#The White Lily Diner
milunalupin · 3 months
— all-american
james potter x reader ★ 869 words
"Can you two stop giggling? People are staring."
The boys followed the tallest Marauder through the streets of muggle London, on their way to some American diner Peter had told them about. The purebloods couldn't help but 'ooh' and 'ahh' at all the unusual things they didn't have back in their world. A large neon sign came into view, the 'C' in 'Nick's Diner' flickering on and off. The loud jingle of the bell as they opened the door announced their arrival, only a few other patrons scattered around the diner. A voice from somewhere back in the kitchen called out.
"Welcome in, take a seat anywhere you'd like!"
They decided on a red leather booth near the back corner, a 'Taxi Driver' poster plastered right above the table. The black and white checkerboard flooring and jukebox made it feel like they were in that film 'Grease' their friend Lily makes them watch every other week.
"Evening boys, how's everyone doin'? My name is Y/N, can I get anyone started with a drink?"
James thinks he must've gotten hit by a muggle car crossing the street to get here because he believes he's seeing an angel in person. You just look so pretty, in your little red dress and white apron, curly hair tied up in a ponytail. Your smile. Merlin, he was going to need to get his eyes checked again after dinner because your smile was truly blinding. Were those wedding bells he was hearing?
"I think James over here is good, all that drool should last him a good week or two."
A hard slap on the back took him out of his daze. His eyebrows pinched together and he was about to say something back to Sirius when he realized he was drooling, quickly wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his sweater before turning back to you with red cheeks and a sheepish smile.
"A Coca-Cola for me, please."
You think the blushing boy before you couldn't get any cuter. You grinned and nodded, telling them you'd be back with their drinks as you strolled back to the kitchen.
Once James finally took his eyes away from your swinging ponytail, he was met with three shit-eating grins. He glares back but their smiles do not falter, causing James to scoff with furrowed eyebrows. "What."
Dinner goes by in a flash with the friends enjoying their meals and sneakily changing the music from the jukebox, wands hidden under the table. The boys notice they just so happen to have a very attentive waitress, your lovely self coming around to their table often. It was interesting that even after they'd finished eating, you would appear to fill their almost overflowing cups with water or drop off extra napkins. James did nothing but send a dopey grin your way, and he does consider talking to you but freezes the second your big brown eyes stare back at him.
Remus groaned as he watched his friend be so pathetically consumed by you, setting down his now empty mug. "Prongs, tell me. Are you going to ask her out or just sit there with your tongue out like Padfoot begging for someone to throw him a bone?"
"I do not beg!" The dog animagi sputtered, hitting the dirty blonde beside him, "Tell 'em Pete!"
"Piss off Moony, it's not that easy. She's perfect."
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Your shift was over, and truthfully it could've been worse. The table of four boys really made up for the more sour customers you had earlier in the day. The disappointment on your face was obvious when you had gone to clean their table and there was no number left behind on any of the napkins.
After finishing your closing duties you walked out the back door and turned the corner to find a large eagle owl perched upon the diner's bike rack. It wasn't too common to see owls in this area, but the shine of its feathers and well maintained claws tell you it's not from around here. Taking careful steps towards the bird, you offer your hand. It expanded its wings and flapped them twice at you before butting its head against the palm of you hand. You smiled and smoothed the beautiful creature's feathers back, now realizing there was an envelope sitting between the owl's talons. Taking the envelope and opening it up, you find a letter written to who you presumed to be yourself.
Dearest Y/N,
You have me infatuated with your beautiful smile and killer table waiting skills. I'm pretty funny and can show you a good time. Not like that though, unless you wanted t
What I mean to say is, I would throw all of England's tea in the ocean again if it meant I could win the honor of taking you out. On a date that is, not like killing you. I promise to make the night magical. I'll come by the diner next week with flowers and hopefully you don't punch me in the face for being a creep.
James Potter
Smiling to yourself, you gave the owl one last pet and a thank you before pulling your wand out and disapparating home.
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
things i noted on my 2nd watch of Twisters (2024)
where each song from the soundtrack plays (idk how many times i listened to it but y’all there was hell or high water playing at the diner when Javi was talking to Riggs and i felt like my third eye opened lmaooooo)
Dexter nerding out over everything (noticed this before but like 🥰🤧 this old man has my heart y’all 🥺 do you see how excited he gets mapping out the terrain and remembering which tornado effect is which???? yeah sure he probably never went to university or finished high school but you can see his love for learning and education and i bet he read every book in every library he visits)
white shirt OT3 o7 (Kate begins the white shirt effect and then it switches to Tyler and switches back to Kate then switches to Javi which switches to Tyler at the end. now, you could argue that Javi begins the white shirt effect bc Storm Par includes white shirts in their uniforms but NO! because they’re polos AND Javi wears the blue and black uniform. so truly the real argument would be Scott wore it but he’s separate from the OT3 and is meant to draw Javi away unlike Kate and Tyler and in this essay—)
Boone not answering Tyler calls (like, last time i did see when Tyler was asking Boone for forgiveness when he chased a tornado with Kate instead of Boone but the fact that Tyler only called Lily because Boone wasn’t answering just adds to that lmao)
Tyler being all shy and sweet with Kate (yeah i saw it before last time but like 🥺 he’s such a sweetie with his little crush and little smile and trying to act all cool asking for her opinion about where the twister is like 🤧🤧 adorable)
Lily teasing and being a great wingman (calling out his red face and handing Kate the food. and ok, yeah, sure, it’s a lot more likely that she didn’t see Kate and Tyler have a mini argument where Kate assumes the worst of them, but i like to think she saw how it ended and decided to clear the air her own way)
Benjamin Shopshire III (100% laughed when i read that name, i’m so sorry Ben lmao)
Mrs Carter’s narrative similarities to Aunt Meg (bbq & steak and eggs; team loving protag’s relative; not taking protag’s bs)
dead bf’s name is Jeb not Jeff (pretty sure that’s short for something but i have never heard of a Jeb before)
Tyler complimenting Javi’s radar (solely for OT3 purposes)
“Storm Par” & “Owens” (very much the when a name begins toned derogatory but ends the story affectionate)
they never specify which branch of the military Javi’s from (…….it’s free real estate)
Never Left Me plays when Javi and Kate are driving into Oklahoma (very much seals the “there was a time i’d do anything for you” quote)
but yeah there’s some. imma be letting it all soak in my brain while i rot ✌️
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infamous-if · 1 year
My writing is directly inspired by music I listen to, and since Infamous is heavily music centered, it only makes sense to share Chapter playlists. They’re basically a combination of songs that would serve as background soundtracks + songs the cast are actually listening to. Sometimes I imagine a song is playing and the characters don't notice, but it's canon that it's there haha
I can’t read without music, and I make the effort to listen to music as they would be described in a story to immerse myself. I made this playlist for myself but moved it to my Infamous account to share it because why not?
So if you’re like me and like to immerse yourself fully, here it is!
prologue + chap. 1 playlist
Below I’ll list the songs and what scenes they correspond to and how (mild spoilers ahead)
Live and Let Live by Of Mice and Men: similar to the song playing as MC navigates their way to the bathroom.
Paranoid by Black Sabbath: the song playing when MC and Co first arrive to the party.
