#The Story Of Best Friends PHU & NAN
bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Episode 4
Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) is a wanted man. By Devonte Men's Skin Care and Nan's boss Ken.
As Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) goes to speak to his friend, an awkward moment between the two is fraught with a certain tension.
Nan is still unaware his best friend that vanished for 10 years is completely in love with him.
And I was right. Phu never went to Melbourne. He was in Thailand the whole time. Avoiding Nan...but why?
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[Nickname: KUN]
[Nickname: KIAK]
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - All the endings
March 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 3 of 8 - Only one of them is in a fuck buddy relationship, and it’s not King Moon-eyes Husband-material. This show is so damn good. I love it when high heat is used to serve the characters and the narrative, as well as us fans. (In other words, take away the sexualized part of this relationship and the whole story would fall apart.) I suppose we should pay attention to Uea’s rules since they will all be broken. Uea has a bit of a demanding spoiled prince thing going and I’m not mad about it. This may be the most neck-kissy couple ever, I’m so happy for them! Yet another  installment in “Thailand, please get that boy to a therapist.” This ep likely has lots of extras so I might watch IQ as well. Child abuse trigger btw. 
Moonlight Chicken (Weds YT) eps 7-8fin - It was a good last 2 eps, and I ended up actually liking the complexity of the messiness more than I thought I would - disaster queer authenticity isn’t usually my thing. (Japan taught me that lesson the hard way). All in all, a stellar a little offering from GMMTV, in the Not Me or ITSAY vein of “I question whether it’s actually BL but like it anyway.” Full review and rating below.
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) ep 12fin - The climax was rather predictably climatic (as it were). I love that Chopper shot his dad. Better aim next time, sweetheart? The cousins making up was sappy. Chopper & Ben were fine. Frankly, I’m not sure about PerthChimon’s chemistry, a bit nervous for their series now. And then Kdrama separation nation strikes again. Yawn. Question: Did the cute girl at Palm’s bar ever get her coconut juice? Full review and rating below. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 1 of 10 - ForceBook in an office set boss/employee highly camp rom-com. Babe is a bit too slapstick for me, boss is a bit too creepy, and Book is def over egging the pudding. Well meaning chatterbox idiot is not my fav archetype. Bathroom meet cute? Huh. I don’t know. I don’t hate it, I guess?  
The Promise (Thai WeTV & YT) ep 1 of 10 - Popped into my YT feed so I gave it a try. Unexpectedly good! Phu & Nan are childhood bffs from middle school through college (almost lovers). Phu disappears just after graduation. After looking/waiting for him for ages, Nan gives up and self isolates, and the actual story takes place 10 years later. The arbitrary slapstick elements are unnecessary, disjoined, and rough. The show should have had the strength of its convictions just to be a serious drama. But it’s way better than expected (it’s about coffee, I love coffee) and no need to have watched the prequel miniseries Phupha | Nanfah. Phu’s granny and cohorts are THE BEST. Also elder queer rep. There better be a GREAT reason why Phu didn’t reach out to Nan or I will be seriously displeased. 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) 3 of 10 - I kind of love Ken’s slightly idiot gay couple friends. (I do love all of the queer family we are getting these days.) They better not betray him! Still, this is one of those shows where, despite his competency, we haven’t really been given a reason to like Ken all that much. I’m not super invested in his grief or his new romance. The captions are BONKERS but the sex scenes are good. I hope LueKen deliver as well as DinKen. Gotta say, despite my grumbling, I did enjoy it more this week. 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - I am not a huge fan of the tsundere seme, especially if they are the older character. But this is a really good cast and for a pulp it’s actually okay acted and captioned. It’s cute. Campy. Old school Thai. I do like a flirty uke who knows what he wants. Lots of very prototypical tropes. Is it good? Well, no, but I’m still gonna watch it. 
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - Terrible subs again. They a hot couple but Itt is a revolting character, asshole rather than brat. Day is VERY sexy tho. This one is messy and rough and will likely involve cheating AND the amnesia trope. I might put it onto the binge pile. 
