#Team Minato Week
asiriyep · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023.
Day 2: Different Village(s)
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anannua · 10 months
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💜 Day 6 - Rin-Sensei! 💜
I put Rin in the Jounin standard uniform she never got to wear, and had some fun customizing the kid’s uniforms a bit!
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obito-week · 11 months
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Hey guys! Thank you for taking part in the interest check! I'm happy that you all want another week to celebrate all things Obito :)
As per your replies I made another ObINGO card with little prompts. Once again you can use as many or as little prompts as you like per day!
Obito Week 2024 will be held between the 5th and the 11th of February 2024 and I can't wait to see what you will all create again.
Are there still any open questions? Please don't hesitate to send an ask to this blog or check our FAQ. Please also familiarise yourself with the rules of this event.
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malifiquemakes · 2 years
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They're in love your honour.
For @obito-week, prompt fill for 'family' and 'any AU' (aka 'everything is beautiful and nothing hurts' AU)
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maireyart · 1 year
Good Memories, Yours and Mine
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A little illustrated drabble for @kakashiweek Rating: G Day 4: Any AU. Post-war. Obito could tell getting used to this version of him wasn’t an easy task for Kakashi, but their awkward attempts at being friendly seemed like a good start. Twice they’d found common ground, and twice it had ended in parting soon after; if not for the Sage’s mercy and jutsu mastery, they wouldn’t be strolling the streets of Suna now, during a small break between court sessions. Getting in sync had felt natural in the midst of battle, but getting along in the thick mire of post-war stagnation turned out to be way more difficult.
Frankly, Obito still barely recognized himself; self-restoration was a work in progress. He hadn’t associated what he saw in the mirror with “Uchiha Obito” for a good deal of years, but now he sometimes absently wondered if his real self could still be seen through the battle-weary shell of his body or the grim lines on his face. Only the eyes seemed the same – dark, restless, and brooding, the Sharingan sealed away.
But apparently grannies could sense something regardless. They’d always clung to the lively boy he’d been, and when an old lady tugged at his sleeve and asked if he could carry her enormous suitcase up a flight of stairs (which were abundant in Suna), Obito got lost in the feeling of déjà-vu. It took him a few moments to process her words, and then he silently fulfilled the request under Kakashi’s amused stare. He knew one thing for sure: grannies’ intuition never lies. If that Suna lady approached him, then perhaps he did have something of the former Obito in his aura again; a tiny flicker of warmth only a perceptive person could notice.
“There was a time when I couldn’t stand your granny-related excuses. But now they’re good memories,” Kakashi commented with a lilt in his voice when Obito returned. “But I… I didn’t leave you any good memories, did I? If I did, it might have…”
Obito sighed. “You probably did,” he admitted quietly, “but they were few. Very few. And poisoned by what – what followed later…” It was a precipice they’d been hovering on for quite a while but couldn’t jump into just yet, so he made a mental step back and clutched onto a tiny vision that twinkled like a firefly in the dark mess of his mind. “Oh! Remember the day when you helped me with granny Hiroko’s errand? You were so nervous we’d be late for some stupid team training with some stupid invited specialists that you sank to my level just to make sure I’d be on time.”
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“Uhuh. We ended up being late together anyway, only appearing after they’d left. An unforgettable event,” came the light-hearted response, and then Kakashi giggled. It was the strangest sound in the universe.
“‘Criminally negligent irresponsibility in time of war,’” Obito quoted Sandaime’s words mockingly. “For once I wasn’t the only one being scolded. And you actually enjoyed running that errand with me – don’t tell me you didn’t. You didn’t even chastise me after. And maybe you even snickered under that mask of yours when Sensei, pale and fidgety, tried his best to explain your ‘degradation’ and my bad influence on you to his superiors.”
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“True, I was smiling,” Kakashi let out slowly, lost in the memory. “Their faces were funny.”
“Took you a long time to admit it.”
“Took me a long time to change.” He hummed and closed his eyes in delight. “Besides, granny Hiroko’s eggplants were tasty.”
Obito couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh, really?” They had been ninja, and fighters, and soldiers, but sometimes they had been just kids.
