#The Terrible Turk
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Lucrecia tries.
Alive, she decides, just. Relief comes tremulously, and it doesn’t last; his chest does not rise or fall in a telltale rhythm of breathing, and he doesn’t stir. What state is this in which he exists? Has he brushed with death’s quiet embrace, only to be pulled backward into some grey inbetween? What could have kept his body from seeking the comfort of nothingness, after enduring such horror?
Read the rest of Here before and after me on AO3
Honestly? This just happened. I don't think I've ever sketched Lucrecia before, but it was a joy.
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lisutarid-a · 3 months
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yinza · 1 year
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Cloud and Reno sharing some hot chocolate for @asylos! I imagine Reno gets cold easier than Cloud... (Button your shirt, idiot.)
[Image Description: Digital artwork of Reno and Cloud seated close together under one big blanket. Cloud wears a long-sleeved turtleneck sweater and holds a large mug in both hands as he smiles slightly at Reno. Reno has one arm around Cloud’s shoulder, holding the blanket in place there, and he returns Cloud’s smile with a wry one. /end ID]
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caedogeist-rights · 22 days
the important thing to know about genesis in crisis core is that he literally did nothing wrong. not only justified but with a valid way of doing things. he had a point.
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fatetainted · 2 months
@niderofalltrades asked: "Why are you giving YOUR paperwork in addition of MINE ?"
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"that information is on a need to know basis, just do it unless you wanna find someone else to do both our jobs and be my look out." he wants to beat elena at a beer pong rematch in the break room, it's fine.
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apricops · 1 year
“It is important to remember just how vague much rule over Europe was until mass literacy, telegraphs and railways started to tie together regions and countries. The Habsburgs loved to look at maps, genealogies and heraldic shields, making sweeping hand gestures over these symbolic shorthands for their ownership, but there is little reason to believe such gestures had much substance. Apart from a few mountain and forest communities, nobody was left completely alone, but the sense of obligation to Vienna was often remote and convoluted, with innumerable local, noble and religious privileges making a mockery of modern dreams of unitary efficiency. Many histories tend to present a narrative angled from the perspective of the ruler. Most dramatically this is expressed in the term ‘rebellion’, a word which presupposes failure (by definition: if it succeeds then it is a change of dynasty). It is too easy to see a narrative where any rebellion is an annoyance, a drain on resources, a desperate piece of backwardness, and so on. But this is to take a man wearing a crown in Vienna too seriously and I hope to make it clear just how many perfectly reasonable arguments against Habsburg rule there were. Indeed, at one point or another (and repeatedly in Hungary) virtually everybody took a turn at being ‘disloyal’ and this should be a valuable clue. Joseph II’s war with the Turks went so badly wrong in 1788 because the Hungarian nobles would not supply him with food, because they hated him and thought he was a tiresome creep. As his vast army fell apart and he raged impotently, it is impossible from a world-historical point of view not to feel a bit sorry for him, but Europe is filled with groups of all kinds who are annoyingly insubordinate, and they should be celebrated a bit more.” — Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe by Simon Winder
Not to be dramatic or anything but this is one of the quotes from Danubia that has stuck with me ever since and permanently shaped how I view and interpret history; then as now, terms like ‘corruption,’ ‘laziness,’ and ‘insubordination’ are very often code for “refusing to cooperate with a terrible idea.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 11 hours
AGS tries a period cramp simulator. Shoot.
Cissnei bought a period cramp simulator from the internet and takes it to the SOLDIER floor after killing the other Turks with it wondering how the First Class trio would fare against the horrors of menstruation
*Angeal has it on*
Angeal: You know, I really respect people who menstruate so much. They endure pain beyond our understanding and should—
*Cissnei turns it on*
Cissnei: This is 4.
*Genesis has it on level 3*
Genesis: This isn't so terrible. Sure, it's uncomfortable, but I've been stabbed in the stomach before, and this feels worse than this. Women exaggerate.
*Cissnei cranks it up to 6*
Genesis, sobbing: I'M SORRY WOMEN.
*Sephiroth has it on 5*
Sephiroth: It's uncomfortable, yes, but I would still be able to perform my job with this, as do our operatives who menstruate, who go on missions during their period with no complaints at all.
