#Thalia Village
himeofshyness · 1 month
I just had a random idea to combine two of my favorite fandoms, Stardew Valley and Bungou Stray Dogs.
One of my farmers, Cerise, used to be an assassin in the Port Mafia until she grew tired with everyone's bullshit and decided to escape that life. She fled Yokohama with her sister and relocate in Stardew Valley.
Cerise now owns one of her late grandfather's farm areas. Her farm specializes in chocolate making, wines, and cultivating a horticulture of fairy crops.
(Yes. I use mods)
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Aleia: How the fuck is this sweet kind woman a former assassin!?
Thalia: Sweet but terrifying.
Rosemary: *already knows about it*
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ohsnapdanni · 2 years
Upcoming Shows 2023
Happy March! My 2023 concert calendar is looking very promising at the moment, with tons of incredible acts announcing tour dates left and right. This even includes artists that made my Best of 2022 year-end album wrap up – how exciting! Now that I’ve resolved some ongoing health concerns (I’m okay!), what better way to get active again than to attend some shows around town. I may have to limit…
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alnair-jpg · 1 month
Olympics AU Info dump!
First, I am blown away by how much love the series is getting, thank you all so much! I do really enjoy all the comments and reactions in the tags. Know that they all delight me and the only reason I don’t reply to everything is because there are so many! But I read them all 💕
General questions:
Can you draw the designs or concepts? Write fanfic in this AU?
Yes of course! I’d love for you to tag me if you post them so I can see
Do they all know each other?
At first, I would say no- with the exception of Nico and Will (they’re developing a whole backstory in my head that I cannot and will not stop.). But they all meet in the Olympic Village after the opening ceremonies and quickly become friends. They all try their best to attend each other’s events. (Someone please tell me how Percabeth becomes a thing. Please. 🙏 )
Why didn’t Percy win gold?
Percy was an Olympic medalist in swimming before moving to diving. After competing in several swimming events and feeling like they were all just small variations of the same thing, he wanted more of a challenge. He chose diving to stay rooted in to the water, but to add a new dimension to his bodily awareness and control.
What’s Annabeth and Luke’s rivalry?
They most definitely trained together, and it was Luke’s skill that motivated Annabeth to aim for the Olympics. But, she wanted to compete for her home country, Greece, which Luke thought was just a shortcut since there was a clearer path to an Olympic team in a smaller country. Annabeth is constantly trying to prove to him that she would have made it to the top of the sport either way.
Also, apologies to the IRL fencers out there for the inconsistency. I know fencing is a gendered sport, and Annabeth’s gear/style are inconsistent, please forgive the oversight ☺️🫶
The whole Hunters of Artemis are a volleyball team (that apparently has no country 😅). Thalia ends up the captain. When Reyna moves on from tennis they welcome her with open arms.
Rejected sports
Will as a runner. Canonically, he’s super fast, but just having him as a sprinter didn’t fit with his personality.
Will as a pole vaulter. Specifically the guy that lost because he was ‘blessed a little too much’ and knocked down the bar. I will not explain further.
Will as a gymnast. He was this || close to being a gymnast essentially modeled after Steven Nedoroscik, I had the sketch and everything. (I shared it here!) But when an anyonomous ask clued me into the sick medical team uniforms it all fell into place from there. (Thank you no-longer-anon @helyeahmangocheese !)
Percy in anything equestrian related. I see him not having the patience for all the formality of it all, but he definitely crashes Hazel’s shows and chats up all the competition (the horses.)
Annabeth on a sailing team. Also, related to that, Reyna on a sailing team. It was a fun idea, especially for Reyna and her history with pirates but ultimately it was really hard to capture in a few illustrations.
Nico in several winter sports. For consistency mostly. He could fit for a lot of winter sports - ice skating and snowboarding are my personal favorites.
Leo as a shooter. He would most definitely build his own gear and make tweaks to his weapon. Which would get him immediately disqualified.
Jason in discus. Jason as a basketball player. Golf is just… fitting. 😂
Other Characters I’ve been thinking about
(that may have art in the works… and may not actually be athletes!)
Lester / Apollo
Mr. D
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acronym-chaos · 29 days
Minecraft Inspired ID Pack
[PT: Minecraft Inspired ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alex, Amber, Amethyst, Ash, Azalea, Blaze, Block, Brick, Briar, Brielle, Brook, Carver, Celeste, Clay, Cobble, Cree, Crystal, Daisy, Dawn, Dusty, Ember, End, Eve, Flora, Flint, Forge, Garnet, Gemma, Granite, Grayson, Harper, Hazel, Holly, Hopper, Iris, Ivy, Jade, Jett, Juniper, Lapis, Laurel, Lilac, Lily, Maple, Marigold, Mason, Meadow, Miner, Mira, Moss, Nova, Oak, Onyx, Opal, Pearl, Pebble, Poppy, Pyre, Quill, Reed, Red, River, Rocky, Rose, Rowan, Ruby, Sage, Sable, Sapphire, Selene, Shale, Sky, Skylar, Slate, Smith, Spruce, Steele, Stella, Stone, Sunny, Terra, Thalia, Timber, Torch, Violet, Wade, Willow
[PT: Pronouns].
A / Ax / Axe; Bla / Blaz / Blaze; Blo / Block / Blocks; Build / Build / Builds; Cob / Cobble / Cobbles; Cra / Craf / Craft; Cra / Craf / Craft; Cree / Creep / Creeper; Dig / Dig / Digs; E / En / End; Flint / Flint / Flints; Fo / For / Forge; Mi / Mine / Mines; Pi / Pick / Picks [Pickaxe]; Red / Stone / Redstones; Sap / Sapling / Saplings; Shea / Shear / Shears; Sho / Shovel / Shovels; Sme / Smelt / Smelts; Sta / Stack / Stacks; Sto / Stone / Stones; Tor / Torch / Torches; Wo / Wood / Woods
[PT: Titles].
Builder of Worlds; Crafter of Blocks; Master of the Mines; The Blocksmith; The Brave Explorer; The Collector of Resources; The Creator of Realms; The Defender of the Village; The Ender of Mobs; The Master of the Redstone; The Master Miner; The Pixel Pioneer; The Resource Gatherer; The Survival Expert; [Pronoun] Who Crafts with Precision; [Pronoun] Who Delves Deep; [Pronoun] Who Faces the Nether; [Pronoun] Who Mines and Builds; [Pronoun] Who Shapes the World
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID].
Requested by @rwuffles on Discord!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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groverapologist · 11 days
so much to discuss about the idea of a new athens and number one is: is it even necessary? there are maybe 100 campers in camp halfblood. a percentage of these campers don't want to stay in camp and want to move on. if you include campers still alive who have left camp and made a life for themselves, maybe that's an additional 200-500, which is a very hard estimate to make considering the average demigod doesn't make it to 20. most would probably not want to go back as they have already started their lives elsewhere.
on the other hand, maybe, just maybe, having a place to stay with other demigods and being able to protect one another could increase the average life expectancy. lower chances of being mauled by a monster = better chance of staying alive? + better living conditions, better system to be adopted by understanding parents, maybe even better education by people trained to handle adhd and dyslexic kids, better healthcare at camp, etc. a town for demigods by demigods would definitely make it easier for demigods to live longer, but it would still take multiple generations until a whole city is formed, maybe centuries. let's remember new rome took around two centuries to become the city it is. therems also the fact that more demigods will be arriving in camp than previous generations seeing as the gods have sworn to claim all their children, and percy says at the start of the series that some demigods live their entire lives not knowing they're demigods, and also the fact that a new athens would have to accept legacies which would increase the population. the population of demigods and legacies is... very confusing.
maybe if new athens was opened for mortals with demigod children it would catch up to new rome size a few generations earlier, but then there's the issue of thalia's protective force field. would they build new athens away from camp and put more money into protective measures, or would they build it next to camp and keep the effects of the force field but ensure no one without godly lineage can enter? if i remember correctly, even new rome has doors open for SOME mortals. let's also factor in nymphs and satyrs... maybe then the population size would make building a new city justifiable.
i honestly think new athens would start as a small village. it doesn't need much more than one school, one hospital, a few restaurants, a few altars for the gods. most people who stay there have demigod children currently at camp or are satyrs and nymphs whose trees/society are near camp. it gradually grows with every new generation and only becomes a full city after percy and annabeth have passed. that doesn't change the fact that annabeth designed it. she had the city structure planned out from forever. she keeps the plans on her laptop similar to daedalus. some changes happen to accomodate to changes in day to day living annabeth couldn't have anticipated, but the design is still mostly annabeth.
