bpod-bpod · 27 days
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Spread on Chips
A micropatterned chip that mimics the natural conditions of tumour spread into surrounding tissue in 3D. Invasive (metastatic) potential of cancer cells can be measured, and therapeutics screened
Read the published research article here
Still from a video from work by Smiti Bhattacharya and colleagues
Barbara T. Murphy Division of Nephrology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Published in Science Advances, August 2024
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s2rt-han-r · 3 months
Episode 13 of my Podcast is now available.
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bluesummit · 5 months
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The latest research (2021-2024) unveils the grim truth of preventable illnesses and accidents that claim countless lives across India. Let's prioritize public health and safety to stem this tragic tide.
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privatesono · 6 months
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madewithonerib · 1 year
3.] Why money is spiritually dangerous
Now thirdly why has money got this kind of power?
   •  Why can it be so addictive?    •  Why can it blind us?    •  Why can it puff us up?    •  Why can it corrupt us?    •  Why  can it do these things? [18:04] 
And the answer we will find as we see how JESUS actually interacts with this rich young man:
 [1] the first thing is it we're told that basically JESUS        was at a theological Q&A, & a certain ruler asked        “Good teacher what must I do to inherit eternal        life?” Now JESUS was a Rabbi, and so this guy is        basically trying out HIS theology.
       He wants to say “Okay what do YOU think I have        to do to inherit eternal life?” This “how can I be        saved?' it's a perfectly good question to ask any        religious professor because it's a way of getting        to the heart of what their system of salvation is
       [their system of theology is]
       So he asked JESUS, now almost everything JESUS        says after this question, it's very surprising. [18:56] 
       If you've been reading the NT, you've been reading        Luke 18, you get to this place — almost everything        JESUS says for the next several verses it's just kind        of like what your first impression is: “huh?!”
       So he says what must I do to inherit eternal life?
       Look v.20, “You know the commandments, do not        commit adultery/murder/steal/false testimony,        honor your parents.
In other words, obey the Ten Commandments & you'll be saved. Now is that surprising that JESUS said that?!
Yeah especially if you've been reading Luke 18 because —just before this, I can in Luke 9 to 14—just before this JESUS has told a parable.
3.1] Parable of Self-Righteousness
It's called the parable of Pharisee & the tax collector —it's a parable of two men, a Pharisee & tax collector who go in to pray.
And the Pharisee says “Oh LORD, I thank YOU that I'm not like other men, I thank YOU I have not committed adultery & I'm not like the adulterers; and I I give my money away, & I obey the commandments..”
And JESUS said
      “Here's a person who's confident in his own       righteousness, but then the tax collector &       all he did was look to Heaven, and saying he       couldn't even look to Heaven for all he did       was call and say, “LORD be merciful to me a       sinner!”
And what does JESUS say is the lesson of the parable?
HE says: If you think that you are good, that you have obeyed the commandments—if you're confident your own righteousness, you will be lost
      because nobody's good enough to be saved       no one can be saved by their works but only       if you ask for GOD's grace.
Only if you ask for GOD's mercy will you be saved, and therefore there's those two men: one is confident in his obedience to the Law.
The other one says “Just be merciful to me a sinner.”
And JESUS as I say unto you, it's that second man, it's the tax collector who went home justified.” So JESUS just said
      You can't be saved by obeying the Ten       Commandments & here's the guy said
      “What must I do to be saved?” he says
      Oh obey the 10 commandments okay
This is the joy of reading the NT, you're going along & JESUS says one thing—and almost in the next moment HE says something that just totally seems to be wrong
It's actually one of the ways that JESUS gets us to think
   •  “Why is HE doing this?”    •  “Why does HE say that huh?”
Well here's why HE said that!
Why didn't HE say: “Oh you need to be saved through grace—and so receive ME as your personal LORD and SAVIOUR because I'm going to the to the cross; and if you believe in ME, then you'll get GOD's forgiveness
3.2] Why Agree He Obeyed the            10 Commandments?
Why did HE say that isn't the right answer?
Yeah it's right, so why didn't HE say that?! Because the guy would have said, “I don't need grace.” You see he has got the confidence—that successful people often have.
Because you notice what he says in v.21?
     “Oh I've kept all these since I was a boy! I'm      completely obedient, I obey that sure I obey      all the commandments.
Okay see JESUS knew that if HE actually told him: “You need to be saved by grace, the guy would have just laughed—because he says no I don't!
