#That caring and protective side of Kurogiri that I see so many people love WHILE believing that Oboro is a downgrade to his character
oborofollower7 · 2 years
Will this chapter be enough for people who separate Shirakumo and Kurogiri to understand that the part of Kurogiri so many people love IS Oboro?
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Shigaraki, Dabi, Shinsou and Kirishima getting caught.
Request: is it okay to ask for headcanons with Dabi, Shinsou, Shigaraki and Kirishima getting caught making out with their female s/o? - anonymous 
Things are getting spicy *not really*. That’s all I have to say. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: spicy times 
Shigaraki Tomura
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-He’s so touch starved. 
-And as much as he dislikes touching others because of his quirk he still wants to be held. 
-So when you two get together and he slowly gets a grip on this new situation he is at peace. 
-Kisses are his favorite.
-Kisses are a very intimate action that can both be soft and dirty. 
-He adored when you kissed him. 
-He didn’t know much about affection but giving you a kiss when you woke up or when you came back from a mission was a must. 
-Now, he is a male. 
-A horny one at that.
-When your relationship reaches the stage of um NSFW content he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. 
-When he couldn’t have you right then and there he would just kiss the hell out of you.
-Make out sessions with his crusty ass are a ride.
 -He switches between teasing you with little nips to full out swallowing you. 
-He never fails to make your knees weak though. 
-You’ll be feeling your knees buckle as he has you caged between him and the wall behind the bar.
-He didn’t like the others seeing him being all soft for you so he tends to hide his affection while around LoV. 
-Except Kurogiri.
-Kurogiri is his dad and he is proud to see his boy getting himself a s/o.
-Now back to the others. 
-Dabi and Spinner maybe Mister Compress as well are all little shits that would most likely push him to his freaking limit and you’ll have to hold him back. 
-Toga and Twice will be weird about it, Toga will fangirl over you two kissing while Twice will go from praising Shiggy *since you’re hot af* to asking him how much you scream when yall are doing the deed. 
-They all are a headache for him and he hates how uncomfortable they make both of you feel. 
-So it’s a really rare occasion when they actually catch you two making out. 
-But one day Shiggy was feeling overly needy and you couldn’t do the do so he started kissing your neck and soon enough he had reached your lips. 
-He backed you up to the nearest wall and pinned your hands above your head, raising one of your legs and hooking it over his waist. 
-You were just as needy so you could only whine and let out small moans as he kissed you silly. 
- “Oh god I’m gonna throw up from the crustyness- Awwww how cute.”
-Shiggy jumped away from you but his kiss swollen lips gave him away immediately. 
-The rest of the league filed in after him and their eyes were glued to your lips or your panting. 
- “Getting freaky on a job? And then you say I’m a horn dog.”
-It was Dabi this time who spoke. 
-The teasing came in from the rest of the team and you both slowly died from embarrassment. 
-What was more embarrassing was that maybe just maybe Shiggy had gotten a little TOO excited and was now hiding behind you. 
-Yeah kissing him was a roller coaster.
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-Salty bitch is also needy.
-Sure he may be trying to convince himself that you are just friends with benefits but that doesn’t mean he can’t kiss you silly. 
-Does it make his stomach flutter when you kiss?
-Does he feel something warm stir in his chest?
-Does he feel at home every time you are on his lap, arms around his neck as you smile into your kiss?
-Also yes.
-What’s you point?
-Anyways, he really likes kissing you.
-Whenever you two are kissing you can’t really know whats in store for you. 
-It may be a soft kiss, gentle and slow the type that manages to steal your breath away because you never would have expected Dabi to be this careful.
-Or it may be rough and dominant, your knees buckle by the sheer force he puts into the kiss and you are definitely getting ready for some spicy times. 
-He isn’t against PDA like Shiggy, he can take the teasing and the disgusting glances he gets from the rest of the LoV but you rarely give in to his antics. 
-Since you are just friends with benefits why should you?
-You have told him as such when he questioned your behavior. 
-It hurts him in some weird way that he doesn’t like. 
-Boy can’t accept the fact that he may be falling in love. 
-So he ignores you just like you ignore him. 
-Sure you have your special nights before missions but apart from that nothing else. 
-You avoid each other like the plague. 
-Eventually it gets to him. 
-The sexual tension between you two is insufferable and the way he has to stay away from you is killing him. 
-He wants to hold you again. 
-God I’m soft for him. 
-During one of your late nights you went outside for some fresh air because the atmosphere inside the bar was becoming suffocating from the cigarette smoke. 
-That was his chance and he took it, trailing after you.
-You looked at each other for some time and I  kid you not you didn’t know who moved first. 
-Your lips connected and it felt so right.
-His hands roamed your sides as the kiss grew hungry and you knew what would follow. 
-Then you heard the squeaking of the door opening and saw Toga at the entrance. 
-Her eyes were glued on you two, Dabi’s eyes opening for a split second glancing at her before he pushed you to a wall and deepened the kiss even more. 
-Toga let out a flustered giggle before going back inside.
-When you pulled apart for air, you were both panting lips red and swollen as your eyes never left the others. 
- “I want to kiss you more often.”
-That was his way of saying he wanted something more than what you had right now. 
-You just kissed him again. 
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Poor baby is also a touch starved kitty.
-You know he loves you, he has told you as such many times while you were cuddling. 
-The number of his hoodies that are now yours until they lose his s=scent is ridiculous. 
-You wearing his hoodies was a way to say that you were his and he was yours. 
-That didn’t stop people from hitting on you though. 
-Many believed that Shinsou was plain old passive and maybe even weak. 
-Everyone was aware of his quirk and what it could do so they assumed that he didn’t like using it because it would make him look villainous. 
-So they took that into their advantage and hit on you mercilessly. 
-You always pushed them away and roast their asses.
-They even have the audacity to flirt with you while Shinsou is close to yall. 
-And it hurts his feelings poor baby.
-Did others really see him as not good enough for you?
-His insecurities get the better of him and he pouts for the rest of the day. 
-Until you are alone and you cuddle the life out of him, peppering him with kisses and ‘I love you’s.
-You set out to scare his insecurities away with your affection. 
-There are times though when his insecurities don’t come out. 
-They are replaced by jealousy. 
-And a jealous Shinsou is a horny Shinsou. 
 -He would drag you somewhere you couldn’t be seen easily and would just kiss the life out of you. 
-Your leg is probed over his waist as his hand was squeezing your upper thigh.
-His other hand is buried in your hair as he nips at your neck, jaw , lower lip before he starts to kiss you again. 
-You let out little moans as he continues driving you crazy. 
- “Shinsou man wasn’t that your girl back there-”
-Of course.
-The lights went out when you two parted and Kami was faced with your flustered face and Shinsou’s swollen lips.
-He passed out like a second later, his face a beet red as little sparks left his fingers. 
-It was hilarious and embarrassing.
-You had to apologize when he woke up but before you could do anything, Shinsou managed to pin you to the wall again and leave a very obvious hickey on the column of your neck.  
-No one approached you after they saw that hickey. 
-Maybe one or two tried getting with you again. 
-The next day you appeared with another hickey.
-They got the message boo.
Kirishima Eijirou
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-What is that?
-Don’t know her. 
-His PDA game is so strong. 
-He legit can’t keep his hands off of you. 
-An arm around your waist, one of his hands in your back pocket, hugs from behind, small kisses on the cheek or pecks on the lips.
-The bakusquad is sick of it. 
-And by bakusquad I mean Bakugou. 
-Mina is excited for her friend, Kaminari is a dumb horny idiot so he doesn’t mind borderline enjoys it and Sero....is high so he isn’t really in touch with reality. 
-So kissing you in public was common. 
-Small pecks though. 
-Making out sessions in public is a nono.
-You made that rule because you didn’t like the looks you were getting. 
-Now if he suggests that you go behind the school for some one on one time you won’t so no per say. 
-Sure you’ll hesitate but after a few soft kisses that lingered just enough to leave you wanting for more. 
-You basically pounce on him. 
-Once you are behind the school you don’t waste time before your lips are on his and the kiss is turning hungry. 
-Hands under his shirt as his own hands roam your thighs. 
-He may dip under your skirt for a fleeting moment making you gasp and kissing you harder. 
-You never go further while you’re out in public. 
-Public kissing is different form public sex. 
-Much different. 
-While you are kissing him everything zones out and he is the only thing you can concentrate on. 
-Then you hear a choking sound and a high pitched squeal. 
-Turning around you are met with a passed out Izuku and a nose bleeding Mineta who has zoned in on Kiri’s hand under your skirt.
-You have a stare off with the grape boy before the embarrassment sets in and you are hiding behind you boyfriend, shielding yourself from Mineta’s eyes as much as you can and bury your head in his shirt. 
-Kirishima is still looking at Izuku who is passed out. 
-Then he notices Mineta who is drooling over your legs that are peeking out from behind Kiri and he goes straight to protective boyfriend mode. 
-He is grabbing your hand as he gives you a last kiss on the cheek and tells you to take Izuku to Recovery Girl. 
-He will deal with Mineta. 
-He too ended up in Recovery Girl sporting a black eye. 
-Love this little shark with all my heart.
TAG TEAM AY: @iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
Hey, idk if you are accepting requests or nto but I just want to get this idea out of my head so like Setsuno, Overhaul and Shigaraki with an s/o strong like sakura harunobut is very VERY shy-
Have a nice day, pal!
No problem sweetie! Hope your day’s been well 🥰
I started this earlier but Tumblr deleted the draft :’)
Tomura thinks it’s adorable
…in some ways
Is he scared that you’ll crush his ribs by accident because of a hug? Yeah, probably
BUT he finds it just so adorable how you hide behind him
He just thinks it’s adorable how nervous you get around new people, always looking away and using him to hide
He’d love it if you take his jacket and just wrap yourself in it
^ watch out though because this motherfucker will pull the hood over your eyes the second you stand up
He’s gotten his hand crushed multiple times by accident so he’s learned to hold your wrist instead
It’s so cute to him when you bury your face in his chest whenever someone new comes around
Does get a little irritated sometimes when you won’t introduce yourself to said person and he has to
But he knew you where shy even before you two started dating, so he can’t really be mad about that
Treats you like a puppy even though you could probably kill him
He only sends you on missions if Kurogiri can warp you out and if he’s there too
But Kurogiri isn’t there anymore so he just doesn’t let you leave 2-6 days before and after a mission, and you can’t go with him
“C’mon, it’s fine, I’ll be there with you.” Your boyfriend said, peppering kisses down your neck. He couldn’t just let you stay in your room, could he?
Before you realized you were moving, you were already being carried by Dabi to a massive room filled to the brim with people. Two new faces were next to Tomura, and you were in front of people.
In front of a few thousand people to be exact.
“Just sit still and behave, that’s all you need to do.” Shigaraki whispered, only loud enough for you to hear.
He started talking along with someone called Re-destro. You couldn’t stand being in front of so many eyes. You could feel every gaze that was directed towards you, and you hated it. You tried to bury your face into Tomura’s neck, only to be pushed back, once again visible to the room filled with people.
Every second seemed like a minute, and every minute seemed like an hour. You couldn’t stand it, but every time you tried to cover your face, you were pulled back by Dabi or pushed away by Tomura. So much for being a caring boyfriend.
You started to stand up, searching for the exit before you actually stood up. You immediately got pulled back down, right onto Tomura’s lap.
“If it was that bad, you should’ve said something.” He said, giving you a quick kiss as he pulled you back into his chest, continuing his speech the second you were settled.
He did have to pull your hands away from him a few times to avoid breaking a bone though, but you were at least comfortable, so he tried not to pay too much attention to it.
Overhaul’s just annoyed, mainly at least
Sure, he’s fine with your quirk and the strength it provides (usually)
But it does get annoying when you haven’t showered yet and you’re trying to hide behind him
He thinks your quirk is useful, even if he doesn’t send you out on too many missions
However, he hates how shy you are
You just always have to follow him when he’s meeting with a new client, and then cling to his side the second they say hi to you
It is cute when you wear his clothes to cover yourself though (when you’re clean)
He’s had to replace multiple batches of the quirk-effecting bullets because of you
It’s his fault though because he asked you to hold it while someone new was nearby, and you crushed them by accident
Gets you stress toys and keeps one in his pocket because he knows you’re gonna follow him
He doesn’t really let you use your quirk very often because he doesn’t know how and where to use it
The only situation he’s ever had you use it was when Rappa tried to hit him
Has to escort you everywhere so Rappa doesn’t bug you because he’s just so big and intimidating compared to you
“Y/N, I told you to just stay home. I even warned you I was going to meet with a potential client.” He said, his tone angry yet quiet as to not startle the man in the other room,”I’ll have Chronostasis take you back in a minute, just be patient.”
You nodded your head slowly in defeat, sitting down on the ground afterwards to wait for Hari.
“Don’t get it wrong, I love you, but maybe you shouldn’t be here right now. Maybe next time.” He said, patting your head.
He moved to give you the stress toy before going back to his meeting, leaving you to wait for Hari, but at least you could relax for now.
Setsuno just loves it!
Trust has been a huge thing for him since his last lover
So when you bury your face in his chest or hide behind him, he takes it as a sign that you trust him to protect you
And he will if he needs to
It’s just so cute when you take his mask to hide your face
It always slides off of your face due to the larger size until you get him to fix it for you
He always takes out the knife first though, just in case it does fall off
He’s the only one that actually tries to help out with your shyness
Don’t get him wrong, he loves you just the way you are, and he won’t do it if you don’t want him to
But it makes him a little sad to see you hide from Hojo
So he tries to at least get you to be more comfortable around Hojo
He’s fragile so try not to squeeze him too hard
Learned how strong your playful punches are when he dislocated a shoulder
^ Never let you do it again because Overhaul yelled at both of you
“Sorry Toya…” you said, avoiding eye contact as Nemoto bandaged his broken wrist. He almost seemed confused
“Why? Whatd you do?” He asked, genuinely confused. In his eyes, it was an accident, so you didn’t have anything to be sorry about.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” You mumbled, resting your head against his shoulder.
He didn’t know why you thought you needed to apologize, but he just went with it. He used his freehand to pull you closer into his side.
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
Can we have a headcannons of shinso,hawks, aizawa, and dabi finds out their female s/o (s/o has a really powerful quirk) was badly injured by an unknown villain and s/o were not going to able use her quirk anymore. By the time their s/o wake up, s/o Actually lost all of her Memories, please?
Shinsou, Hawks, Aizawa, and Dabi HCs
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of stab wounds, sad bois
A/N: This was a trip to write! This was the first time I ever wrote for anyone other than Shinsou, so I hope I did okay! I changed it a little so the reader lost all/most of her memories in regards to her s/o because I didn’t want to go so far back as to take away absolutely everything including her memories on how to walk, talk, etc. because could you imagine how genuinely traumatic that would be? I would have no idea how to properly write about that. Also, the villain is similar to Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender. They’re able to block someone’s chi flow, and in doing so are able to take away a quirk and people’s memories. I hope this is to your liking, and thank you so much for requesting!!
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shinsou hitoshi | mindjack
After graduating UA the two of you immediately became underground heroes
And of course who better to train under than Aizawa
But in all seriousness
You two were a force to be reckoned with
The mix of your insanely powerful quirk and his with his top notch physical combat skills really came in handy for catching and apprehending criminals
The only problem was that you two constantly tried to save each other
If anything went wrong
One of you guaranteed would sacrifice yourselves to save each other
And so far it hadn’t been anything too bad
A few broken bones
A couple of scars
Lots of reprimanding on both ends
But today was different
You and Shinsou were fighting a new villain
And his hand to hand combat rivaled Shinsou’s
And while they were fighting
You saw him about to strike Shinsou on the back of his neck
You being you
Jumped in the way
Instead getting whatever punch that villain was about to throw
You thought that was it
Until you felt the villain hit you a few more times
And you fell down on the ground
But hey that’s nothing
You can still defend yourself with your quirk
But wait
Why isn’t your quirk working?
What is going on?
You keep trying to activate your quirk but literally nothing is happening
Which is not good
Especially considering the villain has his attention focused all on you now
“Hitoshi! He-”
You can’t even finish your sentence before the villain is hurting you
And they’re hurting you bad
Hitoshi catches him in his binding cloth as fast as he can
But not before the villain knocks you unconscious
The craziest thing Hitoshi noticed was that the villain knocked you unconscious with just one hit to the back of the neck
The one he tried to use on him earlier
Hitoshi keeps him trapped in his binding cloth
And is high-key glaring at this dude
“What did you do to her?!”
