gregorovitch-adler · 29 days
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Translation: Junior, I have told you several times that Lily prefers to be single, remember?
Lily is the new aroace icon. That's all.
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neptunezo · 25 days
I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out whats so appealing and familiar about the ship maxley from the goofy movie “an extremely goofy movie” and it finally hit me.
its literally drarry. its all just drarry. I cannot say this enough, it’s drarry. its draco malfoy x harry potter but as mickey mouse animals. which also means mickey mouse the clubhouse is the mauraders but we arent ready for that conversation just yet.
This is why its so appealing. We already know and love drarry, its now just a new form. Drarry is already an amazing put together dynamic (no thanks to jkr, we do NOT like her here!) and maxley is literally just the same dynamic but as skating goat-dog-things.
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ferydraws · 1 year
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The Almighty HALO BEAR-ER! ⚔️
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simplykorra · 5 months
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pain is what made me a sister warrior
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hotcinnamonsunset · 1 month
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“He holds himself with innately impeccable posture, as if he emerged fully formed and upright out of some beautiful Buckingham Palace posy garden one day.” -- Red, White & Royal Blue, chapter 1
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taikoturtle · 1 year
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trashmammal69 · 8 months
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None of these thoughts are in the bible…
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ritsuuu-0206 · 1 year
"Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea"
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thatthirstyweirdo · 1 year
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GAAAAAWD I LOVE HER!! I think she is a very sweet and nice and pretty little thing <33
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pxltown · 1 year
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raspberry tangerine, honey (i can taste me on you)
Text Message from Ate Mitch: hey you’re not kehlani can you turn it down im trying to sleep Reply: sorry ate 🫠
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annabellelupin · 11 months
(rwarb spoiler)
Queen Mary: well what about heirs???? you have to have kids youre a prince for fucks sake
Alex: kids? oh yeah we're totally having kids not at all a problem we'll surely make it happen
Henry: .... we are?????
Henry: wasn't at all aware of that but alrighty then
Alex: I mean in my mind we have like 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a cat so-
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fagidarity · 8 months
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sorrow, stupidity, resentment, remembrance
and the specific meanings i used [since they vary depending where you look]:
grass - submission
purple hyacinth - sorry, sorrow
nuts - stupidity
petunia - resentment, anger, your presence soothes me
geranium - stupidity, folly
forget-me-not - true love, remembrance
bleeding hearts - love, heartbreak
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desires-of-chain · 1 year
Another feral thought with poly chain is they all eat you out/suck you off. Either one of them do it and then they pass you around or they let you rest and then the next one continues.
Twilight and Wild are all up in there, hungrily devouring you as if you're the last meal for them. They growled once when you try to pull them away.
Warriors and Time got your legs thrown over their shoulders and your toes curled, body shaking with your eyes rolled back with nothing but grunts and gasps leaving your pretty mouth for all of them to hear.
Sky and Fierce let you cradle their face/head, letting you push them deeper into you even letting you fuck their face. They don't mind, any position you want, they'll be in it, ready for you.
Hyrule def ate you out/sucked you off inside a flower before and he'll do it again. Forget the nectar in the flower. He's got a meal right there before him.
Legend and Four happily does so, they love being between yours thighs. If you demand them, they will do so, maybe suffocate them a little bit, they like that.
First. Beloved First...would slowly build you up before completely wrecking you. Edge you before pulling away to come back and make you explode with stars behind your eyelids.
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katbarrell · 10 months
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It’s steal your girlfriends’ sweater o’clock
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shy-forceghost · 1 year
A round of applause to Kristina Tonteri-Young's acting in here because I'll never get tired of watching the details of this scene
I'm certain I've seen something about this somewhere else but I can't find the post so here you have:
I want you all to appreciate the plethora of emotions on Beatrice's body language (specially her eyes) in the "We've lost Mary" scene. She starts trembling when she understands the message, the pain of the news unsettling her so much that she physically reacts to it. Then she realizes she has to tell Ava, and re-adopts her strong façade because she has to be strong for Ava, to support her.
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But as soon as she sees Ava's expression (which we as a public can't see) she understands that she's safe with her. That she is allowed to break down in front of her. Ava reacts quickly, it's her who grabs Beatrice into the hug trying comfort her; trying to make her understand "it's ok, you can allow yourself to feel. I'm here".
Imagine how it might've been for Ava to see Bea trying to suppress her emotions even then, she can see her pain and the only thing she wants to do is try to tell her that she is not alone in that; so she goes to the same way Beatrice has comforted her before.
Of course Ava is hurting, too, but in that specific moment she knows exactly what Beatrice needs, which shows just how much their in tune with each other now.
Being hugged by Ava, Beatrice lets go the pain, you can see how much it breaks her.
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In addition to that, once she is comforted by Ava, the realization that Mary is actually gone sets in. The sister she's been asking about for months, hoping that she might be safe somewhere, has been dead all that time. You see the shift in her eyes from pain to fear in a brief moment, the moment Beatrice realizes that another one of her sisters (her other role model after losing Shannon) is dead and she is alone now. That's when she realizes she can lost Ava, too. That's the moment that makes her think "You are the only one I have left, and I don't think I could manage to lose you, too".
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spidercoffee · 2 years
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I wanna point this out — during the famous bar scene is the only time we see Bea actually full on laughing, not just a chuckle or smiling at Ava’s bad puns. It’s nice to see her for once just enjoying the moment, letting go a bit, even if just for a while. That girl probably hadn’t had a really good laugh in forever, and she probably needed it.
Someone else pointed out they stayed there until it closed (the lights were turning off as they walked out). Maybe they were enjoying themselves so much they lost time? (I imagine Bea had said prior to going there that they wouldn’t stay there for way too long.)
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