#The Gofer Project au
alizachan · 2 years
Can I hear about this au?
Sure! :D
So it has The Gofer Project invole in v3 we know that it wasn’t real but in this au The Gofer Project was real, Shuchi and the rest of the v3 cast were in it Tsumugi being the imposter and of course there’s the list of them plus Kaede’s twin sister which is
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Haria akamastu however when they were asleep something happened and Haria went missing, so when they woke up and of course the academy is in there so they’ll there for a long while, and then wayyyy later Which will be years later, they return to earth and find it in ruins…of course there’s air and oxygen in there and such
so they leave and look around
of course Kaede is focus on finding Haria, (which she will at one point) but yea, and of course Haria years later looks like this
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funishment-time · 5 months
If I could rewrite the v3 ending I would scrap the whole "danganronpa is a real game in this universe" thing and instead it would be like: the characters were a bunch of talentless people who worshipped junko, and they implanted false memories and personalities into themselves and put themselves in a killing game. Cus they wanted to make another killing game, and the most despair inducing thing to do would be to do it to themselves. This way we can keep the existential horror of your entire life being made up, and the theme of "what defines truth and lies" while also getting rid of that stupid "you're fictional characters in a show" plot point
i like that idea. honestly, there's a million things they could have done with the plot of V3. i don't hate bits and pieces of it, but my current opinion (it may change) is that this was the most Boring Use of the twist/parts of Tsumugi's "story."
just off the top of my head, i'd rather have seen:
a DR game that doesn't seem like it's about SHSLs (their pregame selves) until halfway thru when it's revealed they're mindwiped SHSLs in hiding
as an addendum to the above, an actual Ultimate Hunt plot
the Gofer Project without any extraneous bits: it could still be an AU, but show us the potential "bad end" of Makoto restarting HPA in DR3. like, a Danganronpa 4 IF, essentially. it would have been about as Stupid but i think there could have been something Interesting to say there as an unofficial "what if"
fuck it, DR in space
Tsumugi's stupid reality show plot is real but the reveal is much earlier and the plot is much more about fighting Nihilism
a plot that takes place in this apparently insane world outside of the Killing Game where you can just project new identities onto people, it's legal to give folks Space COVID, and you can let them die for Entertainment (UDG-like spinoff, or, hell, not a DR game at all - could have been the next MDA/Rain Code)
a spinoff-type game in the world of DR with literally any of these characters' backstories? like? Rantaro, Kirumi, Kokichi, Korekiyo, they're all ripe as little bananas to just slot into HPA-arc post-DR3
if they really want to go the Reality Show route, go full meta with it early. it's not a reveal, it's fully known to the viewer from the start. you're the producer. everything is measured in Ratings and Engagement and Viewership. and you have to weigh that against the fact that these kids are in fact totally dying on you
etc etc
not all at once, of course, since some of these are Mutually Exclusive. but you get what i mean.
overall, my first impression (having just beat it a few days ago) is that the Moving Parts are not necessarily bad. a lot of them are really interesting, in fact! but they put them together in a way that doesn't really do much for me at the moment
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sparkymalone · 3 months
Have you watched Scott pilgrim the anime?
How about an actors au: "wanna run lines in your trailer?"
Just, maybe with real sparks after the kissing scene instead of the one-sided first love…
Here is an ask from fucking January. I'm so good at deadlines, guys.
Anyway, I had not seen the Scott Pilgrim anime at the time of getting this request, so part of the time delay was me thinking I needed to watch it to get the full context. And that took forever, because I have about a million things that I need to watch, but haven't. I'm that kinda bitch.
SO! I have seen it now lol. But really, this fic has very little to do with SP. I really leaned into the sparks thing, though. Uh, maybe more than is reasonable, but here we are.
“...And cut!”
The actors on set all breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the director expectantly. The director walked onto the set to describe what she was picturing to the actors, while some of the extras slipped away to the catering table.
Hajime sighed and set down the tray of coffee cups he was holding, offering one to each person that approached him. This definitely wasn't what he had had in mind when he signed up for film school. All he wanted was to direct, but here he was working craft services instead.
He had applied to Hope's Peak Film School right out of high school, and had taken out a hefty loan to pay for tuition. The school promised results, and Hollywood was positively packed with Hope's Peak graduates, so Hajime had high hopes going in.
Unfortunately, even Hope’s Peak couldn't do anything for someone with no talent. Turns out Hajime didn't have the eye necessary for directing, or for cinematography. He wasn't any good at screenwriting, lighting, or much of anything else, either.
But the school had promised results, so they couldn't very well tell him to leave. Instead, they had bounced him from program to program, trying to find a job he could excel at. Finally, they had stuck him in a “work study” program, which basically meant he was an intern on the set of another student's project.
Currently, he was being used as a gofer by the people on set, going on frequent coffee runs and helping out with catering in between. It was thankless work, and Hajime thought about just quitting every single day. But then he remembered how much money he had spent on this bullshit school, and that kept him from leaving.
That, and getting to see so many beautiful actors. The movie seemed to be some sort of gay romance drama, and as such, all of the lead actors were hot. As much as Hajime hated being there, his inner bisexual disaster was satisfied.
The guy in the lead male role was particularly gorgeous. His name was Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, he was in the same year as Hajime but in the acting program, and somehow this was his first film. Hajime found himself staring whenever he was on set, finding him oddly captivating.
And maybe it was his imagination, but he could have sworn he caught Kuzuryu staring back once or twice.
The actor playing his love interest was good-looking, too, but he didn't seem to be very good at acting. Not that Hajime could judge, really. He had never tried acting, so what did he know? Maybe the guy was actually great.
Judging from the way Kuzuryu snapped at him when the camera was off, however, it seemed like he was pretty bad.
The director resumed her seat and everyone took their places. “Action!”
Hajime watched the scene unfold, and found himself enthralled when Kuzuryu began giving a heartfelt monologue to his love interest. He moved closer to the other man, gazing up into his eyes. The other actor gave a brief response, cupped his cheek, and kissed him.
The kiss looked… bad. Even ignoring the weird twinge of jealousy Hajime felt watching it, the kiss just seemed kind of awkward.
Kuzuryu apparently thought so, too, because he jerked away. “Are you fuckin' serious?!” he growled.
“Cut!” The director hopped out of her chair and approached the scene. “What's the problem?”
The taller man crossed his arms, glaring at Kuzuryu. “I don't know, ask him.”
But the director narrowed her eyes at him. “I'm asking you. That looked terrible. Have you ever kissed anyone before, Leon?”
The actor, Leon Kuwata, balked. “What?! Of course I have! If it looked bad it's because-”
“Hell no, don't try and pin this on me,” Kuzuryu snapped. “You're a shitty kisser.”
Kuwata glared at him. “It's just awkward ‘cause you're so damn short!”
This sparked a shouting match between the two actors. Hajime rolled his eyes, but decided that this seemed like a good opportunity to give the director her coffee.
“Miss Nevermind?” he called as he approached. When she turned, Hajime held out her coffee cup.
“Thank you,” the director sighed, clearly dismayed by the lack of chemistry between her two leads.
“Height has nothing to do with it, you're just a shitty actor!” Kuzuryu was shouting. He caught Hajime's eye and the brunette froze, trying not to notice as Kuzuryu quickly looked him up and down. “I'll prove it to you.”
The diminutive blonde walked up to Hajime, glancing between him and Kuwata. Apparently deciding that they were close enough in height, he looked up into Hajime's face. “What’s your name?”
Blinking in surprise, the intern replied, “Uh… Hajime Hinata…”
Kuzuryu nodded in acknowledgement. “Hinata. Okay. Run this scene with me real quick.”
Hajime was shocked. “W-What? But… I'm not an actor…”
“Doesn't matter,” the blonde replied, waving his hand dismissively. “That's even better, actually. I'm just trying to prove a point.”
Kuwata gritted his teeth. “Fuck you, man.” Still, he obligingly stepped off to the side.
A script seemed to come out of nowhere, being shoved into Hajime's hands. The director, Sonia, cheerfully told him which page to turn to, and then where to stand.
Completely out of his depth, Hajime looked helplessly between the others before taking his place in the scene.
Sonia went back to her chair to watch as Kuzuryu resumed his own spot. “I'm going to start with the monologue again, okay? You just say the bit after that and then kiss me, got it?”
Hajime blushed brightly, but tried to force it down. “Uh, got it.”
Clearing his throat, Kuzuryu once again began reciting his monologue. Seeing him perform up close like this felt totally different, and Hajime felt himself getting swept up in the scene. When the blonde man stepped closer, Hajime instinctively put a hand on his waist. Kuzuryu seemed surprised, but kept going.
The actor finished his line and looked up at Hajime expectantly. Hajime swallowed hard and glanced at the script in his hand. Putting as much feeling into it as he could, he recited his part before meeting Kuzuryu’s eyes. He tucked the script under his arm, cupped the blonde's cheek, and leaned down.
When their lips touched, Hajime felt a strange little jolt, almost like a spark. He chose not to focus on that, though, instead giving all of his attention to the kiss. His lips pressed against Kuzuryu's, both of them tilting their heads to allow their mouths to slot together. The shorter man's lips parted and Hajime, caught up in the moment, slipped his tongue into his mouth. Kuzuryu made a soft noise, somewhere between surprised and pleased.
They kissed for a long moment, mouths moving together naturally. The hand Hajime had on Kuzuryu's waist slid around his back, pulling their bodies flush against each other. Kuzuryu moaned quietly, bracing his hands on Hajime's chest.
Finally, the blonde pulled back, and the two of them gazed into each other's eyes. Hajime's skin felt electric, and he desperately wanted to kiss him again.
Someone off to the side clapped, breaking the spell, and both of them whipped around to face the director. “That looked amazing!” Sonia beamed. “Hajime, how would you like to be in my movie?”
The offer completely caught Hajime off guard. He glanced back at Kuzuryu, who stepped out of his arms. “Uh… I mean… Is that really okay?”
“What the fuck?!” Kuwata demanded, stomping over. “You can't just give him my part-”
“I can and I will,” Sonia declared, her tone leaving no room to argue. “What do you say, Hajime?”
Feeling a jolt of excitement, Hajime nodded. “S-Sure… I'd love to!”
The redheaded actor stormed off, but Hajime found his attention commanded by Kuzuryu, who was idly touching his own lips with his fingertips. When he noticed Hajime staring, he stopped, giving the taller man a confident smile.
“Welcome to showbiz,” he teased. Hajime couldn't help smiling back.
Never in a million years would Hajime have expected to be good at acting, but apparently he was. Sonia was thrilled with his performance, and Fuyuhiko (he had insisted Hajime use his first name) seemed to approve, as well.
And that was good, because Hajime would've given anything to keep the role. Playing opposite Fuyuhiko in such romantic scenes was intoxicating, not to mention the electric feeling he got whenever they kissed. Even if it was just for the movie, Hajime was going to treasure every second.
He wasn't entirely sure how Fuyuhiko felt about it, though. The blonde would often look at him strangely, especially after kissing scenes. He was generally pretty easy to get along with, though, once Hajime got past his grumpy exterior.
After a long day of filming, during which there had been a particularly steamy kiss that left Hajime's lips tingling, Fuyuhiko approached him. “Hey, you've been doing really well,” he told Hajime, expression neutral. “But there's still a couple of places I think you can improve. Wanna run lines in my dorm?”
Hajime's eyebrows shot up. He certainly never would've expected Fuyuhiko to ask him to go anywhere, let alone his own room. “Oh, sure. Thanks.”
He followed Fuyuhiko back to the dorms, noting how much nicer his room was than Hajime's. There was enough space for a sofa and a table, in addition to all of the bedroom furniture. Fuyuhiko sat on the couch and gestured for him to do the same.
