#That was smth I was unconsciously doing with some of my stories
coffehbeans · 9 months
Ooh, I see what's missing from most g/t stories now! Subplots!
I had this epiphany while rereading one of my favorite g/t stories. Subplots, or multiple perspectives, make the story so much more interesting! Usually I'd lose interest in a story because it's just the same thing happening with the same duo of giant and tiny characters. But, if you add something more going on, suddenly the story is much more fledged out. A mystery, a new set of characters, other things happening in these subplots that will eventually converge into your main story. All if this removes that stale pace from a boring story and make it interesting.
Is your main character stuck within a human apartment? Maybe make another character look for them and have their own little adventure on the side. Is your character finding a giant in the forest and making a friendship with this giant? How about another character that ends up finding out, causing some catastrophic results? Or maybe you could flesh out a world by bringing the POV of side characters that are related to your main characters.
Subplots! That'll make a g/t story much more exciting!
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lucvly · 8 months
hii !! can u make a story of reader walking into matt’s room while he’s streaming n kisses him not knowing he’s streaming ? IDK IF YOU’VE ALR DONE SMTH LIKE THIS BUT
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warnings › fluff, gamer matt lmao, use of y/n, NOT PROOFREAD.
author’s note › I LOVE THIS REQ AW. also i’m still trying out formats for my posts so ignore if every single one looks different oops. lowkey also got a little carried away w this one Sorry...
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› all that could be heard from matt’s headphones were the sounds that his game elicited, while also occasionally hearing some of the chat notifications that appeared on one of the screens of the setup.
his headphones were very soundproof, just to help him focus on his game a bit more. this was one of the rare occasions he decided to stream, just because he hadn’t in a while and because chris brought up the idea of revisiting the concept. he agreed, and it turned out to be an amazing idea– a lot of people, more than usual, were in the stream watching matt and chris play.
their cameras were on, the green light on matt’s pc indicating the live was ongoing and that his camera was on, showing a smiley yet concentrated matt who was biting down on his bottom lip unconsciously, raising his voice at chris for something fortnite related you couldn’t quite understand– all you heard was a loud noise coming from his room as you walked through the door.
you furrowed your brows, dropping your keys on the counter of the kitchen before also setting down your purse and making your way to the room matt was currently playing in. you were so occupied running errands for the day all you wanted to do was get home to your boyfriend and his embrace.
the thought of him holding you in his arms is what kept you entertained all day, up until this moment when you mindlessly knocked softly on the door despite it being the slightest bit open, only enough for some light to come through but not enough to see what was going on.
no answer.
you thought nothing of it, pushing the door open with a small, tired sigh as you kicked your shoes off, a gentle smile appearing on your face at the sight of your boyfriend sat up playing on his computer, which wasn’t unusual. you assumed his headphones were what deafened the knocks to him.
matt was still concentrated on the game, commenting something to chris about helping him about because he was getting attacked, the noise coming from the keyboard echoing throughout the entirety of the room.
being so wrapped up in the game with his brother, he hadn’t even noticed your presence in the room, even when your shoes made a fairly loud noise, and you throwing your jacket on the lounge chair as you entered could’ve also been a dead giveaway, though you thought nothing much of it– he was always playing with his brother, and you could very faintly hear chris’s voice echoing from his headphones.
you made your way over to him, whispering a soft “hi baby,” then pressing a kiss to his cheek, not really wanting to interrupt his game, your plans were to simply take a quick shower before he could even finish the game so you could lay down with him after the long day that you had to endure, but all that quickly got shut down as matt instantly looked up at you.
“hi, we’re–” he started to speak, unsure of what to do, already hearing the blast of messages that were being sent through the chat. he mentally face palmed for not telling you he was planning on streaming today– it had completely slipped his mind, and he was about to pay the price.
it wasn’t like he didn’t want you in his public life, he would love for that to happen. he wanted to show you off and tell everyone that he was in a happy relationship with the love of his life– and he had been for a while, and that they knew nothing of it.
though there was already an incredible amount of situationship allegations and speculation surrounding the two of you– nothing was ever confirmed or denied, so people were really unsure of what your status was. you were never really seen publicly with matt, both of you deciding that would be the smartest decision you could probably make for the sake of your relationship’s privacy. there were a few leaked photos of you hanging out together at influencer parties, but nothing that were to give out any hints regarding your relationship.
“hey chris.” you waved casually to the camera, seeing chris’s face onscreen. though he seemed, odd. a smirk was on his lips as he attempted to hold in a laugh while he shook his head slowly, showing disappointment towards matt.
matt cleared his throat, his gaze making its way back up at you. “we’re– uh, streaming.” he let out a small chuckle.
your heart dropped, your face immediately showing off your sense of panic as you stepped back from the frame, no longer being visible to the camera, your mouth opening as if you were to speak but no words were coming out, except a frantic, yet soft “oh.”
matt chuckled once again. this definitely wasn’t the way he wanted to do it, but oh well, the opportunity already presented itself, so why not take advantage of it?
he pulled you back into frame, guiding you to sit on his lap so you were both visible to the camera now. his hands were on your hips, though that wasn’t visible to the camera, it was more of an act of reassurance towards you, trying to give an unspoken hint that it was okay.
“well, this is my beautiful girlfriend, y/n.” he spoke in a joyous tone, a small smile creeping onto his lips as he looked at you with a certain look that was everything the chat was talking about, getting bombarded with comments along the lines of “OH MY GOD??” “THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER :((” “BRB SOBBING.”
“and you already know my boyfriend matt.” you let out the softest laugh. you were definitely nervous, but turning slightly and looking into matt’s eyes, you were sure you were going to be fine, that it was okay.
the chat confirmed your suspicions, surprisingly everyone was being incredibly normal, gushing over the two of you. there were people already asking for couples content, and some others just telling you they were jealous in the nicest way possible.
“i can’t believe nick missed this.” chris finally intervened with a loud laugh. “kid would’ve had a field day with this one.”
you immediately turned to look at your boyfriend who was already staring at you in slight disbelief at your calm reaction to all of this, while still processing the fact that you just hard launched your relationship on a fortnite stream with his brother.
“can you kick someone off a stream?” you joked, trying to hold back the laugh that was threatening to leave your lips.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
Thanks for your response ala Ruby & Yang, great stuff!
Idle aside, but do you have any thoughts on Yang's role as the sort of black sheep of the family by dint of Raven associations?
Cos like, Tai overtly favors Ruby, projects Raven onto Yang, resents Raven being rough up and is bad enough about reminders of her Yang feels she has to apologize for his negative reactions. Let alone his... Everything else.
Then there's Qrow who doesn't seem to interact with Yang over much at all and one of if not their most major interaction. Involves him straight up saying he thinks she's either a liar hurting people for fun or "crazy".
I recall someone I was chatting with wondering: Imagine doing everything you can to keep your family from breaking apart & being compared to the woman who left you when you were a baby?
Cos I do wonder how Yang feels about all that given she seems to downplay and or try to work around her family's issues when she can. Let alone what it says about the adults in the room.
smth i think about a lot is the way yang’s narrative about her childhood shifts between v2 to v5
’cause in v2 it’s: “it was tough. ruby was really torn up, my dad kind of shut down. it wasn’t long before i learned why…” all to provide context for this anecdote about putting ruby in a wagon and running away to find her mother. and then her conclusion is “my stubbornness should have gotten us killed that night.”
and while there is a degree here of yang framing the story to emphasize the point she wants blake to understand, it’s also very obvious in her delivery that the emotional reality of this memory for yang is “the time my stupidity and stubbornness almost got me and ruby eaten by grimm”—when she was [checks notes] like five, six years old, and regularly left at home unsupervised.
but in v5, it’s: “my mom left me. ruby’s mom left too. tai was always busy with school, and ruby couldn’t even talk yet; i had to pick up the pieces. i had to pick up the pieces. alone.”
aside from the telling slip (tai, not dad)—yang centers her own feelings and the harm this situation did to her this time. which is something she’s always felt but i don’t think she could have brought herself to say it out loud to anyone during the beacon arc, because it was pressed down under the guilt on display in burning the candle, the feeling of having been inadequate and too stubborn and too selfish and and and–
coughs quietly. “my stubbornness should have gotten us killed that night.” / “you were predictable. and… stubborn. and maybe a little boneheaded.” yang’s narrative about the wagon incident—which happened when she was five or six!—pinning the blame on the thing tai imagines to be her fatal flaw is…probably not coincidental. yang in v4 after a year of being loved by her team and supported by mentors like glynda / oobleck / port has the perspective to know that tai doesn’t know what he’s talking about; but as a small child who’d just had a terrifying near-death experience with her baby sister… 😶
it definitely had a big impact on the way yang sees herself
BUT i do read qrow's talk with yang in 3.8 pretty differently ->
because the context is: yang saw mercury attack her and struck back in self defense, then had like a dozen synthetic soldiers point guns in her face, then looked up and saw the replay footage of herself walking over to shoot a boy who was just kneeling on the ground. and some of the most powerful authority figures in the world are pushing this narrative that stress and adrenaline "clouded her judgment."
like this would make anyone doubt their sanity. bc holy shit.
yang, though...a couple weeks ago, yang after being knocked unconscious woke up and blearily saw someone she thought was her mother walk away from her and disappear in a flash of red light. she hasn't mentioned it to anyone, because it's just so bizarre—yang doesn't know about raven's semblance yet—she must have just been seeing things. right?
aside from raven (who isn't here) and yang (who believes she hallucinated), the only other person who knows that yang saw her mom on the train is qrow, because raven told him about it. he also knows that:
tai insisted on not telling yang ANYTHING about her mother, and qrow respected that up until now; so yang doesn't know about raven's semblance and can't make sense of what she saw.
salem's infiltrators are the same people who attacked amber, and qrow didn't get a good look at them because they seemingly vanished into thin air—pretty damn good chance that one of them has a semblance that manipulates what you see.
ozpin wants #2 kept secret, so yang has some very powerful people actively trying to convince her that she's crazy. ironwood is straight up gaslighting her.
qrow also—based on the first thing he says, which is "why'd you do it?"—seems to consider it a possibility that it is what it looked like but yang did have a good reason, and i actually do not think that is an outrageous thing for qrow specifically to think. because qrow was emotionally abused as a child, and he knows yang, and in the event that yang really did suddenly turn around and punch a guy who was kneeling on the ground, why would she do it?
glances at shay d. mann. well. maybe this kid has been harassing her? maybe he said something horrible or threatening to her and in the heat of the moment she just snapped? maybe "he attacked me, i saw him attack me" isn't really a lie per se, she's just scared that "he's been picking on me ever since he got here and he made a disgusting remark and i just couldn't take it anymore" won't be taken seriously? as in, he did attack her—verbally/emotionally.
it's probably worth asking, at least!
so, qrow leads with "why'd you do it?" in case there is some invisible reason justifying the apparent action. yang says "you know why." qrow goes okay, well, i only know what i saw, so you're either lying (i.e., yang had a reason she now isn't telling) or crazy (i.e., yang saw something different from reality that was very real to her).
she says "i'm not lying." qrow believes her: "crazy, got it."
at this point, he knows the most probable explanation is that one of salem's infiltrators fucked with her head. the inner circle's gaslighting doesn't sit right with him; he's not going to buck ozpin by telling her the truth outright, but he wants to make sure yang knows she isn't losing her mind. he also has all the info needed to guess that yang is actually really really scared that she might be crazy.
which is why he kicks off the wall and begins to pace around. the language he uses sounds dismissive, but his tone is mild and his body language implies "let's talk about it, let's figure this out."
leading to:
YANG: Who knows? Maybe I am. QROW: And here I thought your dark-haired friend was the emo one. YANG: I saw my mom. …I- I was in a lot of trouble, took a pretty hard hit. But when I came to, the person attacking me was gone, and I thought I saw… her. Her sword. Like the one in you and dad’s old picture. QROW: You’re not crazy, Yang. That was your mom, alright. Let me guess—she didn’t say a word, did she? YANG: How did you know that? QROW: I don't see my sister very often, but she does try to keep in touch... whenever it suits her. YANG: Wait—you mean you talk to her? That was real!? QROW: Yeah, she found me. Had a tip from my most recent assignment and wanted me to give you a message.
it's really telling that yang responds to him this way. 'cause we've seen how yang acts when she feels dismissed or belittled:
TAI: Well, "normal" is what you make of it. YANG: What is that supposed to mean? Do you want me to just pretend like nothing happened? I lost a part of me. A piece of me is gone. And it's never coming back. TAI: You're right. It's not coming back. But that doesn't have to stop you from becoming who you wanna be. You're Yang Xiao Long, my sunny little dragon. You can do whatever you put your mind to. So whenever you're ready to stop moping, and get back out there? I'll be there for you. YANG: I– I...
she freezes and shuts down! her teachers have to come to her rescue!—but when qrow goes "crazy, got it" and suggests she's being "emo," yang blurts out her big secret. i saw my mom. to me that suggests a level of trust and understanding that isn't there with tai: qrow says stuff like "okay, so you're crazy" and "here i thought your friend was the emo one" but what he means is "hey, i know something's really bugging you, tell me about it," and yang picks up what he's putting down.
it's akin to how ruby goes "did you miss me? DID YOU MISS ME??" and qrow's like "nope" and they both laugh. or the back-and-forth ribbing between him and the girls in 3.4. there's this layer of mild ironic meanness in the way qrow converses with his nieces that all of them are fluent in, and in this scene he's using that mode to signal that "crazy" is not off-limits, that it's okay to talk about openly.
crucially, there's a code-switch in the middle of the conversation: as soon as yang gets real and says "i saw my mom," qrow reflects that seriousness back to her. you're not crazy, that was your mom, she found me afterward and told me about it. it was real. you're okay. qrow's ability to do that—to shift into a more serious mode when irony isn't appropriate—is why yang can have this rapport with him that she doesn't have with tai, because tai isn't... being ironic when he says mean or dismissive things to her.
anyway, qrow passes on raven's terrible message and then kind of annotates it: "raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that i don't particularly agree with, and she's dangerous." (which is a very diplomatic way of saying he thinks raven is full of shit. lol.) but then he connects this whole conversation about raven back to what happened after the match: "you're a tough egg, kiddo. don't let this tournament thing getcha down. you had a slip-up; sometimes bad things just happen."
implicitly: yang isn't crazy. what she saw on the train was real, a product of raven's personality and her semblance. sometimes bad things just happen. qrow believes that yang had the experience she says she did when she punched mercury. he doesn't know why she had that experience—yang doesn't either!—but he knows she isn't just "crazy." sometimes things that seem crazy are actually real.
remember what he tells the girls in 3.4? "you may be acting like huntresses, but you're not thinking like one." same thing here. he's telling yang, hey, you're not crazy, you know what you saw, but you don't know what or who caused you to see it. "you cut off the head of the king taijitu, but now the second head's calling the shots."
hint, hint.
it's subtler than the hints qrow drops for ruby in 3.12, but very much in the same vein, and yang is plenty smart enough to figure it out. she might... not have? in the couple of hours between this conversation and everything going to straight to hell, but if they'd had literally just one more day, just long enough for the wheels turning in yang's head to click together with what ruby heard from velvet about coco hallucinating during her and yatsu's 2v2 against emerald and mercury, she would've had it.
more... generally, i've never gotten the sense that qrow projects raven's flaws onto yang in the way that tai does; qrow is definitely a lot closer with ruby than yang, but i think that has less to do with favoritism on qrow's part than it does ruby thinking he's like the COOLEST uncle ever and wanting to use a scythe like he does.
