ilovepaigebueckerss · 4 months
mystery roommate
pairing: p.b x fem! reader
word count: 481
summary: While Paige and KK were live you made an appearance not knowing what it would lead to.
HI GUYSSSS!! i do still write dw🥰 i whipped this up rq so yall wouldn’t fg abt me so its not proofread at all🙏🙏 also i feel like smut would be soo good in this story but i have never wrote smut and i dont think i would be good at it sooo🌚 OKAY ENOUGH YAPPING ENJOY THE STORY
-love gab 💋
KK and Paiges laughter filled the room as they were on live interacting with their fans. You were sitting on the couch right beside them watching a movie on your laptop. You and Paige were roommates, but the fans didn’t really know who you were. You made an appearance on one of their lives before and everyone went crazy.
“Y/N they wanna know where you are” Paige says smirking playfully. You laugh, “Im right here.” You wave awkwardly at the camera.
@paigebueckersiswife: shes glowinggg
“Y/N the fans love youu, come chat!” KK says waving her hands in a ‘come here’ motion. You shrug your shoulders “Why not” You exclaim walking over to sit next to Paige on the couch.
You and Paige were sitting kind of close to eachother but you didn’t even notice. Paige on the other hand was going crazy. She had a crush on you ever since you first moved in with her. She was too scared to admit her feelings for you so she just stayed quiet.
As you were talking to the chat you noticed Paige staring at you in the corner of your eye. Of course this didn’t go unnoticed by the fans and the chat started going crazy.
@uconnwbbfann: did i miss a chapter?..
@ilovemyman: i dont even blame paige
“Okay live we finna hop off! Thanks for tuning in.” KK says in a nerdy voice. She clicks off the live, “Bye P boogers! Bye Y/N!” She says grabbing her things and walking towards the door. “Bye KK” You and Paige say in unison.
“Im gonna get back to my movie now” You announce walking back to your designated spot on the couch. “Can I join you?” You look up at her and smile excited she wanted to spend time with you. You nod and make your way next to Paige. Paige takes notice of you squirming trying to get comfy. “Uh.. if you want you can lay on me.” She suggests. You happily oblige and lay on her lap, “You can pick the movie.”
An hour into the movie and Paige could hear your light snores and heavy breathing. She turned off the movie and carefully picked you up and carried you to your bed.
The sun peaking from your curtains shone on your face causing you to wake up. You opened your phone to see hundreds of notifications. You unlock your phone and open TikTok to see you were tagged in a video.
The caption on the video read, “are we not gonna talk about paige and y/n on live??” You chuckle lightly at the comment. You continued to scroll on tiktok and see people were already making ship edits of you and Paige. You even found yourself liking and favoriting some.
‘What did I get myself into’ You think to yourself laughing.
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adambja · 11 months
Heyaa lovee💗💗
Just wanted to tell Everyone guyssss try those fookin free tapess even i can swear by them lol😭. Those are soo good.... impatiently waiting for the self concept tape hehe🤭. Lotss of lovee too youu🫶🏻
Hey baby shbsbsjdbejwjsh
😭🫶🏻 thank you lyyy frr you are amazing!
Even like go read her posts guys they are useful!!
