#Thank you so much for the ask!!!!
rrat-king · 2 months
offers u a kristen song rec in these trying times <3 https://open.spotify.com/track/7FlXNopcNBHuTcMmR7DSxB?si=yxvmekI_S_u3iOR9w3D7qQ
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... this as sophmore year kristen in the nightmare forest. this as junior year kristen in the farhaven woods. i. this is beautiful thank you this song it's going straight on the playlist.
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Favorite thing about Reylo?:)
They're written in the stars! They're connected across space, across their sides and the conflict!! Fucking SOULMATES!!!!!! CANON SOULMATES!!!!!
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symbiotic-slime · 2 months
3, 13, 16 for the fandom ask!
3. nOTP?
I don’t have any big ships that are nOTPs, but the one ship that I cannot stand in the Venom fandom is any variation of Carlton Drake/Eddie. there’s like less than 50 fics for it so it’s funny for me to get so mad about it but yeah. it just gives me such the ick
13. What’s a character/ship you haven’t written/drawn yet but you would like to some day?
For both writing and drawing, I really want to make symflash content!! I don’t know why I haven’t drawn them, but with writing I get so scared of messing up Flash’s character that my fic ideas just collect dust in my Google docs 😭 I redrew a TikTok screenshot for symbiot3 (inspired by @kitausuret ‘s incredible fic Careless of the Consequence go read it you won’t regret it) so I’ve technically made content for them but again I haven’t written it because of the mischaracterization fear 😭
16. Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
yes!! all of my irl besties are my mutuals on here! I frequently torment my lovely friends @fist-of-vengeance, @cyborg-empress, and @depresseddm-thedndkind with my fic ideas and frankly nonstop yapping about Venom— it’s gotten so bad that whenever someone in the friend group talks about their new obsession they refer to it as their Venom lmaoo. they all know im a weird little freak /pos
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cyberwhumper · 7 months
How much of Whiskey’s memory is kept intact when he dies? Like, does he know why Baxter is torturing him? Or is that a memory only the previous Whiskey had?
I touched a bit on this here!
His memory is the same up to a certain point, which is unknown to Baxter and his people at this time. Memories past this specific point are not retained and are lost when Whiskey is killed.
He doesn't know why Baxter is torturing him. From the current Whiskey's perspective one day his boss just suddenly flipped his shit and kidnapped him, and is now convinced that he knows things he doesn't.
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cecils-dragons · 4 months
⭐ - If you name familiars, which familiar has your favorite name?
⭐ - If you name familiars, which familiar has your favorite name?
I have many named guys, so I'm always happy to share more. For this of course I gotta say Shin'ya and Genki <3 The og familiar characters that I got overly attached to haha. Man, I did not realize how long I've been playing around with these two, time really flies dang.
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bi-bats · 1 year
for the ask game - JayTim obviously!! or, if that's been asked already, maybe JayRoy?
YESSSSSSSS okay I'm gonna do both ships, because neither has been asked yet!
We're going to start with Jaytim though, because obviously I ship it 😂
What made you ship it?
There was a fic by Timmyjaybird that I read that had unrequited Jaytim (different main pairing with Tim), and their dynamic piqued my interest. I decided to click into the ship page, read strange fear I ain't felt for years by sister, and then it was over for me. If you know me, you'll know I always say that all it takes is reading one good fic for a ship and I'll start shipping it. Plus I'm a Tim kinnie and Jason is so so hot, so theres definitely a projection character/attraction character thing going on
What are your favorite things about the ship?
All the ways I can play with them. They can be fucked up, unstable, unwell, obsessive (on both sides). They can be bitter and angry and fall into each other (which I tend to favor in longer works). They can be soft and sweet and gentle and forgiving. They can be blushing and nervous and uncertain. They can be petty and annoyed and really into riling each other up. It ALWAYS works. And also, there's something I find so fascinating about the way they accidentally helped create each other. Tim as Robin happened mostly because of Jason, and Jason becoming Red Hood and going after Bruce gets set into motion because he finds out about Tim. They're a feedback loop and neither of them is happy with the results. Okay, I have to stop here before this turns into a dissertation. Or before I spoil a future fic which I already had to erase a spoiler for so next question
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about the ship?