He has no need for grace—so what JESUS is trying to show him is that he does, & actually HE signals “you might say you know.”
HIS purpose, you know where HE's going here in v.19—the first thing JESUS says is:
     Why do you call ME good? No one is good      except GOD alone. Now again at first sight      that looks surprising, but if you watch very      carefully, JESUS is extremely careful
     HE doesn't say “I'm not good.”
What HE's actually saying is:
Why are you going up to a human being at least, as far as you're concerned—just a plain human Rabbi & calling them good?
When only GOD in Heaven is good, and say JESUS is actually doing nothing but invoking a very important strand in OT theology.
     Psalm 130:3-4 | If YOU, O LORD, kept track of      iniquities, then who, O LORD, could stand?      ⁴ But with YOU there is forgiveness, so that      YOU may be feared.
See even the OT said nobody can be saved if GOD really starts looking at everybody's list of sins, nobody keeps the commandments!
Nobody keeps the commandments perfectly!! So JESUS is trying to get there, but HE starts by saying well obey all the commandments; & by the way theological there is nothing wrong with saying that.
Sure if you live a completely righteous life, if you obey all the Laws absolutely & fully—if you give GOD the life that HE asked from a human being perfectly..
     well of course there should be no barrier      between you & GOD.
Well JESUS is saying:
     It's not actually wrong, but then HE makes      HIS move & here is what HE does in v.22-3      HE says—when JESUS heard this, HE said to      him “Now what is HE saying here?”
It's really kind of surprising:
     You still lack one thing: Go sell everything      you have & give to the poor & you will have      treasure in Heaven.
     Then come follow ME.
Say I told you almost everything, JESUS says:
     Here you go, what is HE saying that the only      way for anyone to be saved & go to Heaven      is to give away all your money to the poor?
**************************************************************** WARNING: Take this with a grain of salt, Keller is not only fond of status & what money can buy, but he's said on numerous accounts how he esteems what others think of him [fear of man].
This dangerous mindset has close links to keeping up with the Joneses—mentality of never enough. ****************************************************************
Well the reason HE's probably, so we can be certain that HE's not saying that is because HE's often been confronting people.
I mean Nicodemus & the woman at the well—we'll get back to her in a second, and other people have come & asked a similar question:
What must they do to be saved?
HE's never ever before said give away your money to the poor—& therefore the real question is why is HE doing it for this guy?
Obviously it's not a requirement for salvation—but why is he doing it for this guy? I think here's what's going on.. HE's actually saying
      Oh you obey the commandments? Do you?       Well then, let us just take a look at one of       those Commandments: 1st commandment
      Thou shalt have no other gods before ME!
You should love nothing more than GOD, so let's just see how you're doing on that one. And the reason HE brings up money, it's because it's this guy's issue.
See let's go for a moment to the woman at the well, the reason HE goes after this guy like this is because they already sang about it here
      HE's the wonderful counselor, HE's a skillful       surgeon, HE knows what the tumors are in       your soul—that are destroying you and
      squeezing GOD out of your life
Now the reason why HE goes after money is because that's the tumor in this man's soul, just to explain this or help you see this.
You remember JESUS CHRIST in John 4, HIS encounter with a woman at the well? When HE meets a woman at the well in Samaria..
How lovely is it that JESUS always contextualizes HIS Message? HE does not have a little little formula that HE always hits people with.
Never! Here HE's talking about basically salvation HIS spiritual treasure, because that's the guy's issue; with the one at the well, she's drawing water & HE says oh I have a living water. I have a water that if you drink, you'll never be thirsty again.
It's the water of eternal life, & the woman says:
“Oh give me that water sir, & HE says okay go get your husband—bring me your husband.” And she says “I do not have a husband.”
HE says: I know you've had five husbands & the man you're living with right now is not your husband.”
What is JESUS doing?
     I think that's just as strange as this one, where      is he going & the answer is this: The reason HE      doesn't talk about money to her is that is not      her issue. What is her issue?
     Romance, love men,
Because you see everybody's heart has to look to some thing for hope—something for its meaning—something for significance & security.
     And everybody has a heart/faith in which the      entire weight of your soul, your hopes & your      dreams—your need for value and significance      insecurity, it's all resting on this
     In her case it was romance & love — and what      JESUS was saying is this: If JESUS had just said      to her or this guy oh you need to have faith in      ME as your LORD & SAVIOUR, then you will get      eternal life
And if they said “YOU know for all I know maybe both of them might say, “Okay,” but they don't know what that means & JESUS is telling them what that means
     JESUS is saying look I don't want you just      mentally assenting I am the MESSIAH.
