#Thank you so much Angie!! 💕💕
asunflowerana · 1 year
HI ANA!!! I come bearing gifts 😚🎁
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Matsu is so precious, look at him all baby trying to reach for the ball 🥺 I wanna have his babies and them to look just like him. Now I'm thinking about our first son, Eiko: Matsu would totally teach him basketball since little age 🥺and he'd have his hair and sweet eyes, but smiley like his mother cause his daddy can be too grumpy sometimes hehe.
How are you baby Angie? Thank you for stopping by, and I might come up to your box with gifts too hehehe 🤭
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haleths · 2 years
spotify wrapped timeeeeee 🎉🎉 hii hello ashleigh my darling beloved umm let's say 11, 27, 31, 74 and 99 for the ask game? PS. i love you i love you i love youuuu 💖💖💖
11. better sit down boy - confidence man
27. waterfront - simple minds
31. what a diff'rence a day makes - dinah washington
74. gasoline - key
99. another life - key
send me a number 1-100 for the corresponding song from my spotify wrapped!
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mitch-the-silly · 4 months
Heyoo!! I was wondering if I could request Angel dust x gn! reader headcanons of them being silly and romantic while cooking together?🥰 Like reader is trying to focus on what they need for the recipe they’re gonna make and Angel is just like “mhm mhm sounds good sugar” barely listening, admiring reader like this 😍😍😍, Angel being as clingy and close to them as possible, them having little mini food fights, etc.. just adorable, slightly chaotic vibes!💕 I hope this isn’t too long, thank you so much!!🫶🏼
OFC!! I love Angel sm!! He’s so bbg and honestly, he’s one of my faves!! Angel literally deserves all the love in the world and you cannot change my mind-
clingy!Angel Dust x Gn! Reader
Here are your hcs!!
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This is definitely Angel Dust and his S/o cooking because of some sort of teamwork activity Charlie organized!
Little does she know that you two are so in love with each other that you can’t get anything done…
Whatever it is you two are cooking, it’s made by nothing but you two’s love.
Angel definitely is a helper princess. 
He’ll be there to “help” his partner but he will do nothing but play around with them. Like seriously, he’s too pretty to do the cooking work. But he’s there for emotional support and for the lovely sight of his absolutely dashing partner.
“Angie, can you pass me the salt?” They asked while trying to read the next step in the recipe. 
Angel gazed longingly at them. The way they focused on what they were doing was so attractive to him. He took an arbitrary spoon and stirred the salt playfully, waiting for them to turn to him.
When they finally did turn to him, they raised a brow at him, wondering why Angel hadn’t handed them the salt. “What’s wrong?” They asked him.
Angel giggled, slowly scooting the salt to them. “I just wanted you to look at me, toots.~” He cooed, moving closer to them, kissing their cheek.
They rolled their eyes playfully and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. “If you help me out and we win, we can cuddle and watch a movie together.” They offered, trying to get him to help out.
Angel pouted, throwing his arms around them, hugging them like his life depended on it. “But what if we don’t win…? Can I still get cuddles?~”
“Angie, babe, you doubt my cooking skills?~” They chuckled, blowing a small amount of flour at his face. 
“Oh, it’s on!” He chuckled, taking some flour in his hand and throwing it at them. 
In the end, you two didn’t win the activity because you two were too busy playing around with the flour and lost track of time. 
Niffty’s team won. She did all the work not because no one helped her, but because she knew exactly what to do and didn't let anyone do anything but pass her things (which defeated the purpose, but that was beside the point; a win is a win). What can I say? She’s an amazing cook. 
You two definitely get a mean scoldin’ from Vaggie for making a mess.
But you two are defended by Charlie because you two are ADORABLE! And she could never have you two be in trouble for such a loving display.
Niffty goes crazy cleaning up your mess though. It kept her entertained for a while.
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bluebeary-jay · 11 months
Midnight kisses
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Joel Miller x f!Reader
Summary: Jackson celebrates the New Year’s Eve, and you're thinking about finally confessing to your crush how much you like him. but Joel Miller, the object of your affections, might have other plans in mind. (based on this adorable request!!)
Tags: FLUFF my beloved 🥰, Joel is very flirty in this one, lots of crushinggg, just old sweet mutual pining (also they're both lovesick idiots)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and being drunk, jealousy, age difference
Word count: 5.4K
A/N: i had a lot of fun with this one 🥰 thank you so much once again for the request, dear, i hope you'll like what i came up with. (btw this was supposed to be a short fic but it seems i'm unable to write one 😔) still i hope yall will like it and as always, happy reading!! 💕
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
The party was in a full swing.
You didn’t expect anything else from the Jackson community. Ever since you arrived here, you were astounded by the effort that the people living in this small town were making to create a life as normal and joyous as possible – for their children and themselves. And today, on New Year’s Eve, they outdid themselves. There was food, music and drinks – almost as if the apocalypse outside those walls never happened.
You were sitting by one of the tables, sipping on your beverage while you waited for your friend, Angie, to arrive. Dancing alone didn’t sound like an appealing idea, so while you waited for her, you opted for some people-watching – though if you were honest with yourself, it was more like ‘person-watching’.
Your eyes strayed to a figure on the opposite side of the room for like a twentieth time, but you couldn’t help it even if you wanted to. Because there stood a man who still, even after more than a year of knowing him, made the butterflies in your stomach take flight.
Joel Miller.
He looked really good in a clean flannel and fitting jeans, you conceded. His hair was slightly wet, like he washed it just before coming to the party, and combed a little to the back, making the silver strands in his hair and beard shine in the low lights. You found yourself unable to look away or get rid of that stupid grin on your face that lingered when Joel smiled lopsidedly at something his brother said. The muscles in his arm bulged when he lifted his glass to take a sip, and you watched the lines of his neck when his throat bobbed...
“You’re ogling,” murmured a voice next to your ear, and you jumped a little in surprise. Next to you stood Angie, smirking at you.
“Jesus, Angie.” You put your hand on your chest, your heart pounding rapidly. “A ’hello’ would be nice.”
Your friend knew, of course, about your massive crush on Joel Miller, and you thought more than a year of pining on your part would cause her to grow bored of all the jokes and teasing that she threw your way. Apparently, you were wrong.
“Hello,” she said, then sat down on the other chair and leaned closer to you with a wide smile. “You’re ogling. In a room full of people, may I add.”
“I’m not,” you murmured defensibly, but your face grew warm at the realization that she caught you. “How long have you been standing here, anyway?”
“Like half a minute. By the way, you’re also drooling.”
“I’m not!” you repeated, now in an irritated whisper. You knew you weren’t drooling, but still had to refrain yourself from wiping your mouth, not wanting to give her the satisfaction. “Stop making things up.”
“You should just go talk to him.” Angie casually nodded in Joel’s direction. “He didn’t come with a date, sooo…”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe he’s waiting for someone.”
“Uh, duh!” Angie flicked you on the forehead, and you hissed. “For you to make a move. You can… oh, I know!” she bounced in her seat excitedly and clapped her hands. “Ask him to dance with you!”
You almost snorted. “Joel Miller dancing? Sure. He wouldn’t agree even if he did like me.”
“He does like you. Jesus, you flirt with each other all the time.” The smile disappeared from her lips and she rolled her eyes. “Honestly, you’d have to be blind and deaf not to notice. And maybe dead.”
“There’s no flirting, I told you.” You took a sip of your drink, glancing at the object of your affection. “He talks in this way to everyone.”
“He never called me ‘darling’,” Angie retorted. “Or gave me his jacket when we got caught up in the rain.”
You smiled softly at the memory, but that just made you feel even more hopeless, because since that day, you weren’t able to have a normal conversation with the man you liked so much.
“What do I do?” you whined, leaning on the table. “He’s so beautiful. And he for sure doesn’t see me that way.”
“Are you drunk already? You said you didn’t want a repeat from–”
“–from last year, yeah,” you finished for her and sighed. “I’m not drunk, just feeling down. There’s no way I’ll be able to tell him I like him, Angie.”
“Maybe you won’t have to.” Your friend nudged you gently. “You can just inconspicuously take him under one of the mistletoe and go ‘oh, what’s that?’, and then…”
“What mistletoe?” you asked, only now looking up at the ceiling where familiar-looking leaves were tied with a string to the support beams under the ceiling and above the doors. “Why is there mistletoe hanging?” you asked skeptically. “It’s a New Year’s Eve party.”
“I think they haven’t taken it down since last week.” Angie shrugged, but then grinned at you. “Don’t you think it’s a sign, though? So many places to kiss your crush under~...”
“Jesus, keep your voice down,” you groaned, hiding your face in your hands again. “You’re impossible.”
“You’re impossible,” she mocked in a low voice. “I’m trying to help.”
“I know, babe,” you whined, and sighed heavily again. “You know what, maybe I should just forget it. Let’s go have fun, dance, and later throw up from all the food and…”
Suddenly, Angie interrupted you with a high noise in her throat. You gave her a questioning look and she looked at you with a tight-lipped smile and wide eyes.
“He’s coming here.”
“What?!” You automatically turned around before Angie hissed for you not to look, and sure enough, there was Joel Miller, making his way through the crowd with his eyes locked on you. “Oh my god,” you breathed, clutching at your friend’s hand. “He must’ve seen us talking. What do I do?”
“You sit there and look smoking hot, and let him flirt with you,” she answered with confidence you didn’t feel. “And maybe you won’t even need to ask for the kiss, maybe he’ll do it for–” Her eyes darted above your shoulder. “Oh, hey, Miller.”
You gulped and took a deep breath before turning around and– oh, God, he looked even better up close.
Angie kicked you lightly under the table when you didn’t say anything, and you cleared your throat, smiling up at the man you were so crazy about. “Uhm, hi, Jo– Mr Miller.”
“Didn’t I tell you to call me by my name, sugar?” He had kind of a boyish smile on his face that made him look younger and even more handsome, which in turn made your stomach fill with warmth. He sat down next to you, and his eyes scanned you down and back up, slowly, lingering on your legs and curves just for a second longer. “You look lovely.” He then glanced at Angie, sending her a nod. “Both of you.”
“Really?” you beamed, and Angie kicked your ankle again, making you wince. “Uhm, thanks. You clean up nicely yourself.”
A trace of smirk ran across his face, but it was gone before you could make sure it was really there in the first place.
“Are you enjoyin’ the party?” he asked casually, hiding one hand in the front pocket of his jeans. Your eyes followed his movement before you caught yourself.
“Y-yeah, it’s nice. A little too loud for me, but really nice.”
“Maybe you wanna step outside for a bit, then?” Joel nodded in the direction of the deck in the back, and your heart started beating faster.
Did he want to be alone with you? Or was just being polite and preferred to talk somewhere quieter, and you were getting your hopes up unnecessarily? You hoped it was the first, that he genuinely enjoyed chatting with you as much as you did with him – but you never knew with a man like Joel Miller. He was an enigma, sometimes serious and so stoic that you couldn’t for the world figure out what was going on in his head, and other times charming and teasing, making you weak in the knees when he was looking at you with that fiery glint in his eyes…
“Sugar?” Joel asked, lifting his eyebrows with what seemed to be amusement, and you cursed yourself mentally for spacing out.
“Sorry, I… Yes, let’s– sure, let’s go.”
All of you stood up and you looked over your shoulder at Angie with a panicked face, but instead of reassuring you, she sent you a quick, sly grin.
“You two go ahead,” she chirped. “I’m gonna go look for my date.”
“Angie–” you whispered, giving her a look, but the woman just winked and turned around, disappearing into the crowd of dancing people. “Angie!”
Before you could go after her, you felt a big, warm hand on the small of your back, and your entire body tensed. Joel leaned over to your ear, whispering in a low voice.
“Shall we?”
“Yeah,” you squealed, so quietly he probably didn’t hear it over the loud music. “Sure.”
Your legs moved on their own, going where he guided you. The walk to the terrace in the back lasted no longer than fifteen seconds, but it felt like hours had passed. You were very aware of the light pressure of his fingertips on your back, with only one layer of material separating your skin from his, and the nerves of feeling him so close behind you were making you walk stiffly and oddly – though, miraculously, he didn’t seem to notice.
“I don’t like how loud the music is, either,” Joel said after you two exited the main room, and he closed the door. Then he glanced at you again, his eyes flicking to your bare legs just for a second longer. “Are you cold?”