*Cissnei cranks it up to 10*
Sephiroth, the breath leaving his body: ........
Cissnei: Get up, you gotta go to work.
Sephiroth, turning blue: .........
Cissnei: You have children to take care of.
Sephiroth, slowly perishing: .........
Cissnei: You have to act as if you're okay because men become uncomfortable when you mention your period.
Sephiroth, on the floor: ........
Cissnei: It's just a period cramp, what's the big deal? Take some ibuprofen and walk it off.
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esamastation · 8 months
Part twenty-nine of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight
Rude releases a breath when he sees the door leading to the helipad opening and Hewley and Sephiroth finally exiting. He's not terribly thrilled about having to chauffeur a man so fresh out of metal breakdown - especially with the way Reno is cackling in his earpiece - but at least the man is officially out the building.
Now he just has to get him off it, and they'd be good, the building would be secure.
"Oh man, I am so glad that got caught on video," Reno giggles in his ear. "Nothing against the Professor personally, but hoolyy shit, it was downright poetic."
Rude sighs, watching as Hewley and Sephiroth stop to talk by the door - too far to be heard over the helicopter rotors and too obscured by their positions for accurate lip reading. "Perhaps we should be more concerned with Sephiroth's health."
"The man's walking and talking and brushed off Hewley's offer for a Curaga," Reno says. "If he wants to be bleeding internally, that's his problem - all we need to do is get him out of Midgar."
"And then keep a watch over him in Wutai."
"Yes, and that, but nowhere does it say we need to nurse him into health too," Reno says. "Just get him and Hewley in the air and out of here before Hojo realises he's leaving."
"Hn," Rude answers, not looking away from Hewley and Sephiroth and not relaxing until they finally approach the helicopter and Hewley stoves away their blades.
Rude has seen Sephiroth personally a number of times - they often serve together as bodyguards for the President, Rude sent in by the Turks and Sephiroth called upon by the President, because the SOLDIER looks good in papers. So most of the times Rude has seen him had been him being annoyed, resigned, and bored.
The Sephiroth that awkwardly enters the helicopter looks a little queasy and embarrassed - but also excited.
Hewley hands Sephiroth a headset and pulls another one on himself. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" He says over the headset.
"I'm fine, Angeal - I promise I don't have internal bleeding," Sephiroth answers, indulgent and looks around. "... There isn't a seatbelt in here, is there?"
"What's a seatbelt? No, never mind," Hewley sighs, sounding a little exasperated. "Sephiroth, you threw up blood! That's not normal."
"Maybe I just bit my tongue and swallowed some blood before, it's fine -"
"Some blood - it was a lot of blood!"
"Barely even a litre -"
"A litre! Of blood! You would've had to have bitten your tongue clean off to swallow that much!"
Sephiroth sighs. "Angeal, I swear I didn't bite my tongue off -"
Well, he sounds fine, Rude decides, and after making sure the helicopter is secure and there's no one else on the pad, he takes off. "Phase two complete," he reports to Reno. "The big guy is off the building."
"Sweet," Reno says. "I'm off then - meet you at the airport."
"Roger that," Rude agrees, bringing the helicopter above the Shinra Building and then turning it towards the airport. Below them the city whirls around, its lights leaving streaks in Rude's vision.
The bickering in the backseat takes a pause as Sephiroth peers outside in apparent amazement. Then Hewley continues to poke and prod at the man, and Rude pretends to tune them out - all the while listening to every word. Mostly it's Sephiroth trying to convince Hewley that he isn't in some kind of acute organ failure or about to hack out a lung. Hewley isn't very convinced.
"You're very nonchalant about this," Hewley says dubiously. 
"Trust me, it was bad blood, it's better out than in," Sephiroth answers, craning his neck to look down through the window. "Oh wow…"
"Bad blood. That's what you said to Hojo," Hewley points out. "Like it actually means something. What do you mean by bad blood?"
Sephiroth doesn't answer, pretending to be utterly preoccupied by the view.
Hewley sighs. "Sephiroth, please. I'm really concerned - if there's something wrong, you should tell us -"
That makes the other SOLDIER react. "Oh, please, spare me the power of friendship speech -"
"I absolutely will not," Hewley snorts. "If it's the only thing that gets you to talk about this, I'll even throw in sincere emotions."
