#The funk district
twipsai · 2 months
its finally done! happy wsatw everyone <333
word count: 1,817
At 10:39 PM on Saturday, every single person anywhere on either coasts of the continent, and people looking to cross either border of the United Federation, felt a harsh gust of wind.
Commotion ensued, but Sonic, of course, didn’t stick around to see it. When he arrived back at Emerald Coast, he cut back into the city and zoomed past cars cruising along Speed Highway. He ran in front of a few of them, daring them to hit him before swooping away at the last second. Before the fifth exit whizzed by, Sonic bounced over the guardrail and took off through the bare-bones forested area, hopping up and jumping from rooftop to rooftop before he hit the ground running. He passed through lots more cramped neighborhoods on the outskirts of Central City until he made it to the Night Babylon district, where he ran up the side of some random building, speeding up to the top—
And tripped.
And fell.
He just laid there for a moment, before flipping himself over as rapid, shallow breaths racked his body.
Running didn't get tiring. Not normal running, anyway— when he had food in his stomach, water in his blood, and eight hours of sleep.
In the moment, though, with his limbs sore and shaking, he thought this must be like how it felt if the average person ran just a hundred miles. Or maybe even only ninety.
The world kept spinning. It always did, and it wouldn't wait for him to get over whatever funk he was in. He hit his fist dully on the concrete ground. 
He should go back to Mystic Ruins. To make sure Tails was okay, of course. Not to sleep or eat or anything, really. Then he would go back to running— patrolling. He was patrolling to make sure no one was causing trouble while everyone else rested. Of course. He pushed himself up.
Sonic didn't cry that day. Not once. Because if the only person who saw him cry was dead now, then no one had any proof.
And now, running back to his little brother's workshop, he could chalk the tears in his eyes up to the wind beating at his face.
The trip was just a bit slower than it probably would have been normally. It was like his body was protesting against moving his legs, one after the other. He almost collapsed on the porch once he reached it when a wave of exhaustion hit him upon seeing the home, but pushed through the door and shoved himself up the stairs. A chill shuttered through his body, forcing him to realize just how cold he was now that he was inside, and he made a quick pitstop in his room to yank his comforter off the bed and bundle himself in it.
Tails’ room was just down the hall, but he already knew the kit wasn’t in there. For one, the door was open, and Tails hates it when his door’s open. And for two, his self-imposed bed time when he thought Sonic wasn’t around was around three in the morning (but, more recently, it had started stretching to four). So, he begrudgingly hauled himself back down the stairs and through the Tornado’s hangar, giving her a pat on the wing for good luck, and arriving at Tails’ workshop door. A strange sweet smell emanated from the room. 
He gently pushed open the door, the sweet and somewhat nostalgic smell becoming stronger. The moment he stepped through the door, Tails’ ear flicked, and he spun his chair around, yipping in surprise. “Sonic! You’re back!” His face then morphed into a bright smile as he waved him over and spun back to continue his work. 
The plan was to just check in for a bit, maybe send his brother to bed, but now… Well, maybe he’d rest for a bit. Just a bit. He leaned over Tails’ shoulder. “For a bit, yeah. What’s that smell?”
“Oh, uh, blowtorch s’mores.”
Tails held up a stick with a jumbo marshmallow at the end and a blowtorch. It was only then that Sonic noticed the graham crackers and chocolate bars where mechanic tools should’ve been on the workbench. “Blowtorch s’mores,” he repeated.
“Uh, yeah, I heard you, heh. What’s the occasion?” Sonic hopped up and sat on the workbench, blanket draping over the corner and barely touching the ground.
“Okayyyyy… Can I have one?”
“Sure! Here—” he picked up a second blowtorch that was haphazardly thrown under the table— “just click that button and it'll turn on, and release it to turn it off.”
Sonic yoinked a marshmallow from the package and stuck it on the end of one of the roasting sticks Tails had rested on the side of his workbench. “Ssso, whatcha—” He got cut off by his own throat spurring into a coughing fit. Turns out 24 hours without a drop of water in his system did some real shitty things. Tails immediately shoved a water bottle into his free hand that was about to pick up the blowtorch; he downed the bottle in all of 3 seconds and mumbled a quick ‘thanks’, wiping his mouth. “Whatcha been working on?” he finished.
“Well, before I got distracted by this,” Tails set his perfectly toasted marshmallow aside and turned to the graham crackers splayed out, lightly melting the chocolate laid out on top. “I was fixing up the Cyclone! She got really damaged yesterday…”
“Oof. How bad?”
“Not too bad, I think I did a pretty good job back there,” Tails said with a smug grin. Sonic mentally cheered him on. “But I have to fix up and replace a lot of her casing that got too dented to be safe. And some quick repairs to her engine, ‘cuz Eggman kinda busted it up with his bullets…”
“Wait, what? When did Eggman shoot at you?” He put the blowtorch to the marshmallow, letting the flame consume it until it lit up the entire room, burning so bright the fire’s image was seared into his eyelids.
He knew he didn’t have enough power to save him and fly the both of them back to the ARK. Had he succeeded in grabbing hold of Shadow, they both would’ve died that day. He reached out anyway.
“Maria, this is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you…”
As his hand was waved away, his fingers accidentally curled around the golden bracelet. It snapped off.
The last glimmer of white faded from his fur, and he fell.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and clutched the bracelet close to his chest.
Sonic blew out the flame once it had charred the outside of the marshmallow.
“Yeah, after he tried to blow you up.”
“And did you show him what for…?”
“Hehe, maybeee…”
“Hell yeah!” He set down the blowtorch and ruffled the kit’s bangs as he constructed his s’more. “That’s how I know I raised you right!”
“Pffft— Sonic, stoppp!”
“Okay, okay,” he let up and took out his own crackers and chocolate, smushing the ingredients together and taking a big bite. Gaia, he hadn’t realized how hungry he was… “But,” he said through a mouthful of sugar gunk, “I’m still proud of you, little bro.”
“R– Right! Thank you!”
Sonic practically scarfed down his s’more and went in for another one. “But the Cyclone’s gonna be okay, right?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah! She’ll be okay, but I might take it easy on her for a little while… Those chaos drives got me thinking maybe I put a little too much focus on offense? I mean, it’s mostly for fighting, but if I took out the extra propulsions for rockets and slimmed down the auto-aimer, I could make some more room to add a holo-shield, plus I’d have even more room if I used just one chaos drive to power my ammo rather than what I have in there now!”
Tails rambled on, his explanations becoming more and more weird and sciency with terms spliced in that Sonic had no hope of understanding. A fond smile made its way on his face as he burnt his second marshmallow, looking at the kit.
“—But I think I can make it work! If I rework the leg hydraulics to be lighter, then the rocket boost can—”
“You know I love you, right, little bro?”
