#The Wonderful Garden of Bella Brown
darkbluekies · 1 month
BLUE I MIGHT HAVE A RESEARCH REQUEST! This has me stumped because I can’t imagine any of your OC’s dealing with something like this. Have you ever watched the Twilight series? There’s a scene in Twilight New Moon where Bella (the fmc) is stuck in her room for 3-4 months doing nothing. In the book however you will see three chapters with no text. I will not spoil the “why” because I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie. I think you would do an amazing job textualizing something like that for your yandere’s.
Do you mean like the "dreadful wait"? I have both read the book and watched the movie a long time ago so I know what you are referring to.
If you do mean the isolated dreaded waiting, I have written about it in my private stories and I could share that with you to show how it would sound in my writing style.
The wind howled outside the window. She had been staring out at the unkempt garden for five weeks at this point. It had grown taller and thicker since the first time she had seen it, obscuring more and more of the sky. She knew the day would come when she could no longer see the glimpses of the clouds and would have to orientate herself with the little light that filtered through the underbrush. Until the fall. Then the leaves would disappear, leaving behind a skeleton of bare branches. Then it would be colder, darker. Winter would kill her.
The only hint of color she had left was a pair of deep-seated dark circles under her eyes. Her brown eyes made the bags under her eyes look like holes. She often sat wrapped in the blanket she slept with and shook until her body could no longer bear it. The muscles spasmed. She was sure. She wouldn't survive the winter.
The eternal wait was unbearable at first. Just sitting at the desk next to the window and overseeing the same overgrown garden day in and day out was enough to make anyone lose their mind. She wondered if that was what had happened, that she had finally gone crazy, because she wasn't panicking anymore. When she sat in front of the window, she could turn off her brain, not think about anything at all, and let time and space merge. It was hard to keep track of what day it was and how many had passed, even though she tried to count in her head. If she had had paper and pen, it would have been much easier, but she didn't dare ask.
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goldeneyedgirl · 9 months
TwiFicmas23 Day 11: Mad World
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Good evening!
Today we have some of Mad World which I don't seem to have posted much of? Despite writing a decent amount of? Very strange.
This fic is based around Alice being Charlie's estranged niece, and being sent to live with Bella and Charlie to finish high school after an incident at her boarding school.
Of course, Alice's paternal extended family happens to be Romani, and of course, she gets mixed up in some very mysterious happenings that keep leading back to the Cullens and the Res.
It's a very rough draft, and I think will involve Alice thinking there's a murder mystery but instead, vampires and werewolves.
I hope you enjoy it!
You can find the first part of Mad World right here.
mad world. 
Mami is singing to me and brushing my hair out. I’m drawing, my red crayon skating over the paper. We’re ready to go - the flowers are in the kitchen sink, and I’m dressed - no more black, Mami said. Instead, my dress is dark blue with flowers all over it; Mami made it herself. She’ll put red and white ribbons in my hair, and we’ll go to the cemetery. 
“What have you drawn for your papa, angel?” Mami leans over my shoulder. 
“Me and Daddy,” I say quietly. For an eight-year-old, the drawing is good. My memory of us is clear, and I have rendered it as accurately as I am able. 
Mami frowns and takes my drawing. “It’s very good, but perhaps something happier?” she says gently. 
“Okay, Mami,” I agree, and start a new drawing of Daddy and I in Mami’s garden, smiling as Mami folds the drawing and slips it into her apron and resumes fixing my hair. 
The cemetery is within walking distance, and we find ourselves there before lunch. It’s quiet, and there are a few people around. We find Daddy easily - under the tree, where we put a bench. We are not his first visitors and Mami scowls at that. She sweeps the offerings away without care - people who never met Daddy, leaving behind little paintings, brushes and pigments, flowers and flameless candles. She arranges our flowers, props up my drawing, and then lights our candles. She holds me tight and kisses my head, and I breathe in her scent of rosewater and thyme. 
Three hundred and sixty-five days ago, my father died, and the sadness has settled into our bones, into the foundations of the house. He's never coming back.
Everyone leaves me in the end.
I met my cousin Isabella first thing the next morning. I had woken up in desperate need of a shower, grabbing my last clean outfit and toiletries as I stumbled out of bed - and practically ran into her on the stairs. 
She was taller than I was, with long brown hair and a few faint freckles over her nose. She wore what I was beginning to suspect was the unofficial Forks uniform of jeans, boots, and a not-inexpensive spray jacket. She definitely looked like my mom, though not as much as she did in the photos, but one thing that could be said was that she had the girl-next-door type of soft, easy prettiness.
And she did not look eager to meet me.
“Hi,” I said as brightly as I could, considering my hair was tangled, I was still filthy, and wearing a pair of ancient pajamas printed with duckies that had a rather vile but permanent blood-stain across the leg. “You must be Isabella. I’m Alice.”
“Hey,” she said, and I turned, to follow her into the kitchen. 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t meet you last night, I was really tired,” I said as she moved around the kitchen to get her breakfast - she walked with a slight limp. “It’s a long way from North Carolina.” Especially when Mommy Dearest won’t spring for airfare. 
“Mmm,” Isabella said. “Charlie said you had some paperwork for school that I needed to take in?”
“Oh, sure. I’ll just grab it.” I slipped back through the house and grabbed the manila folder from my desk. I’d filled it out on the journey to Forks, and it was a little smudged and crumpled, but still perfectly legible. 
Holding out the folder to my cousin, I wondered if she’d snoop on the contents - I didn’t really want her knowing all of the stuff in the there. But then, how sneaky did you have to be to page through someone’s school enrolment paperwork?
“Thanks for taking it in for me,” I said, as Isabella slid it into her backpack. 
“No problem. Charlie had to leave early this morning, but he might come home for lunch,” she said, as she sloshed some coffee and milk into a thermos. “Have a good day.”
“You too,” I called, as she high-tailed it out of the kitchen.
So that was my cousin. 
I had other cousins, of course. Aunt Simone had five kids that I had seen during vacations with my grandmother and father in my childhood; I hadn’t really seen them often enough to be close to them. And Stephen had a brother with kids, whom I was supposed to consider my cousins. We had seen them too often for my comfort. 
And Isabella. Isabella who either looked too hard or away from me; who didn’t like me, who was so uncomfortable with my presence, and who wore my mom’s face.  
Seventeen months, twenty-nine days. 
Isabella and I would be the best of friends, it would just take time.
It was going to be fine.
Uncle Charlie and Isabella got home together, just after six. I was going a bit stir-crazy - the rain put me off going outside, and I still felt a little uncomfortable outside of my own bedroom. I had cleaned up the kitchen and bathroom, done a load of household laundry to help out, and contemplated making a batch of brownies, but Charlie’s oven and stove were on the older side, and the whirring and rattling when I touched the knobs had put me off baking anything. 
I tried to chat with Isabella and Charlie before dinner, but Charlie seemed eager to watch TV with a beer. Bella was absorbed in cooking dinner - and had been completely unimpressed when I admitted that I wasn’t much of a cook. 
“I was in a dorm, and outside of home-ec classes, there weren’t any opportunities to really cook,” I said hurriedly, but I was slightly annoyed - other than the bread and peanut butter I had been sustaining on, there hadn’t been any food in the house I could have used to prepare dinner. Isabella had brought some groceries home with her.
“The stuff you learned in home-ec should be fine,” she said, putting spaghetti into bowls. “And, um, call me Bella.”
I shrugged. “Okay, Bella. And if you and Charlie aren’t picky, I’m happy to practice,” I said, unconsciously rubbing my arm, and mentally skimming the few basic recipes I’d learned at school. Most of the cooking had been camp-style basics that were just varying combinations of food plus fire. Now, if she wanted me to roll a cigarette or pick a lock, then I could have been useful. 
“We can talk about it later,” Bella said, handing me a bowl, and picking up two others.
Bella seemed completely disinterested in my presence as we sat down to dinner. Uncle Charlie was exhausted, and made a point of loudly praising the chicken and broccoli alfredo Bella had made, but ate it mechanically. Neither of them made conversation, so I gave up, nibbling at the food, and volunteering to clean up. After dinner, Charlie did take the time to show me the chest freezer in the screened porch, disguised by a blanket and stack of old board games. 
It was packed with a fairly obscene amount of fish, and vegetables, with a few TV-dinners packed in the corner, as well as a couple of loaves of bread.
“We don’t eat anything fancy,” Charlie said, as I helped him pack some of the groceries into it. “Bells has some cook books if you want to learn. You don’t have any allergies?”
I shook my head. “Nope,” I said. “I just hate mac and cheese.”
Charlie smiled at me. “Yeah, I never liked the stuff either.”
I followed him back into the living room, where he handed me a set of house keys. 
“Good luck at school tomorrow,” he said, as I stuffed the keys into the pocket of my sweatpants. “Bells will give you a lift.”
“Thanks Uncle Charlie,” I replied. “It will be nice to be back at a normal school.”
Charlie chuckled and wandered off towards the television. I slipped back into my bedroom, pulling my cell phone out and jabbing in the number I knew by heart.
“Hullo?” My mami’s voice filled my ear, weaker than I remembered, but with her odd accent that was a little bit French, a little bit Canadian, and a little bit of the old country. 
“It’s Alice, Mami,” I said, lying down on my bed. 
“Oh, my Alice,” she cooed in my ear, pronouncing it the Italian way. “Sweetheart, are you okay?
“Yes, Mami. I’m in Washington, with my Uncle Charlie,” I said.
My grandmother Miriana was living in a care home in Florida, with my grandfather Thomas, and nearby my Auntie Tate, and my aunt Nicolette. I hated how far apart we were - I missed our little house with the crazy garden, I missed her standing in the kitchen, feeding the birds on the window sill, her strange amulets hanging from door frames and windowsills. 
“Charlie?” Mami said sharply. 
“Mom’s brother,” I said, calmly. “He’s a police officer.”
“Pfft!” I heard Mami spit. “You call me if he doesn’t treat you well, understand?” As if she could do anything to help me - custody had reverted to my mom, and Mami wasn’t strong anymore. But it still felt nice, hearing that declaration of protection. 
“Yes, Mami. But how are you and Grandpa?” I closed my eyes; I could almost smell her homemade hand cream, fell her hands braiding my hair. God, I missed her. 
“Good. Nicolette brought the children to see us,” Mami’s voice tapered off. 
“That’s good, you always wanted to see more of them,” I said encouragingly. 
“Yes,” Mami sounded distracted. “You should call Tate.”
“I will tomorrow,” I said. “After school, so I can tell her all about school. They won’t let her talk on the phone this late.”
“Yes. She will like that very much,” Mami’s sounded dreamy, but on the phone I couldn’t tell if it was the stroke damage, or just Mami being Mami. “Always put love out there, Alice. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, it will come around back to you. Remember that, Alice.”
“I will,” I said.
“Write it down,” Mami said sternly, before falling silent.
“I have to go now, Mami,” I said, after waiting a minute. Her mind was going - Grandpa had dementia, I knew the signs. “I’ll send you a letter, okay?”
“Draw me all the pictures, little one,” Mami said vaguely. “Sleep deeply.”
“You too. I love you,” I said, as Mami hung up. I missed her like crazy, but not like this. I missed my old, half-crazy grandmother, who taught me to read tarot and told me stories from the old country. Now, she felt like a ghost of her old self. 
My little bed was very comfortable, and I curled into a little ball, opening up the old photos I had saved on my phone, of Mami and me when I was little. I wish...
I wished for a lot of things, all of them utterly impossible, and thinking about them just made me sadder.
Jasper Hale had, in the period of forty minutes, deeply endeared both himself and the town of Forks to me.
My shoulders were pressed against a low-hanging branch, whilst I perched on the edge of a boulder, my legs hooked over both his hips. One of his hands was sliding up the back of my shirt, and the other one was sliding under my skirt. His mouth grazed my throat, and I giggled, twisting my fingers in his hair. 
“Is this weird?” I asked, as he pulled away, his eyes dark. “We’ve just met.”
Jasper chuckled, and the hand gripping my thigh slid up further. 
“It’s just,” I said, my voice wavering, “I don’t want to you think that I am … the kind of girl that does this… with the first boy who smiles at her…” I was very much regretting not taking Jasper back to the Swan house, though I’m sure my bed there would have collapsed with the weight of both of us on it. 
Jasper pulled back and stared at me. Actually considered me, like a painting on a wall. The hand resting on my back came up, and traced my face. 
“No. No, I would not,” Jasper said softly. “I don’t do this sort of thing either. It’s … out of character, that’s for sure. I didn’t think… I think we both took a chance on each other. A meeting of the minds, I suppose.”
“Amongst other parts,” I said with a grin, and he chuckled. 
“My brothers are always telling me to be more spontaneous,” he murmured, leaning back towards me, and I smiled, pulling him closer towards me.
I stumbled home after dark - both Jasper and I had lost track of time, defiling each other. Most tragically, neither of us had anticipated exactly how the day would end, and even a boy that looked like Jasper Hale wasn’t convincing me to do anything without a condom. A problem I planned to rectify the next day at Forks’ only drug store. God, wouldn’t that be a treat for the gossips - ‘Chief Swan’s estranged niece, Annette’s girl, was buying contraceptives a week after she arrived in town!'
The knees of my tights, and the back of my skirt were filthy, as I clattered in the front door to find Bella setting the table, and Charlie watching TV with a beer. Ignoring Bella’s accusatory look with a breezy greeting, I dashed into my bedroom to get changed. I still had a mountain of homework, and I was desperate for a shower. 
I managed to wake up before my alarm the next morning, more antsy than sleep-deprived. I wanted to look good today, in case Jasper was having second thoughts. But not like I had put in any effort at all. I had one v-neck sweater, in a fantastic blood red colour that made my boobs look more impressive, and a brand new pair of jeans. I ended up wrestling with my hair longer than was appropriate, and decided against a full face of make-up, and just added eye-liner and lipstick. 
The result was… acceptable. It was a lot less interesting than I normally would have opted for, but I almost looked cute. 
I’d spent far too long, the previous night, contemplating suggestions for the weekend - he had both a car and a driver’s license, so I was thinking the safest option was a movie and dinner. Or we could skip right to dessert, I didn’t mind. 
I had to remember to double-check with Uncle Charlie to see if I had a curfew. 
Bella had already left by the time I sloshed some coffee into a thermos cup; luckily, a bus ran right past the corner, and dropped me off close to school. I really had to get some driver’s ed classes. 
I didn’t see the Cullens - or Bella - until after the bell rang. Spotting them in the hallway, I smiled and straightened up, ready to snag Jasper away from the rest of his weird family. 
“Hey,” I began with a smile on my face, but I already knew. The stoic expressions, the sneer on Rosalie's face, the vaguely disgusted look on Edward’s, and the fact that Jasper was staring dead-ahead, even turning his head away from me.  
The Cullens and Bella pushed past without even acknowledging me. 
For a second, it was like I was outside of reality. That this wasn’t happening to me. 
And then I was back, watching them walk away. 
I would have thought Jasper was better than that. To blow me off, after we… after everything he said to me…
Steeling myself, I turned around and headed to my first class, trying to get my heart to stop thundering in my chest. This wasn’t new. I hadn’t had any friends at my old school either. Friends were something other people had, and I was fine on my own. Boyfriends were useless, too, unless you needed protection.
I had to focus on what I did have, not what I didn’t have or need: I was out of North Carolina, I was out of my mother’s house, and I had a year until graduation.  
Whatever. Rolling my eyes, I kept walking. Friends were something other people had, and I was fine on my own. I was out of North Carolina, I wasn’t living with my mother, and I was nearly done with high school. 
It still hurt.
Uncle Charlie came out to the back porch after dinner. Bella had made lasagna, and conversation had been stilted - obviously whatever Bella thought she knew about Jasper Hale and I had earned me the silent treatment. Or as close as she could get without Uncle Charlie realising. 
I’d finished my homework, and come out to sketch, which had gravitated from my sketchbook to doodling a new tattoo on my thigh, over the top of one of my last uncovered scars.  
“How’s it going, kid?” he asked, leaning against the railing.
“It’s going pretty well, Uncle Charlie,” I said, looking up from where I was shading the sun.
“How’s school? Making friends?”
No, but I am fucking douchebags in the woods. “Not so much,” I said honestly, capping my pen. “But I don’t really make friends well.”
“Bells can introduce you around. She knows some good kids,” Charlie said, taking a swig from his beer.
“Nah, I don’t want to cramp her style,” I smiled brightly, imagining what Bella would say if I made such a suggestion. “We already have to live together.”
Charlie didn’t reply, just watched as I sketched the tree of life onto my leg. I liked it better than the sun. 
“You need anything, you just have to say something, okay Alice?” Charlie looked serious. 
I nodded. “Thanks Uncle Charlie. Really. You didn’t have to take me in and I just wanted to let you know that I’m grateful,” I said quietly. 
“Of course. You’re family,” Uncle Charlie studied me. “Your mom didn’t mentioned much about your dad or family…”
I looked back down at my pen-drawn tattoo. “Dad died when I was a kid, after he and mom split up,” I said, adding a few more leaves. “I stayed with my grandmother for awhile, but she had to go into a home. That’s when I moved back with Mom.”
“I never met your dad,” Uncle Charlie sounded genial, but he was a cop. He’d know how to get kids to talk. “He came after your mom left Forks.”
I nodded - that wasn’t a surprise. Mom never really spoke about her life before she left the Swans - she always spoke of her family as if she wasn’t apart of them - and she certainly never would have tolerated a tag-along boyfriend, someone who knew her ‘before’. 
“Dad was great,” I said softly. “He lived with my grandmother, Miriana. They were the best.”
“You miss them a lot, huh,” Charlie said as he finished his beer.
“More than a lot. Dad dying was like my world ended,” I said, staring off into space. “But Mami was there and made things better. Then she had a stroke and Aunt Nico put her in a home. In Florida.” It did make sense - my grandfather was in the same home already, and Aunt Nic lived in Florida with her family. It still broke my heart. 
“So, your dad’s side of the family was just his parents and a sister?” Charlie asked. 
“Hmm? No, he has three sisters. Nicolette, Simone and Tate. But none of them could take me in,” I said. “Nic’s got five kids - one who has major special needs; Simone lives on a weird commune in California that I’m 99% sure is just an elaborate weed farm, and Tate lives in a care facility. Plus Mom has no way of contacting them.” Well, she’d been conspiring with Nico for years, but had never admitted to it. 
“I wasn’t criticizing, Alice. I’m glad to have you. I was just wondering who’d been looking after you all these years,” Charlie really was very kind. 
“I look after myself,” I said staunchly. “And Mami did fine right up until the stroke. She cooked and cleaned and took care of me. And she had Tate in a residential care place nearby for years. We’d visit her once a week and at Christmas. When Mami moved, Nic moved Tate as well.”
It was hard to explain my father’s side of the family. Mami had come from a huge Romani family, and had scandalised everyone when she ran off with a French-Canadian college student in her youth. Grandpa Thomas had always had an amused sort of tolerance for Mami and her beliefs. He had loved his family, loved her traditions even when he couldn’t understand them, and fiercely protected all of us from bigotry, with his words, his fists, and his nice, plain surname.
Dad had met Mom in Biloxi, and that’s where I’d spent my first three years of life. I didn’t really know much more than that; Mom had rarely mentioned Dad, and when she did, it was mostly to insult him. I just know Dad had hated Biloxi and when the marriage was over, he took me with him when he went home.
The art teacher’s slide show was never-ending, and I needed it to end. But the last slide was the worst. Dad’s portrait, looking thin and haunted, along with his last painting.
“Nico Brandon committed suicide July 11th that year, at the age of 34,” my art teacher droned on. “It is generally accepted that the suicide was planned in great detail, as the final act itself completed his final painting - according to his agent, one of the few people to see that painting in person.”
Maxine. I had loathed her. 
“How did killing himself finish the painting?” Ashley asked, confused. 
“Brandon shot himself in the head,” Ms Cage said. “The blood and matter transferred to the canvas behind him.”
I was 7. I had escaped Mami’s eye for a minute and slipped out to the studio to see him. He was sitting on a stool in front of the canvas - the Big One, he called it. 
The gun was already in his mouth.
His finger on the trigger. 
“Daddy?” I asked, confused, but his finger was already closing over the trigger, his blue eyes on mine.
“… no, the painting has never been displayed,” Ms Cage said patiently. 
“So gross,” someone said.
I didn’t scream.
Mami did, when she found me.
Maxine wailed. 
“Alice?” I looked over at Angela beside me. She looked worried. “Are you okay?”