Hotblack by Oceanship: the song I would imagine would be playing during The Talk with Seven (this is a very seven song for me)
Howlin' for You by The Black Keys: hookup scene with Dakota
Lights and Sounds by Yellowcard or Fell in Love With a Girl by The White Stripes: song playing over the speakers during the fight lol
Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley: song playing at the diner with Sebastian and Maya (cries)
Gilded Lily by Cults: car (ending) scene of the prologue after leaving the party
Lovers Rock by TV Girl or Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs: song playing when dancing with Dakota
Rosemary by Deftones: the song Seven is listening to in their headphones by the bus
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maximura · 2 days
So I wrote a maybe draft for a Gang AU with Ateez that I maybe will finish, if anyone is into that kind of thing. It has swearing and mentions of blood.
It’s a chilly Saturday night in downtown Seoul and Seonghwa can hear the muted throbbing bass from the club on the other side of the bathroom door. He can smell the sweat and smoke of too many people and feel the stickiness of spilled vodka underneath his boots. It’s disgusting but that’s why he’s here. 
The graying strip of fluorescent light above his head flickers as bugs fly head first into it. He muses over the fact that he feels the same. But he can’t go home yet, his watch tells him it’s only 11:45pm. Only three hours to go. 
The mirror is dirty, spotted with fingerprints and water and whatever else he doesn’t want to think about. Not that this was the time to contemplate hygiene. 
Seonghwa’s black Dior suit hides the blood stains but his white shirt doesn't. It takes five minutes of scrubbing to make himself presentable and not alarm other people into calling the cops because some guy is washing a bloody shirt in the bathroom of a dodgy club. But nobody asks. Maybe it’s just wine. Normal people like to think the best, it helps them sleep at night while the monsters are out running the city.
He’ll burn the shirt later. 
By the time he leaves here there will be countless amounts of DNA smeared all over this bathroom. It’ll be impossible to trace anything to anyone without implicating half the youths of Seoul. 
Seungcheol told him that once and he doesn’t forget it as he rinses off his knife in the sink. Stellar, it was called, carved in cursive across the dark wood handle and given to him after his first kill. 
With his blade and clothes as clean as he can get them, Seonghwa raises a wet hand to wipe a stray smear of blood from his cheek. He can't remember whose it is. Not that it really matters. 
He runs a hand through his hair, grimacing when it sits awkwardly for a moment before hurriedly raking the dark strands the other way. 
There’s a soft buzzing from his pocket, just three before it stops.
“You alone? Line clean?”
“Not yet.” Seonghwa replies, exiting the bathroom and making his way through the back of the club.
The person on the other end waits until the thumping bass fades away and Seonghwa steps through the door into the empty back alley. 
“You good?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Issue?”
"Kim's missing."
His weariness turns sharply sober and edgy. He stops breathing for a second, stomach falling to the ground without warning. 
God, he fucking hates surprises. 
There’s millions of Kims in South Korea but only one that means something. It’s the last thing he needs to hear. It’s a guarantee there will be no sleep in his future. 
“How? When?”
He almost doesn’t want to know.
"Not over the phone. Come in. Pick up the kids on the way, usual place.”
“Yeah…..alright, sure”. 
Seonghwa hangs up and strides to where his black AMG is parked next to a few bikes. He takes three deep shaky breaths, wills himself to dissociate from the feelings he’s stamped down into the ground and puts his ‘At Work’ mask back on. Revving up the growling engine, he pulls the AMG onto the highway towards Lily’s Diner, driving well above the legal limit but knowing the cops in the area have bigger fish to fry right now, he made sure of that. 
Predictably, the “Kids” are right where he thought they'd be. He can see their mouths moving from inside the Diner, an argument in full swing no doubt, and that’s even before he’s even pulled into the parking lot. Some things just never change. It’s almost nice, if he was someone who regularly indulged in the sentimental. 
The kids don’t see him so he calls the one more likely to answer. 
“I’m in the parking lot. There’s a call-in, we gotta go now.”
There’s a heavy pause on the other end. 
“How bad?”
Yunho has always been quick to read people, even through the smallest twitches on their face or slightest shifts in their voice. It was a useful skill in the field but Seonghwa has never liked it being used on him. He’ll make an exception tonight if it means less bickering.
“Okay. We’ll be out.” 
They hang up and Seonghwa waits, digging around the glove box to locate some Skittles before remembering that he ate them already. 
Fuck this Long Night.
"So get this Seonghwa-"
“No names in the field.” He scowls. “Wait till we’re out of ear shot at least.” 
Mingi just never learns. Blessed with freakish energy and strength but cursed with recklessness and a voice that carries too loudly across any parking lot. 
“Paranoia getting to you again?” Mingi asks with a wide grin. “It’s midnight and the only dangerous people here is us."
Seonghwa regards him through the rear view mirror; sharp tense eyes meeting bright curious ones. He knows for a fact that Mingi’s job tonight was tough but looking at the blonde in the backseat now, with his hair being tousled by the night breeze, you’d mistake him for any other carefree kid on a night out.
Seonghwa is wrestled back into the present when he feels eyes boring into his face. While he’s been looking at Mingi, Yunho has been silently watching him, stealing whatever information he needs to arrive at whichever conclusion he chooses. 
It’s unnerving. 
“You two have any problems tonight?”
Work talk. Shop talk. It’s a safe topic. Seonghwa will keep it going as long as he needs to because he can feel all the questions on the tip of Yunho’s tongue. 
They both know Yunho feeds on information; possessed with a desire to know everything about everyone in every situation. He hadn’t always been like that, Seonghwa thinks regrettably. The twenty-three year old staring at him now is nothing like the scrawny insecure kid he met all those years ago on the street. 
They both also know that Seonghwa holds all the secrets and does not surrender them easily, if at all. There are some secrets that not even Seungcheol, their leader, knows. Secrets that will be buried with him when he dies. 
“No problems.” Yunho replies shortly. “It was fine.”
“No it wasn’t! I need new weapons!” Mingi protests, ignoring the silent battle of dominance playing out in front of him. 
“What’s wrong with your current lot?”
“Ugh, it jams every time it gets damp!” Mingi cries, throwing his hands in the air and nearly taking Yunho’s eyes out. “I’m going to ask Wonwoo for some new shit when we get back. He said I was his favourite and I’m going to capitalise."
Like a switch, Yunho’s stony face lights up with laughter. “What? You are definitely not his favourite. He was being sarcastic.”
Mingi pauses, hand on his chest like he’s wounded. “No, but he said it fully serious.”
Yunho rolls his eyes. “That’s just how he talks, Mingi. He tells us we’re all his favourites. That’s the joke because none of us are his favourite.”
Seonghwa snorts out a laugh. 
“So this whole time…” Mingi trails off, a look of betrayal flitting across his face. 
“Yeah, he finds you as annoying as the rest of us.” Yunho says with a chuckle, petting Mingi’s blonde hair fondly. “He hates everyone.”
“Well, almost everyone.”
There’s a beat of silence and Seonghwa lets go of some of the tension in his shoulders. It lasts approximately ten seconds before Mingi’s head suddenly pops up next to him. 
“Hey Seonghwa, I’m still your favourite though right?”
