#The Eichman Show
sojutrait · 2 years
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family reunion !
most of the family got together at the old halabi family farm for a reunion! ophelia and her newly aged up teenage daughter thalia had a bad attitude like always, but at least she missed her big cousin gus. dante decided to take out his old man rage on gus and nadine wasn't around to reel him in bc she was focusing on the baby
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artemisia-black · 2 years
I really think that the Ministry and also the British Magical society as a whole is dangerously negligent. There’s Azkaban and the trials-optional approach they took in the war [I don’t care how badly they want to just move on, a) trials shouldn’t be something only done when convenient, b) it’s important to make sure that the people are actually guilty of what they’re being accused of or make sure that they’re telling the truth about the imperius, c) the victims and their families deserve proper closure, and more], there’s the way they straight up buried their heads in the sand about Voldemort returning [there was no freaking body found apparently in the first war, if some guy who waged a decade long-war mysteriously vanished years ago and now someone’s claiming he’s back, I’d want to know for sure that either a) this is a lie and this person is simply making it all up or b) this is true and the government has a plan for how to deal with this nightmare come to life], there’s the way the press is allowed to print anything they want about minor students [for real, are there no slander or libel laws? Are there no protections in place for minors? Rita Skeeter not only gossips about the celebrities of Victor Krum and Harry Potter, but about non-famous Hermione Granger and writes some terrible articles about her, with absolutely no basis. Harry and Hermione were 14/15 at the time of GOF, there’s legit nobody pointing out that these are two minors having their lives gossiped about in front of the entire Wizarding World? There’s no protection against that? Considering what magic makes possible, I’d think they’d have stricter rules in place about what the media can do, i.e. verify it’s true {polyjuice potion means it’s entirely possible that’s not even the right person}, have protections for minors, stricter laws in place regarding slander and libel, etc.], and there’s the way Cedric’s death was handled. Regardless of whether they believed Harry’s story, a student was killed and maybe I’m just weird, but I’d really prefer to know exactly how one of my classmates was murdered in a tournament that was supposed to be safe, because a) this kid deserves justice and so do his family members and b) I don’t want people being murdered in the vicinity of where I live 9 months out of the year. If they remove the Voldemort aspect, they’ve got Harry somehow leaving the grounds and showing up injured and with a dead body, there’s nobody pointing out how suspicious that looks? Where are the competent adults in the Ministry? There’s a ton of people working there, it’s statistically unlikely that they’re all incompetent and/or outright malicious
Anon the way I was nodding through all of this.
Re: having trials. They are also important as a means of exploring why atrocities were allowed to happen and provide a space for society to do some uncomfortable reflection. In the real world, we have stringent research ethics, partly because of the horrors that emerged from the Nuremberg trials, which resulted in the Nuremberg code. I also think that trials provide documentation about events, so they don't get lost in the mists of time, and also show us how bureaucratic structures contribute to evil - Hannah Arendt (who IMO is one of the greatest minds who ever lived) came up with the concept of the 'banality of evil' by reporting on the trial of Eichman. IMO, trials serve a purpose beyond just sentencing someone, and Voldemort rises again partly because the wizarding world didn't do any reflection on the systemic issues that allowed him to gain power.
"14/15 at the time of GOF, there’s legit nobody pointing out that these are two minors having their lives gossiped about in front of the entire Wizarding World?" Also, anon, who is reading this? As an adult, I don't give a flying fuck about the romantic lives of teenagers I don't know. Yet somehow, people are fully sending hate mail to a teenage girl- once again how did Hogwarts allow this to happen?
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Illuminating a critical step in initiating DNA replication in eukaryotes - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/illuminating-a-critical-step-in-initiating-dna-replication-in-eukaryotes-technology-org/
Illuminating a critical step in initiating DNA replication in eukaryotes - Technology Org
Brandt Eichman and Walter Chazin, professors of biochemistry, have worked together to better understand how DNA replication is initiated in eukaryotes. Using Vanderbilt’s state-of-the-art instrumentation in the Center for Structural Biology’s Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility, Eichman, Chazin, and their colleagues provided detailed visualizations of a multi-functional protein in action, which sheds light on how DNA replication is initiated in humans.
Cryo-EM structures of polα–primase reveal a remarkable range of motion between two sub-complexes.
Eichman and Chazin shared reflections on this research, newly published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology:
What issue does your research address?
We are interested in the molecular details of human DNA replication, one of the most fundamental processes of life; it is repeated millions of times each day as we make new cells. The new copies of DNA are synthesized by polymerases, which read the sequence of an existing DNA strand one nucleotide at a time and add the complementary nucleotide to the nascent DNA strand. Specific polymerases perform the bulk of DNA synthesis but cannot function without first having a short “primer” segment of the new strand.
This work addresses the molecular mechanisms of DNA polymerase α–primase (polα–primase), the enzyme responsible for synthesizing the primers. Polα–primase is an essential enzyme as it is the only polymerase that can initiate DNA synthesis by generating the primers that the other polymerases need to duplicate the genome.
Despite polα–primase being the first human polymerase discovered, the way it synthesizes very specific lengths of RNA and DNA in a single strand remained unclear for more than fifty years. How does it know that it has synthesized a specific number ofnucleotides of RNA before transitioning to DNA synthesis? How does it transition between the two modes? How does it know that it has synthesized a certain number of nucleotides of DNA before stopping?
