and realizes that holy shit they really are THE model!
- Fugo is hella shy and will be extremely reluctant to ask them for an autograph or shit like that, not to mention that he doesn’t wanna come off as overwhelming or creepy either. So once again, how did these two end up dating? Not sure at all. If anything, s/o was probably the one who made most of the moves all because Fugo would be too fucking shy especially because holy hell they are so popular and amazing and he doesn’t wanna embarass himself. S/o would find him to be hella cute of course. And don’t even get me started on that time when they cheekily offered him a little picture that had a small message written by them, autograph included. Fugo still keeps that shit in his wallet and calls it his lucky charm.
- Once the two make their relationship official though, Fugo will realize that he was being extremely silly for being so self conscious. After all, even if s/o is a very popular and well respected model it’s not as if they’re a deity (even though they sure look like one) or something. He’d gather more courage as time would pass to the point where he’d be buying countless of their magazines and posters, not to mention that he’s also very supportive and would be admiring them for just...having the balls to pose for a camera on a daily basis.
- Doesn’t even recognize them at first and starts dating them without having a single fucking clue until he sees an ad and the person featured in it gives him a little sense of deja vu. Only when s/o outright tells him about their career does the poor boi connect all the dots and he quite literally jumps up in the air full of excitement. He’d want to slap himself for being so blind all of this time but hey nothing else matters because his s/o is a f u c k i n g m o d e l.
- Considers himself the luckiest man on the planet and, just like Mista, brags to everyone about his dear partner and their succesful career. Sometimes he can get just a little bit too excited to the point where he’s staring off into the sky with dreamy eyes as he goes on and on about s/o’s lovely smile, but overall he’s just a very wholesome and supportive boyfriend. S/o happens to be nervous before a photoshoot? No problem, walking dose of serotonin Narancia is there to encourage and comfort them!
- Gets each and every product/magazine that features them to the point where he sometimes almost goes broke and it’s honestly the funniest shit ever. He just loves his s/o so much and wants to support them so damn bad by buying all the merch and products, even though s/o probably makes like twice the amount of money that he does. They’d find his behavior and enthusiasm to be extremely adorable, although s/o would still be a bit concerned about his spending habits sometimes.
Bonus - Trish:
- Honestly it’s my personal headcanon that Trish has an aspiration for modelling and lowkey wants to become a popular model someday. If not a model then an actress for sure. It goes without saying that she’d instantly recognize them on the street and would be h e l l a excited, the girl rushing towards said model and politely asking for an autograph.
- Basically, being with s/o would be the most thrilling experience of her life. Of course that she wouldn’t date them JUST because they are a model, but that aspect would also play a small part in all of this since she has a great admiration for models and she loves reading all sorts of stuff about the industry. That being said, she’d be absolutely smitten with both s/o as a whole and their modelling persona/image and would occasionally ask them for info about how it feels to be a model, how exhausting it is, how the industry works etc.
- Honestly deep down she’d wish that someday she’s going to be able to model along with s/o, and her partner would actually encourage her and support her dreams too. They would find her to be very cute and her entire admiration and love for their career would matter alot to them. S/o wouldn’t even be surprised once they stumble across the huge pile of modelling magazines (some of which would be featuring them) sitting in Trish’s room, even though the poor girl would be lowkey embarassed.
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quillsand · 4 years
the mamma mia films did nothing wrong and i have proof*
*the proof is my opinion
i love the mamma mia films with my whole heart and soul and i absolutely adore how they sacrificed a lot of traditional film elements like plot continuity in order to maximise the joy experienced and also the amount of abba songs they could squeeze into two hours. below i have compiled some of the biggest discrepancies between the two films and why i think they are not only justified but also the height of cinematic genius
> starting with the big one: in mamma mia the order donna sleeps with the men is established to be sam then bill then harry. in mamma mia 2 donna sleeps with the men in almost the opposite order- first harry, then sam, then bill. no explanation is given for this- and why should it be!! donna needs to sleep with harry first so that the paris storyline could happen and the paris storyline had to happen because we needed waterloo in this film since we didn’t get it in the first one!!! a very sexy decision on the film producers part and one i respect. i don’t know why bill and harry were swapped and nor do i care! i love it!
> (in this same thread, donna supposedly met sam when he rowed her to the island, bill when he gave her a ride on his motorbike, and harry when she offered to show him around. none of these things are true in the second film and that has such big dick energy i can’t even begin to explain the genius of it. mamma mia said yes you saw it. no you didn’t. yes you did. no <3 )
> the other big one: in the first film, donna references her mother being in hell and strongly implies that she’s dead. the second film said fuck it, completely ignored this, and cast cher to play the role. iconic. this was a good decision because cher got to sing fernando with andy garcia and also release another album full of abba covers. i especially love how they didn’t make any effort to clarify anything about her dead or alive status because this gives us the ability to interpret cher’s character as a ghost who came back from the dead to crash her granddaughters party and sing abba at karaoke. 
> in the first film it’s established that donna is able to run the hotel thanks to bill’s great aunt sophia, who helped her financially. in the second film not only is there no mention of this aunt but also donna is shown to inherit the hotel from an old woman. this could be the great aunt sophia the first films talk about except bill isn’t her nephew because she has a different nephew (who donna definitely didn’t sleep with) and also doesn’t appear to recognise bill. i don’t know what happened here but i am more than happy to accept both things as truth and just roll with it because there is abba playing in the background and that sparks joy within me.
> now i am going to talk about the flashbacks. in the flashbacks in the first film (iconic!!! don’t get new actors just dress the old ones up and make very little effort!!! i cannot describe how much joy this brings me!!) harry is a punk, bill is a rock fan, and sam is a hippy. mamma mia 2 said ‘you didn’t see it’ and completely reinvented their characters. and i’m here for it!!! makes no sense at all and i love it!!! as much as i would’ve loved to see colin firth, pierce brosnan, and stellan skarsgård just pretend to be 20 year olds for two hours i Understand why they did not choose this route and i think it was very cool of them to ignore the previous characterisations so they could build completely new ones that make them more suited to certain abba songs. 
> in the first film tanya and rosie don’t seem to know about donna’s past with the three men but in the second it is established that they met and interacted with at least two of them. but also maybe they just forgot. it happens. also, i think they should be allowed to do this as it makes the whole film that much more chaotic, which is hot.
> in the first film donna always complains about the bills she has to pay however in the second film it is revealed to us that she doesn’t pay bills because a kind old lady just straight up gave her a house for free. however this was also so they could film the money money money scene which is iconic and because they gave us that they can do what they want, which includes, but is not limited to, rewriting the whole plot during the second film.
> in conclusion the mamma mia films can do whatever they want because they spark joy. this is all.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Sweet Music Playing in the Dark: Ch.2- Lip and Cheek (Craquaria)- Dill
A/N: Hi guys! Here’s the second chapter for sweet music. This is my first smut attempt, so I hope it’s okay lol. I’m working on a few things at the moment that will slowly trickle out now that I’m done with school. You can find me on AO3 @drdill. Thanks for reading!
Summary: Soon Max will be moving to New York, and Gio interrogates Kevin to see if they could last.
