#The Clumsy Witch Tarot
the-clumsywitchtarot · 4 months
Pick-a-Card Reading: What Will Your Life be Like with Your Future Spouse?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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5 of Cups (Reversed)
6 of Pentacles
5 of Wands (Reversed)
9 of Cups (Reversed)
2 of Pentacles (Reversed)
With the five of cups in reverse, the six of pentacles, and the five of wands in reverse I feel like you and your future spouse will end up working together in a field that helps people to overcome mental health challenges. So you two could be social workers, therapists, or something similar. But with the nine of cups and two of pentacles in reverse I see a propensity towards you two becoming unfulfilled in your marriage and being hyper focused on your work. This is something to watch out for but if you too try to maintain a balance between your work and your marriage, I think you guys will be fine. I don't see this being a whirlwind romance but rather a practical union between two people that know what they want out of life.
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Knight of Pentacles
Knight of Swords
3 of Wands (Reversed)
8 of Pentacles (Reversed)
7 of Pentacles
"Effortless" is what I am hearing for you and your future spouses life together, I feel like this pile has been waiting for their happily ever after for what feels like a while. And when you express what you want in a relationship people might tell you that kind of marriage doesn't exist in real life but I have a feeling what some people view as unrealistic will be your reality. I can see you two loving to be with each other and never needing a break from one another. I feel like you two will love each other's company so much that you'll even miss each other if one of you goes to the grocery store down the street and the other is at home. I also see money flowing to you guys easily, I don't think you'll be millionaires but I don't think money will ever be an issue.
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Page of Pentacles
King of Swords
9 of Swords
Queen of Swords (Reversed)
Knight of Wands (Reversed)
I feel like you two trigger each other but in a good way, not in a toxic way. You guys bring up each other's shadow but in a soothing way if that makes any sense, like you'll point something out to your future spouse or vice versa but you guys help each other through it. As opposed to some marriages where it's like you have issues, now fix them on your own. You guys will help each other to become your best selves in a loving gentle way. For some reason I'm really picking up on kids with this pile, if you choose to have them they will be so well adjusted, loved, and capable of understanding themselves. I see you guys being amazing parents, so much so that if you had strained relationships with your own parents it will bring you closer to them. Because by watching you as parents they will recognize their own parenting faults.
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the best to you,
Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitch · 4 months
I just created a blog exclusively for pick-a-card readings, I will be posting my first reading over there soon!
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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SOmetimes the #cardoftheday is a smarty pants... I drew #fish from the #liminalspirits#oracle I had just gotten out of the shower when I drew this. I had actually fallen in the tub and was/am concerned as I already have mobility issues. Why does that make this card a smart ass...
This card talks about conserving energy, going with the flow and.. knowing where you are in space. None of those things were present in the tumble. And i think that is funny. I am okay but I don't think the cards think so...
For the tumblr loves: I really don't have much to add to this. I can see places that this would apply to my life outside of the fall. But at the same time, I recognize the humor in this. I have read the author of the decks books and I am pretty sure they have a sense of humor similar to how I see this. Sometimes, it truly is best just to let the cards be silly. It refreshes us both.
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sixthwater · 2 years
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Hello everyone! The year is finally coming to a close. I hope everyone is being safe during the holidays and you're feeling loved and cared for. Today we are going to do a rewind and see what this year has been like for you, what you've learned, what you've overcome, and who you are now at the end of it all.
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: The Rider-Waite, Modern Witch, Tarot Familiars, Woodland Wardens, Abandoned Oracle, Seed & Sickle, Astrological Oracle
Disclaimer | Pinned | Paid Readings
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Pile One
2022 Review: The Lovers Rx, VII of Cups, Wheel of Fortune (II of Cups, V of Swords Rx, IV of Cups)
Through the year you might have felt somewhat clumsy, possibly nearing the end of it, as well as starting to clam up somewhat. Some of the cards didn’t want to come out and when they did, I struggled to catch them or I seemed to have butter fingers for no reason, like a little bit of anxious energy.  There was a loss of either a partner for some, and for others it was a friend or a social circle. The partner feels more loose, like it was an idea or you both were never fully labeled before it fell apart. As for the friend group, there could be a few things here. Either an issue caused some discomfort so you left or you ended up being cast out from this group, you never could really feel comfortable with the friends that you sought out, or it was finally time to shed an old circle you’ve been hanging on to for sentimental or security reasons. Overall there’s a feeling of an idealized relationship that got shattered (Unwanted by Avril Lavigne is playing). Throughout the year you may have gotten opportunities to meet other people or get involved with other events that could lead to relationships that aligned with you but you were still recovering from this former blow, or you were so focused on what you wanted in the first place, that you saw the first con and you would rather miss out on it completely. There was a bit of pickiness and stubbornness when the Seven of Cups was being pulled with it’s clarifier so it felt very much like the “take it or leave it” energy. Hopes & Dreams by Caskets is playing now, it feels like a very muted Tower moment, more like things being ripped from you but it’s not like they weren’t meant for you, but it’s the theme of people coming into your life to teach you things and sometimes aren’t meant to stay forever.
Who Are You Now: IX of Swords Rx, The Tower, The Moon, The Vulture and Asphodel Rx, The Cat and Lavender Rx
Currently you’re attempting to be in recovery mode, but there are small episodes where something will trigger a memory or emotion, resulting in you being pissed or depressed over what happened. Which is completely normal, it’s healthier to feel these things out instead of pushing them down since it only makes it worse. There’s a bit of fear and pain in your mental state right now. You are shutting yourself off from truly opening up to new people. You may be interacting with others but you’re not letting them get to know you. There’s a rabbit on The Moon card and you know how they react to people even if they’re yards away from them? That’s how it feels. The Tower has an Owl on it so you’re also taking this as a lesson learned, but right now it feels a bit more of you protecting yourself too much so that absolutely nothing can hurt you. You might have had a delayed reaction to these events or it’s dragging along as you’re trying to focus on better days, but the shadows are still following you very closely. It’s absolutely normal to be filled with anger, grief, fear, and emptiness over these events for a good amount of time, but do not forget to reach out to someone. If you still have other close friends, once you’re comfortable, see if you can work something out to be introduced to a new friend group or people in small doses. Hang out with family if you have good relations with them. If you have good weather where you are, go see if there’s anything free to do in your neighborhood; it’s a good way to get out and ‘engage’ with people but at your own comfort while doing something you’d want to do. The main goal here is to remind yourself that you aren’t the problem, the world isn’t scary, and you can recover from this. You are someone worthy of loving and it’s okay to let people in again, in due time.
