#That one time I was psychologically tortured
altocat · 3 days
It’s been a long while since I have read the avatar comics, so I’m wondering why you don’t like Ursa? I’m very likely not as informed to form a fuller opinion of her so what’s your opinion?
Ohhhh god the Ursa thing...
They revealed that Ursa's disappearance wasn't caused by her being dead or held hostage or lying low and waiting for the right opportunity to reveal itself. Oh no. It's revealed that she selfishly decided to give herself amnesia and live out the rest of her days with a new husband and child while leaving her two kids with Ozai where they would no doubt be warped and abused for the rest of their lives. The Search expanded on her past and showed us point blank that Ozai was an abusive and toxic husband and father. So Ursa choosing to never go back for her kids or have any intention of even REMEMBERING them is really, really vile. Sure, she's in exile. But her choosing to sacrifice her memories of them solidifies that she never intended returning to them, much less think about them.
On one hand, I would be totally fine with Ursa starting a new life with a new family, albeit while still dwelling on the children she left behind. It would be really interesting and bittersweet, especially if she was biding her time waiting for the day when Zuko became Firelord and she could return home at last. But the fact that she had no intention of ever seeing or remembering Zuko and Azula again while KNOWING the kind of person Ozai was is pretty irredeemable. Zuko and especially Azula have huge hang-ups about their mom and Ursa legit not giving enough of a shit to ever come back unintentionally makes Azula look CORRECT when she says that her mother never cared. And worse still, the comic seems to brush Ursa's actions under the rug like it's nothing. Zuko immediately forgives her and--bonus--gets a shiny perfect supportive new baby sister to replace the problematic OTHER one. Azula is no angel by ANY means, but The Search is basically an excuse to torture her psychologically for three issues with no catharsis, with Ursa subsequently not bothering to look for her daughter in the comics to follow, even after regaining her memories.
Azula's big insecurity that drives her nasty behavior is centered on the internal fear that her mother saw her as a monster and never really loved her. Turns out, she was probably right. Or at least, her mom didn't love her enough to fight for her, allowing Ozai to corrupt and twist her. Ursa wasn't coming back to prove to Azula that she always loved her and wanted the best for her. In the flashbacks, she's only ever shown ignoring or scolding the child Azula, basically giving the reader no indication that she actually cares about her daughter. At least not anything that's especially solid. That's not even digging into stuff Zuko went through after she left. You'd think Ursa would take one look at Zuko's scar and apologize for not being there to protect him. But no. No mention at all. Sure, she left in order to save Zuko's life. But there was still never intention of rescuing her kids, no intention of ever wasting another thought on them now that she's found what she's looking for. They were an afterthought. The comic is all about her reclaiming autonomy with a new husband and family as a fuck you to Ozai, but it ignores the really messed up fact that Zuko and Azula NEEDED their mother more than she seemed to need them.
The Avatar Comics have honestly ruined Ursa beyond repair imo. There was a better way of writing this and they choked it. She is truly detestable and the fact that the comic never actually calls her out on it just makes it worse. Characters like Lucrecia are characterized as intentionally flawed and were FORCED away from their kids, with whom they had no prior relationship. But the difference between Ursa and Lucrecia is that while Ursa completely abandons all thought towards her kids in pursuit of a selfish happiness, Lucrecia does nothing BUT wallow in self-loathing and blame. Lucrecia was suicidal after losing her son, and sought to punish herself for eternity for it. Ursa fucked off and willingly chose to forget her responsibilities as a mother, all while her children suffered.
It really fires me up. Azula and Zuko deserved better. The READERS deserved better. This was a long-running mystery in the ATLA community and the answers we got were really disheartening and kind of fucked up. And without the narrative nuance to explore the grayness or negativity behind such actions. It's really just a shame.
Anyway, rant over lol
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 days
Eyes and Eyefestation who actually do want their partner to look at them?
"Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me-" is what they used to say in the past in frantic undiscernible whispers, wishing they didn't cause hotel visitors physical (and psychological) pain.
Now that they have you as a partner--wearing special glasses/contacts to block 90% of the damage they'd normally cause--they are delighted that you could look at them and talk without being in agony!
You never really got to see their eyes before, and now that you could and also saw the blue flaming aura surrounding them...
You swear you're staring back at a literal angel.
Something truly ethereal.
Since then, they've kept you company throughout the hotel, hanging out near the key and the real door, lighting up dark rooms and warning you of Rush in the greenhouse.
When you're stuck in the mines, Eyes still keeps up with you via teleportation, making their presence known and trying to help where they can (ie blinding Giggles).
But they've grown rather needy since realizing you could look at them.....as now they want you to do nothing but that.
It's tough when you gotta hide, look for Screech, or avoid Figure, Seek, and the Grumbles. And often the tiniest distraction meant starting back at the broken elevator.