The blonde looked at him critically, but said nothing. Feeling nervous, Hajime offered a smile. “Thanks for helping me out. I've never acted before, so I'm happy for any pointers you can give me.”
Fuyuhiko was silent a moment longer before finally speaking. “Yeah… Happy to help.”
Hajime furrowed his brow. “Um, is something wrong?”
The actor sighed and leaned against the arm of the sofa. “Look, I kinda had an ulterior motive asking you here.”
Immediately, Hajime's heart sank. This was it, Fuyuhiko was going to tell him he was actually awful, tell him to quit or just straight up fire him - could he do that?
His panicked thoughts were interrupted when Fuyuhiko spoke again. “When we… kiss,” he began cautiously, “do you ever feel anything… weird?”
Hajime's eyes widened. “...Yeah, actually.”
Fuyuhiko looked at him, seeming surprised even though he was the one who brought it up. “You do?”
Nodding, Hajime considered all the on-screen kisses they had shared. “I always feel kinda tingly… electric, maybe. Like-”
“-Sparks,” Fuyuhiko finished for him.
They stared at each other for a long moment. “That's the feeling I get, too,” the blonde told him quietly. “I just wanted to find out… if it was just me, I guess.”
Hajime licked his lips nervously. “What do you think it means?”
Fuyuhiko shrugged. “I don't know.” He paused. “...Maybe it would help us figure it out if we kissed right now.”
The brunette looked at him in shock. Fuyuhiko wasn't facing him, cheeks flushed, and Hajime felt his heartbeat speed up. Finally, he nodded. “Sure, if, uh… If you're okay with it.”
The smaller man slowly turned to look at him, cheeks rosier than ever. “Of course I'm okay with it, dumbass. I suggested it.” Despite his words, he still sounded unsure.
But if he said he was fine, Hajime certainly wasn't going to pass up a chance to kiss him in private.
Hajime scooted closer on the couch, not breaking eye contact. He slowly leaned in, giving Fuyuhiko ample time to change his mind. He was apparently taking too long for the blonde, however, and Fuyuhiko lunged forward, crashing their mouths together.
The kiss was a lot more aggressive than any of their on-screen kisses, but Hajime still felt that familiar tingle. After a moment, he pulled back.
“Sparks,” he breathed.
Fuyuhiko studied his face nervously. “What the fuck does it mean, though? Maybe we should-”
He was cut off as Hajime moved in and kissed him again. This time he parted his lips, carefully licking Fuyuhiko's bottom lip. The blonde made a soft noise, but opened his mouth, allowing Hajime access. As soon as their tongues met, he felt more sparks, exploding across his skin and behind his eyes.
It seemed like Fuyuhiko felt it, too, because he threw his arms around Hajime's neck and pulled him closer. Hajime obligingly wrapped his arms around the other man's waist, kissing him deeply.
After several minutes of passionate kissing, Fuyuhiko pulled back, panting. “Holy shit,” he murmured. “Why does that feel so good?”
“What do you think it would feel like if I kissed you somewhere else?” Hajime heard himself ask.
The blonde's eyes widened, but he didn't move away. Instead, he slowly tilted his head to one side, baring his neck invitingly. Hajime only took a second to be flustered by the situation before leaning in and kissing Fuyuhiko's neck.
The tingle in Hajime's lips was less noticeable than it had been when he kissed Fuyuhiko's mouth, but apparently the effect it was having on the smaller man was much more dramatic.
Fuyuhiko let out a soft moan as Hajime pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses along his neck. “Fuck,” he gasped. “Ngh, that feels fuckin' amazing…!”
Encouraged by his partner's moans, Hajime kissed slowly up his neck, paying special attention to the sensitive spot just below his ear. He kissed Fuyuhiko's ear, as well, tracing his tongue along the shell before sucking gently on his earlobe.
The blonde moaned and squirmed, hands fisted in the front of Hajime's shirt. “S-Stop…!”
Immediately, Hajime stopped what he was doing and sat up, breathing heavily. “Uh, sorry… Was that too much?”
Fuyuhiko didn't answer, instead pushing Hajime against the back of the couch and climbing into his lap. He straddled the shocked man, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes. “Kiss me again, you bastard.”
Hajime didn't need to be told twice. He dove in, kissing Fuyuhiko deeply, arms wrapping around him and pulling their bodies flush together. The blonde gave a pleased moan, throwing his arms around Hajime's neck and pressing himself closer.
In this position, Hajime could feel the bulge in Fuyuhiko's pants, and he was unsurprised to realize that he was just as hard. He was surprised when the smaller man began grinding against him, sending waves of pleasure through both of them. Hajime gasped into the kiss and rolled his hips to meet Fuyuhiko.
After several minutes of desperate making out and grinding, Fuyuhiko pulled back, grasping the collar of Hajime's shirt. “Hah… That feels fuckin' incredible…” He rocked his hips again, moaning at the sensation.
The taller man hummed in agreement, leaning in to kiss his neck again. Hajime relished every gasp and moan he drew from Fuyuhiko's lips, nipping at the sensitive skin. The whole situation seemed unreal, but he was still going to enjoy it to the fullest, cupping Fuyuhiko's ass and rutting hard against him.
Biting his lip, Fuyuhiko pulled away just enough to get Hajime to meet his eyes. The brunette couldn't help thinking how beautiful he looked, with his flushed cheeks and kiss-bruised lips. He was so enamored that he barely registered when Fuyuhiko spoke.
“...I want to feel more,” the blonde told him, almost shyly. “I want you to touch me more.”
Hajime couldn't believe his ears. Never in a million years would he have expected a hot, talented person like Fuyuhiko to be interested in someone like him. Still, he knew better than to question his good fortune.
Lunging back in, Hajime kissed the other man roughly. Fuyuhiko didn't seem to mind, kissing back with equal ferocity. Hajime pulled his partner tightly against him before slipping one hand under the waistband of Fuyuhiko's pants, sliding down to cup his bare ass.
The blonde moaned encouragingly, raising his hips, urging Hajime further. The taller man took the hint, sliding his fingers along the cleft of Fuyuhiko's ass, down to his entrance. He stroked the puckered opening, causing the man in his arms to gasp and break their kiss.
“Fuck,” Fuyuhiko breathed, gazing at Hajime with half-lidded eyes. “Just you touching me feels so fuckin' good…”
Hajime smiled slightly, rubbing more firmly against Fuyuhiko's hole. “Yeah?” he purred, feeling a sense of confidence he had never felt before. “I bet it'd feel even better with my fingers inside you.” Heat rose in his face at how forward he was being, but he didn't back down.
Fuyuhiko licked his lips seductively, draping his arms over Hajime's shoulders and arching his back to give him easier access. “Mmn, I bet it would.”
Breathing heavily, Hajime pulled his hand out of Fuyuhiko's pants just long enough to shove his fingers into his mouth and coat them with saliva. He quickly slipped his hand back under the fabric, trailing down Fuyuhiko's ass to rub slick fingertips against his hole. Watching his partner's reaction, he slid one finger inside.
The blonde's mouth fell open soundlessly, but he didn't look uncomfortable, so Hajime pushed a second finger into him, pressing in deep. Fuyuhiko's eyelashes fluttered and he moaned low in his throat. “Holy shit,” he breathed.
Hajime paused. “Is this okay?”
Golden eyes fixed him with a smoldering gaze. “It feels fucking amazing. Don't you dare stop!”
Biting his lip, Hajime gently slid his fingers in and out, pleased when another breathy moan escaped from Fuyuhiko's throat. Hajime slowly pumped his digits into the other man, watching the way he squirmed and whined.
The taller man swallowed hard. He didn't really have experience doing anything like this, so he was mostly just going off of what he had seen in porn or heard from his friends. It seemed like he was doing a good job, though, with the way Fuyuhiko was moaning and clenching around his fingers.
After a moment, the blonde grasped Hajime's face between his hands, trying to look at him seriously even though he was still being fingered open. “H-Hajime,” he started hoarsely, “I, mmn… I want you… I want you to fuck me.”
Hajime tried to ignore the way his heart leapt into his throat. “...Are you sure?”
Fuyuhiko gasped and rocked back against Hajime's hand. “Hah… Of course I'm sure. With how fuckin' good everything else feels… ahh… I have to know what your cock feels like…”
Letting out a shuddered breath, Hajime felt his erection strain against his pants. “God, I want to know what you feel like, too…”
“So fuck me!” Fuyuhiko moaned, hips bucking.
And god, Hajime wanted to fuck him. Unfortunately, his nerves were still getting the best of him. He decided it was probably better to just confess. “...I, um… I want to, I've just never… done this before,” he said lamely.
Fuyuhiko looked at him in surprise. “What? Then how the fuck are you so good at - mmn~!” He cut off with a sweet moan as Hajime's fingers brushed his prostate.
The brunette shivered as the other man squeezed tight around his fingers. He groaned softly, watching his partner's face. “...Just tell me what to do,” he told him quietly.
Licking his lips, Fuyuhiko reached back and pulled Hajime's fingers out of him. He stood up, looking appraisingly at the tent in Hajime's pants. “Hurry up and get your dick out.”
As Hajime scrambled to comply, Fuyuhiko made his way over to his nightstand, pulling out a bottle of lube. He returned to the couch, excitement flashing in his eyes as he caught sight of Hajime's exposed cock.
“Damn,” he chuckled, handing the lube to his flustered partner. Fuyuhiko began shedding his own clothes, undressing completely, much to Hajime's surprise. He climbed back into the taller man's lap, straddling him once more.
Hajime quickly poured some of the lubricant into his hand and began rubbing it over his cock, trying not to get too caught up. Having Fuyuhiko completely nude in his lap while he was still fully clothed was weirdly sexy, and he couldn't wait to finally be inside of the smaller man.
After only a moment, Fuyuhiko batted Hajime's hand away and took hold of his erection. He positioned it beneath him and slowly began lowering himself. The first touch of Hajime's cock against his hole had both of them gasping, an electric feeling running across their skin. Fuyuhiko bit his lip and lowered himself further, allowing the tip to breach his entrance.
The taller man dug his fingers into Fuyuhiko's hips, trembling with pleasure already. Something about the touch of the other man's skin was sending sparks through his entire body. As his cock slowly slid inside, the feeling only got more intense. Tight heat engulfed his cock and his whole body felt like it was on fire, but in the most euphoric way.
Fuyuhiko didn't stop moving until he was fully seated on Hajime's cock, breathless moans pouring from his lips already. “Holy fuck…!” he whined, muscles clenching and unclenching reflexively, making Hajime hiss. “S-So… So fuckin' big, so fuckin' good…!” He rocked his hips as he adjusted, making both of them moan.
Hajime was already completely overwhelmed. The feeling of being inside Fuyuhiko was incredibly intense and he couldn't keep himself from bucking up into him, making his partner cry out. “Sorry,” he breathed, but he was still pulling Fuyuhiko's hips down hard against his own.
Thankfully, Fuyuhiko seemed to be just as eager for more. He carefully raised himself up, almost to the tip of Hajime's cock, before sliding back down. A pleased purr left his throat and he repeated the action, this time slamming himself down roughly.
The blonde started up a slow rhythm, bouncing in Hajime's lap and coming down hard. Both of them gasped and moaned at the sensation, hungry for more.
“Fuck, Fuyuhiko,” Hajime panted, watching the other man's face. “You feel amazing…”
Fuyuhiko met his gaze, not slowing his pace at all. “Mmn, so do you…!” He bit his lip as Hajime's cock brushed against his sweet spot.
“God, you look so fucking good like this,” Hajime murmured, feeling almost delirious from the pleasure. “You're so fucking beautiful, so tight around my cock, so-”
His rambling was cut short when Fuyuhiko lunged forward and kissed him. Hajime wasn't complaining, happily kissing back as his partner rode him harder. He rocked his hips up to meet each of Fuyuhiko's movements, making both of them gasp and moan.
