#Thank fuck she’s potty trained!!!!
puppies are SO much work and they only get harder 🧍 my 5 and a half month old German shepherd pup is starting to push boundaries and she is still biting a good bit (less than she was, but in a different way now) and is starting to try and ignore me despite my best efforts.
Anybody got any tips/support/it gets better words for me? 😭😭😭 the puppy blues are REAL. German shepherds have an extremely bad reputation where I live and I actually haven’t personally met good ones so I just have a lot of worries. WAH!!!!!
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This is her btw she’s sooooo cute 💕 sometimes 👿
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bostonbakeddeans · 2 years
my mother is really g-ddamn lucky I love her and am willing to dogsit a not-well-crate-trained puppy for her friends.
#as a former dog trainer this is physically painful because this dog is 9 MONTHS OLD#she should not be this upset about being crated - her crate should be her safe space in an unfamiliar environment not a source od stress!#she was real upset and so i was like ''fine maybe you have to potty even tho you barely ate or drank let's go'"#took her outside and she immediately began trotting around as playful as you please#so of course i immediately brought her back in and put her to bed; i am not playing those games at 11:15pm THANK YOU#but im guessing she's been (inadvertently) trained that whining gets her attention - and as a VERY socially motivated pup#thats exactly what she wants#so she's now probably going to whine for at least another hour#luckily my partner is a pretty heavy sleeper so it shouldn't bother him too much#but FUCK i would like some sleep please! as would my cat!#this pup has borderline separation anxiety - she's not unmanageable yet but holy shit her people need to work on it ASAP#she usually gets put in a separate room in her crate - we dont have one so she's in our living room (ground floor) with blankets over it#my partner and i are each in our rooms (one floor up) and we've settled down so theres not a lot of movement in the house#the dog is used to people around basically all the time so she is STRUGGLING#i feel bad but im also not going to encourage it - she has 0 concept of boundaries as it is#ugh#poor training pisses me off#if you dont have time to dedicate to training your dog properly you dont have time for a dog. end of story#thank fuck i have earplugs up here and dont have to go downstairs to get them - what a disaster that would be
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Hiiii since you’ve been killing the headcannon game, if you’re up to it,
Can we please give Walter Marshall a dog? That man needs a dog. I don’t care how busy he is, I’ll even walk it for him. He gives me “dad and the dog he didn’t want” vibes where they get bullied into it then wind up being a total pushover and spoiling the shit out of the dog 🥹 That man is secretly so soft I just fucking know it.
Hey, girl! So sorry for how late this is. It's a slow day for work, so I threw Nomis on in the background and got to it.
ABSOLUTELY! Walter oozes Daddy-Bear Energy™️ and I’m always here for it. Thanks for reaching out, babe! Hope you like it ❤️❤️
In the Dog House: Walter Marshall is a Pushover
Warnings: Bring a lint roller. There's plenty of fluff to go around.
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"No. Absolutely not."
He'd cross his arms over his chest and scowl. Life was hard enough, between juggling her schedule and his own, the sleepless nights and open cases that pile up on his desk, he didn't need any more distractions. Faye pouted, bat those big brown eyes up at him and stuck out her bottom lip. What started out as a normal Saturday morning grocery run had taken a detour when she saw the wet little noses in the window of the animal shelter downtown. They'd only stopped to look.
"Come on, dad, please?! Look at him!"
The little ball of fluff gnawed at her fingers and looked up excitedly, cocking his head to the side as if to say "Yeah, dad! Bring me home!"
Who was Walter to say no to that?
His apartment quickly shifted from its cold, sad status of bachelor pad to...well, still a bachelor pad, just covered in puppy pads as well. Though the little bugger had been neutered, he wasn't potty trained just yet. Faye was getting good at taking the dog out before school, and spent most evenings playing with him until bedtime. When she was at her mother's house, Walter would care of him. He felt ridiculous, standing out in the cold, holding the leash while the pup sniffed around for somewhere to do his business.
"Come on, lad," he'd encourage gruffly. "Anywhere will do."
Back inside, they'd stare at one another. Walter, sat on the couch, would pick through his leftovers while the puppy, lovingly named Moose, sat on the floor, tearing his squeaky toy to shreds. Moose with yip and growl at it, a real predator, and shake out the stuffing to rain down around him in a cloud of fluff. Walter would sigh, crook an eyebrow at the beast, and shake his head in disapproval.
"No dogs on the bed," he'd declare. He wasn't concerned about fleas or ticks (the little menace loves a good soak in the tub), he didn't think Moose would have any accidents in the night; he just didn't want the connection. Walter wasn't good at making friends, dating was a joke at this point. Faye was really all he had...Faye, and Moose.
It was late when he made it home that night. Bleary eyed, he'd toed off his boots at the door, disassembled his weapon and stashed his badge on the table beside the entryway. The house was quiet, a little too quiet, and it made him suspicious. He checked around the living room, the kitchen, and hell, even the bathroom. Nothing was out of place.
In the bedroom, he found the culprit, snug as a bug all curled up in the middle of the bed.
"No," he growled. "Down."
Sleepily, the dog lifted his head at the sound of his owner's voice. Bright blue eyes grew wide and limp, floppy ears with plenty of room to grow flopped to one side of Moose's head. The black duvet cover, once pristine, was now covered in a thin film of white and gray fur.
Walter sighed. He was too tired for this shit. It wasn't worth the fight. He didn't even bother to undress. No use in getting too comfortable, when he'd be up in a couple of hours anyway. Pulling the blankets aside, he settled in against the pillows and let the heavy shrouds of sleep overtake him. His eyes fluttered closed and his breath began to deepen. Walter never dreamed, hadn't in years, yet just as he began to doze off, he could've sworn he felt something. Warm and fuzzy, Moose nuzzled up against Walter's leg and sighed contently. For a moment, in the quietness of an empty house, Walter smiled. It was starting to feel just a little more like home.
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whumped-by-glitter · 3 months
Chapter 1 Part 3: Late
⚠️CW: Institutional Slavery, Food Whump, Bullying, Blood, Beating, Minor Whumpee, Implied Nudity (Non Sexual, Caretaking), Imprisonment, Dehumanization..... If i missed anything, please let me know.
A special thanks as always to @3-2-whump for the beta read and tolerating the endless drivel as I work through all of my threads and ideas.
Story under the cut:
⏮️ Previous
Dog looked over and saw that Boy was still asleep. The kid was only about 13 and was also never given a name. Nobles preferred to name their slaves themselves, so slaves his master bought to train and resell as silver bands were rarely named.
He couldn’t just let him sleep like that. He shook his head. He knew that the two silver bands were kept more separate, but Dog didn’t understand why no one would have looked out for the child even a little.
Dog walked over, gently shaking him. All Boy did was roll over. ‘This would be so much easier if I could talk’ he thought, inwardly rolling his eyes.
“Why are you bothering with that failure?”  Zan laughed, but Dog completely ignored him.
He slapped Boy harder, turning his cheeks red. The kid reacted but did not wake up. Boy had been on food restrictions for 4 days now and was just exhausted Dog figured. The older slave scooped him up to carry him into the washroom.
“Hey! Don’t just fucking ignore me!” Zan spat as the dog brushed past him.
Dog had practically raised him. Boy had been bought at the age of 3, Dog had been 12 at the time. Corvius couldn’t be bothered with things like potty training and teaching him how to speak, so Dog was put in charge of that.
