#Thatcher joe
sharkysheets · 2 years
Was anyone else convinced they would become a roof thatcher after watching Joe Sugg (thatcherjoe) on youtube in 2011? No? Just me?
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memingursa · 7 months
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Dude what the fuck
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iekeejkeek · 1 year
some weird show doodle I make yesterday
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nicklloydnow · 6 months
“This campaign against Rowling is as dangerous as it is absurd. The brutal stabbing of Salman Rushdie last summer is a forceful reminder of what can happen when writers are demonized. And in Rowling’s case, the characterization of her as a transphobe doesn’t square with her actual views.
So why would anyone accuse her of transphobia? Surely, Rowling must have played some part, you might think.
The answer is straightforward: Because she has asserted the right to spaces for biological women only, such as domestic abuse shelters and sex-segregated prisons. Because she has insisted that when it comes to determining a person’s legal gender status, self-declared gender identity is insufficient. Because she has expressed skepticism about phrases like “people who menstruate” in reference to biological women. Because she has defended herself and, far more important, supported others, including detransitioners and feminist scholars, who have come under attack from trans activists. And because she followed on Twitter and praised some of the work of Magdalen Berns, a lesbian feminist who had made incendiary comments about transgender people.
You might disagree — perhaps strongly — with Rowling’s views and actions here. You may believe that the prevalence of violence against transgender people means that airing any views contrary to those of vocal trans activists will aggravate animus toward a vulnerable population.
But nothing Rowling has said qualifies as transphobic. She is not disputing the existence of gender dysphoria. She has never voiced opposition to allowing people to transition under evidence-based therapeutic and medical care. She is not denying transgender people equal pay or housing. There is no evidence that she is putting trans people “in danger,” as has been claimed, nor is she denying their right to exist.
Take it from one of her former critics. E.J. Rosetta, a journalist who once denounced Rowling for her supposed transphobia, was commissioned last year to write an article called “20 Transphobic J.K. Rowling Quotes We’re Done With.” After 12 weeks of reporting and reading, Rosetta wrote, “I’ve not found a single truly transphobic message.” On Twitter she declared, “You’re burning the wrong witch.”
Phelps-Roper has taken the time to rethink her biases. She is now the host of “The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling.” The podcast, based on nine hours of her interviews with Rowling — the first time Rowling has spoken at length about her advocacy — explores why Rowling has been subjected to such wide-ranging vitriol despite a body of work that embraces the virtues of being an outsider, the power of empathy toward one’s enemies and the primacy of loyalty toward one’s friends.
The podcast, which also includes interviews with critics of Rowling, delves into why Rowling has used her platform to challenge certain claims of so-called gender ideology — such as the idea that transgender women should be treated as indistinguishable from biological women in virtually every legal and social context. Why, both her fans and her fiercest critics have asked, would she bother to take such a stand, knowing that attacks would ensue?
“The pushback is often, ‘You are wealthy. You can afford security. You haven’t been silenced.’ All true. But I think that misses the point. The attempt to intimidate and silence me is meant to serve as a warning to other women” with similar views who may also wish to speak out, Rowling says in the podcast.
“And I say that because I have seen it used that way,” Rowling continues. She says other women have told her they’ve been warned: “Look at what happened to J.K. Rowling. Watch yourself.”
Phelps-Roper told me that Rowling’s outspokenness is precisely in the service of this kind of cause. “A lot of people think that Rowling is using her privilege to attack a vulnerable group,” she said. “But she sees herself as standing up for the rights of a vulnerable group.”
Rowling, Phelps-Roper added, views speaking out as a responsibility and an obligation: “She’s looking around and realizing that other people are self-censoring because they cannot afford to speak up. But she felt she had to be honest and stand up against a movement that she saw as using authoritarian tactics.”
As Rowling herself notes on the podcast, she’s written books where “from the very first page, bullying and authoritarian behavior is held to be one of the worst of human ills.” Those who accuse Rowling of punching down against her critics ignore the fact that she is sticking up for those who have silenced themselves to avoid the job loss, public vilification and threats to physical safety that other critics of recent gender orthodoxies have suffered.
In the words of Fiennes: “J.K. Rowling has written these great books about empowerment, about young children finding themselves as human beings. It’s about how you become a better, stronger, more morally centered human being,” he said. “The verbal abuse directed at her is disgusting. It’s appalling.”