When they arrive at Headquarters Seonghwa punches in the new code and nods to Stanley, the security man pretending to be the Gardner, as they drive into the gated property. As far as he knows, there were no flowers that bloomed solely at night, but their neighbours were either stupid, apathetic or just as crooked as they were to ignore it all. 
Once inside, Seonghwa sends Mingi and Yunho to clean up but he makes his way up to the main office. 
“Well? You found him yet?”
Seungcheol is at his desk when Seonghwa bursts through the door, hissing a loud ‘fuck off!’ at the two guards who attempted to search him. 
Seungcheol allows it, nodding for the guards to stand down.
“Well?” Seonghwa asks again. “Do we have anything?”
Seonghwa slumps heavily into one of the leather chairs in the room. 
Seungcheol regards him quietly and calmly. “I was going to wait till the others got here.”
“Oh fuck that, I deserve to know first.” Seonghwa spits out, knowing that, despite his own seniority, Seungcheol is still older and he’s dangerously close to stepping out of line here. 
“Hongjoong was contracted to take out Big Red tonight.”
Cold dread settles uncomfortably in Seonghwa’s stomach, with worry and anxiety gnawing at him until everything is replaced with anger. 
“He didn’t tell me that.”
“I told him not to.”
“So you sent him on a secret suicide mission by himself? Not even a team could take on Big Red right now. What the hell, Seungcheol?”
“We had intel things would be favourable.”
Seonghwa snorts derisively. “Well, him being missing doesn’t make it very fucking favourable does it?”
They’re both quiet for a moment. Seonghwa talks down his rage; not just at the fact that Hongjoong is missing but at the sheer amount of disastrous decisions being made without his knowledge.
“The intel was bad. Jongho took care of the source.”
“No shit it was bad.” Seonghwa scoffs, as if a mole dying was meant to make him feel better. “So you don’t know anything?”
Seungcheol leans forward in his chair. “There’s not much to go on: we think Red’s still on the run because nobody’s called it in yet. The entire building they were both in burnt to the ground. No survivors.”
“That’s nothing to go on.” Seonghwa mutters. “How do you even know there’s no survivors? Have you looked?”
Seungcheol’s poker face flashes with something akin to regret. It’s barely there but Seonghwa caught it. 
“What? What is it?”
“Well, it would seem that your little pal got himself some kind of fan who saw the whole thing. 
Seonghwa is dumbfounded, staring lamely at Seungcheol as he continues. 
“If he's meant to be so hard to find and kill, I don't even know how this kid managed to track him down and follow him in the first place.”
“Wait, how do you even know this? Where’s this kid now?”
“Wonwoo’s feeding him in the kitchen.”
“What? Are you serious?” Seonghwa laughs incredulously, “You brought a fucking unreliable witness back here? Are we in the witness protecting business now? Have you actually lost your mind?”
Seungcheol lets out rare weary sigh. "You want to see him?"
No, he didn't. He's had enough of kids and stupid decisions for one night. 
The Kid looks maybe 18. It was hard to tell. Maybe the tears made him look younger but the soot and grime made him look older. 
Wonwoo nods a greeting as Seonghwa enters the kitchen and stands up to leave them alone. 
Seonghwa sits down at the table. 
"You ok, Kid?"
"Don't call me that!” 
The snap was unexpected and Seonghwa can't help but be amused. Just seen death, kidnapped by a gang and this kid still has the balls to talk back. 
“Okay, so you’re not a kid. Got it. You have a home to go to? Parents?"
The Kid shakes his head. It’s a movement and answer that trips a wire in Seonghwa’s mind. 
"Okay then. You gotta name?"
"He said no names in the field."
And Seonghwa wants to laugh at that. Typical Kim Hongjoong.
"We're not in the field now though."
“Well, I’m not stupid enough to tell you my name.” The Kid huffs defiantly, even through the dirt and tears. 
This kid. Seonghwa can see why Hongjoong might've been tempted to let him get close. 
"Okay. Different question. How did you know him?"
"I don't. I just followed him around."
"Yeah? And he let you? You know what he is right?"
"He's a killer. Just like you."
The Kid turns to look him in the eyes. They’re as sharp as the ones he’s seen in the mirror and suddenly the teenager looks both young and old at the same time. There’s a weariness, sadness, tiredness but above all, the steely silver light of determination. 
"He's not dead."
The statement punches Seonghwa right in his chest. "What?"
"I couldn't find a body. It means he's not dead."
A few years ago Seonghwa might've been more naive, might’ve been too optimistic or pessimistic based on emotions, but now, he only plays with fact and probability. And right now, those tell him that despite the whole building burning down and no gang wars erupting over Big Red’s territory: no body means no kill. Assassins survive for a reason. Especially Kim Hongjoong. 
"You looked?”
The Kid nods. "Until the cops and fire guys came"
"Did you tell this to anyone?"
"Only you."
"Why me? How do you know me?"
"He told me to find you. He told me to trust you....." The Kid pauses. Obviously debating whether to trust anyone at all. "He told me to look for the model guy with the most expensive suit. That's you isn't it?"
Seonghwa wants to laugh but his mind just reels from the information. This wasn’t just a random Kid. He clearly had some sort of relationship with Hongjoong, one that Seonghwa didn’t even know about. 
He pushes aside the feelings of betrayal and settles on processing the fact that this kid has spent enough time with Hongjoong to figure out what he might look like. It means Hongjoong has described him, in detail, to someone. Just in case something happened to him. 
This kid was the lifeline. And Seonghwa was the emergency contact.
Fucking Kim Hongjoong. 
The kid lets out a sheepish yawn and Seonghwa checks his watch: 2am. 
"You got anywhere to go? It's late."
He’s met with a non committal shrug. 
“You want me to drop you off somewhere?”
“I don’t know.”
“Someone out there is looking for you right?”
Seonghwa just stares at him before taking in the worn out clothes, the Nike hoody that looks suspiciously like the one he got Hongjoong years ago, and the total lack of any real personal belongings near him. 
Seonghwa clears his throat uncomfortably. "Ah. Well. I'll talk to er, the others about where to...put...you."
He walks out of the room swiftly and finds Seungcheol in the main lounge room they used for most meetings. He must’ve had the strangest expression on his face because Seungcheol doesn’t even demand a status report right away. 
“What? What is it?”
“He…said he looked through the wreck of the building, after the fire was put out. He couldn't find a body. Any body. So maybe they're both alive.”
“Someone pulled them out.”
“I think so. It would explain why nobody’s claimed Hongjoong’s kill and Red’s minions aren't tearing themselves apart for a piece of the territory.”
He looks around room. The black couches in the corner now filled with the sleeping forms of the Yunho and Mingi. 
“You filled them in?”
Seungcheol nods, “Only what they needed to know: that Hongjoong’s missing.”
“Where’s Jongho?”
“He’s fine, just delayed by the ferry. Something about a storm over the ocean.”
Seonghwa nods. “The Kid. He’s a street kid. I don’t know who he belongs to, he says nobody but someone out there must be missing him. I'm not sure it was smart taking him here but he knows too much Seungcheol. He knows a whole fucking lot.”
Seungcheol rubs his temples. “That’s what I was afraid of. It’s part of the reason I took him here.”
