#The Shores of Vanaheim
dzelonis · 2 years
Matt Larkin - Gods of the Ragnarok Era #1-9
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tj-dragonblade · 10 months
#14 for the spotify wrapped game!!!!!!!!
14 - The Islander by Nightwish
This is a longtime favorite song, but I've never necessarily thought about it for fic. So I pondered a bit, and pondered some more, and got an idea, and then it ran away with me. Oops.
Sea without a shore for the banished one unheard He lightens the beacon, light at the end of world Showing the way, lighting hope in their hearts The ones on their travels homeward from afar
On an island at the end of the Space Between Worlds, there sits a lighthouse. Many are the doorways on this island, many are the worlds which can be reached from this twilight convergence, and the lighthouse stands steadfast in their midst, shrouded in perpetual night. The landscape shifts endlessly, never the same for any two travelers, and the lighthouse guides each to the doorway that they seek.
The Lighthouse Keeper is old, and young, and ageless; he is male and female and neither, human and inhuman both, everything and nothing at once. He would appear different to every person who looks upon him, but none ever do and he gives it no thought.
The Lighthouse Keeper is a solitary being, devoted to his duty; he keeps the light burning, keeps travelers on their intended paths. This is his purpose. This is why he exists. Travelers are barely aware that the lighthouse is there, and that is as it should be. Travelers do not enter the lighthouse.
Until, one day, someone does.
"Well met, Stranger!" the Traveler calls, hand raised in greeting, and the Lighthouse Keeper can only stare.
"You should not be here," is what he says at last.
"I'm sorry for intruding, then," the Traveler replies, "only I pass by your lighthouse time and time again, and I had wished to give you my thanks for your steadfast guidance! I'll be on my way!"
"No one enters the lighthouse," is what the Keeper says next, for he still cannot fathom this anomaly.
"Oh, well. Perhaps I'll pop in to say hello again next time I pass," the Traveler says then, and the words are steeped in something which might be pity or might be curiosity, and the Keeper watches the Traveler depart and wonders at the oddity of the meeting.
It vexes him, this impossibility made possible. Travelers do not perceive the fullness of the lighthouse. It lights their way from beneath their conscious mind, guiding them through the perpetual twilight on the paths they cannot see to the doorway that they need. It should not be possible for a traveler to enter.
And yet.
"Hello, Stranger!" the Traveler calls, some passage of time later. "A pleasure to see you again!"
"I do not understand," says the Keeper, perplexed. "How is it that you are here?"
"I was passing by again," says the Traveler, "and since I told you last time I'd say hello—"
"You should not know of this place," the Keeper interrupts. "It is not possible."
"But you're right here," the Traveler protests, "your lighthouse is right here, every time I pass by. You always help me see which way I need to go."
"None see this place, none know of this place," the Keeper insists.
"Except you, of course," says the Traveler. "And me?"
"And you," the Keeper agrees, his worldview shifting to accept the undeniability of this truth. "Well met, Traveler."
The Traveler visits each time he passes, a mere exchange of greetings at the start, pleasantries that the Lighthouse Keeper at first finds tedious; but more and more they become appreciated as they continue to occur. And when the Traveler begins to share details of his travels, the Keeper finds that he appreciates this as well.
"I am bound for the shores of Toor Naghen," says the Traveler, "to ply my trade as a sailor awhile."
"May the seas bring good fortune to you," the Keeper replies, pouring tea into a pair of small china cups that had appeared in the lighthouse kitchen two visits ago.
"The mountains of Vanaheim call to me," the Traveler confides when next he passes through. "I don't know what awaits me there, but it will surely be worth the journey."
"Most assuredly," the Keeper agrees, and offers a tentative hint of a smile in parting.
"Have you ever seen the first spring blooms in Tír na nÓg?" the Traveler asks at their next meeting, eyes shining. "Only, you seem like a person who appreciates beauty, and I have never seen anything that could compare."
The Keeper shakes his head and gazes across the table, where the soft golden-brown aura of the Traveler brings life to the grey of the lighthouse keep, where the light in his eyes and the warmth of his smile chase the chill from the whole of the empty room.
Yes, he appreciates beauty.
"This is for you," his Traveler announces on his next visit. "The artisans in Shangri-la, they do remarkable work, and…it made me think of you."
It is a piece of dark stone, masterfully hewn to cylindrical smoothness, a brilliant bluish gem fixed in the narrower end so that it does suggest a lighthouse, in its most basic shapes.
"You are kind," the Keeper says, closing his hand around the stone, and his Traveler's smile only grows warmer.
And so the time passes, his Traveler coming and going and growing no older, full of stories and wonders and beautiful things from all manner of worlds that he shares with the Lighthouse Keeper, who grows quietly ever more fond of his visitor.
"Do you never leave this place?" asks his Traveler, when next they meet.
"Who would tend the lighthouse, were I to go?" replies the Keeper, serenely, but the question strikes him deeply. He has been the Lighthouse Keeper since the beginning of everything; he has always been here. He is the lighthouse and the lighthouse is him. This is his duty; this is his function.
But sometimes, he is. So tired.
"Have you no one to share your burden, then?" his Traveler inquires, kindly, "no one to ease your loneliness?"
The Lighthouse Keeper is stung, unduly, by his Traveler's perception, and he bares his teeth to hide the wound. "You dare suggest I have need of companionship?"
"Yes. Yes, I do," his Traveler confirms, with aching sincerity in his voice, and the Keeper is incensed.
"What need have I of company, of one such as you?" he sneers, vicious and cruel. "Begone, and leave me in peace." And he retreats to the top of his tower, where the perpetual moon shines upon him, alone.
His Traveler leaves him be, for a time, and the warmth he had brought to the lighthouse begins to fade. The Keeper laments that loss, laments the creeping chill that had never troubled him in all the long eons of his duty but is now unbearable for having known the warmth he might have in its stead. Still, when his Traveler at long last returns, his pride does not permit that the Keeper bend.
"My friend, please, let me apologize," his Traveler begs, but the Keeper refuses to see him.
"You are unwelcome here," he declares, and tells himself it is satisfaction that he feels when his Traveler departs at last, spirits low.
It is not so long a wait before his Traveler again returns. "My friend," he begs once more, "do not turn me away, let me make amends—"
"You are unwelcome here," the Keeper repeats, refusing to open his door, and weeps in the cold of his empty keep when his Traveler finally retreats.
A third time his Traveler returns, with little of hope in his bearing. He is weary, bedraggled, but his call at the door is resolute. "My friend, I beg of you. Let me make right the offense I have given, please do not turn me away."
The Keeper moves to speak, to tell him once more that he is unwelcome, but his heart stays his tongue. If he speaks it a third time, then it will be true, and…the Keeper is prideful, and unyielding, but…he does not wish for this to be made true. After all. His Traveler has named him Friend, three times now, and so that must be true—and a friend would not be unwelcome, no matter how the Keeper's pride might sting to admit that he had erred, to allow his vulnerabilities to be perceived.
He opens the door.
"My Friend," breathes his Traveler, relief lighting every line of his body, his beautiful face, and the Keeper cannot pretend any longer that his pride matters more than this being of warmth and life and joy.
"I apologize," he offers, before his Traveler can say ought else. "I have treated you poorly, and I would. Make amends. Please. Come in."
His Traveler smiles, and it chases the cold from the Keeper's limbs effortlessly.
"It was callous of me to presume you lonely, and I am sorry for the offense," his Traveler begins as they sit at the kitchen table, as the Keeper pours them tea, and oh how he has missed the warmth of this ritual, the brightness his Traveler brings.
"I took offense because it was true, and it vexed me to be so easily known," he replies. "I am lonely, my friend, and I have missed you fiercely."
"I have missed you, as well," his Traveler declares, eyes shining, and the Keeper's heart is overfull.
"Where do your travels next take you?" he inquires, through the soft smile that will not leave his face.
His Traveler grins, brighter than the sun. "Here, to your door," he declares. "I'll not travel on til you bid me leave. If you'll have me?"
"I will, old friend," the Keeper agrees.
His Traveler leans across the corner of the table between them, and places his big hands gentle and warm on the Keepers face, and kisses him full on the lips. "Then I shall stay," he murmurs.
And, for the first time in the memory of anything, dawn breaks over the lighthouse on the island at the end of the Space Between Worlds.
(Hob does leave again eventually; he is the Traveler, not the Stays-in-One-Place-er. But he always spends ample time between journeys at the lighthouse with his Dream. And eventually they find another unique individual who becomes the Apprentice Lighthouse Keeper (hello Daniel) and Dream can join Hob on some of his travels and finally see the worlds he's been guiding people to his entire existence)
Spotify Wrapped Askmeme Post
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theangrykimchi · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day with a little Asgardian Prince Loki sneaking around with Jotunheim's Heir Thor 💙💚
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Loki slipped through the cover of night, seidr rendering him invisible to everyone, even the Watcher's all-seeing eyes. He run down the cobblestone streets and at the edge of Asgard he took the form of a raven and soared through the star-speckled sky, cawing in mirth as he spinned in the air, free, and dipped down enough that his feathers touched the cool waters surrounding Asgard until a steep rock formation came into view. Loki cawed again, flapping his wings faster, getting the momentum he needed as the rocks before him narrowed, and narrowed, until only a slit remained.
He fit perfectly.
Cold wind welcomed him on the other side, but it didn't hinder him, didn't make him slow down as he turned to his right and made his way for the crop of dark trees towering above him.
Even without the sign of the smoke in the distance, Loki would know where he was supposed to go, the path etched to his mind since the first time he had to take it.
The longer he flew the closer the smoke came, until a still crystalline lake came into view, the source of the smoke being a big campfire near the shore. A big dark figure stood on its feet once Loki was close enough, a smile stretching on the Frost Giant's face, the only person able to see Loki while under invisibility—a neat trick Loki learned a few months ago.
Dipping down, Loki transformed mid-air, his feet landing swiftly on hard snow.
"You made it," Thor said in lieu of a welcome, his hands reaching out before Loki was even able to make a step closer, wrapping around his waist and pulling Loki closer immediately.
"Indeed." Loki hummed at the hard press of Thor's bigger body, placing his hands on bulging biceps and tilting his head back to be able to look at him.
Their lips met before any more could be said, their need to feel each other greater than any pleasantries.
"I didn't think you'd make it," Thor said against Loki's lips, his hand grabbing the back of his fur-lined dark green cloak.
"We had some…unexpected guests," Loki said, grimacing at the reminder of his cousins from Vanaheim, their dull stories and unfunny jokes. He shudders at how Arne had tried flirting with him.
"You don't seem like you've had fun." Thor's chest rumbles, bringing him back to the moment. Thor is gloriously half naked, as it's the Jotun way, wearing only a loincloth to protect him from the cloth. Miles and miles of freckled cobalt skin towering before Loki. He can't wait to put his mouth on him, so Loki does just that, kissing Thor's collarbone before looking slyly up at him.
"I'm going to have some fun now."
Thor's laugh vibrates through him, under his fingertips, an almost tangible thing, and Loki smiles against midnight skin, heart growing in his chest for this gentle giant
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 20
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna @mistress-of-words
Lake of Oblivion Story by @jonquilclegane
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Loki grew up listening to thousands of stories. But his favorite was the one of the Lady in the Lake of Oblivion. People said that thousands of years ago, a lovely princess from Vanaheim had come to Asgard with her mother, father and sisters. Her name was Sigyn. Everyone loved her, and admire her beauty and kindness. However, one day, her mother decided to marry her to some noble warrior. But the princess did not want it. She dreamed of true love and would not settle for less. The more her parents insisted she married the man of their choice, the more the young lady got depressed. She wanted to forget and be forgotten. So, on the day that was supposed to be her wedding day, she went to the lake, desperate and in tears. Some people said that if you drank the water of that lake, you forgot all your troubles and fell into a peaceful oblivion. But when Sigyn leaned to drink, the legend says she did not see her own reflection, but the one of a handsome prince. She fell in love with him at first sight, and stared at him for so long, that she fell into the dark waters and was never seen again. From time to time, Loki walked down the calm shores of the lake and would sit on a little bench, the closest to the waters. He sang and read poetry to the lake, hoping the lady would hear his voice and come meet him. Yet, she never did…. Until one day. After learning he was not Odin’s son but Laufey’s, Loki felt angry and screamed, shouted, ready to burn Asgard and Jotunheim to the ground. His feet led him to the lake and he laughed when he realized where he was. He decided to look at the waters one more time, but instead of his own reflection, he saw a beautiful lady, smiling at him, holding her hand to him. Loki closed his eyes and let her take him with her into the depth of the lake.