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So, about the greek muses, I have a whole theory about why we don't need to adapt them to newer forms of art like cinema and cartoons or just illustration or sculpture.
You have some of them that seem outdated, like Polyhymnia with sacred poetry, or why is there a muse of Astronomy, that's not an art (Urania baby I didn't mean it).
So well, my theory is that the muses are not the patrons of the ways we create, but of the reasons we create.
Calliope, epic poetry: Tales of combat, wars and adventure, sculpture of heroes, action movies, action videogames.
Erato, lyric poetry: For emotions, all the emotions. This is what inspire romance stories, sad tales, political slam poetry, etc.
Polyhymnia, sacred poetry: The sacred, may it be religious or spiritual, has always been a source of inspiration for artists and creators.
Melpomene, tragedy: Listen, life is hard and you die at the end, here's an opera, a sad novel, a statue of someone holding their dead son.
Thalia, comedy: What are you talking about, life is hilarious. Here, have a comic, a cartoon, and a limerick.
Clio, History: Doesn't seem like an art, but recording History, rewriting it, reimagining it, has been an inspiration for great paintings at the Louvres, to documentaries on Netflix, to that one novel you're writing set in 1865 where you spent so long researching to get the details right.
Urania (astronomy): The stars are beautiful, the moon deserves sonnets, but in a larger approach, the universe is vast and immense and so, so inspiring.
Euterpe (music) and Terpischore (dance):.. Music and dance don't need a reason, they exist just to exist. They inspire each other.
This list is not exhaustive, you are not limited to one muse, most creations find inspiration from many things at the same time.
So, next time you're at the village market place, think about how many goats you'll need to sacrifice to be sure they keep inspiring you.
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The Girlbosses
Circe and Calliope were next on my list, and o decided to throw in Atlas' moms because I had time and they looked super cute.
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I love how these four turned out.
Calliope is the eldest of her sisters, and the most responsible. She's set to inherit the title of head prophet after her grandmother Delphi passes away. Calliope is serious, but sweet, and loves the outdoors. She married a Shepard in the village and had Evenus, and raised him as a protective mother, but also trained him to keep up with his demigod cousins because he was mortal. Later in life, she was seduced by Pan and had Thalia, and was heartbroken when her daughter went missing. Her mortal husband has since passed away, and she lives a quiet life tending to the temples.
Circe is the middle daughter in her family, and the most rambunctious, even into adulthood. She's snappy, sassy, and confident in herself. This attracted the attention of the revenge goddess Nemesis, and the pair settled down and had Scylla, Charybdis, and Icarus. Circe's attitude has made Nemesis loyal to her, and Nemesis has vowed never to take another mortal lover while she lives. Circe was crushed when her son Icarus died, and threw herself into her training even more, becoming a respected prophet and soldier.
Medea is the youngest daughter in her family, and the quietest. She's always been a lover instead of a fighter, and she found herself falling for Apollo when the God visited her. This caused Atlas to be born, and after Apollo left, she fell for the stubborn priestess Hecate, who she married and had Than with. She's sweet and caring, and while she doesn't agree with violence, she has been trained to fight. Nowadays she spends time with her wife and tends to the temples.
Hecate is Medea's wife, and very hard-headed. As a teenager she despised the Cassandrasan family for being so important to everyone, but after a run in with Medea where she saved her from a Manticore, Hecate fell head over heels. Hecate was a priestess for the titan she was named after, the titan of magic and crossroads Hecate. When the titan asked her what she wanted as a gift for being so loyal, Hecate requested the power of prophecy so she could be part of Medea's world. The two married and had Than and Atlas, and now Hecate is a strong fighter and powerful prophet.
Sorry this is so long!! I just have a lot to say about them :)
@b0njourbeach @inotonline
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~your court jester~ leo x daughter of zeus!reader !medieval AU!
(I did the chap!!)
You were a child of Zeus, king of Olympia who was married to Queen hera, which whom he had triplets with, Jason, Thalia and you, with you being the youngest 
Today was the day a ball was being held, where you could see your cousins and friends. You knew for certain that king posidon and qeen amphridite of atlantia would be there, along with his children; prince percy and tyson and king Hades and queen Persephone of Elysia and their children nico and hazel would be there too, but it wasn't them you were exited about.
Nor was it lady athena , the war-rstrategist with her children, and it wasn't lord Ares (war commander) or anyone else of the sort.
In fact, it wasn't even a noble person at all!
It was leo , the child of the palaces blacksmith. You felt a familiar flutter in your stomach as you thought of him, but you knew your mother and father would have your head on a platter if they ever knew.
They wanted you to marry a nobleman (or woman), or atleast someone in a position of power, not some pesant child of the palaces blacksmith! Alas, they found you weren't happy with any of the suitors they showed you, but hope was (unfortunately) not lost for them.
》I just don't understand it piper!《 you grunted as she pulled the corset strings tighter, the handmaiden child of Aphrodite,  the tailor for the royals hanging on your every word.
 》what is it that you don't understand, m'lady《 you blinked and pushed some of her styled hair out of her face
》no need to call me that and I just....I dont know why I'm not falling for any nobles! I mean, there's percy, who looks like a God, hazel who looks stunning, and even from the  people who aren't nobles who my parents would approve of, like lady annabeth, aren't that interesting!《 
》well, I know you've been looking at the court jester, leo, you do know he's a close friend of mine, Right?《
she finished adjusting your cosetband moved on to fixing your gown
》plus, prince nicholas-《
》He preffers to be called nico《 you interrupt
 》Prince nico is dating the local bard, William, and his parents seem to approve 《
You sigh as you push another strand of hair away from your [e/c] eyes 》well yes, but bard and jester are two different things! And Williams father is a well respected bard, Leo's dad is the blacksmith of the palace who is highly unliked for his looks, not that leo inherited any, of course! But Apollon the bard does have strong ties with King Hades, so of course nico dates him! Whereas my mother and father both hate hephastios the weaponmaker《 
Piper sighs, mildly exasperated with how dramatic you were 》well who are they going to introduce you to next, a guard?《 she makes an attempt at a joke, trying to lighten the mood
》not too far off, actually,  you know the soldier lityerses? The child of lady demeter?《 you sigh and try not to ruin your make-up by face-palming
》oooh, he's a catch! But I must say I prefer shel...《 Piper thought fondly of the village baker-girl, with whom she was absolutely smitten with
》ya know, sometimes I wish I was a commoner.....then it wouldn't matter who I'd married....《 
Piper looked at you with pity in her eyes, before subtly looking at the window, seeming to say I told you so to leo with her eyes, who was standing outside the window all along
☆le time Skippy because idk what else to put here☆
You tapped the heel of your shoe against the floor at random intervals while playing with with a strand of your hair, your cousins have already arrived, that's not what you were nervous about, but it was now time to "entertain" the royals , which means you would see leo, the favorited court jester 
》M-mother?-《 your tried to hide just how much your voice trembled, which your mother always found endearing
》w-when are the entertainers coming?《
》in a bit, my little peafowl, leodinaidas (i-i.....I butchered that, didn't I?) being the first to arrive 《
》o-okay....《 you sighed and looked out the window, seeing Piper laughing and cuddling with shel, and sighed wistfully You werent at all joking when you said you'd love to live a commoners life,  close to no responsibilities, not having to deal with potential suitors and being able to love who you wanted to love.
