#TV Heaven
luriuan · 4 months
That is Poseidon’s favorite child. That is his baby dude 😭. He already loves him so much you can just SEE IT.
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moonjiminn · 2 months
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looks like a fool in love to me..
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 10 months
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RIP Angus Cloud :(
Euphoria S02E01 ‘Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door’
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fredfilmsblog · 2 years
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Network Branding 1988-1990 The Best of Original Cartoons
TV Heaven and HA! TV Comedy Network
Fred/Alan, Inc. New York
For a quick minute in the late 1980s, Nickelodeon's ad sales group could not sell Nick-at-Nite advertising ("no one wants black and white reruns!"), so they decided they'd promote themselves as a comedy network.
So, my Fred/Alan partner Alan Goodman and I brought our original idea of TV oldies to a broken down UHF channel in St.Cloud, Minnesota, and renamed Channel 47 "TV Heaven." We got more publicity in three weeks than Nick-at-Nite got three years. Nick-at-Nite parent MTV Networks threatened to fire us from all their networks and we had to resign TV Heaven.
But not before we made some awesome station identifications with our indie animation friends.
In 1990, MTV Networks revived the idea of an all comedy network in a panic after HBO launched the Comedy Channel. Fred/Alan convinced MTVN to brand theirs as HA! The TV Comedy Network, and we went to work.
(Neither The Comedy Channel or HA! succeeded and they merged, Fred/Alan named the venture "Comedy Central" and the rest is comedy television history.)
Creative directors: Alan Goodman & Fred Seibert
Producer: Tom Pomposello Logo design: Noel Frankel ..... TV Heaven station identifications 1988
Production companies: International Rocketship, Vancouver BC; Fred Mogubgub, NY. . . . . . HA! network identifications 1990 Production companies: Lou Brooks & Jerry Lieberman, NY; Charlex, NY; International Rocketship, Vancouver BC; (Colossal) Pictures, SF; Marc Karzen, NY.
Pages 256-259 “The Best of Original Cartoons-Produced by Fred Seibert”
#7 The FredFilms Professional Library (Amazon)
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froschli96 · 10 months
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🗣️ Darlin', you give love a bad name
Found this in my old wip folder and it feels now more relevant than ever :)
Also these don't know why I never uploaded these they were just sitting there completely finished:
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something tells me our ghoulie would be fond of period sex (i’ll go to horny jail now)
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Female Reader
Word Count: 2,839
Warnings: smut (18+), blood play, bloody cunnilingus/bloody kisses, period sex, masturbation (male), rough sex, creampie, biting.
Notes: Can't lie, this was my immediate thought watching him tear into that bloody chunk of meat for the first time. I usually try to include at least a little plot, but this is basically all porn. Very fun submission to write; thank you! Please save a good seat for me on the bench in horny jail, I'll be in promptly.
Fun fact: orgasms can help relieve period cramps for some people.
Today had been a poor choice of start point for this long walk.
Normally, trekking across the bombed out western seaboard was strenuous and uncomfortable enough, the deadly sun baking seemingly the entire planet to a crisp, the cloying dehydration, the constant danger that something or someone was around the corner, ready to eat you. It was a far cry from the safety and monotony of the vault you'd grown up in. Usually, you were able to find lots of beauty on the surface, plenty of things to appreciate. But right now everything was just awful and uncomfortable.
Menstruation was such a nightmare topside. The proper products were apparently incredibly difficult to find anymore, leaving you to make the best of things with old torn pieces of clothing and less-than-ideal medical supplies. But these things didn't provide the absorption you'd long been accustomed to, and you kept having accidents the last few days, the result of a heavier-than-average flow. Normally, these things wouldn't bother you, but it was insanely annoying to constantly feel as if you were bleeding through basically the only clothes you had, doubly so when there was no place to clean them or bathe yourself most of the time. Besides, these pants chaffed terribly when they were damp.
Months back, you'd made the choice to ditch the vault suit. It was surreal and sort of sad feeling, packing away what had truly been a symbol of your identity for so long. However, it attracted far too much attention and caused trouble when people assumed they could take advantage of you, so you'd opted to start dressing like a proper Wastelander, boiled leather armor and denim pants. Right now, however, you desperately wished you'd been wearing the suit. The absorbent liner would have saved you some of this embarrassment.
The old ghoul had been telling you some story or another as you mounted a steep hill, your mind tuning in and out in frustration. You were sweaty, cramping, bloated, and bleeding on yourself, and all you wanted was a chance to clean yourself up and sit down for a minute. Eventually, the two of you came across what looked to be the abandoned skeleton of an old repair garage, just barely maintaining its tall stance against the horizon. As the two of you began to pass it by, you paused.