Hauling the kid to the washroom and setting him on the floor, he splashed some cold water on his face, which finally startled the younger slave awake.
The mutt quickly scrubbed him down and braided his black hair so that it wouldn’t stick to his neck while working. He also took a mental note that it probably needed to be cut this evening.
Dog quickly patted him dry and dressed him, just in time. The latch being opened echoed through the outbuilding, he quickly tied his blindfold over his eyes before helping the kid up. It was time to begin the day.
By the time he finished dressing him and they returned to the common area, breakfast had already been distributed. It was no surprise to Dog that he didn’t have a tray, since he was fed separately because everything he was allowed to eat was laced with various poisons to work up his resistance. The mutt, however, found it concerning that there was as still nothing for Boy. It was beginning to get dangerous, especially with the amount of extra work being piled on him.
Dog didn’t even feel the crime fit this level of punishment, or even made sense with the offense. From how he understood it, Boy was cleaning the mirror on Balor’s dresser and accidentally pushed too hard and cracked it. It wasn’t like the mirror isn’t easy to replace. What Balor was angry about was the old superstition that if a mirror is broken, its owner is cursed. Balor was convinced, because of this, that Boy had tried to kill him.
Balor was the Master’s son. He was lazy, dimwitted, and sadistic, nothing like his father. At least with the master, the rules were clear, and everything had a reason. Most of the slaves and even servants avoided him, however he seemed to take a particular shine to tormenting Boy, and Dog, of course, but that went without saying.
The Mutt sat Boy down next to Ruby. “Please look after him,” he requested in a quiet, gravelly voice, now allowed to speak. His voice had been shot a long time ago from screaming in pain, the poisons, and just plain disuse.
“I’ll get him going,” she grunted, slipping the dazed boy a piece of her toast.
Mutt headed off towards the main house to report to their Master.
 As he walked up the hill to the mansion, he noted the sun was a little higher than usual. This was becoming an all too frequent occurrence; this particular servant would often delay unlocking the door.  She would use the trip to the slave house as an excuse for a smoke break. It didn’t really affect anyone except for him, who had to report to the master right away, but it was getting old.
As he reached the door, he tried to push his worry for Boy aside. It would be a distraction, which wouldn’t help the situation. He was really hoping to perform well enough to request his master interfere in his son’s punishment of Boy. He took a steadying breath and opened the door.
“What took you so long?!” his master snapped as a greeting, well… at least an acknowledgment of his arrival. The mutt inwardly winced. Today was going to be one of those days, he could tell already.
“This mongrel deeply apologizes,” the Drar dropped to his knees, bringing his forehead to the floor in an almost worshipping bow. He knew better by now than to try to explain.
Balor provided a sharp kick to the slave’s ribs; he could tell by scent and sound it was him. Additionally, Balor always wore a special pair of shoes that came to a metal covered point which made his kick pretty distinct. A second blow came, and he did the best he could to not react as he could feel a bit of blood trickle across his ribs under his loose shirt. Facial expressions were off limits for him and would only make things worse, as was moving and making sounds.
He conjured the feeling of the small warm hands, calming himself, they were the reason for this right? He was held to impossibly high standards for them. ‘I am just a tool, tools don’t feel,’ he told himself, just like he did every time. It was a reflex at this point, as natural as blinking. It was easier to convince himself that he didn’t feel the pain than to try to cope with it.
“That’s enough!” the mutt heard Corvius snap.
“Father, I can beat it for wasting your time,” he heard Balor say.
“I don’t need your help,” his master said in a pointed tone. Sometimes he almost felt sorry for Balor, he tried so hard for approval his father never gave.
“Fine,” Balor sulked, giving the mutt another firm kick in the ribs before walking out. He almost felt sorry for him…
“Up,” his master ordered harshly. “Follow.”
@whumpsandbumps, @whumperofworlds, @skittles-the-whumpee, @wounds-seen-and-unseen, @generic-whumperz
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Next ⏭️
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superfluffychickens · 3 months
So, everyone, I do my best to be as transparent as possible on this blog, so that others will learn from my mistakes. I fuck up a lot.
Treasure got into the little coop today - the one with the little cockerels in it. I was taking her out for a potty break, on her leash, and I saw the little guys were low on water so I opened the coop quickly to grab the waterer to refill it. Only, I fumbled with the waterer and, quick as lightning as twice as strong, Tess launched herself into the coop and snatched one of the little cockerels. I, like, pried open her jaws and got him out quickly, but it was terrifying. The poor boy wasn’t hurt at all, which I’m endlessly thankful for. Tess’s teeth are super worn down, she basically doesn’t have canine or incisor teeth so maybe that softened the blow, or maybe she wasn’t really trying to kill him, I don’t know.
The shelter was wrong when they said she doesn’t have a prey drive, she sure does. They were also wrong about her age and energy level. I know they’re not a physical shelter, just a network of foster homes and volunteers, but I wish I could have made a more informed decision. And I had no idea pit bulls used to be used for rat hunting. They’re my favorite breed of dog, and have been since I was a kid so I always wanted one, but if I had known that I’d probably have looked for another breed. But now she’s here and, no matter how much chaos she causes, I’m head over heels for her. So she’ll stay far, far away from both chicken coops. It’s sad that my two loves can’t get along like I had hoped, but there’s nothing I can do other than try to keep everyone safe. I’ll talk to the dog trainer about it on Monday, and see if she can be trained to leave them alone, but if not I’ll just have to be super careful from now on. Poor Tess, I know she’s just following her instincts because the new surroundings are overwhelming her, and no matter what I can’t be mad at her.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 11/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Eleven: Triggers
As the months went on and Jason progressed in therapy, he started to sleep better. During this time, his training sessions with Barbara became more vigorous, and Barbara's faith in him often left her conflicted. She knew he deserved her trust, and she knew he was strong-willed and physically capable. She just wasn't willing to let him risk his life.
As they neared the first anniversary of his coming to live with them, she decided she had to give him a sign that she trusted him. He earned it. Jason did everything that was expected of him. He took every hit and read every book assigned to him with enthusiasm.
"Barbara, that supercomputer thing we're building—."
"Oracle," Barbara explained. Jason nodded as he fiddled with his anti-static bracelet. "And yeah?"
"Well, you said I'm too young to go on patrol with you. What if I stayed behind, and I helped you from behind a screen? What if I was your—?"
"Oracle?" Barbara asked. Jason bounced his head from side to side.
"Well, no. I'm not a girl. There's this guy in Greek mythology, Tiresias—."
"He was technically a woman for seven years," Barbara interrupted a second time, and Jason crossed his arms.
"Okay... Can I please finish?" Jason asked. Barbara covered up a grin and nodded. "He was a seer and could understand birds. I was thinking maybe I could run Oracle's pilot program... Please." Barbara took a deep breath. "Babs, please. You're leaving me. The least you can do is let me help you," Jason pleaded.
Barbara softened and took his bracelet off. "Come here," Barbara teared up as she embraced him, "I was gonna surprise you by letting you run the pilot program, but you didn't have to make me cry. You're the worst, you know that? I was gonna invite you to have dinner there sometimes and everything."
"You can't cook," Jason laughed through his tears as he started to cry as well.
