xjustsimplethoughtsx · 7 months
Someone once told me: I won't give You an universal recipe fos success. But I can give You an universal recipe for failure. It is the DESIRE TO PLEASE EVERYONE.
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bbgnyx · 5 months
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welcome to bbgnyx's masterlist!! happy scrolling
Warnings: These works contain mature themes like smut, so if you're uncomfortable with that or if that kinda stuff triggers you kindly don't interact with my blog, and MDNI strictly. If I suspect any minors on my blog I will block you, so kindly stay away if you're below 18.
!None of this is real! it is not a portrayal of any of the members or how they behave/their character. It is pure imagination and not a real depiction of anything. I would also like to add that I am not sexualising the members in any bad ways, it is just a little something my mind made up and for others to imagine and enjoy. no hate on my blog, please. Thanks for your time!
Rules: I don't indulge in writing for incest ( no in-laws and step-siblings aswell), member x member smut(threesomes with reader are ok!), piss kinks, scat kinks, and r@pe (consent matters).
Kindly note: I'm not kink shaming anyone, this is just my personal prefs!
I'm also taking requests (kindly see this post for reqs) rn for skz and any other kpop fandom is also ok!
smut: 🔥 | fluff: 🎀 | angst: ☔
how skz would react to you waking them up with kisses
y/n welcoming them into mcdonalds 😆(short fun meme kinda thing?)
skz=gay (short fun meme kinda thing?)
skz in among us (short fun meme kinda thing?)
how skz would react to you waking them up with kisses
when skz as your bf caught you singing and dancing in your room
cigarette duet song prompt ☔
drabble~1(from my prompt list-smut) 🔥
drabble~1 🔥
and now you're in the stars and six feet's never felt so far (oneshot) ☔
you belong with me(oneshot) ☔🎀
drabble~1 🎀
drabble~2(from my prompt list-smut) 🔥
hard~thoughts1 🔥🎀
drabble~1 🔥
i still remember the third of december (one-shot) ☔
drabble~2(from my prompt list-angst) ☔
cheater ☔
drabble~1 🔥
hard~thought1 🔥
drabble~1 🔥
new years eve~(drabble) 🎀
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party-in-eldarya · 1 year
playing ANE what a joy, still in genkaku
Erika forgets her manners and speaks v informally to a hostile royal, on a mission, doesn't know a thing about the world she claims is her own, and yet she never fails to recall name of Mathieu's sword.
Stay tunned.
Oh, so THAT is what my sword is called. I forgot, it was year ago :D
no honey, you should regret you suck at fighting, not that you do not have a battle cry. What are u, 15?
aaaand, this idiot is still talking about least important thing. Also, Mathieu doesn't have any power, and he is still valuable fighter, so you see Erika, it's your fault, not the lack of powerrrs.
Thought1: they made Tenjin silly. The moment he got on the ground it was the endgame for me. Say what you want to say but Naytili was badass to the end, even when slapped by Leiftan (she prolly enjoyed it), Leiftan was so cold and cruel we had to headcanon him having REASONS TM for it, and Lance... well, Lance was also stylish. In ANE every single villain (well, Charles still have some hope) is just SILLY.
Thought2: I kinda like the way they described Erika putting some shield, it was ok. However, the text wasn't that long and yet they devided it to many, too many sentences. I know, I know maana. But still, it makes playing a bit annoying.
Point for Gryff... I mean Lance, standing surrounded by foes is not a time for silly jokes (Mathieu and Erika still talking about battle cry ffs). Point from writers, this is not how you break the tension.
Honestly, Tenjin giving them a deadline for exploring the building is not that strange, Nevra shouldn't be surprised. Still the most competent person in Guard. What I find adorable is how faeries (or at least Tenjin) calls this skyscraper a Tower. V acurate and natural, props for writers.
Nevra says that it's Tenjin's fault that they are now enemies with Eel. However, this mission is a diplomatic failure. They shoul never brought Koori back unless they wanted her to sit on throne now, they should treat Tenjin with respect and it shouldn't be dragon who he met first. It should be Nevra who is the one acting like a leader should. What was HH thinking?
HH would never allied herself with slavers. QUOTE. Huh, with news about vampires it really... oh, dunno. I HOPE that HH is a villain.
ERIKA feels trapped in this huge skyscrapper. However, when you look at Guard Tower and stairs that lead to Eel prison you see how big Eel really is. You know, the place she looooves so much. I know, I know- she is tired after the battle, she is stressed, she is afraid for people who lived there, and of them. But, still...
