#The Polaris Galaxy
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Anti-Corporation-Part 10
On their way to Markazia, Talwyn contacted them. Talwyn: “Guys.” Ratchet: “Hey, Tal, what’s the sitch?” Talwyn: “I was able to sift through few of the data. There’s still lots more to go, so we’re no where near finished.” Kim: “Yeah, we figured as much.” Talwyn: “But I do know this: there’s lots to deal with; perhaps far too much for you guys to handle, so, I’m going to call out to some of our friends to help you out with this.” Kim: “That would be greatly appreciative, Talwyn.” Talwyn: “I, of course, will also be pitching in, so don’t think that you’ll be leaving me out of this.” Kim: “We wouldn’t have it any other way, Talwyn.” Talwyn: “I’ll remain here for the time being and sift through the data with Wade.” Kim: “Alright, we’ll see you out there soon.” Talwyn: “Gook luck, you guys and please hurry.”
The screen shut off. Ratchet: “OK, double time, guys. Let’s go.”
They continued flying off at great speed.
They kept flying until they arrived at the planet Markazia. They then landed within a massive, wide open area and got out of the ship. Immediately afterwards, the Kimmunicator went off. Kim answered it. Kim: “Yeah, Wade?” Wade: “Guys, I’ve managed to figure out a few things when Talwyn and I have been sifting through the data; it involves the planet’s natural acid that’s being distributed. From how much work that needs to be done and how much that’s already done, I was able to calculate how much time it will take to finish it up. If my calculations are correct, which I have checked and rechecked multiple times, you guys have 15 minutes to find and shut down that factory, otherwise nothing will be safe once that planet-wide acid rain kicks in.” Kim: “Then we don’t have any time to lose.” Ratchet: “Yes, every second counts.” Wade: “I’ll send the info-bot to you guys.”
Wade’s vendor reappeared, transporting from it was the info-bot. She leapt out and attached herself to Kim’s back. Wade: “Now get going!”
From there, they rushed out as fast as they could.
They hurried through the area as fast as they could. They knew that they had a lot of ground to tear through and not a lot of time to get through it. Their robot companions helped them out a lot, which was incredibly effective with getting them through much of the area within a small amount of time. However, the fight through was anything but easy, as to be expected. Along the way, they ran into numerous creatures coming at them continuously. They made strides to fight through the massive hoard. This slowed things from them. Ratchet: “Dang! What’s with all of these creatures!?! Do they even know that we’re trying to save this planet!?!” Kim: “Ratchet! Look!”
They looked over and noticed the creatures crawling out of the acid lakes nearby. Ratchet: “Whoa! Those creatures can actually live in the acid?” Clank: “Apparently, they can. I am also able to ascertain that they can also survive the acid rain that we need to prevent.” Ratchet: “Great, so they don’t need to be afraid of what’s to come.”
Regardless of what they found out, they continued through. With each step that they’ve been taking, they knew that time was slipping away from them bit by bit. They were really fighting as hard as they could to make their way through.
It took them a lot of time, but they were finally able to reach the factory. Kim: “Look! There’s the factory!” Ratchet: “Come on! We already lost a lot of time trying to reach this place!”
They ran into the fast without hesitating. As they made their way in, they came across a lot of robots that were in their way. Kim: “You’ve got to be kidding me!!! We really don’t have any time for this!!!” Ratchet: “Guess we have no other choice. We’ll have to fight through them!”
And with that, they rushed out to fight the robots. There were indeed a lot of them. They group fought through them much harder than before as they were really short on time. Soon enough, the Kimmunicator went off. Kim answered it. Kim: “Yeah, Wade?” Wade: “Kim! Ratchet! Clank! I need you to head for the facility’s main computer room.” Ratchet: “And where exactly is that!??!” Wade: “It’s at the far end of the factory; just keep going down that hallway and you’ll be there before you know it!” Ratchet: “Being there before it’s too late would make me really happy!” Wade: “Don’t worry, it’s not improbable, you would need to hurry through the place, though.” Ratchet: “Easier said than done!!” Kim: “Hm…not if I try something.”
