bibleofficial · 1 month
real talk when does a bender end & become just … abuse
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watcher0033 · 27 days
Almost 1AM and this exchange brought me to tears.
Hear here, we’ll never stop till the world listens. It’s not forever. It’s now.
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ahalliance · 6 months
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accurate representation of the tenth doctor’s emotional arc over his seasons
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based on your asks responses & characterization of yuuta this is what i’ve gathered — yuuta is like that one high school senior who looked at the new coming freshman’s & just adopted them on the spot. there’s no out. now his friends sees the kid & adopted them too. it’s a family now. a very young, close in age family. (i was yuuta in this situation 😔 i was use to be megumi in this situation but i carried the tradition out. as i should. high school & middle school was wild.)
YUUJI THOUGH. we will probably never see him in your sea glass garden au but your asks is killing me. like his one sided beef with yuuta? he’s just like me fr. i too would fight over megumi if it comes down to it.
i just know yuuji thought that yuuta & megumi was a thing at first cause of the whole “his boy thing”. i know he screamed into a pillow about it. i know he went to gojo to ask for permission to court megumi & gojo was flabbergasted at such a medieval act so he had yuuji do the dumbest shit to get his blessing (ha).
i just know nanami is sighing at the idea of his son yuuji being a jealous little brat because of his other son yuuta. i just know yuuta was so confused until he witnessed yuuji & megumi awkward ass flirting. i know he acts like a little shit to get on yuuji (& sukuna) nerves.
you know what. this is my jujutsu kaisen. this is my sorcery fight. gege who? i only know you. PLS TAKE THE PEN FROM GEGE.
Yuuta is absolutely that senior who adopted that new student and made a little family. That is His Kohai now okay megumi is their collectively raised flour sack baby and they will kill for him.
Yuuji came back to life finally met the second years had just leveled up with his cursed energy and gained a new dad got his old friends back he was so so ready to go live his best life and then his new self appointed brother opened his mouth and started rhapsodizing about some impossibly beautiful and perfect man named okkotsu yuuta and yuuji is absolutely whacked in the face a la rubber squeaky hammer that there’s some gorgeous son of a bitch out there already living his best life.
His death sentence was overturned. He’s so powerful that he can save everyone if he wants. He is the legally adopted child of Nanami Kento. The curse attached to him 1) actually liked him and 2) moved the fuck on which some people (Sukuna) could take a few notes on.
Fushiguro Megumi is his boy.
This could not have devastated him more thoroughly. Even his newly acquired self appointed brother thinks okkotsu yuuta is the perfect man, which he manages to express at length in between warnings from the second years that Yuuta’s going to fly back from Africa purely for the sake of kicking his fucking ass for touching His Boy, which yuuji simply cannot handle.
Yuuji lowkey had a new lease on life and thought “hey! Fushiguro tried to kill someone with an elephant for me! Maybe I have a shot and he’ll let me hold his hand!” and then there’s god’s perfect man off in Africa who’s enticing megumi away from movie marathons with his fucking FaceTime calls right when yuujis almost hyped himself up enough to try the yawning arm stretch thing.
He spends at least three weeks trying to figure out if Megumi’s His Boy because they’re in a long distance relationship and it only ends because maki starts finding it more annoying than funny and establishes that it is not in fact a romantic arrangement. She thinks. (Okay it’s still kind of funny.)
Yuuji resorted to a terrible wikihow on how to get someone to date you and it insisted “get their parents approval” was his in and gojo could NOT have been more of an asshole about it. Nanami had to intervene to get it to stop. He is very tired and very confused. Why are you so upset about okkotsu he’s a lovely young man why is this making you more upset
Of course if yuuji ever found out that megumi became Yuuta’s boy after Yuuta personally restarted his heart he’d instantly understand why everyone acts like Yuuta’s the best thing since sliced bread. He is that amazing.
Yuuta and Megumi are completely oblivious to all of this.