The villain just laughs
No response
And Hitoshi can’t help it
His anger overtook him
And next thing he knew
The bad guy was also unconscious on the ground
He runs over to you
Saying your name to see if your responsive
Which you aren’t
Which scares him
He notifies the hero agencies in the area about the villain
And waits until some of them show up before hurrying you to the hospital
Luckily you have a pulse
You’re just very beat up right now
And for some reason you weren’t using your quirk earlier
Hitoshi noticed that
He also noticed the fear in your voice when you screamed his name
That was uncharacteristic of you
Regardless he gets you to the hospital
And they take you back right away
The best healing quirks in the place get to work on you as soon as possible
All the while Hitoshi just waits
He’s absolutely terrified
He can’t lose you
You’ve been the best thing in his life since high school
There’s absolutely no way he can lose you and make it out okay
He’s notified that you’re in stable condition
But probably won’t wake up for a few days
And that when they did a scan of your brain to see if you had a concussion or brain damage
Something seemed wrong with it
Parts of your brain that should be working just weren’t
And of course that freaked him out
But he pretended like he understood everything
In front of the doctor at least
When he was in the room with you alone though?
Boy was sobbing
He was a mess
All he wanted was to turn back time and make sure none of this ever happened
He blames himself
Of course he does
He was there
And he still couldn’t save you
He stays by your side for the next multiple days
He will be there when you wake up
And every day you’re getting better
And eventually
You wake up
now he’s ecstatic when you wake up
Even though you look very confused
You’re awake
That’s the best thing ever
“Oh my god (Y/n) you had me so worried I thought you were never going to wake up again and I was just so freaked out and-”
“Shinsou? Why do you look, like… older…?”
Two things
You haven’t called him Shinsou in years
The last time you did was probably a few weeks into you two dating
Then you made the transfer to Hitoshi
Because you were his girlfriend
Granted you started dating your third year at UA
But you were friends for a year before that
And older?
What was that supposed to mean?
“Uh… what do you mean…?”
“You don’t look seventeen anymore… you look like… a little older? What’s going on?”
Did you think that he was seventeen?
He must have look confused
Because you started blushing
He always found it cute when he made you blush like that
Not making sense in front of him was something that you hated because he would turn it around and make fun of your for it later
But he didn’t like it right now
“(Y/n)… have we graduated UA yet…?”
“What? No… we’re in our second year… right…?”
Big fucking ouch
You think you’re still in high school
And to make matters worse
It’s the year before you two started dating
You don’t remember anything you two have done together
At all
“Shinsou… are you crying?”
He didn’t even realize there were tears coming out of his eyes
“Uh… yeah. Um. We’re not in high school anymore. We graduated.”
He presses the call nurse button
And then a nurse and a doctor come in the room
You look at him with a confused expression as he just stares at the ground
The best parts of his life are gone from your memory
That’s what the doctor meant by parts of your brain weren’t working
And he was devastated
And maybe this had something to do with you not using your quirk during the fight
The only thing he could think about was going to the prison that villain was in
And he didn’t care what he had to do
He would get answers from him
He would find a way to fix this
He had to
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aizawa shouta | eraser head
Workplace romances are such a cliché
But that didn’t stop you and Shouta
I mean how could it when he looked like that
Y’all had lowkey crushes on each other ever since you first met each other two years ago
But it escalated into something much more intense
Not that either of you were complaining
And yes
The kids did ship you two
And yes
The kids were scared of both of you
But they loved how strong and how protected they felt with both of you around
And they loved how strong and protected the two of you were over each other every time ether of you saw any danger
You were there to save him
And he was always there to save you from whatever was about to happen to you
He only didn’t make it in time the one moment it mattered the most
The League of Villains infiltrated the school again
And this time at night
When all the teachers were supposed to be sleeping
But fortunately for your students
You and Aizawa had been on edge and taking shift staying up all night to make sure they were safe
And you were awake the moment the League popped in
You immediately got to work
Easily taking down many of the villains
And in the commotion
Aizawa woke up
Along with many of the other pro-hero teachers
So everything should have been fine
That is until a new villain appeared
No one has seen this person before now
And they took no time in fighting you
You were the one who stopped all the others after all
And they were very agile
Very good at hand to hand combat
Aizawa saw what was happening and tried to rush over to assist you
But before he could get there the villain grabbed you
And hit you in multiple points of your body
Aizawa saw panic flash through your eyes as you fell to the ground
You held our your hand to use your quirk
But nothing happened
You tried again
But there was nothing
And that’s when the villain started mercilessly beating you!
Love it
And Aizawa couldn’t even help
Because another villain started going after Aizawa
Which meant he couldn’t get to you
All he could do was hear you getting hurt
And see it out of the corner of his eye while fighting off the villain
It didn’t take him long to capture the villain
But it took long enough
When he ran over to you
You were on the verge of being unconscious
And the villain hit you in the back of your neck
And a weird light thing emitted from their fingertips
And you were knocked out
The villain was about to attack Aizawa
But before they could they were pulled back into one of Kurogiri’s portals
And then they were gone
Aizawa picked you up
Wincing at how bloody, bruised, and broken you looked
Genuinely very panicked
He rushed to the infirmary
And Recovery Girl was woken up in the commotion
Waiting to heal a broken bone or two
She was not expecting to see what Aizawa brought to her
She went to work as soon as you got there, though
Healing most of your injuries
But she could just
Sense that something was wrong
Something was very unnatural about you right now
She let Aizawa know something was wrong
And he started panicking right away
What did she mean something is wrong?
What could that possibly even mean?
He found out that one of the things that meant
Was that you weren’t going to wake up for a few days
Recovery Girl would help heal you every day
Constantly trying to help you wake up
But that weird off feeling never left her
And then you woke up
And after talking with you for five minutes
She knew exactly what was wrong
And then she asked you to use your quirk
And she realized just how genuinely bad this situation you were in was
She went to Aizawa’s class
Calling him out to the hall
He was in the middle of lecturing 1-A
But he left without hesitation
“Did she wake up?”
“Yes… but-”
“But? There’s a but?”
Now Aizawa usually never interrupts Recovery Girl
But this was about you
And she knew that
So she didn’t sass him for once
“She doesn’t remember the past few years of her life.”
“She… she doesn’t know who you are, Aizawa.”
He’s quiet
You didn’t know who he was?
“And she still can’t use her quirk… I don’t know what that villain did to her, but she’s showing no signs in regaining anything. Besides, she didn’t even have a concussion or anything and I’ve never seen a quirk like hers just… get taken away like this.”
Aizawa still says nothing
He’s hearing everything
But he doesn’t really feel like doing anything right now
He just wants to zip himself up in his sleeping bag
I mean
He truthfully just wants to hold you
But now that you don’t know who he is?
That probably wouldn’t go well
And he is not taking it well
He goes back in his room
But he doesn’t resume the lecture
He just says that they’re going to study quietly for the rest of the day
He doesn’t care right now
Besides they do have exams coming up and knowing over half of these kids they could use some goddamn study time
But they can tell something is just wrong
Especially when he just curls up in his sleeping bag
He makes sure to face away from them so they don’t see his tears
Of course after around fifteen minutes of this
Present Mic comes in
He heard about what happened
So he told Aizawa he was there to take over his class
Aizawa left without a word
And beyond his better judgement
He went to the infirmary
He stood outside for a few minutes before Recovery Girl came to the door
“If you want to see her you can, I’m sure she’d love to know who she’s been intimate with for the past year and a half of her life.”
He nods
Making sure he doesn’t look too much like shit
Then walking in
Sure enough you’re awake
But when you look at him he doesn’t see the usual sparkle you get in your eye
And instead of the smile that screams ‘that’s my boyfriend!’
It’s just a polite smile
“Hi… I’m sorry, but do I know you?”
His voice comes out quieter than he intended
It’s hard to hear that come from you
And he isn’t necessarily happy that it’s coming from you
“Oh… well, um… this is awkward but-”
“I know you don’t remember. And that’s okay. I just… wanted to see you.”
He doesn’t really want to come out and say ‘hey! you’re my girlfriend! we’re in love! i love you!’
But he knows he’ll have to
He could stay quiet
But that wouldn’t be fair to you
And he hates keeping things from you
“Oh? Would you mind telling me who you are?”
He takes a deep breath
Clearing his throat to fight back the tears threatening to start again
He won’t cry in front of you, though
He won’t let himself
He doesn’t want to make it worse for you
“I’m Aizawa Shouta, and we’ve been a couple for the past year and a half. I don’t know if I should have told you that, but honesty is just really important to me and well… I never lied to you or kept anything from you before and I’m not about to start doing that now.”
You stare at him without saying anything for what feels like forever
Until you finally speak again
“Could you… tell me about our relationship…? I have to admit, you’re a very attractive man, so… I’m willing to try if you are.”
Now he’s crying
And as much as he wants all of your memories to come back
He doesn’t care if they do
He doesn’t even care if you want to actually take him back
All he knows is that you’re never getting hurt again
No matter if it kills him
He’ll keep you safe now
No matter what
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keigo takami | hawks
Keigo always worried about you
He couldn’t help it
It’s just the way he is
But no matter how much he worries he always knows that you’re strong and you can defend yourself
I mean, you were one of the best pro-heroes in the field
And yes
He did constantly brag about how you were amazing
He just preferred when you were amazing with him
That way he can assist in making sure you are okay
And in his worrying he may sometimes fly around where you’re patrolling just to check in
He also just misses seeing your face sometimes
Someone is whipped
But yeah he was flying around where you were on patrol today
Just looking to see you and maybe swoop down and annoy you for a bit
But for some reason he can’t??? seem???? to find you????
And now he was concerned and alert
It’s very unlike you to not be where you’re supposed to be
You’re very passionate about helping people after all
He circles keeps flying around until he spots on of your sidekicks
Who admittedly looks very stressed
He lands next to them
Scaring the shit out of them in the process
“Hey kid, any idea where (Y/n) might be? Haven’t seen her and I circled this area like seven times.”
Your sidekick doesn’t say anything for a second
Because they’re thinking of how to phrase what happened
And that extra moment of silence just proved to Keigo that something was definitely wrong
“Where is (Y/n)?”
Keigo’s fun loving demeanor everyone loves s completely gone
He looks very serious
It’s only to cover how scared he is though
Doesn’t mean your sidekick isn’t intimidated
“We were all fighting this villain who made their first appearance today and uh… they kind sorta maybe did something that may have taken away (Y’n)’s quirk and then they kinda ‘made an example of her’ and now she’s in the hospital…”
Keigo immediately takes off for the hospital
He doesn’t even say anything else to your poor sidekick who now thinks Hawks is going to hate them for not helping you
When his phone was constantly buzzing he just assumed it was the Hero Commission getting on his ass for posting that picture of you and him kissing on instagram
So he just let it buzz
He never even looked at his screen
Until now of course
And just as he expected
All the buzzing?
Actually missed calls from you
If he would have checked, then maybe you wouldn’t be hurt
He’s at the hospital in like
Five seconds flat
Don’t underestimate his already speedy self when it comes to you
He hurries in and sees another one of your sidekicks about to leave
“Where is she?”
Your other sidekick points in the direction, telling him your room
He’s about to sprint there when suddenly your other sidekick stops him
“Hawks, I just need to warn you. It’s… pretty bad. Not only did the villain beat her within an inch of her life but she wasn’t able to use her quirk at all after he did this weird hitting pattern thing. She’s probably not going to wake up for some time.”
Keigo just stares at them
And they hurry away
Which causes him to deadass RUN to your hospital room
Sure enough you’re lying there
Lots of machines hooked up to you
He expected it to be bad
But he didn’t expect it to be this bad
He hurries over to you
Grabbing a random chair and sliding it so he could be at your bedside
And he carefully grabs your hand
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until he tastes his tears
He could have prevented this
If he would have just come to see you a little bit earlier
If he would have just checked his phone
This is how he feels about the entire situation for the rest of his life
Especially for the two weeks you were unconscious in a hospital bed
Luckily, you were a graduate from UA and when Recovery Girl heard what happened she began helping your healing process
It definitely sped up your recovery a lot
And Keigo was very grateful
He just wanted to talk to you again
Maybe even hug him if he weren’t in deep shit for unintentionally ignoring your calls
So imagine how sad he got when he came to the hospital after his patrol (like he did every day) only to find out you woke up without him being there
Bird boi did a big sad
But he was anxious to finally talk to you again
At this point he would be genuinely happy if you started yelling at him
He missed you 🥺
He made his way to your room
Nervous but excited to see you again
When suddenly
A doctor stops him
“Oh, it’s okay! I’m her boyfriend, I’ve been coming here every-”
“I know. I just need to prepare you for what you’re about to see. Something that that villain did cut off her connection to the part of her brain that has the knowledge and information of her quirk, meaning she has no recollection on how to access it. Now she remembers having a quirk, and not being able or knowing how to use it has been very upsetting for her... how long have you two been together?”
“One year.”
“How long have you known her?”
“We met two and a half years ago when she first became a pro... why?”
Keigo isn’t stupid
He has an idea why the doctor is asking this
But he doesn’t want it to be true
“The villain also cut the connection of her brain that consists of her long term memory. Fortunately, it didn’t make her forget too much...”
Oh thank god, for a second Keigo though that you wouldn’t remem-
“Just the past two years... but I’m sure she’ll still be happy to see you.”
Keigo stares at the doctor with a blank face
The past two years?
That means that you’ll barely know him
Yeah you guys got along before you started dating
Obviously you were friends
Keigo doesn’t trust easily so entering a real relationship with someone he just met is a no go
But this means that so much of what you two have is just
“Uh... Hawks?”
The doctor is looking down at his arm to which Keigo follows the gaze
Somewhere in his thoughts he latched onto this man’s arm
To be fair he was doing everything in his power to have a mental break right then and there
He let go
“Sorry. I... can I still see her?”
“Yes, just try not to confuse her, please?”
Hawks nods
He walks in the room and sees you sitting up
You’re gazing out the window when you turn your head to look at him
The shock is evident in your face
“Hawks? What are you doing here?”
Two years was before you knew his real name
“Thought you could use the company. After all, not many heroes get attacked by an unknown villain and survive.”
“Did Miruko set you up to this? Really, it’s okay, you don’t need to-“
“I’ve had my fair share of close calls, dove, but... I never had to go what you’re going through, and I need to be here to help. Helping people is what I do, after all.”
He sees a small smile break out across your face
“Thank you.”
The two of you talk for a few hours
He catches you up on everything he can
But he can’t bring himself to let you know about your relationship
Or maybe he just can’t say out-loud that you don’t remember who he really is
Maybe it would just hurt too much
Regardless, he has to leave eventually
And when he does he makes it a point to find out who this villain was that just uprooted yours and his lives
And he knows just the person to ask
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todoroki touya | dabi
Heroes destroy everything
That’s what Dabi has always thought
And he’s not about to change his mind any time soon
Especially after what happened to you
He normally doesn’t get attached to people
But your annoying ass somehow managed to cling to him
And after about six months he didn’t mind it
He actually really enjoyed it
Not that he’d ever tell you just how much he enjoyed it
But you were the first and only person he’s even let near the real him
So even though he’s a little shit who pretends he doesn’t care about anything
When it comes to you
It’s very obvious just how much he gives a fuck
Which is why the series of events that happened to you absolutely destroyed him
It was just a normal day like any other
He was at the hideout while you and a few others were on a mission for the League
Now was he okay with you going on this mission without him?
Not necessarily
But it turns out that’s what happened anyways
To be fair Dabi did go a little too hard on his last mission and he’s still recovering
But he was still pissed he couldn’t go
Regardless, Dabi was waiting for you and the rest of the League to come back
Casually sitting on the couch
Smoking a cigarette in solitude
When suddenly
The rest of the League burst through one of Kurogiri’s portals
And to say they were frantic was an understatement
Dabi looks over
His usual uninterested expression present on his face
Until he sees who Magne is carrying
Spoiler: it’s you
And you’re unconscious
And you lowkey look dead
And that is the reason his cigarette literally bursts into flames
He’s snatching you from Magne before any of the other villains even have the chance to start speaking
“What the fuck happened.”
He doesn’t necessarily ask
He more demands to know
Shigaraki walks past him, obviously annoyed because he’s scratching at his neck again
“There’s a new Underground Hero after us.”
“Don’t you fucking walk away from me right now, why does my girlfriend look fucking dead you fucking-“
“She threw herself at the hero because unlike you, she somewhat understands that me ending up like how she is right now would put an end to this entire thing.”
Dabi glares at Shigaraki
So the reason the only person he’s ever trusted in this world is severely injured is Shigaraki
“Why wouldn’t you-”
“She’s faster than me. Or she was. Whatever the hero did took away her quirk. That’s why she’s like that. Now leave me alone, I need to reevaluate everything now because of this little incident…”
Shigaraki starts muttering as he walks to his room
Dabi glares at the others before taking you into his room
He lays you on his bed and assesses you for injuries
He isn’t the best at treating things
But the deep cuts where it seems like you could bleed out at any second?
