#Tarot Reading India
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Even though many people associate the Tarot card Death with physical death, this is not always the case. As a general rule, a Tarot reader should never forecast demise (or the results of illnesses or pregnancies, for that matter).
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shinystarfishmoon · 1 year
Your next boyfriend or girlfriend
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Take 3 deep breaths and choose your plies you can chose more then one ☺
Disclaimer : this reading is just for fun take it with grain of salt 👾
Deck uesd :star spinner tarot
Also this a general reading just for fun perpous take what resonates and leave what doesn't
If you like this reading please like and reblog this post and tell me which plies you picked 🙏
Also take look at my new pac
Plie 1💅
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Cards : five of cups, six of swords, king of cups, page of wands, the fool, 10 of wands, 4 of wands, death
Hello pile 1 💅
I got some messages of past relationships some of you may have been in if not please take what resonate
So in someone of your past relationships you guys may have dealth with frequent arguments and disagreements which in turn resulted in your past relationships not working out. And let you kind of depressed.. Also for those of who may not resonate with what I said earlier you guys may have felt kind of stuck in you past relationships because of the frequent arguments.. And finally made the decision to break the relationship and move on ( with 6 of swords) you might be sad about it. Sweet heart some time we have to leave people behind to move for ward . You are not the bad person,, it's just the way life is 💗 you are brave to leave people those who not bring meaning to your life 💅 slay queen ( king). With the death cards signify they end of a old cycle the old cycle had to end for a new one to begin . The person coming in your life is very emotionally mature, good with communicating their feelings... Communication will be a big part of this relationship. They may really like to listen to you. May find your voice nice and claming. Might be older then you, very reliable, free spirited, they will put lots of afforts to prove that they are worthy of your love my dear 💗. This could also trun into major commitment pretty quickly
Messages :
Don't you stop
You make me loss my mind ( in a loving way 🐥)
Songs :
Plie 2:🦄
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Hello pile 2 welcome to your reading 💗
Cards : 7 of swords, nine of cups, 4 of coins,the world, 4 of swords, temperance , 10 of cups
In pile two we have some messages related to the past keep what resonates leave what doesn't
In your past relationships some one may have been sneaky or you were cheated on by your past lovers ( sorry if it's true) this may not be physical cheating but seems more like emotional one. This lead you to have hard time trusting anyone in matter of love . It may even be your worst nightmare to be cheated on again 🙂. But trust me the person coming in your life is make you believe that you are worthy of love that's it was not your fault . With the world card this relationship will be a new cycle of life you will be staring, your next your next relationship would be a balanced one and you would not feel like your are the only one putting effort into the relationship. It will be both ways. Also this relationship will happen on divine timing be patient dear 💗 your next partner may be working in law or may be interested in it, could be in medical field . May have long hair, every balanced person, perfectionist
I am staying here for a long time
Let me love you please
You are worth it
Listen to me
Songs :
Plie 3 :👾
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Cards : 8 of cups, 8 of wands, moon, page of cups, king of cups, two of cups
Hello pile 3 welcome to your reading :
This is the only plie where I didn't get anything related to past relationships . This is my never have been in a serious relationship plie 😁 . Whatever let's get into your reading shall we... This connection feels like the soulmate kind of relationship, like the one when you know somepeople are just ment
for each other 😭... This relationship will have healthy balance at indiviadual as well as relationship level . You Guys together will be ready to take any obstacle that come your way ( couple goals right here ☺) they will bring out a child like energy in you. You would have to hide your true self in front of them. This person may be rich them self or comes from a rich family, emotionaly mature, may have facial hair if a man., if women may have long hair may have pets like dog or rabbit., especially rabbit 🐰
I didn't get any messages for plie 3 also with moon card I feel like this is how much I am supposed to share 💗
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ardranaline · 6 months
only choose if you feel called to
pick an emoji reading. I did this personally in a group chat and everyone resonated so I decided to post it here.