"I was gonna order takeout," she replied as she pulled away and punched him in the shoulder. He laughed and wiped his tears away. "And I'm not leaving you. Dad's probably gonna make you stay the night at my apartment when he works nights which is almost all the time," Barbara explained.
"When are you gonna tell him?" Jason asked. Barbara shrugged.
"Did you hear what I told you?" Barbara asked. Jason blinked hard before embracing Barbara a second time, nearly knocking her over as he thanked her. "Easy," she laughed.
Jim came in the front door and greeted them in Barbara's doorway. "I'm just stopping in to grab my jacket, but it's looking like I'll be in the office late tonight. Saturday night in Gotham. You kids okay?" Jim asked. They both nodded.
Once Jim was gone, Barbara nudged Jason. "Test run tonight after dinner?" Barbara asked. A smile spread across Jason's face. "Also, what are we having for dinner, Bub?"
"We could order a pie?" Jason suggested. Barbara groaned. "What do you wanna eat then?"
"Burger and fries?" Barbara suggested. Jason made a face. "BBQ?"
"BBQ it is," Jason agreed.
They ordered dinner, and Jason lay on his back on her floor. Barbara lay next to him and stared at the ceiling. "How's therapy? I mean, do you like going?" Barbara asked.
"Yeah, I like Alisa... She's nice, and she lets me curse in sessions," Jason replied. Barbara chuckled.
"I'll give you a freebie since Dad isn't here. Give me your best potty mouth," she laughed.
"Fuck no," Jason joked. Barbara let out a screaming laugh. "It's not that funny," Jason covered his smile.
Barbara pinched his cheek. "It's just—. The way you said it," Barbara chuckled. Jason turned on his side towards her.
"I don't want things to change, Babs," Jason mumbled, "I want you to stay here. Just put it off a while longer."
"Jason, I'm not even gonna move that—."
"Please. I know it sounds stupid, but I really don't want you to go. Besides, it's not even set in stone yet. You haven't told Pop or anything," Jason pleaded. Barbara pushed his face aside playfully.
"Don't get all mushy on me, Jason," her voice revealed a hint of sadness. Jason got up and threw a pillow at her angrily, and slammed her door on the way out. "Jason, what did I—?" She opened her door and watched as Jason grabbed his jacket. "Where are you going?"
"Out," Jason grumbled as he shut the door on his way out.
She plopped down on the couch and pushed a hand through her hair. She waited a few hours for Jason to return, and when he didn't, she called Jim. "Dad?" Barbara asked.
"Hey, he's here. He came in an hour ago... What happened?" Jim asked.
Barbara stood up and paced back and forth. "Was he upset?" Barbara asked.
"Yelling and crying... But he tired himself out. What's wrong?" Jim asked. Barbara curled up on the couch and turned the tv on.
"Where else did he go? He's been gone four hours," Barbara thought to herself. "Dad, do you want me to come and get him?"
"No, it's okay. I'd rather know what happened," Jim replied.
Barbara sighed. "I was thinking about moving out. When he asked me to stay, I laughed at him. I didn't know it meant so much to him... But if it does, I won't—."
"You were planning on moving out?" Jim asked.
"Planning. I'm not going to if it's gonna be this big of an issue right now. I can put it off. Besides, it's not like I picked out a place or anything. It was just a thought," Barbara replied.
Jim sucked his teeth over the phone and sighed. "We'll talk about it later... But for now, Jason can sleep here in my office. I'm not mad," Jim whispered.
Once she hung up, she groaned and cursed. She didn't go out that night. All she could do is lie on the couch and wait for Jason and Jim to come home. She drifted off to sleep, only to wake to the sound of the door opening. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Jason, I'm sorry—."
He stormed past her and went straight to his room. She pushed a hand through her hair before getting up and following him. "Jason, let me—."
Jason swung his door open. "What?" Jason asked.
"Jason, I'm not gonna go anywhere. Okay? I love you, and I'm not leaving you. If you want me to stay here a little while longer, I will," Barbara reassured him, "But you have to tell me one thing. Where did you go before you went to Dad's office?"
"Jason, where did you go?" her voice stern as she blocked him from leaving the conversation. Jason tried to shut the door in her face. "No. You were gone for four hours. What did you do for the other three?"
"None of your business," Jason whispered through clenched teeth. Barbara gestured for them to talk in his room, and she closed the door behind her.
"Jason, I get that whatever I did made you angry, but I have to know where you went—."
"I was with Bruce Wayne," Jason answered.
"Funny. Now, where were you?" Barbara asked. Jason rolled his eyes and plopped down on his bed.
"I was with Bruce Wayne, Barbara," Jason answered, "Bruce."
"Why were you with Bruce Wayne?" she asked, a little confused.
"I was at the cemetery with Bruce Wayne," Jason elaborated. He cocked his head and looked at her.
"I don't—." Jason lay back on his bed and pulled his pillow over his face. "Jason."
"Get out of my room," Jason replied.
"Wh—? I don't—."
"You and me, we're a team, right? You stood there, and you lied to my face despite knowing that I know now... It's one thing not to tell me, but it's another thing to lie to my face," Jason whispered. His face reddened as he spoke, and he took a deep breath. "You're no better than everyone else that's ever hurt me. You can have a secret. You can have tons of secrets. I don't care about any of it, but you just lied. What else do you lie about, Barbara?" Jason asked.
"Jason, I'm s—."
"Get out of my room," Jason mumbled. Barbara nodded and left the room.
Barbara slammed his door on her way out, and Jim poured himself a cup of coffee. "Well, did you apologize?" Jim asked.
"No, he didn't let me say anything," Barbara replied angrily.
"Give him his space for right now—."
"You're taking his side?" Barbara asked.
"No, I'm just saying that he's working through a lot, and if he's too mad to talk, we can't make him," Jim answered.
"But I bet he's talking to you," Barbara replied. Jim shrugged.
"He's not mad at me," Jim sipped his coffee. Barbara glared at him.
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buglaur · 2 years
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MacMahon Legacy | Gen Three, Roxana
“ you’d probably expect the former president’s daughter to be a well-mannered, respectful young lady, but with that you couldn’t be further from reality. after forming a strong bond with her terrible role model of a grandpa, roxana is preparing to take his legacy a step further. time to cause some chaos.. ”
keep reading for rolls.
martial status: couple
FINALLY!!! i can keep a spouse 😭 although i’m not sure how i’m going to go about keeping a happy couple this gen, the miscellaneous fun roll might make it tough 😅
children: five
...my fucking god. rest in peace my sanity trying to take care of them
primary career: crimelord
roxana is just gael’s evolved form
secondary career (spouse’s career): detective
oh my god corrupt detective intentionally covering up his crimelord wife’s wrongdoings. i am so in love with this concept 😭 @whiimms made him for me and i’m so excited to get him out here, but it might be a while until we see him! he’ll be the second last dad we meet
generational goal: deadbeat parents
(the heir, spouse and helpers may not help their children this generation, apart from basic needs. this includes helping with homework, mentoring or encouraging children in skills, and reading books to them. for toddlers, it is permitted to provide basic care such as food and diaper changes, but try to avoid any parent-child interactions that raise a skill bar, such as flash cards, reading books, potty training and so on. each child should age up to young adult with at least one negative character trait)
not only does she need to have five kids.. she isn’t allowed to help them with skills or communication 😐 i am gonna change this slightly though!! i’m making it so that other household members can help the kids, because otherwise i’d surely go insane. mommy rox won’t be super involved with the kids but grandpa theo and uncle raff can help out. most of the dads aren’t sticking around anyways.
miscellaneous fun: half-siblings
(sims born this generation must each be with a different partner)
not only does she need to have five kids, and not only is she not allowed to help them, they all need to be from different fathers. oh my fucking god. this gen is insane how am i going to cope 😭 you might have already seen the post but take a look at them here!