'cause like, qrow isn't their parent, he doesn't live with them, he's not responsible for raising these kids like their dad is, so while he obviously did contribute to fucking them both up because: alcoholic, ultimately there just isn't the same degree of betrayal or emotional abandonment; he's not their dad. both times yang talks in detail about her childhood, it's "my mom left, ruby's mom left, tai wasn't really around, ruby couldn't even talk, i was alone"—she doesn't mention qrow. there isn't that deep hurt, that feeling that qrow is someone who left.
when he isn't drunk, yang seems to feel pretty okay around him, and qrow likewise treats her... honestly a lot better than tai does:
he stops by their dorm in v3 to hang out with both his nieces; yang is fully in sister mode—cheers for ruby to beat him until ruby loses, immediately shoves her out of the way like "my turn!! >:D"—and qrow ribs them both, takes ribbing from both of them in good humor, tells both of them "you two are gonna go far."
qrow nicknames to show affection; ruby is "pipsqueak," yang gets "firecracker."
we only see qrow's goodbye to ruby, but in 5.4 yang indicates that qrow came to talk to her before he left, too. she also has complete trust that he's keeping the promise he made to look after ruby.
yang, as noted, opens up to him about seeing her mom; she's also shocked that he's still in contact with raven and indignant that he didn't tell her sooner, but—unlike with tai—she doesn't seem surprised that qrow is willing to talk about raven in general.
which tracks with what tai says in 4.11: "despite asking him numerous times not to, i know qrow told you where you're mother's been at these days"—meaning, this was a point of contention between him and qrow. behind the scenes, while tai refused to discuss raven at all, qrow was going okay well, let me tell her then, she deserves to know. and then ultimately he just bit the bullet and told her behind tai's back. i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out qrow had been straight with yang that her dad wanted to be the one to tell her the important stuff, and he wanted to be respectful of that, but raven wasn't an off-limits topic.
general contrast between yang-tai and yang-qrow dynamics; for example both of them say almost verbatim "you've got a long way to go before you're ready for the real world" (3.4/4.4). from tai it's belittling, he's insulting her; from qrow, it's meant to encourage, it's "remember you're still new to this, you'll make mistakes, just keep learning, keep trying." (rwby does stuff like this all the time, refracting an idea in different directions to highlight contrasts between characters; ozpin's advice to ruby vs port's advice to weiss is another example.)
a lot of qrow's resentment toward raven is centered on her abandonment of yang: "did you know yang lost her arm? [...] rhetorical question, i know you know. it's just obnoxious that you'd bring up family and then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist. [raven: "i saved her."] once. because that was your rule, right? real mom of the year material, sis." like he is PISSED on yang's behalf that raven won't even try.
my impression is that qrow—although a) often away on long missions in far away places and b) an alcoholic who sometimes got blind drunk and became a burden yang and ruby needed to take care of—when he did manage to be there, made a serious effort to connect with both of them. he ended up being closer to ruby bc she wanted to learn scythe-wielding, but i do think qrow would've trained yang too (or instead) if the girls had different combat interests.
and while his relationship with ruby has a mentorish aspect, i don't get the sense either of the girls see him as a parental figure: he wasn't part of their household, he traveled a lot, his alcoholism in combination with tai's neglect eroded the adult-child boundaries because they had to be responsible for him as often as the reverse. he's a friend who also happens to be related to them. and that's especially true for yang, because he wasn't her teacher.
(i know it's a... pretty common headcanon / fanon that qrow lived with them, but i really don't think that's supported by the text? whenever ruby or yang look back on their childhoods, the family unit is always them + tai, and qrow isolates himself out of fear that his semblance will injure those he cares about. plus ozpin sending him all over the place as the one member of team strq still active. it makes way more sense to think he lived alone, and visited when he had the chance. which is the main reason i'm WAY softer on him than on tai, 'cause qrow wasn't in a caretaker/parent role; at most he was an occasional babysitter. so while his incidents of turning up drunk on the doorstep contributed to the harm... it's like, it would absolutely have been better for them if qrow were sober, but that wouldn't have changed anything about their home life. they'd just have somewhat easier relationships with qrow.)
TO WRAP THIS BACK AROUND TO THE QUESTION, tai is unfairly judgmental and harsh with yang bc he projects his idea of her mom onto her; yang also has a better relationship with her mom's brother than she does with her dad. how do these two dynamics interact? how does yang feel about hearing from tai that she's too branwen, so to speak, while also getting along better with the branwen side of her family? how might that fuel her desire to find raven?
if her uncle treats her better than tai does, then... maybe her mom would too, if only yang could reach her?—obviously it's not rational, but like. i don't think five year old yang put her baby sister in a wagon and ran away to find her mom because she thought she would ask "why did you leave me?" and then get her answer and go home. as yang grew older and developed a more realistic perspective it shifted to "i just need to know why she left" and she projects that backward onto herself as a child, but at the time what she wanted, what she was looking for, was someone who would take care of them.
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hii could u do smth for the outsiders along the lines of : a s/o (for all of them if you can) who is rlly quiet and shy and are meeting the gang for the first time? (She also doesn’t have a good home life rn) and one day they find her all cut and beat up?
A/N: i wrote this as Dallas’s S/O if that’s ok just so i could put it in more of a story format so i could incorporate the second part. The ending is bad i couldn’t figure out how to close it up 😭 Also Dallas and Darry arr good friends don’t ask me why i just think they are.
Dallas Winston x a quiet S/O
⚠️TW FOR ABUSE (Y/Ns parents in this aren’t that good so you’re warned)⚠️
“Don’t be as loud and wisecrackin as y’all normally are. Y/N is quiet and they ain’t got a good home life so it’s best to be gentle with them.” Dallas fidgeted with the ring on his finger while talking to the rest of the gang about his new partner, Y/N. “Dallas Winston tellin us to be gentle with someone. Now i’ve seen it all” Steve laid back in his chair and laughed. “Shut up Randle.” Dally hissed. He turned to Darry “Can you keep em all in order while i go get Y/N?” Darry smiled and nodded. “Sure thing Dal. I’ll make sure they don’t wreck the place” Dally nodded and jogged out the door and to the car
“Guys..this is Y/N.” Y/N waved at everyone with nervous smile. Sodapop smiled. “Well i’m Sodapop but you can call me soda, that’s Ponyboy and Johnny over there in the corner, this idiot beside me here is Steve, Darry is in the kitchen and Two-Bit isn’t here he’s sleeping off a hangover but he’s the wisecracker of the bunch.” He pointed out each member of the gang as he introduced them. “I’m Y/N. Dal told me a lot about y’all. You work in the DX, right?” Soda nodded “That’s me alright! Stevie here does too. Me full-time and him part-time.”
Dallas smiled. He whispered to Y/N that he’d be back in a minute and walked into the kitchen. “I think that went well.” He sighed as he hopped onto the counter near enough to where Darry was. “Sodapops keepin them entertained.” Darry put down what he was working on. “I’m glad, you were pretty nervous ‘bout them meetin the guys.” Dally smiled to himself “i was, but i think they’re doing alright with the guys.” He smiled to himself. “What were you saying about them not having a good home life?” Darry asked, his voice suddenly taking a serious tone. Dally fidgeted with his ring again. “Well their old man ain’t that good to them, wasn’t good to their mom either, but she left, Y/N stayed.” Darry nodded slowly. “I understand.” They both kept their eye contact for a moment before they went to join back with the rest of the gang.
Over the next few weeks Y/N and all the boys grew quite close, especially Y/N and Sodapop. One day, when walking home from school, Johnny and Pony spotted Y/N unconscious on the street that the Curtis’ lived on. “Johnny you go inside and get Darry! I’ll stay here with Y/N. And call Dally while you’re in there.” Pony commanded, surprisingly un-panicked. Johnny ran off back to the house and soon after Darry came running out. “Where’s johnny?” Pony asked. “He’s inside calling Dallas. c’mon, let’s bring them inside.” Darry picked Y/N and carried them back into the house. he laid them down on the sofa and put a pillow under their head.
They came to in a few minutes. “What happened?” They looked around. “We aren’t sure Y/N. What can you remember before now? Did you get into a fight?” Darry passed Y/N some water, dragged a chair beside the sofa and sat down. Y/N looked down. “I got into a big argument with my dad..” Just then, Dally burst through the door. “Y/N!” He rushed over and grabbed their hand. “Are you ok? Johnnycakes told me you were unconscious.” Y/N smiled weakly “I’m a little better now that you’re here.”
Dally smiled back at them. “Was it your dad again?” Y/N nodded. “You gotta lot of cuts on ya. Dar do you have a first aid kit?” Dally asked. Darry nodded and went off to get it. “The cuts are just from falling. Most of the bruises too. My dad didn’t do that.” Y/N commented. Darry handed Dally the first aid kit and started to patch up Y/N’s cuts. He kissed them quickly on the cheek.
“Thank you. All of you.” Y/N looked around “i never really had anyone that cared as much as y’all.”
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blub-blub-bish · 2 months
Most of my thoughts while watching rise of red & my opinion on the whole movie
Spoilers under cut
I don’t know how to feel about them implying Carlos died…
I’m a bit uncomfortable rn
-red with maddox-
Red has mental problems and mommy issues… that’s concerning
-queen of hearts intro-
Queen of hearts is girlbossing but in a bad way
-Bridget and Ella meeting each other-
-After they went back in time-
Chloe’s hair is so pretty
The dance choreography is a bit….cringe
-meeting past Bridget and Ella-
Bridget is so sweeeeet
Also, did the prank made her British or smth?? Why is she not British as a kid???
Is this high school musical???
-villains intro-
The villains are so unnecessarily hot wtf
like HOOK???ULIANA??????MALEFICENT??!?!?
Maleficent and hades being a high school couple that got married right after highscool and get divorced a few years after makes so much sense
-Uliana fell into a pool-
Uliana is a fucking brat, I do NOT like her
-the whole homecoming thing-
Charming’s hairstyle is so shit😭
-at Ella’s house-
Poor Ella
Ella talks so gayly about briget istg- JUST KISS ALREADY
Red instinctively tell her what to do to hide the broken vase makes me think she relates and idk how to feel about this…
-at Bridget’s dorm-
Past Bridget is so sweeeet aghdhehdbbdd
Bridget unconsciously helping red’s mommy issues is so fuckin funny
Red and briget’s hair turning straight in the bad future is telling something but idk what it is
-back to their own dorm-
Chloe keep rubbing red’s mommy issues- like, stop playing dirty girl😒
Ella’s shirt looks cute tho
-Merlin’s office-
Chloe and red gay????👀
Red realizing she’s not A bad person is so sweet and sad at the same Time
-coming back to the future-
Why don’t they check the mirror first tho???
I take the hair thing back.
New Bridget not knowing the time and place for stuff is a bit…annoying and kinda in character of her
-after thoughts-
Is it just me or the ending feels so… rushed?
Actually, the whole movie feels rushed
Songs are pretty good tho.
Also, did they just fuckin made up a whole, new, backstory for everyone?????
This makes everything complicated holy shit.
I’m so sad they didn’t show what happened in the homecoming thing, like, I want to knowwww
Overall, it’s a 6.5/10. It’s…okay ig? Some of the songs are pretty good, but the story line is very confusing and rushed,and the whole Carlos thing is kinda uncomfortable to me.
