psychic-waffles · 1 year
Recently seen another wave of people getting into resin casting hobbies and it stresses me the hell out so this is going to be a PSA
Resin is nasty stuff and just because it's sold in hobby kits now doesn't mean it's safe. Unfortunately a lot of resins marketed to casting craft hobbies will be marked as "non-toxic/low VOC/safe to use at home" however this can mean anything from 'fairly harmless' to 'slightly less toxic than some other resins'. Don't let anyone tell you you don't need PPE while using resin.
So lets talk about resin allergies
The components in resin and it's hardeners and dilutants are all powerful irritants and sensitisers. This means obviously they can irritate your skin and airways if you come into contact with them or breathe in the fumes, but this also means that you can build up a sensitivity over time. Because of this you can develop a severe reaction over time, you might have your first reaction to resin on the first day you use it, or you might develop an allergy after several years of using it. The more you use resin the more likely you are to develop an allergy.
The reaction is most often a form of dermatitis which could present as redness, ichiness, irritation, swelling, or even skin blisters. Fumes can also cause breathing difficulties and other complications, and with some resins these may be present in significant quantities up to a week after the resin has cured.
In the absolute worst case if you develop a severe epoxy allergy (or allergy to other related compounds) you may be restricted from using a significant percentage of glues and paints, you will need to tell your dentist before you have any work done, you may even be unable to use things like vinyl or plastic handbags. And that's not even the half of it.
So what can you do about it?
The best way to protect yourself from a resin allergy is the proper PPE. Always read any safety materials that come with the resin (these should be inclued with the resin, but you may have to check the manufactureres or sellers website).
Only use resin in a well ventilated space, preferably outdoors, DO NOT DO THIS IN YOUR BEDROOM or any other room you are spending a lot of time in, just because you cannot smell fumes doesn't mean they're not there. If you don't have a suitable space you will need to build a fumes tent: instructions here.
Use NITRILE gloves (latex gloves won't cut it)
USE A RESPIRATOR! You will need either a half face respirator and safety glasses or a full face respirator, and it will need to be able to filter organic gasses and vapors. Make sure your mask fits correctly and air isn't getting in through the sides, and check how often you need to change your filters. (note - you should also have one of these for things like spray painting)
Make sure you're wearing long sleeves/as much skin is covered as possible. If you get resin on your clothing it will ruin them so having dedicated old clothing for working with resin is a good idea.
keep your workspace clean and have materials to mop us spillages on hand so you can minimise the risk of cross contamination.
If you do get resin on your skin wash it off with soap and water immedaitely (you can also get special soaps that are more effective for washing it off of skin)
Finally just do your own research, this sounds silly but it's your own health (and possibly the health of anyone else or any pets living with you) that's at risk here, so make sure you understand the safety implication of the materials you're using.
Please don't take this post as the be all and end all, I've almost definitely forgotten something and this is just intended to be a starting point
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teecupangel · 1 year
man I know you've got a million what ifs and I don't expect you to spin this anywhere but I was just looking at some Yusuf fanart and wondering how Desmond would feel if he was reborn as Yusuf
It would be such a weird intersection of Ezio and Altaïr memories for him
and the twin pulls to go to Ezio and help him however he can, and the rancid bile that is Templars making their home in Masyaf
and of course the Petruccio problem, that Desmond feels like he took someone else's life, someone he knew enough to know he's not him, that he's an identity thief.
(And also the continued tragedy of Desmond being born in Ezio's era, but too late to help him in his youth.)
We can keep Desmond from going ‘fuck it’ and either joining Ezio or doing something about the Templars’ occupation in Masyaf thanks to Yusuf’s backstory of having no father and only having his mother raised him. His mother would be the only reason why Desmond continued to stay in Constantinople. Honestly, what we know of Yusuf’s life is from the novelization of the movie where his descendant relived his early years. From that though, we can get Desmond into accidentally creating a Brotherhood made up of street urchins. They’re more on the side of thieves than actual Assassins because Desmond focused on keeping everyone alive and healthy.
