#The conjuring fics
ping-ski · 1 month
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shrödinger's plex fic (they are real to me)
EBY eclipse and y/n ref here!! :3
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
the problem with sorting fics by kudos, is that many people have bad taste
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The reason the fake dating trope works so well for buddie is because even canonically they are both that brand of fucking stupid where they think it’d actually work
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regulusrules · 3 months
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my breaths are run by your compass fic / s05E01 / to you I swear my solemn oaths fic / s05E01
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whamgram · 3 months
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Cozy vibes from chapter 20 of my Charlastor fic, Under My Skin.
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frost-queen · 6 months
Coming down sick (Daughter!R & The Warrens)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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The tv was playing as you were all gathered around it. Your parents in one sofa, your dad’s arm over hers. You sat in the other sofa with a blanket over you. You pulled it tighter around you, letting out a shiver. It alerted your mom Lorraine. – “Are you cold honey?” – she questioned. Ed looked around, trying to feel the temperature for himself. – “It is rather warm in the room.” – he stated lowering his hand once more.
“Just a cold shiver.” – you responded, not sure what it was. – “Okay.” – Lorraine answered turning her attention to the tv once more. You snuggled under your blanket to keep as much of your own body heat as close as possible. After half an hour or so, you started to feel sleepy. Your eyes almost falling shut. Blinking rapidly, you sat yourself better.
It made your dad look briefly at you, reposition yourself. You couldn’t understand as you felt wide awake an hour ago. Not long your eyelids started to fall shut. You let them close for a second, before waking yourself up. Flashing your eyes back open to focus on the tv. You hid a yawn by moving your blanket in front of your mouth. Lorraine laughed at something on the tv.
Overcome with exhaustion, you were debating to give in to it or not. It was just 8pm. Barely any time to go to sleep, unless you were a child. For a brief moment, you were wide awake. Only for the exhaustion to kick in double. This time you yawned loud, body shivering. – “That boring?” – Ed joked pointing with the remote to the tv. You shook your head. – “Just a bit tired.” – you responded.
“Do you need some Camille tea?” – Lorraine suggested. You politely shook your head. – “No thank you mom. I think I’m just going to head upstairs. Occupy myself a bit to get this out of my body.” – you went on, pulling the blanket from you. – “Okay.” – Lorraine spoke watching you get up. You went over to them, bending over to give them a kiss on their cheek.
“Night mom.” – you said receiving a kiss on your forehead in return. – “Night dad.” – you then spoke, leaving a kiss on his cheek. Ed drew a cross on your forehead for protection. Something he had done since you were born. It was a habit now. – “Night darling.” – he answered.
You left the room, heading upstairs. Hearing the last of your father chuckle at something on tv. Getting up the stairs, you started to notice just how exhausted your limbs were. Feet barely wanting to move. Your knees buckled as you needed to clamp onto the railing to stay upright. Panting loud, you had no idea what your body was experiencing.
With a lot of effort you, made your way up. Everything felt sore. Groaning soft, you barely had the strength to brush your teeth, but you did anyways. Entering your room, you wondered what to do to occupy yourself. To get yourself to wake up again. Nothing came to mind or seemed to tiring to put the energy into it.
With a soft groan, you let yourself fall onto your bed, face forwards. Your mind told you to get back up, but your body wouldn’t budge. Instead they kept laying stubbornly still. Exhaling loud, your eyes closed as your world turned blank.
Lorraine and Ed silently went up the stairs. – “I’ll just check up on our girl.” – Lorraine said standing in the corridor upstairs. Ed nodded heading for the bathroom. Lorraine knocked gentle on your door. – “Y/n, your dad and I are going to bed. You should too…” – she said upon entering.
She frowned seeing you lay down on your bed, the lights still on. Lorraine approached the bed. – “You must’ve been really tired.” – she whispered, lifting your legs up to move them under the blanket. She then pushed your body a bit, to get you to lay in a more comfortable way. She tugged you in, leaving one last kiss on your head.
Flashing the lights out, she left your room. She joined Ed in the bathroom. – “Already fast asleep.” – she told him. He hummed soft with his toothbrush in his mouth. They went to their bedroom. The Warren’s house falling silent.
Around 3 pm you woke up. Your sleep interrupted by own doing. Your mind simply let you know to open your eyes. Groaning soft, you sat up, rubbing your eye. Then the soreness came. A pain moving through your limbs. They shuddered as you shivered. Despite it being blazing hot under the covers, were you cold.
You had to lay down again, not sure what was happening. Touching your forehead, you felt that it was warm. Rather hot. Wrapping the covers around you, you tried to close your eyes once more. It was no use as the bothering in your body was ever present. Tiredness expressed in your limbs as everything felt too exhausting.
Even your limbs resting felt tiring. Touching your forehead again, you knew you were coming down with a fever. Exhaling deep, you rolled over. Eyes wide open as you couldn’t catch any sleep. Staring at your wall, you watched the hours tick by till morning hit.
You heard your parent’s bedroom door open. They were awake. You barely had it in you to get up. Stomach hurting now as well. Since you’ve been awake for several hours  now, your stomach interpreted it into I need food. There was no denying it now. You were sick. Groaning loud, you rolled over to the other side. You knew your parents had an important interview. One they couldn’t miss.
You didn’t want to be the reason for them missing the interview. There was only one option left. You needed to lie. There was a knock on the door. – “Honey time to wake up.” – it was your dad, speaking through the door. – “Okay.” – you answered. You waited for his footsteps to die out before leaving your room. Rushing into the bathroom. You almost freaked out at the state of you.
The lack of sleep wasn’t glorifying with the illness. You looked even worse. Splashing some water in your face, you hoped to wake up more. When it appeared presentable enough, you got dressed and went downstairs. Your muscles aching with sore and tiredness. Every step, every movement felt like taking up too much energy.
“Morning Y/n darling.” – Lorraine said baking some eggs. – “Morning my girl.” – Ed spoke whilst setting the table. Normally you’d help him out, but today it felt too exhausting. You sat down, trying to look alive as possible. Lorraine quirked her eyebrow up, eyeing her husband at your unusual behaviour. Ed shrugged it off, thinking it probably just wasn’t your day. – “So honey, you know mom and I have that interview today right.” – Ed began.
You forced a smile, knowing it damn too well. – “You’ll have to eat lunch alone. Don’t worry we’ll be back around 5.” – he explained coming to sit down as well. Lorraine hummed loud to agree. – “Okay…” – you responded softly. – “It is only for a couple of hours.” – Lorraine said, setting the pan down. She moved over to you, kissing your head before you could keep her at bay.
Her eyes widened slightly, moving your head back, pressing her hand against your forehead to feel. – “Mom.” – you groaned out, pushing her hand away. – “Y/n feels hot.” – she expressed wanting to feel again. You slapped her hand away. – “I’m fine. Just go do your interview.” – you answered a bit bitsy.
