#Tesco Food Collection
insidecroydon · 11 months
FareShare and Trussell know every little helps this winter
Donation drive: can you spare a couple of hours to help at donation points at Tesco? With food banks and charities expecting to face increased demand for help this winter, the Croydon public is being asked to give the gift of their time to take part in the country’s biggest food donation drive. The Tesco Food Collection is taking place in all the supermarket chain’s London stores from November 30…
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allywthsr · 6 months
LITTLE SPOON | (l.norris)
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summary: Lando’s never been the little spoon before
wordcount: 1.3k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: none!
notes: it’s rather short, but I didn’t know what else to write
You’ve been dating Lando for a little over three months, in these months you‘ve tried to see Lando as often as possible, which was a bit tricky sometimes with his crazy schedule, but you still made it work.
Today wasn’t a day made for Lando, when he woke up this morning, it was raining and he noticed that he forgot to charge his phone and he didn’t have the time to charge it, his portable charger was also running low on battery, so he had to fly to England with only twelve percent. When he was at the MTC, he sat in the simulator and didn’t get the results he wanted, and Oscar was quicker in almost every sector. And in the cafeteria, they only had foods involved with fish, and the only thing that wasn’t near a fish, didn’t taste good. That almost ruined his day, the cherry on top was when he was on his way to you and stopped for a small grocery run, he got crowded by his fans outside, someone must’ve posted that he was in a Tesco in London. After taking pictures with almost everyone, he looked at his phone and saw about ten missed calls and at least twenty messages from you, asking where he was and if he could bring some extra apples. With a groan, he went back inside and prayed that no one else was waiting for him, and luckily there were only about ten people this time, he quickly said hello to everyone and hopped back into his car, which was also running low on fuel and he had to get gas, taking him even longer to be in your arms.
The last thing that almost made him cry, was when he went up the stairs to your apartment and with the heavy bags in his hands, he didn’t see a step and tripped, luckily he didn’t get seriously hurt, but the groceries were now all over the floor and his knee was hurting from the fall. After collecting it and putting it back into the bags, he had enough. Enough of this stupid day. He rang your doorbell and stomped passed you directly to the kitchen where he unloaded the food, with a surprised look you followed him.
“Hello to you too, my darling.”
“Sorry, bad day.”
And with that, he turned to you and fell into your arms, you caressed his back and kissed his neck and cheek repeatedly, wanting to comfort him.
“What happened?”
“It all started this morning with me forgetting to charge my phone, being shit in the simulator, bad food, and don’t get me started on the huge crowd that stood outside of Tesco, I also fell up your stairs.”
You immediately pouted and pushed him away to look at him, “My angel, is there anything I can do?”
“Make me food and cuddle”, Lando said after a while of thinking.
You nodded and kissed his lips with a smile, you knew he needed to be babied now, you sent him to the couch where he put on his favorite show, while you made dinner. You didn’t waste too much time preparing a fancy dinner, some pasta, and a sauce, but you knew that was his comfort food, your pasta.
Normally you sat down at the dinner table to eat, but you figured he needed his comfort show and the couch tonight, the day clearly wasn’t nice to your boy, so you could be to him.
With two plates in your hands, you made your way to him, he was lying on the couch with a small pout while checking his phone every now and then.
“I‘m finished with dinner, can you sit up so you can eat?”
He nodded and scooched a little to the right, so you could sit next to him and share the coffee table, you placed the plates on said table and sat down. You kissed his shoulder, “Enjoy your meal, Lan, after that, we can cuddle or whatever you’d like.”
“I‘d like that, thank you for making dinner, I wanted to help you.”
“Don’t worry, we all have bad days sometimes.”
You both started eating and silently watched the show Lando put on, you let him be in his head and think about the day he had. Lando and you quickly finished your meal and he immediately leaned back against the soft cushions, you knew he wouldn’t be doing anything today.
“Can I put the dishes in the dishwasher quickly or do we want to cuddle now?”
“If you hurry with the dishes?”
So you quickly put the dishes in the dishwasher and grabbed a kinder chocolate bar that you could give to Lando, maybe that would cheer him up a little, you always kept a small stack of these in case that Lando gets a sweet tooth and needed chocolate.
When Lando saw you coming back, he laid down and opened his arms, for you to lay in.
“Don’t you wanna be the small spoon today? I want to comfort you.”
“Nah, I‘ve never been the little spoon, I get comforted when I hold you in my arms.”
“You’re a walking cheeseball, aren’t you? I brought you a kinder chocolate bar.”
He quietly mumbled a ‘Thank you’ and already opened the package of the small chocolate before you could lie down.
You moved in front of him and he closed his arms around you and snuggled with his face in your neck, inhaling your scent he loved so much. Your hands found their way to his‘ and you caressed his knuckles and played with his long fingers, both of you were silent and enjoyed the peace that lingered in the living room. You knew Lando was exhausted so it was no wonder that he fell asleep pretty quickly.
You hated to wake him up, but you knew if he would sleep on the couch he would have back pain tomorrow, so you carefully turned around in his embrace and kissed his chin. Slowly caressing his cheeks and repeatedly kissing his face, everywhere where you could reach him. Slowly he opened his eyes and groaned, he needed his sleep and hated getting disturbed.
“Should we move this to the bedroom? You‘ll be more comfortable there.”
Lando nodded against your neck in which he had put his head after opening his eyes. You got up and pulled on his hand, he got up after looking at you with a pout and you walked into the bathroom where you two did your little night routine. When you went into the bedroom, Lando laid down on his side and opened his arms again, waiting for you to slip in.
“What if I‘m the big spoon tonight, you’re still not feeling too good, and it can be very comforting.“
“I don’t know Y/N, I‘ve never been the little spoon, I want to protect you and hold you close.”
“I‘m still close to you when I cuddle you, come on, let’s try it out, we can switch back if you don’t like it.”
“You won’t give up, will you?”
You shook your head and he scooched a little more to your side, you laid down and wrapped your arms around his body, caressing his tummy, you also slipped a leg between his. It felt good having him in your arms and cuddling like that.
After a few minutes you felt him moving, “And? What do you think?”
“It’s the best fucking thing ever, you’re never gonna be the little spoon ever again, only if you have a bad day, baby.”
taglist: @millinorrizz @jamieeboulos @loxbbg @noneofyourfbusinessworld @myownwritings
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Activists are “shoplifting” from supermarket shelves and dumping the proceeds straight into the stores’ food bank bins in a “redistributive action” to protest the cost of living and the climate crisis.
“The reason we’re doing this is that supermarkets in this country have been raising their prices ahead of the rate of inflation, essentially stealing from ordinary people in order to line their packets with profits.
“We’re acting against this in order to deliver food and necessities to the people of the community that need it the most in the middle of the cost of living crisis.”
The activist is seen ripping the security tag off a tub of baby formula. He says: “This is a basic need for every family with babies and it’s £18 in Asda, which is an immense price tag. […] Supermarkets are prioritising their profits over the safety and health of families in the community.”
Xander Cloudsley, 29, a community food co-ordinator and member of This Is Rigged, the campaign group behind the actions, said: “In my job, I’ve seen the lived reality of the cost of living crisis […] while corporate giants like Tesco are boasting astonishing profits year in and year out. I’m taking action because this disparity is sickening and profoundly unfair.”
The protest comes as food bank usage – already prevalent following austerity – has surged alongside spiralling inflation.
Many supermarkets now have collection bins for food banks. In 2018, Sainsbury’s trialled dedicated shelf-edge labels alerting customers to items that food banks need. In 2022, Tesco gained positive media attention for launching a “reverse food bank” where shoppers could buy and donate goods.