Understanding the mechanisms behind polα–primase’s ability to “count” the length of the RNA and DNA segments of the primer is important because primers must be kept to a very short length, as they contain RNA in the new DNA strand and the DNA synthesized by polα is littered with mutations. Thus, the primers would be highly detrimental to the cell if they became a substantial part of the new DNA strand that persisted in the genome after replication.
To answer these outstanding questions, we used cryo-electron microscopy to capture snapshots of this multi-functional protein at various stages as it generates a primer. The high-resolution structures we determined illuminated the mechanisms of RNA and DNA counting by polα–primase. They also provide a starting point for design of novel small molecule modulators of polα–primase function that would provide new ways to investigate DNA replication in cells.
What was unique about your approach to the research?
The Eichman and Chazin labs have collaborated for many years to understand how polα–primase works. We visualized some of the first structures of polα–primase bound to nucleic acid substrates. It was the highly strategic design of primer/template substrates that allowed our team to “trap” the enzyme at several specific points along the pathway to synthesizing the primer. Importantly, this research was made possible by access to the state-of-the-art instrumentation in the CSB Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility.
What were your findings?
Our data directly show that polα–primase holds on to one end of the primer throughout all stages of synthesis. This observation is critical to understanding how the initial RNA-primed template is handed off from the primase active site in one subunit (where RNA synthesis occurs) to the DNA polymerase active site in another subunit (where DNA synthesis occurs). The sustained attachment also serves to increase polα–primase’s ability to remain bound to the template and to regulate both RNA and DNA composition. Importantly, the detailed analysis of the structures revealed how flexibility within this four-subunit complex is critical to being able to synthesize the primer strand across two active sites.
In addition, our research suggests that termination of DNA synthesis is facilitated by reduction polα and primase affinities for the template as more DNA is synthesized.
What do you hope will be achieved with the research results? 
We hope our research findings will illuminate to the field a more complete understanding of replication initiation and contribute to the growing understanding that complex molecular machinery requires flexibility and dynamics to function. The inherent flexibility within this complex, multi-subunit polymerase is essential to primer synthesis and to its ability to dynamically interact with multiple other enzymes present in the replisome (for the handoff of the primer to the replicative polymerase for bulk DNA synthesis, for example).
We also hope that this work will lead to a better understanding of how current polα–primase inhibitors work and more broadly pave the way for future designs of small molecule modulators to serve as tools for studying DNA replication in cells. Tool compounds of this type can also be used to evaluate the therapeutic potential of targeting specific replication proteins with roles in diseases of genome instability.
Source: Vanderbilt University
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joanatristaoart · 5 years
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Martin Freeman
The Bill, This Life, Casualty, I Just Want To Kiss You, Bruiser, Lock Stock, The Low Down, Black Books, World of Pub, Ali G Indahouse, Helen West, Linda Green, The Debt, Love Actually, Margery and Gladys, The Office, Shaun of The Dead, Hardware, Pride, Call Register, Blake’s Junction 7, The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, The Robinsons, Round About Five, Confetti, Breaking and Entering, Dedication, The Good Night, Hut Fuzz, Lonely Hearts, Rubbish, The All Together, Nightwatching, Comedy Showcase, The Old Curious Shop, Rembrandt’s J’accuse, Bot Meets Girl, Micro Men, HIV: The Musical, Wild Target, The Girl is Mine, Swinging With The Finkels, What’s Your Number?, The Voorman Problem, Animals, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Svengali, The World’s End, Saving Santa, The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies, The Life of Rock With Brian Pern, The Eichman Show, Midnight Of My Life, Fargo, Toast of London, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Captain America: Civil War, Sherlock, Carnage, StartUp, Ghost Stories, The Dog With The Woman, Cargo, Black Panther, To Provide All People, The Operative, Ode to Joy, A Confession
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amy-the-nightingale · 8 years
Eichmann will be judged in Israel. Tell the world - no, show the world, to show the world what the Nazis did to show the world what the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Let's use television to do this. Let's use television to do this. Only television can do this. In... in granting permission for Capital Cities to film the trial of Eichmann on Israeli soil you will become a part of the most important television event in history past, present and... yeah, why not? Future.
Milton Fruchtman, The Eichman Show
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superbolshevik · 3 years
Tighter, Tighter ‘hey, tayor, marina & rose; i think ,uh, donna’s scarf might be somewhere in  your apartment.i’m going to need that next winter  . olivia just left , and she reminded me of donna;.why dont you look around and , maybe , ship  that to  me?’ ‘yea, sure , greg .i’ll  take a look around/  / i heard about that guy ,who got in taylor ‘s apartment building,he sounded  harmless enough , but, uh, SAHIB, YEA WE ALL REMEMBER,  SAHIB, ‘ALL TO  WELL’/ IT JUST GOES TO SHOW  THAT OUR ERRORS IN THINKING REALLY  DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES FOR OTHER PEOPLE. OR JUST HOW MUCH RACISM CAN  REALLY  F_K UP ‘A GUY OR GIRL UP, HE AND VIVIAN, I COULD ALWAYS   SENSE,INTUIT OR COMPREHEND  WERE REALLY ‘CRIMINALLY INSANE’! ‘ I   KNOW, SAHIB WAS EICHMAN  , TRIED ON TV BACK IN  THE 50S/ KLAUS BARBIE, ARRESTED IN SO. AMERICA ,1980S,OR A NAZI  DOCTOR LIKE FELDON  FAUCCI  OR THE DOC  IN THE CONCENTRATION  CAMP IN  STEVEN SPIELBERGS  ‘SCHINDLERS LIST;’? ‘IT  MAKES THE  MIND  ‘SCHWINDLE’GREG LENIN  SAID TO TROTSKY IN SMOLNEY INSTITUTE , THE NIGHT THE COMMUNISTS SEIZURE  OF POWER’.
