#That's like the one thing that bother sme
eyewol · 3 months
Mari's relationship with the Ivory household
I planned for it be generalized as a whole, but I feel like it'd be more fun if I gave them separate perspectives of one another. The post is long... again; I get a bit passionate with writing sometimes. Do enjoy reading though.
➷ Mari and Randal ♛ | 3% and 73%
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➷ Mari hates Randal. She despises him. That 3% is just generosity speaking. (Imagine escaping to be free, only to be trapped in someone's house and becoming their pet)
➷ She'd rather be far away from him. Being around non-humans scares her, fearing that she'd be cannibalized one day.
➷ Whenever he's around, she goes into this little act and pretends to be chill with it but when it gets tiring, she'd wander off or hide into a small space where she could fit and get out without problem.
♛ He knows she hates him. How could he not when people at his school does too, and I believe that—back then—there was at least a few good souls that tried to give him a chance but ended up all the same. He recognizes that act anywhere.
♛ He sees it as some sort of game, to see how far until she breaks or explodes out of anger. It's fun for him to see her hold back. Humans are interesting, aren't they?
➷ Mari and Sebastian ☆ | 54% and 55%
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➷ Sebastian is alright in her books, though  she'd sometimes question if he really is human after finding out that he's been there for months before she arrived.
➷ She commends him for being able to eat most of the questionable stuff that Randal gives them, claiming it to be "food" (She would rather eat paper than that disgusting abomination. Even the slop from the slaughterhouse would've been more appetizing)
☆ He's relieved that there's another human in the house, but not so close with her. Kinda wished that they were but she's always distant.
☆ Kinda creeped out when he found her staring at the wall for who knows how long, or that time when he witnessed her being able to tell whose footsteps belong to who.
➷ Mari and Luther ♚ | 23% and 64%
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➷ Out of all of the members she hates, Luther is highest on the somewhat tolerable list. Her only problem with him is that he's unpredictable and unreadable.
➷ His uncanny appearance really bothers her but so far, he has not done anything too bad to make her really hate him.
➷ He reminds her of one of the employees in the slaughterhouse that she used to be in, which subconsciously made her behave more out of habit.
♚ Quite a lovely pet, don't you think? A stray from the outside, brought in by his brother. How nice! She doesn't seem to be troublesome, unlike someone (Sebastian).
♚ She does seem to hide and wander a lot, he would have to assign one of his catmen to keep an eye on her in case she gets lost or get trapped somewhere around the house.
♚ A welcomed addition to the family since she knows how to clean things up without the need to be told; he notices that she's not a fan of spills.
➷ Mari and Nyen ♠︎ | 10% and 16%
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➷ The feeling is mutual; doesn't really like him all that much.
➷ Really hates his crude behavior, especially when he gave her that whole hierarchy spiel, just like when Sebastian first arrived in the house.
➷ She could feel his stare, his footsteps are near. It irritates her that he's keeping an eye on her. She feels like he knows what she's up to.
♠︎ Nyen is suspicious of Mari. A quiet human who wanders off to who knows where, and the fact that his master told him to keep an eye on her is telling him something.
♠︎ Tolerates her enough but could care less, similar to how he tolerates Nyon.
♠︎ She doesn't bother him, nor does he bother her as well. They'd talk sometimes but only if it's necessary; very short conversations.
➷ Mari and Nyon ◆ | 40% and 45%
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➷ She sometimes forgets that he exists. He's so quiet, but that's a good thing for her.
➷ Mari doesn't see him much as a threat, but if he does, the hammer hidden inside one of her costume's leg would do the trick.
➷ Doesn't like the smell of weed on him tho, reminds her so much of the stuff that they'd give to the other humans in the slaughterhouse before they are dragged and never to return again.
◆ He doesn't have a lot of opinions on her other than that she likes to roam around and would catch her staring into space.
◆ They'd sometimes just sit in silence together and watch whatever is being played on the tv. 
◆ His master told him to keep an eye on her when he can: stop her from eating paper, wandering off to dangerous sections of the house, to hiding in such cramped spaces. He's kind of worried.
➷ Mari and Nana 𓆗 | 1% and 2%
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➷ She hates that snake to her core, she almost lost her life to that woman while trying to be familiar with the layout of the house.
➷ She had never felt so much dread and fear in her life. Adrenaline rushed to her head because the next thing she knew, she's still alive but bruised, hammer in her hand and running until her legs burn.
𓆗 She ruined her beautiful face! How dare that clown ruin her perfect complexion!
𓆗 Nana couldn't believe that human had the gall and audacity to aim at her face and bruise it. When she gets her, she won't let anyone stop her from eating that clown.
➷ Mari and Kitty Carpet 𓃠 | 86% and 52%
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➷ Why does she have her face? How is she here? Wasn't she supposed to be dead?
➷ Upon first sight, Mari was in great denial before she eventually came around and got attached without even knowing it despite her efforts not to.
➷ During her walks around the house, she'd always keep an out for a certain orange cat and find comfort from her.
𓃠 Doesn't really know who she is or why she visits her a lot, but the company is welcomed nonetheless.
𓃠 Kitty likes their interactions, would come over to her whenever she recognizes that white and grey black-spotted outfit anywhere.
𓃠 She doesn't mind getting pampered, it's nice to be petted.
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jesusagrees · 28 days
One thing that really bothers me about this whole Taeil situation is just SMs hold on the media.
SME has their hands so well grasped and controls the media. It seriously needs to be studied.
But one thing that I am seriously disturbed by is from what we know, he has been investigated since JULY. JULY! the suit came in JULY and SM was still out here parading him and promoting him as the member. Meanwhile, investigations were being done quietly behind the scenes and NO media coverage or anything. The control SM has on media is very alarming and concerning. The fact this man was going around acting like everything is fine while this was going on? And NOTHING. No media leak or police leak. SM dropped him the moment they knew they, too, were jeopardized because from what we know, the victim was getting sent people to intimidate and scare her *cough**cough*sm*cough**cough*
Meanwhile, recently SME got exposed for forming a company to go and manipulate media and forum coverage in Korea. They sent 6 SM employees and their job was to go in the forums and bring down HYBE artists and HYBE while uplifting SM and SM Artist to manipulate public reputations.
This is further proof that they were behind the media harassment on BTS' Suga, because they KNEW about Taeil and were waiting for the right time to expose this. They needed covers, and from what I'm seeing since they made the announcement on Taeil, articles are ALREADY BEING DELETED!
I really don't like how this is being handled. SM has complete control while hoarding a criminal. And this had been going on for 6 YEARS!
6 YEARS this girl has been suffering! I really pray this girl gets her justice and I hope she can find her peace. Taeil deserves to rot in the Hell he created for himself and so do the people who were protecting him.
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lutawolf · 10 months
Hi luta
I'm not really sure how to do this as I'm new to basically everything, including Tumbler. But I want I had a few questions. So I was recently introduced into this community and I'm sure where I fit. I have always been super independent even at a young age and took care of others I'm 20 almost 21. Im still a college student and working full time as a nurse so life is stressful. My friend just recently interduced me to this community so forgive me if I'm doing this completely wrong. She told me that I seem to have little tendencies and I'm not sure where she is getting this or how to know what she means I've tried looking this up but I never feel I drop to another headspace or age. I'm not even sure I would consider myself a submissive. I've always cared for others and told others what to do as I was the oldest and it was my responsibility to care for my younger siblings at that time then I became a nurse so I'm still doing the same really. I am extremely independent I have high boundaries and people can lose my respect easily I don't trust easy I don't like being spoiled cause that takes time from others. I know once I'm close to people I act differently I prefer them make small decisions as I make them everyday sme life changing ones for other people it gets tiring but I still make my own decisions also. I know I can seem childish but thats always brought me comfort small things like blankets and stuffed animals watching cartoons I did as a little kid but I always thought that was normal comfort items to want when stressed. So I'm not sure what really im asking or if you really can help me or even if you talk about littles or little tendencies also sorry for the long post. Bye-bye
Hey marshmellowbunny,
I'm gonna be honest and say that I don't like how your friend went about this. It feels more like someone leading a horse to a trough to drink because they have a rider that needs a horse. Just because there is a hole doesn't mean everything should go in it, nor does everything fit.
The fact that you don't know the basics or basic safety is concerning. And for all I know, this is exactly how your friend was introduced and maybe doesn't know any better either. So let me give some perspective and then answer your questions to the best of my ability.
Why am I bothered by how you were introduced to the community? You don't know what a submissive is. A submissive is not a doormat and should absolutely have boundaries that will be respected. A Dom that doesn't respect boundaries is a shitty Dom. Being submissive doesn't mean that a Dom shouldn't earn your respect or that you should just trust any Dom. That's a good way to ending up face down in a ditch somewhere. I would never disregard my sub's boundaries. Boundaries and guidelines are there for a reason. If they clash with my needs, then I simply look for a different submissive who I better fit with.
I don't know how familiar you are with me, but I'm 100% Dom and my husband is only submissive within our relationship. Outside of our relationship, he's a Dom. Think Porsche from Kinnporsche. Do you know how many stuffed animals I got on my bed because of that man!?!? Which I thought was ridiculous until he pointed out my blanket that I will fight the kids over. I've also caught him on more than one occasion watching his nostalgic childhood cartoons. And that man is so far from a little it's not even funny. I don't want to decide what to eat on any given day, but I'm still Dom. So our status within the community isn't based on a few tendencies we might have but on our personalities and needs as a whole.
First, take a test. Don't look up anything, just take the test.
This test is not perfect, but it will give you a starting place. It will also help you to start thinking about your wants. Then start educating yourself. The same website that I gave you to take a test has blogs and educational resources.
And keep in mind that you can be intrigued by the kink community, enjoy watching or reading about it. Without being a part of it. There is no rush to the finish line with the community. Twenty to Twenty-one is still very young for a scene kinkster, so take your time. You don't read one book and jump right into nursing, right? You don't take one dance class and jump into a dance competition?
Hopefully I wasn't too blunt that I scared you off from asking any more questions and I truly hope I was helpful. Wishing you the best. 💜💜💜
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su-angelvicioso · 1 year
Kinda went crazy with the “María & her Abuela on their farm” headcanons lmao. We can all blame @fuckmeyer for joining and indulging me in my María obsession lolz. Y’all can also enjoy a last-minute, aesthetic, mini-moodboard of María, as a treat. 😘❤️
María y su abuela
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• María’s abuelita is a very gracious woman. She can be very firm/harsh, stubborn, tough as nails, and religious but extremely loving in her own way. She’s warm and hospitable. She always keeps things clean and she will feed just about anyone. But she has two conditions: 1) Don’t track outside in her house. & 2) Don’t even TRY to play her for a fool.
• María gets most of her knowledge and traits from her Abuelita. María is not as religious as her grandmother was but she is very spiritual in her own way. She uses a LOT of her abuela’s old remedies, rituals, and skills that would get her branded a witch lol. She realizes how right her abuela was about everything even after so many years… she realizes that’s where she gets it from.
• Her Abuelita is the smartest woman she’s ever met. She knows a little something of everything. She’s also very grounded. María had a hard time acting on her impulsiveness when she was with her bc she was always there to keep her in line lol. María loved her grandma and would do anything for her but that didn’t stop her from being a wild child sometimes.
• “¡Dios mío, María! ¡Eres peor que tu padre!”
• María never knew whether to laugh or stay silent whenever her Abuela fussed at her lmao bc sometimes her Abuela was just as playful as she was.
• They didn’t have much after María’s parents were murdered. But María was just fine with what she had. In her mind, all she needed was mama ‘nahui. (I hc her grandmothers real name was Chiconahui.)
• María used to run away from home and go to tita ‘nahui whenever things became too much for her and she could no longer stand being around her parents. She loved them dearly but sometimes they were a little too much. She’d usually stay with her grandma for 2-3 days before going back to her parents. Her parents never bothered when María ran away. They knew where she was going…
• “You know where your room is mija” is all her abuela would say whenever she opened the door to her small, big-eyed grandchild standing there with nothing but her stuffed animal in one hand and the clothes on her back. María’s abuela always made sure she saved a room for her grandchild at her house.
• Eventually, it got to a point where she no longer needed to open the door for her. She would come back home from town to see María sitting in her chair… waiting for her. She never told her how she’d sneak in but grandma didn’t care anyways. María was her grandbaby and she was her pride and joy.
• “You’re smart and crafty like your ‘bela.” She’d tell her.
• When María was a baby still learning to speak. She’d always called her grandmother “bela”. Everyone knew she was trying to say “Abuela” and her grandmother thought it was the cutest and sweetest thing ever. Every time she came around María’s eyes lit up. She’d shout “bela!” and reach up for her or run to her.
• María’s room at her grandma’s slowly started filling with more dresses and skirts… her grandmother making them by hand, knowing she’d come back soon to wear them lol.
• But there would come a day where María would have to stay with her Abuela for the rest of her human life…
She could no longer go back to her parents. She ran to Abuela and never looked back… she couldn’t look back. What she’d seen, what was left of it. There was nothing she could go back to… No one she could go back to…
• María doesn’t speak or eat for the first 3 days of her permanent stay with her Abuela. This killed her Abuela’s spirit. It hurt her heart to see the child (her own grandchild no less) with ‘‘that look’’ in her eyes. On the 4th day tho, she makes María something to eat that she simply cannot refuse. Her favorite food made by the person who makes it in the best way. The smell of it cooking is what brings María out of her shell-shock.
• The first thing María says to her Abuela is an apology… but ‘nahui knows she’s not only apologizing for not eating her food for the last few days… she apologizing for ~everything~ that happened. As if everything that happened was her fault… as if she expected anyone let alone her gramother to believe this tiny brown child could have been responsible for the tragedy that befell them, and that it was her duty to save them… This breaks her further.
• She holds her all night, “you’re strong querida, but you’re not invincible. There are things that just happen out of our control. We just have to learn to play with the cards we are dealt with.”
• María learns so much from living with her abuela. Not only about her culture but also how to manage and maneuver around life. It’s harder for them but they always make it by. “It is with time, experience, and especially the struggles that we learn as much as we do vida mía” Her abuela tells her one day when María asked her how she knew so much.
• María learns the ways of Abuela’s farm very quickly. She’s happy to have something to do to keep her mind off of other things and focus on the work. She takes a particular liking to the garden, the animals, and making clothes with Abuela. Cleaning up the waste, gutters, & drains, fixing the fences, and trimming the hooves of the one horse they had were not favored by her, but she did them anyways.
• She loved doing all the work with her Abuela though, but when she notices her breathing become more labored and her grunts become more pronounced. María would shoo her away. María’s biggest concern was keeping her grandmother alive… she was all she had left. She didn’t want her straining herself; but mama ‘nahui was stubborn and María knew this… it’s where she got her own stubbornness from. So even tho her grandma would sit down, she’d never leave her out there alone unless she had to cook or go into town…. Eventually María took over those duties too.