But your death isn't too concerning to Eyes, as you'll just come back and be able to look at them more and more.
Why would you ever wanna stop?
After learning she stuck around the Hadal Blacksite specifically to spite humans, you thought she'd put you into that same category of awful people who tortured her with injections..
But after you found your own workaround her radiation beams, she's..actually grown quite fond of you, impressed with your ability to adapt and meet her one request:
And indeed you do...or at least whenever it's safe.
I hc she has object permamance so if you're just walking by an Abstractee, she'll get upset thinking it took you away from her..
Only to be content when you reappear a second later.
Unlike Eyes, she knows you have to prioritize avoiding Pandemonium, and Mr. Lopee certainly won't allow you to stay behind and chat with her if you're with a group.
Still, she's convinced Painter to lock you in more gauntlets with her, and he's surprised, thinking she utterly despised you.
But no, she wants to just look at you and be alone with you. Even for a short time.
And Painter still obliges, now believing you cared more about her than the crystal.
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backpackingspace · 11 months
You know that tiktok sound you would not hold up well under torture I DID well. No one holds up well under torture. No one walks away from being tortured not completely destroyed. That's the point of torture. So...I think I'm going to stop being ashamed for not holding up well under my torture experience. I was trapped In a bad situation and in the aftermath I reacted to that torture that's nothing to be ashamed about. That's nothing to blame myself for.
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dykealloy · 5 months
“we sent yuan away so his feelings could subside” you sent him to gay rizz bootcamp is what you did
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stuckinapril · 4 months
Just a girl who wants to be her mother’s daughter in the ways that matter
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royaltea000 · 1 month
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He’s like the worlds shittiest Madonna to me
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sapphorror · 9 months
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You know, I think there was a real moment of clarity achieved here with the revelation that he's the thing most likely to get in his own way. That's like, the most self-awareness he's shown over the entire course of IZ canon, I'm almost proud. It's too bad about the brain damage, but,
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shadystranger · 1 month
this moment so fucked up💀
#horror spn moments and its dean torturing sam psychologically in 4 different ways under a min he could've just asked if sam lied#the pacing the lightful to knife lethal seriousness the yelling dean so psychopath 💔#this messes with my head bruh i hated how i couldn't actually predict how he'd lash out on sam#chat I think its time to kill dean#its fucked up that sam spends this arc trying to SAVE dean and the narration and dean treat him like he's melting the earth's crust#and must be crucified#meanwhile when dean decides he might have to KILL sam it's painted as a heroic sacrifice for the greater good#sam doomed if he tries to save but is manipulated and doomed if he tries to also save and well-intentioned#and his punishment for both times Is just death#why are we lowering the guillotine on the guy for trying to save his brother???? he was literally distressed and hiding about it#like he's smuggling a nuclear bomb with full determination to destroy the planet#yea there was grave consequences later but dean's gripe was him going against his wish to be doomed with the mark#you can talk respecting wishes if dean wasn't spending the whole last season flagrantly ignoring sam's wishes half the time#and the other half he spends it DEVASTATED when sam says he'll respect his wishes if he were in his shoes. the whole theme of s9 finale#was dean WANTING to be saved by sam and asking for that morally grey treatment back#If he's gon change his mind one minute and the other then he could have just not practically begged for what sam was doing here#dean's emotional fluctuations arent sam's responsibility#this sounds deancrit but no I'm just speaking from a pov everyone collectively decided to ignore part of its nuance#sam winchester#dean winchester#samdean#spn meta in tags#mine#the editing is supposed to make it haha but the scene is still not hahaing sm..
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ultfan · 4 months
me when tumblr recommends me someone defending dr3 in the tags and i read through the entire thing and get mad bc they don't understand what brainwashing really is.