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nataliesnews · 3 years
From: Natanya Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 8:39 AM Subject: Remember our fallen ...and remember that these people I often write about are not Jews but the followers and descendants in spirt of the Nazis
 On the evening of Yom Hashoah this is what a follower of Netanyahu wrote and was pasted by the son, Yaier. The son who comes from the same poisoned tree. He wrote that the lawyer who defends his mother and father is so good that he could have got Eichman and Hitler off. It shows how little control Netanyahu has over his family and how little they understand of what is happening around them. Did he not realise that he was putting his parents on the same plane as  Hitler.
 Another man wrote that if he could go in the direction of the Germans he would set up concentration camps and gas chambers for those on the left.
 This is Israel of today.
   Last night Asher Aschermann was also attacked by settlers and brutally beaten with a cane.
 A 60 year old man trying to fix his electricity was beaten by settlers who ended by throwing an enormous boulder at him
 The police and soldiers who watch these events and do nothing......I wonder if last night they saw what they themselves are becoming supported by the fascists in the government
 The attacker was masked but his friends not. It would be so easy to identify him if the police really wanted to. This is the third or fourth time that Arik has been attacked and nothing done.
   I was thinking of the Holocaust yesterday as I was making soup. I looked at the peels of the marrow and the onion and, as I so often do, thought of how that would have been grabbed by one of the survivors in the camps. It is a thought which is never far from my mind. Sometimes at the end of a meal with friends when casually putting my finger on a crumb and into my mouth I think of that.
 I also as I watched part of the ceremony I thought of the soldiers and the behavior I have seen. I thought of the soldiers who go in to destroy people's houses and belonging. I thought of the soldiers who are sent to destroy schools. I no longer ask myself how we have come to this. But this is what a friend wrote about the soldiers. I also wonder if the brainwashing of the soldiers it not the continuation of an attempt to bring them to even more shocking actions.
 "After countless times I have looked at their rude behavior towards women children and men like those who have undergone emotional anesthesia treatments, and after hearing hundreds of testimonies from soldiers, I know the understanding and meaning comes after a while, that they act like robots because that's what everyone does and that's what they are commanded to do.
I also know that there are those who end their military service in a state of mental injury, carrying with them post-traumas for the rest of their lives. Some internal mechanisms cause them to forget and some go on drugs to avoid confrontation with their actions."
 But what I do know is that I no longer ask myself how the German people could carry out this massacres. But now I do not ask myself because I see my own people sliding down this path. The President spoke to well but he should have addressed himself more to the schism which there is in our own people. He should have spoken more about the values we once held sacred.
 But at least he did not give the ME ME ME speech of Netanahu. I never saw a picture of Netanyahu with the numbers of the dead next to him or next to a grave. I only saw Netanyahu standing grinning at people being vaccinated. And this was what he chose to bring out ...his? success ....we paid for what we got. He got the publicity that he is always looking for. He spoke of his success with the  Arab countries, of his friendship with the owner of the company who was paid so well for the vaccination, of the Iran danger.......it was all politics.
 Personally I am not so worried about Iran or the Hamas as I am about our internal deterioration.
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hfrenchk · 4 years
Free Speech & Flag Burning - Persuasive Writing
In this project, I take the perspective of a constitutional lawyer in Tennessee, writing to the Nashville City Council as they consider an ordinance to ban flag burning. The purpose of this project is to examine the basic factual and emotional persuasive tactics that could be employed to persuade a deliberative body that already holds the belief that flag burning should be illegal.
Disclaimer: I’m personally strongly in favor of just about any expression of free speech, including flag burning, and do not personally condone the views in this piece of writing.
Flag burning is wrong. It’s offensive, unpatriotic, and antithetical to the values our country was founded upon. As an American and as a citizen of Tennessee, I was saddened by the sight of protesters burning the American flag last week. The steps that the Nashville City Council is taking to pass an ordinance to outlaw flag burning are highly laudable.
Despite how admirable these steps are, the proposed ordinance to ban flag burning is unconstitutional, and will almost certainly be struck down in court. However, there are other, constitutional laws that the Nashville City Council can pass to effectively ban the practice of flag burning. Rather than passing unconstitutional, symbolic laws, Nashville can benefit from savvy policymaking that upholds the values of the citizens of Nashville and protects the most fundamental symbols of our country.
Supreme Court Precedent
Nashville’s flag desecration ordinance would likely be struck down in court because of the strong Supreme Court precedent of striking down state and federal laws that prohibited desecration of the American flag.
The Supreme Court first ruled on flag desecration in 1989, in the case Texas v. Johnson. During the 1984 Republican National Convention, the defendant, Gregory Lee Johnson, lit the American flag on fire while he marched through the streets of Dallas in protest of the convention. In Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court protected the right to burn the American flag as a form of political expression under the First Amendment.
Although 48 out of 50 states had laws criminalizing flag desecration at the time, the Supreme Court’s decision in Texas v. Johnson invalidated all of these laws.
Directly following Texas v. Johnson, Congress passed the 1989 Flag Protection Act, which made it a federal crime to desecrate the American flag. The subsequent 1990 Supreme Court case United States v. Eichman struck down the federal law, using the same reasoning as Texas v. Johnson.