He can help with those
You’re probably going to kill him for the scars, though
He doesn’t really have time to think about that though considering you’re dying on him
He immediately begins cauterizing your wounds
For like the first time ever the familiar scent of burnt flesh makes him frown
But it’s only because he knows that it’s your flesh that’s burning
He carefully removes your destroyed villain costume
Placing you in one of his hoodies
Specifically the one he knows you love
Even though he barely lets you wear it because he knows you love it and he loves to piss you off
You always say it smells like him and you like it
Which he doesn’t really understand because he doesn’t wear cologne and he’s pretty sure he reeks of cigarettes, burning flesh, and alcohol
But you say there’s a comforting kind of campfire smell mixed in there too
Plus, he wears deodorant so there’s that smell too
He figures you’ll appreciate it when you wake up
If you wake up
He begins bandaging you up
He’s very careful to clean everything to ensure nothing becomes infected
Of course he’s just recalling what you do for him from memory
He’s hoping he’s doing well
After he finishes all that, he checks to see if you have any broken bones
Much to his relief, it doesn’t seem like it
Just a lot of bruises in random places
And y’know
Several severe puncture wounds
At least none of them were in lethal places
Damn heroes and their ways of not killing unless absolutely necessary
Just severely injuring
It’s obvious that that hero was trying to prove a point in hurting you like this
But how did he even manage to get you?
You’re usually so quick in fights because your quirk
Shigaraki said something about your quirk being gone or something?
Dabi is sure it’s only for a day
Maybe two
It’s not for good...
He sighs, getting into his bed with you
He gently pulls you against him
He wants you to know you’re safe when you wake up
As safe as you can be in a bar full of villains and with one of the most dangerous and angry ones holding you in his arms of course
He also just wants to know that you’re here
And you’re okay
Because you have to be okay
He glances at the clock in his room
And sees that it’s late
He should sleep
Key word should
But he’s a little preoccupied in his mind going through the ways he’s going to torture and kill whoever did this to you
And this goes on for a week
He doesn’t sleep
He barely eats
He spends all his time with you
Anyone who gives him shit gets a new burn mark on them
Sorry not sorry Twice
He makes sure to change your bandages and check in on your every day
Which is very unlike him
And he knows it
And honestly he hates it
But you’re special to him
And even though he’s a heartless piece of shit who loves to make fun of you and pretend like he doesn’t care
He does
He really does
So imagine how happy he feels when one day he’s holding you
Like he always does
And then you twitch
He immediately sits up, staring down at you
And sure enough, you open your eyes
He can’t hide the small smile that spreads across his face
“Looks like someone’s lazy ass decided it was time to finally wake up.”
He expects to hear one of your sarcastic quips about how you were just brutally beat and how you don’t need his snarky comments at a time like this
But you just stare at him
And you look... confused?
“What’s wrong, doll?”
His voice changes from sarcastic to concerned
Why were you being quiet?
You were never quiet with him
“I’m sorry it’s just... who are you?”
He genuinely feels like his heart stops beating
That’s not a cute thing to do to him
“Very funny, (Y/n). Can you see how amused I am? How much I’m laughing at this shitty attempt of a joke.”
“I’m being serious, asshole. Who the fuck are you, where the fuck am I, and why does everything hurt so much?”
He freezes
“You really don’t remember me...?”
“Should I?”
“Considering I’m your fucking boyfriend, yeah. You should.”
“Oh. Well, sorry. No idea who you are. Don’t even know your name and, wait boyfriend? I have a boyfriend?”
Okay this is officially not a joke now
He tries to get what happened out of you
But, as he expected, you have no idea
He clenches his fist
A flame appearing
“Woah there, hotshot, calm down. You’re still sexy as hell even if I can’t remember you, so you have a good chance with me again. Just... tell me where I am? What’s going on? Your name...? Why the eerie smell of deaht mixed with a campfire is actually very soothing to me right now?”
He tells you everything
And that campfire comment low-key made his heart swell because awwww his little crazy doll is just genuinely crazy and enjoys the smell without even knowing it’s his how sweet 🥺
But he has to ask Toga for help to explain what happened to you
And he realizes that wow
If your memory is gone then your quirk is probably definitely gone too
He leaves you with Toga so she can tell you all about how good of friends you two are
And goes to Shigaraki’s room
He doesn’t even knock before entering but before Shigaraki can scream at him Dabi asks a simple question
“Where can I find this new hero?”
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pocketramblr · 4 years
Rainbow glow
aka yall feral followers wanted the angst and i cannot help but to deliver. so in a role reversal, today Kitten wrote you lovely friendship rainbow eyes- and the start of trust with other colors entering green. have something terrible from me in the ‘rainbow eyes are evil death pain’ version of the au
Shouta felt cold. Not an icy frigid- just. Empty. the cold of an unused storage space behind dirty concrete and thin metal. The cold of a grey sky that won’t even give you the relief of rain or snow. The kind of cold when you had nothing in your pantry, when you had to explain that to your child.
A child- God, how was he going to explain this to Eri? To his other students? To All Might, to Midoriya’s mother?
Hizashi shut off the car, but didn’t move to get out yet. He stared ahead, silent. He shouldn’t be silent. He shouldn’t have tears streaked down his face, his eyes bloodshot behind the glasses.
Should, that didn’t matter. Could, would, didn’t matter. Those were excuses. He had to do this.
“Do you think- you want to just, be in the teacher’s commons for a bit?” Hizashi finally asked. “Don’t think there would be anyone else there who’d mind. The kids are taking care of Eri, right?”
The kids- the ones who almost weren’t, anymore. Mirio was going on about a tea party.
“Yeah.” Shouta finally spoke. It sounded wrong. It felt wrong, in his throat.
“Then we can go to the commons, for a bit?”
“No.” Shouta had to commit. He had to do this. It was what was rational. It was what would protect the others. He couldn’t fail more of them. “There’s something I have to do.”
“You can pick up the kids’ work to grade later, Sho.” Hizashi tried. He really wanted him to be there, didn’t he. He didn’t want to be alone.
“I- it’s not that. There’s just one conversation I need to have. Then I’ll meet you in the commons.”
Just one conversation. Like this morning had been ‘just one conversation.’ It was still the first time in maybe years that he’d cried. Maybe he’ll cry again. No, he couldn’t let himself. Not yet. Not until after. There might be a fight, after, there might be nothing. But he had to do it, still.
“Ok.” Hizashi nodded, squeezing his shoulder before he climbed out of the car and shut his door. Shouta took one moment, one deep breath, before getting out himself.
With the long drive to and from Tartarus, plus the meetings inside, his students were long out of class and practice for the day. 
He hoped Midoriya would be alone.
Hope was not on his side. He should have known that, by now. Midoriya was in the middle of the couch, between Todoroki and Tenya. Uraraka was on the floor, leaning against his legs, Asui sitting on her lap as she braided her hair. They were focused on the tv, where Mina, Kaminari, Ojiro, and Tokoyami were fiercely battling it out in some racing game or another, and apparently all the students had picked sides.
Asui noticed him first, and though the amused, watery glow of her eyes flickered, they didn’t dim. He nodded to her.
Her eyes wouldn’t be glowing happily after this.
But they wouldn’t be rainbow, unseeing, at least. He had to focus on that. He had to think rationally. 
His hands were shaking, so he shoved them in his pockets.
“Midoriya.” He called. “Can I talk to you a minute?”
The green e- the green-haired boy jolted, surprised to turn and see him. A nervous smile twisted his lips. “Uh, sure? Is there something wrong?”
All the other students were looking at Shouta now.
Well, he had been the one to miss an entire school day earlier. He hadn’t even missed a class period before that, so he was already going to be drawing attention for that. 
Dimly, he was glad Eri wasn’t here. Glad Shinsou and Aoyama weren’t here. That All Might wasn’t. This was hard enough.
He shook his head and tried to keep his voice normal. “No, nothing wrong. Just need to talk to you alone, if you’ve got a minute.”
“Oh, sure, yeah.” Midoriya began the process of detangling from his friends, grabbing his jacket from the back of the couch and pulling it on as he made his way to the door, looking up at Shouta.
He looked completely guileless. His eyes looked green.
But Kurogiris eyes had looked yellow. Yellow, alone, until they peeled him back and saw the rotting corpse of his friend, of his- Oboro. Glazed, unseeing eyes with the same rainbow light that all nomu had.
With the rainbow light that Midoriya’s got, when he was brainwashed. Shouta hadn’t let himself think about it too much before today, because he just didn’t have information. He just didn’t have reason, when three simple incidents that were completely different, and one late at night with no other evidence.
No, there had been evidence. The ruined room. The strange new technique- new quirk, with a new color.
Shouta had just not wanted to believe it. Had wanted to trust All Might had it handled, like people always trusted in the man.
And now he didn’t need to believe it- he had seen something, seen proof so terrible it would haunt what little sleep he got for the rest of his life, probably.
Shouta nodded at the boy, heading outside.
Whatever he saw from Midoriya today would probably haunt him too. Would he drop limp under questioning, like Kurogiri had? Would he simply be warped away in some shadow or goop? Would he start fighting Shouta, go violent, like other nomu did?
Don’t think about that. Don’t dwell, don’t feel. Don’t lose yourself, because you have to think rationally.
He didn’t speak, for a while, just walking away from the dorm buildings. Where no one could see out a window, if they were looking.
“Aizawa-sensei? What is you wanted to talk about?” Midoriya asked after a while.
Shouta stopped.
“Midoriya, you’re…” A good kid, learning, a hero chickling in the making, already so strong, already- no, stop. It felt like saying a eulogy over a body. Even if that was what this was, for all he still looked alive. Even if that was what this was, Shouta didn’t deserve to say it.
“Yeah?” Midoriya asked. 
Shouta moved, flicking his capture weapon around Midoriya.
The boy yelped, that instinctual squirming away before it stopped a moment later. “Sensei?” He asked again, higher pitched, panicked- scared. “No- you’re not Toga, are you?”
Shouta activated erasure just as his eyes light up green, sparks flying out. “I’m not.” He says. He feels so tired. “It’s me. Midoriya, I need to ask you about your quirk.”
The boy went still again. “My- my quirk?”
“Your quirks.” He corrected himself. “You have more than one. Your eyes glow with so many colors, sometimes. Like only nomus’ do.” Midoriya’s face was pale, and not just for the cold weather. “So I want to know- when did you get these quirks, what other ones do you have, and what did you do to my student?”
Midoriya gaped, a second of silence, two seconds- then he shook his head. “No, no Aizawa-sensei it isn’t like that-”
Shouta tugged him closer, leaned over him. His eyes were stinging so much, and he hadn’t even been erasing for that long.
“It’s not! It’s not, I swear Sensei, it- they were given to me. They were given to me, not stolen. By heroes.”
“I- I can’t tell you, right now, but-”
“The only person who has the ability to give quirks- and take them- is All For One, who’s currently sitting in Tartarus, and that villain who attacked Nabu where your class was- who was never found, dead or alive.”
“No, no it wasn’t them.” Midoriya shook his head even more. “I just- Sensei, there are six and a half billion people on this planet who have quirks, there are others like that and they aren’t all villains!”
Shouta’s mouth felt drier than his eyes, and he snapped. “Midoriya. This isn’t about the insanely rare chance of another person in this country with the same quirk who actually has a hero license and is giving you more quirks for whatever reason they have, it’s about how I had to see a dead UA student today who had been killed and turned into a nomu that looked like a normal person, until they cracked him open and saw his face, his eyes.”
“I- what? What?” Midoriya spluttered, eyes blown wide. “Who?” He glanced, panicked, towards the dorms and school and Shouta could have kicked himself.
He shouldn’t have told him that. He shouldn’t have, rationally, because he didn’t know who was listening in through Midoriya. He didn’t know if they already were aware of what the heroes had found concerning Kurogiri or not. He shouldn’t have, less rationally, because now the kid was freaking out even more.
Midoriya always was more concerned for others’ sakes…
“No one you would have known.” Shouta tried to say it calmly, free hand up peaceably. “He was killed- and captured- a few years ago.”
Fifteen years ago.
This boy would have just been a baby, then.
“And that’s why I need to know the truth about you, and your quirk, Midoriya.” The capture weapon felt so sharp against his fingers in the cold air. The knife on his belt felt so heavy against his back.
The student dips his head.
“It’s called One For All.” he admits, softly. “It was All For One’s brother’s quirk, once. But it wasn’t exactly the same- he could give his quirk, and then that person could give it and their original one to someone else, and then that person could pass all three on, so on and so forth. He could give quirks, but not take them. The person who had it last gave it to me. Th- they were better at hiding it, than i am. I didn’t think the other quirks in it would cause problems, until Black Whip was already out.”
Midoriya hadn’t had a good grasp of his quirk at the start of the year. He’d been registered as quirkless before that. It… could be possible. Shouta hoped it was possible.
Shouta had learned today, again, to not trust hope.
“Who gave it to you?” 
Midoriya shuddered, and Shouta’s heart almost stopped. Don’t drop, don’t drop now-
“All Might.” The boy whispered. “All Might gave it to me.” He looked up, eyes blazing in every sense but literal. “You can’t tell anyone. You can’t tell anyone, please.”
“I won’t.” Shouta says, quicker than he should.
He blinks.
He pulls out his phone, dials a number.
“Who are you calling?” Midoriya’s voice is sharp.
“All Might.” He answers, just as the man himself does.
“Aizawa-kun! Are you back-”
“All Might. Are you in a place I can ask you questions of a sensitive nature?”
“Um. What sort of sensitive do you mean?”
“Pertaining to All For One.”
“Give me one moment.” The hero said, voice now as serious as Shouta’s was. In a few seconds, he spoke again. “I am now. What’s wrong?”
“What does ‘One For All’ mean to you?”
It’s quiet, very quiet, for what feels like a very, very long time. Shouta’s heart thumped. Midoriya looked silently on.
“It’s the name of my quirk. Aizawa, is… young Midoriya all right?”
“So he does have it, now. Your old quirk. And others.” Shouta felt something blooming in his chest. He wasn’t sure what it was, he didn’t have the time or energy to examine it. It wasn’t important, it could wait until later.
“Yes. Is he all right?”
“Yeah.” Shouta let the capture weapon drop, arm still out to steady Midoriya if need be. “We need to talk, later, about this.”
“Tomorow.” Shouta said, and then hung up. Tomorrow is a weekend, right? That’s why the kids hadn’t been busy this afternoon. Good. he had new plans for tonight. And tomorrow morning.
He drops his arms, and sighs. Exhaustion, and relief. So much relief. 
“Midoriya…” He started, looking over at him. He couldn’t read the expression on the student’s face. He lifted a hand, slow, then dropped it over Midoriya’s head. 
His hair was thicker than Shinsou’s, but just as soft as Shouta ruffled it. 
He wanted to say something. He wanted to apologize, he wanted to promise everything would be all right.
He couldn’t truthfully do either, and while he normally had no scruples about deciving his pupils… well, Midoriya had just been very, very honest with him.
“Thank you.” He said, instead, because that was true.
“Aizawa-sensei? Are you… crying?”
He was, huh. Shouta wiped his cheeks. “No.”
Midoriya let out a sound that wasn’t really a laugh, but for now, after everything, was close enough. 
“Sensei, I-”
His phone rang- Shouta’s. He dug it out with a sigh. Hizashi.
“One minute.” He said, then answered. “Yeah?”
“Shou, it’s Eri.”
“What’s wrong?” Energy snapped back into him. It hadn’t been a misdirection, right? If All For One and his league knew about his brother quirk, if he was just letting Midoriya unknowingly distract the heroes while-
“She’s not feeling well. Very upset, says her horn is hurting her.” Hizashi says, and he’s not calm- just tired too. A line of fear under that. “It’s sparking a little bit, Shou, though I can’t tell if her eyes are lighting up.”
“Tell her I’ll be right there.” He hung up, slid the phone away. Then he looked to Midoriya. “Eri’s feeling sick, think you could get me to the teachers’ dorm faster?”
Midoriya looked concerned, then relaxed with a nod, a tiny smile.
In a moment, Shouta was moving in the biting wind, the world a blur. He was held in small arms, and when he looked up he saw Midoriya’s face focused ahead.
Sparks over his skin, black whips out to speed him along. His eyes shining both green and maroon. Two colors, which he thought minutes ago meant his doom.
It still could, the rational part of him reminded. He’ll be a target. For All For One, for the villains. For some other heroes, too.
Later. He can worry about that later. Once Eri’s settled.
He’d have time later.
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Being the child of AFO...