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after 10 months, 402 posts and 1453 pictures, the macmahon legacy finally reaches gen 3!!!
okay sorry to be soppy here, but i really just wanna say thank you so much to everyone who interacts with my legacy 😭😭😭 ngl sometimes when i have bad days i go back and read comments or tags on my posts and it really does make me feel that bit better 🥺 i’m so honored that there are people that follow along each post and care about my silly little characters!! hopefully you find this generation as entertaining, ily everyone reading this rn ❤️❤️ it really really means so much
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buckeeswildworld · 3 months
Obsessed with the reluctant foster mommy trope. Her getting embarrassed and frustrated bc I’m still having daytime accidents at 10-13. I get anxious and overwhelmed and wet myself in the store. I have nightmares and wake up in a wet bed multiple times a week. She loves to remind me that im the only kid in my grade who still has to carry a change of clothes in his backpack.
Fuck that’s so hot 😵‍💫 I’m so glad I’m not the only one into this type of fantasy 💖 thank you for sharing. I definitely plan to write more of this type of stuff when I can!
Also, with the foster parent angle I just love the idea of nighttime accidents starting up again because of trauma nightmares. Like my reluctant relative mommy was willing to take me in after my parents died because at least I was old enough to be potty trained and someone self sufficient. She never wanted kids herself but figured she could handle me for a few more years. But then I start wetting the bed again right away because of nightmares and she’s trying her best to be understanding because she knows it’s not my fault. But it’s so gross and inconvenient!! And so I not only have the embarrassment of having accidents at this age but I’m old enough to be able to read how much she resents me for them!
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
Dad!Tim AU pt 3
Part 1 tw for referenced rape
The first few weeks are a challenge
They have to teach Eira how to eat/drink from the bottle, and it's nowhere near as simple as Tim would have thought. She just doesn't seem to know what to do with that tiny red mouth, and so she barely gets the food in, then she cries and cries and CRIES because she's hungry, and Tim starts crying too, because he's failing at this already. Steph's the one who finally cracks the code, and though she grins and tells the astonished batboys it was magic, she quietly murmurs to Tim that her Baby struggled too. Tim finally hugs Steph then, and they just sit together in the nursery for a long time
Diapers are another mess. Tim feels like he must be sick in the head for this but he just. He can't. Dick's the one to sit him down and tell him its ok, he's not sick, trauma gets processed in hella weird ways and he's not fully surprised. He pitches in, and so does everyone else (except damian. He is above soiled diapers thank you) and slowly Tim goes from being in the room, to watching how it's done, to doing it on his own. It makes him feel better about himself, even if he cannot wait until they can get through the "potty training" thing
But when it comes to calming her to sleep.... this, THIS is where Tim finally feels like maybe he can do this Dad Thing after all. Being such a new baby, Eira wakes up A LOT in the nighttime. And despite there being several people off patrol to help be caretakers, Tim is without fail the first to wake up and leap across the hall (if he wasn't on the nusery couch already) and scoop Eira up and hold her gentle and close against his heartbeat and murmur sweetly to her. But Not sweet nothings. Becuase theyre not nothings to Tim. When he says "It's ok, I'm here..." and when he begins to add, "I love you" he says it because he MEANS it. And as if Eira understands, she calms. She clenches her tiny itty bitty fingers in his shirt like Tim really is her only liferaft in a storm, and her squinched little face smooths out, and she'll give the most precious soft sigh he's ever heard before she's asleep again
To spite her being sentenced to death for her gender-based "uselessness" by Ra's, Eira becomes the most prized little princess that has ever joined the batfam, and that is SAYING SOMETHING
It has been close to forty years since Alfred has held a baby and godDAMN he's missed it. He is very good about sharing though, and is watchful for Tim's sake that she's away from his arms for long enough but not too long, remembering how downright feral Martha and Thomas could get when other people held Bruce without giving him back. Actually, plop Eira in his arms and Alfred will tell ALL KINDS of stories about Baby Bruce. Bruce is mortally embarrassed but the kids LOVE it and will literally forfeit their own chance at baby cuddles to hear Alfred detail Bruce's show-stopping discovery of his own toes.
Bruce had a month in a PICU ward during med school, so he knows ABOUT babies but he's never had one in his family before, but OHMIGOD BABIES ARE THE BEST FUCKING THINGS EVER OH GOD SHE'S SO CUTE OH FUCK HE WANTS ONE TOO-- he's very excited to be able to hold and care for one :) there's messy emotions in there too tho, both on the side of realizing that he never GOT to see any of his kids as babies, even Damian, and that kinda makes him sad, and then also.... this is supposed to be a miracle, he thinks. Sometimes its like they all forget, when they hold Eira or see Tim hold Eira with that loving awe on his face.... that she's only here because of something evil. Something cruel. And that's not her fault and it is good and right in many ways to disconnect the tragedy from the miracle.... but he also privately warns his own children every so often to tone down certain jokes or comments
Dick’s right there with him. Every so often, looking at Tim and Eira, he can't help but wonder what if Catalina...? Would that have helped or made it worse? Or would he have ever even known? And then he has to just Stop before he drives himself insane. He'll refocus on playing baby games with Eira, or changing jason's ringtone to Baby Shark, or ordering Tim to take a nap gdi there are 8 other people in this house and any one of them can give Eira her bottle
Cass has appointed herself Eira's personal body guard. She hovers like a mother hen, is constantly on watch (its hard to even get her to come on patrol) and scolds anyone who's holding her wrong or taking too long with a bottle or diaper. She won't confront it, but she knows it comes from her guilt. She didn't protect Tim, but she'll be DAMNED if she can't protect Eira
Babs has never interacted with babies, really. But wow is Eira cute. She's also super cuddly, which adds to the adorableness. Babs does a fuckton of research and privately keeps an eye on Eira's developmental progress, making sure her arduous first few hours post-birth haven't fucked her up too badly. So far so good. She also tries to keep an eye on Tim to make sure he's not running himself into the ground. So far... as good as can be expected.
Jason is still slowly trying to burn the league to ashes and salt the remains, but HOLY FUCK HE HAS A BABY NEICE WITH TINY TOES AND THE CUTEST FUCKING GIGGLE OH GOD WHY IS SHE SO CUTE THIS IS UNFAIR HE CANNOT FUCKING DEAL. He is constantly volunteering to help, and also constantly marvelling over the fact that he's ALLOWED to. Hes killed people. He nearly killed Tim once. But Tim trusts him enough to lay this tiny sweet little baby girl in his arms with a yawn, and say he won't bother to tell Jason to take care of her bc he already knows he will. Its honestly the most wonderful feeling in the world. (But hes still got an immortal bastard to murder. Yknow. After baby snuggles.)
