#The bread and butter of any Tumblr RP thing
askizzypleasures · 2 years
Ask for Izzy: Would you care to try this new eclair recipe? (not guaranteed to be free from extremely high calorie additives)
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Really huh?
Well then
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Maybe you should try it instead~ In case of any bad chemicals or whatever. You wouldn't wanna feed a bad batch to lil ol would you? How'd that be for your conscience?
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prokopetz · 2 years
IDK who else to send this to but you the Noted Games Person but it astounds me that tumblr hasn’t adopted Shing Yim Khor and Jeeyon Shim as their indie darlings because the concept of keepsakes games seems like it should be its bread and butter. Actually wait now that I’m here in your inbox do you by any chance know of other creators who do similar stuff with narrative games? I really really liked playing through games that gave me a physical token of the narrative I’d constructed by the end. Anyway hope you’re having a good day!
I think that keepsake games are inevitably going to remain niche because that's just plain more work than most folks in the tabletop roleplaying hobby want to put into a typical game.
Like, don't get me wrong, a game where the end product of play is a fully illustrated zine that you give to your playing partner or what-have-you is a wonderful idea, but there's no getting past the fact that what we're describing here is a game that expects every single participant to do the kind of heavy prep work and ongoing labour that traditional RPGs reserve for the GM, and that many new-school RPGs strive to avoid entirely.
While there's demonstrably an enthusiastic audience for that, as far as I can tell it consists mostly of folks who are already dedicated artists or craftspeople who are open to incorporating RP elements into their existing hobby; for the rest of the roleplaying community, it's something of a hard sell. And frankly, that's okay – things are allowed to be niche, you know?
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codenamejudas · 1 year
Get To Know The Mun
-----The Basics!----
Name: Mimi Pronouns: she/her
-----Three Facts!----
1) i went to school for dental hygiene and they gave me a dead person's tooth to put a sealant on that I treasure!
2) i have an entire side table dedicated to perfumes
3) my brother has been on tour with Slayer, Mastodon, Lamb of God, and Children of Bodom
Platforms Used: for rp, it's mostly tumblr but I don't mind discussing things or playing over discord Plotting/Winging It/Memes: i like all! my attention for longer things tends to scatter after a while, try as I may to keep it, so you'll get the best mileage outta me with random stuff and memes
------Muse Preference!-----
Gender: any, though most of mine are male Multi or Single: both. judas takes up most of my brain power with bonkers as a close second, but i do have silas and a multi as well for variety in writing styles Least Favorite Faceclaim(s): i don't think I have a problem with any fcs? might be a little sketchy on anyone rping real people, but using real people as fcs is fine
Fluff: i very much enjoy fluff and just basic slice of life stuff. funniest shit to me is taking characters that are absolutely nuts and having them, like, make a sandwich XD Angst: angst is one of the hardest things for me to write. i still explore it for sure but it takes a lot more thinking power and time for me to try and do it proper Smut: for some of my muses i'll do it, though it's another thing that might take me more work to write depending on who it's with. there's a 99% chance i will not take it seriously, and i think that's my Reputation in the tf rpc at this point XD RIP silas Crack: adding crack in here because silly stuff is my bread and butter. not even as 'fake' or 'non-canon' stuff. give me all the weird shit that we keep forever as a thing that happened
pilfered from: @unforgettable-garbage1997
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unfounded-daydreams · 8 months
🖋 {figured this would be a good ice breaker, since you sent me an ask already. Also hello! it's lovely to have another new face in the mcyt rp community ^^}
🖋 : a couple potential plot/dynamic ideas || plots meme
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First of all— Hello to you too! I appreciate the warm welcome, the ice-breaker, and just in general how kind you’ve been. I’m excited to get to know you and everyone else in this community as well.
Secondly… let’s get some dynamic ideas rolling, shall we?
Drunz. I am down so bad for them in every possible way. Platonic? Check. Romantic? Check. They are my bread and butter and I will never shut up about them. So. Y’know. You’ve been warned haha.
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Rivals Duo. They mean so much to me. I love exploring their relationship and diving into the potential they have not only in canon, but in AUs! Which… I write a lot of. You’ll often find me sliding characters into apocalypse, royalty, and sci-fi AUs in particular.
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Literally anything to do with the Dream Team. Seriously. These silly little block men are my favorites. Their dynamics (both in pairs and as the full trio) are delicious, even more so when you switch things up with XD, HD, and PVP.