• Over time, her Abuela trusted María enough to be left alone to do her ‘chores’. She’d been taught to do it “the right way” (per Abuela’s words) for long enough… but she still always kept an eye on her, periodically looking through the windows whenever she was out there on her own. Sometimes she’d sit on the back porch and watch out for her.
• ‘nahui didn’t expect to end up raising her little nieta all alone in her old age, but she can’t say she’s not happy to have extra help around since the death of her husband. Especially with María being so young and having so much energy. However, that didn’t stop her from worrying. Worrying about María’s future, her mental state, her feelings, her life… What would María do if something were to happen to her? She’s not getting any younger….
• María always ignored these concerns but deep down, she thought about them too. She knew that being as wild as she can be at times only made her grandmother worry even more. Her grandmother didn’t want her getting into any trouble, but that didn’t stop the trouble from coming anyway.
• María would do anything to protect her grandmother… and that anything included fighting people who were bigger and stronger than both of them. María never cared. Especially not when she blacked out. She may not be intimidating in size or strength but that never minimized her danger level. She knew how to use what she had to gain any advantage she could take, and the thieves who tried to take over the last thing she had left -thinking it would be easy- would find this out the hard way.
• María had always been that way. Even when she was a small child she always defended her ‘bela’ from anything or anyone that bothered her, especially when they were in town. Just imagining a tiny old woman with an even tinier María shouting at someone who’d been hassling them is so 😭💖
• Aside from that, María really liked going into town with her Abuela to buy and sell. She had a small crush on the man who ran the fruit stand and she thought the flower seed lady was one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen. She’d never tell a soul about this tho. Whenever her grandmother teased her about it she’d just deny everything and hide her face.
• María and her Abuela sold jewelry, rebozos, dresses, sandals, and sometimes food when they could. This is mainly where Abuela taught María the art of selling, persuasion, and manipulation. They always had the “authentic” stamp of approval on their products bc they personally made everything they sold, something that buyers (especially the foreign ones) loved. Mama ‘nahui adored María’s creativity in what they made together, her ambitious nature, and her sponge-like ability to soak up all the knowledge/lessons she gave to her. Having María around really helped them sell more of their stuff around town.
• The idea to sell Abuela’s best food dishes came from María. Her grandmother didn’t expect to have as many sales as she did on the first day. But she didn’t know María had previously went around town raving about her Abuela’s food and how she’d be selling some soon. “They love your cooking just as much as I do ‘bela.” She told her. They couldn’t always sell food considering they had so much else to do and also had to feed themselves.. but when they could, they always enjoyed it. Cooking with her Abuela will forever remain María’s favorite activity. She’d give anything to do that with her again.
• When Vampire!María felt ‘secure’ in her territory, she created a garden. In that garden exists a memorial for her Abuela.
• Later, when the wars have died down and María finds herself spending more time at the Whitlock Ranch as she begins to heal… (per me and @light-miracles hc) she starts a garden and she makes sure to add another memorial for mama ‘nahui.
• Both of her memorials for her Abuelita are surrounded by herbs and plants that would be used for medicinal purposes. (<—This part is courtesy of @fuckmeyer) Her Abuelita’s favorite flower borders the herbs.
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99liners · 2 years
In liberosis can u share the men pov too when they were drinking and smoking at yoongi*s
characters: kim seokjin and inaya (aphotic), min yoongi and shiza (liberosis), jung hoseok (psychomachy), park jimin and rei (nodus tollens), kim taehyung and tanaz (enouement), jeon jeongguk and azumi (kaiho).
words: 2.068
warnings: alcohol consumption, smoking.
original one-shot: liberosis
part of: tatemae; 建前 — a bts series
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the smoke from the finest cuban cigars is blinding but not for this particular group of men in their early thirties, enjoying the finer things in life; aptly aged scotch and cuban cigars. it's like there is something different in the air and they cannot think back to a time when they all were together — having fun. well, it is a weird group composition to begin with — other than their ages, not one set of the men had a single thing in common.
we have a detective of the violent crimes squad; the civil servant, detective jeon jeongguk and opposite to him is sat the oldest of the group; a typical capitalist businessman, kim seokjin, who has never given a flying fuck about staying in tune with the laws of the land he gladly corrupts for his benefit. beside him is sat the host of the party; who is bound by his profession to give lots of flying fucks about the laws of the land, but he gladly tweaks the loophole of the statutes — advocate min yoongi, the defense lawyer. the trio of the older men is completed with the rich chaebol hotelier on the other side of seokjin; dressed in the finest of silks that your eyes will ever lay on, jung hoseok who has a penchant for complaining about anything that seems out of place, but he has not pointed one finger tonight — guess shiza has done a great job and yoongi cannot help but feel proud of his feisty little wife. by hoseok’s side, dr kim taehyung, the top surgeon of the country, is sprawled in a half-lying position, reaching over for the canister of scotch to refill his glass. the man on the other side helped taehyung reach the canister to which, taehyung gave a nod as a thank you, he would smile too but he is not comfortable smiling at strangers and park jimin is the newest addition to the group. taehyung does not even know who this jimin guy is and frankly he is not bothered much about it — he misses his braniac hyung, professor kim namjoon who could not make the party due to work reasons.
jeongguk and jimin are sat on one side of the expensive kashmiri pashmina rug while the other four men were sat opposite to them maybe three-four feet away. taehyung belonged to the trio of the younger men but he would rather drink boiling hot lava than be seen anywhere near jeon jeongguk.
“so, jimin. what do you do for a living again?” seokjin voiced when he noticed that the men had started to let loose after a drink or two. he took the position of the leader of the group quite naturally, guess it comes with the age and experience.
“uh, i choreograph kpop idols.”
“fuck. have you ever worked with IU?” jeonggguk’s doe eyes turned to jimin in a second.
yoongi couldn’t help but let a snicker at the youngest’s excitement, “such a kid.”
“unfortunately, no. but i work with all the top artists of sme, yge, hybe, starship and all.”
“well, this man here owns half of KBS,” hoseok’s index finger wrapped around the glass of scotch came off and pointed at seokjin.
seokjin let a humble laugh, “half? oh please,” he turned to jimin, the serious facade returning to his features, “i own merely 49% of the stakes.”
jimin hates to admit it but his jaw physically fell open in front of such sophisticated, well put men as the word ‘merely’ floated around his brain like a windows XP screensaver.
“such a show-off,” jeongguk scoffed, taking a puff of the cigar to which the oldest just chuckled.
jimin turned to jeongguk, “detective jeon, if i owned 49% stakes in KBS, i would probably get that tattooed on my dumb forehead.”
jeongguk laughed, coughing the smoke out at the broken humour, “call me jeongguk, please.”
“how did you land that cutie?” taehyung gestured with his eyes at the bespectacled girl sitting among the wives in the sober baby-blue playsuit, park rei.
jimin felt a slight tinge of jealousy, just a slight tinge and it was not the bad kind — not the kind which would make him want to take it up with the surgeon for calling his wife cute — but more like the good kind where he is proud to show you off without feeling threatened constantly. being among happily married men makes jimin feel so secure — a company of men he would look to be included in.
“ah, she was a tough one to come around but looks like i have finally tired her down.”
hoseok raised his glass, “i know right! that tiring down shit works wonder.”
jimin laughed, clinking the advanced glass with his before both taking a sip. tiring women down is what civilised, cultured men of this modern society do, right? the nerve of these men.
“can’t relate,” jeongguk boasted with a smirk, his biceps flexed through the thin material of the untucked shirt as he reached for the canister of scotch. 
taehyung snorted hard at that, bringing jeongguk’s unwanted gaze at him, “what?”
“are you jealous of me?” jeongguk was quick to retort.
taehyung could taste the bile at the distasteful question, “you have got to be kidding me!”
yoongi glared at jeongguk while hoseok put a sober hand on taehyung’s shoulder to lower down the steeply rising testosterone level of the room.
seokjin, taking on his pacifier role, spoke up, “tch, tch, boys. don’t ruin the fun. we are having a good time, right?”
the men nodded slowly, one by one after the thick air around them settled down.
the newbie, jimin, did not miss the piercing glares the younger duo gave each other. it was clear that it took both of them a lot of self-control to step down from an ugly fight. he watched jeongguk pouring himself another glass and downing it before turning to him, back to his jovial mood. remind jimin to never get on the bad side of any of these men; they all hold such a domineering aura, ready to put anyone in their places like they own everything. they all are from different walks of lives, working in different professions yet they all have that exact same trait of toxic masculinity engrained into them, including jimin.
the men were engaged in quite the conversation when azumi walked up to jeongguk, placing her hand on his shoulder to nudge him out of the conversation, “we should get going. you’ve duty in the morning.”
jeongguk frowned, sighing the smoke out through his nose before handing the half-smoked cigar to hoseok, “yes baby,” he turned to the men, “unlike you rich pricks, i have work in the morning.”
“mm, officer. thank you for your service,” seokjin hooted, gaining a laugh from the rest of them. 
jeongguk chuckled, wearing his jacket, the right sleeve of which he kept getting wrong till azumi held it up for him to slide his right arm in. her husband placed the arm over her as she walked him out after bidding farewell to the wives.
jeongguk almost sprained his ankle while getting off the stairs at the porch of the min mansion but azumi managed to keep his balance.
“how much did you drink?”
“i can still drive.”
“over my dead body? right,” azumi shook her head before unlocking the passenger door and pushing her husband inside who would not simply go down without a fight.
slamming the door shut, azumi got in the driver’s seat. she leaned to the other side and pulled on the seatbelt to wrap it around her intoxicated husband. 
jeongguk smelled her hair, getting comfortable in the seat.
“you drank too much,”
“you wanna bet?” he sprang to life, his figure advancing towards her.
“with a sore loser? no, thank you,” azumi rolled her eyes in faux annoyance before driving home.
taehyung and tanaz were next to leave as taehyung received an emergency surgery being scheduled early morning tomorrow.
tanaz smiled at shiza, “thanks again for having us.”
“you have made it into a beautiful home, mrs min,” taehyung smiled too, before opening the door for his wife.
“you sure you can drive?” tanaz asked checking the time on her watch.
“i am never out of control. we have been together a while now and you know it,” taehyung mentioned, opening the passenger door for his wife.
“you never tire of the gentleman facade, do you?”
“why would i tire? i am a gentleman,” taehyung shrugged, before revving up the engine.
tanaz chose not to drag it further and changed the topic, “you fought with that asshole jeon, right?”
“how did you know?” taehyung’s eyes were trained at the road.
“the permanent scowl plastered on your face isn’t hiding anything.”
“you know i don’t like that ass.”
“you and me both bro, amen.”
rei kept staring at jimin, who drove carefully, he was not drunk out of his senses but enough to make him tipsy.
jimin caught her constant stare, “what?”
“you smoked. i have never seen you smoke.”
“i don’t. that was just a cigar,” he shrugged.
“fine. but i absolutely hate the smell of cigarettes. i hold my breath everytime i enter min sir’s chamber. anyways, did you have a good time?”
jimin nodded, changing gears after the signal turned green.
“see! and you thought you would be bored alone. they are all nice people.”
“well, i was able to make friends, luckily that’s all. oh, by the way, i will be going out with jeongguk tomorrow for some drinks.”
“really? of all the people, you chose to be friends with that guy? i don’t like his vibe, i don’t know. there was also a weird tension between the ladies regarding jeongguk and taehyung,” rei shrugged, “it was all peculiar.”
“doll, you are overthinking. i will also be meeting with seokjin hyung about some work.”
rei let a soft sigh in reply before turning her gaze out the window, watching the tall buildings fly by in a blurry haze.
“look, jeongguk seemed chill, the others were a bit snobbish.”
“well, they all earn more on a daily basis than our combined income monthly so maybe being snobbish comes naturally to them,” rei shrugged.
“do you want to live that life?”
“i wouldn’t last a day. i just wanna live a calm life with you and chill.”
“mm, my doll is so perfect,” jimin placed his hand on her thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
hoseok’s driver escorted the reputable man back to the comfort of his house and wife before seokjin and inaya left.
usually seokjin hates driving but it is such a beautiful night to not enjoy the starry sky. a full moon shining so brightly on the road ahead that the streetlights were put to shame. seokjin pushed a button of the convertible which slid the hood down for the couple to feel the fresh air on their faces. inaya was caught off-guard and the scarf holding her hair in place flew away. a breathless soft squeal left her lips as she held her flowy top part of the dress down in place.
seokjin grinned, he slowed down as he did not want the moment to ever end. his right hand left the steering wheel to take inaya’s hand in his before he brought it to his lips to leave a chaste kiss on her knuckles.
inaya blushed and turned her face the other way to look at the scenery passing by.
seokjin’s fingers played with inaya’s wedding ring, still holding on to her hand, “you didn’t drink, right?”
“no.” inaya sighed. yes, here we go. the moment is ruined.
“jagi, you know i am only looking out for you. i want what’s best for you, for us.”
“yes, yes,” inaya took her hand away, leaning on the passenger door, resting her chin on the windowsill. 
feedback is deeply appreciated. ✨
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- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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amberjazmyn · 6 months
make you feel my love
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - make you feel my love 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - tears, fluff, workplace harrassment due to gender, mentions of abuse, mentions of illness 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - through the lyrics of shane filan's "make you feel my love" we see the four main cast members of supernatural loving their partner through everything and anything 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - this came out of nowhere lol, please enjoy! also bold italics is lyrics, italics is like flashbacks and everything else is the regular font. 
masterlist listen to "make you feel my love" right here! - - - jensen ackles:
when the rain is blowin' in your face and the whole world is on your case, i could offer you a warm embrace, to make you feel my love. 
today had been the worst day in the world for you and you wish you could understand why. first off, it was raining cats and dogs outside, so loud you personally thought your work building would collapse in on itself and it utterly terrified you. and two, it seemed as though your whole office building and everyone inside of it was on your case and trying to nit-pick at every little thing you did, whether that was in regards to you doing your job properly or just breathing, someone in your office had something to say about it and it almost made you want to scream. but, you remembered you actually liked this job and didn't want to lose it all because you lost control once at a time when you were defending yourself from everyone else's ridicule and judgement. even though you were one of only five women working this specific job, you still loved it even though it was a male-dominated job. you knew that when things like this happened, when the rain was blowing in your face and the whole world was on your case that your boyfriend, jensen, would offer you a warm embrace, making you feel his undying love for you. 
however, he still hadn't returned from a convention in downtown dallas so unfortunately, your boyfriend wasn't going to be home the sme time you returned home from work. so, you just sucked those tears back up and pushed on through the rest of the work day, only hoping that no one else would try to test you otherwise you would start to bawl your eyes and not have the ability to stop cause once you start, you could find it quite difficult for yourself to stop crying. 
continuing your customer service job, which truthfully you didn't need due to your boyfriend's extravagent job but, you still loved it, it started to eventually come to the end of your work shift when you and the two other work colleagues that were incessant on causing you to almost have a mental breakdown, because of your gender, you just hoped it wasn't you getting yelled at again. and, you somehow managed a shaky breath of relief when you saw the body language your boss had in regards to your colleagues in comparison to you. 