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shineuponher-blog · 5 years
Luna’s thought #1
will someone be there? even if you don’t show that you are not okay, will someone be there? even if your world does not shatter in front of them, will someone be there?
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fefetea123 · 6 years
Thought 1: Take my tongue away
Sometimes in life things don’t always go to plan. There are moments when your head is filled with a hurricane of thoughts. But that all gets lost in translation as soon as you open your mouth.
But what if your tongue is taken away metaphorically speaking. Imagine talking without a tongue - hard right. This metaphor I made up also can show how my freedom has been taken away too. Rights to speech. However, in some places in the world and in some situations talking is a no.
I found this unfortunate. I always have things to say, whether they come out in proper English is a different matter. Difference is unique right. I am always told being different is a good thing to be. Standing out of the crowd. Difference is great for the most part. When it comes to power and age and backgrounds does different still count.
To clear up what I am saying is that sometimes having the right words to say and saying it in the best way possible isn’t enough. Then you start to question that what’s the point of speaking if that right has been stolen from you.
Why should my voice be taken, cause someone doesn’t like what I said. Or why should I be stopped because people can’t acknowledge truth.
Which side is at fault? The one who speaks or the one who silences.
Is there even a party to blame?
 ---As you could probably tell that what I write can be confusing but I probably do a part 2 to this blog. There is more to write but should silence be the better option?
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writerss-blog · 2 years
My Thought#1
Always be positive, don’t think negative in any thing. Life is growing with joy and happiness. Everything in life give us lesson how to resolve the situation. Grow with passion.
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der-neurodivergente · 3 years
I write, because I forget everything I have just thought.
(Thought in the back corner of my mind: "That's what I call the 'writer syndrome'.")
((side-thought1: my brain has no corners, it's an infinitely dimensional manifold ha!))
(((side-thought1+1 followed by side-thought1: Did you know that calabi-yau-manifolds literally look like brains? They're just.... mathematical theory.)))
*infinite set of thoughts has been released by mentioning my special interest of mathematics*
infodumping.exe is loading..
So my thoughts turn into fractals the more they loop on/in-to themselves... i guess they're just being self-referent in the process of self-copying and slightly iterating the parameters...oooops hello chaos operator, I forgot you were there, nice to meet you on board of our infinite, or should I rather say, ever-looping-into-itself, "ordered disorder".
My beloved chaos, you enlighten me haha. So many side thoughts keep changing that iterations of self-similarity and it creates such beautiful patterns...
I guess this is mathematical cognitive science philosophizing about its own principles plus inducing formalizations of quantum mechanical behavior....
Damn, I feel like talking utter nonsense, but, you know, this strem of thoughts would otherwise cease to exist if I hadn't written it down...
and then I couldn't have wasted your time by my brain injuring logical blackflips. (That's my utter speciality - like: imagine schrödinger's cat inside a klein bottle.... actually that's what I devote all my life to hahaha seriously I have no *real* life, but y'know: reality's just a dream and we're all a projection of our own imagination.)
In the upshot I don't care whetver I waste my life on what sparks joy for me somehow, although others imagine it as pure hell, buuuut whatever it is my life.
Also I started to learn PHP and write code for what will become a *really social* social network one day. *prime factorization intensifies* (I love that prime factorization can be used to make passwords save, because you can easily encode them, but decoding them, so said the other way, is much more difficult.)
Oh yeah I love that my brain is able to produce (long-distance) coherent thoughts lately again. (But that is for another post on another account perhaps...)
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vdragon-creations · 4 years
My OC Danganronpa Class
What up!
You’d think that after i did this shit for the MHA fandom, I would not do this shit to myself again! But you would be wrong! Oh so wrong, as I am an artist that likes to put myself through pain! An Artistic Masochist if you will!
Anyhow. Just like I did when I made my OC’s for the MHA Fandom, I may as well do so for the Danganronpa Fandom too! What could go wrong? Right? 