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Also!! Found family dynamics include, but are not limited to: Puffy and Dream, Eret and Ranboo, Techno and Ranboo, George and Ranboo, Punz and Purpled… Basically. Approach me looking for found family and I will throw any of my muses your way. Literally any of them.
There are way more than these, but I would be here for hours if I tried listing them all. I also do plenty of rare pairs, so feel free to ask about those if you want!
Mostly, if you just let me know what AUs you’re interested in (or whether you prefer to stick to canon), I’d be more than happy to brainstorm actual plots for us. Feel free to message me here on Tumblr, even if it’s only to let me know you prefer using Discord for OOC chatter.
Looking forward to hearing more from you :]
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prodigalren · 10 months
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#PRODIGALREN ― private , mutuals only , & low activity BEN SOLO a.k.a KYLO REN as seen in STAR WARS , with verses as REVAN of KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC. canon divergent , heavily headcanon based. loved by madison (she / her) , 26 .
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hello!!! first things first -- i'm Madison / Madi and I've been around the tumblr rp world for an embarrassing amount of time . . . like 2014? i've been gone a LONG time (like at least 3 years) and kylo is my first foray back into everything. be patient with me as i catch back up to speed on the latest trends & formatting. please please please feel free to reach out at any point to chat , either here or on discord: .kyleron (yes, with the period at the front). i would love to meet new people and make new friends!
― NO DRAMA!!! the sequel trilogy is controversial , i get it. kylo ren is a constroversial character, i get that too! but let's all be cordial here , we're all just here to write & have fun . hate won't be tolerated here , buh-byeee
― LOW ACTIVITY as i mentioned above, this will be a low activity account. sometimes muse flows freely, sometimes it's as stagnant as a swamp. i'm also employed full-time so there may just not be enough time in the day. thank you for your patience!
― SHIP FRIENDLY i love shipping , sometimes it's my bread and butter in writing!! that being said, kylo can be pretty difficult to ship with depending on what verse he's in so let's just talk it over and maybe have a few threads beforehand to gauge chemistry. 18+ only, no minors please.
― ON MATTERS OF REYLO . . . yes, i do enjoy reylo and there may be reylo themes present on this blog. i know it can be triggering to some , and as such will be tagged with cw reylo. THAT BEING SAID!!!! canon reylo as it's seen in the sequels is not my intention ... i'm aiming for a more headcanon / canon divergent romance in this blog. please reach out to me to discuss!!
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melodicbreeze · 2 years
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✿ NAME:    Ash!
✿ PRONOUNS:   they/them!
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  discord is my go-to since I forget about tumblr dms a lot haha, but if you don’t mind the occasional lapse with tumblr dm, I’m fine with that!
✿ NAME OF MUSE(S):  On this blog I write Venti, but I have a side blog @frostwnd​ where I write canon muses of: Kaeya and Layla from Genshin, and Ryou Bakura from yugioh. Then I also have a couple ocs that have Genshin verses.
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Oh over a decade now. I’d guess probably 12ish years? I used to do a lot of roleplay on facebook when there were still pages for verses lol.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:    Facebook, deviantArt, tumblr.... and cartoon doll emporium. yeah i used to rp on there.
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE:   man there’s been some great times! despite.... things over in the ygo rpc, there were some fun group games that used to happen haha. probably my best experience though was meeting @dikiyvter​ back then! 
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  putting aesthetic over readability. i’m not talking using aesthetic at all, or not realizing something could be hard to read on your theme. i mean when it gets brought up that something is completely illegible and the response is “i don’t care i like it”. I get liking a certain look on the blog, but when people can’t respond to any roleplays because they can’t read it, that’s a bit of an issue.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:   All of it!! Though I do admit drama and a bit of angst are my bread and butter, I do adore all those genres. 
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:  Both! Sometimes you want to write a specific idea and plan it out before writing, sometimes you only want to discuss a couple highlights, and sometimes it’s just jumping right in with a meme! They all suit different moods.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:   I try to match... though occasionally Venti just goes on a long ass story haha. I do write longer when I’m really getting into something though.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE:    Evening to night. I have brain fog during daylight hours and can’t think as well.
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  I like to think we’re both story tellers and artists in our own way! 
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burned-enigma · 2 years
Roleplay Information
Hey y’all, since this is also an RP blog, simple information is down below.
Name’s Ghost. Pronouns are he/him, and I’m 20. I roleplay with no one under the age of 18 and am multifandom.