And with that, Kim leapt up, then did a handstand on one of the robots, then flipped off of it. She jumped from one robot to another in spectacular, athletic fashions. Ratchet looked over and watched as Kim carried out these feats. He seemed very mesmerized by this. Ratchet: “Wow…! She is just…incredible…!! Amazing…!” Clank: “Um…Ratchet?” Ratchet: “What is it, pal?” Clank: “We should be following after her?” Ratchet: “Huh? Oh! Right! Um! We’re…coming, Kimberly!!”
He followed after her as he attempted to mimic the same kind of stunts that she had been doing.
Eventually, they arrived at the main computer room. Kim switched on the Kimmunicator. Kim: “Alright, Wade, we’re in, now what?” Wade: “Just leave the rest to me.”
At that moment, the info-bot detached herself from Kim’s back and went over to a massive monitor within the room. There, she attempted to scan the monitor. Kim, Ratchet and Clank stood by and watched as this was taking place. Wade: “Oh, no!” Ratchet: “What’s wrong, Wade?” Wade: “The computer’s mainframe is being blocked by highly advanced security program! I can’t penetrate it through the info-bot!”
Clank walked up to the monitor. Clank: “Perhaps I can be of assistance.”
He went on to hacking the computer. Kim: “Please hurry, Clank! We’re not going to survive here if we don’t shut down this factory!”
It was a tense moment. Ratchet, Kim and the info-bot stood by and watched as Clank frantically hacked the computer. It was really down to the wire as there was barely any time left. Each second was indeed nerve-wracking with no way of knowing if he would make it in time. Soon enough, they caught a break. Clank: “We are in.” Ratchet: “Thank goodness!” Kim: “Go for it, Wade!”
From there, Wade penetrated the computer with the use of this info-bot. Kim, Ratchet and Clank stood by for a brief moment as they watched this take place, waiting and hoping that they were able to make it in time. Wade: “Alright, that did it. I was able to access the factory’s main control and shut down the distribution of the planet’s natural acid. The threat to the entire planet has been halted, permanently.”
The group let out a sigh of relief. Kim: “How much time did we have left?” Wade: “We were down to less than a minute. Almost immediately afterwards, the entire facility would have been flooded with that deadly liquid.” Ratchet: “We barely made it.” Kim: “I know; that was too close.” Wade: “Now to dispose of this facility the right way.” Kim: “Sure thing, but first, let’s get out of here.” Ratchet: “Yeah, let’s go.”
And so, they ran out.
They made their way out of the factory and ran from it. As they got to a far enough distance, they stopped to look back at it. Ratchet: “Alright, we’re clear.” Kim: “Now’s your chance, Wade! Do whatever you can to bring it down.”
At that moment, acid began to secrete directly below the factory. From that, the entire building caved in on itself and collapsed completely. Kim: “Well…that’s that.” Ratchet: “Come on, let’s get back to Aphelion.”
They made their way back to their ship without hesitation.
After they made their way back, they had the info-bot sent back to Wade before they got back into their ship. They were about to take off. Just then, Talwyn appeared on the screen. Talwyn: “Guys. You did it. You saved the entire planet. Thank you, both of you. And you, too, Clank.” Kim: “Don’t thank us just yet, Talwyn; this is far from over.” Talwyn: “No, I really needed to thank you guys; this means a lot to me, more than you realize.” Kim: “Um…OK, don’t know why, but…you’re welcome, I guess…”
As the screen shut off, Kim and Ratchet exchanged confused looks with each other. Ratchet: “Let’s…just make our way off this planet.”
They took off and made their way to the planet’s skies.
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the-wolf-and-moon · 11 months
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Polaris, The North Star
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gonenannurs · 2 years
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stylish rosi
Curious Cat | twitter | dA | ko-fi | commissions 🌟
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gioxy3ron · 8 months
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Little stellar guys🌟🌚
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it-seemo · 11 months
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@yamcans00's Skulltober Day 18 - "Space"
<- Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 ->
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maudiemoods · 1 year
For the BMOS fic!
What if Polaris met Eclipse? Or felt Eclipse enter his galaxy? I would think the reaction would differ depending on Eclipse's motives?