So when the Brotherhood heard of an organized Thieves Guild, Ishak Pasha is the one to look into it.
There, he meets up with Desmond (who goes by Desmond with only his mother being the one to call him ‘Yusuf’) and Ishak mistakes Desmond as one of the leaders’ main messengers.
Desmond didn’t bother to correct his misconception and lets Ishak watch them in action with Desmond talking to himself in 3rd Person much to the amusement of his fellow ‘thieves’. Ishak learns they call their leader ‘mentor’ and realized that a lot of them move like Assassins.
When he sees Desmond’s Hidden Blade which he had received from his mother a few years back, Ishak finally realizes that Desmond is the mentor.
After this, we can go either:
Desmond and his Brotherhood of ‘street rats’ are taken in by the Brotherhood for formal training or
Desmond and his Brotherhood remain to be a separate organization that are closely allied with the Brotherhood but do not bow to any mentor.
I feel like Desmond would pick to remain independent for various reasons but mostly, he decides to be independent because he doesn’t see himself as an Ottoman Assassin, clinging to his Levantine roots. Ishak might even think that Desmond was truly a descendant of a Levantine Assassin of old, maybe of even the great Al-
Probably not.
With Desmond’s Brotherhood being an independent organization, he gets to train people he trust to keep his mother safe. Once he’s sure they’d be fine by their own, years have passed and Desmond…
Desmond knows Ezio would be making his way to Masyaf this year.
He goes to Masyaf as well.
Okay, so we know that Desmond would searched for the Masyaf Keys as soon as he could and we can give him maybe most of them… except one. The key that seemed to have disappeared, most probably in Templar hands that Desmond is still searching for.
This way, we have an excuse for Ezio to go to Constantinople with Desmond after they cleaned up Masyaf.
Ezio tries to reason that even if they kill every single Templar in Masyaf, they’d just bring in more and finds Desmond’s insistence to clean up Masyaf as a fool’s errand. At the same time, he’s jealousy of the passion Desmond has for the Creed but worries of how Desmond seems to be stuck in the past as well.
Desmond would be a bit cagey of who he is but he’d tell Ezio that his name is Desmond. Ezio would be surprised but he wouldn’t believe Desmond is the same Desmond that Minerva talked about because, as far as he knew, Desmond was meant to be alive centuries from now. Desmond didn’t bother to tell him the truth. Not yet, anyway.
Maybe after they have said their goodbyes to Altaïr…
The Petruccio problem will definitely rear its ugly head every time his mother would call him ‘Yusuf’, the first time Ezio would learn his real name is ‘Yusuf’ and whenever he sees the Brotherhood have a different mentor instead of… the real Yusuf Tazim. 
That was also a reason why he decided that his Brotherhood (maybe we’ll name it the Brotherhood of Shadows? It would be funny if Desmond goes “we’re the Hidden Ones” without having any ideas that that was the original name of the Brotherhood) would work independently. He’s trying to step away from Yusuf Tazim’s footsteps, like an exact opposite of the initial plans of the Desmond Miles who became Petruccio Auditore. 
He wants to carve his own path because he believes he’d only be sullying Yusuf’s memories if he pretended to be him.
……… Wanna fuck with Desmond some more?
Of course you do XD
How about Suleiman and Desmond actually meet and they sorta-kinda grow close in a ‘I think of you as a friend’ way for Suleiman and in a ‘I know you’re gonna be sultan later so I’m being nice to you’ way for Desmond.
But the more Desmond talk to Suleiman, the more he notices…
Suleiman sounds a lot like Malik.
And his memories of Malik make Desmond feel… a kinship with Suleiman that may or may not even be there. And Desmond is now worried.
That Suleiman would become the Lorenzo to his Giovanni and compromise them all.
(And yes, I did think of this because Suleiman and Malik have the same voice actor!)