A little bit? I think my only opinion that some people disagree with (but isn't necessarily unpopular) is that I don't like the whole Pit Madness thing. When Jason came back he had a fucked up plan, and he wasn't entirely in his right mind, but he justified it. He was doing the wrong thing for the right reasons when it came to Tim (being mad at Bruce because he's going to get Tim killed and then he almost kills Tim to prove the point). It's something I explore in my fics at almost every opportunity, because I think it's too easy to let Jason off the hook by blaming it on the pit. It also frustrates me because it doesn't really matter whether or not he meant to hurt Tim, because he did. And I like watching him take responsibility for the knowledge that he wanted to hurt Tim, and being forced to confront the realization that his logic at the time involved a lot of mental gymnastics, and grapple with the idea that it might not be a thing he can fix and that even if it is, Tim probably shouldn't forgive him, and definitely shouldn't get involved with him. Okay, halfway through writing this I realized that I definitely have an unpopular opinion about them, but I'm not erasing all that, so you get both. I hate the nickname babybird. I know. I know! I hear you all disagreeing with me. I see you all throwing tomatoes at me. I just don't like it! I don't think it's cute. I like little red or little bird much better, personally.
Okay I'm also gonna do JayRoy but this is getting long, so I'm gonna put the rest under the cut.
JayRoy: I ship it!!!
What made you ship it?
I think one of my friends told me they knew it was a ship and they thought it was cute sometimes and I checked it out? I've actually been reading Jayroy since before I read Jaytim. And as previously stated, all it takes is one good fic.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Honestly I just love their relationship so much. Roy is one of the few people Jason ever really allows to get close to him after becoming Red Hood (if we're ignoring the whole being brought back into the batfamily thing which I have a Lot of Opinions about, but that's a story for another time, anyone reading this can feel free to send me an ask if you want the rant), and I really just love the way they understand each other and are there for each other. I also love that they're assholes to each other. Roy is so irritating and Jason should hate it but he can't and he doesn't because Roy is too endearing and genuine. It's sweet. It's the angry one and the sunshine one.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about the ship?
I guess? I think they work better as friends who also sleep together. Like, I don't necessarily think they should date. I think that if they ever ended up in a long-term relationship, it would be because Jason realizes he hasn't slept with anyone else in years and they've been partners for even longer than that. But when it comes to things that healthy relationships should have, I don't really see them having it. It's not healthy to start dating someone because you realize you already are after not talking about it for years. I think too much of the responsibility and emotional labor would fall on Roy, and I think he deserves better.
okay, if you're still reading at this point then thank you for reading!!! and thanks for the ask!! I had so much fun answering this 💚💚💚
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petricorah · 1 year
a while back i decided to turn on the notifications for some of my favorite artists on here because i don't really check tumblr all that often if not and it makes me so excited to be able to see whenever you post new art (or reblog older stuff) now!!
i love the way you draw expressions and it's so cool to see all the comics you have made over time and how well they transmit emotions!!
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notifications? i--im so glad you like my art and expression!!! it means so much that people look forward to and enjoy my art, especially the comics :')
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mackmp3 · 5 months
Crowley for the blorbo bingo :)
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hehe thanks jamie <3 i considered either 'i can fix them' & 'i can make them worse' but in relaity aziraphale is doing both of those things already sooooo
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giddlygoat · 7 months
Do you have any advice on starting? Specific easy songs, techniques to pick up, mistakes to avoid? Maintenance I should be ready for? (I figure this would vary by type, but still.) It's a Hohner Student II, 12 bass piano.
I'm sorry to bring this news knowing you've had to put it to the side for a while, but I hope you can take heart knowing somebody else has seen your passion and that it was reason to take steps forward.
first off, i’m SO excited for you!! the accordion has been such a treat for me and i am bursting with joy knowing you’re picking it up soon! seriously, the thought of me in any way inspiring someone else to learn the instrument is so monumentally amazing that i can’t even process all my excitement!!
secondly, i wanna clarify again that i’m very much a beginner and my overall knowledge about accordions is unfortunately still very baseline. i’m not sure how much our accordions differ because i actually cannot remember the specifics of the accordion i’ve been renting, but i think mine is on the much larger side, older, and definitely not a student accordion. 