Polaris would destroy himself if it meant it would wipe eclipse from existence! He never met eclipse, but Polaris thought the cult was gone, destroyed by his own hands. I think it would throw him into a mindless rage and they would do anything to tear it all apart! Polaris would hate eclipse. Eclipse knows of Polaris and what he turned into so he knows to keep his distance.
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4gem · 1 year
Let's talk about the symbolism of North and Night in 23.5. So the show has all these space references, but how does it apply to NorthNight? Let's look at this line said by North to Night. Is it just plain old flirting or something more? Let's look little deeper.
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Starting with, North. North can be the direction but just for kicks assume North to be North Star. North Star/Pole Star, also known as Polaris is the brightest star in the Ursa Minor constellation and only visible at night. In the northern hemisphere, it can help you find your way at night as it's located in the direction of true north. For centuries, travellers have used the North Star for navigation. In astrology, North Star can be used to refer to an individual's destiny and fate.
The significance of North saying this line to Night? If North is the North Star and Night is the night sky then, presumably, Night won't lose his way if he stays with North and it was his destiny to meet him. Or the path Night takes will lead to North. Or whatever makes sense to you.
Actually, what's more fun is the link between 23.5 and North. Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees from the plane of its orbit around the sun. Ongsa uses the pseudonym Earth because she likes Sun. And where is the North Star located? Right above the North Pole of Earth's rotational axis. From the trailer, it seems like Ongsa and North are friends or at least acquaintances.
Sticking to the space/ galaxy theme, their uniforms actually have 3 symbols: a circle(?), a moon and a star. The circle could be a planet or something else. They're going all in with the space theme, got to give with that.
A lot of assumptions and hypotheses but do you see it? Did they really have to make flirting so complex, I love them already. For 2 characters not even in the actual book, this is a quite a lot of work.
Hope this was an interesting read. Anyway, please support Milk, Love, Gemini and Fourth. Can't wait to see them all together!
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Actually Milk and Fourth could definitely pass off as siblings, I approve. Do you think North will be a bad boy or another hopeless romantic like Tinn? Guess we'll just have to wait to watch 23.5 and find out.
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Thank you Polaris by NU'EST W for reminding me of all this. Galaxy, Look(a starlight night) by NU'EST and Space by SEVENTEEN fit the vibes of the show. 🌙✨️
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sensitiveseal · 5 months
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polari stimboard! 🌠
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Anti-Corporation-Part 6
They made the hard trek back to Aphelion. Along the way, the Kimmunicator went off. Kim answered it. Kim: “Hey, Wade, what’s the sitch?” Wade: “Guys, I looked into the records regarding the Sargassium and I just found out that a large shipment of this chemical had been sent to Stratus City. You guys still remember that place, right?” Ratchet: “Stratus City? Of course! We haven’t been there since we first arrived in Polaris.” Kim: “We should head over there and investigate that shipment.” Ratchet: “Yeah, I agree. Let’s go.”
They made their way back towards Aphelion, got in after Kim had the info-bot transported back to Wade, then they took off and left the planet.
After another long flight, they arrived at the planet Kortog. Upon entering the planet’s atmosphere, they made their way to Stratus City. They found a place to land and got out of the ship. Kim switched on the Kimmunicator. Kim: “Wade, are you able to pick up on the Sargassium shipment?” Wade: “I’m picking up on massive Sargassium readings somewhere deep within the city.” Ratchet: “Point us in the right direction and we’ll head over there now.” Wade: “I’ve located the source. Make your way towards this direction.” Kim: “Got it. Let’s go.”
They got their robots placed on their backs and then headed out.
