#The Barrow Will Send What it May
contracat25 · 1 year
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Alright as it is Trans Day of Visibility (Hi still not cis, still here etc.) and the final day of the extended Trans Rights Readathon I thought I would post about a few more of my favorite books by trans authors because hopefully everyone will be reading books by trans authors and about trans characters/topics all year round. Because to me this day is about supporting others in the community as much as anything else. The world is pretty on fire right now so if you can support a trans creator, artist, organization or friend today (and beyond) then do it!
So here are a bunch of shorter reads: books, graphic novels, novellas etc. I didn't really notice how many novellas I had been reading recently till making this list, but there is something about a wel- written short book that just really works for me. Also a lot of these just have really creative or lovely concepts and I am a sucker for those. Plus the characters in these are soooo good! Also a lot of these have lovely audiobooks or e-books, hence me not having a physical copy (yet). Many of these have trans characters as well, but not all of them. Though most have some form of queer rep because I don't read much that doesn't. I included muliple by some of the authors, including sequels because... I just really like them and couldn't pick just one. Most of these authors have other books that are also wonderful. And these are just a handful of examples, there are so many fabuluous books by and about people who are trans.
Six Months, Three Days, Five Others by Charlie Jane Anders
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
The Companion by EE Ottoman
The Barrow Will Send What It May by Margaret Killjoy
Taste of Marrow and River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey
Even Though I Knew the End by C. L. Polk
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Nimona by Nate Stevenson
Gender Queer by Mia Kobabe
The Seep by Chana Porter
Future Feelings by Joss Lake
Pet by Akwaeke Amezi
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
The Black Tides of Heaven; The Red Threads of Fortune; The Descent of Monsters; The Ascent to Godhood by Neon Yang
Finna and Defekt by Nino Cipri Coffee Boy and Caroline's Heart by Austin Chant
ID: Slide one has a stack of 10 books on a teal background. Slides two through four have a white background and four book covers and a boarder of books in the trans flag colors.
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plantdad-dante · 1 year
Book #93 - The Barrow Will Send What It May by Margaret Killjoy
(second time read; I basically just picked it up now bc I decided that the straight 2011 YA Fantasy I was trying to read was no healthy way to spend Pride Month and that I should read something that I knew to be good and queer instead) Still can't quite figure out how to express why I like these books. They feel like a window into another world, and not because of the demons. A world that isn't filled with heaping mounds of bullshit that you have to think your way through with a shovel. It looks less lonely, at least. It feels less exhausting, somehow.... ignoring all the murdering and fighting and fleeing for your life business, of course. And, oh yeah, the demons. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if the loud, angry, excitable, opinianated child I was had been able to keep going. Would he have grown up to be a well-adjusted, "normal" citizen? Or would he be out there, on the fringes of society, free and awake in a way I rarely get to be? Alas, someone killed him, and now I am here, so all this is pure speculation. On the other hand... books like this one spark ideas like firework. And maybe it is time to get into necromancy. - This post is brought to you by the frankly ridiculous amount of gender euphoria I am extracting from my mowhawk.
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bookofshitposts · 2 years
"We ask for good strangers." "We ask for the barrow to send what it may." "We ask that ill eyes pass over us." "We ask for the dead to guard us." "We ask that sorrow be held at bay."
Margaret Killjoy, The Barrow Will Send What it May
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bookcoversonly · 1 year
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Title: The Barrow Will Send What it May | Author: Margaret Killjoy | Publisher: Tor (2018)
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loonatic260 · 4 months
So often, I think about how Thomas's relationship with Edward (the blind soldier in season 2) would have gone if Edward was permitted to stay and recover at the hospital. I mean, really, there's so many different scenarios of how things *could* have gone for Thomas if his love interests loved him back (and stuck around long enough to make it work).
During the confrontation in the courtyard (S2E2)... Corporal Barrow to his left, Nurse Crawley to his right, and a badgering doctor in front of him, Edward speaks his mind about wanting to stay. "Please— don't send me away. Not yet," the soldier states, contorlling his emotions. And instead of Thomas being cut off this time, he continues to speak, "Sir, surely we... can still take care of him, until the time comes that he is fully recovered." Thomas looks over to Edward, for the response in his gaze that supports and appreciates his efforts, but is quickly reminded that a look of condolence is hard to get out of a blind man. "Corporal Barrow, you will not speak out of turn—" his tone shifts, "every one of our beds is needed for the injurred and dying. Lieutenant, you will make your recovery at Farley. Corporal, I will see you in my office." The doctor pats Edward's shoulder and turns away, leaving the three in silence. Sybil looks to Thomas, then to Edward, "We are fully capable of keeping you here to treat you until you are better. Thomas, I'm sure we can find a way to change the doctor's mind." Thomas takes a long moment to think of what could be said, but Edward breaks his thought by looking up towards him. Thomas knows those bright eyes can't see him, but Edward's longing for an answer, and longing for some way to stay, are clearly conveyed by that deep stare. Thomas distracts himself from the way the light shown across his face and illuminated his scars. "I don't want to leave, Corporal, not right yet. I don't feel fully recovered yet— a convalescent home won't help me." Thomas looks to Sybil. They both know Edward's outlook on his own life; it isn't good, and if they can get him to stay under their care, they'd know he'd be a healthier man of it.
"Please, one man staying here to recover- or convalesce, as you put it- is not getting in the way of us taking care of other injurred soldiers." Thomas stands opposite of the doctor, only a desk between them but many dense layers of invisible emotions as well. "We have the equipment and time to continue to tend to Edward while caring for others' just as well," Sybil enters the office eagerly to back him up. "I am taken aback by both of your confidence. Nurse Crawley, you may be used to having the social upper-hand, but not here. My decision is final in keeping Ed—" The clicking heels of an adamant, old woman can be heard stomping nearer, alerting Clarkson of his likely misjudgment. "Doctor Clarkson, I do beg your pardon, but have you tended to Lieutenant Courtenay as closely as Corporal Barrow or Nurse Crawley?" Her distinct tone sends exaughst from every hole of the doctor's body. "I do recall Thomas talking with the Lieutenant, reading him his letters, and offering condolences, therefore giving him an accurate assessment of Lieutenant Courtenay's mental health." Sybil looks to Thomas from behind, looking to see even the slightest smile peaking through his cheeks, but Corporal Barrow stays straight-faced. Sybil knows they've won this argument now. "And Nurse Crawley has tended to his physical needs and growth in his condition, so she should be more than qualified- in this circumstance- to claim whether or not Lieutenant Courtenay should continue to be seen here, so if she claims he is still of our assistance, then we shall grant him that." Without much more word from Doctor Clarkson— at least not much anything that Thomas had to listen to due to smirking and showing Sybil his slight excitement— Corporal Barrow met Lieutenant Courtenay at his cot.
