#TW: Needles
quackity-rp-blog · 2 days
Sebastian groaned a bit when he woke up on the surgical table, first thing to hit him was a what happened? Then the next was well pain, inhaling a sharp pained hiss, trying to move away from the source
Sebastian was strapped down, having slime slowly put into his veins. The process was nearly over, but not close enough for hope.
Quackity stood beside him, hovering his face above Sebastian's arm and slowly injecting a slime product a large vein.
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skylessknights · 15 days
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— Alicia Ostriker, from The Imaginary Lover: Poems; “25th Year of Marriage, It Goes On.”
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junicult · 1 year
the bachelors and their thoughts on tattoos and piercings?? and if they have any/want any
!! the bachelors & tattoos / piercings
contains ; talk of piercings / tattoos. farmer has piercings tattoos (not specified). sfw. one minor nsfw comment in shanes (i seriously can’t help myself).
note ; i made this super quickly in literally like 10 mins😭
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- he doesn’t have either.
- and he doesn’t plan on ever getting them.
- i don’t think he necessarily hates them, (on other people at least) but it’s not something he personally seeks out. like, if you just so happen to have tattoos or piercings, he doesn’t care.
- …he might be the type that doesn’t really like extensive amounts of facial piercings, tho.
- at least, if he met you and you already had those piercings, he might not want to seek a further relationship.
- if you’re already together, and extremely committed, you wanting piercings or tattoos wouldn’t change how he loves you.
- if he did have any piercings, they’d probably just be his ears. but i can’t even picture him getting any.
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- LMFAO i just know he’s the person that doesn’t have any tattoos, but he constantly talks about all the tattoo’s he wants to get. (me)
- piercings, however, are a different story🤭
- he started off simple by getting his earlobe pierced for sure. definitely thought it was very “rockstar” to have.
- overtime he got a few more, (all of which taken place in sebastian’s basement), such as an upper lobe & orbital.
- and he definitely has an industrial. ik it.
- it’s probably healed too which is crazy.
- also, i think it’d be cute for him to just have a dainty little hoop on his nostril.
- when it comes to his partner, he couldn’t care less if they have any piercings / tattoos or not.
- butttt he thinks they’re so attractive. piercings especially.
- lip piercings if we’re being even more specific. ik that if u had snake bites, or an ashley piercing…phew.
- it just gives him an excuse to stare at ur lips lol.
- i feel like he would want to have his nipples pierced, but he’d never go through with it.
- same reason why he doesn’t have any tattoos.
- in general, because he skateboards and stuff, i feel like he’s immune to scratches and scrapes.
- he was also definitely the kind of kid that always had his arm in a cast or something.
- but i’ll still die on this hill: he has a low pain tolerance.
- sebastian can attest to it.
- mf is constantly squirming each time the needle even approaches his skin.
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- he’s more of a tattoo kind of person then piercings.
- is it safe to say i think the majority of his are from when he was drunk😭?
- his pain tolerance is fairly high. he’s got a couple tattoo’s, that’s for sure.
- one on his arm of something gridball related to reminisce back on those days, and one on his back or maybe chest.
- of what? he doesn’t even know.
- as for piercings, definitely his regular & upper earlobes. he never changes the jewelry, it’ll always be that.
- i feel like he also has a daith just bc he heard it helps w migraines 😭
- but he is totally attracted to piercings.
- have any kind of facial piercings you want, he doesn’t care.
- but he’s an absolute sucker for body piercings, whether you have them or not.
- if u have ur belly button pierced, or even…u know…ur nipples dare i say; lord😭😭
- if ur dating, believe me he’s not ignoring those.
- when he sees u naked for the first time, or for the first time after u got those pierced—he’d be such a little asshole.
- “oh, these are nice.” he just raises his eyebrows, smirking down. “they healed?”
- if they are then…well. you already know.
- also he’s a sucker for a tramp stamp😭
- those were so popular in the 90s ik he’d lose his mind if u had one.
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- pelican town’s unofficial piercer.
- lord.
- aside from multiple stick and pokes when he was in his teens, he doesn’t have any tattoos.