🌼-you left a ambitious or goal because you were scared. you were not confident in yourself, you didn't know what steps to take. you were confused between multiple options, you didn't want to choose any of them.
🌼-this is very materialistic so a job or your family had asked you to make a choice and you're not willing to make the choice. you're scared of the future because you don't want the past to repeat itself, the past you who's scared and indecisive.
🌼-but very soon you'll realise what mistake you had in your thinking, you'll realise the faults and be able to clearly see your negative aspects as well as others negative aspects. which will push you to understand what actually benefits you and is truly good for you.
🌼-what you had left in the past, be it learning a skill, gym / exercise or personal development. you will gain confidence to finish because you actually know your flaws & mistakes so you focus on improving yourself where it is necessary.
🌼-by doing this you're gonna overcome a blockage in your life and achieve this personal goal. big congrats on not giving up and pursuing and finally understanding where you had to put your efforts. comment 💚 if this resonated
🍋-you were recently denied a desire. your parents denied you a trip, moving out of the house. some of you may even be denied a new bike / car.
🍋- you're very passionate about this but there's not support or any authority helping you so you can't get forward & progress. be careful of headaches and hurting your leg, ankles or knee pain and ankle pain. some should be careful to not eat the wrong medication.
🍋 - you want to step out of your comfort zone. you want to be more independent. you want to get lost so you can find yourself, you want to wonder and observe yourself grow in absolute freedom. but you're unsure how to achieve it. this might be even a thing that you're manifesting for long. you have to stop forcing and asking for it because I am seeing that it will naturally come to you.
🍋-this will cause people to envy you or wish bad upon you so be careful of that. it is just a matter of timing before you get this. comment 🤍 if this resonated
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eloeloanna · 8 months
What did happen between John and Paul in India?
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This was made for entertainment purposes only. Don’t sue me Paul (or Yoko (or Sean).
Check my readings! Did McLennon ever happened here What John thought about Paul here What Paul thought about John - part 1 here | part 2 here What happened between John and Paul in Paris here What John thought of Paul's appeareance here What Paul thought of John's appeareance here John's feelings + In my life + Paris' tea here Paul's feelings + Paris' tea here Was Paul jealous of Stuart? here Was John jealous of Tara? here Was Paul jealous of Cynthia? here Relationship - questions related to that topic here What happened between John and Paul in Keywest 1964 here George's pov here MORE here
Some notes:
Please don’t be dumb and harass the people mentioned in this interpretation. If you have the information - you have it, good. Enjoy their love in the fandom ❤️ do your fics, do your art.
I know that this is not everybody, but I feel we are dealing with very delicate matters.
It took me a lot of days doing this because I didn’t want to sound like a fic. I know many people have their theories, even myself! So that’s why I repeated some questions, and did it in different days. Also, I didn’t read the answers, so when something matches, it’s surprising even for me.
That’s all. Now, enjoy!
Answer 1:
What the cards are telling me at the beginning, is that this trip was made to do something about a relationship. It had been very difficult to try to continue, since there was a feeling that someone was very confident, opposed to someone very depressed. The depressed one didn’t know what to do anymore because he needed a sense of stability, security. He felt that this wasn’t enough, and even that the other one was mocking him, for his neediness. I think this person couldn’t see objectively at all what was happening, because, even If was part truth what he thought, the thing is, it wasn’t “that” big.
I think he tried for once to be really honest and just ask what was this all about. “Do you love me?”. I think the answer didn’t come immediately. And wasn’t even satisfying. I think the other part thought that he say it back, but he didn’t properly. So there was this part that thought that was being fooled, and the other one that thought that everything was okay. I think the “depressed” one thought something like “anyway, I knew this would happen”, and tried very hard to don’t have any feelings, and just “enjoyed” the trip. I think then is when he thought “I need to do something”. It was like that moment put him back in order to do new things. This was a decision for his own happiness. “I’m going to fall in love with her”. What are telling me the cards after is how he stuck with his decision, even if it wasn’t the best. The other part is showed at the end. Knowing that he can’t do anything about it.