To get into the bread and butter of things, I do primarily cc x cc and sometimes oc x cc. Almost all of my rps have been ship-based, so that’s what I’m used to. I focus on m/m or m/f, rarely f/f. No incest, no pedophilia, no beastiality. I’ve got no triggers and am down for any genre of roleplay. I’ve been writing for ten years and absolutely enjoy angst and worldbuilding if it applies
I AM MULTIFANDOM, but also do OC / OC rps. Past the Keep Reading is a list of the fandoms I currently partake in/ocs I have so far (will be edited/updated periodically)
I rp on Discord and thru email! The best way to get in contact with me is my Tumblr DMs, my Discord is burnedfreedom. Discussion and rp can take place there. BELOW THE CUT: FANDOMS, CHARACTERS
Baldur's Gate 3 Canon Characters: Gale, Gortash, (to be added) Baldur's Gate 3 OCs: Sirilius Aendryr (Evil Durge), Amalica Torndar (Redeemed Durge), Rhys Cerellan (Tav), Elyeras Rilyndar (Tav) Dishonored: Corvo Attano, Lord Treavor Pendleton, Overseer Teague Martin
Fire Emblem Awakening: M/F!Robin, Frederick, Virion, Sumia, Lon’qu, Ricken, Libra, Olivia, Say’ri, Priam, Inigo, Brady, Cynthia, M/F!Morgan, Severa, Laurent, Noir, Yarne Fire Emblem Fates:  M!Corrin, Jakob, Hinoka, Takumi, Saizo, Subaki, Xander, Laslow, Selena, Arthur, Benny, Shigure, Dwyer, Sophie, Shiro, Kiragi, Siegbert, Percy, Ignatius
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Dimitri, Edelgard, Ferdinand, Hubert, Seteth, M/F!Byleth, Felix, Mercedes, Annette, Lorenz, Balthus - Concerning FE, if you want someone specific, just ask me! Hetalia: England, France, Germany, Austria, Prussia, America, Scotland, Russia (this does include Nyo for all, 2P for some ; just ask). - If you want someone who is not listed, just ask me. I'm flexible.
Pokémon Series (Video Games): Maxie, Cyrus, Prof. Sycamore, Milo, Kabu, Piers, Cyllene, Melli, Iscan
Fandoms to be Added: ???
Universes/AUs: Vampires/Supernatural, Steampunk, Cyberpunk/Dystopian Future, Fallout/Post Nuclear War, Superpowers, 80s, etc.
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caelumsaltator · 3 years
Get To Know The Writer!
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME: Carrie
PRONOUNS: Any! Really, I don’t care what you call me.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Married to my job. Single as a pringle -strums guitar wildly-
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I don’t drive. I have a fear of getting behind the wheel and actually driving a car. A lot of that steams from accidents I almost got into when I was a kid. I would be walking across the street to get to school and the crossing guards, and people, just didn’t care. It was great(tm). I’m hoping to get out of that fear soon, due to circumstances here. Just gotta take it one day at a time!
I have an older brother! And to be honest, he’s kind of like a father figure to me as well. We’re very close, and due to some circumstances when we were younger, I turned to him more than my parents. Things are fine now between us all, but my brother and I still hold a tight bond. He’s also the one at fault for getting me into roleplaying at such a young age.
uh shit I have to come up -- OH! I don’t remember if I’ve said this before, but I knit! Circle/loom knitting, actually. I don’t do it often, due to my attention span, but I do like to work on it more-so in the winter than the other months. I also do some sewing, and am slowly getting back into cosplaying. S-slowly...wheezes.
 At this point, I think I first started out rping when I was in my early teens? Say...11, or something like that? I was on Gaia online for a while, IMs on Yahoo, a few forums, then moved to Facebook. I moved to Tumblr, finally, when my girlfriend at the time discovered the RP side of things. I don’t remember quite when that was. I think back in 2009? 2010? .. fuck i’m oLD. 
I try to have variety, but let’s be real. The snarky, flirtatious ones are my type. They’re more like how I am, and the words tend to flow better. However! I like to challenge myself and write muses that I don’t think I’d pick up, or ones that catch my eye. 
Also I have protagonist syndrome and part of me is screaming bc of this. I don’t mean to pick up so many of the main protagonists but it just haPPENS?? I’M SORRY. 
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: Fluff is my bread and butter. Why else do you think people call me the fluff queen, eh? I love fluff with my being. I’m a hopeless romantic and a poet, what can I say? It’s nice to see how characters would be around each other, especially if the relationship is akin to an opposite attracts one. How some characters become softer around the one(s) they adore, while are cold to others. That sort of thing. I’ll never turn fluff down.