After a moment, Fuyuhiko broke the kiss with a loud cry. He had found exactly the right angle, causing Hajime's cock to hit his sweet spot with every bounce. The blonde arched his back, moaning sweetly as his lover's cock slid even deeper inside.
“Mmn, Hajime~” Fuyuhiko purred, burying one hand in Hajime's hair and looking into his eyes. “You're gonna fuckin' cum in me, right~?”
Hajime nodded obediently. “Hah… Fuck, yes…!”
The smaller man gave a pleased chuckle, muscles clenching around his partner. He leaned forward to nip at Hajime's lower lip. “And you're gonna cum hard, right~? Fill me up~?”
Again, Hajime moaned his agreement. “Please!”
Fuyuhiko slammed himself down harder with every bounce, feeling his climax rapidly approaching. He reached down to stroke his own cock, gasping and moaning. “Ngh…! Fuck, Hajime… I'm so fuckin' close, mmn…!”
“Me, too,” Hajime breathed. He leaned in, pressing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses against Fuyuhiko's throat as he bucked into him. His body felt like it was on fire and the only cure was the gorgeous blonde bouncing in his lap.
With a loud cry, Fuyuhiko finally reached his peak, slamming himself down and grinding onto Hajime's cock. He moaned hoarsely as his inner muscles fluttered around his partner and he spilled over his own fingers.
Hajime was right behind him, bucking desperately into him as he toppled over the edge. Fireworks exploded behind his eyes and he bit down on Fuyuhiko's neck. He buried himself as deeply as possible, filling his lover with his seed.
The two of them collapsed against the back of the couch, holding each other tightly. They were both breathing heavily, gazing into each other's eyes as they tried to get their thoughts in order. It took several minutes for either of them to form words.
“...Wow,” Hajime panted, still grasping Fuyuhiko's hips.
The blonde huffed out a quiet laugh. “Yeah… wow.”
Smiling softly, Hajime tried to formulate another thought. “So, uh… Sparks?”
Fuyuhiko leaned his head against his partner's shoulder. “Still don't know what it means, but… yeah. Sparks.”
“I think,” the brunette began slowly, “it means that there's… something special between us. Don't you think so?” He looked at the other man, eyes hopeful.
It took a moment for Fuyuhiko to respond. “...Yeah. I think you're right.”
Hajime felt his heart leap into his throat. “Yeah?”
The blonde slowly lifted his head, meeting Hajime's gaze. His face was flushed, but he looked determined. “...I like you. The whole reason I wanted to test the whole ‘sparks’ thing was because I like you. And now… I'm sure.” He shifted his weight, reminding them both that Hajime was still inside of him. “Mmn… Be my dumbass boyfriend,” he murmured shyly.
Hajime's heart was pounding, and he immediately lunged in to kiss the man in his arms, feeling ecstatic. Between kisses, he managed to reply, “I like you, too… Of course I'll be your boyfriend.”
Fuyuhiko hummed happily, kissing him back. The two of them stayed entwined on the couch for a while longer, just kissing and muttering words of affection.
Hopefully that was worth the wait?? IDK anymore. I liked it.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Imagine Shuichi Maki and Himiko thinking they ended a Tv Show…only to find out they where actually in a VIDEO GAME
Although it's certainly not impossible for such a twist to occur after the V3 ending we see (and it'd make the narrative even MORE meta), I think it has the potential to erase/undo some of the effect of previous reveals. Although you can probably work carefully around a lot of those to avoid completely ditching them. Like, was the 'audience control/vote' for Keebo's actions totally fake? Probably, but maybe you could say someone outside the game was 'playing as him' or something. Is the kid we see at the start of Chapter 6 who's addicted to Danganronpa no longer real? Maybe he's hooked on the game, you could argue...
Besides, V3 already has seen fit to trash its own prior reveals, so this would just be a logical extension of that. Remember, they slowly teased out the reveals about the asteroid, Hope's Peak, the "Gofer Project" and all that, gradually giving us backstory.... that they ultimately slam-dunk into a trash can during the final chapter.
Okay, so let's dig into the idea that they're all trapped in a video game? What could that mean for the survivors and their future?
Their best-case scenario is that they're still real people who're just plugged into a some kind of VR simulation ala DR2. You're probably aware that there are many fan AUs/fanfics that embrace exactly that concept. After all, that means you can bring back the various "dead" characters just like DR2's cast managed to do, so there's an inherent appeal there.
Outside of that possibility, though? All other possibilities become much darker. If they're in a video game, all the questions about how much of their identities are real vs fabricated are swiftly supplanted by bigger worries. Are they even real human minds, or just programs? Are they A.I.s, or are they merely doing and feeling and thinking based on their programming, effectively predetermining their actions? If they're part of a game, is it even possible to somehow separate themselves from it and "escape"? What does "escape" in such a situation mean or look like? Where could they go, and how?
The funnest part of this idea is that it could serve as a neat excuse for some of Gonta's ridiculous claims, though. "Yeah, sorry — the programmers got lazy near the end of development and just copy-pasted some of the code from Street Fighter II to patch the remaining holes during crunch. That's how Gonta accidentally wound up getting Blanka's backstory... our bad." lol
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
Yooo, didn't know you were interested in Danganronpa. I'm only casually into Danganronpa at this point but it's still nice to know.
I was a dirty Tsumugi Shirogane fangirl and I still kinda am,,, but I recognize now that it's more the idea and the implications behind her and what she can represent that I liked than Tsumugi's execution (lol) as a character. Still my weeb girlie tho.
V3's world seemed pretty fascinating to expand on (hence my interest in... pregam- haha what I didn't say anything) but alas. It had to focus on the extremely stupid Gofer Project. I got sick of hope vs. despair so I kinda just ignore certain stuff at the end. Yeah you can imagine the many AUs that came to mind back in my DR phase
I focus on V3 because... well it's what I found most interesting and. Danganronpa V5? Lifeless? Hmmmmm.
danganronpa was one of my biggest fandoms. it was actually the first fanart i ever posted, back on insta. i haven’t been interested in a while, but i recently got back into it!
i will admit to also being a tsumugi appreciator. she’s just so <3. (let’s be honest, most characters had a lot of ignored potential. but that’s what fanfic is for).
i know not everyone was a fan, but i really liked the v3 ending! it was really interesting. v3, in general, was probably my favorite.
i was comparing danganronpa to the life series when the idea came to me. i wasn’t sure if it was actually going to go anywhere, but it did! i’m having a lot of fun! it’s great to see people interested in it.
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jaydangan · 2 years
Ok :D
So it has The Gofer Project invole in v3 we know that it wasn’t real but in this au The Gofer Project was real, Shuchi and the rest of the v3 cast were in it Tsumugi being the imposter and of course there’s the list of them plus Kaede’s twin sister which is
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Haria akamastu however when they were asleep something happened and Haria went missing, so when they woke up and of course the academy is in there so they’ll there for a long while, and then wayyyy later Which will be years later, they return to earth and find it in ruins…of course there’s air and oxygen in there and such
so they leave and look around
of course Kaede is focus on finding Haria, (which she will at one point) but yea, and of course Haria years later looks like this
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oh my! What a interesting plotline! I love all project gofer aus cause all of them are so cool! And kaede has a younger sister!? SHE LOOKS SUPER CUTE!
omg i really hope kaede find her lil sis
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fablestarlet · 4 years
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since i didn’t like the whole team Danganronpa concept in V3 and it’s plotholes, i’ve decided to make an AU of Killing harmony’s Danganronpa
in this Au, DRV3 is a somewhat a next gen of THH and GD. Shuichi is a naegi and kirigiri, Kaede is Sonia and Gundam’s daughter, etc. in this AU, Tsumugi’s real past is the same as Shuichi’s fabricated past, where her parent’s were out at sea with the works of their jobs as a screenwriter and actor. while Tsumugi stayed with her aunt and uncle, her parents barely come to visit her and would sent her souvenir cards from their trips, even at holidays. 
she attended Hope’s peak academy with 15 other students (which you could guess who they are), she was very close friends with Shuichi and Kaede, but was also friends with her other class mates. although Tsumugi was happy having friends, she grew a jealousy of Shuichi and Makoto’s father son relationship as well as the other student’s happy relationship with their parents, mostly Shuichi’s. 
after a year of taking hopes peak academy, Tsumugi manage to secretly work for a organization called team Danganronpa. catching interest, Tsumugi decided to research on the world’s most biggest, most awful, msot tragic ever in human history. when learning a lot about Junko Enoshima’s killing game of class 78th, Tsumugi decided to put action into her hands and make her own killing game with Team danganronpa.
when the time came, Tsumugi managed to manipulate and convince her classmates to participate in the gofer project, which is what she called so no one will suspect it was actually a killing game. but in order to not drive any interruptions or suspicions on the students disappearance, Tsumugi faked her and her classmates deaths, allowing her an easier path to start the game without search of her classmate disappearance or them trying to interrupt the game.
Tsumugi was the one who made up the fabricated past, memories, and talents for all her students and give Shuichi the same past she had since she wanted to throw her own past to someone.
and yeah, i guess that’s it. just to make this AU less sadder, this Killing game takes place in a Virtual world so don’t worry, no one dies. yay. i’ll make more of this AU if i come up with anymore ideas for it.
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Rambling about V3 Again
Today I saw a really interesting quote from author Brandon Sanderson and it honestly got me thinking. He talked about what he considers the single worst thing you can do with critique in writing, and that’s if a critic “tries to make your story into one they would write, rather a better version of one you want to write.”
That got me thinking about V3.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that V3 is a very polarizing game, and I’ve seen many people talk about how they would’ve preferred to see the story play out, from character arcs to deaths to story conclusions. And while I do honestly enjoy seeing alternative perspectives and takes and AU’s, I feel like a lot about the game, what it’s trying to say and be, is skewed by those ideals.
I’m not saying that the critiques about the game are invalid, because there are a fair share of flaws with the game. What I am saying is that we end up talking so much about what we wish V3 could’ve been that what V3 was trying to be often ends up lost in that, and I want to talk about it.
It wasn’t until I really saw this quote that I was able to articulate all my likes and dislikes about the game and the reactions to it into a cohesive whole, which is what I’d like to do here.
So let’s ask this: what was V3 really trying to be?
Let’s start from the game’s theme: the relationship between truth and lies. This is best exemplified by the fact that you have the option to lie during trials, that you can use deception to find the truth. That’s a very different take from the previous games, where hope was associated with finding and confronting the truth.
Kokichi is another example, as he’s a self-admitted liar who claims to lead a criminal organization and it’s hard to tell exactly what he’s thinking or saying. Yet Kokichi actually helps bring the group to several truths: he helps find the culprit in trials, he reveals Maki’s identity as the Ultimate Assassin, tells the truth about Gonta murdering Miu and it’s thanks to his actions that the group later discovers the reality of their situation.
Throughout their journey, the group is confronted by numerous truths they don’t want to acknowledge, even refusing to do so and attacking people who continue to push them through. And with every revelation, there’s always those lingering details that don’t really make a lot of sense.
Let’s look at the game’s main narrative. At the start of the game, Kaede remembers she was kidnapped in broad daylight, thrown into a van, and brought to some abandoned school with a bunch of other people. She doesn’t act like a particularly nice person and is dressed differently, at least until the Monokubs arrive and give everyone their new clothes and memories. From that point, the narrative shifts considerably.
Kaede is suddenly an outgoing, optimistic leader and Shuichi is a sullen, withdrawn detective who serves as her deuteragonist for Chapter 1. She’s resolved to escape the Killing Game and tries to rally the group together. However, when her methods don’t prove successful and they start drifting away from her, she considers saving them by any means necessary and goes so far as to attempt murder against the mastermind. When that happens, she’s found guilty and executed, leaving Shuichi to take up her role as protagonist.