Though jokingly said, it seems to be an effective threat, judging by Sephiroth's disgusted expression. "You're an evil man, Angeal."
"Yes, how dare I be worried about my friend, how utterly unforgivable. Now please tell me why you throwing up blood isn't a health concern."
Sephiroth sighs. "I… it's hard to explain."
"Because you don't know."
"No. Because the terminology doesn't exist," Sephiroth mutters and then sighs, looking outside again. "Before I was interrupted, I was attempting to, uh, align my internal energies properly, and repair some of the damage done to my system previously. It's a delicate process and can go horribly wrong if interrupted, which is exactly what happened. As a result of the interruption, my internal system went wildly out of alignment, which caused some issues. I fixed those after, as much as I could, and what I threw up was essentially… waste produced by the progress."
Rude wishes, not for the first time, that there was a way to record stuff said on board a helicopter. Thankfully, judging by Hewley's expression in the mirror, the man doesn't understand what Sephiroth is saying any better than he does.
"Internal energies - you mean your MP?"
"MP," Sephiroth repeats and hums thoughtfully. "That's part of it, I guess."
Hewley shakes his head. "So your… MP is out of alignment?"
He sounds confused, and Rude can't blame the man. He didn't know MP could even have an alignment.
Sephiroth is quiet for a moment, looking away. "Tell me, Angeal. What is MP? Where does it come from, where in your body does it reside  - how is it produced?"
"Uh. It's just an intrinsic quality people have? Which increases the more you use it - and with Mako exposure? I don't know, I guess I never thought about it," Angeal admits. "You'd have better luck asking Genesis."
"Hmm. Is he coming to Wutai?"
Hewley shakes his head. "I don't know, but there's no shortage of missions to be completed there. Still, Sephiroth. That was a lot of blood."
"I'm not throwing up blood now, am I?" Sephiroth says. "I'm fine, Angeal, I promise. Hopefully that was the worst of it."
Hewley doesn't look particularly reassured. "Hopefully?! Wait, you don't mean to say you're going to continue with this… alignment stuff?"
Sephiroth hums noncommittally and looks outside the window again. They're getting to the airport now.
Rude blows out a breath. "It's time to land," he informs his passengers and hopes Reno wouldn't take too long to catch up with them. Maybe he would have some idea what the hell Sephiroth is on about. If not, then he'd at least pretend he did.
Rude is with Hewley on this one, though. Sephiroth intending to continue with his alignment practice with the risk for further… misalignments… It didn't sound good.
Interesting though that Professor Hojo clearly had no idea what his son was doing either. Whatever it is, it isn't anything Shinra Science had figured out. Hmm.
Something to add to Sephiroth's file, Rude muses, and brings them to the ground.
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hello-galad · 1 month
I was so sad when Lazard died in Crisis Core because honestly he deserved better. This is the man that had to deal with
Genesis and Sephiroth's weird enemies to lovers to enemies relationship.
Hojo at all his I'm-an-honestly-terrible-person splendor.
The Turks trying to stop Rufus Shinra from committing insurrection while being the Vice-President of the company at the same time.
The five-minute "I hate you more" eye-contact between Rufus and Sephiroth whenever they would unfortunately bump into each other in a hallway.
Listening to Genesis full mental breakdown and loveless recitation back at Hollander's.
Zack falling for every single prank the firsts could think of while being adorably oblivious of the fact they were pranking him.
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paganimagevault · 7 months
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Sassanid silver plate 7th C. CE. Decorated with a figure seated on a couch in a crescent moon and a figure standing in an archway. Found in Klimova, Russia in 1907. The base of the vessel appears to have runic script scratched into it. This item is sometimes referred to as The ‘Clock of Khosrow’ or The ‘Throne of Khosrow’ Plate. Diameter: 21.6cm.
I'm just going to do a brief summary of what caused Persia to fall to Islam.
The Islamic invasion of Persia began sometime between 628-632 CE. From 541 CE to this time Persia had been exhausted by an almost constant state of war. Most of the fighting was with the Byzantine Empire in the west: The Lazic War (541-562), Byzantine–Sasanian War of 572–591, Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628.