I was crying, I realised, in the middle of class.
The teacher had spotted me, and looked concerned. It would take her another few moments to realise she’d just presented a lecture on my father’s suicide. It was no secret that it had been his daughter that had found him. 
Everyone still thought of me as Annie Swan’s daughter. 
The whole class was staring at me now, and Angela pressed a tissue into my hand. 
I opened my mouth to tell Ms Cage I was going to the nurse, but instead, my traitorous mouth said, “We didn’t know he had the gun.”
Ms Cage looked confused, then horrified, going white and then red. 
“M-Ms Weber, can you take her to the nurse?”
The thing with living in such close quarters in the middle of puberty is that affection burned fast and hard. I'd had boyfriends - and a girlfriend - at school, and none of them lingered in my mind fondly.
Hearing Charlie rant about some poor girl’s injuries from her boyfriend made me feel… antsy. Irritable. And kind of amused she’d made such a fuss. 
“If anyone ever lifts a hand to you girls…” Charlie shook his head. I snorted.
“It’s okay Uncle Charlie,” I said, “I wouldn’t even bother mentioning it to him, let alone get the police involved.”
Charlie’s knife scraped against his plate, and he was staring at me. 
“Alice, if a boy so much as looks at you funny, I want you to tell me,” Charlie said slowly. “If anyone tries to hit you, I want you to call 911 immediately. Boys aren’t supposed to hurt you.”
I wanted to laugh. That’s all boys did. Dad swallowed a bullet in front of me; my stepfather had hit me; the school director admitted me to that hellhole; the faceless boys who stalked me at school...
And Jasper Hale had ghosted me.
All boys ever did was hurt me. Uncle Charlie hadn’t yet, but I hadn’t known him very long; he still had a year and a half to prove my hypothesis.
Of course, girls hadn’t exactly been kind to me either. Maybe it wasn’t them, maybe it was just me.
“I just don’t like a lot of fuss,” I managed, but Bella and Charlie exchanged looks. 
Jasper didn't look amused as he took a seat beside me in History. The junior class wasn't big enough to avoid someone forever - this moment was inevitable.
"Alice..." Jasper began stiffly, and I shook my head.
"We have four weeks to get this paper done. I vote we do it fast and then pretend it never happened," I said without looking up, my fingers twisting through one of my necklaces - a saint's medallion that my Catholic grandfather had given me. Hopefully, it was the patron saint of avoiding awkward moments. "You don't even have to talk to me in school - we can do it all over email or in class."
Jasper stared at me and for a moment, I felt sad. Disappointed and almost oddly longing. And then it passed and he nodded.
"That's probably best," he said finally and pushed his notebook closer, offering me a pen. "Your email?"
I scrawled my details down, ignoring the way he watched me, his eyes darting when the tattoo on my arm was revealed. He'd seen it before, and the others, when I'd started school.
The bell rang and I nearly threw the pen down in my haste to leave.
If Jasper hadn't wanted to be with me, we could have just been friends. I would have liked a friend.
It didn't matter; the school year was almost over. I probably wouldn't cross paths with Jasper much after this. Mom had already informed me that I was being sent to some summer camp to get me out of Uncle Charlie's hair; and what were the odds that one of the amazing Cullens and I would share senior year classes? They were all outstanding students, and I was just happy to be graduating on time.
The next day, when I get my laundry in, I find the red hair again - long, curly strands tangled around the branches of the tree near the clothesline at the back of the property. It was so odd, and I wondered if it wasn't the wolves howling that was keeping me awake, but whatever weirdo was prowling around the Swan backyard late at night.
I needed to mention it to Uncle Charlie or Bella. It just seemed so silly. None of my clothing or underwear was missing, I just kept finding the strands of hair.
Maybe there were campers or something nearby. Or the wind was blowing hair from the salon dumpster around town. It sounded dumb but a lot less ridiculous than the idea that someone was so fixated on the Swans that they were hiding in the trees.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Recs List: Femslash Faves (for Sapphic Semptember)
For months I've been meaning to do a femslash list and thinking on it today, it occurred to me: "It's September...Sapphic September!! You have to do it NOW!! NOW NOW NOW!" So here we are!
On the plus side, my panic means I don't have much time to dawdle and overthink. All of these were the standouts to me, the ones that rushed into my mind when thinking of fics to include. So they're, of course, the BEST!
There are so many talented creators out there making such great wlw content! It does my heart good! Please share, give these creators some love, and tell me what femslash fics YOU love while you're at it!
Shades of Dawn
by @corvuscrowned Ginny/Lavender. Rated E. 2k.
Aching & beautiful.
It happens once a month — the full moon fades in the black night sky, replaced with the pink light of dawn. Ginny’s Floo sparks — vibrant green, devoured by gold and amber light. And out spills Lavender Brown.
Clip, Ravel, Cleave
by doshu (@vdoshu).Andromeda/Bellatrix. Andromeda/Tonks. Rated E. 15k.
So tragic and dark and gorgeous; I couldn't help but root for Bellatrix and Andromeda, however wrong it was.
Before Andromeda met Ted, she was a Black, through and through. While years later the story was told that she’d turned her back on her family’s dark ways, in truth, nothing was so simple.
In the beginning, it was just Andromeda and Bella. And it was just the two of them until it was too much.
Apples and Oranges Too
by drawlight (@ripeteeth). Ginny/Hermione. Rated E. 1k.
This one is so sad and passionate at the same time. They can't stay away from one another, but they can't be together.
You’re trouble, Hermione thinks. You’ve always been trouble. That’s the trouble with you.
by eldritcher. Hermione/Amelia. Rated M. 1k.
"Falling in love with somebody I don't really know isn't the strangest thing that has happened to me." -- and as I told the author (and anyone who will listen): "emotion does not logic."
Hers soon an hour of plenitude.
You burn me
by @etalice Ginny/Luna. Rated M. 3k.
Just stunning! Friendship & passion!
Ginny doesn’t notice the cool autumn air licking at the skin of her back. She’s ablaze with passion and want, her fire-skinned hands spreading across Luna’s moon-wax skin like the flame that devoured Serra de Sintra once. Lunae Mons, the ancients called them. Moon mountains, dwelling of Diana the Huntress, Diana of the underworld, Diana of the thrice-splitting way. But it is not Diana that Ginny worships with her hands and mouth, it is not Diana for whom Ginny’s heart sings hymns and psalms (Luna is a goddess in her own right, ruling over apple trees and old wooden stairs, overseeing windowsills and rocks and garden hedges.)
In the wake of her breakup with Harry, Ginny moves in with Luna and falls in love.
A Learning Opportunity
by floweringjudas. Oliver/Percy. Rated M. 4k.
A fun genderswap!
A potion goes awry, Percy and Oliver are turned into girls. Hijinx ensue.
by @freshbrainss. Ginny/Luna. Rated E. 2k.
Sexy & sweet!
For the hundredth time that afternoon, Luna thanks the sky for sunlight.
Find This Feeling
by @gracerene. Ginny/Alicia. Rated E. 27k.
Empowering tale of self-discovery and growing up.
Ginny has everything she ever wanted: a lovely (if small) flat in the City, a wonderful boyfriend to share it with, and most importantly, her dream job as a reserve Chaser with the Holyhead Harpies. She thinks she's got life all figured out, until a new friendship forces her to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about herself.
This Stone at My Back
by Lomonaaeren. Ginny/Luna. Rated M. 3k.
Home & love.
A tour around Ginny and Luna's shared home, built amid the roots of both tree and stone.
Love and Other Forms of Chaos
by @lqtraintracks. Hermione/Millicent. Rated E. 7k.
Older characters finding love again. Plus cool magical theory talks and chaos!! Who doesn't love chaos??
"In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance." ~Jeanette Winterson
by not_here_leave_a_message. Fleur/Hermione. Rated T. 4k.
Cute & funny!
Viktor was subtle but straight-forward. He had questions and he asked them and he got to know her that way. And Fleur? Fleur was a mess who aired her woes about her crush to her friends. In French.
...too bad Hermione speaks French. Sshhh!
by @onbeinganangel. Ginny/Luna. Rated E. 1k.
Just thinking of this fic makes me happy. So lovely!
It’s different now they share a bed. It’s different now they share a life. It’s different now Luna is not in her blue trimmed uniform, wrapped in a brown tatty blanket. Luna is in their bed, in their house, and she wears soft silk nightgowns in pastel colours with thin lace straps. Her hair is even longer than it was before and Ginny wakes up with it on her face and in her mouth and tickling her shoulders and arms.
Nine Ways of Looking at a Book
by pauraque. Hermione/Minerva. Rated M. 1k.
One of my favorites! Warmth, intimacy, and beauty in every interaction. (I really do need more Minmione in my life!)
Hermione has come back to Hogwarts to teach history. She finds herself looking to the future, too.
Lit Match
by @phantomato. Lily/Alecto. Rated E. 1k.
Humans made of Lily and Alecto both; a little gritty, a little flawed, but oh so interesting!
Redheads should stick together.
From the Tents of Kedar
by rinsbane. Pansy/Millicent. Pansy/Fleur. Rated E. 10k.
Angst. Screwed up people screwing up (and finding love along the way.)
Millicent is everything Pansy thought she’d never touch: a fellow Slytherin, someone her own age – someone ugly, for god’s sake. Funny how things work out, isn’t it? Post-Hogwarts, post-war. Romance, really, despite warnings, and Pansy-centric.
Accept the Extraordinary
by RoozetteR. Luna/Tonks. Rated M. 2k.
Recovery, comfort, support.
No one really knows how Luna ended up living at Lupin cottage after the war. But Tonks keeps the Wrakspurts away and gives Luna hope that the world will sparkle for her again.
Breaking wild roses (stings like love's pain)
by @teacup-tai. Hermione/Pansy. Rated E. 1k.
Practically poetry. 2nd person POV.
I feel like a scream is stuck inside my chest, creeping up in the deep dark hollow of my throat. It’s a mix of pain and agony. So to keep it down, I open my mouth and fill it with your soft, tender flesh. The bronze skin of your shoulder right against my tongue.
A Study in Violet
by tofugumball. Hermione/Angelina, Hermione/Luna. Rated M. 5k.
A beautiful transition from young love to true love.
Flowers in amber are scentless. Hermione realised that years ago. But now, for the first time, it hits her how truly dull they are when compared with a colourful, breathing garden.
Five times Hermione pines after a fantasy and one time she finds real love.
Let's hurt tonight (If love is pain)
by Twot. Fleur/Hermione. Rated M.
Sad soulmates (cool concept, but did I mention sad?)
When she was younger, Fleur actively searched for her soulmate. She craved for the one that would make her heart beat wild, but her soul feel calm.Her understanding of how sick the concept of soulmates was started with Gabrielle.
. The blonde avoided the Gryffindor like a boggart the light and the Gryffindor followed her like a niffler the gold.
Hermione was detirmined to fight for a chance with her soulmate . Soulmate au where you can feel your soulmate's pain
Under Different Stars
by Woldy. Luna/Tonks. Rated E. 2k.
Not everything has to make sense, but it feels oh so right!
They're so different that Tonks doesn't understand why it works, but somehow it does work.
Hot, Red
by wynnebat (@wynnefic). Alecto/Bellatrix. Rated E. 800.
Can confirm: is hot.
"When my mother taught me this spell, I think she was imagining quite a different circumstance."
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lifeofa-fangirl · 3 years
Enough Nothings
Pairing: Damiano x fem!reader
Summary: You and Damiano bond over the idea of a quiet night in
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: None, pure fluff
A/N: I saw an instagram post from the Late Late Show where James Corden talks about how he met his wife and my mind went haywire thinking that this would be such a Damiano thing to do. Written in an hour or so, not proof read. First fic in years, let me know what you think! 
“Oh come on, having a little bit of fun won’t hurt you! Here, have a glass of wine, it might help you relax. And remember to enjoy this evening, you deserve it!”
 Before you could protest, your boss had grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter’s tray and shoved it in your hand. You opened your mouth, but before any words were formed, she gave you an encouraging pat on the back and disappeared into the crowd to mingle.
 You sighed as you watched her start to make the rounds, shaking hands left and right. She made it seem so effortless it almost made you jealous. Almost. Because as much as you appreciated her effort, appreciated that she had insisted you deserved a night out after all the hard work you put in for the charity organization, you still felt this was the last place you wanted to be right now. You would always prefer a quiet night in, cooking dinner and falling asleep in front of the television.
 Another sigh and you finally took a sip of your wine. ‘Come on, you can do this,’ you told yourself as you remembered you did enjoy the taste of the drink in your hand, although you rarely took the opportunity to enjoy it. ‘You’re not even 30 yet, you should be out and about every night. This can be a fun Friday night. Don’t be a party pooper.’
 You almost choked on your next sip of wine as you heard those exact five last words being repeated out loud behind you. Coughing, you turned around in surprise. You would recognize that voice and that Italian accent anywhere.
 “Victoria!” you said as soon as you confirmed your suspicion.
 Victoria De Angelis spun around on her heels when she heard her name being called. “Ah, there you are! We’ve been looking for you!” she cheerfully announced. As she pulled you into a hug, you realized she wasn’t alone. You also realized that her words hadn’t been directed at you, but at the man accompanying her. You recognized the singer of her band.
 “This is Damiano, the singer of my band,” Victoria confirmed when she stepped back from hugging you. You nodded your hello as Victoria introduced you to Damiano in return. You only heard half of her explanation about how she met you when the band had stayed in London for a couple of months, and you worked for the organization that was hosting that night’s charity event. You were too distracted by the way the man in front of you was staring at you with the beginning of a smirk.
 Damiano patiently waited for Victoria to finish and then accepted the hand you offered him, pulling it up to his lips without hesitation and pressing a small kiss to it. “Hi, pleasure to meet you. You might be the most beautiful woman in the world,” he greeted you, all the while never breaking eye contact.
 “Well thank you very much.” You offered him a smile in return and slightly twisted your head to the side to give him calculating look before adding, “That sounds like something you say a lot.”
 “I’ve never said it before in my life,” he shot back at you. There was a playful glint in his eyes as he spoke and that smirk never left his lips, but you also didn’t miss the sudden rosy tint on his cheeks.
 He could easily be feeding you lies, but somehow you were inclined to believe him. You didn’t offer a verbal response, choosing to shoot him an bright smile instead. Judging by his reaction, it did nothing to hide the matching tint that you were sure was now also on your own cheeks. Was it just you, or had someone suddenly turned up the thermostat?
 Not much later, Victoria had disappeared, most likely off getting into trouble. And you sat with Damiano in a dark corner of the bar. Getting tipsy on the sound of his laugh and how his touch gave you goosebumps. It was so easy to be around him. Within an hour and a half of meeting you were jokingly planning the rest of your lives together. Kids were a must, at least two of them, so they’d always have each other. Legolas and Bidet, he had already named his cats, and you insisted that the new kitten would be called Loki. The flower beds in your garden would contain many different flowers, so there would be something blossoming every season. Your bedroom needed a balcony, so he could serenade you from below. And you would need a big kitchen, with plenty of room for all the home cooked meals you were going to prepare.
 You found comfort in how he loved the prospect of a quiet night in. Glorious, he called it, the thought of chamomile tea and going to bed before eleven. You had quickly agreed, told him that at your age, you had very much passed the notion of going out every night. He was a couple of years younger than you but took it as a compliment when you teasingly called him an old soul in a young body.
 You didn’t realize how much time had passed until Victoria eventually showed up again. “Time to call it a night, lovebirds,” she teased you both with a grin. When you finally tore your eyes away from Damiano for the first time in a long while, you realized that there were only a couple of people left in the bar and the waiters had already started cleaning up.
 As the three of you stood outside waiting for a cab, the cold night air did nothing to get rid of Victoria’s words. Lovebirds, she had called you. Away from the secluded, quiet corner of the bar, you were starting to feel anything but, and much more like a fool. The harsh streetlights burned your confidence away and you just stood there, silently waiting as Victoria chatted away besides you. Sneaking glances at Damiano, trying to memorize the sharpness of his jawline, the glimmer of the tiny golden ring piercing his nostril, the brown of his eyes, convinced that you weren’t going to see him again.
 When your rides arrived, Victoria gave a quick side hug and a “We’ll talk later” before jumping into the first cab to get away from the cold night air as fast as possible, leaving you and Damiano alone on the sidewalk.
 You took a deep breath to gather your courage and were about to pull in Damiano for a hug as well, when you realized he didn’t seem to have any intention to move. Instead, he stood next to you, staring at the pavement and fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
 “Damiano?” you wondered, carefully reaching out to touch his arm, trying to figure out why he looked like a nervous child suddenly.
 Damiano looked up at you when you called out his name. His nervousness reflected in his eyes and he bit his lip when he just stared at you for a moment. Then, with a steadiness in his voice that surprised you, he said, “I was wondering… Well… what about tomorrow, we do nothing together. You could come over to my place and we could just do nothing. And then maybe we could stay in and do nothing on Sunday as well. And on Monday, we can go to work and afterwards we can do nothing if you’d like. And I’m thinking that if we do enough nothings, if our evenings are enough of nothing, then maybe this can become something.”
 “What do you think?” he asked as he looked at you hopefully. And while he looked so very young under the streetlights, his old soul had just pulled you in. This was it. You were in. And by an absolute miracle, so was he. “That sounds like a fun idea,” you told him with a smile.
 He beamed at your answer, before the both of you got distracted by Victoria shouting for him to hurry his ass up and get in the cab.
 “Go!” You gave him a slight push towards the car. “She has my number, text me the details for your plan,” you told him with a wink.
 Damiano was about halfway to the car and you were about to walk over to the other ride, when he turned and came running back only to stop in front of you. Before you could react, he had put a hand on your cheek, and used the other to pull you close. The next moment his lips were on yours in a gentle kiss.
 The moment was over almost before you fully realized what was happening. “See you tomorrow, bella ragazza mia,” he whispered against your lips before running off towards his ride again.
 You watched in stunned silence as their cab drove off. Left with the tingling feeling of where Damiano’s lips had just been and the exciting promise of nothing ahead.  
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amindofstone · 3 years
Sugar coated lie
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a/n: I really don´t know how I happened to write something like that. It just… Like… a tiny idea was just there so I started to write and wrote and that’s the product of me writing something I don’t even know how to describe. But I still hope that someone out there finds a liking in it.
Genre(?): kpop imagine
Character(s): Bang Christopher Chan (from Stray Kids) x reader (Bella)
Synopsis: What happens if a married couple wonders if their significant other actually loves them?
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work and claim it as yours. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. If used in any way please be so kind and make sure to message me and inform me about the issue. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: the rightful owner !!!
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It was half past six. Around a time the city would be set alight by the beautiful colors the sun delights the world when it sets. It was around that time when Bella was sitting on her favorite armchair in her garden. The armchair she would be sitting on stood beside another one in a pavilion with a matching coffee table. The pavilion itself was built with quite a distance towards the mansion it belongs to. It was built with a distance since the spot it was made on gave a pretty view to the city the woman was living in.
It was half past ten when she decided to close the book in her hands and go back inside. Slow steps were made towards the house she lived in since seven months. Seven months passed in which she moved into the house of the man that was now her husband.
Comforting silence greeted her when she stepped inside. She closed the door behind her and stopped in her tracks when her eyes caught something bright and out of place.
A huge bouquet of roses. Roses in the shade of the most beautiful and bright red she ever laid her eyes on. With a soft smile upon her lips she carefully made her way towards the small table in front of the chimney. She made her way towards the table that had the bouquet on it. Without looking away she sat on the chair next to it and took the envelop that was placed between the flowers in her hands. Fine thick paper was taken out of the envelop that was decorated by carefully chosen words. Words written in a neat and beautiful handwriting.
Words full of passion and love. Words written with the hope of it being able to give the longing feelings the author of the letter had a form and voice. Words that were desperately trying to win the heart of the woman that was reading it. Each letter and syllable was absorbed by Bella with a pounding heart and the intension to save them in her mind and soul.
With a smile upon her deep pink lips she put the letter back in its envelop and made sure the flowers gifted to her were put in the finest vase the lady owned before she made her way towards her bedroom to end the day by drifting into the land of dreams.
Entering the bedroom, she thought would be empty, she was delighted by the shirtless sight of her husband Chan, the son of the most well known merchant the country had. “Oh, my apologies for entering without knocking.”, she uttered without looking into the eyes of the divine man she could call hers. A soft laughter filled the vast bedroom of the couple. “There is no need to apologize. It´s not like were strangers. And besides this room is not only mine but yours too.” With a quiet nod she made her way towards her part of the closet to get all she needed for a shower. With the hope of not having to ask the man she apologized to for anything to hand her over.