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queenferretofthewoods · 9 months
Picture this Is the middle of the night, the house is quiet and the only sounds is from cars far away, you got home early from home and still has energy left for your creative mind to come up with an idea, and you... actually feel like going with it And so you do, start to sketch, make a silly simple background, and got the blocking out of your idea in place, all is good and you are in the zone Since you are felling quiet good about it you decide to go for something hot to drink, 1 minute goes by and the sound of the water boiling is all you hear, 30 seconds goes by and then you hear it.... KEYS BEING JIGGLED ON THE DOOR! You think "oh they are back, well they are gonna be tired so they should be a problem", they open the door, is your roomate and other roomate with a hammer and tools You greet them and turn to you... "whats that you holdin......" *nailing noises* "hum guyssss" you say as you try to figure out what they are doing but you are cut shortly after as the first roomate goes to the kitchen and starts to make a meal for the two of them, " alright let me take my cup and i leave you two to what you got going on" you say as you safely get back to you room "That was odd but meh nothing i can do about it...." *thump followed by a scream and a yelling from other roomate* you question if you should investigate or not, you decide to not to indulge and go back to drawing but before you can do that "hammer" roomate barges in with a worring look in his face. "soooo hummm im sorry i have to bother you right now buuut, could you do me a favor?" as he shows you a cellphone screen craked and you know its not his phone cuz his is pink and this is... omg i was gone 1 minute what did they do *sighs* "you are lucky i still have one screen from last time" and so you clean your art desk and make it into the IT/Tech support desk and start working on the phone. "so hum what was that noise from before?" you ask. "hum it.. i asked (blank) to make me a sandwich whille i mounted a picture frame and when i was hanging it i slipped and (blank) just so happened to come and hum fell on him" he says just there you hear a knock on the door and there you see your roomate with a smile and a sandwich "HEY!! Got your sandwich here, oh! you reparing it??" he says and you see shock on his eyes and look at you other roomate as he already eated half the sandwich and then stops monching "did... did you put something in this?" you give him a worring look at him and then (blank) speaks "soooo i may have got a little mad about my phone and...... put her spicy powder on it" Your roomate looks at him then look at his sandwich and continues to eat it whille holding eye contact with you other roomate visibly sweating and red on the face "ah that.. was.. nothing.. you better try harder eheh..." he says with a smug on his face "soo you ate habanero seasoned sandwich bro you cant even handle pizza hut hot sause!" you say but is to late hes already in pain, and you other roomate goes for a glass of milk and in a panic spills it on him. "what are you doing??" you asked, "f-fuck i dont know, ahhhh is he going to be fine please heeelp him" And so you sigh, and mutter "why these two act as two big dumb childs and treath me as their mother"
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YOU GUYSSSS these things are SOO GOOD!! if u havent tried them u need to asap!!
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thesoleilla · 2 months
Heyyy guyssss
So UHM AU_gust is given up on because Ive been really busy
talking about being busy, I never really talked abt it soo
It's gacha vids so scroll away if it's not for you, but please check it out if you want it'd mean a lot to me💛
Take care, have a good day y'all💛
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riizebabie444 · 1 year
hello!! omg the reading was so worth the wait!! ooo power couple??? lovee thattt. oo people being curiousss 👀 not just the fans but also people in my circle?? no pressure 🤣 i love how we are the "trend setters" haha. feels like a really secure and mature relationship tbh! ohh and im easily under pressure soo ITSSS SO CUTE HOW WE COULD BALANCE AND TAME ONE ANOTHER. no but i love when men are protective over me, not annoyingly so, but i love when i feel protected for ahhh. also im quite out spoken, so understand how there could be some disagreement, but agaiv the relationship seems so mature like?? soo soo love how he takes care of me.
oh your reading exceed beyond my expectation! it was sooo goooddd glad that i decided to participate in the game. it was a pleasure to do an exchange with you!! btw good luck with your mastersss. you got this!! perhaps your fs is awaitin for you now 👀🫶🏻
thank you so much for the feedback! in all honesty i definitely saw it was friends in your circle who wanna be you so bad, more than fans would. like, not the closest people you trust but the people after that. generally close friends but not the ones you'd trust with secrets. those people would be keeping tabs on you and try so hard to copy you guyssss and YES omg protective guys r >>>>>>> he would take such good care of you!
your future spouse reading for me also went far beyond my expectation, i loved every bit of it! and thank you i'm wishing you the best of luck also (and hehe i hope i'll find him soon sjhfjjsl) it was my pleasure, thank you!
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kpyeeper · 2 years
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“Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die. I don’t belong, and my beloved, neither do you.” 
My money is not enough to express my gratitude for this comission, Jiyo you absolute madlad, THIS LOOKS SOOOO GOOOOOOOD OMGGGGG T_T
im actually crying rn excuse me-
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Membrane x Sleep Deprived! Male! Reader (fluff)
Outside POV:
Professor Membrane was the leading force of a scientific renaissance. He had found the barrier preventing humanity to travel beyond the horizon line. And he crushed it. Interstellar travel was now possible for humankind. Membrane was a person that would go down in the history books.
His dear friend, (Y/N), was a first responder—more specifically, an EMT. While it wasn't as important to the world as Membrane was, it was certainly more stressful. Everyday you could get called to respond to a sore throat or a burn victim. After witnessing his first death on job, it definitely took a toll on their psyche.