“Come on, it’s totally Bill.”
Max stuffs another piece of sushi in his mouth, watching Mamma Mia! intensely on the television, knees to his chest on my couch.
“I don’t disagree, I’m just saying this all could’ve been avoided with a paternity test.”
“Don’t try to get technical with this masterpiece.”
“Fair enough,” I giggle. “I wouldn’t be mad if Sam proposed to me, though.”
“Well, obviously. He could get it any day of the week.” I choke on my water.
Earlier in the day, he knocked on my door, my sandals between his fingers and a smirk on his lips. Probably thinking my life is a mess, he asked me about my swollen knee and it turned into an hour of us drinking coffee at my kitchen table. Wanting to repay him for his hospitality the night prior, I suggested sushi and a cheesy film in sweats. From my obnoxiously loud ABBA jam-session in the morning that left “Dancing Queen” in his head for the rest of the day, he chose appropriately.
The final scene ends to the Netflix home screen and I start picking-up empty soy sauce packets.
“Sorry for getting wasabi on your couch,” Max says, standing up to help clean.
“Don’t worry about it. There’s been worse things on it,” I tell him with a wink, immediately ready to punch myself in the face. Why the fuck do I open my mouth? He just laughs and shakes his head.
“I’m not even gonna ask.”
We head back to the couch, sitting opposite, staring anywhere but directly at each other. He’s stretched out towards me while I sit cross-legged and hands in my lap. Seconds pass and we’re waiting for the other to initiate some form of conversation, resorting to him making a fun beat with his hands on the side of the couch and this thigh, and me bobbing my head and shimmying my shoulders. A laugh escapes me.
“What’s on your mind?” he asks me.
“I don’t know,” I say, fully honest. “Most weekends where I do nothing aren’t this fun.”
It feels like a first date- painfully hesitant. For the twenty-seven hours I’ve known him, he’s surely made an impact. Maybe I’m just desperate for the attention he’s giving, and maybe the feeling is mutual, but I���d rather be entangled in blind affection than ignorant to it.
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to make a friend during my quick stay,” he tells me, “but I’m so glad you fell on that fire escape.” He chuckles when I roll my eyes and observe the bandages wrapped around my bruised knee.
“As embarrassing as that was, I guess the garlic bread was worth it,” I smile. He shifts positions and crosses his legs like me, moving close enough for our knees to touch.
“Since we’re sharing thoughts,” he says, “something’s been eating at me.”
“And what is that?” He sighs. “Last night, when you said goodbye, we shared a quick hug and you were gone.”
My lips are between my teeth, unsure which direction this could turn.
“When just hours before, you wanted to kiss me like it was nothing.”
Relief quenches me like a cool glass of water.
“Well,” I reply, leaning a bit closer, “I can tell you that it wasn’t nothing.”
“You don’t say?” His draws circles on my kneecap through my black joggers. I nod in response when he greets my eyes, leering.
Like muscle memory, we find ourselves in the same position as last night. This time, the puzzle pieces fit together, completing what could’ve been my evening departure. His lips are even softer than they look, sweet and tangy like the lemonade he sipped during the movie. I smell his aftershave on my next inhale before deepening our kiss, bunching his shirt in my hands and pushing him onto his back. Propped on my elbows, I drag my tongue over his bottom lip and reconnect to his mouth, full of paradise. He leisurely travels down my spine to my lower back. For the time being, it’s a musical rapture.
Then there’s an abrupt knock at my door.
It was maybe fifteen seconds. Fifteen seconds. I’m fuming, nostrils flared and eyes slowly shutting.
“The universe really doesn’t want this, huh?” he says with a sympathetic grin. I peck his lips before standing and unlocking the door.
Kevin greets me with a huge smile- of all the people to ruin our moment.
“Hi, honey.”
“Someone’s back early,” I say, moderately bothered.
“I really didn’t want to bother you, but I must’ve left my key at my sister’s and Max wasn’t answering his phone. Could I use your spare?”
“Hi, Kevin.” Max pokes his head from the couch.
“Maxie!! Y’all already met!?” He’s elated at the sight of his friend, which quickly turns to sheer panic. “Oh shit. Did I jus-”
“No, it’s fine. We were just hanging out. Being neighborly and all,” I say before Max can speak, unenthusiastic jazz hands to follow. Max’s face drops and nods.
“Yeah, I can let you back in. It’s pretty late anyway,” Max tells Kevin, hopping off the couch and standing next to me.
“Thanks for the sushi, Gio.” He goes for an awkward hug, an even worse ending than last night.
Kevin watches us stiffly before giving me a hug.
“You up for brunch tomorrow?” he asks me. I hide my irritation with a cheeky smile.
“Duh! Max will you still be around?” I must’ve caught him off-guard.
“Hm? Oh, yeah! Yeah I can come.” He’s flustered.
“Wonderful. See you guys tomorrow?”
“I’ll knock when we’re ready!” Kevin replies. He leads the way out of my apartment with Max.
“Bye-bye.” I shut the door and reflect. Of all the people to ruin our moment. I love Kevin. Typically he annoys me with bombarding my phone with texts, but this time, nothing- the one time I don’t get minute-by-minute updates on his train ride home. I throw myself on the empty bed, frustrated and lonely.
*knock knock knock*
I grab my wallet and head for the door in white converse, rolled black shorts, and matching black tank top. In the hallway, Kevin’s alone wearing a coral v-neck with khaki shorts and flip flops.
“Where’s Max?” I ask.
“Bathroom. He should be out in a sec.” He looks down at my legs.
“What happened to your knee?”
“Oh, I just fell,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.
With those words, Max opens the door in a navy button-up and flip flops, still drying his hands on his shorts. His hair for the past couple of days was fluffy and unkempt, curling on his forehead. Today, it’s tamed with some wax, swooped to the side, and absolutely delightful.
The restaurant is a few blocks from our building. We get a table, a few drinks, and discuss Kevin’s quick return.
“So, why’d you come back so early?” I ask, still annoyed with prior events. Max, sitting next to Kevin, gives me a smug look that he can’t see.
“I overestimated how much time I can handle them,” he cackles. “Also, my momma kept showing me photos of her church friends’ single daughters. The mothafuckin’ nerve!” I laugh and swirl my drink.
My favorite part of these brunch dates is when Kevin’s adorable Caribbean mother calls him while he tells me about his latest hookup (in too much detail), trying to play matchmaker after mass. He always exaggerates his workload to explain how he, the gayest person on this planet, doesn’t have time for a girlfriend.
“I still have no idea how she hasn’t figured it out yet,” I tell him.
“One of these days, I’ll probably get fed up and tell her. We’re getting close.”
“You should’ve just asked how their sons are doing,” Max says. Kevin howls as he takes a satisfying sip of his drink.
Our food comes a bit later and we continue catching up, Kevin and Max telling old stories from college in-between bites as I listen. The more they speak, the more I realize they are the exact same person in different bodies. It’s almost scary; from karaoke nights at a cheap dive bar near campus, to reenacting musicals in their apartment with friends, I’m surprised Kevin’s barely ever mentioned him to me.