They hurried through the city as fast as they could. Along the way, they had a chance to look around the city. The streets and traffic seemed as busy as the last time they were there. However, there were some things that were different, which made them very happy. Kim: “You know, this city is as busy as it’s always been, but…it seems somewhat different after we defeated Tachyon and overthrown his empire.” Ratchet: “Yeah, this place seems so much better, almost as though everything here became much happier.” Kim: “And much less annoying without all of those jumbo screens displaying him reciting all of those terrible speeches. I swear, having to listen to those speeches infuriated me so much that I just had to rip out those screens and smash them.” Ratchet: “Can’t say I blame you for feeling that way and I did enjoy seeing you rip out all of those screens. Too bad it also got you into trouble with the empire.” Kim: “I really didn’t care; it was so worth it. The only thing that would have made me feel even better was if I were to toss them back at that evil twerp and shoved all of those horrible words back down his throat.” Ratchet: “Yeah, I would have liked you to do that, too.” Kim: “Well, it’s good to see all of Polaris completely liberated from that evil Cragmite brat’s rule.” Ratchet: “Oh, I feel the same way, Kimberly. Let’s free this galaxy from this other horrible epidemic.” Kim: “Oh, I’m so there.”
They made their way through the city. Despite it being freed from Tachyon’s rule, it was still not completely peaceful. There were still robots that cam at them they were not very friendly. Kim: “Whoa! What the…?” Ratchet: “Hey! What’s with all of these robots?” Kim: “I don’t know! I thought that they would stop attacking us here!” Clank: “Hm…they appear to be very similar to those that were used by the Cragmite Empire, however…there seems to be something very strange about them.” Ratchet: “What do you mean by that, Clank?” Clank: “I am picking up on some unusual modifications that were brought on to these models. They are very much the ones issued out by Tachyon, but not quite.” Kim: “Could those modifications have been done by Hench Co.?” Ratchet: “That is a possibility; I would not put that past them. Let’s try to find out what we can, Kimberly.” Kim: “OK.”
They kept going. More robots came at them, but they fought through. As they made their way further into the city, they were bombarded by more and more robots. The battle was really on. Ratchet: “Whoa! Where did all of these robots come from!?!” Kim: “Something tells me we’re getting closer to our intended destination.” Clank: “Ratchet! Miss Possible! I am picking up on signals coming from these robots. They are coming from a landing dock several miles away.” Ratchet: “Any chance that could be where the Sargassium shipment is?” Kim: “I wouldn’t doubt it one bit.” Clank: “Hm…I do detect small traces of Sargassium within that same vicinity, however…there is something…unusual about them.” Ratchet: “What is it, pal?” Clank: “I am…uncertain…” Kim: “Guess we’ll need to head over there to find out.” Ratchet: “Alright, let’s keep going.”
They continued their way through the city until they arrived at a large hanger bay. From there, they immediately noticed some large barrels. Kim: “There! That must be the shipment of Sargassium.” Ratchet: “Let’s take a closer look, you guys.”
They went over towards the hanger bay. As soon as they arrived, they were immediately ambushed by many robots. Ratchet: “Oh, man…!” Kim: “Of course, it’s never this easy.”
From there, they fought off the robot. It was a long and enduring battle that seemed to have gone on for a real long time. With each robot that they brought down, more of them came. Kim: “It’s no use! They just keep coming!” Ratchet: “There has to be some way to stop these robots from respawning!” Clank: “Hm…I think I may have a way. I just need to have myself and the info-bot emit a jamming array to shut down the machine that is respawning them.” Ratchet: “Well, what are you waiting for, pal!?! Get started already!” Clank: “We are on it.”
Clank and the info-bot switched on their jamming array and from there, the machine that respawned the robots shut off, thereby stopping the robots from coming at them. Soon enough, all was quiet. Kim: “Phew, thought that would never end.” Ratchet: “Let’s get to taking a closer look at this shipment.” Kim: “Of course.”
They made their way to the shipment and had a chance to look around. It didn’t take long for one of them to notice something. Clank: “Hm…most peculiar.” Ratchet: “What is it, Clank?” Clank: “The amount of Sargassium that is present here does not match the records of how much was shipped here.” Kim: “Hm…you seemed to be right about that, Clank. There are much less barrels here than what Wade had received from that shipment report.” Ratchet: “So, where could the rest of the shipment have gone?”