As you go through the game, using devices called flashback lights that apparently reawaken lost memories, you learn more and more about the reason that the group was brought here: the Gofer Project. When meteors began raining down on earth, all seemed lost until they established this project to send a group of survivors into space to colonize a new planet. A group of Ultimates.
They had established early on that Ultimates have even greater rights in this world: they’re the only ones allowed to vote and hold office. As the meteors came down and the news of this project got out, some people formed a cult that believed it was divine judgement and that mankind should be destroyed. That’s when they began the Ultimate Hunt, pursuing the candidates for the Gofer Project across the world. The Ultimates, with no other way out, decided to erase their memories of talent and live their last days as normal people.
To protect them, the people in charge spread a false story that the Ultimates had died, even holding a fake funeral for them and sent them into space secretly. However, while everyone was in cold sleep, one member of the cult- Kokichi- had sneaked aboard and piloted the ship back to the ruined and now inhospitable earth. They have no way back and no way to survive outside, and thanks to Kokichi’s claims to be the mastermind, they’ve been killing each for nothing. The group ultimately loses hope.
However, they’re resolved to continue on in their fight against the mastermind when they find a flashback light that reveals they weren’t just any ultimates: they were the next generation of ultimates from Hope’s Peak Academy. It wasn’t really the meteorites that got everyone, it was an alien virus that pushed mankind to the brink of extinction. That the cult that rose in the wake of this was Ultimate Despair.
That seems like a definitive way to link this game with its predecessors...until you really begin to stop and pick it apart. If this was about saving mankind, why did nobody have their memories right away? Why would you only bring 16 people? Why students who don’t make them suited to colonization? Why people like a death row inmate, a serial killer, a self-proclaimed liar and criminal, and an assassin?
Furthermore, going through many Fte’s highlights how much of the characters’ backstories seem very out there. Gonta wasn’t raised by wolves but a race of dinosaur people living in the woods, Kirumi is so hyper-competent that she became prime minister during the meteor crisis, Korekiyo’s killed almost 100 women and yet has never been caught, Maki can attend high school despite Japanese orphanages being too underfunded for kids to usually attend, Tenko’s neo-aikido breaks all the rules of traditional aikido and she's impulsive, has low pain tolerance, and disregards fair rules, none of which are very befitting of a martial artist.
And to conclude, even I thought that the reveal of their connection to Hope’s Peak felt very fanficy and out there, especially when the game had made no references or implications of it beforehand. But the reason for all of this is simple and effective:
None of this is real. It’s all staged.
Chapter 6 reveals that everything from their identities to the outside world they thought they knew was all just a fabrication. In truth, Tsumugi shows herself as the mastermind and that they’re actually in the 53rd season of an in-universe show called Danganronpa. Something alluded to even in the beginning of the game with the Team Danganronpa logo. This moment was very make or break for a lot of people, but let’s treat it fairly.
According to Tsumugi, the outside world has become a peaceful, boring place and Danganronpa is the only source of real entertainment the people have. A place where people literally come to have their identities replaced with those of Ultimates and then made to kill each other. This, as it turns out, was an outgrowth of the actual series we’d played before. A game that’s gone over 53 times.
This revelation is devastating for the characters. The lives and memories they’d known were all fabrications, which Tsumugi claims to have intentionally written. The Flashback lights were designed to implant fake memories to manipulate them, which is why that Hope’s Peak connection was set up after everyone gave up following the reveal of the outside world. A truth that could lead the world to despair, a lie that could lead the world to hope.
She even goes so far as to show everyone’s audition tapes, claiming that Kaede, Kaito, and Shuichi himself were willing to participate in the killings out of sheer misanthropy, popularity, and morbid excitement 
Kiibo is also revealed to be the audience’s means of interacting with the game, able to carry out their wishes and can even be hijacked and used as a way to fight against the characters’ decisions.
In the end, Tsumugi claims that the ongoing battle of hope vs despair needs to continue in perpetuity and that the survivors need to sacrifice someone, since only two people can survive Danganronpa. Shuichi, however, convinces Maki and Himiko not to vote for anyone and actually convinces the in-universe audience to give up on the series. Kiibo then blows the set to hell and allows Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko the chance to escape and see the world outside and what sort of influence they could have.
Now, let’s this break this down piece by piece here, because I feel like this part of the game is often conflated. Often I’ve seen people say that Chapter 6 is a giant middle finger to fans of the series, that nothing about the series really mattered, or that the flaws of the game can simply be attributed to bad writing on the creator’s part.
I honestly used to be in that camp myself, but the more I’ve thought about it, the more I feel those statements don’t hold up to scrutiny. We often conflate writing and narrative decisions we don’t like with bad writing. However, if the creator deliberately wants the narrative to move in that direction and has made intentional foreshadowing, references, and motivations that match it, we can’t simply equate that with it being “badly written.”
It’s not bad simply because we would’ve preferred they do something different. There’s a lot of very acclaimed books out there that I’ll admit I don’t care for because of their narrative decisions, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re badly-written.
Furthermore, if something intentionally doesn’t make sense in-story, that is not bad writing. That is purposeful on the part of the creator, not a plot hole. The Gofer Project is not supposed to be a logical narrative, it’s meant to serve V3′s role: deconstruction of the nature of the series. It does this in many different ways:
Sequelization: 53 is a ridiculous amount of entries in a franchise and as I’m sure we’re all aware, as the number of entries goes up, the writing quality tends to go down. The Gofer Project story was purposefully meant to be nonsensical because it’s a story in an in-universe franchise that jumped the shark long ago.
A lot of people found it confusing or ridiculous that Shuichi and Kaede would have a romantic connection despite knowing each other barely a few days. That’s also the point; quick romances are a convenient narrative device to establish a means for character growth, followed by fridging her, a bad narrative trope designed to propel Shuichi toward development. Tsumugi even said as much during Chapter 6.
Similarly, Maki’s role in the story and her feelings for Kaito were reminiscent of that as well, with him helping her come out of her shell. 
When you go back, you can see Danganronpa is loaded with references to other series. Tsumugi is an obsessive otaku and went so far as to fill the entire story with deliberate references and callbacks to things she enjoys.
The Monokubs are deliberate references to executive decisions to add more marketable and merchandisable characters as the series drags on.
The fact that there are (supposedly) people willing to sign up for a killing game deconstructs the idea that some in the fandom may have had. That is, actually being in a killing game would not be fun or exciting, but horrific and traumatizing. Most of us wouldn’t be badass detectives or heroes, we’d be scared out of our minds, afraid, and want to find a way out.
Furthermore, Shuichi being repeatedly told that he’s just a fictional character and that his role is to be the protagonist, to go through hardships and come out stronger for the audience’s entertainment pisses him off so much that he wants no part of it. 
The climax is ultimately a deconstruction of what the series is famous for: the battle of hope vs. despair. In-universe, this has been reduced down to a simple narrative where the audience wants the same thing again and again: to see hope win in the end. Because hope keeps winning, the audience keeps wanting more. It’s become so formulaic that the audience doesn’t want to break out of its shell and just wants to see it over and over.
The final PTA against Kiibo is not meant to be an insult to the audience, but a representation of fighting against toxicity and entitlement in the fanbase, especially the ones that don’t want change. It’s not saying “you’re stupid for liking this series,” it’s saying “don’t be like these people.”
And how does the game? An unsatisfying ending that’s so bad that it drives the audience to give up on the show, finally allowing the killing to stop. Tsumugi decides she can’t live in a world without her favorite show and decides to die.
And that brings me to what I think is the ultimate thing that people conflate about the ending: that it’s all fiction, so nothing about it matters. That the entire franchise was fake, so it’s not worth your time.
That’s exactly the opposite of what V3 is trying to say.
First, Tsumugi is a completely unreliable narrator. The kind of person who let fiction consume her entire life, yet she believes it can’t change reality. She’s a liar and a hypocrite, and there’s no way of knowing if anything she says about the outside world is even true. It could be like she says or it might not be.
The fact that they have technology that can remove memories and add fake ones adds an entire dimension of ambiguity to everything she says, especially when you consider how the beginning of the game does not match up with what she says. We have no idea what the kids were really like before the killing game, so why should we believe anything she says?
And how can we be certain of her claims that she just wrote everything as planned? Kokichi and Kaito managed to put together a plan that completely threw her and Monokuma for a loop
Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko ultimately choosing to take the words of Kaede, Kaito, and Tenko to heart, even if they were part of a fictional narrative, is proof that they still had an influence on the trio. They choose to take something meaningful from their experiences regardless of the reality of their situation. And that’s something we all do.
The media we consume has an influence over who we are as people, and it’s part of why so many of us have such strong attachments to works we love. They were often influential in help shape who we are as people now, for good and for ill, and it’s important to take that into account.
V3′s message is that yes, that is important, and that you should read and enjoy stories and fiction, just as long as you don’t let it consume your life. They can influence you and even the world at large, and so it’s our responsibility as writers, artists, and creators to use that influence positively, to use the medium as a way to change the world for the better. That the only way for stale franchises that we’re tired of seeing over and over is to demand change, even if that means walking out on them. That the only way for things to change is for us to take action and demand change.
And by the end, we may not see immediate results, but we can at least work hard at trying to bring them about. V3 ends with Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko facing an uncertain future in a world they really know nothing about, but hopeful that their actions can and will change the world for the better. Real life doesn’t have solid, satisfying conclusions and it always doesn’t play out like a story, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on ever finding something satisfying or hopeful out there.
This, by no means, is me saying that V3 is a flawless story. I can point to numerous critiques that I still think hold water. However, Sanderson’s point is that we shouldn’t criticize a work based on what we wish it was rather than how it is and what it was trying to do.
I know there’s a lot about the story that bothers people, I know there’s a lot that wasn’t polished and a lot that feels uncomfortable and hard to swallow. Like Shuichi, coming out feeling confused, lost, unsure of what to do, but choosing to see merit and things to take to heart even in a story that turned out to be full of lies and uncomfortable truths.
If you didn’t enjoy V3, I wouldn’t force you to enjoy it. If you did love it, then you should love it. These are all just my thoughts on a story that, as time goes on, honestly feels more and more relevant to me.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
What are the good points and bad points of each superpower in the Bendy superpower Au?
Joey Drew (Copycat):
Good - Gives him a wider scope of understanding over other's abilities, since he actively experiments with the powers he copies.
Bad - He can overload. Some powers are just too complicated for him to use, and some he can't use properly because they're linked to specific biological functions and neurological pathways.
Henry Stein (Mental Projection):
Good - Can create virtually anything he can come up with. Need a specific item on the fly? Henry's your guy!
Bad - Creating living beings takes a lot of energy and concentration, and abusing this power can lead to the user ripping their own mind to shreds or even dying of a brain aneurysm.
Sammy Lawrence (Relocation):
Good - Can be used to move around quickly. Any small opening will do since his body takes on a liquid form. As a result, Sammy knows where every pipe in the studio leads. He can also take refuge in the walls when he needs a break from everyone.
Bad - Abusing this power can lead to him losing the energy required to keep his form stable, leading to him melting into a puddle of goo, or staying stuck as a humanoid blob creature (think his in-game form).
Jack Fain (Invisibility):
Good - It's ideal for avoiding trouble. No one will bother someone they can't see, which suits Jack's work just fine. He needs the peace to write the lyrics after all, and if he's needed Sammy knows where to find him.
Bad - It's a defense mechanism, so if something is frightening or upsetting to him, Jack can end up stuck in his invisible state. He was once so stressed that he couldn't turn back for a whole week, and was terrified that it might be permanent (further exacerbating the issue).
Susie Campbell (Claw Retraction):
Good - If she's ever in a bad situation, she at least has a way to properly defend herself. Her claws are incredibly sharp and can easily pierce flesh.