ANGST: I’m also called an angst queen for a reason. Angst is good in moderation, and I try to space it out. Too much at once tends to drag me down in the sense that my writing brain becomes stagnant. If that makes sense? I also love writing it because it brings out character development, and is necessary. Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.
SMUT:  I’m picky with smut, as you can see. I’ll only write it with people I’m comfortable with, and even then, some of it is done on discord. I’m starting to get more comfortable writing it here on Tumblr. 
PLOT / MEMES: GIMME. I prefer to plot, however I’m completely fine with memes as well! They’re good ice breakers, and you can gauge how the both of you can connect on the writing level.
tagged by: @aaetherius​! 
tagging: Your cute face. <3
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cetacian · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡     Sarah
PRONOUNS! ♡   she/her
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     Aquarius
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     Single
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡   I often RP as lesser known characters in otherwise well known franchises.
2! ♡  I’m a big horror media fan.
3! ♡     I’ve lived in six states, visited several more and driven cross-country with my family.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡    Tumblr, Discord, Facebook
GENDER! ♡ While I do currently have more male muses than female, I don’t have any particular preference.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡ Don’t have any. I tend to go for actors that look similar to characters or fit what I imagine my OCs look like.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    I have two multis and three single muse blogs.
FLUFF:  I enjoy fluff as it’s often a good break from the angst my muses go through and it’s nice to give them some hope.
ANGST: This tends to be my bread and butter for many of my muses.
SMUT: I’m pretty inexperienced wit writing smut, but I’m not against it. I prefer having chemistry first, same with romance.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡ Plotting can be hit or miss with me. Sometimes I get an idea of what to do and sometimes I have no clue, in which case I’ll lean on my partner for ideas/ask what they’re feeling at the moment. Memes are often far easier for me to get things going.
Tagged by: @mondaybcrn Tagging: @napkin-scribbles, @thedeathangel2112, @kittys-toybox, @mask-knife, @solarcandydrops, @wonderlandcarpenter, @hamelinbound, @bizarrcinkofwings (and anyone else up for this! :D)
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planisphaere · 3 years
Get To Know The Writer!
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME: momo
PRONOUNS: She/Her but tbh I don’t care what you call me.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: happy single snake caretaker
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I’m a twin, like my zodiac sign lol. God said, nah not only will we make them Geminis we will also make them twins and bam, I got the coolest older brother in the entire world. I also got another five brothers. You, see Jin Ling got his uncles, I got the brothers lol. But you see, my twin is my dearest brother. I’m terribly biased, I adore this fucker, he’s the better version of me and my bullshit.
Before all the pandemic stuff happened I used to go on all the cosplay conventions, having the time of my life. I’m lazy as fuck but I do enjoy sewing cosplays and meeting people. And I really, really miss going out and talking with others about all the cool stuff. But I’m still sewing once in a while, so when cons are finally happening again, I’m ready to wear all the layers again haha.
uh shit I have to come up -- OH! I’m your local fanfic expert. If you ever need a recommendation I can probably give you two or three. kanan and sharr are the ones who suffer the most from this XD I say suffer because curiosity is a very bad thing and I read everything, no matter how bad the tags are. And then I give them the links, they already had to endure lots and we also got some of the funniest inside jokes like there was this whole uncle fucker Jingyi agenda and we started joking about it. We have tons of junior jokes just from fanfics and it’s a experience XD
I can’t remember when but I think it was back when everyone in school had their One Piece time and we started writing the crew in a empty book. It was pretty fun. Idk if any german peeps here remember Animexx but that’s when the first rp stuff happened online for me XD It was funny and actually well organized with layout but 2011 I moved to tumblr and here we are.
My type is sad and alone, likes to pick fights I guess, with a glowing arrow pointing at Jin Ling (and Zixuan but shhh) No tbh I have no idea what kind of type I have. I see and I like, that’s it.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: Fluff is my bread and butter. I love fluff with my being. It’s nice to see how characters would be around each other, especially if the relationship is akin to an opposite attracts one. How some characters become softer around the one(s) they adore, while are cold to others. That sort of thing. I’ll never turn fluff down.
ANGST: I have a tendency of dragging all nice things into angst. That stuff kind of rubbed off on me from kanan. But I keep it in moderation. We cannot constantly throw the children into angst xD
SMUT:  I’m picky with smut, as you can see. I’ll only write it with people I’m comfortable with but I’m not very experienced at it. Haha, it rarely gets down to that point, though it never means I’m not willing. It just never clicked enough between muses to go down that route.
