myrlin · 11 months
hey <3 im gonna play some ff14 for now and perhaps write later. if not, later in the week. the usual! i hope ur all well & drinking plenty <3
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bogkeep · 9 days
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lonely star
[siffrin is from in stars and time]
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frenchonionsoop · 5 months
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
thinking about when guts sent a bunch of his men directly into zodd's meat grinder without even knowing demons like him existed. and that moment after the fight where casca runs to griffith unconscious on the floor and tells guts it's all his fault. and the time gambino tells him he's bad luck and should have died instead. and about how he tells griffith he cares about his men, and how casca doesn't seem to see it. and the time guts is thinking about casca telling him it's all his fault (after he got griffith hurt) and then griffith comes to him and says (like it's nothing) do i need to give a reason every time i come to save you? or whatever. like he's worth it. like he's worth dying for, and like it can be a choice people make because they value you. like he's a good luck charm, like griffith needs him to reach his goals, his full potential. like griffith is not enough to make it without him. like griffith finds out when guts leaves. fuckin.g gnawing someone else's legs off because i still need mine to run into traffic
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boyfridged · 17 days
pehaps one of the first times when dick grayson halts and looks back is when robin dies.
pre-crisis dick grayson is a force of nature with little self-awareness regarding the tool of his vigilantism. and post-crisis dick grayson follows this pattern of behaviour for a while- until he does not. there is a single moment to pinpoint there, and it is unsurprisingly jason's death.
the discussion around their relationship often becomes one of whether or not dick was responsible for jason. the answer is, no- but i think it's a mistake to assume that he believes that himself, or that their relationship was not brotherly. dick chose to give jason his uniform. he told him he'd grow into it. and he said: "if there are any problems with bruce..." this was him telling jay their relationship goes beyond their respective connection to their father. batman might have been the one to initiate it, but dick chooses to go above that; claim his own relation; give his own blessing; give him a part of himself.
that bond - fragile because of distance but so strong in symbol, is not the only reason for the break that occurs -- it's the fact that the bond is constituted by robin. dick is a bit egocentric at times; we are all in grief; he can't help but think of robin dead, and think of himself. he's not someone who has a habit of stopping, and yet, a part of him came to a dramatic halt.
because surely this is a misunderstanding -- robin was a cure. a remedy. to think that something that was an expression of his grief and helped him overcome it became a source of grief... this is where the story reaches a sort of parallel with pre-crisis wherein dick leads to pre-crisis jason's parents' death. except it bites at the tail from a different angle.
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songsfromtheforest · 9 months
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Tried a new way of coloring last night, just experimenting to see what fits for me :)
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musubiki · 3 months
an interesting point i remembered that i will tack on to that last post is that lime gets cocky post-timeskip. the m-34th trained him enough so that he can spar with her (as seriously as they can as friends) and win, and from what he sees from her power now/remembers seeing from her power before, he considers himself on-par with her.
so he can take mochi in a fight. and 98% of things mochi can take in a fight, he can too.
but at some point they encounter that 2% of things that lime cant do. and for the first time he gets to see the raw unhindered destructive power of the cat witch in her prime, and its that oh-too-familiar humbling feeling. to see the kind of shit shes capable of just makes the whole guild fall silent
and its STILL true that he can take her in a fight, which gives him comfort, but he realizes that the ONLY reason thats still true is because of the witch's oath of not taking life
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hamable · 2 months
I’ve been so caught up thinking about the fight sequences and the animation styles and the writing and the antics aand the everything about Spy Family Code White that I forgot about the Ferris wheel. Oh my god oh my god oh my god the Ferris wheel.
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navxry · 2 months
Unpopular opinion about Genshin that I had with a friend (utc)
Is it bad that I'm starting to genuinely find the story too clean for it to be "good"? Like, it's so pure and so black and white coded on some areas that I physically just had to stop and go "... Eh, this is boring".