Our Winter (Thai & Korea YT & TikTok under ThaiMiniSeries) eps 8-9 of 14 - TutorYim are cute. And nice to have decent music with Thai actors for a change. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
All the Liquors (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) ep 1-2 of 8 - Oh my God, breaking up with a man because he picked the wrong restaurant for a holiday meal is v relatable, but the reaction ”how can you break up with me before we’ve eaten?” is the best thing ever. I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented. I adore how Korea is leaning into “out gay boys” these days. Love love love the gay bestie. This is on the New Employee end of the KBL spectrum, no bad thing. Not sure about the alcoholism angle tho. Still, this is a fun show! I don’t even mind the crash into me trope when combined with baby is a floppy drunk trope. 
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) ep 10fin (or 19&20) - Not at all surprised that Vincent (Sam? How many names does this man need?) was pulling a double cross, because from the credits we knew the pairs get along. Couple’s necklaces and a sweet make up sequence for the sides. Nice sex scene and manufactured drama for the mains. Ultra cheese fest ending for all including random H4 couple. Full review and rating below. 
Jack o’Frost (Japan GaGa) ep 3 of 6 - The first time sex scene from the past was sweet and well done. That said, a traditional BL romance is not what this story is doing. It’s about 2 people at different points in a romantic journey, one of whom has memories of a failed relationship (and associated baggage) and the other who does not (so is starting at fresh). It’s using high concept to explore this, but that means (this beaning Japan) HEA is on shakey ground. Also, still running a bit low energy for me. 
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It’s Airing But ...
Blue Sky Complex (Japan ???) 5 eps for VR - Kei Ichikawa's manga is getting a JBL adaptation. Weird distribution though, it started Feb 27 sequentially on 360 Channel (SHOCHIKUch) a VR video distribution service. Will inter-fans ever get to see this, and if it’s filmed for VR will it adapt without being overly dark and fuzzy? I have questions. But as usual, you do you Japan and we will wait (im)patiently to see if you remember the rest of the world exists. This is my preferred kind of live action yaoi, so fingers crossed: 
Boyband (Thai) ep 2 of 10 - Stopped airing on YouTube, and only available in Thailand & Japan. Not sure if they’re working a distribution deal or just fucking with us.
Cafe In Love (Thai ???) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, about trying to save a coffee shop. FairyGodBLer came through for me, but I’m collecting to binge just in case. It’s my new policy with the grey stuff.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV Thailand) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets Japanese handsome host club action. Same as above.
Heesu In Class 2 (Korea Thurs unknown, I check Viki Gaga iQIYI) - A gay(er) version of Sex Education. I’m still not sure this one is actually happening.
Finished This Week 
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My Beautiful Man 2 AKA Utsukushii Kare Season 2 
These two have such a great DS dynamic. Only Hira would apologize for fucking and wanting to fuck his own boyfriend, but doing it anyway. Talk about a service top with a humiliation fetish. Sheesh. The masochism is strong with this one. (Since I do not deal with humiliation fetishists well, the cringe factor got to me a little.) Still, pouty jealous Kiyoi is the cutest. [One flaw: The photographer dude should have been played by Kenta. Just a little joke.] 
