#The Mask of Plague Removed [OOC]
angelheony · 3 months
'Won't you let me take care of you?'
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ Synopsis ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
When the famed Sandu Shengshou comes back to Lotus pier after a difficult night hunt heavily injured, its up to his beloved to care for him.
Gender neutral reader
Warnings- might be ooc, vague mentions of injuries and bad grammar.
More writers notes at the bottom, Enjoy your reading!!!
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The moon seemingly at its peak, shines down on the home of the Jiang clan's sect leader, lotus pier. But the purple clad cultivator cannot be seen in its halls, only his restless lover sitting near the windowsill waiting for him to come home. Unable to find sleep due to the constant worrying, they could only look outside to wait for his arrival.
'Its so late now, where are you Jiang Cheng.... '
The sitting figure thought in their head, Closing their stinging eyes for a bit.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
"Is there not a comfortable and fully functioning bed in this room, that you decide to find sleep on the window sill, of all places?"
A stern voice disturbs your quick eye resting, eyes widening as you quickly shake your head to remove all the tiredness from your mind
"I was not sleeping, merely closing my eyes for a moment"
But your hoarse voice says otherwise, 'did I actually fall a sleep?' you ask yourself in your mind.
An answer you have received from the sharp look the purple clad man gave you
".. past that, what took you so long? are you well?"
Quickly standing up to greet the man, you look at his disheveled form with a worried smile
"....Mere cuts, nothing serious"
Jiang Cheng coughs out, not so slick of him. You give him a stern glace closing on the distance to observe closer. Only humming and giving him a small peck on the cheek as a greeting, which he gladly accepted though masking it with nonchalance.
"Somehow I find it hard to believe that,"
"Are you calling me weak-?"
A sharp intake of breath cuts him off, As you feel his form for any injuries. Which there clearly are.
"No, Your quite strong, Just not invincible,"
",So strong that you even lie to me now. How can you sleep at night, crowding my mind with worries..." You mutter out in distraught
"I am well on my own, who asked you to worry about me anyways..? Sleep, I can handle it on my own"
He turns away not meeting his lover's gaze. Mind also plagued with worries and self loathing. He pulls away from your hold, wanting to distance himself.
"Yes I worry for you in my own behalf, and seeing you hurt pains me as well. That is because I love you, Now please, won't you let me take care of you?"
You take his hand with a loving expression, not swayed by his stern words. Only wishing to melt his cold exterior, and give him all the comfort he deserves.
His form stiffens at your words, finding it hard to believe. He wants to fight against this warmth, wanting to protect and strengthen the facade he puts up to protect his heart from being torn apart again. But the fatigue catches up to him, only giving in to your words
He lets you drag him towards the bed to sit down, as you move around to get some medical supplies
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
"this will sting a bit, just tell me to stop okay?"
You caress his cheek softly, reassuring him that your here to take good care of his entirety. He just stays quiet, letting you do as you please
You cleaned and bandaged the rest of his wound for the rest of the time, quickly finishing as he didn't utter one bit of sound, even if the pain stung a bit too hard. Only choosing to gaze on your gentle handling, filling his soul with warmth, contrasting the cold temperature of the night.
"all is done. How are you feeling?"
"better.." He sighed out, stretching out his limbs from the long sitting. Though careful enough to not undo the bandages.
You stand up to clean the place, of the used towels and bottles. To keeping the things on their rightful place. Jiang Cheng was quick to aid you, but you quickly stop him.
"A-cheng I can handle this fine on my own, you should just res-"
I try to take the stuff from his hand but he quickly cuts me off,
"And leave you here to clamor about? Its best that I help you get this done so 'we both' can finally rest"
Jiang Cheng replies firmly , which leads for no room to debate .
A sigh just resounds from your lips, nodding in defeat.
After all of the cleaning was done you both found yourselves on the comforts of your bed, limbs in a tangle.
"Next time if I come home late, just sleep without me okay? Don't exhaust yourself to stupid things."
Jiang cheng mutters out, pulling you in his embrace tighter.
"You know I can't sleep without you...Hey, How about i'll just come with you on your next night hunt? So we can watch each others backs" You suggested whilst leaning onto his touch
"No, it's best if you stay here inste-"
"You know I can handle myself fine on my own A-cheng"
"I'm not saying you couldn't, but it scares me okay? I cant keep an eye on you at all times. And we cant be certain what's out there..."
You raise your eyebrows at the words the man before you has said,
"For my peace of mind, just wait for me here... I already have Jin Ling to worry about whilst outside." He sighs out. Tone laced with hidden care, he really does care for his nephew even if its not shown much.
"Damn, did a fierce corpse hit you in the head or something? ....No are you possessed?"
You try to stifle your laughter at the flustered Jiang Cheng, him just glaring at you.
"This is what I get for being sincere for one time? okay suit yourse- ack."
You cut him off by hitting him on the head with a pillow
"Aish, your so adorable I wanna keep you on my pocket at all times."
You shower him with hits, filled with affection.
"-Hey stop, your so childish! Don't make me hit you back I swear-"
He rants out under the cuteness aggression of his lover
"Shut up you love me, admit it"
You stop with a laugh as he pulls you back on his side taking the pillow away.
"You-... ugh just shut up and sleep!"
He exclaims out, frustrated and even more flustered now.
" 'kay fine...."
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
AHHH this is my first writing ever pls don't flame me too hard. I just finished reading most of the fics about jc, wasnt enough so I decided to take matters in my own hands. I take reqs if anyone wants to ask T.T
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maskednihilism · 8 months
ooc. Anyways why Sampo loves Gepard or why I'm biased on samp.ard
Should note this isn't to @ any Gepard rpers, just some thoughts on why I ship the ship and why Sampo is gay af for him.
I've mentioned how Sampo is interested in people who are the hero archetype because as a Masked Fool, he thinks they're silly.
(Masked Fools and Aha finding those who save others as a dumb thing to do and laugh at them)
But with Gepard there's a certain... je ne se quoi about it. Unlike people he's met before who always breaks in some form and show their real colors (being heroes for pay, heroes due to tragedy ect ect) Gepard is firm with his beliefs.
His will is unbreakable like the ice that plagues Belobog. He wants to protect people, he wants to be a symbol of hope, he wants to be a shield for everyone and genuinely keeps those morals.
The only moral he breaks is being in love with Sampo and to him it makes Gepard endearing.
Of course if they get together, Sampo does see Gepard was in some form groomed into being a martyr. (Check out his lightcone, the light cone with him and his sister in it as well as his level up item, the Silvermane chains I think? I forget the exact name atm)
BUT and it's a big but, it still makes him want to be a good person.
His morals did change a bit after Belobog removing the stelleron. But he still wants to be good and Sampo just... Wants to join in that. And he wants to protect that small ray of genuine heroism.
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the-master-of-fear · 3 years
♛ Tag List ♛
The Mask of Plague Removed [OOC]
The Secrets of Scary People [Headcanons]
A Black Crow on a Tombstone [Aesthetics]
A Cacophony of Screams [N//S//F//T]
The Reflecting God [Self-Promo]
The High Priest of Horror [Faceclaim]
What Is Normal for the Spider... [Musing]
Who Said God Was Ever Clean? [Dash Commentary]
Suffering You [Silly Shit]
Razor-Sharp Tongue-in-Cheek [Asks]
Demon to Some ; Angel to Others [Ask Memes & Prompts]
Nothing to Fear... [Open Starters]
But Fear Itself! [Closed Starters]
Whose Mistake Am I Anyway? [Visage]
Looking for Strange [Promos]
Danse Macabre [Music]
Mystery Babylon [Anon]
Fade to Gray [Replies]
⚱ Verse Tags ⚱
Sins of the Flesh [Hellraiser!AU]
Blackest Day ; Brightest Night [Yellow Lantern!Scarecrow]
Fear and Biology [Gotham!AU]
0 notes
derivepath · 5 years
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Want new-and exciting plots for your character?  Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not!  Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all of the juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog!  Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit!  (Template here.)
mun name : Nic / Nicole 
OOC Contact : primarily discord given upon request & tumblr ims 
Who Are They? 
there was once a duo name mi kyong sung & nao tan , on the outside they’d seem like an atypical pair , two people becoming friends due to regular & simple interactions . however underneath they’ve gone through situations that no one, let alone children, should be forced to endure. completely fed up and deprived of any sense of “ family “ they decide to burn away their previous names & start a new life together as a family. 
under the new name of Shimizu, deciding to move away from where they grew up & much of their trauma lived and festered , moving to Fukouka and deciding to go with a new business venture. a florist & cafe hybrid shop , under the name of MERAKI ,  meaning to throw one’s self into passion and life’s endeavors. before the actual opening of their shop , there was a time of preparation unsure if they’d even be able to open their doors and the start of a new beginning. for one to two years , they’d spent countless sleepless nights and stress-filled days to collect the necessary materials in order to make a dream a reality. 
it’d be a slow process but , they made it. above all of the suffering & misery , they’d been forced to endure , however , that would far too simple. unknown to them , rested two entities known as PALIN ORPHIC & ARCHE EUNOIA , lives they had once lived out for centuries , memory upon memory came rushing back to them on their respected twentieth birthdays. once again , taking their godly duties in tandem with keeping MERAKI afloat. Along with their familiars who’d been assigned to them since they came into existence as both Palin & Arche. 