While collecting all she needed and getting rid of her jewelry and shoes Chan seemed to not be able to fight the urge to look at her. Each of her movements was followed by his chocolate brown eyes. Her soft and gentle humming of a familiar melody caused the heart of the man to pound against his chest wondering if he ever would be able to hear her sing out loud. Without looking at the direction of her longing husband she excused herself for a shower. Although he told the shy woman to take her time she left to enter the bathroom with the promise of her not taking to long.
Twenty one minutes counted Chan before she allowed the eager man to lay eyes on her again. A barely audible sigh of relive left Chans lips. And again his eyes followed all of her graceful movements.
Bella sat on her site of the bed without any other words shared with her husband of seven months. She took her hand cream out of the top drawer of her nightstand and applied some of it at the back of her hand. Spreading all of it evenly on both of her hands she didn´t knew that Chan would do anything he could only to touch them and place them in his. His hands were itching to hold hers and his body was screaming for her warmth. His mind was going crazy while his face was showing nothing than his calm features and soft eyes.
Lifting up the blanket she crawled under it with her novel in her hand. For the second time since she entered the bedroom she looked Chan in the eyes, who was sitting at the balcony with a gentle and loving gaze towards her. “Do you mind if I read for a while. But if you would like to sleep I surely can turn the lights off.” Softly spoken. That’s how Chan would describe her voice. Gentle and calm. Reticent she was it fitted her perfectly. Chan stood up and left the balcony to join her in bed. “Did you like the flowers I brought you?”
The sudden question left her bewildered for a second but she quickly managed to pull herself together and answer but once she was about to open her mouth Chan managed to leave her bewildered again. But this time it lasted longer. “Did you like any of the flowers I send you until know. Or do you only put them in vases and care for them because its from me, your husband.”
“I … I l-like them. I-in fact I love them. W-why would you say something like that?”, she slightly stuttered and looked away. And oh so suddenly her hands and finders became the most interesting thing existing. “So, you love them?”, he asked looking for the validation his heart asked for. With a short nod she made clear she did. “If that’s the case than please do me the favor and look me in my eyes and tell me that you love me. Tell me that you love the flowers I get you more than the flowers he gave you. Look me in my eyes and tell me that you love me more than you ever loved him.”
Bella who was playing with her fingers stopped every movement when those words left his mouth. With eyes that were still fixed on her hands her face was turned by the man sitting next to her. “Please look me in my eyes and tell me the pretty sugar coated lie of truly loving me. And before my mind tells my heart that it´s a lie, give me a kiss so my mind gets dizzy and occupied by the feeling of the lips I got to taste long ago.”
“If there is anyone who has the right to ask for a pretty sugar coated lie that would be me, my dear Chris. Now would you please tell me the lie of loving me so I can drift into a sleep followed by a dream in which you’re with me?”
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pairing: sheriff lee bodecker x younger! reader
warnings: cheating, age gap
a/n: i wanted to write this chapter to show how y/n’s and lee’s affair began and to show how y/n shaped lee or his point of view. this song is mostly based off august from taylor swift (bc we all know at this point that i’ll just write fanfics based of any folklore/evermore songs) and war of hearts from ruelle. this one is not smut, the next one (illicit affairs) is gonna be.  additionally, i’ve come to the conclusion that knockemstiff y/n dressed like betty draper and after-knockemstiff y/n dresses likes meg draper and that is canon. btw if you’re interested in what she’s wearing in this chapter here [x] p.s.: lee’s not captain yet in this chapter
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Salt air and the rust on your door, I never needed anything more. Whispers of are you sure? Never have I ever before. But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time ‘cause it was never mine
August was an odd month this year; the godless and sunless town was going through the biggest heatwave anyone could remember. Most habitants were in the parks and outside their homes in plastic chairs enjoying the heat, however, in Y/N’s house, they were baking apple pies with the apples leftover from the little apple tree farm they had a bit south from the town centre. Y/N had suggested they just gave away the apples but her grandmother, ever the traditional woman, believed the best way to show appreciation would be to bake something. “It shows you care, Y/N” as if she cared about anyone in this god forbidden town. She couldn’t wait to pack her bags and go to the big city where she can be something other than a trophy wife. Besides, it wasn’t like there were any available suitable husband options around. 
She wiped the flour out of her forehead as she placed the last pie in the oven. 24 pies, surely that would account for a high electricity bill at the end of the month. Not that it mattered anyway, her grandmother could more than afford it after all she was the woman right now sat at the kitchen table, giving out plates as if they cost nothing. 
     - Y/N, sweetheart, can you go and deliver the pie on the living room. It’s already cold and I don’t want it to go stale.
     - Yeah, sure. 
     - To Captain Bodecker’s house. Promised Jane I’d send her one. 
     - Captain Bodecker’s? But that’s in town. - she scratched her elbows. She’d rather not go to Captain Bodecker’s house yet again he probably wasn’t even around, always busy in the station. - Can I take the car?
     - It’s a 20 minute walk, it’s sunny outside and you’re young. Save on gas.
     - But ...
     - Y/N, you better be outside with that pie in 5 seconds or we’ll have a problem. - she interrupted.
Y/N sighed, unlacing the back of her apron and placing it on the hook. Just great, that’s all she needed today, to walk to the town centre to deliver one of the pies she had just spent the whole morning preparing. She guessed it could’ve been worse, she could’ve had to go deliver it to the police station then Captain Bodecker would’ve definitely been there. It wasn’t that she disliked him, quite the opposite. Back when she volunteered at the precinct he was the only one who was nice to her or at least the only one who wouldn’t try to put his hand under her skirt. He’d even memorised her name which not even the Sheriff who had hired her knew, to this day whenever he saw her he still called her Bella. He was nice to her and she couldn’t say she hadn’t developed a little school girl crush on him, despite the fact he was married. He’d even stood up for her when her manager started screaming at her. Nevertheless, she couldn’t stand being in his presence, feeling like whatever she said would get her in trouble. His wife wasn’t someone she enjoyed either; Jane Bodecker was known for having quite the sharp gossiping tongue. Most of her friends commented their “men friends” would comment how she used to have quite the reputation while at high school and whenever she saw her at the shop, she’d always call her Little Miss Perfect or make some side comment about how she was occupying a job that someone else needed. Still, Y/N could deal with Jane, a little smile, a nod and she was ready to deal with the devil.
The sun scorched her skin as she walked her last minutes til the Bodecker residence. It was a nice home, recently painted with some nice flowers in the front garden yet there were rumours of Captain Bodecker wanting to move to Brewer Heights. Y/N didn’t know how she’d react if during her morning walks she passed by him, so she counted it only as rumours. Standing in front of the red door, she held the pie in one hand and knocked against it with the other one. She stood there waiting for someone to come in until footsteps made her wake up from her dream-like state and prepare to deal with Jane. However, as the door open, a familiar silhouette had her heart racing. 
    - Y/N, what brings you here? - she watched him dressed in casual clothing, something she barely saw if she had ever seen; jeans and a white t-shirt. 
   - Captain Bodecker ... I ... I was looking for your wife. My grandmother sent this. - she held up the pie in front of her.  - She said Mrs. Bodecker wanted one. 
   - Jane’s ... out. Come in. - he opened the door wider for her but she remained in the same place like a statue. - Come on, it’s too hot out. Don’t want no fainting lass complains on my day off. ‘Sides, don’t you want a slice of pie?
   - I really shouldn’t.
   - You can say no if you want to. No need to be afraid of me, Y/N. - he leaned against the doorframe. - Thank you for the pie, though. 
   - I guess I can stay a bit. - she tucked a bit of hair behind her ear. Lee couldn’t help but shamelessly check her out as she walked inside his home. It was no secret she was a beautiful woman, heck, Lee thought her to be the prettiest little thing to ever arrive into town, with her sunny smile and pretty dresses. This one was no different, lavender which complimented her so well with a little white rope tied around her waist into a bow, like a little present. Nevertheless, he kept it under wraps he was a married man besides every man in town shamelessly harassed her, despite the side eye he gave them.
He watched as the fabric of her dress swung with the movement of her hips. Lee surely didn’t expect such a pretty girl to walk into his home, had he known he would’ve made an effort to fix the mess that was his house. Normally Jane tended to keep that sorted as he usually spent the day and night at work, but with her staying with her mother after their last fight. It wasn’t anything new, she always did that whenever they fought and then would return after Lee made a fool of himself by begging her to return and that he was wrong during the fight. Still, she placed the pie on his kitchen table with a gentleness and posture which mirrored her privileged upbringing. He couldn’t lie and say his mind hadn’t wandered around how she would look when she eventually got married, after all that was the future of all Knockemstiff women. He also couldn’t lie and say he hadn’t wondered how she would look as his wife. She was sweet, with a sharp mind which definitely had not been appreciated in the precinct. Despite this, productivity seemed to raise whenever she called out any officers who had their feet on top of their desks instead of doing paperwork. He still remembered having to always keep an eye on her, were any officers to get too rowdy with her. Yet, she didn’t care and she held herself and believed herself to deserve the same respect as every working man in Knockemstiff. Although he imagined how she would be as a wife, he had to admit he couldn’t see her ever being some Knockemstiff’s man’s wife and with the example from her grandmother, she was surely on the path to be a rebellion starter. 
    - Big fan of apple pie, Y/N?
    - My grandmother refuses to sell the apples so instead I woke up at 6AM and have been baking apple pies nonstop. She says it shows I care. 
     - Never thought you to be found of Knockemstiff residents. 
     - And I am not. - she spoke as if the mere thought of it offended her.  - She said she promised Jane one. 
     - Don’t think Jane will be back for a while. - he leaned against the kitchen door, watching her place the pie onto his kitchen table. - You can take half that pie, if you want.
    - Trust me, I have my share of apple pie at home. - she folded her hands on top of her stomach. - Uhm ... Do you want me to cut you a slice of pie? I normally take mine with a bit of vanilla ice cream on top. It’s gorgeous, the warmth of the pie and the cold of the ice cream. You should try it?
    - You’re just full of ideas, aren’t ya? - he sat on the wooden chair as she sliced the pie to the best of her abilities. - Shouldn’t you be at university, or someth’ng? 
    - Well, grandma had the stroke and she’s not as motile as she used to be. I’ve been taking some classes at Ohio University but it’s not the same, it’s ...
    - It’s not the big city, ain’t it? - he added. 
    - It’s not that I dislike Knockemstiff, Captain ...
    - Yeah you do. - he interrupted her. - Just don’t let the Sheriff hear it. He already ain’t too found of ya. 
    - Nobody in that precinct liked me. - she rolled her eyes. - Well, they did but I did not like them in that way. 
    - I liked ya. Whenever you screamed at Leroy it always made my day. 
    - Leroy’s the most incompetent person I know. All he does is pimp girls out as if he discovered prostitution. I feel sorry for the girls. 
    - He does a good service.
    - Of course you’d know. - she pushed her hair away from her shoulders, feeling the sweat roll down her neck. God it was, too hot. Lee furrowed his brown, laying the fork onto the porcelain plate. She caught his look, brow raising over in a playful, smug kind of way, before she laid her hands on the table. - I’ve seen it before. 
     - You’ve seen it before?
     - Don’t worry, I didn’t see IT, but I saw Jenny get in the car with you just after graduation. I know what she does, she would call me all the time whenever Leroy was being an ass. 
     - Oh ...
     - Don’t worry, I’m not gonna say anything. Everyone in this town cheats, mostly because everyone in this town marries someone just because they think that will save them from Hell. No one is saved if they’re born in Knockemstiff, not even me. 
     - You mean to tell me you’ve done bad things, Y/N? ‘Cause I don’t believe it.
     - I’ve never done it but I’ve thought bad things. All the time. - her gaze lowered from his face to his waist before returning back to his eyes. It was a millisecond gaze, something she herself knew but he didn’t notice, no matter how observant he was. There were no perfect men in Knockemstiff, but in Y/N’s mind he was her perfect man. After all, there are no perfect men anywhere, even Saints sin and then die heroically to get into heaven. Y/N would rather sin than die for people who would’ve had her accidentally killed many times if it weren’t for her grandmother’s name and status in town. What’s the fun in being good? Every time she was good she got yelled at, someone put her hand under her skirt or tried to pin her against a wall. She was good, she would just rather sin so people wouldn’t taint her goodness. It’s a question of self preservation, at least that’s what she told herself. 
    - That doesn’t make you bad. If so there wouldn’t be good people.
    - There are no good people. - she added, ever the negative person she was, something she had inherited from her mother and which everyone who knew her could trace back to. - All people are born so they could be buried. Everything you do ... in a 100 years they won’t remember everything and all that be left of you is your burial site. That’s your legacy. 
    - Such negative views for someone who wants out of Knockemstiff. I thought you’d have a better outlook on things.
    - I’m never getting out of here. - she sighed, almost used to the idea that she was going to stay no matter how long she fought it. - I’m gonna die here. 
    - Dying ain’t so bad. - he leaned against his chair. Y/N smiled at him, looking around his home. It was messy yes but it was still a good home yet that wasn’t what she noticed. Looking out the window, she saw a built in pool. She didn’t remember hearing the Captain had a pool. Sure, he had a the better salary compared to everyone else in town except for the Sheriff, Mayor, and her grandmother. Yet she had never heard of him having a pool, not even she had one. 
    - You have a pool? 
    - Yeah, built it back when Sandy used to come over to wind up from the dinner job. She’s married now so I don’t think she wants a pool at her big brother’s home anymore. 
   - I don’t think anyone in town has a pool. - she rose from her chair and walked to the window in a lavender rush. - It’s gorgeous.
   - You can come over whenever you want, Y/N. 
   - Can I go now? - she looked over her shoulder to him. The idea of being able to swim while the boiling august heat continued to shine down onto the hellish town. Somehow it made sense yet it didn’t. Lee cocked his head to the side, wondering if he’d misheard her words or if she was really considering swimming into his pool. Unwanted feeling stirred south of him and he punished himself mentally for imagining the lavender flower girl in such ways.
    - Well, uh ... you don’t have a swimming costume. - he babbled like a confused, stunned child.
    - I can swim on my undergarments. It’s pretty much a lace embroidered swimming costume. - Lee merely nodded, not knowing exactly what to do but knowing he was flirting with sin, looking at an abysses and seeming not to fear that he was going straight into it. 
Y/N walked from the window up to the kitchen door which led over to the garden. The once white door had withered with time, turning slightly yellowish with rust on the borders, the glass of the small see through windows cracked yet remaining its shape. The door seemed to be a small reminder of what was still wrong in the Captain’s life but she chose not to dwell over it, no to think about it. She felt the cobblestones against her feet covered by an old pair of white ballerina slips as her mirrored image became clear in the crystalline pool water. 
Lee on the other hand watched like a hawk, from the rusted door he’d broken so many bottles of liquor against, as her lavender fabric fell to the dirty cobblestones. The contrast of the prim expensive dress against the cobblestones which had aged as badly as he had done was telling. At least it was telling enough for him and he wondered if this was a gift from God or if the devil was toying with him. The devil is in the details, his mother used to say, yet as she emerged from the water, hands pulling down her hair, he was almost entirely sure the devil was the girl in his pool, the same girl who had worn white dresses until her 18th birthday. Yet again, the devil was once an angel and to him, she was closer to becoming a fallen one than continuing to wear shades of white. 
    - You don’t swim, captain? - she asked as she swam to the border of the pool. 
    - I don’t enjoy doing it. - he stayed glued to the door, a good distance from her to ensure he didn’t get tempted. - You gonna just swim around like a mermaid, huh?
    - It’s better in the water than on the cobblestones, I tell ya. - she dipped into the water once again only to return to the surface, water droplets rolling down from her plump skin. - Come on, captain. You’re gonna leave me swimming by my lonesome? During the hottest day in Knockemstiff?
    - You’re a trouble stirrer. 
    - Maybe I’m just bored. - she smiled at him. He knew she wasn’t tempting him, he knew Y/N. She liked to tease around, she enjoyed the freedoms which she imposed onto herself and as such she was much different from the women he knew. Not that he knew any women outside of Knockemstiff. He’d been born and raised here and all the women he saw from out of Knockemstiff were on his television screen. - Come on, Captain. It’s your pool. 
    - I don’t want you to see my belly.
   - I don’t care, besides, if it’s that bad then come into your clothing. - her arms rested upon the pool border, wondering eyes tempting even the saint of all saints. Lee looked at the cold water reflecting the afternoon sunlight beams, trying to avoid the thoughts that crossed his mind before turning around. He let his jean trousers pool to the ground along with his shoes before entering the water using the ladder. He was almost sure he’d make her laugh if he were to jump into the water. 
The water was cold and dripped from his skin in crystal like drops. Y/N offered him a playful smile, swimming close to him with that wide eye child naughty fun look only she managed to still hold intact. She held her hands slightly back before pushing the water towards him. 
    - You tellin’ me you invited me in for a water fight? - he chuckled at her actions. 
    - Afraid I’ll win?
    - Kid, you’re much too tiny to win against me. 
    - Wanna bet? - she threw water again at him, swimming closer and closer to him before anchoring herself against him, hands on his shoulders. - I bet you as many apple pies as you want. 
    - Yeah, I’m trying not to gain any more weight, kid.
    - You have beautiful eyes, I’ve never noticed. - she made eye contact with him, seeing her own reflection in his light blue eyes. Maybe she’d never notice because the uniform was so dark blue his eyes reflected it like mirrors, yet they were light. - They’re gorgeous. 
    - Trying to make me blush, kid? 
    - Just never noticed. 
    - Well huh ... - he could listen to his heart beating and drumming against his chest along with the soft movement of the water. All his eyes could see was her, her hands holding onto his shoulders and her angelic face looking at him. - Thanks, you have nice eyes too.
    - You can’t take a compliment, Captain. - she teased.
    - I don’t think I’m deserving of any, specially coming from you, kid.
    - What is that supposed to mean?
    - You know what the men say in town. They think you’re the prettiest thing in a skirt to ever pace around here. Pretty sure they’ll kill each other trying to get your favour.
    - My favour? Is that what you think I’m good for?
    - No ... I ... That’s not what I meant. - his face creased. - I’m just telling you what I hear. 
    - You seem to know a lot of gossip about me, captain. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’ve been asking around.
    - What if I have? - Lee watched for the first time her mouth shut close. She didn’t know what to say next, eyebrows furrowed together as she inspected his face, slow blinking. Her eyes left his to look at the water back at him. - Just looking out for you ... not a lot of people like you ‘round town. 
He hands gripped his shoulder as she swam closer to him. Her intention was to hug him thank you. Of course she didn’t expect no one to look out for her, she didn’t care about what a bunch of housewives and hopeless alcoholics thought of her. She knew he didn’t inspire adoration in them other. As she got closed to him, he leaned down, capturing her lips into his. Her hands slide from her shoulders to his chest, almost as if she wanted to be the good one and push him away. He was married after all. However, as his lips moved against hers she found herself incapable of pushing him away, hands relaxing just resting against his chest as she found herself acting on her sinful thoughts for the first time. 
So much for summer love, for saying us, ‘cause you weren’t mine to lose.
taglist: @lookiamtrying​
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matchasprouts · 3 years
Ashes - Chapter 1
[ lmao i'm really out here. anyway this a swap au for Felix and Brahms! Felix is prettily heavily misgendered until he's revealed, so be warned of that ]
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When he saw the job listing, Brahms decided to do some research before contacting the number provided on it. It wasn’t that far away from him, still in Britain even, but there was no way he was going to take a nanny job if he didn’t know anything about the family.
He was almost immediately gifted with results from his first search, and was shocked to find that the family’s child was dead. The house had burned down when their daughter was eight, after the mysterious death of another young girl.
If their daughter was dead, why would they need a nanny?
After a moment of wondering, Brahms decided that they’d simply had another child to deal with the grief of the first one’s death and now needed someone to watch that child while they were on vacation.
Yeah. That’s the only option that made sense. He checked the promised salary again on the job listing, and decided that it would be easy enough. The pay was great, and he really needed the money. He’d never been great with kids but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
So, he called the number provided. After a few simple questions (“Have you ever been to jail?” “How old are you?” “What’s your previous work experience?”) he was told that he needed to come up to the house so they could evaluate him in person. Their daughter’s comfort was very important to them, and they would need to ensure she liked him before he could get the job.