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so...i am literally making on the spot rn
like it's legit 2:27 in the morning and instead of sleeping, my brain has decided to fuck that and use its brain cells for fanfic ideas
(i haven't even seen season 4+ so bear with me)
being the actual child of AFO is like mind boggling
not only bc the man is able to get some WAP while having no fucking face, but because ain't noone finna touch you
you are legit invincible
butttttt not many people know about you
as to be expected
you are AFO's treasure, the jewel of his crown--- ofc he has to protect you at all cost
and what better way than by enrolling you into the school of aspiring heroes?
yes yes yes I know what you're thinking
it's a cliche--- a typical in many stories
but those stories almost always portray the mc as someone who discovers the truth about it all and is now on the side of the heroes and their gonna take down the LOV and what not
and while I love that--- not in my world
you are one of the most powerful bitches ever and you KNOW that
but you don't let it go to your head
you're raised on how to properly use people to do your bidding
when I think of AFO having an actual kid, I imagine them as someone who just doesn't give an actual fuck
they're neither good or bad
if the situation benefits them, then so fucking be it
in all honesty they just want to live the good life but what does that entail? they don’t even fucking tbh
like you’re not really a snob because AFO actually taught you better than that but like you know you expensive 🤭
you’re used to lavish dinners and trips around the world --- its just how you were raised
Ooo you like to bring small gifts for your father from every trip (for daddy issues people imma give you that healthy father relationship ya’ll never got. don't worry cuz i be exposin myself too )
he often tells you how proud he is of you bc you’re also managing to garner powerful for yourself in the underworld
he likes to spend time with you so he’ll often join you when you’re doing your...skin care...routine... do you see where im going with this?  💀💀💀
you do
you do
im sorry im like laughing as i write this
Oh another thing
you also bond over making plans and shit
like your father’s hatred for All Might kind of passed down to you, mainly  because you hated how the hero had destroyed your father’s face
so like the two of you are just like having, what seems to be a casual conversation as the two of you sip coffee made by Kurogiri, but in reality it’s just the two of you conversing on how best to use the pawns you have at play
“What if, instead of focusing on All Might and the school, we target the Hero Public Safety Commission? The heroes are bound to know what truly goes on there and yet they keep their mouths shut.” (you)
“Ohhh, I see where you’re going with this. You want to expose their silence to the public and have the public themselves hang them for it.” (AFO)
“Exactly. And we wouldn’t even have to raise a finger. Just a few stories to the media and a few leaked confidential projects --- and boom. A media frenzy.” (you)
“Yes, yes. This idea will prove fruitful in the future. Good job my dear. It’s a good thing you got my intelligence rather than your mother’s empathy.” You rolled your eyes as you took yet another sip of your beverage. 
“Whatever you say papa.” 
Hope you enjoyed!
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jazzytriestowrite · 4 years
Soft Villain Headcanons
Fandom; My hero academia 
Pairings; Dabi, Shigaraki and Kurogiri x GN Reader (separate)
Synopsis; A lot of people tend to only see the bad and rough sides of villains, but what about their soft sides? The sides they keep reserved for their s/o and people they trust?  What happens after a long day of villainous work? What do they do once the doors are closed and it’s only them and their s/o alone. 
Warnings; Fluff, soft mentions of rough pasts and hurt. 
Word Count; 904
A/N;  I’ll be honest, I just needed some soft villains right now and decided to write them. It made me feel better writing this as angsty love songs played in the background. Hopefully someone else enjoys this, and I am always open to criticism and help. I didn’t really go through and edit this a lot, so there may be a few mistakes.
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➸ One look at Shigaraki and one might say ‘’This man wouldn’t treat his s/o good.’’ Well they couldn’t be more wrong. Just because he’s a villain has nothing to do with it and his crusty lips don’t either. Shigaraki would be an amazing s/o, and not just because he’s strong minded and knows what he wants, it’s because he’d treat his s/o like they were his whole world. 
➸Since he’s been neglected due to love and abandonment issues he’d latch onto the first person who even said they slightly liked him. He’s like a lost puppy who just wants love and affection, which he deserves. 
➸While he’ll never admit it, he's a very lovey dovey and wants to give and receive affection all the time. He wants hugs, cuddles and kisses all the time. If you don’t give it to him, he’ll start pouting and possibly get annoyed until you give him what he wants. 
➸ His favorite thing to do with you is have you in his lap as you play a game, he’ll get all excited and explain everything to you while showing you everything. If you already know, just shut up and let him have his moment. 
➸ While Shigaraki can be hard to approach for most people, he enjoys when you have no problem strutting up to him and starting a conversation. It makes him feel less lonely and unbearable. Just seeing your eyes light up as you spot him makes his day, and he couldn’t ask for anyone better. 
➸ His second favorite thing to do with you is to simply cuddle. He likes to be the little spoon since he feels the most loved in the position. It feels nice to be held and protected while he sleeps. He’s mush in your hands. 
➸ His kisses can range to soft pecks to full blown make out sessions, so that really depends on what kind of mood he’s in. He enjoys either, just your lips pressed against his is better than any drug out there.
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➸ Dabi is one cocky motherfucker, and you learned that way before even deciding to date him, yet that cockiness struck something in you. While dating Mr. Cocky, you learned just how.. Insecure he was. 
➸Dabi was a wandering child when it came to love, one who put up multiple walls to protect him from the harshness of the world he knew. There are times where he needs reassurance that you won’t be just another person who’ll leave him again. He is cocky, but he’s also madly in love with you and scared to lose you.
➸His job is really stressful at times and many people tend to forget that being a villain isn’t just some walk in the park. Sometimes he’ll come home gloomy and tired and you just know what you need to do. He’ll simply climb into  bed, and you’ll open your arms for him without a second thought. He’ll lay right on your stomach as you run your hands through his hair, washing all his worries away with a few strokes. 
➸Your presence alone is enough to soothe him. While he knows he can act like an asshole, or be a bit too rough to you amidst his love for you, he also likes being soft with you. Like laying on the couch and watching tv, you know the normal things. 
➸He likes the 3am chats with you, where he spills his heart to you in the moment and hopes you won’t ever look at him differently. He looks at you like you're the only person in the world, and he holds you that way too. 
➸He lives for the soft kisses and soft caresses, and while he’s usually rough, in these moments he appreciates going slow and appreciating the moment between you two. 
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➸This man is already a mother and father for the LOV, so he already has that nature to fix things and makes sure things go to plan. He’s always cleaning up Shigaraki’s mess and keeping everyone from killing each other. Yet has anyone ever been the one to cook for him? Make sure he’s okay? Ensure that he isn’t stressing out to the max.
➸That’s where you come in. Coming to you always makes him feel loved and cherished, never feeling like he has to run the extra mile to be with you. He appreciates when you cook for him, bonus points if it's a surprise. It’s enough to make him pause and genuinely smile. It doesn’t matter if you burned it, or if it tasted terrible, it’s the thought that counts. 
➸He likes just laying with you, preferably being the little spoon as he tells you all about his day and the crazy things that happened. This doesn’t happen too often, but sometimes he needs to be taken care of as well. So joint showers or doing foot masks are helpful. 
➸Kurogiri likes you. He is the type to use someone for the benefit of Shigaraki succeeding, but you aren’t like that. You are one of the only people beside Shigaraki that he truly likes and cares for. He worries for your wellbeing all the time, and constantly checks in to make sure you are okay. 
➸This man is soft pretty much all the time around you, as you literally melt his cold heart. You just accepting who he is is enough for him to forever stay.
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Ingenium Fracta
Chapter three: Fear and pain
Tw: funerals, doctors, suffocation, nightmares.
"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here to celebrate the life of Iida Tenya; honoured friend, beloved son and brother. He was a good young man, taken from us too soon. Tenya was a model student and a perfect future hero, who was taken from us by an event none could see happen. It's safe to say that he's in a better place now, he's-"
There had been a funeral, the entire class had shown up. No one really spoke, it was nice catching up with Tensei he supposed, but the fact that it was at a funeral for the poor man's brother really put a damper on things. Aizawa had never felt more guilty for anything in his life, he couldn't believe he'd let a student die like that, how could he be a teacher now?
They never even found the body, Aizawa figured it was because Iida had been fighting Shigaraki at the time. That poor boy, Aizawa couldn't imagine what his family was going through. Class 1-A had completely refused to vote in a new class president, seeming offended at the very idea. Aizawa couldn't blame them at all and he managed to get Nezu to agree that the class would be fine with only a vice president. It was going to be a bit difficult for poor Momo but she was adamant she could manage, replacing Iida would be an insult.
Recently, Aizawa had found himself having regular nightmares about losing more students. It was one of those nights where Hizashi found him, he didn't know where Hizashi had been but he didn't really care. All that mattered to Aizawa was that his loving husband was now holding him gently, "Sho? What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" He nodded in response and was suddenly lifted up and placed onto Hizashi's lap, a hand combing through his hair, "it's ok babe, it wasn't real, it's just a nightmare."
"I dreamt I lost more students…"
"Oh Shouta…" Hizashi kissed the top of his head, "it isn't your fault, it never was. You couldn't have known the villains would be there, no one could."
"But…" he was crying now, "I'm supposed to be their teacher, Hizashi, I'm supposed to be a hero!"
"You are a hero! You're EraserHead! Those kids adore you Sho! And they don't hold a single thing against you, please don't hold it against yourself." He was brushing Aizawa's hair now, making sure to be careful of all the knots and tangles. Aizawa had no idea where he found such a perfect husband, he certainly didn't deserve someone so loving. "You did everything you could, but you had to watch the whole class, it's understandable that one slipped through the cracks."
It was silent for a bit after that, Aizawa just sat there trying to process Hizashi's words as the husband in question continued to brush his hair- he was braiding it now. It was very bad when Aizawa couldn't sleep, he usually slept through everything, his thoughts had to be incredibly bad if they were keeping him awake. The guilt that followed losing a student was more than enough though, not only that but it had been the class president, it had been Tenya Iida, Aizawa used to be in the same class as Tensei; the guy was the sweetest, most caring hero they had in their class. It really showed when he saw how Tenya behaved with class 1-A, everything he did reminded Aizawa of Tensei, but now seeing Tensei's face at the funeral, Aizawa had only seen Tenya. What a horrific way for the tables to turn.
The Iida's were a proud family, with a long and incredible lineage; they'd been doing good for people before quirks even evolved. Aizawa had always known them to be a little stuck up in their attitudes, Tensei being the clear outlier- the more he'd seen of Tenya, the more he realised both the Iida brothers were outliers. The funeral had been the first time he'd ever seen any of the Iida's cry- well except from Tenya, who had cried when the hero killer had hurt Tensei and was now unable to cry at all, or even feel emotions. Aizawa couldn't blame Iida's parents for crying; their baby had just died after all. They'd had one hell of a year, first Tensei's legs and now their youngest son.
A child had died. That was the hardest part for Aizawa to cope with; the fact that a child, barely 16, had died due to his failings as both a teacher and a hero. The civilians that had been on the same floor had praised Iida, commenting that they had felt safe around the next Ingenium. They told everyone about how cool and composed he had been when instructing them to evacuate and then one even mentioned him running in to disarm the villain. Aizawa honestly couldn't have been prouder of the kid, Iida had been the perfect picture of a model hero. That's what it was all about, saving and protecting the public. That was why Aizawa was a failure; he couldn't even save one child.
Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do now. It was too late to save him. So all Aizawa and everyone else could hope to do was move on and grow from it, he had argued with Nezu for the fourth time about getting his class a specialist councillor and he'd finally agreed to it, saying he'd look for one. His kids really needed it, Aizawa could well imagine how the death of a classmate felt to them, and it wasn't any classmate either; it was their beloved class president. When the news was broken to them, Aizawa had even seen Mineta and Bakugou shedding tears, and neither of them were even friends with Iida.
It was safe to say that everyone would miss the boy greatly, Aizawa didn't even like calling him a boy; Tenya Iida had proven himself more of a man then Aizawa was. The hero course favoured the flashy and the violent, but true heroes like Iida were really overlooked. Aizawa would make sure to praise the model students he had in the future, he shouldn't waste so.much time with the problem children. There should be a balance; heroes are supposed to be the protectors, but who protects the heroes? Aizawa would've liked to say it was him, but clearly he was lacking in that department.
Black smoke, filling his lungs, stealing his air. He was choking, he was on the floor. He'd been asked to revv his engines, to show what they could do, now he was choking on his own exhaust fumes. He was on the floor, when did he fall to the floor? There was yelling all around him and he wasn't sure what was going on in the slightest. He felt his consciousness slipping away from him as he gasped for air, his eyes were shut tight but he could feel the tears running down his face. He finally lost consciousness as he heard one of the men yelling, "get both! Just in case!"
When he came to, he was laying in a bed. Judging by the room it was probably Toga's bed, the mattress was so soft and the aching feeling in his legs didn't feel so bad when he lay there. He was surrounded by Toga, the burnt man and three men Tenya hadn't met yet. One man was wearing a full body suit, in blacks and greys, the second man was clearly just a mechanic, the third being a doctor, both the two regular men were clearly being held at gunpoint. Tenya had the vague idea that this was illegal, but he was too tired to think much of it.
"Are you alright kid?" The burnt man asked, putting a hand on the bed frame, "apparently part of your engine got disconnected and we had to get a doctor and a mechanic to fix it for you."
"Oh," Tenya paused, he hadn't considered the fact that bring trapped under rubble would affect his engines, although to be fair, he didn't really understand how his engines worked- or at least he'd forgotten, "well they do kind of ache…"
The doctor nodded, "that'd be the stitches, they'll ache for a little while but they should degrade on their own… can I go home now?" The mechanic looked just as desperate to leave as the doctor, and both men were led downstairs by the man in the catsuit.
Toga sat on the bed next to him, "normally I like seeing boys all injured like that, but that was really scary- there wasn't even any blood!" She frowned at him, "are you sure you're alright? I don't want my new friend dying on me!"
"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm from very hardy stock."
The burnt man raised an eyebrow at that, "do you remember what stock? Recall any family members?"
"Hmm…" unfortunately Tenya still couldn't remember anything about his family outside of his last name, "still no, my apologies."
"Don't apologize kid, they abandoned you too didn't they? Didn't even care that their kid 'died', only about those poor, defenseless heroes."
"Yeah!" Toga added, frowning, "those meanie heros left you to die! You shouldn't care about them!"
Tenya nodded, that made sense to him. The thought of people calling themselves heroes leaving someone to die in a wreckage made his blood boil- he hoped that didn't translate to his engine, he didn't want to put any strain on it at the moment. Instead he just watched them leave the room, and he settled down for a nap; he may as well use Toga's bed whilst he had it.
Dispite Kurogiri's concern, Tenya had ended up moving into Toga's room anyway; they were the only ones close enough in age and since Tenya was gay and Toga already had a crush, the adults figured it would be fine. Tenya had been happy to help the burnt man, who Tenya later found out was named Dabi, set up his bed. Kurogiri even bought him an Ingenium poster, which Tenya found off because he could have sworn that *he* was Ingenium… but nevertheless, Tenya found it very nice of him, he hadn't been expecting that. The man known as Twice somehow managed to get him a new pair of glasses as his last pair had been broken, he'd also bought Tenya some bedsheets and pillow covers, as well as many books to help Tenya keep up with his studies.
In fact, Tenya was studying when Toga looked over at his book, "whatcha doin'?"
"I'm reading about algebra, see?" He showed her the notebook he was trying the questions in, "it's like maths but there's letters! It's rather fun!"
"Why would there be letters in maths? That doesn't make any sense!"
He chuckled at that, shuffling to the side so she could get on the bed with him, "oh it's easy when you think about it, come on; I'll show you." He put his bookmark in the book and flipped back a few chapters, understanding that Toga would probably need something a little easier.
"Let's try something simple, okay?" He smiled at her, beginning to write the question down when she nodded. "So let's say that A means one, and B means two, what would A plus B make?" He wrote the question down as he said it, making sure it was clear.
She nodded slowly, taking the pen from Tenya as she slowly wrote down the answer, at least she understood basic maths- although her handwriting was terrible. "Is it three? Or do I have to write down another number?"
"Well technically you're right, unfortunately the rules of algebra dictate that the answer would be AB."
Toga proceeded to look at Tenya like he was a moron, "so it's not even numbers? Why is it still maths?"
He sighed, unsure of how to explain it to her, "well you've got to figure out how to shorten the question I suppose, it doesn't entirely make sense- but that's what makes it so fun!" He smiled, knowing there was no point in explain it to her, she hadn't finished middle school so there wasn't much of a chance of her grasping algebra.
"You're so weird Ten-chan! Stick to liking murder like the rest of us!" She giggled, they both knew there was no malice behind that, her genuine smile showed that. Toga got off of the bed and went back to her own, toying with her knife. "Do you want to talk about Izuku?"
"Who?" Tenya didn't think he'd ever heard that name before, but he had a funny feeling of deja vu from it.
"Huh?" Toga was once again looking at Tenya like he was stupid, "you know? Green hair, freckles? Sometimes goes by Deku? Izuku Midoriya?"