"---sir, i'm sorry but, what on earth are we doing in here with...her?" the older work colleague of yours jeered with attitude in his voice as your boss gave him a sharp look whilst you stayed silent, looking anywhere but at your boss and the two other colleagues
"why do you think, todd?" your boss matched todd's attitude as the man stepped down as he gulped before your boss couldn't stop himself from continuing 
"why do you both think it's okay to constantly bother y.n when she's just peacefully doing her job like everyone else, just like she's supposed to? don't you ever get tired of being incessant bullies? don't you ever think that i can actually hear all this bullying and abuse that you're aiming at y.n? do you ever step back and think to yourself how much stress and harm you are putting on her? do you ever step back and wonder if your words actually cause harm to your fellow work colleagues or are you just so ignorant that you no longer care anymore? because that's what i think of you todd and of you as well, richard, and i wish i had found out about this earlier so i could have let you both go before it could have escalated this far and y.n, i am so incredibly sorry that it's taken this long for me to take action because this behaviour...this genderphobic misogynistic behaviour is never and will never be tolerated in my workplace, not today, not ever! so, todd, richard, it's with my greatest pleasure that today is your final day at this job and you will be fired because how you behave towards your other work colleagues is simply not tolerable any longer. i'd like to say i wish you both the best but, i'd honestly be lying if i said that so, let's hope the next time i have to see or hear about either of you, you guys' heads will have been removed out of arses, but in saying that, i don't have high hopes for that...grab your things the both of you and leave, i want you guys clocked out and out of the building before the end of the day..." the boss was no longer allowing this abusive behaviour and you couldn't help but feel thankful to him, it was also quite hilarious to see how todd and richard reacted
for those who wanted a mental image of the way these two grown ass adults reacted to their firing was them basically throwing fits in the way a child would if they were told no, you cannot play on the tablet (child's name) your screen time for the day has finished. as much as you wanted to laugh, you found yourself not being able to because you were just so exhausted from this long and quite frankly traumatic day that you just wanted it to be over so you could go home and cacoon yourself in blankets on the couch as you then wait for your boyfriend jensen to return home from his convention in dallas with the supernatural cast. but then you remembered that you still had a job to finish and, just as you went to leave your boss's office, he stopped you. 
"...oh, y.n, before i let you go, i am terribly sorry that you had to deal with todd and richard constantly on your case today and every other day, you didn't deserve it and it was completely unwarranted every single time. i wish i had done this firing sooner because they truly don't deserve a place in my workplace if they are being disrespectful to my fellow employees just because of their gender which is something that is of course, not easily changeable. also, if you wish to, i give you full permission to clock out earlier today since i know how exhausted you are from all of their abuses you've recieved. all i ask is that if you do leave early, that i get a text message reassuring me that you've got home safely and another one when jensen gets home from dallas since i remember you telling me that he returns back tonight because i want to know that you're being taken care of properly, okay?" tears welled in your eyes as you smiled, making eye contact with your boss as you nodded your head 
"thank you sir. all of this has been well appreciated and, i'll be leaving work early since i don't think i feel like i'm in the right headspace to continue so, i'll clock out early. and, i promise, as soon as i get home and then as soon as jensen gets home, you'll be receiving text messages from me, don't worry. again, thank you for firing todd and richard and for sticking up for me, i know everyone else has but, having you also stick up for me just makes it a little bit better..." you trailed off as your boss nodded his head and watched as you left his office, a little less of the world weighing you down as you walked out then what you had when you walked in 
let's just say you were happily surprised and relieved when you came home to see your boyfriend already home with his arms open ready to comfort you whilst you just unloaded on him after sending a message letting your boss know you had got home safely and that jensen too had also was there with his arms open waiting. 
jared padalecki:
i know you haven't made your mind up yet but i would never do you wrong. i've known it from the moment that we met, no doubt in mind where you belong. 
you hated being in this position. your childhood best friend, jared padalecki (yes the jared padalecki from gilmore girls and newly supernatural was your childhood best friend) had just professed his undying and neverending love for you just hours before he was to leave for supernatural's second year of filming for season two yet, you couldn't give him a yes or no answer. so, you just stood there, in the lounge room of his san antonio, texas childhood loungeroom, like an utter loser as you just stared at your best friend. 
"...umm, i...i'm sorry what...what did you just say jared?" you managed to finally stammer out as jared let out a shaky breath, letting you know he was about to cry and you hated it - you hated being the reason that your best friend was crying 
you could tell that jared didn't want to repeat himself and was about to leave so you stepped forward and grabbed his hand, "no, don't...please don't leave jared...i just, i know what you said, i heard it but i just...can i...maybe...have some time to think about my answer?" you stammered out as you held jared's hand tighter as his tears started to trickle down his cheeks as his lip trembled 
"umm...yeah, sure....that...that's fine, y.n. i...i'm sorry, i shouldn't...i shouldn't have put you on the spot like that i just...i wanted to tell you before i leave for season two of supernatural and i just...truthfully, i panicked and i just--" 
"--hey, jared, calm down bubs. it's fine, you didn't put me on the spot, i just wasn't expecting it but, that doesn't mean i shouldn't not have expected it at all either. but, i'm still okay to think about my answer?" you reassured jared as he nodded his head to your question of still wanting to think about your answer and if it was okay 
"yeah, absolutely, you can think about your answer, take as long or as little as you want, there is no timetable whatsoever, i just wanted to tell you before i left so, yeah..." jared smiled shyly, wiping away some extra tears off his cheeks as you smiled and moved closer
"...yeah, i get it j. you didn't want to leave anything unsaid before leaving so you said it all now, it wouldn't be the first time we've done this. because, if i remember right, we had a similar if not same exact conversation when we were sixteen and seventeen right before you left for los angeles for gilmore girls and i gave you the same exact answer except, i never gave you the answer to your question but, this time, i promise i will because i think this time i'm ready to accept the truth and not be selfish anymore..." you trailed off, giving a quick kiss to jared's head leaving him confused as he turned around 
"...selfish? you're never selfish, y.n..." jared whispered but you still heard it and you smiled as you opened the front door 
"...i never intended to but, yes, i was this time j. have fun on set love and i'll be there at the airport waiting for you and jensen to come home!" you smiled and left without another word as jared was still confused but didn't try to pursue anything more since he was needed at the airport within minutes 
jared had been having the best time on set with jensen and the other cast memebers of supernatural but, even that fun couldn't stop the fear of what your answer to his question was going to be when he reunites with you later tonight in austin airport. he loved you dearly, you both knew this since like mentioned earlier, it wasn't the first time jared had professed his more than platonic love for you and you had rejected jared's advances and honestly, looking back on your sixteen-year-old self now as a twenty-one-year-old, you thought it was quite selfish as you remembered the same tearful, devastated face that little seventeen-year-old jared shared with the same but older, twenty-two-year-old jared the second time you "rejected" him. you couldn't keep on pretending that you too hadn't fallen head over heels in love with jared like he had with you because, you really had fallen in love with him and probably first fell in love with him when you truthfully first met him when you guys were in primary school, never realising it until you were sixteen, when jared first tried to ask you out after expressing his love for you. you knew he would never do you wrong and treat you like an absolute queen, seriously, he had seen you be mistreated since you were sixteen, after he left for los angeles and it bothered him so bad that he couldn't do anything to stop it. even after he pleaded with his dad, gerald, to keep an extra close eye on you to make sure there were no physical injuries, you still refused to believe that your ex-boyfriends were abusive and bad because you didn't want to believe you were in love with your childhood best friend who you'd known since first grade in primary school. 
except, now that you had the conversation a second time with jared at an older and slightly more mature age and just before you two would be apart for the best of a few months, you finally realised you couldn't be selfish anymore and you could no longer hide your true affection for jared anymore. so you didn't want to hide it anymore. as you impatiently waited at austin airport with danneel, jensen ackles' girlfriend, you went back and forth in your mind of how you were going to tell jared that in fact, you too were in love with him and you wanted to be with him for as long as forever. but, just as you could think up of what you wanted to say to jared, you heard danneel let out the loudest scream in the world, danneel yanking on your hand as you looked up. 
and all of a sudden, you couldn't stop your hand from sliding out of danneel's or your legs from moving forward. bursting out into tears, you ran as fast as you could as you barely noticed the way jared's face lit up in excitement and slight anxiousness as you ran closer to him. since you were a loud crier, you basically had the entire arrivals terminal staring at you and not just because there was a tv show cast returning home via a normal commerical airplane and walking through a regular airport terminal rather than a private one right at the back of the airport where no one else would see them return home and potentially infiltrate them. 
you finally got closer to jared who quickly dropped his duffle bag and opened his arms knowing you were going to jump into them since it was something you always did however, this time, it was different and he couldn't understand why until...
...you grabbed his face and kissed him in the most passionate way you had ever kissed anyone before in your entire life. jared, at first, of course was shellshocked and understandably, mortified but, as soon as he tasted the saltiness of the tears streaming down your cheeks on his lips, he didn't hesitate a second longer and started kissing you back as cheers, applauses and wolf-whistles galore filled the arrival terminal at austin airport as jared's castmates jensen ackles and lauren cohen watched on as danneel held tightly onto her own boyfriend with the biggest smiles on her. all of them happy that jared would no longer have to be devastated or fearful of his best friend not reciprocating her obvious love for him anymore. 
"...i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you jared! i love you so fucking much and i am so sorry for being so selfish not telling you. i didn't really need time to think ahout my answer, i just said those things because i didn't want to allow myself to believe that i was in love with my best friend and it was so selfish of me and i cannot believe i made you cry like that and i just wish i could---" 
kissing you again, jared pulled apart this time after initiating the second kiss, "---shut up will you, y.n, you really must love the sound of your voice if you're still too thick in the head to think i don't forgive you because i do forgive you. believe me, it took me way too long to pull my own head out of my arse because i also refused to believe that i was in love with my best friend as well. but, i put on my big boy pants and i told you two times, once when i was seventeen and about to leave for los angeles and the second time when i was twenty-two and leaving for supernatural's second season because i didn't want to leave you without thinking i had forgotten anything. and i didn't because i told you that i was head over heels in love with you and unlike anyone else i'd ever loved before. and it broke my heart hearing you say you needed more time to think about it even though you had given me the same answer the first time and actually never gave me a response because you just couldn't face it at the time and that's okay because this time you did and i couldn't have loved you anymore y.n. i mean...i...i've known it from the moment we met and there was no doubt in my mind where you belong and that's with me and no one else..." jared trailed off, tears welling in his eyes as you smiled as you initiated a third and one last kiss as the both of you couldn't stop laughing and crying and hugging each other 
although it had taken years upon years of selfishly pretending you weren't in love with your best friend, you were glad it had taken a second year of supernatural being filmed in vancouver, canada to kick your arse and head into gear as well as it (your head) being removed from your arse and realise that you couldn't be selfish anymore. and you had to acknowledge that you couldn't fall in love with someone else because it was always going to be jared. and now, as you held tightly onto one another as you walked through austin airport with the rest of the supernatural cast and danneel, you couldn't be any happier with your life now that you had jared with you forever and he was more than just your "childhood best friend". 
misha collins:
i'd go hungry, i'd go black and blue, i'd go crawling down the avenue. no, there's nothin' that i wouldn't do, to make you feel my love
you struggled to believe it. misha utterly refused to believe it. and he wished there was something he could have done to prevent it from happening...
"...mr collins...did you hear what i just said?" misha lifted his head up from staring at the carpeted floor in your, his wife's oncologist's office, with eyes that couldn't lie - your husband hadn't been listening at all to anything your oncologist had just said during the entire duration of them being in there 
"ah, no i...i didn't, sorry, what were we talking about doctor marshall?" misha gulped as he squeezed your hand tighter as you smiled with a soft and tenderness at him as doctor marshall smiled too
"don't apologise mr collins, things like this can happen, especially because of how difficult it can be to comprehend your spouse having what can turn into a terminal illness, a lot of spouses will often pretend they didn't hear the diagnosis because they don't want to believe that their other half could be so sick..."
oh, that's why they were visitin doctor marshall, he was giving a diagnosis to you, misha's wife, in regards to all the blood tests and other scans that you had been doing after you had been dealthly sick and no one, not even your local gp in austin, texas, could provide you with an answer so they referred you over to doctor marshall in downtown austin. misha had completely forgotten about that since he had been worrying about everything else that he couldn't even remember why he was in downtown austin with his wife and almost bursting out into tears in doctor marshall's office. 
"...oh, umm, doctor marshall, will...is y.n able to undergo rounds of chemotherapy or any other form of can...treatment for her illness?" misha stammered out as tears started to get him choked up as you stayed stoic and comforted your husband - you had a feeling that this doctor's appointment wouldn't be a happy and easy one to get through 
"now, mr collins, of course she is able to. we always suggest that the smartest and most logical idea, especially when we detect and diagnose the cancer early that going through treatment will give us and your wife the highest rate of surviving her cancer which is what we want. but, of course, we can't just force y.n to undergo treatment just for our own selfish needs. it has to be of her own wishes and accord because we don't know if the person suffering with the illness really wants to go through the process of the treatment and its side effects that it comes with as well as the long and constant hospital stays as an inpatient. so, if the both of you need some time to hash it out, i am absolutely fine with giving you guys a chance to chat and decide whether or not you, y.n, would like to go through with treatment or if you don't and after that, we can go from there, alright?" doctor marshall explained as you and misha nodded your heads as you held each others hands tighter 
"thanks, doctor marshall, we shouldn't take long..." you trailed off for the first time since the beginning of the appointment as you could hear your husband attempt to quieten his sobs as his body shook, his free hand covering his mouth as his eyes clamped shut tight 
you knew this was breaking your husbands heart, he had lost his own friend to cancer a few years back just before supernatural returned from their hiatus and now, he had to go through that all over again with his wife? how on earth was that fair to misha? it wasn't, it wasn't fair at all. however, you were determined to survive and beat your cancer for misha's friend who wasn't able to. you were determined to get to the end of your chemotherapy and ring that goddamn bell at the end of it all for those who never got to. 
reaching over doctor marshall's desk to the tissue box, you grabbed a few and handed them to your husband as he wetly giggled, grabbing one of them and wiping his tears after pocketing the others, "...thanks babe..." he muttered as you kissed his temple softly as you continued to squeeze his hand comfortingly 
"...so, doctor marshall wants us to discuss the idea of me going through treatment, so, how do you feel about me doing that?" you questioned, your head tilting to the side as misha looked at you as though you were insane - which, in fairness, you were a little bit but, that's why misha fell in love with you in the first place 
"why are you asking me this, y.n? how do you the one who's actually going to through it, feel about it? this has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you, just like doctor marshall said, just because i may want and heavily suggest you do it, if you don't want to do it, i respect your decision and will do everything i can do to make this journey easier for you! this is not my decision to ultimately make, babe!" misha's tears were still heard in his voice although his sobs had calmed down as you sighed and nodded your head, smiling softly 
"okay. well, it wasn't a hard decision, mish. i want to go through with the chemotherapy, especially because doctor marshall said that we caught it early that i have a higher chance of surviving. i...i want to ring that bell at the end of chemo because your friend never got to ring that bell and i want to do that. i can't bare the thought of you losing another person you love with your entire beating heart to cancer because that's just unfair. so, it's best i start now when it's still early in the cancer to do so..." you trailed off, your heart breaking as your husband's sobs returned at the mention of his best friend's death to cancer alongside the possibility of his own wife losing her cancer battle as well 
"...i can't either, y.n. i can't lose you either! i barely survived losing [best friend], i can't lose you too! i don't want to!" misha sobbed as he folded in on himself, his pain immeasurable as you reached over the chair's arm and hugged your husband as tightly as you possibly could as he wept
"you won't lose me baby! i'm going to get through this cancer, i'm gonna ring that bloody bell and then we're going to rest and then after that, we're gonna have as many kids as we possibly can and we're gonna live happily ever after, i promise..." 