Bad - Like Jack's power, Susie's ability is a defense mechanism. Negative emotions and stressors can cause her claws to pop out, so she tends to get them caught on things, or accidentally cutting herself with them. She's scared she might hurt others without meaning to.
Norman Polk (Night vision):
Good - He can walk around without needing a torch, which is ideal for his job really. It also helps with his less savoury hobbies... You really can't tell where Norman might be watching from, unless you accidentally catch his eyes with the light of a flashlight.
Bad - His eyes are sensitive to sudden changes of lighting and require a brief period of adjustment like regular eyes, so bright flashes are extremely painful and can lead to temporary blindness. Flash photography is his worst enemy and thus there are little to no photos of him in existence.
Allison Pendle (Spiritual Perception):
Good - Being able to perceive messages from the dearly departed gives her a slight advantage in certain areas of expertise. It's like getting advice from more experienced people after all, albeit in an unconventional way.
Bad - She's seen some VERY disturbing things from the other side. Things she could never hope to describe and is reluctant to talk about, as it takes its toll on her sanity. Not every spirit is a kind one.
Thomas Connors (Super Strength):
Good - As a person who works with very heavy machinery, Tom has an easier job getting things done when he can carry them around as if they were weightless. It’s also a neat party trick.
Bad - He has to keep his temper in check otherwise he loses control of his strength. This particular power combined with his trust and anger issues make him a potential danger to others, and it's definitely a heavy weight on his shoulder.
Wally Franks (Super Speed):
Good - In theory it could make his job a hell of a lot easier since he's doing simple tasks at a much higher speed. He doesn't use them for anything but fleeing from the consequences of his carelessness however.
Bad - Wally's laziness and tendency to cut corners has given him little to no resilience, so using his power tires him very quickly and messes up his calorie intake. If used too often he becomes absolutely ravenous and prone to stealing others’s food.
Shawn Flynn (Sonic Scream):
Good - Loud ear shattering noises don't bother him whatsoever. The probabilities of him ever going deaf are also zero to none since his eardrums are incredibly resilient out of necessity.
Bad - Besides property damages and medical bills for injuring others' hearing, Shawn has actually shredded his vocal chords from screaming in frustration. Kinda ironic how his eardrums are capable of withstanding his power, but his voice can still get shot from it.
Grant Cohen (Telepathy):
Good - Nothing. He hates this power more than he hates working for Joey Drew, and on the grand scale of things he hates that’s QUITE hight up.
Bad - The migraines, the intrusive thoughts of others, and the stress of his job are enough to drive anyone over the edge. It's only a matter of time before Grant snaps.
Buddy Lewek (Astral Projection):
Good - As the studio's gofer, the ability to project his mind all around makes for pinpointing his objectives quite easy. He's also very good at finding lost items!
Bad - He can get stuck outside of his body, which goes into auto pilot and can be easily manipulated by others considering it lacks a conscience. The idea of his body being used to do criminal things while he watches helplessly is Buddy's worst nightmare.
Bertrum Piedmont (Technopathy):
Good - Being able to control his machines gives him a massive advantage over his competitors. No amusement park has ever had such incredible rides like his!
Bad - Possessing the machines for too long can end up with him fusing with them. Forcing him out is very difficult and the results of fusing with the rides tend to be horrifically disturbing (You thought the head inside the octopus ride was bad? Picture rollercoaster Bertrum...).
Lacie Benton (Enhanced Sight):
Good - Being able to see even the smallest details can be useful for an engineer. She knows what's wrong with a machine just from looking at it, so anything that ends up in her hands often returns improved from its original functionality. She hates incompetence after all!
Bad - Bright lights, darkness, and just the slightest notion that something is off or out of place tends to get to her very fast. Her visual input is too much for her brain to keep up at times, so it fills in the blanks with disastrous effect.
Emma LaMonte (Enhanced Stamina):
Good - Being nearly tireless has boosted her career considerably, causing her to become the top dancer of her era. It's easier to be on top when you can dance circles around the competition for days on end.
Bad - As a teacher she's considered strict and prone to overworking her students, as her stamina keeps her going for longer than an average person can. Her lack of patience also makes her a horror story to be shared among her students.
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dreamtofbluebirds · 4 years
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While timid and particularly unobtrusive, Shuichi is a person of integrity. Years spent with a detective uncle had carved a formidable foundation for law-abiding behavior.
In his primary verse, he was thrown into Danganronpa unwillingly and upon waking up from the Virtual Reality, was missing quite a bit of his original memories. Between physical and mental therapy, he’d find that his past would always be elusive but a few things remain solid. His friendships, his family situation, and his nature remained consistent. What became a hurdle was the fact that Danganronpa had not known prior to kidnapping him that he was a trans male, and thus did not alter his in-game avatar. Upon his release, he would find renewed difficulty in the dysphoria but a clearer understanding of himself.
As a note, if I write with anyone WITHIN the game’s timeline, I will change the mishap over his avatar in the VR to accurately reflect his born sex instead. This is because I am fond of this concept, and I’d like to keep that aspect of him consistent as I write.
Standard verse, taking place during his years at Hope’s Peak. He lives on-campus at a dorm and is often gone over any significant breaks, doing cases or visiting his Uncle and Aunt. He’s more often than not away on any and all days off, going to the city to explore, experience events and festivals, or otherwise, work off his physical energy so he can focus on his studies later that night.
{ P4. }
Split into two halves. One centers around Hope’s Peak –> P4′s plot, without DR.
In his secondary verse, Danganronpa existed within the world of Persona, spurred on by severe influences within the Metaverse. Himself and others were dragged in but through the trials they faced, they awakened to their potential, and Chapter Six was a boss battle as the Metaverse seeped into their Virtual Reality simulation. Upon waking, they retained their personas and made a vow to seek the truth, no matter the cost. He is of the Death Arcana, capable of summoning AUGUSTE DUPIN, same as the legendary fictional detective.
Accompanying these two verses, it’s available for Shuichi and Naoto to be brothers. They lived separately and don’t know much about each other–even down to opening up about their gender identity which would only end up being implied, as both would be too awkward to talk about it during family events.
{ P5. }
Split into two halves. One centers around Hope’s Peak –> P5′s plot, without DR.
In his secondary verse, Danganronpa existed within the world of Persona, spurred on by severe influences within the Metaverse. Himself and others were dragged in but through the trials they faced, they awakened to their potential, and Chapter Six was a boss battle as the Metaverse seeped into their Virtual Reality simulation. Upon waking, they retained their personas and made a vow to seek the truth, no matter the cost. He is of the Death Arcana, capable of summoning AUGUSTE DUPIN, same as the legendary fictional detective.
The third verse is a pokemon verse where he’s a P.I. with two pokemon, a Growlithe and an Umbreon named Lee and Bree. After the show ended, he returned to his Uncle’s work as a part-timer and on low-risk cases, and was given an Eevee at the time. Growlithe has been with him since before the show, so both pokemon work together to ensure he keeps a calm head.
This is an apocalypse AU in which the undead arose while he underwent high school life at Hope’s Peak. He’s great for tactical approaches and working hard, but the loss of Kaito and many others weigh on him. His only comfort is that Kaede remains by his side.
This verse is split into two groups; one remains post-game, and the other is Hope’s Peak. Each of these will be tagged with both tags.
The post-game verse is a vampire verse in which he was bitten before the game. It’s my only non-VR AU with the killing game included, but the game doesn’t have to go as it did in canon because I’d love to interact with certain characters regardless. He’s young and without a sire, but I’ll be taking a bit of lore from Vampire: The Masquerade and say that his humanity is extremely high. This grants him the ability to hide what he is extremely well, among other things. He has the power of suggestion, but he’s very untrained with it and would hate to use it unless he morally had to.
The alternate verse is in which he’s at Hope’s Peak and handles the results of being bitten on a case during a break, uprooting his entire lifestyle.
{ AVIAN. }
Sixth verse is one in which he’s winged, mirroring the pattern of a blue raven with their mostly black, glossy-blue wings and his bright eyes. They’re too big to hide and he can fly, but he’s timid about it and prefers to stay grounded out of safety.
A verse where DR2′s plot was V3′s, and the ‘older classmates’ that helped were DR2′s cast. The verse is spliced into three parts. Shuichi acting as an active Remnant of Despair is the first segment, him inside Future Foundation’s custody is the second, and post-NWP is the third. He’s ruthless and hellbent on punishing criminals, turning his personality to mirror a sadism that he’s sickened by. He kidnaps Kaito during the active remnant days as well as attempts to kidnap and punish other classmates/remnants in the name of justice.
He’s very similar to Future Foundation’s leaders at the time but believes them to be corrupt/weak, seeing as Junko still captured him and others.
{ BLIND. }
During a case overseas, Shuichi was a victim of an acid attack. It stole his sight during his final year at Hope’s Peak as a result, bringing him to a long hospital stay and therapy in the coming months to regain some resemblance of autonomy.
Shuichi is one of the top officers in the city not for his experience, but his knack for being in the right place at the right time, and his ability to talk to the villains at least somewhat civilly. He often accompanies Kaito and does his best to do what’s right, regardless of what the police force thinks he should be doing, which puts him in a tough spot.
He does have an ability, which is that all psychological abilities have a significantly decreased effect on him. He essentially has a mental fortitude buff.
Shuichi suffered a car crash that all but ruined his physical body, save for his mind. His Uncle and Idabashi had been good friends, and right as the roboticist entered stages of humanlike development on his own project, Shoma all but pleaded for a chance to give Shuichi a new body.
Codenamed S4U-1C41, he would end up living with the roboticist as he regained mobility while Kibo, the man’s son, was accepted into the Saihara’s household given his own love of detective work.
Regarded as inhumane, Shuichi understands the importance of his secret and hides his true identity.
{ TWINS. }
Fairly straightforward as an AU and can be in conjunction with almost every other AU he has. His birth name would be Shiho still, but the next part depends on who takes the role of Shuichi–if the other twin does, then the name he’d choose for himself is Shouhei Saihara regardless of what last name he inherited. If he takes the role of Shuichi, then he’d have chosen Shuichi Saihara as his new name.
His dynamic with the sibling depends on the personality of said twin, but his own personality remains fairly responsible–even to the point of taking the blame for his brother and proving incredibly loyal. A large detail that changes him is that loneliness is a persevering trait of his and I like the idea that he and his brother were split up a lot as their parents were not prepared for two, resulting in an on-off stay with Uncle Shoma. This means that while he craves closeness with his sibling, he remains awkward about it and uncertain of what is really acceptable or desired of him.
As a result, he’s extremely sensitive to criticism.
After much consideration, this verse was added. Shouhei Saihara is a boy with high expectations placed on him. Although his Uncle is less strict than his parents were, he was forced into attending Spring Field Academy and forced into living with his Uncle and Aunt while his parents continued pursuing their careers.
He’s used to being treated differently due to his status and loathes it, often avoiding saying his name, hiding his face, and otherwise being suspicious of those who talk to him. His social skills are terrible due to moving from school to school and lacking the ability to have too much freedom beyond studying. His world-view is pessimistic and his love for Danganronpa stems from hoping most of the characters die, believing them to be terrible people, aside from the rare favorite.
Shuichi grew up as the world fell apart, heavy-hearted and devastated by the collapse. From the meteors to the sickness, then the Gofer Project and the rise of the opposing cult, he clung to any minuscule stability he had before going on the run, hiding from friend and foe alike. While he feels unworthy of being in the project he understood the necessity of it at the time and still does.
His natural role as a peace-keeper and helper come out full force in this AU as being alone remains the worst thing he could do to himself. His anxiety over being transmale increases due to the heavy promotion of having children, but he comes to the understanding that their new world needs law and not every one of the students were designed to be on board purely for procreating–Kiibo and Kirumi, for example, whose talents center around enrichment of others and coexistence rather than something so base.