“No,” you answered truthfully. Not only was it nice to feel the cool air after sitting in a stuffy room with a crowd of people for so long, but also you still felt warm from Joel’s closeness. “I’m alright.” Joel nodded absentmindedly, and you squinted. “Did you want to talk about something or…”
“Nah, just wanted to escape for a minute.” He rubbed his beard and shrugged, but there was tightness to his body language. “Not much to do in there except for drinkin’.”
“And dancing,” you cut in.
Joel glanced at you, and the lazy smirk returned onto his features.
“You like to dance, sweet girl?” he asked, and you felt your face growing hot when you heard his tone. Low, drawling and oh, so delicious.
“If the party is good, yes, I guess so.” Then you remembered what Angie suggested earlier, and you took a shaky breath, mustering all the courage you had in you. “We… if you want, we could dance a little later, if they play something nice…?”
But the hot nerves in your chest turned to cold disappointment when Joel started to shake his head with a chuckle. “Nah, darlin’. Sorry, I don’t… I’m no dancer.”
“Noone here is,” you retorted, a bit hurt by how quick his rejection was. “It’s just for fun.”
“I know better ways to have fun than t’make an idiot of myself in front of bunch of people.”
“Like what?”
Of course, you just had to ask.
Joel smirked, as if he was just waiting for it, and took a step forward, forcing you to take one backwards. His brown eyes bored into yours, making you weak in your knees, and you promptly turned your gaze away, not able to withstand the tension in the air. With a cough, you walked up to the wooden railing, pretending that you weren’t feeling sheepish at all.
“For one, talkin’ here with you is fun enough for me.”
You forced yourself to look at Joel when you heard it, just to see if he’s joking, but the man appeared genuine. He leaned against the rails, his hand right next to your shoulder, and you couldn’t get rid of the thought of how easy it’d be for him to cage you in this spot with his strong arms, how he’d make your entire body tremble…
But you weren’t quite sure yet if he was being sweet or just tried to mess with you, so you decided that a teasing response would be the best course of action.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged lightly. “I’d still like to find someone to dance with tonight.”
At that, Joel’s hand gripped the railing tighter and his body stiffened. You had to hide a triumphant smirk on your face, pleased that you managed to throw him off his game – whatever it was that he was playing.
“One of your friends?” In your peripheral vision you saw him lifting his eyebrows with the faintest of scowls. “Or one of those shady guys sittin’ at the bar, staring at pretty girls like you? ’Cause they’re no good for you, darlin’.”
“Oh, really?” you scoffed and lifted your chin, feeling touched that Joel was acting so protective – (and maybe even… jealous?) – about what you said. “You were the one that didn’t want to dance. What do you know about what’s good for me, anyway?”
“Those guys won’t treat you right. They just want a girl to spend the night with, and you deserve better than that.”
He was right, of course, but it didn’t mean you were going to openly give him his due. You made an acknowledging noise, not really sure what to say, but Joel didn’t seem to mind. He continued in a quiet, raspy voice that sent shivers down your spine. “You deserve someone who’d take real good care of you, darlin’. Not some drunk out of their ass idiot.”
“Are you drunk, Mr Miller?” you asked, not looking at him in fear he’ll see how red his words made you, though you could still see his smirk in the corner of your eye.
“You act like you are.”
“C’mon, sugar, look at me.” He took your chin between his fingers and your body went rigid. His warm gaze met yours for just a second, and he tilted his head forward a little. “Do I look drunk?”
“A little.” You turned your head away, but he tsked and guided your chin back.
“In the eyes, darlin’.” You gulped at his words, and his dark, brown irises twinkled in the fairy lights dangling from the roof and walls. “And call me Joel, please.”
His chest was almost touching yours, and you felt the wooden railing digging into your lower back, but at that moment you didn’t mind at all. Joel was so close, and your breath hitched in your throat when you got enveloped in his earthy smell, with a tinge of bonfire and… was that cologne? For some reason the discovery that he used cologne for tonight made your heart flutter.
But as much as you loved every second of being so close to him, you remembered that you weren’t alone on the terrace. There was a pair of people talking – well, now kissing, judging by the sound of it – and your eyes darted to the side to see if they were looking at you both. “Come on, there are people here. It’s not…”
The man clicked his tongue in disapproval and moved slightly closer, now practically pinning you against the railing with his body, and you squealed unwillingly when he, once again, made you look at him.
“Eyes on me.”
And God, if it wasn’t the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen or heard. It was unfair how much power his gaze and tone wielded over you.
“Okay,” you managed to whimper, and the corner of his mouth curled upwards, creating that adorable dimple in his cheek.
“And my name, sugar.”
You didn't know why you were complying so easily, but something about the softness and tenderness in his voice made you feel safe. He wouldn’t hurt you, of that you were absolutely sure.
“Okay, Joel.”
His thumb brushed the edge of your bottom lip with the softest of touches, making your legs almost turn to jelly. It made you want to say his name again, though in a much more needy tone.
“That’s a good girl,” Joel murmured with a smirk, never looking away.
Lord, have mercy.
You were so grateful for the wooden rails behind your back, because you were sure you’d collapse any second now if he kept looking at you like that.
“I… Joel…”
“Tell me if you’re uncomfortable,” he murmured without taking his eyes off of you for even a second. Your brain was mush at this point, but even if you could formulate any words, you doubt you’d ask him to step away. So you settled on shaking your head slightly, to which Joel nodded. “Lemme know immediately if it changes, darlin’.”
How could you be so blind? All you could think about was that Angie was right – there was no way Joel Miller wasn’t flirting with you. Maybe he even liked you. Maybe – just maybe – he wanted to kiss you just as much as you wanted to kiss him.
“Didn’t you wanna… get back to the party?”
You didn’t make any move to get away yourself, however, not wanting him to drop the arm with which he was holding your chin. The material of his shirt was bulging over the lines of his biceps, and it felt really nice to stand so close to him.
“I’m in no rush.” Joel’s voice dipped, and your insides tightened. “You?”
“No, but–”
“Here you are, you ol’ fucker!”
Joel took a step back, and you both turned to see his younger brother walking clumsily through the door with a big, drunken grin on his face. You cleared your throat, still breathless and blushed, but both Millers didn’t pay you any mind anymore.
“Tommy.” Joel’s face was like made out of stone, but his eyes were betraying how irritated he was with the interruption.
“You thought you’d manage to get away, ya old dog?” Tommy hooked an arm around his older brother’s shoulders and finally looked at you to send you a wink. “Sorry, sweetheart, gotta borrow ‘im for a second. He has a date to get to.”
It took you a couple of seconds to register that yes, you heard him right. A heavy veil of hurt and disbelief slowly fell down on you, and your eyes started to prickle as you looked from Tommy to Joel.
“A date?”
He had a date. Why then did he talk and act this way with you, making you feel like you ever had a chance with him?
“C’mon, don’t keep a lady waiting,” Tommy said to Joel instead of answering you, and tugged the other man back inside, but Joel didn’t move. “Who knows, maybe you’ll even get lucky tonight!”
That you couldn’t listen to.
Trying to hide how painful his words were to you, you ducked your head and tried to slip past the brothers, desperate to get out of here. A hand – which felt so achingly familiar now – shot out and grabbed your elbow before you could escape. You lifted your tearful eyes only to meet Joel’s sorrowful ones.
“Darlin’, wait. It’s not…”
“No, it’s okay,” you interrupted him, tearing your gaze away. “I wanted to go to the bathroom, anyway.”
Joel looked like he wanted to say something else, but you couldn’t bear being in his and Tommy’s presence any longer. You slipped out of his grasp, quickly coming back inside and navigating your way to the bathrooms.
He had a date for tonight. And still he flirted with you and touched you so lovingly, and… and almost…
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid! To think you ever had a chance.
You dashed into the bathroom and quickly opened the first free stall you saw, then shut it behind you. There you just slumped against the wall and wrapped your arms around yourself, giving in to the flow of your tears, but trying not to make a sound.
You felt so foolish for letting yourself fall under Joel Miller’s spell, for ignoring that he obviously couldn’t be interested in someone like you.
He probably saw you as a dumb child. No wonder he’d prefer someone else, probably a woman closer to his own age.
But why did he have to be so cruel, to lead you on and hint that…
No, you realized. It was your own damn fault for letting your heart justify his every action towards you.
Almost ten minutes must’ve passed before you got a grip on yourself and decided to go find Angie. You needed to talk to someone, preferably distract yourself from the unpleasant situation you had to experience, and maybe try to salvage the evening somehow. With that in mind you took a couple of breaths, wiped your eyes and then hesitantly exited the bathroom.
You only managed to take a couple of steps, however, before your eyes were drawn to a familiar and beautiful side profile. You wished you didn’t know his face so well, because then you wouldn’t see Joel whispering something to a stunning woman you didn’t know at the far end of the room. She was hanging off his arm, bright eyes and a million-dollars smile directed solely at him. Joel appeared to be looking around, but a few seconds later he put his hand on the small of the woman’s back – just as he did earlier with you – and started walking. Neither of them looked your way before exiting through the front door and leaving the party.
As well as a gaping hole in your heart.
A few minutes later you managed to find Angie. You were a mess at this point, barely able to stop yourself from sobbing. It was truly pathetic.
“I don’t know her name. But I saw them leaving, and she was hanging off his arm and–” you choked on your words and gave a humorless laugh. “God, I’m such an idiot.”
“I’m so sorry, hon.” Angie looked at you sadly. “We can ditch the party if you want. Go to my place and watch some movies,” she suggested gently, but you were already shaking your head.
“No, no. I’m fine, really, I… I think I'll just go home. But you should stay with your girlfriend.” Angie looked like she was about to protest, but you squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I promise I’m okay. I’m just gonna go straight back home and lock myself inside with a bowl of ice-cream. Or go to sleep.”
“I don’t think you should be alone right now.”
“I… I think I need to.” You gave her a weak, sad smile, and stood up. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay? You have fun, I don’t want to ruin your night, too.”
“You’re not ruining anythi–”
“I mean… this. All of this stuff with,” you swallowed heavily, “him.”
Angie still seemed unconvinced, but finally nodded after a while. “Alright. But come and get me if you feel worse.”
“I promise. Love you.”
“Love you, too. Take care of yourself, okay?”
You nodded, then went towards the side exit and out into the snowy night without looking back. You didn’t want to stay here and watch as all those happy couples share sweet kisses at midnight, thus reminding you of your heartbreak.
This time you had your coat on, but it was far too thin for this kind of weather. You wrapped it tighter around yourself and hid your hands in the pockets, starting to make your way home. It was a bit far from the main square, but you needed to get away from the music and laughter of the partygoers as quickly as possible.
Alas, you only managed to walk one street away when out of nowhere, a big hand grabbed your elbow, stopping you in your tracks. “Wait.”
You turned around and took a step backwards at the same time, freeing your arm with a strong tug. The words full of anger were ready to spill out of your mouth, but that was until you saw who stood in front of you with a painful expression.
The last person you expected to see here.
“Joel?” You whispered surprisedly and looked around, but there was no one else nearby. Not that strange woman you saw him with, at least. “What are you doing here?”
“I was lookin’ for you,” he rasped between gasps, like he ran all the way here. “You weren’t at the party.”
“Why were you… What are you doing here?” you repeated more coldly, the sight of him only making your fresh heartache so much more noticeable. “I thought you left.”
“M’so sorry.” Joel’s beautiful dark eyes were full of sadness and weariness. “I would have never left you if I could help it, darlin’.”
He took half a step forward and lifted his hand slightly to graze yours with his icy-cold fingertips. You weren’t wearing any gloves either, so his touch sent a jolt up your arm. You looked down at it, but gently moved your hand away. “I don’t understand. Didn’t you have a… date?”
“No.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes, shaking his head. You avoided his eyes and instead watched as snowflakes landed and melted in his hair. “No, it was Tommy… You saw how drunk he was, and he wanted to set me up, insisted on talking to that girl, but I…”
“You should get back to her, then,” you said dryly, really not having strength to even hide how hurtful his mere presence was. You went past him, hiding your neck in your coat. “I don’t want to keep you from–”
“Darlin’, wait.” Joel grabbed your arm again, though still gently and without any force. “Listen, she was nice, but I told her that I can’t get involved in anythin’, because I…” He faltered slightly when you looked him in the eyes, for the first time since your talk on the terrace. “There is… it’s– fuck.” He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, as if gathering courage. “There is someone else,” he finally spoke, his voice almost trembling, and looked at you again, “that I’m madly in love with. And it’s you.”
Through the open door to the party someone shouted what sounded like the time, but it was all happening in the background of your mind. All you could focus on was Joel, standing so close to you and looking almost scared as he waited for your reaction.
