#The Wani’s crew
muffinlance · 1 year
ship of fools by IlliterateReader
“Zuzu? Are you still there?” And oh, Azula’s probably, definitely real. She’s not at his right. His sister is in front of him, regal as ever except for the burning missive flaring blue in her left hand.
Azula snuck on his ship. Good morning Zuko, welcome to your new banished life.
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wordy-little-witch · 12 days
More age regression stuff for One Piece
Now with additional stuff!!!!
Buggy's favored activities while regressed are most definitely atypical. He doesn't have a set age range, given that he... honestly had to grow up so quickly even before Roger swept him into his fold, he doesn't know. All he does know is that sometimes words and coordination are harder, sometimes he'll be more stable, sometimes he's needy, but all the time he's ever so slightly on edge in some capacity. At best he's one mistake from a meltdown; at worst, he's a feral critter.
He really really really loves the trapeze. Big or Little, the motion and feelings are AMAZING. If Buggy is small and you can't find him, he's either hiding somewhere dark and small or he's high off the ground.
He's also a stimmy baby. Textures and colors and lights and motions, he's thriving. But once he hits his input limit, he hits it hard and it's explosive. It takes time for him to realize when Enough is Enough. ((Mihawk is the one to clock that... maybe this is more than simple, typical sensory seeking behavior. Maybe it's self stimulation and self soothing as well. ((Mihawk, looking at Buggy: Fellow Autistic????))/hj))
Buggy has a Way with animals. Whether that way is Good or Bad varies seemingly on the most comical result, but Crocodile's fruitwanis have seemingly decided that Buggy is one of Theirs and it's as hilarious as it is adorable as it is mind boggling. ((Later on, the humandrills decide much the same to everyone's absolute exasperation and confusion.))
It actually took him a Very long time to be open to pacifiers. The concept was foreign to him and he made do up until that point anyway so why even bother? It only was actually attempted after Mihawk realized a lot of Buggy's quieter days coincided with gnawing on things like his toys or fingers or, on one memorable occasion, Crocodile's coat hem. The germs alone left the swordsman shivering in revulsion. First came a teether, which was wonderful. But sometimes he'd catch Buggy still Antsy and unable to communicate it.
One impulsive decision later, he is handing a box over to Buggy after a meeting with a comment along the lines of "I debated the logistics of this for a deal of time before committing - at any rate, here, I believe this may prove useful if you are amenable to trying."
And it's a soft lavender pacifier with little pastel circus designs painted and sealed on it. Buggy is stunned. Buggy is flustered. Buggy is confused.
He's not against it, though.
Turns out, once you get past the weird feeling of something new, it's Perfect. Buggy turns out to definitely be varied, but when he's on the smaller end so far as he or others can tell, he is definitely a binky baby.
That first one from Mihawk is definitely his favorite though.
Not that the rest are forgotten of course. Baby Bugs has a fan club and they fight for Bragging Rights /hj
His favorite - and, frankly, first age appropriate - toy for his regression came from Shanks who will lord it over everyone ever that HE was the first favorite for quite some time, barring a Captain Shaped Hole in both their hearts.
His favorite outfit is from Alvida, which is technically not an outfit at all and was initially a gag gift. It's women's pajama shorts - pastel pink with blue polka dots - and a sleep shirt a size or two too big, baby blue with pink comic sans font saying "Candy Queen" across the chest. Neither have tags and both are INCREDIBLY soft. Buggy loves them. Comfort for regressing is Required and he doesn't always have to have That One Outfit to be small, but he always wants soft clothes when he's little and, if given a chance, wants his "candy c'othes".
Cabaji and Mohji fight over it to this day over who gives the best books or stories. It's a tie, and nobody has the heart to tell them that Ritchie actually picks the best books while they argue loudly in the children's section of book stores.
Galdino faces no contest of best blanket giver. He knits them himself and only uses Buggy Approved Yarn, stolen ethically from marine bases. He also unofficially hosts the best tea parties. Yes, he's smug about it.