What Have You Overcome: The Kiss Rx
Repetition of what I said in the first section lol. The card shows a mummy pecking a lady’s hand, therefore spreading germs and causing issues. In reverse this means cleansing and purification. So while this clearly wasn’t done on purpose, you basically had some spring cleaning done to make way for better people to come into your life. Frequency by iyla is playing right now. When you recover, having a review of how this relationship would or has affected your life might have you feeling pretty okay that it worked it’s magic and you both went different ways.
What Have You Learned: Moonwort Rx, Rose, Jupiter, Pisces
Are you guys creative or really need to express yourselves in some way? I know that’s a basic human quality but all this circles back into each other. It might be a bit different in particular for some of you but there’s a main message of learning about yourself and what you really need, going within yourself, and taking your emotions to turn it into a creation of some kind. Whether that’s to fuel your motivation to finish menial tasks at work or actual art, you’re taking this grief and trying to not just let it be grief. That’s not what you want it to be. This section gave me the first happy song which is about enjoying your earnings and celebrating in the most obnoxious way possible the good ol LMFAO way (who also had a falling out). This falling out or loss made you look inwards and realize what you wanted, maybe to a perfectionist degree, but you don’t want ‘scraps’ so to say. It may have helped figure out a hobby you enjoy for some that helped you take your mind off things. Overall there’s a lesson of inner recognition, treating yourself in a nurturing way and not letting yourself be still, but not to a harmful degree.
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Pile Two
2022 Review: X of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, Knight of Pentacles (The Star, Page of Cups Rx, IV of Wands Rx)
This year might have been very slow paced for some or most of you. Maybe not literally, but it felt very heavy or like it dragged on when you wanted it to be over – like tasks or chores never stopped coming. It also feels like either a year focused on Saturn or like a fourth house profection year but that’s getting pretty specific. Either way, it was focused on family: looking into your ancestry, healing relationships with some, figuring out your identity, or being able to be near loved ones to heal a part of you. There’s a specific feeling of looking into your family tree and asking your family about your lineage to help work through who you are, so take that if it resonates. Overall, it’s that moments or times spent with loved ones helped clear up inner issues. Doesn’t have to be physical either, I don’t see many swords but it can also just be phone conversations as well. It reminds me of get-togethers during the holidays with large family gatherings that include extended relatives (I am doing this right before Christmas). For those that have a test relationship, it feels like over the year it was a slow path to working through things to getting that joyous relationship that you wanted to have. Both things are paired with coming into yourself and figuring out who you want to be seen as. Sometimes you feel a little naive or sensitive, or you can react to outside stimuli in that way. You’re working towards being a more confident and whole self as you work through these problems either from childhood or just issues related to family in general.
Who Are You Now: Ace of Swords, The Star Rx, Knight of Cups, The Qual and Gooseberry, The Otter and Cattail Rx
Hmm you’re entering a new phase of your life but you don’t think you can handle it — for some of you if not most. Oh God by MOTHICA is playing but it’s the anxiety that I’m picking up on. That feeling of getting in front of the door or taking the plunge but while you’re jumping you start getting in your head and you want to take it all back. You have learned a lot over the past year; whether that’s about yourself, your family, or about life in general. You’ve had a lot of breakthroughs and you’re sharper than you started the year off, and that Page turned into a Knight. You’re being a bit easier on yourself and you have a better grasp on your emotional world than when you started the year off. It’s like when you’re getting used to riding a bike and you have to figure out the balance and speed so you can ride it — you’re getting the gist of it now. However the interesting thing here is that with The Star and the Knight of Cups, there’s three animals on each card. In The Star, only one of the cats is looking towards us whilst in the KoC all three owls hold piercing stares and they’ve huddled together now. For some this could represent two other people you’ve grown closer to throughout the year and there’s a protective energy or reliance that’s sprouted. For others this is a sign of you starting off feeling slightly on edge and becoming increasingly anxious as the year ends for whatever this incoming event is. You feel like you can’t handle the change but you’ve gained experience for a reason; learn to trust yourself because you can do it, relax just a bit and get out of your head because all that over-thinking might actually be the cause of your undoing.
What Have You Overcome: The Asylum Rx, The Shadow Rx
I tried to only take one for this section but they wanted me to take two lol. So yeah, a lot of looking within this year, which wasn’t pleasant. This reminds me of when people usually get told they’re just not trying hard enough since the rest of the family is ‘just fine’, only to find out that they Are in fact neurodivergent. It could also be years of being gaslit only to find out that you weren’t making everything up after all and someone finally remembered your story or you were able to find evidence of what you were talking about. This combination speaks to searching for answers about issues relating to yourself so you can find peace and I hope you’ve at least found the beginning of it. These problems are a part of you, yes, but they do not make up your entire identity.