Despite media coverage that can be embarrassingly credulous when it comes to the charges against Rowling, a small number of influential journalists have also begun speaking out in her defense. Here in America, Caitlin Flanagan of The Atlantic tweeted last year, “Eventually, she will be proven right, and the high cost she’s paid for sticking to her beliefs will be seen as the choice of a principled person.
Because what Rowling actually says matters. In 2016, when accepting the PEN/Allen Foundation award for literary service, Rowling referred to her support for feminism — and for the rights of transgender people. As she put it, “My critics are at liberty to claim that I’m trying to convert children to satanism, and I’m free to explain that I’m exploring human nature and morality or to say, ‘You’re an idiot,’ depending on which side of the bed I got out of that day.”
Rowling could have just stayed in bed. She could have taken refuge in her wealth and fandom. In her “Harry Potter” universe, heroes are marked by courage and compassion. Her best characters learn to stand up to bullies and expose false accusations. And that even when it seems the world is set against you, you have to stand firm in your core beliefs in what’s right.
Defending those who have been scorned isn’t easy, especially for young people. It’s scary to stand up to bullies, as any “Harry Potter” reader knows. Let the grown-ups in the room lead the way. If more people stood up for J.K. Rowling, they would not only be doing right by her; they’d also be standing up for human rights, specifically women’s rights, gay rights and, yes, transgender rights. They’d also be standing up for the truth.”
“But I do like the phrase, implying as it does a refusal to bow down to the establishment. Although we had a Labour government from 1974, it’s fair to say that the establishment of the 1970s was a fusty right-wing thing, sexist and racist and snobbish. But funnily enough, it’s still sexist and snobbish, in that women and the working-class are expected to obey (transvestite) men and the liberal elite respectively; it’s not racist in the old vulgar way but in a modish, middle-class way, dealing in the poverty of low expectations, seen best in that hilarious Labour election promise that only Jeremy Corbyn ‘can be trusted to unlock the talent of black, Asian and minority ethnic people’ when the Tory cabinet already featured more black, Asian and minority ethnic people than a Labour one ever had. Oh, and racism is also judging people on the colour of their skin as opposed to the content of their character – as Martin Luther King preferred – which is inherent in every diversity and inclusion drive, every taking of the knee, every ‘black-out’ theatre performance. When people of colour refuse to lose their agency by identifying as underdogs and waiting for whitey to save them (some to the point of becoming Conservative politicians), they may be called ‘coconuts’ and all sorts of nasty names – but in a caring, anti-racist way.
Punk wasn’t ever left-wing – it was anti-establishment, so whatever the establishment is for, punk was against it. The anti-Lydon lot will always bring up The Clash as an example of a left-wing punk band, but this was more a difference of class origin than of politics proper; Joe Strummer was a lovely fellow, but he was also an upper-middle public schoolboy and thereby prone to a bit of P’n’P (poncing and posing) with his R’n’R. Of the other big punk bands, The Damned were about as political as The Munch Bunch, The Stranglers had a soft spot for the crazed Japanese militarist Yukio Mishima and The Jam were young patriots who pined for ‘the great empire’ and spat loathing at avuncular James Callaghan (‘The truth is you’ve lost, Uncle Jimmy!’). Unlike the cosy 1960s scene, they barely spoke to each other; that was the whole point of punk, to be different. But the rewriting of punk history by anxious middle-class lefties happened almost from the start; by the 1980s, punk was being recalled as a reaction against Thatcher’s Britain, despite it all kicking off three years before she became prime minister. Indeed, with her desire to destroy anything which seemed weak and outdated, there’s a case for saying that Mrs T was the most punk politician thus far. This was echoed in Sex Pistol Steve Jones’s autobiography Lonely Boy – surprisingly good – in which he understandably writes that he went into showbiz to make money as much as music, and that when he finally scraped enough royalties together to buy himself a second-hand car, Vivienne Westwood accused him of ‘selling out’. This would be the Vivienne Westwood who took an honour from the monarchy and was a shameless tax avoider. Hypocrite, heal thyself.
Punk was, as Westwood and McLaren so flagrantly demonstrated, always marbled with corruption, as indeed is every place where art meets showbiz; it gives it its piquancy. But punk is like a religion to some pathetic purists now. There was a long-running argument on a social media forum a few weeks ago about whether Anarchy In The UK was a call to real anarchic communal living. (No, that would be for the filthy hippies.) Others said (correctly) that it was simply a call to smash the status quo – and the status quo is now woke.