A daughter of queens
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"And here you think you're different than most women out there," Loki said, laughing. "Yes," Sigyn said, standing very close to Loki, she could already feel his ways on her face. "That's why you're standing. You're the same, wanted to be conquered and thrown away." Loki leaned in to kiss Sigyn, underscoring how easy Sigyn was, just like other women.
Sigyn stepped even closer, bent her head as if she wanted to kiss Loki and then just walked past him. Her look of scorn on him "I will never be one of your whores. So look elsewhere for vulgarity and simplicity your highness".
Loki narrowed his eyes had that simple princess just tricked the god of mischief?
The Gardener of Healing
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Sigyn is Eir's daughter who lives in the Garden of Healing. It is Asgard's second largest garden complex next to the Gardens of Iduna and the private Gardens of the All-Mother. Iduna's Gardens are the largest in Asgard. Attached to Eir's garden is a simple house it is not really a manor house more like a larger cottage with three floors and a small tower on the right side. While Eir and her two sons always attend Odin's banquets, Sigyn does not. She prefers to stay at home and just wants to spend time with teachers and tending the garden. But even if she is well on the way to becoming a good healer like her mother. Does fate still have something in hand that turns everything upside down.
Infinite Devotion by @roruna
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Loki has broken out of prison. The infinity gauntlet has been stolen. Suddenly, only Clint and Natasha remember a time when Loki wasn't the benevolent king of Midgard. And since when does Loki have the patience to be a benevolent king?
In Another Life by Luluthegreatandterrible
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Once upon a time, The Sorcerer Supreme peered through space and time, and saw every potential way the Avengers could win the great war against Thanos and his armies. Every way except one.
Do you love the traitor? Story by a good friend of my
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A mysterious murder. An inscrutable liar. And more than one dark secret. Sigyn should be overjoyed: she made it and is now part of Asgard's Mage Academy. But she no longer knows whether she can still dare, because a liar has crept into her heart. And then there's the nice guy she's known since childhood.
The liar drove her crazy with his touches and kisses, all the while playing by his own rules - until she discovered his terrible secret! A mystery that not only turns everything upside down but shakes all of Asgard! But even Sigyn could destroy lives. In order to prevent this, Sigyn is dependent on the liar's help, of all things. And her childhood friend doesn't like that at all. Because he is sure the liar Loki destroys lives and worlds!
Announcing the marriage of their parents
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Imagine Loki and Sigyn were married but their marriage didn't last long despite great love. Have they always been at loggerheads because they have very different opinions and views on so many things. When the twins were born it only got worse. So they parted ways and never to see each other again Nari came to Loki and Nafri to Sigyn. 12 years later, the twins meet without knowing about each other and realize the truth. In order to ever spend time with the other parent, they switch to the ever other parent. But she absolutely wants to marry and Amora of all people, time for the twins to start with their inheritance from the gods, the chaos can begin!
New Asgard Sigyn Story by @jonquilclegane
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Sigyn had lived her whole life in the shadow of her mother and her sisters. She was a little shy and did not like to be the center of attention. Every time her parents had guests, she would run into her rooms and not leave them before they were gone. Of course, she realized her behavior was rather rude, but wasn’t it better than being unable to talk to anyone or look at them in the eye? People would have seen her as an idiot or a simple-minded fool. Better being in her rooms than humiliating herself. Yet, the man she loved dearly was her clear opposite. Prince Loki was handsome, charming and enjoyed the light and the attention. And he was right too: how could anyone not love or admire him when he was so charismatic and elegant. It would have been a crime to hide in the shadows as she did. When she heard about Prince Loki’s death, she cried for days. The first time, then the second time, then the third and final time. After Ragnarok, she decided not to go back to Vanaheim and live on Midgard, in New Asgard, and try to be as happy as possible. When two very stupid for Einherjars decided to open a “Thanos Ice cream parlor”, Sigyn went mad. She screamed and complained, petitioning the new King every time she could. She used to be so shy and discreet, once upon a time. Yet, her anger made her bold. She had to denounce this injustice and make it stop. “It’s a free country, my lady”, the former Valkyrie said, “They can do as they please” Sigyn bit her tongue and tried to contain her anger, not to make a scene in front of the whole court. “But Thanos was a monster!”, the former princess reminded the warrior, “He killed so many people! One of them a Prince of Asgard! Doesn’t this matter?” The King sighed and shrugged away her protestations, clearly exasperated by the whole affair. “Maybe so”, she replied, “But not many people liked Loki, anyway” But I did, Sigyn nearly said, before remembering her place. She had been no one to the Prince. He had not even known of her existence. Crying for him in public would have only raised questions on her virtue or her mental health. The crazy lady in love with a dead fallen prince. People would laugh or pity her. Still, Sigyn would sit in front of the parlor with huge signs, and create online petitions against the scandalous, heartless existence of such an unworthy place. A few people joined her quest and would help her throw rotten tomatoes at the owners whenever they saw them. One day, Prince Thor saw her and her friends and smiled. He approached them and thanked them for their good heart. “Besides”, he added, “I think Loki would have appreciated the feeling” And that made Sigyn the happiest of all.
The Serpent and The Liar by RedGold
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This one for the Serpent and the Liar:
Loki Odison is a showoff, a performer in need of an audience, Sigyn has always known this. When one of his tricks goes awry, they both become trapped in a cave that even Heimdall's vision cannot see. Surrounded by Skathi, the prince is gravely wounded and Sigyn must protect him until help arrives. Through this trial, a bond forms between them that could be her salvation, if it doesn't ruin her life.
And it begs the question: who the Serpent and who is the Liar?
This is a retelling of the mythological Loki/Sigyn serpent story (and other stories) to be compliant to the MCU and explains who/where Sigyn is in the movies.
The game of power and love story by @jonquilclegane
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Princess Sigyn of Vanaheim had married Prince Loki of Asgard when she was very young. For centuries, their union had been a happy one, and all the bards in the Nine realms sang and celebrated their love. However, when Sigyn’s mother, Queen Freya, died, everything changed. Sigyn became Queen of Vanaheim, inheriting her mother’s crown. At first, everything was fine, Loki smiled and applauded his wife’s coronation, and drank to her health during the feast that followed. But things were different now. Sigyn was a queen, while he was but her consort. People were bowing to her respectfully, taking her orders… while he was in her shadow. He was always in someone’s shadow, wasn’t he? First his brother Thor, and now his own wife. Sigyn loved him, and showered with praises and gifts, and had given him two lovely sons. But what was this all worth in comparison to a crown? Nothing. Loki felt frustration rising inside him, eating away his heart, poisoning his soul. He did love his wife, however now the sight of her, mostly when she was wearing the crown, was unbearable. So he started drinking, drowning his pettiness away… But the drunker he got, the meaner he was with Sigyn and their children. One day, Amora visited him, and they laughed, and drank together. Everything seemed so much easier in her arms, forgetting about Sigyn, and his duties, and the Vanir throne. When he woke up in his bed, naked, with Amora, he saw Sigyn looking at him, crying, speechless. He did not say a word either, as his wife left his rooms, so they could dress. Loki left Vanaheim a few hours later, and never went back again. And, clearly, it was for the best.
Part 21 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last 4 parts
Part 19
Part 18
Part 17
Part 16
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smoldymort · 1 year
The Second Coming
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Yes I'm back-back-back again and after a horrifically long mental-health break, I'm back in front of a camera and streaming again! I'm returning with a new feature on our Indie Wednesday segment, a cute adventure-puzzle game based in Norse mythology;
Kari: Stranded On The Shores Of Vanaheim
So if you wanna hear my voice and see my face and chat shit with me while we play games together then come join me at 8:00pm GMT on twitch.tv/smoldymort
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of-thieves · 2 years
[ ATTEMPT ]  for sender to intervene in a fight receiver is in but receiver has already sustained an injury. 
Vanaheim. Beautiful Vanaheim... the realm of the Vanir, home to the clearest of waters and greenest of flora. It was told the grace of the fauna of the land were unlike any other in the surrounding worlds. The skies were said to always be clear and the rain was said to never flood the crop, only pour enough to feed the land. Hermes had always heard such wonderful poems of the beautiful realm from both written and spoken word, and stubborn as he always was he had decided to visit the lands and see them for himself as usual. Every time he came to see it he learned more and was encouraged to return and expand his knowledge further.
Which, this time around, had proven to be a terrible decision.
The juvenile Dreki that attacked the god had come out of nowhere. One moment he had been running gleefully across the surface of the river, and the next moment he felt something heavy clamp down around his left leg, which after a numbing shock surged through his body he concluded that what the creature must be. He had been dragged underwater less than a second after realizing what his ambusher was.
While certainly a great athlete, Hermes was far from a combative fighter. He could outspeed or outshine any enemy he was up against but he wasn't a soldier by any means. And hostile wildlife he knew nothing of wasn't exactly easy to simply challenge it's strategy and wit. The dreki may have been small- not too much larger than Hermes himself- but it was still nimble.
Hermes violently fought the monster for a minute or two. If there was one thing he was good at it was utilizing the strength of his legs. He kicked the beast in it's eyes and jaw until it's grip finally managed to give, giving Hermes a free window to successfully swim to the surface. Though the trail of blood he left behind only led the Dreki to follow and swim up to the surface with him. He was only able to get one hand up upon the river shore before he was being tugged back into the water once more.
"Let me go, you mangy-!" He dug his heel into the scaly neck of the dragon. The scales were too thick for him to do any real damage, so after a few useless kicks he resorted to wrapping his entire leg around the front of it's jaw and compressed his thigh and calf together as hard as he possibly could. The dreki desperately failed about in the water while spewing bolts out of it's body that Hermes strained to overpower.
As the god had been focusing on trying to crush the jaw of the now desperate monster underneath his knee, suddenly out of thin air came a sort of magical whirring sound. Hermes turned his head to see what new creature could possibly be coming for him next but he was shocked to see it was not the sound of a creature at all being made but instead a.. weapon?
A golden, glistening sword came flying through the air like a hummingbird. It spun about for a moment, getting closer and closer to Hermes by the second. He thought for certain the sword was coming to him. He prepared to roll over to dodge any upcoming attack the sparkly blade may throw his way but his concerns faded into confusion when the blade dove itself into the back of the dreki creature.
The dreki let out a gruesome wail which made it loosen it's jaw grip on Hermes. He as well in response to the cry let the creature out of his leg's vice grip, and he watched as the dragon instantly swam away in the blink of an eye, still in pain and terrified.
Hermes finally pulled himself fully out of the river and pressed both his palms against his left leg, which was not only bleeding red blood profusely but showing more veins on the surface than it should no thanks to the lightning the little dragon had shot throughout him moments ago.
Hermes' eyes followed the levitating blade as it flew backward away from him and into the hand of it's apparent owner.
Freyr. Of course.
"Well if it isn't the Son of Njörd," Hermes managed to only get a few words out before needing to spit out river water and cough. "I did not need you to intervine. I had that situation under control.."
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viking-illustrator · 5 years
Norse Ambiance
Any of you heard of ambient-mixer.com? It’s a site that lets you create and listen to all kinds of ambient soundscapes. They’ve got a ton of stuff on there.
Here’s the Norse Mythology ambients I’ve made over the past year or two to listen to while I’m drawing/working:
Norse Shore: https://beach.ambient-mixer.com/norse-shore
Midgard Forest: https://forest.ambient-mixer.com/midgard-forest
Niflheim: https://environment-other.ambient-mixer.com/niflheim
Muspelheim: https://environment-other.ambient-mixer.com/muspelheim
Jotunheim: https://environment-other.ambient-mixer.com/jotunheim
Helheim: https://caves.ambient-mixer.com/helheim
Svartalfheim: https://caves.ambient-mixer.com/svartalfheim
Alfheim: https://forest.ambient-mixer.com/alfheim---home-of-the-elves
Vanaheim: https://environment-other.ambient-mixer.com/vanaheim
Asgard: https://environment-other.ambient-mixer.com/asgard
Valhalla: https://environment-other.ambient-mixer.com/valhalla-
Fishing for Jormugandr: https://other-atmospheres.ambient-mixer.com/fishing-for-jormugandr
Þrúðheimr: https://environment-other.ambient-mixer.com/-r--heimr---home-of-thor
Feel free to listen to these while you draw/read/write/meditate/study/battle the demons of anxiety that assault us all/cook/clean/etc... Or modify them to suit your needs. I might make some more in the future (like Folkvangr or something to do with Fenrir), and I’ll add them to this post.
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(A Medieval!AU Loki x Stark!Reader Story)
Chapter Summary: Asgard is truly a beautiful kingdom, you only wish your thoughts and feelings would let you enjoy it.