My Class of Danganronpa OC’s are made up of 16 Characters! (My Main OC included!) And here’s a list of their talents, gender, personality, and maybe a brief description of them (If I’ve come up with a look for them in my head yet!) I wanted to be as unique with this group as possible when it comes to talent sets, but I also like clichés and tropes and think theirs nothing wrong with them as long as they’re used well and in an interesting fashion! None of these OC’s have names yet, and again grammar is non existent here! So with that out of the way, Let’s begin!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Cosmetologist- Name: N/A Gender: Male (Was born Female) Personality: He is someone who looks for the beauty in all people, be it cosmetic or otherwise! He wants to use his talent to make others feel happy and comfortable in their own skin, to bring out that inner beauty! He himself had to struggle for many years to feel comfortable with who he was, and through his love for the cosmetic arts, he was able to do that! He’s a very confident individual, and becomes very upset when someone starts to become self-deprecating or he sees someone putting down others! He’s not ashamed of himself at all, and will become quite serious when someone puts two and two together when they find out he’s trans. A kind of “Yeah, that’s right! What of it?” attitude. He can be very eccentric and poetic when talking about the things he loves, this includes people!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Match Maker- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: If you took a Multi Shipper and mixed them with a flaming pervert, then you’d have this guy! Despite him being a absolute god when it comes to finding love for others, his own love life leaves much to be desired. As such, he’s always ALWAYS hitting on the girls he speaks too! Even the one’s he’s helping to find love! He’s a horndog, but one can’t deny the man’s talent at finding love for others! He has a nearly 98% Success rate when it comes to his pairings, and a little over half of those end with the pair getting married or being together of many years! He’s very perceptive and is a master at reading body language, which gives him an advantage when choosing partners for others! Deep within that perverted exterior he puts on though, is a genuinely sweet guy who cares for the happiness of those around him! Why would he do what he does otherwise!?
Highschool Level Ultimate: Tattoo Artist- Name: N/A Gender: Female Personality: At first glance, she doesn’t seem like much more then your average Gunge Goth Chick with a thing for looking tired and and just over it. But that the opposite of what she’s actually like, sure she still speaks in a mostly tired and deadpan voice, but she a pretty warm person! She friendly to most everyone she meets, her first question usually being something along the lines of “Yo! Got any Tats?”. She very interested in seeing the tattoos of others and learning their story through them! She’s very gifted at her craft, All of her clients being 100% satisfied with the tattoo’s she makes! When listening to what they want, she’s says it’s almost like she can see their memories as her own, and is able to create exactly what they want! She’s always very chill, and it’s hard to piss her off, but if you hurt a friend of hers, oh! You’re gunna be getting a very unpleasant tattoo from her! The only other thing she can’t stand is when someone mocks another's tattoo. That’s someone’s story and feeling’s put into visual form, and thus she’s very protective of that! She also really hates the term “Tramp Stamp”! Description: She’s a very short and petite young lady who’s always wearing a hoody with the hood over her head. Her hair is platinum blonde and wavy, it always sticking out of the hood on the sides of her face. She has Steel Blue eyes that have very dark rings around them, a mixture of heavy eyeliner and just lack of sleeps. She’s wearing ripped jeans most of the time and sneakers and most of the time, has a lollipop, toothpick, or cigarette in her mouth.
Highschool Level Ultimate: Radio DJ- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: Loud! Very Loud! That’s the first impression he gives everyone! And it couldn’t be more accurate! This dude is a party animal! A love for all things music! He’s constantly listening to all the latest hits from all types of music, and loves all of it! One would never guess though that this crazy fellow also has a more chill side! But if you listen to Station 75.9 after 10 P.M. you’ll notice that this guy has quite a calming voice! At night, he runs a late talk show from his dorm at Hope’s Peak for the student body! He plays soft music like Jazz or Classical during this time for those who have a hard time sleeping or just need something going on in the background while they study for the next big test! He also brings in guests like fellow classmates, members of staff, or those that work close with them to be on his late show to answer any questions that the other students can call in and ask on air! He believes that all things can be bettered by the power of music, and wants to do that for the whole world!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Journalist- Name: N/A Gender: Female Personality: This young lady has some serious guts! With a passion for the truth and the wit to get the best stories for the student body of Hope’s Peak! She wants so badly to be a reporter and will do the best damn job she can! She’s the first one on the scene to anything happening on campus, and no one is safe from her detective like eyes! She can be a bit accusatory at times and seems to get a little too worked up over her job, which can make her come off as bossy or insensitive. She flustered easily by things that confuse her! Mostly that’s things like Machines or Men! Which is way she mostly writes everything down by hand and mainly only talks to ladies, and when she has to talk to guys, she tends to try and get to the point quickly to avoid a long conversation. This is why she always has her classmate with her to help with these kinds of situations!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Assistant- Name: Naya Yuno (Called Ladybug by most of her classmates and close friends!) Gender: Female Personality: Think of the shyest person you know, and times that by a million! She incredibly nervous around others, especially men! This is due to her unfortunate talent! This girl can be told to do or help with just about anything, and she will do it flawlessly without much protest. Now, this has cause several problems for her with being taken advantage of by a good amount of people in the past, her parents included. She she has a general distrust in most people, causing her rampant shyness. But, she still want to be useful and do good things to help others! So she mainly fallows her classmate, the Ultimate Journalist around. She helps her with interviews despite her shyness, as due to her talent and her orders, she HAS to obey. And if she has to be alone to complete a task, she puts in ear plugs to keep herself from being told to do anything else. But despite her orders, there’s one particular little Hall Monitor that no matter what, if she’s asked to speak too, she freezes and can’t speak too with out turning into a blushing flustered mess. Description: She’s a short girl with a rather nice figure! She’s got a strong pair of legs, as she’s always running in halls back and forth to complete her tasks quickly without interruption. She has long black hair held in a low hanging ponytail, tied with a white fluffy ball-like tie, and pair of Golden Brown eyes. She’s always seen wearing a modified School uniform with a noticeably longer skirt then the other girls and a pair of glasses.