Because of the strong Supreme Court precedent striking down both state and federal legislation that prohibited flag desecration, Nashville’s proposed ordinance banning flag desecration would also probably be struck down in court.
First Amendment Protections for Flag Desecration
The Supreme Court found laws prohibiting flag desecration unconstitutional because these laws both suppress free expression and are content-based restrictions, as opposed to content-neutral restrictions.
Although the First Amendment grants Americans the right to free expression, laws that suppress free expression are fairly commonplace. A famous example of a law that suppresses free expression is that it is illegal to yell fire in a crowded theater.
Laws that suppress free expression fall into two categories: content-based and content-neutral. Content-based laws regulate an activity based on the content, or message, of the activity. An example of a content-based law is the law restricting showing pornography in public movie theaters. The movie’s particular content makes it illegal. Content-neutral laws regulate an activity regardless of the content, or message, of the activity. An example of a content-neutral law would be a law banning billboards along highways. It does not matter what the content of the billboard is.
A further example may illuminate the difference between “content-based” and “content-neutral” restrictions. A law prohibiting any graffiti on the Tennessee Capitol building would be constitutional, as the law does not hinge on the content of the graffiti. However, a law prohibiting any graffiti that has a message critical of the United States on the Tennessee Capitol building would be unconstitutional, as the law specifically targets the content of the graffiti, which is clearly a form of speech, similarly to how flag desecration is considered a form of speech.
Because free speech is one of America’s most fundamental rights, content-based laws that prohibit speech based on the message of the speech are legally dicey. In court, content-based restrictions are often found to be unconstitutional, such as laws banning flag desecration.
Laws that have the effect of suppressing freedom of expression may only be constitutional when the law is content-neutral.
Alternative Solutions
The city of Nashville can still pass content-neutral laws that prevent individuals from burning the American flag as a form of political protest.
One example of a valid content-neutral law is an ordinance prohibiting open fires in public places. This law is not content based, because it does not matter whether an individual is burning an American flag or burning a pile of garbage. However, this law still effectively bans individuals from burning the American flag as a form of political protest.
Another example of a widely used content-neutral law is a law that prohibits flag impairment.  As opposed to flag desecration, these laws prohibit any form of physical impairment of the American flag, whether it is burning, trampling, or tearing. This law is content-neutral because the law applies regardless of the message being communicated. Impairing the flag is prohibited whether someone is burning the American flag to keep warm or burning the American flag as a form of political protest.
If the Nashville City Council wishes to prohibit the practice of burning the American flag, then crafting a content-neutral law is key to creating a law that will not be struck down in court.
The American populace and the citizens of Nashville are in strong consensus that burning the American flag should be illegal. However, our constitution protects the right of people to express unpopular opinions, including burning the American flag. The Supreme Court has affirmed this, determining that content-based laws banning flag desecration are unconstitutional.
By understanding the difference between content-based laws and content-neutral laws, the Nashville City Council can create a law that still bans burning the American flag and protects the most fundamental symbol of our country.
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larrysmiththings · 4 years
People of color Matter: Public and Protest Art of the Movement | AuctionDaily
Craftsman Adrian Brandon started his Stolen arrangement in mid 2019 after the demise of 26-year-old Jemel Roberson. Lamenting his demise, Brandon searched for an approach to respect Roberson's life while perceiving his lost future. Brandon started making a progression of representations of Black casualties of police brutality, shading in their pictures for one moment for every year they lived. The photos are left fragmented, some getting done with just little fixes of shading.
"Each time I begin shading another piece there's a feeling of frenzy. I need so severely to shading in as much as could reasonably be expected… to complete this eye, to get to the lips. At the point when the clock goes off there's indignation, profound bitterness, and a feeling of misery," Brandon said in a meeting with My Modern Art.
The Black Lives Matter movement continues as protestors and activists call for long-term social change and racial justice. Specialists, for example, Brandon have been incited to get old undertakings and take an interest in activism. Stages, for example, Instagram and Twitter interface these craftsmen to their networks and make works increasingly available.
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A great part of the workmanship identified with the development has been made or displayed openly. A gathering of 80 craftsmen sorted out a sky craftsmanship display over the Independence Day weekend on July fourth, 2020. Over the United States, sky-composed messages showed up above penitentiaries, confinement offices, and movement courts. In Plain Sight, which works utilizing the hashtag #XMAP, is self-depicted as "a profoundly arranged mediagenic exhibition and graceful activity." The task's attention is on migration and fundamental imprisonment, remaining in solidarity with the development's objectives.
A few built up specialists took an interest in the exertion, including Dread Scott (of the United States v. Eichman Supreme Court choice) and fiber craftsman Sonya Clark. "Envision "Opportunity" as a call, a melody, a yell, an interest from the terrestrial to the sky," says Clark regarding her message. "Its answer [is] yet to be satisfied."
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Activists have likewise taken to making craftsmanship on the ground. Road paintings the length of city squares have showed up in urban communities the nation over, most as of late in Lower Manhattan. Provoked by a Black Lives Matter message painted in huge yellow letters close to the White House in Washington D.C., craftsmen and lobbyist bunches have teamed up on comparative endeavors. Making the message last longer than a passing news photograph is a need for some coordinators.
"People of color Matter will mean a similar thing tomorrow as it does in a single month, and on the off chance that we hurry to toss the words on the ground without having purposefulness in our procedure and our accomplices, we will be conflicting with what we're attempting to state," says Amina Hassen, a urban organizer and partner at a New York-based architecture firm.