Born to the King and Queen of a kingdom, Shuichi was able to escape the confines of sophisticated life to grow up under his Uncle’s care, who was a simple detective within the kingdom. Because so little information about the heir to the throne was ever released, when he was called back, few questioned his identity and the ones that did only assumed he may have been the nephew of the rulers and that the ‘princess’ had died. His head knight is Kaito and the chief of security and intelligence is Maki. Kirumi is both the head maid and cook for him, and he’s tentatively worked out a deal where she lets him help in the kitchen when he can.
The kingdom itself is steeped in arts and literature due to the King’s love of stage play and the Queen’s love of writing for such things. This gives the land an easygoing feel, but it’s ill-equipped to handle threats as a result and Shuichi holds a vastly different view of what should be going on–and he’ll soon be King when they step down to finally abandon their royal duties in favor of the arts. It’s a lot, and he’s pressured to find a spouse before the coronation. Men aren’t excluded from this, though his parents specifically have chosen to avoid mentioning it.
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4 notes · View notes
dreamtofbluebirds-a · 5 years
Muse Navigation
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{ P4. }
{ P5. } 
{ AVIAN. }
{ BLIND. }
{ TWINS. }
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{ TWINS. }
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3 notes · View notes
alizachan · 2 years
Final goodbye au
Don’t we love angst :,>
Okay so Aliza’s(gofer project ver.) well..u know how her mind and state is but just imagine it…way worse 
She did disconnect from her family but they keep bugging her, 
At that point Aliza had enough with life so…she wanted to do something before…u know that 
She went into a simulation, what for? Simple
To spend her last moments with her friends (and maybe crush who knows) before she dies…
Her plan of death is to peacefully die in the simulation then die in the real world..smiling 
2 notes · View notes
kawaiikichi · 6 years
See You on the Other Side (4/5)
Part four of five of my Saiouma Day one-shot! Man, I am really pushing it with finishing and uploading these parts...I’m going to try and have the final part up before Saiouma Day ends, but we’ll see how that will work once I see what the prompts are for Oumasai Week 2019.
So, we’ve got even more canon divergence (surprise, surprise). It kinda begins ti diverge once Monobear shines the first Flashback Light at them, but it will really begin to branch off a few days after Kiyo’s execution.
I hope you guys like it! :)
Title: See You on the Other Side
Summary: The world works as such: everyone has a soulmate that they must find before either one of them dies. If one of them dies, the other person will become stuck in a loop, starting from a specific moment in time. However, the soulmate indicator changes each time and gradually becomes harder to recognize. This will continue until they find their soulmate.
The fourth loop has begun and at this point, Shuichi has begun to lose hope of ever breaking free. But, when an unexpected twist is presented to him, Shuichi may have found a way to break out of the loop once and for all.
Soulmate Indicator: None this time (more like it never got brought up, to begin with)!
Notes: This is a mashup of both soulmate and time loop AUs; there are many rules that are put into place in this particular universe; some parts will be longer than others due to how much content needs to be covered (particularly Loop #4); let us all pretend just for this part that there are no stairs at the entrance of Kokichi’s lab
Warnings: Major canon divergence, character death; read at your own risk!
Links down below:
♾ First ♾
♾ Previous ♾
♾ Next ♾
Continue reading under the cut!
♾ Loop 4 Start ♾
At this point, Shuichi was used to having his life be looped back to the beginning of the killing game after Kokichi dies.
He was also beginning to lose hope.
The last loop in particular had him thinking over some things. When he was trying to tell Kokichi that they were soulmates, it was clear that something was trying to stop him from doing so.
Were they just not meant to be?
Just thinking about it left him sad and frustrated.
He stood off to the side in the gym, lost in his thoughts as Monobear began to talk about something called a Flashback Light.
Why in the world would I be given a soulmate if I can’t even be with them? Doesn’t that just defeat the point of having one, to begin with, he wondered to himself.
He sighed, shooting a glance at Kokichi.
What am I supposed to do, he asked himself.
“Alrighty, then! Now that you all know what a Flashback Light is and how it works, it’s time to give you back some of your memories!” Monobear declared.
Shuichi blinked his eyes twice.
“Huh? What in the world is he—“
“Have fun remembering everything, losers!”
Monobear pressed one of the buttons on the Flashback Light and then, the gym was enveloped in a bright, white light.
Before Shuichi could react, a sharp pain pierced through his head. He screamed, reaching up to clutch his head. Memory after memory flooded through his head, ranging from the Gofer Project to various others.
The white light disappeared soon after and everyone began muttering amongst each other.
“Oi, you stupid bear! What the hell is the Gofer Project?!” Kaito roared.
“Were you not paying attention, you stupid degenerate male?! The Gofer Project was created because of that huge asteroid shower that was coming to Earth that would destroy mankind!” Tenko snapped.
“Stupid degenerate...?!” Kaito gawked at her as she continued rambling on about the project.
“Nyeeeeh...Keep it down already, Tenko...” Himiko grumbled, shooting an annoyed glare at the aikido master.
“Waaaaaagh! Sorry, Yumeno-san! Tenko will try to keep it down!” Tenko exclaimed.
The two of them continued to bicker (without disturbing Himiko, of course) as Shuichi continued to look around the gym.
He then spotted Kokichi, whose gaze was fixated on the ground. He slowly rose his head and turned to look at Shuichi.
Shuichi drew in a gasp upon seeing the look on the supreme leader’s face.
Was there anything about the Gofer Project that was emotional? I don’t remember it being emotional at all, he thought to himself.
He bit his lip, various thoughts swirling around in his mind.
Unless...he remembered something else, he asked himself.
He continued to think about it as a single tear slid down Kokichi’s cheek.
A few days have passed since Korekiyo’s execution and Tenko and Angie’s deaths. Himiko had fallen into a coma due to the shock of losing her soulmate while Miu had locked herself in the computer room.
Everyone else was on edge, waiting to see what Monobear might be up to this time around.
Shuichi laid in bed that night, thinking back to when he saw Kokichi crying in the gym.
He must’ve remembered something else instead of the Gofer Project. That’s the only thing I can think of to explain why he was crying rather than being confused about the project, he thought to himself.
But...how do I plan on bringing it up to him? It’s not like he’ll tell me if I ask upfront. Besides, even if I did choose to ask him, he would probably lie his way out of the conversation, he told himself.
He released a sigh.
“What in the world am I supposed to do now...?” Shuichi murmured.
He then heard a knock on the door.
Hm? I wonder who that might be, he wondered to himself.
He rolled off of the bed and he headed over to the door. As he did, he saw a piece of paper being slipped in under the crack of the door.
“A note...” he murmured.
He bent down and picked up the note, unfolding it and reading what it said.
Meet me in front of the academy.
Shuichi looked down and saw the familiar crude drawing of the supreme leader.
“Ouma-kun...” he trailed off.
He wants to talk to me, he asked himself.
He stuffed the note in his pocket.
I guess I should go. It seems like it might be important, he thought to himself.
He walked over to the nightstand by his bed, picked up his key, and headed out of the dormitory.
Now that I think about it, this should be a good time to bring up why he was crying when everyone recalled the Gofer Project, he thought to himself.
He looked up, immediately spotting Kokichi leaning up against the wall by the doors. He rose his hand, waving at him.
“Ouma-kun!” he called out.
Kokichi looked over at him.
“Oh, would we lookie here! Saihara-chan actually decided to show up!” Kokichi watched as the detective approached him. “I thought you were going to chicken out.” he stated.
“No. Why would I chicken out?” Shuichi asked.
A grin tugged at Kokichi’s lips as he grabbed for the collar of the detective’s shirt and he pulled him close so that their faces were inches apart.
“Because you’re afraid that I might kill you. I’m pretty sure you know that I can do so if I really wanted to.” Kokichi stated.
Shuichi furrowed his brows at this.
“I highly doubt that, Ouma-kun.” he said.
“Nishishi~! You may never know~” Kokichi singsonged.
He released Shuichi’s collar, pulling away and bringing his arms behind his back.
“Now then, follow me.” he said.
Shuichi nodded in response as he followed the supreme leader into the academy. They walked to the center of the entryway and stopped once Kokichi rose his hand in a stopping motion.
“Hold on. I’m pretty sure it was around here somewhere...” he trailed off.
“Huh? What’s around here somewhere—“ that was when he heard something click from under Kokichi’s foot.
The ground tumbled from under them and then, the floor opened up just a few steps away. Shuichi’s eyes widened in shock.
“What the—?!” he squawked.
Kokichi giggled.
“I had a feeling you’d be surprised. Come, let’s go before it closes up.” Kokichi said as he headed over to the hole in the ground, jumping inside.
Shuichi swallowed, staring at the hole before him.
“You coming or what, Saihara-chan?!” Kokichi called out.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Shuichi responded as he approached the hole.
He peered down at the hole hesitantly, wondering if it was really a good idea to go inside. Then, a hand shot up and pulled him inside.
“Ack!” he exclaimed as he fell face first into the ground.
The ground rumbled once more as the floor closed from above them. He could hear the supreme leader giggling to himself.
“Geez, you’re such a scaredy-cat, Saihara-chan.” Kokichi fiddled with something in the dark and a light came on soon after. “Come on. Nothing’s going to come after us.” he said.
Shuichi lifted himself off the ground, nodding as he followed the supreme leader through the tunnel that they had found themselves in.
As they continued walking, Shuichi eyed him curiously.
“Ouma-kun, what exactly is down here?” he asked.
“You’ll see when we get there.” Kokichi replied.
Shuichi frowned.
Why is he being so secretive, he asked himself.
They then stopped at a circular door moments later. Shuichi eyed the door in confusion as Kokichi dug through his pockets for something.
“What is this place?” Shuichi asked.
“My lab.” Kokichi replied.
“Your lab?!”
“Yeah? Did you think I’d take you to someone else’s lab?”
“No, but...how’d you know that your lab was all the way down here?”
“I’m the supreme leader of a top secret organization, silly. Of course my lab is going to be underground.”
“Yes, but Monobear hasn’t even revealed your lab to us yet! Is it even safe to be here?”
“Yeah, it’s safe! We’ll be fine!”
“But...how do you even plan on getting in there?!”
“Simple.” Kokichi pulled out a gold key. “I ripped off his master key so that I can get in.” he said.
“You stole his key?!” Shuichi hissed.
“Yeah. It was easy, too.” Kokichi replied as he unlocked the door.
Shuichi was rendered speechless as the door opened. Kokichi grabbed for Shuichi by the arm and he pulled him inside.
“Soooooooo, welcome to my lab!” Kokichi chirped.
Shuichi looked around at the supreme leader’s lab in awe, taking in the neon lights and the various items lining the walls.
“Your lab...it really gives off the vibe of a top secret organization...” he trailed off.
“Doesn’t it? It suits my tastes so well that it’s almost terrifying. I mean, that annoying bear made our labs for us, after all.” Kokichi said.
“Ah...yeah, you’re right...” Shuichi said.
Kokichi continued to pull Shuichi along until they stopped in the middle of the room. He gripped onto the detective’s arm, staring blankly at him.
“So...why exactly did you call me out here? You never said what was up when you sent me that note—“
“I’m so stupid.”
Shuichi arched a brow at Kokichi’s words.
“What are you—“
“I really am a total dumbass...how could I have not noticed it when the signs were right there?”
“Ouma-kun, I don’t understand what it is you mea—“
Before Shuichi could say anymore, Kokichi reached up, cupped Shuichi’s cheeks, and he pulled him down, mashing their lips in a kiss.
Shuichi stiffened, eyes wide as the supreme leader’s soft lips covered his own.
Ouma-kun...he’s kissing me...but why, he asked himself.