Do you not see that right now it's romance & love, that's your living water! That's your self-salvation —that's your hope & your meaning in life.
   •  That is your significance.    •  That's your security
And if you want MY living water, you have to transfer that heart trust from these things to ME, you must not look to anything to give you what only I can give you.
And JESUS is saying the same thing now to this guy.
The Grace of Generosity P1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | Timothy J. Keller [Luke 18:18-30]
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knowthebestt · 1 year
Get Best Treatment from the Best Neurologist in Punjab at Amar Hospital
Finding the best neurologist in Punjab can be a daunting task, but at Amar Hospital, we strive to make it easier for our patients. Our team of highly skilled and experienced neurologists use state-of-the-art technology and techniques to diagnose and treat neurological disorders with utmost precision. From headaches to seizures, from spinal cord injuries to Alzheimer's disease, our {keyword} have extensive knowledge in treating various neurological conditions. We understand that every patient is unique and requires personalized attention, which is why we take a holistic approach towards treatment. At Amar Hospital, we provide compassionate care coupled with advanced medical procedures that ensure optimal outcomes for our patients. Trust us as your healthcare partner as we work together towards improving your quality of life!
Visit website: https://amarhospital.com
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indospinehospital · 2 years
Cervical Spine Tumors - indospine
Both benign and malignant spinal tumours may require surgical intervention before or after treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation.
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baltharino · 9 months
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House M.D. (2004-2012) 1x01 // 8x22
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wingheadshellhead · 5 months
tony stark vs the flesh is a prison and being put through every cosmic horror trope known to existence when he's forced to live beyond his mortal lifespan. he is schrodinger's silly rabbit, marvel's little lovecraftian babygirl
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bpod-bpod · 7 months
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Malignant Memoir
Using single-cell and spatial (across the tumour tissue landscape) multi-omics (including profiling the genome and gene activity) – to map the evolution of colorectal cancer and its microenvironment simultaneously as the disease progresses. Insight for stratifying disease type and treatments
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Cody N. Heiser and colleagues
Program in Chemical and Physical Biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Published in Cell, December 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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s2rt-han-r · 1 year
Episode 10 of my podcast is now available.
View On WordPress
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blood-orange-juice · 2 months
Apparently, if you have completed the 4.2 Archon quest Childe will not appear in Imaginarium Theatre.
Tech support says it's not a glitch. Hoyo are also not doing that for any other characters, Nahida will show up even if she's still locked up, for example.
Either we are not allowed to talk to him to avoid lore bombs, or he's involved in something fun.
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xia0ming56 · 2 months
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Hi guys im not dead i hav js had a vv chaotic july might b slower on posting now cos of uni tho but thx for sticking around :,))
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knowthebestt · 1 year
Find Best Neurologist in Punjab at Amar Hospital
If you are in search of the best neurologist in Punjab, then look no further than Amar Hospital. As a top-tier medical facility that boasts state-of-the-art equipment and skilled physicians, Amar Hospital is committed to providing its patients with the highest quality care possible. With years of experience treating neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy, their team of board-certified neurologists has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional results. From detailed diagnostic procedures to comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient's individual needs, their approach is both thorough and compassionate. So if you or someone you love is struggling with a neurological disorder, don't hesitate - schedule an appointment with Amar Hospital today and discover firsthand what sets them apart from the rest.
Visit website: https://amarhospital.com
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melrosing · 2 months
went upstairs to give my dad his meds and he was like I have just had a lovely breakfast and I’m like what you mean the stir fry you just had for dinner and he’s like yes. I’m like ok glad it was nice but it is evening ! and he says in that case he will have a choc ice so I’m like sound and go and get him a choc ice and come back and he says no I can’t have this it’s too early I have just finished breakfast. anyway the doctors say he’s doing well on the new trial meanwhile I’m losing all sense of time as a construct
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captainkirkk · 5 months
I know you asked how the fatphobia was allowed in the house hospital and like, American hospitals are still extremely fatphobic
Oh I'm fully aware. Chase's lines in particular were terrible but rang very true to early 00s Australian ways of thinking about fatness, I heard all of what he said and more growing up (and even now lbr)
I was surprised that multiple people wrote the episode and edited it and then aired it without a second thought
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