It isn’t necessarily against the rules of METANOIA ( their true home ) nor ELYSIAN ( where demons reside.) , to exist as humans so long as their godly responsibilities are fulfilled , however , more so warned against telling humanity the existence of gods / demons. doing all they can to conceal their true identities , while making ends meet at the end of the day. The life they’ve choose isn’t the easiest , but that’s exactly the point . for there isn’t any enjoyment nor satisfaction if life was simply that attainable. 
Primarily , they prefer to exist as their human selves. It isn’t as if they hate nor dislike being gods , but instead , find comfort in the existence of Mi Kyong & Nao. They find themselves able to emote emotions far efficiently than staying in their godly forms , much to the dismay of their familiars who simply cannot wrap their minds around why they’d choose such a form to live as. It gives them comfort in which they cannot find in their primarily light energy vessels. 
Humans cannot see their godly forms, only otherworldly beings. However, humans can recognize when their hues change. Primarily they will hide their true forms by masking under their human forms , but , during times of great stress or emotion something else can even be seen by the human eye. Typically their true eye color or hair color , but only for a moment. As for otherwordly beings, they will still see Mi Kyong & Nao’s human forms but surrounded by an aura of light. Evidently, not human whatsoever. 
They cannot die? While existing as gods, they cannot be killed by traditional means , they can of course still feel pain and suffering. But their suffering takes on a different medium, if they expend too much energy and or exposed to an opposite affinity for too long ( in their case it’d be dark energy ) their skin begins to crack , for gods they are black cracks & for demons , they are white cracks. this means they are low on energy and require a very long time of little to no movement in order to recover , however the process is very painful and akin to being awake during surgery. Constant burning sensations can be felt , the alternative to this is to return back to Metanoia / Elysian or to find an area that is free of Misama & the opposing energy source that is effecting them. 
If their powers are misused they can become fallen. It’s no secret that both gods & demons of Metanoia / Elysian are very powerful , housing several different abilities all according to their elemental affinity and specific connections , but if they continue to misuse their powers and abilities , the status of fallen can be applied to a former god or demon. Stripping them of their dark / light affinty energy , instead , Misama ( the very force that both realms are sworn to destroy ) fills their body and only purpose is to spread despair across dimensions. It is the Elysian / Metanoian task force sole responsibility to rid these fallen creatures , to erase the constant source of Misama from spreading any more than it already has. 
What are they up to? 
MERAKI. (MAIN). Usually working their typical shifts at Meraki , seeing what needs to be improved on , taking stock orders, etc. What you’d expect from two new business owners , however , sometimes you may spot them in the middle of purifying areas and even individuals , it seems their job never stops. 
/insert fandom verse/ (AU). With their abilities as Palin & Arche they capable of dimension & universe hopping , usually done when they sense a great amount of Misama that is needed to be taken care of , however , whenever they enter a completely different timeline of their own , often will live out another life as both Mi Kyong & Nao before reawakening as Gods. 
Where can you find them? 
In all honesty , it depends on the day. Sometimes they’ll be in Fukouka living their lives peacefully as cafe owners , or out & about traveling wherever time will allow , typically in the vain of recipe research and what new experiences they can bring to their customers & clients. Not to mention their eternal duty of eliminating as much as Misama as possible. 
What are their Current Goals? 
There isn’t a specific or materialistic goal they have in mind , but , living each and every day to the fullest they can muster , meeting all sorts of different people in order to become more understanding and to find the stories that often left untold. Having quite the knack for making quite an array of friends & acquaintances. 
What Else To Keep In Mind? 
They still have nightmares. Even though they’ve woken up from the horrid nightmares that plagued both of them for years , as humans & gods , this doesn’t mean such experiences have left them or ever forgotten. They are very much broken individuals who deal with grief very differently , both often deal with night terror and require someone to be understanding if they wish to know more about them or even pursue a romantic relationship with them. It’s an uphill battle to gain their trust , but , will form a relationship unlike any other once befriended. 
Very secretive. Do not expect either of them to divulge any sort of information about themselves that’s considered important or sensitive , each have their own way of denying such claims and redirection , this isn’t to mean they won’t say anything about themselves , but only when they know you can be trusted . typically done as a huge hurdle or event , make sure to be supportive if you wish to truly know more about either. 
tagged by : I stole it from @divinehope
tagging : hey @apricifate / @rosewiltd / @avras / @otomates *whichever muse u fancy / @fearnyas / @veniaes / @believinghxpe *whoever you’d like to do this for ! / @unmeiha 
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nymphl · 5 years
In the General’s Bed - Regency!Hux x Reader - Ch. 3 - To hate a General
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A/N - Hello there! As promised, here goes chapter 3 of In the General’s Bed. I don’t have much to say, since I’m very, very sleepy right now, but I do hope you like this chapter. It’s one of my favorites... and I really, really like these cliffhangers but I know you hate them hahahaha Just for the record, the historical facts mentioned in this story are mostly real... Of course a few things here and here are modified to fit the story... but well, I try to be as accurate as possible. If you find anything wrong, let me know... I’m not British, so... 
Story Summary: The General is cornered… Upon returning from a successful campaign in Battle of Waterloo, Armitage Hux knows he has no excuses left; he must produce the much-needed heir. The problem is, when the two of you parted five years ago, it was not in the best of terms. Now, he may not find his wife, you, so willing as he first expected, nor keen on taking part in any of his political games. [Hux x Reader – Hux x You – Regency AU].
Warnings for the entire story: Will contain at times; graphic violence, sex, drugs and manipulation, coarse language and OOCness.
AO3 Tags: Regency Era; Alternate Universe; Alternate Story; Alternate Universe - Historical; Arranged Marriage; Politics; War; Napoleonic Wars; England - 1815; Married Couple; OOCness; Smut
Wordcount: 6188
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Although the trip had been scheduled to take place during the weekend, the news of Lord Poe Dameron’s death hastened it by three days.
The coachman, under Hux’s orders, set a punishing pace over the horses. There were two carriages, one for you and Hux, and the second for Lux and his tutoress — to your displeasure, Rae Sloane chose to stay behind to organize your belongings. She was set to arrive two days after you did.
And even if you did not agree with her choice — for Lux needed her more than ever —, she had Hux’s approval.
You had not explained why you left Southampton all of a sudden to Lux. In fact, you had no idea how you would explain his father — his only living family — had died. The circumstances of his death were still a mystery to you. Hux merely received a missive from Lady Organa and informed you to prepare a few of your and Lux’s belongings for you were going to London.
Lux did not seem to care about leaving and as long as he had you or Rae, you doubted he would complain about something. And you thought he would not care when he learned about Poe. He was just four and unable to grasp the concepts of life and death. You were sure he did not acknowledge Poe as his father either; he never called him as such. To him you and Rae were his only family.
A yawn left you.
You were tired. Utterly spent, actually.
Even if Lux did not complain about leaving, he did not accept to stay away from you and you did not have the heart to force him to stay with his preceptress in another carriage.
Hux took your decision with some displeasure, but he did not voice his thoughts. He was not naïve enough — nor blind; he saw what you planned under your mask of courtesy — to believe you accepted Lux in your personal carriage only because you did not want to displease the boy, but because you wanted to keep him at bay.
If something was to take place between the two of you, it would be on your own terms, your initiative. And you thought that you proved you could do it fairly well last time.
Honestly, you did not know you had it in you — your experience was limited when it came to bedroom affairs —, but after he said you were not fit to play such a game with him, you felt like you should prove him wrong.
The mere remembrance of how you took him in your mouth — such a depravity! — had you blushing now. You had never done that before and never heard of a decorous lady — wife! — doing that to their husbands. In London’s most popular Ballrooms, there was talk of that being an act of courtesans and lowly whores.
You were neither.
