people be normal about children existing on the internet challenge (failed) (911 called) (gone terrible) (gone violent) (blood spilled) (skin teared) (bones shattered)
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nightmarecait · 11 hours
Questions 1, 2, and 3 for Amnon and Arras please! ✨
Hmm. This is tough. I have to think of a non durge Amnon lol. Takes some thinking.
1. Hmm the greetings. I don't even know what the levels of approval all are but I'll do my best here.
Neutral: "Did you need help with something?"
Friendly: "Was there anything I could do for you?"
Hates you: "What is the problem now?"
Besties: "it's good to see you, what do you need?"
Romanced: "every day with you is a blessing, did you need anything?"
(He is so polite)
Neutral: "Oh, did you need something?"
Friendly: "Always fun to see you. What are we doing today?
Hates you: "Oh it's you again. Can't you bother someone else?
Besties: *laughs in a kind of sinister way* "good, we were getting bored. Hope you've got another adventure planned." (Referring to Kaelarth with we)
Romanced: "Mmm, hello love. Have you thought about the offer yet?" (When you romance him he suggests a threesome with Kaelarth)
2. The tents :)
Amnon: the tent itself is dark gray, inside he has a little holy symbol of Kelemvor and a make shift shrine to pray at. He has a stand for his armor and a training dummy on the outside. I think he would have something as a momento of his brothers but I don't know what. Maybe one of them drew a little family portrait for him.
Arras: His tent is this deep, wine red. And its lavish, so many little keepsakes. All stolen. It's like the hoard of a magpie. Shiny things and mementos of past adventures. Little gifts from Kaelarth. There's a fancy chair to sit in, somehow he even has like a couch. I'm not even sure what he's got. But it's everything. He rarely let's things go
3. Oooh the character quests. Crap. How do I do this for Amnon?
Amnon: The Haunted Paladin. So much of his story is around memory loss. I think without the durge story line there's still some repressed memory thing going on. He's trying to find his family, his brothers. He can't remember what happened to them when he left. He's worried they're in danger. I think maybe he's got some trauma amnesia thing, I don't know if without the urge he kills his parents but he does something bad, something he had to forget and now he has to remember again
Arras: The Lost Sun Elf.
I think Arras or Kaelarth get some clue that might finally solve the mystery of the curse that destroyed Arras' village. And of course it has to be fey related somehow. Something that loops Kaelarth in. This would be a big thing, Arras is a very cool guy, loves fine food, fine companions and everything else. This would be a window into the starving child that still lives in him.
Gosh this was fun. More please!
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selfshipgushing · 8 days
AM and william birkin. send ask
talk ur talk
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kdmiller55 · 3 months
Spoken From the Heart
7 And at the end of four years Absalom said to the king, “Please let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed to the Lord, in Hebron. 8 For your servant vowed a vow while I lived at Geshur in Aram, saying, ‘If the Lord will indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will offer worship to the Lord.’” 9 The king said to him, “Go in peace.” So he arose and went to Hebron. 10 But Absalom sent secret…
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cmariottini · 1 year
David: Parenting Courageously
Absalom Murders Amnonby Gaspare Traversi (1752)Wikimedia Commons David had a large family. David had eight wives, many concubines, nineteen sons, and at least one daughter. Before he became the king of a united monarchy, David had three wives: David’s first wife was Michal, the daughter of Saul. Michal did not give any children to David. David’s second wife was Ahinoam, a woman from Jezreel. She…
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portraituresque · 11 months
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soul-of-vengeance · 11 months
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Golnar: Well... I said I'd do it, so I guess I'll have to.
@depressed-pansexual's Amnon taking advantage of Golnar's lawful nature
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justineportraits · 1 year
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Amnon David-Ar Nude 1997
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there's no waylon park x readers im sad i will pay good money (beg and plead and sell my tears in jars) for a waylon x reader
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nightmarecait · 5 months
14 & 22 for Amnon!
14. Hobbies! Amnon can remember his life uo until about 20ish years ago. He spent a lot of time training as a paladin and generally focused on his duties. He's skilled in all kinds of combat and actually enjoys practicing, it kind of calms him down. He also likes cooking. He was a member of an Illmater temple and even the paladins had to pull shifts in the kitchen sometimes. He learned to enjoy it.