Punk can be traced back to historical anti-establishment art from the political cartoons of the 18th century, through Beyond The Fringe to Monty Python, all mocking the monarchy, judges, police and politicians. It couldn’t have started anywhere but England; someone said that Brexit was an amalgamation of South Downs Tories and snarling inner-city punks. It was only natural that the great charismatic loner contrarians of 20th century pop, Lydon and Morrissey, were in favour; If you’re independent and rebellious, you certainly weren’t going to be a remainer.
Predictably, the vast majority of those who identify as punks these days come across as extremely wet blankets who get their knickers in a twist over weird things; think of the hissy-fit Rage Against the Machine had over people who wouldn’t wear masks at their gigs and the American ‘punks’ who beat up ‘fascists’ who aren’t fascists in the least unless one uses the word in the manner of Rik in The Young Ones. Then we have the weirdest cause of all, trans. whereby privileged white men can whack on some rouge and call themselves women – the war for the soul of punk is being fought on this front, too.
When I started out as a musician, I thought that punks were anti-establishment; then when my first album was released, I passed through the scene and realised it’s full of Stasi boneheads who love the boot when they’re the ones wearing it. Punks pretend to be rebellious musicians but act more like bureaucrats and propagandists who contribute nothing to music except a pathological hatred of women and the highest form of wokery I’ve ever personally encountered. Speaking your mind publicly is what making music is all about; freedom of speech and our hard-won rights as women – especially in male dominated music industry – is something that should be protected at all costs no matter what -ism we’re living under. But when the establishment and corporations support you, you are the establishment. So, for me being a Terf is about as punk as it gets.
I was there; I may not have liked the music much, but I lived the ribald and riotous experience that was punk – and I know a short-haired hippie when I see one. As I wrote in Welcome To The Woke Trials: ‘Woke is the revenge of the dullard on the wit, the curtain-twitcher on the headline-maker, the wallflower on the whirling dancer’ – add to that ‘the establishment stooge who believes himself righteous on the outlaw’. So, punk’s not dead – this time, she’s a Terf.”
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froggybarnacle · 1 year
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Royal Blood - Sad But True (Behind The Scenes)
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heartsoulrocknroll · 7 months
AEW Dynamite 2/1/23
Adam Page vs. Jon Moxley -- Moxley rushes Page before the bell!! Figure Four on the floor in the crowd by Mox! Mox wraps a chair around Page's foot and tries for a stomp off the apron, but Page gets up and slings the chair at Moxley's head!!!! Suplex on the chair on the floor by Page!! Exchange of chops in the ring! Moxley goes for a lariat, but Page catches him and lands a fall-away slam!! Fireman's carry by Page on the apron, and Page absolutely slams Moxley into the ring post, sending Moxley crashing to the outside!! Chops from Mox!! Huge elbow from Page puts Mox down outside!! Back in the ring, Page lands a DVD off the top!! Mox kicks out! Moxley gets up to his knees, and Page kicks Mox in the face each time he tries to get up, yelling at him to stay down!!! Nice!!!! Moxley flips Page off and responds with cutter. Chop and elbow exchange!! Moxley with some hard kicks, then he locks in a sleeper. Back suplex by Page! Side suplex by Moxley!! Suplex off the top by Moxley, but Page kicks out!!! Moxley immediately starts laying in the hammer and anvil elbows, followed by stomps to Page's head! Paradigm Shift attempt, but Page blocks it! Moxley locks in an armbar, but Page gets his foot on the bottom rope! Page goes for a moonsault off the top to the outside, but Moxley moves out of the way and lands a huge lariat to Page's head! Beautiful pop-up powerbomb by Page, driving Moxley through the timekeeper's table!!! Mox barely makes it back into the ring in at 9! Page lands a lariat, followed by Deadeye, but Mox kicks out! Page goes for a stomp to the head, but Mox moves out of the way and responds with huge lariat!!!!! Nasty elbows, then a thrust kick by Page!! Page lands a small package driver!! Moxley kicks out! Moxley ducks a Buckshot attempt and goes for Paradigm Shift, but Page reverses into a Tombstone!!! Page lands a Buckshot!! Moxley kicks out!!! Page locks in a bulldog choke!! Moxley manages to counter the hold by maneuvering Page's shoulders onto the mat for a three count. Bleeeehhhhhh.
That was a really great, heated match with a lame finish. Wanted to see Page go two in a row, but obviously, that was never going to happen. Great action nonetheless. Rating: 4
After the match, Page and Mox try to go at each other some more, but Claudio and Yuta come out to get between them.
Saraya and Toni Storm attack Britt Baker.
The Gunns come out to demand a tag team title match. The Acclaimed say no, but the Gunns provoke Billy into saying yes by telling him to go drown his sorrows in a pill bottle like he used to.