But Witchy, you may ask. What does that leave for Crocodile?
Buggy's favorite nap spot is Crocodile - or near him at the very least. It's difficult for him to explain no matter the headspace, but Crocodile is currently the closest and most familiar behavior to what he knows and remembers - in all of the good ways. Crocodile doesn't often raise his voice; he is firm but gentle when correcting something; he's big, warm, and he will not hesitate to scoop Buggy up like a toddler. He's also got that good, healthy muscle that is equal parts firm and soft, his sand is cozy, and he lets Buggy "steal" his coat for Mischief and also snuggles.
Mihawk is the best at surprise gifts, and, to the surprise of almost everyone - himself included - he's the best at games, snacks and actually getting Buggy to calm down or relax. If Bug's in a good mood already, Mihawk is the beat at keeping the mood up and keeping Buggy relatively safe and steady. On rougher days, the swordsman's efficient and quick actions are comfortably steadfast, and he handles Buggy's tantrums, meltdowns, etc with grace. And somehow, even on the worst of days, Mihawk is Buggy's PERSON.
((And, on days where things are a little fuzzier, when Buggy's lips are a little looser, he confesses how Mihawk reminds him of Rayleigh in the good ways, how Crocodile reminds him of Crocus, how Shanks reminds him of Roger - how each of them have all the good, safe things he associates with that time without the ickier bits.))
Buggy is spoiled, because he DESERVES to be ((and because I wish I was, so blorbo is next best thing-))
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shipping-all-ships · 2 months
I'm making Zuko's wani crew for a fic and I'm realizing how kind of hilarious and meme-worthy their crimes are for being stuck on this boat so for who I've made. It's literally
Being a smartass Fistfighting commanding officer Drugs Being weird Asked too many personal questions Got conned into this by General Iroh Got drunk one night and tried to cut off a guys face Being gay Being gay as well
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aelincreativ · 1 year
it has come to my attention that I should probably promote the things that I do.
Those things being fanfic.
A Dragon's Instict is a fanfic series I have been working on for almost three years now off and on as life goes and it's currently at over 90k words.
Inspired by @muffinlance this story is my take on what if Zuko was a dragon shifter. Zuko is given a task by Agni to go find the new Elemental Champions. A bender from each nation that will help restore the balance of the Spirits and the humans in the Avatars absence.
Zuko is the champion of Fire, Flame of Agni. But he is also 13 years old and all he has is the crew of the Wani to help him. (Iroh tries to help, but what is a nervous young dragon to do when he is in close quarters with the famed dragon slayer? Why, leave him at the first port and not look back, of course.)
Shenanigans and those icky things called feelings are all over the ship but Zuko won't let anything get in his way.
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hopeheartfilia · 1 year
ah, reading a nice merlin fic
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moongothic · 5 months
Seen people share their headcanons of what would Luffy call Crocodile if Crocodad was Real, and it did get me wondering
Like on one hand, Luffy has a perfect track-record with respecting trans people and not misgendering anyone, so if Crocodad Real, Luffy wouldn't misgender him
But also, Luffy has two braincells, and having two people to call "dad" would probably be confusing for him. And Luffy doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd either of his parents "Father" either. Canonically Luffy tends to use more affectionate terms for his family, including Dragon despite never having ever met him ("tou-chan", "ji-chan" for Garp, "nii-chan" for Ace. Note the lack of the polite "o" at the begining, and the use of "chan" instead of "san". The take-away here is that he's basically being a bit familiar and kind of affectionate)
And let us not forget, how Luffy loves giving nicknames to people
So it would be perfectly on-brand for Luffy to come up with a new nickname for Crocodile, if only to help differentiate The Dads
(Like yes, Luffy does technically have a nickname for Crocodile already ("wani", lit. "crocodile"), but it's not really an affectionate nickname (or a particularly disrespectful one either, kind of neutral (though calling someone you're not friends with by a nickname is kind of rude)). And while Luffy can and does drop the funny nicknames for people if he decides he likes them enough (see Hammock turning into Hancock, or Luffy learning Bonney's name and using it because he felt bad for her), if Luffy did learn about Crocodile being his other dad and wanted to treat him as such (which he also might not, to be fair)... yeah he could come up with a new nickname)
Now the question just is... what kind of a nickname would Luffy then come up with?