Watching a complete stranger is one thing. Having to try and stop the blood loss that was caused by some idiot getting impaled, however...
As a result, he often had sleepless nights. Whether it be from rushing to get someone to a hospital or the guilt that came with the failure was anybody's guess.
Membrane new this was bad for (Y/N), but what could he say to him? That enjoying your own life was more important than the loss of multiple? Of course not that sounds insensitive. But Membrane often spoke bluntly and could never find a better way to phrase it. So he kept quiet.
Until one day where (Y/N) called him near midnight. His speech was slightly slurred and Membrane could hear the tired drunkenness in their voice.
"Heyy Professor~" (Y/N) drawled. This was going to be a long night.
"Yes, (Y/N)?"
"I knoww we doon't talk much anymorre, but, uhhh, could you? pick me up toniight?" Membrane sighed before asking for the address.
He hastily got into his car and drove over to get (Y/N). He was so irresponsible. How did he even manage to make it through the day if he can barely stay awake half the time?
It was a desolate drive towards the bar (Y/N) was at. Even his favorite music didn't help distract him from his thoughts. He didn't take (Y/N) for a drinker, but he was wrong about lots of things when it came to people. He dealt with space. Not people.
"-And thassss my ride!" (Y/N) howled to a group of drunks that were with him. A strong red flushed his cheeks. "Bye guyssss! Au revoir!!" They cheered him on as he stumbled into Membrane's car.
"WHA- SHOTGUN!!" He jumped into the seat next to the driver as he uselessly fumbled with the seatbelt. With a tired sigh, Membrane buckled him in. "Thaaank youu, babyyyy!!"
As much as that was cute, he couldn't laugh. (Y/N) was in a drunken stupor. But then again, a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. Membrane blushed at the thought. 'No no, that's ridiculous' he thought.
"You're going home." He spike in a stern tone, like a mother scolding her child. (Y/N) deeply frowned, crossed his arms, and puffed out his cheeks, like a little kid. He was probably imagining a ninja running on top of the buildings they passed like one too. He always was childish. Membrane liked that in him. He could somehow have such a bubbly personality despite the threat of death looming over his hands.
'How would he act if he wasn't tired?' Membrane wondered. Every time they had managed to see each other, (Y/N) had his hair pulled back (guys with long-shoulder length hair, y'all are so valid. Y'all get a ponytail/bun if you want lol) with dark circles under his eyes. And every time, he was chugging coffee. Black, apparently. As an EMT, he probably never got any true sleep.
"Heyyy, Professsorrr, we're hooome," a sleepy voice called out. Membrane realized that he drove all the way home without noticing. Muttering useless formalities, he stepped out of the car and carried his friend into the house.
"You knoow... you're face is soo cuute~" Membrane blushed.
"Come on, (Y/N), let's get you to bed." (Y/N) groaned. He didn't want to go to bed yet. He didn't want Membrane to leave before he fulfilled his promise.
At the bar, (Y/N) was speaking with his usual drinking buddies—the hopeless drunks that would listen to him and entertain his fantasies. Anything was possible to them. Fuck, some of them drunk absinthe.
"Guyss, I got a prroblemm." This peaked their attention. One of them, Stanley, asked what was eating him.
"Soo, I got a crushh on my neighborrr. Annnd I don' know how to tell 'im. " (Y/N) paused, "Like,,, I don't even think he likes be baack, but I GOTTA KNOWW!"
Tom, the most drunk (unsurprisingly), slurred a response. "Jussss' tell him!! What could go wRong???" A goofy smile was plastered on his face.
Richard, the least drunk and the one that was making sure they didn't do anymore things they'd regret, started listing off a bunch of things that can (and will) go wrong.
(Y/N) didn't pay attention. Tom had a pretty good point.
"II GOT THISSS!! IMA TELL 'IM" (Y/N) got out his phone and called Membrane.  Everyone at the table went quiet.
After a few dial tones, he responded.
"Heyy Professor~" (Y/N) slurred. Richard's eyes widened while Stanley and Tom were making dick jokes. Of course.
"Yes, (Y/N)?"