Could be 6/10, but the extra points is because the nostalgia of it I guess?? Idk
I would watch it again tho. Maybe I’ll understand it better
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
hello it's me from that "afo keeps all the users body au" thank you for answering honestly🥺I do think another way i could go about the au(and torture poor yoichi even more. I love him he's a very pretty man but sometimes you gotta put him through the mental wringer😭but afo already did that) is that yoichi could be in a comatose state/locked in syndrome kinda where the final confrontation between him, afo, and kudou happens and instead of dying(NOT IN PIECES😠) he's just severely Injured and is knocked unconscious where he... never wakes up again... but he can still think, hear, smell and feel worldly sensations he just can't move his body at all. Or wake up. Bruce drags kudou away because kudou is too shell shocked to move so they can't take yoichi with them and afo just gets his mittens on him again(yippie😊yoichi is in my arms again🥰I totally wasn't the one that almost mortally wounded him by trying to kill that disgusting rebel, yes its all that bugs fault that my yoichi got hurt) only to realize that something is wrong because it's been weeks and yoichi STILL hasn't woken up. He's breathing and his wounds are healed but :( so afo takes yoichi to the doctors to figure out what's wrong(I'm not smart enough for the medical stuff so just pretend garaki did something smart with his equipment and figured it out.) "Ruh roh, it seems like ur brother Is suffering from smth called locked in syndrome☝️🥸he's not brain dead though meaning he can hear, feel, and smell sensations he just can't wake up or move his body so... sorry ab that" and afos like "while it's great that he can't run from me again and that he'll need me to take care of him ill miss his sweet voice and pretty eyes🥺doctor figure out a way to process his brain waves into sentences/words/pictures(???) Neeeoooow😤" meanwhile yoichi can hear everything and is just internally screaming cuz that's all he can do. He'll kinda go back n forth between the vestige realm and the front of his mind so if he's sick of afos yapping for the day he can just retreat there. I mean, he won't be lonely for long cuz kudou n them will join but it's gonna take a while.
ok that's the one where afo has his body but what if kudou and Bruce managed to haul yoichi with them while afo is in shock that he "mortally wounded" yoichi? Erm... he's still breathing, they treated his wounds but he hasn't woken up in 4 days. Uh oh. Bruce and kudou refuse to classify him as brain dead cuz he's still breathing on his own so they run tests on him(they had equipment to see quirks so why not some advanced medical tech too?) OK his brain is up and running but his body isn't...(yoichi wiggle the brain wave thingies if you think your brothers an ass!) (~~~~~~) (oh my god ok he's alive) anyway, while they don't know exactly what it's called they have an idea and decide to care for him n stuff till kudou decides to face a very pissed off afo who actually doesn't know yoichi is technically alive cuz hes too traumatized to realize that he gave yoichi an immortality quirk, so basically the rest of the story is yoichis very much alive self being passed on to future ofa users with instructions that are basically (heres the comatose yet very much aware and alive body of afos brother, take care of him and don't let afo know or get to him Kay bye!) In this version afo gives yoichi the immortality quirk in the vault while in the first version afo gives it to yoichi while he's comatose. I'd say about generations 5 to 7 is when afo FINALLY catches on to the fact that he gave yoichi an immortality quirk and just face palms before going on a large manhunt for yoichi where the ofa users just play hot potato with yoichi😭(but anon! If yoichi has an immortality quirk why didn't it heal him immediately and wake him up???) Well, when he, kudou, and Bruce were skeddadling from afo, ofa was in the process of transferring to kudou, meaning yoichi was actually in a very vulnerable state, quirk wise and body wise, so not only was that immortality quirk working overdrive, it was also in the process of transferring to someone else IDK PLOT ARMOR OR SMTH😭 anyway, yoichi got "mortally wounded" enough for the quirk itself to panic bc it doesn't have enough reserves to actually save its user so what does it do? It forces yoichi into a coma to preserve that tiny bit of energy to keep its user from dying. It succeeded! but now yoichi can't wake up since it used up the reserves to heal yoichis body and only the "crucial" areas of his brain which bodily autonomy/aka, movement of the muscles wasnt included apparently and now it thinks it's done its job because it's purpose was to keep the user alive😁(oh anon, since you came up with these great ideas why don't you go on and write it?) I can't write for shit lmao if I start this I'll only be able to write down one sentence then lose interest, SECOND OF ALL! these are just ideas, I ain't forcing or asking any of yall to make a story out of it I just wanna get my evil brain worms out of my head to share with people and listen to how others would go about these ideas. Their opinions and takes. And since there's not a lot of afofa sickos I tend to yap to the rare ones out there. Very exciting! Anyway, sorry for bugging you with my long rant, I'm not forcing you to do anything but I do wanna see your evil brain worms process this info especially now that you'll have access to yoichis thoughts on this and hey, if you need his sight for it, locked down syndrome can technically allow the person to blink only so ig he'd only be able to move his eyes and that's it oh God poor yoichi... uh sorry for yapping
Ooo an even more interesting premise 👀 Though I think in the first one I'd go with Yoichi having a lot of existential dread around what state he's in, and the OFA vault would make it worse because, at the time, he wouldn't know what it was. I think it would scare him, because while he doesn't want to be with his brother anymore, entering "his" part of the mindscape cuts off his outside awareness, meaning that he experiences nothing but The Void™ while in that space, which would make him think that going into that space is him walking closer to death. And, despite everything, Yoichi doesn't quite want to die just yet. Give it time :)
I think he'd figure it out eventually though, probably when AFO decides to, uh, enjoy Yoichi's new "compliance" and he decides that death is the better alternative. Then he gets to the mindscape and figures out that it just. loops back around to reality if he walks too far into it. Scream.
In either case though, I think that Yoichi would get pretty apathetic pretty fast. Or—not apathetic, but definitely ruthless. Harsher. He's leading his holders to his comatose body trying to get them to free him and they all keep dying >:( He knows this isn't fair, that he shouldn't keep calling people directly into AFO's arms (and nomu tanks) but that sort of constant numbness would wear him down. Probably much faster than the vault. He wants out, he wants to be slain out of mercy, he wants to be able to move and speak and run again, he wants somebody to save him, he wants his brother dead—his desperation probably kills the holders way faster than in canon, because he keeps pushing them towards their killer in hopes that they'll be the one that can finally save him. Finally stop AFO.
Meanwhile, AFO is trying his best to get Yoichi to wake back up. Because he always wanted Yoichi fully awake so he could banter and moan and scream at him, but now that Yoichi has a direct line to the other OFA holders, he turns out to be a very effective spy. The guards and minions think that just because he's not a physical threat means that they can say whatever they want around him, like locations, plans, plants, things of that nature, and All For One doesn't figure how those stupid heroes keep foiling him so well for months before he discovers just where it is Yoichi retreats to when his brain waves idle. That he's the one leaking information. And then he punishes Yoichi for it, in the very best way he knows how; forcing him to be present and making him feel. For AFO noncon can be corrective 🙏 Domestic punishment.
Plus, on the other side of the coin, if Yoichi was rescued by his vigilantes beforehand but has an immortality Quirk still, then that means that his body gets toted around from place to place with the current holder so AFO can't get his hands on him. This has the hilarious side-effect of meaning that Yoichi gets propped up in a chair at OFA meetings and everyone has to treat him like he's an active part of the meeting, because they all know he's awake. It's incredibly awkward and nobody likes it lmao.
Idk, I think you could have a lot of fun with it! Especially if Yoichi finds a way to still be an active threat :3 My boy is so beautiful and so so spiteful ✨ A little thing like whole body paralysis won't stop him for long!
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
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𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕒 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜
𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕪… ⋭
(so, where to begin? i guess from the simple fact, that i wanted to do smth fun with this clean-cut parallel. at first, i wanted to make some quick edits, but then, i decided what the heck. i might just re-draw it! *or sort of re-draw it anyways*
the shippy stuff is shippy, but really it was hard not to be all like *insert dicaprio pointing meme* when i was reading the venom comic, and flash just pulled a batman on me. beat jack up, n’ then instead of killing him, like he wanted to, he spared him. took him in his arms all gently-like n’ carried his sorry ass into the dawn. like man, it just hit the cords within me! i was all like oohhh, it's like in one of my most fav scarecrow issues! i wasn't expecting this from the comic, even less so from flash, who always had a bit of bipolar resolute, when it came to jack. 'he wanna kill him, he wanna kill him not'. that sort of thing. yet, this moment kind of shown, that he prob will always find a reason to talk himself out of putting him down.
that's aside, another part of why i love those stories, is that both issues felt personal. both, jon n’ jack had personal grudges, both batman and flash were struggling with personal darkness within them. both overcame it, n' literally had to beat up their personal walking-talking nightmare *flash even refers to jack as that later on*. like, it was pretty great, honestly. all that emotional baggage, uncanny kinships with their own twisted mirror, which resulted in them actually feeling sympathy for scarecrow n' jack. giving them a small speech, that they couldn’t hear *bc unconscious*, sort of implying that maybe ‘they’re not beyond help’. it's almost bitter-sweet. even if most people would argue, that both jon n’ jack are way-way too far gone at that point. even if 'solution' sounds too unrealistic to be true. still, if someone like batman believes in you, then maybe, just maybe there is a chance. n’ if someone like flash spares your life, even though, he’s nothing like bruce *he actually killed people before*, then perhaps, there is smth beyond projection, which made him do it. 
all 4 characters are very different, n’ thb the context in everyone’s motivations n’ struggles are very different too, but i love how bruce n’ flash came to the same conclusion. took the same route with their respective twinky ghoul. showing mercy is noble, n’ it’s pretty sweet tbh. one of my fav tropes in fiction is when the hero/protagonist shows kindness/empathy toward their villain *who in most cases doesn’t ‘deserve it*. that whole cop out thing about 'evil should be punished by death' in fiction really takes away the romantism n' bendiness of fiction as whole tbh. esp with heroes. they supposed to be able to do 'impossible', including 'forgive the unforgiving'. this is why i prob will always advocate for the ‘no kill’ rule for super-heroes. i mean, it makes you have moments like those. smth that is actually emotional n’ also shows the cracks in heroes themselves, bc usually they can only truly relate to their rogues, someone who is usually designed to be a warped up reflection of hero’s own weaknesses, struggles or traumas. n’ while i always see jack o’lantern as spiderman’s villain *he’s one of oldies, a classic villain after all*, i suppose, that this version of jack was tailored for flash’s venom specifically, n’ i *unexpectedly* i loved it. daddy's issues run deep in this one for both of them. meanwhile, bruce be out there lecturing jon's school bullies, after he nearly killed them. what a man lol.
now, the comic panels themselves. just for better visualisation.
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i didn’t include the first bit in my lil art thingy above, but i love how not only the venom mirrors batman in actions, but also how they’re even facing opposite sides, playing around with nearly opposite color pallets in each fight too. caters to the mood, but also it just looks nice side by side tbh. the blue/black/grey for batman, and orange/dark brown/yellow for venom. a dark knight / soldier n' maskless halloween villain. this prob the only point, where they connect narratively n' thematically, but it's a major one.
anyho', i didn't had a hardcore goal to re-draw those scenes to a t, just make it recognizable for the most part. but it was fun! also gave me an execuse to stare at those comic panels some more.
as for the song, it popped out inside my head kinda randomly. but it fits them, i think. even the tune itself adds to it. somewhat sad n’ slow. but the meaning of it, not fully hopeless. at least, they will always have someone there for them. after all, guys like jon n’ jack will always come back, seeking ‘their hero’, hungry for punishment or other things. n’ for someone as crippled as bruce or flash, it might not be the worst thing, really. usually, the hero is stuck in the same miserable 'unchanging', unwinnable situation as their villains are. be it outside forces, fate or sickness, that keeps them bond. it's still better to try and make the best of it, right?)
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landwriter · 2 years
Saw some anon's headcannon about how Dream probably threatened a bunch of gods to make sure Orpheus was born healthy. What's your take on it? I personally love protective dad Dream and he IS overprotective, but in comics(I'm not sure if you've read them so I'm not gonna spoil anything) he always puts his function before his loved ones, and I don't know if he'd risk future diplomatic interactions or smth. What do you think?
the ask in question answered by @softest-punk.
Dream, as The Corinthian says, is ‘more than a god’ - he is apparently older and greater than gods - so I feel a bit, I don’t know, no threats or bribing needed. More sort of showing up, pointedly. His attention and presence is enough. I imagine Calliope, with her place among the Greek gods and goddesses, probably had healthy birth and blessings etc. pretty well covered, but I do see Dream as a fretting father-to-be. I imagine after the first few times showing up at whatever the supernatural equivalent is of the produce section of the neighbourhood grocery store just to aggressively lock eyes with any of the local deities whose functions concerned with Having Good Babies, Calliope probably got word and told him to cut it out. But he would fret, surely. He would. He is very, very ancient and as far as I know this is the first and only time he fathers a child.
He and by extension his realm must become shaped, in some ways, to his concern - he is the vessel of the entire unconsciousness, and I can see him, perhaps, during the first few months, going to Lucienne in a panic, after paying special attention to pregnant Dreamers - all those waking fears and hopes are already so complex! so wild! imagine if your only perception of them was those feelings too great and strange to be articulated while awake. “Can human children really come out as. A dozen frogs.” “No, my lord.” - “Is it true that if the unborn child is discontent, he will crawl out the mother’s mouth?” “No, my lord.” - “Lucienne, are you positive a child cannot stay in the womb forever? This is a surpassing frequent subject in the dreams of pregnant beings.” “Yes, my lord.”
The thing is, Dream does seem like he’d be rather the old-fashioned type about this, who would prefer to know nothing at all since he is Lord of Dreams, etc, etc, and has higher things to attend to, but the problem is he can’t really avoid the concept of it, so he is at once attempting to be distant and removed as usual, while having, on-tap, every single positive and negative feeling, every single great and horrific story, about pregnancy, about childbirth, about being a father.
I imagine, later in the pregnancy, his focus turns to dreams of children growing up, and who they become. I think he speaks to no one about this, but watches, over and over, the nightmares of parents whose children are born healthy, beautiful, and strong, whose children have great fates - as his surely will - and whose children disobey them, or fall in battle, or turn out to be cruel. I imagine he is haunted by stories of sons and their fathers. He will do better. He must. And all of it gets stored up and creates a feeling and a fear so great that it comes out the way it always does with parents: trying to exert agency over their child, and thus alienating them.
I think Dream, as a result of his function - not in spite of it - was fully unable to be At All Normal about both his imminent and then actual fatherhood. I think he must have had an eternity’s worth of hopes and expectations for his first son. I think that, among many reasons, is why Orpheus was his only son. I think whatever fears he has for subsequent romantic and intimate relationships, so well-represented in fanfic, would be leagues worse concerning the prospect of another child. I think whatever terrible lover and partner he thinks himself to be, he thinks far worse of his parenting. When your own stubbornness, your own propensity for Big Feelings, your own quickness to isolate yourself in grief - when these traits are carried on in your child, whether you recognize it at the time or not, and then Orpheus’ fate the result - how could he not? (But, of course, he does not blame Calliope for giving him her talent in music, or her fairness. So it goes.)