Highschool Level Ultimate: Cheerleader- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: If you turned a Golden Retriever Puppy into a human being, you’d have this guy! A literal ball of sunshine and all that is good in this world! This dude kicks ass at gymnastics, Dancing, and singing! Kinda important when  you’re a cheerleader! He grew up with his older sister who is a very Famous and talented Cheerleader for a Sports team. He loved seeing her dance and put smiles on everyone’s faces, getting everyone so hyped! And he wanted to be just like her! Only problem...he was a guy, and guys aren’t supposed to do girly things...right? His sister wasn’t having it! she told him how in other parts of the world, male cheerleading is absolutely a thing, and that it didn’t matter what others thought1 He should just be himself, and have fun! So that’s what her did! He’s a very hard worker and is all about putting a spring in people’s steps! He gets upset if someone bashes him for his interest and will take none too kindly to those who mock him! It just pushes him to do more! 
Highschool Level Ultimate: Empath (Main OC)- Name: N/A Gender: Female Personality: This woman is like an saint! She’s kind, Patient, Caring, and always going out of her way to help others when needed! She’s only firm when she needs to get the job done, but she’s always doing so with a smile! However, don’t push it, cause even though she looks like a pushover, She’s got a will of iron and a smack that can make even the toughest of men tear up a little. And she’ll deliver the blow with that same smile! She hardly get’s any sleep, as she’s always in a state of unrest! So despite her chipper look, she’s actually pretty tired. And who could blame her? Her talent not only makes her deal with the emotions of others round her, but her own anxieties too! She avoids touching people at all coasts, as part of her talent allows her to feel exactly what the other person does just by being around them, but if she touches them, the feeling is increased and can lead to her having nervous breakdowns or even going into shock. She has to e super relaxed in order for this not to happen, but seeing how she’s always on the move, that’s just never really possible. She has a bit of a wild side too! As she used to have a BF before Hope’s Peak who was a biker! She love to dance, sing, drink, and just generally have a bombass time. However, after his death, and her starting work and schooling, she just....didn’t have the time or heart to have that kind of fun again! Sometimes she’ll have a slip up, like letting out a cheer when something great happens, Gushing over her peers, or even a little playful flirting here and there with a certain Fortune Teller.