However, seeing that your husband had no problem kissing you there in your first — and only — night together; how eager he seemed to repeat the act at that very moment — and how much pleasure it brought you — you thought that it might be good to him as well.
You were not wrong.
Hux did seem to enjoy it. A lot.    
And honestly, the more the proper and oh, so very decent ladies of Ton said it was inappropriate — a woman who did enjoy such pleasures with her husband or who did use such means to bring pleasure to her husband was no better than a common whore — the more you wanted to try it. There were many opportunities for you to try it with other men, but while you did not know for sure Hux was six feet under, you did not have it in you to cheat on him — even if he probably did the same to you.
You decided to test your theory that night. He was putty in your hands — and mouth. And while your body demanded for you to go further with him — you knew he could give you so much more of those pleasures if you only let him —, you decided to put a stop to that night of debauchery.
If Hux wanted you, he would have to work for you.
And he would have you, eventually. But only when you decided he deserved you. For now, he would have to content himself with the smaller bits of attention you decided to bestow upon him.
If you were too weak to stop him, you knew you could count on Lux to help you.
A small smile, rapidly covered by a yawn, outlined your lips. Closing your eyes, you leaned your head against Hux’s shoulder. Lux was between the two of you, gripping the fabric of both of your clothes in his chubby hands.  
The two of them were fast asleep. It was funny how, in spite of their obvious distaste and disapproval of each other, they clung to each other subconsciously.
Not for the first time, you wondered how he would behave with a child of his own — your child. You bit your bottom lip; your fingers played with his bluish cravat. Part of you wondered how he would react if you said Lux was his — would he be happy? Overjoyed? Surprised? Another part knew he would not take lightly to such lie.
You snuggled against him and let sleep take over you as well.
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All servants were ready to welcome you when the carriage stopped at Piccadilly Street. Even before you could disembark, the building had you in awe.
There was talk around the city — there was always talk in Southampton —, concerning the General’s newest acquisition, but you did not expect it to be so… monumental.
Arkanis Hall was really a sight to behold. With its Greeks columns, it looked majestic and, at the same time, a bit intimidating. Undoubtedly, a mansion fit to accommodate a Duke. You knew how wealthy the Hux family was, but it still stunned you how much profit they made from their brewery in Ireland. Although your father did its best to hide from you the essence of your husband’s business, you knew very well their nature.
While he was away and there was talk about you being a widow, you conducted a thorough investigation concerning the nature of his business — in case you needed to oversee it.
His hand outstretched for you to take waved off whatever thoughts plaguing your mind. You placed your gloved fingers upon his and accepted his help to disembark. Lux was still sleeping and it was with some surprise — screw that! You were completely bewildered — that you saw him taking the boy in his arms with all the care in the world.
You even thought about offering to hold Lux yourself, but you realized that maybe that was not the best decision — not when there were so many servants watching your very soul.
In silence, you followed him inside, only to have both the butler and governess trailing right behind you, waiting for further instructions. You removed your gloves and watched, with narrowed eyes, as Hux climbed the stairs towards the bedrooms. Part of you wanted to follow him, but you knew what he was doing and that it in fact needed to be done, if you wanted to be respected by the servants.
Those people worked for other masters before and all they wanted was one single reason to badmouth you and Hux — at Lux’s expenses nonetheless. If it depended on you, they would have no reasons whatsoever to say anything.
But just in case Lux woke up… You gesticulated for the preceptress to follow Hux upstairs.
“Is there anything I need to know concerning the servants?” you asked as soon as you were left alone in the company of both the butler and the governess.
“They are here to serve, Your Ladyship,” the butler replied, his eyes cast down. “And they are happy to serve in anything you or the Lord see fit.”
You nodded, not at all pleased with their answers. The governess stayed in silence. You wondered if Hux had other plans in store for Rae. If she was not here to act as a governess as she did back in Southampton, then he must have thought of another occupation for her. In any case, you already saw her criticizing the governess — starting with the misalignment of the buttons in her uniform. After all, Rae Sloane always thought that having an impeccable appearance was prerequisite for an equally flawless work.   
You squinted… Was that a missing button? As if it just popped out after someone tried to take it off or put it back on in a rush…?
A small smile graced your lips as you thought about how much the two of them would get along.    
“Should I fetch the maid who will be assisting Your Ladyship?” she spoke for the first time, her tone and security in her words stunning you. Rae would definitely get along with her — it is, if she took care of her uniform first.   
“Yes.” You started making your way towards the stairs. “Have someone prepare mine and Lux’s bath please and have some tea ready for us before we part for the funeral.”
“It shall be done, Your Ladyship,” she replied with a bow. “Will that be all?”
You even thought about not saying it out loud, but you could simply not control yourself, “Do something about your uniform. I can see your corset from here.”
There was no need to cast a look at her over your shoulder to know she was blushing. It made your smile broaden. Rae would definitely like her!
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You sat in the drawing room looking at the windows with a lost expression. You still haven’t told Lux about Poe’s death and honestly you had no idea you knew what to say.
Part of you thought about letting Hux break the news. Another part trembled in fear at the idea. He would surely scar Lux for life… Well, but it could be fun to ask him to do it. He would probably stare at you as if you had grown thirty heads at the same time. The look in his face would be priceless.   
Bringing the cup of tea to your lips, you sipped the warm liquid and leaned against the sofa. You were the first to get ready. It was still early in the morning and the last day of Lord Dameron’s funeral before the proper burial.
Although Lady Organa had it all settled to have his funeral in the Saint Paul’s Cathedral, His Grace, the Duke of Wellington, beat her to it and offered his mansion, Apsley House, as the last place for family, friends and comrades of War say their goodbyes.
Needless to say, you saw right through his good intentions. Even if Poe Dameron was a good commander, he was not even an Admiral or a General like Hux.  
If your father were alive, you were sure he would not allow such. But if your father were alive, you would not have met Poe and taken Lux under your care. You knew he would never allow such scandal to befall upon his family name.
A sigh left you as you smoothed the skirts of your velvety black dress. In the very same instant, you placed your cup of tea back on the coffee table, the preceptress entered the drawing room leading Lux by the hand.
He was rubbing his eyes, still sleepy. And only you knew how grumpy and moody he could be in such circumstances. You waved the preceptress off, asking for her to bring him some hot chocolate.
It made him look at you with adoration in his eyes.
“Thank you, Mama.”
You bit your bottom lip.
It was now or never.
And never was not an option in this case.
You pulled him towards you by his chubby hands and adjusted his clothing. He really looked like a Little Lord with those clothes of his. A small smile graced your lips.  
“Listen, Little Lord…” You started, caressing his cheeks. “We have to talk.”
He nodded, still too sleepy to say anything else.
“Well…” You breathed deeply through your nose. “You know Lord Dameron… the man who visits you from time to time and bring you some toys?”
He looked lost for a moment.
You helped him sit on the couch beside yourself, watching how he swung his little legs absentmindedly.
“The one who brought you some sweets?”
This time he smiled at you. It was all you needed to notice that one of his front tooth was missing. You touched his chin and tilted his head slightly back. It made him close his mouth automatically.
“Open up, Little Lord.”
He shook his head.
You knew how shy he became whenever one of his tooth fell. And considering it was one of his front teeth… Even so, you pressed him a bit more. 
“Lux, open your mouth.”
He obeyed you this time. Unwillingly, but he did.
“When did it fall?”
“During your bath,” you completed for him. “Who helped you?”
Part of you was afraid he would say Hux did. You bit your bottom lip and with some surprised looked up when the preceptress came back and said she did. She approached Lux with handled him his hot chocolate.
“Of course you did,” you replied with some relief. You knew it made no sense, but you wanted Hux as far away as possible from Lux.      
“What happened to Lord Dameron?” His childish voice brought you back from your musings. He had a chocolate mustache gracing his features.
You did not realize you completely fled the topic.
“He died?”
You cringed as the words left you. And to think you were worried about letting Hux break the news. You did even worse than he could possibly… Argh. You never hated yourself more than in that moment.
Casting a look at the preceptress and then back at Lux you were surprised to find him thoroughly concentrated on his mug. You accepted the small napkin she offered and cleaned his chin.      
“He went to heaven?”
Rae Sloane would kill the both of you for this definition, but you thought that was a pretty good explanation for a four-year-old.
“Yes… That’s a way of putting it,” you conceded. “But please, don’t ever tell Rae that.”
“Why?” he asked, curiosity written all over his chestnut, expressive eyes.