Meanwhile, supermarkets have also been accused of driving inflation. Analysis from trade union Unite shows the top three supermarkets – Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda – have taken advantage of increased food costs and doubled their profits to £3.32bn in 2021, up 97% on 2019. Unite’s general secretary Sharon Graham has called this “greedflation” – something supermarket bosses deny.
Ironically, supermarket workers, often poorly paid themselves, are amongst those forced to turn to food banks. One supermarket worker accused Tesco of “forcing us to use food banks, while using food banks to look good.”
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on-a-lucky-tide · 12 days
Price joined the army at 16 and distinguished himself as The Best of The Best, wholly committed to finessing the skills needed for his work. There is no way that man ever learned to cook beyond gutting and cooking an animal as part of his survival training. Taste doesn't factor in; scran is all about efficient energy.
When he's not on base with a mess or eating rat packs out in the field, Price lives on Tesco Meal Deals or camping packs from the local Go Outdoors retailer. Yes, he will eat it cold.
Enter: Nikolai.
The moment that man became an independent contractor, he vowed to eat like a king whenever possible, and learned to cook accordingly. You don't maintain his body mass by eating poorly. He gallivants all over the world on ops for different people, unrestricted by any superior, and every time he lands he collects a recipe or two to add to his repertoire. Cooking for him is a pleasure and an art form, he's just sad that he doesn't have a kitchen of his own to create in...
When he moves in with Price and finds an empty kitchen - apart from a battered old frying pan and spatula that saw some bacon once - he audibly whines; a noise that makes Price huff a laugh. Nik rifles through cupboards in hopes he's just missed something, but comes up with a lidless tupperware. The oven has never been used. It's as pristine as the day it was installed.
He audibly gags at the sight of a ready-to-eat breakfast pouch, but the fridge with half a week's worth of pre-packed sandwiches from the petrol station is the final straw. Nik hauls that Scouser down to the local IKEA and buys out their kitchen section, ignoring his partner's bleats of protest as he chucks yet another lämplig into the trolley.
The next stop is the local market for fresh local food. Nik is a man possessed and Price is in fucking awe. By the time they're home, Price collapses on the sofa and leaves Nik to organise the kitchen as he wants it.
Price wakes up to the single best goulash he has ever tasted in his entire bloody life. Cleans the loaded plate and sits back with a full belly and a beer. He doesn't expect the look on Nik's face when he looks up; pupils blown wide, soft smile, shoulders squared with pride and chest out.
This is a dream come true for Nik. Not only does he now have his own kitchen, but he can use it to feed the man he loves. Price resigns to needing to go up a few belt notches during leave, because how can he say no to that face?
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marigold-hills · 3 months
Oh I am so jumping in here.
Can you give us a dreamy summer wolfstar first kiss/get together, but put it in YOUR nostalgic summer. Like whatever that means for you. Where are they? What are they eating/drinking? What is the air like? The lighting? The smells and sounds?
I humbly bow before your altar take my compliments on your prose and pacing and metaphors as my offering 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hey! Loved this ask. It completely run away from me. Hope you enjoy it! (Also you said altar and offering and well. Those words clearly stayed with me.)
It’s wine and bread, a fancy cheese selection from Tesco’s. A little plastic pot of olives. No blanket, because they’re not tourists and don’t mind a bit of sand as seasoning.
The storm is coming in.
They can see it, across the vastness of water, darkening the horizon and stretching through the sky like spilled ink.
Recreating exactly how it was the first time, years ago:
Remus had said there’s a storm tonight. We should go and watch it.
On the beach? Sirius had asked, a bit bewildered. The wind was already picking up, and the logistics of sitting out in the open during a downpour didn’t enamour him.
Remus, undeterred, prepared a backpack. I know a place, he said, we’ll be hidden from the rain. Trust me?
And Sirius did: with his life, with his time. Followed him off the main promenade and across the dunes until they reached a hidden spot of sand: a bay, of sorts, with a railway bridge backed into the cliff side. The arches of its support beams only faced open towards the water, secluded otherwise by brick and clay.
“Used to come here with da, when I was a kid,” Remus told him: “there are fossils in the clay if you know where to look. Come out after heavy rain best, maybe we’ll find something tomorrow.”
They set up under one of the arches. Remus built a stone circle at the mouth of it, stacked it with sticks and driftwood he’d collected on their way. Set a crumpled wad of receipts from his pocket on fire and used it as kindling.
“Impressing me with your caveman skills here, Moony.” Sirius had known, of course, that wild streak within Remus, seen it shine through sometimes when he let his guard down, but this was something new. Large hands stoking the flame as it slowly engulfed the given wood, eyes alight with its reflection. Sirius felt a pull at his navel like a fishhook: handle me like this, the pull said.
He’d made a mistake, maybe, following Moony back to his parents’ house for the summer after their graduation. A miscalculation of how much he could stand watching him, in the summer heat, with sea breeze curling his hair.
Red wine, a couple paper cups. Sirius didn’t like it then yet: not like he pretended to, and it was a cheap bottle from the middle shelf. The aftertaste was sharp, it stayed on his tongue and the insides of his cheeks - dry, clinging.
Cheeses Remus had cut into cubes. Pungent Stilton with dark blue veins, Brie, white skin coating the creamy interior, fruity Wensleydale filled with cranberries.
They sat side by side by the fire as the storm hit. The rain a heavy curtain in front of them, the wind making their fire dance erratically. Sirius had never seen it like this, surprised by the intensity of the smell of salt in the air. Despite the cover, a thin mist of spray hit his face when the wind blew just right.
Remus had made him a canapé of sorts, spread a chutney on a finger-torn piece of sourdough and topped it with the Stilton. He ate it in one bite. Asked for another, just like it, the taste round and warming, somehow.
“It’s the chutney,” Remus said. “There’s chilli in it. Try an olive.”
A new thing, this, being presented with food like offerings. Remus watched each bite Sirius took with an intent, as if they were eating something rare and costly. Like this, with the storm above them and the fire in Moony’s eyes, Sirius felt each mouth full was something precious, something to be cherished. A worship, and he wasn’t sure if he was the god being praised or the offering on the altar.
They’d almost finished the bottle when Remus asked want to swim? With such wonderful abandon that Sirius didn’t even hesitate. Yes, he said, and they took off their trousers and shirts and walked hand in hand into the water.
The first crack of thunder rang out when they were knee deep. Remus laughed, free and loud like a curlew, head thrown back into the falling rain. The sky turned white with the lightning and Sirius thought it’s you, that needs to be worshipped.
Moments like this, though, something Sirius didn’t know: it’s too easy, for thoughts to be said aloud.
Remus turned to him like a trap closing. “Is that right?”
“You look like a god of the sea.”
(Another break of thunder, a wave sweeping into them, rough with the storm but soft like a touch.)
Remus took his hand, pulled him further into the water. There were raindrops caught in his eyelashes, and Sirius realised I’m close enough to touch them. He did, shaky fingers, as lighting lit them up. The water made Remus’ curls heavy and darker, sat on his skin in a fine sheen. “I want to lay you out onto the sand,” Sirius thought-said, “trace the path of every raindrop.”
“You’ll be at it for hours.”
“As long as you’ll let me.”
The first time they kissed, Remus tasted like salt.
I feel compelled to point out: everyone. Please don’t drink and swim! Don’t swim in the storm! Especially not in the sea.
I don’t know how I didn’t realise before you’re the person who wrote The Homecoming of Sirius Black??? I LOVED it. Honestly the fact that you enjoy my writing feels like such a massive compliment.