Answer 2:
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I think that at the beginning was a sensation of something not being complete. That some of them wanted more, that the relationship wasn’t balanced. He wanted to do something about it, but he couldn’t do it. “We have to left all bullshit aside, to have the relationship we really want” , to leave the imbalances behind, but I can’t face the truth. Even when the truth is very obvious. It’s difficult to face the truth when there are things that escape our control, and we know that this always is going to be like this. But even with those feelings, he decided anyways to say what he wanted, and thought that everything would be good. So he did it. But it was “good” for a short time. Then everything went to hell. It’s like all this closeness was virtual. Was this proposition reciprocated? Yes. Could be fulfilled? No. The thing is, this person felt tricked, and it was like “I have nothing to do here” “Is he even regretting his attitude?” “Well, I DON’T regret it what happened, but I did so much to receive nothing” “You never loved me” “I’m going to be happy. WITHOUT YOU. I don’t care. I will fight for it”. He didn’t care if he felt confused, or trapped, or whatever would happen. He would do what he needed to do.
Why John felt depressed before going to India?
I forgot to take a picture here…sorry!
I think John felt depressed because he could see clearly the future: he could see himself being happy, with love, with opportunities, but at the same time, his reality was heavy: he felt abandoned, incapable of doing things, and even betrayed. I think it was difficult for him to forget that “betrayal”, and tried to tell (Paul) what he thought. I think the answer was the same as before. “Everything is okay”. I think John eventually thought that this wasn’t enough. The relationship was imbalanced, Paul was being arrogant. It was very difficult to even think what to do, because in a way, he felt happy. I think he couldn’t see that Paul actually loved him.
Is the “betrayal” that John felt about Paul marrying Jane?
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I think some of his depression was because of that event.
The cards start telling me about the feeling of not wanting to change anything, and even ignoring the signs: he thought that from the most part Paul wasn’t serious with Jane, but he saw how his attitude changed. He was more considerate and present in her life. I also think John intuitively knew that what Paul wanted. He wanted to construct something. Did John say or did anything about this? No. I think he just let those thoughts cold and tried to “enjoy” their time. “Everything is going to be alright”. Until eventually it wasn’t. He couldn’t stand the feeling of changing. It was like he was standing behind a door, but not wanting to open it. I think when Paul proposed to Jane, it wasn’t a “serious” commitment proposal. But in John’s head was a bigger issue. John was heartbroken. He thought that having somebody else would soft his feelings, but it didn’t.
It’s very weird, because, when I answered this question, for me it wasn’t like this was the “bigger” issue. Was an issue? Yes. But not the main one.
A lot of theories said that what “ruined” Paul and John’s relationship in India was sex. So I asked about that multiple times, because as I said, I didn’t want it to sound like a fan fiction.
Was India the first time they had something sexual?
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I think yes.
The cards start telling about how much they wanted this to happen, but they couldn’t because they thought they needed to use their heads. After some time and reflection, they thought that what they had wasn’t enough, they wanted more. But the thing is, it had to pass a lot of time until they realised that wanting something more for the other, wasn’t wrong, after all, they loved each other, right? But the thing is, there was a fear of almost losing yourself in the other person. “What is he going to do with me?” When the opportunity occurred, it changed everything. There was a immediate feeling of guilty, also, it trigger their self-defenses (one was like “are you sure?”, the other was “yes, but we need to be careful”); I think at the beginning there was absolutely feelings of passion and satisfaction, but one of the parts knew it wasn’t real, it was something that was happening in like, a bubble. In the outside world, they would still be old John and Paul. I think that one of the parts couldn’t see clearly, was the love that the other had for him, or maybe, he saw it, but it was too much. Any of the options made the “loving” part heartbroken.
Did they had a sexual encounter before India?
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Yes, but I would say it wasn’t that important as India. Why?