What Have You Learned: Ivy Rx, Buttercup Rx, Uranus, Sol
I think these are lessons you’re currently in the process of working through or you just came out of. It’s all about working with the universe and letting them hand you your rewards when they know it’s right for you. They’re bringing back that anxious and nervous energy that was spoken of earlier, but these cards are laid in the resting position, so it’s more a lesson of waiting and receiving instead of going out to get it. Also wanting to rest your mind, again. We don’t (and probably never will) understand what the universe has for us, especially how our guides work. They deliver messages to us in ways that we understand, but we aren’t always receptive, especially if it’s not what we want to hear at that moment. So for you, it’s about coming to terms with just…being chill with it’s erratic and unusual nature of it all. There’s also a bit of being okay with not being okay. Not fitting — I’m sorry there is so much ruckus going on outside while I’m writing this piece and it’s so annoying but I can’t help but feel like this fits Right in with your energy / your pile. Anyway, not fitting the bill of what would be considered “a regular Joe”, and that’s okay. Owning who you are, flaws and all, is something that you’ve learned or will learn by the middle of January I feel? Good shit. Give a quick listen to feelings are fatal by mxmtoon if you want to!
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Pile Three
2022 Review: V of Cups, The Hierophant Rx, The Devil (IX of Pentacles, King of Wands Rx, Wheel of Fortune)
Okay, I had to pull one more card in general because I felt like this message was way too specific for a general pick a card, but I got the Queen of Swords. I will go through the louder message first and then pick up all the smaller ones that shot through. Loudest message: I’m getting that someone you liked has become committed to someone else, and alternatively for others it’s someone that won’t fully commit or leave your life? Okay, Burn by BANKS…As I was saying, there’s this hot and cold energy for some which is rubbing you the wrong way. For others, you have to swallow a bitter pill, possibly because you have to constantly see or interact with this person. Now for the other messages, I can see someone getting distracted by new minor obsessions or addictions. Nothing intense, maybe like gacha games or pacs or kpop or stuff like that. It got to the point though of possibly interfering with your work and you got in trouble for it. It might have caused someone to keep watch on you, a loss of a possible promotion, or not getting that raise you really wanted — but it could’ve been way worse is what I keep getting for some reason. For some it’s an arranged love situation?? God for a Day by Art of Dying is playing. I’m getting a bit blocked from picking up the entire message, which I’m not surprised because it feels a bit sensitive and personal right now. For both groups this Devil energy is the strongest because that’s causing the focus on the three fallen cups. There’s nothing wrong with grieving but it might be blocking any action you can be taking to fight back or help yourself. This pile is a straight mixed bag.
Who Are You Now: King of Wands Rx, Ace of Wands Rx, Six of Swords Rx, The Raccoon and Sycamore, The Lizard and Pitcher Plant
Bulletproof by Kerli. There’s a big feeling of ‘what-ifs’ and being very…dull. It reminds me of The Star in reverse. The King of Wands in reverse usually is someone very obnoxious and way too proud but with this imagery it gives off the feeling of someone imagining that persona and gives a more watery feeling. There’s not much action being taken and the cat is listlessly staring into this flame slumped over. There’s a lot of daydreaming, not a lot of action or inspiration — as well as a lack of faith either in themselves or the world around them currently for their actions to really take them anywhere. The energy is within you to go somewhere and do big things and be grand but it’s like you’re waiting for a faux perfect chance to do something or you always turn around at the last minute. There’s an inkling of wonder that keeps making you take that left turn to wonder down new paths before turning back though and you should follow through! Like B.I.T.C.H. by Megan is playing lmao I know it’s in you. There’s a lot of “what am I even doing” going on, and a little bit of beating yourself up too. Trust that you can always start over and survive the transitional period with little discomfort as long as you take care of yourself.
What Have You Overcome: The Viewing Rx
Getting clear answers. There’s a lot of signs of someone else holding the power of you, regardless of what group you belonged to within this reading, and at some point within the year, you were able to overcome that and come back to yourself. You either cut relationships loose that were dragging you around, started incorporating morning mantras that made you feel better, or just had a routine that kept your boundaries strong and clear. Good. You have strong energy that gives way for people that they love and it shouldn’t be messed with lightly.
What Have You Learned: Aconite Rx, Daisy, Leo, Gemini
Rest and Creation. Putting your energy into things that are worth your time and energy. I don’t know why but I’m getting the message of also just. Being like everyone else. There’s a big fuss about being unique and having a curated feed and everything, but with Daisy and Gemini, there’s a lot of repeated imagery. No longer fighting for attention and changing things about you so people take interest in you. Especially with the Leo card here. If people don’t enjoy you for who you are, then it’s better that way. Soaking up all the praise and compliments that come your way and diving into a colorful and creative mindspace. This is a really good energy in this section, I’m happy for you guys. I hope you have a beautiful 2023.
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Pile Four
2022 Review: IX of Wands, Judgement, VII of Wands (The Hermit Rx, Knight of Swords, VII of Swords)
Something new is (or was) trying to start in your life and you were really not feeling it. Not many other people know though at least. This could be physical like moving, starting college, a new job, etc. Or this could be like a spiritual journey that knocked you on your ass without warning. I’m feeling like it’s more physical though, because of the knight. I’m not really feeling you being in your head a lot, maybe more like you’re comfortable where you are and yeah something new is cool but you’re familiar with what you’re doing. So putting on a brave front or just going along with things is smoothening out the tension around you but it is definitely not the truth. It could also be the concept of ‘well if I fake it I’ll make it right’. Reminds me of the movie called Accepted about that kid faking his entire college career. For some you might’ve tried to find ways out of it and eventually gave up but for the majority it’s just: smile and nod. That’s pretty much it, it’s kind of straight forward haha.
Who Are You Now: Queen of Pentacles Rx, II of Swords Rx, Ace of Swords
You need a gentle roasting from some friends. An active delay in making a decision has made more self-doubt and fear bubble up inside you. It’s also caused a bad game of ‘little white lies’ to tangle up into a rubber band ball. It’s not like you don’t have the clarity or capabilities to make a good choice for yourself but there’s a fear that it won’t work out and you want to go back to where it’s safe. There’s a strong feeling of wanting to be tucked in and coddled — not literally but like, being safe in your house when it’s a bad winter storm outside. The changes are the winter storm whilst your house is everything you’re okay with. You don’t have much trust in your decision making even though you’ve displayed exceptional choices before. You’re being called to rely on things that can’t see and that’s what’s bugging you. You can’t jump into a time machine and see what choice works out the best but that’s life. Sometimes we’re called to live through uncomfortable times because it leads us to experience lessons that we need to learn, and I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t believe that you could make this next step wisely.