"I need to stop for a bit." you said, frowning at him as he turned his gaze to the position of the sun in the sky and back to you, confusion plain on his face.
"Whassa' matter?" he asked, "You're not usually this pussy about the sun anymore. Been long enough."
He was right, you were usually able to soldier on better than this. Today wasn't one of those days, though.
"I need like ten minutes alone, okay?" you snapped, short of patience. "I just...need it."
Your companion held up his hands in a silent, play-offended gesture of surrender, stepping aside to let you walk into the ramshackle little garage.
"Ten minutes!" he called teasingly behind you, prompting you to roll your eyes despite him not being able to see it.
Dropping your bag against the wall, you quickly toed your boots off so you could shuck your pants to the ground, groaning quietly at the bloody mess between your thighs. Digging some dirty rags out of your bag, you checked the spare canteen you kept undrinkable water in. Almost empty. You wanted to cry.
You could always ask Coop for some of his, since he was prone to drinking from questionable sources. He might even give you some, close as you'd become lately, thanks to a night of whiskey and Jet by the fire that had led to other forms of entertainment.
But you'd rather not have to explain this to him. As you did your best to scrub away the rusty red covering your skin, you wondered if he even remembered that this was something that happened to women. You had no idea what you were going to do with your pants.
Apparently, time had slipped away from you, as he appeared suddenly in the doorway a moment or two later, already speaking to you like he'd been standing there the entire time.
"It's been fifteen minutes, girlie. I'll have you know--" came his halted snark, quickly cut off as the two of you made eye contact, as he took in your nakedness below the waist. You felt a creeping sense of panic, a desire to flee out the broken window to your side. Neither of you said a word, and after a moment, he stepped forward towards you, softly gripping your wrist in his hand and holding it up to examine it. His honeyed eyes flicked back and forth between the soiled rag in your bloodied hand and where you'd been attempting to clean yourself up, briefly moving over to where your pants lay crumpled up on the floor.
"I'm--" you began, wanting to explain that you were fine, but you were quickly and decisively cut off from speaking when he lifted your bloody fingers to his mouth, sucking them between his lips with an obscene sigh. Your jaw fell slack as you watched him lick them clean, feeling like you were having some sort of erotic fever dream you'd wake up from any moment. Your hormones must've been working in tandem with the sun to drive you crazy.
However, it only continued to escalate as he seized you by the wrist, dragging you a few feet forward towards the rickety, grimy couch that leaned against the back wall, shoving you just enough to make you sit right in the center, a stale plume of desert dust filling the air around you as he rucked your hips up against his chest, your calves hooking over his shoulders. One of your flailing, still-socked feet knocked his hat clear off his head, sending it tumbling down to the floor, but he didn't even seem to notice, too preoccupied with running his hands along your inner thighs, smearing through the patches of drying blood there with fascination.
Your whole face burned white-hot, but you continued to watch him closely as his hands converged at your mound, one thumb tracing lightly over your now-swollen slit, just barely grazing your bud and drawing a hiss from between your teeth. However, instead of touching you there again, as you'd hoped he would, both thumbs traced down the line of your labia, parting them softly and spreading you open for his hungry eyes to see.
This new kind of attention made you squirm a bit at its intensity, the movement making your abdominal muscles clench just right to draw a trickle of warmth from between your legs, your face reaching supernova in embarrassment, but before you could pull away, he dove forward, his mouth sealing itself over your cunt and lapping wildly. The feeling was electric and ticklish and sent you clamoring to grab onto anything for leverage, letting out a screech that was half giggle and half moan.
He had done this before, gone down between your legs and licked and tasted and teased you until you couldn't handle it anymore, and always with great enthusiasm (and more than a little smugness, frankly), but never with a hunger like this. His thick tongue traced back and forth along your folds, seeking out every sanguine drop before dipping back down to your entrance, the wriggling muscle slipping inside with ease, drawing out another cry from you.
You were on fire, being teased more than you could handle; his tongue felt amazing, but largely avoided where you really wanted it to be, leaving you pushing and grinding your hips against his face as best as you could in your strange, folded over position. With one proper swivel, you managed to brush your clit against the bony ridge that sat at the top of where his nose would have been, scraping just right and sending you bucking right back at the same angle. The rough way you pushed against him was met by his hands curling under your ass, attempting to yank you even closer to his face as you felt that knot in your gut begin to tighten.