What the cards start telling is that there was a proposal to do something, but the other part wasn’t very sure. He thought that somebody could caught them, something bad could happen. But it isn’t like he didn’t like the idea. He liked the idea very much. There was suddenly a moment were they could do something, but it had to be very quickly, very secret. It wasn’t enough. They obviously wanted more, but how they could do that? There was an opportunity when everything they wanted happened, but also, they had to leave it. I think at that part, the cards are talking about India.
Did J and P have more sexual encounters?
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Yes. I can’t know about how many times, but I found interesting, that the cards are telling me about a particular time.
What the cards are telling me at the beginning, is the desire that they felt, a desire that had to be controlled, no matter how much love they felt. I think one of them was very eager to have something, even very sure that he wanted it, but the other part told him that he needed to think more about these things, “you need to remember what we are/ we are just bandmates”, so the other part “regretted it”. It had to pass some time until another proposal came. I don’t know If it was the same person, but this time, the answer was something like “I don’t know about it, what is she going to say?”, but after some time agreed. They had their good time, but immediately overthought about the moment. The one of the proposal thought that this would fix everything, but It didn’t. So he felt like a fool, while the other thought that now HE had the power.
The one that did the proposal felt very depressed, because even when he liked what it happened, he also felt love for him. When this happened, the one that did the proposal decided to work on himself. Be happy (without him).
What did John expect from Paul in India?
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I think what John expected of Paul in India was some prove that this was actually “something”. What I mean is, that at the beginning of this trip, John have actually reflected about their relationship, and was very sure about what he felt. John thought a lot of how to talk to Paul about this. The thing is, the answer that he received wasn’t what he expected at all. He really thought that this trip would mean a new beginning.
What did Paul think that happened between him and John in India?
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I think when John told him what he thought, Paul felt he received what he always wanted. But at the same time, it made him very unhappy. I think it has to be because of the (ALLEGED) internal homophobia that he felt, but it was very hard to say something, even when he felt the same. So he almost acted like nothing happened, but really tried to get any chance he could to be with John. Worst was when they did have a very good time, but he couldn’t say anything. He thought that, maybe being this close physically would be enough for John, but it wasn’t . He noticed that John was “weird”, but didn’t confront him about it. Paul felt miserable, because John didn’t seem to be interested anymore.
What did Paul think that would happen between him and John in India?
I forgot to take a picture here…sorry!
I think Paul just expected to renew the relationship, in a way that everything would be good. The current state of the relationship for him was difficult, but he didn’t know how to act. It was like everytime he tried to do something, he couldn’t. And when he tried, it was shit. So yeah, I don’t think Paul even expected what would happen 🥲.
How did Paul feel when John told him that he loved him?
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I think at first, Paul thought that this was some kind of a cruel joke from the destiny. Because he liked what he experienced. But didn’t know what to do about it. He surely knew that he would never forget it.
In his mind was the happiness of knowing that he was loved, but also, didn’t act on it, since he knew he had to think about anything else. There was some promises he made, some rules to follow, things that would made his life “happier” and “easier”, but I also think there was fear, lots of fear to start something new, something so delicate and pure. I think he knew that this would be very difficult, and them, even when they could love each other so much, would never “normally” work. It would never be enough. But that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t try to do something, the thing is, it seems that was too late.
I hope you like this one. I really tried to do it more “real”, even when a lot of these interpretations match with theories. I found it fascinating.
Thank you very much for your support ❤️
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Enhypen members view of countries 🇧🇷🇮🇳🇵🇭.....Kpop Reading
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Brazil 🇧🇷
They view this country as a country full of passion and energy. Like a very lively scenery in which something is always happening and a party is always around the corner. A place where you wouldn't want to be inside all day looking at a TV or scrolling through your phone, you'll actually want to go exploring
Enhypen seems to see this country as, yes a beautiful country where a lot of parties occur but they do seem to think that the place is kind of like a beautiful illusion. It's as if they know as a tourist you may getting a glamorized version of Brazil but if they were to live there, reality could hit that its a country with problems like any other country
Enhypen thinks Braizilians are very animated and expressive when they speak. the members may like how they can make ppl feel like family when they're really just strangers. I do see enhypen thinking Brazilians can be a bit overconfident and too aggressive like the type of ppl to stake claim to a person they find attractive and actively go after them (even if rejected still being persistent)
India 🇮🇳
Enhypen thinks it's a religious country with pretty buildings representing their religions. They like the land features of this country (I'm seeing some kind of rainforest). They also like the films this country produces
They may know of some of the political issues India faces (I'm not sure if acid attacks are still common there bc I got a card named "acid" so the members may think/know these attacks happen, maybe they've seen something on the news).