“Listen, Little Lord,” you started, removing the mug from his hands. You knew he would pay you little attention as long as he had that in his grasp. You handed it to the preceptress and looked towards the door. She bowed and left the two of you alone. “Remember when I said he was your father?”
He was puzzled. And slightly irritated you took his mug from him. However, he made no complaints. He knew when you were speaking seriously and that certainly qualified as one of such times.
“He is not coming to visit you anymore.”
“Heaven is a good place…?” Even if his words were those of affirmation, it sounded like a question. You nodded, allowing him time to formulate his sentence. “Then it’s fine, Mama.”
He was so naïve.
You wondered if he would cry when he saw Lord Dameron lying there in the coffin. Motionless.
Honestly, as much as you threw it in Hux’s face Poe Dameron visited, it was a very rare occasion. He did stop by to see Lux three or four times during his four years of life. Yet, he was still his father. And Lux adored him and his company.
Or his gifts, Rae Sloane would probably say.
You brought him to your arms and held onto him tightly. He embraced you back, leaning his ginger head against your shoulder.
In this very moment, the butler opened the double doors of the drawing room and Hux appeared, all dressed in black.
He cleared his throat.
“Ready to leave?”
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Even if you were years older than Lux, you too could quite not grasp the concept of life and death and how the living made such a fuss over it.
And although you were versed in politics — your decision to bring Lux to his father’s funereal was but a political assertion —, it still fazed you how people could use the death of others to state their positions in the Ton.
Nobody even seemed to care — it is, except for Lady Organa and her family. They had been very courteous to you and Lux as well. Her son, Ben Solo, did not get along with your husband, but the two of them were at least polite towards each other.
He did not stay with you all the time. As a General, he had duties to perform and there were always elevated expectations over his head. And of course if he wanted to become Prime Minister, that was a good situation to start showing his cards.
His speech did that for him, although you could not understand why he did nothing to say Lux was Poe’s son. For all you knew — and only Lady Organa knew otherwise — everyone in Apsley House thought Lux was his and yours.
You bit your bottom lip as you heard everyone applaud all around you. He left the small platform where his speech took place and headed towards you — but not before greeting some Lords and politicians, including the Duke of Wellington himself, the last person to speak before the burial.
Before Hux could reach you, you excused yourself from Lady Organa’s company and asked a servant to deliver a small piece of paper to one of the reporters of The Times present at the funeral.
You kept your distance, not really sure you wanted to hear the Duke’s speech. It was funny — and infuriating as well — how every situation presented an opportunity good enough to one show off in the Ton, including a highly esteemed Duke. You never had any problems with him, but you had no qualms playing — and winning — politic games.
Part of you hated that they chose such a moment to start their dispute for the most prized position both in the Ton and the political field, but you would be damned if you let the Duke win.
You were so distracted in your own little world you barely saw Hux approaching, Lux trailing after him, one of his hands holding onto the fabric of his breeches.
Arching your brows, you opened your mouth to ask what sort of sorcery he performed over the boy, to have him acting so civilized towards him, but you closed it afterwards when he placed one of his hands on your waist and bestowed you with a kiss on the cheek.
Your heart broke a little at the realization that Lux was not yours. Not for the first time that day you wondered how it would change your relationship if the situation was any different.
“What are you doing here?”
You did not give him an immediate answer and disentangled yourself from his embrace, offering a hand for Lux to take.
He shook his head.
Instead, he accepted Hux’s hands and the two of them left you behind. A shocked expression on your face.
What the hell was that?
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You had many questions to him.
As in, you wanted at least only one question thoroughly answered. No hesitation, no lies, no half-truths whatsoever.
After you put Lux to bed — and it finally downed on him that Poe Dameron was dead and was not coming back —, you left your chambers and headed towards your husband’s study room. He was either alone or still talking business with Rae Sloane.
Lord Dameron’s burial had been three days earlier. Rae arrived only yesterday. Needless to say, she lost no time to reprimand you for letting the boy believe his father had gone to heaven — it’s also needless to say she did not believe in God.
As for how close both Lux and Hux got in the last few days she had nothing to tell you. Sided with the enemy. As always.
And as expected.
You snorted.
Closing your dressing gown, braced yourself for her inquiry eyes and her disgust at your weakness as well. Honestly, you could not help your jealousy. It was not fair that Lux decided from day to night he preferred Hux over you.
And that was what was eating away your insides. That was simply not possible. He had bribed Lux with sweeties or something like that. The boy would never prefer his company over yours.
You raised your hand to knock on the door, but stopped yourself when you heard their current topic.
…So you plan on sending him to Eton?
There was silence after Rae’s words.
You held your breath, afraid they had heard you. You pressed your ear against the wooden door and waited for Hux’s reply. It came shortly after the sound of a glass — porcelain? — was placed over another surface — wood?
He did not say anything else.
You bit your bottom lip.
“(Y/N), won’t like it,” Rae started. You could almost see her shaking her head, a strand of raven hair falling from her uptight hairdo. “She won’t approve of your actions. She will likely hate it if you send him to an overseas institution that accept children.”
Part of you expected your husband to take his time to respond. He was not one to small talk and he always thought his words very carefully — except, of course, when he was angry. It did not seem the case. You wondered, though, how he would react if he knew you were listening to this very conversation.
“She does not have a saying in it.”
“No?” Rae repeated. You could bet she was smiling. “Let me refresh your memories, General,” she added and he snorted, as if she said something so very amusing. “You’re not Lux’s father.”
That hurt.
You smiled in spite of the burning sensation in your stomach.
It seemed Rae was not on his side as you previously thought. You almost slapped yourself at such nonsense. Rae Sloane was not on his or your side. She played by her own rules and she supported no one, but herself.
The fact that she raised Hux and helped him with his abusive father did not mean she would support his every decision — even the stupid ones.
And if it concerned Lux, of course she would think about what was best for the boy and at the present time he needed you. The two of you.
…can see that.
You shook your head, pressing your ear again against the double doors. You missed part of what he said.
“I never said that was a bad decision,” Rae said, and by her movements — her steps — you could say she was about to leave the study room.
But you haven’t heard everything. They still had so much more to say, right? You had to know what Hux was planning. He would never tell you.
You needed to know.
“I merely said you’re picking a hell of a fight with Lady Hux.”
You could almost see his smile — a mischievous smile at that — when he replied, “I can deal with her.”
Your heart accelerated, galloping against your ribcage — even Lux’s wildest horses could not keep with its rhythm. It had been a while since you last felt this angry.
First, he made the boy like him in the timeframe of what? Four days? Now he was planning on sending him away. On forcing him to part ways with you and Rae — the one he needed and would always need the most.
“I can deal with her…” you repeated his words, mimicking his smug tone. “I can deal with her… Really?” You bit your bottom lip in anger. “We shall see, Lord Hux.”
We shall see. 
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You had no idea what time it was when you heard the door of the anteroom cracking open. Probably very tired. If before you had no idea of your husband’s sleeping habits, now you knew he barely slept.
No wonder he had those dark circles under his eyes and his skin was getting paler and paler.
Well, he could die, you thought with the shadow of a smile crossing your lips. He could die for all you cared. He could die here, right now and you would not even bat an eye.
You brought Lux to the comfort of your arms and buried your nose in his ginger hair. Part of you hated that he even smelled like Hux — were they using the same shampoo? You would kill Hux if that was the case!
After he said he was sending Lux away you thought that nothing, no explanation whatsoever could ever make you love him or even respect him again.
You closed your eyes and decided to go back to sleep. Let the great Armitage Hux have the surprise of the century when he realized you put Lux to share his bed — your bed.
However, as this thought came to life in your mind, you heard him stopping at the bed; a candelabrum cast a flickering light in the chamber.
“What’s the meaning of this?”
You did not raise your head from the pillow, unless you wanted to smile and blow your cover.    
“Well…” you whispered back, your voice heavy with sleep. “He was having a nightmare and I thought you wouldn’t mind. It’s not like you get any sleep, to be honest.”
He retreated, heading back to the anteroom, and as much as you wanted to ignore him and let him sleep on the floor — you could not care less —, you could not control your urges.
You moved away from Lux carefully, placed the blankets over him and kissed his cheek lovingly before you followed your husband outside.
Closing the double doors behind yourself, you watched as he took a seat. You did not mimic him, you would rather stay on your feet and preferably away from him.
“I thought you liked the boy,” you started, using the word boy as he did in the past. With disdain. “Perhaps you only like him when he’s useful to you.”
He looked at you, eyes narrowed, but nothing left his lips.
His silence both stunned and angered you.
You expected him to say something.
To agree.
To disagree.
To mock you.