- they’re all definitely of things he looks back on and physically cringes. he doesn’t even tell people he has them, (besides sam & abby who were around when he was in that phase)
- the only reason you’d find out about them is if you saw them and asked him about it.
- as for piercings, he’s decked out.
- i’m talking lobes, orbital, helix, industrial, daith, conch. his ears are HEAVY.
- his eyebrow, nose, and lip is pierced too.
- his eyebrow might be one of his favs, and i also wholeheartedly believe that was his first ever piercing on himself when he was like 16. he stuck with it since.
- he also just has a nostril hoop. it’s black ofc.
- and…his lip piercing…
- a vertical labret 🤭🤭🤭.
- & u can disagree with me on this, but i’d like to think all of his piercings are properly cared for, cleaned, and healed. he’s not wasting any time caring for an infection.
- i also wanna say he has a few that he’s taken out as he’s gotten older.
- like his bridge piercing. he had it for a couple years before he decided to take it out, so he has a little scar there.
- i feel like abby has snake bites, which convinced him to get snake bites at one point. but when he got his labret, he took those out.
- lastly, i definitely think he had a septum at one point, but pretty quickly he realized it just didn’t suit him so he took it out.
- as for his partner, if you had any piercings—he doesn’t care. why would he?
- he’s incredibly impartial. whether you have them or don’t.
- but let me tell you…if you don’t have any, he’ll gladly change that if you ever asked😇😇
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- he has none.
- zilch. zero.
- he’s not the biggest fan of a ton of piercings. unfortunately i feel like he was raised in that kind of household, so he was conditioned to feel the same way (we’ve all met george).
- like, if you have ur ears pierced or maybe one little face piercing, i don’t think he’d mind that much.
- it definitely depends on how much he likes you.
- if he met you while you had face piercings, he’d probably judge you by cover.
- but if you slowly got them after you’ve been dating a while, i feel like that’s when he’s realize how attractive they can be.
- if you got your lip pierced, and he got to see how plump your lips get from swelling—that might drive him crazy.
- everytime he leans in for a kiss you’d have to pull away, tutting, “ah-ah, no kissing.”
- it’s like ur torturing him.
- and if you ever convinced him to get a piercing, he’d only allow his ears.
- for tattoos, i think it’d be so sweet to imagine him wanting one that linked to his mom.
- like something she’s said before, a nickname she gave him, maybe even if she had a tattoo he’d get the same one.
- because he’s not that emotionally available, he never told anyone.
- not until u asked, and since he’s trusts you more then anyone, he doesn’t mind being vulnerable to you.
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- he has both.
- but his are just so beautiful that you’d literally see them on pinterest, y’know?
- he’s so tasteful with his piercings and tattoos.
- he’s a patchwork fan. like small separate tattoos on his arms and torso.
- each of which have meaning to him in someway.
- and his piercings are soo small and dainty. (GOLD TOO. he’s strictly gold.)
- he has a little stud on his nostril, and his ears are similar to sebastian’s.
- but he’s much more organized then anyone else. his piercings all took place over time, and they’re all matched. he’s a strict gold jewelry person.
- it just makes him look so clean and put together.
- when it comes to you, he in general doesn’t care whether you have them or not.
- physical attraction isn’t the biggest deal to him. so what if you do / don’t have piercings.
- but he can definitely appreciate if you’re just as dedicated to your jewelry / tattoos as he is.
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goryhorroor · 9 months
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favorite horror movies (117): martin (1977)
"Things only seem to be magic. There is no real magic. There's no real magic ever."
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originallymarysue · 4 months
PLEASE do Nurse Puzzles. We NEED IT!
I would never let him around medical equipment anyday honestly that man is insane.
Anyways here's my take on a Nurse! Mr Puzzles based off the recent episode.
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(used markers for a change here and I think it turned out good)
(also Dr Mario in the background lol-)
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moodysullie · 1 year
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I support women's wrongs.
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chaotic-orphan · 4 months
Hey! I've just read your defiant leader x confident villain story and HOLY SHIT is it good. I love the personalities that you've given the characters, and how the villain doesn't really want to hurt the leader and is trying to ignore all of their feeling. Ugh!
