#this shit is therapeutic
chronicrabbit · 2 years
They’re arguing again.
It’s been getting worse recently; the constant bickering like an old married couple.
Steve could usually understand why Eddie was annoyed with him, their disagreements typically toeing the line between heated and playful.
Usually, it was because Steve got a piece of nerd trivia he “definitely knew” wrong on purpose to mess with Eddie.
Or a lot of the time, it was a disagreement on what to watch for movie night, culminating in Steve and Eddie attempting to speak over one another to deliver their point on why their movie was superior while they wrestled to grab at the other’s.
This time, though…
It had started with a comment from Jason Carver.
The asshole was bitter about the almost role reversal between himself and Eddie once Eddie’s name had been officially cleared, the government coverup painting him as the unlikely hero who’d fought off a crazed serial killer to protect the children who’d bravely gone to find him.
Hawkins citizens, not wanting to take the blame of organizing a town-wide witch hunt for an innocent 20 year old and a bunch of freshman, had turned the blame on their old golden boy, citing him as the instigator that’d “poisoned their minds against the Munson boy” and ultimately shunning him.
Jason evidently hadn’t taken too kindly to the change, demonstrated by the drink he’d hurled at Eddie’s head outside of the diner they’d just walked out of and the seething insult that’d barely passed through his teeth before Steve’s fist was connecting with them in a brutal hit that knocked the jock flat on his ass.
In the blink of an eye, a fight had broken out between Steve and Jason’s still loyal cronies, one that ended with Police sirens, a very unimpressed Hopper, and several broken noses and bruised knuckles, including Steve’s own.
Eddie had been stonily silent as he drove them back to Steve’s place, his knuckles white from the suffocating grip he had on his steering wheel and his gear shift.
Steve almost wished he’d left it at that, just allowed Eddie to drop him off and toddled inside to care for his wounds without prodding.
Maybe if he just hadn’t said anything, they wouldn’t be having the screaming match they were currently having in the living room of his house.
“I just don’t understand why you’re so upset about this!” Steve shouted, hands spread out in a questioning shrug as Eddie let out a scoff, rolling those big brown eyes with clear but no less confusing exasperation.
“Of course you don’t, Steve!” he shot back, continuing to pace across the floor with such intensity Steve would be surprised if he didn’t wear a path into the carpet.
“Of-fucking-course you don’t understand! Because that’s just what you do, right? See a threat and swing a punch without a single thought in your fucking head!”
Steve jolted back as if the shouted words were a physical blow.
He sorta felt like they were, a dull pain settling deep in his chest, familiar warmth bubbling up behind his cheeks and eyes.
He pinched at his nose to stave off the hot tears that threatened to spill, wincing as he agitated the no doubt nasty bruise forming on the bridge from a well aimed punch.
“Don’t-“ Steve started to say, his voice wavering as he fought tooth and nail to keep it steady.
“Don’t say that. You… you’re the only one that doesn’t call me dumb. Please…”
Eddie’s expression dropped in an instant, all of that tightly coiled anger disappearing in an instant as he turned to face Steve with deep and instant regret glimmering in his dark eyes.
“Steve,” he breathed, taking a hesitant step toward him. He closed the distance quickly as a tear escaped past Steve’s well laid and well practiced defenses, trailing down his shame flushed cheek before he could manage to stop it.
“Steve, I… I didn’t mean it like that. I’m so sorry,” he spoke in a shockingly gentle voice, as if he expected Steve to just shatter in front of him.
Maybe he would.
“You’re not dumb. You- fuck.”
Eddie’s head dropped down, hanging low between his shoulders as he reached out oh so carefully, taking Steve’s hands in his own.
Steve could feel his heart beating in his throat as Eddie smoothed his thumbs lightly over the bruises forming on his knuckles, the ghost of a touch that was still more than enough to send him reeling.
“I just wish you would think about yourself, sometimes, that’s all.”
Those huge brown eyes met his full force, darker and deeper than any ocean, more vast and more beautiful than the night sky, and Steve was certain he could lose himself in them trying to count each and every constellation.
“You risk so much of yourself all the time. If Henderson can be believed, you have been since ‘83. So many years of putting others before yourself, of being the brave one, the fighter, the protector.”