...psh, yeah, happily ever after my arse! once again, almost like a coda to the day you were diagnosed with cancer, you were stoic and unemotional whilst misha, your husband was almost weepy at doctor marshall's check-up with you at the cancer hospital in downtown austin. for some context, not too long after that doctor's appointment where you were first officially diagnosed, within a month, you were admitted to downtown austin's cancer hospital as an in-patient so you could start your cancer treatment basically straight away to give you the best chance of survival and eliminating the cancer all together. 
however, this is where the "pssh, yeah, happily ever after my arse!" comes from because, just this last couple weeks, you'd been blindsided with a dangerous infection in your bloodstream which nearly rendered you into a coma if the nurses hadn't noticed in time. and, even though, like your cancer, the nurses caught the infection early, it still didn't stop you from being in dangerous waters. so, you had to constantly fight every single day by forcing yourself to keep your eyes open, to eat, to drink and to walk around the upper cancer unit for ten minutes a day before returning back to your hospital room so you could then spend a couple of hours with misha and someone else that he'd invite to come with him. the "someone else" was usually jared, jensen or rob but today, it was all three of them because your oncology team had a terrible gut feeling and whilst they wished it to be a false alarm, they wanted to make sure misha had enough people around him to comfort him if their gut feeling was to follow through and come true. 
misha was currently sitting uncomfortably, with his legs crossed like when you were kids at primary school sitting on the floor, his right elbow resting on the arm of the chair and his left arm stretching over to hold yours as you rested, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, your chest ever so slightly rising and falling tucked away under the sheets of your hospital bed. tears were constantly threatening to dribble down his cheeks as he constantly willed them away as he breathed shakily in and out, his hand occasionally coming up from the chair arm and covering his mouth for the times he couldn't help a sob and it's escape. and standing all around the rest of the room were his three castmates, jared, jensen and rob and they were helpless in knowing how to console their castmate. none of them had gone through the loss of someone they love due to cancer and now the possibility of the same thing was happening to his wife. although you were currently unconscious but breathing, you just knew that misha wished it was him in the hospital bed with cancer and this mysterious yet dangerous blood infection, it was completely obvious because misha had been that way ever since you two started dating and even before that when you two were just best friends.
 i mean, this man, this lunatic of a man who was crazy in love with you would go hungry for you. he'd go black and blue for you. he'd go crawling down the avenue for you. there was absolutely nothing this looney toon wouldn't do for you because if it showed you how much he loved you, he'd do it. he'd even switch places with you, have himself go through this cancer, the treatment and this awful, stressful, heartbreaking, scary blood infection if it meant that you were okay and not worried every single day about whether or not you were actually going to end up ringing that bell at the end of your chemotherapy. 
and, suddenly, out of pure fight that you still had left in you, you opened your eyes more determined then ever whilst misha wailed the same way he did when his best friend took his last breath with jared providing him with some comfort as he kind of rested on top of him, his arms around misha's waist which moved each sob which made jared move slightly. jensen and rob not too far behind when jensen's eyes widened, his teary eyes, since misha wasn't the only one in a grief-like state, spoke up in a whisper. 
"...mish...y.n's woken up..." jensen whispered and as misha and jared both heard that sentence, their heads shot up and more tears poured down misha's face as he touched your face, jared's arms letting go of his hold on misha
"...oh, baby! are you okay? are you hurt? what hurts? do i need to get the nurse what's--"
"--calm down babe, breathe. yes, i'm okay darling. i'm not hurt, i'm just a little numb and stiff due to the way i've been lying down. and yes, getting the nurse would be a great idea, and i think you should do it because you've been holed up in this room longer than anyone else has. jared, jensen and rob will take immense care of me for the five or so minutes you step out of this room to grab the nurse so don't have a freak out, alright love? i'm still here, i haven't left and i won't leave...now go, get the nurse and doctor marshall," you may have just woken up but that didn't mean you were tired or exhausted because you weren't, truthfully, you felt more alive than you'd ever felt before
agreeing and too tired to think about arguing, misha nodded his head and unlatched his grip from yours and left the hospital room to fetch the nurse and doctor marshall, "okay, i'll be back love. have some water, you must be thirsty, jared'll help you if you need it," misha smiled softly with a tender kiss to your temple as you smiled as you watched him walk out, wiping away his wet cheeks and to the left to the reception desk so they could page for the nurse and doctor marshall 
let's just say, from how calm and smiley both the nurse and doctor marshall were, it seemed as though their gut feeling was wrong and the blood infection had been caught early and it looked as though you were going to make an amazing recovery. from not just the infection but also from the cancer and that was why the rest of downtown austin's cancer hospital could hear cheers, screams and just outright excitement coming out of room 4580. 
alexander calvert:
when the evening shadows and the stars appear, and there is no one there to dry your tears, i could hold you for a million years, to make you feel my love.
you couldn't stay strong anymore so you didn't. you had returned home from vancouver, canada to austin, texas to hold a vigil back in your childhood home for your father who was dying due to respiratory distress and it had just been confirmed that your father had died. you didn't want to believe it, i mean, what nineteen-year-old wanted to believe that their father has just died after months and months of being bedridden after being diagnosed with respiratory distress? the doctors promised you, promised your whole family that with some sort of miracle drug that was very new but already so revoulationary and able to cure the disease that you were beside yourself that their promise fell on deaf hands and deaf ears. how dare they lie to you and your family? how dare they provide you with such comfort and solace that your dad was going to survive only for him to die months later in his bed in the very home you had every single childhood memory up until age twelve when you moved to austin, texas after your parents civily split up. and right now, you just cried. your body fell forward as a loud and guttural sob that sounded as though it was from an animal that was dying fell from your mouth as your knees hit the ground, your arms falling onto your father's bed on which he laid on in his final moments. 
it was in that moment that the rest of your siblings, mum and doctor left the master bedroom as you continued to weep, wishing only for the dark to become light again, wishing for your father to open his eyes and just say he was joking even though he knew that would be a too crude joke to play on his ever-loving family who had never done a thing wrong to deserve that type of tasteless joke. your mum, whilst devastated over the loss of her ex-husband, knew you'd be the most devastated about this and was thankful, praising god that she remembered that alexander calvert, your boyfriend and a rising actor was in downtown austin. specifically, for a week-long run of commericals and made the smart decision to ring him up to let him know that your father had died and that you needed comfort but the only person who could really provide her with the right comfort was alex. 
due to your wailing and complete ignorance to the world around you, you hadn't noticed the gentle touch of your gorgeously talented but ever so empathetic and sweetheart of a boyfriend, alex. however, because you could feel the slight chance in the air, you could tell without lifting your head up off of your father's bed and current resting place that someone was next to you. it wasn't until you heard his soft voice that you knew instantly by the way of his accent and how it was obvious he too had spent time crying himself, that it was your boyfriend next to you and not a family member who just carelessly decided to check in on you just for the sake of it. 
"...y.n, baby, you can rest now..." alex's soft voice, that sounded like he too had been crying after recieving the phone call from your mother sounded from beside you as you finally lifted your head up from the warm blankets and sheets of your father's bed 
"...alex...what...what are you doing here? you're supposed to be in downtown austin with the commerical film crew, what..." you trailed off, your voice croaky and hoarse from all the wailing you had been doing for what felt like eternity at this stage 
"...you are more important, y.n. your mum called me, she told me what had happened..." alex's voice stopped as he got all choked up as tears welled in his eyes as you struggled to hold yourself together again 
"...he...my dad's dead alex...he...he isn't coming back...he...he's never going to wake up again..." you sobbed as you fell, instead of collapsing forward onto the bed, you fell sideward onto alex who caught you and held you as more sobs jolted your tired body 
"...i know darling and i am so sorry. i wish i could say anything that could ease this hurt but i know nothing can do that!" alex whispered as he held you, rocking the both of you back and forth as tears streamed down the both of your faces whilst your dad's lifeless body laid in rest on the top of the bed that you were still hunched over 
the evening started to shadow the master bedroom of your childhood home and you could see the light of the stars started to appear, there was an obvious brighter star that shone the brightest out of all of them. it was clear that that star was none other than your dad reassuring you and the rest of the family that he was safe and that he'd always be there to shine bright every single night. last time your family went through a bereavement, you and alex were only best friends and he was in vancouver and you were in austin which meant that he wasn't just a 45-minute drive away to wipe away all your tears over the loss of your grandpapa when you were a mere twelve-year-old returning back to austin in the same way nineteen-year-old you had returned to austin to stand vigil at your now-dead father's bedside. it was a weird sense of deja vu or like a coda in a movie or song but, this time you were just grateful that you had alex here with you to comfort you and to dry your tears, to hold you for a million years. 
"...alex...i love you so much..." you whispered, your eyes only just staying open since it was now midnight and you and alex were still sitting vigil in your father's bedroom hours after his death date had been called 
"...i love you too baby...i think it's time we get some rest and go to sleep? what do you think?" alex whispered as you couldn't help but agree, although you wanted to stay in this room with your father for the rest of eternity, you knew you couldn't do that 
"yeah, i don't think dad would want us crying at his bedside for the rest of our lives. i think if he had the ability to become a ghost, he'd definitely tell us off for crying over him *tearful giggles*. besides, i'm exhausted and it's nearly thirty minutes after midnight and you have a commerical to film tomorrow that i don't want you falling asleep during so, it's time for bed..." you trailed off with a broken smile, standing up off the floor from your kneeling grief position and held out your hand for alex to grab it 
and he did, with an identical broken smile, he grabbed your hand and stood up as well as you guys walked out of your father's bedroom, not forgetting to quietly close it behind you cause, even in death, it would be rude to loudly close your father's door when he's trying to sleep. 
- - - 
this was a bit of a fun little thing to write but it was very sad so i do apologise for that however, i do like this chapter very well. i realised the first few of these chapters have been depressing so i need to write happier ones! 
ok ily bye xx
wc;  6732
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
Things that made me insane during criminal minds evolution:
Written while I watched so enjoy my bumbling mess. Spoiler alert of course.
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Episode 6:
The way Garcia runs out of the room to check the video link and Rossi is so close on her tail has my heart pounding.
I'm scared.
JJ alive yay I mean we knew that but still.
Oh come on, Garcia is so in love with Luke I just know it, taking back every teasing comment she's made oh please.
I don't know but the Wheels up scene felt so cringe I'm sorry. I like wheels up but I dunno no.
The jet looks weird I don't like it. I miss the old one
The unsub is right there that fucker!
I like Elias I think he's a really nice change of unsub, I like it.
I feel bad for him, his inner child needs healing.
Like I'm glad JJ & Luke are good but like we wanted so long just for them to be mildly brusied seriously.
Or is it going to be like they faint or collapse later on sue to injuries?
JJ is pissed, ahhh I wanna hug her.
No one even bothered to comfort her like bitch she almost die show her something
Emily she use to be your best friend why you just hugging Luke ugh.
The way Tara and Rossi both reached for JJ as soon as she started walking 😭🥰
Even tho JJ kinda reached for Dave first annoyed me just putting that there, no one looks out for her because she looks out for everyone this season.
I really want a Will phone call.
Oh no Benjamin dead. Lol.
I hope Elias killed the guy who hurt him.
Aww poor Tyler.
Garcia and Tyler scare me
I do not like the jet! I want the old one back!
Tyler and Penelope looks and smes at each other make me feel uncomfortable. Like if Luke didn't exist. Enemies to lovers 😍
But Luke exist and I want my babies to date. GARVEZ!
Okay but Garcia hugging the hell outta Luke and JJ. YESSS
JJ face when she could relax in her hug warmed me so much.
Even Luke should be rephased as especially Luke, by the way Penelope.
If something happened to Will and JJ I don't think I will be albe to handle it.
I love JJ so much.
Garcia. NO. Do not bring him to your place.
Tyler Green is such a cute drunk.
Thoes two could be honstely the best of best friends. They remind me of me and my friend.
Rebecca and Tara I can not handle this. 💔💔💔😭😭
Garcia wanting gossip is so me.
Tara is also me.
Tara talking is making me 😍🥺🥺
Also the look Emily gave her VS the look Luke gave her when they heard a nosie.
Luke teasing her.
Tyler brought her tea aww.
What did she say about his face. So similar to when she insult Luke's face in the past just sayingggg.
Tyler opening up is so cuteee aww Garcia yesss therpy with you two is. Noo my heart is liking this Nope no no.
Kill him baby KILL HIM!
NO don't stop😭
Wait are we gonna kill him now?
Yes I screamed yes I scared my cat yes I got in trouble. No I'm not sorry.
I am kinda proud of Garcia tho her smile is cute but fuck off you bitch.
Tyler Green was so shock and omg his little face.
My heart is breaking breaking for Luke.
Rossi I blame you, you dick face.
Tara and Rebecca please don't break up please don't I can not handle that right now.
Please tell me they will get back together...please.
Oh Emily good news doesn't exist around here.
Why does Luke look happy when she says she was on a walk with someone, oh its fake happniess.. Hey JJ has that oh so knowing look on her face.
Luke just seem like he didn't want to listen to her and um that kinda hurts me.
It's okay Rossi to her side yay thank you papa pasta.
Father by day serial killer by night. Hottest thing ever. I will not apologize for my issues.
Son of a bitch 😍 thank you Dave I needed that after Garcia hurt me.
Ugh he's alive. Gross.
I hope the uncle dies painfully.
Wait..how did his parents die I wonder?
The uncle better be scared son of a bitch.
I hope it hurts,it might not but I hope it does.
Family is definitely what gets you killed.
I low-key hope Elias family never finds out it would hurt them. Poor babies.
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hr-26 · 21 days
Payroll Outsourcing: A Strategic Approach for Modern Businesses
This is particularly the case in today’s world of business where time and money are creating ever increasing pressures. There is, for instance, one area where companies can realize huge amounts of wins in both — namely, managing the payroll. Namely, the peculiarities of the payroll processing service make it rather a labor-intensive and, at the same time, very formalized process which should be conducted strictly according to the requirements of the legislation. It is not easy for many companies particularly the SMEs to effectively manage payroll internally due to the following reasons; This is the point where outsourcing of payroll services become useful. This blog shall therefore discuss what the payroll outsourcing means, the things it can bring along with it, and the reason why it is important to most companies, regardless of their size.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
What is Payroll Outsourcing?