Nico and will were on your right, and were laughing at something,  will was nicos personal medic and bard, and they were dating which is parents did accept as will and his father were high in status.
He could date him without problems.
But you couldn't date leo
Speaking of-
You blushed hard the moment you saw leo enter the ballroom. 》my ladies,  lords and lieges! It is I, leodinaidas the court jester! But you can call me leo , and pretty people can call me love~《
zeus chuckled at that, while hera rolled her eyesYou blushed and quickly looked away, gods why is he like this...... he continued with his jester bit, making jokes and making fun of everything
Eventually,  his act died down and will started playing music for people to dance to, [I mean, they were in a ballroom] and you were just standing awkwardly on sidelines, watching your siblings and cousins dance with their partners.You sighed sadly and were deep in thought , only being pulled out when someone tapped your shoulder.
》huh?《 you looked behind you, not seeing anyone, before you felt someone take your hand in theirs 》hello gorgeous-《
 You looked infromt of you, and flushed red immediately Infront of you was, who else would it be, leo
》l-leo?!《 you breathed out
》Hi gorgeous~ would you indulge me , a humble jester, in a dance with a stunning woman like you?《 You smiled nervously and looked over to where your sister, Thalia, was standing, who was grinning and giving you a thumbs up, zeus smirking and rolling his eyes as he looks at the both of you
》y-yeah s-sure......《 you tripped over your own words
He smiled and led you out to the dance floor, putting one hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist, starting to dance a slow waltz with you
You smiled and let him lead your moves, smiling widely for the first time in a whileAfter a while of dancing, you tripped and almost fell down, if it weren't for leo catching you bending down to your level, his lips only inches from yours.You blushed and leaned closer into his lips, only a breath away from touching his lips, so close you could almost count every single freckle on his face.
》may I?-.....《 he breathes out
You nod and inched closer to him, feeling butterfly's in your stomach as his lips touch yours, him kissing you being the best feeling you've felt for a while After a minute that felt like far more than that, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours
》Pipes told me You had a crush on me.....and I thank whatever force is pulling us together because I never thought my feelings would be reciprocated.....I love you《
And without thinking of potential consequences and pushing any judgement from your parents , the words fell out of your mouth 》I love you too《
@bast-the-best26 @reyna4ever @deciduowl
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liquid-luck-00 · 7 months
Red Binding 6
Maribat March Day 6: Bad Luck
@maribat-calendar-events @maribatserver
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This isn’t right. Marinette complained for the millionth time. No matter what she did or what plan she concocted, there was no way to get Jason out of the League without inciting an incident.
I know and we hate it too.
The only option is for us to leave on our own.
It was still weird having him in her mind. Passing through the celestial realm opened a gate that let them speak to one another like they do their Kwamii, but it’s taking some time to get used to it. But when they do, the two of them could talk for hours about their lives after meeting Plagg and Tikki. But never the time before.
But can’t we do something? She started to run scenarios again.
We can’t, pixie, not without you being caught, or revealing that I am the Vicis. It’s just bad luck and our hands are tied.
But that shouldn’t mean you have to suffer, there, now.
Bluebell, it’s best if we don’t involve either of you in our escape.
She means well, Plagg.
I know Sugar Cube, but the facts stand. We can’t have you help us without war being incited by either side.
I have to agree with Plagg. Tikki resonated the sentiment. And it will always be a cold day in hell when that happens.
Hey! I’m smart, and can see reason.
When you aren’t hungry, you glutton.
The two started bickering. Meaning they left them alone for a moment.
You are leaving in the morning. The ritual is done, and no one is the wiser of what you learned. Jason tried to make her feel better, but the knot in her stomach was growing.
But it doesn’t feel right.
I know it doesn’t. But I’ve survived worse, unfortunately. His tone was bitter, and she figures his life was never easy. She just wants to be there for him, she wants to be his friend, and friends protect one another. Right?
Promise me you’ll try and find me when you get out. Her voice was soft, broken from her irritation. She was on the verge of tears in her room.
I promise. His voice was strong, resolute. And that seemed to give her a bit of courage too.
We are going to have to figure out a way to keep in touch, if we want to find each other after this. She started to joke. She felt him laugh on the other side of their connection.
Well, we’re gonna have to figure that one out.
There isn’t a question in that. I’ll be waiting Jay Jay.
So will I Pixie Pop.
They both dropped their conversation as they both drifted off to sleep.
It was a few hours later she felt someone about to knock on her door and she woke up, quickly getting dressed. An uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. She got up and opened it, seeing one of the commanders arrive to escort her. "Are you ready for your departure?"
"Just give me one second." She closed the door again. Went to grab her bag, then stepped back towards the door and removed the final wards, she still had in place.
She opened the door and nodded, following the ninja that was supposed to escort her. Out in the courtyard she was met with Guardian Shun’itsu and Ryuku, along with two other commanders and the woman, who she later found out was Talia Al Ghul.
"Now that we are all here we can begin our way down, to get all of you back to your temple." Thalia spoke, her tone even, but she knows better. She’s been around them plenty these past few weeks, that something is telling her, something is very wrong.
They made their way down, when they arrived at the village, and when she thought that at least two of them would leave, she was very wrong. Four ninja, assassins, joined them in the car. Two in front, two behind them, and she, the Guardian, and his student sat in the middle. When they arrived to an airfield, alarms began ringing in her mind. She doesn’t know if the other two thought the same, but she started to slowly weave a spell around them.
There wasn’t a signal, not even a sound. They attacked.
"Merdé" She used Tikki’s creation magic, and a bow staff fell into her hand.
The three of them never let them watch as they trained, while they were in the compound. So none of them knew exactly how proficient they were with any weapon. But that didn’t stop them from attacking. The spell she wove, only softened any impact, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t get hurt still. She redirected a blade that was aimed at her head, and it sliced right through her cheek. She didn’t have the time, or even luxury, to check in see how her two companions for doing. She was able to take down one of the assassins. Pinning him to the ground, before knocking him unconscious.
She jumped off of him as a second assailant launched towards her. He was just as well trained, and seem to have not joined in the fight until now. Which was bad luck for her, he was fresh, where she just took down someone who is three times her size, and more than likely a whole different weight class. But she kept fighting, she glanced to her side for a brief second, and saw Ryuko fighting the third commander, while Guardian Shun’itsu was holding off attacks from Thalia.
Her brief distraction allowed the assassin to land a hit on her, making her fly backwards, a good three meters, knocking her into some sort of metal structure. She’s trying to shake her head as she stood, to get rid of the dizziness, but her world only span faster.
She looked up and saw Lord Doreiku frozen still.