That seemed fair enough, so he bought a train ticket and packed to leave for the next day.
The estate was fucking massive.
Brahms had taken a taxi out to the house, and- despite how much he was getting paid- was surprised when they came up on a huge gate surrounded by forest. The driver got out to open it and drove right in when it was opened. There wasn’t even a road here, but he seemed used to the bumps.
Well, there wasn’t a road in the woods part, but the family at least had one of those circular driveways. The driver parked right in front of the porch before getting out to help unload the trunk. Brahms quickly got out as well to join him.
He hadn’t brought much with him, just a few bags, since he wasn’t sure if he’d actually be getting the job. The lack of security made him nervous as he approached the large door, taking a deep breath before knocking against the heavy wood.
Almost immediately, the door swung open, revealing an elderly man. He looked simultaneously frail and well built, which was probably because his body was in shape but his mind was not. Was this child a terror? What had Brahms walked into?
“You must be Brahms,” he said, in a voice Brahms didn’t recognize. He was shocked by the American accent, which made him realize that this wasn’t the man he’d spoken to over the phone. This must be the other man’s husband.
He nodded in confirmation. “Yes sir, I just got here. Are you Mr. Shaw?” he replied, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“One of two, yes,” the old man answered, gesturing for Brahms to come in, which he did. The house was colder than the outside, making him pull his green cardigan tighter against himself. “To avoid confusion, you can just call me Damien,” Mr. Shaw continued.
Ah. What a very american thing to say.
“Come on, you’ve got to meet Bella,” Damien told him, gesturing once again for Brahms to follow him upstairs. “If you get the job, there are a set of rules you need to follow. Bella gets very fussy when you don’t, and you don’t want that.”
Of course it was a fussy child. Brahms was starting to regret this, but really needed the money, so he was unfortunately willing to put up with it.
Soon, they came to a child’s room. When the door opened, Brahms could see another elderly man crouching in front of a rocking chair, talking quietly to whatever was in it. That couldn’t be the child, could it? There was no other voice, just the man’s.
“Dear? The new nanny is here,” Damien spoke up, making his husband turn around to look at him. He stood up and came over to shake Brahms’s hand, giving him a good look at the child.
Well, it wasn’t a child. In the rocking chair sat a porcelain doll the size of a small eight year old, with long and brown slightly curly hair. Her eyes were green, and devoid of life. There was a permanent small, pink smile on her face.
It was awful.
Brahms had come into this assuming that the child wouldn’t be the long dead Belladonna Shaw, but it seemed that that was exactly who he would be watching.
On the positive side though, it was a doll. Aka not a real child, which means this job would be infinitely easier for him.
Since he was pretty desperate for this job, he didn’t let his shock show. He just shook Mr. Shaw’s hand with a smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” he told him.
Mr. Shaw looked him up and down when they dropped their hands, as if sizing him up. “You too,” he replied, his voice holding a british accent. “This is Belladonna, as I’m sure you’ve figured out,” he continued, turning to the doll and going back to her, picking her up and putting her on his hip.
“She will decide if you will get the job or not. We’ve tried to hire many nannies, and she’s rejected all of them. You will be quite lucky if she wants you to stay,” he explained with a sigh. “She’s made it quite difficult for us.”
Without another word, Mr. Shaw handed the doll to Brahms. At first he froze, confused as to what was happening, but he quickly snapped out of it and took the offered doll, holding her exactly how Mr. Shaw did.
“I’ll explain the rules to you, please follow me,” he said, brushing past Brahms and heading back to the stairs.
First they went to the parlour, where Mr. Shaw explained the rules around music, reading, and lessons, all of which were meant to be loud. Then they moved to the kitchen, where he was told he needed to save the food given to Bella in the freezer rather than throwing it out.
“It’s about time for her lunch,” he said, taking the doll back from Brahms and sitting her down in one of the chairs. “Miss Evans can explain your outdoor duties to you. She should be easy enough to find.
Brahms took that as a dismissal and heard outside to find the aforementioned Miss Evans. He found her out in the garden, pulling up the weeds. “Miss Evans?” he asked, tilting his head slightly. She looked up at him, and gave him a cautious smile.
“You must be the new nanny. You can just call me Greta.” Like Damien, she was also american. “I guess Mr. Shaw sent you out here to learn about the traps. Come on.”
Man, he’d been told to follow a lot today.
Greta explained the rat traps to him, telling him that usually she cleaned them out but there would be times when he had to. She didn’t leave the grounds very often, but sometimes she went to town in cases of emergency.
When she was done, she sent him back inside. The day was coming to a close, and Bella needed to decide if she wanted Brahms to stay or not.
“It’s bedtime now, we would appreciate it if you watched what we do,” Damien told Brahms when he found them upstairs. Brahms nodded, and Mr. Shaw moved to lay the doll down. He tucked her in, then gestured for Damien to come in. “We need to speak to her privately, but know that the goodnight kiss is very important,” he explained, closing the door when he was inside.
Brahms waited outside of the room, nervously fidgeting with his hands. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if he didn’t get this job, he didn’t have a back-up plan. He almost jumped when the door opened again.
“She likes you,” Damien said with a smile, albeit a sad one. “We’ll be leaving immediately. We regret leaving you so quickly, but it’s been so long since we’ve had a vacation, and we’re rather desperate to get it on with.”
Damien gave Brahms a small wave as he walked past him, leaving finalization to Mr. Shaw, who followed him out of the room and stopped outside of the door. He reached out to shake Brahms’s hand, pulling him closer so he could whisper to him. “I’m sorry,” he told him softly, giving Brahms one last look before leaving.
Well, that was ominous as fuck.
As soon as the Shaws left, Brahms got to unpacking. He was glad the doll was already laid down, and that he didn’t have to do it, since it gave him uninterrupted time to unpack.
He went to bed when he was done, not noticing the page of rules on his nightstand.
Luckily, he was an early riser.
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saturatedboy · 3 years
The Paw of a Lion (Ethan!Winters x Karl!Heisenberg)
This can be found on my AO3 page (Use title name)
Word count: 4.5K
Chapter 2 is below cut
The car journey had been rather unpleasant much to Mr Winter’s taste. He normally wasn’t picky but the scent on the car was hurting him and making him feel slightly sick in the stomach. Was he still panic-stricken? He stared down at Rose in his arms, fast asleep with a monkey toy in her clutch. No. He wouldn’t let himself be scared after the car wreckage he went through, instead he’d brushed it off as simple homesickness since the new home was in a neighbourhood filled with those who he was sure to ‘get along’ with well. ‘We will be home soon Rose.’ The blonde thought, turning his direction of gaze to stare at the passing trees. “How long left?” The question slipped through his lips, waiting for an answer off one of the agents that had taken the unoccupied seats around him. Luckily for him, he got the window seat and he did feel a little smug about it.
“There in 5 minutes Mr Winters.” The driver replied, adjusting the mirror at the front to get a better look at the apparent ‘bio weapon’ that was sitting in his car. Ethan looked to be just a normal guy with a daughter, there was no physical difference to him than any other ordinary guy. Well- except from the fact there was scars littering his body on his arms mostly, and the loss of his fingers.
Clicking his tongue and wetting his lips, Ethan sighed and leaned his head against the window having the same sickness feeling wash over him. He just wanted out, to feel fresh air and the ground and to hear something else than the music the agents were playing. Fortunately for him, the rest of the journey was swift and soon the car had rounded off in between trees that had a large dirt road leading further into the mass of woods that seemed to appear as he was just about to doze off. Having a spiked interest in the change of scenery, Ethan pushed himself of the window and looked about. Tall trees hung overhead, turning their leaves into a range of the sunset colours with small flowers blooming and dying mixed together in the grass that settled among the sides of the track the car was driving on. It looked, dare he say, peaceful. How ironic, having a bunch of bio weapons staying in a peaceful area. This was sure to be no peaceful stay if he was going to be surrounded with neighbours off different kinds.
Driving down the path had led them into a circled area, with buildings surrounding the outside edge. The car drove clockwise around the circle, Ethan looking towards the middle the whole way. There appeared to be a small park area settled there Ethan had guessed in the middle of the whole site. It held three benches, a small climbing frame as well as a set of swings. ‘I’m sure the Dimitrescu daughters will enjoy there,’ The father had thought, looking down at Rose with a smile taking hold of his lips. “And I’m sure you will too when you’re a little older.” Luckily no one heard him talk to his dear daughter as the music was still playing, loudly.
Placing his sight back onto the buildings, he saw a mixture of them. There appeared to be 5 houses in total, and he had a fair guessed of whose house was who. The first house was a very large one, elegantly painted in white with a very tall front door. The place had pillars outside it and it seemed to have a total of three floors. At the top there was a balcony that looked to reach around the whole house. Driving past it, Ethan could see the three daughters and their mother stepping out of the car, Bella being the first to run straight into the home.
The next house was a bungalow, making the house to its left (from Ethan’s view) more towering than it seemed. The house was simple, having brick walls and small round windows. What made the place stand out on its own was the moat that built around it. A fucking moat. “Moreau house,” Ethan mumbled, a small strike of cold shifting down his spine at the thought of when he had to fight him and how the other would be constantly throwing up. Unpleasant memories to put it.
The next house, this was the centre house that was splitting the 5 houses, was a really nice modern blue house, having two floors and a porch. The car had stopped right In front of the front porch and the agents had begun to move out of the car after it was securely parked. “Hey Rose,” Ethan whispered down to his once sleeping daughter, awaken at the call of her name and her father's voice. With grabby hands and a tired smile, she reached out to take hold of her father in any way, shape or form. Carefully unwrapping her from his coat, Ethan took his daughter into his arms and reached to open his door only to have an agent open it for him. He stepped out, nodding a thanks in return and looked towards what appears to be their new home. “Look Rosie, this is out new home. You like the baby blue hm?” He asked, seeing his daughter babble random noises and have pleased eyes. Some on-looking agents that were travelling him had silently cooed at Rose’s reaction, looking towards one another with scrunched eyes and happy smirks on their faces. Placing her on his hips, Ethan walked up to the front porch and looked back to see the view. It wasn’t too bad...he could probably make a living of being here. Looking to his left, he looked towards the other two houses. A frustrated sigh left his lips.
The house to the left was two floors like his own, only difference being it had a garage connected to it and the windows were boarded up. “It seemed Mr Heisenberg doesn’t particularly like the light,” An agent pointed out to Ethan as they caught him staring.
“Makes sense.” Ethan replied back, looking towards the last house. The last house was also a bungalow; however, it had a garden with a fence surrounding it. The fence was a deep brown and the garden had a small tree already growing within its square. “I’m sure Lady Beneviento would be there every day.”
Hearing Rose’s babbling had Ethan brought Ethan to coo at his daughter, bringing her to nest smugly in his arms instead of his hip. Holding her close, Ethan walked up to his door and let the agents open it. Inside the home was fairly empty but he could've guessed that before even entering the place. “We will leave you be. Any supplies needed or anything changing just contact us on the home phone settled in the kitchen. You are not allowed to leave this area unless orders of Redfield have been given out. Welcome to you brand new home.” The agent who had been driving Ethan and his daughter there had spoken, signalling the other agents that had decided to walk in after Ethan back out of the house. Being quick to accept orders, they left Ethan to standing in the open hallway of his house. The car leaving was the last Ethan heard before accepting the silence of the new place.
“What do you think Rose, think we’ll like it here?” His eyes caught the stairway that led straight to the second floor on his right, with two doors on the left in his eye sight. More babbling came from Rose as she tried to give her father an answer which Ethan accepted with a laugh. “Yes, you are right my little cub. We should see what we are working with.”
It had been a total of three hours before Ethan had got himself comfortable in front of the television on the couch. It seemed the whole place was coated in the paint of blue and white. It was a fitting theme Ethan had thought, however he felt Rose’s room should maybe be painted a different colour. Maybe yellow, maybe green- he'll ask for paint when he needed to. So far, the father had discovered there was warm water, heater was working however it seemed to be on a timer, there was a master bedroom and a baby room right next door on the second floor, the kitchen had been stocked with what seemed to be a month worth of food and there was a living room along with a study room that was filled with books from his last home.
Last home.
He spent a while fixing that place up with his wife Mia...Ex-wife Mia. The place was their dream home, something they planned for a while into their marriage and they had finally got it, finally settled down-all for it to be taken away because of lies. Ethan had laid on his back, arm draped over his forehead as he looked up at the ceiling. The material of the couch under him felt perfect, he could doze of there and then but until he had a baby monitor, he wouldn't be sleeping downstairs until he knew he could be there for Rose in her need. Without realising it, the father had begun to voice out his thoughts to no one but the empty sound of his home.
“I wonder how she is- ha! What am I thinking? She’s going to hate the idea of a divorce. She should be thankful I even let her near our daughter after all this shit. She’s one lucky woman.” A ragged breath forcefully came out of his throat startling Ethan. Leaning up, legs sprawled on the other cushions of the couch, he lunched forward and began to cough into his right hand. Closing his eyes, he could feel a thick substance coat his hand as he coughed into it. Making sure he had his breathing under control, he cautiously opened his eyes to find black substance covering his hand. No- not substance. He knew exactly what it was.  Mold was covering his arm. “Oh, for fuck's sake,” He breathed out, swinging his legs so he could stand and go wash the substance off him.  
Whilst making his way to the kitchen at a brisk pace, it had appeared the Mold was growing further up his arm. Raising a brow and having a feel of sickness was over him again, he collided against the edge of the sink and began to turn the taps to run the water over his arm, watching as Mold fell into the drain below. Strange, the Mold wasn’t coming off his skin. It was like it was a part of his skin. Reaching for the wash cloth with his other hand, Ethan scrubbed hard against his skin seeing the Mold not disappearing any time soon. ”What the!” The exclaim that left his lips had him scarping the cloth against his skin, digging in with his nail and scratching away. Nothing. The black oozed more over until his full arm had become a midnight black. “No, no no no,” The words fell onto the deaf ears of the world around him as he collapsed to the floor, tap still rushing with gushing water and his back touching the cabinets that were sitting underneath.
The sickness that rotted over him fell deep into his stomach, twisting and playing with his intestines. A few dry coughs sent Ethan to feel a lot warmer than normal. He felt like the room he had settled in, the kitchen, had become as hot as the oven that was switched off. His sight became blurred, and the noise of his child was heard faintly in the back of his head. “Rose,” He breathed out, tears stinging his eyes as he let his head fall onto his shoulder. "I need to calm down Rose,” he told himself, as though the Mold covering him could understand him. He could feel it growing, taking his limbs into their own care and covering the skin of his with a protected layer of their own. Weirdly though, it seemed to only cover his arm and the top of his chest. Was this a good thing, or a bad thing? He didn’t know. He didn’t want to know. He just wanted to hold his young one, to make sure she knows she is safe.
The cries from the baby had increased, sounding more like a tantrum then just a sadness cry. Ethan pulled his legs to his stomach, trying to steady his breathing and clear his sight of the tears that leaked. It wasn’t till he felt the Mold settle down that he could finally move without feeling like spewing whatever food he last ate. Noticing the change of temperature around him, it being settled to a warm but slightly chilly feeling, he made a quick dash for the stairs that were in the open hallway. He moved swiftly on his feet, not wanting to take any chances of falling ill to the Mold before he could reach his crying Rose.
Scrambling up the stairs, Ethan had busted into his daughter room startling the child more than she appeared to be. “Aw no baby, I’m sorry,” He softly spoke, hurrying to pick her up out of a white crib she was nestled in and taking her into his arms. Being thoughtful with is movements, Ethan cradled her head with one hand and settled her body onto his other arm that was still covered in the Mold to keep support of her. “I’m sorry. Oh, baby papa is sorry. Shh, shh, It’s okay. We will be okay,” He repeated, cooing into his daughter’s ear to help her slow her own breathing. The small bounces he gave and the cradling movements of his body was luckily enough to help her stop crying, the odd sniffle taking out of her mouth instead. “There we go, we are okay. I’m sorry Rose. Shh, we will be okay.” Little Rose had held tightly onto her father’s clothing, smelling the familiar scent of him. She rested her own eyes, her cries making her tired then she had already been in the car and before. “That’s it,” Ethan whispered, “Just sleep my little cub. I’m here now, papa is here.” His voice had soothed her down greatly, the voice bringing her to sleep once more before she was drifted deeply off into her mind.
A dry cry came from Ethan’s mouth as he placed her back into her crib, pulling a blanket and pushing her money toy close to her sleeping body. He stood over her crib, watching the chest of his daughter fall and rise. She was at peace, something she so should always be at. Being a single father was going to hit Ethan hard, if he was down there dealing with the Mold then who knows what he could be dealing with next. He made a mental note to get baby monitors for every single room.
It had been another 4 hours before a knock had awoken Ethan from his lightly sleep. He groggily opened his eyes and looked around, seeing he was leaning his head on the kitchen table. Next to him was his laptop as well as a cup of what he guessed to be a now cold coffee, untouched either way. Checking his arm, the Mold had disappeared as he slept. It was after he placed Rose to sleep, he had come downstairs to turn the tap off and steal a book from his study to do some more research on engineering. He just wanted a normal life as soon as possible, the memories of his job at engineering brought great pleasure to his mind of living normally, a feeling he was already missing and it had just been over a day since he last felt like it.
Brushing a hand down his face and scuffing up his hair, Ethan pushed himself out from under the table and stood up, hearing his bones cracking the process. The feeling was great but the noise was uncomfortable to his ears. Hearing the knocking again, Ethan groaned loudly and exited his kitchen, still hearing the knocking. “What,” He groaned out loudly, the empty space of the hallway making his voice bounce about. The knocking had stopped for a second, only to repeat again. “Oh, go to Hell,” Ethan shouted, hearing the knocks stop for a second time. Smiling, Ethan made his way to his front door, hand placed around the handle. Just as he was about to pull the door open, the knocking once again started again. “I’m going to fucking kill you- Heisenberg what do you want?” Just as the blonde pulled the door, there stood the factory man with a bright smile and hand raised after his activities of knocking.
“Hey there papa, missed me much?” He amused, flashing a smile at the other. Ethan stood, hand still on his door handle looking down at the gruff man. His appearance looked worse than he last saw him at the meeting. He was now all sweaty with droplets pouring off him like a dripping tap, oil was staining his shirt he wore and his hands had become thick with saw dust. A sigh left Ethan’s lips as he moved himself o rest against his door frame.
“What you need?” Heisenberg blinked at Ethan, before whistling a tune. “If you not going to answer, I’ll be going, Goodbye Heisen-”
“Wait!” The voice from Heisenberg had stopped Ethan's movements of walking back inside. Hating himself for still wanting to feel kind to the other, Ethan looked back at the man who looked desperate to say something, a pleading stance of clasp hands looking up at Ethan had the father feeling a little weak.
“What?” He asked, waiting for Heisenberg's reply.  
“I was wondering...” He started, looking around him as though he didn’t want anyone to hear his next words, “That maybe we should start calling each other by our first names.” The request left Ethan speechless, he stood with furrowed brows trying to read the other. What exactly was he planning?
“First names? Now why would we need to do that?” Ethan crossed his arms over his chest, watching Heisenberg huff and look away.
“Because we are neighbours duh? Makes sense. Does it not.” Ethan would have smacked him if it wasn’t the fact he was somewhat right. Uncrossing his arms and rolling his eyes, Ethan nodded at Heisenberg.
“Alright then, what do I call you and the others?” Heisenberg had immediately brightened up, taking a brave move of turning around and sitting on the porch step.  
“Easy! You can call me Karl,” he said, pointing a hand at himself as he looked over his shoulder to see Ethan shutting the door behind himself. He waited for Ethan to sit, to which he had to pat the open space next to him for the father to do so. After Ethan had made himself comfortable with legs straight out In front of him and sat at an arm's length away from Heisenberg, the other had carried on. “Dimitrescu, you can call her super-mega bitch. Next is Moreau. Just call him ugly. And lastly is Beneviento. Just call her Donna because she is somewhat decent and call that wretched thing that moves and talks, sawdust.”  
Ethan had sniffled back a small chuckle at hearing Heisenberg talk. He’ll get the other’s names later, their proper names when he has the chance. “How about I call you the guy who carries a hammer to compensate for something else.” Heisenberg lightly gasp at Ethan’s words, looking over at him with an open mouth.