Before Shuichi could respond to the kiss, Kokichi pulled away and wrapped his arms around the detective’s torso. Shuichi opened his mouth to speak when he heard him sniffle.
“Why...why is it that I choose now to remember everything? The purple star mark, the red string, your last words tattooed onto my arm...why did it take me so long to realize that you’re my soulmate, Saihara-chan...?!” Kokichi asked as he began to sob into his chest.
Shuichi felt his heart constrict at Kokichi’s words.
“You...You know now?” he choked out.
Kokichi nodded.
“Yes. I remembered the previous three loops when Monobear used that stupid Flashback Light on us the first time.” he explained.
Shuichi’s eyes widened.
So, that’s why he was crying...he remembered that we’re soulmates, he thought to himself.
“Ouma-kun...you don’t need to beat yourself up over this. It’s not your fault that you couldn’t remember.” he said.
“But still...” Kokichi rose his head to look at him, more tears streaming down his cheeks. “Why didn’t you say anything...?” he choked out.
“Oh, Ouma-kun...you have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you. I was still trying to figure things out during the first two loops, but this last loop, I really wanted to tell you that we were soulmates. But then, I started feeling all choked up when I tried to do so. It almost felt like something was preventing me from telling you.” Shuichi explained.
Kokichi’s eyes widened.
“So, it happened to you, too...” he trailed off.
“Too...?” Shuichi questioned, arching a brow in confusion.
“I wanted to tell you during the previous loop, as well. But, I started feeling choked up, as well. It was as you were leaving to get some water for us.” Kokichi explained.
Shuichi’s eyes widened, recalling how Kokichi called out to him and tried to say something to him only to rephrase his sentence.
Back then...he was also trying to say that we were soulmates, he thought to himself.
“Once I recalled my memories of the previous loops, I thought it was quite weird that I was unable to say something about it to you. So, I went down to the library and read up on it. Apparently, the rules of this world have changed.” Kokichi told him.
“The rules of this world?” Shuichi questioned.
Kokichi nodded.
“Things have been altered so that no matter what it is we do, you will not be able to prevent my death.” Kokichi said.
Shuichi’s blood ran cold, his eyes growing wide in horror.
“Are you being serious...?” he choked out.
“I am being as serious as I can be right now. Even if we say that we accept and acknowledge each other as soulmates right now and embrace, I would still end up dying and you would continue to loop the killing game for all eternity. I don’t know what exactly caused it to start doing this, but that’s what’s happening.” Kokichi explained.
“Are you kidding me...?” Shuichi asked.
“I am not. However, while I was researching in the library,” Kokichi released him, “I stumbled upon a loophole.” he said.
“A loophole?” Shuichi asked.
“Well, to put it in simpler terms, I found another way to break out of the loop.” Kokichi replied.
“You did? What is it?”
“We can get ourselves reincarnated into another world or timeline.”
“We can?” Kokichi nodded. “How do we go about doing that?”
Kokichi brought his bottom lip in between his teeth.
“Well...” he trailed off.
“What? What is it?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi turned and headed over to the chair sitting at the very top of some stairs. Shuichi grew worried at the supreme leader’s silence.
“Ouma-kun?” he called out.
Kokichi stopped, sighing.
“In order to be reincarnated...we both have to die at the same time.” he said.
Shuichi felt the world come to a halt at Kokichi’s words. His body went cold as he tried to process his words.
“We both...have to die? At the same time?” he questioned in shock.
“We do. I know that must have come as a shock to you. It was a shock to me, as well. But, I honestly feel that it is something we must do if we want to break free of this loop and live happily together.” Kokichi explained.
He picked something up from the chair.
“Hey, Saihara-chan...why do you think I brought you to such an isolated spot in the academy?” he asked.
“I don’t know...” Shuichi swallowed. “Why is that?” he asked, fearing what Kokichi’s answer might be.
Kokichi turned and threw something at him. Shuichi fumbled, catching the object before it hit the ground. He stared down at the object in his hands, eyes growing wide in horror.
“It’s so that we can kill each other without any interruptions.” Kokichi said.
“No way...” Shuichi ran his fingers along the cool barrel of the pistol Kokichi tossed him. “You actually want to go through with this...?” he choked out.
“I do. What, do you not want to live in an alternate timeline with me where we don’t have to worry about playing this blasted killing game and we can love each other and be happy?” Kokichi asked as he began to make his way down the stairs.
“I do! It’s exactly what I want! It’s just...” Shuichi trailed off.
“It’s just what?” Kokichi stopped before him. “Are you really going to hesitate when our happiness is just within reach?” he asked, pointing his pistol at Shuichi’s chest.
Shuichi swallowed, noting the serious look in the supreme leader’s eyes.
“You really want to do this, don’t you...” he trailed off.
“I do.” Kokichi replied.
Shuichi bit his lip.
“Do you know for a fact that this will work?”
“I do. All of the books I read that involve this method say that it’s successful.”
“Oh...I see...”
Shuichi watched as Kokichi curled his finger around the trigger.
“Let’s do this, Saihara-chan. Let’s break free of this loop and be happy together.” Kokichi said.
Shuichi swallowed, his heart pounding rapidly against his rib cage. He flinched, feeling Kokichi press the barrel of the pistol against his chest where his heart was.
“Don’t chicken out on me now, my beloved.” he said.
Shuichi continued to stare at Kokichi, an awkward silence hanging over them. Then, he slowly rose his hand up and pointed the pistol where Kokichi’s heart was.
“I must really be in love with you if I’m willing to point a gun at you.” he said with a light chuckle.
“It took a little coaxing, but it looks like you’re finally ready.” a grin pulled at Kokichi’s lips. “Well, we’re soulmates, after all. Of course we’re bound to do some crazy shit.” he said.
Shuichi laughed.
“Yes, you’re right.” he said.
Kokichi smiled.
“Hey...before you pull the trigger, say my name at least once.” he requested.
“Alright...Kokichi.” Shuichi replied.
Kokichi’s cheeks took on a bright shade of red as he lowered his gaze.
“That...actually made my heart flutter more than I thought it would...” he admitted.
Shuichi smiled.
“Now, you say my name.” he said.
“Eh?!” Shuichi narrowed his eyes at him. “Okay, fine...Shuichi.” he said, the blush spreading to his cheeks.
Shuichi blushed, as well.
“Now I’m embarrassed...” he mumbled.
“Now you know how I feel!” Kokichi whined.
Their laughter along with their blushes subsided after a few minutes, serious looks replacing them.
“So...this is it.” Shuichi said.
“It is.” a small smile tugged at Kokichi’s lips. “See you on the other side, Shuichi.” he said.
Shuichi smiled back, watching as the supreme leader closed his eyes.
“Yeah...see you on the other side, Kokichi.” he replied, closing his eyes as well.
Then, they both pulled the trigger.
♾ Loop 4 End ♾
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
The Long Way Around (1/1)
Summary: Ryan goes out of town and all his rules about who’s allowed to play in his little sandbox go right out the window.
Notes: Takes place in the Not A Good Man (But You Got Conviction). (AKA Batman AU)
(Read on AO3)
It starts with a familiar face.
Pretty blue eyes and luscious blonde locks to die for.
Flirty little smile and a sultry, “Hello, Trevor,” and “Haven’t seen you in ages,” and “You son of a bitch,” followed by a right hook that snaps his head back, ring-a-ding-ding.
“You deserved that for what you put everyone through, you asshole.”
Trevor blinks up at her from his spot on the ground, ears ringing and Barbara scowling down at him, hand outstretched to help him back up. (Partners in crime once upon a time as the saying goes, and one hell of a headache for everyone else.)
She’s not wrong. (A little bit yes, though, but she’s never been part of the family squabble.)
Always was a strange girl, Barbara.
Played the part of rich socialite to a tee. Got the press fawning over her and smoothing over any ruffled feathers Sorola might leave behind.
Vicious right hook (her left wasn’t too shabby either) and one hell of a shot with that bow of hers. (Always threw the bad guys for a loop when she pulled the damn thing out, Speedy to Sorola’s Green Arrow and the trickiest of trick arrows to complement the boring regular ones.)
“You always know how to treat a guy,” Trevor says, accepts her offer of help and climbs to his feet, jaw aching.
Barbara smiles at him, disdain to it as she takes in his current abode.
Quaint, some might call it. Rustic is another good word. (Shitty, though, that’s the one Trevor’s looking for.)
Leaky ceilings and creaky floors. Windows that rattle when the wind picks up and this cough-wheeze from the refrigerator that came with the place. Shabby furniture and the thinnest walls and nosy neighbors.
“Nice place,” Barbara says, politely doesn’t make a face when something in the walls gnaws away at rotting wood. “Very...you.”
Well if that isn’t a back-handed compliment.
Trevor mimics her smile and moseys on over to the refrigerator and pulls out an ice pack. Ignores the raised eyebrow from Barbara – she knows she hits hard – and leans against the counter to watch her.
Looks prim and proper until you take a closer look, and even then she’s a damn fine actor. Pretty face that too many people underestimate, in costume and out. (As devastating fighting crime as she in in the board room.)
“To what do I owe the honor of your presence?”
Ryan’s got this policy, you see. Rules he’s set up that most – most – of the caped crowd abides by. No metas in Gotham, except for the ones who live here, but shh about them. (Surprise, surprise, Ryan’s a hypocrite.)
The Arrows aren’t metas, though, and boy do they love using those little loopholes to rile Ryan up something fierce. (Not that it matters this time around. Ryan’s off with the Justice League tackling some major threat or another, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.)
Barbara makes a face, reaches over to flick on the lights.
“I need your help,” she says, like just saying the words causes her pain.
(Trevor and Barbara and all the trouble they used to get into way back when and the trouble he causes now. Bit of a disconnect between the two, and Trevor’s not doing much to help.)
Trevor lowers the ice pack, feels a smile coming on.
“Do you now,” Trevor muses. “How interesting.”
(Things were getting boring without Ryan around to harass, heckle, and Barbara always found the best kind of trouble.)
There’s an asshole.
Started out in Star City peddling weapons and other fun things. Stirring up trouble and giving the Arrows a run for their money – which, a lot because Arrows - and now he’s in Gotham somewhere doing much the same.
The Bats and the Birds don’t know about him yet, which is fine because Barbara wants to be the one to nail his balls to the wall -
“Colorfully put as always.”
- and she’s been meaning to give Trevor a piece of her mind (fist to the face) for the shit he pulled since he’s been back.
Also, she’s calling in one of those favors he owes her.
Just needs some info, a lead to follow. Anything to help her track the asshole down, let him know she’s not about to let him slip out of her grasp.
The others would help, but they’re also a little too...Battish for what Barbara’s doing right now. Not quite toeing the line between goody-good and Trevor’s kind of problematic, but this asshole is pushing her far to close to it for anyone’s peace of mind.
There’s a place Trevor knows where someone’s always good for news about the asshole Barbara’s looking for.
He flashes her a little grin – not quite right anymore, but it gets the job done most days.
“Trust me, I know what I’m doing,” he says, and gives her directions to the wrong side of the tracks. (Pretty much everywhere, here in Gotham.)
She gives him a skeptical look as he tells her to park just the other side of the proverbial tracks – nice car like the one she’s driving? Yeah. Not going to want to sully it taking it anywhere near there. He tips an imaginary hat to her as he hops out of their car and strolls on into (one of) the bad parts of town with a promise to be back soon. (She’s got a memorable face, Barbara, and the people Trevor needs to talk to  will know she’s not one of theirs.)
Takes a nice big breath as he walks along, lets it sink in as he slips into character. Leans against a wall for a moment and tucks a pebble down into his shoe because it’s been a long day and his feet are killing him, brings out a limp, don’t you know. Stands up and a few feet later he slaps on a beanie because he’s been working down at the docks and his ears get cold -
” - toque! It’s a toque! How many times do I have to tell you, Collins?”, the laugh that always came with that blinding smile, hands reaching out to tug it down over his eyes before she was dancing out of reach again.