A gasp, "Midoriya?" Tenya knew Midoriya, he loved Midoriya! Midoriya was his best friend, was Izuku his first name? Tenya felt a little guilty that he didn't know his best friend's full name, or even how he looked. To be fair though, he did have memory issues, so he couldn't be blamed really.
"Yeah! That's Izuku's last name! You wanna talk about him?"
"Of course I want to talk about Midoriya! He's my best friend!"
Toga giggled, taking out her phone and beginning to show him the photos she'd taken. They were photos of Midoriya, Tenya instantly recognized him, despite not remembering his face. The fear on his face in every photo was particularly familiar, and Tenya found himself having flashes of an image in his head, of nothing but pure worry and stress on Midoriya's face. Toga snapped him back to reality, beaming happily, "isn't he cute??"
Tenya had to nod at that, "his hair is very fluffy, and I like his freckles." He did agree with Toga, Midoriya was a lot more adorable than Tenya had expected. This was his best friend? Oh Tenya must be the best at making friends then, to befriend someone so pretty.
"I know, right? I like him best when he's covered in blood!"
A moment of silence and Toga paused, "I don't know, just think he's attractive," she shrugged, clearly not having a real answer. Tenya didn't really mind, he was just curious, he didn't actually care either way.
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
Dabi as a Boyfriend
Pairing: Touya Todoroki Dabi x Reader
Summary: thE titlE
Warning: Swearing, mentions of blood, dabi is a todoroki
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no comment today, just 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
“But you said I could-”
*sigh* “Alright.”
Touya Todoroki Dabi lets you call him by his first name even though he’d rather you didn’t
It’s a sign of trust when he first tells you his real name and a little bit about himself and his past, so listen and appreciate it
Dabi is seen by all the ladies as a smooth fuck boy
I can definitely see him settling down with someone or at least getting into a serious relationship… later on
Just know if you happen to be that one, you’re truly special
Dabi has a heart somewhere under those scars and his ‘big tough-guy’ act and it will show if you’re the right person 
You’ll find the scars aren’t just physical either. Years of mental scarring from his father are still carved into the human stapler and you never know - once he gets comfortable with you, it’s word vomit until you know everything
He doesn’t want to be a burden so he won’t tell you until he’s actually considered asking you to be his wife, his black rose, and his partner in crime
(it won’t take too long for him to get comfy tho wink wink)
He shows his love through actions rather than words; hugs, kisses, possessively wrapping his arms around your waist if Compress, Twice, or Shiggy start to get too comfortable around you, and evening cuddles
Also, if Toga starts asking you for blood, Dabi will come to save you in a matter of seconds
Dabi refuses to let you drive
“But you always drive! What’s the good of a fake license if I can’t even use it?”
*Shrugs indifferently* “I’m driving. I’ll get carsick if you do.”
When you first start dating, he acts like he doesn’t care, but in reality, he does. A lot. 
I dare you to go talk to Kurogiri at the counter with Dabi in the same room, better yet, leave his side to go talk to him
In seconds, he’ll be right next to you holding your hand under the table while interrupting your friendly conversation and bark a drink order at the wispy male
Uses PDA to ward off other dudes
If he sees a guy oogling your delicious curves, he’s gonna grab your face and suck your plump lips until they get the message and walk away
You always get surprised and flustered when he finally lets go
You’re kinda forced to awkwardly go back to browsing the racks or eating your salad
That’s the best part for him
Forget the kiss, the redness of your cheeks, your trembling hands as you try to focus on the clothes again, and the labored rise and fall of your chest as you catch your breath is definitely worth it
Lucky for him, you get a lot of stares
What he really loves about you is that you don’t constantly badger him for sex
Yes, he gives you exactly what you need when the mood strikes, but that’s not why you’re in the relationship. He appreciates that
Also, he really enjoys spending time with you.
To him, knowing you don’t care about being seen in public with his scarred and pierced ass makes bacon bby really happy
The way your fingers caress his face and kiss every single one of his staples makes him feel really special, even though he might not show it
Dabi is touch starved, love-starved, normal, happy childhood starved so while you’re with him, wrap him in as many hugs as a mother would, spoil him as much as your wallet allows, be his shoulder to cry on when he gets upset, patch him up when he gets hurt, and be there to hold him when he has a nightmare because of daddy enji
When you do all this, you get a really deep emotional connection with him that will last a lifetime
Now It sounds like I’m Martha Stewart
even if things don’t work out, you can still be his comfort and his fuck buddy
In return, not only to you have a really hot guy to protect you from heroes and the rude stares from random guys, but you have a lanky stress ball too!
Dabi is a good listener
He will listen to you about the guys at work, your shitty boss, shitty work hours, when the price of your favorite lip gloss goes up again, if there’s college exams coming up and you’re freaking out, etc
He likes listening to your melodic voice tell him about your day
He will offer to ‘get rid’ of people for you, but more often than not, you decline
The news headline that week will be ‘More Burned Bodies found behind Drug Mart’ despite your refusal to his offer
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torucr · 4 years
LoV with a short s/o
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs – ᴛᴏɢᴀ ʜɪᴍɪᴋᴏ , ᴅᴀʙɪ , sʜɪɢᴀʀᴀᴋɪ , ᴋᴜʀᴏɢɪʀɪ , ᴍᴀɢɴᴇ , sᴘɪɴɴᴇʀ , ᴛᴡɪᴄᴇ , ᴍʀ. ᴄᴏᴍᴘʀᴇss ᴀɴᴅ ɢɪʀᴀɴ
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
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— Toga Himiko
✧ she finds it adorable tbh
✧ she is constantly telling the league how cute you are
✧ “ they’re so cute , they’re the cutest person ever ! “
✧ she only trusts Magne and Twice to meet you though , since the rest are unpredictable , per say
✧ if you want her to , she’ll treat you like a child , and she’ll gladly buy steal you plushies
✧ she’ll even give you piggy backs , if you desire
✧ overall , she’s totally 100% whipped for you
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— Dabi ( Toya Todoroki )
✧ 1 word ; fucking tease
✧ even though he teases you to no end , he actually likes your height
✧ it makes him feel a bit more dominant , even though he knows that you can’t top him unless if you somehow manage chain him up , good luck with that
✧ thing is , if anyone else makes fun of your height or teases you in any way , Dabi’ll react in two different ways . 1 ; he’ll give them a warning or 2 ; he’ll burn ‘em to a crisp right in front of you , or he’ll do it in private
✧ he hasn’t told the league that he has a s/o , since he’s worried that if he does something wrong , then they’d hunt you down and kill you or harm you . And he doesn’t want you to get hurt because of him , he loves you too much .
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— Tomura Shigaraki ( Tenko Shimura )
✧ Shigaraki isn’t the tallest for his age , so it boosts his ego to see that his s/o is shorter than him
✧ doesn’t tease you about it much , since he himself doesn’t like being teased , so he understands that it can be very annoying at times
✧ doesn’t baby you , since he feels like if he does , you’ll think that he sees you as weak . But if you want him to baby you , he will , but not as much as Toga
✧ even though he doesn’t show much PDA in public , he does show a bit in private in his room
✧ due to the fact that he didn’t have the best childhood , he doesn’t know how to show any affection really , but he tries his best !
✧ he’s lowkey a tsundere , so expect him to be a little mean to you at times , but you know that he’s just flustered , since his face usually turns entirely pink , which makes him put ‘father’ on him
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— Kurogiri
✧ despite the fact that most people wouldn’t see him having a s/o at all ( since he’s technically a Nomu ) , he was lucky enough to find you
✧ you love him so much , he couldn’t ask for anything more
✧ being the gentleman he is , he hardly teases you , only time he’s teased you was when you couldn’t reach him for a kiss
✧ honestly , he’s never brought you to the LoV hangout , since he knows that they could probably harm you in some way , he doesn’t want that
✧ he loves how short you are compared to him , it makes his heart flutter
✧ he’s a big softy , and he’s a father figure . If you desire him to , he will treat you like a child , he’ll even buy you plushies
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— Magne ( Kenji Hikiishi )
✧ she lives for the height difference
✧ this queen doesn’t make fun of your height whatsoever , literally . Granted , she will tease you now and then , but not as much as the others do
✧ she met you when you were being attacked by another villain , and she protected you ( even though she had to kill the villain in front of you , it was for good cause )
✧ ever since she protected you , you guys became very close . At first you were friends , but then you started crushing on her . So you told her , and she said that she’d gladly date you .
✧ ever since then , you guys have been an adorable couple ! Even though she’s your girlfriend , she’s somewhat your mum , since she protects you at all times 🥺
✧ this girl’s absolutely fucking whipped for you
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— Spinner ( Shuichi Iguchi )
✧ this boy doesn’t tease you nor does he make fun of your height , since he’s insecure and he’s been teased and made fun of by people before , and he knows that it isn’t a nice thing to go through , even if it is a joke
✧ he loves the height difference tbh , guy lives for it
✧ he loves sitting you on his lap when you guys watch movies together
✧ if you want to get plates or something that’s too high for you to reach , just yell his name and he’ll get the things for you
✧ honestly , he’s such a sweetheart
✧ bless him , he doesn’t like seeing you around the LoV , since the last time he introduced you to them ..... they almost killed you
✧ he’s 100% the big spoon , but if you desire , he’ll gladly let you be the big spoon , specially on cold nights , since due to his quirk , he gets cold very easily
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— Twice ( Jin Bubaigawara )
✧ he has mixed opinions on your height
✧ one of his personalities thinks that you’re too short , which he says isn’t true
✧ the other says that you’re so short that you remind him of a child
✧ and the other’s fucking whipped for you
✧ he just fucking loves you , ok ?
✧ my man won’t ever tease you or make fun of you , even though sometimes his other personalities tease and make fun of you , he doesn’t
✧ please love this man , he deserves it 🥺
✧ he loves hugging you , wether it be from behind , the front or from the side
✧ loves covering your face in kisses
✧ the height difference makes him feel like he should protect you with all his will
✧ likes being the big spoon , if you want to though , you can be the big spoon , he doesn’t really mind , as long as you’re happy , he’s happy
✧ I wanna marry this man , where can I get myself a Jin Bubaigawara ?
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— Mr. Compress ( Atsuhiro Sako )
✧ Sako doesn’t really care for his s/os’ height , skin tone , gender etc. As long as they’re a nice person , he’s ok with that
✧ but , he does find you very petite , per say , even if you’re not the slimmest , he still sees you as someone who’s petite
✧ he fucking loves you so much , he’ll get steal you anything , and I mean anything
✧ he’ll most likely compress the item that you want , and show you a magic trick , at the end he’ll give you the gift
✧ he loves kissing you , wether it be on the mouth , cheek , forehead or any other part of your body , he fucking lives for that shit
✧ probably introduces you to at least 1 of the league members ; most likely Kurogiri , since he can’t really trust anyone else with seeing you , since they’re extremely unpredictable at all times
✧ he likes picking you up bridal style , gives him a sense of comfort of sort , doesn’t know how to explain it , just puts him at ease
✧ will sit you in his lap whenever possible , while snuggling with you , occasionally giving you small pecks on your neck or face . If you’re facing him , he’ll maybe passionately make out with you from time to time
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— Giran ( Kagero Okuta )
✧ lives for the height difference
✧ you both insult/tease each other , he calls you ‘shorty , short stuff’ etc. While you call him ‘old fart , old man’ etc.
✧ fucking spoils the shit out of you , he’s stacked with money , he’s practically your sugar daddy
✧ loves sitting you on his lap during meetings or when he’s being visited by clients
✧ but if they get all touchy with you , or if they ask to many questions , he’s gonna shoot ‘em
✧ loves being the big spoon , doesn’t like being the little spoon , cause it makes him feel vulnerable , and he hates feeling vulnerable , like , Bakugo hates Midoriya hate
✧ your height makes him feel more dominant and in control , but he won’t take advantage of that . He may seem like a sadistic bastard , but he’s not entirely a sadist , only at certain times or in certain situations
✧ he likes giving you piggy back rides , he also likes it when you sit in his lap and you fall asleep , he finds it adorable tbh
✧ if someone teases you or makes fun of you for your height ...... this man’ll either send an assassin on them , or he’ll simply kill ‘em himself , without you knowing , of course , he doesn’t wanna frighten you away
────── 〔✿〕──────
Hope you enjoyed , I apologise if any of these characters seem OOC
Thanks for reading (*´∀`)~♥
© all content belongs to torucr 2020 , please don’t modify or repost
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quirklove · 4 years
I beg of you- some soft Tomura, Compress, and Setsuno headcanons, please. I’m on my simp shit rn
aw, you don’t have to beg!! I’m constantly on simp mode for these babes
soft soft soft soft!!!!
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Is always humming something or other when he’s around his S/O. It might be an old nursery rhyme that’s stuck in his head, it might be some catchy pop tune that he keeps hearing on the radio, it might even be their favorite song. He’s nearly always an outgoing personality, but his S/O makes him so happy it puts that extra little spring in his step.
He’s a man of culture, (Name)! Somewhere he has a small stash of money from his past that he can draw on, so every once in a while, he likes to treat his friends and his S/O. (Most of the time, that cash goes to making sure they all actually have enough to eat or emergency supplies, and it’s obviously not too much money, so he doesn’t do this horribly often.) If anyone else will join him in disguise, he might be inclined to go with his S/O to a play or musical… perhaps even a ballet if the tickets are affordable enough. If no one else comes, ah, that’s alright; he’ll go with (Name) anyway, then bring back a slightly nicer dinner than normal for everyone else so that they aren’t left out. Maybe once or twice a year he does this, so everyone better enjoy it!
Noooo, he doesn’t wear the balaclava when he goes to bed, nor is it the first thing he puts on in the morning. He loves those times ― lying down to sleep and waking up. He gets to feel so vulnerable and exposed with his S/O, having them stare at him with his entire face uncovered, feeling their hands run through his hair like only ever allows in private. Plus, the fact that their gorgeous face is the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes in the morning? God. He’s gone soft. At least that softness is only for them, otherwise he might have a problem.
He likes to play cards with his friends and S/O if they’re not busy. No missions means he’s at the bar playing poker with Kurogiri, or war with Dabi, or… well, all Tomura ever plays is let me turn the cards to dust because fuck your games, Compress. What a brat!! One can practically see his face light up behind whatever mask he has on when (Name) asks him to teach them a game.
No matter what, he makes the extremely conscious effort to always give his S/O some gesture of affection before he goes off on a mission. Whether it’s tipping his mask to lovingly kiss their cheek, giving their fingers a passionate squeeze, or pulling them close for a gentle hug, he won’t leave without doing it. It’s a subtle way of saying goodbye, just in case things might go sideways. He acknowledges that the League’s affairs are incredibly dangerous and illegal; they could all die on any mission. He wants his beloved’s potential last memory of him to be something good. If he ends up dead, he doesn’t want them left with any doubt as to the fact that whatever else is true, he adores them very, very much and wants them to be happy.
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Nightmares are a frequent thing with him, unfortunately. Sometimes it takes the form of memories, remembering the night his Quirk activated, leaving him with the image of crying in the middle of a circle made of his family’s corpses. Sometimes it’s a horrifying scenario in which Decay works on him, where he wraps his arms around himself and feels himself disintegrate piece by piece. Sometimes it’s his literal worst nightmare, a scene where he touches his friends or his S/O and they turn to dust in his fingers. Sometimes he wakes up screaming, his hands balled into fists so hard his nails are digging crescents into his palms and drawing blood, just so he can’t hurt anyone he cares about. Having his S/O take him in their arms and hold him close, kissing his face, whispering that he’s safe, reminding him that they’re here for him… he might not get back to sleep, but he finds comfort enough to stop crying within an hour.
There is one lone, solitary, singular way (Name) can get him to wear lip balm. That would be… to apply a surplus of it to their own lips, and proceed to give him as many kisses as he’ll allow them to in one go. Sure, the chapped lips aren’t unattractive ― but they’ve gotta hurt like hell. Just let your loving S/O lessen your pain a little, Tomura, you gigantic baby!! Also, they should pick a novelty flavor when they do this. It increases the number of kisses he’ll accept when their lips taste like vanilla frosting or Dr. Pepper.
Is like… the worst at any kind of self-care. He forgets to wash/comb his hair, he definitely doesn’t shower quite enough, he’s had at least one infection from not taking care of the wounds on his neck. The only reason he isn’t dead is Kurogiri, and later gains another reason; his S/O, obviously. Whenever he’s not working on his and All For One’s plans, he’s playing video games, and trying to get him away from that is like pulling teeth. However, his S/O has turned out to be very good at doing that. They can easily entice him with a warm shower together, and he’s pretty sure he’s never felt something as amazing as their fingers massaging his scalp as they wash his hair. Even though the ointment they want to put on his neck smells like medicine, he tolerates it simply because it feels nice when they rub it on. They’re always so gentle with him, and it just about breaks the poor man.