All in all, this 2nd season didn’t blow me away the way the 1st did. It was quieter and more uniform in its narrative and messaging - thus more predictable. The basic relationship misunderstanding remained the same - all about value and self worth and how that’s assessed. The result is a dialogue between imposter syndrome and a parasocial relationship. If these 2 only had the language and framework of BDSM to understand each other, than they would, but they don’t so the story is us watching them suffer for it. But that’s part of the fun. Part of their fun too, I think, as if the fighting and misunderstanding is just another one of their many kinks. An engaging and solid second installment that was so consistent, I’m going to keep the rating consistent too. 9/10 
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HIStory 5: Love in the Future 
High concept of a man from the past traveling to Covid times and getting involved with a spoiled rich kid soon to be CEO that ultimately made for a dull story. Sides were stellar but intentional miscommunication as a narrative driver never works for me. Good chemistry, nice sex scenes, and a cheesy ending (90% of the time) is Taiwan’s BL brand. I expected nothing less. But there is a little part of me that hoped for something more. 7/10 
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Never Let Me Go 
Bodyguard romance where poor boy must watch over rich boy for family obligation reasons. Simple premise well executed with a few bumps that made it feel like it was trying to tackle too much (when it wasn’t). Still, an enjoyable show that benefited from being handed to PondPhuwin who did a stellar job with their roles and chemistry. Is it going into permanent rewatch rotation? No, but a solid GMMTV offering. 8/10 
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Moonlight Chicken 
I enjoyed this complicated little show, even though it’s spectacularly messy gay with lots of shrapnel and authentic pain. I thought EarthMix turned in their most compelling performance to date. But it was GeminiFourth who stole my heart.  That said, the most interesting central relationship was that of Jim & Li Ming, their father-son angst mixed with evident affection made me tear up. This was more slice of life than it was BL, but it ended happily so I’m not mad at it. 8/10 
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Apparently Pavel (my love) has been added to the cast of Pit Babe, a Thai BL series I thought was defunked (it was supposed to be out in Jan). So I’m happy. I also put it back on the 2023 tracking sheet. 
Tia51 announced upcoming sampler pack Thai BL My Universe. Normally I don’t report on Thai announcements, as they are pure speculation, but this one is reported to feature 22 actors, 11 couples, 12 stories, and 24 episodes in August 2023. STOP OR YOU’LL GO BLIND. (FB page BLUpdate2020 has a full rundown of the 12 stories.) No MDL listing that I can find. Giving the War or Y peeps a run for their money? Or just epic Thai BL lever pulp-tastic insanity?
New Pinoy BL Stay announced, 6 eps featuring boys who unexpectedly meet in Los Angeles. More here.
In case you missed it 
Jeff Satur is leaving BeOnCloud. Honestly, who tf didn’t see this coming? He just dropped a MV with SHAUN (Steal The Show). Jeff is one of the biggest Thai indies and Shaun is legacy Kpop indie. Jeff was and is always more focused on singing and that’s busted a pair before. Frankly speaking, he's ambitious and doesn’t need BeOnCloud. I’m a big believer in breaking from an agency if you have the platform to go it alone. And just because he’d not repped by them doesn’t me he can’t still work with them, sheesh calm down KP fandom. (Honestly this seems to be my mantra since that damn show aired.) 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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03/08 - Pastsenger (Thai Gaga) 12 eps- Stars Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) and Cooper (My Engineer) both formerly paired with others, in a time travel paranormal that smacks of HIStory 5. Sunshine 90s kid travels to 2022, goes to university, encounters grumpy nerd.
03/09 - Our Dating Sim (Korea unknown) - What happens when two men, friends since schoo, meet again at work to create a dating simulation game together.
03/12 Future (Thai YouTube & Gaga?) 5 eps - Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love - yeah I didn’t know that was based on a novel, either). About, you guessed it, an engineering student and a dentist. Maybe this will be the FOTS we were all hoping for? Fuse (the engineering student) is played by Boom from the En of Love and is kinda the same character (Field). I think we can expect this one to be soft, it’s from the 21 Day Theory people. (maybe March 19 international)
Full list of upcoming in March 2023 is here.
2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
This Week in Subs of Qua?
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I liked this scene in Moonlight Chicken so much I did a whole post about it. 
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Chains of Heart the past relationship. can’t wait to see if they do as well with the present one. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Peacemaker by P1Harmony (I’m considering stanning this group because their rap line is insane, everyone can dance, Theo is beautiful, and Keeho is an adorable nut job with a great voice. Talk about a boy who should do BL, and probably would without a care in the world. Stop him though, these boys are gonna be the next Monsta X.) 
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heartbreakblda · 29 days
🔷️ Your “I’m Feeling Blue” BL 🔷️
You are feeling weird today. It’s not really sad, but not happy either. I guess you are just feeling blue. A bit melancholic and seeing the most happy couple together, is the furthest from your mind.