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Brian Cage -- Beautiful Blue Thunder Bomb by Takeshita!! Cage nearly drops Takeshita on his head with a German suplex! Buckle bomb attempt by Cage, but Takeshita reverses with a hurricanrana, sending Cage into the turnbuckle! Beautiful jumping knee from Takeshita to the back of Cage's head! HUGE LARIAT BY TAKESHITA! TAKESHITA LANDS A GORGEOUS STALLING GERMAN SUPLEX!! MY GOD, THE STRENGTH!! Into a bridging pin, but Cage kicks out! Takeshita with a sit-out powerbomb!!! Takeshita goes for the jumping knee, but Cage blocks! Cage swings for a lariat, but Takeshita ducks it and responds with a DISGUSTING ROLLING ELBOW!!! OH MY GOD!!!! Cage responds with a headbutt!! Back suplex by Cage, followed by a big discus lariat! Takeshita kicks out! Takeshita lands a brainbuster, then a HUGE ELBOW, then another brainbuster!!! Cage kicks out!! Takeshita hits an avalanche brainbuster, followed by a BEAUTIFUL jumping knee to put Cage's lights out!!!! Cover by Takeshita!! 1, 2, 3!!
Wow!! Takeshita pulls a better match out of Cage than Danielson did. Takeshita's knee strike is up there with Omega's in terms of pure beauty. I am becoming obsessed with that guy. Rating: 3.5
Backstage, the JAS says Starks can have another match with Jericho, but only if he beats Parker, Menard, and Garcia or Guevara first.
The Elite extend an offer for a Trios Championship match to Top Flight and AR Fox after Top Flight's recent victory over the Bucks. The Firm comes in and challenges The Elite for Rampage. The Elite are unsure, but Callis tells Omega to think of the money they could make from an NFT of Omega giving Matt Hardy the One-Winged Angel. Excalibur: "Don Callis is so lame that he thinks NFTs are still a thing."
Bryan Danielson vs. Timothy Thatcher -- LET'S GO. Thatcher immediately goes for the Fujiwara armbar, and Danielson rushes to the ropes before he can lock it in. HUGE uppercuts by Thatcher!! Thatcher with a wrist lock, then he traps the wrist on the mat and stomps!! Danielson ties up Thatcher's legs, then falls back onto the mat, wrenching down on the legs. Bow and Arrow stretch by Danielson, but Thatcher grabs the hand on the injured arm of Danielson and stomps it!!!! Danielson with some hard chops and a running dropkick in the corner! Thatcher grabs a wrist lock and picks Danielson up by the wrist!!!! Thatcher takes the hold down to the mat, and Danielson gets his foot on the rope! Thatcher lands some hard shots to Danielson's midsection with Danielson's injured arm hammerlocked behind his own back! Headbutts by Danielson in an attempt to escape!! Thatcher goes for a butterfly suplex from the top, but Danielson stops it with shots to the ribs and headbutts!! Dropkick off the top by Danielson! Thatcher gets the better of an uppercut exchange, but Danielson turns it around with vicious kicks! Thatcher blocks the last kick and goes for the armbar again, but Danielson escapes before he can lock it in!!! Danielson grabs a waist lock, and attempts a roll up, but Thatcher holds onto the ropes to stop it!! Thatcher swings for an uppercut but misses, and Danielson catches Thatcher in a backslide!! Thatcher kicks out and immediately tries for the Fujiwara armbar, but Danielson once again avoids it and lands a NASTY kick to the head!!! Thatcher kicks out!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHH!! Danielson with the hammer and anvil elbows, followed by a rear choke!!! Danielson, with the choke locked in, backs Thatcher into the corner, nailing the ref in the process!!! While the ref is down, here comes MJF with the Dynamite Diamond Ring!!! But now here comes Takeshita!! Takeshita with punches to MJF!!! The distraction allows Thatcher to finally lock in the Fujiwara armbar, but Danielson manages to get his foot on the rope!! Belly to belly suplex by Thatcher!! German suplex by Danielson!!!! Thatcher runs at Danielson, but Danielson ducks and comes back with a psycho knee!!! Cover!! 1, 2, 3!!