“Y/n?” – Ed said confused to from where your sudden behaviour came. – “What’s wrong?” – he asked. – “Nothing.” – you replied. Lorraine surprise attacked you, pressing her hand against your forehead again. – “You’re burning up. Are you coming down with a fever?” – she called out worried. – “That’s it, we’ll post-pone the interview.” – Ed declared. – “No!” – you blurted out. – “Y/n…” – Lorraine looked worriedly at you. – “It’s just an interview.” – she explained.
“A really important one. Me being sick isn’t a reason for you to stay home.” – you ratted yourself out with your own stupidness. Sighed soft, there was no lying about it anymore. – “Were you feeling like this since last night?” – Lorraine wanted to know. You nodded as she tilted her head to the side. – “Y/n darling why didn’t you say anything.” – she asked. – “Because you had that interview.” – you explained. Ed got up, going round the table. – “Nothing is more important than our girl.” – he wrapped his arms around you.
Lorraine joined, giving you a good squeeze. – “Ed, post-pone the interview.” – Lorraine ordered. Ed nodded, already heading over to the phone. She took your hand, pulling you up. – “We are going to take care of our daughter.” – she said. She helped you back upstairs, tugging you back in. Ed came running up the stairs with some medicine.
Lorraine accepted it, assisting you to some medicine. – “You’ll feel better and be able to get some sleep.” – she said. Ed laid his hand on her shoulder. – “We’ll be right here.” – he spoke. You smiled at your parents before laying your head down and trying to catch in on that sleep.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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angelsdean · 6 months
the way that nick spell in 14x17 makes it canonically SO easy to open a portal to the empty. it drives me insane. dean literally HAD cas's blood. on his jacket. it was all right there. it was set up perfectly. why show us nick opening a portal to the empty and specifically showing that the main ingredient was BLOOD then. not using that. dean was meant to rescue cas!!!!! full circle moment. i'm the one who gripped you tight a raised you from perdition. what's the matter, cas? you don't think you deserve to be saved? i love you, too. of course i love you. SMOOCH. anyways.
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inpursuitofnunchi · 5 months
Lovely runner makers saw the audience appreciating the loser behaviour and said, "Here, have two." 😩😩😩😩😩
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jade-of-mourning · 8 months
sorry sometimes i think about mako and my heart hurts so much. this kid raised himself and his brother on the streets in homelessness and utter poverty from eight through fifteen, promptly after seeing the violent death of his mother and father. he turned to the triple threats because they couldn't survive as a pair of wretched kids without any adult support, and the environment forced him to turn into the exact character that killed his parents in a terrible twist of irony. and after sheer-fucking-luck hits and they aren't homeless anymore, their livelihood wavers on the outcome of what's a literally game to everyone but them; and after things are finally starting to look up and their team is going places and things just might be okay, his gradually stabilizing world unceremoniously expands and everything goes to shit.
and the city that chewed him up and spat him back out, ruined him as a child and took away his ability to stay afloat in a true sense of normalcy as an adult — when it's on the verge of destruction and falling to pieces before his eyes, he gives himself to save it with the full expectation to die. he went from the kid who didn't and couldn't care about anything outside of himself and his brother, to finding redemption for his younger self in his police work despite its injustice against him, to willingly sacrificing himself to a world that had never loved him.
he's a desperate people pleaser, socially and emotionally stunted for the adult he had to be as a kid, unable to navigate interpersonal relationships easily yet still trying his damned hardest. he's intensely and entirely devoted to the things that matter to him and for so long it was only him, bolin, and ensuring their survival — yet by the end, that devotion has expanded to protecting the rest of the world. he starts out entirely self-reliant and ends in trusting the people he cares about to know their own needs, to be able to take care of themselves, to be okay without him despite having spent so much of his life defined by his role in others' well-being.
just. what the fuck i'm such a big fan of this fictional guy and i'm unashamed about it at this point. also let him cry please (if you won't i'll do it i'll let him cry)
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vanfleeter · 28 days
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Conjure: (Sneak Peek)
Noun. A person or thing that is exactly like the other.
They were born into this world from the same womb–only five minutes apart. Two brothers who share just about everything. Everything they did was done together, except for their school classes. Too chaotic to be in the same class together. The only time they were ever purposely separated, and not by their choice. They made pact when they were young, that since they came into this world together, they leave this world together.
Twenty-eight years came and went in a blur. They survived significant others that came and went, some staying longer than others. They were each others ride or die, no one could replace either one of them. They had their own best friends, but they were each other’s built in best friend from the start.
As the years went on, and the older they grew, they slowly became their own person with their own identity. Though they share all the same facial qualities, Jake wanted to be his own person. He was getting tired of people confusing him with Josh. He especially hated it when Josh tried to pretend to be him. So he grew out his hair while Josh typically kept his short and curly. They mutually decided to dress differently, growing tired of wearing matching outfits that their mother would put them in. His style grew different from Josh’s. While Josh was more hippie and international, Jake kept his casual and laid back. He became the emo twin, the long bangs and the hipster clothing. Even their music style had its slight differences, despite growing up around the same genres.
They even had different passions. Jake loved music. He learned how to play guitar a very young age, and it was the one thing that he stayed true to. He had dreams of playing music like his grandfather, but he wanted to be BIG. Have a band, compose his own songs, travel around the world while playing his music. Josh on the other hand, he dreamt of producing films. Come junior high and high school, he produced a few short films with the help of Jake, of course. He was also into theater, unlike Jake. He loved to act, loved to the center of attention, whereas Jake did not. Jake tended to hang out behind the scenes, keep to himself and just not be bothered unless he choose to be.
And while Jake practiced and practiced to get better at guitar, he helped Josh make his movies. He even acted in them, despite being the one who didn’t want to act. But Josh was the director and the producer, someone had to be the actor. So when Jake wasn’t behind the camera and capturing all the good shots for Josh, he was in front of the camera and doing his best as an actor.
Eventually Jake began to form his own band and since he helped Josh with his movies, Josh returned the favor and decided that he would help Jake with his music. Jake promised him that once they made it big and Josh was ready to step down, he would help Josh again with his film. And so they did just that. They roped in their younger brother Sam who learned to play the bass and taught himself how to play the keys. Eventually they brought on a good family friend, Danny–who also grew into being one of their brothers. Family. That’s what they were, and that’s what they always would be.
And for the next ten years, the twins were still together. They even moved in together for a while, even with their significant others, because they just couldn’t separate from each other.
Until Josh made the decision to move out with his partner. “It’s time,” He said. “We need our own spaces if we want our relationships to work..” He patted Jake on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m not that far, and besides, I’ll give you a key so you can come over whenever you want to.”