Tails stopped, half his s’more in his hand. “...Huh?”
“I said—”
“I heard you. Of course I know, hehe… I love you too, big bro!” Tails bonked his head against Sonic’s arm.
“Heh, just checking.” It was no use to dwell too much. His entire body ached with grief, but if he let it drown everything around him out, he’d never hear the wind when it called to him with the promise of adventure.
It hurt so much, but he had to keep going. For his own sake, of course, but…
But also because Shadow, in his brief time on Earth, didn’t get that kind of freedom. So he’d live for him, if that’s what it took to get him out of this weird funk.
“Hey, how about we hit up the Station Square Diner in the morning? My treat!”
Tails’ eyes lit up. Maybe not at the prospect of the food, but more likely at the suggestion to hang out. “Yeah, that sounds awesome!” Tails finished his first s’more, while Sonic finished eating his second.
“Then it’s settled! C’mon, let’s head to bed now so we can beat the morning rush tomorrow,” Sonic said, standing up and stretching with his comforter’s edge balled up in his fists.
“Aw, but I wanted to work on the Cyclone—”
“Nope! Sorry, but you’re under contractual obligation now, Mister Prower!”
“That’s not how contracts work— eek!”
Sonic grabbed him and bundled the two of them in the comforter, carrying the kit awkwardly on his hip as he struggled. “That’s why you gotta read the fine print, heh.”
“Stoooop! Let me gooo!”
“Nope! It’s sleepy time for geniuses and speedsters!” Sonic dragged both his aching body and the kit’s struggling one up the stairs to the house part of the lab and flopped down on the couch.
“Are we sleeping on the couch tonight?”
“If you don’t mind, then yeah.”
“Hehe, I don’t mind. It reminds me of when we’d sleep outside.”
Tails shifted so he wasn’t awkwardly pressed against the back of the couch. “Yeah, that’s why I was making s’mores, too. ‘Cuz, u– um. I kinda missed you just a little bit today…”
A small laugh managed to slip out of him. “Aw, bud… maybe I should give phones another try so we can talk while I’m on the go.”
Tails yawned. “That’d be nice…”
Sonic adjusted to make sure his neck wouldn’t hurt like hell in the morning. “G’night, little bro.”
“Good night, big bro.”
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gnome-of-writing · 2 months
Here are some OFF headcanons centered on elsens that nobody really requested but my friend and I wanted me to write teehee ^_^
Elsens in Zone 2 are really nosy and gossip-prone. However, it isn't malicious-- it's more oriented towards keeping the community safe and alert. In fact, almost all of Bismark is aware of who has damaged what books, besides the Librarian of course-- the culprits are already at risk of getting themself papercuts, it would be so cruel to also get them in trouble too.
Elsens in Zone 3 have a very competitive and toxic work environment. When one elsen succeeds, another elsen is punished. Rations certainly aren't coming out of Enoch-- no, Enoch has it arranged that for every percent increase in rations that one elsen earns, there's a percent decrease for a less productive elsen.
Elsens in Zone 1 have a very cooperative and supportive work environment. The success of one elsen in a district is treated as an inspiration and something to model for the rest of them-- especially if that success gets noticed by Dedan. Dedan might be a loud asshole, but he knows how to make a productive work culture at least-- if only there were clones of Dedan like there are of elsens, he'd be a lot less stressed and pissed off. And unlike in Zone 3, Zone 1's elsens have some days off.
Elsens under the effects of sugar are referred to as "glazed," as opposed to "high" or "stoned." Additionally, that one elsen in Area 1 of Vesper whom we see looking out over the plastic sea was definitely glazed.
I see a lot of people think that wearing the necktie made The Batter be visually perceived as another elsen, but I disagree. The Batter didn't trick the elsens of East Bismark into thinking he's an elsen by wearing a necktie per se; what wearing the necktie really did was give them a sense of security in thinking that somebody there knew the Batter personally and let him borrow their necktie as a way of vouching for him to travel through. That vouching went right out the proverbial window the moment that the Batter began making the elsens there feel ill at ease though.
As a follow-up to the previous headcanon, I also like to think that-- although the valzong-burnt sprite and the overworld elsen sprite stay generic-- there wasn't actually a real prize to winning the Balloon Game in Zone 2's Theme Park, but the elsen in charge of the game knew that prizes were typically rewarded upon completion of those sorts of games, so he'd take off his necktie everytime he had to work the booth just to fix it onto the balloon in the middle. He never imagined that somebody would actually win that prize though, which is another part of why he was so freaked out (and the sound of the balloons popping certainly didn't help his nerves either, even he did know the source.)
Liquid plastic is occasionally referred to as water by the elsens-- primarily the ones of Zone 2 who've read about water in certain books, and then related the concept of water to the liquid plastic that they've got instead. Liquid plastic is not something you want to get on your skin though, and even less, ingest. But you'd find it in the same places you'd find water, so it works out. Reading about touching or ingesting water in books freaks elsens the fuck out though-- combined with the fear of ripping pages, the library might as well be considered full of horror novels.
Elsen clothing is all made of polyester. Thankfully, elsens don't really emit body odor (even when they sweat), though they can accumulate a general funk from where they've been, which they do wash off with a nice metal dust bath. The exception to this is that elsens under immense stress and on the verge of going burnt do have a very slight smell of caramel about them. Burnts themselves have a very strong smell of charred caramel. On that note, the air in Zone 3 can be like a horrible punch to the nostrils to anybody not from there-- especially the farther North in Vesper you get. Sugar consumption can make the sugar smog more tolerable though.
Most elsens do their laundry communally, but some (mostly in Zone 2) prefer to do their laundry themselves and at their own pace. Honestly, everything happens at its own pace in Zone 2, besides trade with the other zones.
Most residents of the Zones, including elsens, make up for a general lack of water by getting all their hydration needs met through consuming meat... Somebody ask me my thoughts on Zone 1 cows please.
Zone 1 elsens tend to stay in their assigned districts for long periods of time, with various promotions scattered throughout. However, if an elsen is starting to become disillusioned or even burnt out with their current stations, there is a process for them to start anew in a different district (though it is lengthy)... Unless they're in Alma, but who would want to leave such a good job?.. Under normal circumstances, your average Shachihata worker can take years to become truly worn thin by their job, but in Alma, it usually only takes a month for the disillusionment and anguish to set in. This is why everybody but those who actually work in Alma sing Alma's praises so high: dead men tell no tales. And a month is not long enough for an elsen to completely deconstruct their preconceived views on Alma (and warn others of the pipedream)-- they'd much sooner just straight-up burn from the sudden influx in disappointment and doubt.