Cold crept up your limbs and up to your cheeks while you tried to digest what the hell you just heard, but as if held by the invisible force of his gaze, you couldn’t move an inch.
“I… really, really like you,” Joel whispered, his dark and sad eyes drilling into your unbelieving ones. “I went to this party just to see you, darlin’. And I’d never chose to spend the evenin’ with anyone else but you. I’m so sorry I left you like that and…”
He then gulped and very slowly lifted his hand to your face, not fully cupping your cheek but hovering just above it. He searched your eyes, but when you didn’t back away, he touched your skin carefully, and an involuntary sigh escaped you as your eyes fluttered closed.
You never thought one could be touched with such care and fondness. No one has ever treated you like that before, like you were made of the most precious glass.
“You can tell me to fuck off,” Joel whispered, and you opened your eyes to find his face a little closer than before. “I just thought that maybe… if you would maybe, too…”
He was getting flustered again, and it was the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. It must’ve been close to midnight now, because you noticed that the music stopped and the racket inside the building was at its peak, though it was hard to distinguish the words people were shouting when your heartbeat was almost deafening in your ears.
“But I saw you leaving with that woman.” You had to make sure you were on the same page with him before you did something idiotic. Again. “You aren’t…?”
“No,” Joel breathed a quiet chuckle and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, while his eyes danced across your face. “It’s only ever been you, darlin’.”
Then he must’ve heard something – his head turned to the side to look at where the party was still going on, before his eyes returned to you, and you felt his thumb swiping your cheek in an oh, so tender manner.
“May I?” he asked in a whisper, so close that his breath skimmed your parted lips. You hoped he was asking about what you thought, but this time wasn’t brave enough to ask and clarify.
So you just nodded.
And Joel leaned in, without any hurry, and kissed you.
It was fitting, you supposed, that only a couple of seconds later the clock chimed midnight, and shrieks of laughter and cheers filled the air while the people still present at the party celebrated loudly. You couldn’t care less, however, because in that moment, your entire world was Joel. His – still cold – hand caressed your scorching cheek, and the other found its place on your hip. The smell of him, the warmth with which his body radiated, and the feeling of his lips, rougher in touch than you’ve imagined, but still soft in movement – all of it together was almost overwhelming.
You parted after a while with blissful sighs, though didn’t move away – Joel still held you close, his forehead pressed to yours, and eyes shut tightly, as if he was in pain. He took a trembling breath when you touched his jaw with your icy fingers.
“Tell me to stop,” he pleaded in a murmur, taking you aback. “Sugar, if you don’t… Please, tell me to stop.”
You shook your head and held onto him tighter before he even finished.
“Please, don’t stop.”
Your lips clashed again, tongues meeting and dancing together, and it was the closest you’ve ever felt to any type of heaven in this cruel, forsaken world. Joel pulled you flush against him and kissed you again, more forcefully this time, tangling his fingers in your hair. You let out an involuntary moan, but his mouth swallowed the sound immediately, not giving you a split second of respite.
“I wanted to do it a year ago,” Joel muttered between the kisses, before he took your face in his hands to look you in the eyes properly. He smiled, that same adorable and boyish smile, when he saw how breathless and flushed you were. “Wanted to kiss you so much, sugar, but,” he obviously fought back a laugh at this point, his eyes crinkling, “you got wasted and puked your guts out just before midnight.”
“Oh my god.” You didn’t know he saw it, particularly the moment when all the alcohol you consumed a year ago refused to stay in your stomach. “I wasn’t– I don’t usually… I got drunk ‘cause I saw Sheryll kissing you on the cheek,” you admitted with embarrassment, feeling your skin growing even hotter. “I thought you and her were together at that point…”
“But why did you get drunk because of it, sweet girl?” Joel mused, brushing his nose against yours and obviously teasing you. You snorted and shook your head.
“You know why.”
“I want to hear it from you.”
You playfully pushed him away lightly, but he tightened his grip around you, not letting you step away.
“You’re an asshole sometimes,” you whispered, making Joel chuckle. “Fine. I really wanted to kiss you, too. Happy?”
He smiled and kissed you again, softly and passionately this time, cradling your cheek in his palm.
“Very,” he whispered against your lips and dragged his nose up to plant a kiss on your forehead. “Very much, baby.”
Your heart fluttered with joy at his affectionate tone. Joel pulled away, his hands leaving your body to cover your own, situated on his jaw and arm.
“Now, what do you say we head back inside?” he asked with a disarming smile, brushing your knuckles with his thumbs. “And maybe you’ll let me ask you for a dance?”
You didn’t give an answer, but the joyous kiss you pressed to his lips – which, with your enthusiasm, almost made both of you topple over into the snow – spoke for itself.
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Anonymous: Hii💕can i request how the ladies act when y/n left the village for a week? Will they miss her antics?😂 if you cant do it its totally fine🤗💕 but if you can then thank youu😊💕💕
What a great idea! Let’s get into it!
Sulks. 100%. She is such a sensitive person but won’t admit it.
This woman is a crybaby in my opinion, but only when she’s alone.
She greets you with a big hug and kiss when you return, but her lower lip is always wobbling and in full pout mode.
You have to “prove yourself” to her before she’ll forgive you for leaving. Usually, gifts and cuddles will do the trick.
Alcina expects you to bring her back a souvenir, so you better hope you didn’t forget!
She is just so happy you’re back. She hugs you tightly and breathes in your scent.
She’ll make you your favorite meal to welcome you back home. (Mine is pizza rolls, but I think she’d have a fit if I told her that).
You tell her all about your adventures and she listens with rapt attention. She loves a good story.
Angie and the dolls are also very happy you’re back. Nothing like coming home to the wife and “kids”.
While you were gone, Miranda was able to get a lot of things done without having to babysit you 24/7. But, holy crap she’s bored without you.
She is elated that you came back to her.
Miranda always worries in the back of her mind that you will leave and never come back. You always try to reassure her, but she can’t help her nerves.
You wrap Miranda in your arms and hold her tight. You place a kiss to her lips and tell her you missed her so much. Miranda hides her blush by burying her head into your shoulder.
Bela is very catlike. She greets you with a cold “hello” and then swarms away.
You raise a confused eyebrow before shaking it off and going upstairs to put your luggage away.
Only minutes later do you feel someone tugging on the back of your shirt as you put your clothes in your closet. You turn around and Bela tugs you to the bed and curls on top of you.
You start laughing, but Bela softly pops you on the shoulder and hides her face in the crook of your neck. She missed you terribly, but is unsure how to say this. You, however, pick up on it fairly quickly.
Cass is also catlike, however, she likes to cuddle with you immediately. She rubs her face against you so that you smell like her.
Always one to mark and claim what’s hers, she won’t let you out of her sight for the first few hours after you return.
When you show her that you got her a present, she doesn’t even open it. Instead, she hides it away in her stash of favorite things.
You question her, but she shrugs it off as totally normal… It’s kinda not normal, tho. Cass must think she’s part dragon (Ha, like Alcina!) and has to hoard her most prized possessions.
She damn near tackles you when you first go in the castle. Thankfully you catch her before you both fall to the ground.
She also expects souvenirs. She says it’s romantic. She doesn’t really care what you give her, though.
Y/N: For you Dani. Have this $2 scratch-off lottery ticket I got at a dirty gas station near where I was staying!
Dani: *Thrilled, doesn’t even know what a lottery is*
When you get upstairs, Dani immediately initiates sexy times ;)
All in all, she won’t give you attitude. Just aggressive affection and snuggles.
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willalove75 · 10 months
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 14 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Alcina and Donna have a chat. You wake up and you and Alcina have a heart-to-heart. She tells you about the mold and her experiences with the cadou.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: Fluff, softness, canon violence, a dash of angst
Notes: Part 14! I'm SO sorry that this chapter is so late! I decided to make it a little extra long to make up for it💕
Click here for the rest of the series
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A maid walks in with a tray in her hands after Alcina sits across from Donna. Setting it down on the coffee table, she looks up at Alcina.
"Tea or wine my Lady?"
"Wine, please." Alcina says as she pulls her cigarette case along with her lighter out of her bra. A slight blush crosses the maids cheeks while she opens the wine bottle and pours it into Alcina's glass. Donna gives Alcina a look, surprised she acted so casually in front of one of her maids. Meanwhile, Alcina lights a cigarette and deeply inhales. She blows the smoke away from the maid and Donna.
"I apologize for my lack of etiquette but I am unable to muster the energy at the moment to present myself as I normally would." Alcina says to the maid, resting her forehead on the heel of her hand as she holds the cigarette between two fingers.
"There is no reason to apologize, my Lady. We know the day has been," she pauses, nervously searching for the right word. "rather stressful." She hands Alcina her goblet, who immediately drinks from the glass.
"Tea, Lady Beneviento?"
"Yes please."
The maid pours the tea for Donna and hands her the cup.
"Thank you, that will be all. Please see to it that we are not interrupted unless, gods forbid, yet another emergency occurs."
"Of course, my Lady." The maid says with a bow before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
Alcina downs the rest of her wine in one gulp and refills her glass.
"Oh how I wish I were still able to get drunk." She mutters to herself, looking down into the glass of swirling red liquid.
"Even regeneration properties can be a double edged sword." Donna says as she lifts her veil to take a sip of tea.
"What was it you wanted to speak about again?" Alcina asks.
"A few things, truthfully, including next weeks meeting."
"Ah, yes. Mother Miranda." Alcina says, taking another drag from her cigarette.
"But before that," Looking up at Donna, Alcina is unsure of what she's about to say. "I never doubted you when you told me how much you cared for the girl, however, I may have underestimated just how much you truly care for her. I don't think I've ever seen you look at anyone the way you looked at her, sister. You must truly love her."
Alcina feels a light blush creep across her cheeks and she tries to hide it by taking another sip of wine as she nods.
"I do, Donna. I do."
"She makes you happy?"
"The happiest I've ever been. I've never been happier, save for when I was given the girls. Although the love I have for her and the love I have for the girls are vastly different, all four of them have captured my heart."
"Well sister, the love between mother and child and the love shared between lovers are two entirely different kinds of love. I am very happy to see you so happy. It's been a long time."
"It certainly has."
"Now, regarding the meeting." Alcina takes another drag of her cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray. "Alcina you know my loyalty lies with you, however, I also will not stand against Mother for a foolish reason."
Alcina feels her body tense up as she stares into where Donna's eyes are behind the veil.
"Please, let me finish." Alcina drinks from her glass and clenches her jaw, her grip tightening around the goblet. "But, I trust you and your judgment and I can see solely from the way you look at that girl that your reasoning for standing up against Mother if you must is anything but a foolish reason. Again, my loyalty lies with you Alcina. Wherever you go, Angie and myself will gladly follow."
A breath Alcina didn't realize she was holding releases as she feels her anger fade away.
"Thank you, Donna."
"What are you planning on doing for this meeting next week? You know you can't walk in, claws out and ready to attack."
"No, absolutely not. Mother's powers are far stronger than mine, even with immortality on my side I fear that if I go up against her, I won't survive."
"You won't." Donna says matter-of-factly.
"I plan on masking my feelings for her, for y/n. I don't know what Mother wants with her, or if she wants to test me. I'm uncertain of her motives. So my plan is to attend the meeting as usual, keep y/n close by my side at all times and if I have to protect her, I will without hesitation."
"I think that is a wise plan Alcina. How do you think she is going to handle the meeting? Has she met any of the other Lords?"
"No, she hasn't. She only met Mother."
"Do you have any concerns of her meeting the other Lords?"
"Not particularly. If I could keep her from ever having to interact with that child Heisenberg I would, but only because he is insufferable. I have no qualms with Salvatore, although I do not trust him. I would not put it past the poor creature to use whatever he has as his disposal to try to make himself appear more valuable to Mother. He's so desperate for her affection, it's pitiful."
"He is not the only one who pines for her acceptance, Alcina."
Alcina shoots Donna a glare and continues.
"Regardless, I have no fears of her meeting the other Lords."
"And for the rest of the meeting?"
"I have no doubts that she will be on her best behavior, more than likely nervous, but that's to be expected. But she's diligent and obedient and she's well aware of the dangers of stepping out of line in front of Miranda so I have no concerns regarding her or her behavior."
"Very well then, I'm glad to hear of your confidence in her."
"How do you think the mold will affect her?"