Though they lived apart now, they still were inseparable, even when they went on tour. They were always together.
“Can’t get rid of me that easily.” Josh joked one night as he handed Jake a glass of whiskey. “And apparently the same goes for you.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Nah, we made a pact. If you go down, I’m going down with you.”
Josh chuckles. “That silly ole pact, Jacob,” He sips on his wine. “I can’t believe you’re still holding onto that.”
Jake shrugs his shoulders and sips his whiskey. “I don’t think I could ever live a day without you…”
Little did he know that living without his twin forever was approaching faster than he was ever expecting…
Coming soon on 10/1 as part of Jaketober 👻
I fear that I have missed some people either here or in the comments. If I did, please let me know!! Tumblr won't let me tag or comment people all of a sudden!! I do apologize!! ♡
@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold @jaketlove @mackalah @lexii-nv-c @em-gvf01 @katiegvf @joshkiszkaenthusiast @takenbythemadness @jakekiszkasmommy @objectsinspvce @gvfmarge @heckingfrick @bluemeadows77 @laneygvf @gvfpal @killerqueengvf @jordinlkiszka @alwaysonthemend @hellowgoodbye @anythingforjtk @hi-hi-hello11 @anthemofgvf @gretasfallingsky @songbirds-sweet @wildbluesorbit @klarxtr @stardustsecret @sunandthemoontwinflames @everyglowinthetwilightknows @devilat-thedoor @sparrowofthedawnsworld @josh-iamyour-mama @dannys-dream @peaceloveunitygvf @hollyco @tinydancer40 @edgingthedarkness @i-love-gvf @thewritingbeforesunrise @katuschka @sammysstolenbirks @asendingtothestarsasone @fleetingjake @emojakekiszka @literal-dead-leaf @klarxtr
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rosiesthehat · 3 months
Pairing: Lorraine Warren X Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Tags: fluff, first kiss, period - typical homophobia.
Summary: You weren't raised to worship any God, but Lorraine Warren is starting to make you believe.
Author’s Note: I'd take a bullet for this woman. This is also on my AO3!
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“We’d like to take you to the movies tonight. To thank you.”
Her voice is as honey as her perfectly curled hair, and as Lorraine hands you a porcelain cup of tea, you revel in the way your hands briefly ghost past each other.
Though you’ve worked as a secretary for the Warrens for well over a year now, you can’t help but feel intimidated as you sit on their plush couch, nursing your tea, the smiling couple sitting beside you. Their combined gaze is nearly suffocating, as if you are consumed by a demon of your own and they’re trying to rid you of it.
“Thank me? Whatever for?” You ask gently, head cocked to the side in question while you sip on the chamomile you’ve been offered.
“You’ve been a great help to us as of late.” Ed adds, a protective hand patting his wife’s thigh. You hate to admit it, you do, he’s truly a lovely man, but every time Ed begins to speak, you just wish he was out of the picture entirely. You wish that could have been your thumb rubbing circles into Lorraine’s plaid skirt; your lips pressing a kiss to her forehead wrinkle every time she got too focused on her Bible.
But it wasn’t you.
It was him, and it would always be him. You saw the way they looked at each other, the way he sang to her when he thought they were alone in the office. They were practically destined to be together. It’s cliché to say that it made you sick, but there genuinely were nights in which you felt feverish over the fact that Lorraine Warren would never be yours.
“Oh, you flatter me…” You hum back, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ears. “Really, all I do is organize files… how much of a help can that be?”
You’re much more sheepish than the two sitting across from you, and it shows. Lorraine, ever the investigator, the curious mind, always searching across the face of the person she’s speaking to as if it’s a map into their soul, picks up on your shyness immediately. She always does.
You know that Lorraine has a nurturing spirit, but you rarely expect her comforting gestures. That’s what makes it so special. That’s why it gives you pause when she leans forward to press a warm hand to your knee.
“Please, don’t deprecate yourself.” Her tone is stern, like she truly means to command you into being kinder to yourself, but her voice is so delicate and her smile so warm and inviting that you soften into her minimal touch and nod your head. “Really, you have no idea how having you around has improved our lives.”
You feel your face turn hot at that last sentence, and you fail to maintain eye contact with the older woman any longer. Gently bouncing you heeled foot against the ground, you giggle lightly, and bat a hand as if to dismiss what she’s said.
“You’re too kind…” You hum back, slowly lifting your head again to meet her gaze once again. At this point, you’ve all but forgotten that Ed is even present. “I’m not sure I believe you, but I’d love to go to the movies.”
It’s without pause that Ed claps his hands together and rises to his feet. He says something, quite loud, but you quickly forget what it is. It startles you, to say the least, and you jump back a bit, your tea threatening to slosh onto your blouse. You notice that Lorraine’s hand stays put on your thigh, though, and only leaves once it’s given you a few gentle pats to settle your nerves. She stands as well, always following her husband’s footsteps. You quickly join them, always following Lorraine’s.
“Let’s see something scary!” Ed grins, searching around the room for a newspaper that may have the local theater’s lineup.
“Oh, do you not get enough of a fright out of our daily lives?” Lorraine jokes with that tender laugh of hers, patting her husband on the back and looking at the paper over his shoulder.
“No, I don’t.” Ed replies simply, and plants a kiss on Lorraine’s cheek.
It makes your stomach turn.
“What would you like to see, dear?” You realize that she’s turned her attention back to you. You stumble forward, as if both of your legs had gone numb in the few moments that you had spent sitting on the couch.
You really do hate to agree with Ed, but most of the movies offered sound utterly boring. The thought did cross your mind that watching a horror film would allow you to look to Lorraine for comfort under the guise of fear, which immediately influenced your decision. Sufficed to say, the Warrens’ ghost stories had both satiated your hunger for fright, and completely desensitized you to it, yet you figured you could act scared enough to win a little more of Lorraine’s touch.
Your first few weeks, of course, you had been absolutely terrified of the previously haunted artifacts that your employers always brought home, but with the fervor of their exorcisms and the frequency of their jobs, there isn’t a whole lot that you hadn’t seen nor heard. You had become primarily neutral when it came to horror, but maybe that was because of Lorraine’s calming presence and Ed’s story-telling ability that made the murderous dolls much less terrifying.
“I think I’d like something scary. It is almost Halloween, after all.” You smile to the older woman before pointing to a certain line of text. “This one has the word ‘massacre’ in the title… I don’t believe you can get much scarier than that!”
Ed quickly makes his approval known, and Lorraine playfully rolls her eyes at him before giving his arm a light squeeze.
“I suppose that’s alright.” She hums, her eyes focusing on the page for a second longer. You’ve always known Lorraine to be the bookkeeper of their operation, and suspected she was always the one in charge of appointment dates and important phone numbers. When she rattled off a list of movie times, Ed already having moved to re-read the sports section, your suspicions were proven right.