Word Count: 1836
Warnings: None, I think!
A/N: Your support and kind comments in the last part has left me- I just 😭💕 Thank you so much for the support you guys!
It was nearly midnight when the salty air filled your senses and you woke up to look out the window to see a full bright moon and the sea not too far from the road. The castle was up ahead, but it was still at about an hour's distance.
"Vis!" You called your driver. "Stop the carriage!"
He did so almost immediately and he and Steve Rogers, the captain in charge of your security came to check up on you.
"Is everything alright your highness?" Steve asked as you got off the carriage.
"It is, captain. I just wish to see the sea. It's all."
You began to cross the road to follow a trail into the beach but Steve caught up you. You did not stop for him though.
"Please, don't do this. I'll get in trouble." He pleaded, your name pouring from his lips.
You stopped to look at him.
You had seen this good man take down the fiercest of men. He had the most special place in your heart, but you never were to tell him. Even if you'd ever planned to do that, confessing that was not something you could afford to do any longer.
"In trouble with who?" You smirked and continued walking towards the shore.
"At least let me escort you!" He called after you.
"You may!" You answered back, still not stopping.
The night was peaceful and quiet. There was no-one here for miles, and the sand felt fresh under your feet, once you took your shoes off. You approached the waves that licked at the sand and lifting your dress so it wouldn't get ruined, you allowed the water to gnaw at your feet.
You felt as the wave retreated, how it slightly sucked you into the sand. Each lick sinking you a little deeper until you were up to your ankles with sand.
You giggled at the small gig of nature but blushed as you felt someone bunch up your skirts behind you.
"Princess, your dress is going to get ruined." Steve admonished holding the back of your dress far from the sand and water as you held the front.
"I have a thousand more. You don't have to accommodate me, captain."
You knew he meant no ill intent by his actions, but it still made you blush when he got so close to you. You blessed the cover of the night which allowed you to get away with your embarrassment.
"May I ask, why? Your highness?" He asked as you stared into the horizon.
You took a moment to think about why you just had the urge to stop for a moment and enjoy this wonder of nature.
The answer wasn't a difficult one, it was just a painful one, and to share it with Steve of all people wasn't something you were exactly ready to do.
"I just... Needed a last moment."
"If I may be so bold... "A last moment" to do what?"
He was honest to god worried about you. You looked at him, seeing the young boy you had grown with. A twink of a guy turned into one of the kingdom's most trustworthy and capable soldiers. His kindness had captured your heart when you were young, and his bravery had only fed your endearment for him as time went on.
You knew you could trust him.
"A last moment to enjoy my freedom, Steve."
He whispered your name, and suddenly you noticed how close the two on you had become. You were sure at this point he saw your blush, but you didn't care. He was so near you, you could feel him holding the fabric of your dress to avoid it getting wet. His firm chest almost pressed against yours. His lips just inches away.
But just as you thought anything could happen, the voice of his right-hand man was heard from afar, calling that soldiers of Asgard were approaching.
He offered you his arm and you wiggled your buried feet out of the sand. You both rushed towards the carriage where Bucky and Wanda were waiting.
"It must be at least 15 men." He informed Steve as Wanda poured water at your feet to help you clean them.
"Are you sure they are soldiers?"
"Vis sighted the royal crest, but they might as well be bandits posing as soldiers," Bucky warned.
"Captain. No violent action towards the men, ask for their business, and then proceed accordingly." You instructed him as you stepped into the carriage, Wanda in tow.
"As you say, your highness."
Both soldiers walked ahead of the carriage, and they signaled Vis to go at a slow pace.
"So they are soldiers?"
"Not sure about that," Bucky answered.
"Better be on our guards then."
"You were on your guard with the princess back there weren't you," Bucky smirked.
That sent Steve into a sputtering panic. "What are you talking about!?"
"Come on pal. You've been in love with the princess since before any of us joined the military!"
"We were children together. I am in charge of her security I care about her! But not like that!" Steve tried to excuse himself.
"If I hadn't called you, would you have kissed her?" Bucky questioned, he knew that you had chosen only people who you truly trusted to accompany you in this trip, which meant no-one was gonna tattletale on you. But he still wondered.
"No." Steve spat. "And even if I did, she has her duty and I have mine. That won't allow us to ever be anything. You know that, right?"
Bucky hummed in reluctant understanding. The men in horseback where closer now, this chat would have to be postponed, but he wanted to support his friend.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I think she feels the same way."
Steve was going to continue, but the horsemen approached their caravan.
"Who comes!?" The man leading the horsemen shouted at the two men.
"Travelers my good men. We've come looking for an audience with the king." Steve responded, the answer vague enough so if they were robbers, they had better chances of being ignored or stall them.
"Is the eagle faring well?" The leading man asked Steve.
"Only if the wolf remains their friend." Your voice came from the open door of the carriage.
Steve just wanted to tackle your stupid self back into security but after you gave him a sign, he stepped aside and allowed you to approach the horseman who led the troop.
"Prince Thor, it is my pleasure to be in your land." You bowed before the man.
He took the hood off his head, and in fact, it was the blonde prince who had come to greet you and escort your caravan into the palace. He got off his horse and with a hand to your shoulder kindly ushered you to stand up.
"Princess. It is good to see you!" His smile was bright and his eyes were kind. "Welcome to Asgard! Please, come! We are to securely take you back to the palace!"
He led you back into your carriage and you finally arrived at the palace, way past the witching hour.
The streets were mostly empty, but you could still hear the music coming from some open bars.
Thor was riding next to your window and chatting with you.
"So I take that your people like their drinks?"
He chuckled. "It would be strange to see Asgard completely silent at any given time!"
"Well, it must be a relief for you that you don't ever have to worry about a place to enjoy yourself."
"Oh, I assure you m'lady. We have plenty of places to entertain ourselves. You must see them sometime during your visit!"
"It would be my honor." You politely answered.
To be completely honest, it was different from your home. Besides the salty air, it seemed that the town was alive. While back on Midgard, the curfew didn't allow anyone to be on the streets past midnight.
It was a necessary measure that you understood and supported, but you wished that your people could be as carefree as the Asgardians that you saw dancing and drinking.
You hoped that this alliance took you a step closer in that direction.
The palace doors opened for you without hesitation. And Thor offered his arm to lead you inside the castle. Politely, you accepted and allowed him to lead you inside, Steve and Bucky hot on your trail and Wanda right behind them.
"We have prepared everything for your arrival! Tomorrow, Asgard will celebrate you and your people. There will be a feast in your honor just for you!"
You smiled at him. "My, you Asgardians know how to flatter your guests..."
"It would be a dishonor if we didn't do as much as we possibly can to make this visit a happy one!"
At the top of the stairs, you saw a very refined lady, who you presumed was Frigga, the queen, and a couple of maids.
"My child. Welcome to Asgard." The queen greeted you and you bowed to her.
"Your majesty, thank you for giving me and my people your hospitality."
"Nonsense my dear, your father was a delight when we met him. It was only natural that we opened our arms to such a charming and capable man and his children."
"But please do not let my father hear you, majesty. It will go straight to his head." You chuckled.
The queen smiled at you, which you interpreted that she, at least, tolerated you. Which fair, you would take what you could.
"We will proportion you maids to take you to your quarters." The queen signaled to the girls standing behind her.
"Oh, that won't be necessary, my queen. Wanda is my assistant, I won't be needing a maid." Wanda stood behind you and curtsied the queen.
"Oh, my dear please allow us. It would be a big dishonor for us if you wouldn't let us accommodate you in every way we can!" She insisted.
Oh, how you wanted to say no. But feuds have started for way less between the tribes of Vanaheim.
"Alright, if it will make you happy, I'll accept." You nodded and the queen seemed satisfied.
"This is Sigyn. She'll take care of you and help your assistant in anything she needs." The young woman was your age if not a year or two off. She wore her blonde hair on a braid and she had a far off look on her face. "Sigyn, please lead the ladies to their quarters."
"Yes, your majesty." She bowed and then signaled you to follow her.
But before you left you offered your thanks once more to the queen.
"Do not thank us, dear. It will be a true pleasure for all of us to host you here."
You followed Sigyn through the many halls and corridors, shooting one last look at Steve before he was completely out of sight for you.
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annes-andromeda · 3 years
Ragnarök: Asgard’s Twilight
Chapter 10: Foster Through The Looking Glass
N/: Sorry that I haven’t updated in a while. Laziness got to me and school’s been giving me so much work. Anyways, here’s another chapter of Jane Foster in Vanaheim featuring Lady Sif😊
The camp was buzzing with ruckus, rock giants moving wagons of gold to the blacksmiths. They were clanging at the metals, sparks coming from their tools as they worked. There was a board where a sketch had been made for the design of Gjallarhorn. It would be large, with a small hole to blow on, and the bell would be large and extended.
In Heimdall’s tent, the Warriors Three were conducting a plan on how to retrieve the people of Asgard without any casualties “She hasn’t set the castles defenses yet” Fandral noted “With the secret passageways, we may have some leverage against Hela”
“We can’t be sure” Volstagg added “It’s as the Lady Jane said, we do not know the full extent of Hela’s abilities. For all we know, she could be holding the civilians hostage and keeping watch on us as we speak”
Heimdall shook his head “I knew Hela since she was a young girl. She is a proficient sorcerer matching the likes of Loki and an efficient combatant rivaling Thor. But she has no seeing abilities like I do”
“Hela always wanted the attention on her” He continued “And as far as we’re concerned, her attentiveness is on the throne, so that is something we could use to our advantage”
Everyone around him nodded in thought “We could send in scouts to inspect the area and ensure that we’ll be able to go in and out with no issues”
Volstagg pointed at the map of Asgard “This passage here. Near the mountain creek. The scouts could enter from here and go into the city unnoticed where they’d retrieve civilians and bring them to the camp to safety”
“I’ll make sure it’s safe to go in beforehand” Heimdall said “For now, we’ll focus on building the horn and getting the scouts ready. As for Lady Jane, I want the rock trolls to keep watch on her at every moment. I do not doubt my sister, but we cannot take any chances”
Jane looked around the long abandoned structure, her eyes lit with wonder and awe. She wished she had a camera on her to take pictures so she could show Darcy when she returned home. Whenever she’d return home.
Her eyes fixed upon two strange winged creatures who appeared to be fighting for a piece of meat. They batted their wings and flew down from the ceiling, one of them munching at the meat while the other tried to get closer. Jane kept her distance, not wanting to disturb the animals on their meal.
“They’re called Dawn Ripplers” Jane heard Sif from behind her. The woman had a bag in her hand, and she pulled out some more meat for the creatures to eat. It’s smell attracted them as they turned to her in curiosity.
Jane smiled awkwardly “I was just observing from afar”
“Don’t worry” Sif said “They are tame beasts when not provoked. Or in this case, hungry” She chuckled as she threw some meat at the Ripplers and scurried to them, using their small beaks to tear them into little pieces.
“Why are you really here, Foster?” Sif asked without hesitation
A sigh escaped Jane’s lips when the situation at hand hit her once more “I know you’re not exactly fond of me, but I swear I’m not here to cause trouble”
Sif shook her head “I never held any distain for you, Foster”
“But-” Jane began “But when I came to Asgard-“
“That was merely suspicion” Sif interrupted “There had never been a mortal on Asgard. After everything that had happened with Malekith and the Aether, everyone was edge. Including me”
With her mouth forming a small “oh” and her head nodding, Jane twiddled her fingers behind her back and said “Well...that’s good to know, at least”
There was a pregnant silence for seconds until the Ripplers made little chirps, almost begging for more food. Sif smiled and clicked her tongue, reaching into the bag and taking out a rabbit, beckoning for them. She handed it to them, the Ripplers creeping towards her and taking the meat.
Chuckling, Sif stayed on her knees watching the animals eat “I always wanted a Rippler when I was young” she said “My brother wouldn’t let me have them. Said they belonged in the wild and not in some cage”
Jane simply said “mhmm” in agreement “I guess you still wanna know why I’m here, right?”
“That would be nice”
“Well it’s...It’s not easy to explain”
“When has anything ever been”
Jane paused “Yeah ok that’s true, but this is different” Sif turned to her in interest “Back home, shortly after Malekith, I’ve been having these dreams. Not like the ones where you can’t move or speak, but sorta like the strange one you can’t understand. Almost like I’m...lucid, in a way”
Sif listened to her, petting one of the Dawn Ripplers meanwhile “Lucid dreaming is often rare here. Only those with strong minds have control of their dreams”
“Yeah well, it’s not fun back home” Jane stated jokingly “I’d always be in this endless corridor. It looked like Asgard, but I knew it wasn’t.”