In the years after, he must have thought often on his old fears for Orpheus’ safe birth. How quaint his worries then would seem to him. A safe birth, when he could have been praying for a safe life.
[for reference - I haven't read the comics but I have seen Some Of The Panels Concerning Orpheus and the Orpheus Sandman wiki. One day I will set aside an entire day to weep and wail and gnash my teeth about the fact that was the task Dream mentioned to Hob, the task that Lady Johanna Constantine performed so 'admirably'. One day, I will set aside an entire day to think about how differently that conversation could have gone.]
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ja3yun · 4 months
TDH Spoilers Ahead!
Just as the room falls into a heavy silence, punctuated only by the echo of your racing heartbeat, a frantic knocking at the door shatters the calm. Jongseong's desperate pleas slice through the air, his voice laced with worry and fear. "Soonyeol?! Baby, are you in there? I can’t hear you anymore, angel…"
BUT, I must be crazy or your writing is literally perfect (Spoiler alert: It is), I actually fell into Heeseung’s spell, cause I legit said aloud “Yeah, fuck Jongseong for some seconds cause you did sin! Why can’t I have what I want and you can?!” After I said that, I felt so bad 😭
I must admit, I was scared of this ending cause I remember there was one ask were you said that he wouldn’t be as interested in the alt as he was in the true ending or smth like that, and I even got more scared when you explained his past lover, cause I was like “Nah man, he just want her.”
BUT THEN YOU COMPLETELY BROKE ME AGAIN, when you started explaining Heeseung’s feelings and how he loved Y/N for who she is and not for his past lover, AND AND AND WHEN HE THANKED ALAIDA, I LEGIT THOUGHT HE WAS THANKING Y/N FOR BRINGING ALAIDA, NOT VICEVERSA. How he tries to bring out his humanity for her, and even for Soonnie at the moment. AND WHEN HE SAID “See, Princess? There’s nothing we can’t handle together.” I ACTUALLY FORGOT HE JUST STUFFED SOONYEOL IN A WARDROBE FOR A SECOND CAUSE SIR, YOU CANT SAY THAT TO ME AN EXPECT ME TO REACT NORMALLY.
Hear me out people, this might sound crazy but, Heelzebub’s my new standard, I KNOW, I KNOW, CRAZY RIGHT? THE OTHER DOLLS ARE TOO BUT HEELZEBUB IS TOP.
Once again, you have outdone yourself. I swear to God, the way you write, like someone said in an ask, really does transport me there, unconsciously, I feel like a part of it, and I really love when a book, fic, story or anything makes me feel like that. You are truly amazing AJ. I will keep loving every single work you do in the future, but I must admit The Doll House will always have a special place in my heart
Once again, congrats on your magnificent work 💕
i had jaeyun suffering in the og but i could not do that to him 😭 he got off lightly compared to jongseong bc that man suffered so bad like imagine losing the soulmate you gave up heaven for?? brutal 😮‍💨
yess i am so glad that heeseungs words made you feel the same way yn did bc he is 100% right??? why cant yn have everything when everyone else does? 😭
heeseung is infatuated with yn i love them sm :( he is my standard now i fear like if a man is not searching heaven and earth and willing to kill.for me i dont want him (jk but i am also not)
i am so happy you loved it!! thank you for reading it baby <3
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jgvfhl · 1 year
The Number Lads Commit Homicide
I'm back!!! Thank you all for your patience while I took a small break and got my groove back. Now, the Jedi know Palpatine is evil... but now what?? Sixes knows that most people would leave it to the Force-wielding professionals, but since when has Sixes ever been most people?
Words: ~7400 Warnings: Some blood, not too much tho Link to Master List of Chapters on tumblr Link to the full story on Ao3
Reminder of the Chaos Batch screen names:
Nero = mayhem_man
Bacara = beefcara
Sixes = Grim Reaper
mayhem_man: okay so what’s the word, boys
mayhem_man: i say boys since thire is probably still unconscious
beefcara: Chancellor is evil
Grim Reaper: Yeah, Palpatine is worse than evil actually
mayhem_man: huh
beefcara: I want him to die
mayhem_man: right but you want several people dead so
Grim Reaper: Nero, you run a hit man contracting service
mayhem_man: okay?? so cara wants people dead but i actually do it and it’s a problem??
beefcara: Unfortunately, murder is frowned upon, even if you get paid for it
mayhem_man: ugh… society…
Grim Reaper: As for the chancellor, the Jedi won’t let us… assist in dealing with him
beefcara: Annoying, but logical. He can mind-control us.
mayhem_man: yeah… got that idea. but the jedi are gonna kill him or smth, right?
Grim Reaper: Or something.
-scene break-
In Sixes’ personal opinion, it took far too long for the Jedi to reach their decision. He and Echo were left to their own devices outside the Jedi Council meeting room for almost forty minutes while the debate raged on. Granted, it probably wasn’t raging—these were Jedi, after all. If it had been clones or Mandalorians, it would have been a faster and more violent matter. He wished it was a faster and more violent matter. Sixes could handle that. These long stretches of uncertainty and inaction had always been somewhat foreign to clones.
Echo had sat down on a bench a little ways down the hallway to rest his leg. Sixes would have ordered him there eventually. There hadn’t been any more word from Sevenset or Fives over their comms, but Bacara had assured him that everything was quiet at the Clubhouse. So, they just had to wait.
Finally—again, after far too long—the Council room doors slid open. All those present filed out, clustering in the corridor with Windu, Yoda, Kenobi, and Ti in the front.
“Commander. Echo.”
Echo picked himself up off the bench to stand beside Sixes when Windu addressed them.
“Thank you for waiting,” Windu said. The Jedi looked harsher than usual. All of them did. “We have no further questions for you, and we would advise you to return to whatever location will keep you safest.”
“No pilots?” Sixes could still hope….
“No pilots,” Yoda said with a small smile and a shake of his head.
“And no Mandalorians,” Windu added before Sixes or Echo could ask. “The Jedi will handle this ourselves.”
Sixes had suspected they would. He wouldn’t dispute them on their own turf, so he bowed his head in acceptance. He respected the decision, even if he didn’t like it. The chancellor, by all accounts, could be ridiculously powerful, and the Jedi were offering to confront him with the little knowledge that he and Echo had provided to them.
He laid his right fist over his heart, bowing ever so slightly. “Oya, jetiise.”
Most of the Jedi appeared to understand. Not entirely surprising when he considered how long they’d been serving with his brothers, and that most of the Alphas were fluent in Mando’a.
“Someone will show you out,” Windu said. “Thank you again. Please, look after each other.”
“We always do,” Sixes answered without hesitating. Echo nodded his agreement.
“I know,” Windu smiled.
The vast majority of the Council followed Windu and Yoda back down into the sprawling sanctuary in the Temple below. They left General Koon with them, presumably to lead them back up to the landing pad to the shyyyo speeder.
The Jedi gestured up the hallway towards the staircase. “I’ll see you off,” he said.
They followed him silently until they reached the landing pad. Sixes appreciated the silence. His thoughts were moving faster than he preferred, and he needed the space to sort through them all. When they reached the speeder, they bid the Jedi farewell and climbed in without another word.
Sixes didn’t start it right away. He sat in the driver’s seat, hands on the steering columns, as his thoughts continued to swirl around his brain.
Echo shifted in his seat, no doubt debating how long was too long sitting silently without moving.
Fortunately, Sixes didn’t let him stew for that long. “How’s your leg?” he asked.
After a second to process the question, the ARC shrugged. “Not terrible. The rest helped. Why?”
“I can’t just check in?”
“You never just check in, sir.”
So the ARC had learned. He gave a vague grunt in reply.
“What are you thinking, sir?” Echo asked, his tone cautious but not without genuine curiosity.
He was thinking a lot of things. “I’m thinking I’d like to see a headline about the chancellor dying from a shotgun blast to the chest.” That was one of the things, anyway.
Echo snorted, slipping his helmet off and setting it in his lap. “Yeah? Is that better than the headline about the Jedi Council cutting him into little pieces?”
“Sounds better to me.” He raised his comm, preparing to call Bacara. “And I still know where to get a lot of slugthrowers. Hey, Bacara?”
“The Jedi are going to confront the chancellor,” he told him. “They were pretty adamant against including any troopers or Mandalorians, so they’re on their own for now.”
“They believed us, though,” Sixes said, glancing over at Echo. “They’re on our side. You can share that around with the others.”
“I will. Are you coming back?”
Sixes again looked over at the ARC next to him, hesitating slightly. “Yeah, eventually. Don’t worry about us.”
“I will elect not to share that with the others.”
He smiled. “Sure thing, Cara. I’m out.” He ended the call and started the speeder’s engine.
Echo was quiet, clearly thinking over something as they lifted off the landing pad and zoomed over a couple lanes of traffic before settling into one. Sixes let him think. Eventually, Echo flipped his helmet around so it faced him, staring at his reflection in the visor as the lights of Coruscant whizzed by outside.
“You know… Domino Squad wasn’t exactly known for following orders very well,” he said at last. He looked up, finding Sixes’ gaze for a brief moment before he had to look back at the flight lane. “With Fives out of the fight, I feel like I’d be letting our batchmates down in spirit if I kept my nose exactly where it was supposed to be.”
Under his helmet, Sixes allowed himself a smirk. He’d never admit it, but the Numbers group had always felt a lot like his batch had when they were younger. Echo was demonstrating why that was. “So you’re not going to mind if we happen to fly by the chancellor’s office on the way to the Clubhouse, then,” he said, fully aware the chancellor’s office was nowhere near to being “on the way” to the Clubhouse.
Echo shook his head, looking ahead at the traffic. “No, of course not.”
They got a couple kliks closer to the chancellor’s office before something went… well, it didn’t quite go wrong, but it wasn’t exactly what Sixes had been expecting, either. There were a lot of Coruscant Guards around. More red and white lined the streets and skylanes than Sixes had ever seen. Mainly, they seemed to be redirecting traffic around the block containing the chancellor’s office. He could see the building from where they sat, slowed down to a maddening crawl by confused civilians.
“What the hell is all this?” Echo said, mostly to himself. He leaned forward, moving side to side to get a view ahead of them. “Did the chancellor do this?” he asked, now looking over to Sixes.
Sixes shook his head. “Dunno.” He glanced at Echo, his eye landing on the signature blue handprint on his chestplate. “Cover your handprint,” he told him as they approached the blinking red and white lights of the Guard’s speeder. “No need to have more identifying marks visible than necessary.”
Echo shifted his helmet, holding it to face his chest and up high enough to block the handprint. It didn’t look natural, by any stretch, but it would do.
When they were alongside the Guard, Sixes stopped and lowered his window. “What is this, trooper?” he demanded, putting as much authority into his voice as he could without being overtly rude.
“It’s a temporary detour, sir,” the Guard answered.
“Why? On whose orders?”
“Chancellor Palpatine, sir. He’s ordered a lockdown perimeter around this block.”
Oh, had he now?
The Guard went on, gesturing with a lit red baton. “If you could just go around this way, sir.”
Sixes narrowed his eyes, aware the expression was lost behind his visor. When he turned his head back to the flight lane, he just caught the tail-end of Echo slipping his helmet over his head. Sixes reluctantly turned right, following the Guard’s instructions.
“Wait, Commander–!” Echo hissed, reaching a hand out, but not touching him. “The office, look.” He pointed to their left.
Sixes kept the speeder steady with one hand and careful practice while he trained his HUD to magnify on the chancellor’s office. Against the backdrop of Coruscant’s brightly lit skyline at night, the change was hard to notice. But where once the office had cast a pale yellow light from its large window, other colors were breaking through. Green, blue, and some other colors not as easy to separate at this distance.
“The Jedi,” Sixes said, resetting his HUD and looking back to the flight lane.
No sooner had the words left his mouth than the commotion around the chancellor’s office increased. Even through the speeder’s body, there was an audible rumble in the air they both recognized.
“Uh—” Echo said as three transport shuttles appeared in the sky around the office, their floodlights trained on the room at the top of the building.
Sixes pressed a couple buttons on the speeder’s control panel. Nero had (of course) outfitted the thing with communications interceptors for just about any signal found on Coruscant. Thire mainly used them to listen to weird music broadcasts, but, with the right tuning, Sixes might be able to listen in on the Guards.
“—General Yoda, sir.”
“Negative, trooper. Just keep him away from the office.”
“He’s too fast!”
The chatter increased, starting to overlap. From what Sixes could make out, the transport ships had been deployed to keep more Jedi from getting to the chancellor’s office. It seemed Yoda was giving them more of a challenge than his size might have suggested. But, from the sound of it, the Guards were more interested in deterring the other Jedi than harming them. That was good. That gave them time.
Sixes followed the detour for a short while, listening intently to the overlapping voices the transmitter was picking up. It was hard to know what was important or not, but he would rather have very little warning than no warning at all if something bad was happening.
Just when Sixes was preparing to jump the flight lane entirely and gun it for the chancellor’s office just to be sure they couldn’t do something, the broadcasting communications went eerily quiet. The overlapping voices thinned out into one or two at a time, delivering curt orders, the voices sounding a mite too calm for such a situation.
“What just happened?” Echo asked, looking at the control panel. Luckily, he knew better than to go poking at it.
“He wants them put down. This is an act of treason.”
“Blast them!”
“Nothing good,” Sixes replied, switching off the transmitter. “Hold on.”
Echo immediately latched onto the door handle and the armrest, and Sixes kicked the speeder into higher gear. They lurched up and over the speeders and other vehicles in front of them, then veered sharply to the left across relatively open air. It took long, sluggish seconds for the Guards in the area to react. By the time their red and white lights were blinking in the rearview mirrors, the shyyyo speeder was tearing ahead of them.
“I’m guessing you and your batch built this thing, yeah?” Echo asked, his voice raised slightly in apprehension.
“We built her up from a scrap heap, yeah,” Sixes told him, diving down to avoid a landing platform in their path. “Helped us wind down during leave.”
The ARC nodded, his fingers tightening on the armrest as Sixes took a right turn “aggressively,” as some would say. If it got them there faster, it was worth trying, in his opinion. He had the skills to get them there in one piece.