"Truthfully, I am not sure. It may not have any effect on her given she was only exposed to traces of the mold. The salve contains mold, but is not entirely composed of it. If she were to be truly infected, I believe any mutations that were to occur, would have by now. Given she only drank half of a bottle and subsequently threw most of it up, I don't think there was enough in her system to have any true, noticeable effects. I would keep a close eye on her just in case."
Alcina goes to speak but is interrupted by the door slamming open. Angie flies into the room and flies around Alcina.
"Sheeeeee's awakeeeee!! Your little friend is so cute even after she rolled down the stairs!"
Alcina swats at Angie to try and get her away. Angie stops just above Alcina and Alcina looks up into the dolls eyes and glares.
"Get out of my way." Alcina growls.
"Ohhhh someone's touchy! What? Can't handle being away from your lover for five minutes?! Tsk tsk, how would Mother Miranda feel knowing you've become so attached to a human!" Angie's screeching cackle echoes through the room.
Alcina begins to shake with anger, her claws slowly extend, digging into the arms of the chair.
"Angie! That is enough." Donna scolds the doll.
"Oh come on Dondon! I'm just playing!" She says as she floats into Donna's lap.
Alcina makes a disgusted face at the horrid nickname and her claws retract.
"Donna, thank you, for everything." Alcina says as she stands.
"Of course, I'm glad I was able to help and I am glad she is okay."
"What about me?!" Angie whines.
"You are nothing but a nuisance." She spits.
"Oh come on Alci! You're no fun!"
"Do not call me that."
"Ugh! No fun!"
Alcina decides to leave the room before she loses her quickly thinning patience and rips the doll to shreds. Making her way towards her bedroom, she hears a group of heartbeats coming from the room. Worried that some mutation happened, Alcina throws the door open to find her three girls sitting around you.
She's relieved and happily surprised when she sees Daniela laying next to you and Bela and Cassandra both sitting on the edge of the bed.
The four of you turn around when the door is thrown open and you see Alcina step into the room. A look of worry on her face melts into happiness as her eyes scan each of you.
"Hi mother! We hope you didn't mind us sending Angie to let you know y/n was awake, we didn't want to leave her." Daniela says, curled into you.
"As much as I detest that doll, I don't. Thank you for letting me know." She says as she walks further into the room and stands at the side of the bed in between Bela and Cassandra. She reaches out her hand and gently brushes the hair out of your face. "How are you feeling, draga?"
Truthfully, you still felt like shit, but you weren't in any pain anymore. Your body was sore and you felt exhausted.
"I'm okay, sore, tired."
"Daughters, why don't you go downstairs?"
Alcina's suggestion was met with a chorus of whines and displeasure.
"But mom!"
"Do we have to?"
"Because she needs to get cleaned up and rest."
"My word is final."
Reluctantly, the girls get up and make their way out of the room. But not before each giving you a hug, with Daniela kissing your head before floating away.
Alcina sits on the edge of the bed and gently cups your cheek, caressing you with her thumb. The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments.
As you look into her eyes you see the softness that made you fall in love with her. You can see how she's looking at you, with adoration, with love, with concern. For someone who wears such a strong mask all of the time, everything she's feeling and thinking is etched into her face right now. How can someone think of her as vicious? As evil? Your mind starts to spiral at the thought. How could she kill Stefana like that? How can she be so kind and loving, yet so ruthless? The push and pull of your thoughts start to overwhelm you and Alcina immediately picks up on it.
"What's the matter?"
"I-I'm just having a hard time processing everything, is all."
"I'm sure, between getting shoved down the stairs and then healed the way you were, it must be difficult."
"It's not only that." You say as you look down. "Its," you voice trails off and Alcina lets out a small sigh.
"How I killed her?"
Your eyes slowly look up, meeting hers. Expecting to see frustration in her eyes, you're surprised when the softness is still there.
"That, and that you killed her, period."
"Darling, you do know she's not the only person I've done that to, yes? She is far from the first person I've had to kill."
"How many people?"
Alcina pauses for a moment to think.
"I stopped counting decades ago, I believe I lost count around 75 or 80. I'm sure it's well into the hundreds by now, a thousand even."
She says it in such a casual manner you wouldn't believe she was talking about murder if someone joined in the conversation right then. This woman, the woman you love, has taken the lives of so many. It's not really something you thought about or took into consideration before this since you were never exposed to it.
Your mind begins to wander, spiraling a bit at the thought. Alcina notices you get lost and she pulls you out before you go into a complete spiral.
"Draga, I know this must be difficult for you, but you did know of the rumors surrounding this castle, didn't you? I heard you tell your aunt the day you were sold to me that they were sending you to your death. Surely you were aware of what goes on here."
"I was, but, I don't know. It's so hard making it make sense. It made sense when I thought everything in this castle was evil, that you were bloodthirsty and killed for fun. But now, I know you. I know your heart, I know that this castle isn't filled with evil, that you all just do what you have to to survive. You, the girls, you're all so amazing, and I love you all so much and it's so hard for me to think that you also do this horrible things too because that's not who you are."
"Oh, draga." She says as she lays down next to you and pulls you into her. "You are truly one of the sweetest souls I've ever come to know." Placing a kiss on your head, Alcina hugs you tighter. "I know it's difficult to rationalize, and I hope this doesn't change the way you feel towards me, towards the girls, but that is who we are. I believe Zina has said this before, nothing is 100% good or 100% evil. Yes, the girls and I have all of those wonderful qualities that you love, but we also have dark ones. Ones that make us monsters to the outside world. Humans are complex creatures, once there's a mutation involved, the complexity increases tenfold. I have to admit, I tried to shield you from the horrors that go on here as best as I could, it's one of the reasons I explicitly told you to stay away from the dungeons. But I knew in time that the façade would crumble and you would see what truly happens here. I just hoped it wouldn't be at your expense, and for that I am so deeply sorry."
Alcina hugs you a little tighter and buries her nose in your hair. Both Alcina's and Zina's words repeat in your head. "Nothing is 100% good or 100% evil." "They have good in them, sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see it." Trying to reconcile both parts of Alcina and the girls into one isn't something you're going to be able to do instantaneously, there's a part of you that's afraid you're going to lose your humanity if you do. But as you're laying here in Alcina's arms, the only thing that matters is how much you love her, how much you care for her and how much she loves you.
"I love you, Alcina." You whisper as you curl into her more.
"I love you more than you'll ever know, draga mea."
Alcina places a kiss on your temple and her hand goes to rest against the back of your head. As she does, you're both reminded of the dried blood matted in your hair. Honestly, you're still covered in blood, dried blood now, and even though Alcina changed, she still has a decent amount on her as well.
"You should get washed up, you still have blood caked in your hair." Alcina says softly. "Can you get up?"
She moves to let go of you and you try to sit up. There's no sharp pain, but your whole body hurts, your whole body feels like one gigantic bruise. Alcina notices you struggle and helps sit you up.
"Here, let me, I don't want you hurting yourself further." She stands up and scoops you into her arms bridal style and walks you into the bathroom.
"Let me help you bathe, I want to make sure all of the blood gets out of your hair."
"You have to shower too, right?" You ask.
"Yes, but I can do that after you're done." She says, smiling down at you.
"Would you, you don't have to, but, would you want to join me?"
"Draga, please don't feel like you have to-"
"I don't, I promise. I just want you close is all."
Alcina's heart is so full she feel like it's going to explode inside of her chest. As you look up at her with the biggest eyes, she falls in love all over again.
"Of course, draga mea."
She sits you on the bench and you start to take off your clothes as Alcina fills the tub and removes her dress and underwear. Normally when you see her naked, you immediately want to pounce on her. This time, all you see is her beauty. There's a nervousness to her you never would have expected, but oddly, it comforts you to know that even with the mutation she's still able to hold onto her humanity.
Alcina picks you up and brings you to the tub. After she steps in she lowers the both of you into the water.
You let out a soft hiss as the water hits your skin but you quickly adjust to the temperature.
"Is it too hot?" Alcina asks with concern in her voice.
"No, it's perfect, I just needed a second to adjust." You say as you look up at her.
She places a kiss on your forehead and lays your back against her chest. The dried blood from your skin runs into the water in light pink trails. Alcina cups the water in her hand and pours it over your back and shoulders, the warmth soothing you aching muscles. She pours some of the water over herself and you can feel the streams slide between your bodies. Scooting you forward, Alcina tilts your head back and begins to pour the water over your hair. Once she's satisfied, you're able to lift your head while she lathers the shampoo into her hands.
Looking down you realize that the water is stained pink, a sadness washes over you although you're unsure why. It's a big tub you're both in, for the water to be stained pink, there had to be a lot of blood on the two of you. You lift your hand from the water and watch as the pink liquid runs between your fingers back into the tub.
"Pay that no mind, draga mea." Alcina says as she begins to massage the shampoo into your scalp. She smirks when she hears you let out a sigh as she washes your hair. "Good," she hums. "just relax my pet, let me take care of you."
After she rinses out the shampoo, Alcina coats the ends of your hair with conditioner and begins to brush out the knots and matts. She washes out the conditioner and proceeds to shampoo and condition her own hair. Once she's finished with that, she pours a generous amount of soap onto a washcloth and begins to wash your body.
Alcina drags the washcloth across your skin with care, making sure she removes every ounce of stubborn dried blood that hasn't yet been washed away. As she washes you, she examines your body, her heart aching at every bruise she comes across.
The healing salve healed every cut and all of the major injuries you sustained, but tender bruises still remain. Where your ribs and wrist were once broken, deep purple bruises developed. As much as Alcina hates that they litter your body, it provides her some relief knowing you weren't exposed to too much of the mold. Enough to heal your major wounds, but not enough to cause any mutations or more harm.
She turns you around and holds your chin as she wipes the dried blood from your face. You watch her eyes as the scan every inch of your skin. Making sure not a single speck of blood is left. After one more once-over she nods to herself, satisfied. Her eyes flick down and meet yours and the corner of her lips curl into a faint smile. With your chin still between her thumb and forefinger, she tilts your face up and captures your lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss.
When her lips leave yours, she looks into your eyes for a few moments before placing a kiss on your forehead. The sensation of her lips lingers on your skin after she pulls away. Alcina turns you back around and washes herself. More trails of blood seep into the water as she washes off the remainder of the soap on her skin.
Alcina wraps her arm around your middle and pulls you into her. She reaches across the tub and pulls out the drain stopper. You watch as the blood stained water whirlpools around the drain and disappears. All of the blood, a mixture of yours and Stefana's, vanishing as if it was never there to begin with. Thinking the bath is done, you move to get up. Alcina pulls you tighter into her, keeping you in place.
"We are not quite finished yet draga. I want you to soak for a little longer. However, sitting in bloody water is not ideal so I am drawing a fresh bath."
When the water finally drains Alcina replaces the stopper and turns on the taps to fill the tub up once more. The sensation of the cool air against your wet skin sends a shiver down your spine and you shudder. Alcina feels you shake in her arms and pulls you closer. Her usually cool skin is now warm from the bath. The chill in your body melts as she wraps both of her arms around you while the tub continues to fill.
She shifts around behind you and you hear the clinking of glass bottles. You watch as she pours some of her oils and salts into the tub as it fills. The aromas rise through the steam, mixing and mingling together to form a relaxing and calming scent.
The two of you lay in the tub in a comfortable silence as the water continues to rise. Alcina rests her cheek on the top of your head and you feel her let out a heavy exhale. Tightening your grip a little on her arms that are wrapped around you, she hums in response and gently brushes her nose against the shell of your ear.
Alcina leans forward when the tub fills, her arm tightening around you, keeping you close to her, and turns off the taps. She rests against the back of the tub and you lean back against her chest. Another comfortable silence washes over the two of you as you relax in each others arms. Alcina's nails aimlessly dance along your sides and you trace random shapes across her thighs.
This truly feels like the longest day to ever exist. It feels like you were asked to help Alcina with filing days ago, not this morning. Like your confrontation with Stefana was so long ago. That all of the pain you endured from tumbling down the stairs didn't occur just a few hours ago. Especially since you sustained injuries that should have taken weeks to heal, not instantly. But now, here you were. Relaxing in the bath with Alcina holding you tightly against her. Without realizing it, you let out a sigh and allow yourself to fully relax into her.
"Are you alright, draga?" Alcina asks.
"Mhm." You hum. "It's just been a long day."
"It certainly has been." She says with a sigh. "I believe I still owe you an explanation." Craning your neck, you look up at her with confusion written across your face. "About the mold."
You feel the lightbulb go off in your head.
"Oh, right. What is it?"