“How dare you,” He spoke, expressing his offensives to his words. Ethan couldn’t help but allow himself his release of a laugh, finding the moment rather...amusing to be with the factory man. “I would never take you to by a guy like that...to make jokes.” Heisenberg pulled out a cigar from his pants pocket, only to fetch in his other a lighter. Ethan watched as he lit it, suddenly being annoyed with the habit of seeing the man with one. Leaning over, Ethan plucked the cigar from the man's lips and threw it out on the dirt road in front of them. “Oi, what you do that for,” Heisenberg asked, pointing at his cigar a few meters in front of them.
“I have a child, no smoking in or even near my house.” The air around them both changed slightly, dark clouds overhead had slowly begun to invade the space of the blue that was once there. It seemed the sound around them had soon tried to settle in. “I do enjoy making jokes,” Ethan broke the starting silence between them, wanting to keep this conversation going before the upcoming rainfall would ruin it.
“You should act more like that then- seeing you all stuck up is worse than seeing the tree trunk try think of a new name for her new wine.” The older man groaned out, looking at the other once again.  
“I’m just being careful of my kid. I can’t let her be hurt again.”
“You can still be protective and let go of yourself.” The older flicked open the lighter that he had still had in his hand and placed it between them both. Ethan watched as the flame danced, standing at a reasonable height. “See, the flame is surrounded by the wind yet it will stay standing because it has the fuel to do so. Look, it even follows the movements of the world around it. You have the fuel to protect the squirt.” Heisenberg flicked the top of his lighter back down, stuffing it back into his pants pocket before turning back to the other with a small grin. “And you can still let loose. Even if the wind does pick up,” Heisenberg had moved rapidly, wrapping his arm around the young male’s shoulder and brought him into his side. “I’ll be there to shield it.”
Such words and non-thoughtful actions had brought Ethan to look down at his hands. He could feel the burn of his cheeks and the smile that was pulling on the edge of his lips to raise. This. This was weirdly nice, to know someone was there. But that’s what Mia, Redfield and many others had said to him before in the past. “Promise me,” Ethan breathed out, looking up at Karl. Karl raised a brow and tilted his head slightly.
“Promise what?”
“Promise you’ll always be there. And you can’t break that!” Ethan’s tone caught Karl off guard, to the point he had accidently shifted his arm off Ethan’s shoulder and let it fall to the wood just behind him. He swore he caught a glimpse of guilt flash over Ethan’s eyes before his pupils went back to staring at the darkness of his shades sitting comfortable against his eyes.
“Ethan,“ Karl swallowed deeply, noticed by his adman's apple jumping. He didn’t like promises. Never in his life did he have to promise something to someone else. This was big commitment. ‘Promises don’t break. Ethan trusts me to not break something’ he told himself before sighing into the cold air. Using the arm that was behind Ethan, he pulled it around and took Ethan’s chin into his hand. “I promise I’ll always be there. I’m your neighbour, you ain’t getting rid of me that easily.” He said, laughing as hr watched as dread appeared quickly on Ethan’s face.
“Oh great, looking forward to it,” Ethan had sarcastically said, smacking Karl’s hand away from his face but letting the smile dance across his face. “Thanks though, if you break it, I will not hesitate to ask ‘mega-bitch’ to be there for me.”
“Ey, I said I’ll be there. Anyway, I would do a so much better job than her,” Heisenberg said defensively, huffing and pouting that Ethan would go to her than him. “Just you watch,” He sneered, pointing at the Dimitrescu house in a violent manner, “I’ll be a whole lot better than her.”
Ethan placed his hand on the outstretch hand of the fourth lord, pushing it down gently so it rested between them both n the wooden planks beginning to stain from the rain gathered by the wind. He hadn’t realised he left his hand on top of Heisenberg’s as he spoke, however the other was ecstatic over the fact he felt his hand. “I won’t ask her then. Can’t believe I’m saying this but this your first step of gaining my trust that you want oh so badly,” Ethan teased, looking back to the world in front of them.
“You’ll see. I’ll gain more than just your trust.” Heisenberg peered down at their hands, making sure Ethan didn’t noticed and let out a soft happy hum. This was the first step, he would gain Ethan’s trust and then next, he would gain Ethan’s appreciation. For now, he was fine with this. He looked forward too, after tearing his gaze from their connected hands almost and watched as the rain droplets began to pick up.
“Well,” Ethan was the first to speak, standing up to his feet. Karl pouted at the loss of contact but also stood up, feeling excited on what the father would want to do next. “This has been fun. Now go home.” Or maybe not excited.
“Why? can't I hang here?” Karl pouted, trying to make Ethan feel guilty.  
“You want my trust? Go home and don’t make yourself sick. I suppose you can call me, seemingly they just give out numbers on paper without consent.” Ethan clicked his tongue in annoyance, he was sure Moreau had already tried calling him a total of 5 time today in the space of three house, trying to talk his way of how happy he was Ethan saved them all. If only he could block numbers on the rotary phone.
“Okay fine. But you owe me at least a 2 hour call.”
“You get 30 minutes and that’s it.”
“1 hour call.”
“Don’t push you luck...1 hour and 30 minutes and that’s it.” Karl did a mini-fist pump into the air and nodded eagerly. Ethan chuckled and looked away shaking his head watching as Karl tilted his hat down, a way of saying ‘bye’ to the other and made his way of the porch.
“Good talking with you Ethan! Can’t wait for tonight!” He hollered out over his shoulder as he made his way towards his own home, only turning around hallway to see that the Winter male had disappeared already into his home. Feeling very satisfied with his days' work, and it only being the first day, he looked down at his hand and held it in his other, trying to recreate the feeling of when Ethan had placed his hand on top of his.  
“I really am touched starved.” he said before walking straight into his front door.
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writemarcus · 3 years
Jun. 23: Jason Robert Brown, Savion Glover, Priscilla López, Susan Stroman, Marisha Wallace, and Christopher Wheeldon Join I’M STILL HERE: A Virtual Benefit for the Billy Rose Theatre Division Honoring George C. Wolfe and the Late Harold Prince and Celebrating 90 Years of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts; Tickets for the In-Person Viewing Party are Available Now
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Jason Robert Brown, Savion Glover, Priscilla López, Susan Stroman, Marisha Wallace, and Christopher Wheeldon join the cavalcade of stars participating in The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts’ I’m Still Here: A Virtual Benefit for the Billy Rose Theatre Division, airing June 23, 2021 on Broadway On Demand at 8pm EST and 8pm PST. The fundraiser will help raise critical funds for the Library for the Performing Arts’ beloved Theatre Division as it celebrates its 90th anniversary this year.
Tickets to the online fundraiser will be donate-what-you-can, with a recommendation of at least $19.31 in honor of the year the division was founded. To purchase tickets to the one-time-only virtual event, visit StillHereAt90.com.
An in-person viewing party at the Library for the Performing Arts in Lincoln Center for donors has also just been announced, including a pre-screening reception and performance featuring Pulitzer Prize winner Michael R. Jackson (A Strange Loop), and GRAMMY and two-time Tony Award winner Duncan Sheik (Spring Awakening). For details and ticket prices for this limited capacity in- person event, please contact [email protected].
An incredibly special aspect of I’m Still Here is that it will feature clips of Broadway productions from the Theatre Division’s Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT), shown especially for this occasion with special permission from The Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds and the respective talent, creative teams and rights holders of each production. These archival recordings are typically only available to view onsite at the Library for the Performing Arts. The recordings shown will include the original Broadway cast of In the Heights; Angela Bassett and Samuel L. Jackson in The Mountaintop; Brian Stokes Mitchell in Ragtime; Glenn Close in Sunset Boulevard; Kelli O’Hara and Paulo Szot in South Pacific; Craig Bierko and Rebecca Luker in The Music Man; Meryl Streep, Marcia Gay Harden and Larry Pine in The Seagull; Savion Glover, Jimmy Tate, Choclattjared and Raymond King in Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk; Bette Midler in I’ll Eat You Last; Christian Borle and Tim Curry in Spamalot; and more.
I’m Still Here will also include interviews with Broadway legends and emerging creatives; and reconceived performances of musical theatre songs, including Stephanie J. Block performing “A Trip to the Library,” André De Shields performing “I’m Still Here,” original Company cast members from 1970-to-present performing “Another Hundred People,” “Wheels of a Dream,” “Love Will Find a Way,” and more. The evening’s honorees are Harold Prince and George C. Wolfe.
Featuring new performances and appearances by Troy Anthony (The River Is Me), Annaleigh Ashford (Sunday in the Park with George), Major Attaway (Aladdin), Alexander Bello (Caroline, or Change), Laura Benanti (She Loves Me), Malik Bilbrew, Susan Birkenhead (Jelly’s Last Jam), Shay Bland, Stephanie J. Block (The Cher Show), Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Matthew Broderick (Plaza Suite), Jason Robert Brown (The Last 5 Years), Krystal Joy Brown (Hamilton), David Burtka (“A Series of Unfortunate Events”), Sammi Cannold (Endlings), Ayodele Casel (Chasing Magic), Kirsten Childs (Bella), Antonio Cipriano (Mean Girls), Victoria Clark (The Light in the Piazza), Max Clayton (Moulin Rouge!), Calvin L. Cooper (Mrs. Doubtfire), Trip Cullman (Choir Boy), Taeler Elyse Cyrus (Hello, Dolly!), Quentin Earl Darrington (Once on This Island), André De Shields (Hadestown), Frank DiLella (NY1), Derek Ege, Amina Faye, Harvey Fierstein (La Cage aux Folles), Leslie Donna Flesner (Tootsie), Chelsea P. Freeman, Savion Glover (Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk), Joel Grey (Cabaret), Ryan J. Haddad (“The Politician”),James Harkness (Ain’t Too Proud), Sheldon Harnick (Fiddler on the Roof), Marcy Harriell (Company), Mark Harris (“Mike Nichols: A Life”), Neil Patrick Harris (Hedwig and the Angry Inch), David Henry Hwang (M. Butterfly), Arica Jackson (Caroline, or Change), Michael R. Jackson (A Strange Loop), Cassondra James (Once on This Island), Marcus Paul James (Rent), Taylor Iman Jones (Hamilton), Maya Kazzaz, Tom Kirdahy (The Inheritance), Leslie Kritzer (Beetlejuice), Michael John LaChiusa (The Wild Party), Norman Lear (Good Times), Baayork Lee (A Chorus Line), L. Morgan Lee (A Strange Loop), Robert Lee (Takeaway), Sondra Lee (Hello, Dolly!), Telly Leung (Aladdin), Priscilla Lopez (A Chorus Line),Ashley Loren (Moulin Rouge!), Allen René Louis (“Jimmy Kimmel Live!”), Brittney Mack (Six), Morgan Marcell (Hamilton), Aaron Marcellus (“American Idol”), Joan Marcus, Michael Mayer (Spring Awakening), Annie McGreevey (Company), Sarah Meahl (Kiss Me, Kate), Joanna Merlin (Fiddler on the Roof), Ruthie Ann Miles (Sunday in the Park with George), Bonnie Milligan (Head Over Heels), Rita Moreno (West Side Story), Madeline Myers (Double Helix), Pamela Myers (Company),Leilani Patao (Garden Girl), Nova Payton (Dreamgirls), Joel Perez (Kiss My Aztec), Bernadette Peters (Into the Woods), Tonya Pinkins (Jelly’s Last Jam), Jacoby Pruitt, Sam Quinn, Phylicia Rashad (A Raisin in the Sun), Jelani Remy (Ain’t Too Proud), George Salazar (Be More Chill), Marilyn Saunders (Company), Marcus Scott (Fidelio), Rashidra Scott (Company), Rona Siddiqui (Tales of a Halfghan), Ahmad Simmons (West Side Story), Susan Stroman (The Producers), Rebecca Taichman (Indecent), Jeanine Tesori (Fun Home), Bobby Conte Thornton (Company), Sergio Trujillo (On Your Feet), Kei Tsuruharatani (Jagged Little Pill), Ben Vereen (Pippin), Jack Viertel, Christopher Vo (The Cher Show), Nik Walker (Ain’t Too Proud), Marisha Wallace (Dreamgirls), Shannon Fiona Weir, Christopher Wheeldon (MJ: The Musical),Helen Marla White (Ain’t Misbehavin’), Natasha Yvette Williams (“Orange is the New Black”), and Kumiko Yoshii (Prince of Broadway).
Click here to watch New York Public Library’s Doug Reside on Backstage LIVE with Richard Ridge.
The virtual benefit is produced and conceived by co-founder of the upcoming Museum of Broadway and four-time Tony nominee Julie Boardman (Company) and Co-Executive Producer of Broadway For Biden Nolan Doran (Head Over Heels), featuring direction by Steve Broadnax (Thoughts Of A Colored Man), Sammi Cannold (Endlings), Nick Corley (Plaza Suite), GRAMMY Award Winner Ty Defoe (Straight White Men), Drama Desk winner Lorin Latarro (Waitress), Mia Walker (Jagged Little Pill) and Tony Award winnerJason Michael Webb (Choir Boy), choreography by Ayodele Casel (Chasing Magic),Lorin Latarro and Ray Mercer (The Lion King), with new music arranged by ASCAP Award winner Rachel Dean (Medusa) and Annastasia Victory (A Wonderful World), with arrangements and orchestrations by Brian Usifer (Frozen). Casting is by Peter Van Dam at Tara Rubin Casting.
Tony Marx is the president of The New York Public Library, William Kelly is the Andrew W. Mellon Director of the Research Libraries,Jennifer Schantz is the Barbara G. and Lawrence A. Fleischman Executive Director of the Library for the Performing Arts, and Doug Reside is the Lewis and Dorothy Cullman Curator of the Billy Rose Theatre Division. Patrick Hoffman is the curator of the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive. Henry Tisch serves as Associate Producer and Travis Waldschmidt is Associate Choreographer. Animation and Motion Graphics by Kate Freer, Graphic Design by Caitlin Whittington, Sean MacLaughlin is Director of Photography and Ian Johnston is B Camera Operator. Dylan Tashjian is Onsite Coordinator with COVID compliance by Lauren Class Schneider.
HOST COMMITTEE: Ted & Mary Jo Shen, Barbara Fleischman, Agnes Gund, Fiona & Eric Rudin, Lizzie & Jon Tisch, Kate Cannova, Joan Marcus, Daisy Prince, Gayfryd Steinberg, Van Horn Group
LIBRARY FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE COMMITTEE: Emily Altman, Margot Astrachan, Ken Billington, Julie Boardman, Ted Chapin, Bonnie Comley, Van Dean, Kurt Deutsch, Scott Farthing, Barbara Fleischman, Freddie Gershon, Louise Hirschfeld, Joan Marcus, Elliott Masie, Arthur Pober, Ed Schloss, Morwin Schmookler, Jenna Segal, Ted Shen, Kara Unterberg, Abbie Van Nostrand, Kumiko Yoshii
THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS DOROTHY AND LEWIS B. CULLMAN CENTER houses one of the world’s most extensive combinations of circulating, reference, and rare archival collections in the field of dance, theatre, music and recorded sound. These materials are available free of charge, along with a wide range of special programs, including exhibitions, seminars, and performances. An essential resource for everyone with an interest in the arts — whether professional or amateur — the Library is known particularly for its prodigious collections of non-book materials such as historic recordings, videotapes, autograph manuscripts, correspondence, sheet music, stage designs, press clippings, programs, posters and photographs. The Library is part of The New York Public Library system, which has locations in the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island, and is a lead provider of free education for all.
BROADWAY ON DEMAND is the industry-leading livestream platform housing performance & theatre education programming, & the preferred choice of top Broadway artists, producers, educators & professionals. Broadway On Demand has streamed 2,500 events & live productions—from Broadway shows to concert series, performance venues to individual artists, & original content—in 82 countries to over 300,000 viewers. Thanks to a unique licensing interface, ShowShare, approved middle school, high school, college, community & professional theatre productions utilize the platform to stream to their audiences. Broadway on Demand is available on the web, mobile, Apple and Android app store, AppleTV, Roku, Chromecast, and Amazon Fire TV. For access to the complete and ever-expanding Broadway on Demand library, subscribe at BroadwayOnDemand.com.
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Perfect - Leo x Isabella ❤️
A fluffy, sweet little story for these two. Doing something for someone doesn’t need to be extravagant - it’s always the thought that counts.
Tagging: @lorirwritesfanfic @rainbowsinthestorm @i-am-liam-rhys @drakewalkerfantasy @desireepow-1986​
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“Mmmm... that’s it...” Isabella purred, biting down on her rosy red bottom lip, “Oh...” she whispered as she closed her big doe like brown eyes allowing the feeling to rush down her spine igniting all the nerves in her body sending a shiver down her back, the tingling aftershocks made her contently smile. As Leo presses a little harder, Isabella’s body contorted in response to his touch as a gentle moan escaped her lips, “Sí...mi amor... right...there...” Leo licked his lips with a mischievous glint in his eye, before he leaned his body closer to hers. Isabella’s warm, soft, olive sun kissed skin felt warm against his bare chest. Delicately tucking a loose curl of hair behind her ear, Leo whispered to her whilst he began to chuckle, “You’re enjoying this far too much kitten...”
Isabella moved her neck slightly to the left as she felt the tips of Leo’s fingers dance across the sides of her neck, gently kneading the muscles to help her headache and to release the stress she held in her shoulders. Isabella inhaled deeply as she felt his thumbs massage into her shoulder blades and his lips slowly leaving a trail down the side of her neck. Her dark chocolate brown eyes rolled in ecstasy, groaning, “This is better than sex...” Isabella was fourteen weeks pregnant and she felt uncomfortable; falling pregnant before her Coronation was not ideal, but when would be the right time? The added stress from her changing body and trying to run a country at the same time certainly was not helping.
The tabloids hounded her and her changing frame, writing stories about a Royal divorce on the cards as she didn’t conform to what they expected her to be. The water of the bath lapped around them both as Leo wrapped his arms around his petite wife’s waist as Isabella stared out of the panoramic view from the master bathroom watching the stars twinkling against the Cordonian midnight blue sky. Leo’s lips kissed along her shoulder before resting his head upon it before kissing her cheek gently. A smile slowly grew across his face as he finally felt Isabella relax into him whilst his hands caressed her growing bump. Leo cleared his throat, in hushed tones he spoke gently to her, “I have a little surprise for you beautiful, if you feel up to it?”
Isabella pulled herself forward, the bun that concealed her long cascading curls grazed Leo’s face as she turned to look at him, her dark arched brow raised, “Huh?” Until she had realised what happened, watching him squint causing the petite Queen to giggle, “I... I am so sorry...” her hand reached out gently caressing his cheek before Isabella’s lips met Leo’s. “A surprise...” Isabella grinned before finally bursting into laughter, “Last time you gave me a surprise...” she rubbed her stomach gently, “This happened...” Leo began to smirk reminding himself of that night, “Need I remind you my darling wife... you definitely weren’t complaining then...”
He began to chuckle, “Come on you...” as Leo handed her a towel, “Go get dressed...” Isabella looked puzzled as she stood up, wrapping the large towel around herself, “How dressed?” Leo didn’t want to ruin the surprise as he began to laugh, running his fingers through his wet sandy blonde hair, “I don’t care if you just wear your pyjamas and slippers; it’s not a big deal...” holding onto her towel tightly, Isabella smirked as she leaned down giving Leo another kiss until she felt Leo tug at her towel, “Hurry up or...” his sea green eyes twinkled with longing, “I’ll just have to have my way with you first...” Isabella pulled back her towel from his grip before stepping out,. She looked over her shoulder at him, her bright white smile showing as she scrunched up her nose, “Is that a promise...?” before winking at him, “Give me 10 minutes...” Leo lay back with a sly grin across his face as he watched the Laurentian brunette prance off to get changed. Ten minutes had passed before Leo had any intention of getting out of the warm, soothing bath before getting dressed into a pair of jeans and an old AC/DC tee and still Isabella wasn’t ready - not that anyone would be surprised as she stood pouting as she attempted to find something to wear.
Forty minutes later and after a few changes, Isabella found herself wearing a black cotton camisole dress, a denim jacket and a pair of Chanel wedges as Leo sat on the edge of the bed patiently waiting. His sea green eyes brightened as he saw her and rising to his feet, Leo extended out his arm to his petite, pregnant wife escorting her out towards the Cordonian Palace’s gardens. Underneath the cool, starry sky, the fairy lights twinkled against the leaves and branches; lanterns lit up the cooling evening. The fire pit smouldered, heating the surrounding cushioned loungers. Isabella cuddled up onto the lounger as Leo finished setting up the projector.