“Echo, push the Nova Corps-colored button,” Sixes told him as they neared the office building. The Guards were still tailing them, but they weren’t shooting, so that was a win.
Echo found it and pushed it, making it light up fuschia. After a second, Bacara’s voice filtered into the speeder’s cab.
“Something’s gone wrong with the confrontation,” Sixes said, doing his best to stick to the facts as much as his anger and frustration wanted to add some emotionally fueled phrases as well. “The Guard’s gone weirdly quiet over comms, and I don’t like the tone I’m hearing from the ones still talking.”
A massive flare of orange and yellow light bloomed ahead of them, engulfing one of the transport ships and part of the building next to the chancellor’s office. Sixes cursed, turning a sharp left to avoid the worst of the smoke drifting through the air.
“Something just blew up, it’s fine,” he replied, easily righting the speeder in the air. He so wished he had his Z-95 right now.
“Should we do something?”
“If you can keep the Guard occupied and away from the chancellor’s office building, the Jedi could do their kriffing job a lot easier, yes!” he said, biting back another string of curses as more CG speeders appeared on their left. “Use a different comms channel, though. No telling what the chancellor’s been spewing to the Guards.”
“Comm Maral, she’s on-world. She can get transport,” Sixes told him starting to circle the chancellor’s office. From this distance, the lightsabers were clearly visible. Green, blue, purple, and red.
“Copy that. Don’t die.”
Sixes scoffed. “Not planning on it. Out.”
Taking the cue, Echo pressed the fuschia button again, ending the transmission. “So what is the plan here, exactly?” he asked, keeping careful track of the CG speeders and transport ships in the area.
Sixes would never admit that he made up plans. He had been a commander for quite a while now. He had the benefit of experience and precedent to guide his thinking processes. So, he could… quickly fabricate a plan where one had not previously existed. “Land the speeder, hide the speeder, get to the chancellor’s office, help him on his way out of existence.”
Echo was quiet for a moment, then shrugged. “Alright. I’ve gone into worse with less.”
“I prefer hazard to society, sir.”
Sixes swung the speeder out of its wide circle around the chancellor’s office. There were still too many transport ships and speeders surrounding it for them to risk getting too close. He flew back the way they’d come, rounding the top of the building across the flight lanes from the chancellor’s office. The ships were all still focused on the Jedi to notice them passing quietly overhead. Just another reason to fly black ships at night, as far as Sixes was concerned. He set down on a small landing platform on the other side of the building. They got out after he activated Nero’s absolutely overkill anti-theft systems, which was just as well, because a pair of what were probably security guards came running over to them as soon as they stepped out.
“This is private property!” one of them, a pantoran man, called out. They both had what appeared to be blasters, but Sixes recognized them, and knew they could only fire stun rings.
“Remove the speeder, or we will have it removed,” the other, a human woman added.
Sixes stared at them. “If you touch that speeder, you’ll both be dead,” he informed them plainly.
The guards raised their weapons. Right… that had sounded like a direct threat. Remy dropped out of the speeder, making a few disgruntled beeps.
“Remy,” he said. “Make sure these two don’t get in our way. Don’t kill them.”
He tapped Echo’s pauldron to get him to follow him behind the speeder to the trunk. He heard Remy’s jets activate, and several surprised noises from both security guards before he tuned them out. He entered the code on the back of the speeder and a panel popped open, revealing a portion of the weaponry they often stored inside. He grabbed two ascender cable attachments, thrusting one into Echo’s hands and clipping the other to the back of his belt. After that, he shed his right vambrace, letting it fall into the compartment while he slipped on a steel replacement that Nero had found “somewhere.” That usually meant he’d looted it off a corpse or he’d traded someone’s head for it on the black market. It didn’t matter much when it had a small shield generator inside of it.
He clicked it into place, then grabbed a second vambrace of similar origin. “Echo, put this on,” he ordered without looking at the ARC. “Flamethrower.” When he felt the bracer leave his hand, he grabbed a final supply of blaster charge packs for them both.
Echo tossed his standard vambrace into the compartment and took two of the offered ammunition packs. “I stopped hearing complaints about your parking spot a few seconds ago, so I figure your droid has done their job.”
“Good, let’s go.” Sixes closed the speeder’s trunk, making sure it clicked properly back into place.
When they rounded the speeder, sure enough, Remy stood between the two crumpled forms of the unconscious security guards. Sixes beckoned them to follow, then led the way to the other side of the rooftop where they would have a clear view of the chancellor’s office. They stopped at the rim of the rooftop, observing the scene.
At first, it didn’t seem like much had changed. They could still see a fierce lightsaber battle raging inside the chancellor’s office, and the whole building was completely surrounded by the Coruscant Guard in various vehicles.
Sixes called Bacara again.
“We’re on the way,” his brother said immediately.
“Good, you’ve got some work cut out for you,” Sixes told him. “The chancellor’s tower is completely surrounded. More Jedi won’t be able to get through without cutting through the Guards.”
“We’ll keep them busy.”
“Keep the window—” Sixes’ next sentence died on his tongue as he saw two of the transport ships and several smaller speeders suddenly turn around and start flying in their direction. Had they spotted them? How?
His concerns were only partially dissuaded by the sight of one of the Guard’s speeder bikes appearing in the night ahead of the other vehicles and aircraft. But the speeder bike had no Guardsman on it. As it whizzed past their building to their left, Sixes’ HUD caught the distinct image of General Yoda at the controls, his green lightsaber deflecting the smattering of bolts that came close enough to bat away. In a heartbeat, the Jedi and his pursuers were behind them, leaving a gap in the tower’s defenses.
He cleared his throat, drawing his attention back to his brother’s voice. “Heads up: General Yoda has the same plan as us, and he’s got two gunships and a few speeders after him.”
There was a brief pause before, “Oh, we just passed them.”
“See you soon,” Sixes told him.
“Affirmative.” The comm disconnected.
About fifteen or twenty seconds later, the rumble of a proper ship of some kind made them turn around to their right. He’d only seen Maral’s gauntlet starfighter back on Kamino, and always grounded. After all, being part of the cuy’val dar had its drawback of being largely confined to the ocean planet. Seeing it in motion was beautiful. Like Maral’s armor, the Moon Saber was carefully painted in bright colors against the gunmetal grey and dark blue paneling making up the body of the ship. The flowing designs of starry butterflies, huge birds, and solar eclipses lit up in the mottled lights coming from the buildings as it flew by. The starfighter easily took the remaining transport ship by surprise, pulling up over it and lowering the boarding ramp about halfway down.
Unsurprisingly, Sixes recognized Bacara hurling himself from the boarding ramp onto the transport ship below. The trooper following him must have been Fours, given the way they seemed to work together. Fours immediately swung into the open side of the ship while Bacara landed squarely on the main cockpit’s windscreen.
While the two Marines dealt with the biggest threat, the Moon Saber drifted over to the office building next to the chancellor’s tower. By now, the Guards on speeder bikes and other smaller transports had zeroed in on the new threat and were quickly moving to surround it. As they did, however, three more troopers emerged from inside the starfighter, all brandishing weapons.
“Gang’s all here, I guess,” Echo said quietly as they watched Do-si-do, Trees, and Loops engage the Guards around them.
“Looks like it,” Sixes added, silently grateful neither Mira or Saleha were visible. He turned his attention back to the chancellor’s office. The colors had changed, worryingly. The green and blue sabers visible earlier were gone, leaving just General Windu’s purple saber against Chancellor Palpatine’s red one. “We still need to get into that office.”
Echo raised his comm, still watching the other Numbers. Do-si-do had just successfully booted a Guard off of his speeder and onto a rooftop below. “Do-si-do, any chance you can fly over our direction? We could use a lift.”
“Hells yeah, Echo!” the pilot replied immediately.
They watched them look around until they saw Echo’s arm in the air, then sped over to them. They stopped just beyond the edge of the roof.
“This is a shit show, sir!” they said, a huge grin audible behind their helmet.
“Yeah, it’s a mess,” Echo agreed.
Sixes took charge before they could wait for him to do so. “Do-si-do, I’m with you. Echo, hitch a ride on Remy.” When Remy added their own opinion on the matter, he turned to them. “I don’t want to hear it, Remy. You only have to get him close enough to use the ascender cable. Now give me Reaper.”
If they could have rolled their eyes, Remy would have. Small mercies. Instead, the storage compartment opened on their dome, and the top of Reaper’s compacted form poked out. He grabbed it, hooked it on his belt, and stepped onto the edge of the roof. He cast a glance around the scene as he climbed onto the speeder behind Do-si-do, noticing that without the influx of Coruscant Guards, a few other lightsabers were visible approaching the chancellor’s office. They were still a ways away, though, and he wasn’t sure how long Windu could hold off the chancellor.
Regardless, Sixes wanted a shot at this piece of shit himself.
Maybe he had too much Mandalorian in him after all.
They took off, Echo and Remy not far behind them. As they did, the noise of more transport ships sounded to their left, bringing more reinforcements. He grabbed the ascension cable from his belt and locked it onto one of his pistols, holding it at the ready as Do-si-do dodged and weaved through the slowly increasing number of Guard speeders and larger hovercraft.
“When I fire the cable, dive down and get out of the area,” he told them, raising his voice above the air rushing by them.
“Yes sir!”
He raised his arm over the pilot’s shoulder, aiming for the outer wall above the chancellor’s window. He took a breath, silently appreciating Do-si-do’s skill at keeping the speeder bike level, and fired.
The cable caught and pulled tight at the same time that Do-si-do started their dive. Sixes leapt off the bike as much as one can leap off of an object traveling downwards. He let the cable ascender do its work, only having to catch himself from smashing into the side of the building once. It was not going to be a graceful entrance, that he could tell. But it would get him where he needed to be. He looked around until he found Echo mirroring him on his left, Remy long gone.
With his free hand, the ARC signed, “Cut audio,” and tapped the side of his helmet.
Right. Make sure the creep couldn’t control them so easily. It was a little tricky doing it one-handed, but eventually, as they were approaching the window, his HUD gave a little alert, telling him outside communications had been disconnected and deafened.
The window above them exploded outwards in a shower of glass shards. They glittered and sparkled in the light pouring from the office as Sixes and Echo rose up through the deluge. They instinctively ducked their heads, even if their helmets would easily protect their faces from the shimmering downfall.
Sixes grabbed the ledge of the window and clicked the disengage button on the base of the ascension cable. As it disconnected, he pulled himself into the room, rolling sideways over his shoulder to end in a crouch on one knee. Echo was in roughly the same position, both pistols raised, as they each took in the scene inside the office.
It was a mess.
All the chairs had been ripped from their bases and tossed around the lower part of the office. There were deep slashes in the control panels surrounding what remained of the chairs. Stone artworks that might have flanked the doorway lay in pieces, one of them clear on the other side of the room. Sixes allowed himself a brief moment of alarm when he took stock of the fallen Jedi around the room. General Ti lay against the far wall from the window, her face hidden by the sprawled hood of her robe. One of the broken artworks had evidently broken on Saesee Tiin, and there was no way to tell how badly injured he was. Finally, Ki-Adi Mundi’s head was visible in the far corner of the room, where the computer control panels blocked his view. Sixes hoped the rest of him was attached, but from where he knelt, he couldn’t tell.
Mace Windu was still up, however. He stood between the the door and the lack of chairs, his focus now torn between the two troopers who had just appeared through the window, and the man he was currently fighting. Palpatine, unfortunately, was about three feet in front of Echo, red saber humming at his side. It was likely what had shattered the window.
Sixes couldn’t hear what Windu said, but it didn’t matter when his back was facing an open window several hundred feet above the nearest flat surface, and there was a probable Force-user mere steps away from him. He moved. He dove to his right, aiming for the far side of the control panels as he tucked and rolled out of his dive.
Muffled shouting that sounded like Palpatine wasn’t enough to stop his motion until he was rounding the other side of the desk. What did make him pause was a huge burst of flame from Echo’s gauntlet, aimed directly at Palpatine’s face as the ARC stood and sprinted to the other side of the room near the door. While not particularly graceful, the distraction was enough for Windu to step up and make himself the center of attention again.
Sixes kept moving deeper into the small office, holding both pistols at the ready. Reaper was too long for these close quarters. His boot nudged something on the floor. Looking down, his breath stuttered for a moment as he took in General Mundi’s arm, and just his arm, not connected to the rest of him. Fortunately, his head was in fact still attached to the rest of him.
Even so, Bacara would not be happy to see his general in more than one piece…
When he looked back to the chancellor and to Windu, the chancellor was saying something, but Sixes’ helmet only caught muffled noise instead of words. Whatever the reaction was supposed to be, the nothing that happened didn’t make Palpatine very happy. He lunged at Windu, the purple and red lightsabers clashing and whirling through the air. Palpatine was good—very good, if Sixes’ experience was the judge of anything.
He switched his pistols over to stun. Better unconscious than dead. The first few stun rings he fired disintegrated upon contact with Palpatine’s red blade. This guy was fast too. Alright. So they had to slow him down.
Sixes threw himself to the ground behind the control panels as a chair came flying towards him. It went a bit wide and smashed into the wall just behind him. Palpatine was powerful too. Fun. Where he crouched, he looked over to Echo, currently in partial cover behind an overturned chair near General Ti.
“Need slow,” Sixes signed, not bothering with sentence structure much. He indicated Palpatine. “Fast fast target.”
Echo nodded. He raised his hand to sign a reply, but they were interrupted by the lightsaber duel suddenly changing tack. The two combatants were coming towards the door that led into the main reception rooms in the chancellor’s chambers. If the deafened helmets weren’t a safety precaution, Sixes would have torn his off just to be able to hear the fight again. It was maddening to just wait to see what was happening.
Echo had a better view. Sixes watched him shuffled around on his knees until he could reach over to a chunk of broken rock near General Tiin. Just as the duel came into Sixes’ view, Echo chucked it at Palpatine. Granted, there was only so much accuracy that came with hurling an irregularly shaped projectile at a moving target with control of the Force. Still, the target was occupied. The chunk of statue struck Palpatine’s shoulder, hard. Echo was an ARC, after all. He had the muscle to back it up.