And then she saw her, Talia, step back, pulling a bloody knife out of his chest.
She heard Ryuko scream.
In a flash of red light, and there floating in the air was a Kwamii. They were bright red with black tipped horns, Longg.
They looked down in utter shock. As the air around them rippled. Lightning, rain, and wind whipped around them. And then she screamed, her emotions getting the best of her, and the emotions that Longg conjured the storm with, rammed at her very being.
Marinette calm down. She faintly heard Tikki, but she couldn’t stop it.
As the water touched her skin, it morphed.
She saw Ryuko, fall over Lord Doreiku's body, while Thalia walked towards Longg.
"No." She growled and the liquid flew towards the woman.
Acid covered her gloved hand eating away at the fabric, as she quickly removed it before it was able to damage her skin.
Marinette stalked forward. Putting herself between the woman and the kwamii floating above her companions.
"Think very carefully about your next move. I am the Ladybug. I am the personification of creation, and creation is not always kind." Thalia looked as if she was going to laugh, but something made her stop and actually look at her.
Marinette, is not an imposing, nor intimidating figure, of any kind. But the power she wields is not meant to be taken lightly. "If you mistake my words for bluff, I cannot guarantee that any of you will leave this area alive."
"So you are to make an enemy of the League of Assassins?" The woman rose a brow, challenging her.
"You were the ones who attacked us first, we were acting out of self-defense, and you were the one to take a life. Don’t forget, the reason you can use the pits of Lazarus again is not only because of the order, but because of me. Who knows, if you continue to use the wells of destruction as you do. Perhaps the League would destroy itself." She knows it is true, Ra’s keeps order, but it is out of fear not respect.
"You know nothing of this world, you’re a child."
"I might just be a child, but I can promise you this." That was when the winds and water stopped falling onto the ground, Ahe acid dissolved spots into the pavement in the middle around them. "I will never perform this ritual again, so long as you or Ra’s controls the league."
This time Thalia laughed.
"Let us see how long that promise can actually keep." She quickly jerked her head to the side, and the three shadows (two shadows and the third hung limply between the two) started to walk away.
Mari. Tikki whispered by their connection.
"We have to get him home." She looked behind her, Ryuko spoke with tears streaming down her face.
"Allow us." Longg and Tikki were both now physically present.
"Are you sure?'
"We were bound for a very long time." Longg descended. "It is the least I can do for him."
"Let’s get home." She extended her hand to the other girl, pulling her to her feet. "We have a long way to go."
"Okay." The girl’s voice was broken with that single word, and a little piece of her broke.
After all the good luck she had, of course the bad luck would have to be this bad to balance it out. She sighed as they made their way out of this airfield and towards the town a few miles over. Let’s just hope her bad luck ends here.
It didn’t.
In fact they got to the station three minutes after the train departed and were stranded until the next one would pass through, in five days. Or they could take a series of trains to reach the one they missed, but they would leave by the end of the day. Take a guess which one they chose.
It wasn’t easy, but eventually they made it home, but they had to recall the events that led them there to Su-Han and it still hurt.
Permanent Taglist: @jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop @starling218 @crystalqueertea
Taglist: @shizukiryuu
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sleepy-sirin · 2 years
Elysia x Child! Reader
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Summary: When little Ellie was traveling around the world, she found a baby lying on the streets. Little Ellie tried to find your parents but they're nowhere to be found, she decided to take care of you and become her little sister.
A/n: Sorry if this is short, I ran out of ideas
Third POV:
The young girl embarked on a journey with no end in sight. For the rest of her life, she traveled through cities, mountains, villages, towns, and wilderness...
Elysia met a lot of things, a lot of people.
When she was traveling around the world, she found a baby lying on the streets. Little Ellie heard the cries of the baby and went over the baby.
"Shh... It's okay, I'm here." Little Ellie tried to comfort the baby while rocking them gently into her arms.
She doesn't know how to comfort a baby but she remembers when she was back in the orphanage, she saw how Mama Thalia handles the baby when they cry.
Little Ellie gently strokes your cheeks, making her smile to see that you seem comfortable with her touch.
The two of you travel to various places and find a place to sleep in. After years go by, Elysia becomes a beautiful and kindhearted woman, and you grow up a cute healthy child.
She looks around the place to see where your parents were, but they're nowhere to be found. Then Little Ellie decided to take care of you and become her little sister.
Even though it's hard taking care of a baby on her own, she won't give up on taking care of her baby little sister.
Elysia has a desire to help humanity, which led her to join the MOTHs but that doesn't mean she doesn't she will left her baby sister behind.
As she lived in with the MOTHs, she met many people, like Dr. MEI and Kevin Kaslana, a couple who she became quick friends with and witnessed their whole transformation. She also met Eden, a famous opera singer, who would join the MOTHs and become her best friend.
While you on the other hand, you met Griseo and Rin and the 3 of you quickly became friends.
You and Elysia do a sister bonding together when she isn't busy with her work. The two of you play together, go shopping (with Eden), go for a walk, and etc...
Elysia notices that you love to draw just like Griseo so she decided to buy you a sketchpad on your birthday. What really warms Elysia's heart is that you drew her and you together with the paradise that she dreamed of.
Even though you aren't Elysia's real little sister, you are still her little sister no matter what and she still loves you.
Even if she is willing to sacrifice herself for you to live a happy life than her own.
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nirikeehan · 6 months
Gonna wambo combo you from the Sexual Tension Prompt list for Thalia/Blackwall for "[ BRUSH ] : Character A reaches forward to brush a strand of Character B’s hair from their eyes." and "[ WET ] : The characters find one another in a torrential downpour of rain, both soaking wet." >:]
For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1525
Strap in, I also managed to shove in the following prompts:
sleeve rolling (thanks @theluckywizard)
public touching and pretending to be a couple (thanks @oxygenforthewicked)
pushing against a wall and kissing without warning (thanks @oxygenforthewicked AND @about2dance)
She sits beside him on the table he’s set up for woodworking. They talk late into the evening, the air in the stables going cold when the sun goes down. Thalia’s face stays warm, watching the way Blackwall works with his hands. He’s deft and sure in everything he does, each stroke and every nail. She watches his fingers, large and calloused as they are, and wonders. Her stomach flips, not unpleasantly. 
At one point, he rolls his sleeves to the elbow and catches her looking at the naked flesh. 
“Like what you see, my lady?” 
She thinks he might be smirking. She slides off the table, onto her feet. She tries to bring herself back to earth. 
“I’m terribly late for dinner.” She’s stuttering over her words, like a damned schoolgirl. 
She can feel his eyes on her back with every stride through the courtyard she takes. 
At a tavern in an unfriendly village, they need information. The commonfolk are hostile toward Grey Wardens, it seems; they feel abandoned by those who came through before, then left in the name of the False Calling. 
“Why do you ask?” says the barkeep, eyes narrowed across the counter. “You one of ‘em?” 
“Me? Never.” Blackwall laughs long and hard, terribly convincing. “It’s just that me and the missus are mighty curious about where they’ve gone. Her brother, you see, joined up a few years ago. She pines for him something fierce, don’t you, love?”
His gaze is upon her, expectant. Thalia hunches over in her barstool, hoping her blush isn’t visible in the dim torchlight. “That’s right,” she says softly. “If anything happened to him, I’d never forgive myself.” 
She can’t conceive of this world, where she would care enough to pursue a lost brother. But then, she can’t fathom being married to Blackwall, either. He reaches over and places a hand on the nape of her neck, laying it on thick for the barkeep, and her heart thumps and thumps. Grey Wardens have relationships sometimes, right? The Hero of Ferelden would have married Good King Alistair, if he hadn’t sacrificed himself ending the last Blight. It’s been known to happen.