What Have You Overcome: Blessings
You are the only pile that got something upright and it’s actually a good card lol. There’s definitely a piece pointing to you trusting your inner gut or your intuition this year, I mean you wouldn’t be here reading this otherwise. You definitely come off as someone who relies more on practical things or you prefer to not get too caught up in divination. However this year might’ve been a bit difficult since you had to heavily rely on messages and guidance that wasn’t so direct and obvious. That can be extremely difficult and honestly quite annoying so I’m proud of you.
What Have You Learned: Mandrake, Basil, Mercurius, Libra
Oh I’m LOSING my mind: “You’re due to set out on a journey, be it physical or spiritual, so be ready for a change in your life” ????? HELLO? Well if it’s spiritual hello welcome to my blog lol. For those with the physical journey, you have or will be handling it with grace. There’s a lot of neutralistic energy but it’s very passionate underneath the surface. Once you get going, there’s a lot of communication and wanting to interact with people to gain your bearings and gain a new sense of home. You will be guided safely on this journey and your guides are working very silently in the background to make sure you just so happen to catch the right deals to make this transition pretty easy. For those with the spiritual journey, you’re being watched over. I can see you wanting to learn. Like a lot. I can still see you wanting to keep one foot grounded ‘in reality’ though no matter what because it just makes you feel better? Just know that your guides are so heavily with you it’s really cute whenever I get these messages. Like they want to make sure both you and me know that they’re very present and have you covered and protected no matter what so please don’t think you’re alone. If there’s anything personal to you like butterflies or a number or like some old TV show or smth, guides will usually try and send you messages with those or in a particular way that only you would usually recognize. There’s a heavy excited energy here it’s very cute and I hope you guys don’t get hurt on either journey. I’m wishing you the best!!
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twerkingoftheshrew · 1 month
I made a list of things that are "mecore" for fun. Here's mine.
TW: mention of self harm, NSFW as hell
Silly knee socks, cannabis, gin and limeade, mismatched footie socks, foxes, fuzzy blankets, cute plushies, creepy plushies, stained glass, colored glass, granny aesthetic Halloween decor, big cocks, 2D muscle men, 2D hot twinks, 2D dommy mommies, cryptids (esp. Mothman), ghost sex, monsterfuckery, jean overall shorts with rainbow straps, band/punny/nerdy tshirts, silky fabrics, stupid adorable cats, mint and dark chocolate KitKats, sprite, original ramune, instant ramen, sailor moon, David Bowie, InuYasha, Fruits Basket, eeveelutions, pins and buttons, pet play, shibari, restraints, holding hands during sex, kitchen witchcraft, wholesome witchcraft, baking sweets for people you care about, one man show in the kitchen, rain in every form, distant thunder, reading smut, toe beans, male ahegao, soft yanderes (all yanderes), impressionist art, making a playlist for every occasion and mood, 2D simping, Ren faire, overcast days, having a moody day, spending the day in bed, cute shoes/boots/heels, rubber toe sneakers (high and low top), cardigan sweaters, nightmare before Christmas, dad hats, witch hats, flower crowns, silver or gunmetal jewelry, vampire movies, goth femmes from 90s cartoons, hugs, gentle casual touches, surprise kisses, tickles and cute pokes, tappy fingies, blushing, being flustered, being oblivious to flirting, being clumsy, being derpy, string led lights, cool spectrum colors (miss me with those warm tones), the sound of water (especially underwater sounds), the moon and stars, walking at night, soft nighttime breezes, running through the woods, shoulder freckles, weirdly good with animals, being shy but polite, being an open book in a comfortable conversation, constant body language, can always read their emotions plain on their face, hand gestures while talking/talking with hands, wild arm flailing (muppet flailing), muppets, tabletop gaming, spring, daffodils, hyacinths, lavender fields, heather meadows, orchids, weeping willows, big old trees, passionate infodumping, platonic cuddling and spooning, granny floral prints, paisley, tarot cards, reading tea leaves, reading runes, amethyst, goldstone, lapis lazuli, smoky quartz, geodes, found animal bones, fangs and claws, pointed ears, oddly shaped pupils, burying your face in things (pillow, crook of lover's neck, cat belly, etc.), early emo shit, random hodgepodge of different 90s aesthetic and nostalgia, those fuckin cups from the 90s with that purple and blue pattern, wildberry poptart colors, wildberry poptarts, smutty dating Sims, hot fictional men who will kill my character, dead doves, the most toe curling fucked up fanfics imaginable, romcom BL, crying a lot, crying from any intense emotional response even if it's positive, crying because of a piece of media, crying for release, crying in the shower, curling up on the floor and clutching yourself tightly while you sob, singing in the shower, singing around the house, singing to my fur children, a live narration of my actions done in song, changing song lyrics to be about silly things, doing character voices in everyday conversation, speaking in meme references, referencing old vines and then having to explain them because someone hasn't seen that one,