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mudisgranapat · 7 months
Simon with a small dog
Hear me out: imagine a tiny little chihuahua all curled up in his big arms 😔
He would take the little dog on walks and everyone would do a double take watching this mountain of a man being carried by a chihuahua - because even though he might be able to teach Riley tricks, little dogs are just a furry ball of anger fuelled by food. You don’t walk them, they walk you. And yours plain out refuses to do any tricks, tirelessly scratching Simon’s chin until he gives up and throws the treat on the floor.
You would watch him in awe as he touched the dog so gently, scared he was going to hurt it. And if they were on the couch/bed at the same time, Simon would NOT fall asleep, too scared one of you might roll on top of the little dog and crush it.
Simon would secretly love how overprotective the dog was towards you, specially loving it’s hatred for men. Any time a man (that wasn’t him) came close to you, the dog would make a beeline for their ankles. When you had people over, you would have to lock the dog on your room upstairs to avoid problems. However, Simon would always find a way to sneak upstairs and open the door, laughing as the dog bolted out. In seconds he would hear a man’s yelp (probably one of your coworkers🙄) and smile to himself.
He would sigh when he saw mail boxes piling up on your doorstep, full of dog accessories (also for Riley). Coincidentally, he would only see said piles whenever he came home early from work (before you could collect and hide them all). You insisted on having them dressed for every profession and occasion. Simon would pretend he didn’t care for it, but the moment the chihuahua came out looking like a Starbucks barista with Riley right beside it dressed as a Tesco employee, he would be the first to pull his phone out to take pictures and send it to his 141 mates.
(excuse my terrible canva collage, it’s past my bedtime)
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Day 3: Cat Crisis
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this is part 3, all parts
pairing: demon/angel!fem reader x 141
word count: 2.5k
tags: a bit of lusting cuz my boys r hot, naughty moments but nothing nsfw, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warnings: smoking
summary: Kuromi gets stuck on a tree, Angel almost has a heart attack and she finally meets Simon, properly.
a/n: this is just fun and silly really. I hope u enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 💖 ALSO!! VERY IMPORTANT!! I can't seem to be able to tag some of you, even if the username is correct, so please check your settings.
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Angel has to admit, she likes this assignment quite a lot. It was fun, living in a nice house in a quiet neighbourhood, with interesting and fascinating neighbours. At least, the ones that live to her left because her neighbours to her right are an old couple who barely make any noise, you'd think nobody even lives in their house.
That trip to Tesco was more fun than she expected. Turns out that Johnny was funnier than she imagined, nothing in his file could have prepared her for Soap's colourful character and hilarious jokes. And Kyle was as charming and intelligent and quick to joke as she'd imagined.
And Price was calm and collected, making sure that the two men didn't get in trouble in the store. But it didn't make hanging out with him any less fun, oh he was plenty fun, Angel knows it, and can practically taste it. It's just going to take a bit of work to make him open up. Angel can't wait to start working with him.
About the actual shopping, the men proved themselves useful and very helpful. Angel was grateful for this because buying food and cooking was a bit of a hassle and she gets overwhelmed with the stupid amount of choices for the same fucking thing. They recommended certain snacks, drinks, food combos, and things easy and quick to cook, and even helped her pick out the freshest fruits and vegetables. Eating was hard, Angel has no idea how humans do it every day.
When they paid for everything, Angel was pleased and surprised when Price went ahead and grabbed her shopping for her without saying anything. She told him he didn't have to, that she could carry her things by herself with no problem, but he claimed it was the least a gentleman could do.
No matter what Angel told him, he refused to give them to her until they reached the car and he told her to dig inside his pocket to unlock the car and open the trunk. "Your Captain is so stubborn," Angel complained to the other two men, with a pout on her face.
"Tell me about it." Gaz sighed, making her giggle in disbelief.
Now she was happily suckling on an orange-flavoured popsicle, sitting on her dining table, facing the garden's opened door. She was enjoying the sunlight and breeze on her skin when a very loud scream startled her. Angel nearly dropped her popsicle when her eyes zeroed on the big tree at the back of her garden, and Kuromi right at the top, screaming for help.
Angel gasped in horror, throwing her unfinished popsicle in the trash and running outside her garden, barefoot. Angel has no idea if her cat has the same sort of abilities as she does. She is immortal, that she’s sure of, but whether Kuromi can get hurt or not is a mystery to Angel. And she doesn't feel like testing that theory today at all.
"Kuromi! How did you get up there?!" Angel was actually panicking, as she looked at the many branches the tree had and just how high her stupid cat decided to climb. How the hell is she supposed to get her cat down without using her powers to do something so ridiculous that the Wish Office will phone her, and ask if she's out of her mind?
"Kuromi, you stupid fucking idiot, you'll die!" Angel was now on the verge of tears. She loved her stupid cat to death, and would rather die instead of watching her kitty get hurt. Angel approached the tree, squinting her eyes and looking up at the branches and thick leaves, seeing if she could climb up.
Angel was so preoccupied with trying to figure out how to save her cat, that she didn't notice Ghost smoking while leaning against the door that separates their kitchen and garden. He had a plain grey zip-up hoodie, a pair of loose black sweats and his skull mask on, hunched up on his nose bridge, keeping his lower face out so he could easily smoke.
He silently watched Angel argue with her cat. He knows a bit about his neighbour from Soap and Gaz, and he has to admit, not only she's pretty but intelligent. Even though his guys seemed to like her, Ghost doesn't easily trust people and she's no exception. He kept watching her struggle, on the verge of tears, until he decided to put his cigarette out.
Ghost silently walked down their garden while lowering his mask back down. It was so stupid how low the fence was. It just reached his waist and it would be so easy for him to jump into her garden. And that's exactly what he did, jumping over the fence with one hand on it for support.
Angel slightly jumped when he stood next to her. She didn't hear him come over, and she just stared up at the man with panicked eyes. She knew he was Simon, the pretty blue eyes were the same along with the pale eyelashes.
Simon was not even looking at her, he was looking up at the tree where Kuromi was. Angel took the opportunity to really look at him. He was absolutely fucking huge, for no reason at all. And he had sleeve tattoos on his veiny arms, Angel thanked fate that Simon decided to roll up his sleeves because his tattoos are beautiful. And what's even prettier, is the skin of his neck and collarbone. He wasn't wearing anything underneath the zip-up hoodie and Angel felt her mouth water.
Simon finally looked down at her, and Angel immediately opened her mouth to speak, "Do you think you can help me get Kuromi down, please?"
Simon gazed down at her hopeful eyes, and simply nodded, "Stand back."
Angel nodded, "Thank you so much!"
She stepped away and watched the man get closer to the tree. "Be careful!" Angel said, her hands clasped against her chest, watching Simon work his way up the tree quickly.
"Kuromi, you hurt him and I'll fist-fight you!" Angel shouted at her cat, who hissed back down at her owner.
Simon couldn't help but chuckle at the woman's antics and when he knew if he climbed any higher, no branch would support his weight, he broke one with his bare hand and used it as a makeshift ladder for the cat. He stretched his body as much as he could, "Come on, kitty, get over here." Simon crooned.
To his utter surprise, the cat listened and started slowly scooting over towards him on a shaky branch. Kuromi successfully reached Simon's branch and held onto it very tightly and Simon gently lowered the cat down towards him. As soon as she was easily reachable, he grabbed the cat by the scruff of her neck and hugged her to his chest with one hand.
"Alright, now how can I get down with you?..." Simon mumbled and hummed when he got an idea. He hugged the cat with one arm and used the other to zip off his hoodie, using his thick thighs for support so he wouldn't fall.
Angel watched with awe how Simon managed to completely take off his zip-up hoodie, leaving his glorious amazing upper half naked, and bundled up Kuromi in the hoodie. Simon glanced down at Angel and smirked under his mask, "Catch!"