“Part of?”
“Well, he also asked for you. By name."
They stare at each other incredulously, before simultaneously muttering, "Fucking Kim Hongjoong.” 
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vgperson · 2 years
Vocaloid Highlights: February 2023
"I love building the industrial revolution in RIMEcraft." - M (identity withheld) Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== Glowing Bluely Blue SEPIA NOTES Spoilers: The Culprit is Zundamon Song Dedicated to Everyone With Messy Writing To You, the Faker Photopsia Ah, Kuma. (Demon/Bear) Kyrie For Dear Life Flower and Wind Mind Castle Sweet State Drive Solitary Industrial Revolution YOU New Cult cicada Clinging to Role Anonymous M Fallen Angel Become the Wind I Am, We Are Miss Forgetful, Look This Way In Your Eyes Altamira -English ver.- Please Stand By Me
========== Worth Your Time ========== Make up Ahh, Peyudochi Hiiragi Kirai (Song Name) Candy Purple Fantasize Aspartame Magic Charm Glint Heartrate Pairing Pumpy Fake Show Never Had Someone I Like Say They Liked Me SIDE EFFECT Bewitching Love Monsters Pawmi's Floor-Gap-Gunk Music Softly. Huh? With you Flower Rotting Chiuchiu (Mooch-Mooch) February Water Ostriches' Brains Are Smaller Than Their Eyes BAKU☆NEW (Huge Boobs) Yuzuki Yukari Wanna Appear At the Summer Festival BODY IS HEALTHY Natsuki Karin Gets Her License Seafood☆Highway Dreaming Isle Impression Pier Pantomime-Ager Static Electricity Zap. Stray Cat Carrying a Leek Other Summer Recollection Starlight If Only Something Good Happened Chrononaut Winter Parade Myo 2 Wanna Eat Koharu Rikka's Hair Buns Goodnight Elegy Starry Phrase Heat Haze Prattling Valentine SUPERVILLAIN Whitely Love Damage! Damage! Damage! Ultra Rocket FxxKING LOVELY MUSIC Backside Spring Magical☆Cheer Depths Diner Nighthawks Sweet Valentine Immortal Flower Untitled Document (Remake) Nirvana Everything Up to Yesterday Konpeito Extremists Antibiotics Good Night Orangette Excuse Crescent Merry Unbirthday Self-Love Maiden Destiny Coughing Indigo and Higan Living Isn't Simple Regards to Messiah PROJECTION My Heart is Refusing Machine Island Reincarnation Repentance Night Fog Let's Die Together in a Mini-Theater Before Spring Falls Machine Krieg (long ver.) Marshmallow Crea Caffeine Loss Day Lily Miru Uncanny Pokkuri-san Easier to Just End It Already White Journey Girl Brûlée Scenario Beast Eros Ex Machina #psychedelic love Fruit of Wisdom Snowpile Park Saunter Waiting for Spring Say It's Regrettable Whereabouts of the Heart Without Permission Bandage Girl.mp3 Shall We Play Together Good Night Darling Lipstick Do-Do-Do Instinct
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zeroseuniverse · 1 year
Friday Milkshakes
Pairing: Wooyoung X fem reader
Summary: In which he is enthralled with a waitress and can’t stop learning more about her
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He didn’t know how he ended up here, maybe it was the countless failed dates or his members teasing him for being obsessed with the idea of romance since they were finally receiving a bit of a break, he just wanted someone to spend it with. The diner itself was cute, he wondered how he had never seen it before the checkered floor complimented the white walls well, not clashing with too many different colors like some diners do, the yellow booths popping against the sterile color and adding some warmth into the previously bland interior, but that wasn’t what the appeal about the diner was, the two workers behind the counter who wore the brightest grins as they playfiully pushed each other was. 
He could tell they were siblings, the diner seemingly being a family business as the man he saw earlier also resembled the two behind the counter. He hummed in thought before a milkshake was placed in front of him, he jolted and looked up at the waitress who twirled gracefully on her skates to turn and grab his food. Wootoung was in short clumsy, so seeing someone move with such ease on wheels was intimidating.
“Here ya go darlin,”the woman grinned as she grabbed the plate and placed it down in front of him, as soon as the place was placed, the male behind the counter took the time to kick one of her wheels reachcing his arms out to catch her if she falls, but the woman was seemingly a professional and skillfully shifted her weight slightly before pulling herself upright with little issue.
He spent the night watching the two siblings as they bickered, which lead to many days when he’d come just to watch the chaotic duo that seemed to give him a bit of warmth everytim he came in.
He became a regular customer, every friday night he’d come in and sit in his preferred booth, which lead to many conversations with the two siblings, him beginning to join in on the banter with a bit more of a flirtatious tone to his comments that lead to the woman blushing like a tomato and he himself grinning uncontrollably.
Wooyoung was rarely ever this determined, that’s a lie, he was determined when it came to annoying people. However the longer he got to know the woman from the diner the more he felt the need to prepare, every detail she shared of herself he would jot down in the notes on his phone.
She adores orange bush lilies, her favorite color is yellow, and she has an unhealthy obsession with caramel as well. All of her habits and interests are all safely hidden in his phone. He wanted to make this girl fall for him.
And She did, on his sixth visit, the boy ordered two milkshakes, his own and a caramel one. She had assumed he had a person meeting him at first but was completely caught off guard when the man offered her the seat across from him. But she obliged, it was empty in the diner anyway and if anyone did come in her brother could handle it.
“How are you, Wooyoung?”
“I’m great, especially since I’m sitting with you,” he grinned contentedly as her face blossomed into a blush yet again because of him.
“You are such a flirt,” She huffed, twirling her finger around the rim of her milkshake.
“Aye, only for you,” hhis response was a generic flirt which usually would have caused her to cringe away, but coming from the handsome man across from her she couldn’t help the way her hands flung up to cover her face.
The two sat and talked for hours, falling slowly but surely enough it was strong, her brother standing behind the counter grinned mischievously as he took multiple pictures to show his dad later. His dad loved to gush over the look guys give his daughter, and he knew that this look would have his dad on the floor crying with excitement.
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beau9 · 8 months
When I listen to music gardens open out around me, and the melody becomes a flower I hear with my eyes. Sound has an image, and this image has a sound, which slowly gathers momentum like waves, more far-reaching than a literary metaphor. Carnations leave their flower beds and are distributed on the tables of high-class restaurants to compensate a stranger for some forgotten loss, or make a diner waiting for his companion better prepared to face the uncertainties of their encounter. Nobody stops the narcissus listening for hours to a song of joy in the water and believing it is a song of praise. When white lilies fill a room with their huge, pungent scent, I am confused by my thoughts about them, the opposite of violets, which make me pause where two sounds intersect and dissolve, indistinguishable as the tears shed at weddings and funerals, and the opposite of anemones, which are content with a song on the broad margins, a pastorale on the low mountain slopes.