gin gins (ginger hard candy), being touch starved, touch as primary love language, sleeping while hugging a pillow, side sleeping, sleeping in, suddenly realizing you've been awake far too long, coming out of a hyperfixation like time travel and figuring out what year you're in now, surprise naps, nap roulette, garlic rye chips, cheese, cheesecake, baby, so so baby, masking mental health in public and to unfamiliar people, thinking no one would ever put up with you, cutting, cutting scars, tattoos that cover scars, piercings and body mods, Oreos, walking down train tracks with a friend, cosplay and LARPing, musical theatre, standing in the rain just to feel it on your skin, stretching like a cat, nose and feet are always cold for some reason, mushroom swiss burgers, psychedelics, MLP:FiM, beanies all winter, choker necklaces, space as an aesthetic, glass pipes and bongs, glassblowing, small venue punk and rock shows, the concert poster plastered bathrooms of a small punk venue, please pet me uwu, neon hair dye, anatomically inaccurate plastic Halloween skeleton animals, clingy but pushes it down, needy but won't ask for things, multiple texts in a row, reading constantly, crowd anxiety, corvids, cephalopods, freshwater shrimp, dying after a fat bong rip/fat dab, simping, passive darling, needing a caretaker relationship, Alolan Vulpix and Ninetails, Greek food, dumbass fudanshi, animal crossing, pop punk, early techno, sad indie, 80s-90s goth kid music, red bean ice cream, ramune flavored candy, Marius from Lez Miz, hobbits, DC, drawn/animated furries, hugging people in fur suits at cons, nigiri sushi, onigiri, the works of Neil Gaiman, femme authored classic literature, classic and modern poetry, occult nonsense, romantic literature, the works of D.H. Lawrence, fantasy fiction, bi panic, "you're so funny" thanks it's a coping mechanism, cast iron wood stoves, generational cast iron pans, family recipes, emerald and silver, dainty works of metal art like broochs, pins and hair pins, band and random sew on patches, night mist, kintsugi (using liquid gold to fix broken things), memories that are so obscure and buried in references and inside jokes it's almost a two person play to explain them,
looking like a Victorian ghost, looking like the host of a punk rock children's show, seaside cliffs, sea storms, Vicky's story in The Gargoyle, The Gargoyle, househusband vibes, chill edits of toonami anime, stupid puns and wordplay, over the shoulder glances, over the edge of sunglasses glances, not getting rid of plushies because you don't want them to be sad and miss you and you're worried about whether or not they'll have a happy life elsewhere, having spoiled fur children because you're a pushover, kissing while crying from happiness, walking arm in arm, face touches, hand on face, hand over hand on face, soft neck and shoulder bites, bite marks, hugging from behind and kissing the top of someone's head, headpats, rubbing your nose on soft things, judging a mug solely by how it feels in your hands, loose leaf tea, having a tea shelf/cabinet, a nice, comfortable pair of boots, lemon, vanilla, clove, sandalwood, sage, lavender, bed head, wants to make you breakfast, embroidering memes and shit posts, wooden rocking chairs, owns way too many accessories, various collections of seemingly mundane items that have more meaning than they should, casually sex/sexual health positive but shy about personal tastes, awkward creetchur vibes, gives genuine compliments to strangers often, always gassin up the homies, forced optimism, character/pop culture mini backpacks, sunglasses with colorful lenses, I like you so I did a deep dive of your Spotify, can and will remodel the house for you, "I can fix that", "please let me put together the furniture it's like a big puzzle!", painting/customizing bits of furniture or clothing because I got bored, making friends in the smoking area, smoke breaks because I'm anxious/overstimulated, telling the band "great show" at the merch table, things that glow in the dark, fireflies, forest rivers and streams, moss covered stones, trees or tree roots that have a surprisingly comfy place to sit, reading a book outside, the smell of books, libraries, old libraries, book spines under fingertips, page edges and corners against fingertips, holding a book to your chest to feel the story close to your soul, overcast days that press down on your soul a bit and make everything feel slightly heavy and bittersweet, crock pot meals on cold days, clutching the edges of sweater or hoodie sleeves, frost covered grass, misty dawns, museum dates, chai lattes, nose boops, edible mushrooms, flowering trees, needing white noise/music to sleep, borrows your hoodie because it smells like you, walking through a cemetery together reading the stones and imagining the lives of the people buried there, "ooo they have a charcuterie board!", Ghibli food and domestic fluff vibes, will absolutely cook with you or for you, spooky cute, gently bonks my head against you like a cat, slow blinks/bleps of affection, book dragons, I really like this new song so I'm going to listen to it on repeat for hours on end, corner store snack runs, PS2 startup noise, "not technically a shota, but his vibes are unmistakable", vine covered brickwork, nitro+chiral BLVNs, toxic/doomed yaoi, old man yaoi
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
i'm sorry you aren't feeling well today. for the if they had a kid meme Dot and Jughead?
Thank you! Here you go!
Name: Theodora "Dora" Love Jones
Gender: Nonconforming - She/Her or They/Them
General Appearance: Die-hard defender of capes and witch cloaks as a kid, dresses kind of ethereal as she gets older, aunt Kippi fears she may have seen some pictures of her parents when they were younger and likes to copy them, she radiates a natural sort of beauty - just like her mom
Personality: Kinda dorky, very mystical, speaks in riddles (Jug starts to realize why his dad had such a hard time with him), inherently funny, way too clumsy for her own liking
Special Talents: Reading tarot cards (she learned from aunt Raven)
Who they like better: Dot
Who they take after more: Neither, Teddy!
Personal Headcanon: Dora wants to be a magician when she grows up, she was also named after her mom's cousin and best friend respectively
Face Claim: Maya Hawke
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bookclubforghosts · 4 years
Saw a tarot spread on how to know if you’ve been hexed jinxed or cursed and my family always jokes about being cursed so I said haha I’ll try it.
The spread involved pulling out the magician, then shuffling thrice and pulling 4 cards.
Then you mix in the magician with those 4 and shuffle the 5 together
The first three cards tell you if you’re cursed/hexed/jinxed; if you pull the magician in those three, then someone has placed some kinda energy on you to work against you.
My dumbass just pulled the magician, in reverse, in those three alongside the *tower card*
Reversed magician means “someone is deceiving you/breaking your trust” and the tower, amongst other fun and scary interpretations, means danger! Crisis! Destruction! And the failure of a relationship/bond!!!!
Card number three was the five of rods. Its meaning? Conflict! Tension! Disagreements!!!