‘How about eight?” you muse, looking down at your wrinkled dress and chipping nail polish. “It will give me time to change. And fix my hair… and my nails…” You had expected the weather to be bearable this time of year, but you had been burdened by particularly warm weather that caused your hair to frizz uncontrollably. You certainly shouldn’t have chanced long sleeves.
Lorraine, leaving her husband to his muttering about the Yankees, took the half step closer to place her hand on your shoulder. It was shockingly warm, but not at all a warm that you disliked. A comforting warm, that you could enjoy even on a day as sweltering as this one.
“You look beautiful.” She hums, nearly whispering it, as if she doesn’t want anyone else in the world to hear. “As always.” Lorraine adds before disappearing behind your back. She’s picked up your now empty teacup and makes her way to living room door. “We’ll pick you up at seven thirty.” She winks in your direction before exiting the room.
Your knees feel numb, and you try your hardest to wipe the dumb smile off of your face, but it doesn’t disappear, even as you crawl into your car and turn on the radio that just happens to be playing some cheesy love song.
The honking from outside startles you. That’s easy to say; there’s not a lot that doesn’t startle you. You just hadn’t expected them to be so punctual.
You had been sitting in front of your mirror for a little over an hour now, staring at every little detail of your visage to make sure everything was just right, even down to the placement of your beauty marks. It was honestly quite hard to focus, what with Lorraine’s compliment ringing in your ears. You didn’t even need to apply any rouge to your cheeks, they were still so hot.
Now donning a shorter sleeved blouse and a much lighter weight skirt, hair re-curled and nails painted perfectly, you cheerfully snatched your bag and raced out the front door.
Wiggling into the back seat of their fancy new Chevy that Ed couldn’t stop bragging on, you shoot a smile at Lorraine, who returns it through the rearview mirror. You quickly look away after that, yet you can still feel her eyes bore into you. You might just be making that up, but you’re far too scared to glance back up and check.
The drive is primarily quiet, save for Ed’s singing along to the radio, and you even find yourself enjoying his presence for once. He really does sound like Elvis when he tries hard enough.
By the time you arrive at the theater, your heart is racing. Something about sitting in Lorraine’s presence for more than ten minutes at a time causes you a great deal of panic. Despite knowing the woman all this time, you still find her completely enthralling, yet endlessly terrifying.
When she exits the car first to open your door with a playful smile, you feel your pounding heart drop to your stomach. You felt like you were on a date, except your date had brought her husband along. Plus, there’s simply no reality in which said date reciprocates the ways in which you are feeling for her. It’s a very hard pill for you to swallow, but you’ll need to keep reminding yourself that you in fact are not going steady with this woman, but are in fact her employee, and should be furiously professional tonight, no matter what.
It's when you step out of the car that you deeply regret your outfit decision for the second time today. The day had quickly turned to night before you had realized, and the evening’s chill was starting to settle in. You hug yourself tightly as the three of you enter the theater, trying desperately to distract yourself from the cold by figuring out what you’d like to eat.
Your unease must’ve been immediately noticed by the woman that notices absolutely everything that happens around her, because it’s within seconds that you feel a sweater draped over your shoulders. You perk up and whip your head to the side only to catch Lorraine smoothing down your collar.
“I brought an extra, just in case.” She winks at you again, a knowing smirk on her lips. She must’ve picked up on how haphazardly you tend to make decisions, and you appreciated it more than Lorraine could ever know. It wasn’t often that people remembered much about you, so for her to be so prepared for you made your chest swell.
Lorraine sweater is just heavy enough to feel like a hug, and it smells heavenly. Just like her. You don’t want to seem like a weirdo, but you’d be perfectly content to spend the next hour with your nose buried in the soft material, surrounded by the warm vanilla scent of whatever expensive perfume Lorraine wears. Or maybe she just naturally smells that good. You wouldn’t put it past her.
Your attention turns back to the giant menu board as you pull your arms through the sleeves of the sweater, and right away you could feel your brain go silent. It was impossibly difficult for you to decide, especially when there were so many options. That, paired with the steep prices and the very lackluster salary you make as the Warrens’ glorified secretary, make your brain completely stop its functioning for a second. Your worry makes its way into your hands, which fiddle with the sleeves of the sweater that are just an inch too long for your arms.
Lorraine, yet again magically anticipating your every need, places a firm hand on the small of your back, lowering herself to practically purr into your ear.
“Do you need help choosing?” She’s just close enough that her voice, as low as it is, drowns out all of the madness of the bustling theater, and the commotion inside your mind. `
You nod up to her, chewing on your lower lip as the two of you glance over the menu together.
“I can’t decide…” you begin, eyebrows furrowed as you dart over the row of boxes of candy before you. “… between chocolate or popcorn.”  You’re getting dangerously close to the front of the line now, and it’s really beginning to wear on your nerves, but Lorraine’s ringed fingers lightly rubbing into your back is calming you tenfold.
The taller woman laughs gently, and you wince a little in fear that she’s making fun of you for having difficulty with something so simple, but you’ve never known Lorraine to be a cruel woman, so the thought is easily dismissed.
“Silly girl.” She says gingerly, giving you a light pat before dropping her hand. “Get both. I’ll make sure Ed pays for it.”
Your cheeks burn once again, and while you yearn for the feeling of her hand to replace itself anywhere on you, you find that Lorraine is already a gift from God and there’s no use praying for any more from the woman.
“Thank you!” you giggle softly, returning the clairvoyant’s playful smile with one of your own as you step forward to the concession counter.
Ed begins rattling off all the things that he wants, and it’s yet again that you remember he’s even there. You figure that if a man as boisterous as Ed Warren can be so easily forgotten in your mind by the likes of his wife, you must truly be under a spell. You shyly give your order when Lorraine ushers you in front of her, hands fiddling with your sleeves again. When you begin to reach for your purse, a hand lightly swats at your own. You really don’t find it necessary for the people that already pay your living wage to give you anymore, and yet you don’t deem it possible that Lorraine will let you pay for anything yourself.
With treats and tickets in hand the three of you make your way into the theater, Ed taking the exact seats that you would have chosen yourself. It’s by a miracle— or rather very careful planning on your behalf— that you’re sitting next to Lorraine, with Ed on her other side. You silently cheer yourself on for what you believe to be such careful maneuvering, because there is just no way in the world that you would spend the next two hours sitting next to someone who will probably talk over the entire movie anyway.
You settle in as the opening credits of the film begin, and right away you feel anxious. Even in a room full of people and the ever so comforting presence of your favorite demonologist by your side, it’s hard not to be scared in a dark room watching a movie about a psycho killer. Your leg begins to bounce nervously as you begin shoveling popcorn in your mouth, anticipating the many scares that are soon to come your way.