Kim thought for a moment. Just then, the Kimmunicator went off. Kim answered it. Wade: “Guys, I’m picking up on some new data regarding the Sargassium. Apparently, some of the shipment have already been sent out from your current location.” Clank: “But where could they have gone?” Wade: “I’m not sure about that, Clank, the data is inconclusive.” Ratchet: “Well, keep at it, Wade, we need to find out where that chemical is being shipped.” Wade: “I’m on it. In the meantime, we’ll need you guys to head over to the Planet Terachnos next.” Kim: “Why? What for?” Wade: “The Terachnoids have been working on data collecting data regarding Hench Co.” Kim: “Oh, great, what is it this time?” Ratchet: “Guess we should head over there to find out.”
They made their way back to Aphelion. Kim: “I really hope Pollyx isn’t up to his old tricks again.” Ratchet: “Heh, he’d better not be trying something when we get there.”
They got back to Aphelion, took take of what they needed to have done before they got back in. They then took off and left the planet.
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the-wolf-and-moon · 1 year
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Polaris, Star of Many Names
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kprciffdw · 1 year
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 30
They continued to make their way towards the maintenance sector of the space station. From there, they entered via a trash compactor. It was a truly repulsive situation at the very least. Kim: “Oh, so gross.” Qwark: “Here we are. The final showdown between good and evil.” Kim: “Uh…yeah…a trash compactor. Epic. I only hope that your "ingenious” plan is nowhere near as anticlimactic as this place.“ Rufus: "Oh, yuck!” Qwark: “Can you smell that, kids? That’s drama!” Ratchet: “I smell something and it’s definitely not drama.” Kim: “Uh, yeah, it's…far too rancid to be drama.” Qwark: “Hey, look on the bright side, you 2. At least we’re not being squashed to death by the piston.” Computer voice: “Trash compactor initiated.”
Suddenly, the walls started to close in on them. Computer voice: “Prepare to be compacted.” Ratchet: “Well, so much for that.” Kim: “The walls are closing in on us! What’ll we do?” Qwark: “Cover me, I’m about to do something impressive.”
As the walls shifted closer towards them, Qwark began to push on both sides, stopping them completely. Qwark: “Muscles…aching! Arms…burning! Calves, looking good.”
A scanner dropped down and scanned the entire place. Computer voice: “Blockage detected in trash compactor 714. Shutting down compactors.”
And with that, the walls pulled back. Qwark: “I did it, guys! Wasn’t that incredible?” Kim: “Hm, I have to admit, that wasn’t the first time you’ve impressed us. (Whispering to Ratchet) Surprisingly, it wasn’t even the second.”
Ratchet giggled. Clank: “The troopers will be here any moment. We have to keep moving.” Kim: “Yes, of course, we have to get out of this…garbage shoot…ew…” Rufus: “Oh, yeah! Yuck!”
Qwark then proceeded to kick down the door that led straight into the facility. They arrived within a hallway. Qwark: “The maintenance sector is crawling with Nefarious’ goons. This might call for a little finesse.” Kim: “Oh, no, please don’t tell you’re doing what I think you’re doing.”
Soon enough, 2 robots were approaching near to where they were standing. Qwark: “Watch and learn.”
He walked up to the robots. Kim: “Oh, please, no, this can’t be happening. Tell me this isn’t happening.” Ratchet: “This isn’t going to end well.”
Qwark then approached the robot. He spoke in a fake female voice. Qwark: “I’m Nurse Shannon and these fine young people over here are interns/engineers. Dr. Nefarious is expecting us.” Kim: “This is so embarrassing…” Robot: “You are not authorized. Prepare to die, Nurse Shannon.”
The robots began attacking. Kim: “Heh, so much for "escorting” us through this place.“ Ratchet: "What did I tell ya?”
Rufus groaned out loud in a greatly agitated manner. As the robots attacked, Qwark ran off to take cover…again. Qwark: “Dang it! How did they not fall for that?” Kim: “Uh, because it was stupid?” Qwark: “Could you be a little less blunt, young lady?” Kim: “Sorry, hard to resist.”
The entire run through of the place consisted of one vicious battle after another. Nefarious’ troops were on them constantly. It made the trek through the corridor seem even longer than it really was. For each conjoint section, they were met with these battles. A few time, they required Rufus’s assistance with deactivating the securities. The fight through dragged on for a good chunk of time. Thankfully, they were very tenacious and they were able to fight against the robots without any major issues. The fighting kept on until they were able to reach the duct that they were looking for. From there, Clank crawled into it and made his way toward Dr. Nefarious’ private quarters.