She rests her hand on the wrist Blackwall uses to cup his stein of ale. Her fingers tingle. This is an act, of course. Isn’t it? 
The barkeep watches them long and hard. Then he breaks into a toothless smile, accompanied by a salty laugh. “This’s your wife? How’d you manage that, you old dog?” 
“Ah, well, you know. She keeps me young.” Blackwall winks. 
“I bet she does.” The barkeep’s gaze lingers on them a touch too long, and Thalia doesn’t know whether she’s mortified or pleased. Maybe a little of both.
Outside the tavern, after mulling over the leads they’ve been given, Thalia glances upward at Warden Blackwall’s face, so unreadable in the gathering dark. “Is it really so hard to believe?”
“What? You n’ me, my lady?” 
She feels his eyes upon her; it is not, strictly speaking, the look an honorable knight gives a lady. She knows this, and she likes it, to some degree. He is a bit older than her — so what? Girls her age — and below — married men of advanced age all the time. 
“I could—” She grasps for something clever and witty to say. “—Keep you young. Like you said.” 
Blackwall lets out a hearty laugh. “Begging your pardon, but you speak like you don’t know what that means.”
“I know what it means!” Thalia huffs. 
Blackwall stands over her, close enough to touch. “But you’ve never…?”
Now she’s mortified for sure. “That’s not an appropriate question to ask a lady.” She storms past him, toward their camp, before this gets out of hand. 
She thinks she hears him chuckling in the dark behind her. 
Thalia never knew it could rain so hard in the desert. The Western Approach’s sky, she thought, would forever be an endless, scorching blue. But the clouds roll in without warning, a dark purplish grey. The rain falls in torrents, turning the sands to mud and drenching her in seconds. She runs for shelter in the awning of an ancient fortress, tumbledown stones persisting for hundreds of years. 
She lets her hair down, pulling fingers through the long, tangled strands, wringing it out like a cloth. There is satisfaction to the lightness that ensues. The air, likewise, possesses a strange, clean scent, as if the landscape itself has been wiped clean by the downpour. 
She hears a throat clearing behind her. Thalia snaps her head up; Blackwall stands in the dark of the archway, similarly soaked. His grey eyes almost seem to glow as their gazes meet. 
Thalia gasps and turns away, her hair long and limp over her shoulders, hanging heavy to her waist. He saw! He isn’t supposed to see! She trembles, suddenly freezing as the wind picks up and hits her clammy skin. 
“F-forgive me, Warden Blackwall,” she says through chattering teeth. “In Ostwick, highborn girls are not to let men — unmarried men — see them with their hair down. It’s beyond scandalous.” 
She feels silly saying this out loud, but it’s true — despite knowing, intellectually, other women do this all the time, she feels as though he caught her with her trousers down and can’t bear to look at him. She scrambles for the rock wall, trying to get out of sight so she can plait her hair again and pin it back up and at last be able to face him. 
His hand grasps her shoulder. Thalia freezes, her heart pounding. Water drips off her nose and chin, and her breath stutters. 
“Strange customs they’ve got in Ostwick,” Blackwall mumbles low in her ear. His fingers trace their way to the nape of her neck. He draws the hair away from her skin, tantalizingly slow. A warm tingling shoots down Thalia’s spine to her toes. “I thought the cheese wheel chase was the height of it.” 
Thalia forces herself to face him. He’s so handsome, painfully so, with hair that shines black and the mighty beard and the distinguished lines of his face. She’s no doubt he’s known many women — she can sense this in his confidence, which comes out when she least expects it. Like now. She swallows hard and tentatively puts her hand on the damp sleeves of his gambeson. 
“I like the cheese wheel chase,” is all she can think to say, like an idiot. 
Blackwall lets out a laugh. “Never said I didn’t like it.” His hand cups her face, and Thalia thinks she might perish. Is she dreaming this? It wouldn’t be the first time. “Tell me, my lady — what happens when an unmarried man spies an Ostwick maid with her hair down?” 
“There’s, ah, varying stories.” 
“Of course there are.”
“In some of them, the girl and offending voyeur must get married on the spot.” 
Blackwall chuckles. “Shame there’s no Chantry mother in this forsaken desert. Makes it difficult to say vows.” 
“In others, the girl is branded a harlot and cast out from her household.” 
Blackwall’s eyebrows shoot upward. “Bit harsh, isn’t it?”
Thalia swallows hard. “I didn’t come up with these tales!” 
“What if there’s no one to see their transgression?” His hands have moved, one to the small of her back, the other to her collarbone, just above her left breast. “What if it’s just him and her, and they can do whatever they like, and no one will be the wiser?” 
Thalia’s heart races. “I— ah, it’s hard — to say—”
He pushes her against the stone wall and kisses her. He tastes of rainwater and smells, faintly, of the woodsmoke that wafted off that morning’s campfire. The weight of him against her through damp fabric feels both exciting and dangerous. She worries he can tell she’s never done this before, but with a groan he deepens the kiss, the hand squeezing her breast, and she realizes that perhaps he doesn’t care. She’s not sure she does either. 
She tangles her fingers in the wet hair at the nape of his neck and tests out leaning into him as they kiss. She feels him respond immediately, and knows with a thrill of trepidation they really could do anything they wanted — who would bear witness? The desolate sand? 
“—Bloody fuck.” Blackwall tears himself away with a violent wrench, leaving Thalia grasping for the wall behind her, dizzy.
“I’m sorry— did I— do something wrong?” She rakes the hair from her eyes, her desire curdling in her belly. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Blackwall growls. 
“That is, I think, what I was trying to say earlier.” Is this a joke? Thalia feels a strange desire to laugh. “But you were going on about cheese wheels…”
“You’ve no idea how enticing you are, do you?” His voice sounds, somehow, both reverent and repulsed. “How bloody enchanting?” 
Thalia does not know how to answer that. 
He cackles again, though the mirth is gone, and turns away, scrubbing the water from his face with his palm. Thalia reaches forward, taking his elbow, and tries to think of what to say that won’t wreck everything. 
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🏛.ೃ࿐ READ ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES IS SWINGING ⸺ this is the first book in a pjo au that i am working on, it is based on the books AND is not really based on the tv show series as i started it months before the show came out. it starts in the titan's curse and thus contains spoilers (for those who have only watched the show) for the lightning thief and sea of monsters. it is a slow burn luke castellan fic, with a little bit of grover underwood sprinkled in although as i'm writing it, i am currently considering that luke/oc/grover be the end pairing in the series. only time will tell what the endgame pairing will be. currently the book is focusing on found family and the roll the oc plays in the pjo verse.