Theory Of Love (Thailand)
Third has been in love with his best friend Khai forever. But unfortunately is Khai not just incredibly oblivious, no. He is also the biggest playboy known to men, well, women. 😳 Can Khai find his way, before things are too late?
Get some tissues ready or a baseball bat. 🤪🥸🙈 Depending if you anger easily or tear up easily. This show will do stuff to your feelings. But all ends well here.
Dark Blue And Moonlight (Taiwan)
When Yan Fei almost drowns at a pool, he gets rescued by a good looking man. They have a short but intense run in, but due to circumstances they loose sight of each other again. Can time bring these two star crossed lovers together again?
This is a love story that shows that sometimes love is just not enough for a happy relationship. Timing is also rather important. If this ends happily depends if you watch the special or not.
Night Flight (South Korea)
It's hard to believe. But nerd Yong Ji and local youth gang leader Gi Wong used to be best friends. But these times are long gone and while Yong Ji still tries to keep the connection alive, Gi Wong would love nothing more than to forget Yong Ji even exists. But in the middle of betrayal, violence and tears, both boys seem to find something they didn't expect.
This movie comes with a warning. Because the violence in there is no joke. There is also sexual violence. So be warned. It’s an unusual love story and it’s up to you if you believe it's a happy or sad ending.
Until We Meet Again (Thailand)
When Pharm and Dean meet, they can feel an instant pull towards each other. Little do they know they are binded by a tragic past. Can they overcome all their past trauma and make it work this time around?
Everything starts with a bang. And what a tragic one this is. It’s really nothing for the faint of heart. Yes, there is a lot of sweetness and love in here, but there is also a ton of hurt and tragedy.
The Eclipse (Thailand)
A student joins a new school to find out the reasons for his own family’s tragedy. During his investigations he stumbles over something so much worse than he ever could have imagined. And when he finds one of the believed culprits he understands that he is just another victim of the same system.
Does this sound cryptic? Awesome, then it’s absolutely correct for this series. The Eclipse is A LOT more than just another school BL. They finally allowed Khaotung off his leash here and together with First he just acts a storm together.
The Promise (Thailand)
After years and years together Nan wakes up to an empty shared flat and his best friend since childhood Phu simply has disappeared without as much as a word. All his searches end up fruitless. But when Phu suddenly stands in front of Nan again, things just get even more complicated. Years of hurt and sadness are difficult to overcome.
This is such an underrated gem. So much sorrow and anxiety, but it’s just so, so good. The lead couple has a very good rapport with each other and a shout out to an awesome granny in the show. 😊
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heretherebedork · 1 year
The idea that Nan thinks Phu runs because Nan is gay and Phu can't handle it is even more heartbreaking when you consider that Phu's best memory is from having no worries as a kid and how much that could be taken as 'before I knew you were gay' and my entire heart just breaks for Nan again and again. Loving someone who constantly runs and can't tell you anything and only helps you because your actual best friend tells him he's hurting you rather than him realizing it for himself and would rather ghost you for a decade than face the idea of just being your friend (no matter how many times you or other people prove that is true or how many people tell him he's special to you and that you have someone in your heart) is the worst love story you can imagine.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Okay, I’ll try to be quick about this. I’ll do it in list form to set some ground rules and get my analysis going.
(I am arguably very frustrated overall about what I’m about to write, because of how excellent The Eighth Sense was, and watching this was just a bit of a downer, man.)
1) I will own that at this point, I might be the only The Promise apologist on this site. I might have led friends astray at this show. For that, I offer a 90-degree wai of apology. I gotta check the tag, but I wouldn’t be surprised. 
(Senpai @respectthepetty...I’ll watch The Shipper as self-punishment.) 
2) Yes, Phu DEFINITELY sucks. BUT, there’s a but that I’ll get to in a sec.
3) For the first time in this show, I am actually frustrated by the pace. 
4) Party definitely rules, Mr. Sassy.