PLOT / MEMES: I’m stupid by default. I always want to send memes and then I fall asleep and forget about it and I’m fairly bad at plotting too. I try and I never say no but please don’t be angry with me if I forget and can’t come up with anything.
tagged by: @dcpraved​ a very very long time ago xD
tagging: Your cute face. <3
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
18+ smut based m/m (or nb) roleplays
alright. lets get right to the point. ive put out ads before- mostly for regular OC roleplays, leaning romance but not necessarily. that's nice and all, and you may have even contacted and spoke with me! but i just dont think i have the attention span these days for long replies and long story. something thats quick, fun, and feels loose and easy is what im looking for!
now if that strikes your fancy, i'm kain, 22, nonbinary/genderfluid idiot. i'm EST, but im up at just whatever hours seem interesting. we may have spoke before. if that compels you to message me, or maybe NOT message me, hey, do whats best.
i've been absolutely itching for a smut heavy, romance or otherwise plot. i love when me and a partner can say "oh well, my oc would totally do this because (etc etc)" and then we can be like "omg, yes, and mine would be like so into that". you get the gist. i need someone i can back and forth with, do a little character development and talk outside of an rp to build up a framework all this for what? so we can lay out some kinks, say what were feeling, what we'd like to see, and let that be the bread and butter. 
so, overall, i cannot do long replies unless something calls for it. i just really CAN'T, or it'll take me Days to reply. i value quality of a reply, over the quantity/length of a reply. i can share some of my writings on request, too. i am a very action oriented stream of consciousness writer, and it does not lend itself to long, long paragraphs.
as for content. i like m/m, nb/nb, or any mix of the two. i prefer masc nb, and i tend to end up making a ton of what i GUESS could be called c-boys? theyre a complicated expression of gender and sexuality but they could be boiled down to that. i can play top, bottom, sub, dom, etc, but i need someone who can vibe with my switchiness. sometimes im feeling one role more than the other. (i lean bottom, to be completely transparent, but can play a good top given the right context). also you GOTTA like monsters. its required. if you dont think werewolves are hot get right outta here any weird, outlandish kinks are absolutely loved, wanted, 100% welcome. i draw the line at very few things. if you like darker themes im also ya guy. i dont particularly vibe with the usual taboo no-no topics, but a bit of harem, spec of vampire's hostage, a pinch of serial killers in love. i mean, really, we can talk about it, im open minded in roleplay settings, no worries. ive got some weird ones myself. (like recently ive been craving abo? who let me do that?)
anyway, if you like monsters, making boys kiss, or pure fun smut roleplays, get in my dms dang. you can find me at:
discord ;; nightmaren#6666 tumblr;; necrocrunk ask @ either of these two for emails or otherwise!
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intcrpol · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡    Soda
PRONOUNS! ♡   he/him.
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡    taurus
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡    i would rather fuss about my cat than relationship drama because nobody fucking communicates these days and I don’t like nor play passive-aggressive games with people.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡    I have a natural tolerance to anesthesia, which absolutely fucking sucks when I need to get any kind of ‘twilight’ operation done like dental work. I woke up 3 times when they tried to extract my wisdom teeth and they had to stop midway through the process because they were worried about how much juice I was on (spoiler alert: I could barely walk out of the office, so my mom picked me up and I promptly rolled off the car seat and onto the floor). They had to send me to an oral surgeon and put me under just to finish up, which cost way more :/
2! ♡    I was born in a VERY rural farming... area in Korea. The word used to describe it directly translates into ‘smaller than a village’, so it was pretty out in the boonies. Most people from Seoul haven’t even heard of the place when I ask them about it, until I mention the prefecture.
3! ♡    I finally quit smoking and am v. proud of myself.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡   Used to use AIM, Proboards, Livejournal, & Skype- now I just use Tumblr and Discord.
GENDER! ♡   i rp dudes mostly, I just have never managed to get many people interested in my female muses AT ALL (canon or OC). Some ppl I know it’s their problem, other times I’m really not sure because I put the same amount of care and effort into my portrayals? I don’t wanna seem like a hypocrite, but if nobody’s interested, I can only howl into the void with my headcanons and meta for so long.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡    I kinda don’t like when ppl use specific races as a stand in for a purely fantasy race? For awhile in Dragon Age’s RPC I saw a lot of people using real Asian FCs, but ONLY FOR ELVES and I was like “WHA...???”