As if to prove his point, Eddie’s hand came up to hold Steve’s scraped up jaw, his thumb lightly tugging at the scabbed over split on his bottom lip.
Steve winced, but he didn’t move away.
“You take care of everyone else. But… who’s gonna take care of you?”
Eddie started to pull away, the lack of proximity, of guitar calloused hands on him, leaving him colder than he’d ever been.
Steve was moving before he could fully think it through, his hand coming up to grip Eddie’s wrist.
He pulled gently, bringing Eddie’s surprise slackened hand back up to once again cup his jaw while he leaned into the touch like a cat.
“Are you volunteering, Munson?”
Steve honestly couldn’t tell who moved first, but the two met in the middle, their lips connecting in a passionate kiss; the kind of kiss that made time stop, that launched ships, that made even the worst cynic believe in love.
A new warmth bloomed through Steve’s body, all encompassing like bright sunlight on a summer morning, and he had never felt safer or more cared for than at that moment, gathered up in Eddie Munson’s arms.
And Steve thought, if this is what happened when they argued, they should argue a lot more often.
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jedi-starbird · 1 month
Qui-Gon's the type of guy to eat something he's deathly allergic to because c'mon it's been 10 years! surely he's over it now! and is shocked. shocked I tell you, by what happens next.
Qui-Gon: The healers say I can't eat this but last time I checked I'm the one with mastery over the living force
Obi-Wan: ...please, do go on
Qui-Gon: See! nothing ha-kjjmjdcsb *wheezing noises*
Obi-Wan, epipen already in hand: Must we do this every time Master?
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loomize · 2 months
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My top ten Death Note moments:
(No text bubble + closeups under the cut)
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
Funny theory that since it’s canon in the light novel that Kunikida can shoot Dazai with a weapon made from his ability and it won’t hurt him, I like to think when Dazai’s really pissing him off he just whips out his notebook, shoots him point blank and keeps walking.
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lazylittledragon · 11 months
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started some battle jeans
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autumn-doodles · 6 months
After I have no idea how long I FINALLY finished transcribing the tensimm speech in EoT into Gallifreyan oh my god-
For the design, i wanted to differentiate dr’s and master’s speech, so I made master’s writing white on black and doc black on white. You may not notice it but I also slightly altered the way I wrote for each of them. The doctor’s speech is full of curved lines and all the dots seen in his speech get larger/smaller in circles, I thought it was a bit more playful like the dr. The master on the other hand has super straight lines and similarly sized dots since master is a lot harsher.
The writing along the outside also reads “End of Time” bc I thought that circle needed something so I just wrote the ep title this speech was from in some weird improvised linear gallifreyan-
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And this is how you would read it, each circle is read anti-clockwise from the bottom unless you see the little ‘start here’ symbol: —(•
(If you can be bothered tho lol, I know it’s a bit of an effort)
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And now my watermark which I also wrote in gallifreyan for authenticity’s sake
Sadly I can’t post each of the sentences separately but if people are interested I could try sending them in the reblogs!
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mariusroyale · 8 months
depression kicked my ass today
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chickengeak · 9 months
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“… well Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?”
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azuzula · 10 months
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ghoulsghoulsghouls :>)
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garnetdawn · 1 year
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some ooooldd art assassinating @smiggles geez my style changed so much lol
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cataclysmic-entity · 6 months
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got bored, decided to draw my favorite priest again
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tapeworrmart · 9 months
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Comedown 💊💫
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ineffableigh · 6 months
Fic Rec of the Day:
Holy shit I finally read it. God damn. This is a MASTERPIECE. Tread carefully and take care of yourselves if you read it - this is a very real story surrounding Crowley's trauma, therapy, and the deep social bond between him and a truly caring therapist.
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noahtally-famous · 22 days
kinda (very) ironic that the two allegedly "normal guys" in the total drama franchise have some of the most concerning lore/personalities
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corals-corner · 3 months
Eclipse is gonna die more times in this show than Afton has in canon fnaf and just gonna keep coming back Istg
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commander-goo · 8 months
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That's just a weight you'll have to carry
( individuals under the cut )
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