To say you were a child.
He did neither.
“You are a hateful person,” you started, biting your bottom lip. You were on the verge of crying, but just like Lux — just like him — you were too damn stubborn to cry. “How can you do that? How could you?”
He stood on his feet, his furrowed brows made you want to slap him. You did.
Or at least tried to.
He held onto your wrists and pulled you to him.
You squirmed against him, but he did not you go. His breath tickled your skin; his five o’clock shadow brushed against your cheeks as he continued to hold you.
Before you realized, you were crying.
From anger.
“I hate you.”
These words seemed to do the trick. He let go of you immediately, and you stumbled backwards, only to regain your balance seconds later.
“How can you send him away? To some overseas institution nonetheless?”
You could deal with Eton — you knew eventually Lux would have to part ways with both you and Rae —, they only accepted boys after their thirteenth birthday. He had to study. So why not Eton, one of the best institutions in your own country?
His reaction was quick.
You almost did not see it.
It was as if relief flooded him, before he stared at you with those impossibly blue eyes of his, his expression cold and filled with disgust.
“I refuse to have this conversation with you if you are to behave this childishly.”
A slap would have hurt less.
You felt your cheeks heating at his words.
“Childish behavior is yours that want to separate him from his—
“His what?” he hissed. He had invaded your personal space, towering over you. His stare was so intense, he could almost feel it burning you. “You are not his mother.”
It only served to push you further.
If he would not allow you to slap him — he would cage your wrists the moment you thought about it —, at least he would not see it coming. You spat on his face and if the situation were any different, you would have laughed at the look of pure revulsion on his eyes.
Before he could outline any reaction, a tiny sob drew both of your attentions to Lux. He was staring at you with chestnut eyes wide open.  
He was not crying.
At least, he was not making a big deal of it.
But Lux was not a child used to see anyone fighting. It probably scared him — you were always scared when your father and your mother fought.
Casting a glance at Hux — it was obvious it was all his fault — you walked to Lux, but he refused to go to your arms. He did not go to Hux either.
In that very moment, someone opened the door. Your body tensed at the thought of his preceptress or any other servant catching you in such situation, but it was only Rae. A sigh left you as she entered the anteroom and offered a hand to Lux.
He ran to her, wrapping his arms around her legs.
You felt guilty when she patted his head in a very Rae-ish manner and looked at you. Even if you could not see very well in the darkened room, you could bet her eyes hid nothing of her disapproval of your actions.
She nudged him forward and when he was not in your sights, she said, her voice low and chilly,  
“You are ridiculous. Both of you.”
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There was silence between you.
For a couple of seconds.
Of minutes.
You did not now.
Both of you sat in the couch, side by side; thighs quite not brushing, but neither paid any attention to it.
He would not say anything.
You knew it. Even if he had changed a lot, his refusal to apologize when he thought he was right would never change — you wondered if he did apologize to those above him in the army. He used to apologize to your father quite often when he was a teenager; when the two of you were engaged. Most of times he was not wrong.
And when he was, it was usually because of your actions.
Begrudgingly, you breathed deeply through your nose and started, “Please don’t send him away.”
You expected him to take his time to reply. You were not ready to have him answering you so soon, nor the content of his words.
“You always expect the worst of me.”
Your mouth hung open as you tried to come up with a reply. Nothing came to your mind. After a while staring at him with an expression of surprise — you bet you never looked so silly in all your life, you said,
“You never gave me any reason to expect otherwise.”
By his sharp intake of breath, you realized that this time, your words felt like a slap to his face. But what did he expect? What did he want of you? You were suddenly tired of this game — and you barely stared it!
“I love Lux,” you said, your voice small. “I can forgive anything, but I swear, Armitage, I will never forgive you if you take him from me.”
He gave you no answer, but his intense stare made you shudder. Armitage Hux was not a man of many words and certainly not one used to talk about feelings — his or otherwise —, but his eyes — when he did not hold the reins of his emotion so tightly — hid nothing of what was on his mind and heart.
At the moment, you could tell your words did not surprise him in the least. He seemed almost… reassured at them.
“I can take you bribing him and diverting his attention to you sometimes, but I won’t let you let him study overseas now.”
There was a small smile on his lips as he placed one of his hands on your face, removing a strand of hair from your eyes and placing it behind your ear.
“Stop smiling.” You slapped his hands away. It made his smile broaden. “It’s not funny.”
“I did not bribe the boy,” he smoothed his thumb over your bottom lip. Even if you fought against it, your heart accelerated.   
“So he became boy again, huh?”
“I was getting to know him better.”
“Why?” You furrowed your brows. His small caresses did not matter now. You were so curious you would even kiss him if it meant he would answer your questions. Subconsciously, you looked up at his lips, taking your time on them. “I know you bribed him somehow. Lux hates you… Or he used to.”
There was silence on his part for a moment.
You knew he did not like it when you said Lux hated him.
It made no sense.
“He will go to Eton when he turns thirteen,” he said, pulling you into a kiss.
It was brief. Chaste. A mere brush of lips.
But this, coupled with the information and how regretful his eyes and tone seemed to you, had you gasping in his mouth.
He took that as an invitation to take your lips more properly. His hands moved on your back, bringing your body against his; your legs straddled his.
Still, even if your bodies were so close together, and the moment was very intimate, there was nothing sexual about it.
You entwined your fingers through his short hair and placed your forehead against his. Undoubtedly, that was the first moment of — peace? you did not even know how to put it — something between you.
“I did bribe him with sweets. He has a sweet tooth.”
“I knew it!”
There was a moment of silence. You closed your eyes and lowered your head to his shoulder, your hand moving back, till it settled against his heart. He placed his hand over yours, both of your fingers entwining together.  
Your heart sped.
In that moment, you could swear he felt — if not love, at least something —, he cared for you.
“He likes toffee,” he whispered, against your hair and placed a kiss to your temples.
“He does,” you whispered back, a small smile gracing your lips.
He moved from the couch and took you in his arms. It elicited a light squeal from you. Without your permission, your thoughts went back to your first night together — he held you like this, your arms around his shoulders, your legs wrapped around his waist as he guided you to the bed.
When he lowered you onto the mattress, you did not let go of him. He settled between your legs, but he did not try anything. He did not move. His fingers traced your cheeks in a small caress that had you leaning against him.
There was no answer from his part. It was if he did not hear you. His right hand moved from the mattress and caressed the underside of your knee, his fingers moving slightly up towards your thighs.
“Why, can’t we always be like this?”
You caressed his face.
In the darkened room, you could not see it, but you could feel every plane of his chiseled jaw and sculpted nose. He was a very beautiful man. You remembered how he used to take your breath away when he merely cast a glance at you in the past.
You brushed your fingers against his lips, and the need to kiss him again was almost overpowering.   
“Why can’t we stop fighting? Why can’t we just stop hiding things from each other? I wouldn’t be mad if you talked to me about sending Lux to Eton. I know he will have to leave someday, but… To hear it like that, as if you were playing with my feelings…” Your voice broke. “I can’t bear the thought of losing him right now.”
He did not reply.
Instead, he broke apart from you and sat on the bed.
It made you furrow your brows.
You thought you were having a moment… What happened to him?
“Why didn’t you tell me, (Y/N)? Why did you hide it from me?”
His voice was no more than a whisper.
But not a warm, welcoming whisper.
It was cold.
Devoid of any good emotion.
Enraged, even.
“Tell you what?” You sat on the bed as well and moved to touch him. He inched away. You furrowed your brows. What happened to that — peaceful? pleasant? — moment of before?
“He is mine. Lux is my son.”
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A/N - That will be all for today. I hope you’ve liked this chapter. I honestly miss updating and writing this story, but as you well know, I’m rather busy with my thesis right now... So, bear with me ok? Soon there’ll be no thesis and I’ll be back to updating frequently xD
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thehuggamugcafe · 6 years
Can you do, "I think I just saw something move outside your window. . . Is someone watching us?" Prompt for Incubus!Akira? Please?
OOC: Good morning, Selene. I hope you’re well, and that today’s been a good day for you so far.
My, what a prompt order. I like that, and your manners are a nice touch as well. You certainly may have an order featuring the pumpkin spice king: Akira Kurusu. Enjoy, and come back again.
Honestly, I feel kind of… okay about this. I did my best, but I could’ve done a bit better. Probably.
For everyone else: Sit back, relax with your favourite drink, and indulge yourselves in a sweet treat. ☕
“I heard something outside. Can you go check again?”