I'm definitely seeing these guys knowing about this countries artistic achievements. Especially when it comes to movies, music and artworks. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the members want to film a movie/music video there.
They don't think the Indian people may have a good sense of fashion/style. They may think Indians live their daily life as they please and isn't seeking to appear "put together", they just do them.
Philippines 🇵🇭
The members think Filipinos are also quite religious and that they're quite compassionate/kind ppl. Enhypen may like the restaurants and the way the people serviced them (professionally but treated them like family).
The members think the country either runs on a lot of charity (the members may have donated to a cause in the Philippines) or that the people are quite charitable (its likely both).
They may think the Philippines/Filipinos don't really solve their issues head on but kind of sweeps it under the rug in hopes it goes away. Like a country that could face a natural disaster and have the country damn near demolished but don't really rebuild the nation and they continue life as if nothing happened.
The members may view Filipinos as ppl who are happy with what they have and appreciative of life. Like ppl who may not be rich financially but their rich mindset wise.
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thespiritlady-brown-2 · 5 months
🐚 W E L C O M E 🐚
🐚 Namaste people ! I'm brown @theladybrownstarot !
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
India Armateifio Mini Personality Reading
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8oC, Strength, AoW, 3oS, 4pP rx, 3oP rx, The Chariot, QoS rx, The Hierophent rx, 5oS & Wheel of fortune
Well! India has a very extroverted personality and is always looking for hobbies to partake in. She enjoys traveling with her close loved ones and loves being around her friends (as we can see from her instagram feed lol), but she is prone to hibernate if her emotional stress is a lot to bare.
India is also a hardworking individual, who's always look out to break boundaries and make some sort of impact or everlasting affect on people around her.
India has the "Out of sight, out of mind" personality. She is able to move on from the past or negative situations, and she is able to accept that in life, she will be faced with obstacles but those don't stop her!
India MIGHT have experienced some sort of betrayal from people close to her, and they do seem to affect her a lot mentally and this has caused her to be very guarded and hostile to people around her. India also stands for her beliefs/ opinions, one will not be able to persuade her in anyway!
She is also very hard on herself and overly critical of herself and others around her. She has a catty personality, and is a very blunt communicator and can use her intellect against you. India is also really sly, and uses people as a stepping stone to achieve her goals, due to her competitive nature.
She might find unethical ways to gain some money from gambling or bribing people but either way, the universe is always on her side and will surely give her some good luck!
Thank you for reading! 📦
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Instagram is scary at times because I decided to not think about this guy and get him out of my mind. Now every possible tarot reading is showing up on my reels telling me he's missing me he's regretting and he's coming back 🤡
Now I can't help it but think about him.
Clown behavior ✅
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the-rainbow-miracle · 2 years
Don’t know which will be the right career for you? Hesitant about leaving your current job for a new one? Afraid of making a business investment due to fear of losses? When it comes to clearing doubts and confusions regarding your career or business, tarot reading can be an influential tool to bank on. Connect with the best tarot card reader in India to seek their assistance in interpreting pictorial cards for accurately predicting changes and improvements in your career prospects.