Unintentionally, I keep staring at Max. No particular reason, just watching him: the way he eats his fries, talks with his hands, covers his mouth after laughing too hard. I become so fixated that whatever Kevin is babbling about turns inaudible- I just keep looking at the slight stubble poking through his chin that he scratches every so often, the scar on his right elbow when he props it on the table, even how he nods along to every word Kevin says. He’s a completely average guy, but I’m mesmerized by every small detail.
“Would you like some more water?” I’m snapped out of the trance by our waitress holding a metal pitcher in front of me.
“Oh, um, yes please.” She refills my glass and walks off.
“I’ll be back. I’m going to the bathroom.” Max stands up and goes away from the table. I catch myself staring again as he walks away until he turns a corner and is out of sight. Then, I’m greeted with a fresh pair of eyes from Kevin. With the coy glare, I think he’s connected the dots.
“I know that look, G,” he replies.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Since when were tiny white guys your type?”
“Since Friday night.” Apparently, I’m ready to spill.
“I was wondering when you guys met. Y’all were pretty close last night.”
“We met completely on accident. I tripped on the fire escape steps and he helped clean the scrape, then asked me to stay for dinner.”
“I thought you ‘just fell.’” He’s using air quotes, taunting me from my previous answer.
“I didn’t lie.”
“Y’all were being more than neighborly last night, weren’t you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I totally cock-blocked you, didn’t I?”
I’m silent and avoiding eye contact, causing him to go wide-eyed.
“Oh my GOD.” He slaps the table with every word, way too excited and causing patrons to stare. “I knew it!”
“Shh!” I’m attempting to contain his emotions, pinning his arms down on the table. When he finally cooperates, I speak softly.
“We almost kissed Friday night, and I redeemed myself yesterday until you just had to ruin it, bitch!”
“Well if I would’ve known my friends were fucking I wouldn’t have knocked!”
“We didn’t think you’d be home until Monday!”
“True,” he cackles. “I can’t believe you two were ready to hook up that quick. Max typically isn’t into hookups.”
“I can’t believe you barely talked about him with me!”
“I didn’t think you’d be interested!”
“Well, I wasn’t until he started acting all hospitable. He’s so nice.”
“You’re telling me! If he wasn’t a top that’s half of my size I would’ve married him by now.” The last sentence almost has my jaw in my lap.
“That man is a top?”
“You are such a whore.”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“I only speak facts, babe,” he winks. “But you didn’t hear it from me.” A sip of his mimosa and Max appears from the corner again, sitting down and returning to his meal.
“What’d I miss?” he asks. I shake my head.
“Nothing much.”
Evening rolls around and I run upstairs to check on my laundry. When I throw the load in the dryer and come back down, Max is standing in the hallway with his bags, placing his ticket in his jacket pocket.
“Leaving so soon?” I ask with a smile.
“Very late, actually. My flight leaves in two hours and I haven’t even called an Uber.”
“Oh, shit. I shouldn’t keep you then.” I reach in for a hug and he wraps his arms around me softly.
“Be safe heading back.”
“I will,” he tells me. “See you in a few weeks.”
With that, he gives me a cheeky grin and walks quickly down the hallway to the elevators where this mess started. I go back inside, a deep sigh following. What am I doing?
My conversation with Kevin this morning has stuck with me all day. I need more answers. Stepping onto the fire escape with a blunt, I tap on his window until the curtains draw back and he opens it.
“You rang?”
“I’ve got some questions.” He laughs and shakes his head.
“Me too. But keep it quick. Grandpa is getting tired.”
We sit down, feet dangling from the platform when I light the joint and taste it’s sourness. I pass it to Kevin.
“Before I start, can you promise to be as honest as possible?”
“Yes, Judge Judy.”
“Okay, good. You said he normally doesn’t do hookups, right?”
“Nope. He hasn’t been with someone since sophomore year.” That’s weird.
“Well, kind of. He had an on-and-off thing with this asshole named Jake until graduation that fucked with his psyche a lot. He’d leave Max every couple of months and come running back like nothing happened. I wanted to kill him, then Max for falling for his bullshit.” Kevin’s getting re-heated just by talking about it, taking multiple hits before passing the blunt back to me. “He cares so much, probably too much.” I nod along.
“Anyways,” he says, “How much have you seen each other while I’ve been gone?”
“Probably like ten hours total.”
“In two days?”
“Wow. What kind of social butterfly did Max turn into since I left the west coast?”
“He keeps to himself a lot?”
“All of the time. That’s why I was so shocked when you guys were hanging out together, let alone doing whatever that was when I knocked.”
“Calm down, we didn’t get anywhere when you interrupted,” I giggle.
He sighs. “I don’t know what you did to him, but he seems really interested in you. I asked him about the weekend after brunch, and he was floored about goddamn sushi and Mamma Mia!.”
“Did you consider my incredible charm and wit?” I smirk and nudge his shoulder, causing him to sway and laugh.
“I’m sure that’s what it was. Listen, as much fun as this is, I’m falling asleep out here.” “Fine. One last question.” “What is it?” “…can I have his number?” I ask bashfully.
“You mean to tell me that y’all were getting hot and heavy and didn’t even bother to get that on night one?!”
“It wasn’t the first thought in my mind when I climbed on top of him, bitch!” He rolls his eyes with a smile, takes out his phone, and sends me his contact information.
I didn’t text him. The first man to give me attention for more than three hours to hook up, and I’m blowing it to smithereens because I’m too nervous to make the first move.
A few weeks have passed since he left for Seattle again. He’s probably moving in right now as I answer emails and procrastinate by looking at old looks from this year’s Met Gala. A camp aesthetic? My fucking dream. A message appears on my Mac from Kevin.
Do I have to do everything for this relationship to blossom?
I’m confused, until my phone starts buzzing. I reach into my pocket and see that it’s Max. Oops.
“Hey, Max.”
“Hi. Uh, Kevin gave me your number.” I chuckle.
“I figured. How’ve you been?” “I’m so sore. Kevin and I have been moving boxes and furniture all day.” “Why didn’t Kevin let me know sooner? I would’ve helped out,” I tell him as if I couldn’t text him for a month.
“Well, that’s actually why I called you. Kevin just left and I still have a lot of unpacking to do. Are you busy?”
Surprisingly, I actually do have plans. Some coworkers invited me out to drinks tonight because I was in the room as they discussed plans, but it’s not the first time I’ve bailed on them. They definitely won’t miss me.
“Not at all! Send me the address and I’ll be there soon.”
“You’re a lifesaver! I’ll text it to you now.”
“Alright, I’ll see you soon.”
He sends me the address and I get dressed to bare the Brooklyn heat. Before leaving, I text Kevin back:
I’m pulling my weight. Don’t worry ;)
“How was the drive?” I’m helping him load plates and glass cups into his cabinets while he stands on a chair.
“Too fucking long,” he says, “It took me five days to get here, but I stayed with my friend Brian when I got to Milwaukee, then Tony in Chicago. Every other place was just some crappy motel and a prayer that I wouldn’t get bed bugs.” I snicker at the last comment.