And they do come, in multitudes. You’re jumping out of your seat nearly every minute that goes by. The Warrens, as cemented in their occupations as they are, jump a few times as well, which comes as quite the comfort. You had seen them frightened before, when assessing houses for possible spirits, but neither seemed to be as much of a scaredy cat as you.
You’re granted the solace of Lorraine’s hand when she offers it to you about halfway through the movie. It’s after you jump at the sudden sound of a chainsaw revving up, and she must take pity on you, but you don’t care about the implication because you take the hand as quickly as it’s offered. As you’re sitting to her left, you notice that she’s come to the theater with her signature rosary wrapped around her hand. The cool beads do give you a bit of alarm when you first feel them, but then you realize that it only comes as added protection. You’re not sure what the power of the Spirit can do for you in this moment, but you’re very happy that Lorraine is always prepared against whatever dark forces she’s prepared against.
Sitting next to her, hand-in-hand, Lorraine’s gravitational pull is so strong that eventually you find yourself fully leaned against her arm, gripping her hand for dear life. It doesn’t seem to bother her one bit, and if the lights were any brighter, you’d be able to notice a smile planted firmly on her rosy lips.
Just as you feel yourself in a safe position, completely relaxed and feeling entirely safe (or as safe as you can feel during a movie like this), the movie’s third act kicks into gear and you feel your heart start to beat about a million beats a second. You feel a wave of panic wash over you, and it came out of absolutely nowhere. You swallow hard a few times, looking around the theater to keep yourself calm, to remind yourself that there’s not really a chainsaw wielding maniac running around the place, but it doesn’t do much to settle your nerves.
Before you even notice the stinging in your eyes, before you can stop from embarrassing yourself, your cheeks are wet with tears. You swipe at them a few times with your free hand, hoping to not draw too much attention to yourself as you begrudgingly pull yourself from Lorraine’s grasp.
“I… I’ll be right back.” You whisper next to her ear, praying to God that she didn’t notice the crack in your voice.
You can hear her whisper something back, but not well enough to register it, because you’re already out of your seat and rushing to the bathroom.
Standing in front of the mirror, you assess the damage to your makeup.
Your mascara has run down to your neck, and your lips are all smudged from your nervous popcorn eating.
… And you had left your purse, with all of your extra makeup and tissues, beneath your seat.
You felt on the verge of a breakdown, but the very last thing you wanted to do right now was to sit on the floor of this horribly rotten bathroom and cry until your eyes gave out.
You had been staring at yourself in the mirror between broken sobs for God knows how long until you heard someone else enter. Deeply ashamed of your appearance, you turned your back to the door, using a damp towel to try and clean up your makeup.
Then you heard a lock click.
But it was unlike the lock of a stall door.
Then the echoing tap of a pair of kitten heels.
You tense up, too scared of embarrassment to turn around to face whatever movie attendee, or, as you now feared, possible murderer, you were now trapped in this bathroom with.
That’s when you felt the hand press against your back.
“Are you alright?”
That voice was too kind to belong to a murderer.
“Lorraine!” You nearly scream, tossing a hand over your heart to clutch the imaginary pearls that you couldn’t even afford if you tried. “My goodness, you startled me!” You laugh softly, sniffling while you turn to a sink to wash your hands. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” She hums, voice barely above a whisper. She’s standing right behind you now.
You’re awfully embarrassed to find that there are no more paper towels in the bathroom, and you have to wipe your hands on your skirt, but Lorraine doesn’t seem to notice.
No, her attention is solely on your face.
Her hand lifts up to push a wayward curl behind your ear.  It lingers there for a moment, smoothing down the rest of your hair. Her other hand sneaks its way around your waist, resting just below your belt.
“I just wanted to check on you.” She flashes you that oh-so very endearing smile in the mirror, and lightly runs her thumb below your eyes, wiping away the last remnants of your tears.
You swallow hard, chancing a glance up to her only to miss the woman’s gaze, as her eyes are now glued to your cheek, then your neck. She’s petting your hair, and each stroke is sending a shiver down your spine.
“Oh no, no…  I’m alright…” you manage to mumble out, your voice a mere breathe that hitches when Lorraine’s hands maneuver you to turn to face her.
“Good.” She purrs, leaning in until your foreheads nearly meet. “I wouldn’t want my baby to get too scared.”
Dear God.
You didn’t often take His name in vain, but this felt an appropriate time to do so.
Your heart is beating so hard that you’re worried you may pass out. 
She called you her baby. You were hers.
Your body betraying you, you practically melt into the taller woman, your hands finding themselves on her hips, holding onto the material of her skirt for dear life.
Lorraine calculates, as is her way, but only for a moment, before her hand slides down to gently grasp your cheek and pull you closer into her.
You gasp into her, her lips latching onto your own before you can even remind yourself that you were meant to remain professional tonight. It seems you’re well past the concept of professionalism by now.
It takes you a moment, a very brief moment, to soften into her kiss. You’re like putty in her hands, molding into the curve of her chest and pressed so hard against her that you’re sure you’ve become one being.
But you haven’t, and before you know it, she’s pulled away.
It takes everything within you to not whine and fuss at her for being so rude as to pull herself away from you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” She says rigidly, fixing her hair in the mirror with one hand, the other still latched onto your hip. “But you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to.” She laughs a little, finally turning back to meet your gaze.
“I…” You’re at a loss for words. Never in a million years would you have expected for Lorraine Warren to waltz in and kiss you out of the blue like that. You must have truly racked up your good karma with the Lord, because this was enough to be considered a miracle. “I… I’ve also… wanted to… with you.” You stutter out, brain just barely conscious enough to put together a string of words.
Lorraine laughs her beautiful laugh again, her hand returning to caress your cheek.
You shut your eyes tight, laying all your weight into her hands. A thought crosses your mind – that she very well may be testing you – trying to sniff you out for being a freak – that there very well be someone right outside that door ready to ship you off to the loony bin –
That thought disappears almost immediately once Lorraine leans down to press her lips to yours again, this time much more confidently.
Her hands wander down to your hips once again, and yours are gripping into her skirt so hard that you’re sure you’ve left permanent wrinkles in the fabric. It’s impossible for you to be any closer to her now, and yet she’s still pulling you tighter, lips coaxing small whimpers from your own.
You’ve gone completely lightheaded now, the lack of oxygen making you a bit dizzy on your feet. Luckily, you’re so sustained by Lorraine’s embrace that there’s just no chance of you falling over.
Her hands threaten lower, her kisses become sloppier, her thigh situating itself between your legs so that you can press your weight there and feel a shock through your entire system unlike you’ve ever experienced before. Lorraine’s whispering some string of messy whispers. Maybe a prayer, much like the one you’re reciting in your own head for someone, anyone, to make this moment last until your dying breath.