I would love it if you could write more of the story. I have a feeling there's a lot more twists and turns on the horizon 👀✨
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Defiant Leader x Confident Villain (5)
Read part one here
Continued from here
Guys… i am so sorry to everyone who has requested more parts for this series… it has taken literally months, I am only finished now because I queued it when I discovered it again! I am very sorry, it is an active WIP again!! I hope you enjoy!
Leader woke to the door of his room opening. He was still sitting in the chair in the room where Supervillain left him. The last thing he remembered was staring at the wall to pass the time, limbs still tied down tightly. Sometimes, when he was feeling adventurous, he’d glare down at the hammer that mangled his hand, but even that got boring. He didn’t realise he fell to sleep until he was waking up with the click of the lock in the door.
He didn’t have time to wake up, so his mind shot alert, clearing the fog that usually came with waking suddenly. He felt his body come alive at the thoughts of Supervillain coming to destroy his other hand. His limbs were asleep but still Leader made a fist with his free hand trying to get feeling back into it just in case.
What he could do to fight against Supervillain he didn’t know, but… but who was he kidding?! Supervillain seemed to smash every bone in his good hand, his strong hand, his punching hand.
Leader wanted to cry out as he tried to make a fist with his hand on instinct, but swallowed the cry to a sharp hiss as loud, quick footsteps thundered behind Leader’s chair and they froze.
Those footsteps were unmistakable, and there was only one set. A swift slap to the back of the head and Leader let out a startled: “ow!”
“You deserve more than that, you fucking idiot!” Villain hissed, coming to stand in front of Leader, setting a doctor’s bag down on the floor in front of Leader and dropping to one knee, unzipping it. “What were you thinking, pissing Supervillain off, Leader? Do you know how difficult you are making everything for me?”
“How about you just let me go and I’ll be out of your hair.”
Villain jerked their head up, piercing gaze furious and accusing. “Would you? Be out of my hair?” Villain challenged. Leader was the first to look away, and Villain scoffed, before dipping their head again and searching through the bag beside him. “Yeah. Thought so.”
“Villain… I…” Leader began, searching for the words to express themselves, but none came, and Villain didn’t seem to be in the mood to hear them even if they did somehow miraculously find the words to defend themselves. “Look, you don’t have to keep coming to my rescue.”
“Clearly I do,” Villain ground out, accusing eyes finding Leader’s again. “If you keep riling Supervillain up, Leader, he will kill you. I’m not fucking around. He will murder you, but you won’t die quickly. It will be long, drawn out, torturous.”
Leader’s brows lowered over their eyes, hooding the sockets in shadow. “I know that, Vil.”
“I don’t think you do!”
Leader’s eyes widened at the intensity colouring Villain’s voice, the slight fear in their eyes as they spoke. It was almost… desperate, almost helpless. Villain scoffed and looked away, running a hand through their hair, pulling slightly at the end of the strands.
Leader frowned. “Villain… what’s that look?”
Villain didn’t answer right away but a million different thoughts seemed to flash across his expression— doubt, fear, disgust anxiety. Every time Villain opened their mouth to speak they seemed to pause, chew their words, search for a better way to say what they wanted to tell Leader.
Eventually a grim resolution moulded their features and they looked at Leader again instead of through them.
“Supervillain,” Villain began hesitantly not quite meeting Leader’s gaze, and instead running a nervous hand through their hair. “He didn’t exactly trust me when I wanted to join his side so he devised a sort of… test, or trial run and he gave me the job he thought I would run away scared from.”
Villain risked a glance at Leader’s expression, then let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of their nose, rocking back on their heels.
“It’s not something I’m proud of but I had to prove myself and if I didn’t do it someone else would have—”
“It’s okay, Vil,” Leader told them. Startled eyes found Leader’s and Villain’s expression softened slightly, shoulders losing tension. “Go on.”
“He made me the interrogator… or that’s what he called it, he made me his torturer,” Villain said quietly and it was as if all the oxygen had been sucked from the room. Leader stared at Villain, studying their face. Villain let out a shaky breath. “Every Hero we captured, or enemy someone brought in I would take care of them. Get information, work the confessions out of them, or just make them suffer— whatever Supervillain told me to do.”
Villain licked their lips, their eyes looking down to their hands before continuing.