Also, this is not my own headcanon, not at all, but I am 110% a believer in that all the elsens originate from the giant elsen in the Room, forming on that guy like fungus on a log and then falling off... Onto something a bit more original to that though: the other elsens we see in the Room are in direct contact with the big elsen and-- along with having very streamlined, simple routines-- that's why they're so steady and confident. Meanwhile, the vast majority of elsens elsewhere had been taken from their progenitor so quick they can't even remember him, and they remember the Room just barely. So they couldn't even develop that essential part of identity that comes with having a connection to any sort of nurturing figure, though many in Zone 1 have imprinted on Dedan. A few in Zone 3 exalt the Director like that too, though much less directly, and it's almost always from those who have never met the Director. But then you've got the elsens in Zone 2 who've got no guardian that they know of-- no protection nor leadership... Japhet, unlike Dedan and unlike Enoch (who views the elsens more like peons), returned the feeling of kinship though-- which is not so much headcanon as it is canon actually haha.
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avoxrising · 1 year
Isla - Part 5
(Part 4) (Masterlist)
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These days were the best days of both of your lives. When Finnick had recovered from his wounds, you moved back to your house in District 4, alongside Annie and her girlfriend she met in District 13. Eve, Herd, and Kara went back to District 12 but they promised to write often. Johanna is back in District 7 but she already has plans to visit next summer.
Finnick sits with your now two year old on the beach as you hide away in your room again. Most days you were able to deal with the trauma of your past but today was not one of those days. All you wanted to do was curl up under the covers and sleep.
“Daddy?” Isla asks. “Why doesn’t mommy like me?” Finnick’s heart breaks as his daughter asks him this question.
“She may not show it like how I show it,” he explains, “but she loves you so much. She went through some bad things after you were born and she’s still healing from them.”
“What kind of bad things?” Isla asks.
Not wanting to give the innocent two year old all the details, he briefly explains, “She was taken from us during the war but she made sure that Auntie Annie brought you to safety so you weren’t taken too. It was just you and me in District 13 until they were able to rescue mommy.”
The toddler seems to ponder this as they watch the sunset.
“So mommy does love me?” she asks.
“More than you will ever know,” Finnick replies.
A year later, Finnick and you welcome Rye into the world. Isla has become the best big sister and is super protective of her younger brother.
Something about having a second child seems to have broken you out of the funk you had been in for the past three years and you finally become the mom you always wanted to be.
Finnick can never stop telling you how much he loves you. Annie officiated your small wedding on the beach so you could finally make your marriage official.
The Odair family felt complete; you, Finnick, Rye, and Isla.
AN: Ahhh that’s the end of Isla! Going to be working on finishing my next mini series (Cardigan/August/Betty) and editing Capital Nights so I can start publishing it on Wattpad. I’m also in the mood to write one shots so feel free to request things!
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sunnixsunshine · 8 months
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An attempt at designing a more developed/future look of Trollstopia in which I used Pixar’s Elemental beautiful world building/design as inspo + idk pop troll ancestors? With which I based on opossums which I will be doing going forward because I think its cute lol
Trollstopia would evolve into a bustling diverse city with very unique architecture; downtown Techno reef would be pretty much the only district thats made up of mostly techno residents, of course, but it is a popular tourist destination where non water breathing guests are provided with wet suits and oxygen helmets and expert guides/teachers. The funk trolls are probably the ones who to thank for the structurally sound marvel that is this city as without their advanced technology it would’ve been a slower development and construction. If i ever figure out perspective and better architectural design I totalllllly wanna draw a better snippet of what the different parts of the city would look like.
I think the pop’s ancestors hung from their tails much like opossums are actually wrongfully known for(apparently its a myth lol) and used their hair to encase themselves and their young inside as protection— which would evolve into the pods they sleep in today. Modern pop trolls probably cant hand fromntheir tails anymore, much less hand upside down for an extended amount of time. What remains though id their ability to cover themselves with their hair, their main camouflage against predators. Their hair used to be much thicker and as they grew older, their hair would grow down and go along their backs, specifically tailored to carry their offspring as it was common to have at least two eggs in a year so they often had a lot of offspring. Birth rate began to decline after the tribes separated actually, and, much later on, declined further when in captivity of the Bergens. Birth rate is still technically in decline, pop trolls really only having a total of 3 eggs average in their life time, 4-6 eggs being fairly rare but not totally unheard of, its just a matter of if those other eggs are viable as they are at high risk of, well, not being viable.
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partywithoutsmiling · 2 months
read cut rattler, AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! the dark undertones, the political drama, family secrets and drama ahhhhhhhh my question is ,is there somthing more to Barb intolerance towards others genre? and can you tell us more about Chet please?
I am happy you enjoyed it!
Yes, not everything is all cupcake and rainbows in the Rock Troll territory XD
I mentioned this over few posts before, but Barb was not the favoured pick for the throne XD Not because the 'conservative' rock trolls think her unworthy-
(she is of royal blood, and she sports bright red hair which is seen as direct connection to the Rock Ancestor Leader- and her uncle Thorn, the 'True' Heir, was a redhead too)
-but because she was clearly not ready. Terribly hot headed and skirting her lessons even while growing up, Thrash tried his best to put away the Ceremony of passing down his 'crown'- until it got to a point where he was unable to. And while Barb's peers- ie trolls her age- grew up with her and learned to know her as the ultimate party girl and hard core rocker, older trolls that were closer to Thrash and his 'court' knew that is not enough to lead
And honestly, her bigotry towards other genres is big part of it. As it happens to be in every culture, young minds are easily influenced; and while most young rock trolls explore their Kingdom to the fullest- and thus encounter plenty of trolls whose herritage is clearly mixed, and continue to mix even now, Barb has been kept on a rather short leash- partly because Thrash desperatelly tried to knock some leadership skills into her, and partly because she just... had no need to venture out beyond the outermost districts of Volcano City
She was the Heir, and everything she wanted she got for free in Volcano City. And that's also where the biggest bashes happened, where the top of the top rock trolls performed, and just in general, it was the heart of everything
But that also made her isolated. And with no direct contact with other genres, and refusal to trully learn what it means to be a Queen (like realizing economic growth/wealth is depending both on export and import of trade goods), her view of them grew to be rather... unfavourable.
