#The Blurry Men
unearthmyburiedheart · 2 months
Blur at the Fox Theater (Pomona, CA) 🇺🇸❤️ // Spent an incredible evening with The Blurry Men! Second row from the barrier and I had a brilliant view of Graham! It is always an enormous privilege to see him perform. Watching him play is a deeply emotional, overwhelming, and intense experience. He is my hero. Innovative experimental guitar wizard man! ❤️
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snailtaco · 4 months
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Hey, y’all. Was feeling a lil bit silly and goofy so now this exists :)
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"Although important discontinuities separate lesbian butch experience and female-to-male transsexual experience, there are also significant points of connection. Some butches are psychologically indistinguishable from female-to-male transsexuals, except for the identities they choose and the extent to which they are willing or able to alter their bodies. Many FTM's live as butches before adopting transsexual or male identities. Some individuals explore each identity before choosing one that is more meaningful for them, and others use both categories to interpret and organize their experience. The boundaries between the categories of butch and transsexual are permeable."
-"Of Catamites and Kings: Reflections on butch, gender, and boundaries" by Gayle Rubin, The Persistent Desire, (Joan Nestle) (1992)
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ffverr · 2 months
On the discourse (that somehow still exists) of why the X-Men are feared and hated but other genetically modified heroes like the Fantastic Four or some of the Avengers aren't :
I still see this argument online that some people, usually not X-Men fans, pull out in a sort of gotcha moment. To kind of stick it to Marvel for being unrealistic or to vouch for the fearing of other heroes in the marvel universe to tip the scales.
There are two points for the "why is *random x-men* oppressed and not *random marvel hero*" discourse that people are always intentionally missing.
One- A base of mutant fear and repression is the argument that "it could happen to your children too". It could happen to ANYONE, from birth, and there is nothing you can do about it. No being careful of scientific experiences can stop your close ones from becoming a mutant. (Kind of like people are okay with gay celebrities as long as they're doing their thing from afar but it's a threat when it comes to their children/Friends/family being gay)
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They layed it on thick with this amazing advertisment back in the day: "do you know what your children are"??? I mean come on it's not rocket science
Fun fact, the kid labeled "mutie" here is actually Franklin Richards, son of Mister Fantastic and Invisible woman. He used to be a mutant and this goes to show how somehow johnny storm can be beloved but his super powered nephew doesn't get the same treatment.
Two- Spider-Man, the F4, the Avengers etc... All these heros who get some powers by some incident. They're supposed to be rare and few in between. The fear of mutants mainly comes from the fact that they started popping up in the MILLIONS. A mutant isn't necessarly seen as an honorable individual that acquires powers and realises they have the responsibility to use it for good. To humans, they're millions of people (or at least hundreds of thousands) that are, just by existing, threatening the status quo of humanity. They are changing the natural dominance of humans for good.
So of course humans love the F4 (usually). Because they're not scared to be replaced by them in their day to day life, however they are scared to be rendered obsolete by mutants. When humans look at the F4 they see brave selfless HUMAN heroes. They relate to them, they identify with them. They're a sweet family dedicated to the world's safety. In contrast, the mutants represent a world changing threat that truly shifts the balance. And that's not comfy at all no matter how cute or harmless the power is.
This difference can even cause very understandable tension in between the X-men and other super powered groups:
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In short, the mutant moral panic comes from the fact that for exemple:
-humans are afraid to loose their jobs to super powered level talents.
-humans are scared from groups of super powered people that could threaten their safety.
-Governments are scared of these groups being the equivalent of entire armies concentrated in a single individual.
- They're scared that their children could turn into something unimaginable once they hit puberty
-And some just hate the idea of being manipulated by a random telepath on the street without ever knowing.
In contrast of Spider-Man, humans feel like nature is done with homo sapiens and THAT'S what brings hate and fear.
That's why everytime a mutant hate crime happens in the comics, it's always accompanied by some human saying "y'think you're better than us weirdo".
+ Contrary to the avengers, mutants also claim a culture, a shared history and common experiences between thousands. This binds them together in a way they doesn't necessarly make them identify with humans. And this is overall irritating and scary to humans.
Also, religious fear-mongering of mutants is rampant!!! It does a ton to set appart the mutants from the scientifically modified heros of the marvel universe.
In the end, one of the best comic to portray this whole thing is still God loves man Kills.
It depicts a villain, Striker, that gains popularity by spreading religious propaganda to justify mutant hate. In an emotional and shocking twist, we come to find that Striker has had a mutant son, that he killed with his own hand because he was a "monster".
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You can understand how Captain America, with his super body, doesn't really evoke the same existential dread. Bigotry isn't rational, but also, a shit ton of things complicate the mutant's inclusion into society that doesn't necessarly parallel perfectly with real world struggles so that's also to take into consideration.
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sisterslvt · 3 months
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*desperate for pussy and/or dick voice* look at my (unfinished) tattoo everyone ✨
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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T-shirt seen while volunteering at a thrift shop in Texas 2 years ago
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thevulturesquadron · 3 months
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The breeze is gone...
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itsgoddesspeach · 6 days
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You just can’t help yourself can you? Such a pathetic little loser still pumping in your hand to … words and blurs? You’re ridiculous
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lovelydommommy · 11 months
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My POV as I see you sitting there waiting for Mommy to play with you.
Be a good puppy for me and stay still as I move my legs open for you to see and not taste.
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blurry-eyes4u · 3 months
I've fallen in love of The thickness of those lenses
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x2whammy · 10 months
i cannot believe that sk8 the infinity invented canadians
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I'm so sorry
But in the alternate timeline where Bruce dies in the alley, Martha becomes the joker and Thomas becomes Batman... what if the joker-ication process of Martha is a slow thing. They all mourn the loss of Bruce in their own ways while blaming themselves. Alfred blaming himself for not being there to fight the dude off before anything happens to anyone. Thomas blaming himself for taking Bruce to the theatre. Martha blaming herself for suggesting a nice walk home.
Overtime Martha gets more confrontational towards the two, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR TAKING US TO THE STUPID SHOW! YOU LAZED ABOUT WHILE MY BABY WAS DYING!"
The words getting more harsh until Alfred confronts her in the kitchen saying it's no one's fault and they should work on comforting each other instead of tearing each other apart.
Martha laughs and slowly the laugh gets more psychotic before she takes the knife she was using and stabs him with it.
Thomas finds Martha laughing over Alfred's body, his blood smeared over her face in the shape of a bloody smile and he screams.
They're both broken.
Hi!! Thank you for the ask, first of all. Sadly, everything that has to do with the joker in a story-focused way (aka where I have to put a lot of energy into) Is a bore hazard for me.
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chanstopher · 7 months
jype you are a multi billion dollar company put out 4k videos my GOD
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curlytemple · 9 days
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3 tickets t- oh! sorry, 4 tickets to challengers, please?
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dtennantfashion · 9 days
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David is potentially wearing this Paul Smith Button Down ($239) in his Single Ladies Dance Video
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