The other two cards are:
Seven of rods —> card of the under dog, despite overwhelming odds victory is assured
Seven of cups—> opportunities, choices, wishful thinking, illusion
The way I’m interpreting this is, yes I’m cursed and yes it’s impacting my relationships, as well as other parts of my life, BUT there’s hope.
Thoughts? Any more experienced witches wanna way in?
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theuselesswitch · 5 years
ALL I WANTED was to do a SIMPLE tarot reading and NOW I have CANDLE WAX on my BED SHEETS
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bitchybutwitchy0 · 4 years
PSA for my fellow Clumsy Witches (and water/weather/sea witches)
Mood - an indie tarot deck
TarotBySeven lets you purchase an add on to make any deck waterproof (a little pricey though and my personal favorite deck of theirs is here)
Waterproof deck in 3 styles
Golden Thread Tarot - Printed on recycled plastic
Right now these are all I know but feel free to add, and I’ll add as I come across more too.
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 4 months
Pick-a-Card Reading: What Positive Changes Could be Happening for You in the Next 6 Months?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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The High Priestess
The World
Seven of Cups
Five of Pentacles
Eight of Swords
Before I even shuffled the cards I kept seeing a key, like a bronze skeleton key floating almost like in a video game selection screen. That sounds weird I know, just disregard it if it doesn't resonate.
I feel like your intuition will definitely be strengthened with the high priestess card. If you have been trying to figure out what witchy path best suits you, don't worry because there are many you could go down and still get the results you're looking for. With the world card I feel like you will be learning a lot about new cultures, I also feel like if you've been trying to get into a program to go abroad for a semester of college this will either come through. Or you will have an experience close to the one you would've had abroad but in a different place.
Trust that doors that cannot be closed are opening for you and your path is cleared.
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Ten of Cups
Seven of Cups
Page of Cups (Reversed)
Queen of Wands
Seven of Wands
If you've been trying to manifest love I feel like your happily ever after will be just around the corner 6 months from now. By this I mean 6 months from now you could be wondering "where the heck is my person?", then bam! Out of nowhere it's like they appear. You've put so much into bringing this love into this physical reality, praying, spellwork, meditations, you name it and I feel like it's finally finding its way to you! With the queen of wands I feel like this person will love your fiery nature or how motivated you are when it comes to achieving your goals. However, I do see that the work won't end once you've started a relationship with this person, you may be closed off emotionally and struggle to connect in that way. If you want to keep this relationship healthy you will need to address that but I feel that your person will be understanding as you are working through this issue. But if they sense that you've stopped trying to better yourself in this area they will withdraw from you and the relationship may end.
Take this time now to address any emotional issues you may have so that you can prepare to be a good partner. And also so that you can take better care of yourself.
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Six of Wands (Reversed)
Justice (Reversed)
Knight of Cups
The Sun
6 months from now I can see you realizing that something you thought you wanted, like really wanted incredibly bad but did not get. Was actually a blessing in disguise, while you only saw the good it would bring into your life, there were hidden aspects to this situation that you couldn't possibly have seen. I feel like this is something that just recently happened and you may still be sulking about it now. But in time you'll realize you only saw the glittery happy side of the situation but the divine saw it all. It reminds me of an iceberg where you only see a small amount of ice not realizing underneath there is an enormous structure.
Rejoice for what you didn't get and get excited for what is coming for you, what is actually meant for you.
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the best to you,
Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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the-clumsywitch · 1 year
Tarot Spreads to Connect with Deceased Loved Ones & Ancestors
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I am having an absolutely fantastic and art inspired evening, so I want to post this piece a bit early!
It feels so fulfilling to really bring this chunk of my Dragon Age DLC project to a close, simply because I learned so much from it. Mellan’s bedroom was my guinea pig for testing out and learning so many other new things, and it feels great to show it, and know it exists, and actually walk around in it (well, an npc can, but semantics.)
I got to learn so many things about 3D rendering, modeling/sculpting, new painting techniques, kitbashing, etc. It has been such a process, but I’m so excited to move forward with the project’s next stages and show you all more behind-the-scenes of how this bad boy came to be! (Check below the cut for some extra nerding out about the different highlighted objects in her room)
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Mellan’s makeshift laundry hamper, likely donated from a Chantry sister, features a small Easter Egg for the player character to find should they go digging around in her space. I’ve always been a fan of those “hidden in plain sight” clues, and though not every Inquisitor looks in every nook and cranny. Those that do might just be a bit more suspicious of Mellan after finding that little statue hidden amongst her things. Her laundry itself is modeled after her own clothes, as well as pieces seen worn by other Dalish npcs throughout the series.
Mellan’s desk contains more hints to her character’s personality. Her candle is placed on the opposite side of her scrolls, just in case it topples out of her clumsiness. Her feather quill is a raven’s feather, homemade from a molted feather from one of Leliana’s ravens. The smallest scroll, laid neatly on her open book, is another Easter Egg: a reference to her unused Romance Tarot Card with Solas, in which she is holding the exact scroll. I thought it would be a fun little tie-in to include (even if the two are not an item in this DLC), and also just a further hint to where her loyalties lie.
Here you can find the base texture samples for Mellan’s blankets, pillows, rugs, and canopy. All of them are historically (of both the medieval and renaissance periods) accurate brocade pieces and tapestries from areas of Europe that inspired Thedas. I scoured several different museums to find just the right patterns for her, making sure they fit her color scheme, as well as included imagery that aligned with her story (including, but not limited to: fresh blossoms, the night sky, unicorns (a common victim of two-faced maidens), and wolves.)
Hundreds of years ago, soaps were often carved in the shape of seashells! I thought this would be a flavorful, historic detail to add to Mellan’s space.