"Oh god, Coop, I'm gonna cum." you gasped, nails digging into his scalp as your thighs pulsed around his head. The older man, typically quite silent for most of the performance, let out a rather loud groan at that, and the sound was enough to push you right into a tense, crying orgasm, your little mewls ringing off the ancient concrete walls. If he were any other man, you'd worry about smothering him between your damp thighs, your scrambling hands pressing into the back of his head.
Fortunately, Cooper Howard wasn't just any man.
He continued to fuck you with his tongue through your climax, dragging it out for what felt like minutes. However, once you finally came down from that euphoric peak, he didn't stop, his tongue continuing to slather across you in full, wide strokes, his fingers moving up to tease at your oversensitive clit.
This, too, he had done before, this beautiful torture of keeping you constantly on the verge of a new orgasm despite still riding the wave of your current one. You both loved and hated it, feeling like every nerve in your body was alive with electricity, but simultaneously on the verge of pain from all the sensation. Presently, you loved it a lot more than you hated it, feeling the tight, cramping muscles in your belly relax just a little with your release. Glimpsing down at him once more, you could see that he'd tugged his hard cock free from its confines, jerking himself enthusiastically.
The ghoul's lips wrapped back around your clit, long, nimble fingers probing your saliva-slicked entrance. Two of them slid inside to the hilt before you even really registered their presence, causing you to hiss at the slight burn of the rad-rough flesh against your sensitive insides. The suction on your bud soothed the burn, allowing you to relax, and soon a third was added alongside the first two, quickly pushing you into another sudden and intense climax, washing over you like a tidal wave as he stretched you. When he eventually pulled his hand away, it was half-covered in red.
You were still trembling hard as he quickly worked his way back down your thighs, swiping up anything he may have missed. The sensation of his tongue running along your plush flesh made you giggle, earnest and breathless, but the sound was immediately cut off with a whine when he suddenly turned and viciously sunk his teeth into the meat of your inner thigh, not hard enough to break the skin, but damn near.
This, he had never done before.
Of course, you knew the man was intimately familiar with sinking his teeth into human flesh, but feeling them against you didn't frighten you as you expected it might, the sensation exhilarating and primal. The searing, pinching pain made you squeal, and one of his ungloved hands jammed up against your lips to silence you, filling your nose with the smell of iron and gunpowder. Come the morning, you'd be sporting a gnarly bruise there. The knowledge sent another hot tremble down your spine.
Unlatching his jaw from your leg, he pulled himself up to his full kneeling height, right even with you, a wild look in his eyes you weren't sure you'd seen before. So often he had the brim of his hat to obscure them, but now they stared, wide and glassy, into your own.
His fingers fisted into the already wild hair at the back of your head, pulling your forward into a passionate, metallic-tasting kiss. You could feel the way your face attempted to stick to his where he'd smeared your blood around your mouth with his hand. Quickly, he began to lean forward over you, pressing you into the mildew covered cushions as he pulled himself on top of you. The dry-rotted frame of the couch groaned loudly in protest at the additional weight, squeaking and sighing out curses as he repositioned your legs along his hips, falling right into place to rub his throbbing prick against you. Another throaty noise left you, strangled and awkward, but you were past being able to be embarrassed right now.
It distracted you just enough when the old cowboy dropped his head into the crook of your neck, his lips dancing along your pulse point, that you didn't tense when he pushed his way inside you, burying himself nearly to the hilt in one push. Both of you let out soft, satisfied groans as you stretched taut around him, clenching hotly already after all the attention he'd given you, his heavy breathing in your ear making every hair on your body stand on end.
For a short moment, he allowed you to adjust to his girth, warm hands pushing your shirt up to expose your breasts to him. His bare hands felt like they were everywhere, swiping affectionately against your face, tugging and pinching at your nipples, eventually settling into your hair, holding your head steady and forcing you to look at him as he began to fuck you. It didn't take long before he had you built right back up, the rub of his pelvic bone against you too good.
"Go on, gimme one more, baby. I know you can." he huffed, his warm breath tickling you just right. His thumb was suddenly strumming against your puffy, sore clit again, and tears brimmed in your eyes as your muscles seized once again, whimpering almost pitifully as you gave him what he wanted.
"Attagirl." he praised, running the blunted edge of his teeth along your throat as your body tugged at him. Your breathing was hard to control, making you see spots as he shifted your calves back over his shoulders, basically folding you in half once more as he pulled himself up higher and began to rut into you in earnest. The blunt head of his cock slammed into your tender cervix like this, making you jump and whine, but your legs only tightened around his shoulders, pulling him closer as he used your body to get himself off.