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#'brainwashing has been a staple of the series for a long time' they say (mostly talking about mind control)#mind control in the fictional sense not the real world sense btw#magical/technological means of instantly controlling ones thoughts#the video in dr0? yeah. brainwashing. they were watching it ON FUCKING LOOP over and over to the point of desensitizing themselves#they were already vulnerable to start with as well. it was fucking conditioning them. not controlling them directly – brainwashing them#the monokuma kids? DIRECT MIND CONTROL#THEY ARE WEARING FUCKING HELMETS ON THEIR HEADS AND HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THEMSELVES OR THEIR AUTONOMY#THAT IS NOT BRAINWASHING!! THAT IS FUCKING!! PUPPETEERING THEM#they brought up smthn in the togami book. never read that but apparently there's a book that spreads despair disease#(info gotten from unreliable source in the book)#tbh it's probably propaganda to help despair spread better#it doesn't have to be fucking literal#also despair disease... if it is anything like dr2... IS NOT BRAINWASHING#IT JUST FUCKIN TAKES OVER THEIR BODY/OVERRIDES THEIR PERSONALITY AUTOMATICALLY#IT'S A MIND ALTERING ILLNESS???#NOT!! BRAINWASHING!!#and then of course saying brainwashing in dr3 is the natural conclusion and that it doesn't retcon anything#AND I AGREE BRAINWASHING IS THE NATURAL CONCLUSION. BUT DR3 DIDN'T DO THAT#it just fucking... made them flip a switch out of nowhere?#MIKAN SAID SHE BECAME THE WAY SHE DID DUE TO HER RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS#NOT BC SHE WATCHED SILLY DESPAIR VIDEO#to use magic subliminal messaging to INSTANTLY change the way someone thinks isn't brainwashing in your typical sense. that's mind control#let's define brainwashing shall we?#a method for systematically changing attitudes or altering beliefs#originated in totalitarian countries#especially through the use of torture— drugs— or psychological-stress techniques#or perhaps this one:#any method of controlled systematic indoctrination especially one based on repetition and confusion#REPEATED TORTURE. REPEATED WATCHING OF THINGS#**REPETITION IS KEY**
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petrichormore · 1 year
I’m too lazy to analyze it someone do it for me but that part in the convo q!Bad had with q!Baghera where she says something like “The workers could have a family, they could be someone else’s egg” and q!Bad responds with “yeah I thought about it, that’s when I stopped uh…”
because that seems very important to me. it seems like a confirmation of the fact that q!Bad saw these workers as mindless drones and Walter Bob as an outlier, an mistake on the federation’s part. And then when Ron essentially confirmed that it wasn’t, that they all have feelings, he stopped.
Stopped what? Stopped seeing workers as nothing but extensions of the federation? Stopped psychologically torturing Ron? Stopped keeping him in a damp cage? Stopped resisting the urge to care?
Stopped what? No matter which option you pick, you learn that q!Bad thought about the workers in a certain light, learned information that potentially severely contradicted his belief, and then reflected and adjusted his own behavior accordingly. If the “that’s when I stopped…” was about to end in “torturing him” that feels like a huge… something… about q!Bad and his supposedly “unhinged” nature.
There are a couple natural conclusions to that sentence, almost all of them make q!Bad seem a lot more… something… than I’d originally given him credit for.
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doubledyke · 6 months
if we've ever spoken, please consider this a formal apology 🥴
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
Another L for the Max hating Seb girlies, we love to see it! <3
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backpackingspace · 1 year
Terrified that my therapist actually followed through with her idea to watch hannibal after the fifth time I compared my experience to will graham's and that I will actually have to talk about that tomorrow
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hopetatic · 11 days
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i had no clue i would draw him again. but well, what am i gonna do with 3 hours of newfound knowledge about this one arg? Nothing? AS IF
Close ups below
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brown-little-robin · 2 months
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my last week, a visual demonstration
#Robin processes emotions on main#hi yes I came back early. it's in order to process. I needed to like.... spill my guts on the dashboard tonight#IM STRUGGLING..#I have GOT to get a job#just one (1) more visit to a friend this summer and then I will be APPLYING for things again#also I'm having the very devil of a time trying to get myself to contribute to this household. I hate it#I hate that helping out makes me feel like I'm losing my agency—losing myself—like I'm dying every time. I want to be BETTER than this#but I also need to feel like an adult with agency but also I need to BEHAVE like an adult but even just saying that makes me feel nauseous#I need. something. to change. I hate this. I feel selfish and cowardly and I hate feeling selfish and cowardly#I need to . communicate. work something out with my mother so that I stop feeling perpetually behind and ashamed#if I could manage to feel good about chores and not just like I'm scrambling to keep up..... that would..... be... more... motivational#the problem is that I feel unsafe/unstable right now and my instinctive response is to close myself off to all demands#WHICH AS YOU CAN IMAGINE IS NOT CONDUCIVE TO BECOMING MORE STABLE.#demand avoidance makes me bad at contributing to the household AND terrified of applying to jobs and AUGH... AUGH.#I DO BETTER WHEN I LIVE ON MY OWN#living on my own‚ I don't have to deal with the whole soul-crushing horrorshow of negotiating my own emotions about doing chores#chores are GOOD and ENJOYABLE when they're for ME. they're only psychological torture when they're things I do as part of my ''rent''#ok. bedtime. I've sufficiently spilled my dang guts all over the place. it will get better eventually I think#I'm just having a horrible time Right Now#I'll figure this out though dangit#I KNOW the answer is to just Do the stuff and face fears and communicate and whatever I KNOW. but if anyone tells me that I'm going to bite#ok I'm done thank you and sorry to anyone reading this far <3 it really will be all right
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1327-1 · 2 months
just now finding out who jpegmafia is while my creativity is back like. he's joining my arsenal.... i'm so back
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