Because if there was one part of history that she paid attention to, it was the mess with the String, and how Pop tried to enslave them all. Combine that with being taught all her life that Rock is awesome and no other genre can hope to reach their level of 'hardcore', and you are left with a person who thinks of other genres as lesser, and thinks of Pop as the enemy- the monster under the bed
However, this opinion is not something she openly projects, and quite a large majority of her people probably doesn't even know about it. Haven't knew about it, but with the concert fiasco and Barb's temper running high, she will start to slip, and her bigotry will soon become apartent- especially to people like Chet, who she cannot afford to make enemy of
Chet, as mentioned on the fic, was Thrash's old advisor. As hinted, he is a rather tall fellow- tall in the way on a funk troll can be, though he lacks the shaggy pelt they are known for, as any funk ancestor of his has been waay down his family tree, think like his great-great-grandparent. A little bit of lore dump for the AU; a habit/tradition of the Royal Heir, in addition to their expected 'world tour' when they are old enough, they also form a band. The Heir usually the frontman, with other trolls taking the role of bass, drums etc
Their bandmates are usually those who take up various positions when the Heir takes up the mantle of King/Queen- and Chet was one such troll, the youngest from the Thrash's old band actually, and when Thrash stepped into the role of a King, Chet became his advisor and Royal Record Keeper (that position included both noting down events and transcribing them, but also when it comes to music creation; Rock Trolls all over the Kingdom came to him to register their songs and his job was to a) check for plagiarizing and b) record the song for future use )
Being the record keeper, he was used to pretty much dogging after Thrash's steps and give second opinion on everything while noting down the King's orders; he was also present whenever Thrash was forced to discipline Barb as she was growing up, and thus Barb doesn't remember Chet in the most positive light, as he had witnessed her at her most humiliating moments in her opinion.
Chet was too young to be around when Thorn was still considered to be the Heir, so his knowledge about him is whatever Thrash would tell him- and honestly Thrash was not very forcoming with any information on his brother XD Main reason, that he knew Thorn got 'married', and even more, has at least two children
Ironically, Barb is more like her uncle than she would ever suspect, as similar to Thorn, she is fueled by selfish desires, acting recklessly based on her own opinion, than what is supposed to be for the betterment of her people. Thorn acted selfishly in regards to his partner and their sons, willing to give up his spot on the throne- noble goal, but from the point of view of the whole Kingdom, bit shitty to do, especially as he balanced on the fence of both options for over a decade
Barb thinks she is acting in the Kingdom's best interets, but ultimatelly, her whole World Tour invasion was a power fantasy/obsession she had been nursing waaaay before Thrash even started to show signs of illness
When she took up the crown, she was sans any band that she could appoint as her advisors, so Chet took up the role for her- it was meant to be temporary, and Barb used that fact by yanking Riff into her inner circle and shoving him into that position- a half-assed attempt, as he is only there to be 'pretty' and be her yes-man, the guy lacking any backbone to trully advise her, something Chet is aware of
But now that Riff is out of commission for the time being, Chet is stepping into the role of the advisor again, as is the law- much to Barb's displeasure
The one mistake that Barb is making is her being convinced that only her large messes are judged- not realizing that the 'old guard' like Chet are watching her every move like hawks. She feels secure in her right to the throne and would be partialy right, as in absence of another Troll from the royal blood, they would be reluctant to try and install someone else on the throne
However Chet now knows that Barb is not the only one of royal blood, as was proven by Branch's existence. And honestly, with his curiosity now peaked, he will try to investigate Thorn's disappearence and any possible heir he might have left behind
(since, you know, it would be good to have some spares)
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mad-hatter-teacups · 4 months
Fear and Gold
(I've been in a bit of a funk and not been able to share some of my LoK OC stuff on here since I was shadowbanned, which if I think about it correctly...I think I was shadowbanned for several YEARS before someone actually brought it to my attention. Anyways, I had an idea for Kain in the future, after Defiance, with how he would have to begin the process of gathering the other guardians of the circle again.
It was going to go either one of three ways; violence, death, or fear. It usually was one way which was a combination of all three. At least, that was how Kain had been told. A fourth “secret option” was not how he had expected to be greeted when the Balance Guardian arrived to find Jude draped lazily in a chair, feet up on an ottoman while they looked like they were crunching numbers based on an inventory book on their lap.
“Back so soon, Jude?” Kain eyed the Energy Guardian with mild suspicion. Something had either happened with their assignment or Jude was toying with him. In all fairness, Kain was unlearning some aspects of his distrust in others.
The reply Jude gave was casual, laid back, and hardly concerned that the “Maestro” was addressing them on what may have been a serious matter. “Yup.”
No, no. This wasn’t what Kain was expecting. “You’ll do well to remember that I expect more than one word answers when I question you.”
“Well, I just got back about 2 hours ago, been balancin’ the old man’s checkbook so Cathedral can pick it up later. Somethin’ the matter?” Jude’s posture shifted a bit and although they weren’t quite as tall as the “Maestro”, they stood to meet Kain at eye level.The Balance Guardian noted Jude hadn’t changed their clothes since they had last departed…and not a smattering of blood was on them.
“Okay, so I’m back a little earlier than expected on the schedule. Business went a lot smoother than anticipate but then again you and I both know goin’ to Nachtholm ain’t exactly a leisurely stroll.” Jude gestured lazily to the fireplace within the lounge of the newly erected Sanctuary. “But things were different this time, little unexpectedly different but my hunch was right.”
“Hunch?” Kain arched a brow at Jude with slight disdain. “You made a business decision on a whim? You’re reckless. Not careless. What could have possibly been your thought processes of acting on such a whim being a good idea??” The elder vampire avoided scowling, but it was clear he was tense before the younger guardian.
Jude shook their head and held up a taloned hand to put Kain at ease, or attempt to at least. “Money talks, Kain.” It was a simpler answer than the “Maestro” would expect. At their answer, Jude began to step around Kain, but it was to reach for their tinted glasses they had left on the end table before they took out a small cloth to clean the lenses. “My crew and I went there on business to bust out some fledglings that were gonna be auctioned off to the reigning vampire hunters for slaughter. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that if the people in power ain’t takin’ care of the economy but doin’ rather well for themselves, patience thins to the poor and marginalized.”
Reflexively, as if to show a reminder of Kain’s rank above Jude, he caught the Energy guardian’s wrist as they finished cleaning their glasses. “...If you have a point,” Jude could feel the pressure on their flesh as Kain made a warning as if to dig into it, he hadn’t grabbed their prosthetic arm, meaning he wasn’t in a  gaming mood. “I would advise you to make it.”
Offering Kain a leveled, but careful, look Jude tilted their head. “Me and the crew got to the city just in time for the auction, but we didn’t come unprepared. We brought some significant financial aid for that district where the auction was happening. I decided to make a bid, and drew attention to myself, naturally. You get the idea; gasps, shrieks, faintin’ women.” They waved their free hand idly and mocked a swoon. “The auctioneers were terrified of course, but I just strolled my way forward. The crowd parted, tension hung in the air, and I had a couple of words with the guy in charge. He told me that at the end of the day people would never see the worth of vampires…and I told him that we’d have to see about that and if self preservation spoke more than money did.”