"I might as well start from the beginning if I want to give you an accurate picture." She says.
Alcina begins to tell you about how Miranda lost her daughter, Eva, and came across the Megamycete, also known as The Black God and it bestowed her incredible powers. From there, she began experimenting on residents of the village to try and find a "vessel" that could host her daughters consciousness that lived on in the Megamycete. Eventually, she created the Cadou, a parasite that causes the host to mutate in hopes of creating a perfect vessel for Eva. Miranda used the parasite on the descendants of the four founders of the village. Donna, Karl, Salvatore and herself.
"I was the first successful experiment." Alcina says. "And by 'successful,' I mean I didn't die or turn into a moroaică or a lycan. But in Miranda's eyes I was still considered a failure because I was not an acceptable vessel for Eva."
"Why not?"
"Because the cadou didn't necessarily cure my blood disease. Instead, I now rely on the blood of humans to survive."
The puzzle pieces in your mind begin to fall into place.
"What was it like? When you got the cadou?"
"It was horrific. I had never experienced pain like that in my entire life. Every second was more painful and excruciating than the last. It took weeks for my mutation to complete and I was given nothing to help with the pain."
"Wait, so she just let you suffer?"
"Yes. She wanted to document how it affected my body and needed me to be conscious to properly document the outcome."
"So you just woke up in pain and continued to be in pain for weeks?"
"There was no 'waking up in pain.'"
"I don't understand."
Alcina sighs and you look up. Her eyes have a faraway look in them as she recalls the procedure.
"I was dying, as I told you before. Mother Miranda promised me immortality, great power, endless beauty, and a cure. With nothing left to lose I immediately accepted her offer and met her here in the village. She brought me into her lab and briefly explained the procedure. Not once did she mention the torture I was about to endure. I stripped and laid down on the operating table. Mother Miranda strapped me down and it wasn't until then did I think I may have made a mistake. That she was not honest with her intentions. But it was too late. She carved into my body and implanted the cadou."
"And you were awake the whole time?"
"Yes. I felt every single thing she did to me." You look up at her with concern in your eyes. Alcina looks down at you and sees the look on your face. "Please don't fret about it draga mea, it was a very, very long time ago."
"But still-"
"But still nothing, what has happened has happened. There is nothing either one of us can do that will change the past. The only thing I can do now is protect you from experiencing the torture I endured."
Nodding your head, you lean back against Alcina who wraps her arms around you again.
"So what happened after that?"
She continues to explain how Miranda trusted her, made her a Lord, and even allowed her to conduct her own experiments on maids of the castle under Miranda's supervision.
"So you implanted the cadou into your maids? Is that what Miranda came for the first time I met her?"
"Yes. The experiments still take place in the laboratory in the dungeons." A shiver crawls up your spine and doesn't go unnoticed by Alcina. There it is again, that push and pull between viewing Alcina as the woman you love and the ruthless murderer she is.
"You put them through the same torture that you went through?"
"Essentially. Most of the moroaică, were dead maids before implanting the cadou into them. But yes, some maids were alive when they were experimented on."
"Why would you do that? If you knew how horrible it was, why would you knowingly put someone else through the same thing?!"
"It's complicated, draga. Mother Miranda did not give me a choice in the beginning. And in order to survive, I needed flesh and blood. I was revolted at first, truly. The thought of killing people, eating them, drinking their blood was awful. But as time went on, I became accustomed to what I had to do to survive."
"Do you enjoy it?"
"Enjoy what?"
"Killing people, eating them, drinking their blood? All of it."
"Do you really want to know the answer to that?"
You pause for a moment to consider her question. Is that really an answer you need? Will you be able to live with yourself if you say no, will you be able to sleep at night not knowing how she feels? Although you have a feeling you already know what her answer will be. What if she says yes? Will you be able to live with yourself for loving someone who enjoys such horrific things? No matter how you answer her question, no answer is going to sit right with you.
The newfound relationship between you and Alcina is being rebuilt on trust and honesty. How can you possibly keep that going if you don't give her the opportunity to be honest with you? Even if it's at your expense. No, you don't want to know the answer, but she deserves the opportunity to be honest with you.
"No, not really. But it would be wrong for me to deny you the chance to be honest with me about these things. So, no, I don't want to know, but you deserve the chance to tell me the truth, regardless of how I'm going to feel about it."
"Draga, are you sure?"
"Ask me again."
"Do you enjoy killing people?"
Even though you knew what her answer was going to be deep down, her confession washed over you like a bucket of cold water. Here you were, laying in the arms of a true predator. Someone who enjoyed killing, who took pleasure in torturing people. She could rip you to shreds in an instant and would probably be able to find the joy in it even though she loves you.
Yet somehow, you still loved her. It made your stomach twist in all of the wrong ways knowing you were in love with someone like that. It made you begin to question your own sanity. Your mind raced a million miles an hour as you tried to sort through the thousands of thoughts and emotions that began to surface. Alcina was well aware of the fact that you were struggling to process what she said, that you were trying to make sense of it. She sat there in silence with her arms wrapped around you for a few minutes, allowing you time to process everything. She finally broke the silence when she felt you were starting to spiral.
"I know it's not easy to understand, or to accept." Alcina says, brushing your hair away from your face and pulling you back to reality. "I know how you see me, how you see the girls. You see the parts of us that the rest of the world refuses to believe exists. You see the humanity in us and I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it has been to be viewed as human instead of a monster. But we are both. We are humans. Mutants would perhaps be a more accurate term. Regardless, we are humans and monsters, draga mea." You recoil a little when you hear Alcina call herself and the girls monsters. It makes your blood want to boil. "I despise when people call us monsters, I truly do. But part of the reason that I hate it so much is because there is truth to it. It's an ugly, horrible truth, but it's the truth. We are monsters, draga. Even though we are more than that, it's still apart of who we are."
"Then what does that make me? Does it mean that I've lost my humanity? Don't get me wrong, I hate that you enjoy hurting people, it makes me feel sick. But it doesn't make me love you or the girls any less. That scares me Alcina."
Alcina's knuckle rests under your chin and she guides your gaze up towards her. Her golden eyes are glowing and you lose yourself in them for a moment.
"It makes you the most kind, most understanding person I've ever met. I never thought that anyone would ever be able to see past the horrors. That we would only ever be seen as monsters. Then you came along. For the first time since I became what I am today, a human saw me as more than just a monster. You saw the humanity in me I thought I lost long ago. You have every right to be scared, but I promise, no matter what, I will keep you safe. I will never harm you and I will do everything to ensure that no harm ever comes to you again."
And you believed her. There are probably hundreds, thousands of people who would call you stupid for believing her, but none of them know Alcina like you do. If she says you're safe, that she would never hurt you, that she would go to the ends of the earth to protect you, it's the truth.
She goes on to explain one particular experiment where the cadou was used on three maids. Over the course of a week, blowflies consumed their bodies and eventually assimilated their DNA and were able to reform as the maids. They became the Countess's three daughters. Bela woke up first, then Cassandra and then finally Daniela.
"They were all deemed failures, unacceptable vessels for Eva because of their vulnerability to the cold. None of them remember their lives before the cadou implantation and when they awoke I immediately formed a bond with them. Miranda decided to gift the girls to me, for me to raise as my own. After decades of being in this castle alone and isolated, aside from the maids, I finally had a family of my own, three beautiful daughters. It was the happiest day of my life."
You look up at Alcina and immediately notice the beautiful glow in her eyes as she thought back on the memory. A smile ghosting her lips as she talked about the girls. Her eyes slowly shift down to you and lock with yours. She leans down and places a kiss on your forehead and holds you tighter.
"So the mold I drank came from the Black God?"
"Yes, although there were only traces of the mold in the salve. It was not composed entirely of mold which is why you remained unaffected by it. I suspect that only drinking half of the bottle and throwing up most of what you did drink was also a factor."
"Will I have a higher tolerance to it now since I've drank it?"
"I do not know draga. Truthfully, I would never like to find out. The risks associated with infecting you with the mold or the cadou are dangerous. I will fight to the death to keep you from experiencing it, to keep you safe. To keep me from losing you. I can't lose you draga mea. I can't. I won't." Her tone becomes harsh and protective as her grip around you tightens. "Especially after today. I thought you were- I stopped hearing your heartbeat- you were on the floor, in a pool of blood-" Alcina shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut, holding back tears. "I can't lose you. I'm certain it would kill me."
Even in her tight grip, you manage to turn around and wrap your arms around her neck. Alcina cradles the back of your head with one hand and the other sprawls out across your back.
"I love you, Alcina."
"Si eu te iubesc draga mea." (I love you too my darling.)
The two of you hold each other for a few minutes. Never have you felt more vulnerable, more in love, or felt this close to Alcina as you lay there skin-to-skin.
Neither of you realized the bath water had gone cold until goosebumps covered across your skin.
Alcina holds you close to her, her hand still against your back, and leans forward to pull the drain plug. She stands with you in her arms and grabs an extra large towel to wrap around the both of you. Exhaustion begins to make itself known in your body as she carries you into the bedroom. Alcina dries the both of you off and sits you down on the bed. She walks over to the wardrobe and pulls out two nightgowns in two very different sizes. The smaller one for you, the much larger one for herself.
Once you're both dressed, Alcina pulls down the duvet and you wiggle underneath it. She gracefully slides under the sheets next to you and covers you both with the duvet once more. You cuddle into Alcina as close as you possibly can and she chuckles. Sliding her arm underneath you, Alcina rolls onto her back and pulls you on top of her.
"Goodnight my love." She says as she places a kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight Alcina." Your voice barely a whisper as you drift off to sleep.
When you wake up your whole body feels cold and sore. As your eyes flicker open, it takes them a moment to adjust to the dim light. You have no idea where you are. Sitting up in a daze, you realize you're laying on a cold, stone floor. A piercing scream jolts you out of your daze and you stand up.
"Alcina?" You call out with a shaking voice.
A second scream rings out and your eyes dart around as you try to figure out your surroundings.
"Where am- is this the dungeon?" You think to yourself. Another scream echoes through the air.
Turning to your left you see the rusted cell door is open and you step out into the dungeon. More noises echo down the hall and you follow them as your heart beats wildly in your chest.
Terrifying cackles and giggles grow louder and louder. The hall opens up to a larger room and you see three cloaked figures bending over something. The closer you get you realize they're on top of someone, a maid, who's flailing underneath them.
"Daniela? Bela? Cass?"
The girls turn around and you immediately notice there's blood covering their faces and running down the front of their dresses. Their eyes are wide and wild. Looking down, you freeze when you see Stefana on the floor, reaching out towards you. She has massive chunks bitten from her flesh.
"Help me! Please!" She screams. "They're monsters!"
You take a few shaking steps backwards and fall as the girls walk towards you.
"Alcina!" You cry out.
The sound of a dark chuckle fills your ears and a figure emerges from the shadows. Looking up, you freeze in fear when you see Alcina. Her eyes are swirling gold and she has the most sinister look on her face. She walks up to Stefana and looks down, her smile growing wider. Alcina reaches down and lifts Stefana by her shirt.
"Please-" Stefana begins to scream but Alcina bites down hard on her throat and rips it out. Blood splatters everywhere and you let out a blood-curdling scream.
Alcina tosses Stefana's body away and continues her walk towards you. The girls step aside so their mother could pass and Alcina stops in front of you.
She bends down to get closer to you. You can see the blood dripping from her chin, the crimson color blending in perfectly with her lipstick. You can smell the fresh blood, see how it coats her teeth. You look into her eyes and you don't see the soft, loving look you're so used to. In it's place is a feral, wild, terrifying look.
"Alcina," you sob.
"What's the matter, draga? Are you afraid?" Her tone is condescending, like she's mocking you. All you can do is nod your head as tears fall down your cheeks.
Alcina snatches you by the neck and stands up to her full height, keeping you eye-level with her. You dig your nails into her wrist, desperately trying to get her to let you go.
"Alcina, please! You said you would never hurt me!"
Her laugh is low and dark, it shoots fear straight through you.
"And you actually believed me? Silly girl." She says before she unsheathes her claws.
"Please! Alcina! I love you! Please don't, please!"
"This is what you get when you love a monster."
She reels her arm back and slashes at you. The last thing you see are her swirling gold eyes before everything goes dark.