All of this is so I can say: the red rose is visible music, and jasmine is a message of longing from nobody to nobody.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
christmas day had to be one of regulus’ least favorite days. while people that merely pass in front of the high-arched windows of his house, are decorated in tinsel, gifts under their arms and laughter bouncing off the tall, old buildings, inside his house, it was miserable.
he was sitting outside, on one of the cold, marble benches in front of the fountain. the soil and the paved alleys were covered in a thin layer of snow, and the trees were heavy with its weight.
mere steps away from him, in the house, the preparations for the diner were almost done. the food was already ready to be set on the table, and the house was decorated with elegant silver, white, black and green flowers and ornaments, and the christmas tree towered in the dining room. the fire was burning, giving the room an eerie, golden glow.
the guests were arriving, too. regulus had politely welcomed his aunt and uncle, he had offered to take lucius and narcissa’s coats (his cousin had been very polite, and she had offered to sit down next to him, in order to help him through the usual discussions of the high-class, pureblooded society), and he had kissed bellatrix’s thin, gloved hand (he noticed the delicate details on her wedding ring, and he felt something that resembled pity towards her; they were chained to the same destiny, after all, were they not?).
however, after the usual light conversation between him and his guests, and the what was supposed to be reassuring, but awkward and slightly uncomfortable pat on the shoulder from him father (“you are acting like a proper gentleman now, regulus, and i expect you to continue as such.”), he had politely excused himself from the discussions and slipped through the door and into the garden.
recently, he did not have the time to appreciate the beauty of winter. in fact, it was his favourite season; the quiet, the peaceful white that covered everything around him, making for a picturesque sight. looking around himself, at the snow and the windows and at the cloudy sky, announcing snowing for the second time that day, regulus almost smiled. winter was truly, utterly beautiful.
he used to not be so bitter about christmas, either; it was more pleasant when, just days before, he would spend his birthday with sirius, and during the christmas dinner they would sneak into the kitchen and, when no one was looking, they would nick two of the smooth, velvety red cakes and sneak them into their room, the raspberry and white chocolate heavy on their tongues. they’d, quietly, sing carols and, for just a day, they would act like family. even if it was just the two of them.
now, sirius was probably spending christmas with the potters and with the extended family (by extended family, regulus now considered lily evans, now potter, it seemed, remus lupin, who was, as regulus had found out, sirius’ boyfriend, and all of their other idiotic friends.)
but regulus did not need sirius at all, actually. he did not celebrate his birthday at all that year, and he was going sit quietly at the table, occasionally exchanging thoughts about matters that did not have any significance to him with whoever he would have the displeasure of sitting next to, utterly numb and with a profound lack of interest, almost a routine of some sorts.
christmas was quiet without sirius and, for the first time ever, regulus black allowed the small, frail child in him to grieve for his brother.
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homicidal-slvt · 2 years
Your First Valentine's Day Together {Pt. 3}
Creepypasta Head-Canons
Ok ok- I realized there was more characters I wanted to do so here we are.
Warnings: None
Dr. Smiley
Expect to have a lovely dinner for two in his office. He refuses to take any patients today, they'll all have to either go to Nurse Ann, Dr. Pain or EJ. It's gonna be a long evening of pure romance, rose petals, candles and all.
"You love it, right?" "Yes..."
Dr. Pain
A date with him is bound to spiral into chaos, careful planning is not one of his strong suits and he loves going with the flow. Will most likely think teaching you how to stitch up a wound is a perfect date idea, his poor victim having to watch you two love birds.
"You're doing great, honey!" "Thanks!"
Papa Grande
Will take you to a show in the underworld, wanting only the best entertainment for him and his darlings special day. Afterwards expect a fancy dinner and lots of deep conversation.
"What would you like to discuss next, Y/N?" "Hm...."
The Bartender
He has no idea what the significance of Valentine's Day is but will take you on a simple but sweet date regardless. Ordering your favorite food and gifting you a lovely heart shaped locket. He simply likes showing you how he feels.
"It's beautiful!!!" ".....~"
Is learning ballet a good date? Because that's probably what you'll wind up doing. She thinks it's wonderful to involve you in her passion, and is fully willing to teach you other forms of dance as well. Also expect to receive lots of roses.
"Are you alright, dear?" "Yeah just... Fell again."
Wendell Wilson
Appreciates a simple date at home, his gift to you is him cooking dinner for the both of you. Calmly listening to you rattle on about your day- well at least pretending to listen and occasionally tuning in. He does love you I promise.
"Wendell... Are you even listening?" "Of course."
Daisy White
Today is incredibly exciting for her! She joyfully drags you to some small town diner to eat a burger and fries. Though you have to order of course cause she's a ghost- and also you look kinda crazy when you're talking to her. But it's so cute when she rambles on about anything and everything.
"And then!!! I found a cute kitten!" "That's an awesome story, Daisy."
Mary Vaughn
She would've completely forgotten it was even Valentine's Day if it weren't for you. She takes you for a nice little picnic in the woods, feeding some seed to the little birds around. She likes just being near you.
"Their chirping so much. I think they like you, Y/N." "You really think so?"
Ani The Wight
She can't resist treating you to breakfast in bed, to which the whole day you both go back and forth doing sweet things for one another.
"We should do this more often." "Agreed"
Asylum Nancy
She doesn't really celebrate holiday, not really seeing the point. She will get you a small gift like a cute little ring or something. That's about it though.
"Thought you'd like it." "I do. Thanks."
The Seer
Goes out of her way to plan a special date for you guys, not too romantic but not too simple. Trying to balance it out. She gives you a bouquet of white lilies, feeling the elegance of them suits you.
"A special flower for a special person." "Thank you."
..... She agrees to go on a date with you but all the planning is on your hands. You're making this day special for her not the other way around. She can be somewhat demanding at times, but starts acting a bit more loving later on. She's just a tough cookie to crack, not very romance driven.
"Do you like it, Sketcher?" ".... It's sweet I suppose."
{More Content}
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enstarsfunniest · 1 year
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here is the bracket! polls and matches are written down under the read more
Dog of the New Year (Midori Takamine) vs Departing Orient (Midori Takamine)
Sports Festival Decision (Tetora Nagumo) vs Black of Diligence (Tetora Nagumo)
Magic Recipe (Wataru Hibiki) vs Surprise Diner (Wataru Hibiki)
Librarian (Keito Hasumi) vs Serene Sage (Keito Hasumi)
Wind-Reading Surfer (Rei Sakuma) vs Sacrifice's Resurrection Sunday (Kaoru Hakaze)
Halloween Wolf (Koga Oogami) vs Labyrinth Racer (Yuuta Aoi)
Lily of the Valley Faerie (Nazuna Nito) vs Model Instruction (Izumi Sena)
Having a Blissful Dream (Ritsu Sakuma) vs Demon of the Twelfth Lunar Month (Ritsu Sakuma)
Shinsekai and Retaliation (Mika Kagehira) vs Train Conductor's Whistle (Mika Kagehira)
Revival Diner (Eichi Tenshouin) vs A Breath Of Spring Air (Eichi Tenshouin)
Watchdog Husky (Yuzuru Fushimi) vs Sprouting White (Ibara Saegusa)
Desperate Blow (Tomoya Mashiro) vs Genius and Ordinary (Tomoya Mashiro)
Satellite's North Star (Hokuto Hidaka) vs Chill Yellow (Hokuto Hidaka)
Bankara Youth (Jun Sazanami) vs Dream of the Wasteland (Nagisa Ran)
Righteous Brim (Tsukasa Suou) vs Snow-White Brim (Tori Himemiya)
Sea breeze and Gondola (Tsumugi Aoba) vs Panic-stricken Spider (Kohaku Oukawa)
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March '23 Scenario: Masc Loche
Loche’s hands are gentle against your arm and side as he guides you through the forest, your eyes covered in a blindfold. To be honest, it took a lot of willpower to not tell him no to such a request; you hate being without your vision. It’s dangerous, in nearly every other situation. 