Alright, all that out of the way, get ready to hear why, once more, even I surprise myself by saying, I STILL like this show, but we’re on shakier ground. The Promise, episode 7, here we go:
We’ve now established two social rules by which Nan and Phu operate: 
a) Phu is afraid of loss, 100%. He’s scarred by his father’s death, and doesn’t want to lose anymore people in his life, especially his best friend. 
(HOW that equated to him RUNNING AWAY for 10 YEARS is STILL unclear to me, but I SUPPOSE that if Nan can STILL wait for an answer, then WE, as the audience, are expected to wait, TOO, which I THINK, dear director Khom Kongkiat/Uncle Tong, is ASKING a little MUCH of US, BUT ANYWAY)
b) Nan has said this shit in the past and present about how he wants FRIENDS, and separates that from LOVERS. And Phu is all up in his confusion about that.
I mean, I think I can get that those are legitimate reasons why Phu continues to hold back from revealing his truth to Nan.
But, fuckin’ GO PARTY. Party is like.... what the fuck, dude? Just come out and say it!
AND: Party put himself out there! He put himself out on the line! He revealed himself to Nan! Nan rejected him. But guess what? They’re still gonna be friends! PHU SAW ALL THAT!
Will Phu NOT be satisfied IF Nan rejects him? I mean, Phu will be sad, but... can’t they be like Party and Nan, and still be friends? NO? 
On the one hand, I say: WHAT THE FUCK? Phu -- you are REALLY hyping this up! Why should everything be 100% with you?
On the other hand, I say: My socio-emotional read is that because Phu experienced the death of a loved one at an early age, things might HAVE to be 100% with him. 
I just don’t know if Uncle Tong is weaving this complicated and emotional story as well as he could be at this point. I don’t know how efficient each episode is at selling the skincare. I absolutely loved the focus on the coffee farm and the process of the beans and everything. I love, love those slices of village life. It very much harkens to P’Khom’s actual role in Bad Buddy, and obviously goes to show how much he wants to profile these slices of Thai village life. I love those parts.
But at this point, as I said last week, we’ve waited too long. We need clarity. I get we have three episodes at an hour each, but the pace has now started to drag. I love what this show gives by way of a respect of the rural life these guys come from, but the imbalance is there among Devonte commercials/life in Chiang Mai/Granny and how she’s there to explain who Phu really is/Nan’s patience. 
It’s not quite working anymore. I’m gonna stick out this show, because who knows if Uncle Tong can give us a huge and surprise ending, and there are only three episodes left, anyway.
But seriously, Nan is getting fuckin’ seriously played, and like, I think Phu is not as dumb as he’s being written. Maybe Phu’s read is that he thinks Nan is a lot stronger than Nan actually is. I don’t know. I just don’t know why Phu would play his homey like this for SO LONG. WHY DID PHU COME BACK, ONLY TO ATTEMPT TO RUN AWAY AGAIN. 
Yes, you’re held back by your demons, but -- maybe it would have been best if Phu had just permanently stayed away. 
Come on, Uncle Tong. PLEASE clean up this mess. I HAVE HOPE.
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ralbeleren · 3 years
1, 13, 14, 20.
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? Actually with other fans, it was probably Forgotten Realms. I was never really in the fandom like -- writing fanfics or such-- but my friends and I all read the books and made up stories together when I was in middle school. Actually doing fandom activities like joining groups and writing fic-- near the beginning of high school and it was for Gundam Wing.
13. Any NoTPs? My real only big NoTP is Rossi/Strauss from Criminal Minds. (And I suppose there's a bunch of sports RPF ones that I would consider NoTPs due to hating the teams they play for but that's too many to list.)
