#Tarlos relationship
guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star | Tarlos + their in-laws
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wenellyb · 5 months
Ronen was out there licking Rafael's face and I'm supposed to be normal about TK and Carlos?
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strandnreyes · 9 days
I loveeeeee them showing husbands who are just as desperate for each other as they were in 1x02
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slothteainfuser · 3 months
thinking about the tarlos break up again and the fact that tk “blew it up” when things were too perfect and he was too comfortable…i wonder if that had anything to do with his relationship with alex, which we honestly don’t know much about. based on what we do have, it seems like the closest to canon is that alex wasn’t obviously terrible and there were no clear red flags (even if tk might’ve had rose-colored glasses) and they probably just drifted away for any number of reasons: maybe the fact that alex was cheating and “in love with someone else,” maybe they had fundamental differences that didn’t click, maybe alex was a dick, etc etc.
just thinking about the fact that, yes, cheating on tk is enough to make alex an asshole, but it’s more upsetting to think that like...until he finally told tk, there were no obvious signs that anything was wrong. to tk, at least, maybe they were drifting apart but he thought that everything was perfect and fine. (yes, he probably proposed out of an act of desperation instead of safety because he felt how distant they were from each other, but alex’s cheating and betrayal also completely blindsided and wounded him in a way that makes me think that he really, sincerely thought they were okay. even after they’ve been broken up for months, tk still calls alex his “soulmate.” for whatever reason, he thought they were in love). i wonder if that affected how he felt when carlos bought the loft, which was, among other things, this huge romantic gesture that almost seemed too good to be true. he was with someone who loved him unconditionally, everything was perfect, and they were about to finally live in a place they called their own. thinking about how desperately he felt like he needed to be in control again, and how hurt he was, enough to blow it up and run — it was a total power move, he said. it just makes me think about what made him so distrustful in the first place and compelled him to end a seemingly stable, good, and loving relationship.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
you know the hyperfixation has become too real when an idea hits you in the shower so you scream for your partner to bring you your phone and then force them to hold it while you record a voice note about tarlos
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sageandred · 1 day
ok, I've tried so hard to be chill and uninvolved about this but I need to put this out there, once, that most of psychotic B*ddie shippers unprompted distaste for other characters is linked to sexism and subtle homophobia and they don't even know it. because, why must certain characters be put down to acknowledge Buck's personal pain?
It's funny how 2 guys the fandom ships together brings out the 'at any cost' defense of the counterparts and hypocrisy for calling out others' flaws. This isn't even getting into Tommy, which we know is the biggest contention for people's one-sided ship war. The more I think of it, the want for B*ddie isn't even important for Eddie to some people; it's about Buck! the character readings on Buck, the comparisons of Buck to other characters and need to excuse his behavior with *trauma* reasonings, while putting down others with over-thought judgement for why the show displayed their flaws in the midst of a plot development that acknowledges the imperfect traits of their character.
Buck is a classic make-up of a typical popular tumblr archetype...and a man that the performative "feminist" girls love (this isn't saying that a man can't be loved or his backstory isn't relevant/sad), but it's funny how it's repeatedly brought up to compare to other characters by painting them in a negative light where one sector of fandom is concerned. And it's less often not even B*ddie fans, it's Buck ones.
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gasp-yomamma · 8 months
In the next season of 9-1-1 lone star I kinda wanna see of course more tarlos scenes but TK being like a little more protective or smt idk I feel like Carlos is so carrying and sometimes TK barely puts in the effort🥲🥲 I might be wrong but I don't know correct me in not right-
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crossingalaxies · 1 year
hot take apparently but to me it’s tiring and boring and frankly a baffling way to approach tv or any other media to engage with fictional characters only to ‘judge’ them. like you can’t just let them make whatever mistakes they’re making or be as flawed and fucked up as they want without judging if they have behaved well enough for whatever standard you hold them up to and how they should correct their behaviour moving forward. are you watching a fictional show or filling up an employee evaluation sheet???
‘this character should have done this’ ‘that character should not have done that’ okay???? who cares. it would be supremely boring, not to mention unrealistic, if fictional characters only behaved in the most adequate perfectly reasonable way possible. so they fucked up? so they fucked up again and again and didn’t learn their lesson the first time? okay??? that’s life???
‘but we didn’t see this character learn from their mistakes and grow’. you ARE seeing it, it’s a process, not something that happens after ONE time they were confronted with their mistakes, especially if said mistakes are tied to one of their cardinal flaws rooted in the very essence of the character itself. it’s so much more interesting and rewarding to me as a viewer, not to mention easier for me to get attached to characters who are complete and utter messes, characters who stumble and fall, even when they should know better, characters who don’t immediately learn from their mistakes, who fail again and again, but keep trying to be better, and still through it all, they are loved, because they are deserving of it no matter what they think.
‘but this conversation should have happened sooner’ okay well it didn’t. people make dumb choices all the time, they act irresponsibly and unreasonably all the time, no matter how mature or level-headed they might be.
‘but this relationship doesn’t feel healthy’ okay here’s the thing: ‘healthy relationship’ has become just another buzzword that tiktok users throw around without understanding at all what it means. ‘healthy relationship’ doesn’t mean two people need to be on the same page about everything, it doesn’t mean mistakes are made once, dealt with and never made again; a healthy relationship isn’t based on 100% compatibility or perfect communication at all times and perfect solutions to every problem. it’s based on mutual respect and love and the willingness to make compromises, and to keep trying to understand each other better and choose each other every day. if there is a failure of communication or a disagreement or an inability to come to a perfect soultion for whatever issue, that in itself doesn’t make a relationship unhealthy. and honestly even if it did, so what? it’s fictional, it adds flavour! (not to mention expecting humans to always be perfectly emotionally healthy is... well not realistic, to say the least).
