#The dragon prince Arravos
maetheartist · 6 months
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I’ve been thinking.
These mfs have my heart and head how do I get them out.
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silkiecorn · 2 months
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A comic featuring the sweet child
(I have more comic ideas in store and will post them)
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baatarthefirst · 1 year
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lolabearwrites · 1 month
Something something Leola's horn looked like it would have grown to be an exact replica of her Daddy's horns and I'm not well 😭
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air-seaprimal · 1 year
I had a revelation today.
Arravos is a stand in for Lucife. Here me out
Arravos is a fallen star, Lucifer is a fallen angle.
Both were apart the fall of man, Arravos with dark magic and Lucifer with the fruit of knowledge. Both were cast out for their sins by God or a god-like figure (I still don’t trust Aditti). There’s more biblical stuff.
Rayla means something akin to sacrificial lamb. What was Jesus? The lamb which was supposedly suppose to the scapegoat for humanity. I. E. Rayla’s savior complex.
Callum means dove, I don’t think I really need to explain this one.
Ezra’s is very close to the name Ezra; the name of one of the prophets.
You remember how it’s tradition in Katolis to mourn a monarch for seven days and knights. That’s a Jewish tradition.
In short no story is truly original and my brain went weird places.
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rammop · 1 year
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A very dark reference to The Lunatic of Étretat
Dragon Prince S5 E2
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dippenink · 1 year
So I have a few thoughts and theories about season five
The bloodline that binds- so someone got card from a dragon prince panel that had out of context info for season 5. I wonder if this has some kind of relation to Callum. The only info we have about Callum’s dad is Sarai loved for her own reasons. What if his dad some ties to the pirates we’re likely to see this season. Maybe they’ll recognize Callum like Will turner in Pirates of the Caribbean
Sarai- I wonder if Sarai was coined just before her death considering she was last seen by Viren. He probably would done it to get her out of the way considering she was openly opposing him.
Arravos- he will take control of Callum at some point this season to mess with everyone(seems like he does for fun)
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bobgoesw00t · 1 year
All caught up with The Dragon Prince and here are my thoughts on what happened in the last episode: ...CLAUDIA CAN SUCK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I want her and Terry to be happy, but she's such a FUCKING BIMBO when it comes to dark magic, her dad, and Aaravos, and IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME SHE GOT BITTEN IN THE ASS BY KARMA! I absolutely love her and Terry as a couple (THEY ARE SO CUTE AND FLUFFY AND WHOLESOME AND OSRGNASOGIJAHGPOEAIRHG TOO CUTE). Still, she TOTALLY deserved to have Rayla slice her leg off for all the bullshit she's done and tried to pull since the series started.
Also, soooo happy Viren gave Aaravos the middle finger and decided to not kill Sir Sparklepuff in the end! He's had the greatest story arc in the last two seasons by far and he deserves to go out on his own terms. Hell, the only reason Claudia came so to getting Aaravos's prison was because she's a STUPID BIMBO AND DIDN'T REALIZE VIREN WAS PERFECTLY OK NOT SURVIVING PASSED THE 30 DAYS!!!!!!!
As for the plotline with Amaya and Janai, GOD I want to bitch slap Karim for being a stupid idiot! He needs to have an intervention at some point before he fucks everything up with the Sunfire Elves...but at the same time, I kind of want to bang him cause DAAAMN HE BE HOT THIS SEASON!!!
Lastly, a few side notes. I totally knew they were going to pull a Yoda with Akiyu the moment she showed up as "TIDEBOUND TINA", I mean you'd have to be a nincompoop not to see that from a mile away. And DAAAAAAAAAMN, WHAT HAPPENED TO FINNIGRIN WAS BRUTAL!!!!!!! He beyond deserved it however and it was nice to see it happen.
This was a good season, and I'm already excited to see what happens next...hopefully, they go ahead and get the Nova Blade as a form of insurance in the chance that Arravos manages to get out of the prison (which, let's all be honest, will probably happen before the show ends xD) and MAYBE, that bimbo Claudia realizes she's been a stupid idiot and comes around to live a happy life with Terry. ...BUT THAT PROBABLY WON'T HAPPEN, in which case, Terry needs to give her an ultimatum: she either gives up her quest for Aaravos, or he'll dump her ass and go to Callum and friends for help.
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happyduckierevived · 1 year
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anoray · 1 year
Just a few more random thoughts about Season 5 of The Dragon Prince...
The animation design team does a knock out job on just about everything except horses. I do love horses and I find the ones in TDP just don’t seem to look and move very much like horses, kind of like the animators find them boring and don’t put much elbow grease into it. I mean, look at the really cool dragon in this sample comparison to the stuffed animal horses.
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At least two horses got munched by the monster wolves during this season and nobody seemed to feel all that sorry for them. If it had been dragons, well. 
Don’t get me wrong, I loooove dragons, too, and the scene where Zubeia envisioned speaking with Avizandum was done so well and really touching.
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I applaud this show for all its gorgeous dragon designs, like this stunning sea dragon and sun dragon!
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Moving on, after a few stumbles in Season 4, the characters and relationships are developing nicely, especially Callum and Rayla and how Callum is struggling with his guilt over using dark magic. Viren’s slow turnaround has been intriguing but he needs to pay the piper for all the wrong he’s done. All in all, everyone seems to remain consistent with their core personality for the most part as they grow during their adventures together, but the glaring exception to me remains Claudia.