Steph... is ok. Totally. Truly. Shes not at all thinking about her baby, who she never named, because she gave it away. Shes not thinking of the agony of labor, or the wonder of seeing the small, living and breathing human that was made inside her body. Shes not wondering how in the world any mother who birthed her child could ever stand to let it be buried in the snow to die. .... shes lying. Tims 17. Hes still just 17 and hes doing it, raising his kid. Hes not that much older than Steph was. But then she reflects, hes got a house of a dozen people to help him, with ANYTHING he or Eira might need. Steph didn't have that to give her Baby. She has to still believe she did the right thing.
Damian is slowly adjusting. Something shifted between him and Tim that first night in the nursery, when Damian all but named the child born to replace him for a role he no longer wants anything to do with. The two aren't friends by any stretch, but there's something calmer and respectful between them. The words they speak don't cut. The jibes they make are light. Damian's not sure if it's something to do with Tim himself, or with the infant almost always clutched to Tim's chest, but his brother seems wiser now. Not so foolish or flippant. It makes Damian respect him more, but he can't help but feel guilty it took trauma to get them to such a point. But its ok. They'll work on it.
And Tim... Tim. He loves his kid. He knows that. He loves that little girl more than he's loved anything in the world before. So whatever happens, he can get through it. For Eira.
Edit: part 4
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rpmemesbyarat · 11 months
RP memes from Reddit 10/17/2023
“I doubt you can potty train a duck.” “It appeals the male fantasy.” “I never understood why people consider male ballerina effeminate. They are highly athletic, coordinated, and surrounded by women. If anything that makes it more stereotypically masculine.” “Pick an obscure programming language, write lots of important code, and don’t comment or document anything.” “Impostor syndrome nothing, dude, you are the real deal.” “I’m trying to figure out how many is too many.” “Each one of these ladies could crush my head between their legs.” “If you're having trouble learning to like yourself, first learn to tolerate yourself.” "Maybe it's not a caring issue. Maybe it's a boundary issue." “Feel your feelings! Get the chart and get words for how you actually feel and write it down. Ok and tired are not feelings.” “Morbid curiosity keeps me going.” “I’ve always said if zombies exist I’ll kill myself. Like no I’m not gonna get eaten alive or see my family and friends gored to death.” “Seriously, so tired of all of this "I'd be king of the zombie apocalypse" bullshit, no, you wouldn't be king, you'd be delicious.” “I want the first nuke to hit me in the face. I don’t feel like having neighborhood wars over a can of green beans.” “She may be a little crazy but crazy is fucking hot.” “Nothing fuels all night gaming like a half pound of sugar and half gallon of pure military grade red 40.” “Is this the "macrodosing" I've been hearing about?” “This could absolutely destroy someone’s psyche.” “American culture has integrated to our minds now we even use their phrases even if it's not relevant to us, thanks Obama.” “I mean if I can have a friend plop that bitch into a block of epoxy and lock it down in a museum in mongolia or some shit it might be fine.” “That's bought me a little breathing room.” “I am trapped on the one planet in the entire universe where I can actually die, and I have no intention of staying there.” “So that's the way the universe ends. With nothing in it except for infrared heat, one hyperintelligent snail suspended in an inky void, and one human screaming away from it at .99C.” “When did you become immortal?” “I have witnessed the first breath of life in many galaxies and have watched the evolutionary process on planets similar to earth.” “If a planet eventually died, I would mourn them and the potential they had.” “I've searched but there really is no other life.” “I have never found another like me.” “This really was the last inhabitable planet.” “I gave them everything.” “Is it some alien snail as big as a car?” “This guy is definitely building a kill dozer in his warehouse.” “No one should be forced to fight in a war for a country that doesn’t give a shit about them.” “You see that too, right?” “Fight or flight, bro, what’s the move?” “My dogs are legit traumatized.”
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sushigal007 · 2 years
Over to Bianca Monty! Who has been pregnant since 2014, so let’s hurry up and get that baby out of her!
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But first, a wedding!
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Bianca: Whew, really stretching the lace on my dress here.
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Chester: Bianca, I promise to love and cherish you and refuse to take part in the family feud.
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Bianca: I promise to let you spend a not insignificant amount of money on video game merchandise so long as you give me that sweet incognito surname and at least two more babies.
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Bianca: With this ring, I am no longer a Monty.
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Chester: Sweet sweet video game merch.
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Bianca: Sweet sweet anonymity and babies.
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I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Gieke.
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Thanks for the money, Chester!
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Bianca: Open wide!
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Chester: Ack! Choking!
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Bianca: Ha ha! So funny! Chester: I’M SERIOUS.
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Back home! Bianca’s OTH is Arts and Crafts and as she also has a high interest in fashion, I brought her a sewing machine. Bianca: It’s probably too late to make my own baby clothes, but I might manage a prom dress. What if it’s a boy? Bianca: I said what I said.
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Landlord: Did you hear something? Chester: Maybe it was the weather.
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Nope, it’s BABY TIME!
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Bianca: What the fuck are you doing!? Chester: Getting ready to catch! Bianca: GET BACK UP THIS END NOW.
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Baby is birthed and caught! And it is indeed a boy! His name is Paris, which yes, I know is more of a Capp kind of name, but I figure it’s a firm statement from Bianca that she is DONE with that.
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And Chester immediately rolls this charming want. Chester: A baby! I must learn all about them so I can be the very best father ever! Aww. How about you, Bianca?
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Literally every other skill, I see. Bianca: I don’t need to study. I’m a Family sim and mommy knows best.
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Bianca: See? I’m so good at this already!
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Bianca: Gold star for this shit.
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Bianca: Aaaaaand baby goes on floor. Outside. LOL THERE IT IS-
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Oh, I see, you just put him down to react to the weather. Bianca: Ew, rain? I’m going back inside.
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Um, Bianca? Bianca?
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Paris: She’s not coming back, is she? No worries, dad to the rescue!
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Chester: Ew.
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But finally, Paris makes it back into the house. Hurrah!
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Landlord: Hey, there’s a weird stench from your apartment, can you deal with it? Chester: Oh, it’s just the baby.
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Baby goes IN BASSINET.
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I had Bianca invite her parents over so she could tell them about her shotgun wedding.
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But apparently they didn’t do anything interesting, because the next screenshot was this one of Chester teleporting out of bed. Bianca: You can just get up normally, you know. Chester: Better view of the bassinet from here.
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Chester: I wonder what Paris is thinking right now?
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Paris: I’m thinking I would like that nappy to be a little bit further away from me.
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Chester: Noooooo my spaghetti!
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Family dinner.
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And then it’s time for Paris to grow up!
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Paris: I wanna go to bed. Me too bitch, you ain’t special.
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Patrizio: I would like to know your opinions on global affairs. Isabella: I would like to install a sweet swing set like this in our backyard. I haven’t felt this young in years!
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Potty training time!
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Chester: You’re really gonna do this? Hey, everyone loves potty training pics.
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Chester: VOGUE. Amazing, stupendous, a star is born. Give me another! Chester: Can’t. Kid’s done. Done as in-?
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Huh. Kid’s done. Paris: What, like it’s hard?
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Chester: And now, the most awkward spot in the house for a story.
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I’ll consider it.
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Patrizio: Let us know if you do get knocked up again, Isabella was very disappointed she never got a chance to knit little cardigans for Paris. Bianca: That’s on her, I was pregnant for eight years.
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Bianca: Can’t you do something? Well I mean, I could, but where’s the fun in that?
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Oh never mind, Paris took care of it.