(They were late for the court session; Tsunade was outraged by the irresponsibility (something familiar, huh) and gave them an earful, but both of them were only smiling...) _____________________ Huge thanks to @professor-of-naruto for proofreading, but I've changed 1/3 of the text since then, so I might have "enriched" it with new mistakes 😁 And huge thanks to @cool-thymus for the title idea and all the fun we had discussing this AU!
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ladykissingfish · 4 days
*Kakashi, Obito and Rin sitting under a tree and eating lunch after training all morning* Kakashi: Obito. Can you please stop that? Obito: Stop what? Kakashi: Chewing with your mouth open, for one. And now talking with your mouth full. Those are extremely disgusting habits. Obito: No they're not. Its showing the chef that I appreciate the food! Rin, blushing: T-thank you, Obito, but maybe Kakashi is right. I don't have to see the food being chewed in your mouth to know that you like it, you know? Obito: *immediately closes his mouth to continue eating* Kakashi: ... Really? So you listen to Rin and not me? Tsk; what a way to treat your superior. Obito: *swallows and scowls* Superior? What makes you think you're superior to ME, asshole? Just because you're smart doesn't make you better, you know. *points at his face* You don't have these, do you?? Kakashi: Some ugly goggles? Obito: No! The almighty sharingan! Kakashi: You don't even have the sharingan yet! "Almighty" or not! Obito: But I will! Kakashi: Maybe, but you know what you won't ever have? A brain. Or common sense. Obito: Oh yeah? Well you -- *the two continue to fight while Rin cleans up the area, sighing* Minato: *walks up with Kushina* They're at it again, huh? Kushina: I don't know how you stand it, darling. Rin: I know what you mean; it's really hard for me not to fall into MY bad habit of punching people who annoy me. Kushina: Funny; I had that same habit when I was your age. Worked wonders, though. In fact, let me show you the stance I used to have, and the best way to follow through on your hits. Now, stand with your legs a little apart and -- Kakashi and Obito, stopping and their fight and sweating while watching Kushina and Rin: @kakashiweek
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mr-fear · 8 months
@obito-week 2024
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Okay honestly.. it's not much. But I'm really trying. This week has been really busy for me for no reason, but I'm still gonna post every day damnit-
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Anyway, I hope you guys can enjoy this. I know no one likely saw the original piece of mine that this is a redraw of, so I just put it above for reference. Not super proud of it, but hey, I hopefully improved just a little.
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(Also, ps- everyone participating in this event is so creative and talented. I feel spoiled looking at some of the entries, but ESPECIALLY the ones that use the prompts I gave. Thank you guys so much for your lovely creativity-)
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x-emeraldsky-x · 7 months
Obito Week: Day 6 - Birthday / Grandma
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// The wooden floor creaked horridly under his weight. It was old, unused to being stepped on after years of solitude and emptiness. No one had entered the house since his grandmother had passed, not even himself, he couldn't bare the pain of memories. Obito left everything behind that day, he started over. Lady Mikoto took pity on him, or perhaps she truly cared, he wasn't sure. He stayed with her, her husband and her son until the mission at Kannabi Bridge was given. With Mikoto now dead under the hand of her son, the orphans he used to train and nearly raise ice cold, and the elderly Uchiha that used to give in to his candy addiction now long gone, Obito felt empty. He couldn't kill them, even if he pushed all of his pain and feelings to the deepest pits of his stomach, he couldn't keep a blade steady enough to do it. He was truly alone now. Regret swelling in his heart. Rin... Minato... Kushina... they were gone as well. The only person he cared for that was still alive thought he was dead, and he couldn't go to tell him otherwise.
Instead, he stood in an empty home. It was cold and unloving, unlike his best memories, and an absolute mess from years of untidiness. He stepped further in despite it, treating every object he moved with care, and every box he opened he opened delicately. It was his grandmother's treasures, things she'd cherish forever she said. She'd scold him if he wasn't gentle.
In a dusty box tucked underneath her bed, Obito found her old camera sitting atop an album of photographs. They were all of him. Smiling, pouting and embarrassed, sometimes asleep, all captioned with how much she loved them. Tears pricked at his eyes as he removed his gloves, refusing to get dirt or grime on such a precious book, and placed it neatly in a bag he found in his old room. She once said she would show all of the photos to her great-grandchildren, and while Obito doubted he'd ever have a romantic life, he'd take it with him to make it come true for her. Even if he hated pictures.