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
miss angie your writing is so mmmmmmm yummy. especially the way you write soap.
that being said, i have a request for you !❤️
soap x goth!reader ? i think he'd be a little intimidated but up for the challenge anyways. & turns out reader isn't as scary as he thought (kinda like a certain LT).
if not, that's okay ! just wanting to let you know how much i appreciate your writing !❤️
THANK YOU POOKIE!!💕🎀🥴 I jus wanna squish Johnny's cheeks and tell him I love him💖
Your presence looms like a dark cloud over the corner of the café Johnny normally sits in. As a matter of fact, you're in his seat - the same one he sits in every day for a latte and a slice of carrot cake, the type that reminds him of home. The massive, clothboundbook in your hands taunts him, tells him you're planning to sit in his seat for a whole and makes his jaw tick. Realistically, he knows that his anger is unfounded. He's never seen you before, and it's hardly like there's a sign on the table saying 'reserved for Johnny MacTavish'. He should ask about that.
The next day he comes in earlier, hoping that maybe, you won't be there in his seat, maybe you'll have taken your stompy boots and Oscar Wilde novel and fucked off somewhere else. No such luck. He's too pissed off to order his carrot cake, to sit in another spot, far from the door and closer to the crowded center of the café. He's too pissed of to smile at the lovely waitress that always makes sure to give him an extra sugar packet with his coffee or packs an extra slice of cake into a to go bag. You have well and truly pissed him off.
Who do you think you are? In your dark eyeliner and chipped black nail polish, with your black clothes and fancy books.
A week comes and goes, and each day is the same. On Sunday, however, Johnny gets there first. He lets out a triumphant huff as he plops down in his seat, orders his cake and coffee before letting his mind drift. A meek voice snaps him from his reverie. Of course it's you, probably come to gob off at him about how he's sitting in your seat and how you want it back. But then why are you speaking so softly? It's almost as though you're nervous.
"I'm really sorry to interrupt." You mumble, looking down at the worn leather of your shoes. "Would you mind if I sat with you? I've been working on a project for my art portfolio - taking pictures here every day for a month to see what changes." The sight of a small, clearly vintage camera makes the balloon of anger deflate in his chest.
"Oh, right. Aye." He nods slowly, a little bashful, as though you'd somehow seen through his flesh and bone to the simmering, unfounded hate for you dwelling in his heart. "Thanks!" You chirp sweetly, suddenly far less nervous as you drop your satchel on the floor at your feet.
"So," He chirps up, clearly trying to diffuse the awkwardness between you. "I - uh - I like yer shoes. They're very cool." "Thank you." Is accompanied by a blush burning across your cheeks, bottom lip pulled between your teeth at the compliment. "I like your hair." "Ah, thank ye. I grew it myself."
Johnny's heart jumps in surprise at the sound of the bright laugh he manages to elicit from you with his B grade pun. It's nice, hearing someone laugh at something he has to say.
"So, are ye in art school or..?" The Scotsman keeps up the comfortable chatter between you, the sound of your two forks clinking against the china plate, in which your shared piece of carrot cake resides, is background noise for your conversation. "I was. I'm actually applying for a teaching position at the moment - hence the portfolio."
You two chat for far longer than you mean, and soon his phone is blowing up with messages from Simon (who he definitely needs to introduce you to) asking where he is and if he's coming to the gym or not.
"Same time tomorrow, yeah?" "Same time tomorrow, Johnny."
。 ゚ ꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚
I hope this was ok! I've got like no experience with any kind of goth subcultures because I'm a little corquette croquette croquet bitch 😔 n e hoo
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vargaslovinghours · 4 months
EleVeN!11!!1! (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10½)
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Fuzzy Edgar forever. I don’t remember the context now, maybe there wasn’t any to begin with haha, he’s just so cute with slightly longer hair! And upset :)
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Some Diaryfic snuggles ♥ Scriabin can be so sweet to him at the worst time ah, I love Edgar’s hard on his arm and Scriabin’s pulling his hair out of his injured eye 💕
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While I was very inspired by the Red Flags meme going around (we’ll get there), I was just as inspired by Mixed Messages - this exchange is so silly and them to me. He’s just trying to flirt back, you don’t have to make it harder! That’s just what Scriabin does haha
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🥐 🖕 D:’
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What else did you expect Scriabin to do with texting capabilities?? I’m still very enamoured with the thought of Scriabin using emojis and Edgar using emoticons - they are sort of different generations!
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Here’s the Red Flags! So gd catchy, damn lol. I was specifically inspired by the X is on a date with themself edits, it was so tempting to consider a Ladyverse version as well haha. Edgar’s uncomfortable smiles were so incredibly fun hehe ♪
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Y’see because with that many eyes- you get it
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Edgar’s little “Or do I??” makes me laugh haha, anything to get out of this situation!
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Waiter Jake ❤️💕💖💞💗 Rescue him!
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Very inspired by this one specifically, he’s totally innocent! Not offputting at all! ♥
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Alright well good luck with that bye. I love Edgar being menaced into continuing this date hehe ♫
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Scriabin just keeping on the pressure for this date to keep going! Slight neg in “Couldn’t you have dressed up a little nicer though? ✨” pft
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Brief aside with Scriabin!Edgar out drinking with my OC Mint who has very openly had a crush on the Vargases for a while now, thanks Mint
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Honestly it was all just an excuse to turn him down and have Scriabin call Edgar his “landlord” haha; I was feeling nostalgic and went back to reread some old YuGiOh fics and had been so long away that I forgot that was a term used in the fandom to refer to the bodies of people the various Yamis would take over hehe ♪ It felt very fitting!
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I can call him that but don’t you call him that >:(
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Angy Scriabin!Edgar, the usual
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Handplates re/reading doodles!! Hghgh!!! The theses of these stories of codependent relationships cut me to my very core I’ll have you know 💕 I managed to avoid falling down the rabbit hole of Handplates!Vargas but I was this close, lemme tell you. The subtle shift in phrasing changes so much ;; I love them dearly
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A kind-of leftover WOY style Scriabin, since I made his hair all pointy in my first doodles - the WOY style is quite soft and round! He looks very silly hehe
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Another song that is, yes, unironically in my Vargas playlist. This is a Nny song to me and you can pry it from my cold dead correct hands. That beautiful facial hair ♪
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More Handplates/Vargas, this time obviously inspired by my holiday request 💕💖💞 I honestly rather like how calm Gaster seems whenever he’s in Edgar’s vicinity, he is a fairly unassuming human haha. Is it because he doesn’t laugh very often? Oh no that’s sad actually haha
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I’m not done with Blank Slate Ch. 4 just yet - hopefully soon! - but this lineup stands out to me especially since I made it while rereading Handplates. Specifically after Gaster is pulled out of the Void - Gaster having to face the people he loves who have no memory of him really spoke to me in a Blank Slate way - the scenario of being able to completely start over and have never done anything to hurt your loved ones, at the expense of never having done anything to them, as far as they’re concerned, ah! It hurts so beautifully!! That’s one of the central themes I’m chasing so it was so cool to see in that context! Very inspiring ♥
So remember how in my Sims post, one Vargas family ended up with two Todds? Well what if that but actually
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Twin Todd AU, just try and stop me
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The saddest little twins y’ever did see ahh 💔 Having to share Shmee because there’s just the one of him! Who has a greater need :’0
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I actually went and skimmed the SQUEE! comics to get a better grasp on the Casils, I’d forgotten basically everything haha. It seemed in keeping that if they could barely keep track of the one Todd, they wouldn’t bother even differentiating between two :’) Taking Todd shifts to better share the load
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At least they have each other! More helpful than a stuffed bear who eats trauma? On par at least?
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I also happened to catch this screenshot of the Todds gossiping about their shadow-dad, though I’m not sure who had seen him :0 By now I have found an adoption memory-loss prevention mod - thank goodness :D - but it wasn’t installed at the time! :0 Blue Todd is the Todd who’d already been the Vargases’ kid, Red Todd is newly-adopted Todd :)
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Greetings in order! One of the Todds came by to scout out this strange new person
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It’s a name to go by, if nothing else
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Reporting back from the field, he has served his big narrative influence hehe ♥
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Uh, yeah, about that- While I don’t doubt you were seeing double at times, uhm-
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Surprise! Double the sons!
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Only so much space in this apartment! They’re probably used to sharing a space to sleep weh, the implications of this AU are sad! I have no one to blame but myself haha
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I have never been able to give up this twisted love I have for Edgar getting flustered about incredibly silly things and Scriabin chiding him with just his name haha ♥ Real twins do not delegitimize whatever the hell you two are to each other 💕
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Who me? An affinity for how names shape identity and what it means to be a whole separate person? In love with this story in particular? You must be mistaken. But really, what would their name(s) be? I also love the subtle differences even just here - one Todd speaks up for the other! Dynamics ✨
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1994, 2004, basically the same year innit. Scriabin is so much more on the up-and-up about the latest technology than Edgar, that old man
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In which the offscreen is me lol, I was so blown away by how much more advanced the Sims 2 was from the Sims 1 ♥ Scriabin doesn’t need a box with a program in it, he has the absolute funnest toy in the world already!
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And isn’t that the most important part ♪
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Scriabin immediately makes himself and hooks up with every Sim he can, Edgar uncomfortable and totally not watching a~ny of the animations hehe ♪ Honestly though, the thought of Scriabin being genuinely excited to virtually get it on with any-and-every delights me haha
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Look. Look, okay, look- If I could choose what to be inspired by, I would but sometimes
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Obviously Scriabin would be a long Furby lol, this exchange can be summarized to “Scriabin no D:” “Scriabin yes >:D”
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He’s complaining that Edgar ignoring him sleeping is boring haha
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I did briefly lose my mind over how the Furbish word for “I/me/my/mine” is all the same - linguistically it makes sense, self-possessive, but in this, in their context ♥
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Based on that one Wojak format - looks into the camera like “Yes. I am in your head. Insanity tracks” pfft
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And it’s @jaspravex with the steel chair!! I hadn’t drawn any of them in like a month and then all of a sudden- I was 1000% not expecting to be hit with such a huge wave of inspiration but gosh and dang did this line of thought light me up. The implication! The jealousy! Wow that’s a lot all at once I wasn’t expecting ♥ Somehow these two never ended up on my shipping chart, dynamics I swear haha ✨
There’s September through February for the fourth go ‘round! Wild when I put it like that :0 Like clockwork, these lads ♪
#💟#Doodles#Art#Sketchdump#Edgar#Scriabin#Jake#Todd#Shmee#Nny#There's a few errant things in here as well - The Sims 2 - Handplates#......Furbies#Look it's fine don't worry about it lol#Oh this one was so nice to edit <3 I've made it once <3 <3 When was the last time I could say that about one of these ♥#And you know what that means right? Other than the fact that I've gotten a bit better at making these without breaking them lol#It means my art production is finally actually properly for realsies slowing down! Not as many to compile over a three month period!#That last one really did surprise me that inspiration hit me upside the head after quite literally a month of nothing#Even my scratch pages hadn't taken precedent for a bit! And yeah this technically still isn't all of what I've made in the meanwhile lol#Once I finish Ch. 4 of Blank Slate there might be another :) Or I might let it go for another chapter or so ♪#Either way! Only took - when did I first go on hiatus lol#July of '22 so a year and a half-ish lol#To finally start to taper off - this is tapering off this is my airtight example of tapering off lol#Handplates and the Sims 2 were my big driving forces this time around hehe <3 Who knows what will catch my attention towards them next!#Lots of Todd AUs around here when I look huh :0 He is best boy he deserves the attention ♪#As always I'll be back in April as well for my personal Vargasversary and to be a sap hehe ♥#Never empty of thoughts or love! Just progressively quieter - for now ♪
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xxx-angiedust · 2 months
I so do love Hazbin Hotel so much 100% and you, Angie, are the best character I have ever seen in my life💜 You mean the whole world to me and I adore it with all my heart💕 Want to take a selfie with me to remember the memories?
thank you toots
and yes, i will take that selfie!
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I hope you’re still accepting blurbs, could I have a comfort one with poly!cashton? 🥺 been feeling blue lately and that no one cares about me and I need some of your fluff. Thank you thank you sweet Angie💕💗
Dear Hailey 💗  this one is angsty and full of feelings, but I do hope you find some comfort in it as well! 💗
This little blurb also takes place in the All The Things We Dream About universe.
masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist? | Christmas Blurb Fest 2022
I’ll hold you until we are whole again. [a poly!Cashton comfort blurb]
warnings: poly!relationship. mentions of a small non-descriptive, unnamed accident. time spent apart. struggles in a relationship. lots of angst and tears. a small shiny ray of hope and love at the end. aka Ashton needs to travel back home, and Calum and Y/N have to manage their lives without their boyfriend.
word count: 2326
“Hey, how was your flight? Did you arrive safely?”