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Not creepy at all.
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Chester: Can you say ‘high chair’? Paris: I can indeed say ‘high chair’.
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You know what, why not!
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Bianca: First though, I wanna get that locked badge want out of the way.
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Chester: Who’s daddy’s little genius? You are!
And now, a sex interlude. Put on your best 70′s porno music.
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Happy New Year.
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And now, party time!
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Paris: This rocks.
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Paris: And another thing, I’m not a feud kind of kid. Patrizio: Happily, I am a feud kind of grandfather.
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Bianca: This is nice. Chester: It’d be nicer without clothes.
Uberhood Index
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dizzybizz · 2 years
Hiiii omg this is so silly and I looooove your bd art but my bestie and I are obsessed with your ouppy???? (Congrats on obtaining the ouppy!!!!!)
We gave ouppy a hat and all we did in the past few days was sending this picture back and forth???? Like our chat is literally just ouppy?????
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Ouppy is my source of serotonin during dark times like this please
this is everything to me actually omg??
thank you for telling me-
ok hold up i am running on barely 5 hours of shitty sleep bc one of our cats just had to run outside for a few minutes at like 3am just to come back with a mouse and run around the house screaming- she was laying in my bed and then ran off, was gone for a little while and then i hear her obnoxious meowing from downstairs and so i called for her- and she runs up and goes straight under my bed and i just go "oh no, what do you have this time-" well a fucking mouse is what-
ok wait- this day has been so fucking disastrous?? do yall mind if i scream about it for a bit???? sorry that im using your ask to rant but omfg, you'll get ouppy content dw
it was a five hour drive at fucking 6:30 and i have been half asleep the entire day
and my dad drove to the wrong address, and then managed to get us stuck in the fucking snow??? so we spent an extra hour freeing the car with the help of the people who lived there, they were really nice but their kids were watching from the window for a while and it was lowkey really unsettling lmao
also on our way home we were on a road with no streetlights for a while except it was really foggy so it just looked surreal- it was basically a gray gradient with no definition and since i was barely awake i thought it was real before realizing "oh wait its just fog,,, im really tired huh"
hi sorry about that i really badly need to sleep rn but i have some ouppy content first
here he is at his og home:
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here he is in my dads arms, he looks so eepyyyy:
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on the way home:
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hes the biggest of his litter and second born
two pups of that litter ended up white despite the parents being black and brown?????
he had been at home for an hour and he managed to shit once and piss twice,, all on different carpets too,,,, i am so eager for when he is potty trained oml
he has met 3/4 of our cats, everyone involved is very hesitant
he has claimed a bed already, and it just so happens to be the fave of 2 of our cats,,,, sorry guys omg
he loses his goddamn mind when you lay down on your back, hes all up in your face immediately... its so adorable 🥺🥺🥺
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masterwords · 2 years
5,11 and 29. All incredibly important questions and I need answers 🙃😊❤
Oh, those are all VERY important!
For 5 (potato!) I answered that here. Potatoes are must have information.
11. Anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
I have an original Cabbage Patch Doll that I got as a prize for being fully potty-trained...yeah that dates me, I know. My son plays with her now. She's old as fuck but still in decent enough condition considering. I also have an original Care Bear, and a collection of small porcelain dolls my Grandmother got me each year for my birthday with the age on them all the way up to 17. Year 8 is blonde (I am not blonde) because there were no brunettes available that year when she went shopping, and consequently that was my favorite one because you always tend to want what you don't have huh? LOL One is also missing her head (well, it's in the box but separated from her body) because I threw her across the room in a fit of 6 year old rage. My mom tried to glue it back on but it didn't stay.
29. Preferred pasta noodle?
I am all heart eyes for either bean thread noodles or rice noodles, especially the fatties like in chow fun. But I've never been known to turn down any pasta.
Childhood and carbs! You know what's up. <3 Thank you for indulging me!
weirdly specific asks...
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TWs: dehumanization, emotional abuse, child abuse, possible false memories, unreality & psychosis
looking for reassurrance/validation and maybe advice if applicable
so sometimes i think of a really fucked up memory early in my childhood, i honestly dont know what triggers it. i dont know exactly when it happened either but it had to've been really young since it was about potty training? i remember my mother becoming frustrated with me and took off my pants, put me on a stack/mess of newspapers, and said something like "here, since you want to piss everywhere like a dog." i dont remember how i reacted in the memory only that we were watching tv and nobody around did anything about it.
the worst part of this is that i cant even tell if this is a real memory or not. i dont want to believe my mom would do something like this to me nor would she admit to doing something like this so i cant ask her. this very much strikes a bell with the kind of content of my dreams that i often mistake for reality, but it feels so real to me & there's nothing that happened in it that couldn't actually happen in the real world. i didn't 'remember' this before i developed psychosis so it just feels like a false memory has been implanted in me. it makes me feel deeply uncomfortable (at least i think, trying my best but thanks alexithymia) but i could be reacting that way over something that never even happened.
Hi anon,
It sounds like this memory was traumatic for you, whether or not it happened. I guess what I would ask is, if it is real, what would that mean for you, and if it isn't real, what would that mean for you, and how does each outcome compare? Because even if this didn't happen, it's still quite upsetting for you, and understandably so.
If it did happen, you didn't deserve to be treated that way and it must've felt dehumanizing to go through that, especially to be called a dog. Especially when we're children, I feel like we're most susceptible to absorbing and internalizing our experiences in significant and long-lasting ways. What someone may see as a minor event (not saying this is in any way minor, but often times the adults in our life don't think much of how they treat children) may deeply impact a child. I feel like this has something to do with the fact that, as children, we have just been flung into reality and are trying to navigate our identity and space in relation to others, and because we're so "new" to this world, it's especially easy to internalize how others classify or treat us.
Not everything has to actually happen to be traumatic or upsetting. Sometimes our own imagination can be deeply disturbing. That being said, something I've noticed across anons in the past who are looking to confirm or deny an upsetting memory, is that genuine memories tend to come attached with a strong emotion, like anger, disgust, sadness, fear, or a combination thereof. The thing is that, if this didn't happen then there's no consequence because it's not real. But a strong emotion such as deep discomfort can be evident of something more.
It's ultimately not my place to say if it's real or not. Only you can truly determine what you experienced or didn't experience, it's not really anyone's place to dictate that for you.
Best of luck in figuring this out. I hope I could help, and that you're doing alright. Please let us know if you need anything.
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jannelbabblessims · 2 years
Poppy Oliver: Part 7- Lou’s clues & The pup trials
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Things have been kinda relaxing as of late. Poppy and I have spent far more time together and little by little I have been weaving bits of my “life” into our conversations and giving her the ability to get to know me better. I have to tell you, this is a very hard thing for me to do given my whole life hasn’t been surrounded by the friendliest of people and even with Rory, who has been there most of my werewolf life, doesn’t know a lot about me, we just have this understanding and we work with it. The rest of the pack is another story, we will need to unpack at a later time. but overall, I am just happy things are getting to the point that Poppy can trust me more.
But she still doesn’t know my secret life as a werewolf, or the fact that Jasper could potentially be one as well.
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Which has brought us to today.
Jasper has been doing super well in advancing in all his toddler abilities. He has no problem walking, learning to talk (it’s choppy but that’s ok) ,potty training and everything. Super smart child, I am sure he gets that from Poppy because it sure as shit ain’t from me.