Handing Isabella a cup of cocoa from the thermos beside them. Isabella’s eyes widened in delight as she took a deep breath in before tasting the warm liquid. She closed her eyes, smiling, as the warm chocolate soothed her soul. Sighing, the petite brunette rolled her eyes to the left towards her husband, “Hana Lee made this...” Leo put his arm around her, smugly smiling as he chuckled, “Yeah the guys helped me out when you were off for a nap earlier...” He picked up a light comforter, wrapping it around them both as they watched Isabella’s favourite film, The Notebook together. Did Leo care having to sit through a chick flick? No. He secretly loved them, but he loved her more. Whatever made Isabella happy, he would bend over backwards to accommodate. Even if that meant he had to stealthily wipe away a few tears and clear his throat by the end.
As the film ended, Leo smiled as he brought himself to his feet. Isabella looked at him confused as he bowed in front of her. Leo extended his hand towards Isabella as he winked at the brunette, “Dance with me?” Puzzled, the petite Monarch cautiously agreed, her dark chocolate brown eyes narrowing as she tried to put the pieces together. Why was he doing this? What was he planning? Isabella’s long eyelashes fluttered as Leo placed one of his hands onto her lower back and the other held Isabella’s hand in his gently. Leo began to hum a familiar tune whilst Isabella placed her head against his chest listening to Leo’s strong, steady heartbeat. As they began to sway, Leo kissed the crown of her head before he quietly began to sing to her...
...I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love...
The dulcet tones of Leo’s baritone voice made Isabella want to melt into his strong, muscular arms. My all means, his singing voice wasn’t loud, nor was it meant to be. It was quiet, peaceful and for them only.
...We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes...
Isabella didn’t dare interrupt him as they both swayed backwards and forwards amongst the glittering fairy lights and the stars flickering above them in the Cordonian night sky. It had been a long time since she had heard him singing to her; the Cordonian Prince’s voice was heavenly to her ears. They both had been together for so long, it was times like this where they both could step away from the crazy world they lived in to be ‘normal’.
....Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect... tonight...
As they separated, Leo gently tilted Isabella’s chin upwards as he grinned towards her. His sea green eyes were filled with love and wonder. Leo loved that girl with his very being and opened up his heart to her. She was his and he, hers. Cupping her delicate heart shaped face gently, Leo placed a gentle, lingering kiss upon her pouting lips leaving the Laurentian beauty breathless. Every time Leo caught those sultry dark eyes staring at him, he fell more and more in love and each time he never thought it could be possible to love her more than he did.
Isabella began to grin, her bright endearing smile lit up as her eyes narrowed, “This was a really nice surprise...” she began to whisper, “Thank you... but...” her brow arched slightly, “How did you know I liked that song?” Leo began to laugh, running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair, “You mightn’t notice it... but you’re always singing it to yourself kitten...” Isabella began to blush, she knew she couldn’t carry a note but Leo didn’t care. Placing another kiss on her forehead as he wrapped his arm around her waist, “You are my everything Bella... and the next few months are going to be crazy so I wanted to do something that was just us...” Isabella rest her head against Leo’s bicep, wrapping her arm around his, “This was perfect...”
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its-nyakemi-nya · 4 years
Misadventures in NRC #4: Vanished
Big thanks for @twstroses for letting me use their OC nya!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland nya. I also do not own Annalise nya. Annalise is owned by @twstroses nya. I only own Haru Amano, Shoichi Kazama aka Dwight Kensington, Bella and the plot of this one shot nya.
P.S: I would like to apologise if the canon characters and Annalise are OOC nya. I would also like to apologise for my errors in my grammar nya. Enjoy nya!
“Guys!” Shoichi called out the group, running along side with Bella who’s flying beside him and Grim who’s miraculously with Shoichi. In a matter of seconds, he arrived in front of them.
“Eh? Sho looks a little pale,” Cater teased.
“It’s almost time for the unbirthday,” Deuce reminded the group, “We should get ready and go there or it’s off with our heads for all of us.”
“By the way, where’s Haru?” Ace asked, glancing behind Shoichi’s back.
“The thing is she vanished all of a sudden!” Shoichi exclaimed.
“Maybe she ditched this event and went on a date with our very own vice dorm leader,” Cater said in a playful tone.
“No way she would do that!” Shoichi exclaimed.
“And knowing her, Haru’s not the type to missed out on an event without any good reason,” Bella added as she lands on Shoichi’s shoulder.
“She’s too committed for her own good,” Grim added.
“Hey guys! What’s up with the commotion out here?” Trey called out while walking towards them, “We need to get going or else Riddle will get mad.”
“Haru’s missing!” Shoichi said.
Trey’s face was painted with concern, “What happened?”
And so Shoichi told everything. 
“Oh! I get it! Haru is not really missing but got transported along with Annalise!” Cater said.
Trey chuckled, “You have nothing to worry about. She’s safe.”
“Oi! What are you all still doing here?!” Riddle suddenly appeared which made Bella shriek
“Sorry. Haru got dragged inside Annalise’s realm,” Trey explained.
“I see. I was about to fetch her anyways,” Riddle sighed, “At any rate, Trey and I will look for the two. You guys go on ahead.”
“Why can’t I look for Haru as well?” Shoichi complained while pouting.
“Do you want your heads to be removed?” Riddle glared at Shoichi.
“Oi, Shoichi! Don’t test him!” Deuce whispered.
Shoichi groaned as he muttered, “No fair.”
“Ummm...where are we?” Haru asked the brown haired girl as she observed her surroundings.
“Ummm...th-this is m-my realm,” The long curly browned head girl responded as she twiddled her fingers, “Please don’t startle me like that again.”
“My apologies,” Haru apologised, “I just heard your singing is all and I got curious.”
How did Haru got transported here in Annalise’s pocket realm well...
-Flasback start-
“Phew! Done with painting the roses,” Haru sighed in relief while wiping off a sweat on her eyebrow, “Now, let’s see if the idiots are doing their jobs.”
Haru was about to go to Shoichi when she heard a lovely singing voice. She followed the sound of the voice and saw a beautiful girl with long brown hair who looks like she’s rehearsing for something. This is the first time Haru has seen her around too.
Out of curiosity, Haru walked towards the girl and tapped her shoulder. At the same time, Shoichi wanted to startle Haru so he tried to sneak up on her. He was about to scare the daylights out of her when suddenly...
“Yieep!” She and the mysterious girl vanished.
When Haru came into her senses, she noticed that she’s not in the gardens anymore.
-Flasback End-
So that’s how Haru got transported and how Shoichi saw the whole thing.
“By the way, what’s your name?” Haru asked the brown haired girl.
“M-My na-name i-is Ann-Annalise Blanc,” Annalise introduced herself, “Yo-You must be the pr-prefect of the Ramshackle Dorm.”
“Oh right. I’m Haru, Haru Amano. Nice to meet you, Annalise,” Haru bowed her head, “Anyways, let’s get out of here. The Unbirthday Part will start soon.”
“Oh right. Pl-Please hold on to me,” Annalise said.
“Alright then,” Haru did as she was told to.
Annalise transported them back to the gardens.
“Ah. We’re back,” Haru said as she looked around, “By the way, you have such a lovely voice.”
“Thank you,” Annalise said.
“Though I wonder why you hide such amazing talent?” Haru asked.
Annalise blushed, “I’m...I’m shy to-to sho-show it to other peo-people. I-I’m quite uncomfortable around them too.”
“I see,” Haru said, “But why would you be so shy to show your talent? Aren’t you proud of it? I wish I have a good singing voice. People will love it!”
“Do you really think so?”
“I know so,” Haru gave her a smile and a thumbs up at the same time, “Are you ready for the Unbirthday Party, Annalise?”
“Actually, I-I’m sti-still no-not ready for it,” Annalise responded shyly.
“Why is it?” Haru asked.
“I-I’m still qu-quite anxious,” Annalise answered, stuttering, “E-Even mo-more so th-that we-we’re late fo-for the U-Unbirthday Party. Ri-Riddle wi-will get mad.”
Haru patted her head and said, “I’ve got your back. No worries. I’ll take the blame.”
“E-Eh?! Why?! We-We o-only ju-just met,” Annalise said.
“It doesn’t matter if we just met to me. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Just leave it to me. I’ll take care of the rest,” Haru said.
“Tha-Thank you,” Annalise thanked Haru.
“There you are, Haru, Annalise!” Trey run towards them.
“Eek!” Annalise and Haru transported to her shadow realm and back to the gardens after a few seconds.
“Oops. Sorry that I startled you, Annalise,” Trey apologised.
“It’s fine,” Annalise said as she started to twiddle her fingers once more.
“Were you scared when you suddenly went to her realm, Haru?” Trey asked in a teasing manner.
“No,” Haru said, unfazed with his antics.
Trey chuckled as he pinched Haru’s cheek, “Oh right. You still need to dress like us.” With a wave of his pen, Haru’s outfit is the male’s dorm uniform of Heartslabyul.
“Glad to know that I 
“Annalise, Haru, you two are the only ones we’re waiting on,” Riddle said as he walked towards them.
“I apologise,” Haru apologised whilst Annalise hid behind Trey, “It’s my fault that we’re late.”
Riddle sighed and said, “It’s fine. I’ll overlook this just this once.”
“Thank you so much,” Haru and Annalise said simultaneously.
“Please don’t go on accidentally using your unique magic, Annalise,” Riddle lectured.
“Sorry!” Annalise apologised.
Riddle slightly blushed and said, “If it’s you, it’s fine.” He then offered a hand to Annalise, “Shall we get going? The others are waiting for us.”
Annalise blushed and accepted Riddle’s hand, “Alright!”
Trey looked at Haru and smirked, “Do you want to hold hands to?”
“No,” Haru said, slightly blushing. Trey laughed then he put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him and followed the pair.
“Eh? Riddle and Annalise are dating?!” Deuce exclaimed.
“No, we’re not!” Both Riddle and Annalise exclaimed.
“Get your hands off of her!” Shoichi glared at Trey whilst Trey gave Shoichi a smirk.
“Why? Jealous?”
“Why you?!” It took Deuce and Bella to stop Shoichi from wreaking havoc.
“Anyways, let the Unbirthday Party begin!”
“Want another piece of tart, Annalise?” Riddle asked.
“Su-sure,” Annalise answered. Riddle got her another slice of tart and poured some tea for her.
“Say ah,” Trey said while he lifted the fork with some cake on it.
“I’m not a child you know!” Haru exclaimed.
“By the way, who’s the girl beside Riddle?” Shoichi asked.
“That’s Annalise. Riddle’s sweetheart,” Cater said, giggling.
“I’m going to say hi to her,” Shoichi said and marched towards her.
Before they can warn him, he already startled Annalise causing them to disappear and reappear after a few seconds.
“And I was about to war him,” Cater sighed as he watched Riddle removed Shoichi’s head (not literally though).
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The new Denali (Tanya Denali x Reader)
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Sorry it took me so long to write! College has been taking a toll on me!
Word count: 1915
A man and a woman where walking down the street, singing a song from the Beatles. Soon the couple was taken into an alley. The man was held up by his neck by a handsome, tall man, whose black eyes looked at the man in hunger. The woman was held up by you. Your (h/c) hair flowing in the wind. Your eyes as black as the night sky “Shut up.” The vampire male said as he held the struggling man by the neck with ease. The woman started crying as she looked at you in fear. “I hated the first British invasion, I hate the second one even more.” The vampire named Garrett said. “Even the Beatles? Really Garrett?” A deep voice asked. The two vampires turned their heads to where the noise came from. The human almost seemed hopeful that someone had come to safe him. “What can I say, old habits die hard.” Garrett replied, dropping the human male to the ground. The man started screaming for help. You giggled softly as you watched the new vampires at the end of the alley. One was a large man with (description Emmett) and the other was (description Rosalie). “Carlisle needs you two.” Rosalie said as she acknowledges you. “Sounds interesting.” You replied. “But first we better finish our meals.” You said before plunging your teeth into the woman’s throat, draining her from her blood, leaving her lifeless in the alley. Garret gave the couple a small smirk before kicking the human male to the ground and draining him as well.
Garret and you soon arrived at the Cullens house. It was a large, graceful house, rectangular and well-proportioned, painted a faded white. The southern wall was almost entirely made of glass, with a view of the Calawah river; it was equipped with a steel shutter to protect the Cullens from an attack.
Carlise and his wife Esme greeted the two of you with kind smiles. Carlise and Garrett embraced each other shortly while you simply shook both their hands as a greeting. “We are very grateful that you two made the time to visit us.” Carlisle said. “I remember you saved my life multiple times on the battlefield Carlisle. I owe you that much.” Garrett said with a kind smile on his face. “They are in the living room.” Esme said as she walked towards the room. The inside of the first story was open and bright, with few internal walls, with a wide central staircase to the left and a raised area with a grand piano in the centre to the right as well as a rarely used dining room and kitchen.
Some other vampires where already there, some with golden eyes, like Rosalie and Emmett, and some with eyes as red as yours. You felt a bit uncomfortable being around so many vampires. Vampires were not known for living in large groups, apart from the Cullens and the Volturi. A heartbeat could be heard coming from the corner of the room. However, the heartbeat was a faster beat than a normal human heart. You looked towards the corner and saw a young couple standing there, both had gold eyes meaning there where part of the Cullen clan. The man was quite attractive. He had a perfect and angular—high cheekbones, a strong jawline, perfect eyebrows, a straight nose and full lips. The woman was as beautiful as the man. She a very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair, a widow's peak and a heart-shaped face with a wide forehead. Her eyes where large and widely spaced. Her nose was thin and her cheekbones where prominent. Her lips where a bit too full for her slim jawline and her eyebrows where darker than her hair and where straighter than they were arched.
The man took a step forward. “Thank you for coming today. My name is Edward, this is my wife Bella. And this is our daughter Renesmee.” Edward said as he took a step aside to reveal a small figure. Renesmee was immensely beautiful; even more gorgeous than Rosalie and Edward. She had inherited both of her parents' exceptionally good looks, having the facial features of her father Edward (high cheekbones, perfect eyebrows, straight nose, strong jawline, and full lips), as well as his unusual bronze hair colour, however her hair fell in ringlets past her waist, with her eyes being chocolate brown. Her skin was pale, however a small blush could be seen across it. Her scent was a balance of both vampire and human, with enough vampire scent to keep it from being too appetizing to vampires.
You gasped and jumped away, not wanting to come anywhere near her. Garrett, however, seemed intrigued and slowly approached the girl. “Hello there. My name is Garrett. Nice to meet you little one.” He said as he kneeled in front of her. “Hello Garrett.” Renesmee said before gently placing her hand on his cheek, showing him all that happened. Garrett’s red eyes grew wide and soon a small smile was placed upon his lips. “Don’t worry little one. No harm will come to you. And (Y/N) was just frightened for a moment. It is not every day we meet someone as extraordinary as you.” He said, showing her his pearl white teeth. Garrett held out his hand for you to take. You looked at it and felt a memory from a long time ago return. Garrett had been the one who saved you. You had been a nurse on the battle field, trying to take care of the wounded soldiers without getting shot yourself. However, a soldier had stepped on a landmine, tossing you across the field, leaving you deaf and blind. You were sure that was the way your where going to die, and in all honesty, it sounded a lot better than the bombs and gunshots you heard. Not to mention the cries of wounded soldiers, begging for relief or death. Soon, a burning pain spread through your body, lasting for three whole days. When you woke up, you were no longer on the battle field, but far away in the woods. Garrett was standing near you, watching you with a close eye. He knew how newborns where and how thirsty and unpredictable they were. You had been confused and scared, however Garrett held out his hand just as he was doing right now, promising he would help you and not leave you until you were ready.
That had been 200 years ago, and you had not yet strayed from his side. You were not lovers or mates in any way. You were like siblings, and he was the big brother whom protected you from any harm. “It’s alright (Y/N). Nothing bad will happen. I promise.” Garrett said, still holding his hand out for you to take. You did and slowly sunk down to your knees in front of the little hybrid. “Hello, (Y/N).” Renesmee said before gently placing her hand on your cheek. Imagines flashed before your eyes. Imagines of Renesmee in her mother’s womb, of her being born and of her growth. They flashed before your eyes and a small gasp escaped your lips. “Will you please help my family?” Renesmee said inside your head. “Of course I will, little one.” You whispered softly to her as you gently held her small hand in yours.  
The Cullen’s enormous house was more crowded with guests than anyone would assume could possibly be comfortable. It only worked out because none of the visitors slept. Mealtimes were dicey, though. The company cooperated as best they could. They gave Forks and La Push a wide berth, only hunting out of state; Edward was a gracious host, lending out his cars as needed without so much as a wince. Carlisle and Esme introduced the two vampires to the other vampires in the room. However, soon you were frozen in your step. Carlise introduced Garrett and you to the Denali coven, however you only remembered one name and one vampire in particular. Tanya. She was absolutely beautiful. Even more than was standard for a vampire. Her strawberry blond hair fell in beautiful curls, framing her beautiful face. Her body was skinny yet filled in the right places and her lips. Oh her lips. All you wanted to do was claim those with your own. Tanya seemed to be in the same trance as you were in, taking in all of your features and wanting nothing more than to drag you to the nearest private room and taste you for herself. However, you were quite shy. Which was quite the opposite of Garrett. He fell in quickly with the Denali sisters, asking endless questions about their unusual lifestyle. You wondered if vegetarianism was another challenge he would try, just to see if he could do it. Garrett loved to challenge himself. It was one of the ways to keep the boredom of living forever at bay. You could mostly be found in the library or in the garden, away from the other vampires.
“Hiding away in a book again, (Y/N)?” a beautiful voice came from behind you, sending a small shiver down your spine. “I’m afraid so. It is getting a bit too crowded inside.” You said as you gently closed your book, giving the goddess behind you your undivided attention. Tanya smiled and sat beside you on the porch. You had once again fled outside into the garden, a new book in hand. “What are you reading this time?” She asked as she gently grabbed the book from your hand, making sure to brush her hand against your gently sending sparks up your arm. “Just some romance novel. Quite a light read.” You said as you watched her read the back of the book. “I prefer experiencing love rather than reading about it. Don’t you agree?” Tanya asked as her golden eyes pierced through your ruby red ones. Whenever she looked at you like that, you were at loss for words. All you could do was bite your lip and wait for her to break the trance and look away. However she didn’t. Instead, she gently grabbed your chin and pulled your lip free from your teeth. “Don’t do that. Not unless you want me to drag you somewhere private and claim those lips with my own.” She whispered softly. If you could blush you would have. However, you only could bite your lip once more, rewarding you with a groan from Tanya.
Before you knew what was happening, your where pinned down on the porch with the goddess her lips firmly placed against your own. Sparks where coursing through your body as you gladly responded to her kiss, melting completely against her sweet embrace. The kiss got a lot deeper and soon you were on top, almost ready to rip her clothes off there and then until a voice broke through the silence. “You know, if you two where hungry we could have simply gone out hunting earlier. You don’t have to start eating each other.” Garrett said, a playful grin around his lips. You growled softly before standing up, helping Tanya up as well. “No need Garrett. I think our hunger is quite satisfied. For now.” Tanya said as she pulled you closer to her, earning her a chuckle from Garrett. This woman was going to be the death of you, and you were going to enjoy every minute of it.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
*Bella Basil Raspberry Tea*
Total Time - 45 minutes preparation plus chilling
Serves - 6
3 cups fresh raspberries
1 cup sugar
1 cup packed fresh basil leaves, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup lime juice
2 individual black tea bags
1 bottle ( 1 liter ) carbonated water or 1 bottle ( 750 milliliters ) sparkling rose wine
Ice cubes
Fresh raspberries and basil leaves, optional
In a large saucepan, combine the raspberries, sugar, basil and lime juice. Mash berries. Cook over medium heat for 7 minutes or until berries release juices.
Remove from the heat; add tea bags. Cover and steep for 20 minutes. Strain, discarding tea bags and raspberry seeds. Transfer tea to a 2 - qt. pitcher. Cover and refrigerate until serving.
Just before serving, slowly add carbonated water or wine. Serve over ice. If desired, top with raspberries and basil.
Nutrition Facts
1 cup: 281 calories, 0 fat ( 0 saturated fat ), 0 cholesterol, 9mg sodium, 44g carbohydrate ( 37g sugars, 4g fiber ), 1g protein.