Kain narrowed his gaze at Jude but said nothing, pressing firmer in his grip on Jude’s arm as if to urge them to continue. “Your point, Jude. Get to it.”
“Cathedral and Elbrecht came with me, along with a few of my guys hangin’ in the shadows. All I had to do was snap my fingers and we tipped over some heavy wagons full of gold we brought.” Jude could feel Kain’s grip slacken a bit at this. “Whattaya think happened next, Maestro?”
“...Absolute chaos.” Kain seemed to grimace with slight displeasure. “...You’re a cleaner deal broker than that. Why go through the trouble of a mess?”
“You’d think.” Jude retorted but their tone remained collected and without a callousness to it. “I mean, you’d think that about there bein’ chaos. There was, don’t get me wrong, but more in the sense of watching the masses frantically begin towards the money. Zero casualties though. Couldn’t have people stampedin’ over each other. So my guys kept ‘em in line to prevent panic.
“C’mon, Maesto. I got eyes and ears in solid numbers across the realm in different cities. Black market shit travels faster than Nora (Lenore) sending us all telepathic messages to gather together for you. I was a deal broker, but in this case I was more your, uh, typical charitable donation. No strings attached, but more to send a message.” Kain released Jude’s arm then, watching as the Energy guardian used their prosthetic hand to massage where he’d gripped hard on Jude’s wrist.
“And?” Kain inquired steelily.
Jude smirked. “The people spoke, Maestro. Money won over killin’ the vampires.” Pausing though, the Energy Guardian saw Kain scowl then. “...might have a lot less prejudice from humans if somebody did their job around here instead of pining after one they can’t have.” Mikhail, their Guardian of the States, had become a thorn in Kain’s side.
Jude didn’t need to remind Kain of that and maybe that was their mistake of saying so, because the next thing they knew they were being hurled across the room from the force of Kain’s telekinesis. Jude crashed through a bookcase as pages and tomes flew everywhere. As the dust settled, Kain heard a sneez before Jude was lifting the large shelf off themselves while gazing at the Balance Guardian halfway across the room from them.
Any of the other guardians might have left then and there or apologized, but Jude simply stood up and dusted themselves off as if nothing happened. “...Okay. Fair point. Overstepped there…I didn’t have to say it, but ignorin’ it doesn’t make the problem of our butcher happy States Guardian go away, Maestro.”
“You dare imagine what I think?!” Kain snarled half expecting Jude to take a step back, but the energy guardian stood their ground and gazed back at Kain while they put their glasses back on.
Pushing the tinted lenses up on the bridge of their nose, they ruffled a hand through their faux hawk black hair. “Nah, I don’t wanna be in your head, Maestro. You got enough demons to deal with...ain’t my place to go pickin’ anyone’s brain. Although Mikhail’s should probably be studied.” They dusted the red leather trench coat off and tipped their head back to offer Kain a winning smile. “Lemme know when that happens so I can deliver the goods to Kinyeta. She’s been dyin’ to literally poke at Mikhail’s brain…but then again she’s also got more of a stomach for it than I do. I’d rather give it to the buzzards to be honest.” 
“Kinyeta is the nature guardian. Studying the brain of a decedent isn’t unlike her. She’s always studying some creature’s anatomy and that includes her own.” Kain had a point there. Then again Kain hadn’t managed to stalk, harass, and blackmail his way into a, primarily, male dominated university. Kain had always said Kinyeta was insane, but Jude didn’t think so.
“Well, she’s the only one of us to actually manage their evolution into a literal bat; complete with ears, fur, wings, and all. Mikhail ain’t even “worthy” of the gift he wants from ya and I think we both know that he didn’t come into this world wantin’ peace. He came into it wantin’ problems.”
Kain wrinkled his nose in disgust at the reminder, but he remained steadfast in his decision. “Be that as it may, upsetting the delicate balance of the circle is not a risk I am willing to take at leisure as you are so inclined, Jude.” Kain sneered approaching so he and Jude were in close proximity and they could see the eyes glowing on the Reaver mounted at his back. “...I cannot kill Mikhail, yet. He is not an immediate threat.”
Jude’s brow furrowed and they frowned. “Immediate bein’ the key word. Just don’t second guess yourself, Maestro. I mean that respectfully. You might know what you’re doin’, but Mikhail’s unstable and I’m not sure that you like to gamble in the same way I do…”
“...Are you implying I’ve gambled with fate?” Kain arched a brow curiously.
“I dunno, that coin been dropped to start turnin’ again?” Jude’s question held a weight to it that Kain was not yet ready to answer. 
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gillianthecat · 11 months
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Global Protests for Palestine This Weekend
Saturday: International Day of Action
List from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (check link for regular updates)
This list is long, but doesn't include all the protests happening world-wide this weekend! If you don't see your city, check your local organizations for more information.