I also haven’t had any signs come through of the Werewolf gene. Usually, it will sprout pretty early on with slight howling as infants but Jasper rarely cried as a baby (could be from Poppy’s constant coddling). Now that he’s a bit older I can test his abilities a bit more and hope that he doesn’t come out with the gene.
As bad as it sounds to say that, I just want him to be a normal kid. While I love who I am and where I belong, it was a hard road to get to this place in feeling this way and there will be changes galore for him…
Well I need to get Poppy out of the house at least so I can make this happen and quick.
“Pops” I called out.
“Yes?” She responded, her voice carrying from up the stairs, ” I’m with Jasper”
I quicky made my way up the stairs and into his room. On the floor her and Jasper sat, playing with the dolls in his doll house….And I heard it…As well as felt it..
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He was quietly growling while playing…It was quick and I am pretty sure Poppy didn’t even notice anything at all, too consumed by the enjoyment she was having by spending time with her son. She always glowed in these moments of just being a mom. But he was growing, and with it included a small twinge of power lingering around, naked to the human eye but very apparent for me.
Thank God she didn’t notice a thing because right now I am a bit worried already. This testing really needed to happen NOW.
“Pops,” I whined, not normally my thing but it will have to do,” There’s nothing to eattttttt.”
Poppy immediately snorted at this, “Lou, you’re a grown-ass man. Go find food.”
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I will have you fucking know, I hunt every night. I provide food for myself… Then come back and eat more when she makes our meals. It’s even been requiring me to go on extra runs just to make sure to keep the weight off.
Right now I needed her out of the house.
“I’m gonna die if you keep this up girlie, What about Jasper? He has one jar of food left.”
This stopped Poppy in her tracks, frowning as she thought about this. She hated when I pointed out any sort of semblance to her potentially not providing for our son. Usually, this will start a battle of wits and back-talking, but today I think she might genuinely be worried
“How long has it been since I last when to the store,” She asked thoughtfully, mentally counting back the days I assume.
“Who knows, the first time you practically bought out the entire store of baby food..” And she really did too, the second Jasper was born she went into full-on perfect mom mode. It was insane and terrifying. That woman is a fucking force.
She glared at me briefly for that comment but in the end, her anxiety got the best of her.
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“Ok, I should probably grab some groceries for all of us and maybe we start working on some soft food options for him to try now, what do you think?”
I needed her to be out for a while so anything she could think of would be fantastic.
“Take all the time you need, the kid and I need to bond more anyways since you take up all his time,” I smirk crossing my arms at her, getting a rise out of her is my favorite thing to do. One day she will get me for it though.
Again her arched brow raised in annoyance, a small smile playing on her lips as she looked at me hard. Trying to figure out what to say. She pulled herself up from the ground and starts making her way to the door, giving me a side glance before continuing through.
“I’m done, I’m not even going to fight this. Take care of Jasper and I will be back.”
she continued down the stairs and out the door.
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Time to start.
Trial #1: Growling
Since I heard him growling earlier, I knew that was the first test to do. It will definitely be the easiest. Then from there, we will work on other gifted mannerisms then we will move on to some safety basics if he is successful. This is now the Jasper trials.
Jasper obviously had no clue what was going on. His sweet little toddler face just peeking at me from around his toys. Of course this would be a tough time and I would not be willing to comfortably transform in front of him till he understood what was going on to himself.
How the fuck do you explain this to a toddler?!?!
I reached out to pick him up and take him outside, we also needed to be somewhere a bit discreet and thankfully to my handiwork and slight scare tactic of ensuring our child was safe, I was able to make a tall fence (I’m a handsome handy man after all) around the perimeter of the yard for mostly this moment. to be away from prying eyes without putting ourselves in danger.
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“Ok Jasper, we are going to play a few games ok?” I scooped him up and pushed him up onto my shoulders. “This is what we call a secret though, you know what a secret is right?”
Jasper nodded his head enthusiastically at me, “I Know, I know!”
Damn he was real smart…
“Ok so that means we can’t tell mommy, she is scared of these games, “I mean I’m not lying, she would be scared, “But you’re a big strong boy right?”
Jasper put on his big smile and nodded his head quickly again.
We make our way outside and into the backyard. I put him on the ground and had him facing me.
Ok hear goes, so us the difference between the growling a Were can do vs. a human is that it puts off an effect, almost a small pulse of power. I know, it sounds fucking weird to humans, but it’s in our nature to have the power behind our voice. And this is also how we communicate, in the form of our power providing many things from intimidation to dominance, or even a cry for help depending how we push the force out. As a Were it is also easy to produce without much practice, so in Jasper’s case, if he is Were, it will be like nothing for him. It will be natural instinct for him. He will also respond to the power as well, much like howling, if I react a way in growling, he will unconsciously do it as well, so let’s see if it works.
I look to him and smile, “Alright bud, We are gonna play a hearing game,” Yeah that should work, I’m improvising here, “I’m going to make a sound and I need you to let whatever you feel happen ok?”
I let out a small playful growl and watched Jasper carefully, immediately I could see his face light up in a surprised recognition, like he had heard or felt this way before, which he might’ve been the link of us both being family, the tie pushing him to respond. He already was answering my call with a tiny growl of his own, matching my power with his but a twinge of excitement lining it. Natural for a newly-turned wolf or pup.
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Well, that was the first round and he is definitely showing signs.
This time I pushed out a much more aggressive growl, yet not too much to scare him. To my surprise, he shot back with a large growl of his own! His force pushing at me to the point I stumbled back slightly, losing my footing.
Are you fucking kidding me? He almost outdid some of the newly-turned members of our pack! I growled back again to match him, we were a duo of power!
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This brought on not only some worry but a swell of pride flowing through me. My son was not only a Werewolf judging from this moment, but a strong one at that.
“Well done!” I clapped my hands at him, kneeling down beside him. Very good indeed, “Next we will try a more advanced one.”
Onto howling, much similar to growling, it is a force of power we push out as a sign of communication. I took a deep breath and let out a howl, not for the pack but for just us two.
Without skipping a beat he sat up on his knees, howling alongside me. Again his power crawling to match my own.
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Dare I say it, but if this goes on… We may have a future alpha on our hands..
That’s a terrifying thought.
We worked on a few other things, Digging, running, and most of all just getting him to understand his need to control his power and at the same time make it seem like a game. He’s too young yet to fully understand everything and I want him to stay as young as he can.
Also don’t want Poppy getting freaked out either.
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We kept on running around the yard, thinking how freeing it was to do this without prying eyes.
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(Or so he thought……)
Later that night:
By the end of our training it was getting dark, Jasper was clearly tuckered out but enjoyed every second of the “games” we were playing. I took him back upstairs to prep him for dinner and bed.
I decided to test his diet as well. I brought up two plates of food and asked him if he wanted to try two pieces of meat, cooked little pieces of steak or…..Raw meat.
He looked to each plate, eyes shifting quickly between both. Licking his lips as he did.
Surprisingly he reached out for the raw meat and chomped his little teeth into it. A look of content as he started chewing away. Another mark checked on the Werewolf trials…
“Daddy my teeth better,”
A wash of worry hit me, ” Your teeth have been hurting?”
He nodded his head at me and chomped again on the meat.
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“But this good!“ he squealed, humming slightly as he finished the meat.
