#Taiwanese Bread
seo-vasudev · 2 years
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Taiwanese Bread is an Asian-style bread, made by adding a Japanese-invented dough called Tang Zhong thus giving it a unique texture and softness. Learn the tricks and tips with the short courses offered by Allspice. Starts on 4 Aug 2022 from 2pm-6pm @ S$120 + 7% GST Book your seat now: https://www.allspice.edu.sg/short-course-registration OR 📲WhatsApp Raymond : +65 92322051 . . . . . #allspiceinstitute #culinaryinstitute #culinarysingapore #singaporecooking #singaporecookingclass #sgcourses #sgcook #sgcooking #sgcookingclass #sgschools #course #shortcourse
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Baked Custard Bun (Cream Pan)
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sew-much-to-do · 1 year
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DIY Taiwanese Milk Butter Buns (奶酥麵包)
These pillowy milk buns filled with sweet, rich and creamy milk butter are some of the most popular items in Taiwanese bakeries. Give this a try and you'll understand why!
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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buffetlicious · 2 months
From the award-winning Taiwanese bakery famed for its Lychee Rose Royale and Red Wine Longan breads - Wu Pao Chun Bakery (吳寶春麥方店) came this Cheesy Strawberry (草莓乳酪) bread. The savoury loaf of bread (S$14.80) has wine-soaked strawberry slices and honey cream cheese giving it bursts of tangy sweetness or creaminess depending on which you bite into.
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Vegan Taiwanese Spring Rolls / Run Bing / Popiah (潤餅)
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ktae · 5 months
the trader joe's enjoyer urge to tell everyone about the new amazing thing you got at trader joe's
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italiantea · 2 years
wait is there seriously no word in the english language for untoasted toast except bread. you know like the square loaves. like is there seriously no word specifying 🍞 from every other type of bread
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linghuxcourtyard · 2 years
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Snack Catalog #402
Chocolate Bread/ 巧克力果醬夾心麵包
vegetarian / from Q
This is a biscuit like bread (yeah) with raspberry jam filling inside and covered with milke chocolate.
The concept sounds delicious.
The actual thing...not my cup of tea.
I think it's got too many things going on but it's mediocre at best.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
Today has been hellish. My beloved’s mom was flying out early so they got up at 5am. I was up at 8 and dismayed to find I was on par with how tired my beloved was.
First errand was going to start allergy treatment. For those unfamiliar, they make up a diluted mix of the stuff you’re allergic to then inject you with it. We then got run through how to use an epipen.
The doctor told my beloved to immediately take an antihistamine nose spray when we got back in the car. They forgot. When we got home they had hives pop up which meant they were supposed to take Benadryl. We didn’t have any yet. They then took the nose spray and started feeling their throat tighten.
I rushed us to urgent care and we sat in the car assessing. They felt okay. So I said, “There’s a pharmacy down the road. I’m getting you Benadryl. But if we need to come back we’ll be right here.”
I got extra strength and practically forced it down their throat, sweating from fear and also anxiety. Because I have an appointment at the social security office for a name change today that I was now worried I’d miss while my wife was in danger.
They started getting sleepy and I silently cursed and realized the health crisis made us miss lunch. I didn’t have time before my appointment to get us sandwiches but there was a Taiwanese bakery near the office. “Im getting us bread,” I announced.
My beloved informed me they weren’t hungry and I chose to ignore that and get them a ham and cheese bread. While inside they texted me that actually they were hungry and I was so smart.
We arrived at the office with a bag full of bread and some time to spare but I’m still hopped up on stress and poor sleep.
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allsadnshit · 5 months
My life's plans right now are to read poetry, listen to taiwanese indie rock and bake banana bread
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spadesolace · 10 months
polaroid love - 43. nmixx and twice (half-written)
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it was a bit of a surprise to see sana and tzuyu while y/n was out with sullyoon, somehow it felt as if she’s meeting sullyoon’s parents and trying to make a good impression.
“can i ask you something, tzuyu-unnie?” it didn’t take long for the taiwanese to look at her junior who was fidgeting. she nodded, a sign to continue while sana and sullyoon were busy in their own conversation.
“have you been in a love triangle before?” sana almost spat her drink at y/n’s question, intrigued by it. clasping her hands together and placing her chin on top as she looked at her juniors.
“i have, why?”
“is it ne-” tzuyu covered sana’s mouth with a piece of bread so as to not mention anything that could cause any issues. sullyoon was laughing at the scene in front of her as y/n avoided their gaze, embarrassed as they probably heard the news as well.
“i’m guessing you’re planning on talking to them but you don’t know how to break the news so you’re letting time go by?” y/n could only look in awe, wondering how tzuyu got her very thought right.