"I knoww we doon't talk much anymorre, but, uhhh, could you? pick me up toniight?" He begrudgingly asked for the address and said he would be there soon.
Cheers erupted from the small group. It was a simple task, but it was done nonetheless.
"Professorrrr!" He called out. Membrane turned towards him as he turned to key to (Y/N)'s apartment.
"What?" He sounded tired. (Y/N)'s smile faltered at his crush's tone.
"Could you... could you stay over?" It was spoken with such clarity that Membrane actually gasped. (Y/N) peered up at him. 'Dammit He was using the puppy-dog-eyes.'
"I-I guess." (Y/N) smiled up at Membrane; it was a purity you wouldn't expect from him. The flustered scientist looked away, but a light pink peaked out from under his collar.
He guided the drunken man to his bed. (Y/N) made grabbing motions towards him. He wanted Membrane to stay with him.
Membrane ignored it and went into the kitchen. A distant whine was heard as he set out some Advil for the next day. He walked back into the room and the tired man beamed.
"Come!" Membrane chuckled, and sat next to (Y/N) on the bed.
"Hey, guess what."
"I like you." Membrane's face flushed a bright crimson. (Y/N) likes him? No, no, no, he's drunk. He doesn't know what he's saying.
Then Membrane was kissed on the lips. It was short, but filled with passion. (Y/N)'s lips tasted like brandy.
"Good night professorrr~" he sleepily said. He felt arms wrap around him as he slowly lost consciousness.
(Y/N) woke up with a massive hangover. He groaned in pain as he clutched his head. He looked around and was surprised to find he was in his own bed. And even more surprised to see his crush clinging onto his torso. Membrane stirred in his sleep, cuddling closer. (Y/N) smiled.
Membrane suddenly whispered into his skin, "You said some interesting things last night."
He tried to recall what happened, but everything was hazy. "What happened?"
Membrane sat up and pulled (Y/N) into a tender kiss.
He pulled away from a shocked (Y/N). "I love you too."
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melalot · 6 years
In Defense Of Lance
Alrighty, I finally got this pulled out! So basically I’ve seen a lot everywhere how people have been disappointed over how Lance has seemed to be treated poorly on Voltron, and I guess I just wanna put in my insight? Along with a few theories. 
First of all I’m going to point out something someone said on Tumblr (Though I don’t have their tag) but how Lance’s character is more of a show than tell, meaning, that in order to see Lance’s character development, we basically have to look into it. It’s not just going to stand out and be like “OH HEY LOOK DEVELOPMENT!” We ACTUALLY have to look into it. First I guess I’m going to start off with my theory and how it links to his development?
So basically I’ve been looking back on the previous seasons and kinda comparing them to the seasons that happen later on, and judging by a few things Lance has said, I think Lance has had a rough past. I’m sorry guys but this line is the major clue.
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“I’m just a boy from Cuba, not a space prince like Lotor.”
Guys! That is SUCH a major hint. Look listen, I’m cuban myself, I know exactly what Lance could mean from this line. Cuba is a poor country, so in reality I know what he means when he says he “doesn’t have a lot to offer.” He isn’t royal, probably doesn’t have a lot of money, he’s in the lower class range, and just in general, people don’t think people from a lower class have much to offer. And I think Lance just, really thinks that where he comes from determines how he is. 
And honestly guys, I’m not surprised Lance flirts a lot with women and had this huge ego in the first couple of seasons. 
We all know Lance pulls up a front, and this front could very well mean, that he uses it because he honestly doesn’t see much worth in himself, like he doesn’t see how he is special. He probably honestly tries to be someone he isn’t and ends up doing a lot of stupid shit because of it.
I mean, let me just bring out these other lines, I know people have laughed over this line.
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Yeah totally Lance, you totally broke so many hearts.
But no really, we don’t know this, we really don’t. Lance could have very well broken peoples hearts, and I really wouldn’t be surprised either if we look back on how he was in the beginning of the series. 
This moment was honestly so huge, it was such a big realization of Lance reflecting on whats happened with his life, and where he is at. He said he was pathetic, he used to make fun of people who would get their hearts broken.
What does this day about Lance?