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    I honestly should just make a multi, but... idk, I just have never been good at organizing a multi before. I don’t think Tumblr lends itself well to multis.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡
FLUFF:    I like it, but I can get sick of it if it’s the ONLY dynamic going on.
ANGST:    My bread and butter, but I don’t like angst that serves zero purpose.
SMUT:    I approach it like everything else I write, but with more *MASSIVE SHRUG* involved. It’s not something I write a lot just cuz it’s kinda boring??? Idk, I feel like when I do write smut, I kinda just repeat the same phrases or descriptions and I’d honestly rather take a nap if I’m going to be sitting there accomplishing nothing. But I do think ppl need to chill tf out about it, like- If it’s not your thing that’s fine, but don’t attack ppl who are into writing it more. Let ppl have fun, that’s what RP should be- FUN.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡   I do like talking about character dynamics and ideas a lot, but when it comes to what actually happens, it usually doesn’t follow what I initially think will happen. Which makes it fun, tbh- I can see angles or think up responses I wouldn’t imagine under regular circumstances. And when I run out of ideas, memes are always handy to break the ice.
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A New Challenger Approaches...
Hello there! You can call me Vo, I am a 28 year old trans cat (he/him), and I have recently done something I never thought I would ever do...make another tumblr. 
Writing is a serious passion of mine, both personal stories that I’ve never shared before, as well as rping, of which I have an extensive history. I primarily wanted a place to just...send my writing out into the aether, I guess, and maybe find some cool new friends who like writing and rping along the way. 
Fantasy is my bread and butter, though I’m also a huge fan of more futuristic/cyberpunk/whatever-punk settings, as well as a handful of video game, book, and movie settings that I love to use as a backdrop for my original characters, as well as the characters of anyone kind enough to rp with me. Right off the bat I’ll supply these genres/settings, to give an idea of what I’m currently writing about/willing to rp about: fantasy, solar/cyberpunk, space, FFXIV, Godzilla (bear with me lmao), pirate times, cowboy times, cryptid hunting in the mountains times, and even a not-meant-to-be-blasphemous-or-heretical-in-any-way-GENUINELY Dark Souls-esque polyamorous gay romance between three men on three different sides of a war that everyone only thought had two sides, about the origins and true meaning of faith and possible purposes of institutionalized religion.
Yea, most of my writing has a heavy amount of LGBT+ representation, and most of it, particularly when I’m focusing on what I am personally interested in/connected to, includes gay relationships of some kind. I am a pansexual trans man, who experiences-almost exclusively-homoromantic feelings in regards to relationships; I’m gonna write what I know and like. 
I’ll be using this blog to post excerpts of things I’ve written, as well as things I will write! If anyone ever wants to discuss anything I write, or writing, character creating/building, world building in general, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in some way! I’ll also be using this to hopefully meet some fellow rpers who enjoy writing about similar themes/genres/characters, as I do! I have alot of characters I’ve made for rp purposes, and am always creating more in the recesses of my mind, where they wait until I have use for them. 
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sunsct · 4 years
is there someone you admire on here? 
not just for their writing skills ( which are impeccable lbr ) but just for being great people, fun people to message, and generally can match my energy. i’d have to say my friends ellie, serena, bee, and amanda! saying them by name instead of url bc y’all know who you are. 
what is it you prefer: angst, fluff, or smut? why?
i’m about to settle the debate here. angst is the best. for me, there is just something about writing angst the heightens everything?? and when i say angst i don’t just mean sappy relationship problems. it’s the only subject that really allows me to tackle my muse’s personal conflicts, familial relationships, etc., which MOST if not all of my muses really do deal with. fluff is just not it for me unless the muses have insane chemistry. in most cases, it takes a really longstanding roleplay partner to capture that. smut is okay. it’s not really my bread and butter and i don’t think i could ever do a smut centered rp, but i can be fun / interesting to write from time to time. 
if you could recommend at least five blogs to your followers, who would they be?