Highschool Level Ultimate: Farmer- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: He’s the classes big bear man! He’s a gentle giant with a heart of gold! He works hard, cares for his friends, and wants nothing but the best for those around him! Being a farmer, he knows everything about plants, Livestock, the earth, and how to take care of it! He acts like a big brother for his class as he is quite wise for his age! He’s the first one to put an end to an argument by trying to get everyone to relax and just talk out there differences! He hates violence, and don’t take too kindly to people wanting to hurt his friends! He’s pretty intimidating when he get’s angry, and that’s normally enough to keep folks who might try to cause trouble away. Description: He’s quite a tall and big looking guy! He’s got short light brown hair that’s messed up, and thick hair that pokes out of the top of the flannel shirt he wears and that grows along his forearms. He wears dirty overalls and a pair of large steal toed boots. He had a large straw hat as well but only puts it on while he’s working, most of the time it’s just hanging off of his neck on his back. He’s got a bit of stubble on his chin too!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Pilot- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: He’s quite a perky young man! But only when he works on his plane or flying! Most of the time, he looks tired or miserable. Needless to say he hates having his feet on the ground! He’s often daydreaming about flying or just laying in the grass just staring into the clouds. He’s friendly for the most part, but unless you talk to him about something related to flying, odds are he won’t pay much attention to you! Flying just seems to be the only thing that helps him focus on....well, pretty much anything. Despite his lack of attention to most things though, he’s VERY smart! Not only is he a pretty skilled mechanic, but the dude is quite the Linguist! The guy knows Japanese, English, Spanish, German, Russian, and Italian! The only reason his classmates know this about him, is because he starts talking in another language when he starts getting bored in a conversation. He might seem distant to most of his classmates, or anyone really, but he does have a love for people, it’s just hard for him to focus on them, when there is a big old sky just out their waiting to be explored!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Hypnotist- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: It’s a little hard to say much about his personality when the man refuses to talk unless he’s using his talent! According to him, his voice is hypnotic to all who hear it, so he refrains from speaking. He’s a mysterious fellow that’s for sure! Apparently, he’s even so good at what he does that not even he is immune to his own talent, o much so that he keep a blindfold over his eyes at all time, so that when he uses his pendulum, he doesn’t enter into a trance as well! He’s quite helpful though, as if his classmates ever need to relax or need a nap and can’t sleep, he’ll gladly use his talent on them! He’s also capable of brainwashing people doing this, however he himself refuses to use it to make someone do something that would cause them harm or humiliate them!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Fisherman- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: This dude is an....odd one to say the least. He’s always telling stories about Ghosts, Monsters, Alien, and other stuff that he claims to have seen while out on the water! He’s a hugely superstitious person and is quite gullible, but the guy means well! He’s very knowledgeable when it comes to many forms of aquatic life and even has a pet Axolotl, that he claims to have saved it from being eaten by a Bigfoot while on one of his fishing trips! He’s likes to give “Good Luck” charms to his classmates anytime they’re about to do something stressful. They humor him and take the charms, just so his feelings aren’t hurt, the poor guy is just trying to help after all!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Comedian- Name: Autumn Miwa Gender: Female Personality: A ball of literal joy and sunshine! It’s nearly unheard of to see this girl sad or angry! She’s The Ultimate Comedian after all, and laughter and smiles are her MO! Pranks, Standup, Skits, Silly Outfits, Dancing, Jokes, Tickle Fights, Impersonations, Songs! You name it, this girl will do it to make someone laugh or crack a smile! She’s always the first to want to cheer someone up who looks like they’re not feeling so hot. She loves the sound of laughs an cheers and she gets all giggly herself when someone else is happy too! He favorite people to make smile, are the ones who always seem a bit shy or who don’t talk often, hearing those people snicker or giggle is enough to make her so energized that she could power an entire city for weeks! This said, she does know her place, when a situation arises that needs to be handled delicately, she’s more then willing to set aside her need to make the person smile in favor of just being there to comfort and hold them! This girl loves PDA, and has no problem with hugging or holding hands with some stranger! She especially loves it when they get they get a little sheepish about it, she thinks it’s adorable! There’s actually a sweet little Robocutie that she loves going in for sneak attack hugs and tickles, he always has the best reactions! However, deep down underneath this happiness, this poor girl is hiding quite the shocking secret. She suffers from a incurable and life threatening illness that will most likely kill her before the end of her late 40's. So, for now, she just wants others to enjoy her company and remember her as she is now! It's better that way!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Seamstress- Name: N/A Gender: Female Personality: Basically everyone’s idea of a grandmother in the form of a sweet young girl! She very gentle and kind, and has a need to make everyone around her comfortable! Warm clothes, Soft Blankets, Cute Plushies! She makes it all! She also makes warm cookies, though that has less to do with her talent and more to do with her general love for sweets! Though, as sweet as she is, she is also quite clever and tactful, and isn’t above a little bit of blackmail to get people to do what she wants. This is only done to people she may not care much for of course!  She LOVES AESTHETICES!!!! She has a mood board, one for each of her classmates that she always references from when making them something!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Actor- Name: N/A Gender: Male Personality: This guy is as dramatic as they come! He’s quite the overreactor, and tends to get super emotional over the smallest things, good or bad! For example, he once openly “proposed” to a girl in the middle of the Dining Hall, just because she was kind enough to let him have the last Dinner Roll that was left at the buffet table. And the other time he started acting like he would be raining fire and brimstone on a guy just because he accidently clipped him on the shoulder while trying to walk past him! He can be really exhausting to be around but is kind enough! Though, he does have a bad habit of accidently insulting others while trying to give compliments. Most of the time, he can be found practicing his parts for plays and movies alone in the gym. He adores dramas and tragedies most of all, even though he is more then capable of doing over forms of acting. This guy is a master at reading people, which is what makes him so good of an actor, he can sense deception from a mile away! So he’s a pretty hard person to fool!