‘but they should learn to communicate better before they get married’ marriage isn’t some kind of prize that only perfectly functional couples are worthy of, some final achievement for the perfect relationship. relationships are changing and growing all the time, they don’t have to reach a perfect final level of ‘healthy’ before they can be awarded the prize of marriage. relationships keep evolving and couples keep learning more about each other all the time, during marriage just like before. the idea that a relationship is doomed unless it reaches its final form of perfection before marriage is crazy.
and on a final note, HOW do you watch a fictional couple that disagrees on having children work out not necessarily a final solution, but a compromise, with one of them admitting they have issues to deal with and trauma to process, and the other realizing that the kids issue is not a dealbreaker because ultimately what they want most is their partner, and come away thinking ‘well that’s not a very good relationship’?????
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911ficrecs · 1 year
please don’t be in love with someone else by spiritsontheroof - 6,992 words, not rated
Summary: Five times Buck and TK are mistaken for a couple and one time someone gets it right.
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kiras-sunshine · 1 year
okay but hear me out, gabriel officiating the tarlos wedding
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tgonzalez32 · 1 year
As sad as I am that neither of the boys have their friends as best men…
Carlos asking Gabriel is SO personal to me. Just *chefs kiss*
(Oh but Paul officiating them? 11/10! 🤩)
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK & Carlos + Various Labels
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pragmatic-optimist · 1 year
You know...
The vague posting and reblogs in the LS fandom aimed at invalidating people and their thoughtful and specific critiques about aspects of season 4 are a Choice™️.
How about having a little empathy for the folks who are disappointed and managing their sadness? What about constructive discourse and concrete explanations about how you think the writing holds up rather than dismissing those who don’t agree? Because it's not a few of us with these thoughts, there are many of us. 
I don't know if y'all have noticed, but this fandom has lost a lot of content creators in the last year (especially in the last 3 months) because the inspiration in canon is lacking. It's not a matter of folks being unable to differentiate between fanon and canon. As an individual who can analyze and think critically about the media I'm consuming, I can respect when canon tells me something different from a headcanon—especially when the execution is sound—and many others who feel a certain way about this season are able to do so as well. 
I really don’t care about convincing anyone of anything. If this season works for you, it works for you. Keep on keeping on. What is upsetting is seeing how the disagreement over the direction of season 4 for certain characters has led to attempts at gatekeeping and discrediting people who dare to voice a critique on their blog.
If the only way to justify your disagreeing stance is to criticize people and question their ability to be objective thinkers, you’re standing on shaky ground.
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lonestardust · 2 years
*pretends that this was all established in the narrative from the beginning*
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eg515 · 2 years
I'm a few days late but 911 LS 4x07 was soooo fun!
I loved Paul's storyline, so nice to see him get more screentime
and hell yeah for positive trans rep on tv!
Tommy and Melody's talk about periods! loved it
that milk-picklejiuce-tabasco-yoghurt concoction was nasty
Judd embodying the michael-jackson-eating-popcorn meme, enjoying his front row seat to Tommy's drama
Grace going one step further and playing a part in said drama and enjoying it
just. Tommy having a full on war with a 12yo. and losing. love this
loved that Paul was like "you're my Cap, you don't need to be my therapist too" but then after their talk Owen looked like he's the one who needs a therapist now
Nancy just casually resting her arm on Mateo's shoulder. I love them so much
just. that shot of them transporting the upside-down woman. pure comedy.
hate to say it (bc I'm still holding a grudge) but love to see it: Owen is slowly but surely returning to his s1 roots of being a character I like
Mateo is such a himbo I love him so much
more screentime for Evie and Izzy!
the 126 playing basketball at the end!
honestly I much prefer 911 when it's like this. the big, dramatic cases/moments are good every once in a while, but I like episodes like these better. small storylines, nothing major happening, there's some drama, there's comedy, there's character development, there's chosen family.
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captain-gillian · 2 years
mothers always know
1,416 words. rated t. summary: Andrea supports TK through his grief during wedding planning.
As a child, TK Strand struggled with his parent’s divorce. The family he’d always known coming apart during a time when the once safe world he knew had been thrown into utter turmoil in the fallout from 9/11 was a lot for an eight-year-old to handle. 
Knowing how much her son was struggling with the new family dynamics and changing world he was facing, Gwyneth appointed TK chief planner of her wedding to her new partner, Enzo. He’d sit on the floor as she covered the coffee table of her Brooklyn apartment with flower samples, bridal magazines and fabric swatches, and he’d mark down notes in a binder of her choices.
While he relished the job of cake taster, he didn’t find the same joy in choosing flowers or put the same importance on deciding between all the different but alike swatches for the bridesmaids' gowns as his mother did.
“You’ll understand one day. When we’re planning your wedding, you’ll spend two hours deciding between three near-identical shades of blue, too, Tyler.” 
And it’s not until he’s here in Andrea’s dining room pouring over colour swatches—for what he can’t quite remember, he thinks maybe for pocket squares, but he’s not certain—with Carlos and his soon-to-be mother-in-law that he realises. Oh . He can’t tell her he understands now. He doesn’t get to share this with his mom.
read more on ao3
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