girlactionfigure · 1 year
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I love this so much!
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orcinus-ocean · 2 years
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Some of you (who follow me on IG) may know I visited Loro Parque one week ago. You’ll get the actual good images later, because they’re still in my “real” camera (these were taken with my phone). I filmed a lot more than I took photos, though.
It was to the day two weeks after Kohana’s passing, and even though I’ve never been there before, I have followed these whales for over eight years now, and I could still scarcely believe Skyla and Ula were gone, and now Kohana was, as well.
We took the first bus from the south, meaning we got to the park almost two hours after it opened, and ran in as the first whale show was halfway done. Keto and Tekoa were in the show, and so the first thing I saw was Morgan in the back pool. I was so moved by finally seeing her for real, I can’t tell you. The whole experience felt surreal.
The last time I saw killer whales up close was in 2000, when I was a kid and much more interested in dolphins. (Funny thing - that summer in Florida, I also nearly died of boredom when parrots flew overhead at some show. Now, I went to Tenerife explicitly to see killer whales and parrots! XD ) That of course means Tekoa was in his mom’s belly when I visited Orlando, so I’ve “almost” met him before. :p
The day before LP, we had pondered going whale watching, and spoke to a nice British woman down by the beach. She was very enthusiastic about their business, but at the mention of the name “Sea Shepherd” (directly affiliated with them) my own enthusiasm deflated and I left with a “maybe we’ll stop by later”.
Sea Shepherd absolutely does some good things (at least in regards to the vaquita), and it’s not that giving some money to them indirectly is the worst thing (and I appreciate that the whale watching company tried to be as ethical as possible, turning off the engines and letting the whales come to you), but I read on their website and no, sorry, I will not pay to spend two hours being lectured about “the Cove” (didn’t even say “dolphin hunt in Japan”, it seriously said “the Cove”), the Faroe Islands, and how “awful” “captivity” is.
(Sea Shepherd did also go out with an official “warning” or threat a few years ago to every person in the world who visits dolphinariums. They are lunatics.)
There were other whale watching companies but they charged more and the day was getting late and hot, so we ended up not going (had not planned whale watching anyway, but we had a day with nothing to do).
Back to the wednesday at Loro Parque, when we got in for the second show, we were among the first, and sat just above the slideout, as you can see. Before it started, Keto and Morgan were chilling in the show pool and vocalizing, and Keto spyhopped (backwards) by the slideout a lot, apparently trying to get a look at people.
Tekoa is really big and looks like the perfect mix between Tilikum and Kanduke, but Adán is still a little peanut, although with a taller dorsal fin (let’s just say grandpa didn’t look like that at nearly 12).
After the second show was done, Morgan stayed by the glass and watched people leave, in the same spot I’ve seen her before. I was told online that she likes to watch people, and I swear she looked right at me when I got down to say hi and film.
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skleznev · 2 years
Shuttered Car Dealership, Tekoa, Washington by Austin Granger
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autotrails · 6 days
American Auto Trail-Palouse Scenic Byway (Steptoe Butte to the Idaho State Line WA)
American Auto Trail-Palouse Scenic Byway (Steptoe Butte to the Idaho State Line WA) https://youtu.be/psnQwoKJ2LI This American auto trail explores the Palouse region of southeastern Washington State, from Steptoe Butte northwest to the Idaho State Line.
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webcrawler3000 · 11 months
Metroid’s Son
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tatsupants · 1 year
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(Original date: 5/10/2021)
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na Catman!
A sketch of my FFXIV character, Tekoa. He likes massive swords that are way more detailed than they need to be.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 22 days
Silly Garden Nurse | DT
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Silly Mimic Lady I made for a frend I was having a DT with on TH.
Anyways... Yeh she's a nurse, but also a gardener who works for my alien king fella (Martyr). That's kinda it.
Also lil Bonus. (Aka her w/o the leaves & flowers in her hair).
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Its weirdly my first ever time to making a character with poofy hair. (Originally I thought of making her have curly hair but I decided to not k1ll myself by doing that)
Also here's the Inspo. (Not mine it was from Pinterest or smtn idk. My frend just gave me to reference/make a OC off)
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Character was created & designed by me.