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? I'm not sure how many fandoms to do so I'll just list my top 5 right now... lol.
a. Nam & Phupha from A Tale of a Thousand Stars. They have a really great brotherly relationship, I love the parts where he tells Phupha's future boyfriend that "even my girlfriend ships me with Phu" and also Nam giving advice to Phu on how to woo Tian.
b. Spencer & Elle from Criminal Minds. I do ship them romantically as well but not nearly as much as I ship them as friends. Elle was always so much more thoughtful and tactful with Reid than anyone else was. I like specifically when you see Elle pick a lock and then Reid is trying it with handcuffs in a later episode (as though she taught him how to do it), and I like how she doesn't blame him being strange or anything being the reason he can't get a girlfriend and instead says that because he doesn't ask girls out is why. I also liked how he seemed to notice she wasn't all the way recovered from the TFK incident when she came back and tried to help her/talk to her.
c. June & the rest of the Cool Gang (Pete, Sandee, Thada, and Kao) from Kiss Me Again//Dark Blue Kiss. June is just such a great friend. He's a little dumb but he definitely has the right spirit. I love how he acts and how he tries to make everyone his friend. When you first meet him, during Kiss Me Again, he is making friends with Kao and Thada while they're sitting together during university initiation. He also makes fast friends with Sandee and later Pete, and declares them all friends. He's very fun and I love his relationship with everyone.
d. Ginny & Blip from Pitch. I loved how close they were, like a family. There was sadly only one season of Pitch so we didn't get to see more of it, but they both supported one another so strongly, and it was really great for Blip to take her in and treat her like family when she really had no one else.
e. Two & Third from Theory of Love. Two is just the greatest ride or die friend ever. He's the first one who finds out that Third is in love with Khai and does his best to try and get them together, create opportunities for Third to confess his feelings, and urge them together. When Khai breaks Third's heart-- Two is there to build him back up and really has his back/is on his side the whole time. Which honestly, I thought was really executed and super satisfying to watch supportive male friendships like that that are also canon.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? The only one I can think of off the top of my head was eventually coming to like Mork/Pi from Fish Upon the Sky. Mostly because I went in feeling annoyed that Pi and Duean were brothers (as they were a sort of not-quite-but-kinda ship in 'Cause You're My Boy) and I also really love the actor who played Nan and really wanted Pi to get his dream to get with him at first.
Thanks for asking! Sorry for the long rant!
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Having The Promise and Our Dating Sim airing at the same time is a fascinating study in different ways of structuring this kind of friendship separation and reunion.
Our Dating Sim is about the love confession coming first and about the separation that makes you ache and both of you are hurt and both of you were lonely and now you're coming back together but forgiveness and understanding are not instant and sometimes even the reunion you want can bring you more pain and running away from your problems isn't a solution, it's a temporary stop gap and it can make those problems worse.
The Promise is a much slower story about one person leaving and lying and the other person so desperate for his return that he cannot bring himself to question or doubt his return because he needs this more than he needs his own anger and the other person coming back jealous and upset that life continued without him despite him being the one to leave.
Ki Tae and Nan were both left behind with no way to contact the person they missed, both talking to ghost sand wishing for more. But Ki Tae held onto his hurt and his frustration and he is trying to reconnect but he also needs Lee Wan to face what he did while Nan is simply clinging to Phu's returned presence the way a flower turns to the sun.
Lee Wan and Phu have both found themselves returned to the person they loved and still do love but with apprehension, unsure of the time that has passed but also certain that their feelings were not, are not, never were returned and they are both struggling with time that has passed and the world that has changed but that they, they have not changed despite their best efforts to become the person they wish they were.
Ki Tae will not let Lee Wan down easily, he will not let him forget that he left and that he never gave him a chance to explain, to talk, to be clear, to be his friend and more.
Nan wants nothing more than to forget that they were ever separated, to return to them as they were, to have Phu back at his side as if he never left and to care for him the same, to be cared for as they cared.
Lee Wan wanted none of this, wanted to never see Ki Tae again, wanted to move on with his life with nothing of the past except the pain that he couldn't outrun.
We don't know what Phu wanted, not exactly, but he came back when he thought he was ready but he's not because Nan did not stand still in university and wait for him unchangingly.
They are such fascinatingly similar but different stories and I love it. This is one of my favorite tropes, no hesitation, and I am definitely hopeful for both plots.
(I just need Nan to have a chance to get mad, a chance to be upset and hurt and angry and aching. Yes, Party is helping but Nan deserves to be upset the way Ki Tae is upset and more considering Phu lied to him for a decade.)