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erumai-maadu · 2 months
*person who just found out what’s going on in boruto voice* hey guys maybe naruto is a literary masterpiece after all
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brainrotarchive · 5 months
one thing i will never understand about spn is their obsession with making john a redeemable character. like they thought that john was the best and most interesting character of all time but at the same time the writers would constantly drop little facts about him that make him the biggest piece of shit. especially in lebanon this pisses me off. like what do u mean mary just makes out with him like nothing happened even though she knows how he had ruined the boys‘ childhood?? what if i told you that it‘s okay if sam and dean never forgave him. he let these kids starve. they were constantly scared of dying. the entirety of season 1 he just didn’t want to talk to his sons and let them believe he was dead or in danger. he didn’t show up when dean was dying. he never said he was proud. he raised his son like a soldier and they forgive him. he doesn‘t even recognize that his obsession with revenge ruined them. that it should‘ve been his job to care for his kids.
don‘t even get me started on how in lebanon dean says it‘s fine how john treated them because he couldn‘t imagine a version of himself that doesn‘t constantly carry the weight of the world on his shoulders
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blazichu · 9 months
Look. I've been biting my tongue for months at this point, but it just reared its head again, and I'm going to explode if I don't get this out of my system.
What the fuck do you mean "DNI if ___ even in private"? Do you realize how authoritarian you sound?
How dare you.
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thestarmaker · 2 months
It's a shame owl city hasn't put out anything new in like ten years. But ending on the ultraviolet ep means he at least went out on a good note. Too bad nothing came of that ep
#sorry it's apparently time for my bi-yearly modern owl city rant#the ultraviolet ep truly feels like the last thing he put his heart into#it just felt so unique and new and different. i was soooo excited for the direction he was taking#was listening to pre-2015 music of his and like. god what happened#mobile orchestra wasn't *terrible* but it felt so ... lifeless. so... burned out. like i personally wouldn't even call it a good album.#cinematic was better but still ... eh. it gave me hope at least.#coco moon imploded that hope. is he a youth pastor now??? it's fine if he is but like ... that was like veggie tales: the album#at least he sounded like he was actually enjoying himself. but god every song was the same corny structure#kelly time would've been fine if it was the only song like that!! but they all ended with the same addressing the audience#with 'so you see life is cool and you should enjoy it and the lessons it teaches' i just. adam how did we get here#well actually the closer was fine bc it was a totally normal love song to his partner. thank god it had one song that didn't do that#and the religious songs are so... on the nose now. what happened to angels... galaxies... meteor shower... kamikaze.... i still adore those#it's funny that bastille are now doing the same concept of an album but WAYYYY better. god i can't wait for the full '&' release#alright i think rant over. anyway#sorry one last thing. in my heart i knew it was joever when the one song from ultraviolet that made it to the next album#was the one Sad Inspirational life goes on we just have to accept it and learn from it. (oh my god. it was the proto-coco moon...)#he left beautiful times and wolf bite and up all night behind for the sake of this isn't the end???#it's honestly for the best that he chose it bc any of the other 3 would've really highlighted how bland the rest of mobile orchestra was#alright. NOW rant over
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the1trueanon · 5 months
man, very few things make you feel more useless and unaccomplished than trying to apply for scholarships TnT
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mooniace · 1 year
tomorrows my first day of school. im not happy. they banned backpacks this year. they banned backpacks. so now im being forced to use my locker during the school day. i only use it before and after school because theres hardly any time to use during passing time. we have four minutes passing time and somtimes thats barely enough to get to my class on time. and i cant be late cause if i am ill be swept up and get a twenty minute lecture and theyll call my parents. and i cant use it before lunch because if youre late to lunch youll get lunch detention. and i cant use it during class cause we only have one pass a day for water fountain, lockers and the bathroom, so i use the passing time where i could go to my locker to go to the bathroom cause thats more important and then i use my pass for the bathroom too.so now i have to carry everything in my arms while my backpack rotts away in my locker. its a nice backpack too. its purple. im really upset about this. i think the teachers will be too. a lot of them dont listen to the rules about being late and my reading teacher last year did a speach in front of the board or something about how stupid all their decisions are. i hope they change it. but at least i have art for quarters three and four.