Highschool Level Ultimate: Meteorologist- Name: N/A Gender: Female Personality: A small chucky lady who’s a sweet as candy! She’s a super smart young lady who loves the weather! She spends a lot of her free time collecting weather data and helping the folks in the greenhouse and gardens by giving them her findings so they can better their crops and protect them if needed. She has a fondness for rainy weather, but more so if it’s still sunny out while it’s raining! I has a huge obsession with Rainbows and Tornados, in fact one of her biggest dreams in life is to go on a real Storm Chase one day! Truly an adventurous young lady!
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sweariwouldnt · 7 years
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fadexbms · 5 years
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blueverysoul-blog · 7 years
A Dose of my Memories
Do you remember? The first time you lost a loved one like the first nervous feeling we felt when we first lose our tooth. Do you remember? The first heartbreak you’ve felt a traumatic one and being not enough like a lover who gave all she had but still felt unappreciated. The first time you joined a pageant and felt timid like the first time our parents scolded us. Do you remember?
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My body has become a diseased nest
A place for the reminance of life to live
A catacomb mined out
A look around, ruins all is in ruins
The slow collapse and destruction of the west
All that I know home no long Exists
I am a stranger
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goingbacktohogwarts · 6 years
@esalanly ‘s music ask meme
Music for thought
1. A song to read to     goodnight n go by ariana grande 2. A song to draw to     everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears 3. A song to think to     human by dodie 4. A song to energise you     family affair by mary j blige 5. A song to calm you     this love by taylor swift 6. A song to motivate you     god is a woman by ariana grande 7. A song to make you feel love     escape (the pina colada song) by rupert holmes 8. A song to make you feel young     hey, soul sister by train 9. A song to make you feel old    in the woods somewhere by hozier 10. A song to cry to     ronan by taylor swift 11. A song to love to     dancing in the moonlight by toploader 12. A song to dance to     mr brightside by the killers 13. A song to sing to     8TEEN by khalid 14. A song to laugh to     spice girl by amine 15. A song to give you shivers     lovely (with khalid) by billie eilish 16. A song to give you comfort     thinking out loud by ed sheeran 17. A song to give you inspiration     ribs by lorde 18. A song to give you security     you’ve got the love by florence + the machine 19. A song to give you delight     september by earth, wind and fire 20. A song to sleep to     berlin by RY X
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angellayers-blog · 6 years
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Now it wasn’t her first time on a hike, she’d been on plenty back when Harry was alive. sure it was really rare but they made sure to do as much as they could. Since Harry’s murder and the events in that town, Heather had stayed away from anything slightly resembling moments with her father.
until now that is, it’d been long enough and Heather really needed to get out more. So she took a trip and decided to hike about during her downtime. She didn’t expect to come upon a village but it really wasn’t too surprising. However, what was surprising was that it was so outdated looking.
She took her time upon descending but when she’s actually approaching the Village entrance she can’t help but analyze everything she saw. No bad vibes swam up and down her body so she felt it OK to continue her adventure in. Heather eventually finds a place looking similar to that of an inn, well. she has a hotel she’s using but she didn’t think it bad to rent a room for a little while, her hotel stay back in town was for a month anyhow.
when she enters she pauses to see a girl with long purple hair. Maybe they weren’t as outdated as she thought1 she usually would keep to herself but she strides to the other female. “Hey, nice hair!”
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hackernewsrobot · 3 years
Coastal Arctic Sea Ice Is Thinning Faster Than Previously Thought
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/coastal-arctic-sea-ice-is-thinning-faster-than-previously-thought1/ Comments
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moeengharbi · 5 years
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Shot from Thought1 Project. 2017
A Shot from a video clip for Katybon , made in 2017. 
Edit and color grading by myself. Enjoy.
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