0 notes
shinystarfishmoon · 1 year
Relationships dynamic with your fs|Pick A Card
Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac. This pac is about your relationship dynamic between you and your fs . Here fs can mean you future spouse or soulmate whatever you believe in. This reading is a general reading take what resonates and live what doesn't 💗. Also it took me ages to do this reading i would really appreciate
If you like the reading please follow and reblog 💗 also if you liked check out my paid reading
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The plies are from left to right 👉🐥
Plie 1
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Hello plie 1 welcome to your reading love 💗
Cards: ace of coins,ace of swords,ace of cups,magician, strength, king of Wands, sun ☀️.
it may seem like I am just using positive cards but I swear I am not this are the cards that you got lots of 111 , 1111 ,2112 if you are seeing this could a sign. Look up for their meanings on internate. Lets get started with your reading so a lot of aces . I don't think you have met your fs yet this is someone new 🐥. This relationship will be a new beginning for many things lots of opportunities . You both will be each others strength... Like if one person will feel down the other person will try their level best to make sure to make you smile. I am hearing action speak more than words. Some of you may in past have struggled with a person who made a lot of promises with but never showed any actions to fulfill their promises I think this person would not be like that they are going to show with their action that they are truly into you that they want you in their life and you are going to do the same for them. You both together will create a lot of things which bring opportunities like starting a buisness etc or helping you may even work with this person ( this is for some of you would) . Every down to Earth couple.Even if you achieve great heights you will remind each other where you come from and what all you have achived. Help each other stay true to them self and not let the success get in the head. Very emotionally available couple. A every secure couple. No pitty fights . You both will have a deep understanding about each other. Best friends to lover kind of situation. Where you know each other so well that you could tell just by looking at their face what other person is thinking ( this is just a example of the bonds you guys will share) . A optimistic couple always seeing something good in every situation. Great at communicating your feelings with each other . I am getting 18 + messages I would not going to it as there might be some minors reading this but you guys will have lots of fun together🫣.
This song came to my mind
Plie 2 🌹
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Hello plie 2 welcome to your reading
Cards: 3 of swords, 5 of wands, 4 of coins, hanged man ( reverse) ace of swords,8 of swords, Queen of coins,the star, 3of cups
Let's get into your reading
before meeting each other either on of you or both of you may go through a heart break ( this doesn't always have to be about relationship, though it can be but it can also represent a heart break because life Just happens sometimes) . Or it can be Just that for both of you life was not particularly easy and you never got time to look after your heart and its hurts. Because of this even after having so many things you may feel stagnant. But this relationship will be the medicine to cuts that were made in the process. healing each other is a big thing in this relationship. Knowing that you both are not perfect but ready to fight to become a better person for them and vice versa. This relationship will be a new beginning to see your life and yourself in a new light. This relationship will make you try to do your level best and improve your life for each other. It will force you both to get out of your comfort zone . Doing all this self reflection and being each others support. You both may start out as friends and gradually fall in love. They couples who everyone ships. Your friends may be also really supportive of this relationship. I also think that you guys may be different in so many ways but also very similar ( this are intuitive message I am getting not from cards).
( this Hindi song was in my mind the whole time during the relationship)
Plie 3 💗
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Hello plie 3 welcome to your reading
Cards : 3 of swords,5 of swords ,6 of swords king of coins ,page of cups ,6 of coins ,the moon
Hello there how you have been doing . Before we get in to the dynamic of you and your fs i would there are some cards that indicate a heart break and a betrayal this could be someting you or your fs may have expirenced in the past or good be a situation that you are currently in where you feel betrayed and heart broken because of someone or something and it may feel like you have broken into pieces. Which may have led you to self doubt ,I truly dont think that you are in this situation currently right now. Beacuse of the 6 of swords i think that you or your fs have moved on from what happended even though it was hard but you left what happended in the past and moved on. I really dont this heart break creating a problem in the relationship its all in the past and you or the fs may want it to stay that way . Now lets get into the relationship dynamic I see both of you may be coming from money or one of you may come from a lot of money . Old money vibes here . This could be that you have build something that like a business or opportunity that brings you in a lot of money and that's why you are a rich person I see you when you get into the relationship I do not