However, there were also wars with the Turks to the north and the east: Perso-Turkic war of 588–589, Perso-Turkic war of 606–608, Perso-Turkic war of 627–629. In this final war the Byzantines and Turks were allies. This alliance took time to come into being but had been sought out by the Turks almost immediately after they destroyed the Hephthalites, indicating they planned to do to the Persians what they had done to the Huns. The medieval historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi described the war of 627-629:
"At the arrival of the all-powerful scourge (universal wrath) confronting us, the invaders [Turks], like billowing waves of the sea, crashed against the walls and demolished them to their foundations. [In Partaw], seeing the terrible danger from the multitude of hideously ugly, vile, broad-faced, without eyelashes, and with long flowing hair like women, which descended upon them, a great terror (trembling) seized the inhabitants. They were even more horrified when they saw the accurate and strong [Khazar] archers, whose arrows rained down upon them like heavy hailstones, and how they [Khazars], like ravenous wolves that had lost all shame, fell upon them and mercilessly slaughtered them on the streets and squares of the city. Their eyes had no mercy for neither the beautiful, nor handsome, nor the young men or women; they did not spare even the unfit, harmless, lame, nor old; they had no pity (compassion, regrets), and their hearts did not shrink at the sight of the babies embracing their murdered mothers; to the contrary, they suckled blood from their breasts like milk."
Ironically, the Sassanid ruler Khosrow I had married a Turkic princess to win an alliance with them so the two could destroy the Huns together in 560 CE at the Battle of Gol-Zarriun. Khosrow I chose his Turkic progeny, Hormizd IV, as ruler over his Persian children. From Iranica Online:
"Hormozd’s character displeased everyone. He antagonized the Zoroastrian clergy, allegedly killing many of them, even the chief mowbed, and alienated the nobility by killing thousands of them (Ṭabari, I, p. 991; tr., V, pp. 297-98; Balʿami, ed. Bahār, pp. 1072-73; Masʿudi, Moruj, ed. Pellat, sec. 632; Šāh-nāma, Moscow, VIII, pp. 319 ff.). In diplomacy he showed inflexibility, even poor judgement. He disrupted the peace negotiations with the Byzantines and made demands (payment of “tribute”) that the Romans could not accept (Menander, frag., 23.9-24-12529). His contemporary, Menander Protector, lamented that “the Romans and the Persians would have made peace, had not Ḵosrow left this life and his son, Hormisdas [Hormizd IV], a truly wicked man, assumed the crown” (tr., pp. 207-9)."
Finally the Sassanid Empire went into a civil war from 628-632 CE where it had become politically decentralized. The Plague of Sheroe also occurred in 627-628 CE, most heavily devastating the populations in the western provinces with some areas experiencing a 50% mortality rate. Afterward, the Arab Muslims flooded into an already ravaged Persia like bacteria infesting an open wound.
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altocat · 6 months
Would vincent have liked sane seph? regardless of the father thing I mean
Fan theories aside, I personally believed that Vincent always had a strong sense of compassion in his heart for Sephiroth. He was THERE. He knows what they did to Sephiroth before he was even born. And the only real reason he didn't go save Sephiroth himself was due to Sephiroth being all the way in Midgar by the time Vincent woke up for real. The timeline is very hazy in certain parts and while I'm sure Vincent would have probably done everything in his power to help the child of Lucrecia, there's also some realistic limitations to his ability to make a difference, along with the fact that his body was a complete mess at the time. It's important to note that Vincent is NOT responsible for what happened with Sephiroth, despite him saying otherwise. It's not his kid (that he knows of) and his body was so seriously fucked up from all the experiments that he was dealing with trauma of his own. The blame lies with Gast, Hojo, and Lucrecia, NOT with him.
With that said, if Vincent finally mustered the courage and strength to drag himself out of Nibelheim to find the now adult Sephiroth, he would have likely (and gently) truthbombed the hell out of Seph and taken him under his wing. It's Lucrecia's son after all. And Sephiroth looking so much like her has to impact Vincent on some level. He probably could have saved Sephiroth from the terrible fate that awaited him, become a healthy parental figure that heals a lot of the damage from both Shinra and Sephiroth's orphan upbringing.