"Are you happy to be out of your bandages, Lieutenant Courtenay?" Thomas smiled towards Edward, finding himself repeating natural mannerisms from his service at Downton when it wasn't always necessary, especially right now. "Please, don't call me 'Lieutenant.' I've lost that privilege of title the moment I wasn't able to perform my duties properly anymore." Slouching halfway out from under his sheets, he turned away from the sound of Thomas's voice, imagining the disappointment. "You can call me 'Edward'," the soldier finished. Thomas furrowed his brows, "I told you not to be so hard on yourself. I won't lie to you, and I won't tell you that you'll be able to perform your duties properly again, but I can say that you will- and do- have the opportunity to live a good life." Thomas laid his palms on Edward's knuckles, carefully centered on the soldier's knee as if to plead. "I already told you: don't let other's drag you down. It doesn't matter what they think of ya, or do to ya, so you'll resolve things with your brother and mother—" Thomas saw the muscles in Edward's face start to quiver, "Or else I'll have to go knock some sense into them, and they don't want that!" A chuckle was pulled out of Edward as a tear strolled down his cheek, and Thomas gave a laugh of relief to be able to make Edward smile. "We'll take care of you as long as we can, Edward. We'll make things work. Despite what Clarkson thinks is best for someone he doesn't know."
Sybil smiled from the doorway, watching their interaction, and glad of their soldier's brightened spirits. She'd never seen Thomas so emotional before, but it was an effective way of getting through to Edward. Surprisingly, the doctor listened to Isobel once again; it seems that only Isobel can truly get through to Doctor Clarkson.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 6 months
Thoughts on this proposed law in one of your US states?
Some sex offenders could be surgically castrated under bill | Local Politics | nola.com
I'm not to sure if it's a good idea to give the government so much power, but there is a certain primitive logic to it.
Criminal inclination may have a heritable component, and this effectively stops that process.
Of course, the issue then becomes, what happens when someone is falsely convicted, or takes a plea bargain (many such cases) in order to reduce total prison time so as to meet employment obligations?
Ideally, someone OTHER than the government would do this, but the more I think about it, the more I conclude that unlike with execution (where it's already common for people convicted of certain crimes to be killed by third-party groups, usually other inmates), this isn't something that can easily or safely be done by amateurs. We can trust inmates to kill certain types of criminals, and create non-government incentives for them to do so (commissary donations, pen-pal programmes, etc) but we probably shouldn't do that with delicate invasive surgery.
I don't want to be the one throwing my hands up and saying "there is no good solution" ...but maybe there isn't one?
the potential eugenics angle here manages to make me see even deeper red than i would otherwise. what a positively barbaric bit of legislation, do these torturers and mutilators have no concern for their souls?
this bit was particularly striking:
Though no one on the Judiciary C Committee objected to sending SB 371 to the full Senate, Sen. Mark Abraham, R-Lake Charles, asked whether Barrow was concerned that the punishment could apply to first-time offenders, especially teens.
“We’ve said many times somebody might make that mistake and then years later turn their life around for various reasons,” Abraham said. “It could affect them the rest of their life even though they might have changed.”
“For me, when I think about a child, one time is too many,” Barrow responded.
this is less than a year after a ban transgender care for minors in the same state. castration of teens for positive medical purposes: degeneracy. castration of teens as an exercise in sadistic revenge: righteousness.
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jamesfitzjamesdotcom · 7 months
Victorian Valentines
Every year John Barrow jr received Valentines from his young friend Gilly, an orphan. However the relationship does not seem to have been romantic. She continued to visit him until he died in 1898.
Unchanging Love
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Though absence parts us for a while,
And distance rolls between,
Believe, whoever may revile,
I am still what I have been.
For to my dying day, my heart,
Through every fate will be,
If doom'd till then to mourn apart,
Unchanging still to thee
"I do believe in this", Barrow wrote.
True Affection
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Emblem fair to you I send,
Token of affection true,
Showing where my feelings tend,
Like the magnet unto you
Worlds may pass away and perish,
Every feeling die away,
But the constant love I cherish,
Never, never shall decay
Barrow noted: "No variations of the magnet, I trust?"
[Photos by me of private journals of John Barrow, Weston Library, University of Oxford]
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dovesandmagpies · 2 months
Thoughts rereading the Lord of the Rings for the first time in 10 years, (in no particular order and with no claim to literary expertise beyond reading a lot of books)
When I was younger I would always skip the old forest, Tom Bombadil and the barrow wites, because I didn't think they were necessary to the story, it still makes sense if they're not there and the barrow wites (is that how you spell it?) creeped me out.
Listening to it now, yes they're not essential, but they make the world feel more real. There are evil things that don't have anything to do with Sauron, old man willow is never explained, he's just there, hating people, with no giant evil plan for world domination or anything.
Tom Bombadil makes much sense when you think that the world of middle earth was sung into being, a guy who sings all the time is (a little) less strange in that context.
And the barrow wites are still the creepyist things in the whole story but I appreciate the creepyness more as an adult.
Merry is still my favourite character, I always feel sad when I remember how reduced his character was in the movies
I find the songs more interesting, I only read the Silmarilion once, and that was over 10 years ago (I am currently rereading it, I am not even half way through though) But the fact that it exists, that the history that is referenced or hinted at in the Lord of the rings is actually there all written down some where so you can read it if you want to know more, it is what makes the Lord of the rings one of my favourite books.
It also makes it a very sad story, yes they win, the villain is destroyed, but the time of the elves is finished, all that history that happens in the Silmarillion has come to an end. There is a deep feeling that something important has been lost and no matter what happens it can't be the same as it was.
The kingdoms of Gondor and Anor remind me very much of the Roman empire in the middle ages, (I feel like I may be pointing out the obvious here, but I never noticed this before) All the lands used to be part of one great kingdom/empire, the kingdom broke in to two halves one of the which fell and the other survived but was not as great as it had been. There are ruins and old buildings all over the place that no one at the time of the story could build. Even though Arnor has been gone for hundreds of years people still refer to it as something to be admired. Most people speak the same or similar languages because of it. Numenor conccered most of middle earth and made it this huge kingdom, which then collapsed and split apart in smaller kingdoms none quite as great as the original. There are probably parallels to other things but this is what stood out to me.