She turned to make sure Sif was paying attention. When she got confirmation, Jane proceeded “Then-and please don’t laugh-, I saw this bear”
Sif furrowed her eyesbrows, all the while Jane pointed at her “Let me finish” Jane said “It was a polar bear. Sure, it was transparent, but I’m pretty sure it was a polar bear. Anyways, I’d get close to it, and every time I’m this close to touching it, I wake up”
“Hmm...” Sif said “From your description, this could be the workings of a Fylgja”
Jane blinked a few times and shook her head “A wh-A what?”
“A Fylgja” Sif repeated “They take the form of ones spirit embodied in a certain animal, often depending on whether that person’s nature is tame or not”
The dark haired woman got up from her knees and let the Dawn Ripplers fly away “From what my brother taught me,” she began “The Fylgja lead a person to their destiny or fate. Perhaps the beast in your dreams could be trying to tell you something”
“Question is: what is it?” Jane asked.
Another silence fell before them, but it was interrupted when two rock trolls strode towards the women, their steps echoing within the halls. They looked down at Jane and Sif, imposing yet clearly no threat.
One of them kneeled before the ladies in respect “Lady Foster” he said “Lady Sif. Good Heimdall has ordered us to keep watch over you should anything befall you”
“Could you tell ‘Good Heimdall’ that that will not be necessary” Sif said with her hands on her hips “I am perfectly capable of protecting Foster myself. Therefore, you are excused”
“I’m sorry, my lady” The other rock troll said “But we’ve been given orders and we must abide by them”
Sif shook her head “Gentlemen really, this will not be necessary. Besides, I do remember your finest warrior being cast down by Thor with a single swing last time he was here. What was his name? Korg, was it?”
The left rock troll put his finger up “Do not disrespect the memory of our fallen brethren!” He exclaimed in defense as Sif was taken aback “It was Lord Thor who began that fight and refused to make it fair!”
“Vanaheim was overrun with bandits and raiders!” Sif argued “What did you expect us to do? Sit and watch as you burned down villages and filled your bags with stolen goods?”
At this point, Jane had shut herself out of the conversation. She wanted to roll her eyes at the absolute pettiness of the three aliens-cause let’s be honest, that’s what they were-, but she knew it wasn’t respectful. She looked around the building awkwardly, and that’s when she heard it.
The voice.
She had heard it when she passed out after Hela pushed her off the Bifrost. It had called to her, even knew her name. The Fylgja, she thought. That must be it.
Making sure Sif was distracted, Jane went off on her own to find the source of the voice. She walked through the empty, vine covered corridors, touching the walls with her hands and listening thoroughly. The further and further down she went, the more intelligible the voice became.
Eventually, it led her to a large doorway. The doors were locked when she twisted at the knob. However, in less than a second, the voice seemed to have opened the doors for her. Jane turned both ways of the hall to see if there was anyone. Nope, all clear.
Walking in, the skylight illuminated the room, making the clear water of the fountain in the middle sparkle. It looked like glistening diamonds, and fish with white, flowing fins shined with platinum scales. Aside from the skylight, there were no visible windows and no sign of other wildlife.
Looking down, Jane could see a plaque atop the water. On it were runes unbeknownst to her, and a symbol of a tree. She couldn’t make out what it meant, but the voice called to her once more.
Speak the words, it said.
Jane could only furrow her brows “How?” She asked the empty space
The heart is a powerful tool in the face of adversity.
It sounded foolish. Practically useless. Jane really wished she had brought her phone to use as a translator right now. She had no idea what in hell the voice was talking about.
And then it hit her.
Taking her book from the small pocket of her skirt, Jane skimmed through the pages to find the one where she had studied the Norse runes. There were many that were assigned “N/A”, as much of the Norse culture had been lost. And well, Thor had been busy doing other things so he wasn’t much help either.
Her finger stopped at one of the runes, her mouth agape. Jane placed the book beneath the plaque, noticing one of the runes was the same one.
The rune that represented the heart.
Speak the words, the voice repeated.
Jane withdrew the book back into her pocket, and looked at the plaque once more. She felt like she was suddenly illiterate. But it seemed as if logic and astrophysics wasn’t going to help her with this dilemma.
So instead, she took a deep breath, and just went for it.
“ The start of a journey begins with the shore, but yet there truly is no end.
For like the heart that stays in place, the ocean does not descend”
A growl was then heard as the plaque went beneath the fountain. The rumbling grew louder, the fish swimming away from the growing passage that grew underneath the water. Jane watched as the floor opened beneath her. She stepped back, but she felt her skirt beginning to wet. The water was spilling towards her.
It turned out the passage was far bigger than she expected, and before she had a moment a react, Jane was sucked into the floor, eliciting a gasp and a small squeal out of her mouth. She braced for impact and landed on her back. Jane groaned in pain, grabbing the back of her head that had hit the stone floor. Had the fall been from a couple more feet, it could’ve killed her.
Back above, Sif was running through the corridors trying to find Jane. She was grabbing at the hilt of her sword. Just in case, should it be any of Hela’s goons trying to play a trick on her.
Jane looked around the stone walls, empty and wet from the fallen water above. She got up and tended to her dress, wiping off the rubble and dust, even moving her hair out of her face. Jane’s gaze averted to the walls once more. The fish from the fountain had swam down into the hole with her, reverting back to their regal and peaceful movements.
They grouped together and tread carefully around what appeared to be a long club of rock. Jane was confused at first, but decided that perhaps reason wouldn’t be the most helpful arsenal right now. Walking towards the wall, Jane reached for the club carefully, but then jumped when she heard a voice above yell at her.
“Lady Jane!” Sif exclaimed “Stay there, I’ll get you out!”
Jane put her hand up “No stop, wait!” She said “Just hold on!”
Sif was confused but then tensed as she saw Jane looking at the club “Jane...” She called out. But nothing “Foster, don’t! Jane, don’t touch anything!”
Jane, however, was making no attempt to pay attention. She resumed her previous action of reaching for the club, and held her breath as her hands scraped the wet and cold stone. Jane pulled at the stick, but frowned as it stayed stuck in place.
She pulled harder, even positioning her foot on the wall for leverage. Jane ignored the exclaims from Sif to stop, tugging harder and harder until the wall began to crack. The fish swam away, and all at once, the club detached from its place, sending Jane flying back as the stick landed next to her.
Sif watched the whole ordeal like a mother watching her child disobey her “Foster!” She exclaimed “Are you alright?!”
Jane got up to her feet and looked up, club in hand “Yeah...Yeah I’m fine”
“Stay there, I’ll help you up”
“Not like I’m going anywhere...” Jane muttered. She looked at the large, bulbous stick in her hand. Examining it, she could see there were now small glowing veins coming from the top. Seems like her previous action had managed to crack the stone a bit.
Above her, Sif extended her sword to pull Jane out of the hole. The passage closed up, and the fish swam in the fountain yet again. As if nothing had happened. Confused, Sif looked to Jane for an answer “Forgive me, Foster” She said “My incompetence resulted in your endangerment, and for that, I am most ashamed”
Jane smiled gently and put her hand on the goddess’s shoulder “Hey, don’t worry about it. Either way, those trolls probably wouldn’t have let me leave, so if anything, you were big help”
Sif motioned to the club in the mortals lap “I’m assuming your endeavor wasn’t for naught?”
“Yeah well,” Jane began “I have a feeling this is only the first of my endeavors”
“You heard a voice calling to you, correct?”
“Was it the Fylgja?”
“Nope” Jane looked up to see Sif extending her hand for her to get up, and she took it graciously “I’m pretty sure it was something else. But whatever it was, at least it helped me find this”
Sif smiled mischievously “Oh how lovely. A battering ram gifted by fish. I’m sure the berserkers would enjoy a new recruit, don’t you?”
Jane could only roll her eyes “How is it you never got along with Loki? Honestly, it’s like I’m talking to a clone”
The warrior goddess chuckled heartily “Oh how blasphemous! If anything, I’m more Thor than Loki. But then again, I’m generally more me than me”
“Yeah ok, let’s get off our golden throne now, huh?” Jane saved playfully. The two walked side by side out of the room, closing the doors behind them.
Without their notice, the doors then disappeared, leaving behind an empty wall. Inside the room, the fountain stopped running water, and the fish, almost on command, scurried together and disappeared into thin air. The room was left vacant, as if it was never occupied at all.
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justfandomwritings · 5 years
Magic and Misfortune (Loki)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Request:  “I haven’t found someone that writes as well as this for the MCU for a while😂 I’ve seen AUs where gods from different cultures are in one universe and I’ve got a little scenario in my head that sounded pretty cool. Loki x reader who’s a daughter of Zeus. If you could write something like this, that would be AWESOME! Thank you!!😊💕” - Anonymous
Notes: So... I love the idea behind this fic. Not just the request, I love the Greek myth I am reinterpreting and basing it on, and anyone familiar with this particular myth will see how well it fits with Loki. BUT I think my execution here might be a touch lacking, and I’m kinda disappointed in myself and im not sure why really, so if anyone has any opinions, ideas or constructive criticism let me know. I reserve the right to turn this into a series or make this a standalone if I decide not to write part two. It works as both.
*This fic has also not been edited and that’s part of why 
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There were more than Nine Realms. A point Asgard, particularly its king, often refused to acknowledge.  
The space between the Nine and the realms beyond was enough to excuse Aesir ignorance for those not amongst the royal court. When one wasn’t dealing regularly with other realms, it was easy to imagine Asgard stood alone, or at least above the rest, and it was effortless to pretend that Odin ruled all of the known worlds. 
He was Odin, after all. He was the All-Father, the Ancient One, the Great King. The stories said he was all seeing and all knowing. The Aesir thought him a man worthy of the crown atop his head. They thought themselves without equal, above all. None held this belief more than Odin.
Tales of his great conquest of the Nine Realms had died on the lips of those few old enough to know them, and many saw him only as their benevolent lord. Few knew the stories of the wars Odin waged. Not the wars against the Jotunns, those were bedtime stories of the Aesir. The subjugation of Vanaheim; the decimation of Alfheim; the destruction of Niflheim: these were stories only for the ears of those most trusted to the King and those so persuasive and cunning that no secret was beyond their reach. 
It was Loki, therefore, who was the first to make contact with Gaia. 
They were the realms closest to the Nine. Compared with the size of the universe, Gaia was practically within arm’s reach of Midgard, so close that even humanity was aware of their existence. An accessible and fortuitous target for the supposedly all-powerful King of Asgard.
But Gaia was no Midgard, and Asgard was not so without equal as they claimed to be. Gaia was the doorstep on which Odin had paused.
Gaia was an alliance of three kings, each with their own kingdom: Olympus, ruled by Zeus; Tartarus, ruled by his brother Hades; and Arcadia, ruled by the final brother Poseidon. 
They were constantly at war with each other, but nothing united the three like an external threat over which they could display their dominance. When Odin had set foot at the base of Olympus, a truly majestic realm if there ever was one, Zeus had called on his brothers, currently warring over an insignificant, miniscule ice realm known as Hyperborea. They set aside their feud and arrived before nightfall, and Odin, upon meeting the three, had left by morning. 
As a child, upon first coming to the realization of his father’s war-riddled past, Loki had asked his father why he never told them stories of how he united the Nine Realms. Odin had told Loki that he thought violence nothing worthy of praise and that his millennia of peace with Jotunheim was far more worthy of tales than any battle. 
As a man, upon hearing the stories and seeing his father for who he truly was, Loki thought the story of being humbled at Gaia was likely the true reason Odin did not speak of conquering the Nine Realms. 
Loki knew the tale by heart, and he wanted to see the place of its birth. He wanted to see the place Odin could not claim, the place Odin accepted defeat, or at least retreat.
“Father,” Loki’s silver tongue went to work. “Perhaps, we might speak of Gaia.” He had been careful to catch the All-Father alone. It would prove easier to sway him this way, and he would not be shut down by the presence of those who were less aware than himself.
“What of it, son? They do not bother us, and we do not bother with them.” Odin dismissed offhand as he sat with his younger son in the library. 
“I would like to see the place, Father.” Loki confessed. “In part, I confess, for my own curiosity. I will never sit on the throne of the Nine Realms, and for that, I’d like to see what lies beyond the throne’s purview. Though, I suppose the greater part is in the usefulness of spying Asgard’s greatest threat.”
“Threat?” Odin eyed Loki over the top of the text he was reading. “How are they a threat?”