This meant his fangs were starting to come in. The meat being chewy was helping him cope with it. Thankfully we can play that off as normal teething for a bit… I hope.
I’m also going to need to hide the evidence of the raw meat before Poppy gets home..
And hunt double time now!
After a quick potty training session I was surprised to see Poppy in Jasper’s room, Waiting for us.
“Hey Pops, How was your day?” I stammered out, still a bit shocked by her presence and feeling the guilt seep in, sneaking around like this was getting to me.
“Actually pretty well,” She smiled, happy to talk about her day, “On the way to the store I ran into that stupid fucking welcome wagon gang and well…They dragged me along for a welcome lunch at Chez Llama. It was kinda nice actually as much as I hate to admit it.”
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That was actually very nice to hear. After learning of her mysterious amnesia, she never had any relationships aside from us and well this may now be a good advantage for many reasons.
Not being selfish or anything…
Before I could say anything in response, Jasper came running in, his little Wolf onesie on and being super adorable as usual.
“Hi Mommy!!!” He squealed, giving her a big sloppy kiss on her face. He sat on the floor as he animatedly babbled at her.
“Did you have a good day sweetie?” She asked him, her face brightened at his happy attitude. I am thinking him being able to let his Wolf tendencies out took alot of aggression out of him and helped him to better control his mood. Hmm will have to keep up with that.
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“YEAH!” He screamed in a high pitch voice, bouncing around and suddenly getting up and barreling into me. “Daddy and I played games all day!”
Please dont say anything. Please don’t say anything.
“We pretended we were Puppies!!!” HE giggled out and a little gallop around the room.
Thankfully she didn’t think anything of it.
“That’s wonderful honey!,” She beamed at her son’s laughter then looked to me, ” But now it’s time to wind down, who do you want to put you to bed?”
He looked to me and smiled the cutest little toothy grin.
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“DadDDdddddYYYYY,” He squealed again.
“Okay okay, I can see where I am not wanted,” She sighed in a playfully dramatic tone, “Thankfully Mommy could use some sleep so Daddy can handle Goodnight time.”
She stood up and quicker pecked a small kiss upon his head and started to walk past me.
“Have fun.”
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Within minutes I was passed out in bed. I sat down next to him. Mentally drained by the day… My son is for sure a Werewolf and a powerful one at that. This poses a lot of factors….. Within our family, the pack, and the world… I had no fucking idea what I was going to do about this…
I just know I gotta tell the pack before hell breaks loose. We at least need to figure out protection before anything else…
A/N: A humongous thank you to Snarky Witch for commissioning some werewolf pup training poses for my series!!! She was amazingly communicative and quick!!
And she will be releasing these as early access soon on her patreon! Check out her patreon here!!! https://www.patreon.com/snarkysims/posts
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geodetojoy · 2 months
!!!VENT POST!!!!
I just really needed to get this out of my system I’m not expecting anyone to read this but if you do helloooo lmao
GOD I fucking hate my parents dude. Just had the worst meltdown I’ve had in weeks in their kitchen while they were in the living room with not a care in the world. And it’s an open floor plan it’s not like I was hidden behind walls or anything. I was sitting at their island with tears fucking streaming down my face, hyperventilating, unable to speak, and shaking like crazy, all while trying to hold myself still bc they’ve told me that my stims are “weird” and “make them uncomfortable”. And they’re just both sitting not even ten feet away from me not giving two shits. If anything it was like they were trying to make it worse.
It didn’t like come out of nowhere either, no, there’s a shit ton of lead up here. I had just come from my room after my mom called me on her phone to wake up and eat food which she had apparently gotten an hour ago. I knew she was getting it, I even texted her my order AND told her I was gonna take a nap and asked her to wake me up when it got here, but I saw that she just sent one lousy text and gave up when I didn’t come down. Then called me a whole HOUR later, so my fast food was just left cold out on the counter. And I fucking HATE warming fast food back up. I’ve already got tons of food sensory issues but let me tell ya warmed up fast food is one of the WORST ones. And they know this!!! So I put the burger in the fucking microwave, which, again, disgusting, while they blare the tv from the other room at full volume, the dogs are in the cage (only because my parents don’t want to deal with taking care of them, I’m the only one who actually does anything for them) barking to no end, and EVERY. SUNGLE. FUCKING. LIGHT. is on. Then my mom goes to take a shower and the dogs just get louder and crazier, so what does my stepdad do? He shouts at them of course. The louder they get the louder he gets. And the louder he gets the worse I shake, both from overstimulation and fucking trauma from my bio dad bc he was exactly the same.
Then he got fed up with the barking and let them out of the cage, not paying attention to them at all until one peed on the carpet (they’re still new so not fully potty trained, and I also don’t know when they took them out last so that could’ve been entirely his fault) and he fucking kicks her in the side (not sure how hard, at this point I was fully stiff staring straight down while tears fell on my plate) and starts yelling again
THEN, when he goes to clean it up, he uses my carpet cleaner that I use when my cats throw up that I gave him because he didn’t want to get his own (then they went and got another at some point and gave me the almost empty one. Thanks a lot.) and uses it entirely fucking wrong and wastes so fucking much of it and complains that there’s none left. And I’m sure they’re gonna make me go out and buy them another one. Which, they might pay me back for it, but the store is another sensory nightmare (again, that they know about) that they subject me to multiple times a week.
Anyway, I think I even dropped my burger at some point and I didn’t have the stomach to finish it so I just ended up throwing it away and essentially ran back to my room with my cats and under my weighted blanket where I am now. All I’ve eaten today is a chocolate entenmanns donut and like three bites of a dq cheeseburger. It’s 8:46 pm. (Tbh it’s kind of a lot for me I usually don’t even eat that much)
God I just fucking hate being here. They got these dogs with no intention of actually caring for them, leaving me to do all of the dirty work while they just shower them with affection and treats anytime they’re around so the dogs don’t like me anyway (I don’t touch the treats because, wouldn’t you know it, sensory issues) and they just blatantly do not care about me or my struggles and just use me whenever they don’t feel like doing something on their own.
I actively try to avoid them and do not go to the main floor when they’re in there bc it’s always just immediate overstimulation. The issue then is that I’m only there when I’m home alone watching the dogs, which is just a constant thing that I can’t leave for any reason, including to go to the bathroom or eat something, and then when they are home, I can’t go into the kitchen to get food bc I will have a meltdown. So now pretty much the only things I eat are small snacks I’m able to sneak into my room and the occasional dinner I get when just my mom is home (don’t get me wrong she still sucks but at least she doesn’t always have the tv on)
AND MY BROTHER WASNT EVEN THERE TODAY I couldn’t even imagine how much worse that would have been. All he ever does is stuff I’ve told him makes me uncomfortable, like eye contact and watching me when I eat, and he always just sits too close and hits me like a fucking toddler and also yells at the dogs bc he’s also too lazy to actually take care of them.
I’m just. So fucking sick of this. I’ve still got a year left of this bs but it just gets harder by the day.
I’m gonna go play some mc now I need to de-stress
EDIT: there’s more! Yippee! /s
Mom just burst into my room and grabbed the carpet cleaner (the vacuum thingy not the spray) while I was in the bathroom. Oh I should also mention my room is the basement lmaoo yes I live in my parents basement sue me. Anyway we love the lack of boundaries and privacy yayyyy.
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