Upon arriving, he was able to spot the maniacal doctor, himself, exactly where they intended him to be. Dr. Nefarious: “Computer, take dictation.” Computer voice: “Go ahead, doctor.” Dr. Nefarious: “Things to do once the clock is under my control: #1-Double-cross remaining Valkyries and retire Lord Vorselon! #2-Re-establish vendetta against organic life forms! And #3-Iron socks!”
Clank managed to scan Nefarious without raising any suspicion. Clank: “Holo-imager complete. I’m returning to the rendezvous point.”
Shortly afterwards, Clank reunited with the group. Qwark: “Good work, little buddy. Now to switch on the holo-guise.”
He attempted to activate it, but for some reason, it wasn’t working. He made many attempts to turn it on, but still, nothing. Qwark: “Darn it! Why do these things not work when you need them to?”
Just then, they heard the chime of the Kimmunicator. Qwark: “Eh…what’s that noise?”
They looked towards the device on Kim’s chest as it was blinking. Kim tapped on it once. A holographic image of Wade was projected from it. Wade: “Perhaps you should let me handle this one, guys.”
With a few clicks of his keyboard, a very realistic holographic image of Dr. Nefarious appeared before them. Kim: “Whoa.” Clank: “Oh, my.” Ratchet: “Nice going, Wade.” Qwark: “Ah! It’s Dr. Nefarious!”
He pointed his blaster at the holographic image. Wade: “Relax, Qwark. It’s just an authentic-looking image of him. Pretty cool, huh?” Ratchet: “I’ll say, it looks so real.”
Rufus giggled then gave out 2 thumbs up. Rufus: “Cool.” Ratchet: “Aright, let’s do this, you guys.”
They made their way towards an elevator. There, they utilized the hologram to summon the elevator and went into it. It took them all the way to the control hub at the top floor of the station. From there, they sent out the hologram as a diversion while they snuck in. The hologram then approached a somewhat familiar Terachnoid. It was Pollyx. Kim: “What? Pollyx? I don’t believe this!”
Pollyx soon turned around and noticed the image. He had easily mistaken it for his superior. Pollyx: “Dr. Nefarious! I didn’t expect to see you here so soon. What can I do for you, sir?” Dr. Nefarious: “What is the status report of the master plan?” Pollyx: “Well, the Hypernova Defence Laser is operational, the fleet has been dispatched and the Orvus Chamber is being analyzed thoroughly. Everything is primed and ready for you to utilize the clock for your own personal use.” Dr. Nefarious: “Excellent. There’s just 1 problem: I’m not really Dr. Nefarious…”
The hologram then converted itself into a projected image of Wade. Wade: “I’m Wade, a young super genius from the planet Earth who works for the famed hero, Kim Possible.” Pollyx: “Eh! Wha-!?”
Soon enough, Qwark, Ratchet, Kim and Clank emerged directly near Wade’s projected image. Each of them had conceited smiles on their faces. Kim: “Hello again, Pollyx. Remember us?” Pollyx: “Ah! It’s you guys!” Ratchet: “That’s right! Prepare to get seriously messed up!”
And with that, they began wrecking havoc on the entire chamber. Robots were dispatched to put a stop to it and eradicate the group, but they were very formidable fighters as always, so it was to no avail. They destroyed a lot of the machinery within the entire place. Rufus did a lot of messing around with much of the machinery from the inside. Their pandemonium, however, had caused them to be locked in. From that, Kim tapped on the device on her chest. Kim: “Wade, can you deactivate the security of this place?” Wade: “Give me one second…there!”
The security was shut off. Kim: “Great job, Wade!” Ratchet: “Let’s go!”
They ran back towards the elevator and descended back towards the lower levels. Qwark: “You know, often times when I say this, it ends in catastrophe, but what the hey? Mission accomplished.”
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tigers-eyes-26 · 2 years
Face it Chapter 6
Chapter 6
“We’re home!” Peach announced as she opened her castle door. Behind her Mario and Several Toads carried bags. She was met with an empty foyer. “Oh?” She looked toward the kitchen a light was emanating from the bottom of the double doors. She smiled knowingly. She silently signaled to Mario and the Toads.