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it’s a Lira and that’s all i know. i feel really silly for not retaining any of this information even after all this time, but details slide off my brain way too easily. when i see my teacher tomorrow i will try to ask her again and write it all down.
some general rules of thumb would include:
always keep your accordion in a comfortable temperature. basically, if you’re uncomfy, your accordion is also unhappy. accordions have wax, leather and reed elements that can easily stress in extremes and they will live longest in controlled temps. [direct sunlight is also bad]
keep your accordion covered or in a case while you’re not using it. dust is really bad for the instrument and can clog elements. i’ve left mine not only in the open uncovered, but right under my AC for several weeks on end before [which was extremely careless of me], and it hasn’t been an issue yet but it keeps me up at night. just a blanket over it should be fine. 
never extend or press the bellows without pressing a key or the air button. this can cause compression leaks in areas of the accordion. 
the booklet my teacher prepared for me recommends the instrument be polished once a month with a soft cloth using either accordion polish or a good substitute, like Liquid Gold. this helps fight discoloration and build up the surface to protect against small scratches. i have never once polished my accordion in the many months i’ve rented it so i’m not a good example, but it will help the longevity of the instrument. 
as for common mistakes, all my mistakes are in my technique. for weeks and weeks my teacher had to constantly get on me about the position of my hands. on the left side where your basses are, the accordion is held close to the body, elbow back and pulled nearly flush against your side, heel of palm firm against the edge of the accordion, and fingers curled in an extreme “claw” position. i would ALWAYS fall out of position, flattening my fingers and waving my elbow about, and long term that is awful for your hand. the claw position is very hard to explain so i would recommend watching a demonstration of it, but it will save you a lot of pain in the future. 
on the right side of the accordion, it’s good to hold your elbow out. the hand is supposed to float above the keyboard, fingers curled on the end though not as extreme. if you curl your finger, the playing of the notes is a lot stronger and more precise as opposed to flat fingers slapping around. try it, the difference is striking. 
my teacher has thrown many songs my way, most of which i love. she claims all her students hate them lol but they’re old and sweet sounding and some of them have gotten permanently stuck in my head. my two favorites right now are Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes and In The Good Old Summertime. the former is veeeery good for beginners. it felt like a doozy to me as someone with zero previous music experience, and it was to learn, but once you get it down it’ll be so deeply ingrained in your psyche that you’ll never be able to pry it out. i can play it with my eyes closed [which isn’t saying a lot considering you don’t typically see much of the accordion while playing, but it sounds cool to be able to say]. the latter is a lot more complicated and i’m still kind of grappling with it but i just ADORE the tune. it’s so incredibly satisfying when you get it right. oh, and don’t forget Daisy Bell. simply cannot go wrong with that one. way more difficult, lots of bass changing and skipping around on the keyboard, but it’s so worth it. 
also, i have to wonder; are you getting yours used or new? i’m guessing new but i am obligated to ask because used accordions can be so difficult to find in beginner friendly condition. either way, i am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! this is a great thing! with your passionate and whimsical soul, i have no doubt you’ll be blasting past me in no time. keep in mind i haven’t been practicing regularly or at all in the last couple months because of the job i just quit so i’ve kind of stagnated for now but tomorrow i’m actually going back to class for the first time in ages so things are looking up! 
the accordion is a really difficult instrument to learn but if my unfocused and impatient adhd self can learn, so can you. i know you got this! and please keep me updated on your journey!! 
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desertfangs · 1 year
Who do you think said “I love you” first after Armand and Daniel reunited? The world “love” comes up so many times in The Devil’s Minion and all of their confessions were meant to be special, specially for Armand who for the first time in centuries had the opportunity to be candid about his feelings for another person. I imagine it’s also a very special moment post-reunion.