And because I'm a fucking loser with a passion for translation and localization, I'm almost specifically interested in what kind of a nickname Luffy would come up with in Japanese. And partially because, depending on the nickname, it could just be the exact same nickname in English too. Like Luffy's "Yama-o" got localized as "Yamabro" because the "o" (written as 男, lit. "man") needed to be translated and localized for the nickname to hit the same in English. Same for shit like "split head" for Foxy or "giant shallot" for Moria, or "wani" getting localized as "gator" because Luffy calling Crocodile a "crocodile" as a nickname would not make any sense in English lmao
So... a cute nickname that makes it easy for Luffy to call Crocodile his "dad" without it getting confusing with calling Dragon "dad". Maybe something that ties to his name already and preferably rolls off the tongue easily in Japanese... Like we have our Crocodads and Dadodiles but these nicknames are based in English, so they don't roll off the tongue nicely -> Can't imagine Luffy saying either. But... I think the fans are onto something there... There must be a variation of this nickname that would work well in Japanese...
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I could see Luffy coming up with a nickname like that. It would roll off the tongue pretty easily. The only counter argument against it I can think of would be that Luffy does not seem like the kind of guy who would call anyone "papa". Like that word does not fit in his mouth.
...Anything else?
Well. I guess there is the third, forbidden option of Luffy calling him "oyaji" ("pops"), much like Whitebeard's crew called their captain too.
But that just leads us to an interesting thought; what the fuck would Crocodile prefer Luffy call him?
I mean this is Sir "Call me what you will" Crocodile, who generally does not seem to care that much about what people call him. Like we could take that and just assume Crocodile would not give a fuck about what Luffy called him, but it's also possible this could be like The One Exception to The Rule. And there's many potential reasons why too
Like there's the practical side of things where it could be a pain in Crocodile's ass if the world found out the two were related, because it'd mean anything bad happening to either one could be used against the other. Someone targetting Luffy could be then used intentionally to target Crocodile and viceversa. As Dragon said, a child is a parent's weak spot after all. So it could still be in Crocodile's self-interest to keep their blood relation a secret. But also; Crocodile had to leave his child behind. Much like how Olvia felt like she had no right to call herself Robin's mom, it'd make sense to me if Crocodile felt kind of the same. That regardless of their blood connection, he had no right to call himself Luffy's father, let alone deserve to be called that after what he'd done to Luffy.
So maybe Crocodile would prefer to be just called by his name. Maybe he'd be satisfied with that. Perhaps being called "pops" would lowkey annoy the shit out of him because it would just remind him of That Asshole Who Took His Hand and beat his ass. Which, y'know, fair. Perhaps "Papadile" would be just a bit too ridiculous and cutesy for him tolerate. And perhaps Luffy calling him "dad" (or "father", or any variation of it) would be a lot more emotionally compromising to Crocodile than he'd like to admit, especially if he believed he would never be called that
But knowing Luffy, if he knows being called "dad" made Crocodile happy (even if he didn't want to admit it), and if Luffy did decide he liked Crocodile/accepted him as his other dad... He'd probably keep on calling Crocodile some variation of "dad", even if he insisted that "Crocodile was fine"
Also worth noting that according to this SBS, if Croc did raise a child that child would use 父上 ("chichiue"), which is quite a formal way to call someone Father
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So that would be Crocodile's canon preferred term but god knows there'd be no way in hell he'd be able to convince Luffy to call him that, shit's way too formal for Luffy
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tokidokitokyo · 3 months
Podcast Review: Tofugu
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Podcast Title: Tofugu Podcast
Ease of Listening: ★★★★★
Length of Episodes: ★★★★☆
Level of Engagement: ★★★★★
Episode Frequency: ☆☆☆☆☆
Overall: ★★★★☆
Today I will be reviewing the Tofugu Podcast. I listened to the bulk of this podcast over the course of a few months. This podcast is created by the popular Tofugu website crew. It is in English mostly with a focus on Japanese language learning. (No, I am receiving no compensation for this review, I just wanted to share my opinion!)