The double doors burst open. “SURPRISE!” All the mushroom courtiers, Luigi and Daisy cheered. They all stared in disbelief the one they had cheered at was a lone toad. He awkwardly waved to the crowed.
Suddenly Mario and Peach jumped from behind the wall. “BOO!” the crowd jumped and yelped in surprise. The loudest yelp came from Luigi, he clapped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment. Mario ran to hug his brother, and everyone had a good-natured laugh at the switcheroo the couple pulled on them.
“Welcome home bro!”
“I missed you!” Mario pulled back to get a good look at his little brother. He noticed some bruises around Luigi’s neck. His smile faltered.
Luigi caught the change. He shifted to throw his arm around his older brother’s shoulders. “Spieghero piu tardi... Now we eat!”
Mario nodded satisfied and turned his attention to the feast. “Oh! My favorite!” With hugs and welcomes exchanged, the crowd started to dish out the food. Mario and Peach regaled their audience with the tales of their travels. “So how was the Kingdom while we here gone?”
Luigi and Daisy looked at each other. Daisy started the tale. “Oh you know…..just a normal…..” She coolly looks at Peach. “That is until a starshroom crashes into your garden!”
“HUH!” both Mario and Peach exclaim.
“Yep, that’s right!” Daisy smirked at their reaction. “When you two love birds were off. Me and Luigi here,” she slung an arm over his shoulder. “Saved a princess!”
Daisy continued to tell their story with pauses and questions thrown in at the right moments to build the drama. “It was Tatanga!” Daisy slammed her hands on the table.
“Oh my,” Peach put her hand to her mouth.
“Yep, this time with a big ship and crew!”
She continued the story getting to the climax of the adventure. “…and I was so mad that I was being dumb.”
“Oh, don’t say that…” Luigi cut in, he touched her arm.
“No, it’s true. I made a ton of noise because I was soooo mad. If I hadn’t maybe Tatanga wouldn’t have caught you.”
“Tatanga caught Luigi!” Mario’s eyes got large as saucers. He looked at Luigi for confirmation. Luigi just nodded. Peach looked at Luigi’s neck with worry.
Daisy’s energy dipped. “Yes, He caught him…. by his neck and and….” She couldn’t continue.
“And Daisy ran to rescue me, but she got tripped and ambushed! She fought as much as she could but there were 4 aliens holding her down!” Luigi energetically finished for her. “Polari, Rosalina’s retainer, turned himself into a magic wand so Rosalina could save us.” Luigi shifted uncomfortable when he mentioned Polari. “Rosalina exiled all the aliens on a deserted planet. She then brought us and the ones we found in the lab back home.”
A silence filled the space as everyone absorbed the information.
“I feel so bad to what happened to Luigi.” Daisy addressed Mario. “I’m sorry I couldn’t keep your brother safe in that moment. But I promise I will protect him with my life next time.”
Mario took in her words with a serious expression. Suddenly he held out his pinky. Daisy’s eyes sparkled with recognition of the gesture. She hooked her pinky around his. “Pinky Promise.” They shook.
“Hey guys,” Luigi butted himself in between his brother and girlfriend. “I can look out for myself you know!” The little brother pouted.
Mario rolled his eyes and bopped the green hat so that the rim covered Luigi’s eyes. “Now you’ll just be extra safe.” The two chuckled.
“I’m glad it all ended well.” Peach breathed out.
“Yah! Sounds like a job well done!” Mario patted his brother on his back.
Peach stood up and stretched. She laid a hand on Mario’s shoulder. “I’m going to unpack. You going to help me, honey?” Mario’s eyes sparkled, he nodded to his new bride. Peach turned to the rest of the courtiers. “Thank you all again for putting together this party for us.” She beamed at everyone then turned to walk out. Mario gave Luigi a big hug again, then jumped down to follow his wife.