It had to be Daniel. Absolutely.
Daniel is just way more vocal with his feelings, hands down. Armand tends to show love in actions and touches, and Daniel does too, but Armand is worse at actually saying how he feels, especially out loud. Daniel is so relaxed about it. I think it comes easily him to express those thoughts. I actually think he says it pretty frequently (and did as a mortal, despite whatever jab Armand was trying to get at in that book of his.)
Like it's just easy for him. When his arm is in Armand's arm and they're stopped in front of a shop window and Armand is just captivated by the display. Or when Armand comes out of the shower with his hair cut and dripping wet, trying to dry it with a towel. Or when Armand is sitting in front of the fireplace on his computer, checking on his massive investment portfolio. I think Daniel just feels it and says it. Sometimes Armand merely looks at him with affection and says nothing back. Sometimes Armand teases him, deflecting, "Do you really?" or "Even now?" Sometimes, he even says it back. And sure, once in a while, he might even say it first.
The first time after they got back together though I'm sure it just burst out of Daniel. Maybe after they hunted together, since seeing Armand kill always gets Daniel all worked up. Or maybe when they were finally alone in a bed together. Even if it took a while, some time for Daniel to feel like he could say it aloud--even if it was running through his head--but I'm sure it was him, and I'm sure it was a small moment that made his heart swell until he said the words because he simply couldn't contain them or that love anymore.
And I'm sure whenever and wherever it happened, it's a moment they'll both remember and hold onto for the rest of time.
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raymondshields · 2 months
*me not walking into a trap* Tell me about Hyacinthe and Iris! :) (genuinely though!)
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So the actual chance tumblr would literally murder the quality of this is 50/50, but you should be able to view it in a new tab at proper resolution?? If that's not the case I'll rebagel with them broken-up so tumblr doesn't resize it.
Left to right we've got Iris, Hyacinthe, Katsuhito, and Yumiko! Iris obviously not an OC, the other three are. All of them are shown at roughly nine or ten years of age, although not at once: Iris is about twelve years older than Katsu, and about fourteen-fifteen older than Yumiko.
Under the cut, so I may ramble a bit!
Iris is Klint's daughter, born June 17, 1889. Hyacinthe is Barok's daughter, born February 6 1890. They're not twins, but they'll let you believe they are, because they act like it. They're sisters in every way that matters, and they refer to each other as such, and referring to them as anything else gets you shot.
They didn't meet until Iris was seven and Hyacinthe was six. Iris was living with Fionn, aware that he wasn't her father but not of anything about her blood family. Until one day, she went to look in her bedroom mirror, only to see a girl that wasn't her staring back at her, trees on the other side, as though the girl was looking through a pool of water to Iris.
Hyacinthe van Zieks died July 15 1891, a year and a few months' after her birth. She suffered from Magical Energy Waning Syndrome, the same condition that would have killed her Uncle Moriarty if the van Zieks forest hadn't killed him first. She died in her sleep, peacefully, resting against Barok's chest. Klint took her spirit away, and raised her in his brother's place, refusing to change into human form but doing what he could to be there for her anyway.
Two years and one day after Hyacinthe's death, Barok's life would be shattered again by the death of the woman who he called sister himself: Angharad Gingerson, Beatrice's eldest daughter. But theirs is another story. For now, Iris is seven years old, and the girl who is her dead sister is looking back at her through her mirror.
Hyacinthe knows how to talk: she learned from Beatrice and Osian and Ariadne, the latter of which who will tolerate her but makes no effort to conceal the fact she hates Hyacinthe's guts. She can talk well enough that the two can introduce themselves, and Hyacinthe can explain that they're sisters without disclosing who their family actually is.
The truth is, Hyacinthe doesn't know who her other parent is: she is the daughter of Barok van Zieks the Chainbreaker, for all they call him now the Reaper of the Bailey. She has been raised by a great white wolf of a ghost, who swears to her that she is family, that she will not be alone. She is the sister of Iris Wilson, and she wants to be friends.