Angel literally screamed and he laughed, almost tearing up. "You dickhead!" Angel shouted, ripping grass from the ground out of anger and throwing it towards his direction.
Simon made a makeshift fanny pack using the hoodie's sleeves, securing Kuromi against his chest while he carefully climbed down. When he wasn't too far from the ground, he decided to jump off and roll to safety, with the cat still clutched against his chest.
Angel almost fainted and immediately ran to Simon as he stood up, dusting off his knees. "My baby!" She cried, grabbing her cat from the hoodie and kissing the kitty over and over on her small face.
Simon watched the woman with amusement as she checked over her cat and finally looked at Simon, her cat still in his arms. "Thank you so much for saving the life of my dumbass cat. But if you scare me like that again, I will make you regret it." She said, pressing a finger to Simon's naked chest.
He glanced down at her finger and met her eyes cooly, "You're welcome."
"You actually scared me so much, probably even more than Kuromi did!" Angel sighed, nuzzling her face in her cat's fur. Now Simon actually feels a bit guilty for scaring her and scratched the back of his neck.
"Do you want a cup of coffee?" He offered.
Angel lifted her head, surprised, "Cup of coffee?"
"To apologise."
Angel blinked at the man and cracked a small smile, "I think I'd like that."
Simon gave her an awkward nod and jumped over the fence and turned to her, hoodie held in his hand. "Come on."
Angel looked at the fence and then at her cat still in her arms, "Uhm, okay, hold Kuromi for me."
She walked closer to the fence, holding Kuromi so Simon could grab her. But Simon dodged the cat and held her by the armpits, just like she was holding her cat and easily lifted her over the fence. Angel squealed and wrapped her legs around his waist and wrapped one arm around his neck while the other was holding Kuromi against her chest.
Simon froze, his hands hovering over her back.
"What are you guys doing?"
Angel and Simon whipped their heads towards the voice and saw Soap holding a basket full of clean laundry, ready to hang it outside to dry while Gaz held a smaller basket of colourful pegs.
"Uhm, nothing!" Angel let out a nervous laugh and jumped off Simon, rushing inside their home with her cat in her arms.
Soap and Gaz glanced at each other and then back at Simon, "Why are you shirtless?" Gaz asked.
"Had to use my hoodie for the cat." Was Simon's dry answer and he walked inside, leaving Soap and Gaz with even more questions.
He found Angel awkwardly standing in the middle of their kitchen, and noticed that she was barefoot. "Wait here." He said and left the kitchen.
Angel took the opportunity to look around the kitchen. It was tidy and didn't have any plants or any sort of decoration. The fridge did have some menus and coupon codes for Domino's on it. However, next to the kettle, there was an impressive coffee machine, the sort that's expensive with many settings, fancy buttons and cool gadgets.
Angel barely drinks coffee, almost never, but now she was excited to see Simon work the cool machine.
She heard footsteps and turned around. Ghost was back and dressed in a t-shirt now, he also had a pair of slippers in his hands. "Wear these." He placed the pair next to her feet and Angel did as he said, heart fluttering in her chest, how silly.
"What would you like?" He asked, turning around and washing his hands in the sink.
"What?" Angel said, staring at his ass, completely distracted.
"Coffee. What sort of coffee would you like?" He turned back around, just as Angel ripped her eyes from his ass.
"Uhm," Angel gulped, she had no idea if he caught her staring or not but she wanted to scream either way. "I don't drink coffee that much, so make me something sweet, please."
Ghost stared at her silently, which made Angel nervous. Did she say something weird?
"What's wrong?"
Simon shrugged, "Nothing." and went straight to work, preparing mugs and pressing this button and that button on the coffee machine.
Both Angel and Kuromi were intensely staring at the beeping sleek machine and Simon smiled when he noticed. "What does Kuromi mean?"
"The name itself or who is she named after?" Angel ripped her eyes away from the coffee machine and looked over at Simon.
Angel smiled, "Well, according to Google, Kuromi in Japanese means 'black beauty', but I've named her after a cartoon character whose name is Kuromi. Actually, Let me show you."
Simon glanced at the woman as she dug her hand in her pocket and retrieved her phone, opening google."That's Kuromi," Angel said, making Simon lean closer so he can see better.
"What type of creature is that?" Simon asked, squinting his eyes and trying to guess what type of animal the character was.
"It's actually a white bunny wearing a black jester hat! See! It even has a little pink skull! And instead of having a fluffy tail, she has a devil's tail, isn't she cute?" Angel said, Simon looked at her then back down at the cat in his arms.
"But your cat isn't a rabbit." Simon said.
"I know! But look! She's white with black ears! And a black tail! And she's mischievous just like Kuromi! And I gave her a pink collar with a pink skull!" Angel said, practically vibrating next to Simon, eyes big and literally glowing.
Simon tilted his head down and lifted the kitty's chin up, seeing the shiny skull dangling off the collar. He turned the skull over, reading Angel's full name and phone number.
"I can see the similarities." Simon hummed, giving the cat scratches, making her purr.
"There's another similarity, actually." Angel grinned.
"Really?" Simon said, still scratching the cat.
"Between Kuromi and you!" Angel said, and Simon lifted his head, meeting her eyes, he raised a brow, prompting her to spit it out.
"The skulls, silly!" Angel giggled.
Oh, yeah. The skulls.
Simon unconsciously reached for his mask but stopped his hand before it caressed the hand painted skull. The machine beeped and Simon removed the mug from under the machine, opening the cupboards to get sugar.
"Can we join you for a cup of coffee?" Soap suddenly asked, entering the kitchen, followed by Gaz.
"Of course, this is your house." Angel smiled and Gaz immediately ran to the cat in her arms, cooing and petting the little thing.
"And you have to tell us how you ended up on him while he was shirtless, which he wasn't, earlier in the day." Soap said while getting snacks.
"Okay, and did you know that your friend Simon is actually an evil little shit?" Angel said, as if it was the most shocking thing ever while she sat down at the table next to Gaz, who was holding her cat in his arms.
"Ghost, call me Ghost." Simon quickly corrected her.
"Ghost actually scared the shit out of me, I thought I was going to die!" Angel continued without missing a beat.
"You thought you were going to die? What the hell happened while I was in the shower?" Price said, walking inside the kitchen, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of shorts, hair still wet.
"Oh my days, John, sit down and let me tell you what he did!" Angel groaned, patting the other seat next to her.
"Well, alright then." John shrugged and sat down.
Simon sighed, placing her mug down and getting more mugs out to make coffee for everyone, "Fucking hell…"
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @obiwankenobis-lap @goapgrim @smalldemonlover @loveyhoneydovey @cutiecusp @pinkwigonmytv @mandythemint @itsberrydreemurstuff @tapioca-marzipan @fruitymoonbeams-blog @poohkie90 @chaoticevilbakugo @anubis-reed @thefairybird @skytacvia @marytvirgin @cynicalmnm @maechanexe @t0jis-worm @1800imgay @4ndjelij4 @multitargaryen @lilpothoscuttings @mysticalpandabear
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sevendeadlyheadcanons · 5 months
I’ve seen this on tiktok with different fandoms so here is NNT if they worked in retail
(these will be british because i live in britain and so do they and saying big tescos is objectively funnier than walmart or whatever)
Meliodas: Still runs his pub, but it’s probably a Wetherspoons that he’s bought the franchising rights of. He plays the football on the TV and writes who’s playing on a chalkboard in front of the pub to draw more people in. Probably supports Millwall but lies to people about it because he doesn’t want to get beat up in his own pub
Diane: Claire’s. Never let this woman touch the piercing gun. Whenever she checks you out on the till she’s like “Ooh these earrings are stunning they’ll suit you so good” she always buys the blind bags and collects them all
Ban: Corner shop. Probably sells vapes to minors and gets them to call him bossman, but not intentionally he’s just drunk on the job (he drinks the 3 year old WKD that nobody has bought because it’s shit)
King: Marks and Spencer’s. He believes that M&S food is better than any other food. “Yeah sure Aldi might be cheaper, but are you gonna get Percy Pigs there?” “These oranges are of better quality and 10x better than the ones you can get at asda” bro will defend the prices at M&S with his life and constantly denies the tory allegations.