But you will humor him. Just this once. 
“Loche? How much further? Where are we even going?” 
“It’s a secret, remember?” His rough lips lightly press against your temple. “Elsewise, it wouldn’t be a secret, as I’ve come to understand the word. And we’re nearly there. It won’t be long now, I promise.” 
“Hmm. I suppose I can wait, just a little longer.” You sigh a little dramatically, but you continue, letting him lead. 
He lets out a quiet laugh, though to anyone else, you know it’d sound like a growl. But you know better. 
His guiding is careful and steady, his pace never faltering. You can hear birds chirping from above, as well as a light breeze rattling through the trees. The peacefulness takes the edge off your nerves some; not entirely, no, that won’t happen until the blindfold is off, but the peace helps a little bit. 
Several more minutes pass before Loche halts, stopping you with him. 
“We’re here,” he murmurs, and you feel his hands shift. They trail slowly up your arms, your shoulders, to rest on your neck. You shiver as the calluses and scars pull at your skin, sending pleasant chills all over your body until his fingers reach the tie of the blindfold. He struggles to untie it for a moment, resorting to growling at it for a moment, but it finally comes loose, and you take in the scenery before you. 
It’s beautiful. No, beautiful isn’t the word. There’s a world of various greens before you, from near pastel greens to the deepest you’ve ever seen, rivaling even Freja’s eyes. But it’s not just a world of green, no, there’s so many others: blues, whites, pinks, oranges, yellows, purples. You can see nearly every imaginable color in the field of wildflowers in front of you, enclosed ever so gently and securely by a treeline thick with massively tall trees and thick, robust bushes. 
You can’t even get close to describing it fully. You truly can’t. 
You start when you feel rough fingertips lightly graze your jaw, gently urging you to look to the side. You find Loche watching you, his lips slightly parted. His deep blue eyes roam your face as his spots become visible, likely looking for your reaction. For you to give some kind of response. But what is one to say to this?
“It’s… I don’t know how to describe this, Loche. It’s wonderful.” 
His lips pull into a smile. “I’m glad you think so as well. When I found it… I thought it’d be perfect for today.” 
“Is there something special about today?” You question, puzzled. You can’t think of anything related to today… hmm. The month, maybe, but not today, specifically. 
Loche nods slowly. “It’s the first day I ever saw you. In the diner.” 
You rack your brain… and realize he’s right. Today is the very first time the two of you ever met, when he and Blake came in to make that big ass order for the whole team. “I had completely forgotten! It was today, wasn’t it?” 
His smile widens. “Yes! And I wanted to do… something special. So, I went looking for somewhere beautiful to bring you and found this place. But, we’re going a little further in. There’s a small pond and there’s food waiting.” 
“You left food… out here? Loche…” 
His fingers gently entwine with yours, very warm and rough against yours. You follow him willingly when he gives a slight tug. “I placed magic around it… and asked the forest beings to please leave it be.” 
“I hope they decided to listen,” you tease lightly as his lips pull into a slight pout. 
“I… do as well.” 
It’s only a few steps further to find the pond he spoke of. It’s actually almost heart-shaped, and it seems naturally shaped like that. Lily pads dot the top, where you can see colorful dragonflies and frogs making their homes. Another beautiful part of this place. 
You also spy a picnic basket settled on the far side of the pond, where there’s a small clearing in the grass to allow clover to overgrow in a patch. Loche leads you there, and motions for you to sit, which you do… but you don’t release his hand. He gives the lightest of squeezes when he sits down, as close to you as he’s able to be. That’s how things normally go, anyway; the two of you being as close to one another as physically possible. Just comes as second nature, at this point. 
With his free hand, he pulls the lid off of the basket, revealing several bowls of your and his favorite foods. He really did go out of his way to do all this, didn’t he? 
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly as you turn to look at him. He looks confused. “I’m sorry I didn’t remember.” 
“You have no reason to apologize to me,” he responds earnestly, shaking his head slightly. His hair swishes around his shoulders now, and the image of when you first met him pops into mind: his hair chopped to nearly the scalp, looking like it was done with kitchen scissors. It probably was with kitchen scissors. “We were complete strangers, and you had a lot on your mind then.” 
“Still nothing, my love. You remember now, and that’s all I wanted.” He lays a soft kiss on your lips, but doesn’t fully pull away. His nose touches yours, his eyes looking deeply into your own as his breath shudders over your parted lips. “It’s all I wanted.” 
“You’re all I want,” you whisper, reaching up with your other hand to run your fingers through his coarse hair. His expression changes, his eyes fluttering, his lips twitching. 
Then he’s letting go of your hand to instead haul you close, crushing you to his chest. It’s rare you feel the strength in him like this, but you think what you said hit a nerve. Hit somewhere deep down inside of him, in a good way. You wrap your arms around his back as one of his hands dives into the back of your hair. 
You’re not sure, but you could swear you feel droplets hitting your shoulder. But you know you won’t be able to see for a while yet; not when he’s holding you so tight. Holding you so close. 
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sunnydragzn · 11 months
alright so im js gonna do this
so i tried to make a sort if angst thing of pure vanjlla but idk and im gonna post it on here so
(ill probably be making their names shorter or whatver like hollyberry - hb lolz)
it was a nice reunion. all the ancients had gotten together again.
well, almost all of them.
Pure vanilla still hadnt fully recovered from the loss of his dear freind, white lily. (you sure shes just a freind 🤨)
Pure vanilla hadnt been doing so well lately.
he was happy to bw reunitwd with his freinds, but without white lily, something was missing.
this feeling of emptiness overwhelmed him, but he wouldnt push the burden onto his friends, the last thing he wanted was to worry them.
but Hollyberry noticed. she noticed everything.
she saw how thin he was getting, how the bags under his eyes had been poorly covered with makeup, and how even his staff looked stressed.
she knew he hadnt been eating lately, and she decided to confront him about it.
she invited him to her castle, with a note saying ‘we need to talk.’
and ofcourse pure vanilla went, he was worried that maybe something had happened.
he was greeted by hollyberry at the gates, and she led him to a secluded place in the palace garden.
hb: “Pure vanilla, are you okay?”
pure vanilla is slightly confused by this.
pv: “of course i am, why would i not be?”
“oh, pure vanilla.. youve never been good at hiding things.”
“what do you mean..?”
“you havent eaten your jellies, have you?”
“i- uhm..”
pv is clearly a bit stressed, and also confused on how hollyberry knew this.
“we’re worried about you, pure vanilla.”
pv: “wait.. we?”
hb: “the others know of this as well.”
“youve cared so much for others, we think its time to care for you.”
pv: “dont, im fine, really!”
hb: “…is this about white lily?”
pure vanilla doesnr know how to respond.
hb: “it wasnt your fault, you know that, right..?”