Gege pls call me I just want to help gege pls
#sea glass gardens#just remember YOU can forcibly displace gege and turn the creative property over to me#I will be making several. SEVERAL. changes.#yuuji absolutely goes back into his room and screams into his pillow over Yuuta#he was going to try to hold Megumi’s hand and Megumi left to go talk to Yuuta just because he was ‘calling all the way from Africa’ and ‘the#movie ended five minutes ago why were you just sitting there looking like you were really stressed are you okay itadori’#nobara is exhausted just watching this#she’s the most homophobic lesbian alive why do lgbtq things happen to people who don’t deserve it#god she just wants a girlfriend with a sword and these fucking assholes are the ones who get their high school romance they don’t even#APPRECIATE the gay things happening to them#ignoring all canon since we’re never getting there in sea glass gardens#when Yuuta’s coming back from Africa Megumi’s very simply stating that Yuuta’s an important person in his life and he’s glad yuuji wjll#meet him soon which might as well be a DECLARATION OF UNDYING LOVE yuuji has a total crisis#yuuta gets off the plane and fucking hugs megumi yuuji had to get boyfriend privileges to do that who is this son of a bitch#gojo watching this: do you think I can get yuuji to wash my car again if I tell him I’ll distract Yuuta so he can take Megumi on a date#Nanami: why on earth would okkotsu need to be distracted for that to happen#gojo: that’s the beauty of it it is in no way necessary but yuuji doesn’t seem to know that
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zuble · 4 months
every time i think i should end my friendship with my irl friend group they come back and treat me like a loving family again. then i get left in the cold again. it’s been an endless cycle for years. i can handle waiting a few weeks for a message like “omggg im so sorry i didn’t see this!!!! i still love you and we should totally hang out!!!!” but when it happens almost every single time? i can’t keep dealing with this.
“you’re one of the most important people in my life!!!!” i’m sure we both believe that but it’s been a week since i asked if we can make plans and you’ve been responding to everyone else besides me. am i the asshole here? they’re all like this and i know they’re busy with work so maybe i am the asshole
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sarcasticgiggler · 3 months
i told the guy im talking to about being into tickling and now when he teases me about other stuff he’ll bring it up 🥴
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steviescrystals · 21 days
i seriously need to get a new job and start making money again asap bc i cannot keep living at home much longer it’s driving me insane
(wrote an entire essay in the tags without meaning to oops)
#i feel so isolated from everything bc i’m not in school rn but all my friends are and 90% of the ones who are in state go to the same school#so they’re all in the same town and here i am 45 minutes away#i never get invited to anything bc 1) my friends all tend to make plans really last minute#and 2) if we want to go out and drink - which we usually do bc that’s the stage of life we’re in rn - i’d have to stay the night with#someone bc i absolutely cannot afford a 45 minute uber home and most of my friends don’t like staying over / having people stay over#so i have basically no social life and it’s only gotten worse in the past couple months since i got laid off from my main job#not only did i love that job but i loved my coworkers and work was pretty much the only time i left the house and interacted with people#and without that job i can’t even do the little solo things i used to do to cheer myself up like go see a movie#or even just go for a long drive bc i’m broke (as in i have $17 in cash to my name and am like $1000 in debt rn)#so all i do is rot in bed all day and apply for jobs that i’m overqualified for yet still don’t get hired#i barely even leave my room bc i avoid my family which just makes me feel guilty bc i love my family#but they get on my nerves so easily and most of the conversations i have with my mom end in her lecturing me about something and me crying#and on top of everything it’s just straight up embarrassing to be unemployed and completely directionless about college and living at home#logically i know i’m still very young and it’s common to live at home when you’re 20 but literally none of my friends do#i had a couple friends who lived at home for the first 2 years after high school and went to community college but by now they’ve moved out#and they’re all at universities and either graduating this year or next year meanwhile the earliest i could possibly graduate is in 2 years#i should be finishing my junior year rn but i’ve only completed my freshman year#i hated the school i was at and planned on transferring sophomore year but long story short that didn’t work out#even longer story short i ended up doing a semester each at 2 different community colleges and failed all my classes both times#and took 2 semesters off so now i’m a full 2 years behind and even though my freshman year was miserable#i’m starting to wish i stayed at that school anyway bc at least i would be at a university and accomplishing something#plus theres a huge difference between staying at home for a couple years after high school then moving out later#vs living on your own right away then having to move back home after you’ve already experienced having your own space#and on top of everything i have an older sister who’s a literal genius and graduated last year#and a younger sister who just finished her freshman year at the school i hated but she loves it and got perfect grades and made friends#so they’re both thriving and here i am living with my mom and my 13 year old brother and just completely failing at everything#i’m just so miserable and obviously moving out again and going back to school wouldn’t magically fix everything#but at least i would feel like my life was going somewhere and i wasn’t getting left behind by everyone i know#i just have no idea how to move forward and i feel like ever since high school not a single thing has gone the way i wanted it to#vent