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*Cookie Dough Stuffed Oreos*
Yields - 30
Prep Time - 10 minutes
Total Time - 1 hour 35 minutes
1/2 c. ( 1 stick ) melted butter
1/2 c. granulated sugar 
1/2 c. packed brown sugar 
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 
1 c. almond flour 
1/2 tsp. kosher salt 
2/3 c. mini chocolate chips
24 Oreos
1 c. chocolate chips
1 tbsp. coconut oil 
1/4 c. sprinkles 
Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large bowl, whisk together melted butter, sugars, and vanilla. Stir in almond flour and salt, then fold in mini chocolate chips. 
Separate Oreos trying to keep cream intact. Place 2 tsp of cookie dough on Oreo half with cream, then sandwich with other half of Oreo. Repeat with remaining Oreos and dough. 
Place chocolate chips and coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl and microwave in 30 second intervals until melted. Dip Oreos halfway into chocolate, place on prepared baking sheet, and top with sprinkles. Refrigerate until chocolate is hardened, 1 hour.
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"You said, please, say yes." You excitedly informed him. "And I said, yes! I'm going to the New Year's Ball with you, V!"
It took the poet a full minute before he finally realized what you were talking about. And when he finally realized what your words truly meant, his eyes slowly widened and his mouth fell open in shock. He grabbed his messy hair with both hands and spoke, "That - that's your answer, right? You'll go to the Ball with me?"
"Hahaha! Of course, you silly poet!" You laughed as you threw yourself at him, hugging him and placing a tender kiss on his cheek. Oh, how sweet you smelled. What a nice morning, indeed! "See ya!"
And before V could even reciprocate with a kiss of his own, you took your hands off him, waved, and went back to your house.
Now, if it were only that easy.
"What happened to you, dear?" Adelaide asked you, a plate of fluffy pancakes in her hand. 
Your hands automatically went up your hair as realization finally kicked in. "I told him I'd go the Ball with him."
"Yes, and?"
Giving your grandmother a horrified look, you answered, "I don't have a vintage dress!"
❄ Three Wishes ❄
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"You're in luck." Your cousin, Avery, told you as she nudged your arm with an elbow. "I got your back."
"Thanks." You answered with a shy smile as the two of you made your way to her mansion.
It was a good thing that you called Avery first before going to the shopping district to look for a decent vintage dress. You never knew much about gowns or even dresses ( except for the ones you wear for your concours and concertos ), and you're just glad to have her around.
And honestly? She didn't disappoint. Not only were you not going to spend a single cent, you're also going to have the full vintage wardrobe experience free of charge!
Avery opened the heavy wooden door, a feat which always awed you, and allowed you to step into the threshold first before her.
The warmth of the place welcomed you like an old friend, and the entirely redesigned interior made it look as good, or even better, as new. Avery chucked ( not literally, of course ) the old Grecian statues and the rest of the old stuff away ( including your great grandfather's intimidating life - size portrait, which, if she could be honest, was already considered cursed by a lot of curators ), put them up for auction, and actually gained a lot of money from it ( well, not that Roman would refuse, anyway ). She hired a florist and an interior designer for a revamp of the mansion, and voila!
And now, as you glanced with wonder and admiration at the complete transformation of the interior, your jaw couldn't help but drop and your eyes couldn't help but widen. The house, and all the places and corners the eye could possibly reach, looked actually clean, it didn't even look like a haunted mansion, anymore. In place of the old Grecian statues were two Venetian pedestals with modern flower vases in it. The baroque period paintings were gone from the walls, replaced with modern ones depicting gardens in all four seasons. The old and worn down window frames were also replaced. Even the floorboards don't squeak anymore.
Everything was brand new! And everywhere you look, there were lots, and lots, and lots,... of flowers! And,... this actually made you a bit confused.
Avery, actually decorating her house with flowers,... ?
"Didn't know you'd go for flower power." You let out your thoughts as you followed and observed the positively radiant woman upstairs. "And you looked, ah,... different." You remarked, seeing that she finally got rid of her blue highlights and just let her hair grow naturally, letting its true auburn color show, which looked perfect in its own way. You also noticed that her style changed, as well. Instead of a loud statement shirt, a pair of ripped jeans, and a pair of thick leather boots, she's wearing a pastel - colored floral dress, and a pair of wedges.
Avery,... wearing dresses?
Am I missing something here? You thought to yourself as you smiled at your cousin.
"Who? Me? Different?" Avery replied as she glanced at you at the corner of her eye.
You hummed in approval. "You looked,... radiant."
"Nah! I'm still old me. And you're the main focus here, not me. So, if you please,..." Your cousin requested as she gestured for you to open the door to the bedroom on the left hallway. You grabbed the doorknob firmly, carefully turned it, and opened the door,...
You felt a strange wave of nostalgia brush you gently in the face as you entered the old room. The huge French canopy bed on the left, the sweet scent wafting about the cozy room, the pastel colored wallpaper, the heavy floral curtains, and even the white vanity table on the right gave the impression that this room belonged to a very delicate lady,...
... who seemed very much in love.
Huh? Why did I think of that? You pondered as you heard the door close behind you.
"I had this room renovated." Avery told you as she walked towards the vanity table and placed a hand on the ornate mirror. "This belonged to gran's mom."
"Really?!" You gasped, taken by surprise by what you just heard from your cousin. Your eyes wandered once more all over the place, drinking in all the lovely sights the room could offer. It's as if,... the room itself held some sort of significance to you. Like you've been here before. "Wow,..."
"You know, V spent a lot of time in this room last October." Avery giggled as she gave you a sly sideways glance, wanting to see your reaction. And you didn't disappoint. The moment your cousin mentioned his one letter name, your face heated up, making it as red as a beetroot.
"W - what's he doing here?" You stuttered, making the other woman laugh.
"Ah! Long story. I'll tell you some other time." Avery answered as she went towards the large wooden closet on the left near the French canopy bed. "But, I'll tell you this: he's in love with gran's mom."
"Never mind." Your cousin teased as she opened the closet, revealing a huge collection of Victorian era dresses of all fabrics, colors, and shapes.
And it simply took your breath away! And instantly made you forget what Avery just revealed.
"Amazing!" You gasped in awe as Avery took one dress made completely out of lace from the huge closet. "It's so, so beautiful!"
"Look, I may tell you that this lady here suits your skin tone but, you can try as many of these as you like." Avery told you as she carefully handed you the delicate dress. "Hell, you can try all of them!"
And that's what you did for the next few hours. As tiring as it was, carefully putting on these dresses and making sure that they don't get damaged in the process, it really was fun trying them on. There were just too many, in different shades of red, blue, purple, green, and yellow, in different fabrics like lace, satin, silk, chiffon, and in different cuts, although ninety - five percent of them had extremely low necklines and all of them had tight fitting bodice.
And somehow, the dresses,...
... felt so familiar to you. From the colors perfectly matching your skin tone, to their sizes exactly fitting your form.
It was like you actually owned them.
"That's beautiful." Avery, who got so tired of waiting and elected to just sit on the bed to watch your every move, said for seemingly the hundredth time that day.
"Yes but," You answered as you uncomfortably looked down at what you’re wearing: an exquisite pale green dress with an empire waist and a pair of bishop sleeves made of voluminous silk. " ... it doesn't seem right."
Avery rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "I told you. Pick whatever you like. V will not judge you if you pick the wrong one, come on!"
"No, it's not that I'm worried about V judging me." You said as you faced the closet once more. "These dresses are all beautiful, and they all fit so perfectly, it's actually scary. But, I don't feel,... special,... in any of them. In a way."
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's like,... I'm happy they all fit. But, I'm not happy wearing them."
"Really? How so?"
"It's like,... ah,... how do I explain this?" You bit your lower lip as you browsed the many more dresses that were hanging inside the vintage closet belonging to your gran's mom. "It's like, I'm looking for something that resonates. That feels special. You know what I'm saying?"
"I'm not sure I know what you meant." Avery answered as she collapsed on the white pillows.
"Ah, it's so hard to - "
"Hard to what?"
You turned towards your cousin, your eyes almost popping out of their sockets and your mouth opening wide. Like you've just awoken to a huge revelation.
"Found something that resonates?" Avery asked as she rolled on the bed, propping her chin on her knuckles and playfully swaying her feet back and forth.
"I might have." You replied as you took a particular dress from the closet and made your way once again towards the massive bathroom. "Wait."
"Isn't that what you're already making V do?" Avery teased with a huge grin plastered on her face as she rolled on the bed once more and laid on her back.
"What's that?!" Your voice echoed from the bathroom. You were just too weirded out with your cousin's behavior.
"Nothing! And make it quick already! I'm starving!"
"Alright! Alright! And can you put something else in here, like a vanity table or something? It feels really empty here!"
"Just like how V feels without you?"
"Come again?!"
"Did I say something?"
Avery was clutching her stomach with both hands, hysterically laughing at her jokes when you finally came out of the bathroom. And when she saw you, her mouth simply dropped.
"Girl," She gasped, feeling as if her eyes were deceiving her. " ... you're wearing,... that?"
"Yes!" You proudly declared as you made a little pirouette, the soft fabric of the dress flowing gracefully with your movement. "Isn't this perfect?!"
"W - well," Avery said, still a bit tongue - tied, as she got off the bed and made her way towards you. " ... I must say that's a really curious choice. A good choice, nonetheless. Looks perfect, yes."
Your eyebrows knitted, confusion with Avery's strange commentary on the dress you chose starting to set in. "You don't look happy."
"What? Ugh! Come on, I said it's perfect, right? Now, get dressed and come down, I'm really starving, I could eat a huge bird right now!”
You were still staring at the dress laid carefully on the sofa a few minutes later as you and your cousin enjoyed some cookie dough stuffed oreos and bella basil raspberry tea.
"So, are you gonna tell me?" You said after taking a sip of the sweet beverage. "What V was doing there last October?"
"Ye really wanna know?"
"Well, duh. Of course."
Avery took one cookie from the huge plate and pointed it at you. "Do you believe in ghosts?"
"Umm, yes? No? I don't know,..."
"Well, whatever your belief is, this place," Avery said, taking a bite of the treat. " ... used to be haunted. And I commissioned the Legendary Devil Hunter to drive the spirit out. But, he refused!" She said, then took another bite. "And this man, this thin man who calls himself V, he volunteered. He confronted the Demon who took over this place," She plopped the treat into her mouth and chewed. And with a still full mouth, she said, " ... and set the tortured souls free. Safe to say he won, right?"
"Oh, I s - "
"BUT, of course, you wouldn't believe me! So, forget what I just said." Avery took another cookie and ate it whole. Then, after that, she took another one from the plate and ate it as well.
"You, ah, eat well!" You said, carefully choosing your words so as not to offend your cousin.
"Who, me?" Avery asked as she ate another cookie, then took a sip of her tea. "Nah. Must be your imagination."
" ... okay,... "
"I answered your question, now answer mine." Avery gestured at the dress on the sofa and took another treat from the almost empty plate. "What made you choose that dress?"
"Instinct." You simply answered.
"I feel it's the one, you know?"
"Just like how you feel about V?"
"OH, SH - !"
"I'm home, ladies!" Roman, who just entered the living room, greeted you and made his way towards his wife to plant a kiss on her radiant cheek. He, then, took out a box of dumplings from a plastic bag and showed it to Avery, whose eyes and mouth widened in delight.
"Roman Mikael Francisco, you greatest husband in the world!" Avery exclaimed in ecstasy as she grabbed the Chinese take out box from Roman's hand. "How did you know I'm craving this?"
"Instinct." Roman answered as he winked at you, making you nod in realization of the real situation.
"Oh, shush, you!" Avery playfully slapped Roman's hand and looked back at you. "And you! You have to go back home, it's getting late."
"I'm not a kid!" You replied with a silly grin on your face as you took the dress from the sofa. "And it's only afternoon."
"Whatever." Avery said and stood, accidentally dropping her handkerchief from her lap to the floor in the process. "Oh, it fell! Just like how you and V fell for each other!"
❄ @la-vita , @clevermentalitybeliever , @birdgirl69 , @v-vic , and @dreaming-gamer . ❄
"You alright on your own?" Roman asked graciously as he walked with you towards your house. "You need help with that box? That's huge!"
"I can handle this, thanks!" You replied with a smile as you held the box containing the dress and its accessories closer to your form.
"Are you a hundred percent sure?"
Roman nodded, his charming smile showing on his young - looking face. "Alright, alright. I'll go back to Avery, then. She's getting more and more delicate these past few days, you know?"
"Yeah. Take care of her, alright?"
"Si, si." Roman smiled, waved, and walked back towards the mansion.
So, I'm right! You thought as you opened the door to your own house. "Gran, I'm home - "
However, something, or someone, stopped you in your tracks.
Christopher Lancaster, your narcissistic former lover, was waiting for you in the living room. What's more, he was holding an expensive - looking bouquet of red roses, there was a box of expensive French chocolate on the table, and Adelaide was looking at the man with utter hate and disdain from one corner of the room. Like he forced her to let him in the house.
"(Y/N)!" The man greeted as he stood up from the sofa and made his way towards you. "I was waiting for you."
You took a few steps back and held the box right in front of you to prevent the man from getting closer to you. "What do you want, Christopher?"
"Aww, how cold! Yikes!" The man sarcastically said as he made a shivering gesture. "I only wanted to give this to you - "
"What. Do you. Want?"
"Sheesh, can't a man invite a lady properly to the New Year's Ball?"
"Oh! Is that so?"
"So, you'll come with me! That's great news! I - "
"Get out of here, you're scaring gran."
The man drew back in shock at what he just heard. "I beg your pardon?"
"WELL, I JUST DID!" You yelled as you took the box of expensive chocolate from the table and shoved it forcefully into his arms. "NOW, GET OUT!"
The man gave you one last look of contempt before turning and finally leaving you and your grandmother alone.
And, hell, it felt good!
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rather-impertinent · 5 years
A Wish Fulfilled
A/N: I’m sorry if this is full of errors, I am far too exhausted to keep my eyes open for another second longer 😅 I also have a (very long, very angsty, very lovely) fic which is almost complete and that I will be adding to The Enys Chronicles tomorrow, stayed tuned! 💗 For now, I hope you enjoy this wee drabble, friends! xo
The November rain pattered off the window of Dwight Enys’ study, whispering its wintery secrets. The frosty afternoon and incessant rainfall, however, was no match for the loving warmth of the room itself.
“Dear little Isabella is very sweet, is she not?” Caroline rhetorically asked her husband, carefully studying his concentrated features as he examined his appointment diary at his desk.
The Enyses had returned from a visit to Nampara barely an hour ago. Caroline and Demelza had hoped to have a civilised cream tea with their husbands and catch up on each other’s news as they had barely seen each other all month with Ross’ tasks taking him all over Britain - and Dwight and Caroline themselves had been in London for over a fortnight. The ladies’ plan was foiled the moment the Enyses walked into the house, as Clowance and Jeremy immediately dragged their uncle Dwight into the game they were playing with their father and youngest sibling. Ross had devised a new game of hide-and-seek, one which involved a chase, whomever managed to find and hold baby Bella before the seeker caught them was the winner. And so the ladies had sipped their tea alone at the table, raised voices exchanging pleasantries, their teacups hiding their smiles as they fought to maintain their put-out pretences.
Dr Enys’ features softened as he thought of the newest member of the Poldark family, whom he had assisted into this world two months ago. “She is lovely,” agreed Dwight, his tone soft; there was something about babies that was so inexplicably comforting to him - perhaps it was their enchanting innocence. And with large blue eyes like her mother and wisps of dark brown curls like her father, Isabella-Rose was most definitely enchanting.
“Just think, Dr Enys, the next child you deliver could be your own,” Caroline hinted, smothering a smile from the armchair Dwight had installed for her in his study.
The doctor let out a soft chuckle as he continued to write in his diary. “God willing, my love,” he murmured, glancing at her before taking a piece of parchment and beginning a letter of correspondence to Dr Pinel, with whom Dwight had worked closely during and after his time in France these past few months.
Caroline hummed, now grinning mischievously from behind her book. She discarded the novel, schooled her grin and stood up, moving to casually rest against Dwight’s mahogany desk, her hands clasped against the edge of the table as she stood next to him. Caroline pointedly stared at the doctor, a small smile on her face as she placed her hand on his shoulder. Dwight’s eyes met her own and he returned her tender smile, his hand momentarily resting on top of his wife’s.
Caroline huffed quietly as he resumed writing; how could one so intelligent be so stupid when it came to picking up hints? “Well, pray check your diary and see that you be free for such an occasion around May.”
“May?” Dwight repeated absently with a small chuckle, his quill still scratching the parchment as he noted down possible treatments of psychosis. “But it is already November-“ A dawning realisation stole the end of his sentence and ruined his neat script as his hand slackened in surprise.
Satisfied that the news had sunk in, Caroline smiled smugly: smug that she had managed to hide her condition from him and surprise him. But most of all, Caroline was smug that she - that they both - had not allowed life’s greatest hardship to snatch away any future happiness.
Dwight rose from his seat and stood opposite his wife, simply running his eyes over her, his gaze clinical and disbelieving, hopeful and uncertain.
Caroline pulled anxiously on her fingers; it was not often cool, calm and collected Dr Enys was rendered speechless. “My love?” she asked, her eyes searching his. “Are you alright?”
“Alright?” Dwight softly repeated. He laughed and shook his head; never had there been such an understatement. “My darling, I am so ecstatic I am quite afraid to move for fear this is all a dream.” Even in the muted winter light, Caroline could see that his eyes were filled with tears.
Caroline then felt her own eyes prick with tears, a surge of relief and happiness filling her being. “Fear not,” she murmured, carefully taking her entranced husband’s hand and pressing it carefully against her abdomen; a small, but readily detectable, curve was present.
A beaming smile stretched across Dwight’s face; it was truly no dream, it was a wish no longer.
Caroline closed her eyes in anticipation of a kiss but instead felt her body jolt forwards and upwards as Dwight lifted her from her waist and spun her around like a madman. “Dwight!” she gasped, shrieking and laughing as the room spun around her, her feet brushing the curtains, bookshelves flying past her gaze.
Grinning like a fool, Dwight put her down and stumbled, dizzy from the action but more so from Caroline’s news. Just as he was about to lean in and kiss her, the doctor within him bubbled to the surface and drowned out the expectant father. It had taken them a long while to come to expect, and it was certainly not for want of trying. “You must have at least one strengthening tonics a day,” Dr Enys ordered, his mind whirring as he thought of the ingredients he would need, “It will be good for both you and the child.” The child! A child! Their child!
Caroline rolled her eyes gently; they both knew she would be drinking no tonics unless Dwight poured them into her slackened mouth while she slept. “Dwight.”
Dr Enys held up a finger. “My love, I’m afraid I must insist.” He leaned over the ruined piece of parchment on his desk and dipped a quill in ink. “Have you any sickness? I can prescribe something depending on its severity. Are you feeling alright now?” He glanced at her; she didn’t look pale. She looked beautiful and happy and radiant.
“Of course some exercise every day is important,” Dwight continued. “Not too much, though,” he warned, now very much babbling. “A walk around the gardens shall do fine. We can walk together after some supper,” he offered as he continued scribbling things on a piece of parchment, his brain going a mile a minute. “Hmm,” Dwight then said, turning and narrowing his eyes at the bleak day. “But only if the rain stops, lest you catch a chill.” He felt a gentle hand on his back.
“Dwight.” Caroline was smiling now.
“May, you say, my love?” Dwight double-checked, unable to prevent another smile forming on his handsome features. “Well, if you wish to return to London then we must go soon because you will not be in suitable condition for such a long journey come March or February,” he told her, continuing to scribble on a piece of parchment, his hand trembling with excitement. “Oh, and-”
“Dwight!” yelled Caroline, flicking his bicep and grinning with impatience.
Dwight’s head snapped around to look at her, his blue eyes were round in surprise. “What?”
“Dr Enys, I wonder, could you be persuaded to stop worrying for long enough to give your wife a well-earned kiss?” Caroline asked, her tone teasing and flirtatious.
With a slightly guilty smile, Dr Enys dropped his utensil and straightened his spine before quickly closing the distance between them. He smiled softly as he brushed his hand against the barely detectable swell of her abdomen. “I think that can be arranged,” he purred as he placed his hands on either side of her face and kissing her deeply.
Caroline’s arms went about his neck as she deepened the kiss, not a single beam of light passing between them as they embraced.
Dwight paused thoughtfully as he broke their kiss; he wondered if anyone else knew. Did Demelza know, or suspect? Did Ross know? Well, they would know within the hour, he would ride there and share the news himself, it simply could not wait. He must also write to the Blameys, Sam and Rosina, Kitty and little James, his only living aunt, George, Caroline’s aunt...