Lance probably didn’t really believe he was worthy enough of Love for a very long time, and he probably protected himself from it for a very long time. Yeah he flirt with so many girls, there is no doubt about it. But that was probably done to keep up a rep, and to protect himself from getting hurt. People already saw him as a low class guy, he started seeing himself as one, he probably thought if he started proving people wrong, by like say I don’t know, flirting with girls, leading them on? Trying to be this very suave dude that is very charming and can break anyones hearts?
Oh man! And if there is anything I know about cuban culture is that fucking guys are told that they “have to be a man” and Lance probably felt that pressure amongst himself too. He probably felt like he couldn’t live up to the expectations of what their version of a “man” is so he very much well tried to put up a front and be someone he really fucking wasn’t.
I mean, Lance said it himself, it was weird to feel something for someone.
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Not only was it weird, but what he also felt that was weird was that someone made him want to be a better person. 
So Lance didn’t think he was a good person? I honestly am wondering why. And these are honestly things that have indicated to me why he thinks that.
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First of all, I’m guessing Lance is the type of teen that lived by “screw the rules” It seemed like he got his own friends in trouble with little adventures. 
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And this line is honestly funny, but it tells us a lot about how Lance was growing up. He was the type of kid to miss out on school and make up some dumb excuse and actually try to act like he was actually sick. Oh man. Guys this builds up so much on who Lance was as a character.
I mean Lance could be a total jerk sometimes.
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But what happens when these walls fall down?
Guys Lance’s whole facade is SOO important. Guys, I’ve seen posts that Lance is okay with being vulnerable. And honestly, I highly doubt it. And this line just exactly says why.
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People wouldn’t take him seriously. 
Lance has literally flirt with girls left to right
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But not only just the flirting, the fact that he acts so confident.
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When we all know, that as soon as he let those walls fall down, he really isn’t...
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I honestly think that in Lance’s past. He had to deal a lot with trying to be more than what he was labeled as, that he really couldn’t ever be himself. Its why he doesn’t think people will listen to him or take him seriously, its why he tries to act confident, even when he really isn’t and its why he’s started to reflect on his past. I mean nothing on Voltron indicates for him to say this.
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I’m pretty sure Lance hasn’t made many mistakes in Voltron.
But, he probably has in the past...with his life.
I mean this was brought up right after he said the whole “I’m pathetic I used to make fun of people who would get their hearts broken, heck I was the one breaking hearts!” 
I really feel like Voltron is building up to something with Lance’s past, and hopefully we get to see that in season 8. But for now I just wanna show y’all how much Lance has really grown!
Guyssss he literally wen’t from this
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Now with his flirting, he literally went again, from this to this.
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I mean Romelle is beautiful, and he didn’t even TRY to flirt with her. And this happened AFTER he did all that junk about him breaking peoples hearts. Lance really did SELF REFLECT on this part of himself.
And now oh....leadership?
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(Lol its funny how the subtitle says “Keith” but its supposed to say Lance) Basically he was told to lead a team, (his own teammate saw that he had the capability to do so, and Lance didn’t even doubt himself one second)
Not to mention that in Season 6, during their fight with Lotor, with no actual “leader” of Voltron, Lance was the one directing his whole team what to do in battle and leading them. Now that is character development.
Oh and one last thing to compare, how Lance could of very well reacted right when Lotor betrayed their trust to Allura?
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Its obvious he hated and never trusted Lotor. But he could have very well said to Allura “I told you so!” but he didn’t.
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He said it himself, he had more of a reason than anyone not to trust him, but he didn’t rub it in her face, instead he comforted her.
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Guys stop sitting on Lance’s character. He has had lots of development. You can’t just see how he was in 1 season and just say that he has no development. Like come on guys, really. Compare him from the START to NOW. this guy has grown up a lot. 
He went from this guy who flirted with girls left and right really, and always flirted with Allura to the point even Shiro had to call him out on it, to this guy who started to respect her and grew actual feelings to the point he wanted to be a better person. Like that says a lot. And I’m not an a//urance shipper. But honestly, either way, this shows his growth on how he feels about love. He’s realized now that it isn’t all about how many people you can charm. Its about who really, wants to make you a better person. But not only that, who actually makes you work to be that better person. 
In the show they have said it before. Lance has greatness within.
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And although he didn’t really get it at first, we see how he really views himself. But even at his lowest points.