Your joint prayer comes to a halt when you’re so rudely interrupted by an angry knock on the door. Lorraine quickly pulls away from you and immediately begins wiping her smudged makeup in the mirror.
You’re stuck in space, stood blinking, mouth hanging open, feet unsure of where to take you.
“Go get in a stall.” Lorraine commands, a gentle finger wiping at your tongue to collect all of the saliva that you had produced in the midst of your affair. She flashes you a sickeningly sweet look before turning you around and patting you towards the stall, where you quickly hide, being able to take her command even though you’re sure your brain can’t conjure any other actions.
Lorraine’s heels tap towards the door, and where she exclaims how sorry she is, how silly she must be for locking the door behind her. Her voice is so pure, so normal. You’re shocked that she can find herself so calm after an event that had nearly introduced you to your maker.
When you hear a stall door click shut, you make your escape, checking your appearance in the mirror just in case. You certainly look bewildered, a little frazzled, but nothing you can’t excuse under the guise of a scary movie.
When you return to your seat, Lorraine is sat with her hand in Ed’s, her eyes glued to the screen. You sit reluctantly, reaching for your popcorn.
It’s less than a minute before she has removed her hand from her husband’s and has given it back to you.
You’re smiling much too brightly, and you can tell that your clairvoyant is smiling just the same. You’re too focused on the way that her hand feels in your own to pay any attention to the God-forsaken movie playing in front of you.
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chronicrabbit · 2 years
They’re arguing again.
It’s been getting worse recently; the constant bickering like an old married couple.
Steve could usually understand why Eddie was annoyed with him, their disagreements typically toeing the line between heated and playful.
Usually, it was because Steve got a piece of nerd trivia he “definitely knew” wrong on purpose to mess with Eddie.
Or a lot of the time, it was a disagreement on what to watch for movie night, culminating in Steve and Eddie attempting to speak over one another to deliver their point on why their movie was superior while they wrestled to grab at the other’s.
This time, though…
It had started with a comment from Jason Carver.
The asshole was bitter about the almost role reversal between himself and Eddie once Eddie’s name had been officially cleared, the government coverup painting him as the unlikely hero who’d fought off a crazed serial killer to protect the children who’d bravely gone to find him.
Hawkins citizens, not wanting to take the blame of organizing a town-wide witch hunt for an innocent 20 year old and a bunch of freshman, had turned the blame on their old golden boy, citing him as the instigator that’d “poisoned their minds against the Munson boy” and ultimately shunning him.
Jason evidently hadn’t taken too kindly to the change, demonstrated by the drink he’d hurled at Eddie’s head outside of the diner they’d just walked out of and the seething insult that’d barely passed through his teeth before Steve’s fist was connecting with them in a brutal hit that knocked the jock flat on his ass.
In the blink of an eye, a fight had broken out between Steve and Jason’s still loyal cronies, one that ended with Police sirens, a very unimpressed Hopper, and several broken noses and bruised knuckles, including Steve’s own.
Eddie had been stonily silent as he drove them back to Steve’s place, his knuckles white from the suffocating grip he had on his steering wheel and his gear shift.
Steve almost wished he’d left it at that, just allowed Eddie to drop him off and toddled inside to care for his wounds without prodding.
Maybe if he just hadn’t said anything, they wouldn’t be having the screaming match they were currently having in the living room of his house.
“I just don’t understand why you’re so upset about this!” Steve shouted, hands spread out in a questioning shrug as Eddie let out a scoff, rolling those big brown eyes with clear but no less confusing exasperation.
“Of course you don’t, Steve!” he shot back, continuing to pace across the floor with such intensity Steve would be surprised if he didn’t wear a path into the carpet.
“Of-fucking-course you don’t understand! Because that’s just what you do, right? See a threat and swing a punch without a single thought in your fucking head!”
Steve jolted back as if the shouted words were a physical blow.
He sorta felt like they were, a dull pain settling deep in his chest, familiar warmth bubbling up behind his cheeks and eyes.
He pinched at his nose to stave off the hot tears that threatened to spill, wincing as he agitated the no doubt nasty bruise forming on the bridge from a well aimed punch.
“Don’t-“ Steve started to say, his voice wavering as he fought tooth and nail to keep it steady.
“Don’t say that. You… you’re the only one that doesn’t call me dumb. Please…”
Eddie’s expression dropped in an instant, all of that tightly coiled anger disappearing in an instant as he turned to face Steve with deep and instant regret glimmering in his dark eyes.
“Steve,” he breathed, taking a hesitant step toward him. He closed the distance quickly as a tear escaped past Steve’s well laid and well practiced defenses, trailing down his shame flushed cheek before he could manage to stop it.
“Steve, I… I didn’t mean it like that. I’m so sorry,” he spoke in a shockingly gentle voice, as if he expected Steve to just shatter in front of him.
Maybe he would.
“You’re not dumb. You- fuck.”
Eddie’s head dropped down, hanging low between his shoulders as he reached out oh so carefully, taking Steve’s hands in his own.
Steve could feel his heart beating in his throat as Eddie smoothed his thumbs lightly over the bruises forming on his knuckles, the ghost of a touch that was still more than enough to send him reeling.
“I just wish you would think about yourself, sometimes, that’s all.”
Those huge brown eyes met his full force, darker and deeper than any ocean, more vast and more beautiful than the night sky, and Steve was certain he could lose himself in them trying to count each and every constellation.
“You risk so much of yourself all the time. If Henderson can be believed, you have been since ‘83. So many years of putting others before yourself, of being the brave one, the fighter, the protector.”
As if to prove his point, Eddie’s hand came up to hold Steve’s scraped up jaw, his thumb lightly tugging at the scabbed over split on his bottom lip.
Steve winced, but he didn’t move away.
“You take care of everyone else. But… who’s gonna take care of you?”
Eddie started to pull away, the lack of proximity, of guitar calloused hands on him, leaving him colder than he’d ever been.
Steve was moving before he could fully think it through, his hand coming up to grip Eddie’s wrist.
He pulled gently, bringing Eddie’s surprise slackened hand back up to once again cup his jaw while he leaned into the touch like a cat.
“Are you volunteering, Munson?”
Steve honestly couldn’t tell who moved first, but the two met in the middle, their lips connecting in a passionate kiss; the kind of kiss that made time stop, that launched ships, that made even the worst cynic believe in love.
A new warmth bloomed through Steve’s body, all encompassing like bright sunlight on a summer morning, and he had never felt safer or more cared for than at that moment, gathered up in Eddie Munson’s arms.
And Steve thought, if this is what happened when they argued, they should argue a lot more often.
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doormatty3 · 10 months
Minors do not interact!
Always feel free to message me about whatever you want - yes, I also take requests! I write smut for men I'm feral about ~
Check out my Ao3!
