mocha-gladiator · 2 years
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dragon man spends most of his life in human form. human friend catches him in his halfway form while he's trying to move heavy shit. human friend proceeds to get a little handsy
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neontapirguts · 20 days
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I'm going to start posting personal art by sharing my Arch Lich Terragon(that's my own species that I have a lot of TTRPG lore stuff built for) Zachariah Shadowscale. A charismatic vain mother fucker who is feared by all in my own setting, and causes all sorta fucking chaos and bullshit Maybe one day I'll lore dump
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wakinguponsaturday · 10 months
Halsin: Tell me something about yourself in return, why don't you? Come on - I'm sure you've got something better than carving wooden ducks.
My guild artisan tiefling who makes wood carvings for a living: I actually don't.
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certifiedceliac · 5 months
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Nutty Risotto with Celery and Tarragon (via Sainsbury's Magazine)
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wildrungarden · 1 year
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3/3/23 - Started this tray tonight 🌱☺️
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purplecladmerchant · 6 days
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Because it took me an eternity doing the third mates, I decided not to do lineart when doing the hexbuds, just my usual clean sketches.
Anyway, here's Tarragon, the plant keeper, the last dragon!
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ticklemerainbows · 3 months
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kanan & hera requested by @kanerallels
terragon represents patience and lasting interest, much like the love that kanan and hera share
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autoacafiles · 1 year
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And now, the first in a new series of profiles based on Dropkick's Chronicles of the Lightning Wars!
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mocha-gladiator · 2 years
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dragonfolk can spend their entire lives in human form if they choose, so sometimes its a little awkward when your real-human friend finds out, and you have to remind them its still you inside
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neontapirguts · 5 months
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You wonder into a shop and look around at all the trinkets on display. As you browse, you are suddenly engulfed by the belly of a large terragon behind ya." Hey Can I help a find something?" Ham says, unaware of how much space he is taking up. Not that you mind.
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wakinguponsaturday · 10 months
Losing my mind about Wyll with horns after you convince him not to kill Karlach. Corruption of the soul made manifest and in service of good rather than evil yes yes of course but also my tiefling is vibrating with excitement. Now she has TWO friends with horns
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dailynewskit · 11 months
Terragon's $9M raise gives credence to the market maturity in Africa’s cloud and martech space
As one of the well-known data and cloud martech companies in Africa, Terragon, via several products, gives its clients (primarily telecommunications and financial services companies) data on the continent’s growing consumer markets. Adrenaline, one of its main products, is a telco-data monetization solution that lets telcos diversify their income and marketers access specialized audiences…
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
hello! if you accept requests for one peaceLive action (I hope)
could you write reader x sanji and I have a strange idea
what if with reader flirting.... another cook? and Sanji feels not just jealousy, but double jealousy... it's very strange, I know, but still I think it's quite interesting.
thank you in advance🙏💕
Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
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The smell of spices, ripe fruit and freshly made food hits your nostrils. It's markets like this that truly show the genius loci of the place. Mobs of people roll through the narrow spaces between stalls that are bending under the weight of displayed products.
You glance at Sanji, who's walking next to you. Judging by the bliss on his face, you'd think you're in heaven and not some unmarked island in the middle of nowhere.
Then a specific aroma reaches you - something you haven't smelled in a long time but could never forget. It's tangy, creamy and herbal...
"Can you smell it?" you turn to Sanji, suddenly stopping in your tracks. Excitement bubbles inside your chest and cherished memories of beautiful days with wonderful people flash before your eyes.
"You'll have to be a little more precise, love," he answers with undeniable fondness in his voice. His thumb is softly rubbing the skin of your hand.
"Lemon tarragon sauce," you say as if it's the most obvious thing. Looking around, you catch a glimpse of a pot filled with yellow-ish, creamy dip. "Right there!"
Tugging at his arm, you pull him in the direction of the stall and the source of the delightful smell. The market stand is managed by a man around your age. He has a head full of black, dense curls that perfectly suit his tanned skin. There's a clean dish towel tied around his neck as if it's an ascot. Skilled, muscular hands move between pans, pots and counters as he's restlessly grilling meat, fish and prawns to put them in cones made from newspaper and layer the tarragon sauce on top.
The street cook looks up from the dishes when he notices customers approaching. As his dark eyes set on you, the man suddenly perks up and a playful smile curves his raspberry-coloured lips.
"Mademoiselle," he says with a certain intensity to his voice. It almost sounds like he's asking you something.
Sanji immediately cringes at the man's tone. This suave, decadent drawl is something he's also used the very first time he saw you. And considering the fact that you're tightly holding his hand, it had worked perfectly. Now just to make sure that this terragon-smelling, ascot-wearing sleazy guy isn't as successful.
"How can I thank you for brightening up my day?"