A head was turned, and a face framed with frizzy black hair snuck a glance at where you lay. Right beside him on the couch you and he shared on your evenings off, your fingers clutching onto the sleeve of the black shirt he wore, and your legs were intertwined with his, the cotton leggings of your lounge wear rubbing against his.
He felt the muscles in your legs tightening as your body stiffened, the barely stifled gasp that left your lips was easily heard. Even with his keen hearing, even with the various sounds—creaking doors, groaning floorboards, slow and shaky breaths, and other noises related to a B-rated horror movie—that came from the flickering television screen, there was no mistaking the hitched breath you took in.
The flickering television screen was all that penetrated the darkness of the living room, casting its dim light across random surfaces, including the couch where you and Akira laid. However, the dim light coming from the television screen only served to make your on-edge expression more obvious. 
There was a strange mixture of intrigue and on-edge anticipation written all over your face, swallowing a gulp that felt like it was the size of a baseball. You felt it slide down your esophagus, to settle in the pit of your stomach that was doing queasy flip-flops in anxious apprehension.
A shudder shook you as a chill danced up and down your spine, drawing in a slow, shaky breath as the earlier noises—the groaning creak of floorboards, the flashlight being shone around the dark room, and the small, frightened breaths of the woman—increased two-fold as an eerie, unnaturally still silence plagued the scene.
The quiet was broken only by the groaning creak of the floorboards, the slow and quivering breaths of the woman, and the careful shuffle of footsteps as the pair inched closer and closer to the door.
Your wide, shivering irises caught the way the beam of the flashlight cast its dim luminescence on the door’s glass pane, a light that seemed unnecessarily bright in the dark foyer as the man reached for the doorknob.
They’re going to die.
It was gripped and slowly, carefully turned. The door hinges wailed softly in protest as the door was opened, and the pair stepped out into the chilly night. The cabin’s front porch creaked and groaned, and a brief gust of icy wind whispered past the couple.
The woman’s dark hair was tussled as the cold early fall air gently nipped at any exposed skin she had, shivering as she brought the collar of her fall coat closer to her neck.  
They’re going to die.
“Don’t worry, babe. See? Nothing’s outside.”
The man’s nonchalant assurance didn’t put the woman at ease. It was evident in how she scowled, the way she smacked his shoulder. Her irked glare and the light smack to his shoulder only made him chuckle, going so far as to raise the flashlight, placing it under his chin.
The luminescence cast a play of light and shadow across his grinning visage, and the woman rolled her eyes, breathing a sigh as she cast one last look around out of sheer nervousness.
They’re going to die!
“Let’s go inside already. It’s too-”
The woman was cut off by a wet gurgle from the man, and the woman simply looked back at him, a look of pure annoyance plastered across her face.
“Whatever you’re doing, it’s not funny, okay? Now let’s-”
Again, she was cut off, but by the sight of blood pouring from his mouth, spilling down his chin as he uttered a weak cry for help. The machete that protruded from his chest was stained with the man’s blood, the red-stained blade glinting in the cold glare of moonlight.
The woman remained where she was, as though rooted in place, her mouth hanging agape as the flashlight left the man’s limp grasp. The flashlight hit the ground with a clatter, rolling down the cabin steps and onto the patch of gravel that made up the driveway.
A pair of eyes stared at the woman blankly through slits in the hockey mask that covered the killer’s face, a gloved hand twisting the machete, still deep within the man’s chest, causing further damage before the masked man finally removed the decidedly deadly weapon.
The man slumped to the ground, quite obviously deceased, and the camera zoomed in on the woman’s face. The action served only to make her frightened expression all the more palpable, and you watched as cold perspiration began to form on her face, dripping down her face as terror shone in her eyes.
She voiced a scream just as the machete-bearing man reached for her—and you couldn’t bear to see what happened next.
So, you buried your face into Akira’s shoulder, voicing a mousy squeak as your ears caught the final moments of the woman’s life.
You heard her pleas for mercy that fell on deaf ears.
You heard the all too noticeable sounds of the machete hacking away at her.
You heard her pained cries, voicing a death rattle as her life was brought to a violent end.
Strangely, you heard nothing else.
When you decided that it was safe enough to look, you turned your head oh so slightly, pointing a nervous glare on the glowing TV screen—and you saw the telltale Netflix logo staring back at you. Below the movie you had foolishly selected earlier, there were the “recommended for you,” “new releases,” “popular TV shows,” and other suggestions staring back at you.
“…I told you we should’ve watched something else, love.”
Quickly, your head shot up from the crook of Akira’s neck, pointing a stern look on the smirking young man.
“S-Shut up! I told you I could handle it, Akira!”
“Really? Hiding in my neck counts as ‘handling it’, does it? I’m not complaining, of course, but-”
You reached for one of the pillows, wielding it like it was a threatening weapon and not, in fact, a harmless object. Akira laughed as you swatted him with the lumpy pillow, his warm onyx irises shining with amusement as you scowled.
“Ass,” you grumbled, scowling as the frizzy-haired demon snickered.
However, movement out of the corner of your eye caught your attention, causing you to stiffen as your gaze eyeballed the adjacent window.
Akira’s eyes followed to where you were staring, narrowing slightly.
“I think I saw something move outside the window… Is someone watching us?”
Try as you might, there was no way to hide the quivering edge that laced your voice as you talked, unconsciously hugging the pillow to your chest. Your stare refused to move away from the window, and it was only when Akira spoke that your eyes left the window.
“Treasure, I checked before we started the movie. There’s nothing out there.”
“I saw something move outside, Akira!”
“Are you sure it’s not the movie having an effect on you?”
You pursed your lips as, again, Akira chuckled at the light, but clear stutter to the single word you voiced, huffing as your hand smacked his shoulder.
“Check again!”
“Alright, alright,” Akira said, sighing as he moved.
The noiret uncurled his legs, the bare soles of his feet touching the floor as he paused, leaning forward to press a kiss to your cheek before he sat up. The couch creaked as it was relieved of his weight, and you watched as he walked over to the window, hands stuffed in the pockets of his lounge wear.
The obsidian-eyed man raised a hand, brushing the curtain aside, peering out into the darkness outside. The dim orange glow from streetlights shone down on the sidewalk, on a patch of grass here and there, and cast their faint lights on a parked vehicle, but there was nothing to be seen.
“See? I told you there was nothing out there, darling.”
A smile curled Akira’s lips, and you breathed a sigh of relief—only to jump in place, voicing a quiet gasp as the doorbell suddenly rang.
You paused, waiting, your fingers hugging the pillow to your chest. It was only when Akira was on the move that you dared to so much as budge an inch, shifting to wiggle your feet into the slippers placed on the floor.
The couch wailed softly as you sat up, still hugging the pillow to your chest as you followed Akira out of the dark living room, shuffling down the short hallway that led to the front door. You lingered behind Akira, watching as he spared you a brief glance before looking back at the front door, his fingers reaching for the deadbolt.
You sucked in a soft breath, your eyes never straying from the doorknob, watching as it wiggled experimentally before, finally—
“Akira! You and your girl still up? C’mon, man, open up! I’m freezin’ my nuts off out here!”
You breathed a sigh, relaxing at the familiar voice of one of Akira’s friends: Ryuji Sakamoto.
“As always, you have no aesthetics.” Yusuke Kitagawa.
“Like you’re one to talk. Stupid art-obsessed Inari.” Futaba Sakura.
“You could try to keep your voice down. You’re loud enough to wake the dead sometimes.” Ann Takamaki.
“It is cold, but Ann’s right. Please be a bit more considerate. We are in a neighbourhood at a late hour, after all.” Makoto Niijima.
“Um… Nobody’s answering. Maybe they’ve gone to bed? We shouldn’t disturb them if they are asleep.” Haru Okumura.
“The kitchen lights are on, though, and I saw the TV flickerin’ when I peeked in through the window.”
Ryuji’s muffled voice was clear, sounding a bit vexed as the doorbell chimed again, followed by the blond pounding on the door.
“Heeeey! Akira! You there? C’mon, open up already!”
Finally, Akira’s fingers gripped the deadbolt, turning it.It was unfastened with a quiet click, a noise that resonated a bit too loudly throughout the first floor of the two-storey house as the doorknob was gripped in the incubus’s hand, and smoothly turned, pulling the door open.
Soon, you and your husband stared into six familiar faces, all bearing various looks that were either annoyed, relieved, calm but pleasant, or bearing a smile.
“See? I told you guys they were still up,” Ryuji said, grinning as he spoke.
“Still, you should remember to be a bit more courteous next time,” Makoto replied, sparing the energetic blond a lukewarm askance.