Do I currently listen to this podcast?: Yes, I listen to this podcast when new episodes come out (but it's been a while).
General Overview
Good For Levels: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced
In this podcast, native Japanese speakers pair with Japanese learners (all on the Tofugu staff) to discuss the Japanese language, Japan-specific experiences, and other topics relating to Japan. The earlier podcasts are a bit more "friends hanging out" vibe than the more recent ones, which have a more structured feeling. They both have their pros and cons, but I like the recent more structured podcast because I think they are well thought out and provide a lot of insight into the finer points of Japanese grammar, particles, and vocabulary whilst still being very interesting. The Japanese language podcasts are also often paired with a new Tofugu article, so there is an extra level of learning and review to be had with this series. The only things that lowered the overall score were the long lengths of episodes and the long wait time in between new podcast releases.
Ease of Listening ★★★★★
The podcasts flow well and the hosts communicate their points well. I wouldn't listen to this podcast whilst trying to do something that I'd have to think through, but it's good for a commute (which is when I mostly listen to it) or if you have some down time.
Length of Episodes ★★★★☆
The podcasts can be 30 minutes to an hour, and I usually listen to one during my commute, but if they are longer I'll have to break it up. I think it's a reasonable length, but if you are looking for something short and sweet this is not it. It never felt too long because I was engaged the entire time I was listening.
Level of Engagement ★★★★★
As an intermediate learner, I get a lot out of this podcast, but their in-depth explanations are good for beginners as well. Native speakers and Japanese learners have a loose script to base their discussion on a particular topic on, and the conversation style podcast with examples and quizzes makes it flow really well. I found myself continuously engaged for the full episode. The Japanese learners ask a lot of questions that I would have asked myself, and the chemistry amongst the hosts makes me keep listening even through the Wani-Kani ads.
Episode Frequency ☆☆☆☆☆
Podcasts aren't being released at the time I am writing this, so if you are looking for new material this isn't the place to look. The last podcast was released in April 2023, and before that they had one in December 2022, so it seems like they have slowed down on this. However, if you would like to listen to the episodes already released, you will learn from them and have a few months of material to go through.
Overall ★★★★☆
In general, I think this is a well-done podcast with a lot of useful information for both beginners and intermediate Japanese learners. It might be a bit mundane or simplified for advanced learners, but you might also pick up something you didn't know before! Unfortunately they don't seem to be releasing new podcasts, but I recommend listening to the old episodes to glean information on the Japanese language.
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pointycorgiears · 2 months
Buggy telling Crocodile about how the Star People steal cows, only for the cows to show back up in places where symbols are carved into the Earth in some indecipherable language. And the cows don't always come back in one piece (ba dum tsh).
At which point Crocodile realizes a lot of his wanis could be easy to mistake for cows in the dark.
So guess what exasperated swordsman is now on wani watch duty as well?
MUST PROTECT THE BABIES! D8 I hope Mihawk is getting paid extra for all this lol. This is too funny! Oh my god. I bet Crocodile instructs the crew to build a huge tent enclosure to herd the wanis into at night after Mihawk starts complaining too much. It's insulated with a layer of tin foil, just in case.
Buggy and Crocodile start a Star People Club on the island where they meet once a month with others and talk about sightings and experiences. Mihawk refuses to make the refreshments for it.
He also refuse to serve mash potatoes at dinner anymore because someone always tries to start making them into a weird looking mountain.