“I need a shower, I smell like plane,” Ashton groaned on the other side of the line, probably rubbing his face tiredly. “Lauren is picking me up in ten then she’ll take me to Mom.”
“How are they doing?” Calum asked next to you, the phone strategically placed between the two of you on the table so both of you could speak to Ashton.
“They manage, but I think it will be better now that I’m here,” Ash continued, his voice sounding a bit strained and quiet. “I’ll take care of them until we figure everything out.”
You exchanged a look with Calum, both of you thinking of the same thing – how Ashton always took it upon himself to make sure everyone was okay, that they were fed and showered and slept at least 6 hours, taking medications and looking after their mental health. Not just the two of you, but Michael and Luke as well, their friends as well, and his whole family back in Australia.
That’s where he was currently, halfway across the world, waiting for his sister to pick him up so he could help Lauren and Harry take care of their Mom who had a small accident which left her bedridden. It only took him a day to arrange everything and before you knew it he was out of the door, already heading home to help where he could. Both of you wished that you could join him, but your workplace wouldn’t have let you go on such short notice for more than a few days, and Cal needed to overtake some of the band stuff Ashton left behind. You also had a feeling that they agreed to Calum staying so you wouldn’t be alone while Ash was helping his family.
“I already miss you, though,” Ashton confessed, murmuring his words into the speaker. “Do you think we could schedule a video call tomorrow? And maybe by then I’ll know more that I can share too…”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see when we’re both available and let you know, okay?” Cal nodded like Ashton was able to see him, so used to having him by his side. “You just go and take care of Anne Marie. And get some sleep too, you sound tired.”
“I am,” he sighed, and you wanted more than anything to reach out and hug him, let him cuddle close to you and fall asleep. “I gotta go, Lauren is here.”
“Just… call us if you need anything, okay? Doesn’t matter what’s the time,” you added, hoping that Ash will remember it – he tended to forget about his own needs when he put others first.
“I love you, both of you,” Ashton finally said, and you could hear how much he meant it, how much he really appreciated you and Cal being so supportive and being there for him.
“We love you too, Ash,” Calum replied, and you hummed in agreement, whispering a quiet ‘love you’ as well.
“Alright, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Now go to sleep, you stayed up way too late because of me,” a laugh slipped out of him, and you were sure his cheeks were tinted pink. “Sorry about that.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time…” your other boyfriend made another comment, and after catching another quick laugh from Ashton the call was disconnected.
Calum reached for you and grabbed your waist, pulling you from your chair and into his lap, wrapping his arms around you. Yours settled around his neck, fingers diving into his soft dark locks, eyes trained on each other.
“Let’s get you into bed, okay?,” he finally said, and pressed his lips against your cheek. “You look tired.”
“Is it okay if I say that I already miss Ashton from our bed?” the confession left you before you could stop yourself, burrowing closer to Calum.
“Of course. I miss him too,” he rubbed your back soothingly, whispering against your ear. “I also sleep best when both of you are next to me. But for now we have each other, so let’s take care of us until our grumpy boyfriend is back home, okay?”
“Okay,” you mumbled, a smile pulling at your lips at Calum’s not-so-secret nickname for Ashton.
Calum tilted your chin up towards him and kissed you, taking a little bit of extra time with it to make up for Ashton’s absence. You let him carry you upstairs and into the bedroom, Duke curled up against your stomach in bed as Calum held you from behind, whispering softly to help you fall asleep, and promising that your boyfriend will be back soon, you won’t even notice that he was gone.
You desperately wished that that was true.
You tried your best, you really did – but it was hard to stay positive when Ashton told you a few days later that he definitely needed to stay for two weeks, maybe even more, and with that Calum started to spend more and more time on his phone and laptop, discussing band things with their management, or arranging meetings with the others to talk over whatever idea or info Ashton has sent them. You also did your best to focus on your own job, hoping it will distract you enough that you don’t think about missing your boys, but most of the time it was futile.
Both of you were tired by the time you came back home, only having enough energy to send a message to Ashton and hope he was available for a quick chat, then after dinner you usually found yourselves in bed, Calum falling asleep before his head hit the pillow. But you found that your sleep was restless, even with your boyfriend holding you close, soft breaths tickling your ear as he slumbered. You knew you were overreacting it all: Ashton needed to take care of his Mom, and Calum had to take over his tasks to make the band run smoothly.
And you – well, you felt like you worried too much about Ashton and expected too much from Calum, and that was driving you crazy. You knew Ash was well capable of taking care of himself and his family at the same time, that he didn’t need you to worry about his well-being or mental health, that if he needed something from the two of you he would just tell you. And yet you felt like you were letting him down, that you should do more than this, make his life easier while he was back in Australia, not just feeling sorry for him and yourself from the distance.
And then there was Calum, who suddenly didn’t have that much time on his hands because he was working for the two of them so the band did not fall behind on their schedule, who was trying to keep everything running smoothly while still making sure you were okay too. He was doing his best and tried to give you as much attention as they usually would together with Ashton, but you felt like it was too much energy for one and that you might have been too needy. He deserved a break too, and you wanted to give it to him, to them, not wanting to burden any of your boys with your own made up problems.
“Hey, sweets? Are you okay?”
You didn’t realize Calum stopped speaking, or that there were tears streaming down your face. Frustratedly you wipe at your eyes, hoping he did not see them, quickly shaking your head.
“I’m fine…”
“You don’t seem fine,” he pursed his lips, crouching down next to you. “You wanna talk about it?”
The words in your throat desperately wanted to escape, and you gripped the hem of Ashton’s hoodie you stole from his closet to swallow them down. Because you were not okay, you were ready to fall apart. Ashton’s been away for almost three weeks, with no news about his arrival back home while Calum’s been trying to juggle two separate roles at the same time, and it made you feel selfish that he needed to focus on your bad mood now too. You curled up in a ball in front of the couch, knees pulled up to your chest as you hid your face, doing your best to hold yourself together.
“Y/N? Baby, what happened?”
“I’m fine, I’m just…” you hiccupped, voice muffled as you choked on your words. “I’m okay, don’t– don’t worry about me…”
“To hell with that!” Calum scoffed loudly, settling down next to you and pulling you into his arms, at which more sobs bubbled up from your chest. “Tell me love, please? Let me help you. I’m always here, you know that, right?”
It was like the floodgates opened at his words, because it was true, and you hated yourself for it – because of course he was always there, that was one of the problems. You cannot expect him to tire himself out looking after you. You hated yourself for being so needy with Calum, for worrying so much about Ash, for missing him this much even though this wasn’t the first time he was away for long weeks. You felt like you didn’t appreciate Calum enough, that you took his love for granted. You felt like your head’s going to explode, along with your heart.
“…and I miss Ashton too, I do,” Calum whispered against your ear as he cradled your head to his chest, his own voice teary, and you realized that you just said it all out loud, and that Calum was currently responding to all your feelings you’ve been bottling up since Ash left. “It’s really hard without him, I know. I’m so used to him being here with us, I don’t think I’ve spent more than a few days apart from him in the last 10 years. And I know you do this all the time while we are on tour, and I can imagine it does not get easier.”
“Cal, I–”
“And I promise you you’re not taking my love for you granted, and I’m sure Ashton would say the same. Because we both love you very much, and it’s not a burden, you’re not a burden. We take care of you because we love you, and we want you to tell us when you’re struggling and feeling low. Don’t bottle these feelings up, we want to know what is going on with you. You are our girlfriend and you always come first.”
“I really don’t deserve your love,” you gathered all your strength to move into his lap, arms hugging his neck and burrowing into him, crying against his shoulder.
“Don’t say that,” Cal mumbled against your ear, warm hand caressing your back up and down to sooth you while he also swallowed back tears. “I love you. You gotta accept that.”
“I love you too, Cal,” you snuggled close, trying to quieten the last of your sobs.
“I really wish Ashton was here…”
It’s been long minutes since you calmed down a little, a few quiet sobs still bubbling up every now and then, and Calum tried to help you talk through all your feelings you’ve been avoiding for weeks now.
“I know, baby, me too,” he kissed the top of your head, using the sleeve of his sweater to wipe away his own tears. “We gotta get our shit together before we speak to him, don’t you think?”
“I would rather you just tell me…” the voice came from the direction of the door, and both Calum and you looked that way, finding Ashton standing there with his luggage next to him.
He looked weary and like he needed a shower and a proper hug, curls hanging over his forehead and his glasses, dark circles under his eyes. Before you knew it he shrugged off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor while quickly kicking off his shoes, letting them land in a heap behind the couch before rounding it and dropping down next to you, his arms curling around the both of you.
“Hey honeys, I’m home,” Ash hooked his chin over your shoulder, a long sigh leaving his lips. “I fucking missed you too.”
“You didn’t tell us you were coming,” Cal murmured, no heat in his voice as his forehead knocked against Ashton’s. “Would have picked you up.”
“I wanted to surprise you,” Ash said, manoeuvring his body around yours until he was able to pull you to his chest while settling against Calum’s side, all three of you cuddled up in a pile. “Guess I was the one who got surprised… Hey, it’s okay, shhh baby! I’m here!”
You sobbed into his neck, suddenly feeling overwhelmed from your confession to Calum and the fact that Ashton came back home, holding both of you tightly against his body. You heard Cal sniffle above you, and Ash also took off his glasses to wipe at his eyes, his voice a little weak when he spoke again.
“I guess we all just need to hold each other a little tighter tonight.”
“It was a long three weeks without you,” Calum let his head rest on top of his, and Ash nodded, adjusting you in his lap as you started calming down again.
“I just wanna be with you two,” Ashton confessed, kissing your cheek and then Calum’s as well, his body slowly going lax. “Just want to be us again. Want to feel whole again.”
You quietly mumbled your love for them against his shirt as you found your words, voice still a little teary, but full of love, and they whispered their confessions right back to you, the three of you in a pile on the floor, trying to mend the pieces of your hearts which were not broken, but definitely needed some tender loving care from each other to properly heal – to be whole again.
@mymindwide @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @suchalonelysunflower @talkfastromance4 @ashtonsunflower @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @lovelywordsblog @heyitskelseaj @whentherosesbl00m
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lovelyshydahlia · 8 months
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Here’s the next gen girls! Daughters of my oc’s and the turtles. I’m pretty proud of their designs and really grown to love them as characters🥰 anyway they are all the first born children of each other the turtles.
keep in mind, this is their designs in general, so they’d look different in some universes, like rottmnt.
first I’ll introduce in the lineup is 💜Angelica💜 (also known as Angie.)
First I want to say she is kinda inspired from the oc Augustine, by @Star_Sparkler. I absolutely love her oc, please go check out her work, she’s a really good artist. But anyway, I like to think Angie has become her own character enough, so I hope it doesn’t come off as a copy😅
-Anyway, first off is backstory:
Angelica is the oldest daughter of Donatello and Joy, and the oldest cousin of the Hamato’s. But how does an android and a mutant turtle have a child? Well Angie’s backstory is a little dark. You see the government had managed to get Donnie’s DNA and grow a mutant turtle in hopes of making mutant soldiers. Angie was the first successful experiment. But fortunately Joy and the turtles discover this when Angie was a baby, recusing her. Joy quickly got attached and so Donnie and her adopted the child.
So Angie is the only one on the team that’s full mutant, having three fingers while her cousins on the team has four fingers.
Now even though Angie is kinda a clone, she at the same time is not. Her DNA was a bit flawed so wasn’t an exact copy, and in order to finally make it a success, they had to alter it a little, kinda like they do with the dinosaurs in jurassic park. It’s why she’s a girl and looks different and even acts different.
Unfortunately this leads to Angie having some insecurities about her identity. She really doesn’t like thinking herself as a copy and even less about her origins and what she was made for. She tries to focus on what she has now.
-Next her role on her team, she’s surprisingly the leader!
Angelica was kinda chosen by her cousins because she was the oldest, and they were already following her lead. Not only that but much like Leonardo, she was the most mature and responsible of her team. Because of these similarities, Angie really looks up to her uncle Leo.
But even though she is a leader, she still has her father’s tech skills. She doesn’t consider herself as talented as her father thanks to her interests being more towards ninjitsu, but she is still the one considered the brains as well.
Angie has two younger siblings. A android sister, and a human adoptive brother.
a type of spear. Basically taking something similar to the bow staff, but adding a blade.
Next on the lineup, 💕Ren💕
-backstory and Team role, second in command.