When encouraged and left in a non-stressful environment, Tomura is actually not terrible with children. He’s awkward, sure, he’s grumpy, sure, he doesn’t suffer brats, sure, but all things being equal, he does alright. Most of the time he’s not too scary around kids, or at least doesn’t act scary. (His appearance freaking some of them out, ah… that’s another story.) Though he’d have to do a lot of preparation, he might actually put an incredible amount of effort into learning if he found out he was going to be a father. How the man can’t manage to muster up the motivation needed to wash his clothes before wearing them a second time, yet can summon the will to read a ton of different parenting books, the world will never know. The point stands ― having a child combined with his love for his S/O would be a huge catalyst for his realizing that he doesn’t hate everything and everyone, and the world isn’t all bad.
Whenever he wants to touch his S/O in a sweet, intimate way but doesn’t feel comfortable or safe using most of his hand, he’ll use one finger. He might curl his fingers in to run his thumb gingerly over their cheek, or trace his knuckle down the side of their arm, or use the tip of his index finger to draw down their spine so he can see them arch their back. Tomura has never, ever had this before. Despite knowing he has to be careful, that he wants to be careful with them, there’s something endlessly fascinating to him about seeing how they react pleasantly to his touch when all his touch has ever done before is destroy. This also works in reverse; he wants to experience every possible touch of theirs that they’re willing to afford him.
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When he sleeps with his S/O, he really, really loves to be the little spoon. (He’s pretty well convinced that anyone who says they don’t, at least from time to time, is a liar!) It makes him feel safe and secure, like everything’s okay, like his S/O cares about him and wants to protect him. If he’s not being the little spoon, and sometimes when he’s the little spoon but facing them, he tends to cling in his sleep. His arms wrap tightly around their waist, his head buried in their chest or their neck or their back. It’s a product of his depressingly possessive nature; he loves them so much, they’re the best thing in his life, and he just… doesn’t want to lose them. Even while he’s asleep, he never wants to let go.
There are times Toya thinks about letting his hair grow out a little longer, to his shoulders maybe. The biggest thing that stops him is that he doesn’t know how he’d look with long hair. He isn’t sure he’d look that great or that he has the face for it! He’s a little afraid that with his more delicate features, having hair longer than it is now would lead to him being mistaken for a woman. If he mentions it to (Name), he might be a little startled by their enthusiastic, “Oh, that would look so charming on you!” coupled with a reassurance that they love his appearance no matter what he decides to do with his look. As far as they’re concerned, even if he ends up not doing it, they’re still going to think he’s the most handsome man ever. Knowing they’d support it, though, makes him think about actually doing it.
He rambles a lot, particularly when he’s feeling anxious. He rambles a lot. That goes along with his hands fidgeting and sometimes his leg bouncing a bit if he’s sitting down. For some reason he finds it hard to sit still or be quiet. He feels the need to fill the silence with something. So he talks, about anything and everything and occasionally about nothing at all. Most of the time only his S/O (or sometimes a friend) placing a hand over his, threading their fingers together, can calm him slightly. Often a gentle kiss when he’s doing the motormouth thing will get his mind to slow down and focus… at least to the point where he kisses back, and happily drowns in them for a while.
While not ‘on the job’, Toya… is usually kind of unsure what to do with his time. He reads, he watches TV a lot, he… sleeps. God, he sleeps. He seems to spend his life in a weird state of either being asleep or seeming wired as hell. There’s not really an in-between for him, at least not for a long time. He has trouble finding balance, especially since he’s so depressed. It seems to other people that he’s got too much energy and doesn’t fit the profile of what many people think a depressed person looks like. In truth, this is probably more accurate than people would like to think ― he hides the fact that he feels numb or sad by masking it with upbeat, happy, sometimes crazed behavior. Thankfully, he can sometimes find real happiness with his S/O, and it’s because of them that he might seek any kind of treatment so that he can feel better more often. Good thing, too, because not only will he be chasing a healthy life… his smile, genuine, painless, unaltered by any kind of forced joy? His true smile is the most beautiful thing.
Okay, but the man… has a serious sweet tooth. Most of the Hassaikai have their own room, and they can fill it however they choose. Toya’s cabinets are filled with nothing but sugary snacks. Even though he does eat regular meals, or at least tries to, he has to have something with sugar nearby to eat between. Chocolate is his favorite; he’ll eat almost any kind of candy, pastry, or even fruit snacks. If his S/O is very lucky, he will share! Pro tip: playing the pocky game with him is guaranteed to end in a cute, maybe steamy makeout session. And kissing any leftover chocolate that gets stuck to his lips? Oh, he’ll blush so hard.
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nanayoungishere · 4 years
History Repeats In Mysterious Ways AU
The most self indulgent AU I can think of. 
Basically it’s a universe where Izuku has a twin (who eventually becomes evil but more on that later) who ends up getting One For All. Izuku, meanwhile, accidentally stumbles upon a half-dead All For One in some filthy alleyway and ends up getting All For One’s Quirk foisted upon him before the evil bastard dies. 
You see in this AU, the final battle between All Might and All For One happens super early. As in, several months before the series originally starts. And since it happens so early, All Might still has his quirk and was able to fare much better in the final battle. 
Moreover without the added stress of trying to rescue a kidnapping victim, the rest of the heroes were able to take care of All For One’s forces much better than they did in canon. All For One’s organization gets dismantled, the Nomus are gotten rid of, the Doctor is arrested and his research is destroyed in the struggle, Kurogiri disappears to parts unknown, and Tomura dies in the crossfire. 
Basically All For One is not having a good time in this AU. Everything he worked for, all the preparations he made, were basically made pointless. He has no legacy, no successor, nothing left. And while he was able to drag himself away before getting brutally killed by All Might, he knew he didn’t have much time left. He was fucked and he knew it. 
He only had one thing left in him: the ability to pass his quirk on to someone else. It was something he and the Doctor had been working on for some time now, a way for Tomura to finally succeed him as the Symbol of Fear. Because of All Might’s constant and unrelenting pressure on him, All For One hadn’t gotten around to switching his quirk out for a copy. He made enough adjustments so that he could switch it out, but didn’t get the chance to before All Might busted in and started kicking his ass. 
So when Izuku happens to stumble upon him while he’s bleeding out in an alleyway, he takes the chance to foist his quirk on him as a last ditch effort to keep his legacy alive. After all, all quirks have an imprint of the user hidden within, and All For One’s imprint on his quirk is basically a second him. He figures that, given enough time, his imprint will be able to take over Izuku’s body, giving him a second chance at life and revenge. 
So that’s how Izuku ends up with an absurd quirk, along with an evil voice in his head that tries to take over his body/tempt him into villainy. He also has to deal with all the other voices of the many, many quirks All For One stole over the years, as well as all their conflicting memories and feelings. 
A huge portion of the story is just Izuku struggling to stay sane and in control even as All For One tries to mindfuck him into surrendering his body or becoming evil. There’s also the fact that a lot of All For One’s quirks are too much for his teenage body to handle, so he ends up having to keep himself from ripping his body apart like in canon. There’s also all the suspicion from everyone else, All For One’s old minions showing up and pledging their allegiance to Izuku, villainous rivals challenging Izuku for territory, and much, much more. 
Basically, things aren’t going well for Izuku in this AU. And that’s not even going into his (future evil) twin. 
Izuku’s twin (whom I will be calling Zukin for now) is considered to be much better than Izuku in the eyes of others. He has a telekinetic quirk that allows him to control, manipulate, and enhance fire/heat so long as he has a prior heat/fire source. He’s very outgoing and overtly friendly to others. He’s selfless and makes a point to reiterate his love for heroes and how he wants to be one. He constantly looks out for his quirkless brother, protecting him against bullies and thugs. He’s considered by many to be Bakugou’s rival of sorts, even by the kid himself. He’s athletic, strong, skilled -- pretty much perfect in the eyes of others.
He does, however, have one main flaw: his need for external validation. 
See, a large part of the reason why Zukin wants to be a hero is because he wants to be validated by others. It’s something he’s always felt, ever since he was young: a need for positive attention. He wants it all, all the praise and respect and love from the people around him. It’s not enough that a few people like him; he wants everyone to like him. He has a need for it, a craving that won’t go away. And since everyone treats heroes like living gods/celebrities, he quickly decided that he needed to be one too. 
Which in of itself isn’t too bad. Craving attention from others is something everyone feels, and wanting to go into heroism for your own personal goals isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If anything, it’s normal. 
But Zukin often allows his need for validation to get in the way of doing what’s right. Which is how he managed to get One For All. 
In canon, Izuku managed to get One For All by risking his life to save Bakugou from the Sludge Villain even after All Might himself told him he couldn’t be a hero. In this AU the exact same thing happens -- only Izuku gets mistaken for his brother and Zukin is the one who gets attacked. 
Basically, when Izuku latches onto All Might and asks if someone quirkless can be a hero, he uses very vague terminology and wording that implies that he’s talking about someone else. Part of the reason why is nervousness -- he’s talking to his idol after all and the stress of almost dying ends up making his kinda delirious. 
So All Might gives him the no and Izuku walks off. The Sludge Villain gets away and ends up attacking Zukin while he’s walking home with a friend of his. Zukin, shocked by the sudden arrival of a villain, panics and ends up pushing said friend into the Sludge Villain’s clutches and makes a break for it. The villain snatches him anyway and in his blind panic, he uses his quirk to no avail. It just makes everything worse, just like it did with Bakugou in canon. 
Izuku arrives just as the Sludge Villain is about to suffocate Zukin and his friend. He jumps in, tells his brother to snap out of it, and manages to free the friend just as a crowd and the heroes arrive. 
So the thing about Izuku and Zukin is that they look exactly alike, down to the freckles. Sure Zukin is a bit more buff than Izuku, but you wouldn’t be able to tell at first glance, especially in their school uniforms. So when the heroes arrive and they see one bother bravely saving the other and their friend -- and when they later find out that one of the brothers is quirkless -- they immediately believe that the one with the heroic/powerful quirk was the one who saved the day. 
And Zukin goes along with it. Partly because of the whole external validation things, but mostly because of shame. Shame that he panicked, shame that he pushed a friend towards a villain to escape, shame for his own cowardice. He knows he didn’t act like a hero in that moment, that he acted like a selfish coward and he hates himself for it. And the thought of other people hating him too -- the thought of everyone whispering about how much of a coward he is -- makes him panic. So he takes the credit for the save before he can really think about it. 
And because both Izuku and Zukin’s friend sustained a good amount of brain damage during the struggle, they can’t exactly remember what happened during the fight or even what happened that day. So when Zukin says he saved them, they believe him. 
So everyone heads off to the hospital and that’s when All Might meets up with Zukin. The kid’s awestruck but more than a little confused when All Might makes a casual mention to his and Izuku’s conversation. He quickly realizes that Izuku and All Might must have met before though and -- not wanted to out himself as a coward in front of his idol -- acts as though he was the one he talked to. He talks about his brother, how he’s quirkless, and and says that he just wanted to see if it was possible for him. 
All Might smiles, makes a big speech about how he’ll make a good hero one day before offering to train him. And Zukin, struck by hero worship and a rising sense of glee, immediately agrees. 
He feels bad about it later, when he tells Izuku and realizes that he essentially stole All Might’s training from him. He justifies it by saying that it’s for the best; Izuku is quirkless after all and that sorta training would be wasted on him. Zukin is the one with the best chance of going to US and being a hero. Izuku just needs to face facts: quirkless people can’t be heroes. The sooner he realizes this, the better. 
So Zukin trains with All Might and, eventually, gets offered One For All. Zukin immediately thinks of Izuku and how by taking credit for his actions, he essentially stole a quirk from his own brother. Izuku’s one chance of getting a quirk and Zukin stole it. 
It makes him feel so, so guilty. But not guilty enough to turn down All Might’s offer and admit the truth. Because the thought of his idol realizing how he lied to him -- the looks he’ll probably give him -- makes him swallow back his words. 
He takes One For All and vows to make it up to his brother later, ignoring all the guilt and the voice in the back of his head that calls him a liar. 
So a huge part of Zukin’s story is his decent into selfishness and cowardice, how the residue guilt and paranoia ends up turning him into a monster. Because taking Izuku’s spot as the rightful user of One For All isn’t the only shitty thing he does. Over and over again he does shitty things in order to maintain his image as the perfect hero, to live up to the legacy All Might has given him. Zukin acts like he can handle the pressure, the responsibility, but it becomes increasingly clear that he can’t. And eventually, it turns him into a villain. 
So that’s the main idea of this AU:
One brother given one of the most heroic quirks in existence, surrounded on all sides by heroes and heroic personalities, mentored by one of the greatest heroes in history, and who still ends up becoming a villain due to their own choices. 
Anther brother, spat on by society and the world at large, forced to use a villainous quirk that he never wanted, with an ancient villain whispering within his mind, surrounded by all sides by villains and villainy, and who ends up becoming a great hero despite it all. 
A heroic All For One vs a villainous One For All. The irony of it is delicious. 
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The Brothers Three Masterlist
Might as well do this, makes it easy to establish stuff and sort things out.
Dad Might ft. Big Bros Baku, Deku, & Todo
(Putting these under the cut because this list is getting long)
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Fluff - 💕
Angst - 💔
Spicy - 🙊
Not so Safe for the Workplace - 💦
Dark Themes - 🖤
Death - 💀
Spoilers - ⭐
Not all headcanons are marked (there is a lot of them)
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Who are the Brother’s Three Family Unit?: A unit that consists of the familial/platonic relations of Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Shouto Todoroki, and Mochi with Yagi Toshinori acting as a father.
Who is Mochi?: They’re the reader from this series.
Who is Tenshi?: They’re the Villain AU equivalent to Mochi.
Who is Mitsu?: They’re the All Smite AU equivalent to the former two.
Who is Kiyoi?: They’re the Overhaul AU equivalent to Mitsu
Are they different people?: No, Mochi, Tenshi, Mitsu, and Kiyoi are the same person, just in different universes/circumstances.
What are Nonnies?: Nickname for “Anonymous”, character based on the Anon icon here on Tumblr.