THAT ROCKED SO HARD!! I LOVE TIM THATCHER, SO GLAD TO SEE HIM!! Just great, back and forth wrestling here with so many great, little details. Rating: 4
After the match, MJF and Takeshita are shown backstage, still going at it! MJF throws a chair and then a trashcan at Takeshita's head!!! They lay into each other with punches until security pulls them apart!! MJF screams, "I'll kill you!!" at Takeshita. Loool. Renee enters to announce that Tony Khan has just made MJF vs. Takeshita in an eliminator match official for next week!!! MJF is livid!!! I AM SO HYPED FOR THIS!!!
Danielson vs. Rush is announced for next week. Backstage, MJF offers Rush briefcases full of money to "rip Danielson's arm off and beat him over the head with it."
Jade Cargill (c) vs. Red Velvet for the TBS Championship -- Velvet goes for a cross body to the outside off the apron, but Jade catches her. Jade carries Velvet around like a baby. Jade then presses Velvet up over her head, walks up the ring steps still holding Velvet up, and throws Velvet into the ring, causing Velvet to bounce hard off the top rope! Dropkick, lungblower, then more kicks by Velvet!! Pump kick by Jade, but Velvet kicks out!! Kiera Hogan comes out and takes out Grey at ringside. Velvet lands a big rolling kick to Jade!! Velvet covers and Jade's shoulders are down for more than three seconds, but the ref is distracted with Hogan! Ref turns around and starts the count, but Jade kicks out! Nice submission hold on the arm by Velvet, but Jade deadlifts Velvet up onto her shoulder to counter!! Velvet escapes and tries to roll up Jade, but Jade blocks it, deadlifts Velvet back up, and lands Jaded for the pinfall.
Jade is now 50-0. This was the best match of hers I think I have ever seen. Solid. Rating: 2.25
Darby Allin (c) vs. Samoa Joe for the TNT Championship (No Holds Barred) -- Darby comes out in a jacket covered in thumbtacks!!!!!!!!! He runs at Joe in the corner with the jacket on, driving the tacks into Joe!! Joe turns the momentum around with a big enziguri in the corner! Joe grabs a table from under the ring, but Darby comes flying out of the ring with a suicide dive, driving the table in Joe's hands into Joe's head!!! Darby moves the ring steps beside the barricade. Joe slings Darby, and he slides across the ring steps and over the barricade!!!!! Geez!!! They head up the arena stairs into the crowd. JOE JUST TOSSES DARBY OVER HIS SHOULDER AND OVER THE HAND RAIL!!! DARBY LANDS HARD ON HIS BACK ON THE STAIRS!! OH MY GOD! Joe slings Darby back over the barricade and slams him down on the ring steps!!!!!! Back in the ring, Joe keeps Darby down with hard kicks and chops, and wrenches down on Darby's neck!!! Joe covers Darby with his leg on Darby's head and upper body, but Darby manages to escape! Darby finally gets some separation and runs at Joe in the corner, but Joe stops him with a huge STO!!! Cover, but Darby kicks out! Joe goes for a sleeper, but Darby counters with a jawbreaker!!! Darby gets in some chops!!! But Joe stops the chops and absolutely HURLS DARBY OVER THE TOP TO THE OUTSIDE!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! Joe sets up two chairs back to back and drives Darby's back into the backrests with a side suplex!!! Joe goes for powerbomb, but Darby throws some sort of powder into Joe's eyes to stop it!! Darby lands a Code Red!!! Darby follows up with a stunner!!! Darby puts the thumbtack jacket back on and lands a Coffin Drop from the top!!!! Cover, but Joe kicks out!! While Joe is down, Darby removes the canvas and the padding underneath, exposing the wooden boards of the ring!!! Darby goes for a cannonball dive through the second and top rope, but Joe moves out of the way, and Darby goes back-first through a table Joe had propped up on the barricade earlier!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! Back in the ring, Joe powerbombs Darby onto the thumbtack jacket, then wraps the jacket around Darby's face!!!!! Darby blindly gets both his thumbs into Joe's eyes to escape!!!! Darby lands chair shots to Joe's back!!!! Darby goes to the top, looking for a Coffin Drop, but Joe pulls the ref into the top rope to knock Darby off his feet!!! Joe lands an avalanche Muscle Buster on Darby on the exposed boards!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! Cover by Joe!!! 1, 2, 3!!!!!
Damn, what a match!!!! It was full of insane spots, and I absolutely loved it. Nobody can be a badass quite like Samoa Joe. And NOBODY can take a bump like Darby Allin!!!!!!!! Sad to see Darby lose the title, but I'm good with Joe holding it. Rating: 4.25
However, I am not fine with Wardlow beating Joe for the title, which seems to be where this is going. Wardlow enters after the match and tries to powerbomb Joe, but Joe escapes.