Sixes raised his pistol to get a few shots off while he was distracted. He cursed when Windu stepped in, too close for him to feel comfortable firing. Suddenly, Palpatine launched himself upwards, flipping up and over Windu to land between the Jedi and the door. While Windu had to change his trajectory to follow him, Palpatine’s unarmed hand shot out towards Echo. In one fast motion, the ARC trooper was swept off the floor and hurled through the doorway and out of sight.
“Echo!” Sixes shouted. Obviously, Echo wouldn’t hear him.
Windu and Palpatine, however, did hear him. Windu charged towards the Sith, his mouth moving like he was shouting something, but Sixes had no way to know at whom. He raised himself to his knees again, drawing his other pistol and switching it to stun. Maybe while Palpatine was occupied by the Jedi, Sixes might land a stun ring on his open back.
As soon as he had lined up his shot, Palpatine jumped again, twirling in the air like some messed up bird. Sixes didn’t see him land, mainly because something solid and solidly heavy slammed into him from behind, sending him sprawling onto the smooth black floor. His pistol flew from his cybernetic hand as all his air was pushed out of him. What the hell?
He pushed himself up quickly, his head snapping up to lock onto the duelists again. A chair. A karking chair. Palpatine had pulled a chair from behind him and smeared him across the floor just to throw it at Windu. The air crackled with each collision of the lightsaber blades, and the wind rushing through the open window—
Oh kark. Sixes spotted his helmet a foot or so from him. The chair must have knocked it off.
Hopefully the creep hadn't realized it yet. It was his only hope as Sixes unhooked Reaper from his belt instead of going for his dropped pistol. Blue stun rings appeared from beyond the doorway. It was a good sign. Echo was conscious and still armed, wherever he had landed. Palpatine was still too fast, blocking or dodging the rings as they came, even with Windu putting up a skilled offensive. With the Jedi’s aggressive advances, the duel quickly left the room, vanishing from sight. Sixes swore and got to his feet, running to crouch beside the doorway. He leaned to peek out from cover, just in time to watch the pair spin as their sabers clashed brightly. Now it was Palpatine forcing Windu backwards down the wide corridor lined with what someone somewhere probably called art.
Not that Sixes was one to judge art.
Echo was at the far end of the corridor, just visible by the flashes of white on his armor as he aimed his pistol around the doorframe of the next room. He seemed unharmed, but Sixes noted he was using his uninjured arm. At least his helmet was still on his head. The fight moved quickly to the next room. Echo disappeared at the same time Sixes was up and running to follow. The next room, he was pleased to find, was much bigger. There was more than enough room to use Reaper here, if he so chose.
When the duel entered the room, Palpatine went off the walls—quite literally. With more room, he was leaping over and around Windu at any opportunity, like a particularly evil toad. Still, Windu was holding his own well enough. Sixes ran to the end of the corridor into the chancellor’s main visitation or reception room. Again, a huge kriffing window at the back of the room. In front of that, a large desk sat on a dais with four chairs around it. The lower part of the room had a couple computer towers of some kind, providing surfaces off of which Palpatine could bounce and spin. More stupid art.
Echo had found partial cover behind a large armchair to the left of the door. Sixes found a match to it on the other side and went for it. The problem was, the creepy piece of shit was spinning around so much, landing a stun ring on him would be next to impossible with the lightsabers flying around as they were.
The combatants paused more now, taking in the new space, reading the other for signs of fatigue or weakness.
During one such brief moment between crackling lightsabers, the chancellor said, “Foolish, Master Jedi, to bring clones.”
Windu couldn’t respond as the chancellor hurled himself forward, red blade humming through the air in a thrust. The Jedi caught the blade, bringing it up and around, locking the two sabers against each other in a momentary battle of strength. Both Sixes and Echo raised their pistols. There would never be a better shot at the chancellor then this.
Too late, Sixes noticed one of the chairs at the big desk start to move. It rose off the ground, slowly at first, tilting in the air. Remembering what had happened in the other room, Sixes had to abandon lining up his perfect stun shot.
“General, behind!” he called as the chair suddenly whipped through the air across the room.
General Windu shoved the chancellor’s blade and ducked, evading the flying furniture. The chancellor sheared the chair in two as it flew too near his head. Before it had even landed on the red carpet (Red? That wasn’t too on-the-nose, Chancellor Sith Lord?), Palpatine leapt up, flipping backwards—back towards Echo.
“Echo—!” Sixes shot up from his partial cover. He let Reaper fall open, the razor-sharp blade unfolding and the shaft clicking into its mid-length size.
For the second time that night, Echo was lifted off the ground by the Force. In a split second, he was dangling in the air between Palpatine and Windu. A human shield. The very idea made Sixes’ gut roil with righteous anger. Seeing it done to someone he knew very nearly shredded the self-restraint Kamino had so nicely trained into him.
“Let him go,” General Windu told him, demonstrating more control than Sixes would have. But, that was Jedi. He approached as close as he dared, but with Echo only a thought away from having his neck snapped by an invisible hand, there was only so close he could get.
“Execute Order Six—”
A bright orange burst of flame erupted from ARC-1409’s wrist-mounted flamethrower.
Lord Sidious yelled in rage, his concentration broken enough to allow the trooper to drop from the air.
Good soldiers follow orders.
CC-6666 unclipped his left vambrace, the one with his communications unit inside of it. He dropped it onto the red carpet and stomped on it. The plastoid shattered into odd chunks. He switched his pistol off stun (why was it off of stun?) and shot the communications unit.
Good soldiers follow orders.
Sixes blinked, watching Palpatine and Windu duel. The Jedi was doing everything he could to move the fight away from Echo, who lay on the ground practically under their feet. Sixes reached for Reaper, and found it on the carpet next to the blackened shards of his left vambrace.
What… the kark?
He looked again at Echo, unreachable through the blaze of purple and red as the duel raged. Palpatine may not have him dangling in the air, but Echo was still being used as collateral. Windu’s strikes were precise, careful never to sweep too low. Palpatine had a small but recognizably punchable smile on his face as the Jedi was forced to contain his attacks. He couldn’t see Echo’s face behind his helmet’s visor. The only way Sixes could tell he was still conscious was the tiny movements he made to avoid the feet stepping close around him.
The fight needed to get away from Echo, that much was clear. Sixes unfolded Reaper to its full length. The black blade reflected the purple and red flashes as the lightsabers whirled and clashed over and over. He had to hope ARC training was worth it.
“Hey, demagolka!” He moved quickly to a point behind and a little to the side of the general.
Oh, hells no. Not that shit. Sixes couldn’t shut him up from this distance, but he knew he had to stop the noise somehow. Maybe it was the novelty of the threat. Maybe it was the tools he had at his disposal. Maybe it was Maral’s training coming back in an odd way. Regardless, Sixes did the first thing he could think of: he yelled back.
Maral had mentioned this slightly niche method of intimidation found among Mandalorian warriors a few times. Sixes and his batch—especially Bacara—had always enjoyed using it on the other command batches.
“Adenn a’den! Adenn a’den!” he roared, pouring as much burning hatred into the words as he could. To add to the noise, he planted Reaper on the carpet and struck his right vambrace against it. The metal-on-metal clanging set a clear rhythm, a heartbeat, for the words to follow. “Adenn a’den! Adenn a’den!”
Merciless rage.
His captain—his friend—had died from this man’s plans. His brother had been strung up like a puppet in their own mind twice. Sevenset and Fives had nearly died tonight. The Jedi could have been slaughtered at a moment’s notice. Thousands of his brothers died each day in a war this man had been profiting from for his own sick game.
Merciless rage almost seemed too good for him.
The chancellor snarled silently, whatever order he had intended to give never leaving his mouth. The split-second distraction gave Windu an opening. The purple blade flashed in an arc towards the chancellor’s side. He blocked the strike, his hand angling the blade down, its point only inches from Echo’s head.
The room held its breath.
Chancellor Palpatine smiled the coldest smile Sixes had seen since Umbara. “Ah, compassion,” he said. “A truly double-edged sword.”
Windu took his lightsaber away from where it sparked on his opponent’s blade. He lashed out with his left foot, kicking Palpatine’s shoulder. He swung around, moving away from the whole situation by spinning around until he stood shoulder to shoulder with Sixes.
“Your corruption will hurt you more than my compassion ever will,” Windu replied, his features still and calm as ever.
Palpatine didn’t like that. He lunged, the red blade slicing forward. Windu braced, already moving to parry the lunge in a circular fashion. Sixes angled Reaper’s shaft so the butt end of it was ready to jab into the fray while Palpatine was dealing with a counterattack.
But… neither strike landed.
With a strangled yelp, Palpatine fell, face-first, onto his own red carpeting. Sixes followed his form back to his feet, searching for what had tripped him.
Sixes saw and smiled.
Echo’s hand was clenched around the fabric at the hem of Palpatine’s long robe.
Windu’s blade leveled at Palpatine’s head. “Chancellor Palpatine, you are under arrest,” he said.
Kark that. “No he’s not,” Sixes said.
In the same instant that Palpatine attempted to push himself up off the carpet, Sixes switched his grip and whirled Reaper’s blade around in a flash of black beskar. The well-kept blade sliced cleanly into the chancellor’s neck at his throat. Another strong wrench of the weapon’s shaft yielded a wet rip and a dark spurt of blood until his head rolled away, detached.
There was a moment of silence. Sixes grimaced a little, noticing how much blood had gotten onto Windu’s robe. At least the carpet was red…
“That was gross,” Echo said, finally breaking the silence.
Sixes looked over at Windu. “Jedi don’t tend to kill people. Mandalorians do.”
The general sighed, but he didn’t look terribly upset. He deactivated his saber and clipped it back to his belt. “You are correct. He was Sith, however. Had it come down to it, I would have done what needed to be done to protect you both and the Galaxy at large.”
Echo pushed up to sitting. Sixes noted him carefully avoid putting weight on his right knee, and tucked that away to ask about later. “Well. At least we know which order your batchmate was intending to send us back at the Clubhouse.”
Sixes tilted his head, going back over the whirlwind of the past several minutes. He had no idea why he’d destroyed his other vambrace.
Then it hit him. He didn’t remember. Nero had said Order Six was nothing harmful. Thire and Fox had said they’d had no memory of the orders they’d been given by Palpatine. Sixes glanced at his destroyed comm unit. “Right,” he said, still struggling to acknowledge that Palpatine had successfully taken control, and he had no memory of it.
Whatever had happened, it hadn’t worked. Echo was alive. Windu was alive. Palpatine was dead.
He stepped over Palpatine’s body to offer Echo a hand up. The ARC eyed him like he knew exactly what would happen if he didn’t take the offer. When he got to his feet, Sixes’ suspicions were confirmed as he gingerly balanced most of his weight on his left leg.
“Are you injured?” Windu asked, his brow creasing.
Echo shook his head. “No, sir, it’s… it’s an old injury. I just need some rest and some pain meds and I’ll be fine. The other generals need more attention than me.”
Sixes looked at Reaper. It would do in a pinch. He passed it over and planted its base next to Echo’s bad leg. “Here. It’s not a crutch, but it’ll help.”
Echo took it, evening out his weight slightly with its assistance. Then he looked back up at the blade, still smeared with red along the edge. “Remind me never to get you that pissed off, sir,” he said with a small smile. “And did you actually shout at him to shut him up?”
Sixes rolled his eyes. “No. Technically, that was a very impromptu redalur be akaan,” he told him. “My trainer taught it to my batch. Mando thing.”
The ARC raised an eyebrow at him. Windu spoke up. “Dance of war?”
“I bet the Five-Oh-First would love to learn that,” Echo said with a wider smile.
Gods help them. “Not happening, freak.”
insert a .gif of the opening song from Wicked here, please :) He's dead, folks!!! I truly enjoyed writing Sixes and Echo together, what a fun little team-up this has been. Next chapter probably coming at the end of October? Anyhoo @23-bears @theultimatesandwich @rndmpeep @thechaoticfanartist @soclonely @501st-verified as always lemme know if you don't wanna be tagged, or if you DO wanna be tagged!
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starrywangxian · 1 year
just like any other autist, i hate it when people are wrong about my special interest. my special interest is mdzs and as a piece of literature there is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to analysis and characterisations, however, sometimes people will misunderstand some things. so! to clear things up here's why wwx and lwj hold back their holdings even after literally having sex with each other!
1- wwx
a lot of being talk about wei wuxian being oblivious to lan wangji's feelings and, at first, i agreed with that statement. it's funny and ironic to think that the smartest man in the entire cultivation world doesn't realise when he's in love with someone who loves him back... but now i think otherwise. you see, i think wwx realises his feelings somewhere after they rescue the juniors with wen ning and during their trip around yunmeng. if i were to suggest a specific scene, it would notably be when they are travelling to yunmeng by boat and wwx spends the journey in lwj's lap and if i were to suggest a specific line it would probably be: "Lan Zhan, he really... If only I knew, I wouldn’t have woken up. If I remained unconscious, I’d be able to lie in his arms for the entire journey!" from chapter 84. now, i'm aware this scene can be interpreted in other ways but wwx is undeniably aware of his romantic feelings for wwx during the scene where wwx falls from the tree and lwj catches him ("A voice inside of him said, If he catches me, I'll..." - chapter 87).
so if wwx was aware of his romantic feelings for lwj, why did wwx react the way he did after their time in bed together? obviously, one answer is the fear of rejection/fear of changing things between them ("Originally, Wei WuXian thought that compared to having his feelings be found out and them become so awkward they couldn’t even be friends, he’d much rather have Lan WangJi feel that he was a cheap, flippant person instead." - chapter 96) but does really wwx believe his own excuses of "it's normal for men to be like this sometimes"? wwx is a romantic at heart so probably not. i honestly believe somewhere deep down wwx had a slight inclination that, yes lwj likes me too. after all, wwx was prepared to confess his true romantic feelings to lwj afterwards ("In these two lives, you’ve helped me a lot. I know you’re... really nice to me. You’re really great! Apart from thank you, I don’t know what else to say to you... Anyways, towards you, I feel... I feel..." - chapter 95) and no one would really confess unless they thought they stood a chance, right? you could argue that wwx was just feeling the heat of the moment and wasn't thinking clearly etc. but if we go with he thought lwj liked him back then this gives way to another layer of his character. because all of the people who have ever loved wei wuxian unconditionally have died (his shijie, wen qing, his parents etc.) and most of them have died by his own hands (or he is blamed for their deaths and 100% blames himself too) so wwx doesn't believe he is worthy of love. and with growing up with the jiangs, i don't blame him. so wwx isn't quick to believe lwj's feelings because he doesn't think they're real from this mindset that he doesn't think he deserves it.