I understand why they didn't put the scouring of the Shire in the movie, but I think it is an important part of story. It shows how evil isn't all huge and far away, sometimes it's small, pathetic, sneaky and done or helped by people you know, and that is much scarier.
I forgot about how many side characters they didn't include in the movie, particularly in the Return of the King.
When Gandalf and Pippin get to Gondor is the point I really remembered that Tolkien lived through WWI and 2, there are little things before that (the dead marshes for instance), but in Gondor they're sending all the women and children to the countryside so they won't be caught in the fighting. There's rationing of the food, all the lights must be dimmed or put out so the flying creatures can't see anything. It's something only someone who lived after WWI would write because before that it just wouldn't enter your head that war could be like that.
Going back to the Silmarillion for a moment, theoretically, if the sons of Feanor had broken their oath, would they have turned into ghosts like the ones in the Paths of the Dead? Or are they ghosts because Isildur cursed them?
I occasionally see people criticising Tolkien for making Eowen marry Faramir and give up war, this is generally portrayed as Tolkien being sexist for letting a female character fight and then immediately taking it away and marrying her off to some random guy.
I disagree with this perspective and I don't understand how you could think that after reading Eowen's part of the story.
By the time Eowen faced the Witch King she had no hope, she thought the only thing she had to live for was the hope of a glorious death in battle, she wanted to die. When she survived what she needed was hope that there was more to life than death in battle, that's why her marrying Faramir is a happy ending for her. He is able to help Eowen see that there is more to live for than she believed and she is able to hope for the future instead of wishing to die from despair.
Is it canon that Feanor made the Palatri or was that just an educated guess on Gandalf's part?
Is that giant "as big as an elm tree and walking" the hobbits talk about in the pub in one of the first chapters an entwife? I always assumed it was but I've never seen anyone else mention it.
Is Goldberry a maia? If not what is she?
Gollum is a lot funnier than I remember, he's just such a drama queen. He can't eat lembas? "oh poor Smegol, he must starve! "
The orcs come across as a lot smarter and more like real people than I remember, yes they're evil but they're just doing their jobs, trying to get promoted and not lose their heads. Also they have wages. I don't know why but this was one of the biggest surprises in the whole book, how "civilised" the orcs were. They, and Mordor in general, are really an industrial power fighting a medieval one. Which shouldn't be a surprise considering what Tolkien clearly thought about industry, but I was caught off guard by it.
That's all the thoughts I have, for now at any rate, hopefully it wasn't too confusing.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 4 months
Rereading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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*Has an aggressive flashback to studying Romeo and Juliet as an undergraduate student and fiercely debating whether Friar Laurence's inability to send a goddamn letter made him culpable in the events subsequent to his promise to deliver a letter*
*Takes a deep breath*
*Counts to ten*
So...yeah. Let's just cut to the chase and talk chapter 10, "Strider."
Ok, so after Frodo's disastrous table dance in the last chapter, it's fully time for Strider to explain himself, so everyone heads back to the Hobbits' room. Merry is nowhere to be found, and everyone is INSUFFICIENTLY CONCERNED about this, especially given that they've had Black Riders on their tails since before they left the Shire. But I guess before we worry about the single most competent hobbit in the bunch and Frodo's COUSIN, we have to let Strider speak his piece.
Now, at this point, nobody has heard from Gandalf in months. Nobody has talked to each other. The hobbits know next to freaking nothing because FRICKIN' GILDOR didn't tell them jack, and Tom Bombadil focused on tips for staying alive in the Barrow-Downs. Strider kinda knows the general shape of things but doesn't know our hobbity bois from a short, beardless dwarf. And our hobbity bois are, understandably, feeling kinda suspicious of EVERYONE at this point, as illustrated by this little exchange:
"Maybe Mr. Baggins has an honest reason for leaving his name behind; but if so, I should advise him and his friends to be more careful." "I don't see what interest my name has for anyone in Bree," said Frodo, angrily, "and I have still to learn why it interests you. Mr. Strider may have an honest reason for spying and eavesdropping; but if so, I should advise him to explain it."
and this little declaration from Sam, the only hobbit in the group with an adequate suspicion of people:
"With your leave, Mr. Frodo, I'd say no! This Strider here, he warns and he says take care; and I say yes to that, and let's begin with him. He comes out of the Wild, and I never heard no good of such folk. He knows something, that's plain, and more than I like; but it's no reason why we should let him go leading us out into some dark place far from help, as he puts it."
Literally, Sam was listening and he has come to a deeply reasonable conclusion, especially since protecting Frodo is his entire motivation. I wouldn't be super excited to follow a strange man into the wild either. And I gotta give Sam credit for a healthy level of critical suspicion too, because even after we get Gandalf's letter, he is still asking questions:
...Sam was not daunted, and he still eyed Strider dubiously. "How do we know you are the Strider that Gandalf speaks about?" he demanded. "You never mentioned Gandalf, till this letter came out. You might be a play-acting spy, for all I can see, trying to get us to go with you. You might have done in the real Strider and took his clothes. What have you to say to that?"
Sam, my dearest, darlingest hobbit, I respect your suspicious mind, but I have to ask you this question: What on Eru Iluvatar's little green Middle Earth would you have done if you'd been RIGHT? Sweetie, you are three feet tall and don't know how to use a sword. What was the plan if he looked directly into camera and said, "And I'd have got away with it too, it it weren't for you meddling hobbits"? If the man calling himself Strider wasn't actually Strider, you'd all have been dead like fifteen minutes ago.
And yes, Strider calls this out, but like...what IS it with big folks and getting briefly intimidating and exploding their presence to prove that they're NOT dangerous? Because Gandalf doing it to Bilbo after the party and Strider doing it now would not make me feel better about being a hobbit in a vulnerable moment. But I'm just a girl, what do I know?
At any rate, apparently between Frodo's instincts, Strider's wizard power moment, and Gandalf's letter, Strider passes muster with the hobbits. So the next thing to do is to get everyone on the same page, with everyone going, "So uhh...Gandalf, huh?" and then planning to set out for Weathertop in the morning. All pretty standard stuff for a session zero with a new party member.
At which point Merry windmill slams into the room screeching about seeing the Black Riders in Bree.