🏛.ೃ࿐ SYNOPSIS.▌ ❝Through out the three centuries that Sarah's been apart of the Hunters, she's come to realize that being a Demigod thoroughly sucked. Growing up as a child of Hades in the Puritan village of Salem, Sarah never once had it easy. But she had been happy, happy to be alive, happy to be apart of the Hunters. The threat of an impending war is imminent, and while Sarah is far from being at the center of it, the sword of Damocles still swings precariously over her head, for Sarah was a hero that had been happy for far too long. perhaps after three hundreds years of living a relatively joyful life for a Demigod, it was time for Sarah Willoughby to sacrifice something.❞
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHAPTERS.▌ Currently Published: 001 Prologue, 006 Chapters, 002 Misc. Chapters
🏛.ೃ࿐ CONTENT WARNINGS ▌Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Not Canon Compliant, Slow Burn, Prophecy, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Families of Choice, Past Relationship(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Period Typical Attitudes, Internalized Homophobia, Historical Inaccuracy, Medical Inaccuracies, Childhood Trauma, Percy Jackson has a Twin, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Original Character Death(s), Canonical Character Death, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Enemies, Enemies To Lovers, Luke Castellan Redemption, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst and Tragedy, Blood and Injury, BAMF Percy Jackson, BAMF Bianca di Angelo, Protective Siblings, Sibling Love, Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Monsters, Luke Castellan-centric, Original Character-centric, Complicated Relationships, Serious Injuries, Good Parent Hades (Percy Jackson), Necromancy, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies
🏛.ೃ࿐ RELATIONSHIPS ▌Luke Castellan/Original Female Character(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hades/Original Female Character(s), The Hunters of Artemis & Original Female Character(s), Maria di Angelo/Hades/Persephone, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Bianca di Angelo & Nico di Angelo & Original Female Character(s), Clarisse La Rue & Original Character(s), Grover Underwood & Original Character(s), Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHARACTERS ▌Original Child(ren) of Hades (Percy Jackson), Original Child(ren) of Apollo (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, The Hunters of Artemis, Bianca di Angelo, Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, Zoë Nightshade, Original Jackson Character(s), Original Child(ren) of Aphrodite, The Olympians, Annabeth Chase, Kronos, Artemis, Hades, Persephone, Castor, Pollux, Chiron, Ethan Nakamura, Dionysus, Rachel Elizabeth Dare
🏛.ೃ࿐ AVAILABLE ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
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nicoseyeliner · 8 months
Thalia + Hunters Headcanons
Thalia had “longer” hair when she entered the hunters it stayed the same for a while but in the middle of a battle it got sliced off
The hunters totally gossip
Thalia goes by they/she
Whenever the hunters stop at a village or town for rest they all typically go to the arcade and play games till they run out of money (they hoard the money)
Artemis will sometimes take part in the games (she beats them all except zoë)
Thalia can speak german almost fluently
Leo has hooked all the hunters with phones
They have a group chat called hoes for bows
The description for the group chat commemorates all the fallen hunters 
Whenever the hunters go to camp they always throw a massive party
Chiron lets this happen because hes amazing
Jason is commemorated in the description
Sapphic thalia 100%
Her and Zoë had a thing going
zoë grace? 
Thalia Nightshade???
Their ship name should be nightbolts
They have a group tiktok
If the hunters were bullied before they became hunters (recent ones obvi) they will go to their bullies school or job and scare the living daylight out of one of them
Artemis lets the girls have one night every 50 years where they can party and get w a boy or smth (they cant like fuck tho)
Nightbolts totally kissed
The night fell on thalias first year
Sad headcanon: eventually thalia stays with the hunters and sees all her friends pass away as she feels that she needs to protect earth because jason's sacrifice
Mtf Thalia canon
Light Shower - Melanie Martinez
I love nightbolts sm wtf
When new hunters join them they get to name a wolf and raise it
They enter archery contests to seek out new hunters
Thalia is a theatre kid 100%
Thalia watches anime
 Separate Au: If bianca survived
Bianca would teach thalia how to cook
1 yosano defenders yk
Normal Au:
I like Poisonstrikes
Thalia is NOT cis!!
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Messed Up - fanfic by cocopuffsstillinside
Full fic available on Ao3
Summary - Nico has just moved to the US with his sister Bianca. Their Mama died and now they live with they somewhat involved father. Life isn't going well for little Nico. The constant gay panic and dealing with his fathers favouritism is over whelming. Can life really get any worse?
Set in school AU.
Chapter 1 - Captain Westover
             11 year old Nico’s life was a mess. His mother had fallen terminally ill not long after his tenth birthday and his somewhat absent father had whisked her, him and his sister off to the US in the hopes of finding someway to save her. It was futile. She died not 2 months after they arrived.
             All Nico wanted was to go home to his little village just outside Venice. He knew he couldnt. What didn’t help matters was that when they had arrived, Nico discovered why his Father wasn’t around much. He knew he was a businessman and he travelled for work, so he had just assumed that was it. Unfortunately, it was worse than that, Nico and Bianca where the products of one of Hades’ affairs while he was travelling.
             When they first arrived with their mother, Hades had set up an apartment for them. Both he and his sister thought it odd that he didn’t stay with them, one of the only bright sides Nico could see about the move was that he might have a shot at a normal family life, but no.
             Turns out his father had a pretty little wife here in the States, and she wasn’t best pleased to learn of their existence.
              After their mother finally passed, he and Bianca were moved into the Hades household. It was huge, Nico didn’t realise but it was clear his father had money and by the look and size of the ‘house', there was a lot of it to.
              It didn’t take long for him to notice his Father had a clear favourite between Nico and his sister. Bianca would receive surprise gifts, she would always be greeted first and she would always be the centre of his attention when they were together. Nico however, not so much. If Bianca got a gift, so would he but it was clearly less effort. For example, once he gave her a pair of diamond earrings and Nico had got a new t-shirt. He didn’t care that hers was more expensive or flashier, it was more that his father just saw him as a extra mouth to feed and barely acknowledged Nico’s existence. It hurt - fucking hell it hurt, but after awhile he accepted that this was his life now.
              They had been enrolled at a local private school where, just like at the Hades household – Bianca was miss popular and Nico was nothing but the shadow that would follow her out the car when the chauffeur would drop them off for the day.
               He didn’t mind too much when at school, she would normally check up on him if they passed in the hall or if they bumped into each other at lunch, but other than that they kept apart. It was different at home though, she was always with him, trying to get him to talk about their mother and help him grieve – not that he wanted to, it hurt to much. It was easier to bottle it up and just pretend she was back in Italy.
               Bianca had made some friends that seemed nice enough, they didn't look at Nico like he was a nuisance – unlike his father and stepmother. There was Zoe, Thalia, Grover and Percy. She would hang out with them at school and soon enough was bringing them home to hang out after school.
               She would try to get Nico to join. At first he did, although he mostly just sat in the corner pretending to read while quietly watching the group. After a while he started to try and find excuses to avoid them. “Sorry, got homework” was his typical response - short, sweet and extremely plausible.
               Although, he had a much more secret reason he wanted to avoid the group. He wasn’t sure why but he regularly caught himself staring at Percy. There was just something about his eyes, sea green that sparkled when he laughed. The mischievous grin when he was clearly plotting something that would likely land him in detention, not that he needed to plot it. Trouble had a way of finding him – he seemed to be in detention every other weekend. He had a very sassy attitude that, with Nico’s growing resentment for his life, he could really appreciate. He had oddly sculpted arms for someone his age, on more than one occasion Nico found himself wondering if that was he case with the rest off his body... what! Ewww no, that’s gross! Don’t think like that!
              After being at Westover Hall for a few months, he was in the locker room getting ready for gym with about 15 other boys about his age. He’d noticed how he would stare out the corner of his eye at some of them as they changed when he was sure they weren’t looking, he would then mentally chide himself. Stop that! Don’t be a creep!
               Occasionally, they would try to engage him in conversation, normally something about some comic series or new movie, very generic stuff. Nico had decided early on that he would fake not understanding, so he wouldn’t have to engage in to much conversation and risk saying something that would give away some of his ‘weirdo’ thoughts as he’d taken to calling them.