Gowther: Lush. Bro sells the fuck out of them bath bombs. He always smells like the shop. Does demos just for the fun of it, because he likes to see the ✨sparkle✨ the biggest snow fairy fiend, he stock piles snow fairy when it first comes into stock so nobody else can buy it for the first like week.
Merlin: Superdrug. She knows the shop like the back of her hand. Where’s the paracetamol? “Second isle” Where’s the pads? “At the end of isle 4” Where’s the makeup kept? “The back isle” She probably lets people shoplift to spice her day up.
Escanor: WHSmiths at daytime, Puregym at nighttime. Bro has bills to pay so he’s constantly on the grind. At smiths he constantly has to defend the prices and remind people that he personally is not the reason why the pencil cases are a tenner. At the gym he has no idea why people are working out at midnight but he’ll go and do it next to them just to flex.
Elizabeth: Probably still a waitress at the pub. Has to deal with rowdy footy fans all day with a smile on her face and she takes it like a champ. Doesn’t make the app orders late on purpose but they’ll still end up taking 2 hours to come somehow. She probably dropped the tray and had to remake it and then had to kick someone out. She needs her legally required 4 weeks paid holiday please 💔
Elaine: Primark. It’s the only job she could get and it makes her blood boil everyday. She hates the customers, she hates the cheaply made clothing. She is constantly applying to other jobs but she cannot get anywhere yet.
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mishafletcher · 10 months
hi, and welcome to the 'frequently asked questions about cooking is terrible' post! some of these are scattered in other places around my blog, but i figured i'd collect them for ease of reading. if you want to read the promo post about the book, you can go here.
as always, purchase links are collected here, or you can go directly to the amazon listing.
is cooking actually terrible/how can you say you hate cooking/cooking is an art form and you're disrespecting it see, the thing here is that i'm actually a good cook! i've cooked for a living before, i'll happily pull together a meal for fifty with twenty-four hour notice, and i love a cooking project. i love cooking for community. what i fucking hate, though, is having to somehow produce food for myself, and then consume it, multiple times a day, every day, for apparently the entire rest of my life.
some people love cooking, and i genuinely admire you. sometimes i don't mind it or even enjoy it, and on those nights, i don't need this book. sometimes i'm too tired or in too much pain or too busy playing a video game or too depressed, though, and the idea of spending thirty minutes making food i don't care about makes me want to walk into the sea, and on those days, yeah, cooking is terrible.
is this book vegetarian friendly? yes! there are a handful of recipes where the point of it is meat, but probably 90% of the book is either vegetarian or has options to make it vegetarian. i was a vegetarian for about a decade, and still tend not to cook a ton of meat because the cost of messing it up is so high. there are a number of recipes that call for things like 'chunks of chicken or tofu', but tofu is cheap and delicious, so i'm just as likely to use that as i am chicken.
is this book vegan friendly? maybe. if you're comfortable with things like vegan cheese and plant-based yogurt, the answer is probably yes. the biggest issue for vegans will be dairy, but there are a lot of good vegan dairy replacements out there.
is this book friendly for [basically any other dietary restrictions]? yes again! everything is designed to be pretty flexible. if you're comfortable with the basics how to substitute things for your specific needs, you should be fine with this. (by 'basics of how to substitute', i mean 'tamari instead of soy sauce' or 'gluten-free noodles' or 'sunflower seed butter instead of peanut butter' level of substitutions.) i have severe food allergies, so am very much on board the substitutions train.
is this book useful for people with chronic pain and/or mental health issues? you are very literally the target audience, because i, too, am a disabled person with chronic pain and adhd and other assorted mental health issues. when i started writing this book, it wasn't a book—it was a text file that i could read over when my brain wasn't working well enough to provide me with instructions for complex tasks such as 'make sandwich'.
is this useful for people living in [almost literally anywhere in the world]? unless you live in a place where you can't buy staple foods like rice, beans, and vegetables, it's probably useful. i've personally bought everything mentioned in the cookbook at stores in the us and australia, and have also checked availability at tesco and rewe. there are sometimes minor differences in what things are called, and occasionally one thing or the other is entirely unavailable, but probably 99% of ingredients can be easily purchased in most supermarkets.
do i need to have fancy appliances for this to be useful? hard no. there is zero slow cooker, instant pot, stand mixer, or even rice cooker content in this.
i assume that you have a knife, a bowl, and a source of heat. some things are easier (or nicer) if you also have a $20 immersion blender (mine's from kmart), but that's as fancy as we're getting. i wanted to keep the barrier to food as low as possible.
is it easy to modify recipes in this? yes, and a bunch of recipes are either lists of suggestions (sandwiches! rice toppings!) or have variations listed.
what kind of recipes are in this book? there's a range of them.
stuff that needs no cooking at all—sandwiches, dips, smoothies, salads, etc.
bowls of stuff: pasta, rice, soups you can make in ten to fifteen minutes, oats, etc. using ready-cooked rice or pasta is 100% fine by me, so this focuses pretty heavily on quick and easy toppings.
stuff you cook while you watch netflix, like 'throw this into the oven and then ignore it for an hour'. more importantly, lists of ideas for how to use the things you cooked.
baking and desserts, none of which require more than about five minutes of hands-on work.
if this list is insufficiently convincing, i've also put up a couple example recipes here.
which storefront/format is best? honestly and truly, on my end, it doesn't matter that much—after various fees and things come out, it's within about 50c of each other for ebooks, and maybe a dollar for physical books. amazon currently nets me slightly more than other retailers, but that's changed in the past and will likely change again.
on your end, amazon is probably the cheapest way to get a print copy (and—in the interest of full disclosure—is slightly more money for me, as well). amazon's printing costs are significantly less than anyone else's are, so the book is cheaper there.
why are there so many price points? this is partly because publishing at this point is several business models in a trenchcoat, and partly because retailers can set their own prices and discounts. if you see very low prices, especially at big vendors like amazon, they've decided it's worth it to sell the book at a loss. i have no idea why, but i get the same royalties from it.
if you see very high price points—like $40+ for the paperback version—it's because the vendor is using a traditional-publishing business model and pricing accordingly. please do not buy this book for forty dollars. anywhere in north america and europe, the paperback should be between 10 and 20 of the local currency (dollar, pound, or euro); australians might see it as high as $22 because it costs more to have things printed here.
i want to reiterate: please do not buy this book for many tens of dollars. one, maybe two tens, fine. but forty is as many as four tens, and that's terrible.
is there a print version of this book? i used to get this a lot, and then there was an amazon-only paperback version and i got it less, and now there's a paperback version that you should be able to buy anywhere you buy books.
worth noting is that the available print versions are not spiral bound. if you would like a spiral bound copy and you feel strongly enough about this that you'd like to have it printed and bound yourself, the digital versions (most usefully the pdf from gumroad) have an explicit 'please feel free to print or have this printed' release.
and again—because i get called out for this not infrequently—purchase links are collected here, or you can go directly to the amazon listing.