Caroline’s mouth swished from side to side to contain her smile and imprison a laugh at her husband’s predictability. “Good Lord, Dr Enys, I can practically hear the quill on the paper already. At the risk of not being clear, you may not write to every single acquaintance that pops into your head to inform them of our news. We shall tell the Poldarks and the Carnes at dinner on Sunday over some of Demelza’s delicious pie and any other bodies who happen to hear of our news may do so then, but only once our dearest friends are aware,” she warned without heat, wagging her index finger at him.
Dwight barked out a laugh, which echoed throughout the study and floated down the long corridor. “Must you always read my mind?” he wondered, smiling, as he tucked a stray curl behind her ear.
Placing both her hands on his shoulders, Caroline pressed a kiss to his mouth. “I suppose it is the consequence of our abiding love for each other, or something to that effect,” she teased, though her eyes were soft and shining.
Dwight smiled softly and kissed her again. And again. “Or something to that effect,” he murmured against her lips.
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Lonley ~ Embry Call (Part 5)
A/n: I had a few people ask me for a new part to this so I reread the series and oh my gosh yes! I've missed writing this ugh.
Word Count: 2700+
Warnings: Back lash of abuse, mostly fluff though
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I was not a runner, let me say that now. Despite that, I ran a lot that day. I ran until my feet finally lost purchase in the soft dirt as the rain started to fall lightly, softening it up. I fell and lay there for a long time. I'd turned onto my back and was looking up at the sunlight coming through the trees and the clouds swirling in the sky before I closed my eyes, finally breaking down completely as I just let the rain fall and wet me.
Never in my life had I been a crier. I suffered in silent stillness. It was the only way I could get back at my mom for always wanting me to be lively and happy and perfect. A proper girl was emotional and tender and brittle so to spite her, I didn't cry when I was upset. Even as a child I threw very few fits that even others could recall. It started a whole thing, with my mom telling me no and making life even more miserable just to get me to lash out. I'd refused then as I refused now and eventually she'd given up on me. That's when abuse became more focused and direct, without censors or tricks. That's when it became tearing me down and ripping me up with words and looks and scoffs and eye rolls and mantras to remind me where I stood in the word. When she had changed as well when it came to other people. She’d gotten so good at being fake when we had guests that I felt insane for wondering if she was as terrible as I knew her to be. She broke me then made me wonder if I was just crazy or if she really was to blame. It all didnt matter though. I stuck it out. I stayed strong.
Just as I had then, I didn't cry now. I closed my eyes and let the feelings in my body explode, simply wallowing in them. I didn't do that much either but everyone needs to wallow every once in a while and right now, thinking and feeling a million things in the forrest, laying on the ground as the rain fell, I felt it was a dramatic enough setting to be edgy.
"Paul said I should leave you alone and let you brood." I sighed internally. "But Sam said that if my gut was telling me to go after you I should. So here I am."
Taking a second to collect my thoughts so I didn't say something I'd regret - whether it be rude or just cringey - I swallowed, breathing in deeply and then letting it out slowly. "Embry," I greeted evenly.
He moved closer. "I'm not going to force you to talk or touch you if you don't want. Instead, I'm just going to sit next to you so you're not alone... and so I know you're safe and so I can be here if you need me." He stopped talking and despite myself I felt the comfort of his presence. My body was less heavy, my thoughts were less dark. It felt like the weight I had been carrying my whole life was suddenly lighter and as I sat there, even though I couldn't see him, I knew it was because he was helping me hold it up.
At some point he lay down next to me and I relaxed even more. My face went smooth and my mind went blank, all the remaining emotions slipping away until I was empty. My fingers twitched, tapping briefly against his. He inched his hand closer, ghosting around mine as he debated. I stretched my fingers, touching him more firmly. I imagined his smile as he interlocked his fingers with mine. The emptiness inside of me was already different than I knew emptiness. Before, I felt like the cage that a werewolf had been held in over night- excuse the irony of the comparison. The point is, when I had my silent break downs like this, I was always left with a sort of raw, ruined feeling afterwsrf. As if my emotions had dug their claws into my ribs and muscle and dragged, ripping it up and leaving me with dull aches and a throbbing hollowness that almost made me want to break down all over again, except that I couldn't because I just didn't have the energy in me.
This emptiness though... It was easy. Peaceful. An empty schedule after a long day. Resting in a field that had no one else for miles, leaving you alone with the smell of the woods and flowers and the feeling of sunshine on your skin. This was the feeling of standing in your doorway and looking at your room as you headed off for a long trip, or were just getting back. It was familiar and comfortable, more sweet than bitter even though it did still have that mix. An empty lunchbox after you finished eating.
My eyes opened and I looked over at Embry. He was already looking at me, his gaze open and honest as he stared at me with blazing admiration. With... with an emotion I could almost name but was far too scared to approach. I cleared my throat but unlike I'd gotten used to him doing, he didn't bother to look away once I'd caught him staring. He just hummed, letting me know he was listening.
My insides warmed and softened and I noticed the ends of his hair tickling his forehead and the reflection of the green woods, discolored in his brown eyes. He was so beautiful and it wasn't the first time I was noticing this but I just couldn't comprehend... "Why me?"
His eyebrows scrunched together and he focused more on me. It wasn't an angry or severe expression, his body too relaxed to correctly apply the deep confusion he was feeling. "What do you mean?"
I hadn't meant to say it out loud but now that we were here I didn't find it fair to just stop talking. Not that he'd let me. This was Embry Call- he'd pester endlessly until I told him and eventually I'd give in because who could resist him? So I'd just skip that part. "I..." I sat up, eyebrows knitting as my inner calm was disrupted by my self hate. He recharged me so quickly, I was already feeling emotions again... "You saw it yourself. You can't have not guessed by now. I know what people on the Rez say about my mom, and they're right. She's full of herself and in the clouds and self glorifying and she loathes my dad for somehow convincing her to see the world and not just herself and then leaving her alone in a world that hated her because of how poorly she treated everyone in it. He was the only person she loved more than herself and now she's alone to face the lonely isolation she's made for herself and she hates him for it." I swallowed, feeling Embry's eyes on me. I'd pulled my fingers out of his and now the abandoned hand rubbed soothing patterns on my back. It was so hard to concentrated with him around. "She took all that fear and self hate and regret and anger and channeled it into destroying herself and anyone around her.
"Especially me." My voice broke and I closed my eyes. "I'm pretty and have a life full of possibilities and she couldn't STAND the thought that I would have a happy ending when she'd denied herself one. I- I'm years of programming and poisoning and brainwashing. Years of a- abuse-" My eyes close tighter and Embry sat up too, scooting close. My chest seized. What was going on?! "I- I'm going to be so much work, Em. You'll constantly have to remind me of things and work again and again to help me rewrite myself. I'm going to have BAD days that leave me lashing out at you or pushing you away and then being mad when you leave me alone. I'm going to have feelings I can't describe and thoughts you can't help me get rid of and so. Much. Baggage.
"You could meet someone else. You don't have to love me. Be with me. You're so young and handsome and easy going and funny and down to Earth. You bring such a light and have this life in you- it's amazing. I'm... damaged goods."
There was where I stopped. I expected him to argue with me or to yell at me or sigh and roll his eyes. I expected him to maybe pity me, his face soft and twisted in concern and that expression that let you know someone thought you were sad and just a little pathetic. I expected him to get up and leave me alone in the woods, offering awkward apologies and half efforted explanations before he told me something about how I wasn't ready to be loved and he wasn't equipped to help me heal.
None of that happened. He rubbed my back until he was sure I was done talking and then he very softly relayed, "I love you."
It wasn't too casual or at all forced. It didn't make me anxious or surprised and leave me stuttering, trying to find a way to say it back or get out if the awkward situation if I couldn't find it in me to reply. It felt so right that I opened my eyes and looked at him, trying not to fall into the ease and belief that was begging to he felt. "Do you love me because I'm your imprint?"
He sighed through his nose, thinking seriously about it before he spoke. "Maybe," he relented. "If I hadn't imprinted on you we wouldn't know each other. Bella would have kept crying about how much she missed you but you would have left that day and who would I have been to stop you?" He paused. "Or maybe Bella would finally break like she almost had so many times and just told you every thing. Maybe you'd demanded proof and eventually we would have met and very, very slowly developed a friendship." He paused again. "But you wouldn't have given me a single chance if I asked you out. If you thought I had a choice. And I mean I do have a choice for the most part. But... I don't think I'd chose anyone else. Any other way." He looked at me very seriously. "Because you're not just damaged goods. You're..." He swallowed. "Your smile is small and shy and your laugh is short and bubbly. You put your hand over your mouth when you smile like smiling is a sin and you touch me like you would a stove top- like it hurts you. But you touch me like that because I'm the only person that DOESN'T hurt you and that terrifies you. You're- you're this beautiful flower, all delicate and pretty. Except-" He struggled, trying to come up with an analogy. "Except that you're looking at all the Roses in the flower beds and you think because you're not a rose and you've been picked from the garden that you're less than but Y/n I assure you-" He leaned even closer. "You are just as stunning as any other flower. Girl. Whatever you know what I mean." We both chuckled. "When you get a bouquet you don't care which flowers made it up- they all smell good. You're special because you're mine and I love you."
I actually smiled. "I still think you deserve better." His nose brushed mine as he leaned in even closer and I gasped, only just realizing the little amount of space between us.
Friends didn't confess their love to each other while the rain was falling, making cheesy analogies to express intense feelings. Friends didn't sit close and notice how attractive the other was. Friends didn't talk about the situation and make the comparisons we just had. Friends didn't kiss.
His lips pressed against mine and I jerked forward, kissing him back as if I was an old car sputtering to life. I tried to slow down and focus on how he moved his lip, trying to mimic him and cover up the complete lack of experience I had. He chuckled, leaning back. "Let me lead." It was gentle and amused but his words reminded me of dancing and I tried to think of it that way. He kissed me again and this time I let my eyes close more softly, my body relaxing as I let my instincts half take over, following his lead. My hands moved on their own accord, fingers slipping into the short hair at the back of his neck. I pulled him harder to me and suddenly he was leaning forward. I lay back again as he followed, ending up hovering over me, his exposed torso something I'd gotten used to... except that it was very apparent to me that he was shirtless as my fingers danced along his neck.
He broke away to tap our foreheads together to allow us a second to catch our breath. Then he was back at it, pushing with his nose to go from forehead touching to kissing again.
He was warm. My hands moved from his neck down, tracing over his bare arms and pulling him closer, basking in his warmth as it rained. A raindrop hit my forehead and I gasped at how cold it was. When had it gotten so hot?
Leaning back, I looked up at him. I moved my hands to his face, thumbs tracing every line and dip and curve as I tried to memorize him, in this moment, with me. "Am I dreaming?"
Embry smiled. "Hopefully not. That would mean that I was dreaming too and I've wanted to kiss you too long to wake up and have it not be real." I was already blushing but by the way his eyes focused intently on my face, I knew that my expression had softened and warmed in that mesmerizing way his did when he was thinking about or having a gentle moment. He suddenly stood, offering me his hands. I took them and he pulled me to my feet. The rain was letting up now but we were nearly drenched all the way through. "Tonight I'll grab clothes from your room but for now I'll take you to Emily's and see if she has anything for you. If not I'll give you something." He chuckled. "Maybe she'll at least have pants or shorts or sweats or something. Then you won't have to deal with dude pants that are too big for you."
He pulled me after him and I silently followed him. I shivered again after a while and he pulled me into his side, hid warmth blocking out all of the cold. I almost wanted a piggy back ride but my jeans were wet and it would have been uncomfortable for the both of us more than it would have been soothing like if I had been in dry clothes.
I wasn't totally sure about him yet, but that emotion that had been bubbling in my chest and stomach all day had worked into my blood, rushing to my brain and changing the entire inner function of my body. I wasn't running on blood now- I was running on Embry. His smell and the feel of his lips on mine. The weight of his arm around my shoulder, his laugh, his smile, the way he looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Like I was precious and special- like he was terrified to lose me because if he did it would destroy him. It didn't matter that I didn't have a single idea where I would be living now or what was coming next. In this moment it was me and Em, laughing and being close together with the memory of our first kisses between us.
And maybe... that feeling I hadn't been able to name just yet. Well maybe I loved him too. What else mattered with such distracting things in my head?
Forever Tag List: @bitchyseawitch @chipster-21 @alexa-playafricabytoto @justanotherdaydreamersoul
Story Tag List: @plantyourtrees--watchthemgrow
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salexanderbriggs · 4 years
Frances Street Wives
York, 27th July 1900
Turning on the cold tap, Isabella held a glass under the running water, the tap emitting a high-pitched screech as she twisted it closed again. Taking a sip, she swilled it around her mouth and spat into the sink, moments earlier having suddenly felt the need to be sick.
“Mama, what’s wrong?” Said the little girl who had appeared at the kitchen door, having heard her mother’s retching.
“I’m fine, Ethel, go join your sister outside,” said her mother with a false tone of positivity, hardly opening her mouth in case the sickness wasn’t over.
“Okay, Mama,” the young girl said carefree and skipped to the back door to find Hilda, playing in the backyard.
Isabella breathed deeply and picking up the tea towel she had dropped in the hurry to the sink, wiped away the beads of sweat that had formed on her forehead. The noise of her daughter’s laughter drifting through the open window as she readjusted her tied up, thick brown hair. Then, with a lurch in her stomach, she instinctively bent double and grasped the waistband of her skirt, readjusting it to give herself some relief.
She had had terrible morning sickness with all five of her pregnancies, and already at the age of twenty-eight had developed such acute mother’s instinct, that she knew a new child had begun to grow inside. Many women may rejoice at having such confidence, but though she loved her daughters unconditionally, pregnancy had always been a burden for Isabella. Her marriage to Walter, though happy, had taken place during her fourth month of carrying Florence. She was fertile, just like her mother before her. The prospect of a sixth pregnancy and another mouth to feed was ridden with anxiety for her already struggling young family, for it had only been the same amount of time since they had lost not their first but second child.
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The Dearlove family May 1904 in the garden of their second home in Dale Street, York. Pictured here from left to right; Ethel, Isabella holding Violet, Florence (behind), Ivy (front), Walter Snr, Hilda. There would still be two more children to come.
She slumped down into a wooden chair at the kitchen table and glanced at the wall clock, two hours until Walt would be home. She took another sip of water. The worst of it was over and she gently stroked her stomach, sitting back and closing her water-filled eyes.
Jennie had been born premature. That had been her most difficult birth and the thoughts of the pain made her grimace. When she had first held her new baby, she had known even then that the tiny girl was fighting to live. It took just four days for the fight to become too brutal, and her daughter was gone.
It had been seven years ago that after just seven months of her birth, Elsie May had died. Isabella and Walter, though married and already with their first daughter Florence, had not even been able to afford to live together, and Isabella had still been needed to help care for her younger siblings, only three years separating her first child with her youngest sister, the newlyweds had remained living with their respective parents.
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The christening photograph of Elsie May Dearlove, 1893. This was to be the first and only photograph and clearly treasured by my family to still be in such a wonderful state.
Living conditions had worsened when Elsie had been born with epilepsy. Isabella vividly remembered, with regret, the cold February evening that her baby had started shaking and seeing the whites of her eyes as they had rolled back in her delicate head. The eighteen-year-old had screamed for her mother’s help, but Elsie had already taken her last breath by the time her stiff matriarchal grandmother had made it up the stairs. Money had even been so tight that they hadn’t even been able to afford a proper burial for either of her tiny angels and retrieving a handkerchief she allowed herself to cry silently, conscious not to allow her surviving daughters to hear her. Full of sorrow for the daughters she never knew, their own cries of merriment absent from the sounds outside. But she could be comforted to know that hope was blooming inside her. And though she did not know it then, she would later call that hope, Ivy.
But this had been a rare relapse now since moving to Frances Street, upon the news of becoming pregnant with Hilda. Frances Street had been the welcome change she needed, that Walt had needed too. Like all the terraced roads in this area the houses were robustly packed in methodical straight lines, an orderly army of buildings for the ever-growing working class of the city of York.
Isabella knew Frances Street was for her, as she had particularly enjoyed that at night you could hear the River Ouse gushing onwards to the North Sea, it being merely metres from their front door. That allowed her to have dreams of fresh sea air, lazy tides, and ice cream all a world away from the industrial cacophony that now thrived throughout the city.
To be a woman on Frances Street made her a better mother, and though she did not see it, a stronger woman. As a still recent build, in Frances Street, Isabella had found herself amongst friends, as all the homes were filled with young families all starting out on the journey of parenthood. Husbands worked, wives stayed home, and families were expected to be big. Having helped raise five siblings and given birth twice already, with a third on the way she was somewhat of an authority on childbirth and cared for those struggling mothers around her. When Isabella and Walter had returned home without their precious Jennie, the Frances Street wives had already assembled and kept the Dearlove family eating for a month. It was Hettie from number forty-one who had cared for her daughters when she couldn’t, Sarah from seventy three who dried her tears over a cup of tea and Jane from forty-four who sat by her bedside during the days when she couldn’t bring herself to leave it, and sang Celtic lullabies to ease her mind.
Like most other Frances Street wives, Isabella’s husband worked for the North East Railway, while the other Frances Street husbands were military. She had met the bold young Scottish wife, Annie, of next door within thirty seconds of arriving to their new home. With a loud blustery welcome, Annie had quickly turned to her own daughter and yelled.
‘Well, Hell mend ya Brenda Steventon, what’ya done now, yer black as the Earl of Hell’s waistcoat. Git inside and clean yer sen up!’ And instantly a bond was made.
Often Annie would tell Isabella of the lush green highlands of her native Scotland. But the stories Isabella craved to hear most were from Annie’s lodger Jane. Jane was not a Yorkshire native either, hailing instead from Cork in Ireland. Isabella listened intently to these stories, for her great grandfather had been Irish and she had longed to visit it’s wild countryside and Jane would fill out those dreams with landscapes of the Giant’s Causeway, fiddle music of folk songs and fantastical visions of leprechauns, banshees and fairies.
And on this day, as Isabella composed herself, she thought she had heard a legendary banshee wail from the yard next door. It had taken her a moment to realise that the wail had been her name.
‘BELLA!’ Came the Irish voiced cry. ‘Hilda, chuckaboo, where’s your Mam?’ Jane called frantically at the playing girls.
‘’Ere Jane, I’m ‘ere,’ she called out, rushing into the yard from the kitchen. ‘Whatever’s got you worked up?’
‘Rosa! It’s wee Rosa, I don’t know, quick Bella you have to come!’ She screeched loud enough for the street to have heard. Her dark panic-stricken eyes quivering, her already alabaster skin almost now transparent in fear.
‘I’m comin’,’ Isabella said without hesitation and rushed back through the house.
‘Ma? is Mrs. Bynoe alright?’ Florence asked from the foot of the stairs as her mother burst into the hall.
‘Something about little Rosa. Florrie, get your sisters in from outside and upstairs and come back and wait here, I might need you.’
‘Yes Ma,’ and Florence scuttled to fetch in her sisters.
The knocker clattered from the force of Isabella coming through the front door and she didn’t stop to close it. Turning immediately left and without looking stormed into the house next door. Before she had made it passed the threshold though, she collided with another of the Frances Street wives leaving.
‘Hettie! I’m sorry!’ said Isabella taken aback.
‘Oh Bella,’ sobbed Hettie ‘I ... I had no idea... Inside... Bella it’s... Poor Rosa...’
‘Hettie, get with it, what’s happened?’
‘Outside, and let me close the door,’ Hettie said, trying to calm herself. ‘Annie says Dr. Flood came last night and said it’s Scarlet Fever, but that ain’t no fever I’ve ever seen. Whole girl’s covered in blisters Bella, and the house. Don’t look like she’s cleaned it in months, can’t find any fresh clothes for the babes. I mean, I know they’ve looked grubby recently, but it’s kids ain’t it, my two attract mud like the pub does our Eddie’s wages. They’re knee deep in muck in there, Bella. Did you know they were struggling this badly?’
‘No, I mean, I know the lad’s service leave had been delayed but that’s all. Where are you going then?’
‘To see if Lottie’s lad is in, I’ll send him to fetch Dr. Flood. Why she didn’t take Rosa to the Fever Hospital last night I’ll never know!’
‘Go, I’ll take over inside,’ said Isabella. And with a nod of agreeance Hettie marched purposefully on.
***While this story is based on real people and true events, character and narrative are purely fictional.***
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