see you struggling with money. A couple that is very generous espcialy with money . Doing Charity work feeding the homeless feeding the children's that are unfortunate opening NGO or opening and orphanage is the kind of couple that I see you both being. A very emotionally available kind of couple there is never going to be a situation where anybody in this relationship would feel like oh I am not being validated enough for I am not being appreciated enough I do not think this would ever happened in this relationship also I see you being a very happy couple a very in love couple I think what makes you relationship very from other relationships is that you don't know that nobody can be perfect and that your partner wool also have faults and they would also have in perfection but your ok with it I think you are in kind of in love with their imperfections. Also with the moon card i think for now there are some things that need to be under cover right now . I also sense that plie 3 is reading a lot of tarot reading about love girll give it a rest 🤣 (lol). Thats your reading see you next time
Songs :
Plie 4
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Cards : knight of coins, two to of coins, ace of cups justice the world tow of wands ,the hangedman
Hello plie 4 welcome to your reading, hope you guys are doing amazing 🤩.lets get into your reading . Couple how understand what going with the flow means. How to sperate their hobbies and interests and taking out time for doing something that does not necessarily makes money but makes them happy. couple that you see going to yoga classes or gym together because they just enjoy doing it. A couple who is very open with each other. You guys have Harmony in the relationship. You know they feeling when a person just simply gets you and you don't have to pretend to be your best self all the time . This is the type of couple you could be. I am hearing" You are very things I need". A lot of words of affirmation. balancing each other out. You guys together share same values . A couple who believes in fairness, grounded very humble and kind. You may meet them when you may just be starting something new. This is the relationship that may trun not something serious preety soon. This relationship would be very strong.Very grounded , very secure not very easy to make insecure even if people try they will not be able to .you guys may also meet while travelling. This is all I have for you . I am really sorry this is very short but I didnt get many messages,hope you understand 🐥
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ardranaline · 5 months
pick an emoji reading + signs to look out for.
I post often on my Instagram I appreciate a follow
be careful of your glasses breaking, a cup breaking, your phone screen may also break.you may throw useful /important stuff in the dustbin accidentally. your life feels very imbalanced. you haven't gotten rest. you don't feel accomplished. you feel called to all the work you do goes unnoticed. you were very unmotivated before but you are pushing yourself to fight for your goals. you should revisit your past plans, plan b. whatever old strategy you had, it will work now.anything to make some progress and feel good. soon things will get more stable. comment "444" if this resonated. if you want any particular pick a cards please comment!
you're waiting for your efforts to show fruition. if you've invested money, time into something you're waiting for results. recently you had to fight for your name, face. few or many have questioned your integrity, if you're worth anything, you have been bullied about your capabilities but you stood your ground. these same people may try to sabotage your investments. you might be experiencing a financial loss. you guys may be waiting for your plants to grow, to flower. recently had a leg injury or some leg pain, mainly knee area. comment 4 if this resonated and follow me for more! if you want any particular pick a cards please comment!
you are completing a cycle, you're at the final steps of achieving success. you have also grown mentally strong in your journey. this might be one of the of the best level ups you have had because you are soon gonna make a move, you'll be able to focus all your energy into your dreams and any obstacles you had any stagnation it's all gonna disappear. the energy I'm feeling is just so wonderful, motivated absolutes success! wow! I'm just blown away. you may come across a bow & arrow 🏹, eat pudding or damaged book, the cover or pages of book is torn. comment "44" to claim anf follow for more such guidance! if you want any particular pick a cards please comment!
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shanneltarot · 5 months
India Ria Amarteifio & Corey Mylchreest friendship status and future predictions tarot reading
Trending Celebrity Gossip News, What is happening with India Ria Amarteifio & Corey Mylchreest friendship? Are they still friends? What does the future hold for them in 2024? Tarot Reading spills inside tea for this on screen couple off scene relationship
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Bridgeton Corey/India/Girlfriend Reading
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For those who have been living under a rock for the past month, the new Bridgeton spin off Queen Charlotte came out and we were all charmed by the actress India Amarteifio and actor Corey Mylchreest. Their chemistry on screen was explosive, however, there have been rumors that it has translated off screen. The only problem, Corey has a girlfriend, one he keeps private but is otherwise serious about. We are going to look into how these rumors are affecting the relationships between these people.