// @obito-week
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veritablenonsense · 7 months
The release of p3r has me thinking again about a plot thread that I desperately wish the story used, which is the fact that the whole team watches the protag's persona go out of control seconds after he awakens.
In another game this might not have been a big deal but in this one we have the backstory with Ken's mother. At the very least, akihiko and mitsuru should have made a connection since they watched shinjiro go through this two years ago. They should be concerned, anxious, worried, careful. There should be tense, half-overheard discussions of whether or not to say anything. From the second the protag awakens, he's dangerous, and it is literally never brought up again.
(granted, that's not really why orpheus transforms, but it would be super simple to say that having two personas makes them more unstable anyway)
And it would be so easy to make this a mechanical thing too. Maybe whenever you summon a persona it has a small percentage chance of going out of control, using the wrong ability, attacking your party or you, etc etc.
And then partway through the game, maybe around the time that shinjiro joins the party, he could offer you the same Persona Suppressors he's been taking and you have one of those "no going back" decisions on whether or not to take them. If you refuse, shinjiro respects your choice but reminds you that your persona's power is dangerous, and you keep that percentage chance of going out of control. If you accept, you take a hit in other ways. There's a permanent debuff to your physical skills, or your HP and SP are reduced, or maybe it takes longer to level up.
Maybe it only lasts until ryoji shows up, or until the decision on december 31st, or maybe your decision impacts the game until the very end. I dunno. My point is hot damn i wish they went anywhere with that parallel.
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fjb-blurbs · 1 year
Random Kunoichi at a bar: *sits down next to Minato*
Minato: *scoots away*
Kunoichi: hey now, I don’t bite handsome-
Kushina: *slams hands down on table* I FUCKING DO-
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asiriyep · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023.
Day 3: Crossovers.
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Late Again
Prompt: Camera
Words: 1,421
Obito was late, again.
No one was particularly surprised by this, but with every second that past without him running breathless into the training field Kakashi grew more and more impatient. He’d started by drumming his fingers against his arm and slowly progressed to grinding his teeth in aggravation.
“Kakashi,” Rin greeted him with a smile when he looked her way. “He’ll be here soon. You should be nice when he arrives.”
The last thing Kakashi wanted to be was ‘Nice’ when Obito was making them wait to begin their training. Perhaps he’d find some forgiveness in his heart if Minato-Sensei would at least let them begin training without Obito, but he was adamant that the whole team needed to be together. 
Kakashi wasn’t even allowed to go off on his own to occupy himself. If he tried Minato-Sensei would grab his shoulder and hold him in place, and as good as people said he was he wasn’t anywhere close to being fast enough to avoid his Sensei.
“Oh come on,” Rin leaned in and bumped her shoulder against his, giggling when he grunted. “Obito’s trying hard.”
“No, he’s not,” he growled out. “That’s the exact problem. He’s not trying.” No matter what is was Obito was always finding excuses for his less than stellar performance. Either he’d say he was too busy helping other people, or he’d claim none of it would matter when he unlocked his ‘super special sharingan’ because then he’d be stronger than even Kakashi. 
There was never an instance where Obito accepted his own shortfalls and genuinely tried to change them. Rin would make excuses, Minato-Sensei would laugh and tell them all to get ready for training, and then everyone except Kakashi would forget about it until the next time.
“Really,” he sighed, waving a hand towards Rin’s face and earning himself a smack to the arm when he almost hit her. “You’re too easy on him, Rin. Sensei as well.”
Minato-Sensei’s hand came down on his head, flattening the usually spiky hair under his giant hand. “What was that?”
“You heard me,” he grumbled. “You’re both always letting him off with a warning, or a laugh. He’s not learning anything from you going easy on him. If he wants to be a better shinobi he needs to take training seriously. Including being on time.”
“Obito has grown a lot as a Shinobi since our team was formed,” Rin reminded him. “He still has a lot of growing to do of course, we all do, but you can’t deny he has grown.”