“At least you get to sleep in your own bed tonight.” “Yeah, finally.”
We finish putting away every bowl, spoon, and rubber spatula he brought and break down the boxes for the trash. His living room is barren besides a bunch of bubble wrap and tape lining the lightwood floor and an empty bookcase with hundreds of novels on the floor next to it. It smells like an old bookstore- the sunset bleeds through and highlights every dust particle floating around the room. Max stands by the small island in the kitchen, hands on his hips. He’s glowing, arms and face golden before the sun falls over a building and everything turns gray. Clearly exhausted, he gives me a smile and a look that begs us to return to the mess tomorrow.
“Welcome to New York.” I mirror his smile and pull him into a hug. He sways us back and forth in absolute fervor, dancing in my arms.
“We need to celebrate. Grab the wine in the fridge.”
As I get the bottle, which is the only thing in his fridge, he greets me with two coffee mugs- the Seattle skyline painted across both.
“The wine glasses must’ve been in a different box,” he says, a giant grin plastered on his face. “My mom made these.”
“Classy,” I smirk.
He follows behind with the bottle opener as I sit against the white wall, legs crossed and scrolling through his laptop’s music library. After uncorking, he pours almost full cups for the both of us, and slides down the wall next to me, moonlight from the window striking his leg as he stretches. To go with some acoustics, I jokingly search-up a Yule log video for mood lighting. He laughs and rolls his eyes watching the crackling embers on his computer screen.
“Dumb ass,” he whispers under his breath before raising his mug toward me. I do the same.
“To crushed dreams and expensive rent!”
“L'chaim!” I reply. We clash our drinks together and sip occasionally. I’m relieved he bought sweet wine this time, watching dusk swallow the sky.
Through fifteen minutes, radio silence. His shirt reflects a light orange from the fake flames, darkness encapsulating the living room. My head rests on the wall, eyes shut and feeling Max bobbing to the music every once in a while, silently pouring more wine into our mugs. No moments on my own fire escape have felt so peaceful, especially when the next song plays:
If you were falling,
Then I would catch you.
You need a light,
I’d find a match.
Max starts quietly humming the chorus, swaying back and forth with his eyes closed. I silently laugh when our arms brush against one another.
‘Cause I love the way you say good morning,
And you take me the way I am.
Eventually, his head softly lands on my shoulder as it did so perfectly weeks before. I hide the smile forming on my lips, slowly inching my fingers. Reaching his hand on the floor, they playfully dance on his knuckles before intertwining, giving a gentle squeeze.
I feel his prickly cheek glide across my skin until his lips connect, placing delicate kisses from my shoulder to collar bone. The sensation causes the hairs on my arm to stand, a deep sigh escaping. He continues sprinkling soft pecks along the area, using a finger to move the strap of my tank top and grazing my slicked, bare chest. My hand detaches from his and relocates to the side of his jaw, thumb tracing as he squeezes my thigh. I lean my head back in satisfaction, hungry for any contact, and he wastes no time moving off the wall and attacking my neck with more aggression. The suction tingles as his tongue soothes the spaces he bruises, his hand traveling up my thigh, nearly at my crotch. I can smell the wine in his breath.
“M-Max…” I’m barely making words. He raises a single finger and lightly drags my lips, silencing me. His control may be rousing, but I’m tired of waiting.
Growing impatient, I reach under his thigh and pull him towards me. His leg swings across and straddles my lap- I immediately feel his growing harness as he grips my cheeks. Thousands of fireworks go off in my head as I finally taste his lips on mine. It’s sour and velvety, our noses smash together upon impact, tongues sloppily discovering rhythm. Our music has been drowned by deep exhales and the fabric of our shorts at the slightest friction. I take his bottom lip between my teeth, eliciting a moan when our mouths reconnect. My arms pull him closer to make sure this isn’t some painful dream, teeth clashing and steadily rolling my hips. I reach under his shirt, outlining every back muscle during the passionate exchange. Without missing a beat, he starts lifting the white fabric, revealing his lightly-toned torso and prominent v-line. He smirks as my eyes grow wide, unsure of what I was expecting, and finds my lips again before tossing it near some boxes. I shut the laptop and wrap my arms around him once more.
After several minutes, we relax and catch our breath, still firmly attached with his arms around my neck and mine on his waist. He pulls me close, fingers lost in my hair with my head at his chest. I kiss his sternum as he controls his breathing.
“Took us long enough,” he smirks. I smile and place another kiss on his salty skin.
Looking up from his embrace, his face is shining, beads of sweat forming at his hairline with his mouth agape, forming a light smile. Standing slowly, he extends his hand, head motioning to the bedroom. I graciously accept as he helps me up and leads to the door- a quick admiration for his shoulder muscles and notice of a weird tattoo I’ll ask about later. We have more important plans.
The door shuts behind us and I can only see silhouettes, nightfall and car headlights pouring through the two windows near his bed. Barely in the room, I ditch my tank top on the floor and grab his waist from behind. His neck cranes back as I bruise the porcelain skin, fingers tracing up and down my arm. I feel his chin on my cheek and I lift my head, tenderly greeted by his lips. My hands drop to his hips, fingertips progressing to his stark erection as I stroke it’s length. Eagerly, he takes my wrist and moves it to his waistband, to which I duck underneath and grab his cock, thumbing the head and spreading the precum before pleasuring him.
“Oh my God,” he severs from my lips, groaning and grasping my neck hairs hard as I revert focus to his shoulder.
“I’ve been dreaming about you,” I whisper, my hand moves up and down excruciatingly slow, teasing something that’s been built-up for a month.
“Th-that makes two of us.” He stutters, breathing deeply as I continue to stroke his shaft.
“Show me,” I simper and bite his earlobe, my free hand rubbing his chest. With those words, his hands reach behind to grab my shorts at the waist and yank them to my thighs. He stops my action by turning around to face me, pulling the minimal clothing off of my body, exposing my erection. Kneeling before me, he places a chaste kiss on my inner thigh, dangerously close, before pushing me toward the bed.
My legs hit the sides of the mattress and cause me to sit close to the edge. Max travels down from my collar bones to my navel, lips and tongue blessing my torso as my fingers comb his hair when he falls back to his knees. He licks from base to head, swirling his tongue before taking me in his mouth. I’m brought to my elbows in luxury, relishing in his skill. His hand works in tandem on my shaft while the other grips my thigh.
Holy shit.
It doesn’t take long before I’m encapsulated- euphoric moans escape, head thrown back when he takes the entire length to the back of his throat and gags. My body starts to twitch, knowing I’m getting close. Sitting up, I place my hand at his cheek, slowing his pace to a halt, chocolate eyes dark with passion, skin waxen and pale blue in the moonlight, almost angelic.
I meet him halfway with my lips, salty and wet, finally pulling his shorts and underwear down. He steps out of this clothes and I scoot farther onto the bed when he climbs over me again and sloppily kisses my mouth. We roll around the pale cotton sheets, savoring the embrace and caressing each other’s bodies. Laying on our sides, his hand travels down my back and hastily grabs my ass, slapping it when he makes contact. My breath hitches- it burns in the best way possible. His stomach is warm against mine, legs intertwined with sensual murmurs filling the air.