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easeupkid · 29 days
i wanna cry so bad rn
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ezraphobicsoup · 5 months
sometimes it’s all a bit silly isn’t it
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thresholdbb · 8 months
Voyager Year 2 from Janeway’s perspective:
Meet Amelia Earhart without losing any crew
Almost lose Chakotay to Nog but save him
Almost lose the Doctor to Broccoli but save him
Help your manic pixie dream ocampa through puberty cause Voyager’s too sexy
Almost lose Harry Kim to a time stream but he saves himself with Tom
Lose your mind by touching a special distortion ring, everyone’s saved by doing nothing
Send two bickering crew men to a planet to adopt a lizard baby
Get so stressed out you get sent to the Holodeck for some “me time” only to think you’ve lost your whole dang mind
Almost lose Chakotay again, this time with racist vibes
Almost lose everyone to the second Caretaker
Chakotay runs off after Seska and the Kazon, have to save him
Get adopted by a delusional father only for him to die in your arms
Almost lose B’Elanna to a robot race
Try to make friends only for it to blow up in your face
Become a mutant and have 3 salamander babies with your helm officer only for Chakotay and Tuvok to abandon them
A crewman gets murdered, then you almost lose Tuvok to mind melding with the murderer
Order everyone to escape pods cause your chief engineer hijacked a sentient bomb
Put Q on trial only for him to off himself
Your EMH develops more feelings, your helmsman is acting up
Neelix stumbles on your plot with Tuvok and Paris, Chakotay gets jealous
Your ship gets duplicated and you face off with yourself about who gets to blow their Voyager up first
Almost lose Tuvok to some old kids
Almost lose Harry until you literally vanquish fear
Almost lose Tuvok and Neelix to Tuvix and a terrible moral quandary but ultimately — kill Tuvix
Get stranded on planet with Chakotay because you both got bitten with an unresolved sexual tension virus, but the crew disobeys orders and saves you anyway
Try to save Chakotay’s baby only to lose the ship and get the whole crew stranded on a planet
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cowboyshit · 8 months
the lucha company I help out is having their first out-of-state show this weekend and I’m so proud of them 😭💗
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cinewhore · 3 months
I need to print maps and then i need to buy all my favorite movies and shows and afterwards maybe buy all my favorite albums and then i need to write down my entire contact list and then print all of my photos and d save them in an album and maybe I’ll buy my favorite video games too and then-
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designernishiki · 11 months
I wanna flesh out a yakuza oc but every time I think about it I end up thinking about an oc of mine who already Exists who’s not a yakuza oc. but is, in fact, an oc who is a yakuza. and that fact is genuinely completely unrelated
#he existed WAY before I started playing yakuza or knew really anything about it#actually he contributes to why I got into yakuza to begin with. cause when my friend first showed me y0 I was like ough… my character#grew up in this exact environment and culture and structure and etc (son of a patriarch)#so it was legitimately a good reference for his background and stuff#I kinda wanna talk about him/his background more on here but. like i said he’s. not technically a yakuza oc#and he can’t be because he. canonically. has PLAYED yakuza. like the games EXIST cause it’s just a normal real world type universe and#I won’t get into all this much but he ends up in the states on the dl for Reasons. accidentally ends up with a son when he’s 22 (son’s#mother being significantly younger but again we’re not gonna get into THAT mess). ends up seeing the first game being sold somewhere in nyc#and is unable to restrain his curiosity about it (as an Actual Yakuza) so he ends up getting his son a ps2 for his birthday partly just#as an excuse to buy and play yakuza 1 because he NEEDS to know what’s in it#something something it ends up being a weird bonding thing with his son who’s definitely too young to be watching this game being played#(he was born the same year as haruka so he’d be like. 8-9. also already a concerningly violent child with many issues but. anyway)#something something he ends up disappearing out of the blue from the states when his son is 12 but the pastime still sticks for said son#from then on. so uh. yeah weirdly significant that these games Exist in this story/universe bdsjhfdfjnd#idk why I’m avoiding saying his name. his name’s asura. he’s a year or two older than daigo (born 1974) and his family’s supposed to be a#pretty powerful one in the tokyo area and he was supposed to be a nepo baby sorta like daigo except he’s not Technically an only child- he#has a much younger sister. but obviously she wasn’t gonna be considered for taking over their father’s seat nor would she want to#she wants absolutely nothing to do with any of it and changes her last name pretty soon after moving to the US to get away from them#no beef with her brother or anything she was just treated absolutely horribly and disgustingly by older members of their family growing up#ANYWAY I should stop talking bdshshcbsnnf I didn’t mean to infodump all this the lore is just. deep with these guys#Asura wasn’t even made to be a particularly prominent character or anything it’s his SON who’s a Bonafide Main Character and asura’s ties in#the story are mostly related to Him. (though his sister is also a pretty prominent character so there’s connection there too)#rambling#also one more note. yes. the timing and location of where asura would’ve first bought yakuza 1 means that it would most likely be the#infamous original english dub version. which is hilarious to think about#especially because his son’s mom (I keep calling her that because they weren’t really in a Relationship they just co-parented and lived#together a little less than half the time. it’s complicated) Did Not Approve of a game that Adult around their kid. so she would not be fond#of walking in the room and hearing TEN YEARS IN THE JOINT MADE YOU A FUCKING PUSSY#luckily she was so young and considered her son a lost cause and a burden as it is so. she complained but didn’t really do anything about#it. I mean shit she was like. only around 24-25 I think. but yeah