“There is no doubt, Father,” Loki rushed to sooth, “that you and Thor and the armies of Asgard could handle an onslaught from three oafs like the ones ruling Gaia, but even a battle against three so unskilled would still cause Asgard loses given their sheer size. Does it not worry you that one day, after you are gone, they will grow discontent to fight amongst themselves? Or worse, see us as weak without your omnipotent guidance?”
“It may be worthy of thought, but your brother has trained for such a thing. Defending the Realm Eternal is his birthright, and he will do it well.” 
“I suppose, but the lives lost…” Loki sighed and looked away contemplatively. “Though, I suppose you are correct in that. The only way to prevent such a battle entirely would be to claim the three as Asgard’s newest realms, and who’s to say such a thing is possible? We know nothing of them since your return from their shores.”
Loki watched his father from the corner of his eye. All of Asgard knew of his ‘silvertongue’, as they called it. Yet, somehow, they all allowed themselves to be goaded into his thinking. Perhaps, because he managed to convince them all that it was their thinking he was commenting on and not his own. How many times had he convinced Thor to do something so thoroughly that the God of Thunder actually thought he himself had come up with such an intelligent idea.
Odin conceded the point rather hesitantly, “We know nothing of their realms or their state. It is beyond the sight of the throne and of Heimdall.”
“Such a shame,” Loki mused. “After a millennia fighting themselves, they could be a hardened force beyond compare… or entirely obliterated and ripe for the taking… I suppose we will never know.”
If Loki could make Odin see Gaia as a place teetering between threat and opportunity, a place that could make or destroy his legacy, then surely Odin would take the bait. And if he could make that opportunity seem ripe for the taking, an opportunity to finally claim his title Lord of the Spear once more, Odin would be far too greedy to let the opportunity pass to Thor. 
Loki let the thoughts stew in his father’s head for several weeks before he dropped another line about Gaia, then weeks later made another about the conquest, and months past that another about Thor’s coming reign.
It took two years before, finally, his father had slowly, subconsciously, been worked into a desperate need to, at the bare minimum, know what Gaia was doing. And there was only one man, one spy, with a tongue that could charm any ear and magic that could open any door, whom Odin would trust with the task.
The Bifrost was built to traverse the Nine Realms. It was possible to further its reach, but such a thing would require time and attention that Loki and Odin did not wish to draw on their endeavours. 
Loki, instead, was to walk the paths the All-Father once took to reach Gaia millennia ago. 
He took a ship, piloted and manned by him and him alone, and he went out past the Rainbow Bridge, past the Bifrost itself. On the orders of the King, Heimdall’s sure hands sent Loki to Gaia’s closest realm, Midgard. 
Midgard encompassed a solar system that encircled a star called the Sun. Only one of the planets was inhabited, a planet called Earth teaming with inferior beings who thought themselves alone in the universe. However, Loki didn’t need the help of the humans who bent the knee and called him God. Heimdall, instead, dropped his ship at the edge of the solar system, just past a planet the humans called Pluto.
From there, Loki navigated fields of asteroids and stretches of empty space, honing in on coordinates that were a thousand years out-of-date, so that he might have some starting point for his search.
It took him a matter of weeks before, looming on the horizon, Loki finally saw it. 
He docked his ship amongst others porting on an exterior wooden scaffold and approached the towering walls of Olympus. 
Magnificent marble gates, carved from a single piece of stone, loomed twentyfold over Loki’s head. Their height was such that he was sure they would conceal the entire Palace of Asgard from view if they wished. 
Chiseled into their face, by the hand of a true master, were images he could only assume were from their realm’s history. The scenes wound their way in a serpentine motion down the stone with an intricacy the likes of which Loki had never seen. The dwarves would pale if they saw such flawless craftsmanship achieved by any hand but their own. 
Much of the history presented to him was beyond his understanding, but Loki recognized the still that greeted him at eye level instantly. It was a famous tale on Midgard, one clearly founded in a kernel of truth. 
It depicted three brothers standing side by side in triumph. Each held their weapon of choice, spears with an increasing number of points progressing down the line to the final brother’s trident. The marble wasn’t inlaid with anything, yet through the natural skill of its carvers the colors of the stone seemed to convey the varying material of each blade. 
The men stood atop a form the size of a mountain but was clearly a body, decapitated, the head balanced under the right foot of the one holding the single-tipped spear. The dying face turned so it’s unseeing eyes looked down on any who approached the gate. 
Crowds, carved in a far smaller height, pushed in around the massive headless beast and cheered on their new leaders who were flanked, in the background of the depiction by a stoic group of beautiful companions. 
It was the Midgardian Kronos myth incarnate. Loki would know it anywhere. 
He wondered, mostly to himself, if the sons really had killed their father, if they had simply taken credit for his death, or if they had merely indulged in some lighthearted propaganda. None seemed implausible. 
“Who are you to approach the Gates of Zeus?” boomed a voice high atop the walls. 
Loki bowed to one knee and called out, “I am Loki Odinson, Prince of Asgard, and I would be humbled to make acquaintance with your city.”
There was a loud scraping, and rather than parting as most gates would, the stone slab lifted from the ground only just high enough for Loki to pass under it. 
“Welcome to Olympus.” 
“Welcome to Olympus, Prince Loki.”
It was the fourth time he had been greeted in such a way.
The first had been the gatekeeper who allowed Loki entrance. He came down from the tower at the peak of the walls via the largest ladder Loki had ever seen, a set of rails and steps carved directly into the backside of the rock leading up to their guard tower. 
The second had been the kindly older man who came to escort the prince through the pristine cobblestone streets to the palace. 
The third had been the palace guard who asked the older man to wait with Loki a moment while he saw if any member of the royal court was expecting or wished to speak with him. Loki quickly informed the soldier that this voyage was one taken merely for pleasure, and that his arrival would be expected by none. The guard came back approximately ten minutes later bringing a beautiful young woman in tow. 
She was the fourth to greet Loki, the first to do so using his title. 
Her clothing was something more appropriate for a lowly servant girl than a member of court. The dress was a dull grey made of a scratchy, shapeless material that did nothing for her body or her coloring. If not for the way she carried herself, Loki would have believed hers the facade of a lowly maid. 
As it was, shoulders high, chin up, back straight, she carried herself with the pride and respect known only to true nobility. It crossed his mind that there may be nothing to her outfit, that it may just be the style of the place; but he recalled many properly dressed ladies as he made his way to her doorstep. She certainly wasn’t lying or putting on a show for him; he would sense that. She truly did dress this way. Her garb served some different purpose, and the idea he would deduce it later was intriguing to him.
“Thank you, my lady,” Loki bowed to her as he would any peer on Asgard, airing on the side of respectful caution. “It is an honor to be welcomed in your beautiful realm.” 
The woman smiled politely and offered Loki her arm. “I am afraid that if you came to see King Zeus you will be disappointed. It is a day of council, and our King and Queen are away with their advisors and will not return until tomorrow. The palace has been left in lesser hands.”
“That is quite fine by me. I did not come for any significant purpose.” Loki looped her arm through his and allowed her to guide him into the hall. 
The palace was, like the gate, made of marble. Much of the streets and buildings he had passed walking in were similarly carved from blocks of a variety of beautiful stones, but it seemed that marble had been reserved for the rich and royal. 
“What, may I ask, brings you here if it is nothing of importance?” The woman guided him smoothly through marble hall after marble hall, winding him deeper into the depths of her domain. 
“Nothing more or less than my own curiosity,” Loki confessed. “Your people and mine have been without contact for so many centuries that there are some who believe your existence to be nothing more than myth.”
“And are you one of those?”
“Well, I am here,” Loki pointed out.
The woman nodded thoughtfully. “This is true, but you could have notions of what we were that remain to be disproven.”
“If they’ve yet to be disproven then how could I say they were myth?” Loki countered. 
A genuine smile pulled at the woman’s lips, and Loki couldn’t help but return the gesture. It was rare that he was able to have intelligent conversations with anyone beyond his mother. He knew, for certain, that Asgard was teaming with wise and intelligent men and women ripe with knowledge, but Asgard never glorified such things. Those who did have a mind usually kept it hidden.
The woman changed the subject with ease as she pulled Loki to a stop. 
“The main receiving room is here,” The door was nothing more than a beautiful, thick purple fabric, pinned or floating by some means Loki could not discern, between two columns forming the entryway. 
“Thank you, my lady.” Loki stepped to the doorway, pausing to turn back. “Might I ask your name?”
“My name is (Y/n),” 
(Y/n). Loki thought on the name as he passed through the purple curtain. 
(Y/n) was certainly not a common name in Asgard. Nor, oddly, was it a name Loki had heard in his studies. Prior to arriving on Olympus, he had been sure to read the old Midgardian lore of its people. Like the myths of the Norse, he was sure there were inaccuracies. But the stories had to come from somewhere, and Loki knew better than most that there was always some truth to be discerned even from the tallest tale. Still, there was nothing of (Y/n).
“Prince Loki!”
Mere moments later, through the curtain Loki had just passed came the most vile woman upon whom Loki had ever laid his eyes. 
It wasn’t that she was ugly; though Loki had to confess she was not at all something he would consider attractive. More, it was her presence.
The moment she walked in the door Loki found everything off-putting. The room was less grand. The floors less polished. The air less clean. 
There was a toxicity to this woman that even Loki, prided for creating chaos and mischief wherever he went, found disconcerting. 
“My lady,” Loki didn’t bow, instead greeting the newcomer head on. Something seemed wrong about showing this woman a spot so vulnerable as his neck.
The woman waved a hand, garishly bedecked in golden jewels that only made her fingers look all the more spindly and haggered. “I am Princess Eris. It is my understanding you would have no cause to know that, so I will let the informality pass.” 
“Forgive me,” Loki conceded a nod of his head but nothing more, “Princess.”
“Think nothing of it!” With what Loki could only describe as a jump, the woman flung herself on the nearest of three settees that filled much of the space in the room. “You’ll forgive me, in turn, for sending the bastard to the door to greet you. I was not expecting any royal visits in the absence of my father. I needed the time to prepare myself but did not wish to keep you waiting.”
“The girl then, (Y/n). I had not heard her name before.”
“One of my father’s many bastards,” Eris gestured to the seat opposite her. “Please join me. I apologize. Of course, she did not inform you to make yourself comfortable. She fails at a great many things.”
“The occasional mistake cannot be helped,” Loki took the seat with a well-practiced grace and perched himself on the edge. “I must say, I have heard of you, Princess Eris, in the time I spent studying the stories on Midgard. I would have thought, with your family’s notoriety I would have heard of (Y/n).”
Eris rolled her eyes, “Midgard,” and scoffed. “Yes, well you wouldn’t have heard her name there. They got a great many things wrong in their tales, those humans. (Y/n) walked among them more than all of us. She often stooped to their level, and they were quite taken with her for it. Harmonia, that was what they called her, a far prettier name than she deserved. They thought it suited her, but alas they were wrong.”
And suddenly it all made sense to Loki.
Two sisters, dueling for all eternity, constantly trying to best each other in their own way. Eris, the selfish sister loved most by her family and their father, the entitled eldest who thrived on conflict and discord, who started the Trojan War. 
He knew why Eris disconcerted him so, and now as he saw the ignorance in her eye and heard the condescension in her voice he could see and hear nothing but his brother Thor.
“Princess, might it be too much of me to ask your leave? It has been a long and lonely journey from Asgard, and it might benefit my skill of conversation if I first rested.”
“Of course!” Eris pushed to her feet and motioned back to the curtain from whence they came. “(Y/n) will be waiting in the hall. She can take you to a room.”
“You’re most kind.” And without another word, he fled.
“Perhaps it is not my place,” (Y/n) began quietly as she walked by Loki’s side. “You do not look weary from your journey at all.”
Loki chuckled. He had a feeling he could trust this sister, if not for his own reasons than at least in his understanding of her relationship with Eris. “Well, perhaps I am not weary from the journey, but simply weary of the company.”
(Y/n) smiled, a knowing smile. “I imagine you would not be the first to tire swiftly in Eris’s presence.”
“Your sister is certainly an acquired taste.”
“She would not like to hear you say such things.” (Y/n) hedged quickly.
Loki’s eyebrow hitched up slightly. “Would she not? Surely she must at least be somewhat aware of her effects.” 
“No, I’m sure she is. I was referring to the word sister.” (Y/n) jerked at the edge of her rough-worn dress. “Queen Hera was not my mother. Unlike most of the bastards born of my father, my mother was also nobility. I could not be so easily forgotten as the others, but I am by no means loved.”
 “And how do you feel for this? Your sister, for she is whether she denies it or not, made her views very clear.”