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Lance literally has the most bayard changes out of everyone in his group smh. He is literally so adaptable. And they have been shown in action with his sniping abilities, and the guns he needs to switch for certain parts, and how easily he can interact with other people and make the most of a situation.
I just really wish the fandom would see the series as a whole with Lance. Guys we love Lance for a reason, and it is BECAUSE he is SUPER relatable. All of us have put ourselves down like this, we pull up fronts every once in a while, and we probably all hate being vulnerable most of the time and think people won’t take us seriously. And because of these things, we could end up being put into peer pressure and do stupid things, just like Lance does. But part of that growth is reflecting on it and making it better. And that’s exactly what Lance did in Season 6 and 7. Yes, we saw him put himself down, but we also saw him do self growth. Part of Lance’s arc is about Love, and honestly I’m pretty sure its not romantic.
I think its learning to love himself in order for him to understand what the true meaning of love is so that he can share it with someone else. And part of that journey, is sometimes reflecting upon it on your own.
And though Lance does have his down times. like in the Feud episode where everyone was calling him dumb. 
Anyway. Lance is a relatable character, and yeah it really hurts to see him go through a downfall, but these are only things that are going to make him grow. Every character has had bad things happen to them. And we hate to see characters we love go through those things. But like I said, its only the reality, this happens in real life, and these obstacles is what could make us better.
Lance is a slow burn character y’all. So his development is going to be slow. And yeah we have a season left. But I mean if they can put flashbacks of characters in 1 season or 1 episode, I honestly think it can be pulled off. 
They need to tie things up with Lance and finish his arc, and I think we will see that. Just please, look at him as a whole and not parts of him...
He is so much more than we think, and in the end its us demoting him as a character if we are blinded by his growth.
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lin-hamuel · 6 years
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The first is the stage, and the second is from where we were sitting. 
I saw Hamilton in London on 16/12/17 with the original West End cast and god damn was it phenomenal. Obviously it was a dream come true to see something I’ve hardcore listened to since 2015 come to life in front of me, but the whole show is bloody fantastic as a production in itself. I can guarantee you that you could go to see it having never heard of it before and you would still have been blown away.
noteworthy stuff that lifted my soul: 
~ Hamilton was bLOODY tall. (Jamael Westman is 6′4″ damn) It actually suited him really well, especially during Aaron Burr, Sir/My Shot when he was jittery and slightly awkward and restrained but clearly excited. As the show went on there was this major contrast as his movements became more fluid and loose and extravagant as Alexander rose to prominence man even the body language was great
~ also: his voice was so smoooooth. Most of the cast had smoother voices/singing styles than the OBC - like, nearing Philippa Soo quality - and it made the listening experience so flipping pleasurable
~ another surprisingly smooth singing voice: Rachel John as Angelica!!! I love Renée but Rachel blew me away with how damn clear and incredible and almost polished her voice was. she could have been Eliza imo (her acting and portrayal of her frustration and pain in Satisfied was STELLAR) but she was a fantastic Angelica and I am in awe of her talent
~ I was never super into Laurens from the soundtrack alone but my GOD he is MARVELLOUS live. singing? perfect. acting? amazing. 
~ Lauren’s death was PHENOMENAL. Cleve’s voice was beautiful and he stood illuminated in the right hand corner of the stage as Eliza read the letter to him. Alexander looked broken. The pause between Eliza and Ham speaking stretched on for a little bit and in that silence you could hear a pin drop. 
~ Mulligan was perfect and everything you could possibly want 
~ King George III was great. doing a smug lil dance with his cane / reading the pamphlet in the Reynolds Pamphlet. in What Comes Next? he sang “i’m so blue” and stamped his foot and the lighting went blue. everyone laughed like they were hearing the jokes for the first time
~ Yorktown was fucking cool
~ Burr’s ACTING. EXPRESSION. MOVEMENT. AMAZING. His voice was higher pitched than Leslie’s and it worked really well for the emotional/humorous scenes. His portrayal of Burr is certainly quite different to the OBC (It’s far more frantic and emotional if that makes sense?) but it’s still fantastic and really interesting and refreshing to watch 
~ it took me a while to warm to Eliza but boy did I. I think Rachelle has a pretty tough job as people’s expectations are v fixed around the earth-shattering job Phillippa Soo did (mine included tbh) but she was so good. Helpless was adorable and stylish and perfectly lighthearted and she carried that through the show UNTIL Burn (midnight blue lighting, her face angry and betrayed and so powerfully hurt being illuminated by the light of the burning letters was lovely) and Philip’s death (see below). 