2- lwj
lwj is a different story.
one of the most obvious reasons why lwj reacts the way he does is because he thinks wwx is teasing him again, or doing smth to annoy him or he believes wwx's excuses of "it's normal for men to be like this".
another obvious explanation is that lwj has already confessed his love before in the past and got rejected in quite possibly the worse way ever. getting told to get lost after bearing your heart to your beloved will be painful for anyone, sure, but for lwj? someone who held his feelings in for so long? someone who's often told is emotionless and rarely shows his emotions? yeah, that's going to take a toll. a toll so big in fact, it seems very fair why he would keep his feelings to himself. also it's important to note that lwj doesn't know that wwx doesn't remember in confession after the bu ye tian massacre/blood bath at bu ye tian so he most likely thinks wwx wants to forget it didn't happen to avoid awkwardness after such a clear rejection.
another explanation could be because: he was reacting positively and showing his feelings, he just wasn't saying them through words. usually, lwj doesn't like people touch him but here he is lying on top of wwx, naked after sex and letting wwx peck his head. that, in lwj's mind, is more than enough approval and a confession of their feelings. lwj is known to use his words sparingly and only when he must, surely this moment doesn't need a verbal confirmation when his actions are enough?
and another explanation could also be that lwj doesn't want to be like his father: he doesn't want to force his feelings on someone who isn't willing to accept them. he has no right to show his affections or confess his love to someone who just wants to tease him, annoy him or use him for some relief.
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suuho · 2 years
How has the vocal training been going?? <3
hey!!! initially i wanted to wait with answering this until after my vocal lesson on tuesday but eh, what the hell. i am just gonna... very tentatively say that i am slowly regaining my footing. which, it feels like it happened so quickly i think but the truth is that i have been struggling for well over a year now (in april it will have been a year since i had covid, so that pretty much checks out. that was like the final nail in my coffin, lol), and i probably struggled even longer than that. if i am brutally honest, which. uh. once again, lol. that is why i honestly find it very encouraging when singers i look up to confess that they also struggle and question themselves and their skill; it is normal and human, and it isn't the end of the world either or makes me a terrible singer.
anyways. the thing is, i really truly and well feel like i am fifteen again just with a different skillset. i have started from scratch, mostly. i sing a bunch of the same stuff i sang ten years ago, a lot of rock and pop-punk stuff that taught me how to sing to begin with, like fall out boy and paramore. because those are songs i could already sing, so they are familiar but i have to force myself to sing it properly, stop singing so much from my throat (which i most definitely got rid of before and now i am annoyed that it happens basically unconsciously. it sucks.) i think i need to get an ab workout in again, lmao, because i NEED the support to come easier for me. yoseob, i understand you and your crazy abs wholeheartedly. 😭
my last two vocal lessons went pretty well, though! i am pretty happy with my mix these days, i think i managed to push it a little higher while maintaining the volume, and i am working so hard to not go thin when i sing high anymore, which is another annoying thing that has happened to me after covid. never happened before, now i am like wtf is this???? so i try to consciously adjust that too. the song i picked for my lesson right now is a straight musical theater piece with lots of high belting and it sits right where my voice breaks these days (also smth i worked out before that is now back, lol) and i am not letting up on working through it because i need to figure out how to sing this fucking song properly. technique and all. i need to go through every section and adjust my voice, like i am really treating this like i did when i was fifteen and sang way less challenging songs. so, at least i know i made SOME progress in ten years. lmao.
i sing a lot at work now, so i have gotten rid of most of my anxiety surrounding singing in public. that used to cripple me to death until, like, three years ago or something? i couldn't even sing in front of my teacher, it always fucked me up. but it's nice because now people come up to me and tell me i either have a great voice or they like my music!! lmao.
ok, so!!! uh, i think i am hopefully getting over the hurdle now is what i am saying. and i hope that the progress is not just temporary and that it keeps going like that. i wanna feel comfortable and confident singing again, because i know i can do it. and i know what i am capable of.
yoseob posted videos on his stories of him warming up and singing these past days and that was so encouraging, man. idk. it just made me feel so happy. i admire him so much, i think he is one of the best singers ever and his technique is soooo good. it's so cool how dedicated he is to keep himself in shape, and he also still takes vocal lessons!! he really is such an inspiration to me. i remember when jongdae and jinho would post bits from their vocal warm ups or lessons, that inspires me so much as well. it's just that normal stuff that keeps me going. i guess.
but!!! thank you so much for asking!! this made me so happy. i hope you have a wonderful day!!! 💘💖💓💞💗
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Yup I'm the same person! I wasn't sure what alias I went by before so I used smth that sounded rather similar in hopes that that was it, thank you for being able to recognise me www. A bigger thank you for your kind words and I hope y'all break free from exam/coding hell soon! Best of luck!!
ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ thank you!!! (Un)fortunately my university moved my midterms to next week and I absolutely have no idea wtf I should be doing lolol–
Also, for your other ask:
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I aligned everything so that you wouldn't know Tighnari's affection meter hehe. You wouldn't be able to find out how he feels about you either way. Alhaitham's either unconscious or dead so you can't get any hints from the terminal. You gotta admire Tighnari's bravery tho, man really called everyone "replaceable", and his bloody leg was literally hanging by the barrier before he flooded the theater lmaoooo
jsiaia uGh same I swear my fricking shock when I saw the poll change was Some Experience ™️ hAHAHAHAH. idk what I was feeling. Shock, disbelief, happiness, anger??? I have no clue, it was an emotional rollercoaster lmao
The chemistry between "Deshret" and "(N/n)" are pure angst material for me and I will keep making y'all feel bad for him lmao. This is why during your visit to Diluc's house, Alhaitham feels absolutely repulsed about the Visconti. He doesn't like the idea of caging you when he truly does respect you. Yan!Alhaitham can't see himself selfishly taking your limited freedom away from you like Diluc. Relish in the angst with me–
I'm pretty satisfied with how I executed that ngl, if I wrote it as crudely as my "alhaitham knew capo because they were friends, he still waits for them like a dog with separation anxiety by the morepesok fountain. He still stalks them for 6 years even though the reader doesn't even know his face." outline it'd probably give a more creepy and less romantic vibe than whatever's in the final product even though they're the same story. The guilt trip worked huh?
If no one reaches 50%... Well, that's just a bad ending– and I'd be incredibly shocked if no one reaches at least 50% considering how generous I'm gonna be with points lol (Cyno's was around 30%+ but you guys chose not to invite him lol.) Then again, I do have ideas in case that happens lmao
You do get a short route with a certain character (still a bad ending.) if that happens but the entire ride will be painful. I'm not telling you guys who that is but I'm pretty sure you can guess who's the LI lmao. Everything goes downhill with him and I wanna fricking high five him for it
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
[Click here for the statistic questions]
Here are the answers for question 3 of the form! I will be sharing responses for all the open questions in separate posts:) lemme know if you wanna be tagged for them!
Tell me about the first whump story you ever created (if you haven't written/drawn anything, tell me about the first whump story you read!)
Content: Pregnancy, non-con drugging, presumed dead, werewolves, hybrids.
i didn’t even know about whump at this point, but i wrote a book on WATTPAD about an old circus that burned down and how this guy and his dad were the only escapees. they worked at the circus. he comes back with his dad YEARS later. they then find out a lot of the people are still alive, but they were stuck there. i don’t remember why. the old ringmaster was the same age as the main character. his name was grey, the ringmaster was named Vivian, there was another guy named Everest. I don’t remember why Everest was there, but he was like a second main character. probably comedic relief. anyway, it burnt down when the three of them were 16. Yes. Vivian did own a 70+ year old circus at the age of 16. Her grandpa died, put her in the will when she was TEN, and she got it. she made it better than six years later almost everyone “died”. Anyway, Grey comes back looking for his older sister’s books. She had been pregnant with twins at only 18, baby daddy had left her, it was a whole thing. Anyway, she did journaling and was planning to commit after giving birth. i don’t remember why. she is dead, her twins, WHO SHE WAS ONLY FIVE MONTHS PREGNANT WITH somehow survived. My ten year old brain didn’t work. Essentially, Tommy and Mila are his niece and nephew. They’re also bunny hybrids, if i remember, and Everest was a werewolf. idk man. anyway, mila runs off to be with “the master of circles” no one knows who it is, so Everest and Grey go looking for them. They find Vivian, who had gone insane, and was using Mila to test her shots on. It was some obedience serum or smth, i dunno. anyway, mila is “consenting” (she’s underage and drugged so it doesn’t count) to these tests. She realizes she was found out, SO SHE BURNS DOWN THE VILLAGE HER EX-EMPLOYEES WERE LIVING IN. Anyway, i don’t remember what happens, but i do know that Grey uses the obedience serum on Vivian, they smash, and at some point way later they fall in love. Vivian is, less insane at that point. Also, i think Grey was consistently drugging Vivian so that she would stay in the relationship and would be obedient to him, which everyone was just okay with??? idk, 10 year old me was fucked up, man. It’s off wattpad now though.
Content: Psychic whumpee, reformed villain, minor public whump.
(It's still in my wips lol it's been sitting there for years) Basically, whumpee has psychic powers and is dealing with severe social anxiety. He's a reformed villain who went to MC's side after caretaker and MC talked him out of the evil organisation (where whumper was his superior). So the whumpee is trying to get to work, where caretaker is his new boss, and he's waiting for the train. Suddenly a voice from the speakers say that the train won't be able to pass because of technical problems. Whumpee realizes he won't be able to get to work, he'll disappoint caretaker who has work for him, and he's currently surrounded by an angry mob. His psychic powers get out of control and he starts levitating unconsciously. The angry mob starts to see him and of course they start to yell atrocities (psychic powers aren't common or well seen in this universe) and throw rocks at him. He's forced to run away and hides in a dark alley, sobbing and full of little cuts and bruises. Caretaker calls him to make sure he's ok and to ask why he isn't there yet. Whumpee tries to reassure caretaker that he's ok, but caretaker can hear the panic and the sobs, and so caretaker closes the shop and goes to find him. (I haven't finished writing past that so... yeah that's it. It's a bit clumsy since this is my first fanfiction and whump work but yeah that's that i guess)
Content: Self-sacrifice, torture, captivity.
One of my first major WIPs was intended to be a PG-at-most fantasy a la some recent popular cartoons. However, I ended up giving the preteen protagonist an older sister who bore much closer witness to the generic fantasy tragedy that resulted in said protag being separated at birth from their magical family (you know the drill), and she got the brunt of my budding interest in whump...in many scenarios, she'd be protecting her girlfriend or the young protag and her group, but more in a whumpee sort of way than the caretaker role most stories I'd seen would shove people like her into, perhaps striking a deal for their safety with her sadistic estranged grandmother (I was...working through some generational trauma at the time) that resulted in her being captured and tortured...and often betrayed anyway. I was fascinated by the aspect of vulnerability, what it would take for someone to willingly give themself up and what pieces of their resolve and personality would remain. I wrote some plans/summaries for whumptober in...I think 2017? But never fully wrote anything up or drew art pieces with enough detail to be recognizable as whump, I still had some deep-seated paranoia about someone going through my work and thinking I was a freak so all the details are sadly lost.
Content: Hanging, death, whippings, doll whump.
I don’t know if this qualifies, but I would play whump stories with my disney dolls. I was about 5/6 years old, and I pretended that I captured all the princesses (+1 prince) as a big evil human and they would then try to run away. Of course, my whumpee - Ariel - would lead them and so she would always get punished by me by whipping her in front of everyone. Sometimes I would play that they fell from high places, sometimes I hanged them, sometimes I would just throw them into the air. The prince was from Snow White, but Ariel was my self-insert, and so I played out emotional whump too - unrequited love, cheating, Ariel dying right in front of him... Snow White murdering Ariel... Yeah. Then I moved on to drawing and writing with original characters AND since I was given a camera on my 7th birthday, I even starred in my whumpy scenarios myself. I still have the videos. Yes, I do feel insane.
Content: Non-con drugging, starvation, beatings, guns, murder, recovery.
I wrote an action/whump about my main character, Danny, getting kidnapped by the villain for publicly showing the world how horrible he is. She was drugged, beaten, starved, etc. When she finally escaped, she got shot in the shoulder and almost died, passing out just seconds before reaching saftey. She then goes to spend months in and out of the hospital as she goes through recovery. Later on in the story, she goes to have an EPIC battle with the villain, gets stabbed, kills the villain, and restores the messed up world that the Villain made when he was in control. She almost dies twice throughout the entire story and I am currently in the process of fully writing this story and modifying it to hopefully publish it as an action book one day!
Content: Collars, cages, death threat.
ok my whump feels 2 personal to even write down. i am a tag stalker and a daydreamer. the first whump i read is a core memory i remember it was a tumblr post reposted onto one of those "story inspiration" instagram accounts that had non whump prompts but i guess this one snuck in. it was something like. villain had hero locked in a cage and collared. they were like "its a shame there's that stupid curse on us otherwise i would have killed you already. don't worry though i'll take good care of you :)" AND SHEESH THE WHUMPERFLIES THAT DEFINITELY DID SOMETHING FOR 14YO ME. people in the comments were calling it weird i felt so embarrassed for being into it bye
Content: Phobia being handled very poorly.