               Of course he could understand and speak English perfectly fine. He still had a thick accent but could speak clearly without much stumbling. They had been taught the English language at school in Italy as there village was a fairly popular tourist spot and his mother had thought it important, though she never said why – guess it’s obvious now.
              It was one of those days when Percy walked into the locker room.
              He was wearing a blue shirt with the school logo and WOH Swim Team printed on it, with a pair of bleach washed jeans and white trainers.
              So, he’s on the swim team. That would explain a lot, how have I not noticed before now? No, WHY would I have noticed that? He's not my friend and I definitely don’t think about him. No, I definitely don’t think about him at all. He thought to himself as he stared intently into his gym bag.
              Next thing he knew there was a tapping on his shoulder. “A little birdy told me it was your birthday. Happy Birthday man!” said a voice he knew to well. He had dreams of the voice. No. No I don't dream of Jackson's stupid voice. No. Creepy. Weirdo.
              He quickly steeled himself and turned to face Percy. “Thanks, but I asked Bianca to tell anyone.” Nico frowned at him. Nico didn't exactly feel like celebrating. He had no friends, his mother was gone, his father clearly couldn’t care less about him and his step-mother made her hatred for him (and his sister) very clear. The only person he had was his sister, unless you counted the family guard dog, but somehow counting Cerberus seemed a little sad even for him. So no, Nico wasn’t in the birthday mood.
              “oh, sorry. She’s been going on about it all week, so I assumed...” Percy trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck as Nico scowled at him.
               “Going on about what? There’s nothing to ‘go on' about.” Nico retorted with a bit to much apprehension in his voice. He definitely needed to get better control of his tone of voice, he decided to work on that. He didn’t want to be so easily read or people might start to work out some of his other more distasteful feelings.
              Percy just smirked. Damn, he really needs to stop doing that. Certainly not helping my dilemma. 
              Nico opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind. “I don't think it’s anything major. More like she's just looking forward to spending time with you this evening. Hasn't she said anything to you?” Percy tried for reassuring but clearly had no clue how to handle an 11 year old not wanting a birthday.
              Admittedly, it was an unlikely situation, definitely not how Nico would have imagined it a year previous.
              “No. She has been but I kept telling her to let it go.” Nico mumbled “I guess not, great.” New plan for the day, avoid Bianca Di Angelo at all costs.
               He knew the library was a safe bet for lunch, she'd never go in there unless absolutely necessary. ‘It smells like loneliness and boredom’ was her reasoning, but that suited Nico just fine.
               On the way home, he could put his headphones in and pretend he couldn’t hear, but he knew she’d just pull them out his ears... maybe he could just walk home? Bit of a trek but doable and he’d be gone most of the afternoon then it was just a case of sneaking in without her noticing him...
              “ermmm... Nico? Planet earth is this way.” Percy's voice sounded hazy at first but as he got Nico's attention back it became clearer. “Maybe you should just talk to her about it, I'm sure she'll understand.”
             “Well clearly not. If she hasn’t dropped it by now, after me telling her a million times...” Nico growled “I doubt one more conversation about it will do me any good.”
              “Wait... you CAN speck English runt?” came a snarky voice from the door. It was one of the guys from Nico's class, not a pleasant guy either. James was on the larger side, mostly because he'd been held back a year but he was large even for his age. Nearly as tall as Percy and the same dark hair (although in a crew cut), but none of the charm and no where near as cute. Shit, he is not cute!
              Nico froze. He'd been dealing with James making these jokes since day one - short jokes, foreign jokes, looser jokes, nerd jokes... honestly the list could go on forever.
              Nico had just been ignoring it but was surprised to see the look on Percy's face. It was pure hatred. Nico wasn't aware of any history between the two but clearly there was something there.
             “What did you call him, Winters?” Percy spat. Wait, what is happening? Does he think I need protecting or some shit?
             James let out a laugh. “Of course, Jackson has taken on yet another hewlpless wittle looooser!” he said the last part in a mocking baby voice. It made Nico seethe, but what could he do? Lash out? Verbally? Physically? All routes would likely land him in a hospital bed.
             Before he had a chance to process the thought, Percy had stepped in front of him and stood up straight, making his shoulders broader. As far as looking intimidating goes for a thirteen year old, Percy was the picture of it.
             Oh shit! This is not the time to question your sexuality Nico. But fuck. Nope. Nope, I'm not gay. Shit.Shit.Shit.
             “You are not gonna pull your usual shit Winters.” Nico just stared at Percy in awe as he growled at the bully. “You’re nothing but a pathetic coward with mommy issues. I honestly don’t know how you are still here, after the last stunt you pulled. And more to the point what has Nico ever done to deserve your bullshit?”
              James advanced on Percy, with Nico still standing frozen just behind him in full gay panic mode and complete awe. Winters fully squared up to Percy with a shit-eating grin on his face, “It’s basically just the fact he exists really. Plus when he’s in the locker room, he spends most of his time checking out the half naked guys.”
              Nico winced at the comment. There was no way he was that obvious about it, sure he had to check himself a few times but there’s no way James could actually know. Was there?
             “HA! Ohhh we're doing this trick again are we?” snickered Percy “Isn't that one a little played out by now? You’ve made that rumour with Kyle and Sarah! Honestly, you need to get some new material.”
              Maybe James doesn't know then... if there is a god out there somewhere, please let that be the case! Nico thought as he regained some of his composure.
              A sudden burst of confidence filled him. He was tiny in comparison to the meat-head in front of them, so he had no clue what he was going to do. Whatever it was, he better do it and leg it. James was bigger but Nico would bet his life he was faster, and just as he was about to Winters swung for Percy!
             Percy blocked it with his left arm and punched with his right. His fist landed square on Winters nose with a cracking sound. Nico couldn't help but grin as Winters stumbled backwards into the row of lockers behind him. “Holy shit!” Nico gasped. Percy grinned as he stared at James.
            “Anymore Winters? I think you need a reminder of the last time you tried to take me on-one-on one.” Percy smirked at the brute now laying in a heap on the floor with blood running down his mouth.
            “Fuck you, Jackson! You're not always gonna be around the pipsqueak to act as bodyguard.” Winters retorted in a gargled voice.
             “Very true...” he turned to Nico grinning ear to ear. Nico himself probably looked like a awe struck mess at this point. “Dude, I think I'm gonna need to teach you how to throw a punch. Consider it a ‘not-a-gift' for your ‘not-birthday'” Percy offered his hand out to shake a deal.
               Nico just stared at his hand for a second, it was slightly red and maybe a little swollen at the knuckles. Percy Jackson just broke a guys nose for me! And he’s smiling about it!  “Come on man, Winters is staring" he muttered through gritted teeth "Was it the not-a-gift/birthday thing? Was that weird? Hearing it back sounds weird.” he said with a laugh.
               Nico snapped out of his daze and grabbed Percy's hand in a shake, all be it with what could only be explained as a dazed expression on his face. I am so gay. Shit! No, I'm not!
              After Percy asked Nico to accompany him to the medical office. Once they were a good distance from the locker room, Percy turned and said “You don’t actually have to come with me, I was just giving you an easy way out and away from the future roid-head back there.”
             “Oh Okay, sorry I'll just...” Nico trailed off, the suddenly “Actually, were you serious back there?”
             “For once, everything I said was completely genuine. First for everything I guess, why do you ask?” Percy replied with a chuckle.
             “Well, you said you'd teach me how to punch? And has he really done that rumour thing before?” Nico questioned, his thoughts were simple. More ‘one-on-one’ with Percy could be fun and possibly productive. And if Winters was a serial liar, maybe no-one would believe him about the ‘checking out half naked guys in the locker room' thing.