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Chapters / Main Writing:
Full Tag
Bentō - Part One [💔💕]
Ikari - Part Two [💔💕]
Kizukareru - Part Three [💕]
Akogare - Part Four [💕]
Uchi - Part Five (Mochi’s Dorm Design) [💔💕]
Wakai - Part Six (in progress)
Part Seven (in planning stages)
Side Stories:
Full Tag
Drabble: Toga stealing Mochi’s first kiss [💔]
Drabble: Older Sib protecting Lil’ Bros against Villains + art [💕]
Drabble: “I scraped my knee falling for you.” w/ Hitoshi [💕]
Drabble: Dad Might is sick and Sibs are taking care of him [💕]
Moments of Tenderness (Villain AU) [💔💕]
Incorrect Quotes
Drabble: Deaging Quirk, Toddler! Tenshi (Villain AU) [💕]
C̲u̖̰t͕̹̯̗e̪̩?͎̘̪͎̺ (Villain AU) [🖤]
Incorrect Quotes P. 2
Make A Move (About Todoroki’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
Unforgettable (About Bakugo’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
Smoke (About All Might’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
Someone You Like (About Midoriya’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
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Headcanons / Talking:
Full Tag
With Mitsuki, Inko, and Rei HCs
The Bakusquad Reaction HCs
The Dekusquad Reaction HCs
Endeavor’s Reaction [💔]
Fem Mochi & Mother Bonding HCs
HCs submitted by fluffymarshmellowcat
1-A vs Mirio & Internships HCs
Toga and Dabi Reaction HCs
Potential Love Interests and Approval Ratings HCs
Himiko Romantic Compatibility HC
Yagi Actually Adopting Mochi HC
Tamaki sees Mochi as a Bunny/Flower HCs
Mochi and Eri’s bond HC
Hugging Monoma and Tamaki + Bakugo HCs
Little Brothers Three & Big Sib Mochi HCs
Inasa’s confusion
Sleepover HCs
Flinching at Touch HCs [💔]
Interning with Gang Orca HC
Quirk Talk
About Mochi using their quirk against their parents [🖤]
Running away HCs [💔🖤]
Becoming a Pro Hero HCs
About meeting Dad Might and Izuku HCs
Where they start viewing Mochi as a sibling HCs
Finding out about intern offers HCs
Gang Orca talking to Katsu and Shou about Mochi
Favorite Foods are their brothers’ HCs
Piggy back rides HCs
How Katsuki feels about Mochi befriending intimidating people
Playing in the snow for the first time HCs
Hawks and Nicknames + Giving the TBT fam a heart attack HCs
Gang Orca’s Nicknames HCs
Clothes HCs
Holidays HCs
Guilt Ridden Mochi after Bakugo’s Kidnapping HC [💔]
Shinsou helping Mochi after punching them during training
Katsuki being questioned about Mochi by LOV
Monoma not knowing how to function around Mochi HC
Fatgum witnesses Tamaki being soft with Mochi HC
Where is Mochi when Izuku fights Muscular
Mitsuki treating Mochi’s Wounds [💔🖤]
More Headcanons
Movie watching with Bros HCs
Overhaul’s interest in them and where it stems from [🖤]
Mochi’s Selfies with Brothers HCs
Younger Mochi and their Family
Quirk Talk Pt. 2
More Potential Love Interests
Flipped roles with younger lil’ bros three HCs
Hero Costume and Sleepy Sibling + art
Mochi gets turned into a Cat HCs + art
Villain AU drawing + Bone Quirk
Koala Clingy, Sleepy Sib HC + art
Mochi’s Cafe Job + art
Bone Quirk Talk - Milk + art
Bone Quirk Talk - Milk Pt. 2 + art
Comic: Provisional Licensing Exams Aftermath [💕]
More Cat! Mochi HCs + art
Bone Quirk Mochi dressed as Sans + art
Bone Quirk Mochi + Suitors Reactions to Milk Hoarding + art
Chased through store by Katsuki HC
Surprise Birthday Party HC
Onesies HCs
Brothers’ Cis Swap HCs + art
Denki memeing and the Siblings are just...?? + art
Mochi with Hoarding Habit HC [💔🖤]
Hitoshi and Mochi at a cat cafe
Mirio and Mochi goofing around
Festival and spending time with everyone
If everyone but Mochi’s brother forgot about them HCs [💔]
Sleepy Mochi nods off like a kitty
Suitors react to Mochi falling asleep on their shoulder
Everyone’s memories are returned but it makes Mochi scared to feel happy again [💔]
Beach Time!! + art
Shopping with Momo! + art
Aftermath of getting their memories back + art [💔]
Mochi trying to spook people on Halloween
Mochi loses their memories [💔]
Bone Quirk Mochi + Training with Kiri and Tetsu
Quirk Talk Pt. 3
Mochi has their wisdom teeth removed HCs
Tamaki and Mochi go butterfly viewing
Dorm Room Blabs
Mochi and Plushies
Tsuyu and Mochi at the beach
Mei and improving Mochi’s Costume
Ochako and Mochi at a Thrift Shop
Toga and taking out Mochi’s stalkers
Bone Quirk Mochi + attracting cats + where their dorm is
Mochi’s Protective Cat
Katsuki and Mochi playing video games
Stain and All for One’s opinion of Mochi
Mochi's Outfits
Plushy Closet blabs
Nightmares and sleeping in one another’s dorms [🖤]
Mochi and Flirting
Mochi’s parents being Quirkless HC
Mochi working out with Eijiro and Tetsutetsu
Fuyumi and Natsuo Reaction HCs
Toddler Mochi and Baby Pictures
Mochi having coffee for the first time
Quirk Talk Pt. 4
The Siblings + Tomi the Cat unwinding
Mochi’s reaction to having fans
Mochi’s Fans and shipping wars
Brothers Three get aged down and how it’s handled
Mochi playing the Sims
What if Mochi suddenly disappeared for a month and returned with no memories of said month? [💔]
Interning with Gang Orca Pt. 2
Mochi about Steven Universe and Adventure Time
Pro Hero Mochi and Thirsty Fans [🙊]
TBT Fam & LOV react to Mochi and Tenshi [💔]
Internship Blabs [⭐]
Halloween with Katsuki
Mochi and Harajuku Fashion
Gang Orca takes Mochi to the aquarium
Mochi and playing sports
How Mochi and Tenshi feel about one another
Brothers Three react to Mochi getting very hurt [💔🖤]
Admirers finding out Mochi’s secret talent
Why Kiri wasn’t chosen as an admirer
TBT Family unit with a clumsy sibling
Mochi being exposed to intercourse and Fam+Friends reaction [🙊]
Shindo and Camie’s first meetings with Mochi
How Mochi met Miruko
Mochi’s Sponsors
No place to sit so Mochi has to sit on someone’s lap
Mochi on non-quirk based combat
Admirers’ reaction to Mochi saying they’ll marry them
Mochi having 0 self-preservation jumping in to save someone
Hawks influencing Mochi and the Fam’s reactions
Neito, Hitoshi & Momo cosplaying with Mochi
Mochi on bullying
Other members of Mochi’s family trying to get them back [🖤]
Brothers and Mochi on sour things
The Brothers on Mochi being almost fatally injured
Admirers’ reaction to Mochi asking them out on a date
Mochi’s Fans Ship Ranking
“Mochi is like kittens, puppies, and bunnies”
Tamaki, Tsuyu, Mei, Mirio & Ochako cosplaying with Mochi
On Mochi’s scars and changing in locker rooms [💔🖤]
Mochi on spicy foods
Admirers’ + Brothers’ reaction to the trip & kiss trope
Mochi’s room while living with Yagi
On Mochi becoming a crackhead b/c of Denki
Mochi on baking for everyone
Admirers’ perfect dates with Mochi
Friends that support HiMochi
Pranking differences with Mochi and Tenshi
Admirers’, PDA, and different kisses
Admirers’ reactions to Mochi getting severely hurt
What is Mochi doing during the School Festival Arc?
Mochi in a big shirt and knee highs + art
Mochi on bringing home a baby Nomu
Hero & Tenshi: movie/meme references during fights
Admirers’ reaction to being suddenly kissed by Mochi
Older! Mochi babysitting Lil’ Bros
TBT Family Unit reacting to Mochi with constant stomach aches
Mochi kabedon-ing Admirers’ + Brothers’ reactions
Mochi on having so many plushes
Sir Nighteye meeting Mochi
TBT get turned into animals and Mochi takes care of them
Mochi Meme Comic that Dari took forever to draw
TBT when they can’t find Mochi buried under their plushes
Mochi on clinging to their admirers
Hitoshi & Tamaki reacting to Mochi in one of their shirts
Mochi on jewelry making
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Tenshi / Villain Mochi AU:
Full Villain AU Tag
How Mochi became Tenshi AU HC
Tenshi at USJ
Tenshi during Bakugo’s Rescue
Villain AU with the Vanguard Action Squad
Villain AU drawing + Bone Quirk
Tenshi and the LOV being their family
Tenshi during the Meta Liberation Army Arc [⭐]
Tenshi’s general personality
Tenshi, Toga, and Fashion
Chibi Tenshi
Tenshi about Hawks
Tenshi Wardrobe blabs
TBT Fam & LOV react to Mochi and Tenshi [💔]
Tenshi during the Shie Hassaikai Arc [💀🖤]
Tenshi’s Nightmares and who they seek for comfort [💔🖤💕]
How Mochi and Tenshi feel about one another
Tenshi’s Hobbies
LOV reacts to Tenshi swearing for the first time
LOV being protective of Tenshi
Tenshi first meeting AFO and Kurogiri
Bone Quirk Tenshi + Milk
LOV and stubbornly sick Tenshi [💔]
Tenshi remains polite [🖤]
On Dabi and Tenshi’s relationship
Himiko stealing school uniforms for Tenshi and herself
Tenshi’s Mask + art
Tenshi’s mask breaks, Mr. Compress gives them his
On Tenshi using one of Mr. Compress’s masks
Bakugo’s impressions on Tenshi during his capture [💔]
LOV on Tenshi being abducted and hurt [🖤💔]
Pranking differences with Mochi and Tenshi
Sleepy Tenshi + art
Mochi & Tenshi: movie/meme references during fights
Tenshi on getting captured and saved by Hawks [⭐💔💕]
Other AUs:
Mochi taken in by Overhaul + Mafia [🖤💔]
Fantasy and Mafia Mochi HCs [🖤]
Traitor Izuku AU & Tenshi first general HCs [💕]
Fake Quirk AU - Mochi & Tenshi [💔💕]
Fusion AU: Mochi’s fusions with TBT [💕💔]
Quirkless AU: Tenshi, the LOV, and the Purge [🖤]
TBT + Mochi being transferred to an AU
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 years
Dabi angst angst fluff?! Bonus points for preggo s/o and dabi todoroki theory 💋💚 do whatever you want baby Kiwi 🥝
I don’t understand why blogs don’t like requests like this ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ you guys basically are letting me write whatever i want and this makes things really easy for me 〜(^∇^〜) *parties* 
*cracks knuckles* I love the dabi is a todoroki theory (★‿★) SO THIS is an awesome request!
Enjoy Baby Anonymous xo let me know what you think (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 
I personally love this piece, some parts i left out details so you can imagine what happened your own way. Sometimes thats more fun. 
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The phrase Karma Is A Bitch, was never a more fitting sentiment than this moment. Entering the hospital room from Kurogiri’s portal, Dabi heard that the sound of your breathing was ragged, uneven, almost lifeless along with beeping machines ringing in the room. Staring down at your sleeping form, he saw that one eye was blue and swollen shut while your once smooth lips were now chapped with deep cuts on them.
His eyes trailed down, seeing the bruises on your wrist made him feel sick. Not wanting to even think about what you look like under the gown. As his conscience ate him alive. He never knew why you stayed with him, after all you have put up with. ‘Get lost, I only came back to use you as i pleased.’ The voice in his head was making him go mad, the words he spat out at you only a few hours ago before this all happened. Sitting in the only chair in the room, lowering his head into his hands, his fingers dug into his head while hot tears crawled down his face. Biting his lower lip hard enough to break his already damaged skin as if trying to awake himself from an endless nightmare. “___.”
Opening your apartment’s door nothing could have prepared you for what you were about to walk into. Dropping your groceries there he was sitting on your bed, waiting for you to make an appearance. Thunder clapped as your made your way into your apartment, his icy blue eyes never leaving you. As the rain walloped against your window you finally made it over to your bed in the small studio apartment as lightning lit the room.
“Looks like i got here in time.” Dabi rotated his head to the window, his eyes glowing as the lightning struck again. Peering down you saw that his arm was injured badly, your eyes full of sorrow. Remembering that the second to last time you saw him was when he still had his gorgeous red hair, and then the next day he came back with his skin a mess, burnt, cut, on the verge of rotting until you patched him up with surgical staples and stitches… It was so long ago and to this day you still don’t know what exactly happened, but surely it was from his father, or him overdoing his quirk.
What had caught your eyes though was that a few of the many staples in his hand were now gone, which was causing him to bleed out quite a bit. Which only lead you to go grab the supplies you had leftover from the last time he made an appearance which was three months ago… The very last time you had seen him, no words were exchanged, only one night full of lust and longing to be in one anothers arms once more. When you awoke, he was gone with a simple note left on your bed, “sorry”.
Crouching on your knees you held his hand up so you could get a good look at it before beginning the process of stapling his skin back together. His eyes were concentrated on you, watching, thinking, his eyes squinting as he remembered too, the last time he had seen you.
“Todoroki-” Nearing his first name, Dabi had cut you off swiftly.
“I go by Dabi now, so forgot about the name you used to call me, got it?” You flinched back at his tone, how strict it was. With his head held down he only looked away, possibly regretting how he had just spoke to you.
Releasing a small sigh, you calmed your nerves as you stapled him back up. Smiling as doing so, “Dabi, huh? It’s kinda cute, I think i can get used to calling you that.” Stapling his wounds you spoke to your then, and now love, who now goes by the name, Dabi. “There, all done.” Kissing his hand you glanced up at him, winking playfully as he turned back to watch you kiss it. “The kiss is supposed to help the healing process.”
“I got blood all over your shirt, you should probably change before it gets anywhere else.” He spoke with composure, “…And your sheets, sorry about that but the couch just felt… unwelcoming.”
“Dabi…” Your hands were clasped over his injured one that was now wrapped. Pressing his hand to your mouth you held back the tears you ever so wished you could release, but you needed to stay strong. Standing you went to take your shirt off, Dabi moved up off your bed following suit since he knew you probably still had his old clothes still.
Scrapping your shirt in front of him, Dabi had taken note of your bloated belly and that you did look a bit thicker in all the right places. “…You look good, but you might want to slow down on the eating before your stomach explodes. Wouldn’t really be a pretty site, plus me being a Villain now they would probably blame me since… ____?”
You had your arms wrapped around your frame, you were physically shaking, trying your dammest to fight the anxiety that was washing over you.
Dabi’s icy eyes broaden before clenching his fists at his side, his eyes hardening in an instant…
“___. Who’s is it.” It wasn’t a question, but a strong demand. Dabi’s tone was serious as small blue flames danced around his skin.
“I’m fourteen weeks, Dabi… He’s your child.” Twirling around, your eyes filled to the brim with glassy tears, your pregnant stomach showing. “Da-Dabi… Please… Come home.”
Besides the raining pouring down and thunder in the distance, the small studio apartment was hushed and dark, the only light was the slight blue flames as they began to die out.
“Get lost, I only came back to use you as i pleased. Just forget i ever showed up, ____.”
“Get lost i said. It’s better this way any how. Thanks for the patch up.” Dabi turned on his heels, leaving you to be alone in the dingy atmosphere.
Not to his knowledge people were out looking for him. Hours ago before arriving, Dabi had pick a fight with a few low level thugs. Thinking he had killed them all he left to find you since you lived not far, and he needed some assistance with his injury. They had followed him, he lead them right to you, not even knowing it.
Dabi was nearing the hideout passing up a few shops that had TV’s turned on, looking up to see Endeavour on the News. Bragging about how he truly is the best, and how the world would be shit without him, that one day his gifted child would surpass All Might. Dabi was unaware of the fact his nails were digging into his palm with his fists clenched tightly. ‘He’s your child… Dabi please come home.’ Your words echoed in his head. Dabi heard the word gifted child again, only to bring back more words of yours in his head,
  ‘Not gifted? Incomplete? Your father is a loser, i happen to think you’re quite gifted and complete, plus your flames are so beautiful! They even match those pretty eyes of yours. I love you, and i can’t wait to be called ____-Todoroki one day, because together we will make the name into something great. You and i can start the name fresh. Make it ours and not his.’
You were his muse afterall, and he just left you. The one person who had been there for him, no matter what. It didn’t matter to you when you found out he was a villain, you still made love to him, and you still begged him to come home. Whirling around, Dabi raced back to your apartment.
Panting, Dabi placed his hand on your doorknob only to find that the door was already opened, no, it was broken into. Chunks of wood were missing from it.
“___?!” Bashing through what was left of the door Dabi looked around, until catching a blurry figure, squinting Dabi noticed it was you. Tied to a thin wood column, beat bloody.
“___!” Making haste Dabi quicky undid your binds, pressing you to his chest he looked around to see if he could find any hints as to who did this. Gathering you in his arms, he couldn’t go to the hospital so what now? Doing the only thing he could think of, he called the police. Telling them everything before leaving you once more, only this time he promised to come back as he laid a kiss to your forehead.
Now in your room at the hospital, his fingers dug into his head while hot tears crawled down his face. Biting his lower lip hard enough to break his already damaged skin a ping in his chest everytime he thought about how he waited so long to come back to you, how he waited three months, after everything you’ve both been through. You were the one person he wanted to protect and guard, the one person he managed to genuinely care for in his entire life, but you were also the one person who caused him pain and suffering. He knew he couldn’t drag you down with him, he knew he had to let you go, and it killed him every time. Dabi wanted to tell you how he kept his eyes on you from afar time to time, but it caused him too much pain. So the night after you had both made love he had stopped completely.
Dropping his hands from his head, he looked down at his foot to see a picture. Dabi’s heart starts to ache even more, knowing well what the picture is of. Taking the picture in his hand, staring at what might have been a happy ending. Imagining what could have been, a baby boy. Dabi had no clue if his child had survived the attack or not, but he knew only heros get a happy ending…
Dabi is no hero, he was a villain, and the villains never get to have a happy ending. Tears start to trickle down his face again as he stares at the ultrasound picture “i’m so sorry, I should’ve stayed.”
Standing up he placed himself in the bed wrapping his arm around your waist while holding onto the ultrasound picture. “I promise… ____, that I will be a better father than mine.” Dabi paused for a moment closing his eyes before continuing “and that no one will dare touch you again, I put my life on it.”
Dabi was sprawled out on the grass, besides him laid his handsome son who was sound asleep holding his mother’s hand. Looking over, Dabi saw that you too were fast asleep with your head on his chest. Dabi took in the view, memorizing it all. Both his loves laying on him, holding hands. Peering up into the yellowish orange sky, remembering what you had told him the day he snuck you out of the hospital once you were recovered from your attack. 
‘Dabi, there are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle… and a very happy start. Besides, nobody is a villain in their own story. We’re all the heroes of our own stories.”’