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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The Series I've been waiting for is here. The premiere was today (March 1, 2023)
A bit different to the two mini series that preceded it I am still hopeful.
The Promise tells the story of two best friends since childhood Phupha aka Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) & Nanfah aka Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK)
Phu fell madly in love with Nan but couldn't tell him.
Here (not in the mini series) Nan says he knows Phu loves him and he loves him too. Then Nan kisses Phu. But...Nan is drunk.
It looks like the series is taking a deviation from the mini series...but I'm still intrigued...for now
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) and Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) has fallen back into old patterns of helping one another. Even without the other's knowledge. Phu is still very jealous of Nan's relationships with other people. In this case it's Party (THAWATCHANIN DARAYON aka BOSS) Nan's co-worker and friend. Someone who also happens to like Nan.
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However given the chance Nan chooses to leave the club with Phu as Nan and Party had a bit to much to drink.
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Phu is thrilled when the property in which he wants to open his coffee has become available (Nan's handiwork as the property had been practically sold)
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As Phu rushes to Nan's office to bring him something he needed. Everyone is mesmerized by the good-looking Phu. And the boss wants him to represent the brand as an ordinary man with extraordinary standards...
Meanwhile in the past. Phu does what Nan can't. Stands up to Nan's strict father to allow Nan to follow his own dream and not his father's.
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The story of friendship, separation, secret love and reuniting and facing the music. Will all they've shared can Nan forgive Phu's broken promise. As the truth will come out. Why did Phu abandon his best friend for 10 years??
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
My Most Anticipated BL of 2023. Now as a BL Fan (I Might Even Say Super Fan) I look forward to all releases. However This BL started Last Year as 2 mini series. And is Based on a True Story. It is called THE PROMISE
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The series is a story of two childhood best friends PHUPHA & NANFAH that a promise to always stick together. Phupha, however fell madly in love with Nanfah but was unable to tell him. After a debacle with Nan trying to set Phu up with Deena (who had a secret crush on Phu) Phu decided to reveal his feelings for Nan (thanks to Deena's advice) so on the last day of university Phu asked Nan to come straight home as he had something to tell him. (They were roommates) Phu later saw Nan with his friends and a female freshman Gigi (who had a crush on Nan) and was hurt and left claiming to be joining his mother in Melbourne Australia by a note.
Time jump: Phu has been gone for 10 years with Nan searching for him.
So the 2 mini series had a different director, but the series is being directed by KONGKIAT KHOMSIRI [Nickname: KHOM] who is responsible most notably for KINNPORSCHE but he has a lot of other shows he directed as well as movies and he's a screenwriter.
The Series Stars:
Boss was not a part of the 2 mini series but is a part of the series as a man also in love with Nanfah. BL fans may recognize him from WHAT ZABB MAN, NOT ME, & NITIMAN
The series is slated for a March 1, 2023 release on WE TV and also on DEVONTE296 YOUTUBE CHANNEL. The two mini series are available now on DEVONTE296 YOUTUBE CHANNEL along with 13 deleted scenes (the mini series are subtitled not all of the deleted scenes are subtitled)
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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This BL series spawn from it's 2 mini series PHUPHA (August 2022) and NANFAH (November 2022) and based on a true story returns tomorrow (Wednesday April 19, 2023) with Episode 6 (Available on WeTV) and on the DEVONTE296 OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL a week later.
In Episode 5 Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) successfully got Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN)to complete his job as presenter (think model or spokesperson or brand Ambassador) and both were on Cloud 9 even reuniting them with classmate Dina (SUPHATRA KLIANGPROM aka MARIMA) who has always had a thing for Phu.
But Cloud 9 quickly came crashing down as Nan learned all about Phu's lies (about his disappearance for 10 years) claiming he was in Melbourne with his mother when actually he never left Thailand. And that he was living on a coffee farm/plantation with his grandmother "granny".
Angered by Phu's lies and unwillingness to tell him the whole truth Nan (in tears as is Phu) tells his best friend HE NEVER WANTS TO SEE HIM AGAIN.
Where do we go from here??
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