Seriously, y'all neglected Merry and honestly I wouldn't blame him for not telling any of you about the Black Riders because seriously, he has been gone for literal hours, missed the whole Strider reveal, and NOBODY WAS WORRIED??? Such disrespect for the hobbit who got your asses clear of the Shire, honestly. And now he's *recovering from the Black Breath* and nobody checks in on how he is. Nob literally found him unconscious on the side of the road and Merry explicitly says he had "an ugly dream" that I am frankly entirely willing to chalk up to minor mental trauma. He's even beating himself up for going to pieces, which is just ridiculous because THE BLACK BREATH. But does anyone ask, "Are you ok, Merry? Can we get you anything, Merry?" NO!!! I get that Sam and Frodo are the A-plot hobbits, but SOMEONE CHECK ON MERRY, FFS.
Especially since he has just brought KEY INTEL that is going to keep everyone alive overnight and allow them to get out of Bree tomorrow without getting absolutely Black Rider-ed. Thanks to Merry, Strider keeps the hobbits out of their room, and Nob (shoutout to Nob, he's been awesome and should get Employee of the Month) sets up fake hobbits in their beds just in case. Once again, Merry has taken action to save all their asses and he is GROSSLY underappreciated.
Which, frankly, is a stark contrast to FREAKING BARLIMAN BUTTERBUR. This man, who Strider explicitly says would *forget his own name if people didn't yell it at him all day every day* gets forgiven with basically no consequences for not passing on a crucial piece of mail that would have saved Frodo and co. significant grief on their trip out of the Shire and would have made coming to Bree significantly less dramatic and noticeable. Gandalf threatened to roast the man and both Frodo and Strider agree that he deserved to be roasted, but DOES ANYONE DO THE ACTUAL ROASTING? NO THEY DO NOT!!! This is unacceptable, and someone needs to address this. Usually I want to be sucked into a book to live in the world and go on adventures or go on a date with a book boyfriend, but if I were to be sucked into Fellowship, my #1 task on my to-do list would be to give some goddamn comeuppance to Barliman Butterbur.
Ok, I'm going to leave it there for now, and we'll check back in next time to see if everyone survives the night with a bunch of Black Riders running wild in Bree.
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Thomas Barrow x Sister!reader - a day off
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Hey, could I request a Thomas Barrow x teen sister reader (I think I have a bit of a obsession, I just love Thomas 😅) set during the last episode of series 4 when the servants all go to the beach. Just wholesome brother sister time, maybe with a dash of Miss Baxter and Jimmy! Maybe Thomas watches as Jimmy and Miss Baxter play with sister reader and Thomas gets a bit jealous, either miss Baxter or mrs Hughes encourage him to relax and spent time with her. the Barrow siblings banter and he ends up chasing sister reader around the beach (I don’t know if it is within character for Thomas but seeing how he interacts with the children a Downton later in the the series I think it can be within reason 😂) - Anon💜
You had never been to the beach before, you didn’t know what to do or where to go, so you hung near the edge unsure about what to do with yourself.
“Come on, you can relax.” Miss Baxter smiled.
Looking up at the woman who had been around your whole life, supporting you and your brother, you frowned a little bit.
“I don’t know what to do…” you mumbled.
You did try to find your older brother, yet he was absolutely no where to be found, so you looked back at her.
Reaching out, you took her hand and shuffled a little closer to her side.
“How about we start simple?” She asked.
“Like what?” You asked.
Miss Baxter smiled down at you and led you further on to the beach, over to where some of the men were playing some sort of ball game.
Standing behind her, you watched them a little unsure.
“Can we go to the water Miss Baxter?” You asked.
“Of course we can.”
She walked over to the waters edge and you knelt down, resting your knees in the sand as you watched it.
Miss Baxter smiled down at you, and she looked over as Jimmy walked over to the pair of you, standing next to you on the other side.
“What are you doing (Y/N)?” Jimmy asked.
“I have never seen the ocean before.” You said.
He laughed a little and crouched down next to you.
“Well, how about instead of staring at the water we see what games there is.”
You looked at him.
“Can Miss Baxter come too?”
“Of course.”
So that’s what the three of you did.
You wondered the beach, learned a few new games, built what were supposed to be sandcastles and ran around laughing and enjoying your time.
Your brother on the other hand was sat on a towel, watching you with a heavy frown on his face.
He hadn’t seen you smile and laugh like that since you were a little kid, and after spending many years away from you, he wasn’t sure how to interacts with you.
He always said or did the wrong thing.
More often than not Thomas said or did something that would upset you, or make you angry with him.
He never meant to, but he had lost touch in how to interact with you. He was so used to how he behaved around all the others, it’s how he automatically behaved around you as well.
And he was accidentally pushing you away.
Sighing a little to himself, he turned his attention back to his book, clenching his jaw a little bit.
“Sitting down here and moping will do you no good Mr Barrow.” Mrs Hughes spoke.
He looked up at her and narrowed his eyes a little bit.
“If you wish to spend time with your sister simply just go and spend time with her.”
“I see no point, she seems rather happy.”
“Yet you do not, sitting here and contemplating what you will do will just waste time.”
“Who are you to tell me what to do?”
Thomas turned away and looked at you.
“Thomas Barrow get up and go and spend some time with your sister.” Mrs Hughes scolded.
He looked up at her slightly shocked.
“If you do not I will send her over here.”
“She is fine.”
“You need to relax, spend some time together and get to know each other again. It has been a long time since you two were together, if you do not go see her now and try make amends you may never get the chance to again.”
With that she walked away.
Thomas sat there looking at his book, trying to focus, concentrate on the words on the page yet he couldn’t.
Because as much as he hated to admit it, he knew that Mrs Hughes was right.
He needed to go and make amends with you, spend time with you while he could before you all headed back to your hectic lives. Before he couldn’t spend any proper time with you for god knows how long.
Setting the book aside, Thomas pushed himself up with a heavy sigh and he made his way over the sand.
You didn’t notice him approaching you, but Jimmy and Miss Baxter did, and they smiled at him before leaving.
You were too busy standing in the waters edge, hands balled into your dress to hold it up so it wouldn’t get went.
You were smiling to yourself, kicking the water slightly, but unwilling to go any further than the ankle depth that you were already at.
“You are allowed to go further in.” Thomas said.
You made a startled noise, you turned around, mindful of your dress and looked at your older brother with a small smile.
“I know, but I cannot swim and have no intention of getting my dress wet.” You explained.
He nodded his head and looked around, clasping his hands behind his back.
“Come with me for some ice cream.” He said.
“What about everybody else?”
“If they want ice cream they can get it themselves. Come along now, before you overheat.”