Thursday, November 2
BERLIN, GERMANY – Thurs Nov 2, 5 pm, Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Thurs Nov 2 (every day), 7 pm, Bourse. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBPp3qtaz3/
CANBERRA/NGUNNAWAL, AUSTRALIA – Thurs Nov 2, 12 pm, 14 Childers St, Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
COIMBRA, PORTUGAL – Thurs Nov 2, 6 pm, Praca da Republica info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEG26ws-Og/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
CONCORD, NH (US) – Thurs Nov 2, 4 pm, NH State House. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy6POGFgMMg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – Thurs Nov 2, 5 pm, Valby Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/737021214897043/
HALIFAX, NS (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 2, 12 pm, Public Gardens. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzESjwWL8kV/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
MADRID, SPAIN – Thurs Nov 2, 12 pm, Monumento a las Brigadas Internacionales, Ciudad Universitaria. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy_GwboKWT5/
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – Thurs Nov 2, 4:30 pm, Wilbraham Road, Chorlton. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCl32FK6pI/
MELBOURNE/NAARM, AUSTRALIA – Thurs Nov 2, 12 pm, Palladium at Crown. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 2, 3 pm, CUNY Chancellor’s Office, 205 E 42nd St. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzExsz1Ob0t/
PARIS, FRANCE – Thurs Nov 2, 6:30 pm, Place de la Republique. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDlYHFAX-j/
PORTLAND, OR (US) – Thurs Nov 2, 4 pm, 911 NE 11th Ave. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzA8x2wumQv/
PORTO, PORTUGAL – Thurs Nov 2 (every day), 10 pm, Camara Municipal do Porto. info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEG26ws-Og/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
PRINCETON, NJ (US) – Thurs Nov 2, 7 pm, Nassau Hall, Princeton University. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEUlSZrhrg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TOLEDO, OH (US) – Thurs Nov 2, 5 pm, Secor and Central. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzAqhypg5ox/
TORONTO, ON (US) – Thurs Nov 2, 6:30 pm, Christie Pits Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy_WYIyLaJw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TOULOUSE, FRANCE – Thurs Nov 2, 6:30 pm, Metro Jean-Jaures. Info: https://twitter.com/Collectif_PV/status/1719359808124428744
UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 2, 2:30 pm, Walkout to UCU Basement. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCpxJZxczj/?img_index=2
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY (US) – Thurs Nov 2, 3 pm, Gullen Mall. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEh64NOo6M/
Friday, November 3
ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA – Fri Nov 3, 6 pm, Beehive Corner, Rundle Mall (King William St end), march to Penny Wong’s office
BERLIN, GERMANY – Fri Nov 3, 11:30 am, FU Berlin/Mensa 2
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Fri Nov 3 (every day), 7 pm, Bourse. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBPp3qtaz3/
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – Fri Nov 3, 5 pm, Planetarium. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/737021214897043/
ESSEN, GERMANY – Fri Nov 3, 6 pm, Jakob-Funke-Platz
FRANKFURT, GERMANY – Fri Nov 3, 4 pm, Rathenauplatz. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzESRxHNFdx/
HAMILTON, ON (US) – Fri Nov 3, 6 pm, Hamilton City Hall. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzB2dQTrRhZ/?img_index=5
MENLO PARK, CA (US) – Fri Nov 3, 5 pm, Meta HQ, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy_fN-7pDhc/
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Fri Nov 3, 4:30 pm, Brooklyn District 10 Office, 340A 9th St. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCTV7JPu0K/
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Fri Nov 3, 6 pm, City Hall Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy_KBMLukgb/
PORTO, PORTUGAL – Fri Nov 3 (every day), 10 pm, Camara Municipal do Porto. info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEG26ws-Og/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
PURDUE UNIVERSITY (US) – Fri Nov 3, 5:30 pm, Purdue Engineering Fountain. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEfbWypjn8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA (US) – Fri Nov 3, 4 pm, Victoria Gateway Venter, 12190 Foothill Blvd. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy89DrYvtj7/
QUEENS, NY (US) – Fri Nov 3, 6:30 pm, 29-06 36th Ave, Astoria, Queens. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy8YIKbteZb/
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Fri Nov 3, 12 pm, Baby/Mother Statue on Potrero (SFGH Healthcare workers Walk Out)
ST PAUL, MN (US) – Fri Nov 3, 4 pm, Snelling and Summit Ave. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy4oFPTMVzq/
SURREY, BC (CANADA) – Fri Nov 3, 5:30 pm, Surrey City Hall/Surrey Central Skytrain
TOKYO, JAPAN – Fri Nov 3, 5 pm, Shinjuku East Exit. Info: https://twitter.com/AJWRC/status/1718041135309041901
TOLEDO, OH (US) – Fri Nov 3, 1:30 pm, Promenade Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzAqhypg5ox/
Saturday, November 4
ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, St Nicholas Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEmEtSqftr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
BERLIN, GERMANY – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Neptunbrunnen to Alexanderplatz. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy5tpQAsx0J/
BERN, SWITZERLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Bundesplatz. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDk-zSoVBc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
BOISE, ID (US) – Sat Nov 4, 4 pm, Idaho State Capitol. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCKq7ORDSJ/
BRASILIA, BRAZIL – Sat Nov 4, 10 am, Ponta Norte, DF. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy9eIEtLbXs/?img_index=3
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Sat Nov 4 (every day), 7 pm, Bourse. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBPp3qtaz3/
BUCHAREST, ROMANIA – Sat Nov 4, 12:30 pm, University Fountain, march toward Izvor Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEvHrVo__k/
BURLINGTON, VT (US) – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Battery Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy5_1OCuoWw/
CANBERRA/NGUNNAWAL, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Carema Place, Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
CHARLEROI, BELGIUM – Sat Nov 4, 3 pm, Place de la Digue. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDxDgMIADH/
CINCINNATI, OH (US) – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Ziegler Park.
DUNDEE, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, City Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEmEtSqftr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
DUNFERMLINE, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Mercat Cross. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEmEtSqftr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Foot of the Mound. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEmEtSqftr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
EDMONTON, AB (CANADA) – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Churchill Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzFusNAr7U2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
EVANSTON, IL (US) – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Fountain Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzFRXu-rU7V/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
FLOYD, VA (US) – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Courthouse Parking Lot. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/floyd-rally-for-palestine/1261970104487492/
FORRES, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, High Street. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEmEtSqftr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, BBC Pacific Quay. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEmEtSqftr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
GRAZ, AUSTRIA – Sat Nov 4, 6 pm, Hauptbahnhof. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzGINBlsBqJ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
GQEBERHA, SOUTH AFRICA – Sat Nov 4, 1:45, West End Community Centre (Motorcade Meetup). Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBzhkXNkaP/
HALIFAX, NS (CANADA) – Sat Nov 4, 7 pm, Park Victoria to Waterfront. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzE5xMzp3mJ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
HANNOVER, GERMANY – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, TBA
HASTINGS, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 4, 12 Noon, Warrior Square, 1 pm, Hastings Town Center. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzAu5wGs8T8/
HEIDELBERG, GERMANY – Sat Nov 4, 3 pm, Uniplatz
HOBART/NIPALUNA, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Hobart Town Hall. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA – Sat Nov 4, 4 pm, Landestheatervorplatz. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEaL8aM0Fn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
INVERNESS, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Town House. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDx7fisOWS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
JUNEAU, AK (US) – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Marine Park. Info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1358965158037153/
KIRKWALL, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 12 noon, St Magnus Cathedral. Info: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=336172622329915&set=pb.100078115404933.-2207520000
LEICESTER, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, LE19 1JZ (near Meridian Leisure Park). Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBIlFmou7a/
LIMA, PERU – Sat Nov 4, 4 pm, Av. Arequipa Cuadra 04. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCKq7ORDSJ/
LONDON, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Israeli Embassy. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEMpvgovNz/
LONDON, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2:30 pm, Trafalgar Square.Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDypmXtomI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
LYON, FRANCE – Sat Nov 4, 3 pm, Bellecour Lyon. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy_LqBuoPIK/
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, St Peter’s Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEUTGoIoUO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
MILANO, ITALY – Sat Nov 4, 3 pm, Porta Venezia. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzGRZUNM7t2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
MULUBINBA/NEWCASTLE, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Newcastle Museum. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
MUENSTER, GERMANY – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Hauptbahnhof. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzGY6ZSs8cL/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
NANAIMO, BC (CANADA) – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Maffeo Sutton Park Nanaimo Harbour. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/860985258838152
NASHVILLE, TN (US) – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Centennial Park Enntrance. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzC6Sn5uv7U/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
OLYMPIA, WA (US) – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Washington State Capitol. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzAGkRNPB-A/
ORONO, ME (US) – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Fogler Library Steps, UMaine. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/314611807946973
PARIS, FRANCE – Sat Nov 4, 3 pm, Place de la Republique/Bastille/Nation. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDlYHFAX-j/
PORTO, PORTUGAL – Sat Nov 4 (every day), 10 pm, Camara Municipal do Porto. info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEG26ws-Og/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
PRINCETON, NJ (US) – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, 1 Monument Drive, Princeton.
