#Than on to CF!
THG Reread Thoughts...I don't know how many I am up too. Sorry XD.
Katniss and both her alliances reresent some kind of rebellion, tbh. Both of them are representing her chooseing love and compassion over obeying the Capitol.
Katniss is SMART. SO much smarter than I remember giving her credit for. She isn't uber, mastermind genius because she is still in actual fact 16. But she was able to form a plan to get a legit leg up on the Careers useing all of her and Rues skills and it works as best it can. And I don't even think ALL of that is how much she is forced to survive. I think Katniss is genuinely a sharp girl.
Mentioned it in the Rue focused post...just the way her death hit me true tears came to my eyes. The unfairness and pain Katniss expereinces took my breath away as an adult whose, this time reading it, has expereince so much more loss.
So the rule change...is interesting. I will always maintain Crane WAS a bit short sighted sanctioning it. Had he thought about the possibility of them actually both living and what that would mean I legit don't think he would have. Whitch speaks to the ambition that festers in the Capitol...they wanted a better show, a love story. To bad that became hope and a rallying cry.
Katniss calling out Peeta's name is such an iconic scene. It shows just how much she has him on her brain the first thing she does is call to him.
Forgot how real Collins got with their injuries. Peeta's leg is something you can't avoid for even a sentence. Katniss's hearing is a constant issue and showing even in a realisic way (as someone who considers herself hard of hearing, this is actually refreshing to see).
Lets talk everlark. I think I will start by saying how early Katniss expression confusion caused by the act they had to preform took me back. We see so much more of that, the constant unsure and confused mess around her emotions, but it does start almost as soon as the act does. Katniss begins to wonder what she is doing because there is something connecting Peeta and her, and what she is doing for the act very early on and importantly, it only gets worse. Lying does this kids, even with the best intentions. And it makes it hurt when you get glimpes of how much Katniss DOES love and care for him.
Katniss instantly suspecting there is some truth to Peetas story about his crush makes me give her sus eyes so hard XD. Like girl you seem very eagar for him to not be totally playing to the camara rn XD.
There moment hunting is SO sweet honestly. And one of the more real moments they got and I love it.
The feast and the medicine scenes shocked with how much they scared me rereading them this time around. For a moment I forgot Thresh spares Katniss, and was genuinely worried for her. Points to Collins for her writing being with rereading in mind! Her storytelling is exciting enough to be captivating upon rereads whitch is AWESOME and not always the case.
Peeta nurseing both him and Katniss back after she's been helping him. Get you a man who will do it like him.
Katniss and her reaction to their first 'real' kiss forgetting she landing a smooch onto his cheek. Yes it was a snarky thing then but still XD. Reguardless it is SO sweet.
'The first time I want another' about this kiss also has been the subject of a lot of back and forth. Reading it now, it is pretty clear to me that yea...Katniss is meant to be expereince SOME kind of desire here. If for nothing else, more closeness.
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drinksss · 7 months
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sleepy weevil
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themathomhouse · 1 year
this disability pride month, stop making jokes about people in wheelchairs standing up or walking.
can I stand and walk? sure, for a short while and with pain. the consequences for trying to be out all day without a wheelchair are that I'll be in bed for the rest of the week, too tired and in too much pain to move.
but the government won't give me my own wheelchair because they have the same attitude as these jokes - I can stand up, so I don't need one. exercise is good for you, you should walk!
it keeps me trapped in the house, unable to do anything more than short stints anywhere without borrowing or hiring a wheelchair - one that causes me pain to sit in and relies on someone to push me (usually with difficulty), because they're not going to have a high-end chair for that sort of thing.
it's not a miracle that a wheelchair user can stand or walk. it's something we should aspire to see more often.
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inniave · 2 months
US Americans, please visit the link below to write your representatives & urge them to push back against mask bans!
We all deserve to have the basic freedom to protect ourselves from airborne diseases. If the government won't protect us, we must protect ourselves.