As for their personalities, I think Vincent and Seph would actually get along splendidly. They're both quiet and introverted, and Sephiroth seems to respect people who prove themselves to be capable fighters. There might be some tension with Vincent being a former Turk, causing a bit of distrust between them. But the sheer fact that Vincent actually KNOWS Sephiroth's mother would really put things into perspective. And since Vincent would never, ever do anything to betray or backstab Lucrecia's precious son, Sephiroth would begin to rely on him and see him as an invaluable ally. I'd like to think there'd be an eventual paternal bond that blooms between them. Vincent is even really chill about the fact that Seph has a huge bodycount--I mean Vince WAS a Turk after all. They can both be happy (and morally gray) together.
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quitealotofsodapop · 16 days
I wonder, is there spicynoodles in post jttw?
had to think it this a bit
since it takes some inspo from the Stone Matriarch au - Spicynoodles is a little awkward since the celestials assume due to reincarnation nonsense that MK and Red Son are first cousins-once removed. Then again they could just turn around and say "Oh yeah makes perfect sense. All the legal inheritance, none of the genetic links." It takes a moment for the Queen Mother to wrap her head around it - but nonetheless, she'd be delighted to know her grandchild (Red) is romantically interested in someone she actually approves of.
Wukong and DBK would have the reaction JD and Turk have to their kids getting together. Overwhelming joy and fainting. I feel like they joked a bit in the past about their kids growing up to fall in love with each other, but never imagined that it might actually happen.
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Dragonfruit could happen as well.
Chimera Trio is adorable since it pretty much is; "This is my girlfriend Red, and Red's boyfriend MK." where both MK and Mei are equally hyped over Red Son while still being besties.
Its a bit like this Anne Hathaway "Twelfth Night" photo;
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A very cute idea I wanna have in the Post Jttw au is that since Red Son knew Mei and MK as a calf, he had a terrible crush on them. Like full on puppy love. They were like, the only other kids Red tolerated and calmed down around. DBK's imprisonment sadly cut their friendships short...
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calabria-mediterranea · 3 months
Calabrian Proverb: "simu cumbinati comu i santi 'i Rriggiu" (in Calabrian dialect)
Siamo ridotti come i santi reggini. (in Italian)
We’ve been reduced to such a state, like the saints in Reggio. (in English)
This proverb refers to the historical vandalism committed by Ottoman Turks and Barbary pirates, who defaced religious paintings and chopped the heads off of and otherwise damaged sculptures in Reggio Calabria, Italy.
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At the San Paolo Museum, in Reggio Calabria, amongst the many paintings, San Michele che uccide il drago (St. Michael Killing the Dragon), a large image on a wooden panel stands out for both the beauty of the work and its history. Dating from 1470, this painting of Saint Michael the Archangel was for many years attributed to Antonello da Messina. For this reason, the piece was analyzed in great detail. Even though it was determined not to be of the hand of the renowned artist, which is of no great surprise, the physical state of the image was studied more than perhaps it otherwise would have been.
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At first glance, coming across this painting in a museum, you might just think that due to its more than 500-year existence, a little paint had chipped off here and there. However, the damage to the saint’s face has actually been ascribed to historical vandalism. In the 16th century, Reggio suffered terribly from attacks by Ottoman Turks and Barbary pirates. These invaders defaced, literally, religious paintings and chopped the heads off of and otherwise damaged sculptures. Thus, Saint Michael the Archangel suffered from this collateral damage.
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Today, these events might seem like ancient history. However, their memory is still very much alive in the common saying in the local dialect:
Simu cumbinati comu i santi 'i Rriggiu
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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microcosme11 · 5 months
Wedding of Napoleon and Marie-Louise dished by Austrian Prince
[This was originally a letter to his sister or mother. That's the reason he is so blunt.]
The Emperor seemed in a mood like a dog throughout the ceremony. This is because in the morning there were incredible scenes. Queens and princesses, it is said, had tried like the devil not to carry the mantle: tears, prayers, fainting, absolute refusal, it is claimed that they tried all this in vain. The furious master treated them from Turk to Moor, and an emphatic “I want it” finished the affair. The most angry was the Westphalian turkey, who is incredibly proud. Also, nothing was more comical than seeing the way in which they carried out their chore: one pouted, the other, with her bottle under her nose, threatened to feel ill, the third let the mantle drop which was much worse because it had to be picked up. The two sisters, one of whom is fat and the other in truly terrible health, had a great time. The only one who put a good face on a bad game and brought dignity to it was the Queen of Holland, because she has wit and tact; and then “my cousin, Julie” [he jokes that they are related] also carried the mantle very well, but she is such a slut that I would have advised her to do otherwise. I wouldn't have given up this show for anything. It is claimed that one of the porters having dropped her part of the train or not being at her post, the Empress gave her a very imperative look which said: “Well!" I didn't see this.