@floralege , @othcrness , @wuunderstruck , @canyonmoone, and @drunkenloved. i would recommend ellie’s blog too but she’s on hiatus 
what’s the one thing you dislike about the roleplaying community on tumblr?
there’s a lot of hypocrisy that goes around and i think it contributes to clique mentality and exclusion in various forms. 
where do you draw your inspiration from?
film and television, mostly. i don’t read ( yikes! ) so i rely a lot on pop culture to draw some muse inspiration. i really just try to picture any one of my characters being protagonists in a film and writing out what i would personally like to see if i were watching a movie if that makes sense?? 
do you still keep in touch with your old roleplay partners?
i’ve been roleplaying on tumblr for close to ten years now and i’m sad to say that i don’t have any contact with the people i’ve met and written with along the way. i think a large reason why would be because i was legit thirteen writing with a bunch of other thirteen-year-olds and we just sort of grew apart as we aged. i’ve been friends with @svcculents for about three years now though and she is legit the sweetest and i don’t deserve her. 
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cromwellharvests-a · 4 years
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tagged by: @cadcnce​
Like my bear-father said before me: [baymax voice] I am not fast. When I was a wee little highschooler, I was crankin’ out thousands of words a day across fanfiction and my multitude of RP blogs, but that just ain’t the way anymore. RPing is something that I do to decompress after all the schoolwork, WORK work, and chores are done, among other hobbies. So I might take forever to reply to something— but as long as my partner is still around and interested, I will get back to it. Promise.
In those big long periods where I’m not HERE, you can always reach me on discord or other ims, and I’d be really happy if you do. I’ve made some of the best friendships I’ve got through rping, and I’m always happy to talk shop about our characters, possible threads/interactions, or just... y’know, chat. be buds. sometimes I don’t have the creative juice to crank out a proper reply, but ranting semi-coherently is my specialty.
When we first start talking I will be so unbearably business formal because I’m an anxious mess and I worry about first impressions/how you’ll perceive me. Don’t worry. This too shall pass. After a few conversations I’ll quickly shift from carefully thought-out compliments and delicate suggestions to sending you shitposts saying ‘it’s our kids’. Just bare with me through the awkward teen phase.
I’ve written canon characters in the past, but as you might have noticed, OCs are my bread and butter, and most of the characters I bother to bring here are ones that I’ve had kicking around in my head for many, many years, repurposed or tweaked to fit into the tumblr rpc. ( gestures directly towards @sabuleum​ for the best example ) As such, I have a lot of established lore and worldbuilding for them. a) please ask me about it, I’ll cry, but b) there’s only so much bending I’m willing to do. my characters, and their stories, are very important to me, and I’m not going to sacrifice any of that based on criticisms of a character being “too powerful” or similar ilk— objections people have brought to me before in the RPC. This thought is getting a little scattered but the tl;dr is I won’t make my characters smaller or understate them just to make another seem bigger, or just because something about their characterization doesn’t match your perception of them.
There’s very few fandoms that I won’t interact with, and if I’m interested in a character from one I’m not terribly familiar with, I will put in the research to make interactions work. Hell, I’ve ended up reading whole manga and playing new games for this reason. That said, I’d appreciate if you returned the same respect to me— if we’re going to write together, read my about maybe? some ‘details’ and ‘headcanon’ posts? I can tell when people haven’t even put a bit of cursory research in and it feels like a bit of a jab, honestly
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ingoldentent · 4 years
Insight of the Endless Sorcerer (Drabble)
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There. Battler’s list of Christmas presents is ready and filled. As it was aptly put by someone else, having the ‘power of God and anime’ greatly helps in terms of getting presents for others, be it by literally making them out of thin air or by being able of buying them and paying a hefty sum to have them delivered without him having to deal with the stress of physically shopping.
Of course, for some presents, he instead went with the work of manually making them. Even with all the magic in the world, there is a precious value in gifts that one makes by completely mundane means, he thinks.
He has to admit, some of the present picks were hard for him to come up with. However, he had a certain help. A little thing called... 4th wall breaking powers.
Let’s move the clock back a few days ago. It is the height of the Empatheorem event, and Battler Ushiromiya has found himself stuck in the body of one Travis Touchdown. While the latter had access to the infinite possibilities of Endless Magic, Battler was stuck in a body that, while superhuman, is obviously not on the same weight combat wise.
What Travis doesn’t have available in firepower, however... he more than compensates in terms of knowledge. And Battler wouldn’t be one to ignore it.
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Now, Battler can perfectly understand why the assassin feared so much the prospect of others getting access to this. This is not a light concept to grasp with. The 4h wall exists for a reason. Most beings wouldn’t be able of coping with the existential dilemma of being just ‘fiction’ to a higher level of existence, with the idea that their struggles and suffering are (apparently) completely on a whims of a cruel author.