Something dark, dangerous, flashed behind (Y/n)’s eyes. It was gone so fast that if Loki were not Loki he would not have seen her rage. “It is not my place to say. I am fortunate the Great Goddess shows me such mercies as allowing my presence here.” The voice that came from her was smooth, automatic. 
The thought flashed through Loki’s mind one last time before he made an irreversible decision. ‘Her sister is just another Thor, another Thor not protected by Odin.’ 
Loki offered (Y/n) his arm as they rounded a corner and put a wall between themselves and Eris. “Now, now, (Y/n),” his tone, for the first time since his arrival, dropped its formality and reverence, taking on its usual teasing lilt. “You cannot lie to the God of Lies, nor do you need to.”
(Y/n) hesitantly accepted his arm but remained silent for him to continue.
“Tell me what ails you, and perhaps my knack for magic and misfortune can find a worthy hand to wield it.”
Forever Taglist:
@maybe-a-fangurl / @libbymouse / @petra-arkanian-1497
Marvel Taglist:
@the-high-queen / @iamverity / @darktownairspeed / @radicalstars
Loki Taglist:
@adefectivedetective / @iamverity / @kybaeza
Other people have asked to be on the taglist that I’ve forgotten. If you are one of those, please do me the favor of dropping an ask in my box with which list you’re supposed to or would like to be on. 
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omg-imagine · 5 years
⊱ Someday I’ll Breathe Again (Part 2) ⊰
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: Months after you left Asgard, Thor shows up at your door and reveals what Loki has been going through.
Words: 2,140
Warnings: Angst
A/N: Here’s part 2! Thank you for all of your kind words on the original fic, it really means so much to me! I wasn’t planning on writing a second part, let alone a third, but since a lot of you wanted the story to continue and seemed excited about it, I decided to go ahead and do it. 
Tags are on the bottom. I also included those who replied about a part 2 just in case :) 
Feel free to send me an ask if you want to be tagged for part 3, which will hopefully be up by next Sunday!
Part 1
Adjusting to life on Midgard was much less complicated than how you had thought it would be.
You settled in a small town on the coast of Norway, the land where your ancestors lived for quite some time. A quaint yellow cottage near the edge of a cliff was the one you called home. Every morning you woke up to the calming sounds of the waves crashing into the shore and the view of the pristine blue ocean just a short distance away.
Three months after your arrival, someone knocked on your front door. You were expecting it to be your sweet elderly neighbor whom you befriended. She planned on stopping by this week to drop off a copy of one of her favorite novels for you to read.
When you answered the door, however, you were surprised not to see an old woman, but the god of thunder himself waiting on the other side. “(Y/N)! It’s great to finally see you!”
You smiled warmly at your friend as he enveloped you in a big hug. Once you pulled back, you quickly stepped aside to invite him into your home. “Thor, I can’t believe you’re here! How did you find out where I lived?”
“Heimdall,” he answered, his eyes glancing around your living room. “I hope you don’t mind. I’ve missed you since you left and have been meaning to visit.”
Shaking your head, you then closed the front door, and motioned for him to sit with you on the couch. “No, it’s alright. I’m glad that you stopped by.”
“So, what is like living on Midgard?” Thor asked you with curious eyes. “Do you enjoy being here?”
You took a brief moment to think of how to answer his question.
The truth, in short, was yes. You did enjoy living on Midgard. It was quite different and not at all what you expected it to be, but it was still a fantastic place to stay. Every day was a new experience, and there was so much to discover out there. You knew Asgard inside and out, but Midgard held more promising adventures.
Thor could see it on your face. Three months of just living here and it would appear that you had adjusted with ease. He also sensed the difference in your aura. The last he saw you, you were distant and quiet. Now, you seemed to be doing much better. He was glad that a genuine smile had returned to your face.
“I like it here,” you answered confidently. “I’m happier here.”
“Midgard might not be as advanced as Asgard, but for what it lacks, it makes up with its beautiful scenery,” he observed, pointing his finger to the large glass window behind you. “You’ve got a nice view of the ocean here.”
“It’s the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning,” you noted as you suddenly remembered something.
Pulling out a postcard you purchased at the marketplace earlier today from your front pocket, you then excitedly unfolded it to show Thor. On it was a picture of a black sky speckled with shimmering stars. Bright hues of green, blue, and purple lights came together as they danced across the darkened sky.
“They call these the northern lights. The locals say that there is a spot not too far from here where you can get a beautiful up-close view of them,” you explained as you and Thor looked at the image in awe. “I remember my mother telling me stories about these lights when I was a child, but never have I had the chance to see them in person.”
“I am sure it would be a lovely experience,” Thor added as you set the photo down on the coffee table. You later heard him suck in a sharp breath as his expression shifted into something more serious. “I—umm. Aside from checking up on you, there is more to my visit today.”
You tilted your head slightly. “What else is on your mind?”
Thor was silent for one moment and averted his gaze. “It’s regarding Loki.”
The smile on your face fell at the sound of his name. Though you kept your promise of not shedding any more tears for Loki, he often used to invade your thoughts. During the first few weeks, your mind would wander to Loki after seeing something that reminded you of him. It hurt thinking about Loki, and you wished that you could easily forget about all the times you shared.
But recently, you had done a better job of handling your emotions. You accomplished it by surrounding yourself with new people and taking up new hobbies. Perhaps you could now say that you had moved on. Until today, the thought of Loki hadn’t even crossed your mind.
“What about him?” You questioned. A period of silence washed over between the two of you, and you could hear the distant sound of the ocean waves.
“He has not been the same ever since you left,” he informed you with a small voice, afraid of how you would react. “Losing you has taken a toll on him.”
You sighed, bowing your head. “How could it take a toll on him? He’s got everything he has dreamed of as a child– a beautiful wife, a big palace, a shiny crown. Most importantly, he has all the power he could ever imagine.”
Thor caught the bitterness in your tone. He laid a hand on your shoulder, and your eyes went up to his. “I know that you are still healing from the wounds Loki has inflicted upon you, but I know deep down, you miss him.”
Scoffing, you stood up abruptly and stared at the prince in disbelief. “Thor, I know that he’s your brother and you want to help him, but he’s a cold and heartless man. Loki was cruel to me and chose to pay no mind to my feelings. Why would I ever miss him?”
“I understand that you were betrayed by Loki, and I could never forgive him for what he had done to you. But believe me when I say that you two need each other. Loki loves you just as much as you love him.”
“Loved,” you corrected. Crossing your arms against your chest, you walked over to the window and looked at the view outside, hoping that it would relax you. “No one in their right mind would hurt the ones they supposedly love.”
You suddenly felt a cold breeze near you, and after realizing that all of the windows were shut, you wondered where it came from. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Thor get up from the couch and approaching you carefully. Biting your lip, you no longer wanted to talk about Loki as it only caused you to feel both angry and sad at the same time.
“What if I told you he regrets his actions?” Thor spoke behind you, and you froze in place. “What if I told you that he regrets marrying the Princess of Vanaheim for the throne? That if given a second chance, he would choose to be with you instead?”
Your heart was beating wildly inside your chest as you processed his words. Could it be true? Was Loki willing to give up everything he had for you?
But then you recalled the broken heart you had endured because of him, and you couldn’t bear going through it again.
No, you promised yourself you would never crawl back to him. What made you think the trickster god wouldn’t dare to do something like that to you again? You knew the kind of man he was. He only cared about himself, and he was willing to betray the people around him for his own personal gain, just like what he did to you.
“I don’t want to believe it,” you muttered softly. “It’s not Loki, that’s not how he is. He’s not capable of love.”
Thor took a step back and lowered his eyes. “I promise you that he is.”
“I’m sorry,” you began. “I know you want to help Loki, but please respect my decision. After what he has put me through, I’m not convinced. I can’t bring myself to trust that man again, and I won’t run back to his arms.”
Defeated, Thor could only give you a nod of understanding. He regretted mentioning his brother’s name. You spent the entire time on Midgard trying to heal, and after his failed attempt in helping you and Loki, he had only reopened your old wounds.
“(Y/N),” Thor whispered your name as he tried to word out his apology, but you could already tell how sorry he was for what he had brought up.
“It’s okay,” you waved dismissively with your hand, thinking of a way to change the conversation. “You traveled all the way over here, and I haven’t offered you anything to eat yet. Would you like to stay for lunch?”
Thor smiled at your gesture and accepted your offer. You quickly prepared sandwiches in the kitchen as he shared stories about fighting alongside the Avengers and keeping peace and order within the Nine Realms. Fortunately for you, the topic of Loki never returned.
A little while after lunch, Thor promptly returned to Asgard, promising that he would revisit you when he could do so. You smiled as the Bifrost opened, but it shortly went away once he disappeared.
You didn’t want the thought of Loki stuck in your head, but he was now all you could think of. Truth be told, there was a small part of you that wanted to speak with Loki. You wanted him to explain himself to you, to make sure that he understood fully what he had done, and to know if or not what Thor had said was true.
You could feel tears forming in the corner of your eyes, and immediately you blinked them away. Shaking your head, you decided to sleep off the rest of the day in hopes of forgetting about earlier. With heavy footsteps, you walked inside your home and shut the door behind you.
Heimdall turned his sword to close the Bifrost once Thor landed on Asgard. Taking a couple steps forward, the prince then nodded at the gatekeeper before setting his eyes on the golden palace in the distance.
Thor heaved out a sigh as he imagined his brother sulking in his throne. The news he had about you would only make his mood worse. A few moments later, Thor bid farewell to Heimdall and then flew across the bridge with his hammer in hand.
“How was Midgard, your majesty?” Heimdall questioned out loud as he turned his head to the side.
A flash of green illuminated and Loki’s form emerged out of thin air. He had followed his brother to Midgard to see you as well. He had cloaked himself out of fear of how you would react if you knew he was there.
Loki’s expression was unreadable, but Heimdall could tell that he finally learned how his betrayal had affected you. “Your wife has been looking for you all day. She’s upset that you’ve gone without informing her.”
“It will pass,” he said flatly as his eyes flickered to the ground. “(Y/N) won’t come back. Not to Asgard. Not to me.”
“Because you’ve hurt them too deeply,” he told Loki. “At least now you know that much.”
Loki took a deep breath. He couldn’t think straight knowing the pain that he had caused you. You had loved him the way he could only dream for someone to, but he ruined everything when he turned his back against you.
If only he knew before he agreed with his father about the marriage. If only he and you had talked before the deal was made. If only he could take it all back just so he could hold you one more time…
He’s not capable of love.
Your words felt as if Loki was stabbed through the heart. You were wrong about that, he loved you so much that he wanted to give up all he had for you.
But could he?
“It won’t be long until you are a long-forgotten memory,” Heimdall warned, and Loki paused as he thought of the choices he could make. “Now tell me, is that what you truly want?
Loki glanced at the palace at the end of the bridge, standing high and grand in all its glory. Then, he pictured your face. He had memorized everything he could about you; the exact shade of your eyes, the sweet sound of your voice, the way your skin felt under his touch. He missed all of that; he missed you.
“I want to fix it. I do.”
Heimdall nodded his head. “Then make the right decision.”
Part 3
Tags: @eviethewriter @jessiejunebug @5289belle @pulplorrd @heda-mikaelson @laxarnas @wayward-timetravel-collecter @constellationkat @elliecapper @tarynkauai
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The Nine Realms
Of the nine worlds under Yggdrasill, Muspell, also known as Muspelheim, was the first to exist. It is said that Hel and Niflheim comprised one world making Muspell the ninth world however, Muspell had no place in the tricentric structure of the universe.
“It is light and hot that region flames and burns so that those who do not belong to it cannot endure it”
– Snorri Sturluson
Muspell is guarded by the giant Surt. Surt has a flaming sword and at the end of the world he will come and vanquish all the gods and burn the whole world with fire.
At Ragnarok, Surt is accompanied by the Sons of Muspell who will “form a host in themselves and that a very bright one.” They are said to break the Bifröst bridge as they and Surt cross, signaling the end of times.
The Nine Worlds of Norse mythology
The Norsemen visualized the universe in three vertical levels; a tricentric structure. Between each level and its adjacent level was a space.
The axis of the three levels and nine worlds was the Yggdrasill tree, a mighty ash which is timeless, has no origin and will survive Ragnarok.
The first level
Asgard, world of the Aesir
Vanaheim, land of the Vanir
Alfheim, land of the light elves.
The second level
Midgard, Land of humans (middle world/garden)
Nidavellir, Land of the dwarfs
Jotunheim, Land of the giants (Jotuns)
Svartalfheim, Land of the dark elves.
The third level
Hel, Realm of the dead
Niflheim, World of the dead.