I get it. Genshin isn't flawless and that there's some issues with it etc etc, and that it's not always cut and dry, but you get what I mean, right?
I just find the game far too clean to really enjoy the nuances behind a person's actions. It's almost like a game of "oh great, who's gonna be this storylines bbeg?" and rolling my eyes when it's going to be the fatui after x amount of times.
Yes yes I'm aware the abyss order is bad and the fatui and oh their methods should be stopped whatever, but how about us? How about the people we help that are actually not as good as we think? How about those we made as companions turning against us because we trusted them?
I don't know, I just... Find it too straightforward with it's method. So much so that I've grown bored of. Yk. Following the plot along?
Maybe I'm just tired but. Yeah. Genshin's story is boring and I don't really find it exciting to go through it again. If anything, I just find their way of portraying good and evil just... So restrictive and so fucking cliche. It's driving me nuts and I WISH the devs would make it like HSR where it doesn't hold back on the dark themes.
I know it should've done that since Inazuma or Liyue or MOND, but to get that in Sumeru and Fontaine just makes what happened prior pale in comparison. And also, it's boring to look back on them because all I think now is "damn, they held back too much, now it looks like your stereotypical hero saves the day."
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eightyuh · 11 months
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hello 1am gang - here is a sneak peak at one of the panels in chapter 2 🤲
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notelectrictigerart · 21 days
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Finished watching all of Sliver Fang and had to draw John to keep little Gin/Sliver company
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fbfh · 1 year
The ending to chapter 11 of LUTD reminded me of this, ngl...
Nico: Y/N, you're going to have to stop screwing around if you want to be Leo's girlfriend.
Goth Shawty: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Girlfriend? I don't want to be Leo's "girlfriend".
Nico: Well... what do you want then?
Goth Shawty: I don't know. I just wanna be with him all the time. I wanna hear about his day, tell him about mine. I wanna hold his hand and smell his hair. But I don't want to be his stupid girlfriend.
Nico: Y/N, what you just described is a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.
Nico, under his breath: And a pretty clingy one at that.
JLKGJSLKJSSLKSDJD LITERALLY. anon you just described Leo and goth shawty perfectly. reader really said "I don't want to be his girlfriend ew no I just want him to be completly devoted to me and not touch anyone else or be attracted to anyone but me."
nico: "...so you want to be his girlfriend."
seriously though once Leo gets goth shawty to really open up she's going to be the clingiest motherfucker on earth but like same bc it's Leo. who wouldn't be clingy as hell with him.
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volivolition · 3 months
Any updates on all wip fics? and what is your ao3 username if you have one?
if you don't want to share any info, it's all good
i hope you know how hard i am YIPPEE-ing after getting this ask, I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY FIC WIPS!!!! YEAHGKJH!!!! <33 my AO3 is also volivolition, but i dont have anything posted there yet :]
TL;DR: I have 4+ WIPs im working on simultaneously: Unstoppable Force Kisses Immovable Object - A Voli/Echem enemies -> enemies with benefits -> friends with benefits -> lovers fic that started as PWP but whoops its not just smut anymore lmao? Meet the Parts that Make You - A "Kim introduced to the Skills" fic! Let's Make It (a) Home - A Skills fic showing the aftermath of the amnesia wiping out Harry's mindspace, with the Skills working together to rebuild it into a home during the Hanged Man case. Mostly domestic fluff. Swept Up in the Feeling - An Empathy-centric fic, originally an excuse to do Skill character studies. Empathy understanding each skill while they do activities together <3 (gained a plot. suddenly.)
ANYWAY!! more info, snippets and musings under the cut!