Suddenly, there was a loud crack, and the entire couch frame collapsed into a plume of dust, even worse than before, making you screech in shock. Cooper, however, seemed to barely notice, his pace not even slowing as he shifted you a few inches away from a busted 2x4 sticking out in your direction, pressing you harder into the cushions that were now trapped beneath you. Nevertheless, he did seem to be making sure you were okay in his own way, his wild eyes and insistent hands checking over every visible inch as he continued to pump between your thighs. When he dropped his mouth to your breasts, you throbbed around him, cooing as he sucked and nipped at your breasts.
"Fuck." he growled at the sensation, his hips slapping against you even harder, but in less coordinated strokes, his head heavily dropping back into the crook of your neck again, his entire weight resting on you now.
As you felt him begin to throb inside you, signaling his own release, you also felt those strong teeth latch onto the sensitive skin where your neck met your shoulder, digging deep into the smooth muscle as you screamed. You could hear your lover groaning loudly as he gave you a few more rough strokes, his teeth keeping firm at your neck as he pulsed every last drop of himself inside you. Beyond the pinching pain repeating itself, you could feel the burn of him sucking hard on the flesh between his teeth, trying to mark you up as visibly as possible. Remarkably, this was enough to push your oversensitive body into one last muted orgasm, leaving you shuddering against his chest.
Once his teeth released you, his strong arms wrapped around your body, carefully flipping you so that you laid across his chest, the leather of his clothing sticking eagerly to your sweaty skin. No one said anything for a few minutes, his fingers dancing along your spine, tracing the outline of the bite on your shoulder and earning a small whimper, which he chuckled at. Things were strangely blissful.
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna need another fifteen minutes, boss." you sighed eventually, snuggling your face against the smooth leather of his vest and breathing in the smell of violence and sex.
"You can have ten." he responded, drawing a look from you until the hand that had been kneading away at your ass cheek slipped down further, rough fingers teasing at your abused entrance once more, pushing what was leaking out of you back inside.
"Oh? And what happens then?" you asked, trying hard to keep your hips still against his sinful hand and failing.
"Then we're going again."
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meep-meep-richie · 9 months
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I’m here for whatever genre this is
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ababxyy · 3 months
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xofemeraldstars · 6 months
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something about meeting each other inside your mind
fringe 1x13 "the transformation" feb. 3, 2009 supernatural 4x20 "the rapture" apr. 30, 2009
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cirrus-grey · 10 months
Good Omens S2 good ending: a random pedestrian trips and breaks their leg right as the Metatron is leading Aziraphale out of the bookshop for their little talk. Aziraphale immediately switches into Good Citizen mode and is like "I'm so sorry, I'll just be a moment, you know I was heaven's representative on earth for 6000 years and I still feel it's my duty to do good wherever I see the chance-"
Between healing the leg with a miracle, helping the person into the coffeeshop to recover, calling a friend to come pick them up, ordering them a restorative warm beverage... he's gone a while. The Metatron gets impatient and is finally like "fuck this. Hey Muriel, I need an archangel, you're getting promoted," and they take off for heaven long before Aziraphale's done being a goodie-two-shoes.
He wanders back into the bookshop, confused, and gets hit with the full force of Crowley’s "I want to spend eternity with you let's run away together," speech. He counters with "I want to spend eternity with you too but can't we do that here on earth?" and then no one sees them for a week because they're too busy making out on every piece of furniture in the shop.
(Meanwhile, Muriel is so worried about Doing The Job Properly that they inadvertently drown heaven in an avalanche of red tape and regulations. They never manage to start the second coming because no one can find form B7, which apparently needs to be signed off on before a resurrection can be performed on any savior, prophet, or Son of God.)
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moonjiminn · 1 month
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"Gege. This time, I want to accompany you till the end."
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ifkcnyesg · 2 months
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did this tik tok trend with them
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angelsanarchy · 2 months
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What It Cost: Samuel Lafferty x Y/N Mini Series PRT 01
Tagging: @ithinkitstimetonap @kappasbbgirl @chainsawgvtsfvck @luzclarita57 @miniisunshine @madamemaximoff06 @romanroyapoligist @thirtyratsinasuit @ethical-cain-vinnel @blueberrypancakesworld @dumbbitchdelrey @loljustignoreth4t @tvgirlsbluehair @s0ulfulll @dukesofsp00ks @mommymilkers0526 @vomiting-blood @lustkillers @s-0lar @hisemoslut @roryculkinsgf @ultrakissed @tempt-ress
Samuel moved around his parents land with his brothers, doing the last of the chores for the day before they had an early supper. They were supposed to meet some new members of the church today and according to his mother, a few new members were women looking for godly men. Samuel was already happily married to Sarah but that didn't mean he couldn't check out fresh meat that one of his brother's might bring into the family.