~ she was also very different to her OBC counterpart in her portrayal but it was cool tbh! the various interpretations of the characters we’re so familiar with actually work very well and they bring something new to the show and add different spins to something we know so well by now
~ Peggy and Maria were really good. Christine Allado is vv talented 
~ the revolving platform thing is really well used. excellent in the Schuyler Sisters obviously (if you’ve seen even the 10sec youtube clips you know what i mean) but even in Hurricane, where Ham is in the middle and the cast/ensemble are frozen in various positions around it as it rotates. maria rotates to the front at precisely the right times. burr is sent round as he starts singing ‘wait for it’. fan bloody tastic
~ the choreography was fucking enthralling
~ on the soundtrack you can hear and appreciate the backing vocals but they are as loud and prominent as the main voice live and that adds a whole new dimension to the musical. it heightens the experience in ways that I can’t really describe. because of the acoustics and the sheer volume of incredible incredible sound it makes watching it almost an out-of-body experience. and no, i’m not exaggerating. out. of. body. also they’re obviously going to be talented to be in Hamilton but my god they would all be spellbinding as individuals. they make a phenomenal ensemble.
~ they’re all pretty damn attractive tbh
~ Washington was less Diplomatic Dad and more Super Grizzled War Veteran but his voice was just as bloody powerful and fantastic. god One Last Time was twice as good as I expected. I’d buy tickets again for One Last Time (i’d buy tickets again for the whole thing who am I kidding) 
~ 9yo Philip was perfect. unbelievably cute w his lil outfit and bobbing body language and lil stammer and voice. i thought it might be a little weird/unconvincing seeing a man who was just playing a man play a child but it wasn’t at all
~ Lafayette was small and skinny and super athletic
~ Jefferson was rly flamboyant and funny and kept busting out lil funky dance moves here and there. when he was introduced in What’d I Miss? he came out and ofc everyone cheered and he waved his hand like omg no, stahp, guyssss okay keep going
~ Madison just sorta trailed behind him looking exhausted and it was great. after It’s Quiet Uptown and Jefferson was like “can we get back to politics” Madison came out behind him drying his hands on a big ol handkerchief like “pLEASE”
~ I was never particularly affected by Philip’s death so I was NOT ready for it being as moving as it was. He was in a lot of pain - something that doesn’t come through on the soundtrack - plus him being even more lovely and likable live meant his death was a lot harder to swallow. Eliza and Ham are distraught in the reprise and the counting is really intense. it all climaxes when he dies and Eliza just screams, this long, single, agonised scream before breaking down into sobs. Alex tries to touch her but she shrugs him off so he just stands there looking absolutely heartbroken while she cries over Philip.
~ you hear the ‘someday, someday’ part from Dear Theodosia here. this gets its own point because it was so unexpected and possibly the saddest part of the whole show.
~ they stay like that and the platform revolves so they rotate towards the back of the stage while Angelica starts singing It’s Quiet Uptown. It’s Quiet Uptown is so amazing that I haven’t listened to it on the soundtrack since (it is now May) as I don’t want to overwrite my memory of it in any way. 
~ the lighting deserves all of the awards it gets
~ in The World Was Wide Enough, ensemble members stand in a line between Burr and Hamilton and their movement represents the bullet travelling 
~ the victoria palace theatre is stunning
~ the acapella ending of Who Lives, Who Dies was made 50x better (already fantastic ik) by the vocal power/talent of the ensemble. the cast stand in their black outfits in a row and Eliza’s come forward to the front of the stage. as the last note ended she gasped and reached out as though she could see him 
all in all, it was almost supernaturally good. i'd barely seen any visual representation of it beforehand so i had no idea what to expect when seeing it unfold in front of me and when i say it was good enough to be an out-of-body experience for me i am 100% serious. even if you have seen it before, the nuances and the talent of this cast are phenomenal in themselves.