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ONE-SHOTS: newest to oldest
Set Nerves - Patrick Wilson x Reader: How intimate scenes do not work in Hollywood 101 Onions and Orgasms - Orm Marius x Reader: You laugh about Orm’s horrible kitchen skills, and he shows you with what he *is* skilled The King's Broodmare - Orm Marius x Reader: Orm *makes* you submit to him and turns you into his perfect pet Echoes Of Madness - Possessed!Josh Lambert x Reader: Josh is possessed and possesses you with his cock A True Gentleman - Patrick Wilson x Reader: Patrick teaches you to be quiet while taking his cock Dirty Little Nun - Patrick Wilson x Reader: Patrick gets on his knees and makes you worship a different type of god
SERIES: newest to oldest
Whispers In The Shadows Josh Lambert x Reader:
Pushing Further - And they were roommates - except you fucked his dad Veiled Passions - Josh shows you who you belong to Pushing Further: Josh POV - How I fucked his friend in a college dorm room Veiled Passions: Josh POV - I show her who she belongs to
MULTIPLE CHAPTER FICS: newest to oldest
Ocean Eyes - Orm Marius x Reader: You impress Orm with the surface world and he impresses you with his Atlantean cock FINISHED, CHAPTER 8/8 Sinner's Salvation - Ed Warren x Reader: Ed shows you how well he can possess your body - and your cunt FINISHED, CHAPTER 2/2
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ONE-SHOTS: newest to oldest
Till Next Time, Love - Matty Healy x FOC: Matty puts the cock in cockiness and does what he does best
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kkpwnall · 2 years
just a little rain
((edit: now on ao3))
“Alright you little gremlins, pick up is 3:30 sharp. If you’re late, you’re walking home in the rain.” Steve holds his umbrella over the kids’ heads as they pile out of the beamer and under the awning at the entrance to the school.
“Wheeler! Don’t forget your lunch!” He holds the paper bag out, and Mike trudges back, grumbling a ‘thank you’ under his breath that sounds more like ‘fuck you’.
One hand on his hip, he watches until they’re all safe inside, pushing and shoving and cackling way too much for first thing on a Thursday morning. 
He turns back to the beamer, looking to kill time until the store opens at ten. Across the parking lot, Steve spies Eddie still in his van, struggling with his leather jacket like he’s trying to hold it over his head and open the car door at the same time. Steve jogs over with his umbrella held high and taps on the window. Eddie jumps about a mile in the air, but relaxes when he sees Steve grinning at him.
“Can I walk you to class?” Steve teases when he opens the door.
“Ooo only if you’ll carry my books, Stevie,” Eddie snarks back. But Steve just takes the book bag from his hand and slings it over his shoulder. Eddie stares at him, a pretty pink flush brightening his cheeks.
“Can’t let the rain flatten these gorgeous curls.” He wraps one around his finger and tilts his head so he’s smiling at Eddie through his lashes, holding the umbrella over both of them.
Eddie’s frozen, just for a moment, his eyes wide. Then he frees himself from the tangle of his jacket to lean into Steve’s space with a wicked grin. “Better watch out, the girlies are gonna get jealous if they see Steve Harrington trying to make me blush.”
“Good,” Steve leans closer, his voice low and deep in his throat as he gives Eddie his most charming troublemaker smile.
Under the guise of needing to stand close to keep them both covered by the umbrella, Steve puts a hand on the small of Eddie’s back as they walk towards the school. But instead of heading directly for the shelter of the awning, he gently steers them to one of the cramped little alleyways back between buildings. Once they’re out of sight and under cover, he tilts the umbrella to hide them just a little more, and kisses Eddie against the bricks.
He’s unhurried, thorough, as if they have all the time in the world. He’s always wanted to kiss and be kissed in the rain, there’s something so quintessentially romantic about it, hidden away from all the elements of the outside world in their own little bubble. With Eddie. Eddie, who he never wants to stop kissing, who he wants to kiss in every timeless and cliched and sensual way known to man. And then invent a few of their own.
It’s a tricky bit of maneuvering, trying to keep the umbrella up and the rain off and get his hands on as much of Eddie as he can reach. But Eddie’s anything but passive. He pulls Steve in by his ‘stupid polo’, one hand sliding up to the hair at the nape of his neck, tilting his head just so. His other hand tugs at the zipper of Steve’s windbreaker, slipping inside to pull him closer by his waist. A gentle swipe of Steve’s tongue is all it takes for Eddie to whimper into his mouth, a small nothing of a sound that Steve devours.
Now that Steve’s had a taste of early morning Munson, he doesn’t want to stop. The heady mixture of a fresh spritz of old spice filling his nose, the taste of cigarettes and coffee and strawberry pop tarts on his tongue. Steve settles his free hand in the small of Eddie’s back, spread flat against the warm, soft skin under his shirt.
A group of girls rushes past the alley they’re hidden in, talking loudly and giggling. Eddie freezes as they walk past, and Steve takes the opportunity to kiss along his jaw, down his neck. The girls are gone as soon as they appeared, eager to get out of the rain, but Steve doesn’t stop his thorough exploration of every part of Eddie’s neck that makes his breath hitch where Steve’s lips touch. Eddie’s hands grip hard at his shoulders, fingers flexing like he can’t decide whether to pull him closer or push him away.
“Don’t you - ah - have better things to do than - hmm - robbing the cradle?”
Steve laughs into his neck. “You’re older than me, asshole. And the store doesn’t open for another 3 hours, I’ve got nothing but time.”
Eddie’s fingers tangle in Steve’s hair, holding his head to Eddie’s neck as Steve grazes his teeth along the strong, trembling tendon.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you’re dating a high schooler, sweetheart,” Eddie pants.
“Mmm,” Steve hums, sucking gently at Eddie’s pulse point. He pulls back just enough to look at Eddie’s flushed face, his eyes a little dazed. “You’re right, we should fix that. What do you say, my place, six o’clock? We can…” his eyes travel back down to Eddie’s swollen lips, “study.”
Eddie laughs against Steve’s lips as he swoops in for another kiss. Bright and carefree and safe under the privacy of the downpour and the umbrella. Steve deepens the kiss, pulling out all the stops to make Eddie swoon. Little nips and licks and sucks on his lips, gently laving and massaging and soothing with his tongue. Pushing Eddie against the wall with his hips. Rocking slowly against him.
The warning bell rings and Steve finally steps away, grinning. “Don’t want to be late for class, Eds.”
“God you’re the worst,” Eddie says breathlessly, but he pulls Steve toward him again by his jacket.
One of Eddie’s hands falls to his belt, pulling him closer. Steve slips his free hand into Eddie’s back pocket as Eddie bites at his lower lip. He captures Steve’s gasp in his open mouth, swiping his tongue against Steve’s with a gentle firm pressure.