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krastbannert · 4 months
Title: Across That Glimmering Sea
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Zuko, Jee, Zuko's Crew, Original Characters
Tags: Fluff, Returning Home, Reminiscing, Friendship, Humor, Post-War, Written for a Fanzine
Finally, it’s his turn - he hesitates a moment before he sets his boot down on familiar territory. On the same dock, he realizes, that the Wani had sailed from four years ago. Jee can’t help but let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. The seven of them share a long, silent moment amidst the hustle and bustle, before Teruko speaks. Her voice comes out soft and quiet, as if a lifelong prayer has just been answered.
“We’re home.”
After four long, hard years, the crew of the Wani finally comes home - and meets the prince who had led them on a journey of a lifetime, across a glimmering sea.
Originally written for @recovery-zine.
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threadsun · 1 year
Snaccpop - Masterlist
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Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack - Headcanons
Dachabo - Headcanons
The Groom of Gallagher Mansion
sdj x lads - tag for all my sdj stuff involving Nik and Zander
The Memory of My Angel (Could Never Cause Me Pain) - SDJ fic
Jack x reader Jack x reader x Rory Dilf Jack - Jack as a dad
Ian x reader Nick x Ian Dilf Ian - Ian as a dad
Shaun x reader Shaun x reader x Nick Dilf Shaun - Shaun as a dad
Nick x reader Shaun x reader x Nick Nick x Ian Dilf Nick - Nick as a dad
Joseph x reader Joseph x reader x Jean Joseph x Jean Beanjo x reader (Bo, Jean, and Joseph) Dilf Joseph - Joseph as a dad
Jean x reader Joseph x reader x Jean Joseph x Jean Beanjo x reader (Bo, Jean, and Joseph) Dilf Jean - Jean as a dad
Rory x reader Jack x reader x Rory Dilf Rory - Rory as a dad
Barry x reader
Bo x reader Dilf Bo - posts about Bo as a father
Elias Gallagher
Taylor Potts
Elias Gallagher x reader Taylor Potts x reader Elias Gallagher x reader x Taylor Potts
Dear Director AU - Reader is the resentful creator/director of the SunnyTime Crew Show The Wolf Den - werewolf AU Bloodbag AU - vampire AU Ian's Dad AU - Jean is blackmailing Ian and reader into fucking him while Ian and reader are dating Tapping the Admiral - Reader winds up on a pirate ship, with the boys as crewmates Heir Apparent - Reader is the heir to their kingdom's throne, and they have to make a harem before they inherit
Dilfs AU - Joseph and Jean raising Ian Teen Hooligans - Ian, Nick, Shaun, and MC as teenage friends Teen Hooligans become Teen Heroes - Teen Hooligans superhero AU Teacher Triad - Reader is a teacher in the 80s who meets the sdj crew Ghost!reader AU - Reader is the one who died on the sdj set and is a ghost The Gang go Girl Mode - genderbent stuff Firehouse Puppy AU - Reader is the dedicated petplay puppy for a firehouse full of firemen
Cult Town AU - Reader is the child of a cult leader, written by my beloved friend Evan (@panie-wanie-dean-bean) Incubus AU - Reader lives with a house full of incubi, written by Evan <3 Hybrid AU - Reader adopted the hybrid boys and is their owner, written by Evan <3
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muffinlance · 5 months
EDIT: The switchover from "Wani" to "Wanyi" has begun! Salvage should be switched; if anyone's re-reading, let me know if I missed any or accidentally borked any formatting during the change.
All crew names will be left the same, because they are Real People Names and I already had different personalities.
Thanks to everyone who helped me decide!
---Ye original post:---
Debating removing the various hat-tips to Embers in my fics due to attempting to re-read that story and finding it far less enamoring than when it was the second fic I'd ever read.
So anyways now soliciting potential new names for the Wani (Zuko's ship), Crewman Teruko, and Helmsman Kyo.
Update: Seems people (at least on this blog) associate those characters with my stories, not Embers. And the personalities are different, and they're legit real world names... So I'll likely leave those two alone.