“theres nothing you couldve done. dont blame yourself for it, my friend.”
pure vanilla breaks down crying, and hollyberry comforts him, hugging him tightly.
pv: “i-i just.. i..”
hb: “shh.. its okay my friend, let it out. its okay.”
idfk time skip or something 
pure vanilla has calmed down. 
hb: “now my friend, how about we get you something to eat, and some rest too. you look like you havent eaten or slept in days!”
pv: “i guess… i guess that would be nice.”
 [idk im tired and i dont know what else to write]
hollyberry buys pure vanilla some food at the jampie diner, and they sit and chat while pure vanilla finally eats.
pure vanilla hasnr recovered fully from the loss of white lily, but he has started to do better.
all the ancients make sure that pure vanilla knows its okay to care for himself sometimes, and they make sure he gets enough food and rest.
pure vanilla is doing a lot better now.
 [i didnt know how to end it or something okay 😭]
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skzhocomments · 10 months
THE WHITE LILY (Mafia Book #1 - Bang Chan) - Chapter 8 - The Overpass
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
General masterlist
Chapter 7 | Chapter 9
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Chapter 8 - The Overpass
chapter word count: 1.7k words
~Third person POV~
That night, Chan didn't go see Emilia. He was lost in his thoughts because of everything that happened. 
She didn't come out of her room either. Not through the door, anyway.
She woke up at about 3 AM and glanced at the closed door, remembering why she locked it before falling asleep. Then, she looked at the window and lazily made her way towards it, opening its frame and breathing in the night's cold air. 
As expected, the night always made her feel calmer. It was the only constant in her life that helped her heal her broken heart. After a full day's events, night would always come soothe her.
And she was content with that.
With an empty stomach, she made her way out of the window, not wanting anyone to hear her unlock the door. And by anyone, she was specifically thinking of Chan, who would most likely be the only one awake at this late hour. Him, and Felix and Han, probably, who were on night duty this week.
She wandered through the empty streets and shivered whenever the autumn breeze hugged her frame, but still, she thought a walk would help her stop overthinking.
Why did Chan tell her to get out instead of shutting Hyo down?
Why was she the one that had to leave, and not Hyo?
Emilia made her way to the small diner she learnt to like these past few months. She would occasionally come here with Felix and order some burger and fries whenever the others would be away on training.
After she was done with her late-night dinner, she quietly made her way back and climbed up to her room. She closed the window shut, then laid down on her bed and tried to fall asleep, which would almost always be an unsuccessful attempt whenever she would sleep alone.
Damn, I shouldn't have gotten so used to sleeping with Chan, she cursed herself.
When 6 AM hit the clock, however, she managed to fall asleep.
The next day, no one came to visit her either.
Then, the next. And the next. And then another few nights followed.
Being so completely and utterly alone took Emilia by surprise. It wasn't unusual, no, far from that actually. Ever since San died, she's been on her own. 
However, she really thought that she became one of Stray Kids, but the last week certainly showed her that she didn't.
Disappointment that no one seemed to be by her side set in, and the fact that she had no idea what was going on was even more disturbing to her. 
And to be honest, after the first few days, she didn't even care that much anymore. Or at least she didn't want to. She tried to become numb to the pain, but anxiety would creep in ever so often, and when the walls seemed to be closing in, she went outside.
Going out through the window became a nightly occurrence. She was sure that everyone knew by now, because it would've been pretty much impossible to stay locked in for so many days without water and food.
This night, however, she didn't go to the burger place. Instead, she walked quietly through the empty streets for some time. A right turn here, a left turn there, until she finally arrived at her destination: The Overpass.
The Overpass was an old, cement bridge with a round spring. Underneath it was a large footpath that was following the river.
The Overpass was also her and San's secret place. Even though they were part of the same Mafia, they didn't cross paths at first, but they accidentally met here one fateful night and became friends, even partners eventually. 
They would both come here when the world would get too overwhelming, and this time, too, the world's been getting a bit too overwhelming for Emilia. 
The loneliness that was quietly creeping in inside of her heart made it difficult to breathe at times, especially tonight, when her anxiety has skyrocketed badly. 
She was mourning her relationship with Chan while doubts were setting in that anyone actually wanted her there.
Sitting down underneath the small bridge, she let the cold air enter her lungs.
"Emilia? What are you doing here?" a voice spoke a few meters away from her, startling her.
"Oh my god! Shadow?! You scared the shit out of me! What the fuck."
"We're not in a mission, so just call me by my name..."
"Jeongin... Did you follow me here?"
"What is this place?"
"Answer for an answer."
The boy sighed.
"It's your turn to answer." He replied smugly.
"This place... helps my nerves. Makes me less anxious."
"Do you have anxiety?" he asked with a concerned expression.
"Answer for an answer, remember?" she chuckled.  "Why did you follow me here?"
Jeongin sat down next to Emilia on the ground and watched the water flow rapidly a few meters in front of them.
"I was worried about you. You wouldn't come out of your room and I just... I didn't have enough balls to knock, I guess."
They both chuckled at that.
"Yea, I do have anxiety ever since..." Emilia shook her head and mumbled a quick "Nevermind", indicating that she didn't want to talk further. "I can't believe I didn't notice you behind me."
"You've been stressed, that's all. Don't beat yourself up over it."
"I guess... So, how are things back at the house?"
"The baby... had something on his back. A message for us. Something related to your old mafia... we think they knew we were coming."
"What?!" she turned her head surprised, looking straight in Jeongin's eyes. "It doesn't make any sense."
"Right? That's what I've been saying..."
"So let me guess: everyone's doubting me now."
When Jeongin hesitated to answer, she continued "You too?"
"No!" he quickly exclaimed. "I will always be on your side. Always." He countered with sincerity, placing his right hand on top of her left.
Emilia chuckled and looked down. The boy sounded so much like San, it was scary.
"So... why is this place so special to you?"
"It reminds me of an old friend. He... died during one of our missions. He was my partner in crime." she smiled sadly.
"Were... were you two together?"
"God, no." she chuckled. "I did love him. Not in a romantic way, but... I guess you could say that he was the closest thing to family I ever knew."
"I'm sorry you lost him..."
"Mhm. Thanks, Innie." She said, ruffling his hair.
"So, about that anxiety... next time you feel a panic attack coming, you can try this."
He raised her hand softly and turned it with the palm up.
"Draw a circle in your palm and breathe in, counting to 5. Just like this."
He started tracing a circle slowly with his index finger and counted: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..."
Emilia breathed in slowly.
"... and then draw it in the opposite direction and count back. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."
She exhaled, listening to Jeongin's soothing voice.
"Then repeat, if needed."
"This... helps." She intertwined her fingers with his and felt a gentle squeeze from him.
"I'm glad" He smiled brightly. "Wanna go grab a bite? You skipped dinner tonight."
"Wait wait wait - Did you really follow me every night?" Emilia asked, amused. 
In normal circumstances, she would've been very mad if she learnt that someone was watching her every move, but for some reason, she wasn't too upset with Jeongin doing it. It felt like he was her Shadow.