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mel-rhodes-place · 3 months
Supporters of French far-right National Rally react at the party election night headquarters, Sunday, June 9, 2024 in Paris. First projected results from France put far-right National Rally party well ahead in EU elections, according to French opinion poll institutes. (AP Photo/Lewis Joly) https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/made-big-gains-european-elections-matter-110995112 As…
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pumpacti0n · 6 months
Voting is SILLY and here's why.
Do you believe that:
Voting is easy?
Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is harm reduction?
But the Right Wing votes, so why can't the Left?
(Insert famous revolutionary figure) told us to vote, so we should?
Why aren't YOU doing revolution right now?
Left Wing governments would allow more people to be radicalized?
We need a new party?
Voting is a privilege?
Not voting is "letting the fascists win?"
Then you should watch this video.
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turncnthelight · 17 days
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lily evans (bree kish), marlene mckinnon (sophie thatcher), dorcas meadowes (lovie simone), mary macdonald (halle bailey)
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james potter (abhay verma), sirius black (conan gray), remus lupin (rudy pankow), peter pettigrew (joe cole)
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simurghed · 4 months
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missr3n3 · 6 months
CDTA updates
after thinking on it, i've decided to do as many others have done and turn CDTA into an original story. however, given how much certain events in cdta intertwined with canon tmc, this change in direction is going to require significant rewrites to fill the gaps left behind. at the same time, most of the major story beats (e.g. the leg yoinking, the Nightmare Sand Pit arc, the blood magic in the church etc.) and characterization will stay the same, so i'm still planning on working on the sequel & the 2011 character designs before anything else.
to efficiently bridge the gap, i'm turning CDTA's neocities page into a hub for all the lore changes, so everyone can get caught up before i put out the first chapter of the sequel.
needless to say, all of this is going to take some time, so for now i'll provide all the relevant name changes both for people who want to send asks and so the inevitable blorbo tagging makes sense:
Main Characters
Jonah Marshall -> Isaac Hawthorne
Adam Murray -> Joshua Atkin
Ruth Weaver -> Jessie Simmons (she and the character formerly known as thatcher have switched roles)
Evelin Miller -> Madeline Wells
Sarah Heathcliff -> Leah Milton
Joel Hayes -> Elijah Hardy
Chloe -> Cassandra Jordan
Alt!Gabriel -> Lucifer/Luce
Six -> Cairyx
Alternates -> devils (think like the Jersey Devil)
The hivemind -> Legion
Other Characters
Lt. Thatcher Davis -> Officer Andrew Peters (he's now the one who talks to joshua in the Nightmare Sand Pit)
Dave Lee -> Zeke Swanson
Mark Heathcliff -> Rachel Milton (leah's younger sister)
Cesar Torres -> Amir Karimi
Mervin Marshall -> James Hawthorne
Jimberly Marshall -> Kayleigh Hawthorne
Lynn Murray -> Marilyn Atkin
Jude Murray -> Joe Atkin
Mandela County, Wisconsin -> Nox County, Iowa
Bythorne County, Wisconsin -> Hemera County, Iowa
St. Gabriel's Church -> St. Michael's Church
Other Terms
Department of Temporal Phenomena -> Bureau of Solomonic Affairs
Bythorne Paranormal Society -> Red Dragon Project/Productions
Type 6s -> Cael devils/the Cael
MystifyingOracle (in-universe youtube channel) -> EliThrills
#cut down the altar au -> #cut down the altar or #cdta
delilah, sam, and the ouija board Demon have remained unchanged. any character/concept not mentioned has probably been cut to streamline the story
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radiofreederry · 2 years
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Happy birthday, Billy Bragg! (December 20, 1957)
An icon of the British left wing, Billy Bragg carried the mid-century tradition of the labor troubadour into the 1980s, recording celebrated unionist and socialist anthems including "There is Power in a Union" (unrelated to the Joe Hill song of the same name) and a translation of "The Internationale." A poet from a young age, Bob Dylan and Paul Simon were early influences on Bragg's songwriting, and the rise of punk rock in the 1970s was also formative to the young musician, who was especially inspired by the Clash. In the 1980s, Bragg became a vocal part of the British counterculture which opposed the rise of Thatcherism and the neoliberal consensus. Bragg wrote songs in support of the miners' strike of 1984-1985, in favor of socialism in the British tradition, and against racism, fascism, and homophobia. He has remained active in social causes along with a healthy stream of music releases since the 1990s, and has spoken out against transphobia in Britain.