“Tell me about the energies between Corey, India, and the Girlfriend.”
Corey and Girlfriend - Corey is giving his girlfriend a lot of attention right now and trying to make her feel important. Girlfriend is feeling hopeless right now and thinking about or may have already decided to call it quits. Right now the energy between them is the magician. They want it to work and may be trying to repair things between them.
Corey and India - When I was shuffling, a lot of cards turned over, however, they were cards that indicated that they had a fun and friendly relationship. Nothing romantic that I could see yet. Corey is distancing himself from India right now. India understands this and feels like he is doing the right thing. However, the energy between them is 9 of swords. Someone or both of them are grieving the loss of this relationship. They really didn’t want to end this.
Girlfriend and India - Girlfriend feels betrayed by India. She is distrusting of her and gets depressed when thinking about her. India thinks that Girlfriend has given into the gossip and that she needs to trust Cory. Between them, the energy is 7 of wands. Interesting! There is competition between them. They are sizing each other up.
Now onto the real tea...
“What was the energy between Corey and India on set?”
First meeting - Ace of Pentacles. Work related. They felt like they could make money together. New profitable opportunity.
On set energy - 3 of swords, the empress, queen of wands. I think that they had a very close friendship and respected each other. I think that they might have even seen each other as two people that could have a strong partnership, career and romantic wise. However, with 3 of swords, I feel like there was a barrier there and they knew not to cross it. They were respecting each others boundaries. Professional energy.
Energy Now - hanged man. They have released each other. The relationship has come to an end or been stopped for the foreseeable future.
Did India have feelings - Sun, clarified 5 of wands. I would say yes. However, she had conflict with herself and was reminding herself that it couldn’t happen.
Did Corey have feelings - Page of swords. His energy wasn’t strong concerning romantic feelings. I think that he never considered making an offer and he would have shot down any offer she had made.
What was the nature of their relationship - 6 of wands reversed. They had no intention of acting upon their feelings. There was never any offers or backstage romance. Strictly professional.
“What is the competitive energy between India and Girlfriend?”
So for this I got King of Cups reversed. They are in a very immature energy right now. Neither feels like the other deserves Corey. They are building a case right now. India is looking at how easily these rumors got to Girlfriend and thinking that is why they don’t belong with each other with the Ace of Wands reversed. To be in this industry, you need to be able to discern the real from the fake. I see India looking down on her for that and maybe advising Corey to notice this. On the other hand, Girlfriend is playing this differently with the Hermit card. She isn’t punishing India, she is punishing Corey. She may have broken up with him or is making him feel like she will. This is causing him to give her more attention.
I got a message that what India is telling Corey is something that people have been talking about. Maybe people in her community or people who have worked with them both. However, she is using this genuine concern for selfish purposes.
At the end of the day, Girlfriend has won because Corey has not only cut off communication with India, but is also playing into Girlfriend’s game.
This situation will improve engagement for the show. 8 of pentacles.
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blessingsastrology · 11 months
Best Astrologer and Astrology Services in India By Dr. Surabhi Bhatnagar.
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Are you tired of finding the best Astrologer or Astrology Services in India? Are you looking for an Astrologer who can show you the right path in your life? Blessings Astrology is headed by Dr. Surabhi Bhatnagar, an eminent and international astrologer. Our services are Astrology, Vastu Shastra, Tarot card reading, Palmistry, and Numerology services based in Gurgaon, Haryana. For more information visit our website: www.blessingsastrology.com/astrology-service
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astroanuradha · 1 year
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thecosmicriver · 1 year
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The Tarot Cards Reader is a powerful tool that divines your current situation and provides you perceptive advice for all aspects of your life. The cards will reveal the meaning behind all major events, including those that have happened in the past. Using the reading to better understand what is happening both inside of you and in the environment around you.
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