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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Teko Jexauka - Ensinando Nosso Modo de Ser - Livro Bilíngue em Português/Guarani
Teko Jexauka – ensinando nosso modo de ser Teko Jexauka – Ensinando Nosso Modo de Ser – Livro Bilíngue em Português_Guarani O livro “Teko Jexauka – ensinando nosso modo de ser” é uma publicação bilíngue português/guarani que reúne apalavrares da oralidade, desenhos, fotos e colagens do trânsito no tempo e nos territórios da Tekoa Mymba Roka e Tekoa Yv’a (SC) e Maquiné (RS). A publicação é…
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edsonjnovaes · 2 years
arquivo pessoal, 2022 Às vezes não nos damos conta da quantidade de ritos de passagem que vivenciamos ao longo da vida. Os Ritos de passagem, de acordo com site de buscas: “são celebrações que marcam mudanças de status de uma pessoa no seio de sua comunidade, que podem ter caráter social, comunitário ou religioso. Os Ritos de passagem são aqueles que marcam momentos importantes na vida das…
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kdmiller55 · 3 months
Absolution Without Atonement Is Always Inadequate
1 Now Joab the son of Zeruiah knew that the king’s heart went out to Absalom. 2 And Joab sent to Tekoa and brought from there a wise woman and said to her, “Pretend to be a mourner and put on mourning garments. Do not anoint yourself with oil, but behave like a woman who has been mourning many days for the dead. 3 Go to the king and speak thus to him.” So Joab put the words in her mouth. 4 When…
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readerviews · 9 months
"Spirits Unveiled" by Tekoa Manning
Much food for thought is presented here. #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Spirits Unveiled Tekoa ManningManning the Gate Publishing LLC (2023)ISBN: 978-1737402084Reviewed by Diana Coyle for Reader Views (12/2023) In “Spirits Unveiled: A Theological Unveiling of the Spiritual Realm Book 2” by Tekoa Manning, we are presented with many ideas on how paranormal-related things such as ghosts, angels, and even demonic beings can have connections and explanations to the…
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I don't quite understand the listing on this 1917 bank building in Tekoa, WA. It's empty and looks like it hasn't been converted, but the listing says that it has 3bds & 2ba. It also looks like you get the entire building, but the listing calls it a condominium. It's got some pretty cool original features, though, and it's listed for $247K. Let's see what we have, here.
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So, technically, this would be your main living area. I like the blue accents, all the original wood features and arch by the front door. They left the desk in the middle, and I think that would have to go. I also like the original mosaic flooring.
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Now, here's the bank vault right on the main floor.
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So, is this one of the 3 bedrooms? Look, they left a cool smaller safe in here, too.
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But, wait! If you buy today, we'll double your order and you'll also get a second, secret vault with a bathroom. I don't see a shower or tub in here, though.
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Maybe I would keep the desk. It matches the loft. This place needs a kitchen, so maybe it would make a nice island.
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I'm confused. Is this considered a bedroom? The wood is nice, but there's an open loft above.
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Stairs to the loft.
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I still don't see where they see 3bds and 2ba.
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Maybe this is the 3rd bedroom? I like the exposed brick, but it's way too narrow and has no window to be a bedroom.
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There's a very large basement, but that furnace looks shot.
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It's a huge space.
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And, they left all their crappy archives for the new owner. The listing promised a secret passage. Is this where it leads?
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I don't know, but I don't think that I'd pay $247 for this building. I don't see 3bds, 2ba, it needs a new HVAC system, plus a kitchen. 2 thumbs down.
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karvoja · 3 months
Inhoon inhoon inhoon inhoon kohta ihan kaikkea!!
Soitin tänään OP:n välittäjälle varatakseni ajan vuokra-asunnon näyttöön. "Meillä on tästä talosta kahden eri kaksion ilmoitus, kumpaa tarkoitat?" Mä puhelun alussa kerroin neliömäärän, eikä ne kaksi asuntoa ole saman kokoiset, mutta kerrataan vielä.. "Siis tämä, jossa on kaksi huonetta ja keittiö, 43 neliötä" No, kaksioissa on pruukannut olla kaksi huonetta ja keittiö, ja neliöt kerroin edelleen puhelun alussa... "Kuinka monta asuntoon on muuttamassa" Mitä väliä sillä vielä tässä kohtaa on, kun en edes tiedä haluanko muuttaa kyseiseen asuntoon.... "Oletko jo täyttänyt meidän hakulomakkeen?" Eikun mä haluaisin nyt puhelimessa varata näytön tähän asuntoon..... "Sinun täytyy ensin täyttää verkossa hakulomake, josta minä saan sitten ilmoituksen ja palaan asiaan myöhemmin" No onpas taas vaikeeta ja sitten lyhyt sarja hengitysharjoituksia......
Hakulomakemikälieperkele ja tähdellä merkityt rivit: Kuka sun tyänantajas on? Kuis kaua sää oles ny ollu tyäsuhtees? Kuis hiano sun tittelis oikke onkka? Misä sää nyy asus? Etsää sunkkas mikkän terroristi ol? Vai aioksää täsä asuntonäytös pest samal raha!? Oleksää rikolline vai oleksää kotiäiti??!
Jos tätä hakulomaketta perustellaan terrorismilla ja rahanpesulla, niin miten jumankauta vuokra-asunnon näyttöön haluaminen niihin liittyy!!? Ja toisekseen, mitä välittäjä ja vuokra-asunnon omistaja tekee vielä tässä kohtaa mitään mun työnantajan nimellä? Ja mitä mun nimikeellä on tekoa minkään kanssa!??! Tai työsuhteen kestolla?
Kyllä oli asiat ennen paremmin, perkele.
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The brainrot is official.
Find my funky little Safe Space Ship stickers on my funky little Etsy.
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chonkadonk · 2 months
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ART FIGHT 2024: 2/?
anotha batch... cant believe we're barely halfway through the month already!!
m.v. botenscalen and leshys, @tiny-souless-thing
supernova, natnatnightfever
alka, @eldritchmistake
randall, princeapuns
tiffany, @sennamaticart
dorimé, @toaster-cat8
maizie, @mehowity
sunny novaire, mimisues
tekoa, sachertorte
jamie, @sunnycrisp
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