#The OFFICER rank
hollis-art · 6 days
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i think about the 30th Anniversary Star Trek Barbie and Ken set so much actually,,, look at them go
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wizardemotions · 4 months
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the question came to mind of "in your ship, how might the larger/stronger party pick up or carry the smaller one?" and these were the answers i came to
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aye-aye-captain · 1 month
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Costume details | Hornblower
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his bisexual wings are so funny to me. Oh Boy. I Wonder. How Will We Ever Know.
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Officer: but Sir, don’t you miss the adrenaline of flying?
Ice, who is married to Mav and has a heart attack every fucking day: …not really
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pampanope · 5 months
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Any Given Day At Shadow Company: Flirting
Flirting with your fuckable boss? Likelier than ya think!
((Making pple grind to lvl 1250 to obtain the hot Shadow skin is criminal😩 CRIMINAL
…no i don’t have the hot Shadow skin, this is me venting over it 💀))
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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Hey, Star Trek Writers... -taps the glass-
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
One detail that I love is whenever the ghosts are walking in a line/group the captain is always at the back so he can keep an eye on everyone
He’s literally soooooo mother hen coded I love him
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gothwizardmagic · 1 year
thinking abt how in the season 1 bunk rimmer sleeps with no blankets and listers blankets are made of that scratchy horrible wool and the sink is right next to rimmers bed and the toilet is in the bedroom and how all the environmental storytelling shows that technicians were treated unbelievably inhumanely
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I feel like it says a lot about the relationships between the major institutions of the Trust and the Consectorship's place in it that Spahr's role, the role of any Prime Consector, can be summarized as: show pony, attack dog, scapegoat.
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pratchettquotes · 10 months
A sense of duty told him there was an officer waiting to see him. He overruled it. It was not in possession of all the facts.
Terry Pratchett, Night Watch
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voidedjuice · 22 days
the ulpiana hetshippers would be 10000% more tolerable if they didnt feel the need to always infantalise poor skadi and specter while theyre at it
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
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Me: *sobbing because emotions and shinlena*
Also me: *laughing hysterically because I've read that one side story where Shin heard this conversations recording played in the middle of a military meeting and everyone was making fun of him*
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frevandrest · 4 months
Just learned that Gilbert's father died at the battle of Minden. That's the third frev person I know whose father participated in the battle (SJ and Hérault's), and the second one whose father died (Hérault's). Gilbert's dad was also a 20 something aristo officer. Small sample, but I guess there is something to say about the stupidity of giving such young men so high positions in the battle command based on birth.
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appleciderp · 1 year
Task Force 141 Age Guesstimates (WITH sources)
Price is the oldest at around 38
Ghost is a close second at around 36
Soap and Gaz are roughly 25-27
↓ All information on how the fuck I got to those numbers below ↓
Ignore the fact that the bio's in-game are absolute trash. For some reason, I cannot access anything past the random cut-offs.
Oh, the info after the in-game screenshot but before the verdict is legit random other info that I found. More specifically actor's age and previous game info if it isn't clear with the current info we have. That you can choose to make your own decisions if you want to ignore my verdicts!
Price: Easy start. His page says 1985.
But his current in-game bio says the exact same info as this Activision link that's from 2019. So I'm assuming they just haven't updated it from 2019, since it would cut 3 years off his age.
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Barry Sloane is 41 (1981) No previous canonical birthyear and I didn't go actively searching for much more information
Verdict: Pretty solid 1985 for the dilf.
Gaz: We already have conflicting information; on his page, it says he was born in 1990, yet the timeline says he was born in 1996, neither of which has a proper source. So he would be turning anywhere from 27-33 this year. He joined in 2008 (according to his page and in-game bio shown), needing to be at least 16, so technically the youngest possible is 1992.
But, the same source from Activision that I used for Price says he joined in 2014, if he enlisted at 16, would make him a 1998 baby. Which directly opposes his current bio, which, as said previously, states that he joined in 2008.
I am settling on Activision's ORIGINAL bio being canon, as his in-game bio says he joined in 2008 and at the end of the paragraph says "rounding out a decade in service" which would only bring him to 2018, which would be 4 years prior to the Release of MW2 2022. Whereas 2014 would be near his decade in service next year. It makes more sense to round 1 year under vs 4 years+ over.
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Elliot Knight is 32 (1990; probably the cause of his birthyear is listed as 1990) No previous canonical birthyear and I didn't go actively searching for much more information.
Considering Price is only turning 38, I personally prefer scrapping the 1990-1992 date for optimal father-son dynamic.
Verdict: 1996-1998, he'll be turning 25-27 this year.
Soap: This boy's gonna be a doozie.
According to his official page, he was born in 1996 or earlier. It also said that he tried joining the SAS at 16, but was caught that he was too young; which directly contradicts his current in-game bio, which says that he lied about his age and got in.
Considering the information on his page doesn't have any source linking back to it, we will consider he joined the SAS at 16 (which is wild and would have to make him forge a birth certificate) So if we take 2014 (keep in mind I have no clue where they whipped that year out of) minus 16, makes his birth year potentially 1998.
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Neil Ellice is clearly ageless as his age isn't listed anywhere online. Previous canonical information hints that he is younger than Gaz, as Gaz had already completed Selection when he joined. According to the old MW timeline, he was born in 1980 (no sources listed) making him 31-36 during the original MW.
Considering the position and name change (all new information is Johnny, not John) I'm just going to discard that information though.
Also, he canonically punched a cop. not important, but I feel like people should know.
Verdict: Legit the only information (even if it's contradicted) we get is <1996 or 1998, so I've gotta go with that. Turning 25-27+ this year. Roughly the same age as Gaz.
more info on why I picked the younger range is in Ghost's info.
Ghost: I struggled with Soap, now onto the one with ~redacted~ information
His current in-game bio cuts off before any actual dates or anything is said. Literally "Ghost lives with a redacted past and an..."
The wiki bio is equally as uneventful, giving us no information about him joining the military or his childhood. At least it wasn't full of information from before the reboot.
Al Mazrah is his first mention in the Reboot timeline, he's not even listed in the section pertaining to Ghobrani's assassination.
So I'm going to be pulling information out of the army straight up. FBI agent watching this, I fucking hate the military IRL <3 If I get one email or text asking to join I'm gonna waste your time asking 2000 questions.
The average age of the UK military is 30 a paid account is required to see the graph, but the information is listed just under it, meaning an officer would probably be above the average.
According to the UK Army, after joining it takes about 20 years to reach Lieutenant. If he joined at 16, he would be ~36y/o, add 2-3 years to go from Lieutenant to Captain, and you've got Price's age.
(~12 years of Service for Sergeants, which makes Soap & Gaz's mid-20s work, especially with them being really fucking good. ~23 years to become a Captain, which again roughly fits with Price being a young Officer)
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Samuel Roukin is 42 (1980) this man looks too good for his age omg. The only canonical age-related thing is that he joined the military after 9/11. If we assume he was 16 at joining, it would make him born in 1985. Which fits with the mid-30s right now, but would place him mid-20s in the original timeline.
Verdict: ~1987, making him mid-30s. Younger if you want to make him match the quick rank-ups of the rest of the 141.
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xitty · 6 months
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Wataru: Her name is Jeanne d'Arc. Eichi: Fufu, shall we go looking for Wataru together? Tori: Did Hibiki-senpai bring her here, I wonder. Yuzuru: It's Hibiki-sama's pigeon, isn't it.
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