PROVO, UT (US) – Sat Nov 4, 3 pm, Provo City Library. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy_qP81v4Y4
ROME, ITALY – Sat Nov 4, Rome. Info TBA: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyndKUitnMU/
SACRAMENTO, CA (US) – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Arden Fair Mall. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy9HSJmPACz/
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (US) – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Civic Center. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy4YLCkPPZD/
SANTIAGO, CHILE – Sat Nov 4, 11 am, desde el GAM. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy59hQiu411/
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, 32 Mugyo-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy5cGxOpSCA/
STIRLING, SCOTLAND – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Steps front of Thistles. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEmEtSqftr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
ST. JOHN’S, NEWFOUNDLAND (CANADA) -Sat Nov 4 1:30 pm, Harbourside Park.
SYDNEY/GADIGAL, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 4, 1 pm, Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TOKYO, JAPAN – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Israeli Embassy. Info: https://twitter.com/AkimotoThn/status/1717118564770230724?t=mAIW3QZ3ZBGbkYqdLrRrJQ&s=19
TORONTO, ON (CANADA) – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, US Consulate, 360 University Ave. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDAV0gN28y/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TULSA, OK (US) – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Tulsa City Hall, 175 E 2nd St. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEyNczpftz/?img_index=2
VANCOUVER, BC (CANADA) – Sat Nov 4, 11 am, Vancouver Art Gallery
VIENNA, AUSTRIA – Sat Nov 4, 1:30 p, Vogelweidpark. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzGJDNOMAfY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
WADAWURRUNG/GEELONG, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, Little Malop Street. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
WASHINGTON, DC (USA) – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Freedom Plaza. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyiecRtr9-B/
NATIONAL MARCH AND RALLY!! Transportation information here: https://www.answercoalition.org/nov4_bus
LOGISTICS AND DETAILS: https://www.answercoalition.org/logistics
WIESBADEN, GERMANY – Sat Nov 4, 4 pm, Dern’sches Gelande
WINDSOR, ON (CANADA) – Sat Nov 4, 2 pm, Sunset and University. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEOgY6Ov5k/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA (CANADA)- Sat Nov 4 1 pm, US Consulate, 201 Portage Ave. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEyL-AA-z-/
WOLVERHAMPTON, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 4, 3 pm, Queen Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDp5jlI2bh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
ZARAGOZA, SPAIN – Sat Nov 4, 6 pm, Glorieta Sasera to Plaza del Pilar. Info: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=716671587160234&set=pcb.716637363830323
Sunday, November 5
ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov 5, 2 pm, Parliament House. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
AVEIRO, PORTUGAL – Sun Nov 5, 3 pm, Praca da Republica. info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEG26ws-Og/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
BARRY TOWN, WALES – Sun Nov 5, 12 pm, King Square. Info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/303482486838722
BRIGHTON AND HOVE, ENGLAND – Sun Nov 5, 12 pm, Palmeira Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEWbTMI0Uf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov 5, 3 pm, Queens Garden. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDU239LaYt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Sun Nov 5 (every day), 7 pm, Bourse. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBPp3qtaz3/
CAERNARFON, WALES – Sun Nov 5, 6:30 pm, Maes. Info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/303482486838722
DALLAS, TX (US) – Sun Nov 5, 2 pm, Turtle Creek Park. Info: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Z6d3o7Ljs2t6azuuf8ufPaHGv3rys4Wo27ra1RKJk3pCpSGQeW4V2wunJwVUvUwPl&id=100064529273274&mibextid=adzO7l
DENVER, CO (US) – Sun Nov 5, 12 pm, Colorado State Capitol. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzB2D2eryq0/
HEILBRONN, GERMANY – Sun Nov 5, 10 am, Bollwerksturm
HILDESHEIM, GERMANY – Sun Nov 5, 4 pm, Angoulemeplatz
LANDSHUT, GERMANY – Sun Nov 5 ,3 pm, Martinskirche
MELBOURNE/NAARM, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov. 5, 12 pm, State Library Victoria. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
NIJMEGEN, NETHERLANDS – Sun Nov 5, 2 pm, Plein 1944. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzE-rXuIPo3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
PERTH, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov 5, 12:30 pm, Forrest Place, Perth. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzA7WVuPTdt/
PORTO, PORTUGAL – Sun Nov 5, 3:30 pm, Praceta da Palestina info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEG26ws-Og/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
PORTO, PORTUGAL – Sun Nov 5 (every day), 10 pm, Camara Municipal do Porto. info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzEG26ws-Og/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
ROCKVILLE, MD (US) – Sun Nov 5, 2 pm, 101 Monroe St. Info: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MKu65v9IRRo-4HgCNrAcJBN1xOBfwmMy/view
SALZBURG, AUSTRIA – Sun Nov 5, 2 pm, Neue Mitte Lehen (Schumacherstrasse 14). Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBBv4nM_s2/
STUTTGART, GERMANY – Sun Nov 5, 3 pm, Schlossplatz
SYDNEY/BIDJIGAL, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov 5, 4:30 pm, Paul Keating Park. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDG3wvvsx4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TOKYO, JAPAN – Sun Nov 5, 2 pm, Kichijoji Station North Exit. Info: https://twitter.com/EHvuacfnpYepLYV/status/1717204844036133217?t=5s6G7I5KRr6BUhuh4jelMQ&s=19
TOKYO, JAPAN – Sun Nov 5, 5:45 pm, Saiwai Gate, Hibiya Park. Info: https://twitter.com/nahokohishiyama/status/1718588467373084900?t=HQZ6yAcwEt4CsMACe2FNhw&s=19
VALLEKAS, SPAIN – Sun Nov 5, 12 pm, Metro Buenos Aires. Info: https://twitter.com/IUMadridRetiro/status/1718229817366044883/photo/4
WALTHAMSTOW, ENGLAND – Sun Nov 5, 12 pm, Walthamstow Market Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDxqCjINia/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
art by Poonam Whabi, from a publicly available collection of free art for Palestine
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montgomery-cannon · 9 months
Monty was in a funk, to be sure. Normally these balls were cause for raucous celebration, even if the Victor didn't hail from District Two. But this one felt dirty. This one felt wrong. And there was no winning among the crowd. Did you celebrate a Games well played? Well fought? Or did you resent a rebel and his luck?