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Different craftsmen are transforming fight signs and ancient rarities into display presentations and exhibition hall acquisitions. Numerous caretakers keep on studying Black Lives Matter protestors, gathering signs, photos, face covers, and different things utilized for fight. Talking with The New York Times, Aaron Bryant of the National Museum of African American History and Culture addressed the criticalness of connecting with fight craftsmanship: "We converse with individuals so we remember their accounts. History is going on directly before us."
The SoLA Contemporary craftsmanship display in Los Angeles made an unrehearsed show of dissent signs toward the beginning of July. Numerous works were set in the windows to be continually noticeable from the road. As exhibitions, historical centers, and private authorities start to draw in with Black Lives Matter open and dissent workmanship, the safeguarding of the development's vitality and message will turn into a vital test.
"A significant inquiry that galleries ought not disregard is the manner by which to decipher the substance of dissent in the city into a limited private space," says Dr. Maggie Shum of Notre Dame University in Indiana. "Networks and people who took an interest and set the notices ought to be counseled. Their accounts ought to be told right."
Closeout Daily will proceed with inclusion of the Black Lives Matter development in the craftsmanship world as it creates. Our publication group is focused on precisely speaking to the voices of the Black Lives Matter development. It would be ideal if you send your input here.
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rominatrix · 7 years
Someone photoshop Ben from the new shoot and Martin form the Eichman show to get a greaser lock AU lmao Btw feel better!!!
Thank you! I hope i’ll feel better soon because my throat hurts like hell... That sounds like a great idea, I’m not in the mood to make it but i’m sure someone will dslkfajklsgasd I love greaserlock hahaha. Although Ben looks more punklock imo... 
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sojutrait · 2 years
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last day in the gen 5 house
nadine and dante turned 40! nadine is still on her girl boss streak, now reaching 3 star celeb status and getting her youtube play button. while away with her mom ophelia met this guy named travis (who she’s crushing on heavy) much to the annoyance of eloise. and willow moved into ollie’s old room!
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jbs-books · 5 years
Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman
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It would take an whole essay to properly review this great novel. Often called the Soviet War and Peace, Life and Fate is centred on the Battle for Stalingrad in WWII and deals with the lives of soldiers, scientists and civilians caught up in Russia's desperate struggle for survival. Vasily Grossman was a Soviet war correspondent and is able to take you into the centre of the fighting but also into the centre of the big issues of individual freedom and the crushing power of the State. 
A German camp commandant's has a meeting with Eichman where he learns for the first time he will be responsible for the slaughter of thousands of human beings. As he sits in his staff car heading back to his headquarters, the commandant reflects on what lies ahead of him:
"In Budapest,and Fastov, in Vienna, Melitopol and Amsterdam, in detached houses with sparkling windows, in hovels swathed in factory smoke, lived people belonging to the Jewish nation.
All of them - fanatical believers and fanatical atheists, workers and scroungers, doctors and tradesmen, sages and idiots, thieves, contemplatives, saints and idealists - were to be exterminated.
The Gestapo limousine sped down the autumn autobahn."
Then we find ourselves on  journey with a train load of Jews to the gas chambers, and are moved to tears and anger.
This is a truly epic novel that shows the heights and depths of of the human spirit as powerless individuals seek to retain their humanity amidst crushing forces that threaten, overwhelm and kill. There’s a great review here in The Guardian:
Grossman’s Life and Fate took me three weeks to read – and three to recover: Linda Grant
She says, for her this was a life changing book:
“Like many of my generation, I’d been shaped by ideas; by a number of -isms, socialism and feminism above all. I saw the world in terms of various us and them groupings. After reading Life and Fate they seemed to matter less. Grossman wasn’t advocating Christian saintliness, and was far from perfect in his own life. But if, even in the horror of war, you can alleviate suffering through some extraordinary action (volunteering to go to the gas chamber to hold the hand of a child so he won’t have to die alone), how easy might it be to behave with less anger, cynicism, irritation or sneery dismissiveness? And that’s what I have tried to do. Life and Fate is a daunting undertaking, but for those who finish it the experience is profound. Few novels that set out to change the world succeed; this one merely changed me.“
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joanatristaoart · 5 years
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Martin Freeman
The Bill, This Life, Casualty, I Just Want To Kiss You, Bruiser, Lock Stock, The Low Down, Black Books, World of Pub, Ali G Indahouse, Helen West, Linda Green, The Debt, Love Actually, Margery and Gladys, The Office, Shaun of The Dead, Hardware, Pride, Call Register, Blake’s Junction 7, The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, The Robinsons, Round About Five, Confetti, Breaking and Entering, Dedication, The Good Night, Hut Fuzz, Lonely Hearts, Rubbish, The All Together, Nightwatching, Comedy Showcase, The Old Curious Shop, Rembrandt’s J’accuse, Bot Meets Girl, Micro Men, HIV: The Musical, Wild Target, The Girl is Mine, Swinging With The Finkels, What’s Your Number?, The Voorman Problem, Animals, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Svengali, The World’s End, Saving Santa, The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies, The Life of Rock With Brian Pern, The Eichman Show, Midnight Of My Life, Fargo, Toast of London, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Captain America: Civil War, Sherlock, Carnage, StartUp, Ghost Stories, The Dog With The Woman, Cargo, Black Panther, To Provide All People, The Operative, Ode to Joy, A Confession, 
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evilelitest2 · 8 years
100 Days of Trump: Day 7, Conspiracy (2001)
So today is Holocaust Remembrance Day and so I want to talk about the movie Conspiracy.