“Fuck me,” I mumble against his lips. “Please.” Our kissing stops and he meets my eyes.
“Are you sure?”
I nod, giving him a quick peck, a grin forming on his lips.
He quickly slides off the bed while I move closer to the pillows. Rummaging through a bag close to the bathroom, he pulls out a condom and some lube and walks over to me, body shining from perspiration. A loud snap and the cap pops open, the sticky liquid coating his fingers before he sits in between my legs. I’m already balling the sheets in my hands, licking my lips and anticipating to crumble at his touch. His cold middle finger teases my entrance. It’s tingling, almost painful with build-up. There’s a sharp sting when he enters one finger, pumping slowly with his other hand tracing my abdomen. I sigh in relief at the sensation, eyes fluttering shut. He introduces a second finger, leaning down and peppering my hips with kisses, arm moving faster and faster within me. My chest jolts at his fingers dancing atop my rib cage and reaching my jaw, his thumb outlining my bottom lip. To his surprise, I take it in my mouth and begin to suck lightly
“Fuck,” is all he can breathe as I moan onto his finger. Eventually, he slows his pace before removing his fingers, eliciting a whimper from me and a smirk from him. I hear the crinkling of the condom wrapper as he tears it open and slides it over his cock. Propped on his arms at my sides, he leaves me with a glossy stare before settling back on his knees and grabbing my thighs.
The head grazes over my entrance until he thrusts idly about halfway. My knuckles turn white, clutching the bedding and hissing as I get used to the pressure. In a couple of movements, we groan in unison when he’s fully inside me. It feels like a bolt of electricity shooting through my veins at the sensation. He quickens the pace with each advance, holding my waist tightly.
I can barely see his face, making out small details: a single hair is curled on his forehead, brows furrowed close together, an expression of pure zeal in his eyes and mouth. My legs wrap around his hips and he balances over me, arms by my ears and chests becoming parallel, sweat exchanging when they graze each other.
I’m becoming overstimulated, grunting with every one of his thrusts, face turning red. I start shivering, getting close and panting. Stroking myself quickly, my back arches as beads of white coat his chest and drip onto my stomach. I collapse underneath him. Max’s hands find mine among the chaos and bring them over my head, interlocking fingers as he groans into my shoulder.
In a short moment, his body begins to contort. I feel the warmth inside me when he exhales loudly and finishes, arms wobbling and fighting to keep him up.
We lay in our sweat. The only sounds I can hear are our heartbeats and Max’s deep breaths next to me. I’m on my side with my arm draped over his chest while he scratches the back of my neck. He kisses my forehead softly before pushing himself off the bed and walking to the bathroom. The light he turns on blinds me when I roll over. Shielding my eyes, he comes back with a damp washcloth, wiping himself before handing it to me and climbing back into bed, examining the contusions blanketing my throat and chest. I toss the towel on the floor.
“You’re incredible.” Max’s first words to me after everything are as soft as every kiss he leaves on my hand and knuckles. If I weren’t drained, I’d pin him back down and show my appreciation, but instead I turn back to my side and lazily embrace him as we lock lips for the millionth time. I don’t want this night to end, but my head aches for sleep and he breaks to yawn. His head drops to the pillow, arm still around me with the other on his rib cage. My body curls into his, falling fast asleep.
He cares too much, but so do I, and I think we’ll be okay with that.
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nedxwynert · 6 years
Definitely Unexpected | Bucky Barnes x Reader
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(gif not mine)
Summary: Ever since you could remember, you and Bucky have been friends. When you heard he was leaving to go fight the war, it burned a hole in you. But one night, something definitely unexpected happened when someone showed up at your door.
Warnings: mainly fluff, cheesy shit, Bucky being cute
Word Count: 2,036 (whoops)
A/N: Okay, so I was thinking about a movie I adore called The Holiday and I was picturing a scene in it. So, yes, the title is the name of the scene with Jude Law and Cameron Diaz. If you've watched the movie, you'll get what I mean by this and I totally recommend you watch it cause it's an amazing movie. Anyways, enjoy.
The paper boys around every corner of Brooklyn didn't help with your fear as they were shouting the header of the war that was going on, saying 100 planes crash in battle over a convoy in Channel ; fight off Italy indecisive! $4,848,171,957 more is by Roosevelt for defense; not to send men to Europe!
As a woman like yourself, you couldn't just go and sign up. The only big reason you were fearful of these Nazis and Soviets taking over almost all of Europe and gaining power, was because none other than your closest friends were heading into the war, but James was shipping of to England and that was far from Brooklyn and it pained you to hear that and feared that he will never come back.
You and James were friends since birth and then you met Steve later on who you didn't get too along with since you were the little girl who liked to rip her dress and skid her knees from climbing and doing activities that most girls wouldn't do. He was the one to watch in the back and always be hesitant of doing something like taking a big jump. You couldn't be the one to have tea parties and doing each others hair. You wanted to roll up your sleeves and pant legs and hunt frogs and stealing pennies from the streets and rush in candy shops and buy as much as your sweet tooth ached for till your pockets were empty of cash and full of delicious chocolates, Babe Ruth's, Tempters, and Abba-Zabas.
Now those days were only a memory as James was signed up in the army, Steve trying to enlist, but the poor guy was too thin and underweight to even pass and get listed, even though he wanted to help fight in the war but can't. And as for you, you were a woman and couldn't just get up and try to fight along with your friends due to the feminism in this time, men just telling you to go back home and cook dinner like a 'good girl'. It irritated you whenever you heard that, yet it led to your job that also makes your life even worse.
You worked at a small diner not too far from your apartment. Although, you get paid a lot and you were thankful for that, but the people's behaviour towards you is one you hate the most everyday that makes you really want to quit your job, but you needed money to stay in your tiny apartment and survive till this god awful war was over. You felt men stare at you as if they were removing your clothes with their eyes, having names called to you that made your blood boil. The white skirt and shirt with the black apron you wore for your job was thrown off you once you reached back home after long hours of being in the diner, snuggling into some more comfortable clothes like a pair of nice pants and a loose shirt and catch up reading your book or perhaps finish a painting you were working on. Thank god for Steve teaching you his incredible art skills.
Sitting on the hard uncomfortable couch in your living room, the sounds of the radio playing in the background, you work on a painting of what would be your place -- but a lot more prettier and what you would love to live in if you could, your grey shirt splotched with many colours as you've used this shirt many times to paint before as your (hair colour) hair was pulled back nicely and tied with a blue ribbon. It always made you smile as the ribbon came from Bucky back in eighth grade, tied to a (favourite flower) for thanks of helping him get away with accidently crashing his bicycle into the principle's fancy car.
As you hummed along to the softer and slower songs from Louis Armstrong that came from the radio, you were in deep thought while the thin brush stroked the canvas with paint, smiling slightly while thinking back to the good days of playing with Bucky and Steve after and in school. But while you went to get some more red to paint some curtains, you found out you were out and let out a heavy sigh before standing up and walking to the kitchen where you put the paint at. The song didn't stop and neither did your humming. Well...that was when you heard a loud knock on the door, frightening you as you yelped at the sound.