Payroll outsourcing on the other hand is where a third party agency or company is hired to manage all aspects of the company’s payroll functions right from calculating wages, deductions for taxes and other functions such as administration of benefits and ensuring compliance with the laid down laws. The benefits of outsourcing payroll include the following; Payroll processing work can be outsourced to professionals thus sparing internal resources that should focus on organizational mandates.
Pay Roll Outsourcing: Its Current And Increasing Demand
To further understanding of the subject, let me begin with identifying that the concept of payroll outsourcing has increased tremendously over the last decade. In a research carried out by Grand View Research, the global payroll outsourcing market size was estimated to be USD 9 billion. 9 billion in 2020 and has prospect to develop perpetually with an estimated CAGR of 4 per cent over the year 2021. 4 percent during the period of 2021 to 2028. This is due to expansion in the complexity of payroll regulations, improvements to be made in costs and, most importantly, the need for business organizations to concentrate on core business functions.
For any organization that is considering outsourcing its payroll services, the following are some of the benefits that they will be able to enjoy.
Cost Savings: Outsourcing of payroll services can hardly be discussed outside of the efficiency perspective and the potential cost reduction. The primary disadvantage of keeping a functional payroll operation is that it implies high expenditures on staff, software, training, and technological support. These costs can be eliminated through outsourcing payroll thus allowing the business access a team of professionals at a lower cost. This is especially helpful for SMEs as they won’t have to bother with employing a full-blown payroll division.
Time Efficiency: Payroll processing is one of the most complex processes that take much time due to calculations, data entry as well as compliance checks that have to be done. The involvement of management in these processes takes time and thus for growing businesses with very little human resource department it may well come at the expense of other strategic activities. Payroll outsourcing relieves HR and the management’s time for other important business processes like skills and talent discovery, and business expansion.
Expertise and Compliance: Outsourced payroll service providers are well conversant on issues to do with payroll, taxes, and the overall compliance. To do this, they remain informed on changes in legislation and guarantee that all aspects of the payroll process are in compliance with local, state and federal employment laws. This helps in avoiding fines that result from noncompliance with the laid down laws and regulations of the land. Besides, the external suppliers bring new ideas, better technology and software for payroll management and can make a fewer mistake.
Scalability: As organizations grow, their payroll necessities become more intricate. Outsourcing payroll gives the scalability that allows organizations to easily modify their payroll services as their workforce either expands or contracts. Businesses that experience seasonal changes in staffing levels or are undergoing rapid growth find this flexibility particularly beneficial.
Data Security: Payroll data is incredibly sensitive and contains personal and financial details about employees. It’s vital to protect this data to keep the employees’ trust and avoid legal problems. Payroll outsourcing firms make substantial investments in data security measures such as encryption, secure servers, and obeying data protection laws like GDPR. Thus, by outsourcing payroll, businesses reduce the chances of data breaches and ensure that, sensitive information is securely managed.
Employee Satisfaction: The accuracy and timeliness of a wage packet are important for maintaining employee satisfaction. Payroll inaccuracies might lead to frustrations, lowered morale as well as a potential loss in staff. To ensure that their employees get accurate payments on time, therefore promoting good work ethics amongst workers; business should seek the services of reliable payroll outsourcing service providers.
Challenges and Considerations
While procuring payroll outsourcing has many advantages, it is worth noting that there are also some challenges and considerations businesses must take into account:
Right provider selection: The choice of the best payroll outsourcing provider is fundamental for the success of the arrangement. Such factors like experience, reputation, range of services offered, technology level, and pricing should be a priority when making this decision. Furthermore, it is crucial to check whether the provider understands well what exactly the company’s industry requires in terms of payroll issues and compliance regulations.
Data Integration: Merging payroll information with other HR-related systems or even financial software can be difficult if the company uses several application platforms. Therefore, selecting a payroll service provider that supports smooth incorporation with existing systems becomes very significant in order to evade discrepancies in data and ensure effective performance.
Communication and Transparency: Efficient interaction between the business and its outsourcing payroll company is important for any successful partnership. Hence, businesses need to create clear channels for communication and metrics while still ensuring that there is openness regarding their procedures, timelines as well as possible problems with service level agreements.
Cost Considerations: While payroll outsourcing may yield certain cost saving, it is very important to take time to appraise the pricing structures of potential providers. For instance compliance updates, filing of taxes as well as year-end reporting are some of the additional fees that could be charged by some providers. Therefore business ought to ensure they are aware about the total costs involved in outsourcing before making decisions.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
The Future Of Payroll Outsourcing
The payroll outsourcing sector is believed to be continually changing due to the changing business demands and technological advancements. Some of the trends expected to shape the future of payroll outsourcing include:
Cloud-Based Payroll Solutions: These give more flexibility, scalability and accessibility thus allow companies to manage their payments from anywhere with internet connectivity . There will be an increase in demand for such services as more companies embrace hybrid or remote working environments.
Artificial Intelligence And Automation: Repetitive tasks streamlining through automation and AI has transformed how payroll processing is done improving accuracy and efficiency while minimizing human errors at the same time. Increasingly, providers of payroll outsourcing have been adopting AI-driven tools into their operations in order to achieve greater accuracy and speed in processing employees’ salaries.
Global Payroll Solutions: There is an ever-growing demand for global payroll solutions as businesses are expanding their reach across borders. Payroll outsourcing providers are designing systems that can manage payrolls in several countries while observing the local laws on employment, taxation, etc.
Employee Self-Service Portals: Employee self-service portals provide employees with the ability to view their own payroll information, change personal details and take control of benefits through the Internet. Thus, HR teams experience reduced work load while improving overall employee satisfaction. Increasingly, payroll outsourcing providers are including self-service portals in their offerings.
Payroll outsourcing is a strategic solution that brings about efficiency, cost reduction and compliance with the payroll regulations for companies regardless of size. Partnering with a trusted payroll outsourcing provider allows businesses to focus on what they do best while benefiting from the expertise and technology that comes with outsourcing services. In order to remain competitive and achieve longevity in future developments, payroll outsourcing will continue being useful for businesses as it was before in an ever-changing business environment.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
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audio-luddite · 1 year
Good vs Collectable
Some people collect stuff. Oil cans, pop bottles, or telephone pole insulators have fans who search out rare and to them precious examples.
Audio has collectors. The most popular are records (LPs) and I suppose CDs will have their time to. But this is about hardware specifically turntables. Today on the local listings the first 5 listings in descending price are:
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This is a Michell references from the UK. $5800 asked for. It is collectable as a kinetic sculpture and had a significant place in a 1960s Stanley Kubric movie. (Clockwork Orange). It is not entirely correct as it has an aftermarket tonearm which is only a period correct SME model. As I said in an earlier post it is pretty, but not a great TT.
The next one is related and is probably listed as the owner saw the previous one and thought; "Hey I have one like that."
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This is a Transcriptors Skeleton made in Ireland. Asking $5000. The family resemblance is obvious. It has the correct very strange tone arm called a Vestigal ( that is the correct spelling). I know exactly how good it is as I had one for many years. It bothers me that a person who is asking 5k for a thing takes a really lousy picture to sell it. I mean in person it is pretty. They want over double what I got for mine, but these do come up very very seldom. In the last 5 years I have seen only one other for sale across the continent and it had been mine.
As I said this is not a great turntable but cleaned up and spinning is lovely to look at.
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This is a VPI TT and is totally High End quality. Anything better is hard to distinguish, but it is about half the cost of the one above at $2700. This is a great performing turntable. Worth the price.
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This is the Sony Flamingo Turntable. It is a total gimmick as it stands vertically, but apparently will play a record. I have never heard one or seen one operate, but I would never put one of my records in it. I mean please why was this even done. Obviously collectable just due to its weirdness. Look its standing up and plays records! Asking silly money.
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This is the least expensive at $2k and the only one I would desire. A Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4004. Hell come clean I do desire it. If I were a collector I would have already bought it. It is a classic design in the best meaning of the term. The picture could have been staged a bit better, but it is clear and you can see why it is desirable. Not just that, but there has been a steady trickle of them in the market, and this is about what they usually go for.
It is a high performance device. Cognoscenti will debate how high up the list of sound quality it can go, but how many turntables are in FN museums? It is so good Bang & Olufsen went out and purchased 95 copies of these and refurbished them to better than factory fresh and sold every one for $12k last year to celebrate their corporate anniversary.
So of the 5 units 2 sound good. Three have only value as rare objects to a collector. They may even sell them for asking. The trick is to find the right buyer. How much do they want it? The value is not determined by performance.
There is a similar vein in electronics. Certain brands demand crazy prices for quite poor performance. Some were once great and people are nostalgic. Other cling to outdated esthetics.
Hey just another emotion based human activity. We are strange creatures.
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dvtsa · 2 years
Applied Sciences And Services
“In taking our intensive expertise in banking software solutions to all of Africa, the Middle East and Europe, we knew that being a companion to Backbase would imply accelerated digital enablement of current shoppers and new sector entrants. Time to market is a crucial success think about what is an revolutionary and extremely competitive domain. Having access to a leading answer that helps to meet this challenge is a priceless providing to have added to our capabilities,” says Karl Fischer, chief marketing officer of DVT. From onboarding, to servicing, to lending, to increasing backbase for SME banking share of wallet, this funding supports the expansion through product growth and further growing our gross sales and marketing operations. But cell cash, whereas simple to use, isn't a long-term solution for the unbanked. Banks ought to use this to their benefit, offering traditional services like financial savings accounts to cellular cash purchasers, while offering the type of comfort that these shoppers have turn into accustomed to.
Like all such turning points in history, it will prove a cruel and punishing check for established establishments, who must adapt to have the ability to survive. The previous couple of years have also seen asurgein neobanks, digital-only fintech corporations that are challenging conventional banks, being based backbase for wealth management in nations like South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria and Egypt. With a rapidincreasein smartphone ownership and internet coverage, the ease with which one can open a digital checking account makes the option very appealing, particularly for these residing in distant or rural areas.
Each company in the Dynamic Technologies Group offers a specialised software resolution, expertise service, or coaching and abilities improvement, delivered by a staff of skilled consultants. It is extensively accepted that digitalization can solve many of the structural issues that exist in access to finance in Africa and banks nonetheless have an enormous function to play to spread monetary inclusion, including in the B-to-B segment. Which is why it's important to create an optimal authorized backbase services and technological surroundings to hold out this important mission. Another problem highlighted on this report is the shortage of inclusion of African small and medium enterprises in the new digital platforms and the banking system in general. Indeed, SMEs are sometimes afraid of the large fees that banks usually cost. Being unable to address these potential clients represents a missed alternative for banks, even more so in the digital period the place SMEs are being lured by the new fintech players.
Surprisingly you would possibly be using a type of AI in your present on an everyday basis life, not advanced AI however it's AI nonetheless. When you would possibly be chatting to Siri, when you get suggested search choices on Google or when an online retailer flags one thing as 'suggested for you,' these are all basic types of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence displayed by machines or software and it's also a field of study Backbase for Corporate banking whereby scientists are creating software and computer systems that are able to think and display capabilities of clever behaviour. Well as a end result of computer systems and software have bother comprehending certain conditions and usually are not in a position to adapt to changing circumstances or environments. This means that there's solely a lot a pc or software is ready to do.
You are a staff participant who stimulates and facilitates private and professional progress in your colleagues. You will be measured on customer success, worker happiness, education, personal care, and group outcomes. Backbase, creator of the category-leading Engagement Banking Platform, raised €120 million in growth equity funding from Motive Partners. Having grown organically to over €200 million in income, Backbase is now partnering with a Fintech specialist non-public fairness backbase banking agency, to additional strengthen its declare on the Engagement Banking class. Backbase will make Entersekt's authentication capabilities available on the Backbase Open Banking Marketplace, to supply banks push-based authentication and transaction signing integrated in the Backbase Omni-Channel Digital Banking platform. That's made potential with the Backbase Engagement Banking Platform — powering all lines of enterprise on a single platform, together with Retail, SME & Corporate and Wealth Management.
• Ability to evaluate and negotiate services contracts and phrases. • Prepare and report on the monetary, strategic and operational place of the Region to DVT’s Executive Management. • Collaborate with DVT’s Marketing division to ascertain and manage a marketing strategy and plan for the Region. • Establish and manage a network of referral partners within the Region. • Establish and develop key partnerships with associate vendors similar to Microsoft, AWS, Backbase and others within the Region.
The shares have collapsed by 97% since the disaster erupted in late 2017, while Steinhoff remains locked in talks with creditors in regards to the restructuring of $12 billion of debt. The firm is being investigated by regulators and authorities all over the digital banking world, including South Africa’s anti-graft police unit generally identified as the Hawks. We also believe in an open and trustworthy relationship with the client.
Despite this clear understanding of the need for digitalization, the process is proving gradual for the continent’s conventional banking establishments, who still require their customers to submitpaperdocumentation for nearly each type of banking activity. These three questions above – relating to a financial services company’s enterprise objectives – should be guiding forces for the structure staff backbase for retail banking, as they create the optimum design for the future. We are happy to have completed this significant work with the help of Backbase. They have been a useful source of experience to assist us decipher the transition that's happening amongst African financial establishments,” says Omar BEN YEDDER, Group Publisher, and Managing Director, at IC Publications.
Similar to the case of print media, these establishments that embrace digitalization early and enthusiastically have the best probability of survival. In the African banking sector, the following few years will decide who will sink and who will swim. The immense recognition of mobile money, electronic wallets that are linked to aphonenumber, is proof of that. With over 300 million mobile moneyaccountsacross the continent, Africa is main the world within the adoption of this expertise.
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captaindarkguard · 2 years
it’s like tumblr wants me to try to write fan fiction when I never showed any interest in writing ever before today
what the hell write three sentience on a current project I don’t have? alright let’s go I guess I got a project now?
“Oi, clogs.” Ichigo called out to the hatted man, before he could get on to his usual shenanigans. “Why did you put the hōgyoku in Rukia anyway? You’d been hiding it for so many years on your own fine with no problem. If you didn’t do that wouldn’t Aizen have never gotten his way like he did? I get you were planning to try to have Rukia just live here, but doesn’t that just mean it would have been fine just kept with you as always?”
“Uh well--”
Who am I kidding I don’t got a project, I just took this moment to go ‘there’s a plot hole here and it’s annoying and I’m going to point it out.
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dangan-meme-palace · 3 years
I don't know if you ever played through Maki's Salmon mode (or if you just looked up the danganronpa fandom wiki like I did!) but I felt that her character was different there.
Something really noticeable was her relationship to violence that completely changed in the salmon mode. I went though all of her interactions...