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Which is about the Wannsee Conference, the 1942 meeting of the Nazi SS under Reinhard Heydrich where the Holocaust as a policy is planned out.  The movie is basically a dramatization of the meeting and what makes this wroth watching is how its about the way the perpetrators of Genocide rationalize this stuff to themselves.  Everybody at this meeting is a high ranking Nazi, all of them are horrible people, but we are seeing them interact in their own context.  I think a big reason why Trump was able to get elected even as he co-opts Neo Nazis rhetoric is because the pop culture perception of Nazis is so cartoonist evil and over the top you can’t take them seriously any more, they are just evil monsters with no humanity and so it is really easy for people to not feel like they are remotely responsible.  After all, the Nazis are 
The Bad Guys
So I can’t be like them, they are so over the top evil that it can’t be like me. So when actual Neo Nazism returns en force, people don’t even recognize it because we have been desensatived by these over the top images.
   This movie doesn’t do that, its showing them all as human beings, abliet particularly vile ones, and shows them in their own context.  There isn’t a hero, there isn’t a traditional plot, this is just watching 15 men talk about and plan out the Final Solution, and the ways that they mentally rationalize what they are doing.  What is interesting is that the actual final Solution was not actually planned at the meeting, the SS had already started it prior to the meeting, the meetings true purpose was to get all of the other departments invoked on board with the program.  Cause the Holocaust wasn’t just a morally abhorrent policy that serves as one of the greatest examples of human evil in history, though it was, it was also self destructively stupid.  Killing 6.5 million jews doesn’t help the Nazis win the war, it just takes resources away from the Eastern Front.  Nobody at the meeting in the film is a complete sociopath nor  are any of them stupid, and yet they go along with this stupid and utterly psychotic policy, mostly because of...well peer pressure.  Even though most people at the meeting actually oppose extermination, they would rather do something else that is less crazy, but because Heydrich, Muller, and Eichman have already planned the meeting ahead of time, what was unthinkable two horus ago becomes the national policy.  THis is how evil wins, by people not really feeling comfortable opposing it, if something horrible is proposed in a flashy manner and pushed through quickly, most people fall along with it because they don’t want to feel the pressure.  
   But that isn’t the main reason why I think you should watch the movie, its because of something the director couldn’t have imagined, watching this movie is like looking at an Alt Right Forum.  Seriously, if you want to understand how Fascists think, how they interact with each other and behave in their own context, this is basically the only movie that really gets into their head like that, I cannot think of any other movies that do that, or TV shows for that matter.  The meeting here could be a group chat on 8chan or a discussion on /POL/.  To fight against fascism we need to understand how it happens, and this movie is an excellent gateway to seeing this stuff in action.   
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johnangusjacobs · 7 years
  This NYC attack broke into continuous “Bad Trump news” so this attacker might be a “Trump sympathizer…”  
    From an analytical perspective if the deliberate attack did not target an individual then nothing adds up except the attacker was trying to change the bad news reports about the Trump Russian probe which was on all New media streams today…
If it was about Halloween then I believe the attacker would have had to plan the attack for much later therefore if the NYC PD label this attack a terrorist attack then I believe it is a domestic Trump Sympathizer terrorist therefore if the NYC label this attack a terrorist attack then it is a domestic Trump Sympathizer – trying to divert from all the BAD TRUMP NEWS… Senator Mitchell said that “Nothing Happens in a Vacuum…”
If this was terrorism – the timing is in question???  
General Kelly’s sympathetic response about General Lee and the Confederate War this morning on all the Morning shows  could have been a Call to action for Trump Sympathizers trying to change the continuous Trump Bad News media feeds all day…   
I believe General Kelly’s sympathetic rant about General Lee being an honorable man is treasonous and unbecoming of a United States Arms Forces Officer; the South Lost and statues are not erected for anyone who doesn’t support the 50 United States of America Constitution which is Patriotism…  I don’t believe General Kelly would want a statue built for the man that killed his son just like BLACKS, Natives, or Niggers don’t want to see statues for people that killed our  ancestors either…  I guess General Kelly would consider the man that killed his son an honorable man just like he thinks of General Lee…   
But if General Kelly isn’t loyal to the United States of America he is a Traitor and should be treated as such…  
@wolfblitzer the question is about Gen. Kelly’s Loyalty???  Based on Kelly’s Gen. Lee comment – his Loyalty is with Confederates/KKK…   
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Sounds to me that Gen. Kelly is and has always been a  WHITE Racist, A Trump Sympathizer, and a Traitor to the Oath he took to defend the Constitution of the United States of America… 
I believe  General Lee and all the Confederates and the KKK and the Nazis  all terrorist because they stand against the Constitution and Bill of Right of the United States of America… 
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John Kelly says Civil War was caused by ‘lack of the ability to compromise’; Twitter has words…  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/10/31/john-kelly-says-civil-war-caused-lack-ability-compromise-twitter-has-words/816266001/ 
Therefore soldiers truly understand why they fight – it’s for our Constitutional Rights – therefore a true American respects every American’s Right to peacefully protest… The Supreme Court ruled: The cases were Texas v. Johnson in 1989, and US v. Eichman in 1990. … In both cases, the Supreme Court ruled that burning a flag is an act of expression and “symbolic speech,” and exactly they type of action that the First Amendment was designed to protect.Nov 29, 2016
What the Supreme Court has said about flag burning – CNNPolitics
Wow… If Flag burning is upheld by our Constitution as free speech and expression then bending a knee certainly can’t be disrespectful or against the Constitution…   
***Soldiers truly understand why they fight – it’s for our Constitutional Rights – therefore a true American respects every American’s Right to peacefully protest…***  
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  John McCain is a decorated war hero who was also a prisoner of war… To suggest that he is anything less than a National Hero I believe is unpatriotic… And especially now that he is in his twilight years I believe all American owe him and all those that SERVED in the United States Armed Forces a debt of gratitude…
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The US military soldier has a greater sacrifice that any other public servant on the planet – long days (maybe years) away from home and family to name a few…
Too many soldiers have suffered and died for all Americans to have the right for peaceful protest; so take it from someone who wore the uniform – the Constitution covers all the Confederate Flag waving KKK as well as NFL players…  
http://www.pinterest.com564 × 429Search by image The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William J. Simmons at Stone
Jim Crow South’s lynching of blacks and Christianity: The terror … http://www.slate.com590 × 421Search by image A Ku Klux Klan rally in Frederick, Maryland, 1980.