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hongjoongsgoat · 5 months
Thank you for tagging me @vesvosmozhno :D
Stan: Mamamoo, Stray Kids, Gidle, Xdinary Heroes, Ateez, P1harmony
Casual listener: Xikers, Purple Kiss, Dreamcatcher, Le sserafim, Billlie, Enhypen, Seventeen, BTS (mostly rap line solo stuff)
Likes: video essays, history, silly time consuming yet mostly useless projects, my cats, taking pictures of my cats, nice walks, ceilidhs
Hobbies: penpalling, CD collecting, fiddle playing, creative writing
Fav colour: green!
Fav food: rn I’m craving Tesco hoisin duck wraps for some reason
Random fact: my dick is a crocheted cactus
MBTI: A.D.H.D (I don't really know because my result changes every fucking time I take the test)
Big 3: Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Cancer rising
Personality: I mean I like to think I'm funny, friendly, supportive, an absolute yapper and clown
Job and relationship status: Currently studying history, very likely single although I'm not 100% sure lol
Tagging @halavibe @worm-priest and @sillyspero if you so wish :)
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queen-vv · 1 year
'get to know me' type game
Tagged in spirit by @hikari-ni-naritai (I just felt like doing it ;p)
Top 3 ships at the moment: tbh I don't really do ships *that* much but I've been very into my ffxiv ocs lately! Asuka X Y'shtola, Mei X Everyone except Magnai... And also there's Alpha X Kokone from Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou as well!
First ever ship: Again I don't think about ships all that often, but I'd probably say my first was a combo of every gay ship in Evangelion lol
Last song: I was listening to a Tekken 6/7 mix earlier, and finished it with 'Connect with you/Balteus theme' from Armoured Core 6 ^^
Last movie: Ooh well I recently got a really cool book of Hayao Miyazaki sketches of planes and tanks and boats for Dengeki Hobby magazine, which included an alternate comic version of Porco Rosso, so I went and watched that again!
Currently reading: I'm intermittently reading so many things at the moment, but I'll just say the most recent which is a fan translation of the Gundam Advance of Zeta novels. They're not the best and a bit ideologically sketchy, but they're a decent time and they contain my fav gundam mobile suit designs in the whole extended meta franchise.
Currently consuming: I'm guessing this means food and drink, so the most recent thing I ate was a Tesco chocolate chip muffin!
Currently craving: Ough I'm really really craving miso ramen... So hearty and warming and delicious...
Last thing searched for for art/writing purposes: Ooh well the last thing I searched for was the KV-2 tank, a ww2 era heavy tank from the USSR with a stupidly huge turret, which further lead to research of other huge soviet tanks like the multi turreted SKM and T35 projects! All for a project I'm sketching and writing about giant tanks crewed by cool girls, inspired by the aforementioned Hayao Miyazaki sketch collection and from recently watching Girls und Panzer lol
Ok and uhhhh who to tag... I'll shoutout @fishing-lesbian-catgirl and anyone else who'd like to! Feel free to not if you're busy though lol
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henswilsons · 1 year
omg mia ok this was from ages ago but i was the person who was trying to find biscuit tea and all the other ones u were discussing but i couldn't find it in my country -- i still haven't found any BUT i managed to snag tickets to one of taylor's london shows next year so i will be uk bound in a year from now?!?!?!??! and u best believe i will be bringing an entire empty suitcase to fill up with all your tea (and other snack) recs!!! <3<3<3
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ok firstly - CONGRATS ON SNAGGING TICKETS!! and thats so cool you're coming to london omg!!! my hometown 🤩 also you are the CUTEST i respect the dedication to hunting down biscuit tea. can confirm it SLAPS and with some oat milk and honey and/or sugar *chefs kiss*
also the can of worms u have opened with this question....oh anon
ok so absolute musts that i will put under the cut:
biscuit tea ofc, personally my favourite variety is the one you can get from tesco but aldi does a fairly excellent dupe as well
also get a pack of digestives and dunk one in. digestives are *chefs kiss*
also speaking of biscuits JAFFA CAKES ! if u are not a chocolate orange girlie then these may not be ur cup of tea however they are incredible and i have been known to hoover entire packs in one sitting (plus aldi has a jaffa cake tea which is also a+)
(also percy pigs. if u can snag a bag of percy pigs i highly recommend)
fish n chips if u are a meat/fish eater. dont go to a fancy restaurant for it, find a good chippie near u, that's where the best (and cheapest) fish and chips come from
also if u are a meat eater, u gotta do a full english breakfast. it hits even better if ur hungover but it truly is peak british excellence
pub lunch!! it is essentially a variety of (admittedly overpriced) fried foods but a pub lunch is like the quintessential british experience. especially with a good pint if u are a drinker. also i will say you will never be more than 100 feet from a pub so if in doubt duck into one of those
if u can, grab hold of scones (british scones i mean, the ones that americans call biscuits) with some clotted cream and strawberry jam. oooooomf its so good. also be warned there are some politics involved with whether you put jam or cream first so be prepared to swear into a bloodoath the first time u make one
central london can be a lot but if ur around defo check out buckingham palace, it's so beautiful!! it's also right beside st james's park which is soo nice to sit and get an ice cream at (ps if you can make it for changing of the guard it's actually kinda cool! afaik it happens at around 11ish every monday thursday friday and saturday (but double check that) but its soo fun)
if u can avoid oxford street. its just so busy and crowded there and u will not have fun LOL
a personal recommendation is the huge waterstones in piccadilly, it is actually a dream there
kew gardens!! its a lil bit out the way but its sooo gorgeous there, it's a royal botanical garden and especially in the summer its so nice (plus if you're a ted lasso fan richmond is also super close by for that so you can pop down !).
if you can, try pop to the west end ! you can get tickets pretty reasonably cheap if youre okay with not incredible seats and there's always a bunch of super cool things playing.
natural history museum and also the science museum!!! do i need to say any more, theyre SO cool. and natural history has a life-size dinosaur model called dippi and she's my whole world
camden markets and borough markets are also super cool and u can always find some really funky things there. i got the cooolest pair of earrings and my sister is collecting borough market bowls like a mad woman (plus camden has a food market stall which is also v nice!!!)
im so sorry i feel like i honked at u like a tour guide but for a first-time uk visit these are all my top suggestions!!!!! i hope ur london trip goes SO well next year (and keep ur fingers crossed i can join u by snagging a uk ticket in the general sale next week 😩)
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I think I've done more today than I usually accomplish in a whole week. Today, I:
painted the tiny bedroom/new study
put a load of laundry on
filled the car with petrol
drove out to Coleford to pick up the family's xmas presents as we're seeing them tomorrow for the missus' significant birthday dinner (ordered deli hampers from the very nice deli there, which were meant to be delivered today but DHL didn't turn up to collect them yesterday so I said I'd go and get them as the weather was going to be lovely and it's a nice drive) and was given some of the deli's fancy chocolates to make up for the snafu, which absolutely wasn't necessary but is very much appreciated anyway
drove from Coleford to Bristol to go to Ikea and pick up adjustable-height desk legs for desk for new study
had lunch at Ikea (meatballs and gravy hooray)
bought some cute xmassy tat and picked up the desk legs
drove back to Gloucester and went to Tesco to drop off the latest batch of plastic bags for recycling
went to the post office and sent festive cards (if anyone else would like one, feel free to drop me a DM!)
went to Boots to pick up a prescription for the missus
went to Matalan to try and sort out a swap for the jeans I bought a month ago which came out of the wash yesterday with the waistband almost entirely separated from the rest of them for about half of its length, which was eventually sort of successful in that I was allowed to swap them although I didn't have a receipt, but they didn't have my size so I had to get a different sort which have belt-loops (vital for how I wear my pass at work) but no front pockets aargh, but they were cheaper so I got a refund hooray
went to the vets to get Last Cat Standing's thyroid meds
went to Asda to get Last Cat Standing the cheapass cat food that is the only thing he'll eat at the moment
came home and set the desk up and helped the missus move two of the three bookcases back into the room and get the monitor stands fixed up, which somehow involved going up and down stairs at least ten times to fetch this or that thing she needed
Now I am full of dinner, and am going to wander up to the pub for a G&T and a lean on the bar. Tomorrow, I am going to dust the bookcases, put everything back on them (or at least, everything that will fit, now that I'm down a bookcase), dye the missus's hair, get her to shave my sides, finish setting up the desk, get our glad-rags on and head to the pub for the family birthday dinner. Phew. *thunk*
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dorkaridokan · 27 days
A grocery store is more than just a place but also a community hub.