Unstoppable Forces Kisses Immovable Object Word Count: 18722 Rating: Explicit Okay, so technically this document isn't just one story. It's my catch-all "any Volistry writing goes HERE" containment zone. Like I said, this wasn't supposed to be anything big, I just wanted to write a bunch of drabbles and practice writing smut because I've never done that before. But then the drabbles started connecting to each other and Voli and Echem started falling in love without asking me and so it's like. A whole thing now lmao?
they bring me so much joy. they're so fun to write, because volition will say something so normal and echem will find some way to misconstrue it and volition will bicker and echem will flirt back and volition will sigh and they're so fucking funny to me. they just keep talking, their back-and-forth banter is so natural to write, which is why this fic is so long hkgjh
they learn to balance each other out!! i want them to be soft and witty with each other and i'll. cry about them. if you catch me at the right time i will wax poetic about their relationship but right now they're just being incoherently rotated in my brain.
anyway here's a snippet, i have so much written for this damn fic that i had trouble choosing lmao. it's like. mildly suggestive? but truly nothing blatant, just cutesy shit lmao
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Meet the Parts that Make You Word Count: 3886 Rating: Mature This fic is the closest of the four to being abandoned lmao? Or at least I want to finish Swept Up before writing this one, because as it stands I feel like I can't grasp everyone's characters right without doing some character study beforehand. It might also be because I'm currently more obsessed with the Skills instead of the humans, though i still love them.
but yes! Meet the Parts that Make You is a fic after Martinaise, established relationship for KimHarry, where Kim is casually introduced to the skills over dinner, and they document their findings in Kim's notebook over the course of about a week. it's a lot of skills banter and silly moments!! harry can honestly say that every single part of him loves Kim.
here's where they're trying to show off each of their different specialties, featuring Reaction Speed and Hand/Eye Coordination who are my sillies.
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Let's Make It (a) Home Word Count: 1896 Rating: Teen+ I think if I want to finish any fic first, I want it to be this one, because it really sets the scene for the rest of the universe of all my other fics. The main gist is that Perception can pull in anything that Harry's looking at into the mindspace, and once they figure this out, most of the skills go "Hey we should bring in more things so we can decorate!"
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volition my friend and perpetual spoilsport :3 anyway, different skills affect the object's properties! Perception can pull things in, Interfacing can give it texture, Conceptualization can make it different colors and Reaction Speed can duplicate it. Empathy makes it so the object has the correct feelings attached to it (Dora's letter, for example) and Half Light can immediately destroy the object (Dora's letter, for example).
this fic is basically The Hanged Man case, but from the perspective of the Skills. i think it focuses on some specific skills, but maybe not all of them because I'd die if i had to give each one of them an individual chapter. maybe i'll smoosh some skills together? i love all of them and i want all of them to get some screen time, but it would wreck me lmao
i have a whole Volition scene written out and i think its so fucking gorgeous bro... i love writing. it's like... rebuilding after death, the skills have a kind of blank slate too, you know? they're learning to work together again, regaining memories, making new ones, making a home together. the way different skills need to work together to make an object in the mindspace real. I WANT THEM TO BE A HAPPY FAMILY. AUHG.
Swept Up in the Feeling Word Count: 5103 Rating: This is Mature. Except the Echem chapter. Which is Explicit.
EMPATHY MY FAVORITE SKILL. OUGH. EMPATHY. MY FRIEND. this fic is about Empathy getting roped into a bunch of shenanigans with the other skills, and goes along with it all while better understanding each of them.
so remember when i said I'd die if i had to give each one of them an individual chapter? yeah. that's because THIS is the story where i give each one of them an individual chapter.
24 chapters, one per each skill. Including, but not limited to:
Exercising with Physical Instrument!
Art time with Conceptualization!
Performance with Drama!
Listening to Encyclopedia infodump!
Reminiscing with Volition!! (THEY ARE CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS!!!)
Staying up late with Endurance
"Overstimulated Skills Support Group" with Perception
Talking about understanding people vs understanding machines with Interfacing
Talking about understanding people vs understanding specific people with Esprit de Corps
Apologizing to Composure about making their life harder with UNNECESSARY FEELINGS ("as if we don't deal with enough of our own, you bring in other people's emotions for me to hide?" "why do we always need to hide them?" "BECAUSE... :| Just because.")