“i- uh- yes. how’d you do it?” sana smiled at y/n after eating the bread tzuyu fed her, looping her arm around tzuyu’s arm and leaning her head on her shoulder.
“she actually just told them, although tzu explained the whole thing to them. you know how blunt our maknae can be.”
“in the end, y/n, you just have to be honest with yourself and to them. you’ll break hearts but you’ve probably done that a lot by this point.” 
y/n mumbled a thank you then covered her face at the comment, sullyoon laughing at her best friend. their seniors smiling fondly at the pair, being reminded of being young and in love, getting lost within one’s presence. sana is grateful that y/n has sullyoon, watching the soon-to-be adults in front of them becoming a reminder of where they started.
“you’ve really grown up, y/nn.” sullyoon did not quite understand sana’s comment as it were in japanese. y/n was taken aback but, she didn’t mind, sana meant it as endearment.
“oh, thank you.”
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taglist: [CLOSED]
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clouddrinkstea · 13 days
Dongfang meiren (東方美人)
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Aaand I’m back on Tumblr! With a really exciting tea session nonetheless. 
Today I finally got to try the classic but super interesting Dongfang meiren, or Eastern Beauty oolong, which I’ve been wanting to try for years!
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If you don't know, it's a Taiwanese, heavily oxidized oolong, made with the buds and first two leaves of the plant which are bitten by tea jassids, a type of insect. These bites, draining the leaves of phloem-tissue, promote the plants defense mechanism of producing terpenes, which results in a honey-like flavor.
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I really enjoyed this tea! The liquor had a deep amber color, tasting of stone fruits and raisins, with subtle flowery notes of rose and lavender, and a strong notes of nordic syrup rye bread. It had a smooth, relatively thick texture, with a slightly woody finish.
To summarize: A proper treat!
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cryingatships · 10 months
Kiseki: Dear to Me ep 1 aka we have several kitties in our hands
Ok let's start~
Ai di? Eddie? Which one are we gonna follow? I'm not immune to pretty faces, I'm gonna protect him with my life now. Also are they a couple? Sorta ship it oeo
Okee guess not. Hmmm Picking up someone out of the blue, and Ai di scratching his back like that, very cat-like of him. A meow =w=
Why is Mr. I'm-The-Only-One-Not-Wearing-Black just standing there like a statue? Where's your concern for a friend. Oh, they're supposed to be old acquaintances as per mdl? That explains it the smile.
What's that red thing on the photo? Lemme guess, blood? It is a mafia (can we call this mafia?) setting.
Zhong Yi is a brave, brave person for not screaming when he saw a bloody hand on the road all of a sudden. Kudos to him. Could never be me :')
Oh oh oh (nooooo) they're using the same remedies. Does ql drama world not have not other, more effective medicines for woundtending? That looks like a gash too deep for home treatment, if you ask me. But ig he'll be saved by ql logic ahaha (I love ql logic. Why can't we have ql logic irl huh)
For once there is no (not felt by me atleast) homoerotic subtext in woundtending. Shocking.
(Anyone know what are the names of the books? Ig they're all books related to studying medicine and such, but I'd still like to know)
Ze Rui, my boy, blackmailing is not how you woo the love of your life. But it's effective here, so owo
Ze Rui is dramatic af. A bread isn't gonna break your ribs, chile. He reminds me of our cats throwing a concert of shame whenever mealtime is late by like half a second.
Zhong Yi keeping tabs. Finally a character who makes (tries to make) financially sound descisions. Like love ain't gonna fill your stomach (not with your sugar kitty mooching off you u.u)
Ze Rui, my boy, you're sus af. I'd have taken away any valuables before leaving you in my home, too. Scamming alert u.u
"It's your karma then." 👏👏👏👏👏
My meow meow is back. He's got some claws. And He looks great in pink! And he has a (potential) boyfie too, good for him!
Knowing your hookup form the night before didn't go home with you for your rizz but for your decade old rice cooker.... that must hurt.
OH? Is Xong Yi snapping finally?
Nvm false alarm. the intimacy tho. Which other surfaces do you wanna shove him against, Ze Rui? BUt threatening is bad flirting technique smh
I don't wanna say it but - poor husband working his ass off to earn money and feed his other, lazy ass of a husband. Also Zong Yi looks so meow meow here? He looked Tired, I feel bad for him :\ Ze Rui take care of your man sometimes, too! Don't make him be the only caregiver in the relationship, it won't work out
Ze Rui is so Kitty Coded that they had to add cat noises jajaja
Oh so Ze Rui does have some brains. His friends (?) did call him the brains of the group hmmm. But ZR lookis so smug, is it cause he made a fool of ZY or cause he has ZY on his (technically ZY's) bed
Ok we need a list of Bread in qls. Bread as a metaphor, bread love (also hate) language yeye
Oh tragic pasts time.... How expectations can go both ways, huh? Too much too little, atleast it seems like ZY still has a good family? (I'm jinxing it-). Seeing that this is Taiwanese drama, and after reading a lot of danmeis, I wonder if ZR is an illegitimate child? As they call it in the danmeis, a 'mistress's' child?