Grocery stores are an integral part of daily life, serving as the primary source for food and household essentials. They come in various forms, from large supermarkets to small corner shops, each catering to different needs and preferences.
At the heart of a grocery store’s appeal is its convenience. Large supermarkets, such as those operated by chains like Walmart, Kroger, and Tesco, offer a one-stop shopping experience. They typically feature a wide range of products, including fresh produce, meat, dairy, packaged goods, and even household items and pharmaceuticals. These stores are designed to accommodate diverse customer needs, often incorporating specialty sections for organic products, international foods, and dietary-specific items. This variety allows customers to find virtually everything they need under one roof, saving time and effort.
Smaller, independent grocery stores or neighborhood markets provide a different kind of convenience. Though they might not offer the same breadth of products as larger chains, they often excel in personal service and local produce. Many of these stores focus on providing fresh, high-quality items and may feature local or artisanal products not found in big-box stores. They also often have a strong community focus, supporting local farmers and producers, and contributing to the local economy.
The rise of online grocery shopping has significantly impacted the grocery retail landscape. Services like Amazon Fresh, Instacart, and Walmart’s online grocery service allow customers to shop from the comfort of their homes and have their groceries delivered directly to their doorsteps. This convenience has made online grocery shopping increasingly popular, especially for those with busy schedules or mobility issues. The shift towards e-commerce has also led traditional grocery stores to adapt by offering click-and-collect options, where customers can order online and pick up their groceries at a designated time.
Grocery stores have also become more focused on sustainability and health. Many stores are implementing eco-friendly practices such as reducing plastic usage, offering reusable bags, and focusing on local and organic products. The demand for healthier food options has led to an increased presence of organic, gluten-free, and plant-based products. Stores are responding by expanding their offerings to include more health-conscious choices and clearer nutritional information.
The layout and design of grocery stores play a crucial role in the shopping experience. Stores are typically arranged to guide customers through different sections in a logical sequence, often starting with fresh produce, moving through meat and dairy, and ending with non-perishable items. This layout not only helps with the efficiency of the shopping process but also encourages customers to make impulse purchases, as products like snacks and beverages are often strategically placed along the path.
In recent years, grocery stores have increasingly incorporated technology to enhance the shopping experience. Self-checkout stations, digital price tags, and mobile apps for managing shopping lists and promotions are becoming more common. These innovations aim to streamline the checkout process, reduce wait times, and provide customers with more control over their shopping experience.
Overall, grocery stores are much more than just places to buy food. They are hubs of convenience, community, and innovation, reflecting broader trends in technology, sustainability, and consumer preferences. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, grocery stores will likely continue adapting to meet the changing needs and expectations of their customers.
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actowiz-123 · 4 months
Scraping Data from Sainsburys and Tesco
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Web scraping has become a crucial tool for businesses and researchers aiming to collect data from e-commerce websites. In this blog, we'll delve into the techniques and best practices for scraping data from Sainsbury's and Tesco, two of the UK's largest supermarket chains. We'll cover the necessary tools, methods, and ethical considerations involved in the process, ensuring you can efficiently gather valuable data while adhering to legal and ethical standards.
Introduction to Web Scraping
Web scraping involves extracting data from websites using automated scripts. This process allows you to collect large volumes of data quickly and efficiently, which can then be used for analysis, research, and decision-making. When scraping data from e-commerce websites like Sainsbury's and Tesco, you can gather information on product prices, availability, reviews, and more. This data can be invaluable for businesses aiming to gain insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive strategies.
Scraping data from Sainsbury's and Tesco enables you to build comprehensive datasets, including Sainsbury's dataset and Tesco dataset, which can be analyzed to identify pricing strategies, product popularity, and customer preferences. eCommerce scraping services are particularly useful for companies looking to stay competitive and informed in the dynamic retail market.
To effectively scrape data from Sainsbury's and Tesco, you need to understand the website structures and use the right tools. Both Sainsburys scraping API and Tesco scraping API, if available, provide structured access to their data. However, in the absence of APIs, web scraping becomes a practical alternative.
By leveraging web scraping techniques, you can streamline Tesco data collection and Sainsbury's data collection processes, ensuring you have the most up-to-date and relevant information at your fingertips. This guide will walk you through the steps and best practices for scraping data from these major e-commerce platforms, helping you to make informed business decisions and gain a competitive edge.
About Sainsbury's and Tesco
Sainsbury's and Tesco are two of the largest and most prominent supermarket chains in the United Kingdom, offering a wide range of products including groceries, clothing, electronics, and household goods. Both retailers have a significant online presence, catering to millions of customers through their e-commerce platforms.
Founded in 1869, Sainsbury's has grown to become the second-largest chain of supermarkets in the UK. Known for its high-quality products and excellent customer service, Sainsbury's operates over 1,400 stores nationwide. Its online platform provides a convenient shopping experience with a vast selection of products, including fresh food, pantry staples, and specialty items. Sainsbury's commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing further enhances its reputation among consumers.
Tesco, established in 1919, is the UK's largest supermarket chain and one of the world's leading international retailers. With over 3,400 stores across the UK, Tesco offers a diverse range of products and services, including groceries, clothing, electronics, financial services, and mobile telecoms. Tesco's online shopping platform is renowned for its user-friendly interface and extensive product range. The company also places a strong emphasis on innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, continually adapting to meet the evolving needs of its customers.
Both Sainsbury's and Tesco are pivotal players in the UK retail market, providing extensive opportunities for data collection and analysis. Scraping data from Sainsbury's and Tesco can yield valuable insights into consumer trends, product performance, and market dynamics, making them prime targets for eCommerce scraping services.
Why Scrape Data from Sainsbury's and Tesco?
Scraping data from Sainsbury's and Tesco provides a wealth of benefits for businesses, researchers, and analysts. Here are some key reasons to undertake Tesco data collection and Sainsbury's data collection using eCommerce scraping services:
Comprehensive Market Analysis
If you scrape data from Tesco and Sainsbury's, you can conduct thorough market analyses. These datasets reveal detailed information about product prices, availability, promotions, and trends. Understanding these factors helps businesses to stay competitive and make informed decisions about pricing strategies, inventory management, and marketing efforts.
Consumer Insights
Scraping data from Sainsbury's and Tesco allows businesses to gather valuable consumer insights. Analyzing customer reviews and ratings helps identify popular products and common issues, providing a clear understanding of consumer preferences and behaviors. This information is crucial for improving products and services, enhancing customer satisfaction, and boosting sales.
Competitive Intelligence
Monitoring competitors' offerings through Sainsbury's dataset and Tesco dataset gives businesses a strategic edge. By understanding competitors’ pricing, promotions, and product availability, companies can adjust their strategies to better compete in the market. This competitive intelligence is vital for maintaining a strong market position and attracting more customers.