Samuel had always been a faithful man but he often let his eyes wander. Most of his confessionals were to repent for his fantasies he had outside of his marriage. He was reassured that his thoughts, while impure, were that of a holy man looking to bring more love and light to the community.
The moment his eyes found Y/n running around with his children, he knew he was in trouble. She was a bit younger than his wife but old enough to have already been married once and birthed a child of her own. Samuel had kept his eyes on her most of the day and listened to her story being told from his mother's mouth. She had married a Mormon man but he had died while on a mission trip leaving behind her and their 8 year old little girl.
It had been over a year since her husband had passed so she appeared to be ready for remarriage and according to his father, she would be a great addition to the Lafferty family based on her involvement in her last church.
No one had ever made such an impression on his parents before and something about the way she kept herself quiet and composed like a lady but still manage to seem like a fun-loving outsider intrigued him. He watched the way her hips moved in her dress, her bare feet running through the grass after the kids, catching them and spinning them around. Her ample breasts bounced in her top but she kept all the buttons securely fastened, not allowing him even the slightest peak.
At one point, she runs directly into him and he catches her from hitting the ground.
"I'm so sorry! I clearly wasn't watching where I was running." She apologized and he smiled.
"My kids are quite atheletic. They can run you all day long if you let them." He joked.
"I've got a pretty high stamina so I think I'll be okay." She laughed. Samuel tried not to think about all the ways he could test her stamina if he just had some alone time with her.
"I'm sure Sarah appreciates the help, as well as the other little ladies." Samuel watched her tuck her hair behind her ear and lick her lips. What he wouldn't give to just get a taste of them.
"She's amazing all on her own. I'm just happy to be around such a big, loving family. I've certainly missed this." She watched the kids playing with a smile.
"Well you're always welcome here. I know if you're looking for a herd of chaotic kids to spend time with, we have that at our place all the time." Samuel offered hoping she would take him up on the offer.
"Sarah actually said she was going to check with you about my daughter and I staying a few days until our house has been cleaned and blessed. I never like to bring my baby into a home that hasn't been properly blessed." Y/n reached out and touched Samuel's arm and it gave him chills.
"Absolutely. We would love to have you both." Samuel got a sudden burst of excitement thinking about her being under the same roof as him.
He went the whole day talking to her and playing with his children as his wife and family welcomed them into the fold. Once they had gotten home, Y/n and Sarah started to put the children to bed. He passed by the laundry room and noticed his wife was bent over the dryer, trying to retrieve something, her skirt had risen up, exposing the red panties she was wearing. He walked up behind her, gripping her hips roughly and rutting his hard cock against her ass.
She yelped and stood up straight revealing it wasn't Sarah at all. Samuel let go of her hips and stepped back.
"Y/n! I'm so sorry! I thought you were Sarah!" Samuel was sure she would slap him or yell but she chuckled, pushing her hair off her face.
"Sarah let me borrow a skirt. I got my dress wet washing the kids up." She was blushing and Samuel nodded.
"Truly, I do apologize for my actions." Samuel was still rock hard and tried to hide it with his hands.
"No need to apologize. Having a healthy sex life with your wife is a beautiful thing. All those children didn't just show up." She teased. She turned back to the dryer and Samuel noticed her skirt was tucked into her panties.
"Um...you're alittle...do you mind?" He held his hands out to her waist and she glanced at her hip. She watched his hands untuck her dress and smooth it out against her panties.
"How mortifying." She covered her face and he laughed.
"Don't be silly. We can both be slightly embarrassed tonight." She looked at his face and noticed how when he smiled with his mouth, his eyes smiled too.
"Trust me Samuel, nothing about that is embarrassing...impressive but not embarrassing." She glanced down at the front of him and he bit his lip realizing she was talking about his cock. He grinned, moving his hands from her hips and pushing some of her hair out of her face.
"Red is a good color on you." He said touching her cheek just where the blush rose.
"It's my favorite color." She replied, Samuel making a mental note.
"I think it's mine now too." He teased.
Samuel had a feeling his dreams were going to be quite interesting tonight with the thought of fucking Y/n on the dryer will she screamed his name.
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cnladies · 4 months
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BAI LU 白鹿 in a blue qipao/cheongsam from Heaven Gaia 2021 『 LOOK2 』 | 非遗里的中国 - TV Program
Bai Lu: more photos here TV Program: more photos here qipao/cheongsam photoshoot: more photos here
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nobrain-onlysteven · 1 year
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