Sketch by the Prince. Clockwise from bottom: Pauline, Elisa, Hortense, Marie-Louise, Julie Bonaparte, Catherine of Westphalia, Jerome's wife.
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Souvenirs du prince Charles de Clary-et-Aldringen
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dimplecki · 4 months
Some israeli wank below.
Bro I am so tired of this website unbelievable antisemitism.
In what universe does wishing zionists/jews death is advocating for human rights?
In what world does denying the oct7 massacre is activism?
Yes israel government is a terrible right wing fascist government.
Yes hamas are murderous terrorists that benefits from their own civillians suffering&death.
Yes there are innocents in both sides.
WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WISH DEATH TO A CIVILLIAN. and if that makes you feel better about yourself WHY do you call yourself a leftist. You're as bad as Hamas&Netanyahu
I literally have become so fucking cynical at this point. Social media is literally a curse because everyone thinks their misinformed opinion is important. Fuck off. I'm so proud to be Israeli (not because of my horrible goverment) because it seems the educational system on America is failing really fucking bad. I feel a lot more fucking connection to my "enemies" (Palastinians, Egyptians, Turks etc) and not to your fucking snowflake fake leftist mentality.
If you're an American below 25yo just don't express an opinion about the middle east conflict ok honey. You're likely to act on emotion instead of facts&believe every unverified twitter screenshotsl you see&didn't know what gaza even was before oct7&just following trends
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Youre so right for the CC Seph losing weight thing because all he was eating was carbs and sweets and I raise you the terrible depression meals of:
Plain pasta + a concerning amount of pepper just to feel something. No other flavors.
Udon takeout. Third night in a row.
MRE ration bars, would they taste better dipped in nutella? No.
Forgot to get dinner because this was the day reserved for going over to Angeal's and eating something he cooked, drank a red bull Zack handed him. Regret.
Entire box of cheerios dry, directly out of the package at 4 am.
Ramen brewed in pedialyte. It was a Mistake to use the strawberry flavored one.
Normal ramen, with egg, it meets the protein quota.
This blueberry muffin is healthy! It has a fruit! Turk shadowing him, don't look so disapproving!
These vitamin gummies and a coffee are basically a nutritionally complete breakfast, right?
Someone with cooking skills make him eat a vegetable.
To accompany the meals he forces himself to eat are unsavory thoughts behind each one.
• The plain pasta with pepper resembles Angeal's aglio e olio, so he remembers the night he first ate it at 2 AM, sitting on Angeal's kitchen counter while Genesis reads to them.
• The Udon would taste fine on its own, but every bite is thick and unappetizing as he sits alone on his kitchen floor. He wonders where Angeal and Genesis are, and if they've eaten that day.
• The ration bars taste exactly like the ones the three of them ate on that mission four years ago, the ones that tasted like sand that Angeal choked on. Sephiroth remembers laughing so hard he cried.
• He's not sure why he's awake at 4 AM, but Angeal's voice rings at the back of his mind asking if he's eaten something. He replies back that no, he hasn't eaten in two days. So he reaches for the box of Cheerios.
• He starts to get creative with ramen, because maybe that'll trigger his hunger. He has to eat something. He's starting to thin out rather quickly.
• He eats the blueberry muffin and then sits in silence as he feels the aftertaste coat his tongue. He starts to feel sick. It faintly tastes like dumbapples.
• So much coffee. He's lying to himself if he thinks adding vitamin gummies are going to cancel out the caffeine he's consuming just to stay awake.
• Zack has a tupperware container filled with spring rolls. He pushes it towards Sephiroth one day during their training session.
"Try it!" he says, "It's Angeal's recipe."
Sephiroth knows. He can smell it. He thinks he's gonna throw up.
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