22. Languages. He is a tiefling. He definitely speaks infernal. I think since he got to the temple as a young teen and grows up there he probably picks up some words in a lot of languages from the other members and the people they were helping. I think he's only fluent in common and infernal, but definitely knows some phrases in a lot of languages. Just enough to make people wonder where he picked it up
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וּבְשׁוֹפָר גָּדוֹל יִתָּקַע וְקוֹל דְּמָמָה דַקָּה יִשָׁמַע וּמַלְאָכִים יֵחָפֵזוּן וְחִיל וּרְעָדָה יֹאחֵזוּן וְיֹאמְרוּ הִנֵּה יוֹם הַדִּין לִפְקֹד עַל צְבָא מָרוֹם בַּדִּין כִּי לֹא יִזְכּוּ בְּעֵינֶיךָ בַּדִּין וְכָל בָּאֵי עוֹלָם יַעַבְרוּן לְפָנֶיךָ כִּבְנֵי מָרוֹן כְּבַקָּרַת רוֹעֶה עֶדְרוֹ מַעֲבִיר צֹאנוֹ תַּחַת שִׁבְטוֹ כֵּן תַּעֲבִיר וְתִסְפֹּר וְתִמְנֶה וְתִפְקֹד נֶפֶשׁ כָּל חָי וְתַחְתֹּךְ קִצְבָה לְכָל בְּרִיָּה וְתִכְתֹּב אֶת גְּזַר דִּינָם
"And with a Great Shofar it is sounded, and a Thin Silent Voice shall be heard. And the angels shall be alarmed, and dread and fear shall seize them as they proclaim: Behold! the Day of Judgment on which the Hosts of Heaven shall be judged, for they too shall not be judged blameless by You, and all creatures shall parade before You as a herd of sheep. As a shepherd herds his flock, directing his sheep to pass under his staff, so do You shall pass, count, and record the souls of all living, and decree a limit to each persons days, and inscribe their final judgment."
(From the prayer U'Netanah Tokef)
U'Netanah Tokef is a prayer said on Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. It is a beautiful, raw poem describing the process of the Day of Judgement every year, when Hashem judges all living things and decides who will live and who will die. Every year I become extremely emotional during this prayer. The story of this poem's authorship is equally heartbreaking- it's attributed to Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, who refused to convert to Christianity and was tortured brutally for it, and composed this poem on his deathbed as he died from his wounds. I decided to depict one of the most meaningful excerpts from this prayer. I depicted a ram instead of the typical sheep, since a ram is associated with Rosh HaShana and the traditional ram's horn shofar.
Gmar Chatima Tova to everyone.
[id in alt text]
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kdmiller55 · 3 months
The Shame of Shepherdless Sheep
1 After this Absalom got himself a chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him. 2 And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate. And when any man had a dispute to come before the king for judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, “From what city are you?” And when he said, “Your servant is of such and such a tribe in Israel,” 3 Absalom would say to him, “See, your…
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gyubby99 · 1 year
what's one thing that they always take with them when they go places
do they like to travel
Both for Damian
He likes to travel to different places. My guy even knows how to make disguises so he doesn't get caught traveling. Anything but staying at the castle.
One thing he takes with him? Anything that has butterflies in them. A butterfly accessory? That's how you spot him. He even asked the servants to embroider a butterfly for him in his suit. He has an odd obsession with butterflies. Also he takes his sword just in case. He likes swords as well as butterflies.
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cmariottini · 2 years
David, King of Israel
David, King of Israel
Kind David in Prayerby Pieter de Grebber (1635)Wikimedia Commons David was the second and the greatest king of Israel. David was the youngest son of Jesse, a man who lived in Bethlehem. The name of David’s mother is never mentioned in the Old Testament. According to the genealogy in the book of Ruth, David was a descendant of Judah through Perez and the great-grandson of Ruth and Boaz: “Now these…
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nitpickrider · 2 years
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He's the Flash. He can outrun anything.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Light Art
Targetti Light Art Collection
a cura di Amnon Barzel
Skira editore, Milano 2006, 272 pagine, 24.64 x 28.45 cm,  ISBN  978-8876246333
euro 35,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Il volume è dedicato alla Light Art, la corrente dell'arte contemporanea che utilizza la luce artificiale come strumento espressivo primario. Nella prima sezione un saggio introduttivo di Amnon Barzel evidenzia come uno studio praticamente ininterrotto sulle valenze cromatiche della luce abbia accompagnato la storia dell'arte dalla sua nascita fino agli sviluppi più recenti. Seguono un testo di Paolo Targetti sul ruolo fondamentale che il rapporto tra arte e industria gioca nell'ambito dell'arte contemporanea e un'intervista di Consuelo de Gara a James Turrell. La seconda sezione è invece dedicata alla Targetti Light Art Collection, una delle più prestigiose collezioni al mondo dedicate alla luce artificiale.
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