If Hel and Niflheim comprised one world, as is suggested in some sources, the ninth may have been Muspelheim (Muspell), the land of the fire giants. This region had no place in the tricentric structure of the universe, and Snorri Sturluson wrote that is was the first world to exist and that is lies in the southern hemisphere. Also, the worlds of Svartalfheim and Nidavellir may have been the same. No valid distinction can be drawn between the dwarfs and dark elves; they appear to have been interchangeable.
In Norse mythology, Bifrost is the bridge between Midgard, the realm of man, and Asgard, the realm of the gods. Since it is the only way for the giants to enter Asgard it is closely guarded by Heimdall, the watchman of the gods.
Bifrost was made of three colors with magic and great skill by the Aesir and is incredibly strong. It is also called Asbru, referring to its makers. At the end of the cosmos, this rainbow-bridge will collapse.
Helheim (“house of Hel”) is one of the nine worlds of Norse mythology. It is ruled by Hel, the monstrous daughter of the trickster god Loki and his wife Angrboda.
This cold, dark and misty abode of the dead is in the world of Niflheim, on the lowest level of the Norse universe. No one can ever leave this place, because of the impassable river Gjoll that flows from the spring Hvergelmir and encircles Helheim.
Once they enter Helheim, not even the gods can leave. Those who die of old age or disease, and those not killed in battle, go to Helheim while those who die bravely on the battlefield go to Valhalla.
The entrance to Helheim is guarded by Garm, a monstrous hound, and Modgud. The giant Hraesvelg (“corpse eater”) sits at the edge of the world, overlooking Helheim. In the form of an eagle with flapping wings he makes the wind blow.
Niflheim (“house of mists”) is the far northern region of icy fogs and mists, darkness and cold. It is situated on the lowest level of the universe.
The realm of death, Helheim is part of the vast, cold region. Niflheim lies underneath the third root of Yggdrasil, close to the spring Hvergelmir (“roaring cauldron”).
Also situated on this level is Nastrond, the Shore of Corpses, where the serpent Nidhogg eats corpses and gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil.
After Ragnarok, there will be a hall here for the punishment of murderers, oath breakers, and philanderers.
In Norse myth, the defensive fortress which the gods build about the middle portion of the earth allotted to men in order to protect mankind from the giants.
Midgard (“middle world”) is on the same level as Nidavellir (land of the dwarfs), Svartalfheim (land of the dark elves/dwarfs) and Jotunheim (the land of the giants).
Alfheim (“elf home”), in Norse mythology, is one of the nine worlds.
It is located on the highest level of the Norse universe. Also found on this level are the worlds of Asgard and Vanaheim.
Alfheim is the palace of the god Freyr and the homeland of the elves of light.
Neither the elves of light nor the elves of darkness, who live in Svartalfheim, participate in any of the events described in the Norse myths. Elves do, however, have active roles in the literature of quite a few of the other branches of Indo-European mythology.
Vanaheim (“home of the Vanir”) is the land of the Vanir. It is in Asgard, on the highest level of the universe.
Jotunheim is one of the nine worlds, the homeland of the frost giants and rock giants. Situated in Midgard, on the middle level of the Norse universe, Jotunheim is separated from Asgard by the river Iving, which never freezes over. It lies in the snowy regions on the outermost shores of the ocean. Mimir’s well of wisdom is in Jotunheim, beneath the Midgard root of the ash tree Yggdrasil.
Jotunheim is ruled by Thrym (“uproar”), the feared king of the frost giants. The stronghold of Utgard, the chief city of Jotunheim and the abode of the giants, is ruled by the giant Utgard-Loki. Other strongholds include Gastropnir, home of the giantess Menglad, and Thrymheim (“house of uproar”), mountain stronghold of the giant Thiazi.
In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil (“The Terrible One’s Horse”), also called the World Tree, is the giant ash tree that links and shelters all the worlds.
Beneath the three roots the realms of Asgard, Jotunheim, and Niflheim are located.
Three wells lie at its base: The Well of Wisdom (Mímisbrunnr), guarded by Mimir; the Well of Fate (Urdarbrunnr), guarded by the Norns; and the Hvergelmir (Roaring Kettle), the source of many rivers.
Four deer run across the branches of the tree and eat the buds; they represent the four winds. There are other inhabitants of the tree, such as the squirrel Ratatosk (“swift teeth”), a notorious gossip, and Vidofnir (“tree snake”), the golden cock that perches on the topmost bough. The roots are gnawed upon by Nidhogg and other serpents.
On the day of Ragnarok, the fire giant Surt will set the tree on fire.
Asgard, in Norse mythology, is the abode of the gods. Access to Asgard was possible only by crossing the bridge Bifrost (the rainbow).
Asgard was divided into 12 or more realms in which each principal god had his own luxurious mansion of gold or silver. The most important palace was Valhalla, the home of Odin, the chief of the gods.
Asgard, in Norse mythology, is one of the nine worlds and the homeland of the Aesir, the race of warrior gods. Located on the highest level of the Norse universe, it is surrounded by a high wall of closely fitted stone block
The walls surrounding Asgard were built by Blast (or Hrimthurs), who asked in payment the hand of Freyja plus the sun and the moon. Odin agreed providing the walls be complete in six months. Hrimthurs had a magic horse, named Svadilfari, who helped him in his work. To Odin’s (and the other gods, especially Freya’s) horror, with but a few days left, Blast was almost finished. Loki, the trickster, turned himself into a mare and beguiled the stallion Svadilfari away. The job was not completed in time and no payment was given.
Also found on this level are the worlds of Alfheim and Vanaheim as well as Valhalla, an immense hall where warriors slain in battle await the final conflict.
In the middle of Asgard lies the plain of Idavoll (or Ida) where the Aesir meet to decide important issues. There the gods assemble in the hall of Gladsheim and the goddesses in the hall of Vingolf.
The gods also meet daily at the Well of Urd, beneath the Asgard root of the ash tree Yggdrasil.
Valhalla: Hall of the Slain
Valhalla (Old Norse Valhöll,” hall of the slain”), in Old Norse mythology, the hall of slain heroes, ruled by the king of the gods, Odin, in the realm of the gods, Asgard.
The hall had 540 doors, through each of which 800 heroes could walk abreast, and the roof was made of shields.
The souls of heroic soldiers killed in battle were brought to Valhalla by warrior maidens called Valkyries. The heroes fought during the day, but their wounds healed before night, when they banqueted with Odin.
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List of places in Nordic Mythology
The places of Nordic Myths
Alfheim is the home of the elves.
In this lake is the island, on this island is the wolf fenrir connected.
Asgard is home to the gods of aesir.
Barri is a sacred forest where the God freyr and gerd were married.
Bifrost: tremendous way
Bifrost is the rainbow bridge that connects midgard and midgard, the guard in bifrost is heimdall. Bifrost is built of fire, air and water by the gods. The three materials give the three colors red " fire ", blue " Air " and green " water ".
Breidablik is the brilliant house of God balder in Asgard.
Byrgit is the well, where the two sons bil and yuki from midgard went, to get some water before being stolen by mani.
Eljudnir is the palace of the goddess hel, in niflheim. The Hall has very high walls, high walls and huge gates. Hel has two servants in his palace, their names are ganglot and ganglati.
Fensalir is home to the goddess frigg.
Fólkvangr: host field, " field of people " or " Army field "
Fólkvangr meaning " field of the host ", " field of people " or " field of the army ". is a place where half of those who die in a battle go to the afterlife, while Odin will receive the other half.
Gimli is the court of the gods after ragnarok. Gimli is the most beautiful place in the world, and gimli has a roof made of gold.
Gjallarbru is the bridge that crossed the gioll river, and connects the worlds of the living and the dead.
Gioll is the river that divides the world from the dead of the living. The Gjallarbru Bridge crosses this river.
Gladsheim: brilliant house
Gladsheim is the hall in Asgard, where all the gods have their high seats.
Glitnir is the hall where the God forseti lives.
Whole / Home:
Helheim is home of the dead and its ruler hel.
Himinbjorg is the mountain where the rainbow bifrost connects midgard and midgard. On this mountain, the God heimdall lives, the guard of the bifrost.
Under this island, sea giant aegit and his wife ran, live in their coral cave. The Island is believed to be the island of laeso in the kattegat "Cat's throat". the island is between Denmark And Zealand in Denmark.
Hlidskjalf: High seat
Hlidskjalf is the high bench of Odin, where he can see the whole universe. The throne is in the high tower of his valaskialf palace in Asgard.
Hnirborg is the mountain where the giant suttungr hid the mead of poetry and his daughter it stayed guard.
Hvergelmir: Sparkling Spring
The source in niflheim is called hvergelmir where the 11 rivers called elivagar come from. Above Spring, the nidhug dragon roia one of the roots of yggdrasil.
Idavoll is the field in asgard where all the houses of the gods of aesir are. In Ragnarok "the end of the world", the idavoll field would be green again and all the houses were. New houses would be built again, the most beautiful of them would be gimli.
Ironwood is a forest east of midgard. In this forest, troll women who took giants and giant wolves.
Jotunheim is home to the Giants / Giants.
Laerad is the great tree that was found when valhalla was built.
Lyngvi is the island in the middle of lake amsvartnir, where the wolf fenrir is connected.
Nastrond is in hel, where the dragon nidhug eats the bodies that accumulate on the shore.
Niflheim is to the north, inside somewhere under the ground helheim is resident of the dead.
Noatun: Port of ships
Noatun is the house of God of vanir, in Asgard.
Midgard: middle land
Midgard is the home of human beings, is connected to Asgard by the bifrost "the rainbow rainbow".
Muspelheim is to the south, and is home to the giants of fire and demons with their surt ruler.
Sessrumnir is the hall where the goddess Freya receives half of midgard's dead heroes.
Black Address:
Svartalfheim is home to dark elves.
The Northern Lights:
In The Northern Hemisphere there is something called Northern Lights. It is believed that jotun gerd has issued this green color in the air.
Thrudheim: place of power
Thor lives in thrudheim, it's a huge house with 540 bedrooms. It's the biggest house known.
Þrymheimr is the place where giant thiazzi and his daughter skadi live.
Urdarbrunn: well of urd
Urdarbrunn is good in the center of Asgard. The water in this well is so sacred that everything that came into contact with it has become white as an egg shell. From this well came 2 Birds, white as snow. They are called swans, and from them descend all the birds, which carried the name of swans.
Utgard also called udgard:
Utgard is the place in jotunheim, where the giant skrymir fooled Thor with illusions.
Valaskialf is the palace of the chief God Odin; it has a silver roof and a tower in which Odin can see all nine worlds of his high seat.
Vanaheim is home to the vanir.
Vingolf is the home of the asynjur in Asgard.
Valgrind: death door
Valgrind is the outer gate of Valhalla.
Valhalla: Hall of the dead
Valhalla is located in Asgard, where there are 540 doors. The doors are so wide that, through all doors, 800 Warriors can walk side by side. The roof is covered with golden shields, and the walls around valhalla are made of wooden spears axes.
Vimur is the largest of the elivagar rivers, which were formed at the beginning of the world. The River is rushed by jotunheim, the giant gjalp tried to increase the level of the urinating river in the river. She wanted to drown the God Thor, but Thor threw a stone right at her, and she ran away.
Yggdrasil: the tree of life
Yggdrasil is in the middle of Asgard, where the gods live. Yggdrasil is the tree of life. It is an eternal tree of green ashes, and saint branches extend over all nine worlds, and extend above and above the heavens.
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nildespirandum · 6 years
Home for the Holidays - A Loki Fic
Written for @loki-the-fox  River’s Holiday Marvel Writing Challenge! with the prompt, “Wait, did you spike the eggnog?”
Also part of my ongoing series, Loki and Nora’s Infinity Stone Playlist, and will be posted with that series on AO3.
Nora was nervous.  
Loki thought it was adorable.  
Her little, green, kitten-heeled shoes tapped here to there in their home, across the polished wooden floors, as she made sure everything was as it should be before their party commenced.  
She kept going into the kitchen to check on how things were progressing, even though their beloved Mrs. Beekman had come out of retirement and flown to Chicago from Devon to supervise matters herself.  Everything smelled magnificent, from the standing rib roast to the tiniest potato pancakes dabbed with bits of gravlax and creme fraiche and dill.
Loki looked longingly at the mountain of Kaluga Huso Hybrid caviar and then at Mrs. Beekman’s stern eye and decided to behave himself for his former housekeeper’s sake if for no other reason.
Additionally, she would follow Charles from room to room, checking on his always superlative preparations.  
Only a creature as preternaturally patient as their impeccable manservant would not get annoyed, Loki thought to himself, smiling, as he followed Nora following Charles through their beautiful, impeccably perfect home.  