Trend Identification
Scraping data from these retailers helps identify emerging trends in consumer behavior and market dynamics. This foresight allows businesses to adapt quickly to changing market conditions, ensuring they remain relevant and appealing to their target audience.
Enhanced Inventory Management
Detailed product data from Sainsbury's and Tesco can improve inventory management practices. Businesses can track stock levels and demand patterns more accurately, optimizing their supply chain operations and reducing costs associated with overstocking or stockouts.
Research and Development
Researchers and analysts can use the data collected from Sainsbury's and Tesco to conduct various studies, ranging from consumer behavior analysis to market trend forecasting. This data is invaluable for academic research, helping to develop theories and models that explain market dynamics.
Automation and Efficiency
Using Sainsbury's scraping API and Tesco scraping API, or developing custom scraping solutions, automates the data collection process. This automation saves time and resources, allowing businesses to focus on data analysis and strategy development rather than manual data gathering.
Step-by-Step Guide to Scraping Data from Sainsbury's
Step 1: Identify the Target URL
The first step in scraping data from Sainsbury's is to identify the target URL. This is typically the page containing the product listings or reviews you want to scrape.
Step 2: Analyze the HTML Structure
Inspect the HTML structure of the target page using your browser's developer tools. Identify the elements containing the data you want to extract, such as product names, prices, and reviews.
Step 3: Write the Scraping Script
Step 4: Store the Data
Save the scraped data in a structured format, such as CSV or JSON. This makes it easier to analyze and use the data for various purposes.
Step-by-Step Guide to Scraping Data from Tesco
Step 1: Identify the Target URL
As with Sainsbury's, the first step is to identify the target URL on Tesco's website. This could be a page with product listings, prices, or customer reviews.
Step 2: Analyze the HTML Structure
Use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the HTML structure and locate the elements containing the data you need.
Step 3: Write the Scraping Script
Step 4: Store the Data
As with Sainsbury's, save the scraped data in a structured format like CSV or JSON for easy analysis and use.
Handling Anti-Scraping Measures
Both Sainsbury's and Tesco, like many e-commerce sites, implement anti-scraping measures to protect their data. Here are some strategies to handle these measures:
Rate Limiting
Implement delays between requests to avoid overwhelming the server and reduce the risk of being blocked.
User-Agent Rotation
Rotate user-agent strings to mimic different browsers and reduce the chances of detection.
Proxy Servers
Use proxy servers to distribute your requests across multiple IP addresses, preventing your scraper from being flagged for excessive traffic.
Some websites use CAPTCHAs to block automated access. While solving CAPTCHAs programmatically can be challenging, services like 2Captcha can help automate this process.
Scraping data from Sainsbury's and Tesco can provide valuable insights for businesses, researchers, and consumers. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using tools like BeautifulSoup and Selenium, you can efficiently collect and analyze product data from these platforms. However, always ensure you adhere to ethical guidelines and legal requirements to avoid potential issues.
Whether you're conducting market research, competitive analysis, or product development, the data you gather from Sainsbury's and Tesco can be a powerful asset. Use eCommerce scraping services wisely to harness the full potential of this data, driving informed decision-making and business success. For more details, contact Actowiz Solutions now! You can also reach us for all your mobile app scraping, instant data scraper and web scraping service requirements.
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homeimprovementway · 4 months
Does Asda Sell Paint Products? Find Out Here!
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Yes, Asda sells paint products including acrylic paint, black paint, paint brushes, emulsion paint, satin & gloss paint, outdoor paint & varnish, and painting & coloring supplies. Asda offers a variety of painting and decorating items both online and in-store, providing a convenient shopping experience for customers looking to purchase quality paint products at affordable prices. With a wide selection of paint options available, Asda caters to DIY enthusiasts, artists, and homeowners seeking to enhance their living spaces with vibrant colors and durable finishes. Whether you need paint for indoor or outdoor projects, Asda's range of paint products ensures you can find the perfect solution for your painting needs. So, whether you're looking to refresh your walls or unleash your creativity through art, Asda has got you covered with its comprehensive selection of paint products.
Asda's Product Range
Asda offers a diverse range of paint products including acrylic, emulsion, satin, and gloss paints, as well as outdoor varnish and paintbrushes. With competitive prices and convenient online ordering, Asda makes it easy for customers to find the perfect painting solutions for their home improvement projects. Overview Of Asda's Offerings Asda Stores Ltd is a well-known retailer offering a diverse range of products, including groceries, general merchandise, health and beauty items, clothing, home essentials, and entertainment goods. Asda has become a one-stop shop for customers seeking quality products at affordable prices. Groceries And General Merchandise Asda's grocery and general merchandise selection caters to the everyday needs of consumers, providing a wide array of fresh food, beverages, bakery products, and health and beauty essentials. Additionally, the store offers a variety of clothing, home, and leisure products, ensuring customers can find everything they need under one roof. Paint Products Available At Asda Asda not only excels in providing groceries and general merchandise but also offers a comprehensive range of paint products to meet the needs of DIY enthusiasts and professional painters. The availability of various types of paint, including emulsion, satin, gloss, outdoor paint, and varnish, makes Asda a convenient choice for individuals looking to spruce up their living spaces.
Asda's Paint Products
  - Emulsion Paint - Satin & Gloss Paint - Outdoor Paint & Varnish Asda offers a range of paint brushes suitable for various paint types, ensuring a smooth quality finish. Customers can conveniently purchase Asda's paint products online, with options for home delivery or click and collect services.
Comparison With Other Retailers
When it comes to purchasing paint products, Asda offers a diverse selection of options for customers. Let's take a closer look at how Asda's paint products compare with those offered by other popular retailers: Tesco's Paint Products - Tesco provides a range of paint products, including brands like Dulux and Crown. - Price points at Tesco may vary, offering both budget-friendly and premium options. B&m's Paint Products - B&M offers a selection of own-brand and well-known paint brands for customers. - Customers can find a variety of paint finishes and colors at B&M stores. Argos' Paint Products - Argos carries a range of paint products suitable for different DIY projects. - Customers can choose from popular paint brands and various paint types at Argos. B&q's Paint Products - B&Q is known for its extensive paint selection, including indoor and outdoor options. - Customers can find specialty paints, primers, and accessories at B&Q stores. The Range's Paint Products - The Range offers a variety of paint brands and finishes to suit different preferences. - Customers can explore a wide range of colors and paint types at The Range. Wickes' Paint Products - Wickes provides customers with a selection of quality paint products for various projects. - Customers can find paints suitable for walls, wood, metal, and more at Wickes. Asda George's Paint Products - Asda George offers a range of paint products under its own brand, catering to different needs. - Customers can find affordable paint options with a variety of finishes at Asda George.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Type Of Products Does Asda Sell? Asda sells groceries, fresh food, beverages, bakery products, health and beauty items, clothing, home, leisure, and entertainment goods. Does Asda Sell Acrylic Paint? Yes, Asda sells acrylic paint along with a wide range of other painting and decorating products. You can find acrylic paint, emulsion paint, gloss paint, paint brushes, varnish, and more at Asda Groceries. Check out their Painting & Decorating aisle or buy online for home delivery or click and collect. Does Asda Sell Black Paint? Yes, Asda sells black paint, including Dulux Black Non Drip Gloss Paint available at ASDA Groceries. Does Asda Sell Paint Brushes? Yes, Asda sells paint brushes suitable for all types of paint, providing a smooth quality finish.
Looking for quality paint products? Asda offers a variety of paints, brushes, and DIY supplies. Shop online for convenience and great prices. Get your painting project started with Asda's range of painting and decorating essentials. Explore their selection today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2TKohQ0_nY Read the full article
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