“Niijima is right. We are guests, after all,” Yusuke added, more or less agreeing with the brunette, red-eyed young woman.
“Thank you for inviting us over for a movie night. I’m sure that it was on short notice,” Haru said, smiling warmly at you.
“It’s no trouble at all. You’re always welcomed here, all of you,” you said, stepping aside to give Akira’s friends to move inside.
Akira carefully moved past his friends, shutting and locking the door.
Their lighthearted chatter broke the dimly lit darkness of your home, removing their footwear and setting them aside, shrugging off their fall coats and hanging them on the coat rack bolted into the wall adjacent to the door.
“Alright, let’s get this spooky party started! I’ve brought loads of goodies!” Futaba said, voicing a laugh that was warm and mischievous, clutching two grocery bags of various snacks and drinks.
“What’re we watchin’, anyway?” Ryuji asked, eyeballing the flickering TV screen as everyone shuffled into the living room.
“Ooh, ooh! I heard there’s a Halloween marathon on tonight! Let’s watch that!”
Futaba’s suggestion caused your blood to run cold, swallowing a gulp as a low chuckle was heard from behind you.
Akira’s snicker was obvious, and as he walked past you, he tossed you the smallest of smirks as his warm onyx eyes danced with quiet laughter.
“I think that will be just fine, Futaba.”
It was official.
You were doomed to keep your head buried into Akira’s shoulder for the rest of the night, and sleep would be hard to come by, if not impossible.
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soliloquyslut · 6 years
No Reqiuems for Sinners [1]
Pairing(s): Kylo Ren x F!Reader, Kylo Ren/You ]
Content Warning(s): dub-con, Dom/sub dynamics, smut, angst ]
Words: 1,500+
Author's Note(s): Part of me wanted to write gratuitous, filthy, filthy smut, and the other part of me wanted to write angst. Kylo's a bit OOC here, and I added some Crylo because I think it's a lil' tidbit of a redemption arc for him. I don't think I'll be adding any further installments for this piece, but that could change.
He's here again, in your quarters.
You don't discern him using the Force, per se - everybody had a bit of Force in them, and you were in no means Force-sensitive - but you can definitely sense the pivotal magnetism that draws him to you.
You muse that it's the reason he keeps coming back, keeps returning although he promises otherwise.
"Kylo?" You call out, uncertain, almost wearily. He's been angrier these weeks, and the scent of burnt dura-steel follows him whenever his anger is just below the surface, the buzz of his lightsaber lethal and red.
Almost as if he were a moth drawn to a flame, the Commander steps closer, face shrouded by his mask. His voice is tinny, distorted by his vocoder, but his words ring clear in your ear.
You begin to protest, "You know my terms, Kylo. I won't do anything unless you've got your mask off, I refuse to be controlled by-".
Your sentence dies down in your throat as he repeats his order, an exasperated sigh escaping him, almost as if you had came to his room seeking something.
Nevertheless, you comply. Something about the way Kylo says it - it isn't a request but a command - you can't deny that your panties already start to dampen as you begin removing your attire. He's watching you, and you imagine that it's through half-lidded eyes, expectant, calculated.
Your hands reach the hem of your shirt and you pull upwards, tugging up your bra with it, nipples immediately hardening as you readjust to the seemingly sudden cold atmosphere around you two.
"I don't have all day." He says, as plainly as could be.
You let out a squeak, hastening your movements as you push off your pants, beginning to peel off your panties before you're stopped by his hand.
"No?" You repeat, dumbly, as if tasting his sentence and the potential weight behind it.
But he's not paying attention to you; he's fiddling with his robes and unzipping something and then there he is, in all his glory, cock already erect and leaking precum.
He slaps his shaft against your face, jerking his hands along it, almost as if you're not a person but an object to be used as a part of his daily routine, transient if need be.
And then, "Suck."
You don't need to be told twice, scrambling to your knees as you take your designated position between his legs, tip of his cock on your mouth as you swirl your tongue around the slit. He pushes himself deeper into your mouth without warning, causing you to almost choke as you allow your mouth to adjust to the intrusion. He emits a low sort of hiss, distorted by the vocoder as you continue your ministrations, throating him down despite the tears threatening to leak from your eyes.
Almost subconsciously, you begin to trail your fingers to your underwear, slipping the digits in to swipe against your clit, a familiar heat blossoming throughout your abdomen. It doesn't go unnoticed by him.
"I don't recall allowing you to touch yourself, now did I?"
And there it is, the mocking, condescending tone as he looks down at you. You're simultaneously turned on and fucking infuriated that you can't see what he looks like right now, face still shielded by his mask.
You pull off his cock long enough to say, "No, I'm sorry, Commander."
The honorific makes him preen, cock twitching in your mouth again as you remind him of his power, his strength, his utter control. Kylo pulls out of your mouth, and a little whine escapes you as you look back up at him.
"On the bed. Ass to me. Take off your panties." He demands, gruffly, and you're nothing if not obedient, immediately climbing up onto the mattress, presenting yourself to him, pushing off your undergarment as it pools down your legs.
He positions himself behind you, shifting his robes once more, and then the head of his cock is pressed up against the entrance of your cunt and this time you have to protest.
"I can't - you can't," you struggle to string your words together, "At least let me see the face of the man that's making me cum."
You say it meekly but there's a heavy sort of finality to it, and it seems to appease him enough. There's the familiar hiss of the mask as he pulls it off, dropping it (albeit gingerly) onto the floor behind him with a thunk.
Without warning, he thrusts into you, and there's a mutual cacophony of moans and grunts as he pushes himself into the hilt, quite literally balls-deep. Your hands gripe at the sheets, holding them until you're sure your knuckles will turn white as the Commander sets an unforgiving, but steady pace.
His hand reaches up to grip at your throat, and you feel the Force, unstable but present, at your clit, invisible fingers rubbing and kneading at the nub as you mewl, "S-Shit! Fuck, Kylo-."
He's repeating a mantra of your name but he's also burying his face into your neck, biting at the flesh and nosing at your hair as he mutters angrily, releasing all his pent-up frustrations through his thrusts.
"That'll, shit, your pussy's so fucking tight," he hisses, continuing to speak, "That'll fucking show her."
It doesn't take a genius to realize that he's talking about Rey, the scavenger that had been the cause of the ugly scar running across his face. You hate her, although you aren't sure why. It's not like he loves her, in fact, you're fairly sure he hates her too, but she still receives more attentions than you - she plagues his mind and you're disconcerted by the idea that you don't.
A particularly hard thrust brings you back to reality, and you're hyperaware that he's commanding you to moan, to scream his name, to make noise, sound as rawly human as he does.
You do, whimpering out a mantra of his name, of "Commander", of other vulgarities and the Force at your clit grows more unstable, his thrusts more erratic.
His face is at your neck and your shoulder suddenly feels wet and you realize that it isn't from his mouth - he's crying, two large droplets cascading down your shoulder and the small of your back.
You turn towards him and press your lips against his own; it sounds odd thinking about it but he's never actually kissed you. His mouth has been everywhere except atop your own, almost as if it were an action too intimate, even for being reserved in an officer's dingy quarters.
If a person's anger could be likenened to a storm, then Kylo's was a tempest, a tsunami, a hurricane, constantly swirling and brimming at the surface, threatening to break. You realize that he's jealous - not of Finn who probably fucks Rey the same way Kylo does you, but the domesticity of their dynamic, the simplicity of their relationship. It frustrates him.
You're once again brought out of your reverie as he bites down on your neck, grunting whilst providing you with one command: "Cum."
And you do, clenching yourself around his shaft while he haphazardly fucks into you, drawing out both of your orgasms.
When he finally stills, pulling away from your spent cunt, you wince, the after-sex buzz already setting in. He's readjusting his robes - you realize with a peculiar acuteness that you've never seen him entirely naked - he's about to leave like he always does, but you tug at his sleeve.
Kylo looks back towards you, eyes flashing as if to ask why you even dared to touch him after the endeavor had ended.
"What do I mean to you?" You ask him, frankly.
His features change momentarily before he becomes expressionless again, "I don't know."
"You don't know." You echo, not with incredulity but a tone of monotony - you wonder if this is the fate you've resigned yourself to - becoming the nightly rendezvous for a man that couldn't care less about you.
"I don't dislike you." He says, finally, and you understand that this is probably the closest he'll get to admitting his feelings.
"Okay." You reply, a little hollow, "Stay the night."
He's preparing himself to leave once more, and he freezes when you say that.
"I wasn't asking." You don't relent.
"I'm your superior; I take what I want-."