The urge to roll his eyes grew stronger with every word Rin said.
“He has grown,” he admitted. “And he’s a good shinobi when he puts his mind to it. The problem is-”
He didn’t get an opportunity to finish his sentence because at that moment a cloud of dust began to form in the distance and just a few seconds later Obito came to a screeching halt in front of the rest of them with a camera clutched in his left hand and sweat pouring down his face.
“Obito!” Rin clasped her hands together and grinned at their teammate. “You made it!”
“Forty five minutes late.” Kakashi grumbled under his breath only to have his Sensei shove his hand down hard enough that he was forced to bow his head to avoid injury.
“That doesn’t matter,” the hand vanished just before Kakashi could unsheeth his Kunai, saving itself from getting sliced for the utter disrespect that his Sensei had shown him. “Now that we’re all here we can begin training, right?”
Obito took a deep breath and grinned. “Right!” He extended his hand out in front of himself and cringed when he noticed the camera still clutched between his fingers. “Oh, right. Sorry. One second.”
Seeing his teammate looking around, no doubt searching for the case that his camera went in, Kakashi surged forward and snatched the object from Obito’s hand. “Is this why you’re late?” he asked, avoiding Obito hand when he tried to snatch the camera back from him. “What were you even doing?”
Straightening himself up, Obito placed his hands on his hips and frowned Kakashi examining the camera. “And here I thought you were a genius,” he huffed, earning himself a glare from Kakashi. “It’s a camera, smarty pants. It’s for taking pictures.”
A memory popped into Kakashi’s head at that moment. A quick moment that had been seared into his memory for eternity of Obito leaning into their Team picture kissing the glass right over where Rin was in the photograph.
“Oh, more pictures of Rin?” he asked, smirking under his mask when Obito’s widened with panic. “Ran out of pictures to ki-”
“Anyways!” Obito yelled at a volume that was way too loud for any reasonable shinobi. His face was turning a shade of red that Kakashi had never seen before, his eyes daritng between Rin and Kakashi. “T-trainin! We should start training.”
This time Kakashi couldn’t stop even hope to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “We should have started training an hour ago,” he reminded his teammate as he turned the camera over in his hands and examined the back. “You were late, again.”
“I was busy!”
“You were distracted,” Kakashi corrected him.
Seeing Rin taking a step towards him, he turned his attention to her and made sure to hold the Camera just over his shoulder so she couldn’t try to snatch it away from him. “Kakashi, come on,” she insisted, holding out her hands as if she expected him to just hand her the camera. “Give it back, please.” there’s a pained sound that Obito makes when he says the ‘please’. As if saying the word is physically harming him.
For all Kakashi knows, it is. It’s not like Obito to use polite words, especially when it was Kakashi he was speaking to. Most of the time he preferred to yell out demands and whine when he didn’t get his way. 
“Mmm, no,” he answered her pleas. “Unless…” taking one more look at the camera, he smiled as an idea came to mind. “How about a deal?”
“A deal? For my camera?” Obito stomped his feet against the ground. “Just give it back!”
“I will,” he assured his teammate. “If you can get it back,”  Obito lunged towards him, but Kakashi side stepped him with ease and watched as he fell face first into the dirt. “Come on, I know you can do better than that.”
“Kakashi..” Rin stepped forward, no doubt with every intention of trying to talk him out of his latest training idea, but before she could get another word out Minato-Sensei appeared behind her and laid a hand on her shoulder. When she glanced up at him he smiled. 
“You two have thirty minutes,” Minato-sensei smiled at them while pulling Rin back. “Once the times up we’re going to train, got it?”
Lifting his head out of the dirt, Obito glared at Kakashi with a look that would have surely killed anyone else in their spot.
Thankfully, Kakashi wasn’t as weak willed as other people. He was used to people giving him looks like that whenever they saw him, even if he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Sometimes they’d glare at him with even more hatred.
The anger that Obito expressed was at least justified.
“Good luck,” he held the camera up so Obito could get one last good look at it. “You’re going to need it.”