Someone was wanting to see you this late at night?
Panic hit you as you realize you couldn't just open the door almost covered completely in paint. But who would be only knocking on your door just to judge you by your messy clothes. This wasn't work.
"In a minute!" Saying loudly for the person to hear on the other side of the door, you rush to the sink to scrub off the paint on your arms and hands, skipping on drying them before heading over to the door, fixing your clothes like a girl trying to get ready for her crush to walk by her. But when you took a deep breath in, ready for answering the door, you reached for the doorknob and turned it. The old door would squeak on its hinges a bit as when you went to look up to see who it was, you felt your tired heavy eyes widen immediately in the size of dinner plates.
"Thought I'd leave without saying goodbye?" There was that husky voice you missed. It was Bucky, dressed in his nicer uniform with that stupid grin on his face as blue eyes were fixed onto your shocked face then next looking at your grey shirt that was almost just a completely coloured in paint. More of a grin came to his lips, making your cheeks burn a dark red.
"I thought you left to England," you spoke at a more bitter tone than you expected as his brows furrowed at how you weren't all too excited to see him, those eyes then looking at the art mess on your shirt. "Hey, eyes up here soldier." Hearing your words, those blue eyes looked back to your (eye colour) orbs, seeing how his body tensed at the new name as it only made you smile a bit with a hint of a blush on his cheeks (which was new for you to see him to ever blush).
"Sorry, I never saw a lady's clothes be covered in paint before," the soldier said in a snicker.
"Well, you shouldn't think I'm one of those posh girls. You know me, Bucky." You would giggle softly, an awkward silence falling soon after. Teeth bit at your lower lip and those (eye colour) orbs looking around as he was doing the same, wondering who was going to start to talk and that's when you saw him shiver. "Do you want to come in? It's pretty cold out and I think it wouldn't be too bad to have some company. I mean, if you aren't busy at the moment." And there you went, biting your lip again, looking up at the man you've been writing in your diary for years like you were one of those teenager girls who try to flirt with their crush and gossip about the things of him to their friends at school.
"(First name) (last name). Look at you. Being the sweetheart like you've always been." You rolled your eyes at him as he walked into your apartment, removing the hat that went with his uniform and hanged it onto the rack before his eyes went to search and look at your apartment for the first time. "Nice place you have here." You would look at Bucky while closing the door with a scoff before walking back into the kitchen to wash some of your paint brushes which probably are close to being hard as a rock by now from the paint drying on the bristles. While you listened to the floorboards creak from the soldier's weight from oitside the kitchen, Bucky had insisted of being the guy who gets a bit nosey and starts to look through the sketches on the couch, his mouth gaping from being impressed by your work. "Well fuck. Stevie sure taught you how to draw. You sure you didn't trace this?"
A blush came over your face, smiling while you would dry the paint brushes with a rag. You never thought anyone would be impressed by your art. Steve was an artist at heart, but you had to read books and attempt to make a dog not look like a cat. It took many years for you to achieve this now talent you do in your spare time.
"If those were traced, they would've looked ten times better." The sound of Bucky's laughter made your heart race, smiling a bit as you would walk over to him in the living room where it was warmer from the heater.
There were shared glances as it came back to the awkward silence, hearing the cars outside and the sound of some footsteps above from the other people who lived in the apartments. But when you went to look at Bucky again, this time you saw that he had something bugging him and it looked like he was trying to say what was on his mind.
When you would part your lips to say something, his eyes tore from you and focused them more on the drawings scattered on the couch, a mumble coming past his lips. Something like an I and a don't want to.
"Pardon?" You would walk closer to him but only a few steps as you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
"I don't want to go to England." Pain drenched his words as you could hear him just breaking inside from just by the sound of his voice.
"I don't want you to either," you said in a soft whisper. "But England would probably look like home, so I don't think you'll get too home sick. I know I do and it's fine if you are t-"
"That's not what I'm gonna miss, (name)." The sound of his voice breaking from the pain that shot through him, it was breaking you too. To see your childhood friend who had your back all the time and now seeing him in what looked like the brink of tears. When his eyes met yours, his whole body changed and his face. It was like you saw hope in his eyes this time.
"I'm gonna miss you." As he stepped closer to you, the sounds of the outside world became silent to you, focusing on Bucky as he stood in front of you, head tilting up from the difference in height. "I mean, I'm gonna miss Steve too-- but, I'm really gonna miss you." You were lost for words, staring at the blue eyed soldier like a kid looking at a fish tank. "And I uh. I actually came here to say one last thing before I left and I wanted to say it to you face to face instead of a letter, and that is that I.." A warm blush went over his face, looking down as you could tell he was nervous to finish his sentence due to his posture and how he would be playing with the hem of his shirt or anything to try to free from his fear. It made you smile everytime and he looked cute everytime he did it.
But that smile faded when you would feel his hands cup both sides of your face, your heart beating a million miles and hour as his face inches closer to yours to where you could at the slightest feel his hot breath over your lips. Then he said it. For years you wanted to hear this from someone, and you didn't expect to hear it from the man you've had a crush on for years and those dreams have become a reality.
"I love you."
Thank you for reading! Did you enjoy? If so, please consider to heart and reblog. Many writers today don’t get much credit for the hard work they put into their writing. And with that, have a wonderful day! :)
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simptasia · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons about the lost character's music tastes?
Ooh, thank for allowing me to come into my askbox and be pleasantly surprised (i tensed up thinking i was gonna see a hate message)And I didn’t even have to ask!