I honestly can't remember. It's been years and years since I first started writing this stuff, but some one early one I do remember is when I wrote one about a character with nyctophobia and his friends wanted to try to help him get rid of it, but they went about it the wrong way and tricked him into going into a dark closet and locking him in there. I remember that he was trying to vigorously to get out that he busted up his arms and I think (??) they might've forgotten him in there for a while. It's been a while and I deleted it (agh) but that's one of my early ones
Content: Religious whump, forced to hurt.
I wrote about a creature I made up called 'The unders' who were basically like demons but also angels and really chill? Like instead of just heaven and hell the afterlife was one grand reality where you have 'the damned hills' but then like nirvana and vibes next door and there were 'council members' one of them was summoned as a teenager born to be a torturer to the souls who deserved it and was beaten and forced with magic and conditioning to torture his own friends people who'd seen his first steps just like whumper did to him.
Content: Religion.
I've been in christian and catholic schools for my whole childhood. So naturally, when I'm in kindergarten, I learn a bunch of bible stories. I was obsessed with Joseph being rejected by his brothers and being tossed in the hole. That was probably the most brutal thing to me as a kid. So I constantly drawing that scene over and over again from different angles, adding different situations that Joseph would find himself in while in the hole, even a couple of escape plans. That made such a huge impact on me.
Content: Self-sacrifice, medical whump (?).
Ooooo… I think it was grade 4. I was at a young authors conference, and was given free control over a story Idea and its planning. I chose a fantasy story which I later titled “The Battle begins” where in the first 4 chapters an elf guard named Zane takes a sword wound for his guard friend and another for the princess/MC he is protecting. But he hides it. Feild medicine and medicinal magical plants ensues. There was also a poison scene at one point I planned later on, but I don’t think I got to far into.
Content: Torture, beatings.
'm certain that this isn't the first one, but it's one of my earliest. It centered around this character who was locked in a cell and mistreated by all the guards (being tortured, beaten, maybe hit with a stick I don't remember). My teacher (who I'd known for a long time) always loved my writing and found it hilarious that elementary-school-year-old-me was writing something so dark. My parents, for their part, were a bit mortified when she showed them at the parent-teacher conference.
Content: Animal whump (warrior cats fanfiction).
It was Warrior Cats fanfiction 😭😭 And it was about my character getting into an argument with my friends character (a healer cat) for not saving my newborn kitten from a severe illness. My cat chased my friends cat through a forest in a rage, and they ended up fighting each other near the edge of a cliff. Long story short, they both ended up falling, and my friends character survived, though gravely injured, while my character died 😭 I was like 11 back then, good times
Content: Disordered eating.
It was actually the plot for a visual novel I'm currently working on! I don't want to spoil much because it's barely started, but it's basically professional fighters struggling with their mental health because of untreated childhood trauma. Since they're fighters, they get injured quite a lot hehe, so I have the "physical health + mental health whump combo". The first whump I published, though, was a Majora's Mask fanfiction where Link struggles with disordered eating.
Content: Possessed whumpee, murder.
(death cw) I rarely manage to actually write anything but I have whump stories just in my head and have for ages - the first one I remember is when I was maybe 11-12 and imagined this girl group one of who got possessed by someone bad and tried to repeatedly harm her friends (and often succeeded). The friends eventually manage to help the girl break out of her possession but the girl unintentionally kills one of them (her love interest) before that.
Content: Stabbing.
Hmmm I wanna say it was something for Fugou Keiji Millionaire Detective where the main characters got involved in a dangerous case and one ended up getting stabbed lmaoo. Never finished or posted it cause I had never posted anything at the time and was self-conscious. Though, I'm sure I wrote something in my childhood that was whumpy I'd just never known that was a term and was very anxious about it because I felt like it was weird to like.
Content: Tiny whumpee, human caretaker.
It was G/T and I made it for a creative writing class in freshman year. A fairy couldn’t go home because it was raining so he had to go to the nearest shelter, a human’s house. He was very scared because of the stories he heard about humans so he tried to stay out of sight. Unfortunately, the human’s cat attacked him and he had to get out of his hiding spot. The human was nice though and let him leave when the rain stopped.
Content: Religion, morally dubious whumpee.
It was a never finished story about a captured soldier in a religious war. The whumper had a personal vendetta against whumpee for killing his wife. The war had been going on for years so there was alot of history and bad blood between these characters. Both were morally gray. It was a pretty good concept, but I got bored before I had enough written. Maybe I'll finish it someday, maybe I won't
Content: Starvation, dehystration, obedient whumpee, sensory deprivation.
it was when i was very young, and way before i knew what whump was! i had an obsession with torture from the very beginning, but the first one i actually wrote was about someone being locked in a room for a full day without food, water, or outside stimulation. when she was finally allowed out, she was terrified of her whumper and ended up obeying all his orders to act as his servant and tool.
Content: Torture.
Well as far as the first one I wrote/posted it was called End of Summer and it was about Jairus, a half dragon who was captured and tortured by a sorceress and her demon minions. I lost interest in writing it after a bit in favor of a new story, but Jairus’s story has existed as a whole for years before I even found whump and I know what all happens I am just too lazy to write it
Content: Torture, furries, hero/villain.
Techically I created my first whump 'story' when I was very little and used to imagine these two furry OCs with one being strapped down to a table and the other torturing them. But since I was super young it was in very cartoonish ways. It was a whole hero vs villian thing too. Normal things for a kid in elementary school to imagine while they fall alseep im sure 👍
Content: Hero whumpee, villain whumper, lab whump, rescue.
This was even b4 I learned what whump was- Basically just a hero/creepy villain trope- this superhero was being stalked by a villain they didn't know existed, eventually kidnapped the superhero, and found out they have superhuman abilities (villain thought it was gadgets) and it turns into a lab whump of some sort until the superhero was rescued by their team.
Content: Captivity, torture.
A long time ago, my very first WIP that has since sent me on a derailed train of 150+ unfinished WIPs. There was a main-side-both-character with fire powers who was imprisoned by an enemy kingdom, chained in a cold dark cell, forced to remain extinguished, far from the warmth of torchlight, and was often tortured. He was also edgy and hated everyone, typical XD
Content: Intimate whumper, captivity, recovery, rescue, stabbing.
It was a Whumper x Whumpee thing where the intimate Whumper was holding Whumpee hostage in their apartment. They also attacked Whumpee with a knife multiple times. Caretaker was a police officer and Whumpee's best friend so they arrested Whumper and helped Whumpee recover and then it became a Whumpee x Caretaker thing. It wasn't very good or realistic tbh
that was actually a common premise for my stories when i was a kid, too lol
Content: Minor whump.
When I was 9, I was weirdly obsessed with writing a story about a little boy who went sledding and got bowled over by another sled and injured. I kept going to write it, and I never got very far, but it was in my head for ages. He would be so injured and all the other kids at school would hear about it, and he’d have to miss school and birthday parties.
Content: Blackmail, [forced] self harm.
i've had this elaborate RP between two characters - one of which got blackmailed and was forced to hurt himself by the other. it was kind of like "remote whump", i guess? the neat part was that the whumpee had no clue that it was whumper doing all this to him and would still hang around with him. i liked the hurt-fake-comfort dynamic, it was cute.
Content: Medical whump, torture, forced to watch, reluctant whumper (kind of?).
One half of my OTP is kidnapped and used for medical experiments (i.e. tortured) by the father figure/whumper of the other half of the OTP. The other half feels conflicted because it breaks their heart to see their beloved endure such torture, but at the same time they can't bring themselves to stand against their father figure's wishes.
Thank you to everyone who submitted something! My apologies if I didn't include yours! I tried to go with the ones that had at least a few sentences related to the question.
@whump-space @whmp
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spriingdaisies · 2 years
i'm glad ur still accepting requests! would it be alright to request a modern au! illustrations of the one piece characters and their jobs who are currenly in their 20s? I'm about to be in my mid-20s and am super confused! (lol) ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ or maybe just yamato! i love him! ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ thank you!
Ahhh this is a mad fun request!! Took me a while to formulate some HCs
Especially bc I am also in my twenties feeling p lost 😭 gonna put the notes for each character in a read more bc I doubt this will be legible lmao.
Also note I’m Aussie, uni = tertiary education like college
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- still in med school
- exclusively works in ICU/operating room (unconscious patients = no complaints about his DEATH tattoos)
- dead inside, buried in school and work
- (is blasting heavy metal through AirPods)
- doing a PDH in archaeology and having a considerably better time in school than Law
- on a big scholarship so not stressed abt money but also does some tutoring for kids on the side
- graduated high school but saw no point in uni bc he obviously has to be the VERY BEST in
- kendo. Or maybe boxing bc it’s sexier
- EITHER an Olympic athlete or underground champion. OR Olympian who falls from grace oooOOooooO
- (he’s sulking after smashing his competition and getting all the gold medals bc he didn’t get a 100% score)
-( has seperate draws of Hawaiian shirts for work, casual, and date nights)
-didn’t finish high school
- TAFE King! ( TAFE is like hands on certifications)
- toms mechanic apprentice
- geography major, late to uni, now saving to join research teams on the field
- has like 10 side hustles at once; helping bellemere pay off debt, saving for dreams and addicted to online shopping
- weather girl, model, waitress
- chef
- what did you expect
-childrens book author & illustrator
- also helps out at an antique store and tells mad stories about the previous owners of the antiques he’s selling
- ok actually I forgot this was a mid 20 year old prompt
- ummmmmm welll Jinbe is the loving community grandpa we all need
- maybe even so in his 20s
- fisherman following family tradition and volunteers teaching kids karate
- he is not built for the modern world
- zoro and nami (and the others ig) made sure he graduated high school at least
- but why do smth boring like uni
- twitch streamer and helps at Dadans store
- not quite a freeloader but still ace and sabo support him a lot
(Ran out of drawing steam for these last two)
- leader of his university’s communism club
- works for dragon but never gives a straight answer on what his job is
- half asses his uni degree (Ps get degrees ayyyy)
-but doesn’t use his degree
-youth worker of some sort, maybe a camp leader
- also in a shitty little band
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azaleavi · 3 years
Baby girl
Requested by anon: okay, so first of all i LOVE your writing and the topics you pick. They are all soo sweet and badass! Now secondly if you still accept requests i have some ideas and i would love to read smth about them from you. The first one is a story where the reader is pregnant with sebastian's/bucky's child your choice (i have a soft spot for these stories)
Author’s note: Thank you for requesting dear nonnie! I hope you like it.
Word count: 850 sorry it’s super short
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The morning sun shining through the window hit your closed eyes, making you stir in your sleep. It was still early and you didn't want to wake up, tired all the time from being in your third trimester. Your belly was quite big now, making it hard to move around, your back aching all the time. Lying on your back - which was the only option now because of your belly - you frowned at the light. Turning your head to the other side of the bed you opened your eyes to see Bucky watching you with a soft smile on his face, lying on his side, his right arm under his head.
"Good morning" you smiled at him sleepily, moving as close to him as you could.
"Good morning. How are my favorite girls doing?" placing his metal hand on you, he started caressing your soft skin. The cool metal felt nice on your hot skin.
"Why are you so sure that she is going to be a girl?" you placed your hand on his, smiling. You didn't want the doctor to tell you the gender because both of you wanted it to be a surprise.
"I just know it." he pressed a kiss to your round belly. "Isn't that right baby girl?" he whispered to her, your heart melting at the sight. He was going to be an amazing father, he was already wonderful helping you through the rougher times of the pregnancy and he was super excited to finally have a little you running around. He had been sure since you found out you were pregnant, that the baby is going to be a girl and you couldn't change his mind no matter what. Gender neutral clothes were the only things you bought so far, but sometimes Bucky couldn't help himself and sent you pictures of cute little shoes and clothes saying that they would be perfect for his little girl. You told him multiple times, that the baby might be a boy, but he was relentless. He assured you that he would be absolutely happy to have a little boy too, but he felt that you would have a girl. You didn't doubt his love for the baby in any way, you just didn't want him to be even a little disappointed in case it was a boy. You weren't entirely opposed to a little him going around.
He pressed a few more pecks on your belly, lips slowly moving up your body. You were only wearing underwear as any other clothes were uncomfortable while sleeping and the weather was hot enough for you to not be cold. His mouth traveled up between your breasts, reaching your neck and leaving a few open mouthed kisses there, left hand still on you and the right one on the bed supporting his weight so he doesn't crush you with his big body. You sighed, right hand going into his hair. He moved up to your cheek, leaving a trail of kisses behind.
"I love you" he mumbled into your skin. "Both of you" your heart leaped at his words. Lately he always added the last part when he told you he loved you and you always melted.
"I love you too" you smiled as he pressed a kiss on your mouth.
"I can wait to have her with us" he mused, excitement clear in his voice.
"Me too Buck, me too, but we have to wait a few more weeks." you brushed your hand up and down his back as he laid his head on your shoulder, his metal arm draped across the big bump on your body.
"But I want her to be here now" he whined into your neck, making you laugh.
"Well I can't exactly tell her to come sooner" you replied, unconsciously calling the baby a 'her' because of him.
"But I can" he slid down so his face was in line with your belly. "Hey baby girl. Daddy really wants to meet you" you cleared your throat. "and mommy too, so if you could come out of mommy's belly as soon as you can we would be very grateful. We love you already and I can't wait to meet you, my beautiful girl" he pressed a kiss on your skin.
"Wouldn't it be crazy if I just went into labour right now?" you joked so you wouldn't start crying. He snorted at your suggestion as he looked at you.
"I probably would get a little scared. It would be hell of a story though." he smirked. "And it would be fitting for our little fighter." you giggled as he tickled your sides slightly.
"I guess it would be" you ran your fingers through his hair. "We should probably get up and start the day." you put your hands behind you to help yourself sit up. He immediately sat up to help you.
"Thanks" you smiled at him.
"Anytime doll, you know that" he stood up and held his hands out for you. You grabbed them and he pulled you up. "Let's get you dressed, shall we?"
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