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spacenutspod · 29 days
Astronomy Daily - The Podcast: 15 October 2024 Welcome to Astronomy Daily, your go-to Podcast for all the latest in space and Astronomy news. I'm your host Anna, and I'm delighted to have you with us today. In this episode, we have some exciting updates to share. We'll delve into recent developments from SpaceX and their ongoing Polaris Dawn mission, take a closer look at new research revealing surprising insights about Venus's atmosphere, and explore the far-reaching implications of NASA's DART mission on asteroid Dimorphos. That's not all. We'll also uncover the latest discovery from the Hubble Space Telescope, which has located a fascinating mini galaxy, and look ahead to observing Salsa satellite's reentry event. So sit back, relax, and let's journey through the cosmos together. Highlights: - SpaceX's Polaris Dawn Mission Delay: SpaceX's ambitious Polaris Dawn astronaut mission has faced multiple delays, the most recent due to unfavorable weather forecasts and a helium leak. The team remains hopeful and is diligently monitoring both technical and weather conditions to ensure a safe and successful mission. - Venus's Atmospheric Mysteries: Recent observations have revealed an unexpected increase in the level of deuterium relative to hydrogen in Venus's atmosphere. This significant finding could alter our understanding of this mysterious planet and its atmospheric processes. - NASA's DART Mission Insights: NASA's DART mission has provided groundbreaking insights into asteroid dynamics and planetary defense. The intentional collision with the asteroid moon Dimorphos not only altered its trajectory but also significantly changed its shape, leading to far-reaching implications for our understanding of asteroid evolution. - Hubble's Mini Galaxy Discovery: NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured a glittering collection of stars forming the Pegasus dwarf spheroidal galaxy, also known as Andromeda VI. This discovery offers monumental insights into the universe's grand narrative and the formation of dwarf galaxies. - Salsa Satellite's Reentry Observation: On September 8, 2024, the Salsa satellite will reenter Earth's atmosphere, and scientists have prepared an airborne observation experiment to gather rare data on how the satellite breaks apart. This data is invaluable for designing satellites that reenter more safely and sustainably in the future. For more space news, be sure to visit our website at astronomydaily.io. There you can sign up for our free Daily newsletter, read insightful blog posts, and catch up on all the latest space and Astronomy news with our constantly updating newsfeed. Don't forget to listen to all our previous episodes as well. You can also follow us on social media. Just search for AstroDailyPod on Facebook, X, YouTubeMusic, and TikTok to stay connected with our community and never miss an update. Until next time, keep your eyes on the stars. Sponsor Links: Nordpass NordVPN Malwarebytes Proton Mail
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generasbir · 2 years
Kubah peta bintang kosmos
Memtar peta bintang kosmos.
sepenuhnya Peta bintang kosmos yang dapat diputar membuatnya sangat mudah untuk menemukan jalan di sekitar langit berbintang. Mudah digunakan untuk pemula dan juga menawarkan berbagai informasi tambahan kepada pengguna tingkat lanjut.
Selengkapnya klik disini.
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Semua bintang dan rasi bintang yang dapat diamati dengan mata telanjang tercantum di peta bintang. Itu juga menunjukkan benda langit terindah untuk teropong dan teleskop.Informasi terpenting tentang cara menggunakan bagan bintang dirangkum di bagian belakang – sehingga dapat mengetahui semua yang perlu di ketahui secara sekilas.
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bluerosefox · 7 months
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Another quick outfit doodles for Tim and Danny, since I drew a royal outfit for Dani(Eleanor aka Ellie) I figured her dad's need one too. Ellie's and Danny's crown float and shift like the northern lights. Tim's crown is made to look like the north star (coughhis nickname is Polaris by Danny so it's cutecough) and is made of ghost crystals and dragon scales/claws (which makes it super strong). Danny's cape shifts and sways and always looks like there is a galaxy behind him.
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astral-multiverse · 5 months
Team Trinity: Stranded on Avalice, the Freedom Planet
After their adventure on the Lost Hex, Team Trinity needed some time to relax. And Brandon decided to fix up the Polaris and invite some of his friends to travel across the galaxy to see what kind of things they could find
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"There you are guys, I just updated BEC's navigation software and even the Polaris' main computer. You all ready for a space odyssey?"
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