Most of this is what I’ve gleaned from canon (and expansions there upon), and also bear in mind I don’t exactly know the details of the genres of music, so specific bands may be lost of me. But thank you for asking
Jack: canon into classic rock. (i checked, Nirvana specifically) which is hilarious because Jack is, and I mean this in a loving way, a piece of stale white bread. other music is lost on him but he’ll move his head awkwardly to most songs out of politeness. it’s also very subtly implied that jack wanted to be a piano player instead of a doctor and we even see him playing rather nicely. so theres that
Kate: in a flashback we saw her wearing a Janis Joplin shirt (amazingly when they were writing Kate, they thought they were making a straight character. hah) so I figure she likes that kind of music, like… women with croaky voices singing about pain and love. throw Alanis Morissette in there too. plus, she was excited when she realised who Charlie is, so throw a little punk rock in there. or at the very least Kate heard You All Everybody on the radio and enjoyed it. i’ve pictured her getting into some bops too, e.g I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain. i like to imagine her getting into that whilst making breakfastCharlie: we know Charlie’s taste. and he declares himself an “expert on all things musical” so i gather he loves music in general. favours punk rock tho. the kind of Fuck The System rock that he thinks he’s making. you just know Charlie loved the Sex Pistols. he’s also canon a fan of The Kinks (snort) and Oasis. and he must be a Beatles fan (such a pom) because he has some lyrics of theirs tattoo’d on his shoulder (thanks to his actor)Daniel: canonically adores classical music and… Driveshaft (which just tickles me pink, i imagine he has all their albums, which would be at least three in the limbo world) so apparently loves punk rock too. i imagine Driveshaft is he favourite band and he recognises they have hit or misses and aren’t That Great but he just thinks they’re neat. he loves all classical music but his favourite composer is chopin. (referencing to how fantaisie-impromptu by chopin is His Song). he also creates music himself and apparently has experimental tastes for it. as made clear to me by his story, music is his ultimate special interest. specifically involving the piano. live your dreams, babyLocke: owns both of Driveshaft’s albums (expressed that the first was better) if Daniel didn’t do his concert thing I’d say locke is the biggest fan of driveshaft of all our characters. make of that what you will, it’s just funny picturing Locke listening to and enjoying Charlie’s music. i also see him liking Johnny CashShannon: doesn’t like Driveshaft. i imagine she enjoys pop music. the kind you can dance and bop ur head to in a club or something. she was also a ballet teacher so i figure she has at least a passing interest in classical music. we also cannot forget the time she sang La Mer for Sayid and it was beautifulHurley: also did not enjoy Driveshaft (i keep mentioning that because i’ve kept track of who doesn’t and does like Charlie’s music, it amuses me). i hadn’t thought about this before but i can genuinely see Hurley enjoying hip hop & rap music. imagine him attempting to sing along to a fast paced verse but fumbling but he’s enjoying himself anyways and even making up words. great. also i just remembered hurley had a walkman for like the first season until it broke and that provided a variety of background music. i cannot recall genres tho. but basically hurley has good taste and fuck this show uses music wellMichael: canon into bob marley so michael must be into reggae. easy going listening, something you can roll your shoulders toCharlotte: she seems to love Geronimo Jackson (a fictional band within the lost universe) and based on their era (the 70s) and their cover art, i presume this shit was hippie-ish and psychedelic. maybe funky too. since she’ll be dating daniel, she’ll have to tolerate driveshaft and she personally considers them OkayMiles: EMO. EMO ROCK. EMO PUNK. WAKE ME UP (WAKE ME UP INSIDE). i don;t have specific examples bcuz i dunno this genre but yeeeahhh. the 90s kind too because lost is set in 2004 and like, we saw how he dressed in the 90s. wowee. (i don’t think the emo examples i can think of were even a think in 2004). also i hc he thinks driveshaft are utter shit and thinks daniel has bad taste (but tolerates it. like, its garbage but it makes daniel happy). miles’ parents are canon into jazz and country, miles is not. and i think he regards country as off puttingDesmond: if he never has to listen to “make your own kinda music” ever again, it’ll still be too soon. so canon dislikes driveshift (basically regarded it as shit in the most tactful way possible). but i never thought about what would desmond like, just what he doesn’t like [shrug emoji] …for whatever reason, i got a burst of, MAYBE DESMOND LIKES QUEEN?? therefore it is decided. besides, who doesn’t love queen? AND i hc that des was a theatre kid when he was young so make of that headcanon what you re. music taste. (he’s not an expert or anything like that, but i think he’d know a good tune when he hears it)Juliet: when you’re alone and life is making you lonely you can always go
downtowni dunno what genre that song is but it’s good, i like that song too. i’ve associated it with juliet ever since this show. (same with wonderwall and charlie)Sawyer: bit stereotypical but i think it’s fair to say… country rock? i can see it. also i imagine he (and juliet) got in geronimo jackson during the dharma times. oh and sawyer is also canon into bob marley (it was a nice bonding moment)
Richard: i just wanna mention richard to be in awe over the fact that he’s heard music evolution over like 180 years and that’s so cool. also i imagine he loved 60s & 70s music (and has the era appropriate dance moves)Ben: a long time ago i headcanon’d that his favourite song is “you are my sunshine” and i’m not going back on that. he used to sing to alex when she was a baby. also plays and likes classical piano because of course he doesClaire: her favourite song is Catch A Falling Star for emotional reasons. besides that? into enya-type music and ballads. sarah mclachlan and sarah brightman type singers also. would be indifferent to or even not like driveshaft music if, you know, it didn’t involve her dead soulmate. so she gets the albums and merch (for free from liam, of course) and cries about it. as ya do. oh, oh and she loves abba! because pretty much every australian loves abba! (especially queer australians, even if claire doesn’t know she’s queer yet)Sun: canon knows how to play piano classical music and i think to myself, maybe due to that, she doesn’t actually like the genre. like i imagine she was forced to learn piano (ya know rich ppl) so she has negative feelings about itBoone: i’m hearing something when picturing him, which i may have to classify as prog rock / college rock. early 2000s style, you get me?and for anybody else interested in the music used in the show and listened to by the characters within here’s this: https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Songs
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metalandmagi · 6 years
January Media Madness
It’s a new year, and yes I’m still keeping track of the stuff I watch and/or read. I really just like being able to keep track of everything that came out during the year, and I like to shout my thoughts into the void. And maybe someone will find something they like.
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals: Okay, not a movie, but it’s the latest musical from Starkid so I had to include it somewhere. And this time it’s a horror alien/zombie take over that causes everyone to act like they’re in a musical, and humanity’s only hope is an average guy who happens to not like musicals. That may not sound bad, BUT THINK OF THE IMPLICATIONS! The plot could sort of meander at times, but it’s hilarious and also pretty dark for Starkid. If nothing else, watch it because Lauren Lopez is a goddess. 9/10
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Everyone’s favorite silly King Arthur searching for the holy grail story. I hadn’t watched this movie since I was a kid, and there was so much stuff I forgot about! And yeah it’s still pretty great. I do feel like it drags in the middle a little, but I still always enjoy the tomfoolery! 9/10
Three Identical Strangers: A documentary about a set of identical triplets who were separated at birth and the sinister intentions of the adoption agency who separated them. On top of being an interesting story, it is super thought provoking bringing up questions of scientific morality, nature vs nurture, and mental health...which does make it a little depressing. I love the way it sets up the mystery of the story, but it also makes you feel terrible for trying to plot out and guess the story of these actual human beings’ lives. So I’d recommend it to anyone who is interested in crazy stories and scientific corruption! 9/10