You smiled a little more as you came out of the water, following him to his towel so you could dry your feet and put your shoes back on.
You got up again and trialed after him, looking around at everything.
“Why have you not played any games Thomas?” You asked.
“I’m far to old to play childish games.”
“Nobody is too old.” You beamed.
Thomas looked at you and he rolled his eyes.
“Even if I were not too old, nobody would like to play games with me, nobody likes me as you know (Y/N).”
You sat down at a table.
“I would play games with you Thomas, we used to play games all the time. I miss those days.”
Thomas took a small breath and he looked at you.
“I do as well, but times change, you know this.”
You shrugged a little at your bright and looked around before turning your attention back to him.
“Will you play a game with me?”
“What game?” He sighed.
You grinned from ear to ear.
“All of them!”
You finished your ice cream, waiting for him to finish before dragging him back to the beach to play games with you.
He didn’t want to, but he didn’t refuse either, he just went along with whatever game you wanted to play.
From building sandcastles, to watching you jump a little bit in the water, water the boys play their football and trying to make him join in.
He went along with whatever you wanted to do, because he just enjoyed spending the time with you.
And anyone that saw the pair of you couldn’t help but smile at you two finally getting along and spending time with one another
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angelswing236 · 1 year
"Don't worry. I got you."
Fictober 2023 challenge
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Category: Fanfiction
‘His Lordship may have made you underbutler, Mr Barrow, but I am still the butler here and I expect a certain standard of behaviour amongst the staff here at all times,’ Mr Carson snapped. ‘I do not consider carousing in a public house to meet that standard.’
‘I was hardly carousing, Mr Carson. I had two pints at most!’ Thomas protested.
‘That… that… is…’ Carson wheezed, suddenly feeling exceedingly dizzy and breathless.
‘Mr Carson? Are you all right?’
Carson clutched his chest, groaning, sweat slicking his face. ‘Indi… indigestion,’ he croaked.
Thomas took one look at the pallor of Carson’s suddenly sweaty face, the blue tinge to his lips, and his medical training kicked in.
‘Let’s get you on the floor,’ he said, taking the butler firmly by the elbow.
‘I think you’re having a heart attack. Let me help you.’ Thomas turned his head and shouted out of the door. ‘Alfred! Alfred!’
He eased Carson onto the floor, his back against the solid wooden front of his desk.
The butler looked up at him, fingers clawing at Thomas’ chest.
‘Don’t worry. I got you,’ Thomas said reassuringly, pressing his fingers to Carson’s neck, feeling the weak, irregular pulse fluttering there. ‘Keep your knees bent, feet on the floor.’
Alfred came skittering into the butler’s pantry, shocked by what he saw. ‘What the…’
‘Dr Clarkson’s upstairs. Fetch him down now. Tell him it’s a suspected heart attack. Send Daisy in with a glass of water and some aspirin,’ Thomas instructed, calmly.
As Alfred disappeared at top speed in a flurry of long, ungainly limbs, Thomas turned back to his patient.
‘You’re all right, Mr Carson. The doctor’s on his way. We’ll have you sorted in a jiffy,’ he said soothingly, slipping back into experienced medical orderly mode.
Daisy ran in with a glass of water, already stirring the aspirin into it. ‘Oh, Mr Carson!’
Thomas took the glass from her, cupping the back of the older man’s head, holding it to his lips. ‘Drink this, Mr Carson. As much as you can.’
Carson slurped at the glass, his eyes fixed on Thomas.
‘That’s it. That’s good. This might earn you a lie-in tomorrow, Mr Carson. You’ll have us all envious of that.’
Mrs Hughes appeared in the doorway, her eyes wide. ‘Charlie?’
‘He’s all right, Mrs Hughes, he’s all right. Dr Clarkson’s on his way down. Come and talk to him. I was just saying how envious we’ll all be when he gets to have a lie-in tomorrow morning. Isn’t that right?’ Thomas said, keeping his voice calm.
Mrs Hughes nodded, sinking to her knees on the other side of Carson, her hand going to his shoulder.
‘We certainly will, yes.’
Two minutes later, Dr Clarkson arrived, medical bag in hand. ‘Thank you, Sergeant Barrow. I’ll take it from here.’
Thomas moved aside for the doctor, catching Mrs Hughes’ eye as he did so.
‘Thank you,’ she mouthed.
He nodded back, surprisingly satisfied to have been able to help.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
I’ve been a big fan of northern fantasy, but especially viking sagas, epics and of course the Eda, are there any games that fall into genres similar to the Volsung Saga or The Epic of Ragnar Lodbrok?
THEME: Viking Sagas
Hello! The following recommendations are either based on Norse Fantasy, Viking Fantasy, or historical Norse societies. Some are more realistic than others, but they run the gamut from light-hearted to serious, and from fantastical to realistic.
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9 Lives to Valhalla, by Gem Room Games.
9 Lives to Valhalla is a frenetic, gleefully ultraviolent ttrpg about death metal viking cats earning their seat in Valhalla through glorious violence and death (all 9 of them)!
Nine lives to stalk the earth! Nine times to die with sword in paw! Nine Lives to Valhalla!
You are a death metal viking cat, earning your place in the drinking halls of Valhalla by casting a wake of blood and carnage upon the blighted earth in each of your 9 lives. Guided personally by DEATH, your merry band will leave a wake of ruin ending only at the hands of a truly worthy foe. Find treasures, trade with merchants, mercenaries, or ghosts, and follow DEATH to seek worthy foes, fiendish traps, and ensure your place among the greatest warriors of catkind!
This is absolutely the kind of game you want to pull out for players who want to dive into violence with glee. This is a death-metal dark-fantasy world, with dangerous opponents, a pantheon of cat gods, tons of character abilities, and GM advice on how to design your own foes on the fly. If you want a game that indulges a party of murder hobos and sends nods to the pop-culture tropes of Vikings, you might want to check out 9 Lives To Valhalla. 
Ydalir, by Loreshaper Games.
Ullr took something that is rightly yours. He reigns in his court, Ýdalir, and that is where he has taken your treasure. It may be your beloved, a prized possession or tool, or even your honor—and you will get it back.
One player will take on the role of GM. They will guide the saga as it unfolds. They will tell players when to roll, and what the threshold is. The other players will make heroes seeking to reclaim what Ullr stole from them—they may be after the same object or several different things, but getting them back is a shared quest. 