Ever since Season 1, I’ve never quite understood how her character can act so dimwitted a majority of the time, yet she’s somehow able to remember and cast complex spells. I’m still scratching my head over how neither of Viren’s children inherited much of his brain power, although Soren has really come a long way and it was great how he helped Deadwood/Elmer. Meanwhile, Claudia still goes from oohing and awwing over some little critter, then has no problem crushing it to do dark magic. Overall, I continue to find her Jekyll and Hyde portrayal uneven and jarring.
At this point, Claudia’s behavior is 95% petty and cruel unless it involves Terry or her father, plus the kicker is that she wouldn’t even be getting very far in her quest (or have anything left of her humanity) without the help of Terry.  
Speaking of Terry, I genuinely have no clue why this kindly, good hearted elf person:
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Is still finding excuses to hang out with this pretty much obvious psychopath:
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I guess Terry hopes he can help Claudia do less awful things by showing her love and kindness? But he’s the one putting all the effort into their relationship it seems. Unless the writers have Claudia undergo a major change of heart and help Callum, Ezran, and Rayla end Arravos, I’m not sure how she can be believably redeemed.
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catsafari25 · 3 months
My mother has just phoned me to check in while she's travelling in Scotland, and suddenly asked about "that dragon show with the prince you watched" (me: "...the dragon prince?") because a friend of hers has recently got into writing fanfic for "apparently a hot villain??" (me: "...aaravis? arravos?" Her: "no, V-something? Vardi? Vira?" Me: "...viren?") and bless her, my mum is so supportive about it, but also sounds so confused as if she didn't cosplay as Blake 7 Villa when she was younger
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weebssecretattic · 2 years
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LOOK AT ZYM!! LOOK HOW BIG HE ISNN he's been living with his mama!!! I love that for him ❤️
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Look at arravos. My god. What is that??
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baatarthefirst · 1 year
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
omg has anyone watched the dragon prince: mystery of arravos? because omg???? new hyperfixation potentially??????? i frickin love shows like this so much holy fuck
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The dragon prince season 4 rant(spoilers from like line one)
There's a lot of ppl complaining rn about aaravos only getting one scene but I think this was very well done for two reasons. One is fandoms love puzzles. Finding all the pieces, seeing what goes together and figuring out what the final picture is. But once they're done with the puzzle they move right onto the next thing to solve. They'll either not appreciate the work the crew puts in after solving the puzzle(I've done this in the past with shows like gravity falls- trust me I know) or just treat it as another show and move on to the next hyped up thing. There's also fans who's reviews/ reactions I've seen on yt and LITERALLY IN SEASON 2 they said "this guy's cool but once you know the mystery and big reveal he's kinda boring" IN SEASON 2!!!! SO YEAH NO WONDER TDP CREW ARE ONLY GIVING HIM SO FEW LINES.
Secondly the show is titled "mystery of aaravos" not "discovering aaravos" or "all about aaravos". "Mystery of aaravos". What kind of mystery reveals itself at the start of a new chapter in the show? And yeah yeah it's season 4 but season 3 wasn't "mystery of arravos" it was the dragon prince. We didn't get most of tdp clues until the end of season 3 / during the hiatus excluding maybe things like the elarion poem? Idk when that came in could've been season 1/2 as that was when we first saw the ancient book I believe right? Correct me if I'm wrong I need to rewatch the show. Also side note the show is definitely not a long show. I work full time 10-6 night shifts Mon to Fri and I still binged it all in 8 hours the Sunday after guy Fawkes night. So yeah even if aaravos only gets one scene so what? It's not like we're sitting through 40/50 min eps to get a crumb of hot elf man.
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Oh right yeah tdp is made by a lot of atla crew so they know what they're doing when they only keep the big bad in one major scene (which he slayed in btw) it's not just fanservice
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As fun as the fanservice is Aaravos' tiny scene is a great display of his power(which we've seen little regarding the extent it can go btw esp with a non consenting host) and raises many questions for us to theorise on(like is Aaravos' a monster fucker?/j... Unless). The crew knows how to stir the fandom and indeed were probably predicting this dissapointed response when they made Aaravos' scene. Yet they kept it this way bc that's how you reel in the old fans and even viewers. With puzzles and mysteries and hidden clues. It's also a good way to keep casual viewers who may miss the hidden clues on their toes. Even if most of the hints and clues fly over their heads they'll still think "why is this guy fallen?" "What does he gain from manipulating people this way?"(which is a whole debate of its own after elarion's poem).
So tldr: the breadcrumbs we get of aaravos are intentional and a lot of people don't get that
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kincalling · 1 year
Hello! Soren from the dragon prince kin here! Looking for really anyone especially Corvus, Callum, and Ezran! Corvus I was in a romantic relationship with, Callum and Ezran were like my brother's almost. I'd also love to see Rayla again, we were pretty close in my canon! No Claudia, my dad, or Arravos please! Nothing personal just bad memories of you all. I'm mostly canon compliant except for me and Corvus being in a relationship and minor details, I also remember my dad being worse towards me in canon. I'm a minor so please be no older than 17 or younger than 12. I'd prefer people interacting to be around 13,14, or 15 though. Not necessarily looking for a relationship with Corvus however. Interact with this and I'll gladly reach out!
Hope I did this right!
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