Venom: A classic tale of a boy and his symbiote. In which the weirdest investigative reporter in the world is possessed by an alien parasite while trying to stop a corrupt corporation from constantly murdering people. Guys, I originally never planned to see this movie. I never cared about Venom. I was never big into the Spiderman universe, but then this movie came out and everyone was saying how weird it was...and how Eddie and Venom are like a thing...so curiosity got the better of me. And I’m kind of underwhelmed. I think I would have liked it more if I never had any expectations going into it, because it really wasn’t as weird as I thought it would be. The first 30 minutes were a slog, the dialogue was clunky, the plot was very predictable and basic, and I feel like Eddie and Venom didn’t have enough interaction. But it had its moments, I get why some people love it, and I did like what I saw of the symbiote relationship, so all in all it was just..okay. Oh well. 6.5/10
Mama Mia Here We Go Again: The just as ridiculous sequel to Mama Mia, featuring more dumb plots that don’t fit together, more dumb writing, and more over the top performances. Just like the first one, it’s a silly excuse to put some ABBA songs in a movie and make you have fun, and it accomplishes that in spades. Because if you’re watching a Mama Mia movie for the “plot” or anything other than the musical numbers and silliness, you’re making a huge mistake. It is a little clunkier trying to weave two timelines together, but who cares because they’re singing Dancing Queen! As an actual movie, we all know it’s barely passable as a 6/10 but just for getting drunk with your friends and having fun it’s a 9/10
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The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis: The fifth/third book in the Chronicles of Narnia in which a boy and a talking horse run away from the land of Calormen to get to Narnia...and find out about a plot to take over Narnia along the way. I know some people think this is the most interesting book in the series plot wise, and technically there is more plot...but it’s boring as hell. I really think Lewis’s normal interjections would have made it more entertaining, but he doesn’t use his author’s voice at all! Not only is it written in an incredibly circular and drawn out way (some people literally tell stories like they’re writing the bible), but it’s also SUPER RACIST and kind of sexist too. I was so excited because when the book first started I thought we were getting a canonical protagonist of color...and then he turns out to be a kidnapped white boy surrounded by “savages.” Yes we have Aravis...but I really don’t know how to feel about her. Also Bree the horse is really just an asshole, so it’s hard to like any of the characters. I did appreciate having adult Edmund and Susan around though, so it’s not a total waste. The truth is, this is the book that I could barely get through as a kid and would constantly fall asleep reading so I barely remembered anything besides the fact that I didn’t like it. 3/10
Skyward by Brandon Sanderson: In a distant future, humans are trapped on a wasteland planet where their only hope for survival are teenagers flying spaceships while fighting a mysterious alien race. Aka: local girl is constantly dumped on by society and makes friends with a talking spaceship. Okay this book definitely has its problems, but I mostly don’t care because 1. The world building is great. 2. Spensa is a fun main character. 3. All the side characters have distinguishable personalities and interactions *cough* m-bot *cough*. And 4. The plot could be predictable at times but I really liked following the mystery of it all...even if there’s some weird chosen one type of bullshit going on towards the end. It has a major season one Attack on Titan vibe with all the questions about humanity’s history and mankind uniting to fight a mysterious enemy. This is a super fun read that kept me theorizing and was also incredibly motivational. Did I like all of Sanderson’s decisions when it came to which characters died? Hell no. Do I think the government would have a lot more backlash considering its dumbass way of fighting wars? Yes. But I’d still recommend it, and I’m still looking forward to the next book! 8/10
TV Shows!
Aggretsuko: The most adorable musical comedy anime of 2018, where Retsuko, a 25 year old office worker is getting fed up with her job and copes with life by singing aggressive death metal songs...and by the way everyone’s a cute animal. I’m a little late to this party, but this show is so precious and also disturbingly accurate to real life. Retsuko is so relatable, Haida’s crush on her is well executed and not forced, there’s great working women solidarity (Gori and Washimi are the fucking queens of anime side characters) and the metal is so well integrated! Please watch this charming show and the Christmas special if you haven’t already! I NEED ANOTHER SEASON NOW! 10/10
A Series of Unfortunate Events (season 3): The final season of the Baudelaires’ tale of misery and woe. And man did they stick the landing. “But it doesn’t leave things vague enough, they didn’t leave the sugar bowl a mystery.” GOOD! I’ve had to deal with Snicket’s badly written ending to the books since 2006. I love that they explained as much as they did. The ending was bittersweet and more concrete while still delivering the message of how the world is morally gray. Also Quigley was amazing, Sunny was amazing, FERNALD WAS AMAZING! KIT WAS AMAZING! EVERYONE WAS AMAZING! And I almost cried seeing the kids in their outfits from the book covers. I wish Jacqueline was in it, but I think her character would have felt redundant with Kit in the mix. This was an amazing adaption all around, and this season did a great job at putting some of the more...difficult books on screen without it feeling out of place. Even if you haven’t read the books, I encourage anyone who likes mysteries and different forms of storytelling to suffer with the rest of us! 10/10
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The Disastrous Life of Saiki K (season 1): Local overpowered psychic anime boy just wants to be ignored and blend in with society, but the universe constantly surrounds him with silly situations that cause him to use his powers. I finally got around to watching this show, and it’s hilarious. Kusuo is a great deadpan main character who is definitely ace as hell, and the English dub is actually pretty good! I don’t really want to watch the show in Japanese now because I feel like the dub does a better job at timing the comedic lines and distinguishing everyone’s thoughts. So now I’m upset that the second season hasn’t been dubbed (thanks Netflix). But yeah it’s a great silly show to binge watch. 10/10
Community: The misadventures of a wacky study group going to the world’s worst community college. You know, the one with all the memes? Okay, I know I’m the last one to watch this and  technically I still have a season and a half left at this point, but I thought I’d include it anyway. This show is such a wild ride that I don’t even know what to think about it anymore. The first two seasons were pretty average with a few absolutely brilliant episodes thrown in. And then...the paintball episodes happened, and the show just became amazing. I do have a lot of questions though....like if the main character is a lawyer (sort of), why does he never sue the dean for sexual harassment? Why does Pierce, the resident old, sexist, racist, problematic baby boomer have an “arc” centered around a logical fallacy. No one wants to hang out with him because he’s terrible, but he’s upset because he feels left out and constantly does terrible things to get back at them? I literally almost dropped the show because I couldn’t take him anymore, and then the writers just magically dial him back in his last seasons...which I’m thankful for. And I don’t even know where to being with Chang. BUT this show is a testament to creative writing and innovative meta ways to tell stories. The rest of the study group is made up of hilarious well balanced characters that all have their distinct broken but quirky personalities. And I love them all...except Pierce. So, even though I haven’t finished it, I’d give it an 8.5/10 so far.
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Superstore: A sitcom about the daily struggles of workers in a W*lmart-esque superstore. I finally caught up to it, and it’s still fine. It’s not great, but not terrible either. It is incredibly accurate though, coming from someone who works retail. The best parts of the show are the scene transitions because they show all the things customers are doing in the store. And most of the time I just nod and go “yeah I’ve seen that.” This is one of those shows to have on for the sake of just having something on. It has its moments. 7/10
Honorable Mentions
Because these are the reasons why I didn’t really read much this month...or watch many movies.
YOUNG JUSTICE is officially back with the long awaited season 3. And it’s still pretty great, but man I wish I had rewatched the original series.
Netflix released the Taylor Swift Reputation stadium performance. So now you all know how much of a slut for Taylor Swift I am. I can’t help it if her latest album is basically Captive Prince the musical!
The Masked Singer (US version) is dragging me into a spiral of conspiracy theories. Please watch this ridiculous reality show where celebrities wear elaborate costumes and a super annoying judging panel tries to guess who they are. I’m in hell, because this show is set up terribly, but I also don’t want to leave.
Life is Strange 2: episode 2 was finally released. And I’m actually loving it. These games have a special place in my heart for some reason.
New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe came out and I hate myself for buying these stupid games because they consume all my time, and I don’t even really like them.
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