This is a one-page bluffing game, in which you don’t have to tell the truth about what you rolled. However, other players can take on the role of Ullr call your bluff. If you lied (or failed), you suffer a Loss, while if you tell the truth, you gain a Focus, which forces other players to tell the truth, or reveal their next roll and gives your player a step up in the future. If you like the idea of characters bluffing their way past a God to get their treasures back, or you just want a small game interacting with Norse mythology, you might want to check out this game.
Runecairn, by Odin’s Beard RPG.
In a long forgotten age, a raging war shattered and devastated the worlds of gods and men. Now green life blooms amidst the ruins of the lost worlds. Wondrous and terrible beings roam the Nine Realms. Civilization stumbles forward, fresh and reaching.
Strap on your bearded axe and linden wood shield, delve into the forsaken barrow and cleanse the draugr within. They will overwhelm you at first so prepare to die. But when you wake up at the bonfire, you'll know what to expect for your next attempt. Parry their attacks, disarm them, and hack them to pieces. Defeat the mad jotunn within and claim the soul remnant they protect.
Death is not the end.
Runecairn: Core Rules is a 44-page, black and white tabletop RPG zine, which includes a Norse fantasy setting, a full game system, and character creation rules for adventures set after Ragnarok destroyed most of the Nine Realms of Norse mythology. Runecairn is based on Cairn by Yochai Gal, with streamlined rules, fast character creation, and gameplay based on exploration and player choice.
This game is designed for the OSR gamer, which means that death is likely and character creation is quick. This game has quite a few supplements that you can pick up to enhance your play, from the Advanced Rules, (solo play, advanced character options), Beneath the Broken Sword (an introductory dungeon crawl), and Wardensaga, a package that contains everything in one place. If you’re interested in a rules-set that is easy to pick up and carries time-honoured nods to the fantasy game, with a Norse Mythology twist, I recommend Runecairn.
Blood Feud, by Bläckfisk Publishing.
Blood Feud is a game about toxic masculinity: certain common attitudes and behaviors among men, that cause great harm to them and to others around them. This is a game about people being nasty to each other and about figuring out why.
It’s also a game about vikings of pre-christian Scandinavia; about honor and blood feuds, courage and brutality, corruption and consequences. Above all it is a game about what it means to be a man in such a world—and what consequences that has on the communities they live in.
The goal of the game is to explore and experience toxic masculinity, while at the same time creating a thoughtful drama about relationships, competition and social consequences. Blood Feud is decidedly different from the other games on this list in that it takes away fantastical elements and focuses on the intertwined relationships of Vikings through a critical lens. It does this using the well-matched Powered by the Apocalypse system, which is a hallmark for dramatic role-players. If you’re interested in Viking life as well as exploring public and private relationships, you should absolutely check this game out.
Iron Edda: World of Metal and Bone, by Tracy Barnett.
Dwarven Destroyers stretch shadows across Midgard, a harbinger of war to come. Brave human warriors abandon clan and holdfast to bond themselves to the bones of dead giants, hoping to push back the Destroyers. Strangers from others lands appear in Midgard, bringing with them strange powers, and tales of war abroad.
Seers advise and divine the future, but the fate of the world is murky and dim. Jarls, thralls, and warriors fight in common cause, shouting “victory or Valhalla!” as they charge into battle. Ragnarok has come, and you live in a World of Metal and Bone. Will you dine with the gods in Valhalla, or dance with the dishonoured dead?
Another Powered by the Apocalypse game, World of Metal and Bone lets you tell stories of brave warriors, Jarls, Bone-bonded giants, and their defense of their holdfasts. Based on Dungeon World, this game includes something that not a lot of PbtA games have - established lore. There’s not much of it, but characters are presented with names that follow the naming conventions of different cultures and locations, and the book begins by presenting the reader with different factions and neighbouring countries.
If you’re interested in this setting but you would like a different system, Iron Edda Accelerated is in the same world but uses the FATE rules system instead. There’s also Iron Edda Reforged, a side-story game about building a neighbourhood community and taking down the gods - although this is less Norse Mythology and more a modern-day post-apocalypse.
Godtale, by Bläckfisk Publishing.
GODTALE is a Norse mythological micro RPG about escapades and rivalries, about cunning and vainglory. You portray aesir, asynjur and vanir of your own creation. Together you go on adventures in the Nine Realms. But each of you wants to be the deity who earns the most glory—not infrequently at the expense of your companions.
Godtale is a game in which you can win or lose. You will compete against your fellow players to gain the most Glory by the end of the game. You do so by overcoming Trials, using your Domains, Attributes, and Possessions to do so. You must also be careful not to accumulate too much Pride, which will negatively affect your dice rolls.
As for the GM, this little game provides a few pieces of advice on running the game, as well as some roll tables to give the characters interesting Trials. Overall, this game is quick, simple, and a great way to establish new myths about the deities of the Norse Pantheon - maybe even a great way to set the stage for another game on this list!
In The Time of Monsters, by Possum Creek Games.
It was the final age — the old world was dying, and the new world was struggling to be born. Every day Ragnarok drew closer, the end of the world heralded by churning seas and raging skies. The gods grew rotten and weak, their greedy eyes sunken into rotting skulls. The great heroes were reduced to grist in the mill of war. It was the final age before all things ended, and as the world-tree rotted, everyone knew … Now is the time of monsters.
In The Time Of Monsters is a tactical combat TTRPG about bloodsoaked heroes vying for power at the end of the world. It's inspired by Norse Mythology, Lancer, and Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. 
Jay Dragon is more known for games that are diceless or centred on storytelling, but this game seems to be a divergence from this pattern. This is meant to be tactical, it’s meant to be combat-focused, and it carries the familiar character elements of stats, special abilities, and inventory. That being said, characters will also answer questions about where they got their weapons and magic items and what they want in regards to the end of the world. 
If you're looking to tell dramatic fables about tragic warriors on a grid while rolling dice and getting big numbers, this is the game for you. If you’re looking for an adventure to drop into this game, you can check out Ullr’s Revenge, a third-party supplement written by Ripley Caldwell.
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ash-and-books · 17 days
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Rating: 2/5
Book Blurb:
“The queer young adult story that I’ve been desperately craving for years!” —Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, New York Times bestselling author of Ace of Spades and Where Sleeping Girls Lie
In this YA contemporary fantasy, the teen son of the local mortician accidentally reanimates the dead body of the boy he had more than friendly feelings for, but can he keep him alive for good before their time runs out? Perfect for fans of Cemetery Boys and The Taking of Jake Livingston! 