“That’s not even the worst part, Leader,” Villain continued, tightening their hands into fists. They raised their head, gaze steeled and said: “The worst part was that I was good at it.”
Leader would rather Villain pick up the hammer and smash their other hand, or every single bone in their body rather than tell them this. Rather than this be true, because Villain wasn’t… Villain couldn’t— Villain… it felt like all air was robbed from their chest as they stared at Villain and for the first time since they came, Leader finally saw Villain.
They saw how much Villain changed. The little moments that were shining through of the old Villain were only that. Fleeting moments. Villain looked the same, although they had a new haircut and a crueller smirk. They carried themselves a little taller, but they looked like Leader’s Villain, but there was something now that seemed to finally let Leader see the real Villain.
The new Villain.
As if a blindfold had just been taken off Leader’s eyes.
Villain looked older, not by much but they had a less innocence in their eyes. Instead they were hard, certain kernels of experience. They didn’t just carry themselves taller, Villain had a new confidence about them as if they had finally found their calling. As if they were born to be a Villain, to be an… interrogator.
Villain’s expression softened and they turned away, letting out a shaky laugh. “You hate me now, don’t you?”
“Not even a little bit,” Leader said without hesitation. Villain let the shock show across their face as they met Leader’s eyes again.
Leader forced their resolve to show on their face, as sure as anything. “You did what you felt you had to do, Vil,” Leader continued softly. “You did what I always knew you could: you survived everything that life threw at you. How could I hate you for that?”
Villain looked so vulnerable in that moment, and Leader wished that they had seen it sooner. They wished they noticed how lost Villain was within the team, how sad they were. Always lashing out, always a little more distant and reserved.
“I should have done more, Vil,” Leader said and Villain rocked back on their heels, shaking their head side to side. They opened their mouth to reply but Leader beat them to it. “No, I should’ve, I’m sorry you felt like you had to leave the team. I’m sorry about the way things ended… I— I miss you, if I’m honest. But sometimes…”
The words were rushing out of Leader’s mouth now, all emotion. “Sometimes when we start out life presents us with opportunities and we just go along with them because, well, what other option do we have? But you… I’ve never seen you more alive, more at peace. You really seem to have found your place in the world Villain and I couldn’t be more happy for you.”
“You can’t say that, Leader,” Villain whispered.
Leader laughed. “Says who?”
Villain frowned. “We are enemies, we’re on the opposing sides. We can’t— there is no world where we’re friends.”
“Just because I don’t agree with you, Villain, doesn’t mean I don’t know you. I don’t still care for you, that the years we shared mean nothing.”
“It does,” Villain protested. “It has too.”
Leader leaned forward in their chair. “If it does, then what the hell are you here for, Villain?”
The question was like a slap of reality that stunned Villain for a moment before they sighed. They glanced down to the bag they brought in and rummaged through it, pulling out a small black case and flicking it open.
Inside was a needle and a small bottle of something. Villain reached in and grabbed the needle. Villain reached into the bag and drew out two medical gloves and slide them onto their hands, snapping the band at the end of one and grinning up at Leader.
It unnerved Leader a little as they stared down at the bottle, trying to read whatever it was Villain was so happy about showing them. Now with the knowledge that Villain was the resident torturer.
Not that it was particularly news to Leader. When rumours started circulating about Supervillain’s new vicious agony agent it was Rogue who brought the idea of Villain to Leader’s attention. Rogue ran with other people before Leader; heroes, vigilantes, villains… probably the one with the most contacts across the city.
“How certain are you?” Leader asked them.
Rogue shrugged one shoulder. “I trust contact with my life. They’re not the gossiping type.”
Leader didn’t show it then, but the thought, the very possibility that it could have been Villain terrified them. How wrong did they go with Villain to make them want to hurt people? But looking at them now, Leader couldn’t help but see the same Villain they had always known. Maybe just more grown up and sure of themselves. The way they were working so deftly with the needle and vial. Drawing some liquid into the needle and spurting it back out again to re-draw.
They smiled up at Leader once they were satisfied and started rubbing Leader’s hand with cotton balls covered in rubbing alcohol. Leader hissed jerking their arm back, but Villain continued as if Leader was sitting quiet as a mouse.