They have tea together every day that they can. They talk about their days and brush their hair, they puzzle through inventions and magical theory together. Iris is not the resurrectionist her uncle is, not yet. She can't call the animals of the forest back to life by singing to them. She can't step through the mirror and hold her sister tight.
But she's an inventor, and she'll find a way. Hyacinthe likes reading theory, likes studying, wants to be a part of the hot, fast world her sister lives in. There's no mirrors in the van Zieks estate to watch Barok from, she doesn't know how he's coping with her death. She wants to take her sister's hand and meet him, hold onto the man who must be parent to them both.
They are determined, and they know better than to tell any adult of their relationship to each other, they know better than to admit what sort of magics they're willing to study if it means neither of them ever has to be lonely ever again.
By the time Barok is accused of murdering Inspector Gregson, they've managed it. Iris can pass through the mirror, sit in the ghostly forest of the twilight with her sister and have a tea party. It takes much more work, and much more power, to bring Hyacinthe into the daylight. They manage it anyway, just in time for Barok to be arrested, just in time for a homecoming a decade in the making to be sidelined by tragedy.
Hyacinthe runs in the daylight in the form of a wolf puppy, ribbons tied to the fur by her ears, Iris running beside her. They do not want to split up, but someone needs to tell the Queen, and someone needs to stay by Barok's side.
Iris goes. Hyacinthe stays. Barok recognizes his daughter, as he would in any form she took, and does not let go of her even as he watches the two men he loves more than he knows how to deal with argue over whether or not he will join his daughter in death. At this point, he might have said he no longer cared. At this point, he can see Klint's eyes in his daughter and in Iris and in the great white, ghostly wolf that flanks Kazuma even as Barok watches him fall apart. At this point, he is no longer thinking of what mercy the world could even still grant him, but what he can save before he goes.
After the trial, Susato and Gina are held up at the Old Bailey, being interrogated for their roles in the aftermath. The boys are holding fast to each other, Ryunosuke suggesting a nice pub to get blackout drunk at so that maybe come morning they'll remember how to hold to each other. Yuujin and Fionn are handling the fallout that they can, but they won't be home until late, either.
Klint van Zieks, the great white wolf that has raised Hyacinthe in his brother's stead, who allowed through no choice of his own for someone else to raise his eldest daughter, takes the two girls home, and explains to Iris who he is, and who, thus, she must also be.
It takes the two girls six months to build a life-sized balljoint doll for Hyacinthe to haunt, so she may be as close to alive as a dead girl may get. Mary Shelley's methods are, alas, some years' away from being viable.
Decades later, they can be found in Greece as tenured professors at Saint Shion's University, one as a pioneer of necromagy and artificing, and the other a magical theoretician who studies whatever catches her fancy. They'll argue with everyone and each other, send letters to their younger siblings and occasionally be cajoled into telling the story of Ryunosuke Naruhodo and the Time He Blew Up Iris' Invention Of An Electric Toaster.
They cannot, tragically, be cajoled into playing themselves when The Adventure of Ryunosuke Naruhodo, directed by Katsuhito Naruhodo, hits theatres in late 2000. But they do show up on set a few times for pictures and autographs, despite being over a hundred years old and looking like they're in their early seventies at best.
Hyacinthe, however, can still be cajoled into doing her best impression of Barok, and can pitch a chalice accurately at thirty yards behind her without looking. Because she's Hyacinthe van Zieks and she can do that.
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iphijaania · 2 years
i saw the tags you put on the mongolian tea video and i'm mega intrigued (i love hearing about food from other cultures!!): googling rondijzhu yields no results, and laghman comes up as a type of noodle dish? would you mind talking a bit abt the breakfast from chitral? :D
@albertinesimonet I'm so, so, so sorry for how long it's taken me to answer this 😭 University's been hell, I really want to give this answer the detail it deserves, so I hope you can forgive the fact that it's, like, a month late.
Anyway! I'm so happy someone on Tumblr's taken interest in my tiny river-valley hometown! This entire answer is going to function as me gushing about it now lol. Some context on what I'm about to say is that while Chitral is in Pakistan, it's in the far, far north of it, bordering the Tajik-majority area of Afghanistan and very, very close to Tajikistan. So while Chitral is, through borders, considered part of South Asia, its culture and cuisine is much more similar to more Central Asian ones.