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timuschaos · 11 months
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georgefairbrother · 7 months
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On February 18th, 1981, a BBC headline announced something that would be unthinkable three years later, 'Thatcher Gives in to Miners'.
"…Mrs Thatcher's Conservative Government has withdrawn plans to close 23 pits in its first major u-turn since coming to power two years ago. President of the National Union of Mineworkers Joe Gormley is confident the government's intervention will avert the threatened national miners' strikes…"
After crisis talks in Whitehall between union leaders and Energy Secretary, David Howell, the government agreed to reduce coal imports from eight million to 5.5 million tons and to reinstate higher operating subsidies.
NUM President Joe Gormley stated that as a result of commitments given, he would not be recommending a strike despite overwhelming support for industrial action from within the union membership.
Not everyone was happy;
"…The next day the NUM told all miners to return to work after the executive voted to accept the concessions made by the government and coal board by 15 to 8, with one abstention. Some left-wing pits maintained unofficial stoppages and there were pickets outside the NUM headquarters in London…"
When the government confirmed an injection of 300 million pounds in industry support, the unofficial action was called off and rebel pits were operating again by 20th February. Just over a year later, Joe Gormley secured a 9.3 % pay rise for miners, and was replaced by Arthur Scargill as NUM President.
In a 2002 BBC documentary, a former Special Branch officer claimed that Joe Gormley was a security services informant during the 1970s, having become concerned over the increasing influence within the NUM of left-wing militants.
Arthur Scargill opined,
"…The history of our movement is littered with people in leadership positions who were either connected with Special Branch or connected with the State..."
Joe Gormley was awarded a Life Peerage in 1982, and passed away in 1993.
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useless-englandfacts · 9 months
useless England facts support terrorists now
look. i will try to explain this to you like you are a child, but i really need you to work on your critical thinking skills. this term is thrown around a lot atm, so i want to make sure we know that i’m talking about your ability to analyse (looking at something in detail) and evaluate (judging the importance of one thing over another) information before reaching your own conclusion. okay?
with that in mind let me make it equally clear: i don’t think opposing the west or opposing individual countries within the west automatically makes an individual, group or country - and by association their actions - inherently good because i am capable of incorporating nuance into my beliefs. i also want to distinguish between a group, their actions, and the motives and outcomes thereof. sometimes bad people can do good things and good people can do bad things. sometimes people can do bad things for good reasons and good things for bad reasons. sometimes the motives change the outcome, sometimes they do not. concepts like truth and morality are not fixed! they are relative, meaning they can change over time and between individuals/groups/cultures/situations.
another thing that (for some reason) needs to be said is that being able to explain something ≠ supporting it. i understand why and how the IRA came into existence. i understand why and how the french revolution happened. i understand why and how the reformation happened. i understand why and how margaret thatcher was elected 3 times in a row. this has no bearing on how i feel about the IRA, the french revolution, the reformation or margaret thatcher.
if i’m honest i don’t think you believe that i support terrorist organisations. not really. i’m not dumb i know that the houthis are bad to say the least. i think you wanted to derail the conversation and undermine whatever it is i have to say. this black and white “whataboutery” way of thinking may win you petty arguments on the internet but it does nothing to nourish your mind and your soul as a human being or as a citizen of the world.
the fact remains that the US and the UK only got involved in yemen because ships have been forced to reroute all the way round africa which raised global transport costs — at a time when inflation is the word on every politician’s lips and during an election year for both rishi sunak and joe biden. the rapidity of their action in yemen versus their inaction, complicity, and outright endorsement of israel’s genocide tells us plainly what many of us suspected all along: economics matters more to them than human lives — especially if those lives belong to arabs. i understand that the separation of powers works differently in the US, but here in the UK for rishi sunak to do that with no parliamentary oversight is shocking. biden has now critically undermined his middle eastern policy aim of preventing a regional war. you don’t need to support the houthis to recognise these things any more than you need to support hamas to know that killing 24,000 palestinians is morally reprehensible.
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hooked-on-elvis · 8 months
The story of the track “If I’m A Fool (For Loving You)” recorded at the American Sound Studio in Memphis, Tennessee (1969)
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[ABOVE] Elvis and his father, Vernon Presley, early 60s and 70s.
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Elvis was working with the musicians in the studio since the night before, January 19. The night went on and it was already past midnight when, during a pause to catch the breath, Elvis Presley casually finds another song to record yet at that same recording session.