Dabi smirked while placing a hand on your head, “Mrs. ___-Todoroki, it’s kinda cute. I think i can get used to calling you that…”
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Villain! Deku au; chapter sixteen: A Fire In The Night
Midoriya ran the bar as usual that day while his teammates went over what they were to do during the infiltration. They were to attack in the evening, when the students would be tired from quirking out and the teachers would be tired of putting up with them. The only problem was the annoying wait until evening… and telling the customers that they wouldn’t be open from prime drinking time, but that was mostly just arguments. About half of the bar patrons were participating in the infiltration, reading the vague instructions that Deku had given them each. Somewhere along the line, somebody started a discussion about what they should be called- not that it mattered. “League of Villains’ Frontal Force!” Twice, a boisterous villain with a cloning quirk, chimed in. His attitude was always a bit too bubbly for a villain, but he was the appreciated working comic relief. “Nice alliteration, but that sounds stupid. We need a name that does the job; it doesn’t need to sound flashy. We should be the Attack Force,” Mustard, a B-ranked assassin with a knack for murder, argued. Unlike some of his comrades, he prefered quiet kills and using his quirk to take out enemies without a struggle. “We should be a squad! A tight knit group fighting under the same ideals! The League of Villains’ Attack Squad!” added Spinner, to describe him as outgoing wouldn’t quite cover it; he was enthusiastic, to say the least, and a justice fighter(™) to boot. His past altercations left him with an oxymoronic hatred for heroes and a love for justice. He was, most definitely, the strongest Stain fan of the group. “That’s so childish, go for something like the League of Villains’ Vanguard. It sounds so much cooler and has a meaning behind it,” surprisingly the philosophical input came from Dabi; more likely than not, he just wanted to sound smarter than the rest of the group, though. “We take action!” Toga gleefully chimed in, “Action to make the world a better place!” They could have gone on all day and never left the hideout if Midoriya didn’t chime in. “The League of Villains’ Vanguard Action Squad. We lead an action based revolution with a tight knit group. Over. Done. No further discussion,” if Deku hadn’t said anything, Kurogiri looked like he was about to resolve the conflict himself. A silent, almost invisible, nod of thanks was sent to Midoriya.
Kurogiri slowly fed the villains through a warp gate to a mountain protecting the hideout. Miscellaneous chatter soaked up the short waiting time that the villains were currently being melodramatic about. “No good, it’s just not cute!” Toga, one of the many bouncy children in the League complained aimlessly. “The abstruse administration has laid out our orders. While they don’t appear to be the most professional, their planning is sure to be sound,” Mustard argued for the sensibility of the plan. “Not that, not that. It’s just not cute,” she aimlessly complained about whatever was most prominent in her cluttered mind at the time. “Who the hell cares? We came to kill, and I want to get to it!,” Muscular was just ticked that he was the newbie of the group and was very much treated as such. He was a powerful ally to have, but he did not embody the beliefs of the league at all. He was a chaotic evil amongst lawfuls and neutrals. “Shut up, weirdos, the plan is to wait for all of us,” Dabi spoke up, looking over the see of forest. Magne, Spinner, and Moonfish all walked through the portal after taking too long to get ready. “Ambitious punks only cause more damage than they’re worth. What they need is a hit from a gang of elites,” an open mouth declaration to the rest of the squad, “Peace is ours, and they will learn that tonight.”
Eventually the time came for the mission to truly begin. Mustard and Dabi were to launch the initial attack, drawing the attention on them, while Magne and Spinner were to hunt down the Pussycats. Once the smoke was up and ready, everybody spilt. The League of Villains’ Vanguard Action Squad slunk into the forest like a snake in the grass. Mustard released his quirk, the gas swirling like a typhoon, and Dabi did his job, igniting various trees, all far enough away to spread the fire, but not too far away as he was lazy. Magne and Spinner went to target the Pussycats. Moonfish and Toga wandered the forests in search of stragglers.
Mange was the first to officially strike, pulling on of the Pussycats towards her and landing a heavy blow to Pixiebob. “We are the League of Villains’ Vanguard Action Squad, tiny UA students. Pleased to meetcha!” Spinner stupidly declared. He was a living definition of a poorly written comic book villain, always blurting out whatever comes to mind. ‘Ha ha, heroes! I (we) have (think we have) the upper hand! (we don’t) Since we’re so confident (cocky, stupid), here is the entire layout of said plan, step by step (as if we were explaining it to one of our recruits)’ type of badly written comic book villain. Magne was smarter than Spinner, holding Pixie-Bob to the ground with her weapon. “Should I crush her pretty little skull? I don’t see why not, but what do you guys think?” psychological manipulation that was to instil a feeling of helplessness. It wasn’t outwardly taking a hostage, but it was showing that she wasn’t hesitating. The problem with hostages always becomes ‘if you kill them, you have nothing,’ so having the clear ability to ignore your “advantage,” shows power. Student’s shocked faces were priceless as they gaze upon the villains. Tiger, however, was not having it. He knew the woes of being a woman, and, as a person, also wished for a similar happiness. It was no secret that the Pussycats were steadily creeping past optimal age. Pixie-Bob was taking it the hardest. “Don’t you dare!” he hissed- pun intended, with rage hot on tongue. Both Ragdoll and Tiger were happy with hero life, Mandalay was just worried about the idea of being old, but Pixie-Bob was the romantic of the group. Magne didn’t care for that though, she had her heart broken far to many times to care about the heart of a “beautiful” woman. Tired of being the “coyote ugly,” she wanted to make it so that beauty didn’t run the world. Spinner cut in as well, completely knowing Magne’s anger for those deemed “attractive.” He called out, “Don’t be hasty Big Sis Mag,” he knew she loved that nickname, for several reasons, “You, too, Tiger,” he held his arms out to stop the two readied opponents. “Holding life in your hands is the most important thing you can do! Do you not remember Stain’s teachings?”
Of course that fanboy would bring up Stain. He took every word from that man’s mouth as if it was his lifeline, after a while that was what happened. He believed heavily in justice, but was always made fun of as a kid. He wasn’t the strongest, the smartest, and definitely not the most beautiful: he wasn’t an “ideal” hero, and his strong sense of justice got him nowhere. “Stain… So these people were his followers,” Iida almost felt regret at this point, the thought that Stain had followers who quite clearly knew his face as one that brought their “teacher’s” demise. He could easily push it aside because Stain was an asshole who put his brother in intensive care, despite being a hero for the purest of reasons. “You got that right!” half right, at most; most of “Stain’s followers” weren’t actually his followers, they just believed in same or similar ideals. Shiragaki couldn’t understand that, but he was just a big man child who refused to try- a statement taken directly from fellow members of the league. “And we know all about your feats, four eyes,” Spinner looked at him with a side glance, “And how you helped bring Stain’s end in Hosu.” He placed his hand on his weapon before he continued, “I’m who they call Spinner, and I’m here to make Stain’s dreams come true!” he declared as he “unsheathed” his weapon. It was a new addition for him, made of every knife Stain left behind, with a few of his own, awkwardly tied together to create a patchwork buster sword. Spinner, still lost in the confidence of his introduction and the echoed ‘woah’s of his blade’s reveal, plucked a nerve of Tiger’s.
“That’s good for you, but,” he looked to Pixie-Bob who was lying unconscious, “Pixie-Bob, my friend and teammate, has been worried about marriage. Happiness in life is a woman’s woe! With all of it’s difficulty, she tries very hard!” at this point it was just an oration. Until Tiger got to the point, “How dare you leave an ugly scar like that on her beautiful face, and blab like that without any care?” he was yelling now, showing his true colors. “So heroes have such plain dreams, too?” Spinner was laughing at the thought. The term ‘hero’ had degraded so much, to the point when they’re worried about life after their job. Wasn’t that so funny to think about? A profession where your only purpose is to help people, and there’s a question of what comes after this? People who are trusted with lives have time to worry about marriage and their white picket fence dreams; do the people not matter? Spinner couldn’t help but laugh as he charged towards half of the Pussycats. “Tiger! I’ve sent out the order to Ragdoll to make sure the students are safe! All we need to do is hold them off here!” Mandalay relayed to the partner beside her. She turned to the students and gave them what they needed to know, “Get on your way kids! Be alert, but remember: no fighting!” she couldn’t afford to turn her back. “Keep them safe for me, Class President!” a statement to encourage Iida; being called the class president reminded him that Momo accepted the ‘Vice’ role because she trusted his decision making more than her own. “I’ll make sure we stay safe and out of the way. You heard her, time to go!” Iida rallied his peers as their fearful feet pounded down the path to safety.
Shiragaki and Kurogiri discussed the likelihood of the mission as their pawns were in play. “Do you think they can pull this off?” being honest, Kurogiri still wasn’t over the stupid naming ceremony that they held instead of preparing for battle. “Maybe, maybe,” he almost laugh, unwilling to admit that Midoriya’s words made him change his strategy. Sure, he could have thought of it on his own, and that was what he told himself, but, ultimately, it was Midoriya who told him to think of it like a video game. “I thought this was an rpg, advancing through the storyline as quickly as possible, but I was all wrong. See, when my level one party and I should have been killing slimes, we were trying to fight the boss,” he understood that his ambition got ahead of him, seeing as all the he wanted to do was defeat All Might; it was a heavy fault to admit. “Instead, I am the player, I am the GM, moving my characters and the storyline to places that will get them closer to the end goal,” he grinned at the idea of his master plan, “And to do that, we need to break a few walls to allow the chaos in. It doesn’t matter if they thrive or not, they might not even survive,” he laughed leaning back slightly. Kurogiri didn’t follow, “So they are disposable?” how would that help at all? “No, no, of course not! They’re all comrades, but what matters is the lingering fear that something could happen at any given moment. Wariness, mistrust, accusation; why fear us when they fear each other? But of course, I do hope they succeed,” he made a point. Wariness would fry their systems; who has time for self care when evil might be anywhere? Mistrust would scramble their minds; it was exactly that! Just a thought! Who’s to say if it’s wrong or right? Accusation would tear them apart: why am I suspicious? The fact that you find me suspicious is quite so. Do I even know you? Not to mention the big pawn: Deku; the young boy Izuku Midoriya. Shiragaki knew his relations to the explosive blonde boy, an ex bully who knew him as a hero fanboy. All Might himself, who had shot down the young boy’s dreams. The two students who fought Stain in Hosu, side by side with the kid who saved their lives. Shiragaki grinned as the battle raged throughout the mountains. Several unconscious and unaccounted for, injury count racking up a total; it was going just as planned.
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oya-script4 · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Ishiyama Ken | Cementoss, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Villains, villain! Deku, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Izuku is crazy, Todoroki and Midoriya are married, this is like a while after, I just needed to write this out, Serial Killers, villain AU, Husbands who kill together stay together, slightly sexual Summary:
Things get a little out of hand.
To those of you who don’t want to go to AO3, the story is below the cut:
He couldn’t move his gaze away from the death all around him. He couldn’t help but smile at what was engulfing him, at what was transpiring at his feet. Entrails, liquids, and limbs strewn over the buildings like light fixtures his mother used to put up on the ceiling in his house for Christmas. He couldn’t help feel his face light up at the sight of his husband ripping apart a hero in the most literal sense. He could swear that he was even holding a barely beating heart in his left hand as the hero dropped to his fortifying feet.
Was today his birthday?
Looking at all this destruction his partner caused all because someone bumped into him and would not apologize was all too much. He wanted him to take him now. Take him back home and just go to town on him. He was so damn ready.
“Babe, we have to get you out of here,” His husband clung to his side, “All Might will be showing up soon. I went a little overboard,”
“I want to stay and talk to All Might! Can I Shoto?!”
“Izuku, darling, you know we can’t. Last time you did that, I ran into my old classmates and barely made it out of Bakugou’s range. Let alone out of there alive.”
“Damn it, we have to get out of here now,” Shoto turned around, ready to defend the love of his life and the whole reason he turned on the Hero’s. His entire old class stood behind his old teacher and a few other heroes. But All Might was not seen, again.
“I’ll have to tell Tomura that he’s not here again,”
“Ignore that, we can’t stand our chances against all of these guys. We have to go.”
Izuku looked past his husband to Bakugou. Bakugou was staring at him as if Izuku had killed his family, as if Izuku has floored his house with a very well placed pipe bomb, paralyzing his father and putting his mother into a coma…. Oh wait, that did happen! Izuku couldn’t help that he loved danger. Couldn’t help that the only reason he had scars was because Shoto listened to his insane wants in the bedroom, and acted them out. He couldn’t help being a better villain than a hero. Katsuki had grown older, or at least looked like he’d grown older. His eyes looked like they were lacking enough rest, but a man with red spiked hair held onto his hand and tried to calm him down with whispers.
Looks like he had a pawn to call his own too.
Izuku couldn’t hold back a chuckle. He was born without a quirk, born with nothing but intelligence. Bakugou made fun of him for that. Then, he confessed to Bakugo, he loved him even though all the shit he dragged him through, but Bakugou only got more harsh, more rude, more… evil. Izuku saw the world as it was. He went home and found that someone loved him, his mother. But she never saw him as a hero either. She saw him as much of a burden as everyone else did. In a blind rage Izuku disposed of her too.
In the moment she died, Izuku Midoriya also died. His father, who manifested out of the shadows found Izuku and brought him to a small organization which he had made. Izuku found home, found refuge with like-minded people, not feeling weird, and not being looked down upon simply because he was a child or quirkless. He was thought highly of because he wasn’t even 16 before he’d killed many many people. His intelligence was through the roof, and many Villains would come to him for information before they attacked a certain hero.
“What are you doing here, Deku?!”
“Todoroki, how could you side with them?”
“Stop this madness!”
The students were screaming and crying behind the heroes. Shoto knew that the heroes who came were well prepared to kill the two. The Heroes were also a wall to hold the children, who were now third years, back. They tried to keep them from acting out with their emotions.
“Kurogiri should be here soon,” Izuku smiled as he sent a text, “We can hold them off for five minutes right?”
“Be careful,” Shoto smiled.
The two held hands and just stared at the group. They almost looked like a couple ready for death, ready for no one to accept their view of the world.
“I’m the villain, Killer Bunny,” Izuku screamed. He opened one of his arms out as if to accept a half-assed hug, “And this is my husband Ice-Fire.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Bakugou screamed. The Hero known as Cementoss held him back slightly. “You can’t be the Killer Bunny! He’s killed thousands of people! Thousands of heroes! Deku, you wouldn’t--”
“Ka-chan, I don’t really think you have the right to tell me who I am. That type of thinking is what got us here in the first place, is it not?”
Izuku smiled. He held onto Shoto’s hand a little tighter, not wanting to lash out and take the small knife he had very well hidden and slid it right into Bakugou’s chatty ass mouth. Oh, what he’d give for Kurogiri and Tomura to allow him his sutures and stitch up that mouth for good. No way in hell would he allow anyone to take his piece of art away from him. He’d sell his own soul to the devil if it meant he could have Bakugou dangling in his room, huffing and puffing, with several serrated blades thrusted to the hilt in his body watching Izuku and Shoto have sex right in front of him.
Izuku had to take a breath and chill out before just his thoughts got him off. He simply relished in the killer gaze which Bakugou was trying to murder him with. His handiwork. Bakugou was none the wiser that if he’d just been kinder to Izuku then none of this would’ve happened. It’s not like Izuku was lashing out at Bakugou for making fun of him, no. Izuku saw an opportunity to destroy, an opportunity to kill, and no one cared. No one thought he was a threat. No one thought that this poor quirkless boy could do anything to even a fly.
So, naturally, he had to prove them wrong. Oh, boy, did he!
“Time to go,” Shoto commented slightly pulling Izuku back, knowing that Kurogiri was going to be right there very shortly.
“We won’t let you leave,” Shoto looked behind him.
“Damn it,” he bit his tongue. They were surrounded by about 12 pro-heroes and then his entire 1-A class. They were outgunned and outnumbered.
“I see you found someone, Ka-chan.” Izuku commented. He tilted his head slightly as a smile adorned his face.
Bakugou’s eyes’ widened, he backed up from Cementoss and pulled the red-haired man behind him. “You leave him out of this!”
“We have to get out of here, Izuku--”
“WHY--” A tall man, with blue hair and glasses almost too large for his face yelled. He pointed at Shoto “Why, Todoroki? You had just started using both sides, and then you vanish to only appear beside him?!”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you, Ida.” Shoto sighed
Behind them, a black circular cloud appeared. “I’m afraid we have to cut this reunion short. You have several Heroes underneath our shoes who need medical help,” Izuku laughed, “Or a grave”
“Now, please,” Kurogiri’s voice spoke softly through the portal.
Shoto pulled Izuku into the portal, “Another time, Ka-chan~.” Bakugou didn’t move, protecting the man beside him. He looked around making sure that the portal that Izuku was going through was the only one and that not one of the members were going to be kidnapped like a couple months ago when they had lost Tsuyu. Other heroes cursed at Izuku and rushed to get him before the portal closed, however, they were not fast enough.
Killer Bunny and Ice-Fire got away.
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