Still tempted to change the Wani's name, though. My current top contender is Wanyi, which was @tuktukpodfics 's adorable change when they were podficcing Salvage, which I shall just quote here:
Wànyī (萬一): One in ten thousand, Perchance. I realize now that MuffinLance got the name Wani for Zuko’s ship from the author Vathara and it means "alligator" in another language. But when I was reading Salvage, I always imagined it was "wànyī," which literally means "one in ten thousand" and is used grammatically to mean "what if" or "just in case." I think a ship called "The Perchance" is perfect for a boy clinging to false hope.
I think that is a lot cooler and more meaningful than "Alligator". <3
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wordy-little-witch · 2 months
Silly goofy cross guild idea that will not leave my head, but hear me out
Buggy being the mafia wife archetype is well and good, it is one of the best, hottest takes on the PLANET and I'll die on that hill. But we also need to touch base on the blending of cultures and tastes here where I am currently FROTHING over.
Crocodile being Alabastan and taking over his once-home in a bid for control and for reasons that haven't been touched upon. Why Alabasta? Is it the 'wanis? Are fruitwani native there? If so, if Alabasta ISN'T his homeland, what made him choose there? What started his love of fruitwani? What lead to a mafia instead of a pirate and what does that mean for his character??? ((Middle Eastern and maybe smth English, German or Russian, smth about that scratches a brain itch for Croc, might be the languages-))
And Mihawk. My silly spooky little swordsman is full of mysteries and I am ROTATING him. Mach speed. Full 360 tail spin in my frontal lobe. Is he human? If he is, what was his upbringing like? What was his childhood? His parents? His homeland? Does he speak other languages? ((I love the idea of Mihawk being the One Piece equivalent of French)).
Buggy's heritage is Unknown (jazz hands), but he was raised by Roger who has Big Gaelic Energy, no I will not explain, it's RIGHT THERE. On that note though, Buggy grew up on a pirate crew, a bunch of headstrong fellas from all sorts of places, with all sorts of lives. Buggy's a little melting pot, a drifter, and while some things are poignantly Roger's in his words, actions or beliefs, he's all over the place with a wide palette.
Now the three of them learning and picking things up from each other. They wind up leaving marks on each other.
Mihawk sings quietly to himself sometimes in French, usually while gardening or cooking. Buggy and Crocodile learn the songs by osmosis.
Crocodile sometimes calls the others by certain pet names or gives orders in his own mother tongue, or he'll organize things a certain way, set up smth in a specific manner, idek, my brain is fried but the vibe, the VIBE is there.
Buggy shares dances or recipes from his childhood. Just... yes. Them bleeding into each other's spaces. Them leaving marks on one another metaphorically.
((Also them slowly incorporating bits of each other in apparel. Buggy opting for richer or darker colors or cuts. Crocodile incorporating lace and pops of red. Mihawk adding textures to his eyeliner and updating his harness with more crisscrosses.))
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awanderingmuse-fandom · 2 months
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Chapter 17
NOTE: The last Chapter 17 was in fact Chapter 18. So I had to back post this. Sorry for the confusion, y'all.
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Summary: Music night washes over Iroh. The crew’s attention  on each other means no one notices  their allegedly ill prince slipping over the side of the Wani and onto the dock.
Zuko, as The Blue Spirit, is leaving to meet another White Lotus Bud agent to exchange information on the Earth Armies for similar details on Fire Nation troops.
The White Lotus Buds are more successful than Iroh expected. Sometimes he thinks the war would end in days if they left the operatives in charge.
The White Lotus Buds were inspired by Zuko himself. It wasn’t difficult to connect The Blue Spirit’s earlier escapades with Zuko. Not once one realized there were connections to make.
Iroh does not know when the sneaking began, though he has his suspicions. Ten year old princes don’t go missing for days on end easily. And there’s the  ambiguity surrounding  Azulon’s death and Ursa’s sudden flight. When it started doesn’t truly matter when Zuko will not speak of it.