When you grow up in a funeral home, death is just another part of life. But for sixteen-year-old Jaxon Santiago-Noble, it’s also part of his family’s legacy. Most dead bodies in the town of Jacob’s Barrow wind up at Jaxon’s house; his mom is the local mortician, after all. He doesn’t usually pay them much mind, but when Christian Reyes is brought in after a car accident, Jaxon’s world is turned upside down.
There are a lot of things Jaxon wishes he could have said to his once best friend and first crush. When he accidentally resurrects Christian, Jaxon might finally have that chance. But the more he learns about his newfound necromancy, the more he grasps that Christian’s running on borrowed time—and it's almost out.
As he navigates dark, mysterious magics and family secrets, Jaxon realizes that stepping into an inherited power may also mean opening up old family wounds if he wants to keep the boy he may be falling for alive for good.
When the son of the local mortician accidentally brings back his dead ex best friend/crush, he finds that his life is connected with him... and that they'll have to find a way to figure it out before he takes the life out of him. Jaxon is a sixteen-year old boy who grew up in a funeral home, he's the son of a mortician, and he's used to death... until he finds the dead body of his ex best friend/crush Christian Reyes right on the table. Christian died in a car accident and that was before Jaxon was able to make up with him, let alone confess his feelings. Yet when Jaxon visits the body and accidentally reanimates Christian...he discovers that Christian's life is connected to his own and that he's taking from it. It also doesn't help that Christian is determined to get back into Jaxon's good graces, making it harder and harder for Jaxon to even think about letting him go. Jaxon has to figure out what inherited abilities he has and how he can keep Christian alive without killing himself. This book had an interesting premise and a simple necromancy system however I just didn't really care all that much for the characters or the relationship between Jaxon and Christian. The ending wraps up and I am left feeling "meh" about it all. It just felt like a miss for me and the plot just felt bland. The characters don't really connect with me and I really wish that they had. Their relationship just didn't feel all that well fleshed out and I'm just happy to have reached the end of the book. I would say if you like queer YA Romances and second chances then I'd give this one a go.
Release Date: September 10,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and HarperCollins Children's Books | HarperCollins for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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bookofshitposts · 2 years
Anarchists stick together. Well, except when we get mad at one another over small details.
Margaret Killjoy, The Barrow Will Send What it May
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tolkienhorrorweek · 27 days
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Tolkien Horror Week?
Tolkien Horror Week is a week-long event to celebrate all the spooky and creepy bits of Tolkien's writing—both the things he tells us explicitly and the things he leaves up to our imaginations.
When is Tolkien Horror Week, and where is it happening?
Tolkien Horror Week will be hosted on this blog from October 27 – November 2, 2024. You can also post to our AO3 collection.
I think I've seen this event before.
Terrifying Tolkien Week ran until 2019. This is a new event run by a new mod but still with the goal of celebrating all things spooky and creepy in Tolkien's work.
Who's modding this?
@emyn-arnens but likes will come from her main blog @starsuncounted.
How can I participate?
You can participate by creating fanfic, fanart, edits, gifs, rec lists, playlists, headcanons—you name it. If you can make it spooky, we'll love it.
Given the nature of this event, we ask that you tag any trigger or content warnings applicable to your work. For more information on this, see the "How do I tag trigger/content warnings?" section below.
To have your work shared on this blog, mention @tolkienhorrorweek in the body of your post and include the tags #tolkienhorrorweek and #tolkienhorrorweek2024 in the first ten 10 tags.
You may also submit a post to this blog.
How can I make sure you'll share my work?
See the answer above.
Your post should be reblogged within 24-48 hours. If you see a like on your post from @starsuncounted (the mod's main blog), your post is probably in the queue. If it’s been 24 hours and you don’t see a like and your post hasn’t been reblogged, feel free to message or send an ask to this blog. Tumblr’s tagging can be wonky, to say the least.
What counts as horror?
That's up to your discretion! We'll take all kinds of spooky, spine-tingling creations—whether that's pure horror, gothic/gothic horror, dark fairytale, or any other kind of dark interpretation of Tolkien's work.
Maybe you want to write hobbits telling shiver-inducing ghost stories, or Frodo having an even worse time in Mordor (physically or mentally)? That's great! Want to lean hard into the torture of thralls in Angband? Right up our ally. Want to leave the gore implied? Perfect. Want to delve in the history of the Barrow-downs? Tell us more! Want to make an edit or gifset of all your favorite creepy Middle-earth locations? We want to see it. Want to create a playlist for [insert your favorite Elf]'s time in Angband, or a soundtrack for Sauron's time in Númenor? Awesome! Want to draw the transformation of Elves into Orcs? You get the idea.
Do I have to participate every day?
Nope! Participate as much or as little as you want, whether that's creating your own works or engaging with others' works and cheering on creators.
Do I have to follow the prompts?
Nope! The prompts are there to inspire, not to restrict. All Tolkien horror content is welcome, regardless of whether or not it follows the prompts.
Additionally, prompts can be combined (whether from the same day or different days), so don't feel restricted by the set of prompts for each day.
Does what I share have to be completed?
Nope! Don't worry about meeting a certain word count or only sharing completed pieces—we'll happily take short posts, drabbles, drafts, sketches, WIPs, etc. Feel free to update or promo ongoing Tolkien horror WIPs or re-share older Tolkien horror works, too.
Is there an AO3 collection for this event?
Yep! You can find the AO3 collection here.
Can I focus my fanwork on my OC(s)?
Absolutely! This is an OC-friendly event.
Can I post NSFW works?
NSFW works are welcome as long as the Tumblr post itself is SFW (or the NSFW content is placed below a read more) and the content is appropriately tagged. The easiest way to share would be to post your piece to the AO3 collection and create an SFW promo post for Tumblr.
Can I use generative AI to make something for this event?
No. Original, handmade work only, please. We want to see what you come up with!
How do I tag trigger/content warnings?
Here is a list of common trigger/content warnings.
For Tumblr, trigger/content warning tags typically follow either of these forms: #tw [subject] #cw [subject] or #[subject] tw #[subject] cw. Pick one and stick with it so your followers know what tags to block if they need to.
What if I don’t finish my fanwork in time for the event?
Feel free to post what you have and tag the event anyway—in-progress works are welcome!
Alternatively, tag the blog whenever you are finished and ready to post it—we're happy to promote Tolkien horror works year-round!
I'm not up to creating something, but I still want to participate.