Mellan’s mismatched “vanity” is something that I wanted to look like she threw together and didn’t feel the need to have “look pretty.” She isn’t one for vanity, no pun intended, so the space only contains the bare necessities, with most tools for combing and such stashed away in a small box. However, some bottles of Orlesian soaps and healing tonics (both featuring “logos” based on in-game graphics for Healing Potions and the Orlesian crest) can be seen there, probably welcoming gifts from Josephine. Her mirror is a small, traditional hand-mirror that is leaned against the wall and stacked up on a tinderbox for height. Her other jugs are broken mosaics; once damaged, but now put back together. A metaphor that Mellan both greatly enjoys, and can personally relate to.
Featuring jars of ground herbs, such as Felandaris, Royal Elfroot, and Deep Mushroom (all jar designs inspired by the actual plants in game), Mellan’s incense area suggests several unknowns about her. Is she a healer? Some sort of hedge witch? A Dreamer, perhaps? All of that is unknown; for now, at least. 
With all of the crates stacked around, and the lack of a fireplace, I wanted to give the impression that Mellan’s room was once a storage room, or at least somewhere unused/unoccupied in Skyhold. That being the case, there are no fireplaces in the room for heat. To combat this, and add to the turquoise/aqua aesthetic that I want to surround Mellan with, I decided to implement two Veilfire pits (one in the washroom, and one in the main room.) By both, she has an emergency bucket for water, in case a non-mage should need to extinguish it, and in the main room’s there is also an open text. The book is meant to be a book banned in-universe by the Chantry, titled: ‘Veilfire: A Beginner's Primer with Numerous Teachings, Exercises, and Applications’ by Magister Pendictus. On the open pages, one can find the codex entry The Lost Art of Veilfire from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Mellan’s staff rests by the side of her bed closest to the door in case an attacker may try to enter during the night. It features a birch bark base, as well as glass bobbles and sea-glass; an aesthetic dichotomy that is meant to be yet another example of how she appears to be both city elf and Dalish. The stretching and twisted of the bottom glass is meant to mimic the look of sea-glass and sand when it is struck by lightning, as Mellan is a lightning mage with an affinity for the colors of the ocean. The top of her staff is, in theory, quite similar to other mage staffs, containing a religious figure or god carved at it’s peak. However, Mellan’s features an unconventional deity: a howling wolf, with it’s tail bit off. This is, of course, a reference to the Dread Wolf, who in one particular Dalish legend, bit off his own tail to flee from a Dalish Courser dog (this is a story told by Merrill, the First of the Sabrae clan, most known for her role in Dragon Age 2.)
At first glance, Mellan’s room is meant to evoke the idea of “organized chaos” (books scattered across the floor in piles, a chamber pot stool held level by a block of wood, pillows strewn about for easy sitting, etc.) An Inquisitor who does not often seek her out, or does not explore her space, will likely only see her as a helpful, if not eccentric, scholar; another quirky mage to replace the one they so recently lost. However, a more inquisitive Inquisitor who really takes a look around and explores the deeper meanings behind her quarters will come to see that perhaps there is more to this elf than meets the eye.
That perhaps, much like her friend Solas, the warning signs were there all along.
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syiano · 3 years
Hi can I request preferences of the avengers x male reader that likes to have crystals and likes tarot cards and spiritual things like a witch
Avengers x Male!Reader
Marvel Preferences: Collector Boyfriend
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Steve usually stays out of that kind of stuff because either he doesn't know what's going on or it confuses him. He's however a little iffy, but he trusts you enough to handle it. He's also worried because he doesn't trust any of the things you're collecting, suspecting them to be dangerous.
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Bucky is a little confused about the whole thing, but he does find it interesting, and sometimes watches you work. He likes listening to you explain about the different kinds of crystals and tarot cards. But he doesn't really want to take any part in anything spiritual.
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Tony isn't into anything spiritual or about tarot cards, but he is interesting in studying the different types of crystals and tries to experiment with them (we don't want another Ultron incident).
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At first, Sam was cautious about you having all these different crystals and tarot cards until he saw how much knowledge you have with them and how careful you were, so he now trusts you to know what you're doing. Sometimes, he teases you about always collecting all kinds of things that would get you into trouble.
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Scott will be confused even if you do explain to him. He might make pop culture references about wizards...It's best you keep him out of your room when you're doing that kind of stuff because he's either going to trying to touch everything or simply just because he's clumsy.
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Peter gets exicted and wants to learn everything from you (well, maybe aside from all the spiritual things). You'll sometimes catch him doing research on his own (when he's supossed to be doing homework), and find him distracted from being so fasincated. He usually keeps any tarot cards you give him in a secret place and he keeps any crystals in his lab.
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Bruce isn't comfortable with anything spiritual but he's so fasinicated with the crystals and tarot cards, and you can see how exicted he is while studying and learning more about them. He loves listening to you explain when he needs understanding, and does his own research when you're not around and always tells you what else he's discovered or learned, making you notice how his eyes lit up from how excited he is.
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Thor also has lots of knowledge on these kinds of things and he admits he's impressed as well as praising you on how intelligent you are. He tells you about how the tarot cards and each crystals has their own origin story, and will tell you if any of them seem too dangerous for you.
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(Ideal match for Loki.) He's with you every step of the way and you'll find yourself learning more from him since he has more experience and knowledge about these type of things. He shows you demonstrates on usually anything spiritual, and he may even teach you. Loki shows you how he can combine the different kinds of crystals into weapons (which scares the hell out of everyone).
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Pietro isn't interesting in any of that stuff - it either frustrates him because he has a difficult time understanding or he finds it boring. He gets scared when it comes to anything that's spiritual, and he gets worried that something will happen to you and tells you it's safer to not try anything spiritual too often.
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sixthwater · 7 months
Unfortunately for you guys I’m so in love with myself I’m just answering these:
🌙 astrology sign? Cancer
💎 favorite crystal? None in particular, I’m drawn to certain ones during different cycles. Currently wearing a Tiger’s Eye + Garnet bracelet though.