Wow… As a former Army Officer, I Salute the “Code Talkers” for their Service in WWII which I believe along with the “Black Tuskegee Airmen” won that war for an ungrateful Nation… The Nazi Army could not decode the Code Talkers language which allowed the US Military to maintain uncompromised Command and Control… This is essential for the General Commanders to execute a successful war battle tactics… So without the Code Talkers unselfish service we would all be speaking German right now because we would have lost that war… Then after the war the “Code Talkers and the Black Tuskegee Airmen” came home to be treated like third class citizens in their own country; when the Nazi prisoners of war were treated like first class citizens in the country they attacked because they were white… I have heard these distinguished men – “The Code Talkers and The Black Tuskegee Airmen” – being referred to as “plains niggers and black niggers” which is so disgraceful for any white person or anyone to speak against these “Unselfish Patriotic Veterans…” Yes they fought for God and Country but the Nation did not always appreciate them…
The Native American and Black American Veterans who have answered the call so many times to “DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION of the United States of America Against all enemies foreign and domestic so help me God” are the True Patriots and they have been disrespected from white people that never served or took the Oath every day for their unselfish service… A’Ho…   
When I came home to Greensboro NC from basic training in Fort Sill, OK in August 1980 – where I had to physically fight a Russian Terrorist Spy who had infiltrated our basic training unit – who I believe was responsible for the death of 20+ basic trainees – I was confronted by an old white woman and her son in the Airport – GSO who referred to me and my mother-in-law as NIGGERS… She said,” Look at all these NIggers…” I walked up to the old white woman and her son and calmly asked her a question – “Show me a Nigger???” The Old woman and her son seem to lose all their nerve and didn’t say anything back to me… I then explained to them that I had just left basic training for the US ARMY to DEFEND THEIR RIGHT TO STAND THERE AND CALL ME A NIGGER – which is her right per our US Constitution…
“Wow… Sounds like Gen. Kelly is and has always been a WHITE Racist…”
          “Wow… Sounds like Gen. Kelly is and has always been a WHITE Racist…” This NYC attack broke into continuous "Bad Trump news" so this attacker might be a "Trump sympathizer..."  
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rfhusnik · 5 years
The King Of The Underground
Written By:  F. John Surells
              Just now I’m thinking I feel a lot like the man who is my main focus in this piece most likely felt when he left the first line of a poem unwritten. Yes, he left the initial line blank, and then wrote as that poem’s second line “has been left unwritten.”
           I say we have, as mortals, two great human influencers who greatly assist us in our making of temporal decisions. Their beliefs stimulate us mentally. Their actions challenge us physically. And we use their totalities of being to help construct our own. But who are those people? The first is a love of one’s life, and the second is one’s greatest philosophical mentor.
           And personally, I and a number of others have previously stated in these writings that the love of my life is Renni Maes-Surells, but my greatest mentor is a man whose name can’t be shared here. He exists in a realm I call “the underground,” though I’ve referenced him in other writings as “the man from the (two words deleted).” And the following are some points of view and reminiscences concerning him.
           “This is the end of our grace period in regard to you,” said the conformers. “All your life all you’ve really done has been throw stones against the bastions of structure. And don’t try to revel in clarity, or excuse wrong deeds you may have done simply because you knew long ago that there hadn’t been any collusion or obstruction.”
           “Sometimes maybe it’s better to leave unsaid certain sayings which others might raise eyebrows to; but then, if they don’t know you have the capability to say such sayings by now, then I guess they never will know of that capability, and, they’ll never really know you! And besides that, who is ever going to truthfully tell us if one should use a slash mark rather than a semi-colon, or what Fitzgerald and Poe thought about starting sentences with gerunds, and why, in all candor, the best looking woman at the performance wasn’t really a woman, but rather a man who dressed like, and appeared to be a woman?
           But, with that last question having been posed, the man from the underground said “Alright, enough is enough. Let the record show that while I believed members of one sex could be attracted to members of that same sex, I was never one of those. And, likewise, if it’s true that certain mortals identify as being both sexes simultaneously, then I believe only they can understand and confront the realities of such a situation.”
           But then suddenly the defenders of conformity interjected themselves into the conversation yet again. “We’ve got a lot to say now” they said. “And please, from this point on, don’t even bother to distinguish our concerns with the use of quotation marks.”
           “You’ve got it”! said the underground man. And he set off his quote with quotation marks.