Thankfully for him, this sort of thing is the bread and butter of his own story. He’s had to face that reality from all sides of it, whether as a Piece, a Reader, a Player or even a Game Master. When it comes to Umineko no Naku Koro ni’s contents, he is more than aware of all the games’ contents. That is why beings like him are given the ‘Meta’ moniker by the fandom.
But this? This is a whole new scope of things he could not even dream of. A deep insight into the Outerverse, a collection of all possible multiverses, all championed by a plane of existence that might be even beyond that of what his mind was capable of envisioning: the world of Creators.
Because truly, what else can a guy like him call someone like me and all of my fellow content creators, from humble RPers on Tumblr to world famous authors? In fact, even Featherine Augustus Aurora, the most powerful being he had ever met, a being that even witches would refer to as a ‘god’... Was in essence nothing more than an avatar to the true author of his story: a guy called Ryukishi07.
And his tale isn’t the only one that guy has written. There is a good number of works that he has written... including a continuation of Battler’s own story. But in the end, I am the one who dictates what he is allowed to see beyond the 4th wall, and since Saku is expected to be translated to English eventually, he won’t be allowed to learn of that until I can read it for myself.
So instead, he comes to learn in more detail of the other aspects of his own tale that he was never truly privy to, as his POV wasn’t omniscient. It’s nice learning of the details that he only knew of hearsay back home!
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...Some make him cry, like the full bulk of the seventh episode or those extra manga chapters of the manga adaptation. (He dares not look at the anime. I have warned him against it and he thankfully believed me).
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Others make him cringe like hell, as this extra tale where he gets a God complex upon first becoming a Game Master (which I don’t consider canon because his emotional state at that point in the story stopped him from acting the way he was portrayed in that tale) and he goes full pervert... on his aunts. Eeeeeew.
All of those details are being transcribed on his computer at superhuman speed alongside a superhuman information process speed (as allowed by Travis’ Santa Destroyer physiology). He knows that this information can be locked away from him at any moment, so he is careful to preserve it so he can later convert it into memory Fragments once he is back to his own body.
Next, he goes for Ryukishi’s other works. There is obviously not enough time for him to read all of that stuff during the remaining alloted event time, so he focuses on writing down their names and tracking them down. ...Unfortunately, getting direct access to them in Isola Radiale is against the rules of this gameboard. So beyond my own personal passing knowledge on them and Battler’s canon knowledge of Higurashi as a novel series, he doesn’t get much from this.
He COULD see my recollection of Ciconia, in theory... but he chooses not to. The rest of the story won’t be launched before the event is over and it’s clear that he’d be super confused by it. Besides, I do have sort of an idea for apping Miyao down the line and I don’t want to spoil Battler with such a blatant foreknowldge in comparison to poot Miyao.
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Oh yeah, speaking of that! Battler is also capable of seeing who I have RPed before, both in Isola and in other groups or even in indie RP. He is honestly shocked at learning that I was the person who RPed Maya Fey, as well as Satoko Houjou. Heck, he even sees that I have RPed Phoenix Wright before - AU versions of him at that! The other two guys he is not familiar with, so he doesn’t fixate much on them - although he does notice that the Samejima guy had a degree of 4th wall breaking prowess too, possibly even stronger than Travis’ - albeit undercut by his nature as a gag character.
This segways into his understandings regarding the setting of Isola Radiale itself - this is indeed like an MMORPG gameboard, just as he suspected. Players (like me) app Pieces (like him) under the character slot limit, and they can progress with their characters, both in terms of powers and character development, over time. The mods are the GMs, with the Stars acting as their avatars, and the assistants, well, assist them. He makes sure to write down this info so that he can add it to his personal model of Spirale as a Territory in the Sea of Fragments.
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In fact, there is a powerful thing he could do! He can jolt down all the rules in the main blog for easy access and understanding later! ........Oh, wait. they disappear as soon as he types them. Guess that would be considered too much of godmodding. Oops. ...Okay, change of plans. He will try memorizing only the basic rules, which is what he has time to check and retain with repetition before the event is over. These could make for extremely powerful Red Truths down the line, after all.
And at last, we get to the thing that started this drabble to begin with: presents! Now, obviously I won’t give him access to the full story of other characters, both because that would be extremely godmodding and because, in many cases, I don’t know their stories myself, so I can’t partake Battler with that knowledge. However, he is capable of seeing enough for some people to discern what would be perfect Christmas presents for them!
...Ahhh, Christmas. Truly, it was a very good thing that you didn’t learn about the contents in Ciconia, Battler. That would have destroyed your festive spirit for a looong time.
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