"Yea, I did. Sorry 'bout that". He smiled and helped her get up. Both of them shook off the dirt from the other's clothes. Then, they left the bridge and strolled around the city, still hand in hand, looking for a cosy diner far away from home.
Chan would observe the child, breathing proof that maybe some of the things Hyo said could've been true.
The blood results did come back after a few days, but the mother and child (as Seungmin was now certain they are related) were not identifiable. It rarely happens for someone to not appear anywhere, in any register, to not be related to anyone that's ever taken a blood test.
This was worrying. The Scarlet Rose was after SKZ for some reason and knew they were coming to the house. The mission's been thought of only a few days before, and it was a completely random one too. Chan knew the mansion would be long abandoned and put the "documents" his team was supposed to find in there himself. However, someone tipped The Scarlet Rose off, and they had enough time to take a woman and a child there, "preparing" them for their arrival.
Who was the leak? Was it really Shade, or was it someone else?
And if it's someone else... do they know that SKZ have helped keep her alive? Is that why they were after them?
Could it be...? Chan wondered, but quickly shook the thought of. No way, it's impossible. 
He was worried sick about it all and as much as he tried not to, he kept thinking of Shade. If she wasn't the traitor everyone was starting to think she was, this silence treatment was really unfair to her. It also didn't help that he got to know her so well lately, because he knew that this was probably killing her inside.
However, as a leader, his main responsibility was making sure that every Stray Kid is safe, regardless of who would have to suffer for it.
Still, he just couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't.
So he made his way to Emilia's room and knocked.
Another knock was met with the same deafening silence as before.
Does she still need some space?
Seeing her felt more urgent, though. 
He went to his desk and grabbed the spare key to her room and used it to enter, but to his surprise, the room was empty.
This got him worried. It was already close to 5 AM and she's never stayed out so much, so he tried calling her, but to his dismay, the phone rang in the room.
Fuck. Chan cursed, deciding that the only thing he could do if he wanted to see her was to sit down on the bed and wait.
Chapter 7 | Chapter 9
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a-neverending-story · 3 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME: Lilianne Moira FORMER: Cora Sophie Marren NICKNAME: Lily, Lils, Lilo TITLE(S): - AGE: 32 y/o SPECIES: reincarnation | witch SEX: cis female NATIONALITY: american INTERESTS: (horror) movies, alcohol, cigarettes, fire, pickpocketing, tattoos, piercings, music PROFESSION: jobhopper most found as a barkeeper, sometimes in a casino or in american diners BODY TYPE: thin (emaciated, depending on the state of her mental health), stronger than it looks EYES: stormy blue HAIR: ash blond / white blond (colored) SKIN: pale skin, rarely tanned, with some recognizable features - TATTOOS:  a dragon on her back, monster across her left wrist covering a scar, a snake on her right ankle, a rose on her left rib cage, two koi fish above her left elbow like her zodiac sign, a dagger with flowers on her right thigh, “the tides” as an underboob, mist or clouds of smoke with red ink on the back of her right hand to the forearm (cursed) - PIERCINGS: multiple ear piercings, a septum, a centered labret piercing, a tongue piercing, a belly button piercing, a piercing in her right eyebrow (varying), a piercing on each nipple and a piercing you’re never ever going to see - SCARS:  there are many scars over her body, a cross scar on her right arm (a witches sign), a scar across her left wrist covered by her ‘monster’ tattoo and a fine cursed scar from the right collarbone to mid-cleavage FACE: narrow face, high cheekbones, thin eyebrows, large eyes (usually with dark circles underneath), pointed, delicate nose, full lips (often with lesions when she chews on them a lot) POSTURE: Upright, hip-swinging gait, quiet steps, usually unable to sit up straight on chairs and appears rather casual, reclined. HEIGHT: 5’6’’/ 171cm VOICE: click SIGNATURE OUTFIT: click SIGNIFICANT OTHER: none COMPANIONS: die TRUPPE, Lovis Dabos, her twinbrother ANTAGONISTS: Coralynn Smyth, the ghost women, Ricarda Sayre STRENGTHS: Fighting (especially with knives), a survivalist, stealing, magic WEAKNESSES: quick temper, non-existent patience, tireless curiosity, she can't read or write very well, she's an addict COLORS: black, dark red FRUITS: no matter, as long as they taste sweet DRINKS: coca cola, chocolate milkshakes, sparkling water (rare) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: jack, jim, josé, gin, beer, cocktails… okay, all kinds of alcoholic beverages SMOKES: yes DRUGS: yes DRIVER’S LICENSE: yes but not legally
tagged: found in my drafts, don't know who tagged me
tagging: @breakingtaboos , @hochmvt , @zeitrcisender , @ashbalfour & You!
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of-ghost · 4 months
Love me like a wrong turn on a bad road late at night, with no
moon and no town anywhere
and a large hungry animal moving heavily through the brush in
the ditch.
Love me with a blindfold over your eyes and the sound of rusty
blurting from the faucet in the kitchen, leaking down through
the floorboards to hot cement. Do it without asking,
without wondering or thinking anything, while the machinery’s
shut down and the watchman’s slumped asleep before his small TV
showing the empty garage, the deserted hallways, while the thieves
slice through
the fence with steel clippers. Love me when you can’t find
a decent restaurant open anywhere, when you’re alone in a glaring
with two nuns arguing in the back booth, when your eggs are
and your hash browns underdone. Snick the buttons off the front
of my dress
and toss them one by one into the pond where carp lurk just
beneath the surface,
their cold fins waving. Love me on the hood of a truck no one’s
in years, sunk to its fenders in weeds and dead sunflowers;
and in the lilies, your mouth on my white throat, while turtles
their bellies through slick mud, through the footprints of coots and
Do it when no one’s looking, when the riots begin and the planes
open up,
when the bus leaps the curb and the driver hits the brakes and the
pedal sinks to the floor,
while someone hurls a plate against the wall and picks up another,
love me like a freezing shot of vodka, like pure agave, love me
when you’re lonely, when we’re both too tired to speak, when you
don’t believe
in anything, listen, there isn’t anything, it doesn’t matter; lie down
with me and close your eyes, the road curves here, I’m cranking up
the radio
and we’re going, we won’t turn back as long as you love me,
as long as you keep on doing it exactly like that.
–Like that by Kim Addonizio
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pivotalmark · 1 year
LILY &* EMMA / @divienity
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❛ it's strange . finding her after everything . ❜ absent gaze is focused on the mug of coffee her hands are wrapped around . HAVING BREAKFAST WITH EMMA IN THIS LITTLE DINER ? not something she ever expected of her life at this stage . of course , nothing has gone her way since emma found her . as a child or now . good &* evil , balanced on a scale neither of them set . maybe she should hate her for being the savior while lilith was cast aside as the fuck up , but --------- neither of their lives have turned out very well . &* besides that , how could she hate her ? she's tried --- the fire dies as easily as it's set . emma means too much , even now .
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❛ it's weird , right ? you go through life thinking if you just find your birth parents , everything will set itself right . we both found them ; &* we got lucky ---- they love us . but there's still something wrong with it . ❜ a sigh escapes her as cup is raised , sip taken from the steaming mug . ❛ must be shitty . living up to snow white's standards. how do you even attempt to be pure as snow ? ❜
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