           Opposites often attract, but attractions often fade. They fade away sometimes, and then those who were attracted are left to hold on to reminiscences, but only if they wish to; or only if they somehow simply can’t free themselves from them.
           Sometimes (and that some time may be any day time) I feel like a man who just reached the garden gate after walking down a straight and narrow concrete walkway from his home inside the sanctuary of literature. And as I open that gate, and prepare to leave an abode of personal personalities, I realize that today, as on all previous days, and I suppose as on all days to come, I have an idea of, but can’t actually say for certain what lies ahead of me in the world outside the barrier which opens and closes my world to that of others.
           And, yes, I’ll open the gate, and I’ll walk out into an unknown and an unsuspecting world, but before I do, I’ll say a prayer here on the inside. “God of all that’s known and not known, keep me and those I love safe this day. And guard the world you created. Keep it safe from those who are evil, and from those who are careless, and also from those who, apparently for one reason or another, can’t realize what the ramifications of their beliefs and actions may be.”
           And with that prayer said, it occurs to me that some may think me arrogant or narcissistic, or both. And some may feel I’m a number of other objectionable things as well. But yet, whenever those fears of possible behind my back condemnations visit me, I’m also reminded of two simplistic clichés:  One, I don’t want to fade away without having said what I knew needed to be said; and two, I don’t want to be simply gone – even if it may be that I’d be gone but not forgotten.
           And I’ve already pledged my love, respect, and allegiance to the Master of the Universe, but now I want to speak of a certain man I’ve spoken of before in these postings. He’s been my greatest mortal influence – I think! That is, he doesn’t live in my city. He only visits it from time to time.          I got an email from Ralph recently. He wrote that the so-called “man from the green city” will soon be visiting our city once again. And, Ralph asked if I’d attempt to write what he termed a “free flow prose piece” in honor of that man and his city. And Ralph said he’d give me a “free hand” to construct that piece (or pieces if I needed to extend to two postings), but he wished me to entitle that composition “The King Of The Underground,” which apparently is the new appellation he’s given to the man whom we previously addressed as the man from the green city.
           Now, as you may surmise, this is a daunting task in that I don’t want to disappoint Ralph or the man whom I’ll be referencing. But yet, from the few times I’ve met the Underground’s newly crowned monarch, I think I can easily hold forth here for at least two postings, and, could probably extend beyond that. Trust me, the King is such a mortal as you’ll most likely never meet. He has his own mind, his own beliefs, and, like our city’s leader Ralph Hawk, seems also to have what I’ll call “an iron will.” Still, his interests and concerns seem to be varied and multi-faceted. Thus, expect the words that will follow here to exemplify what I perceive as being his “reality of being”. And, please
remember that the words I’ll write here will most likely only be visions held briefly within my comprehension. And, I’m thinking that most of those which won’t directly reference the King, but which will instead speak to other random matters, may emanate from news broadcasts which we’ve lately learned tend to report the incorrect and the fake, rather than the truthful and verifiable.
           Thus, narcissism I grant you a free reign here! Anoint your new king!  
           Look! There’s a picture of a boy who, as a man I came to know as a friend, though I only saw him when he infrequently visited our city. And, he visits here yet sometimes still, albeit always with a mind concerned about the future, while often contemplating the past.
           And there’s a year written on that picture I referenced a paragraph ago. It’s 1955. And on the picture the lad seems to be proud of his new toy log assemblage. But then I guess a year passed, and the Union of Soviets invaded Hungary, and the boy learned, mostly through personal study, about Nikita Khruschev, Joseph Stalin, and Communism.
           And, with a knowledge of the far left wing of the political spectrum in hand, an introduction to the far right wing came with the trial of Adolf Eichman in the early 1960’s. And some background study taught the lad about The Fuhrer and the dream of a fascist world. But then came November 1963 and the death of a Democratic president. And today how many in his party would dare ask what people could do for their country rather than what their country could do for them?
           And after the assassination, a cultural void was filled by English musicians. And they soothed the conscience of America until the nation’s most divisive war began to rage in the middle of the 1960’s. And in 1969 it was at its ugliest.
           But it was fashionable to live in cliques at that time. And cliques and communes were fine for a while, until the leader of one of them sent some of his followers out to commit some brutal murders – in 1969.
           But, now it’s happened! We’ve reached a juncture at which we’re no longer certain that certain occurrences really occurred, or whether they did occur, but in different ways and means from those believed and gossiped about by commoners we may have known.
           But the absolute truth and truths of the past are known only to the masters of the universe. And of them today we ask forgiveness for all wrongs we’ve committed. And we assure them and all their inferiors that our remorse for errors committed is sincere. And then we – carry on. And then we – try to live better than we have.
           But our respect is given only to those who’ve earned it. We won’t allow ourselves to be degraded by old men and elderly women who shake their fingers at us and blame us for an environment that’s changing. Of course the environment is changing! But so are many other things! Are we living in a vacuum where all remains the same except for such alterations which chastise the middle and lower classes?
           And you young men and women who occupy seats in the various levels of our nation’s government; many of you are sadly incompetent to perform the duties you’ve undertaken. Many of you espouse radical changes which would bankrupt this nation at the least, or render it vulnerable to domination by foreign powers, or the large number of people you’ve helped enter it illegally, or both.
           Working class Americans don’t want to be demeaned by phony investigations or hate-filled  environmental and impeachment threats. Instead, they want Congress to address their concerns about their  future safety and well-being, as well as their desire that America remain an English and not a Spanish speaking nation in the years to come, and that it be an American and not a Hispanic governed entity.
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