Trevor stumbles over nothing, swearing under his breath as he shakes it off and steps back into the present.
Leaves his old ghosts behind because he doesn’t have time for them now, and Barbara coming back into his life like this is a problem. Brings up memories of Before when Trevor had a better grasp on sanity and anger wasn’t so lose to the surface for him. (Oh, he’s a goddamned mess, isn’t he.)
Tucks his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he glances around.
Rundown, all the renovations and beautification projects HI is funding to make Gotham a better place, a city they can take pride in again, haven’t quite reached this far yet. No one to smooth out the cracked asphalt and patch up crumbling sidewalks. Throw a little paint on the buildings around here and replace a few lightbulbs. Plant some trees, toss in some flowers, maybe a shrub.
Window dressings for a deeper problem, and Trevor has to consciously uncurl his hands, shake out the anger and leave that behind for the moment as well because they don’t have a place for the dockworker he’s playing at being.
He stops off at an old pool hall turned seedy dive bar (not much of a switch, when it comes down to it) and good old Paulie at the bar is just the sort to run his mouth if you ply him with enough alcohol.
“Oh, that guy,” Paulie says, family roots from all the way up north going back generations.
Fishermen living on a cramped little boat for months on end to make a living and television crews begging to have them on for some show or another the public can’t get enough of.
Manufactured drama and good old drunken brawls. Old feuds and a tiff or two. Touch of family bullshit dragged into the light of day to boost ratings. Saucy innuendo tossed in here and there when viewership dips too low. And people loved Paulie when he was on, they did, but he got a little wild didn’t he, and the producers got tired of making excuses for him when his bail got set higher and higher and now he’s running around Gotham and stirring up all kinds of new trouble.
Trevor grins at Paulie and buys him a round, and then another and another. Drops a name or two, a couple of stories about the assholes in Paulie’s hometown (they’ve done this dance before, and Trevor always does his homework) and then it’s just like they’ve known each other since they were kids. No problem for Paulie to let a few things slip he shouldn’t when they’ve got that kind of history.
“Yeah?” Trevor says, waves Sharon (God love name-tags) over for another round of drinks and toasts to Paulie’s favorite team making a bid for the playoffs, poor bastards. Up against a real team and does Paulie really think they stand a chance after the season they’ve had?
“Fuck you!” Paulie crows, grin his voice and too fucking drunk for his own good and Trevor laughs, throws an arm around Paulie’s shoulders and raises his drink.
“Fuck me!” he echoes, and the two of them laugh like it’s an old joke between them.
“Yeah, yeah,” Paulie says, tugs Trevor closer because this is shit no one else needs to hear. Just a couple of friends and some good old fashioned bitching.
Gives Trevor the information he came looking for and something of a bonus besides.
Tells him the asshole is planning to set up shop over in Bludhaven soon. As bad as Gotham is, Bludhaven is worse, and an asshole like him stands to make a killing there. (Assuming he doesn’t make a misstep with the criminal element there first.)
Has some gofer working for him there running around smoothing things over before he steps foot in the city.
“I mean, come the fuck on, who the fuck wears purple and orange like that?”
Paulie looks disgusted, horrified, at the state of criminals these days. Plenty of flair to them, sure, but no kind of fashion sense at all like there used to be back in his day.
Trevor laughs so hard he spills his beer all over Paulie and stumbles over himself to apologize. Buys him another drink to make up for it and Paulie’s too far gone to notice when Trevor slips away not too long after that.
Ruminates on the Bats and the Birds and a few of their choice undercover identities they take an odd sort of liking to, go back to again and again.
Ryan’s favorite police detective with an accent Ryan always has a hard time of shaking after he slips into character. Jeremy’s own police detective when one just won’t do and the two of them certifiable menaces when working together.
Trevor’s got a costume trunk of his own. All these people whose identities he inhabits through training and long practice tucked in the back of his head ready to be called upon on a moment’s notice. (Flocks and feathers and dank little caves under a sprawling manor.)
He’s pulled back to the here and now when someone yells, leans out their window to shout at their neighbor about the racket they’re making. Music on too loud and goddammit, some of them work the early shift.
Trevor hunches down into his coat as he passes by. Keeps the slouch and slight limp going strong until he ducks down an alley and sheds it all like water in a matter of strides. Roots around in his shoe as he crouches down to retie the laces and flicks the rock into a convenient pothole, good riddance and then he’s walking again.
Tugs the beanie (toque) off and into his pocket, another step and he slips his jacket off because the brisk walk is warming him up. Lock of hair in his eyes which might mean it’s time for a haircut, so he reaches up to straighten it.
By the time he hits the end of the alley and swings a right to where a sweet little sports car parked is parked across the way he doesn’t look a thing like Paulie’s old friend from back home. (Maybe around the face, but don’t you know? They say everyone’s got a doppelganger out there, hahaha.)
Not a lot of foot traffic this part of town at this hour, and all the good little Birds (and a Bat or two) should be winging their way home to roost for the night soon.
“Well?” Barbara asks when Trevor hops in, manicured nails tap, tap, tapping out a beat on the fine leather of the steering wheel. Not very discreet, this car she’s driving, but that’s an Arrow for you. “What did you find out?”
Trevor glances at her, feels his lips twitch up into a smile because boy does he have news for her.
Barbara heads off to Bludhaven - “Thanks, but I can handle it from here, bird-boy,” - and Trevor sees her off with this little half-smile.
Doesn’t bother to correct her, knows she did it on purpose. (Clever one, that Barbara. Knows him a little too well even now.)
It’s tempting to follow along behind her given the asshole she’s chasing after, but, well.
She’d kick his ass if she knew, and Bludhaven is Jeremy’s city. Trevor’s not ready to go traipsing about there with the baggage he’s still unpacking. Lot of anger left to him, still.
No, better he keeps out of it. Her fight to finish, and besides, there are plenty of faces for him to pound here in Gotham, work out his aggression the old-fashioned way.
A little bird he can heckle the hell out of and know he’ll get the same back because Alfredo is still a feisty one. Gives Trevor grief the way the others can’t just yet, too worried about pushing the wrong buttons.
Eggshells and the way they tiptoe around them, and God does Trevor hate how careful, considerate they are with him. (Worried looks and hushed conversation like he doesn’t know. Kicks up the anger, frustration all over again and it’s a vicious, vicious cycle with them. Exhausting, too.)
It’s late though, or early, given how you look at it and he’s had a busy night and feels it, exhaustion dragging at his bones.
Sheds the pieces of armor – literal and figurative – the Red Hood wears to fight the good (and not so good) fight on the streets of Gotham again and again and again. Washes his face, brushes his teeth, all the things one does, neat little routine. This and this and this, hoping it will lead to a restful night and sweet dreams, and ends up staring at the ceiling of his bedroom like someone waiting for the punchline to a bad joke like every other night before.
Sleep doesn’t come as easily to him as it once did. All those nightmares of his. Nasty things full of the toxic green of the pit and sensation of drowning and pain. Rewind a little further back and a madman’s laughter echoing in his ears and the fact that Trevor can never tell if it’s his own or the Joker’s, and try not to remember, but it never works.
Trevor laughs, dark and bitter tasting because this is his life now. Broken, jagged pieces he’s trying to fit back together best he can and all these little obstacles, setbacks littering his path. (Fun, fun times.)
A sigh, exhale of breath and he finds himself looking at the moon outside his window.
Cold and distant, uncaring about puny human problems.
Oddly reassuring, that, helps to put things in perspective. (Or maybe it’s just the fact it’ll still be there long after said puny human problems stop mattering. One or the other.)
“Goodnight moon,” he says, “see you again tomorrow.”
And the night after than and so on and so on, because that’s the way these things go, no way out but through, as it goes,  and he’s always been the stubborn sort.
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makotothedweeb · 5 years
i did some (crappy) sprites
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The gaggle of gremlins Kokichis at the top are a redesign for my Gofer Project AU*. These are the only three sprites I have for him so far. 
The one at the bottom is Tarochi Naegi; he’s an asshole (understatement). 
I own Tarochi, I don’t own Kokichi. 
*I’ll talk about my Gofer Project AU in another post when I’m not dying, procrastinating, or busy. Also, I plan on making an ask blog for Terror!Kokichi (the redesigned Kokichis at the top), whenever I make at least 3-5 more sprites.
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I've been really interested in the Pokémon Let's Go games these few days and so I was wandering what did you do with the main characters (Chase, Elaine and Trace) in your verse.
In the L&L AU, Chase and Elaine are twins and Trace is one of their childhood friends. The trio are all two years younger than the Red/Green/Yellow group and are the same age as Leaf, their other childhood friend. Growing up, Leaf, Elaine and Chase especially used to get into a lot of trouble, even breaking the law sometimes with stunts like trespassing and petty thievery. As time passed however, Elaine began to distance herself from such shenanigans and spend more time with the more dutiful Trace. When the time came for them all to leave Pallet for their pokémon journeys, Elaine and Trace chose to head out on their own as rivals rather than deal with whatever scheme Chase and Leaf were likely to come up with this time. And boy did those two have a scheme. 
Leaf had heard rumors that Team Rocket wasn’t as defeated as everyone thought they were and she and Chase decided to investigate this for themselves. While Elaine and Trace’s journey was very similar to the plot of the Let’s Go games, just with much less Team Rocket influence (so a basic journey around Kanto challenging gyms), Leaf and Chase were busy poking their heads into the criminal underworld. The two eventually do find Team Rocket by tracking down one of their secret bases. When they get caught by a grunt, however, Chase claims that they were interested in joining the team, hoping that would get them out of trouble. Instead, the grunt takes them seriously and brings the two young teens straight to Archer who figures they show enough promise to be able to start on some low-level grunt work.
Now rather in over their heads, Chase and Leaf have no choice but to go along with their orders, which is mostly just busywork as they’re still kids. While both are initially working together in what is essentially a gofer position, eventually Leaf discovers something unexpected - her grandfather, Blaine’s, name on one of the documents belonging to a scientist. Intruiged, she’s able to arrange a transfer to be a scientist assistant instead, and starts on a journey to discover the truth behind Mewtwo and her grandfather’s involvement in the project.
Chase, meanwhile, keeps at his grunt work, eventually getting promoted to field work, which is where he first meets Mondo, a character who appears in one of the radio dramas as the supplier to the Jessie, James and Meowth trio while they’re in Kanto. Over time, Chase and Mondo got assigned to more missions together as they were both too young to do any real criminal work, eventually being promoted to the communications department. Unlike Leaf, who leaves the team after achieving her goals surrounding Mewtwo, Chase remains a member of Team Rocket, eventually becoming a field agent with Mondo as his contact back on base. The two end up dating, eventually getting married and adopting a son, Hunter, together.
Elaine meanwhile, returned home to Pallet with Trace once the two managed to defeat the Elite Four and Champion, entering the Hall of Fame. Not long after, she learned about how her brother had gotten involved with something sketchy. She contacted him to try and urge him to leave this path behind, but Chase’s mind was set. He liked this job and found it way more fun than just being a regular trainer. The relationship between the twins never fully deteriorates, but they do have a slightly strained relationship just due to their different outlook on things, especially since Elaine eventually joins the Indigo Elite Four. Luckily, by that point, Silver has taken over Team Rocket and reformed it somewhat, so Elaine and Chase don’t have to worry as much about meeting as enemies down the line.
And what of Trace? He becomes an elementary schoolteacher in Pallet! He and Elaine are married with two daughters, Raine and Scout, and he finds the whole sibling rivalry pretty overwhelming, though he finds out on the rare family reunions that he and Mondo actually get along quite well, all things considered.
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