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danothan · 1 year
i keep wondering why my schedule has been so wonky lately as if i didn’t quite literally get into a car crash less than a week ago
#danbles#car accident mention#hello from 5 in the morning#we’re fine everyone’s fine the other person’s insurance is allegedly going to pay for it#but i think it was my first real look at death so i’m still trying to process it#weird guilt feelings for smth that wasn’t even my fault#grief is a weird thing to process i’ve found out!#i’m not used to being angry yet it keeps coming back#it’s very hard for me to care abt things rn#but ik it’s just one of those things i have to ride out. i’ve certainly been thru worse#and the fact that i can confide in my interests is a good sign that i still care at all. and i will care again#i’m rly lucky that i’ve had my sibling to talk to abt this but that’s also bc they were there#and got it worse than me! nothing hospitalizing thank god but we’re still healing#anyway i don’t need sympathy. talking abt this with anyone other than my sib has been rly irritating (is currently in an irritable state)#but i think i just wanted to let ppl know that i’m going thru smth. idk how that helps but it does#i think i just cant reconcile with the idea that i couldve lost someone i care deeply abt and everyone else is just moving on#ah fuck that’s what it is. im angry abt how insignificant a lifechanging event actually is#i don’t want anyone to care but i do think i need someone to know that it’s not normal rn#like i just need to throw it out there into the void that smth Has happened#and then i can go back to a new normal#alright it’s 5:30am now i think i should go to bed fr#also this got rly heavy but i dont wanna freak my friends out. like i’m okay and i’ll be okay#each day has gotten easier so far#and it doesn’t mean i’ve been pretending to be happy#it’s a rly weird duality idk how to explain#like apprently i was laughing a lot during the actual crash! emotions are weird man idk!#christ it’s almost 6 now OKAY GN FR peace and love everyone#normal is right around the corner 👍
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digifag · 7 months
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#the wolfs howl#thoughts in my brain#b4 i start btw this is not a rant in defense of scott at all i do not like him still#but some ppl really blow his politics out of the water compared to what he’s done like#yea we’re gonna ignore the 50k he donated to trevor project in favor of focusing on the varied 30k to various political candidates#its ALWAYS the homophobia. always always always#its never the fact hes outright stated hes pro life; never the potential racism of who he donated to; never anything like that. always -#- the homophobia. which is still bad yes! but u could argue much worse things like w some of the artists hes hired n paid!!!#fiszi was so much worse than scott ever was. and she was gross w it w grooming n transphobia (she was also! FIRED later on!!!!)#like the ONLY reason ppl care is cuz someone pointed it out in 2020. there have literally been no more public donations since#can u imagine the indie game scene if ppl searched out where every dev and employee donated to?? cuz i guarantee not all of them are great!!#my biggest gripe is ppl comparing scott to jk.#riddle me this. is the outwardly proud transphobe whos also very racist and incorporates that into her writing and uses her platform to put-#-minorities down the same as a guy who donated money to a political party in 2020. and doesnt use his platform for that shit. whos openly-#-supportive of his fanbase and acknowledges he wouldnt b where he is without his lgbt fans as well#and again. glances at the 50k to the trevor project he donated#why the hell would he put all that money to a charity for lgbt ppl if he was wholly homophobic. itd be like if jk started giving donations-#-to trans organizations to fund binders and hrt like???#AND AGAIN. PPL FOCUS ON THE HOMOPHOBIA ABOVE ALL ELSE#he didnt donate to xyz BECAUSE they were homophobic. not every political figure is gonna be focused on gay rights theres sm more going on w-#-this country rn like#THINK for a second#also the fact that ppl were surprised the christian cishet white man from texas was republican is still kinda goofy to me like no duh hes-#-gonna be a republican ??#idk!! hes still a shit person obv but the way ppl are like ‘yeah hes a homophobic bigot’ is kinda lying at that point#anyway<3 posting this is probably dangerous but idc. have more critical thinking than hes homophobic because he donated to some ppl u dont-#agree with#politics goes so much farther than just gay rights man#anyway#rant
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officialbabayaga · 1 year
will NEVER forget this conversation at a house party i had with an old coworker where we’d gotten on to the topic of having children, and i said i wasn’t planning on having kids because of some genetically inheritable issues that were in my family and she dismissed that with a wave of her hand saying “oh i get that if it was something like bipolar disorder, but other than that i don’t think i’d care.”
and i, who would go on to become the fifth person in my family officially diagnosed with bipolar disorder,
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