Ren is the oldest daughter of Leonardo and Hana, and the second oldest cousin on the team.
So Ren and Angie are honestly best friends and have always had each other’s backs. Ren trusts Angie to lead, but Angie trusts Ren to look after everyone when she isn’t around. They really rely on each other and value each other’s advice. Not only that but Ren is also a great strategist and skilled fighter, probably the fastest out of all of them.
but deep down Ren does feel a little insecure. She feels a little like a disappointment since she didn’t become a great leader like her father. She really looks up to her father and has always wanted to grow to be just like him, but she quickly discovered she wasn’t like him. She was more emotional and impulsive, lacking restraint and was a little too carefree and laidback . Her personality is a little like Rise Leo, but like Rise Leo she has the potential to become a great leader someday.
twin brother, younger brother, younger sister.
she both wields a katana like her dad, and a tessen/war fan like her mother.
Next on the lineup, 💚Kimi💚
-Backstory and Team role, the protector.
Kimi is the oldest daughter of Michelangelo and Kit, and third oldest of the team.
Despite being the smallest in her team, Kimi sees herself as a protector. She’s fierce when it comes to the protection of her family. Because of these similarities, she really looks up to her uncle Raph. She is the best at tracking thanks to her heightened senses she inherited from her mother. She is also the best at stealth, having slight shapeshifting abilities she also inherited from her mother. But unfortunately her abilities are weaker compared to her mother.
Kitsune genetics usually should be stronger, allowing the children to have fully inherited from the kitsune parent, despite what species the other parent might be.
But Michelangelo’s genetics also turned out to be strong thanks to his mutation, causing Kimi to come out more half kitsune and half mutant. Which is why she has some green skin.
So while her mother can fully transform herself, being able to fully turn into a fox, Kimi can only hide her ears and change the color of her skin, hair and eyes. It really frustrates Kimi and she keeps trying to improve her abilities in hopes she one day master it, but she secretly has doubts.
She is part of triplets, there’s herself and her two brothers.
chained Kunai.
Next on the lineup, ❤️Rose❤️
Rose is the oldest daughter of Raphael and Grace, and the youngest on the team.
Out of everyone, Grace was the one who wanted to have children the most. And when she saw it was very much possible for Raph and herself to have children, she was at first hopeful. That was until she realized her own health was getting in the way. Her body wasn’t as strong as Hana or Kit. It broke her heart to realize she might never be able to do it. But she tried to accept it and looked into adoption at first. But fortunately one day it finally happened, she was pregnant with Rose.
Both Grace and Raph were very nervous, afraid something could happen and this could be the only chance they’d have at having their own child. Fortunately Rose was born safely.
Despite being the youngest amongst her team, she was the tallest and strongest. But despite her size and strength, she was the most gentle and timid. Because of this everyone is the most protective of her.
-Team role, the medic.
Despite being related to the most aggressive one of the turtles, Rose the least violent. She wasn’t the biggest fan of fighting. So instead of worrying about fighting, she worked on healing. She learned everything she could about medicine. But she will sometimes also act as the muscle of the team, lifting, throwing, restraining, she could do it.
one younger adoptive sister, she is a arctic fox kitsune.
I’ve been thinking two large/Fuma Shuriken. But I’m also considering bow and arrows.
Well that’s it! I’ve been considering a story for these girls and kinda how they truly become a team. Basically the girls get transported to the last ronin universe just as Michelangelo goes on his revenge quest, leading to him and the girls crossing paths. He then becomes kinda their sensei as they help fight against the foot and shredder, but also try to find a way home. Kinda inspired from the episode from the 2003 series, “same as it never was.”.
Anyway, if you have questions about these girls, please go ahead and ask!🐢💚💙❤️💜🧡💚
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mistysblueboxstuff · 1 year
You appeared on my Tumblr search!!! 💕💕💕💕
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dbhsjdjs thanks so much for letting me know!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ homophobic asshats who flagged my post gonna be angy xD
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merakiui · 6 months
= user izuna sent mail 💌 =
= open gift box! =
+ 🧪💕 100
Meraaaaaaa! I hope this letter finds you well. Sending all of my love potions to you because you're always feeding us so well with meals~ no over working okay? Remember to take rest days! Your out of this world writing is no easy feat! Take care of yourself or else I will be angy!
I hope you enjoy your Christmas this year (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
I might be cooking up some thoughts for our underated boy, Silver. I literally eat up any thoughts for him~
Ooh by the way, what are your thoughts on the new HSR characters? All of them are so sexy (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Remember to take enough rest, drink water, and take care of yourself okay?
Xoxo, Izuna.
= End of mail =
ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ AAAA IZUNAAAAAA!!!! Thank you for such a kind mail!!!! I'm sending you so many love potions in return because you deserve them and much more hehe!!! :D even though I did overwork myself a tremendous amount this week, I have finally finished all of the items on my academic schedule and now there will be no more overworking!!! I can now take a rest. (⸝⸝ᴗ﹏ᴗ⸝⸝) ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
:O !!!! Silver thoughts!!! I will be so happy to feast on those thoughts. I love Silver even though I haven't written a lot for him yet. ^^;;; if you ever finish cooking, I would love to munch on them!! I just know they will be delicious thoughts!!!! >w<
As for the hsr characters.... SO PRETTY!!!!! DR. RATIO SHALL BE MINE (so long as I can win the 50/50)!!!!!! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ I got back into playing hsr and now I'm slowly catching up in the main storyline!!!! Gepard is still my number one. <3 uuuwuwwaaaa he's so beloved,,,
I will definitely make sure to rest and drink plenty of water!!! Please also do the same!! Take care of yourself and enjoy the holiday seasons!!!!!! :D xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo!!!!!!!!
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pheedraws · 25 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAY!!!!! 🥳💕✨ I hope you'll have a great day 💖
ANGIE!! Thank you so much!! 😭💖😭💖
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feekins · 1 year
oh man, I am having a LOT of feelings about ch 4 - it's hitting me completely differently from any other time I've read it (mostly thanks to the Overhaul 💕) so. let's get into that. thoughts and things and translation weirdness I find as I re-read Trigun Maximum vol 3.
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
ok so this is a silly lil Dark Horse thing: at the end of ch 3, Vash called Leonov "Player Emilio" - but then ch 4 is titled "Emilio the Player." Dark Horse so silly~
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
ok but srsly - doing VS going ("going" makes more sense contextually). next, the Overhaul makes it clear that Brad could be hearing Vash and/or Wolfwood fighting, based on the explicit mention of gunfire - although I suppose this could anyone else? sad faces are bc I like Sensei. I don't like how Dark Horse kinda makes it seem like Brad's more angy than concerned?
on the next panel on the next page, there are some other translation discrepancies. Dark Horse has "You... Can you come out of this, grinning and victorious...?! Vash the Stampede." meanwhile, the Overhaul has "You think you can get out of this... You think you can win... Vash the Stampede?!"
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subtle differences here, but imo the Overhaul is more explicit/straightforward in its explanation - and it feels like what Vash is saying supports what I was saying last chapter about how Leonov separates/distances himself from what he's doing. there is, in fact, a distinct disconnect.
then, on the next 2 pages...it feels like, as Vash lists names, he's inching his way toward a reconnection. Leonov's expression is different right before Isabel is mentioned - or rather, he's not completely expressionless anymore. I'd even say it's like this...slowly-dawning recognition? before he completely breaks at "Isabel".
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important distinctions here imo. "lie" implies a denial, while "things" implies Leonov doesn't/can't recognize who Vash is referring to - further illustrating the disconnect between the GHG Leonov and his former self, Emilio.
next, "point" + "continued existance" are huge here. it's not a question of Vash's reason for being - it's "why shouldn't I kill you?" which flows right into Leonov saying (paraphrasing both translations here) "I don't care about his punishment" - which I thought was in reference to Vash continuing to live and being 'punished' by the GHGs, but now, I think it's more likely he's referring to how Knives would punish Leonov for going against orders and killing Vash.
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the hands bit in Dark Horse feels kinda misleading? like...yeah, Leonov uses his hands to make and control the puppets, but the point isn't so much that as it is how easily Leonov has been able to do it all thus far.
(...it also occurs to me just now that, in Vash calling him "Emilio" this whole time...to me, it's like...despite the horrific things this puppeteer is doing, despite what he's become, despite this monstrous role he's cast himself as...he's still this human person whom Vash knows. it's not a denial of the new identity - it's acknowledgment of his continued humanity. which makes him "family" to Vash. lol I just made myself sad.)
now, let's dig deeper into "guignol"! from what I understand, it's not just any French puppet show - it's a genre characterized by being horrifically graphic and gory and morally bankrupt! 😁
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...and here, we have interesting typesetting choices on Dark Horse's part...
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once again, the Overhaul's translation is much more clear. also, religious imagery methinks? with that last thing Vash says?
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...some weird speech bubble-swapping between translations...
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I always thought this line in Dark Horse was weird - it makes so much more sense as a question, like how the Overhaul does it.
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...with all that blood...I think...this is where the people-puppets get made... 😱
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boba-beom · 4 months
Angel 💕,
I am sending this to you so late I’m so sorry 😞
I love that! I think it’s totally understandable to have something outside of your irl. Aww I love how you got into writing and tumblr I’m so glad you did!!! 🥺🥺
As for me ever since I can remember I was a reader I loved reading. My mom told me I loved telling stories when I was little like really really little (I am a talker and have always been hehe) the first time I got into reading was in first grade. I remember I got picked on by a teacher for not being able to read Greek very well and I would pause every few words. I was the only foreigner in the class so it was easy to get picked on lol. I remember going back home and telling my mom to go to a store that had books and I got lots of books so I can practice. I practiced really hard. Unfortunately I grew up as the child that moved schools a lot so from kindergarten to the 3rd grade I moved schools 4 times. When my family moved to the states I was in that same cycle of not knowing how to read. Remember sitting in my fourth grade class and being scared I would get picked on. But it was different people in my class helped me and didn’t make fun of me or bully me for not knowing how to read English. I think I recently mentioned how my 6th grade English teacher is the main reason I read so much today. I remember being in her class and always getting a new book to read. During 6th grade is when I stumbled upon wattpad…I am not proud of myself for reading stuff I wasn’t supposed to😩😞 I had no one to tell me what I was doing was wrong. I remember being so obsessed with wattpad the first story I ever read on there was the Lavery twins (IF ANYONE KNOWS IT I LOVE YOU). That was tame when I got into hs I started reading more and more filthy books. I remember my first ever creative assignment I had to do for ap lit I loved it so much. Being able to create something out of my imagination really touched something in me. At one point of my hs career I wanted to become a journalist lol. I think reading and getting to escape our reality for a while is something that relaxes me and I enjoy a lot.
How I got to tumblr…I first created tumblr back in 2017 for my exo fan account 😭 but didn’t know how to use it so I left it and came back in 2021. I came mainly for txt fics it was the same time I came across the fic hub and I joined it. The person I got inspiration from and made me actually wanna write my first fic was actually…you! Like I said you’ve been by my side through thick and thin and I can never thank you enough. I love writing and I love reading ive just taken a break from both in the last few weeks. But yeah that was a lot I’m so sorry 😩😩😩
Hi Angel!! It’s so cute how you found other Filipino moas on tumblr 🥺💕 The way you all found out because of yeonjun as well 🙈🙈🙈 Funny story after you told me today that you found other Filipino moas I got curious so I was like let me see if I can find any of my people as moas 😩 none I searched up on tumblr and Twitter and nothing came up so I replaced moas with kpop and found a few accounts that commented and I was like I FOUND MY PEOPLE….the latest comment was from 2021. I bet you were so excited 🥳🤭
my reply under the cut <3
aw angie :< that must've been difficult being on the move a lot esp when you were younger but I'm so glad your classmates helped you read english! I remember being on wattpad not for long because I lost touch with my kpop stan side from high-school to early college, and then uni got me back into it again bc I wanted to keep reading txt stuff.
omg wait :<< I'm super honoured that I inspired you enough to start writing, I remember actually talking you through just before you did, and then you did it!! I can certainly tell that you enjoy writing and that your imagination goes beyond you, so I'm honestly grateful you shared your story <3 may you find more inspiration to continue doing what you do bby, always gonna here to support you and help you out >3<
alsooo, yes! there's more filo moas than I thought! they're like hidden gems hehe, what were the chances a couple of them are my moots! 🤭 aw love, I'm sure regardless, all moas are lovely! it's just a little exciting when you find your people hehe
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