Shaking off his wandering curiosity, Iroh lets himself be drawn into the singing of an old sea shanty. It helps keep an old man awake, which he will need if he wants to be alert for his nephew’s return later that night.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Referenced child abuse,   Graphic Depictions of Violence, Strong Language  
Characters:   Zuko, Katara, Blue Spirit, Painted Lady, Sokka, Aang, Toph, Suki, Iroh, Kanna, Bumi, Ty Lee, Azula, Jet, Paku, Haru, Tyro, The Boulder, Smeller Bee, Jeong Jeong, Teo, Yue, Yugoda, The Wani Crew, Hei Bai, Arnook, Lieutenant Jee, Other Cast, Original Characters, Zhao  
Pairings: Zutara, Sukka, Taang, Tyzula
Chapter Preview
They made it to the Fire Nation and after the blockade everything seemed to be going okay. Zuko was definitely still on their tail and Sokka said they would have to do something about that, but right now they were relatively safe. His friends were even relaxing in the saddle a bit. Even Sokka who’d scared Aang badly when he’d fallen out of the saddle.
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as-i-watch · 1 year
Ok I have a very dumb question.
If you have the opportunity to make one of the one piece movies part of the canon of the main story; which one would be and why?
I really wany to say Strong World bc its my favorite movie (of those i have watched) and its the no-braincells allowed movie. Literally no thoughts in that crew the whole 2 hours, stellar entertainment
But really i have to say Film Z, and for several reasons really
It works better into the universe and it presents interesting new information about the marines
It gives backstory the three admirals of that moment
Introduced the neo navy that i think could be an interesting third player in the general political landscape
De-aged Kid Nami and Kid Chopper would've happened and i think thats funny
Usopp would've officially and succesfully gone undercovet as an shaddy agent
Armani would exist in the One Piece universe
And most importantly:
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I rest my case.
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firstfullmoon · 2 years
hi pau!! can you share some recent fav poetry collections? poetry isn't hitting me the same way it used to and i loathe the feeling. thanks <33
i’m sad to say it has been the same for me this past year :-( some poems i have come across on their own have been breathtaking but poetry collections have let me down recently - in fact i have been reading almost exclusively non poetry books lately. the five i have read this year and which have been satisfying as a whole were vintage sadness by hanif abdurraqib, the hurting kind by ada limón, my grief, the sun by sanna wani, DEAR GOD. DEAR BONES. DEAR YELLOW by noor hindi & the anthology how to love the world: poems of gratitude and hope edited by james crews. hopefully they will be as moving for you as they were for me!
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ao3feed-zukka · 1 year
Skinning the Children for a War Drum
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qElILhf
by kris_king_of_the_losers
Rumors of a hidden Fire Nation stronghold had circulated down in Gaoling. The Wani’s crew had whispered about it where they thought Zuko couldn’t hear; hushed voices relaying tales of Fire Nation aggression. Increased patrols, reneged trade agreements, violated treaties.
There’d been fantastical stories. That the Fire Lord was building an army of dragons. That entire platoons of Earth Kingdom platoons had fallen to archers who could shoot the wings off a sparrow fly. That the Fire Nation planned to conquer the world under the light of a comet, starting with the Air Nomads.
For every outrageous rumor, however, there were far more believable ones. Reports of a skirmish with the Northern Water Tribe that had ended in the Island of Arfeq falling under Fire Nation control. Captured Messenger Hawks from high-ranking generals revealing Yu Dao would be next. . . . Avatar Roku stopped Sozin and prevented the hundred years war, but with Ozai's sudden rise to power, comes a promise to shatter that peace. War is brewing. The world awaits the reveal of the new Avatar, Roku's successor, to once again ensure the nations live together in harmony.
Words: 4310, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: pirate!Zuko, Moon Spirit Sokka (Avatar), Sun spirit zuko, Canon divergence No Hundred years war, heavily inspired by the kyoshi novels, Reader I have taken liberties, Extremely Slow Burn, equally slow updates
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qElILhf
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