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(There's Chitral on a map of Pakistan!)
Another thing worth mentioning is that 'Chitral' itself is a bit of a catch-all term for the general part of Pakistan that speaks a language called 'Khowar' and its dialects, not taking into account the fact that the cultures within the Chitral district vary wildly based on where exactly in the mountains you are. Just saying that so you know to take what I say with a grain of salt, and just know that it's applicable to a specific part in this specific region of the district (think somewhere in the green portion on the map below).
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With that said, breakfast in Chitral can be anything, as long as it's hearty! People generally don't have a solid 'lunch', as midday is the best time to get outdoor work done, so big breakfasts are the norm. In summer, it's butter tea (tea with butter and salt boiled into the milk) with dried fruits (I'm a fan of apricots, but dried grapes, peaches and assorted berries are common too) and Chitrali bread (which is very, very thick; I think some people call it tikki but we've just always called it 'Chitrali bread' lol), usually with cottage cheese. You can stuff the Chitrali bread with minced meat (goat or lamb, mostly), cottage cheese or milk curds too!
Winter, though, is where breakfast becomes key, and which is where the foods you asked about come in– in summer, at least, the weather is better so you do have time to eat in the afternoon, but in winter? No chance. In Chitral, winter breakfasts are massive, warm and hearty as hell. Salty butter tea is still a must, coupled with Chitrali bread which, in winter, is usually stuffed. A lot of people choose to add milk curds into the tea, but I never liked doing that, so. Rip.
Other people add dried rondijzhu (which is a very, very rough Anglicisation of a Khowar word so I'm not surprised nothing came up when you Googled it!) to their tea too. Rondijzhu, which is also served generally at breakfast in the winters, is basically just portions of spit-roasted lamb or goat that are really, really heavily salted (Chitral isn't the place to go if you have cholesterol issues) to make sure they last. A lot of people take aside parts of the freshly spit-roasted meat to slice it up into little chunks and dry it seperately to the rest of the rondijzhu, so they can use it as stuffing, in tea, in mantu (steamed dumplings– pretty similar to Chinese bao!), et cetera.
Another use for rondijzhu, and a way to heat it up for breakfast, is by boiling it with khalli, or laghman (they're both the same thing– we call it laghman but I know people in the vicinity of Chitral city call it khalli). It is indeed a type of noodle dish! It's basically just soft wheat noodle soup cooked with usually either minced meat or chunks of mutton or beef and a shitton of herbs. It's more on the brothy side, and so is super warming, especially when served alongside Chitrali bread. Something people (or, at least, we) tend to do is, when boiling the wheat noodles that were cut the night before for the morning laghman, adding rondijzhu to the noodles. This both warms up the rondijzhu and acts kind-of like stock for the laghman broth. You can take the rondijzhu out and eat is seperately, or keep it in the laghman, your choice (I personally prefer having it seperately, but I'm a picky eater by mountain village standards).
That said, laghman isn't strictly a breakfast food. Hell, none of these are. Chitrali bread is eaten with salty butter tea in the afternoon, laghman and rondijzhu are eaten for dinner too, and a lot of other Chitrali food that I haven't mentioned (like harisa, which we stole from the Armenians, or pilau or any variation of taaw meat– meat cooked on a gridle– et cetera) can also work as 'breakfast' food. As long as it fills you up, keeps you warm, and allows you to not die of various vitamin deficiencies, it's perfect as Chitrali breakfast or dinner.
tl;dr: breakfast is a social construct and, in Chitral, food is food no matter what time of the day it is 💖
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frenchonionsoop · 13 days
8 and 23 for the artist ask game!!