Ok ok I have a theory - Ai di is an ornage kitty (the kind who're always too excited and wants your attention 24/7 or they'll wreck havoc on your room), Ze Rui is a fancy long haired high maintenance kitty (a calico?? Let's not look at the sciences of this), Zong Yi is a black-white kitty, not totally a void but def wiggly and also got the coldness of a white kitty.
Putting clothes on your (future) lover, a beloved if new trope :3 (ye i'm looking at loa)
I want a piece of that cake too, so hungry ueueue
ZR is three cats in pyjamas confirmed. Cats never ever finish their meals cause they too 'eat in small portions'. smh
They're not using the there was only one bed trope?
OH OH THAT LOOK WHEN ZY starts eating. I see you I see you. I feel food was very important in today's episode like, it's used as a method for establishing who's controlling the situation, then it's used a bridge for communication and negotiation, and it's used to show economic differences (like ZR can bother wasting food and eats in small amounts, definitely not smt a person coming form a less privieged section of the society can do)and finally this look. I'm not gonna analyse this cause ye- but.... food.... maybe I'm just too hungry XD
This Zhang Teng would right in a drama of supernatural genre
I like the ending ost u.u
OK there was some INteresting power dynamic. A injured gang member who probably kills at sight and is rich, is now under the care of a impoverished, seemingly harmless (when are doctors, potential ones included, ever harmless) student with barely any way to defend himself from violence. But Zong Yi may refuse to treat him. Then we have the knife. Doctors are gain power from their skill, but is it enough to counter a the power of a criminal gang? And the gang member depends on the (aspiring) doctor for his life, while the doctor's life depends on the gang member's life. Ze Rui constantly uses words like "brat", "kiddo" etc to further demonstrate the power dynamic at play (cause in Asia seniority = social power and respect), but Zong Yi hardly ever argues about the use of these words. Like, he isn't even trying to establish that he too, has some power over the situation. Is he truly so accepting of others' holding power over him or is he just unbothered cause he treats Ze Rui's words as completely irrelevant to his life? Hmmmm. Who exactly has the upper hand rn? I'd say it's Zong Yi rn, but then again Ze Rui can successfully overturn anything Zong Yi does (like the locked door) and force Zong Yo to do his bidding soo...fd
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transboysokka · 4 months
Long ass tag game lets goooooo
Finally got around to finishing this lol. Thx for the tag @edas-boytoy! I think someone else tagged me too but I’ve totally lost it at this point I’m sorry. I think I answer all the questions in here lol we’ll see
How many tumblr accounts have you had before this one?
Two I think, but now that you mention it, it might have been three… but that’s just main ones I’ve also had a looooooot of RP blogs over the years with their own accounts lmao and I don’t even remember all of those
How long have you been in fandom?
My whole life?? Or like actively involved as long as I’ve been on the Internet when I was like 14….
Your favorite trope in fiction?
I’ve NEVER thought about it uhhhh either like forced proximity, chosen family, when a lot of random plots come together at the end…
Your favorite random fact?
idk about favorite but the first thing that pops to mind is that 98% of giraffe sex is gay
Your favorite game or kind of game?
Easily all Assassin’s Creed
A place you want to visit?
Next on my list are Laos, Bali, and Japan. It’s truly a shame and embarrassment that I haven’t been to Japan as a Taiwanese resident lol. I’d love to do Australia and New Zealand and some of the Pacific islands too….
An animal you’re irrationally afraid of?
butterflies omg
What’s your favorite season?
Mango season
What’s your favorite food from where you were born? What’s your favorite food from some place else?
America does this thing where they sell cookie dough and it’s already made and in cute little tubes and you can just. Eat it.
Uhhh another country okay um where I lived in China they had this dish that in English would be called potato silk I think??? Just shredded potatoes COVERED in oil and garlic basically. Delicious.
What’s your favorite drink?
Alcoholic, I don’t have much of a preference. Gin, whiskey. Cider. Uhhhh non-alcoholic we love juice!! Lemonade? Yum yum yum!! The US has these things now called Gatorade Fit which I got addicted to when I was visiting
Do you give your pets random table scraps?
Random, no but I do give him people food. He loves sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, bread… that kind of thing. McDonald’s chicken nuggets.
Tagging all my mutuals xoxo
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Vegan Brick Toast (Taiwanese Coffin Bread) Dessert
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foo1ishheart554 · 1 year
Taiwanese Spring Onion Bread 😋
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