Here, Maki is actively triggered by anything and anyone that can have a association with violence (because of her job), and sometimes it's the slightest things... she cannot watch action movies for example. She gets pissed if you suggests assassinating someone (I talk about that again in the end of this ask.). Another thing that changed (but makes sense with that characterization) : she doesn't make any of her trademark do you wanna die jokes in this game mode, in fact the only instances where she tells that are when it isn't a joke, if Shuichi suggests taking off their clothes for example (lol)
In itself, it's not strange because all her Salmon mode interactions are about: 1) her assassin work. 2)how it leaves her traumatized and depressed, and how she just wants to forget for one second and craves freedom and a normal life. 3) how she is a normal girl she is super soft, nice and smiling with Shuichi and likes soft and sweet things (and at one point she fangirls over something silly and then she thinks about her reaction and says that she's way too soft to be an assassin). In that context, it makes the most sense that the slightest reminder of violence is unbearable to a traumatized and soft at heart Maki.
But, this Maki is a stark contrast to the person Maki was in-game, she still hated her job but wasn't weirdly nice and most of all, she was either hyper violent in game or was unbothered by violence. Recap:
- she can make jokes about killing Shuichi and in chapter 6, as they become "closer" (the narrative was going for that, I guess...) she makes more of her jokes (and with her smiling sprite now, so...) The jokes were her way of showing that she somewhat likes you I guess. That totally changes in the salmon mode.
-she suggests or threatens with killing or violence in situations that don't even, warrant such a response, like killing the student council, Kokichi, or hurting Shuichi if he forces his way into her lab (in chapter 2).
-she actively tries to murder Kokichi when he masquerades as mastermind instead of waiting a few hours to save Kaito with everyone and after failing, she can't let go of that, to the point she pursues a goal that would kill all the remaining people, with one of this people being a close friend of hers.
-and when she assumes that Tenko comes to see her because she wants Angie to die and Maki can help her as the assassin, she has no actual reaction or outrage. (she was pissed in the salmon mode if Shuichi thinks about murdering someone.)
I have other issues with her characterization in that game mode but I really wanted to know your thoughts on this, maybe I'm going crazy but she doesn't feels the same at all and I'm bothered
Is this what all the sai/haru fans have been talking about? Because that shit was cute af ngl and if any of this had been in the main game I'd at least vouch for that ship.
Under the cut for length:
More seriously, I agree with you that her character has taken a dramatic shift in her SMEs when compared to the main game or even her FTEs. Where before she was willing to kill, thought she could never be normal again, and cold to most everyone aside from Kaito (outside of the final trial, which fucks with everyone) in the SMEs she now avoids depictions of violence and is generally more open and sociable– kind even– and craves normalcy and tries to live vicariously.
She feels like two different people, which is definitely bad on the writing team for not being able to keep Maki's character consistent, but let's talk about this new take on Maki anyway.
I feel like SME Maki is what post-arc Maki should have been and– now that I see the writers are actually capable of talking about her trauma and it's effects– I'm a bit miffed that she wasn't given this same treatment when it actually mattered: her character arc during the main game. I'm glad it's there at all, but why is it in a bonus mode and not where it would have had more impact and was actually needed for the narrative?
Most– not all, but most– of the problems I have with Maki's "arc" in the main game, such as the continued violence despite herself and others saying that she's been working on it, the lack of moments where we can see that she's actually working on it, the lack of change outside of falling in love with Kaito, the threatening, betraying everyone after acting as though she was trying to rally them together, etc, would have been solved if her post-arc personality was replaced by her personality in her SMEs.
Not to say that she's outstanding or anything in the SMEs, I do have a few minor criticisms for SME Maki, but overall my impression of her is pretty damn positive when I take into account how I feel about post-arc Maki.
My first criticism is that she's kinda stale? It's just a standard post-abuse story, nothing's really thought provoking or gripping.
It's cookie cutter, in a way, but compared to the main game where the basic standards for this type of character are either not met or poorly elaborated, I'd take the generic SME Maki any day.
Aside from the staleness, there's a couple of other minor criticisms I'd like to make.
The first is that, much like the second workout with just Maki and Shuichi, Maki in Salmon Mode really projects onto Shuichi a lot and thinks that his experiences are similar to hers, which isn't true from what we know about Shuichi's past. I understand why she would assume that, and I also get that it's a dating mode and they had to give her some reason to like Shuichi and open up to him so we could see some cute gap moe, but it still felt a bit off because of the contradiction of both character and Shuichi's backstory so I wish they hadn't done that. It's not a deal breaker, but it's kinda eye rolling to me.
The second is one she also shares with her main game counterpart, which is that she opens up at the drop of a hat to someone she doesn't know well at all (again, dating mode will be dating mode) and it kinda sucks because it's just hard to believe she'd actually do that at all, especially given how secretive she was in CH1 and the fact that she's a literal assassin.
Yet if ignoring all that was all I had to do to have Maki actually change during the arc we were promised she would have, instead of only pretending it happened, then I could deal with it. What happened in the main game was practically insulting.
My only hope is that regardless of which characterization or development (or lack thereof), people don't forget good points that Maki started with, like being a voice of reason and being able to speak up when she thinks people are doing something stupid.
Either that, or like I said previously, they could just skip her arc entirely and make use of her pre-arc personality.
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
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→ stuck on you (like a spotlight). PREVIEW.
SUMMARY. star crossed lovers— but cross out the lovers, because he doesn’t even know you. yet even when he doesn’t know your name, your face, you couldn’t stop the gravity of being pulled back into the constant motion of you finding your attention stuck on him, like the spotlight shining above his head on the stage where you’ve always seen him.
PAIRING. huang renjun x female! reader GENRE. strangers to lovers! au, high school! au, rival schools! au, singer renjun & public speaker mc, school competitions, PINING, romance, fluff, humor, mild angst, featuring idols from other groups (also let’s pretend hyunjin & felix are from sme and not jyp for the sake of plot) WARNINGS. lots of swearing, anxiety, depictions of an extremely unhealthy school culture of competitiveness, the use of too many metaphors LMAO WORD COUNT. actual fic: around 10k, preview: 818 RELEASE DATE. late february  TAGLIST. @danishmiilk @wownajaemin @leejunini @astroboy-lele @unkown5tar @w0nni3wrld @charm-art @bingbingbish @sehunniepot @pretty-junjun @elcie-chxn @khcnehle @kthpurplesyou @lcvemark @sweetlyjaem @peachyyjaes @tteok-bokkies @bat-shark-repellant @lebrookestore @lenaluvs @nct-writers​ @czennienet​ @neowritingsnet​ @kpopscape (ask/dm to be tagged!)​
NOTE. first out of the four and i’m super excited! also do not be fooled by the preview, this is not a skz fic HAHSGFJ this is perhaps the less true to life accurate out of all of the fics in the collection, and if you could relate to our darling mc in this, then my heart is out for you <//3 hang in there, buddy JSGJS.
preview under the cut!
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“Oh, Y/N.”
When Hyunjin had too much energy to release, he only had only one victim to release it on.
“You must be really excited now that sports season is almost over. Next week is a big week for you, after all. I can only imagine how thrilled you are—”
A big week for you, sure. But thrilled and excited? Not so much. There was nothing thrilling and exciting about your upcoming competition. You couldn’t put a finger on what he was babbling about.
Of course, that was until the next words made their way into your ears, and you were this close to headbutting him.
“—thrilled to finally see your crush again after a whole ass year.”
You could only retort with one thing.
“Eat a horseshoe, Hwang.”
Hyunjin let out a tiny whine when you jerked your head back, hitting him right on the chin which caused the other three boys to laugh at your friend’s pain. He finally stopped strangling you with both of his arms, opting to nurse the injury that you’d inflicted instead. You didn’t even hit him that hard, yet he looked as if you’d just skinned his dog alive in front of a live audience. “C’mon, when was the last time you’ve seen him? Isn’t your heart just dying to catch a glimpse of your fairy boy after all this time?”
“Please, stop talking. You’re putting me in a position here,” you hissed, smacking his arm. “I’m already getting dirty stares from my schoolmates for ‘fraternizing with the enemy’, or some shit. Don’t make it worse.”
Your last assault on him finally forced him into silence because Hyunjin didn’t bother pushing your buttons anymore, and was instead more focused on shooting you glares and grumbles. That didn’t mean you were safe, though.
“Liar,” Jisung clicked his tongue. Oh, how you wanted to pelt him in the eye with your grape juice box. He was sitting two levels below you. The perfect height. “You’ve never been bothered about that, little miss. You can’t hide your gushy wushy embarrassment from us.”
“The guy’s not here anyway— his coach skewed him away before he could even enter the bus. Maybe you’d only get a glimpse of him next week,” Felix joined in, looking at you as he spoke with earnestness, but diverted his attention to the person on your other side. “Seungminnie, looks like you’re competing with him again.”
Seungmin simply shrugged. “What a surprise.”
While this week and last week were focused more on the sports events, next week would focus on solo competitions— quiz bees (reminder to pay respects to the half-dead contestants), public speaking (reminder to not become part of the half-dead, yourself), and of course—
Reminder to not lose your shit at the event.
Jisung let out a long, remorseful sigh, eyes closed with a hand falling above his forehead, and all. “Oh, to be torn between supporting a friend and a not-even-friend-so-definitely-not-a-lover for the full support of your heart,” he opened one eye to look at you. “Though it is evident where your heart rests, madam. I admire your persistence even at the face of a brick wall.”
“Shut it,” you groaned. God, they were really reeling out a violent side from you today. “It’s not like I’m hoping for anything more, anyway.”
“That’s because you’ve never tried to turn into something more, Y/N,” even Seungmin was joining the shit on Y/N like a bunch of laxative high pigeons party, now. “Last time you went to their school and chickened out the moment you spotted him.”
“Holy shit, that was hilarious,” Hyunjin chimed it with a cackle. “I was shocked to see her— even more so when she said she was there to treat us to dinner. Her? Treating us to dinner? I thought she finally had a change of heart but oh, if only I knew back then.”
Felix let out an uncontrollable burst of laughter, to which he quickly suppressed in guilt after seeing your look of utter betrayal. Seungmin decided to brush over that topic for your sake. “You know, it’d be easy to set you two up with these two gremlins creeping around.”
A grimace crept onto your face at the referral to the two gremlins— Felix, maybe you could trust. He was smiling at you and nodding so cutely that you might actually take up on the offer, expression softening (blatant lie). But then your gaze darted over Hyunjin and it felt like looking at his shit eating grin alone was analogous to feasting on an entire freaking lemon.
“No, thank you,” you deadpanned, looking away. An offended gasp, and you didn’t even have to look  to know from whom it came from. “And like I said— I’m fine with the distance.”
You sipped on your near-forgotten grape juice, now slightly warm and disgusting, and you glowered.
“It’s fine.”
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© hannie-dul-set.
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jinpanman · 4 years
Vampire’s Wine
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pairing: vampire boyfriend!jungkook x fem human!reader
word count: 1.4k
genre: 18+, fluff, slightly nsfw, established relationship
warnings: this whole thing is a disgusting bloody mess and not in the way you think. menstruation talk - from the use of hygiene materials to the smell of period blood, jk loves period blood - oop., casual conversation about sex and genitals
summary: You decide to brave the mystery that is menstrual cups. Jungkook is intrigued to say the least.
a/n: i needed a break from all my long af fics. u can blame my brain. u can also blame Jess @shelive-shelove​​ for telling me to write this. and for helping me pick a member to write about - but then again, she always picks jk. also @joonie-mono​ kept judging me so now that it exists she has to read it. :-)
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The simple matte black box sits on the bathroom counter and it’s incredibly intimidating despite it just sitting there. You pick it up and open the case to reveal an equally black menstrual cup sitting on top of a black pouch. A slip of paper falls out when you open it and you pick it up.
Greetings Y/N! We’re so glad you’ve decided to become the owner of a BLAKD cup. We understand some people don’t want color stained cups so we went ahead and…
You toss the card to the side and pick up the cup and turn it around in both awe and trepidation. There’s a knock on the open door but you don’t bother to look up.
“What’s that you go there?”
“JK honey, tell me. How am I supposed to stick this up my nether region?”
Jungkook snorts and plucks the cup from your hand.
“Well, my dick is bigger than this and you do such a good job taking it all in so I know my baby can handle this small thing.” He pats your cheek lovingly
You squeak and swat his arm away in disbelief. “Jungkook! I swear! You—that’s different! I’m not horny when I’m trying to stick this-this monster inside of me.”
He laughs and quickly covers the little distance between you, pulling you flush against him.
“First of all, that’s an insult to my dick because this,” he waves the cup in front of you and you roll your eyes at him “is no monster. Secondly, maybe we should get you horny first so it won’t be an issue.” He wiggles his eyebrows and licks his bottom lip in anticipation.
You scoff and push him away, taking the cup back from him.
“I need to figure out how to stick this up my very unaroused vagina, so please go and do your vampy things and leave me alone for a few minutes.”
He merely shrugs but of course your boyfriend who must know everything about everything asks, “But babe, what’s wrong with what you usually use?”
Ah, now that’s a good question. You’ve used pads and tampons for so long and frankly you are so utterly fed up with the mess that is Aunt Flo. 
“Jungkook, you won’t even understand even if I told you.”
“Try me.”
You raise a brow but proceed anyway. “Well they stink, for one.”
“False. I love the way you sme—okay, sorry. Go on.”
“Pads are so annoying especially when you’re sweaty and they stick to your butt and somehow you always end up bleeding everywhere except on the pad! And then tampons! Just the general scare that it’ll be stuck there for too long or it’ll poison you or that you’re actually not bleeding as much as you thought you were and you’re dry af and it gets so uncomfortable to take out!” you voice dies out, nearly out of breath because you failed to pause after each sentence. Jungkook watches you with amusement painted throughout his face and relaxed posture resting against the counter.
Your chest is heaving but you continue after taking a few short breaths, “Period panties are okay but I’d like some extra insurance y’know? Also everything is so fucking expensive! Tell me why we’re being paid to tend to something we absolutely cannot control? I fucking bet you if men had periods, they’d free bleed every month and expect everyone to be okay with it. But because we’re women we have to hide it because it makes—”
Jungkook breaks you off mid-tangent kisses you and grins. “Had to stop you before you start ranting for a whole 10 minutes and then forget why you were talking in the first place.”
You return the kiss and give him an appreciative smile. Most people aren’t into the “kiss someone to get them to shut up” but in your case, you appreciated the kisses because one, Jungkook gives the best kisses and two, you really would go off forever if he didn’t shut you up.
“Thanks, baby. Now please leave,” you say before shoving him out the bathroom and locking the door behind him.
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After what felt like (and probably was) two hours you are finally out of the bathroom, feeling so utterly defeated and exhausted. You had gotten it in, but at what cost? Both your hands still reek of blood despite scrubbing thoroughly for several minutes with soap. Your thighs are aching from squatting for so long as well. You plop down on the couch beside your boyfriend who’s occupied playing some rando shooting game on the PlayStation. He inhales deeply and shoots you a quick glance. You give him a questioning look but he doesn’t say anything.