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katiebell · 1 year
you know, I actually think the moment byleth steps in front of that blow meant for edelgard, an action that changes EVERYTHING about their fate, really is monumental, especially after warriors came out and added context
you have this mercenary who’s known for being stone cold, emotionless, and who can annihilate entire mercenary camps in minutes blank faced, as we saw with shez - by all means, they should never, WOULD never take a blow like that so carelessly for someone they don’t even know, much less with such an angry, determined expression - and yet.
the game draws some clear parallels between byleth and edelgard, and in all routes they have a connection that seems unbreakable - all of this starts at that very moment, when the merciless demon gets swept by a wave of emotion so strong that they throw rationality out of the window.
idk, one of my favourite fe3h analyses mentions the ‘literal divine intervention triggered by edelgard’ and that’s exactly what that moment is. not even because of sothis, but because that’s exactly when byleth takes their first step towards humanity and their freedom - i honestly think that byleth only fully regaining their humanity in crimson flower is the only outcome that makes sense, since that’s exactly what we see in one of the first scenes in fe3h. excellent foreshadowing, I’d say
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t0bey · 2 months
edelgard is such an interesting character in the sense she can be both an amazing protagonist (if u go CF) and also easily one of the most interesting antagonists in the game between her goals and her/byleth being narrative parallels no matter what route meanwhile i feel like dimitri's potential only really gets utilized effectively in azure moon. his character arc in his own route is the most personally investing out of the house leaders imo while in other routes hes mainly just an OK secondary antagonist lol
him as the tempest king had some good ideas and implications but not really explored much sadly meanwhile he just gets killed offscreeen in verdant wind lmao
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mirixmoya · 6 months
have the people who dogpile those asking for a haymitch or finnick book as having “missed the point” and “being just like the capitol” and “just wanting to see violence” forgotten that The Games themselves often take up significantly less than half of the books???? like when people ask for a haymitch or finnick book they’re very clearly not asking for 40 chapters of kids killing kids ??? they’re asking for books that explore the lives of deeply beloved characters, how those lives were irreparably changed by circumstances beyond their control, and a more detailed illustration of points that only get alluded to in the original books.
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toyotacorolla2008 · 1 year
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elvenmoans · 3 months
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I made this while making my frustration about ME/CFS into something stupid silly but this is for all the tired girlies for any reason 💅🏻
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foxtrot-broadcasts · 1 year
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I find it funny when people call Gregor a short king or a manlet when in fact he’s average height just surrounded by strangely tall coworkers
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lufdraws · 9 months
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a bard and their knight 🎻⚔️
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jojea · 3 months
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tgaa (the g stands for gay)
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swordsonnet · 1 year
the most annoying thing about me/cfs is that it's more like 10 different illnesses in a trenchcoat. i'll wake up with a new symptom and be like "oh okay, guess that's what we're doing today"
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clarisinne · 2 months
How tall is your harvey?
6’2 like his sprite apparently suggests
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Fun fact since Shane’s not on this chart i hc he’s 5’7 so Cringefail’s 1 inch taller than him and she never lets him forget it
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acarrcreations · 3 months
Chronic fatigue syndrome isn't just "being tired all the time" it's:
• Cancelling plans last minute, even if they've been planned weeks in advance/you really wanted to go/even if it's just talking over voice chat online because of exhaustion or pain
• Having insomnia because of waking up in the night due to pain
• Being so tired you struggle to string a sentence together/ forgetting what you were saying half way through a sentence/memory issues
• Struggling to do the hobbies you loved or completely giving up on them
• Having to suddenly drop what you were doing to go sit/lie down because of dizziness/breathlessness/muscle pain/exhaustion/chest pains
• The frustration and boredom of not being able to do what you want, even simple everyday things
• Having a full night's sleep and feeling exactly how you did the night before
• Having to deal with the bs that is post exertional malaise, and calculating what days/activities are worth more than others
• Realising how much you took for granted before getting sick
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survivingfmandcfs · 11 months
Every day I'm like, "Okay, it's time to do yoga!" And then lie down face first on my bedroom floor.
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