@linmanuel i hope you’re proud of what you’ve created. i always knew it was an absolute gift but seeing it live has made me understand what a genuine masterpiece looks like. 
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Hey guyssss its ya GURRRuiiilllll Controlled back with a mid week update on my introverted miserable life!
Ok guys lets get right to it shall we?
If you read my last weeks post then you would know that last week was a struggle to stay positive in.
*Blows Ramon noodles* 
But thank the heavens i made it thru
This week so far has been very.......Rocky.
It has been filled with Stress , Relief , accomplishment and self pity .With a tablespoon of cringey........ness
So basically the stress and relief ive been feeling has been coming from my math class that I thought i was gonna fail but ended up getting higher than the C I aimed for.
So yay me
I still feel a little stressed out because I’m a little worried for my future. I get good grades and i’m respectful and everything perfect for college , Its just i don’t know what I’m going to college for.
Ya see , I’m super passionate about music and I plan to still do it when i’m older. I still want to go to college for something I can make 6 figures for just in case music doesn’t work out because of a scandal or something. I just don’t know what though. I can’t find anything else that I like and i’m trying to figure it out before its too late.
The dream is that i get successful in music and just go to college and do music at the same time , But in order for me to be successful I have to be consistent and for me to be consistent i have to have strong self discipline and I don’t because I’m lazy.
Then I end up hating myself for my laziness then I motivate myself and then I’m lazy again.
I just need to find a strong method.
Self pity is because no matter how hard i try I can’t stop comparing myself to other people.
Its soo hard to look a a gorgeous cool girl wearing great clothes and think “I love myself”
It might be easy for you guys but its the hardest for me to do. Especially when that girl was just so rude to you previously and karma doesn't even look like it affects them.
Sweet mother of jesus
Hopefully the rest of this week will be better right? I ‘m hoping for it.
So I’m gonna end this here so make sure you like this post and my previous posts so I can see who is reading.
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tansocute · 7 years
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I FREAKING FINISHED THE V ROUTE YOU GUYSSSS!!! AND GOT A GOOD ENDING (tho I’m secretly want it to be a bad ending but I can’t hurt v soo I get a good ending) The key of v route is -get 300 hg to buy it first duh! -encourage him but don’t push v so much -its good to say no to mint eye but don’t be too mean -just be an angel who is really like nice and caring tbh -dont be a provocateur
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dah-knee-cuh · 7 years
Friday Fun
Guyssss! I don’t really get to talk to you guys much soo, shoot me an ask about:
Your day! I genuinely love hearing about it!
Come and vent, I’m not the best at advice, but it’s always good to get your feelings out
What you’ve been loving lately, songs, movies, people etc. I’m always up for suggestions about movies especially rom-coms and dramas cos I loveee crying over movies
On that note, it’s almost homecoming season to all my high school students, y’all have anyone you want to ask, or to ask you? (I’ve been lowkey stressing about it, but it’s whatever)
you could ask about my WIP!
Or any other my other pieces
Or tell me about your WIP and tag me when you post it cos I would adore seeing your shit
let’s talk about Tom!
IDC just send an ask I wanna talk to y’all
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caramelteabites · 7 years
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Looong post ahead! 😅😅 I dont do dedication posts but theres a first for everything...so here we go... Novin, I realised we have known each other since the day we began breathing... but hey the past 4 years, we became real close. If there is a person who annoys me like hell its you but if theres someone who ignores my flaws its also you. A huge thank you for that! You are one amazing friend,bruh. Probably one of the best. I have seen you at your lowest and now im seeing you at your peaks as well! Makes me soo proud!! *sobs* Never knew you had the singing talent in you but boy,you do sing well!! 🤓🤓 With more practice, you will be doing soo good! You just had your first ONSTAGE performance!!!! Sooooooo proud of you🤗🤗🤗🤗!!! Literally you started from the bottom,now you are here! This is to all people who had once doubted you,brushed you off or even insulted you.... im sure they know they dont stand a chance against you now😉 Hope you will hone your talent,pick up more skills and make us proud of you!!! 😜 I will always have your back 😎 P.s. I hope I get 5 extra kueh tarts and extra cake slice for this long post. P.p.s Novin is a great baker guyssss!! #brosforlife #bestie (at NTU Sports and Recreation Centre)
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