marzipanandminutiae · 17 days
Wanna be horrified with me?
I had to watch a document about white colonizers in Canada for class and there was a throwaway line about a young woman travelling out to the "Northwest" (basically the prairie provinces of Canada) to get married and having ALL HER TEETH PULLED and replaced with dentures before the move.
Take me out behind the barn and shoot me first. That made me cringe so hard.
I just looked this up to see if it was a Thing. Big mistake.
No pictures, thank god, but anecdotal evidence that it has been a Thing on and off, in various cultures- especially in Acadia, which checks out here -into the 1970s in some cases. IE people saying "oh yeah, my great-grandma had that!" It seems to have mostly been isolated, not mainstream. Not that that's stopped myth-makers from claiming that ALL VICTORIAN BRIDES HAD THEIR TEETH REMOVED!!!! I hardly need to say that I've found no evidence of this- indeed, I've never read anything about an adult woman with healthy teeth having needless extractions in the 19th century until today (primarily reading publications and letters from urban or suburban areas of the US and UK, and sometimes France). And plenty of married or simply older women discussing tooth problems- one letter I read from 1820s Boston had a married fortysomething lady complaining about a toothache, for example
Actually, I'm finding more early-mid 20th century sources about it, now I really poke around. Interesting. I almost wonder if it didn't gain in popularity as infection became less of an issue, rather than being an older practice.
The idea, apparently, was that you couldn't have tooth problems if you didn't have teeth. Which is. Interesting and highly flawed logic, because now you have Got All My Teeth Extracted In A Pre-Antibiotics Era problems. Plus potential bone loss in your jaw, over time, which causes other issues.
Yeesh. I need to go brush and floss 15 times, brb
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canonkiller · 28 days
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they didn't even give me the teeth after
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whumpfish · 24 days
Extractions! (Tooth vs. Nail)
I've been wanting to do this one for a long time, for all you torture fans out there...
So I metabolize lidocaine like a motherfucker, and any time I get a local, I always have to get a second one halfway through whatever is being done. For the most part, doctors and dentists listen to me when I say this... for the most part.
(The oral surgeon did not give me my second shot when I asked for it.)
1. Any fillings you have will collapse under the pressure of an extraction, even a medicated one. (I'm not sure if this is true for metal ones; all of mine are plaster.) It produces a half-crunch, half-thunk sound that reverberates in that half of your skull and sounds absolutely terrifying.
2. The pain of an unmedicated extraction is acute and radiating at the same time. The acute part feels more like having a stiletto stabbed upward into that space than a tooth taken out in a downward motion.
2a. In maxillary extractions, the stab goes straight up, and depending on the location of the tooth, that stab can feel pointed anywhere from your eyeball (frontmost) to right into your brain (rear).
2b. Mandibular extractions* stab downward from the chin (frontmost) to the hinge of your jaw and straight down your throat (rear).
3. The radiating part spreads like a flower blooming, from a concentrated central point outward in a rolling movement.
4. Your ears might pop like an airplane taking off as that blooming pain reaches the hinge of your jaw. Sometimes only in the one ear.
(I have been doing minor self-surgery** for years because I am genetically predisposed to ingrown nails, and if I don't catch it in time, they grow straight down and I have to extract them to be able to trim them. If I really don't catch it in time, they grow straight down and then curl backward, and I have to get an actual surgeon involved.)
1. Self-surgery, split off edge of nail, 0 to 1/2" down and backward: You have to wiggle these in a sawing/rocking motion back and forth in order to get that tiny bit of root to let go, and when you "saw" backward it feels more like a steak knife than a butter knife, this time moving with the direction of the nail. Then it reverses when you actually yank.
1a. The yank hurts more than the sawing, sharp like a stab from a steak knife instead of one being pushed in slowly.
1b. You will get the best whump out of a whumper splitting off the edges of the nail and doing this and then yanking the middle part
2. Medicated: Locals in the toe/finger area hurt like a bitch. They're sharp and needling like a stiletto to a paper cut, then if someone tried to pry that cut open. At the same time, they feel hot, almost burning. (Hotter than anesthetic being pushed through an IV, if you're familiar with that sensation.) And there are so many nerves involved that just the first round of locals takes 3-4 shots.
3. Unmedicated, grown down and backward, 1/2" to 3/4": The last time I went in, my surgeon said "given the amount of times I have to shoot you up, you'll probably hurt less if I just yank." (She was right.) This sumbitch goes in both directions, down/back from where the root is, then forward. The down/back is a stabbing pain. The forward is like somebody trying to pry open that papercut, a sensation probably caused by the fact that you are in fact messing with something stuck in a very small cut in the skin, in my case the cut was just caused by the nail that has now been removed.