After his match, he leans in close to your stomach and takes another big whiff. You’ve long passed being surprised at how much Jungkook likes smelling you. You’d think he was a werewolf or something. Not that you’d tell him that because you were not in the mood to be dicked down just to “prove a point.”
“Hm? You don’t smell like you normally do?”
“Huh, I’m honestly shocked considering how much I bled all over my hands and thighs.”
“Careful, Y/N. You might make me horny,” he muses as he enters another match.
“You’re gross.”
“So, what does the blood just… sit there?”
“Mm, yeah. The cup keeps it all inside and when I take it out the blood will be there.”
“Tell me when you’re gonna take it out, okay?”
Without breaking eye contact with the television screen, he tilts his head to plop a quick kiss on your forehead. You pull a blanket over you and watch on as your endearing thousand year old boyfriend destroys the hundredth controller because he’s still very much a baby vampy and sometimes he forgets his own strength.
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“Ohhh my goood this is so fucking weird,” you mutter in disgust.
Here you are, at the end of a full day of doing absolutely nothing, squatting in the tub once again. This time, instead of sticking a foreign object up your vagina, you’re trying to pull it out. You finally have a grip on the stem and your thighs are screaming at you but you fight through the burn because no way in hell are you gonna risk dropping your cup in the toilet bowl. The several guides you found on the internet said it helped to use your muscles to push it out.
“Okay, here goes nothing.”
You push and you eventually feel the suction giving way. A few drops of liquid spill out over your hand and you grimace at how warm it is. You finally pull it out from inside you and you lift it up to inspect the contents of the cup. God it was startling how warm the cup is. It was both disgusting and fascinating to see how much blood you can bleed within half a day. And the best thing—it doesn’t smell! You’re done being weirdly fascinated with your blood now. You’ve definitely been with Jungkook for too long. You hold the cup away from you and tilt it to pour down the—
“NNOOOO!!!! STOP Y/N!!!!”
Your boyfriend stumbles into the bathroom and you watch him with absolute befuddlement as he inches closer to you with crazed eyes.
“Baby,” he reaches out to you, “what were you just going to do?”
“Um, pour out my period blood?”
“Baby!!” he practically whines and kneels beside the tub.
“...Yes? Jungkook?” You’re at a complete loss for why he came bursting here in such a hurry.
“I thought I asked you to tell me when you were gonna take it out.”
“I’m sorry hun. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I’m just taking it out?”
“I’m a vampire.”
“And I’m your boyfriend.”
“Are you really going to make me say it?”
“Jungkook, I don’t even know what you’re talking about so if you could just tell me, that’d be great.”
He groans into his hands and peeks at you through his fingers.
“I wanna drink it.”
Oh, for god’s sake. You restrain yourself from rolling your eyes at him. You weren’t ignorant to his obsession with blood, especially during that time of the month. He was a vampire, after all. This was a whole new experience though with nearly an ounce of your blood right in your hand. Before you can second guess yourself, you hand the cup to your very pouty boyfriend who takes it with a now huge smile gracing his face. 
He brings the cup directly under his nose and takes a quick whiff. You wrinkle your nose in distaste. And then he lets out a deep, guttural moan. He flicks his tongue in the pool of blood then promptly empties the blood into his mouth. A normal person would not shiver at the sight of their boyfriend drinking their blood, but you’ve long resigned the fact that you were not normal. Your eyes fixate on the trail of blood that missed his mouth and now fall down the side of his mouth to his chin. You swallow in sync with Jungkook who hands you back the empty cup.
His voice is hoarse when he speaks. “Please never stop using this cup. It is the greatest creation of the modern times… Next to the internet. Also don’t ever drain your blood anymore. Give it to me. Save the ocean.”
“You absolute dork,” you laugh and continue your downward gaze of his body. That’s when you see it.
“Oh my god. Jungkook. Did you… baby are you horny?”
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Shuffle Playlist - Rewrite - Part of Your World - part 7 - the Isle and Backstabbers
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WARNING: Heavy angst inbound! along with the inappropriate touching of minors and kidnapping
Minutes after Evie had finally finished her mini project for Ben’s isle gear, you were all rushing down the darkened halls of Auradon Prep's dorm building. Ben guided the way to the garage filled with the limos and the keys, moving to the side where the remotes and keys were stashed and grabbed one of each.
“Jay!” he turned, holding out his hands as Ben tossed the items to him “keys, remote!” Jay nodded, pressing the unlock button and running towards the limo that had gone off.
“Wait!” you all stopped as Evie suddenly yelled, moving to stand in front of Ben “Somethings wrong” you groaned as Evie tugged Ben’s beanie down and patted the sides of his head “there” Ben gave her a look and shook his head.
You all froze as a new male raspy teenager's voice came from behind you,  “SHOTGUN!” you slowly turned and looked down, jaw-dropping as Dude happily stared up at you all. ‘I’ you thought, mind short-circuiting ‘why is Dude’s voice different??!’ he sounded like Beast Boy from Teen Titans??
“No Dude! Stay.” Carlos scolded, shaking his finger in Dude's face “the isles way too dangerous” Ben, Gil, Evie, you, and Jay just stared in shock (you were more in shock at the change of voice) as Dude whined and sat down.
“Did Dude just-“ Jay started, staring at Carlos as he pressed his lips together and nodded.
“talk?! Yeah, I know. I’ll tell you later” Carlos and Jay moved to get into the front seats, while you, Gil, and Evie moved towards the back end.
“let's go” Ben muttered, giving another glance to Dude before following after Evie. You sat down opposite of Evie, Gil sliding in next to you, and quickly buckled in, pressing the remote to remove the driver's seat divider.
“Okay,” Evie sighed, looking towards Jay as he started the limo and drove out of the garage “once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?”
“Got it” Jay hummed, turning to the left as you left the bordars of Auradon prep. Almost an hour later you had finally arrived at the Auradon end of the bridge, Jay pressed the button and a golden bridge appeared under the limo, leading straight across the bridge to the isle. You crossed your arms and bit your lip.
Shivers had been running up your spine for almost two hours now, and the feeling in your stomach was just not going away.
Something was wrong, you could feel it…something had happened to Harry. “Jay please step on it….” You pleaded, feeling your nails dig into your palm as he nodded and pressed on the gas. Gil turned to you, furrowing his brows and wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.
“it’s gonna be okay (y/n)” he murmured, smiling at you “Harry is going to be just fine”
-two hours earlier-
Harry kept his eyes open as he walked towards what was now Uma’s side of the wharf, not knowing if Uma saw him as a threat or not. He hoped she didn’t, she should know that he would never leave her side, not willingly.
He stopped, hearing the sound of footsteps walking his way…and the chatter of a monkey “Well well~ what do we have here!” Davy emerged from the shadows, a crooked grin on his face “ A lost Auradon brat?”
“Watch yer mouth Daisy” Harry snarled, smirking as Davy’s grin dropped at the nickname Harry had taunted him with since they were kids “even after being in Auradon fer six months I can still kick yer ass no problem”
Davy rolled his eyes and started to walk around harry as if he was a vulture hunting for its next meal “yeah yeah, whatever, but you kick my ass” he stopped, giving Harry a nasty grin “my crew will kick yours, and I don’t think you can handle more than three people at once~”
“crew?” Harry snorted, only knowing that Davy was now Uma’s ‘first mate’ “what crew? Yeh don’t got enough pull to even make someone take yer dinner order~” Harry purred, his brow twitching as Davy laughed “what.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that~ what was their name before they joined up with me n Uma??” Harry grit his teeth at the sound of his friend's name “oh yeah, the Warf Rats” Harry stopped, staring at Davy as the shorter teen cackled to his heart's content. “that’s right~ your crew abandoned you~ and it wasn’t even that long after they denounced you as leader and ran to me~ Uma on the other hand” Davy sighed, watching as Harry's eyes light up slightly at the mention of the sea witch. “held out for so. long. on the hope that you would come back and free her, she always told us you hadn't betrayed the isle, that you would come back for us, for her. But oh”
Davy took immense pride as Harry's bright eyes turned dark, and he looked towards the ground clenching his fists. “how heartbreaking for us to see that after only two months, she had given up….and now she wants revenge~ on you.” Harry twitched, making Davy let out a cold laugh and start to circle him again “and that buffoon Gil. Oh, and your little Auradon brat too, I don’t think she'll survive the first raid Uma rages on Auradon, poor thing, she's a beaut too….maybe I could convince Uma to let me have her as a toy-GUGH” Davy was suddenly shoved back into a wall, Harry's arm pressed against his throat as he looked into Harry's wide eyes, swimming with mania.
“listen here daisy~” Harry purred, his eyes seeming to flash red. “yeh won't even lay yer eyes on the lass because you won't even have the ability ta~ because I’m gonna rip out yer ugly little ones and squish ‘em like grapes, then fed em ta yeh.” Davy shivered at the madness induced cackle that echoed through the alleys around them.
Davy used his free hand to grab onto Harry’s arm and attempted to get out of his grip, stilling as he hardly even budged “how-when the fuck did you get so strong?!” Davy yelped, letting out a choked gurgle as Harry pressed his arm further into his throat.
“being in a place with actual food helps with that” Harry taunted, his eyes flashing again as Davy struggled to get out of his grip. He removed his other hand from Davy’s arm and grabbed his shirt, lifting him from the wall, into the air, and throwing him across the alley.
Davy coughed as he smacked into the wall, grunting loudly as he hit the ground with a loud smack and breathed in the dirt floor. He glanced up, eyes widening and rolling out of the way as Harry's sword came down just where his chest was moments earlier “ARE YOU CRAZY?!” he yelped dodging back quickly as Harry swung at him a couple of times.
Harry let out a loose chuckle, smirking at the wide-eyed Davy “yeh have no idea daisy~~” Davy drew his own sword and clashed it with Harry’s, the ringing sound of metal echoing around them.
Harry spun and swung his blade towards Davy's torso, giggling as Davy struggled to keep up with Harry's pace. Davy sidestepped attempting to flip his sword and stab harry, but he saw through his attempt and spun around, easily dodging Davy's blade and sliding his own through the hilt of Davy's sword and pulling it towards him. He caught it with his free hand and smirked, watching Davy slowly step back with a dark glare on his face.
“you’ll regret this Hook! And don’t think the crew will treat you the same as they did, you’re their enemy now” Davy stuck his tongue out childishly and ran down the alley he was near, disappearing from Harry's sight.
Harry was silent for a few moments, waiting for the sound of Davy's footsteps to disappear. As soon as they stopped Harry threw Davy's sword to the ground and gripped his head. “what happened ta meh” Harry groaned, clenching his eyes shut from the headache pulsing through his brain. He had never done that before, just fully let loose and go wild on his opponent, the only other time he had seen it happen was….he didn’t want to think about that, too many bad memories.
He sheathed his sword and shook his head and shoulders, looking around to see if he could jog his memory of any other ways to get to the chip shop without possibly alerting the, now apparently his enemy, crew. or any other isle goer that would tell his dad of his presence.
His eyes brightened and he set off to the other side of the Warf. The old cave system he and Uma used to travel along to get to school and back on time, that was it! He would be able to get to the chip shop no problem, and the entrance near it was just near the docks the restaurant rested on. He would finally be able to explain everything to Uma.
“what do you want boy” James growled in the darkness of his captain's quarters, numbly sipping on his nearly empty rum.
“Sorry to bother you captain but” Davy stepped into the candlelight, a crooked grin on his face, “I think I have some information that will please you” James turned his dull blue orbs to Davy and waved his hand for Smee, who squeaked and rushed over to the liquor cabinet and grabbed a half-empty bottle of rum and ran over to James, the old washed-up captain chucking his now empty rum on the floor and popping open the “new” bottle. “well? Spill it boy” James rumbled, tipping his head back and taking a large swig of rum.
“Harry’s on the isle” James stopped, slowly looking over at the smugly grinning Davy and setting his rum on his desk.
“boy….if you are lying, it will be your head” James chuckled, standing up from his chair and hobbling to the main deck “LADS!” James’ crew stopped, looking towards their captain. His eyes flashed red as he gave a slanted grin to his old and withered face. “the boy is back” the crew hollered and started to make their way off the ship.
“he’ll be heading to the chip shop to go see Uma, if he gets to her before they do you won't be able to touch him” Davy sighed, crossing his arms and smirking at James “but I know exactly where he’ll be~” James patted Davys back.
“good form my boy, now go get my son for me, he has some….” He turned back to his quarters, his eyes flashing red again “chores to do~”
Davy nodded, cackling as the crew following him back to the chip shop.
Smee watched in horror as the crew hollered and jeered at the mere thought of getting their hands-on Harry….again.
“oh, my” Smee whispered, looking back to see James drinking himself stupid in “celebration” for his son's return “I-have-I must” he snuck off the ship, running towards Harriet's ship that rested even farther up the docks “I must stop this! It's gone on long enough!”
Harry popped open the old cellar-like doors and caught them before they could crash against the stone wall. He carefully climbed out of the cave system and shut the cellar doors behind him. He stepped over the small river like crack in the slick rock and grabbed onto the wooden ladder that led back up to the main docks, where Ursula’s Chip Shop was right next to.
He grunted slightly in effort as he stepped onto the old rotten wooden dock that no matter how hard you scrubbed and cleaned, forever smelled like fish and blood. He took a quick glance around and sigh, most of the residents around this area were either asleep, or inside the chip shop. He snuck around the back and looked up towards Uma’s window, remembering that around this time of night was her only break and she would spend her 5 minutes of privacy up in her room.
“Uma!” he whisper-yelled, looking down and picking up a small pebble, he chucked it at the thin pane of glass and whisper-yelled her name again “Uma! Um-mmfp!” A large hand clamped around his mouth, another set of arms grabbing his own and wrapping a tight rope around his wrists and upper arms.
“mmgf?!” Harry lunged forward halfway breaking free of the unknown person's grip and biting on the hand that covered his mouth, the person yelped and shook his hand away from Harry. “UMA! HEL-mmm!” a dirty cloth was tossed between his open teeth and pulled back, making harry yelp and clamp down on the cloth to alleviate the burning pain that came from the tug. The cloth was quickly tied in a knot behind his head and he was shoved to the ground, multiple hands holding him down.
He struggled to look over his should, but he wished he didn’t as he locked eyes with the hungry ones of his father's crew. ‘no’ he thought, feeling his nose burn as he started to struggle, his breath shortening as he felt ropes bound around his legs and thighs, preventing movement completely ‘please Hades no!’