With that, he was gone. Vanished into a puff of smoke while Obito screamed after him with promises of a swift, painful vengeance if anything were to happen to his precious camera. Although Kakashi didn’t take those threats all too seriously, he did take a moment to stop near a nice bush some distance away from his teammates where he promptly hid the camera away.
If Obito asked, he’d say it was so he could mess with him, but truthfully Kakashi didn’t want the camera to get damaged. All he wanted to do was mess with his friend. Perhaps teach him a lesson about being tardy to team training.
Obito would never forgive him, and he’d certainly never listen to anything he had to say about his terrible habit of being late, if he allowed the camera to be damaged in the scuffle that was sure to follow.
Once he was sure it was hidden from view he returned to the task at hand.
Making sure Obito didn’t catch up to him in the next thirty minutes.
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obito-week · 1 year
Obito Week 2024 - Interest Check!!
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93.8% of you all want another Obito Themed week in the next year, so I was like, what the hell, lets host another one! I don't want to leave a big empty hole where Obito content is supposed to be (gettit, I'm funny.)
Next year the event will be held from the 5th to the 11th of February so we can celebrate his birthday once more. I want to leave the prompts to you all again, so please fill this form so you can tell me what kind of event you would like and with what word prompts. I will leave this interest check open for a good while, maybe two weeks or three, I will inform you in time before it closes.
If you love Obito as much as I do, please spread the word around about this event so that many people can take part! I had a lot of fun seeing what all of you created earlier this year, so I'm looking forward to that again next year.
You can message this blog with questions or directly contact the mod @wind-becomes-lightning
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hey! im professor-of-naruto on my sideblog, and this is a really random question, but im writing a continuation of a fic i posted for team minato week, and when you reblogged my original post you added a gem of a tag:
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and obito's line made me snort laughing so i was hoping i could use it for the beginning of chapter two, and give you a shoutout in the author's note. would that be okay with you?
this was the original fic btw, just to refresh your memory:
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thx and hope you're having a nice relaxing weekend!
Omg totally!! Your fic was such a gut-punch, I loved it
The part where Minato goes 'that can't be my Kakashi' ???? That poor man I just about sobbed screamed I was devastated
It was also just such an interesting concept, I'm a sucker for time-travel fics, when they're focused on team Minato and Kakashi specifically even more so but GOSH this was just, stuck in my head- what you wrote, that is, for a good while lmao
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hotgirltobi · 1 year
What It's Like to Hug Ghosts
You initiated the hug.
Your feet walked; your arms reached
for Obito and Rin
when you saw their eyes. Alive and well.
And waiting for you, maybe.
Rin leaned on Obito. They grinned at you.
You could have this?
Three foreheads squished.
Your team breathed.
Alive and well.
And holding you.
They were the air you breathed,
and the oxygen that breathed fire
into your souls; you know that
to name this bond
was to chase deadly perfection.
You would chase forever --
You wanted to feel
Obito and Rin,
and to feel good enough for them
@depressedhatakekakashi @kakashiweek
09/14 : Hiding
This is the first poem I shared on tumblr! Sorry it's moody for a birthday lol
I appreciate feedback <3
It originally started with me wanting to write a flash fiction piece using the sounds from their names, so the whole piece would have echoes of their names. This became more ambitious than I intended so I kinda gave up until my friend encouraged me to keep working on it. I wanted to go for clarity of actions and try to dive deep into what it might be like if Kakashi was able to hug his team again. I haven't decided if young Kakashi or adult Kakashi are speaking, so I'll leave it up to you
I also made this without thinking of Kakashi week prompts. It felt like it fit the "hiding" prompt, so I'm posting it for the event lol
Hernan Diaz asking, How can you recreate an experience through language?
Drawing on a tablet
"Oxygen" cover by The Orion Experience
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I've had many thoughts about the fact that Students and Teachers in Naruto are always giving a very special, very close relationship. They are pretty much always seen as mentors that the younger people put a lot of trust in (all their lives really!) and the teachers care and value their children highly (also all their lives). I mean i could rant about that if I wanted to, but I cant make a cohesive thought to save my life.
Anyway, that is actually kinda painful to read. Anko must have loved him just like every student loves and values their teacher and he used and discarded her when it didn't matter anymore. Ugh..
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