Awesome! Reblog creations you love and let their creators know how much you enjoyed (or were creeped out by) their work. Or you can head over to AO3 and leave kudos and comments on fics that gave you the shivers. Or, if you really want to share the love, you can create a rec list of your favorite pieces/creators, or drop a note in their inbox telling them how much you appreciated their work.
Are there any rules?
Just a few. Please be a respectful and positive community member! Here's what that involves:
Do not repost content by other creators without their explicit permission. Please reblog instead to support their work.
Respect other people’s headcanons and interpretations, even if you don’t share them.
Content and creators espousing any form of negativity, bigotry, aggression, or discrimination against others will not be tolerated.
Disrespecting these rules will lead to being blocked from the event.
I have another question.
You can drop it in the ask box.
The event info page is accessible here.
This FAQ has been adapted from @nolofinweanweek run by @melestasflight and @tolkiengenweek run by @arofili.
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comidyye · 10 months
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HAIII HI IM ASH !!! im a TEENAGE brain surgeon FANARTIST whoo Also likes to make SH🥩Tposts and Edits here an theRRe !!!
they / He ★ minor ★ neurodivergent ★ excluusivly english Srry!!!
I USUALLY ONLLY REALY POST stuff about my CURENT HYPERFIXATION !!! My twitter IS pretty Dead rn And On tiktok (SAme @) I uslly post edits / memes!! CONTENT ⚠️ : ART MAY INCLUDE (TAGGED) GORE /BODY HORROR /BLOOD /EYESTRAIN .. anything suggestive is highly UNlikely However
ART: #doodle ★ RANDOM: #rambljngs
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HERESSZ SOME OF my Strong Recent / curent fixations! ALSO : WHen i Fixate on a series i Usually have one character Im Obseszed w/.. I wil List them 2 !
★ resident evil ( rebecca, leon, hunk, stars wesker) ★ slashers/slasher adjacent (martin (77), billy lenz, leslie vernon, henry barrow)
★ spooky month ( bob / dexter) ★ yu-gi-oh [ s0 & dm ] ( ryou / s0 yami yugi) {reoccurring} ★ fnaf ( glitchtrap, vanny, funtimes, springbonnie) {reoccurring} ★ wii deleted you ( henry morris) {short} ★ kirby ( marx) {reoccurring} ★ animatronics - All kinds!! halloween/scary, old kids bands, theme parks ( rockafire explosion, circus playhouse band) ★ smile for me ( dr habit) ★ childs play franchise [ 1-2, 7] ★ super paper mario ( dimentio) {reoccurring} ★ welcome home - eeh... ( wally / eddie) ★ madness combat ( tricky)
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CLOWNS ARE PROALY MY BIGEST SPECIAL INTEREST! I KEEP A RUNNING LIST OF ALL THE FICTIONAL CLOWNS I KNOW. i have a google doc with MOST of them However the list is originally made/updated in Discord so the doc is likely an inaccurate count of the clowns. LAST CLOWN COUNT TOTAL: 178 CLOWN DOC If you know a clown not on the list send me their name thru The ask box Please! Fictional clowns from established series only - no ocs or anything !
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IN GENERAL : obscure, surreal, crreepy stuf !!! ... I <3 HORROR. ONE OF MY favorite things ever is cannibalism !!! Its super neat how versatile it is in media fiction-wise, and i like learning history and stuff around it too. i only think its a really cool thing in fiction though, dont.. im not weird <3
GAMEZ : DAY SHIFT AT FREDDYS(!), rhythm heaven, Klonoa, NiGHTS, um jammer lammy, splatoon, Omori, Balan wonderworld, undertale, deltarune, needy streamer overload, dropsy, FAITH: the unholy trinity, league of legends(ONLY FOR FIDDLESTICKS AS A CHARACTTR-I DONT PLAY), killer frequency, happy hills homicide, 1996 resident evil
SHOWS/SERIES : dont hug me im scared, the walten files, BUGBO, Ena, My little pony, kaiba(2008), tokyo mew mew, devilman ovas, milky way & the galaxy girls, the amazing digital circus, bee & puppycat, over the garden wall, infinity train, garfield & friends, gloomy bear, tokyo mew mew, wordgirl! MOVIES/MUSICALS: ride the cyclone, mean girls(musical), rocky horror picture show, trick r treat, re-animator, killer klowns from outer space, inu-oh, benny loves you, day of the dead(for bub), house of 1000 corpses, behind the mask: the rise of Leslie vernon, black christmas (1974), martin (1977), texas chainsaw franchise + chucky franchise CONTENT CREATORS: MARRKIPLIIER, JERMA! failboat, Dougdoug, dead meat, wicked masters, dawko, ANDY LAND, Itemlabel, CHRBRG, j-gems, lumpy touch, matt rose, planet clue, RTGAME, ooftroop, astralspiff, vernias MUSIC ARTISTS: WILL WOOD & LEMON DEMON . ... Chonny Jash, tally hall, CREATURE FEATURE, ROB ZOMBIE, KMFDM, icp, that handsome devil, oingo boingo, nero's day at disneyland, rusty cage, maretu, the stupendium, MSI(....Eeh..), duran duran, mcr, american murder song, s3rl, stolen babies(!). i am a hereditary connoisseur of 80s new wave/alt
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DNI UHHH JUST DONT BE A BIGOT?!?! + FUCK PROSHIPPERS .. Dont piss on people 4 Their Interests n OH Sfw interactions Only Please SO nsfw dni Thannkz.. Just puting that out there Just in case.
BOUNDARIES:? Just Use common SEnse i would Think !! i dont think im crazy chronically online - school comes First Unfortunately . But if yurr that inntreseted in becoming Friends juuss lemme know howevrr You want .. Even with my own friedns I don't talk a lot however so dont expect full convos from me All the Time
ASK BOX..? anything related to me Just dump in there !! questions r whatevaa ... art requests about my fandoms r on the table, but dont expect me to do them!! low chance but still, shoot your shot COMMISIONS? if yur interested Ask and im sure we can work something out somehow : o)))! i do have a cashapp, but i dont have set pricing and i wont accept all requests SHIPS/OCS N SHIT? i generally dont really have any ocs n dont Really selfship unless like Platonic - I'm not a big shipper but may have a rarepair here and there - Real chill shit REPOSTS/USING ART? tell me if Yoou want to repost something somewherer - even if i do give the thumbs up Credit is required!!!! Feel free 2 use my stuff as a pfp just don't claim it as Your own -- Give Credit if someone Asks . Bare minimum Stuff
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WELL thank You 4 Coming By < 3333333 SEE U AROUND!!!!!!!1
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