“hello there again Hook~” Harry looked up, growling at the newest addition to the kidnapping group as Davy stepped into the street lights of the docks. “nice night isn’t it~ now, you are going to do me a favor” he kneeled next to Harrys struggling form, smirking as the men holding him down copped a feel on Harry's thighs and ass. Ooh how he reveled in the tears that gathered in Harrys eyes. “you are going to go with them, not like you have a choice, and stay away from Uma, I won't have you ruining my plans for her” Harrys brows furrowed, plans what plans?? “oh, I can see it, you want to know what is I’m planning? Well too bad, I've learned that monologuing only helps the hero defeat the villain….have fun Harry~ I’m sure many people on the isle missed you~” Davy gave a mocking wave as Harry was hefted up to his feet and dragged away from the chip shop.
Hot tears ran down Harry's cheeks as he listened to the disgusting jeers of his father's crew, all talking about how good it would feel to get buried in his ass gain ‘please, Hades no, someone…help me, Uma, Harriet, uncle Smee!’ he sobbed through the dirty cloth, once more attempting to break free of the two crew members grip, who simply laughed at his attempt and carried on dragging him towards his father's dreadful ship ‘(y/n)…help me!!!’
Davy dropped his smirk as someone stepped out onto the docks in front of the chip shop, he turned, bowing slightly as he locked eyes with Uma, who was looking around on the docks with a raised brow “did you hear anything?” she asked, crossing her arms and cocking her hip.
Davy pursed his lips, shaking his head as he glanced around “nothing other than the usual sounds captain” he sighed, walking towards the chip shop and passing Uma
“I thought I heard my name” Davy stopped “like…I thought I heard Harry” she muttered, turning to Davy with hopeful eyes “did you hear anything like that?” Davy just stared at her, his face blank.
“I didn’t hear anything like that” he hummed, glancing off towards the sea that led to Auradon “perhaps you’re hearing things?”
Uma watched him for a moment, her eyes looking into his very soul, finally, she looked away, hand trailing down her arm to mess with her red and black beaded bracelet. “maybe…” she muttered, staring out onto the ocean with dull eyes before she spun around and stormed back into the chip shop, huffing as her mother screamed at her to get the dishes done. “IM COMING! Sheesh”
Davy smirked at Uma’s receding back, soon, he would be captain. And shrimpy would be at the bottom of the ocean, drowned with the rest of Auradon.
After 5 agonizing minutes of waiting for Jay to finally drive the limo across the isle barrier, he parked it in the old garage and you all quickly climbed out. You, Carlos, and Gil ran for the large sheets to cover the limo to keep it hidden from the isle residents. “Ben!” Carlos called, the king perked up from beside Evie and trotted over to Carlos “help us with the tarp” Ben nodded and grabbed the other end of the white sheet Gil was holding, walking back over to the limo and tossing it over the hood, Jay catching the other side and draped the rest of it over the front of the car.
You and Carlos tossed your sheet to Evie, who gasped in slight shock as it smacked her in the face “sorry Evie” you winced, continuing to cover the limo as Jay took over for Evie and helped you finish covering the car.
“it's really weird being back here” Evie muttered to Jay, her eyes flying over every corner of the dark garage. Jay gave her a soft look and rubbed her shoulder.
“we’ll get in and get out” Evie gave a shallow nod and looked over at Ben, who was peeking through the large pipe leading to the wharf.
“Hey, what's in here?!” Carlos winced, running over to Ben and pulling him away from the pipe. Jay patted Ben's shoulder and shook his head.
“you don’t wanna know” you sighed, crossing your arms and looking through the pipe, just through there was Uma’s ship….and maybe Harry.
Your gut told you different but you held out on the hope that Harry had met up with Uma and was explaining everything to her.
“do you think Harrys talking to Uma right now?” Gil whispered to you, standing next to you and looking down the tunnel. You looked up at him and shrugged, shoulders falling as he sighed and turned back to ben and the vks.
You pulled on the hood trapped beneath Harry's jacket and pulled it over your head, sighing as Carlos stood in front of the group and held his arms out to stop any of you from passing him.
“hey, guys. Keep it chill, all right? last thing we need is our parents figuring out we’re here” Jay, Gil, and Evie gave a numb nod, while Ben glanced around nervously. Carlos turned and walked towards the open alley opposite of the tunnel, the rest of you close behind.
You took a deep breath, squaring your shoulders and setting your hand on the hilt of Harry's cutlass. ‘just walk like you’ve been sent to murder Captain America’ you thought to yourself, smirking as you remembered the whole Tumblr post about ‘murder walking’
(a/n: if you don’t know what I’m talking about here)
You rounded the corner, noticing two young boys quickly dodge out of your way and tuck themselves into a corner, keeping their eyes on you before Evie drew their gaze. You gripped onto your hit as the two boys attempted to rush Evie, one somehow getting her wallet before she easily snatched their arms, drawing them closer to her “Hey-what-Stop!”
The boys, minus Ben, turned at Evie's call, walking back towards you and watching the scene go down. Evie looked at the two boys faces and sighed, releasing their arms and taking a step towards you “Just take it.” they stared at her in shock, the shorter boy glancing from the wallet to Evie “Go on” the boys smiled at each other and ran the opposite way, their laughter echoing back at you.
Evie sighed turning towards you and rolling her eyes, she pushed your shoulder to turn you around and ran after Ben as he walked further into the market “Ben.” She muttered, you scoffed and shook your head and quickly followed after her, the boys close behind as Evie easily found Ben and pulled him back from a snarling isle resident “Ben, stop. Just stop!”
“what-why?” you grabbed onto his other shoulder and waved around the empty half of the market.
“This ain't Auradon beasty boy, it’s the isle” Jay leaned forward, his face towards Ben but his eyes constantly looking around.
“Keep your hands in your pockets unless you’re stealing” Ben opened his mouth, but Carlos interrupted him.
“you either strut or slouch” Ben tried to speak again but Evie silenced him again.
“and never, ever smile” Ben started at the five of you for a moment before he spoke again.
“okay than-“ Gil covered Ben's mouth, shushing him.
“no! No thank you’s and drop the please too, that kinda stuff will get you gutted round here” Gil sighed, releasing Ben's face and taking a step back. Evie sighed, leaning on Ben's shoulder and shaking her head.
“you need to just….Chill~”
(I’m not writing chillin’ like a villain so just imagine urself n Gil in the song bustin some moves because you can and ur not Ben whose failing in the background have fun)
You groaned lightly as Ben half shuffle-strut down the alley, the vks cheering him on as he did a little spin. You face palmed as a pirate suddenly smacked into Ben's side.
And here you thought with Gil on your “side” this part wouldn’t happen! The five of you rushed up to Ben's side, you and Gil taking a good look at the pirate.
He seemed to be part of Uma’s crew; her pirate octopus symbol stenciled onto his jackets front pocket. “hey” the pirate muttered, scratching at his thin blonde beard “I know you”
“uh, nope, don’t know you either man” Ben tried to play it cool, but you could see his hands shaking from a mile away.
“no-no, I know you….King Ben” the pirate grinned, taking off his dark brown tricorn hat and giving Ben a mock bow “what an honor to meet you your majesty~ why I got a friend who would be interested in meeting-holy shi- Gil?!” Gil pressed his lips together and looked away from the pirate, his fists clenching so hard you could hear the leather gloves creak.  “and-Evie, Jay, Carlos?” the pirate let out a laugh, a twinkle in his eye that you didn’t trust “oooh you’re all back on the isle-hey get back here!” you shoved at Evie and Ben urging them to finally move their butts and run.
Gabe huffed and ruffled his short hair, then smirked “Uma’s gonna love this!” he turned and bolted back towards the docks, he was gonna get a weeks’ worth of free food with this information!
Gil glanced back at his ex-pirate crew member and shook his head “Gabe’s a lot different than I remember” he sighed, sliding on his boots a bit as the six of them took a hard right to finally reach the alley where the core fours hideout was.
“Gabe?” you asked, trying to catch your breath as the leather jacket was overheating you slightly “who’s….Gabe?”
“Gabe, one of Harrys Warf rats from before….I guess he’s running with another crowd now” Gil sighed, rubbing the back of his head and watching as Jay grabbed a midsized rock and chucked it at the sign, the metal gate swinging up. “wait if you're from your world where-how do you not know his name?”
“not all the crew names were revealed, the most we got was Uma, the captain, Harry; the first mate, you; the second mate slash quartermaster. Then there were the crew members, Jonas, Bonnie, Desiree, Gonzo aaand….yeah that’s it…” Gil pursed his lips, watching Ben climb up the stairs and up towards Mal.
“That’s only a quarter of the crew” he muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets and leaning against the alleyway wall “…okay I can think of nothing else to talk about, how long do you’ll think they'll be?”
You shrugged, looking up at the ascending stairways, still hearing Ben’s footsteps climb up. “Dunno, ten bucks says Mal breaks it off with him”
“Fifteen says Ben convinces her to come back to Auradon” Gil shot back, grinning slightly as you held out your hand.
“Seal” you shook hands and leaned back against the wall, now waiting in silence for Ben and Mal, or just Ben to come back downstairs.
You hoped Mal knew where Harry was.
-end of part 7-
There it is~ part 7! I was gonna include Mal and Ben's heart to heart but decide to leave that for the next chapter! So, the next chapter will open with Mal n Ben and then go back to the reader n the vks!
And I know I know, yall DEFINITELY HATE Davy now AND James…and his crew lol, I hated writing that I’m sorry. Don’t worry tho, Harry will be givin justice!!!! Reader gon go ham on their asses.
Also, dis is Gabe for those who don’t know what he looks like,
Tumblr media
 he is part of Uma’s crew in d2 and 3, but he has no official name so I took @askauradonprep​’s name for him (hopefully that’s okay~)
Also hope yall don’t mind me not writing chillin’ I was writing this at like, 3:30 and didn’t feel like writing it all out.
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​
@remembered-license​ @random-thoughts-003​
@verboetoperee​ @rintheemolion​ @imtryingthisout​
@thesailbells​ @beccad10x​
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nctstany · 3 years
Love Me Now
Pairing: Jaeyong (Jaehyun x Taeyong)
Plot: All Taeyong wants to do is finish his last two years of college in peace but since he’s the son of a famous CEO he must do something he never thought he would do even in his next life time, marry his ‘enemy’.
Genre: Light angst, fluff, angst, smut???, light smut??, language, sexual themes, family problems, *cough cough* daddy issues
Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since the wedding and has it been challenging? Yes. Is that stopping Taeyong from getting on with his life? Maybe just a little bit but it isn’t his fault. His new husband always gets in the way of things that lead to Tae having to get distracted. Like right now, heading to the grocery store for tonight’s dinner and since this trip was needed. 
“Chicken or beef?”
“Chicken since beef isn’t on sale.” Jaehyun puts the beef in the cart. 
“Rice or noodles with veggies?”
“Noodles….” Jaehyun puts both in the cart and Taeyong finally hollered, “Why am I here then if you aren’t going to listen to me?” I like your company. 
“It’s a bonding experience, don't you think?” 
“That’s what we’re calling tortue now?” 
“You act like you were doing anything else.” 
“I was going to!” 
"Well well." They both looked up to someone that looked awfully familiar, "Just the people I was looking for." The person in front of them stood at the same height as Taeyong and uncomfortably that was the only one he was staring at. Taeyong stood there confused as if he’s not sure if he knows this man. Seeing that the unnamed person chuckled to himself.  
"Who are you?" 
“I can’t believe that my best friend doesn't remember me.” The person actually looked hurt at Taeyong’s words. It was a burning feeling in Tae’s chest, best friend...whatever that should mean. Undoubtedly Taeyong is pretty popular and friendly towards general people but he doesn’t remember anyone looking like this guy to be considered a best friend. 
“Are you gonna tell us who you are or….?” Jaehyun crooked an eyebrow up and the still unidentified person proceeded to grab all of his hair sitting at his shoulders just to tie it up. 
"Yuta?" Taeyong sounded horrified as he should be since Yuta was sort of a dick towards him and it would only be him. 
“In the flesh.” Yuta grinned as he looked Taeyong up and down, sending an uncomfortable chill down his spine. Jaehyun stood back confused, still not knowing who Yuta is and for being worried as to why Taeyong is frozen. 
“A little upset that I wasn’t invited to the wedding, Tae~”
“Didn't know you were alive still.” Taeyong gulped and Jaehyun cut in with a remark, “And I still don’t know who the fuck you are.” 
"Rude~" They continued to bicker back and forth, mainly Yuta trying to think of anything that would have Jaehyun remember him. Nothing worked. Instead it made him get annoyed and Taeyong grew more nervous being in front of Yuta for this long. 
"But you two seem happy." 
"Yeah…..we are." Waiting this long for a conversation just had Jaehyun be bothered at this point. “Is there anything else you want to say?” 
“I’m just here to report anything…..misleading.” 
"Report to who?" Tae finally talked again, tension leaving his shoulders since he was generally curious.
"Oh I didn't mention that I work for SME." 
"No you didn't."
"What's so misleading about two people in love?" 
“You two?” He said while taking breaks to laugh in between, “In love?”
“The last time I checked you two couldn’t be in the same room as the other without a fight breaking out.” 
“Things change! People change and feelings….can too.” Tae looked around curiously and locked eyes with Jaehyun then a smile broke out, “You just don’t know what will happen one day.” 
"If there's nothing else you want to bother us with then excuse me and my wife." Jaehyun dragged Taeyong and the cart away from Yuta, proceeding to go checkout. Yuta stood there with his grin and looked at the back of Taeyong’s head, trying to burn a hole in it. Tae didn’t know how to feel right now, he never thought that he would see him after graduating. He also thought that with Jaehyun but here we are legally married to him. The last time he saw Yuta it ended with him being called a fa-
“Sounds like you were really talking from the heart in there.” Jaehyun spoke out from the driver's seat. 
“Just drive.”
“I’m starting to get tired of you two walking around here like you live here too.” Jaehyun looked at the two, Doyoung and Mark, who just sat in the kitchen instead of helping with bags.  
“Wherever Taeyong lives we live there too and if you don’t like it then you shouldn’t have married him~” Mark smiled but Taeyong annoyed the coming argument by cutting in, “Guess who we bumped into today.”
“Jesus~” Doyoung spoke without looking up from his phone. 
“He acted like he was one.” Jaehyun spoke under his breath and Taeyong looked over with a side eye of confusion but went back. “Nakamoto Yuta, the captain of the soccer team back in high school.” 
“Did he get hotter?” 
“I’m asking a question!” Taeyong was about to continue but Jaehyun cut him off, “Anyways he works for SME apparently and asked us a whole bunch of questions.” 
"Did you two make out in front of him?"
“You know what? I was trying to be nice and let you two hangout for a bit but nevermind that, get the fuck out.” 
“I didn’t even say anything-” Doyoung finally looked up from his phone only to be kicked out with Mark being the culprit. “I don’t care!” Before Taeyong could turn back after slamming  the door, Jaehyun was right in front of him. 
“Why were you acting like that in front of Yuta?” 
“Like what?”
“Nervous.” Jaehyun's face just became more concerned. You noticed that? “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“You can tell me, Taeyong. I'm here for you.” 
“You’ll laugh at me.” Taeyong brushed Jaehyun away but continued away, “I sound like a little kid saying he was my bully.” 
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