              “Oh, yeah. To both. I'm no professional when it comes to fighting and stuff, but I didn’t always go to this posh-ass wanna be Hogwarts school. My old schools were in a bit of a rough area, so I learnt how to hold my own pretty good rather early. And Winters, well he's all talk really. He looks big and scary but after he did the whole ‘gay' rumour to Kyle, plus a few other rumours with other kids, by the time he did it to Sarah no-one really believed it after they found out who started it.” Percy laughed as they turned the corner of the corridor to the medical office. “Personally, I can't stand bullies and he knows it.”
              “Guess that makes you the school superhero and him your arch nemesis.” Nico chuckled and IMMEDIATELY regretted it! NOT COOL DI ANGELO! He chided himself.
              “Just call me Captain Westover!” Percy snorted as he struck a superman pose.
              Nico laughed. Like, Genuinely laughed and Percy couldnt help but join him. He hadn’t done that since his Mama died. It felt so good, how had he actually forgotten how good this felt?!
This is not a Percio fic, it just takes place in the time period when Nico has his crush on Percy.
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Its on the Storm Coast they fight rhebspiders and its the first time they also realize how powerful the kids are. The sea calms for a second, before the waves increase. Lightning flashes get worse and the darkness seeps more.
They look at the three children of the eldest gods and realize their power. They look to Will, shaking and healing, eyes hard and think of how a healer can easily kill. They look at Annabeth and remember her detail planning and how she laid several escape routes just in case, simply by talking about how old villages like this were built, without even looking around Haven.
Its terrifying.
Ajdjsjxjjcd if it’s on the Storm Coast then they definitely get to see the full force of these kids’ power because Percy would absolutely go full Hurricane mode between the memory of the last giant spider they handled and what came immediately after and with the constant storms/amount of dead on the coast Nico and Thalia wouldn’t be too far behind him in terms of going full powerhouse. Even Will and Annabeth who don’t have the magic side to back them up are terrifying as they cut through the hoard of spiders. They have the most training after all. They had been the ones at camp the longest. They have lived through just as many fights as the others. And if Grover got freaked out enough to go full Lord of the Wild? Everyone is real glad the kids are on their side.
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fandomchokehold · 6 months
ok I finally made Samson's card for @bareee @tav-dex !!!!!
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These are his starting lvl 1 cantrips and spells
Class Action - Bardic Inspiration
Race Cantrip - Chill Touch
Bard Cantrips - Vicious Mockery & Blade Ward
Spells - Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Speak with Animals, & Dissonant Whispers
with each level up the cantrips, spells, and abilities he gains fall under healing and necromancy
Screenshots and summarized backstory & fun facts below the cut!
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and some cute screenshots from his and Gale's weave date 🥰
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Short Backstory:
Samson was born in Elmwood, south of the Moonsea, to a sun elf woman named Thalia and human man named Lonán. His father was a nature domain cleric of Lathander and his mother was a light domain cleric of Kelemvor, but by the time they settled and had Sam they were just simple village bakers. When Samson was 7 his father succumbed to his lifelong battle with a chronic illness (in modern terms it would be autoimmune vasculitis), and after 4 years of grieving him, Sam's mother decided to follow Lonán into the afterlife.
After his mother's death he was sent to Calimport to live under the care of his maternal Uncle and his wife; they weren't horribly abusive, never raising a hand at him, but they did not approve of his desire to study medicine and necromancy and instead tried to force him into the family business of heavily corrupt politics. Sam obviously was not thrilled with this life prospect and decided, after a year of living with them, to make a mad dash for Waterdeep.
At age 12 he stowed away on a ship in the harbor and was allowed to sail with them for 3 years, departing in the City of Splendors at 15 after making lifelong friends of the crew and gaining the necessary skills that enabled him to survive alone on the streets in Waterdeep. After being a transient for half a year he met Odette, the cranky duergar monk who let him crash on her couch as payment for healing up her infected amputated leg. It was always supposed to be a temporary living situation but, whether she wanted to admit it or not, the kid lit up her dreary life like nothing else and she basically just kept him as the younger brother she never had.
It was just the two of them for 15 years since meeting until one night when Samson happened upon a roughed up noble in the alley outside his and Odette's flat. Wren, a human sorcerer who couldn't have been older than 21, was more than happy to let Samson heal them and assured the half-elf and duergar that they would be paid handsomely if they allowed the noble to stay with them for just a week as there were some "unsavory types" looking for them... unsavory types who happened to bear their family's crest. Sam and Odette did not bother questioning it.
So a week came and went, then another, and another, and Wren just never really left. Samson was thrilled to have made a friend and roommate while Odette was just happy to have extra help with the expenses. They were an unwavering, unbreakable dynamic trio for five more years until they got snatched up in the street by the Nautiloid.
*so basically in my head Samson, Odette, and Wren were all out in Waterdeep when the Mindflayers attacked and all got snatched up at the same time, escaped together with Shadowheart & Lae'zel, and are running around the world as the wavering falling-apart-at-the-seams dynamic trio
**sorry if the inclusion of Wren and Odette in this was confusing it's just cuz they play an important role in Samson's life and I would be posting about them a lot like with Sam but I just haven't played as them or my dark urge Lior yet cuz I'm still rocking with my slow af first playthrough
***if anyone cares cuz they all exist together during the events of the game Samson is romancing Gale, Odette romances Karlach, Wren romances Halsin, and Lior the dark urge is aroace in game but in my mind him and Gortash get to have a Good Omens season 2 Gabriel and Beelzebub style romance ending where they just kinda fuck off to the Caribbean post Netherbrain
Fun Facts About Samson Silversten!
he's a really good baker but can't cook for shit
he's ambidextrous
his dad Lonán was Irish so Sam has an Irish accent; he sounds like Hozier both speaking and singing (lemme live in delulu land okay???)
he knows four languages: Common, Elvish, Gaelic, and Common Sign Language
can usually be found engrossed in a necromantic tome or copying medical illustrations into his personal journal
he's autistic (me when I project onto my OCs) in a resting bitch face, deadpan, lackluster reactions unless it's something he's really passionate about way
can get frustrated with tasks easily and go temporarily non-verbal; he never lockpicks, it's gotten to the point if they happen upon something locked Astarion will just rifle through Samson's bag and take his thieves tools without asking to avoid him getting upset
he's tall and thin and gangly as hell (think Julian Devorak physique)
he has heterochromia, his right eye (your left) is brown while his left eye (your right) is a golden hazel
he's demisexual homoromantic (i.e. can only feel sexually attracted to people he knows well and is romantically attracted to, only feels romantic attraction for men)
he loves going for early morning swims and can hold his breath for a concerning amount of time
the skills he picked up on The Daybreaker (the ship he stowed away on) were knot tying, star navigation, fishing, sailing, and basic sword fighting
he has several nicknames; everyone calls him Samson or Sam, Wren calls him Freckles (affectionately, they love him so much), when they're married Gale calls him Sunlight or Sunshine, Captain Aamiina of The Daybreaker calls him her guri dambeys, but the only person alive allowed to call him Sammy is Odette
he's not as hairy as Gale but he has body hair on his arms, legs, chest, and happy trail
he's absolutely covered in freckles, the ones in areas often exposed to the sun darker than the rest; has 100% said something cheesy along the lines of "you shouldn't kiss me, I don't need more freckles" to imply the person he's saying it to is an angel
wow that sure was a lot I am so sorry have these screenshots of Samson looking directly into the camera like he's on The Office as a departing gift!
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