It’s over all too soon when Steve nearly overbalances and stumbles from the sudden lightness on his shoulder. Eddie grins at him, shouldering his heavy book bag, and looking far too pleased with himself.
Steve pulls him in for one last kiss, still holding the umbrella to shield them from the rain and prying eyes. It’s a soft, almost chaste kiss. ‘Good morning’ and ‘I missed you’ and ‘I love you’ in the tender press of his lips. He cups Eddie’s cheek with his free hand, relishing the way Eddie relaxes against him, tilting his cheek into Steve’s palm with a sigh.
“Have a good day at class, love,” Steve says with a wink.
Eddie reaches out to straighten Steve’s windbreaker, zipping it back up and pressing both hands to his chest. He ducks his chin and looks up at Steve. His wide, innocent eyes immediately betrayed by the mischief in his sly grin. “Pick me up at six?”
*title from ‘the rain song’ by led zeppelin
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purplebass · 3 months
X fell first, Y fell harder but with Lila and Kell. He fell first, gracefully. He dealt with his feelings as the story moved along and he fell harder and was already a simp by the end of adsom. Her unpredictability made him go insane but he was sure he didn't want to let her go. The magic set he gave her was his subtle confession: "I hope you think of me every time you see this. I hope you don't forget about me. I won't forget about you." Lila fell harder but the realization of how much she liked Kell was more like an epiphany. As if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water on her face unexpectedly and she had to run away before she would freeze, leaving Kell behind along with whatever connection she had felt with him. She stabbed a man after saying goodbye to Kell, lmao. Way to divert her attention somewhere else.
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frost-queen · 8 months
That first crush (Reader!Warren x Drew Thomas)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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“Morning Warrens.” – Drew called out when he entered the house. Lorraine had opened the door to him. He was carrying heavy equipment as he struggled a bit with it. – “Let me help you.” – Ed came to his aid, taking a heavy bag from him. Drew breathed out a laugh, feeling the weight being lifted from his arm. Shuffling further in the house he came into the open space of the living room.
There he noticed you were sitting on the sofa with a magazine. Chewing on some gum as you blew it to a bubble. Drew smiled tilting his head. – “Morning Y/n.” – he said to get your attention. Your bubble popped loudly as you turned the page.
“Y/n say hi to Drew.” – Your mother spoke appearing in the room. Drew chuckled humorously. You turned your head to him, moving your gum aside in your mouth. – “Hi Drew.” – you said. – “Hi Y/n.” – he replied with a smile.
“Some heavy equipment you’ve got there.” – your father spoke with a laugh. Drew moved back to your father to take a bag from him. – “Yes, I’ve bought a new camera that would be much better to film with.” – he explained setting the bag on the small table in front of you. As he opened it he glanced up to you, hoping you’d look back at him.
You were rather too occupied with reading your magazine. – “Any good?” – he asked. – “Are you interested in girl stuff?” – you answered without looking up. – “No…” – Drew chuckled out. – “Than it isn’t any good for you.” – you finished. Drew took out the camera showing it to your dad.
“Oh wow great stuff Drew.” – Ed began looking at the camera from every angle. Lorraine placed a hand on his shoulder. – “You have no clue have you darling.”
Ed shook his head laughingly. – “No.” – He gave the camera back to Drew. – “I’ve also got a new microphone.” – Drew hurried over to his other bag and took out the microphone. – “It gives a cleaner audio when we record.” – he told your parents. – “Oh that is very helpful.” – Lorraine said.
“Y/n come take a look at the equipment.” – your mother asked. You lowered your magazine, seating you on the edge of the sofa. – “Do… do you want a demonstration?” – Drew questioned rather bashful. You pulled your shoulders up. – “Alright tech boy, wow me.” – you threw him a sarcastic smile. 
Drew happily took the invitation. He picked up his camera and sat himself down on the small table before you. He pressed some buttons and positioned the camera in his hand. Lorraine and Ed watching behind him. He then brought the camera up to level up with your face.
“Alright Y/n show us your prettiest smile.” – Drew teased. You stuck your tongue out to him as an answer. Drew laughed loud as you couldn’t help yourself but laugh too. It was brief as it wasn’t that funny, yet his laughter made you laugh too. Drew kept filming you as you pushed his camera gently out of your face.
“C’mon Y/n.” – he said pointing the camera back at you. – “You are a movie star.” – his comment made you snort loud. – “As if.” – you mumbled while he kept filming you. – “So how’s the footage?” – Ed asked. Drew swallowed quickly, turning the camera away from you.
He got up, turning around to film your parents. Lorraine smiled bright, holding onto Ed. Ed took her hand letting her twirl under his arm. – “Beautiful.” – Drew commented as he filmed them.
“Y/n.” – he said waving his hand behind him at you. – “Can you grab that mic and help me out.” – he asked continue to film your dancing parents. You took a deep breath, getting up with the mic in your hand. – “Now what?” – you told him unsure what to do. Drew took your wrist with the mic in it, pulling it gently forwards.
“Catch some audio, sweetheart.” – he said throwing a wink at you. Lorraine caught that smiling half surprised. You brought the mic closer to your parents as Ed started to hum a tune. They continued to dance as Lorraine was laughing giddy. Drew kept filming them till his gaze went towards you again.
Slowly turning his camera, he started to film you in secret. – “Y/n!” – Ed called out letting go of your mother. Your father took you by the wrist, pulling him closer to you. On your way, you gave the mic to your mother. She came standing beside Drew. Smiling happily when Ed began to dance with you.
Drew was chuckling as you were laughing as well. Laughing at how funnily your father danced with you. You felt like a little girl once more. Drew filmed you with pleasure. A dreamy look in his eyes. Lorraine glanced to the side, seeing the look in his eyes.
She then looked back at you. Slowly connecting a few dots. – “No more, no more.” – Ed laughed, out of breath, waving his hand across. Drew lowered his camera and stopped filming. You let go of your father’s hands, going to the kitchen to grab a drink. Drew set his camera down, going after you.
“Ed.” – Lorraine said catching her husband’s attention. He hummed loud, wrapping an arm around her. Embraced they moved a bit closer to the kitchen. There she saw Drew lean against the counter having a conversation with you. You weren’t very talkative, but his posture said it all.
“Ed.” – Lorraine said again. Ed hummed again. – “I think… I think Drew has a crush on our girl.” – she told him. – “What?” – Ed said confused. – “No, I would know.” – he laughed it a bit away. Lorraine motioned with her head for him to see for himself.
Drew was practically gushing over you. Having moved a bit closer to you, wanting so bad to engage with you. You didn’t do much back as it was clear you weren’t that interested. – “Oh.” – Ed muttered out finally seeing it. – “It’s cute.” – Lorraine spoke. – “That’s my baby girl.” – Ed called out in defence. – “Oh hush.” – Lorraine slapped him against his chest to stop being so sentimental.
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