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genstyle · 10 months
I've been learning even more about other people's languages and cultures! As I grow up and meet more people! It's been fun but it's also frustrating how little I can speak with accents... Y'know, despite being able to understand what a lot of people are saying even when their accents are super thick. I've met Vietnamese people, Indian people, Turkish people, Ukrainian people, Salvadorian people, and a lot of people from the Philippines.
When they speak English I can translate what they're trying to convey even when they mix in some of their native language's words.
But everyone who has tried to teach me some of their words and phrases has hit the same block. My mouth sucks at speaking. In general. I had a lot of trouble speaking clear English as a kid too.
I'm so envious of people who can speak multiple languages.
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rigels-nigels · 7 months
Something I don't get is when someone is talking about things being expensive and then some americans are like, it's not actually a scary $125 guys it's actually only $80 which is still a lot but it's actually kinda reasonable for the item
And it's like no!!! It doesn't work like that!!! Just because it costs less in usd doesn't mean the person didn't actually pay that much!!
If you buy a mug for $125aud, and you live in australia, you're paying that in $125aud, not $80aud!! Currency conversion doesn't matter in the slightest for understanding because in practice it is functionally the same as paying $125usd for a mug in america!!
If I earn $15cad/hr, and someone in Poland is earning 15zł/hr, and they bought an item that was like 150zł, me converting that price into Canadian and being like it's actually not that bad bc it's only like $50cad :), it doesn't change the fact that that for them!! It was a lot more!! Like functionally that's the same as $150cad
Functionally 1cad = 1zł = 1aud = 1usd = 100¥
Like the only time currency conversion is useful is for figuring out how far your coin goes when used in another economy, not for understanding if an item is or isn't expensive for a person living in said economy
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autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
My art tag goes all the way back to 2015 jesus christ
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antidotesprout · 2 years
Took the day off work because I had the PTO and to further bulk up the pieces I have 100% for the month 😤 wish me luck
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
I know others got it worse probs, but it's so obnoxious that I can't find a place to live around here for less than half my monthly income. the whole It's suppose to be a third is such a damn lie.
I know some people cut back and live off instant ramen and stuff but I don't want to have to do that. this nation is a joke. and humans inventing currency was a shit ass idea
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dragpinkman · 2 years
everytime i see skincare morning routine whatever videos on pinterest im like damn you guys are ruining your enamel
#im not a dentist obviously but i do not a lot about what things are and whats good and bad bc my mom has been an assistant most of my life#and before i was born. she switches up jobs sometimes but she ends up going back to dentistry#anyways i know many dentists and oral surgeons and dental assistants and so on some pretty close family friends now so i know a lot about#whats good and bad for your teeth and a lot of obscure knowledge like how to operate a pax 3d pan ceph#long rant of background complete so here is my advice:#STOP USING CHARCOAL TOOTHPASTE EVERYDAY. you are wearing down your enamel you are begging for future teeth problems#actually in general be cautious with over whitening. it can start to damage your teeth it is not good to use every day#stop trying to compensate when you brush your teeth. if you struggle with forgetting or just generally not brushing your teeth everyday -#do not try and SCRUB your teeth and gums when you do. if done frequently it will cause gum recession which can be a big issue#just brush your teeth normally and floss and if you have really bad build up its best to go get a professional cleaning.#best to get done yearly but its expensive without good insurance so i dont blame you if you dont.#occasionally gum disease can be spread by kissing. im just saying this because its freaked me out since childhood and i want other people#- to know.#i could do more but idk if anyone is reading the tags. anyways if you are ever having mouth problems feel free to ask me#i have lots of medical professionals near me that can answer your question its like a free consultation lol my friends do it all the time
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chiisana-lion · 3 months
if nobody else draw it for him (your middle school self who has yet to be at the skill level of artistry to truly bring his visions onto canvas)
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chipped-chimera · 6 months
I am asking the general public at large a very 'please stop poorly informed knee-jerk virtue signalling and actually learn what cultural appropriation MEANS'
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