A Talk with Half Light.
Y'know... with Electrochemistry (there's more to it than just that though lmao)
This fic will be the death of me, with all the skills, but I really really want to do skill character studies. I need to research their lines on Fayde and understand each of them so I can write all of them better.
This is also so I can be obsessed with each of them. Currently I have a lot of faves, but I don't care about all of them yet when i WANT TO!! i want to know each of them intrinsically!! I wrote a bit of the Endurance chapter and I didn't use to care for him very much, but then I wrote the lines
"Endurance is not tired; he can't afford to be. Not when everyone else is. He would stand before any of them, from the first intellect to the last motoric, in order to take a blow meant for someone frailer, less capable of surviving it. He will endure it instead."
and now I'm sympathetic to him. like, ough. If I understand them, then I learn to love them, and that's also why I'm writing it from Empathy's perspective! Empathy feels what other the other skills feel and does bonding activities with them with similar feelings, does that make sense? i really want to learn characterization for each of them, this fic truly is just an excuse for me to do character studies so i know all their character motivations.
BUT. it also has backstory plot now that im invested in lmao? based off of character design that i have. I STILL NEED TO POST MY SKILL REFS. RAUGH. but yeah all of my stories get too big for me really, i always bite off more than i can chew for projects like this lmao.
Other Fics: Skill Body Swap Fic! its shoved into Unstoppable Force's document for the time being, since this is mostly an excuse for Volition/Echem swap (Echem's body is ~sensitive~ if you're not used to it and i love putting voli through Situations. meanwhile Volition's body has the morale health pool in it that echem has to take care of), and ive only written that specific swap, but i think it'd be cool if i swapped EVERY SKILL.
Logic and Drama would be funny hkjgh Drama would 1) immediately slot into the new role and be extremely good at pretending nothing is wrong. What do you mean, he hasn't switched bodies with anyone? That's highly improbable. 2) love saying lies as if they were appropriate conclusions, and actual Logic would be like "That's literally wrong. Stop that."
Empathy and Composure would be interesting! Empathy's body is constantly picking up on everyone's emotions, and also is always on the brink of tears. Composure's body is not made to experience the same emotions, much less the emotions of others. Empathy's cut off from feeling and Composure is struggling not to fucking cry, poor guy.
Shivers and anyone? I just think Shivers should be small and worried about her connection to Revachol. and some other skill is just like "WHY IS THIS SO OVERWHELMING. HELLO??"
i dont know, theres a lot of ways i could go with this, i'll figure it out lmao. if anyone has suggestions for interesting/funny swaps and is even reading this far, let me know
The Sunrise Momentum. I SWEAR TO GOD IF I DONT WRITE THIS FIC. I NEED TO FUCKING WRITE THIS. Volition's vow with Harry that i cry about once per day. VOLITION IS TO HARRY AS HARRY IS TO REVACHOL. AUGH. "I will do everything in my power to keep you alive. I will keep you on this earth." my knight in lavender armor i am OBSESSED WITH YOUUUU!! *vibrates at high velocity*
okay that's about it, thanks for reading my RAMBLES!!
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realpokemon · 2 years
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essential-randomness · 5 months
TFW you realize there's a typo in the title of the post of your very important content hours after posting it
In my defense, it took me 2 and a half hours to write the copy and post it across 4 different socials (and this is in addition to the time that took me to write the blog post) so by the time I got to Tumblr I was literally dying. You have no idea how grueling every single piece of this work is going to be.
I don't really know why I'm saying this, but I guess if the spirit of 2024 is (also) to help people understand the reality of what we're fighting against, then I should let people know that every single piece of content I'm going to put out is hours and hours of work I wish I was spending on actually making the incredibly important progress that is right in front of me.
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snowdecahdrn · 7 months
Nothing beats the power I feel doing my physics homework on a whiteboard in the library 😈
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