You cut him off, knowing full well his tirade, "Stay the night."
This time, it's less of a demand and more so a request, a plea. You don't know if you mean anything to him and you don't quite understand why you need to know, but he can at least pretend, right, for one night?
"Just for tonight." You add, biting your lip nervously.
He mulls over this, seemingly conflicted as he finally relents, nodding, "Just for tonight."
"Yeah." You pat the bed, shifting so he can get on.
He sits rigidly, almost awkwardly, before you pull him closer to you, lacing your fingers together. Tepidly, you lean your head on his neck, weary of his response. He tenses but doesn't verbally react.
"Goodnight." You say, meekly, wishing you could will the atmosphere to be a bit less uncomfortable as it seemed.
You fall asleep dreaming of him, of an alternate universe in which you mean something to Kylo Ren the same way he means something to you.
He isn't there when you wake up.
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the-evolving-falcon · 7 years
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Mun name: Elly, though I don’t identify that strongly with this nickname, meaning I am always open to suggestions on what’d you’d rather call me lol
OOC Contact: IM on any of my blogs, Skype, potentially Discord
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
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Shun Kurosaki ~ The sole survivor of the Heartland invasion still opposing Academia and Akaba Leo; a war hardened soldier driven by his determination and deep hatred alone after losing everything he held dear.  Forced into a set of circumstances detrimental to his nature of a far-sighted strategist, he had no choice but adapt by pursuing one suboptimal solution after another, a fact he is painfully aware of, but with no time to prepare, no reliable access to information, and almost no resources at his hand, he rather quickly recognized the act of sticking to one elaborate strategy to be a futile endeavor posing a risk to his survival on top of it.  Having traveled to Standard to continue his onslaught, he has formed an alliance with Akaba Reiji, ultimately becoming his right-hand man and equal in rank.
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Ruri Kurosaki~ One of the four girls representing the will of Nature itself, thus becoming Akaba Leo’s target as her existence and the workings of her bracelet prevent the four dimensions from merging. After the invasion of her home, she, too, picked up arms and fought, though her personal rebellion was cut short by Akaba Leo’s most trusted agent capturing her after having been enabled to do so by a spy infiltrating the Resistance’s ranks and getting close to Ruri. From the very first day of her captivity, she’s been plotting to break free lowering the guard of Akaba Leo and her watchdogs in an elaborate scheme ultimately failing as a result of an unlucky coincidence alone. Upon being freed by Shun, she’s been working towards the improvement of Leo Corp.’s image and public relations.
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Serena~ Another of Nature’s four girls, born in the Fusion Dimension and raised as an Academia warrior, but never deployed to an actual battlefield due to her role in Akaba Leo’s plans, a weapon gone berserk as a result of disuse and a lack of guidance. In an act of rebellion, she escaped to Standard, aiming to prove her worth by slaying the final Xyz survivor. Having learned about Academia’s true colors from Yuzu Hiiragi, Shun Kurosaki, and Reiji Akaba, she changed loyalties and became a Lancer. Her flawed perception of her surroundings and herself brought upon by years of being exposed to Academia’s propaganda, however, are causing her to still strive for the idealized image of a proud and honorable Academia warrior without her being aware of it, making her particularly susceptible to manipulation and deceit.
Points of interest:
Shun Kurosaki
Highly intelligent
Cynical misanthrope and pessimist-realist
An interior almost equally harsh and cold as his exterior
Worst Civilian your muse will probably meet
Skilled at making delicious meals from scraps
Exhibits an adorable blinking tic when perplexed and/or flustered
His ‘Nii-san game’ is incredibly strong, though your muse’ll have to first get on his good side for him to treat them as an older sibling would - a task about as difficult as to move a mountain
Ruri Kurosaki
Manipulative and cunning
Sharpened silver tongue
Deep love for myths and tales
Tends to conceal her true self behind a variety of masks, only removing them once a strong bond has been formed
Her interior is colder than what some of her masks suggest
Carries a crushing amount of guilt within her
Desires to temporarily escape the harsh reality without denying it
Child soldier desperate to prove her worth on the battlefield
Severe lack of social skills
Easily angered
Likes to see herself as an independent thinker when she’s anything but
Prone to idealization and oversimplification
Stubborn and strong willed; capable duelist
Unconsciously seeking to be guided by someone making use of her skills in an effective fashion
What they’ve been up to recently:
Shun Kurosaki
Preparing for the impending war with Fusion alongside Akaba Reiji and working towards his goal of freeing Ruri
Gradually reconnecting with his nature of a thorough planner, becoming slightly less pessimistic in the process
Dating Akaba Reiji
Semi-grudgingly putting up with his boyfriend attempting to teach him the ways of a civilian
Freeing Ruri
Ruri Kurosaki
Working towards her escape
Gently bullying Reiji into liking her
Contributing to Standard’s war effort by strengthening Leo Corp.’s public image
Gradually developing a crush on Fuuma Tsukikage
Running into high-ranking Academia soldiers
Trying to respond to Yuzu’s attempts at improving her social skills
Getting used to the life of a civilian
Throwing around baseless accusations
Where to find them:
Shun Kurosaki
Ruins of Heartland
Darker alleys of Maiami City
Potentially Synchro
Ruri Kurosaki
Ruins of Heartland
Academia quarters serving as her first ‘Golden Cage’ prior to her complete isolation in the Western Tower
Potentially Synchro
Academia quarters serving as her ‘Golden Cage’
Rest of Academia’s grounds, together with her watchdogs 
Potentially Synchro
Current plans:
Shun Kurosaki
Training an improved second generation of Lancers, as well as Standard’s general army
Learning the truth about Akaba Leo’s plans, as well as his sister’s and best friend’s role in it
Planning Standard’s assault on Fusion alongside Reiji
Ruri Kurosaki
Recovering from the aftereffects of months of solitary confinement and complete isolation
Supporting Shun and Reiji in their plans
Contributing to Standard’s war effort
Honing her combat skills
Fighting on a real battlefield
Finding meaning in her newly-acquired freedom
Desired interactions:
Shun Kurosaki
Non-familial sibling interactions with the bracelet girls other than Ruri, Masumi, and maaaybe one of the Fuuma ninjas or Reira
Reluctant allies (potentially developing into something genuine)
Mentor-disciple bonds
Coincidental encounters
Ruri Kurosaki
Romantic relationships
Platonic relationships
Reluctant allies
Enemy interactions
Romantic relationships - particularly of an unhealthy nature
Platonic relationships
Manipulator - manipulated interactions
Offered interactions:
Shun Kurosaki
If your bracelet girl character plays her cards right, she can gently bully Shun into liking and accepting her as his younger sister
As the one responsible for forging Standard’s inhabitants into capable soldiers, Shun can supervise your character’s training
Academia characters can be captured and interrogated by him, with the possibility of a memory wipe turning them into a soldier fighting for Standard’s cause
Various AU scenarios
Ruri Kurosaki
Fighting alongside Ruri in the Heartland war
Ruri can be visited in her imprisonment and either taunted, befriended or, under very specific circumstances, freed
In Standard, Ruri can be accompanied to or encountered at various social gatherings hosted by important people
Interactions with brainwashed!Ruri (with the brainwashing being far more thorough and permanent, and a direct modification of her memories, rather than the result of a parasite controlling her)
Various AU scenarios
Interactions with the purpose of either convincing her of Academia’s true colors or making her become loyal to the Professor again
Helping her see through her flawed thought patterns or shamelessly exploiting them to your character’s advantage
Visiting her in her ‘Golden Cage’
Interactions between fellow Lancers
Gaining her trust and loyalty by effectively using her skills
Various AU scenarios
Current open post/s:
None at the moment. May make one or more upon request.
Anything else?:
I strongly dislike what has become of Arc-V after season one, meaning my muses’ characterization and backstory is almost solely based on season one as well, and I’d like for my RP partners to play along with my alternate worldbuilding and timeline created for a war story, rather than a Sakaki worshipping fest.
All of my muses are free of the egao-plague, and my Kurosaki muses in particular are completely immune to childish ideals and oversimplification, none of which will work to resolve their personal issues.
Shun is season one Reiji’s equal in every way and war veteran on top of it, so I ask you, the other mun, to treat him accordingly.  
Zarc and Ray don’t exist in my muses’ verses, meaning if you RP as one of them, careful plotting and lots of tweaking will be required to make a particular thread idea work.
Threads with a combination of my muses are perfectly possible, just ask :)
Tagged by: @kitameguire
Tagging: @tsukikagc, @kansuigyo, @ardaemon, @piiante
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