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JANUARY 20, 1969 - AMERICAN SOUND STUDIO, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE By 4:30 the next morning they were tired — and they’d pretty much exhausted the song list they’d come in with. Elvis and piano player Bobby Wood were sitting quietly on the piano bench talking about religion and music. Bobby had had a minor hit as a recording artist with “Searchin’” and had recorded Sun writer Stan Kesler’s “If I’m A Fool (For Loving You).” Elvis introduced Bobby to his father, and when Vernon said that “If I’m A Fool” was one of his favorites, Elvis decided to give it a try. Excerpt from "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music - The Complete Recording Sessions" (1998) by Ernst Jorgensen and Peter Guralnick
In an interview, this is what Bobby himself said about that moment:
Q: In 1964, you had a hit. Can you tell us when Elvis covered it? A: Yes, 'If I'm a Fool' in 1964 was a pretty big hit for me and so Elvis had know about that and his dad came in one night at the studio while we were recording Elvis. And he said, 'Dad, I'd like to have you meet somebody here'. And so he brought him over and I shook hands with him and then he introduced us and he said, 'Do you know who this guy is?' And he said, 'No, I'm not sure'. So Elvis said, 'What's your favorite record'. And he said, 'If I'm a Fool'. And he said, 'This is the guy that sang it'. And of course his father just said, 'Woah'. So Elvis went on and did it for his dad because that was one of his dad's favorite songs at the time.
Source: www.elvis.com.au
— [BELOW] Bobby Wood's EP released in 1964
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What Elvis thought about his own performance on the song:
Maybe it was just too late in the day to introduce a new song, but even with Bobby’s help the master they produced elicited only one word from Elvis: “Rotten.” It’s a measure of how high Elvis’s standards had risen by this point: The master of “If I’m A Fool” may have been one of the lesser cuts Elvis made at American, but measured against the years of Hollywood soundtrack crap that came before, it was still a giant leap of musicality. Excerpt from "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music - The Complete Recording Sessions" (1998) by Ernst Jorgensen and Peter Guralnick
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Later the track was also released in the reissued album "From Elvis in Memphis" as bonus track in the "40th Anniversary Edition" (legacy edition, 2009).
Lyrics by Stanley Kesler.
Recorded February 20, 1969 at American Sound Studio, Memphis.
Guitar: Reggie Young, Elvis Presley. Bass: Tommy Cogbill. Drums: Gene Chrisman. Piano: Bobby Wood, Elvis Presley, Ronnie. Organ: Bobby Emmons. Harmonica: Ed Kollis. Trumpet: R. F. Taylor, Wayne Jackson, Dick Steff. Sax & Trombone: Jackie Thomas. Sax: Glen Spreen, J. P. Luper. Trombone: Jackie Thomas, Jack Hale, Gerald Richardson, French Horn: Tony Cason, Joe D'Gerolamo. Vocals: Mary (Jeannie) Green, Donna Thatcher, Susan Pilkington, Mary Holladay, Dolores Edgin, Hurshel Wiginton, Joe Babcock, Millie Kirkham, Sonja Montgomery.
Source: www.elvisthemusic.com
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Elvis didn't only covered one version from his pianist Bobby Wood previously recorded tracks, but two. Still from the "Elvis Presley: A Life In Music" book:
On the 22nd Elvis returned to do repairs and to try another song Bobby Wood had recorded, the religious “Who Am I”.
Elvis' second song cover that had been previously recorded by Bobby Wood, "Who Am I?" was recorded in February 22, 1969 at the American Sound Studio, and first released in March 1971 in the compilation album "You'll Never Walk Alone". The track followed the same destiny as "If I'm A Fool (For Loving You)" being later released as a part of the "From Elvis in Memphis – 40th Anniversary Edition" (2009) also as a bonus track. Unfortunately I couldn't find Bobby's recording, not even the released EP with it.
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Here's a quick interview in video with Bobby Wood telling how he met Elvis and his impressions of him.
You can read a longer interview HERE [elvis.com.au].
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Well, well, well. Such a nice info I came across today. I wonder if Vernon liked his son's version of Bobby Wood's country song "If I'm A Fool", one of his favorites at the time. Anyhow, it's cute to learn Elvis was not at first interested in recording this song until he acknowledged his father's personal liking of it. I guess it makes this tune a special gift to Vernon from his son, if you think about it. It was one 'at the spur of the moment' decisions when Elvis just followed his heart. ♥
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PICTURES: Elvis and his father, Vernon, and the R&B legend, Roy Hamilton, filmed during one of the recording sessions at the American Sound Studio in Memphis, Tennessee. Circa January 22, 1969.
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