🔮 favorite form of divination? Astrology overall always (esp if predictive), Tarot & Oracle if we’re uncovering stuff within the mind
🧘🏿‍♀️ do you look up to a guru/psychic/spiritual leader? Not necessarily
🧚🏻‍♀️ have you had any paranormal experiences? Yes, not as many as a friend but I usually meet ‘clumsy ghosts’. They mean no harm but they come off ass aggressive bc of how they suddenly appear. Usually moving my stuff around or staring at me lmao I see you dudes
🌞 are you working with a deity? Eeehhh maybe? Idk I’ve been thinking of my ancestry so we’ll see, it might be my ancestors and not deities
📿 describe your altar N/A
🕯️do you have a favorite spell/ritual? Nope, might be coming up with one
🧿 what persuaded you to start practicing? Started with astrology, I already spoke of that, and I wanted to expand on my knowledge.
🧝🏻‍♀️ what kind of witch are you? Hopefully a good one :(((((((
🌟 are you currently manifesting anything? Nah
🔢 do you see angel numbers? Yes and I don’t want to (444/4444, 111, 2222)
👽 do you channel spirits/interdimensional beings? BEINGS? SPIRITS???? Honey they turn me right tf around who is out here playing with that shit
🌀 have you had spiritual experiences under the influence?
🙏🏼 what puts you in a spiritual mood? I slip into it? I don’t have much control and that’s something I’m working on changing
👁️ what are your psychic/intuitive abilities? Clairsentience and it’s insufferable <3333 also a mini baby psychic I’m trying to trust the nudges more
📌 have you ever hexed anyone? No, blocking exists
🎶 do you chant or listen to meditation music? Most of the time when I need to channel or focus I put on meditation music but that’s about it
🌎 what’s most profound experience spiritually? Uh not profound but scary; when ‘downloads’ started to happen when I was a very factual person and I liked to provide evidence, but I had none lmao (I still do but I’m less stressed about it), and regardless ended up being right. Most times I hated it especially if it was negative
🌑 have you experienced a “dark night of the soul” for witchcraft? How did you get back into it? Idfk dude LMAO
🐺 do most people know about your craft, or do you keep it a secret? I don’t hide it but I don’t bring it up unless it’s relevant?
🌐 are you into spiritual conspiracies? Most of them are now mixed in with racist or anti-Semitic ideology so not really :)
🐉 what are your thoughts on cryptids/magical creatures? I LOVE MY CRYPTIDS.
🕊️ are you a religious witch? No
🗝️ have you ever manipulated a situation to your favor using witchcraft? No and Saturn would make me pay thrice as much
🪦 do you contact your ancestors? I am thinking about it
🫧 what’s your favorite method of cleansing? Usually the moonlight for everything and saltwater for new crystals
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jelliclekay · 2 years
I'll start: What do Tugger and Bomba do in the humanAU?
Human Tugger has a few hobbies- he is a guitar teacher for a few local children (despite Human Tugger being a big party animal, he's actually very good and patient with the kids he teaches). He's also still a good (though sometimes clumsy) dancer in this AU and he occasionally helps Bomba and Misto out during their adult dance classes. (Where he sometimes pulls a John Partridge and shows up to lessons wearing nothing but denim shorts, much to the delight of the students and the slight annoyance of Bomba and Misto).
Human Tugger is also really good at nail painting (Tugger is artful after all) and he's even better than Bomba and Misto. While he usually sticks to normal black nail polish for himself, he loves to do Bomba's nails and goes all out in the design.
For his income, Tugger has an OnlyFans, and he takes it very seriously. His stuff is always high-quality <3
Bombalurina co-owns a metaphysical shop (crystals, herbs, witch books, tarot cards, etc) with Cori, Tanto and Misto, as well as assisting Misto with a dance studio that was passed down to him from his uncle. She's a very talented tarot card reader and sometimes does readings in the shop for extra cash.
As well, Bombalurina is big into fashion (she for sure is a punk goth type), and despite not going to beauty school, she has a gift for doing hair and makeup. She loves to give her friends make-overs and always offers to assist if someone around her casually mentions wanting to dye or cut their hair.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
༊*·˚ Namjoon and Jungkook as a YN stereotype ༊*·˚ | Tarot + Astrodice
Disclaimer: This reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes. Remember that tarot as a form of divination only allows us to read current energy and as time advances it becomes less accurate, so it basically reads up to a 6 months period of time
A/N: HELLO nope I did not forget to post, for whatever reason I started this reading yesterday and I do believe the cards and the general energies were tired of my shit so I had trouble with them cooperating BUT HERE IT IS. Short but honestly? a good laugh. Don't forget to check back tomorrow into my Namkook Birthday Project, cause we going wild again.
masterlist. tarot masterlist. astrology masterlist.
uwu clumsy YN
gemini south node 4th, flannery O’Connor
Namjoon would be the Y/N that at first glance is the one to stand out yet not manic pixie girl yet. Most probably in a soulmate AU. The cliché? Bumping into each other and going “Oh dear! I’m so sorry! Sorry!” as he walks away bc of course what nobody knows is that Joon Y/N is the sweetest in the world, dedicating his evenings after school to some animal shelter. VERY SOFT-HEARTED. Himbo but not really because even though yes, his day-to-day consists mostly of apologising around for his clumsiness, he’s actually pretty smart.
Badass girl boss Y/N
Scorpio Uranus 5th, milk
Oohhh okay so JK is the Y/N that’s not afraid of causing trouble, the one that stands up for what he deems the right thing to do.
Badboy JK is IN DA HOUSE, giving up playboy Y/N vibes, VERY MUCH a Y/N JK that is part of a pwp BUT HERE’S THE THING, with a heart of gold. I’m thinking… bad boy that your parents warned you about but more on the troubled side of it, and although the fic might have A LOT of smut, it all comes down to a character arch in which we learn with him to touch into his inner child. Comfort / Slice of life vibes.
Decks Used: Harmonious Tarot, Literary Witches Oracle
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