“I know, but you gotta hurt to get better. No pain no gain, right?” Villain asked with a grin. Leader smothered their anxiety at that grin. Villain’s old reassuring grin, the same one they wore before they ran recklessly from the group to defend them. When they directly disobeyed Leader’s orders to intercept their enemies before it was time.
Now, it wasn’t any of that. It was reassuring and light, so Leader nodded and set their jaw into a tight line as Villain smoothed the skin on Leader’s hand. Leader clenched their teeth as their bone rubbed off bone.
“Okay, this will hurt.”
That was all the warning Leader got before Villain plunged the needle into their hand. Leader jolted forwards, swallowing a scream to a mewling whine in the back of their throat instead.
They felt the liquid being injected into their hand, it was a strange sensation but not one that was unfamiliar. Once Villain had thumbed down the plunger and injected all of the liquid they pulled it out gently. They replaced it with a cotton pad the dab the blood away.
Leader stared at Villain. “Okay. That actually wasn’t that bad,” Leader told them.
Villain grimaced. “Leader, that was the easy part.”
Leader frowned and then the pain came. It was a simmering kind of burning at first and Leader’s wide eyes shot to Villain’s.
“Vil… what is this? What is this?” They rushed out, gasping between the questions.
“It’s okay, Leader. It just resets the bones in your hand.”
“It what?” Leader shrieked, closing their eyes as they felt their bones start to move in their hand.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Leader cried as their hand ignited in agony. They gasped and shot forward as far as the ropes would allow them, their neck muscles straining as they tried to not scream but their hand was on fire.
“Hey, Leader. It’s okay, I know. I know.” Leader only very distantly heard Villain whispering assurances and comforting words to them as they writhed beneath the ropes.
“Villain!” Leader gasped, throwing their head back as a guttural scream was torn from their throat. Leader kicked out and tried to buck themselves out of the chair but the ropes just remained firm as Leader screamed louder than they ever have before. The pain ricocheted from their hand — where their bones were moving and mending under their skin — all the way to their shoulders and then deeper into their chest.
It was too much.
Stars burst behind their eyes as they felt their bones crack into place.
Villain was speaking to them. Lips moving but Leader couldn’t hear a word they said. Villain’s eyes widened as Leader let the blackness swallow them, the last thing they saw was Villain lurching from their crouch.
Continued here
Orphanage roll-call (tag-list, lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @nameless-beanie @aarika-merrill @criohfreeze @bandnbookbag @gala1981 @theonewithallthefixations @libellule888 @cardboardarsonist @shywhumpauthor r @written-by-jayy @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @whump-is-love-whump-is-life @icarusignite @shirtzip @honeyed-euphrates @shameless-dumbass @dutifullykrispyland @starlight-hope @thatlittlefirestarter
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twobeesinatrenchcoat · 6 months
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Needles needles needles needles
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sticker-pop · 1 year
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2004 Tamagotchi collector cards 🩺
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jesuis-assez · 3 months
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↠ Tim & Lucy ↳ Camera angles
🎥 Redwood [1x11]
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kaydreamman · 4 months
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I saw the template and the joke wrote itself.
Template by Mhuyo on Twitter/X
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staycalmandhugaclone · 5 months
Made myself sad. Figured I'd share the random thought.
Crosshair didn't used to be afraid of needles. After escaping Tantiss, it didn't even cross his mind until he needs a shot - maybe painkiller or antibiotics for a simple injury that he usually wouldn't bat an eye toward getting patched up but then the medic approaches him with the routine medication and he absolutely panics. It catches everyone by surprise, especially Crosshair himself. He refuses to speak about it afterwards for as long as he can avoid it.
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... be a shame if this led to a fic... and I got tagged in them 👀
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d-structive · 1 year
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He sure do preesh some background noise. I dunno,man... Still in art block. Still wanted to doodle this dude. PLEASE, DO NOT USE OR REPOST MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION. MY ART IS NOT FREE TO USE!
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clubclassiccs · 8 months
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nell0-0 · 1 year
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Things weren't pretty for Ingo when he first arrived. Uncensored version under the cut
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Poor Ingo. I'm so mean to him
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ghouladventures · 2 years
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