4. If it is a toenail extraction, you are going to bleed significantly more than teeth or fingernails, because your body has to work harder pushing blood up through your leg veins than it does pushing it down into your shoe. Especially when you take a step. Ibuprofen makes this worse. If you take ibuprofen at all that day, expect your shoe to fill up when you take a step. (Mine did, scaring the tar out of everyone present, including me.)
Pain Intensity Verdict:
Teeth > Nails. By a LOT.
Happy yanking!!
*Because of nerve fuckery, dentists using the sonic cleaning tool despite my warnings results in a pain on the level of extractions, and the sensations described here are based on my experience with that.
**This never fails to horrify my friends. They'll see what I'm fixing to work on and say, "Oh ouch, that's bad, go to the doctor," and I'm just like "nah, just get me isopropyl alcohol and some office supplies, I got this."
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clownsketch · 2 months
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I’m scared of the dentist
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echoingalaxies · 10 months
mouth/tooth whump ideas from someone who will have a couple of wisdom teeth removed in twelve hours and is being very brave about it (not)
getting punched in the face while still recovering from a tooth extraction
being forced to eat hard and very hot/cold food with broken teeth
agonising procedures without pain medication <3
if whumpee wishes to have their wound stiched, they better do it themselves, so what if the injury is on the back of their mouth, it's either trying to do that or not have that done at all :)
whumpee who has suffered through tooth-related trauma, in the hands of whumper or not, refusing going to the dentist for ages even though they know they desperately need a lot of dental work done
whumpee who has lost some/all of their front teeth and avoids smiling or talking because they're ashamed of how they look
worry and anxiety about getting complications (dry sockets etc.) hurting whumpee more than the healing wounds, and they can't relax at all for more than a week after
bonus defiant whumpee: biting off whumper's finger when they're trying to do something to their teeth/mouth. they will be punished twice as hard after, of course.
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feryl-the-clown · 3 months
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I had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday, figured I’d share it with my fellow freaks. 🩸 🦷
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jujulsbp · 3 months
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cherrysoldier · 10 months
just got my top two wisdom teeth out, i can already feel myself getting sillier
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333riiikaa · 5 months
premolar extractions healing?
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I got my upper premolars extracted a week ago. Are they healing?? The left side has been sorta hurting but the right does not at all. I’m getting braces in a week so I just went to make sure i’m on the right track….
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painaltar · 1 year
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You want me tooth- Mother of Jesus, no way!
Sharpe's Siege (1996)
Another one for @gohoubi ;). Plus a lil Bonus Gif
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thewritehag · 6 months
Okay, first of all, laughing gas is amazing. Secondly, I had to remind myself I wasn't dying a couple times
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ramblingzombpossum · 7 months
Now that my spleen is taken care of, I decided it was time to do away with my wisdom teeth.
Am I in pain?
Am I going to do anything about it?
Am I still certain if I walked out of that office without having them ripped out of my conscious mouth, I never would have gone back and lived on with infection in my mouth?
Fuck yeah I would have, I don't like dentists, and the moment they brought out the novacaine I was about to bolt. Not because of the needle, I just hate that shit.
The had to drill one of my teeth part way in half, then apply extreme pressure to break the tooth and pull it out, and 10/10, it was still better than having that first fucking drain.
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cursedpainter13 · 1 year
The goblins have stolen one of my teeth
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ashe-n-abel · 11 months
God jaw hesd pain hard hurt curl into a ball and die me yes... is normal yes? The pain? The agony after lods? Is this what feels like absense? I miss tooth...
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copperbora · 1 year
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Today Premolar 25 forcibly departed my mouth and thanks to the magic of modern medicine it was not nearly as awful as it really could have been as experiences go. I'm very glad that it is gone considering the fact that it was apparently already beginning to get infected! And yeah, it hurts, and I tensed up like crazy, holding on for dear life to the gurney with my legs, but you know the actual worst part?
The sounds. The horrific cracking of my tooth breaking under my dentist's formidable might was excrutiatingly amplified by my skull bones. The cutting drill's loud, angry whine and the hiss of the vacuum. At one point I felt a piece of tooth shrapnel fly disturbingly across my mouth! I mercifully did not feel my tooth's pointed canine-like root finally come free and afterwards they gave me a few merciful minutes of break from the mauling of my maw.
Powdered human bone - yep, from cadavers (one mustn't think about it too much apart from being thankful,) - was mixed with sterile saline then packed into the hole which Premolar 25 had recently occupied just minutes before. Finally, an unknown quantity of stinging sutures applied with the tiniest of needles sealed in the graft.
Gauze was stuffed in my mouth between my teeth, the details were settled on my dental funding coverage, and I was sent home, to where I now sit, desperately telling my tongue to stop obsessing over the gauze clamped between my teeth lest it make me gag. (My mouth hates foreign objects profoundly.)
I now get to relax the rest of the day. Thank goodness.
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bonnytinyseo · 1 year
Çocuk Diş Macunu
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