Each public room was festooned with seasonal swags of greenery - evergreens scenting the air with deep pine and bracing juniper - all touched with bright holly.  Loki had personally vetoed the mistletoe, less for the unpleasant memories and more in anticipation of all of the dreadful jokes Stark would make at the sight of it.
The hearths were lit and blazing merrily, as were the dozens of candles that had been dotted about penthouse.  That had been his personal job.  The pillars of gold and green would burn for as long as he required, be it for a night or a year.  
The bartenders were finishing their set up in the library.
The tree - hung with Tiffany crystal, handmade wooden ornaments from Germany shaped like foxes, angels, and crows, blue flowers picked on Vanaheim then preserved forever with undying ice so they threw off a gentle glow, strings of beads made from gold stolen from Asgard’s vaults, silver spiderwebs from the Ukraine, strings of purple, gold, and green lights bought at a tacky tourist store in the French Quarter, Belleek harps sent from Nora’s cousin Maura, lacquered eggs from Baba Yaga (some of which hatched into tiny beings, both benign and not so much), tiny, straw goats that Thor had picked up in Sweden, and the old, faded glass baubles from the tree his wife had grown up with - was glorious even by Loki’s own, rather exalted standards.
The jazz combo was tuning up in the main room.  The legendary Bartholomew Kincaid and Edie Jones would be joining them at some point in the night for a few songs.  And, knowing them, some of their old workmates from CDV would end up singing some drunken, late night live band karaoke with them as well.
Marissa and Dre, probably, and Kelsey as well, if they were unlucky.  Very unlucky.
Thor - ever the first to arrive and the last to leave any party - was ensconced in the guest room with an X-Box and a vat of mulled wine.  He’d done his part earlier, decorating the outside of their home - the grand 999 Lake Shore Drive building - flying from roof to ground and back again with the magical garlands Loki had created for the occasion.  
Even the generally contrary and recalcitrant weather of Chicago was complying with Nora’s wishes, as soft, fluffy snow fell gently out on the park and the Lake, creating a picturesque backdrop outside of the panorama windows.  
And yet Nora stood, turning from side to side in the foyer, trying to find something to fuss over or fix.  
Loki leaned in the doorway to the library, smiling at her.  Nora was not a fretter, and her idea of party prep was normally a few cases of good beer, some cheap whiskey, and snacks from the Jewel, followed by a belated pizza order.  But he knew she wanted everything to be perfect tonight.
For him.
Knowing that he hated, in no particular order, Christmas, the Avengers, the Warriors Three, and not having his wife’s undivided attention, and that all of these things would be invading their home - along with their friends and lots of food and liquor, all which he did like, but all of which together could make Loki a little dangerously whimsical - she was nervous.
The Yule season had always been special for them as a couple, he thought, looking with special fondness at the black velvet couch in the living room as he followed in Nora’s wake.
This was the first Christmas they had been able to spend publically on Earth, and the first holiday season since all of their recent Thanos tribulation had been resolved.  For his actions and sacrifices in the taking down of the Titan, Loki had been embraced by Midgard, which meant Nora could come home openly now and he knew that it meant a great deal to his treasure to celebrate.  
So did he, actually.  They had been busy months since the undoing of Thanos’s snap, and for the first time Loki could breathe and let himself appreciate and revel in the joy of Nora’s restoration.
Not that she knew she had been restored.  Like most of the Titan’s victims she knew something had happened, but not what.  
He and his brother vowed that it would stay that way.
Of course, Thor didn’t remember either…
Loki pushed those thoughts away.  
So now he just happily watched Nora worrying that he would get upset because Steve Rogers and Sif were eating all of the crab dip, and that Mr. Choe and Natasha would start a craps game in the guest bedroom, knowing that nothing could upset him tonight.  Because she was alive to worry about him.
He had always both preened under and been humbled by her care of him.  But now… now he was only grateful.
“Nora,” he said, sliding over to her, wrapping an arm around her velvet covered waist, “everything is as perfect as you.”
She rolled her eyes at him, “That’s what I’m afraid of, you ass.”
She wore the old, green cocktail dress of her Aunt’s that she had worn on their first Christmas together and had no idea how wonderful she was.  He had worn her favorite black suit, even though he had newer ones he cared for more.
“Dance with me,” he commanded.  “Please,” he whispered, kissing her temple.
“I- what?”  She frowned at him, her stubborn chin jutting a bit, her head cocked in irritation, “Not now, I have things to-”
Loki spun her, and the combo suddenly felt a compulsion to play a very sultry, slow version of Merry Christmas, Baby.  
Nora laughed.  A light snort, and then a full, rich laugh, spinning back into his arms.  
Loki pulled her against him, wrapped close, so they swayed and she sang close into his ear.  His eyes closed and he nuzzled her coffee dark hair and felt her warmth and breathed in her scent, his lips just barely tracing her neck.
She sighed and loosened against him.  He held her closer, his hands spreading wide to touch as much as he could, feeling the life of her, the joy of her being.  Of her just being.  Of their being.
“Can we cancel?” he murmured.  “I can think of so many better plans-”
The doorbell rang.
Loki sighed.
Nora stepped back, straightening her dress, and then his tie, smiling and her eyes so bright, “Wait, did you spike the eggnog?”
Loki smiled, kissing her very softly, knowing it would make her crazy.  “Treasure, please,” he said, whilst simultaneously using a bit of magic to pour an obscene amount of rum into the punch bowl that sat on the dining room table and turning her so she could not see it happening, “how could I forget the only thing you asked me to do?”
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asinglewallflower · 6 years
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~ T H E W O R L D : O V E R V I E W ~
The formations of one’s landscape are what define the physical quality of a world. At first glance, what can be seen? What is noted? What stands out? What requires a closer look to be noticed? What makes a world truly unique from others?
Asgard serves as the home realm to the reigning deities, the Aesir. Asgard is located directly above Midgard, at the center of the world. Geographically Asgard is beautiful. The flora is plentiful, but not overbearing. The rock formations all have a sort of artfulness about their placement, and the fauna are completely docile. The highlight of this realm is the castle placed in the center, surrounded by a circular hole in the realm. This hole is crossable, but only with the proper tools and magick. If one falls through this hole, they will most likely end up in Midgard... but as a corpse. 
During the Magick Explosion in Midgard, the Aesir welcomed a select number of creatures into their realm. They accepted the Hydra, placing it at the foot of the Bifrost. They had to coax the Alicorn to join them, as it originally intended to head to Alfheim with its brethren, the Unicorn and Pegasus. Eventually, the wise and noble creature realized it was likely best it tried to stay on the good side of the Aesir and joined them in Asgard. The Aesir royalty ride on the backs of the Alicorns whenever they are leaving the city so that they can easily cross the hole in the realm.
Midgard, the realm of the human race, rests in the very center of the world. It consists of a vast ocean, which is littered with islands of varying sizes. These islands are ruled by the human nobility... which is vast and often wars with itself. The ocean is surrounded by a large serpent that is so long it must bite its own tail to completely encompass Midgard.
Midgard is the realm in which the Magick Explosion took place, and is home to the largest number of frightening beasts and powerful creatures. One of the island kingdoms currently uses a Minotaur to guard its people. They can be seen wandering the borders of the island. As a result of this choice, all of the towns are protected by walls and travel between towns is hazarded against unless accompanied by a group of elite militia. Another kingdom has placed a couple of Naga in their dungeon. The prisoners dropped into these dungeons are often never heard from again. The majority of Dragons still remain in Midgard, though they have taken refuge on the highest mountain peaks and in the deepest caves.
Those are just a few prime examples of the creatures inhabiting Midgard... and how the humans living with them have adapted to their presence.
Alfheim is the realm constantly lit by a soft, golden, light. The realm is physically the fullest of life. The vegetation here flourishes, and the light elves see no reason to attempt to reign it in. Nature is one with everything that resides in Alfheim.  
Reserved for the light elves and placed on away by itself, this realm seldom has any visitors. The light elves themselves are receptive to visitors... but they do not encourage such things. They will share their knowledge... but they will not freely hand it out. However... they can be swayed to do so through an exhibition of either art or music. They may be borderline hermits... but they are patrons of the arts.
Because of this peaceful beauty, a few of the creatures created in Midgard when the Magic Explosion occurred have taken refuge here. These creatures are the more intelligent of the bunch. They have acquired a conscience and have been imparted a vast wisdom. A few of the creatures to escape here are Unicorns, Pegasi, Griffins, and the majestic Silver Dragons.
The realm of Muspelheim is constantly changing. The world is hot… so hot it would burn the skin and flesh right off of a human if they dared to step inside. The scenery is blackened and the sky is covered in dark smoke. Volcanoes are constantly erupting, and the vibrantly colored magma is always seeping across the ground. One look at it and many a human dubs it hell. A place where none should be able to survive, and if they do not, they are surely monsters.
The inhabitants of this realm surely fit that bill though. Lacking a soul and pumped full of magical energy, the demons that live there are nothing short of frightening. 
After the Magick Explosion, a majority of the Fire Dragons fled to this realm. The heat did not affect them strongly, and they need not fear attacks from the demons as they had the humans. 
Vanaheim is the home of the oldest gods known to this universe, the Vanir. It is here that they have “retired”, so to speak. These gods are experienced with the gift of foresight. They will teach it to those who come... but only after they have proven themselves worthy of such a powerful magick. 
The realm is filled with climbing peaks and lush forest valleys, with a lake at the center of it all. It is in this lake that the old gods rest... and there that a summoning ritual must take place if one wishes to request a council. Those doing so must bring suitable offerings- usually a limb or even the head of one of the Aesir. The Vanir will then depart the most ancient of magicks to the adventurer. 
Such a task is nearly impossible to complete, seeing as the island where the lake is located is placed in the middle of a raging sea, where deep water currents and maelstroms are always present. The sea is also constantly under attack from an intense storm. Few have ever survived to reach the island.... and even fewer have survived a meeting with the Vanir.
Jotunheim serves as the home for the Giants. This race is not exactly on friendly terms with the current powerful gods, the Aesir. This realm consists of rocks, wilderness, and dense forests. Lake and river formations are also present, and teeming with life. The Giants live off of fish that have been caught from these bodies of water, and what animals they can trap in the forest. For all its vastness, Jotunheim holds no land that is suitable for farming. The dirt is devoid of any nutrients.
When the Magick Explosion happened, Basilisks made Jotunheim their home. They entered into a never-ending fight with the Giants that occupied the realm, both battling it out for complete control. Currently, the two are at a stand-still, the Basilisks having claimed the mountain peaks, and the Giants contented to stay by the forests and water where they can feed themselves.
Niflheim, the realm of mist and fog, is arguably the coldest and darkest realm of the nine. Its shores are often covered in mist, as the temperature difference of the water meets that of the frozen tundra. Foliage is bountiful but often covered with a thick layer of frost. It is speculated that Niflheim was not always frozen over... but how exactly it reached such a state is still unknown. 
How the Merfolk inhabited such a place, is merely speculation. The Merfolk that have migrated to Midgard no longer speak of their home realm... having long forgotten about it under the gentle rays of Midgard’s sun.
The Magic Explosion brought two kinds of dragons to Niflheim: the Water Dragons and the Frost Dragons. Some of the Water Dragons remained at Midgard, but when the humans started to hunt them many chose to flee instead of cowering in constant fear.
Helheim is a place devoid of light, spare a single moon that hangs in a clear ring in the sky. This moon serves one purpose: to guide the dead to the darkest depths within, where they will spend the rest of their time as spirits before they are reborn. Helheim is inhabited only by the souls of the dead and two gatekeepers, both statues that have been brought to life. Anyone who ventures into this realm with the breath of life still in them will perish within seconds.
Svartalfheim, the realm of the dwarves, is dark and full of caverns. The dwarves that live here are miners and metal workers. They have extremely good vision... though if they leave for the surface they are instantly, and permanently, blinded by the brightness. 
It is here, in the realm of the dwarves, that all the other races tend to seek out weapons. The dwarven craftsmanship is not revered without just cause. 
After the Magick Explosion, the dwarves allowed the Earth Dragons to live with them in their mighty tunnels. These dragons have settled in quite peacefully with the jolly metalsmiths. The two have come to a sort of agreement, and cohabitation has never been easier.
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smoldymort · 1 year
Stream Time!
Hey Friends and welcome back! Today we begin a new adventure on our indie-Wednesday segment, an adorable puzzle-adventure game set in Norse mythology. So come and join me as we experience; Kari: Stranded On The Shores Of Vanaheim https://www.twitch.tv/smoldymort
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