#Teaching Resume
careernextplus · 1 year
Modern Teacher Resume Template
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imagine, if you will:
dick is standing behind the couch braiding stephanie's hair.
stephanie is sitting on the back of the couch braiding barbara's hair.
barbara is sitting on the couch braiding tim's hair.
tim is sitting cris-cross applesauce on the floor with cass's head on his feet braiding her hair.
(cass is eating a cookie.)
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raayllum · 9 months
all of "teach me how to name the bigger light" has been plotted, with a likely 23 chapters in total
current chapter 7 word count: 3,783 expected word count: 6.5-7k
“When I woke up—well, I didn’t expect to wake up, she and her Earthblood fellow were gone. So I headed here, to ask for help.” Opeli’s nostrils flared. “You dare—” “Not for me,” Viren said, annoyance flashing across his features, looking far more like the man Ez knew. “For Claudia—” “You say that like she’s much better,” Opeli cut in crossly. “She is a traitor and responsible for murder and attempted murder, as well as being complicit in a multitude of your crimes.” “She’s just a girl,” Viren countered softly. “Don’t blame her for following in my footsteps.” “Why?” Soren said coldly. “Because she’s your favourite?”
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my-midlife-crisis · 8 hours
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doubletrucks · 6 months
i'm sooo excited to start looking at school jobs because that was the original plan but it's also so daunting because i've never had a job where the interview wasn't just like "are your vibes chill" like the job i have now is the first job i've ever had where my manager is sober on the clock. my resume is just like "i have been operating POS systems since the age of 16" they're gonna eat me alive out there!!!!
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lokh · 6 months
looking at the feedback I got from doing student teaching. bro I taught like 5 lessons in 20 days 😭
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mejomonster · 6 months
I think about a query and a cover letter and how i need to look up what theyre called because i dont even know. Let alone know how to write them well and which things are required for what, and how i heard publishers only expect emails during calls for wubmissions so I dont know where to look for those but i also need to learn that from Somewhere i can learn such info. And how i know how to format a book for print, with mirrored margins and all the rest of that specific spacing stuff, but i have no idea the formatting requirements for a manuscript sent to a publisher (although hopefully that will be on their site as a style guide requirement directions and formatting IS something thankfully i'll be able to easily Look Up and Follow Directions to do). But the letter you send to pitch a novel and the length of manuscript expected (1 page? 1 chapter?) Or what kind of summary blurb they want, or if they want a summary or a "marketing blurb" that keeps some parts mysterious and enticing. And what's most frustrating, the reason i'm complaining, is when I look these things up the articles with advice do not say WHAT they are, basic requirements and basic expectations, it is IMPLIED the reader has as much familiarity with the definitions of these terms and when these items are needed as adults are expected to be familiar with job Resumes and standard Good Practice Format out of the gate. But with Resumes, high school and parents did provide some basic guideline directions and basic informafion like "include X, do not include Y, summarize Z" and "use keywords found in job description" and "keep it short such as one page or you may give a bad impression" and "do it in basic X fonts, basic colors, unless the job is particularly creative with unusual expectations of your resume" with similar directions about cover letters such as "state job you're applying for, summarize your education and some relevant experience, say you'd like the job and say why if you'd like, end with your contact information, keep it under a page ideally." I do not know the expected lengths of query letters, font expectations in the emails, if its an email or attachment, if it's submitted only during calls for submissions (i assume yes), how to find submission calls, what the title of the email should be, what the blurb length shpuld be and what it should Contain (summary? Marketing keywords? Your writing style or more technical key point information? Length/word count minimun and max? Should a summary be the whole main plot in a few key point sentences or be only the premise with the ending a mystery? Should it be entertainingly stylistic, or technical?) I look up requirements for publishing submissions and its so often expected the readers know what all these specific requirements and Norms in Writing them already are, so all the advice in the article is specialized like "you already KNOW what to submit, what the requirement is, now here's how to be Noticed Better." So it amounts to an equivalent to advice articles that do not state what a cover letter must contain or how to format it, but instead only focuses on specific ways of sounding more Convincing or Unique in your cover letter. Which is not super helpful if you... do not even know what a cover letter should contain to BE a correctly made cover letter to begin with.
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ionlycareaboutyou · 1 month
it’s hard if you do what i do (i’m not implying my job is hard okay) and read like any reddit thread on the subject because all you read is how your job is a waste of tax money, should be abolished, how you’re just a dancing monkey, and then if you want to learn how to use your skills to get into a new job, you just see a bunch of comments that are like “if you haven’t been getting a masters, learning coding, become fully fluent in japanese, and already have several references under your belt, you might as well kill yourself because you’ll never be as good as your peers back home”
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i'm officially TAing this semester starting tomorrow LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO
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puppybong · 1 month
sry im still annoyed like yes doing the dishes isn’t fun for anybody but you have 1) help 2) accommodations that will make it easier and im sorry its gross but you need. To do the dishes. This is literally nonnegotiable
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ghoul-haunted · 1 month
also it's so funny for a priest to train people and tell someone who has a very straightforward question about the liturgical calendar to just read the ordo like my man your average lay person is NOT reading that
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careernextplus · 1 year
Modern Teacher Resume Template
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one of the interns at my wife's job told her today that he writes transformers fic on ao3 bc transformers apparently has "fascinating gender politics" and ngl I long for that level of honesty about myself, my workplace is never going to know I write fanfiction in a million billion years
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kozmicxblues · 2 years
I know most people have decided that Steve's parents are never around, but the fact that he listed his mom as a reference and the way he said, "She's, like, super well-respected," live rent-free in my mind. His dad may be an asshole, but you cannot convince me that boy doesn't love his mama.
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The classical music industry sucks ASS actually in case you were wondering
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angelicwolf98 · 3 months
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