#Tess Morgan
arrow-v-flash-polls · 6 months
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Which of these winning Harry Ships is your favourite?
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
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Oh, tell me are your eyes brown, blue, or green?
And do you like it with sugar and cream?
Or do you take it straight, oh, just like me?
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @vexic929 @ironverseocs @raith-way @thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce
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icedteaandoldlace · 8 months
Lace's Official Ranking of Couples from The Flash
7: Harrison and Tess
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If there's one thing this show loves, it's a romance that ends in tragedy, and Harrison and Tess are among the earliest in that category. But before the Reverse Flash so rudely killed them both and took over Harrison's life, what they had together was very special. They both wanted to name their laboratory after each other (in one way or another), and just the way they looked at each other was filled with the utmost softness and admiration. Harrison loved Tess so much that even Thawne wasn't immune to getting a little misty-eyed at the thought of her when he looked through Harrison's memories. And when Harrison was given a second chance at life, he chose to spend it reliving the time he had with Tess over and over again. Is it crazy to give up the rest of your life for one person? Maybe. But you can't deny, that's some serious devotion, like Greek mythology levels. The Hawks wish they had what Harrison and Tess have.
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ofstarlabs · 1 year
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E-TUD12 TESS. Archaeologist.
Tess from Nash’s home universe was an archaeologist. They met on a project and hit it off straight away. His Indiana Jones-ness and her Lara Croft // Amelia Peabody-ness led to a few adventures together.
Unable to join him on his adventures due to a project she was already working on, Tess continued to work on E-TUD12. Nash on the other hand continued to travel other worlds. While away, he meets Maya and ‘adopted’ her. Tess and Nash disagreed about Maya and her dangerous travels at such a young age but loved her dearly.
When Maya died, Nash pushed Tess away more than he already had due to their timing never working out.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen & Iris West Characters: Iris West, Barry Allen, Joe West, Randolf Morgan, Tina McGee, Tess Morgan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The news about STAR Labs has broken, and Iris' journalism course is taking notice, Iris digging into inconsistencies in EoWells story, Barry is disillusioned by his science hero, tagging Tess as a posthumus character, Iris taking summer semester courses, quick trip to Starling city, but no Arrow character cameos Series: Part 5 of The Whistle Blower Summary:
When the news breaks that the STAR Labs accelerator is fatally flawed and that Dr. Wells was not only covering it up, but had intended to knowingly turn on a flawed accelerator that could blow up the City come December, well... it's the biggest scandal to hit Central City since the big mob family take downs in the 90s.
And Iris West's professor has decided it'll make a great lesson in investigative journalism for her students.
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pawnshopbleus · 4 months
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Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
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trulyatessfan · 4 months
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I will continue the mini series after, but today is an important day for me, because it is the 10th anniversary of Ashes to Ashes, my favorite case and the reason why I continued Criminal Case in 2014,,, So to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ashes to Ashes, I made this piece <3
Also Kelly was in Ashes to Ashes this entire time, what do you mean- (Kelly is my OC if people doesn't know, they are my non-binary detective)
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scootkiddo · 7 months
there should be a paradigm shift where we as a society call for more platonic relationships between men and women in fictional media. the ones we do have are like two cold sides to a whole pillow
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anxietyfluffy · 7 months
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here is my artwork for Inkember Day 5 - Tess Goodwin & Past. for this i wanted to whip something up related to her and morgan because i still think about those two and how they were like as sisters,, so i drew this :)
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fleurderat · 20 days
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A little introduction to my RT characters, hope to make proper references for them one day now I can draw stupid memes with them without worrying that no one will understand who these people are he he
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agender-wolfie · 2 years
We need more gn!readers. There’s so many female ones and it’s kind of hard to stay in the story when you’re constantly having to change the gender, etc.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 6 months
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Which of these Harry ships is your favourite?
(Based on the amount of fics on AO3)
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
For Day 3 of @writersmonth, for the prompt Seashell, I present some Wells family sweetness!
(Mind you, this is in the Morgan AU, and Eowells hasn’t entered the picture yet. So Morgan is still going by Jesse, and she’s about 18 months old. This is maybe a day or two before everything goes wrong):
“What did you find, sweetheart?”
Jesse held up the shiny red seashell she’d found.
“That’s a lovely find, sweet girl.” Tess smiled, ruffling Jesse’s hair. “If you want, you can put it on Mommy’s towel over here, and we can take it home with us.”
Jesse grinned, doing just that, and then racing back out towards the waves.
Tess winced at how close she was getting…it was dangerous for a baby out there. “Harry, could you—?”
“I’ve got her.” Harrison kissed the top of Tess’s head as he got up, running after their daughter.
Their daughter. If she’d told her college self that she’d one day have kids with the awkward dork in her biology class, she would’ve thought herself to be crazy.
And yet…here she was, watching Harrison scoop up baby Jesse while she shrieked with delight, while her other best friend was going to call them later that night to insist that they visit Central City soon, and she couldn’t imagine any other life.
(Too bad it wouldn’t last.)
@vexic929 @ocs-supporting-ocs @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon
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katrinahood · 7 months
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Inkember Day 5: Tess Goodwin (Past)
For this prompt, I went with illustrating a 5-year-old Tess Goodwin with babby Morgan Goodwin!
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ofstarlabs · 1 year
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Iris and Joe invited everyone over for Christmas including Caitlin, Cisco, Tess and Harry. Barry of course was already invited. No one is left alone on Christmas; not even Mr. Grumpy Cat himself.
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messrmoonyy · 3 months
what are you currently working on messr? 🤗
Out of the disgusting amount of wips on my note app the ones I have actively worked on in the last week are:
• Tess x neighbour!reader ( angst, fluff and smut ) - the longer OS I’ve been talking about for months. Follows Tess’ first year in Jackson and coming to terms with the change. Lots of emotions and thoughts.
• tess x reader - a mash off two requests asking for Tess smoking and a semi part two to that Drabble I did with her declining to dance with reader. Cause you all wouldn’t stop asking for a part 2 lmao
• Arthur Morgan x reader ( smut ) - in which some of the girls attend the mayors party too. Jealous Arthur, semi public smex
• Arthur Morgan x reader ( fluff ) - take what I’m sure is a cliche in the rdr fic community of the bath trope. But make it fluffy! Request specifically asked for taking care of Arthur after not seeing him for a while. Cutesy.
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