Ooohohhh okok
8. What's the most fun and the least fun parts about your process?
Most fun is the sketching/just general planning stage for sure, I love starting projects but finishing them is another story 😭 Ironically rendering is pretty close second though! Least fun is line art or colouring probably.. yknow the tedious stuff
23. What's something you hope people notice when looking at your art?
Ohhh this is a good question hmmm probably expressions? I try to put a lot of thought into those, placing myself in the character's head and coming up with ways to convey complex feelings is loads of fun!! 💪💪
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persephoneprice · 26 days
im not the anon who asked but - what are vipsania sickle, hilarius heavensbee, clemensia dovecote, and lysistrata vickers' negative qualities?
hello anon!
first, i must admit to you that unfortunately i just don’t feel like i have a good enough feel of clemmie or lyssie to answer about them 😔 but let me know if you have any ideas on what it might be!
vipsania sickle
the easiest one to go to for vipsania is how competitive she is. but i think that plays into the answer in going to give- she’s a really jealous person. she does love her friends, but she’s the girl who will absolutely make cutting comments to knock you down a peg if she’s feeling threatened.
hilarius heavensbee
again, the easy one to say is that he always has something to complain about. he loves to act like he’s oppressed when he’s…literally a heavensbee. he doesn’t have a lot of self-awareness sometimes and definitely struggles to read the room (thank god he has tanner to bring him back to earth).
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anomalocaris-lesbian · 2 months
Seven, seventeen, twenty-seven?
seven: what colour brings you peace? the blue the sky goes right before it turns black at dusk. theres something infinite about it
seventeen: fairy lights or LED lights? im not much for either, but probably fairy lights :)
twenty seven: which character would you want to be? i dont think i really engage in things that way but i am really thinking about it. (concentrating...)
okay so im back after really thinking on this and going over stuff I like. I think the best answer I can come up with is Wednesday Addams as portrayed in the Netflix show. but then again I may be picking the character that I feel I am the most like rather than one I would want to be so. Unsure.
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gravitywonagain · 1 year
I saw your post about WQ surviving and summoning WWX back in her body and it lives rent free in my head. Do you, by chance, have more thoughts on that— 👀
Hello! Sorry it took me a minute to get back to you, and thank you so much!! I'm so happy you like that one :D
Okay, so, I mostly came up with this for two reasons: the Angst — this is like the ultimate expression, the final form of you will, of the “you save my brother, I save yours, you save me, I save you” thing WWX and WQ have going on throughout the series, and I imagine WWX dealing with All That would be… brutal >:) (I also kind of imagine that it would take a minute for WWX to figure it out because first he’s still dealing with having girl parts; the hands look a little familiar but they also look like hands; the voice sounds completely different when he’s using it vs hearing it; there aren’t a lot of mirrors around; she’s probably been wearing Koi Tower servant robes for a while now etc. so we get all the way to Wen Ning’s cell/torture room where our best boy WN who has a Connection with WWX tilts his head like a confused puppy and asks, “Jie?” and then WWX has to Not Have a Breakdown about it in front of like JGY and/or XY.)
And second: the strangeness for LWJ of having WWX returned to him in a body he knows and recognizes as someone else. (Now it’s been a minute since I read the novel and I’m def mostly going off CQL for this, but I think that’s still accurate in original canon?) There would be super weird politics about it and some lingering difficulty of seeing who he thinks he’s seeing that would be fascinating to play with. On WWX's side, we would get to add the further ostracizing of him as a Wen sympathizer/their savior/not actual blood family.
Plus, I think genderswapped resurrections are fun with Wei "gender is a side dish" Ying and Lan "it's only ever been one person, what even is sexuality" Zhan.
All that said, I have written approximately none of this. I have like two paragraphs of WQ pov prologue prose and a bunch of nonsense rolling around in my head… so. Not sure how much of this I’ll ever write. But if you or anybody else wants it, I’m all for team two cakes!
In the spirit of the wips ask post, I will add here the tiny bit I have written :)
She doesn't have much time. They'll notice that she's missing soon and then they'll come looking. She needs cinnabar, she needs a knife. She needs this to work. She needs this to work. Wen Qing is a brilliant doctor; she won't feign modesty about it, especially not now. But she cannot help her brother as a doctor. Not unless she wants to kill him. She's thought about it. This plan is better.
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