"I'd love a serving of prawns with tarragon sauce," you say thrilled. It seems that you're either missing the flirtatious aura surrounding the man or you're willfully ignoring them.
Sanji feels his chest tighten and a bitter taste fills his mouth. Why would you be so excited about someone else's cooking? Worse - what if you will prefer that guy's food over his?
The street cook gets to grilling freshly caught prawns. His fingers skilfully dance in the air as he seasons the seafood and mixes it in the pan. Garlic and lemon pepper fragrances overthrow your senses.
The ascot-wearing man gives you a curious look. "What are you looking for at the end of the world, flower?" he asks.
But before you can answer, Sanji cuts in. "We're on a shore leave," he answers coldly. "Won't stay for long."
"That's a shame," the local chef continues unaffected by Sanji's impertinence. His eyes are fixed on you, eating you up like you're the local delicacy and not the seafood in the pan. "At night the island looks even better. Not that it could compare," he says with a wink.
In a swift move, the man moves the prawns from the pan onto a page from a newspaper. He quickly rolls the paper into a cone. Clearly, he's been doing this for a very long time.
"You're from around here, right?" you carry on the conversation.
"Born and raised, ma cherie," he answers with pride. That shouldn't come as a surprise - ever since the Marines built a base on the surrounding archipelago, the islands have been filled with immigrants who couldn't care less about local traditions and customs.
Sanji feels his irritation only growing, hearing how the pet name rolls off the man's tongue naturally, as though he's calling you by your given name. It feels wrong down to the marrow of his bones.
"So, as a local, can you recommend something to pass the time?"
The bitterness Sanji involuntarily tastes on his tongue is mixed with sweetness that only you can bring him. Of course you don't notice the flirtatious tone - you just want the tarragon sauce and something fun to do before tomorrow comes and the Straw Hats are off for another voyage.
Then, another nice thought stirs inside his head. Maybe you're too deep in love with Sanji to even notice another man's interest? The idea makes him giddy like he's a schoolgirl with a crush. He almost misses the next part of the conversation, too busy with his adorable, a little cringy, daydream:
"While the weather is still good and the nights are warm, skinny dipping is quite popular," the local cook answers while pouring tarragon sauce over the grilled prawns. "Much better with good company," he purrs out. "Prawns with tarragon sauce, on the house." The man hands you your order but with only one cocktail stick as though the blond chef next to you doesn't count as a customer.
Excited, you take the paper cone from the street vendor. But before you can try the food, Sanji takes the stick and takes the first bite.
A frown enters his face as he chews the prawn. Then he sighs in disappointment.
"Do you seriously call this cooking?" he asks the ascot-wearing man. His voice is laced with anger and disbelief. "A fishman would make a better sauce. It's missing white wine and anise. And there's too much garlic."
You hiss his name out but Sanji appears unaffected. Forcing a polite smile, you turn to the street vendor, who's glancing between you and your boyfriend with a look of superiority. "Thank you for the food and sorry for Grumpy over here."
Only when you're a few paces away from the vendor and definitely out of earshot, do you confront Sanji about his mordant humor.
"No need to get snappy."
He forces his lips into a thin line. "His food is shit and he keeps making piss poor attempts at flirting when you're clearly," he lifts your intertwined fingers, "not a mademoiselle." Although Sanji quotes the word in mockery, it sounds delicious coming from him. If you weren't already sharing his bed, right now you'd be seriously considering it. Planning it even.
"So that's what this is about?" you ask as laughter forces its way out of your chest. Considering how whipped you are for Sanji, it seems ridiculous that you could think romantically about other men. "You're jealous about a smooth-talking cook. Sounds like someone I know."
"Does it?" he picks up on your banter. That familiar, playful smile returns to his face. His eyes momentarily light up, flashing you a glint of various emotions: desire, amusement, adoration. "How many smooth-talking cooks have you seduced?"
You shrug your shoulders and shake your head dramatically. "Don't know. Never bothered to count. I'm just looking for someone to make me lemon tarragon sauce any time I want."
Sanji's hand again rubs the skin of your palm. His other hand reaches for your face, fingers brushing against your jaw. "For you, little dove, I'd make tarragon sauce every day."
"With white wine and anise?" you ask, leaning in slightly. His scent of cigarette smoke and frying oil fills your lungs. Suddenly, the market around you is nonexistent and there's only Sanji.
"The best lemon tarragon sauce you've ever had," he murmurs against your face. His nose brushes against your cheeks.
"I already have the best."
His lips taste like lemons, butter and herbs when he kisses you. Honestly, this is the best version of the sauce you've ever had.
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
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purplecladmerchant · 7 days
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I keep using this one draw of Zirk to reference sizes for other characters of the Cold and Hunger AU, and its on two layers, and I keep forgetting it, so I turned one off
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and got jump`scared by his anorexic ass... I still like a lot how I drew it. So this is just post to force you to look at my sketches :)
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