So Monty chose to do the logical thing: hide. He swiped a fanciful, bright blue drink off of a waiter's tray and swished his way towards a back room. He huffed, however, as it was playing "highlights" of Slate's Games. He also immediately clocked that he wasn't alone. At least someone else had this same foresight to escape.
His countenance softened, however, in recognition of the young person in front of him. Nano. A Victor worth celebrating. "Nano," he said softly, gliding further into the room. "Trying to escape the literal hell that is a Victor's Ball - again?"
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It's been a crazy couple of months for 2024 Riot Fest. The dates were set (Sept. 20-22) and they were planning on being back at Douglass Park in Chicago. However, after a falling out with the Chicago Park District, Riot Fest made a surprise move to SeatGeek Stadium in suburban Bridgeview. While I wasn't thrilled about the move, I vowed to keep an open mind and also hoped that they did not burn their bridges with the park district and could perhaps return to the city next year. But there was a second surprise announced this week.
In a complete reversal, Riot Fest announced that it has scrapped the Bridgeview plan and is returning home to Douglass Park. I couldn't be more thrilled! Douglass Park is a beautiful setting and has been home to Riot Fest since 2015. There is no place like home!
I do understand that for attendees, who are not locals like myself, are finding the changes rather difficult for their travel plans. When business and politics mix, getting a deal done can be messy along the way. While I don't have any inside knowledge of what went on behind the scenes, I have to believe the Park District realized how much they need Riot Fest. Kudos to Riot Mike for sticking to his principals and making it all happen.
With all that behind us, we can now focus on the music. So I am kicking off the weekend with NOFX, who will pull off a Riot Fest first by playing shows all three nights. (The song Seeing Double at the Triple Rock is a reference to the late, great Triple Rock Social Club in Minneapolis. Former Triple Rock owner Erik Funk will also be at Riot Fest this year with his band The Dillinger Four.)
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youngtomhardy · 2 years
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Me on film by Cin Lona in Los Angeles, CA.
I haven’t had a place where I can endlessly type out thoughts for awhile… I wanna tell you what’s really been going on behind the scenes with my career. The highs, lows and everything in between. If you followed me here, you’re a true medranhoe. These might be long, but I hope you find these interesting. <3 Here’s my story so far…
After releasing Fluids & going viral on twitter a few times, I was found by a team parented by Epic Records in 2020. In hindsight, it’s better that I never officially signed. We had our first meeting on March 15, 2020, can you believe? The next day, the world shut down and I didn’t hear from them for months. They had just spent a shit ton of money on lunch with me where they told me they were gonna put me on tour as an opener, promised me Rock in Rio within the first 2 years of working, and a huge deal with the parent company. I was devastated when the lockdowns started, but I understood. We were all scared.
Eventually we got to talking again and tried to work during the pandemic. The music industry collapsed and TikTok became the way to break artists. So they encouraged me to get on there & start making content. Then they linked me up with a personal trainer. Took care of the costs, put it onto my development budget. In between, they’d whisk me away to estates in Palm Springs, 5 star hotels in Venice, insanely expensive dinners in LA’s art district. It was a dream come true, it was too good to be true. I predicted this would happen in my teen years. I feel like I’ve already seen my life happen, but that’s for another post.
From there, I wrote a radio top 40 single with AJ, got my first sync deals, got Fluids in front of Mike Dean and a couple other huge name producers (they all love the song by the way) and started working on my album with my co-producer Dan. He’s gone on to work with BTS and Noah Cyrus which is fucking amazing & honestly will be a great little quip for press when my album drops. A win is a win. The songs are great, we worked on 5 songs together for the record.
Slowly but surely, things looked less and less promising with the team. Texts and calls got less frequent, my personal training sessions were cancelled. I knew what was happening. Another part of my story I’d already foreseen. Even through all of this, they remained so kind & supportive, for which I’m grateful. Regardless, I could feel them pulling away and that hurt.
In spite of going viral on tiktok over and over again, my streams and listeners rapidly rising, the deal never happened. It hurt so fucking bad. I cried and screamed and raged and ranted to anyone who would listen. I’m still not fully over it, but I have a little more clarity & peace now. It wasn’t my fault & I know this is common in the industry, but I guess I was just really hoping to bypass that part of the story. I’ve always been an impatient fuck.
So I picked myself up like always do and said fine, I’ll drop this album myself. Started the rollout and the music got attention from bigger names. All. By. Myself. Personal Heaven dropped and it got to Slayyyter. She told me she loved the song, wanted a session with me, and we became friends. She’s the first pop star in the industry that went out of her way to be kind & work with me. I’ve always admired her so much, I really hope one of the songs we worked on (or will work on) comes out one day. I’m seriously so grateful for her friendship.
Then I started working with Funk LeBlanc and we made a song that was an instant success with fans. ‘Do Your Thing, Babe!’ went viral 5 times all in different scales. The lowest viewed tiktok had 60k, the highest almost half a million. Labels got into my email again, ranging from EMI (they ghosted me after 1 email — why i’ll never know — but that one hurt) to smaller indie efforts. A new team reached out to me, this time with ties to Columbia. A dream label of mine. I’m still working with the imprint label now, but things are a little more low key. No promises of deals, no expensive dinners, no parties, just little meetings here and there — a friendship almost. I don’t know if this is better or not, but it feels good and genuine. They love the music, the image, and I really am so thankful to my first team for helping me curate that side of myself.
So now, I spend my days going to sessions, doing quick jobs for extra cash, playing with my puppy, and working out. Kim Petras recently followed me and I don’t really know why but I love her & hope it’s for my music. I’m hoping to get into sessions with her one day too, maybe a collab? Hopefully. I just gotta really make my mark. I may not be where I want to, but my god am I further along than where I was. My project is finally out in January. My heart once broken is finally healing. For the first time in a long time, the future looks bright and I’m happy.
- Disco Dad.
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reasoningdaily · 3 months
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The Commodores
The Commodores Trademark Fight Decided in Florida Court
Three founding members of the famous funk band behind "Brick House" have been fighting over the right to use the group's name.
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The CommodoresGilles Petard/Redferns
The exclusive right to use The Commodores‘ name and trademarks belongs to a company run by founding members William King and Walter Orange, a Florida appellate court has ruled.
Commodores Entertainment Corporation, a company run by King and Orange, in 2014 sued ex-bandmate Thomas McClary for trademark infringement after discovering that he had been performing using variations of the famous funk group’s name. (McClary left the band in 1984.)
A Florida federal court in August 2016 granted judgment as a matter of law in favor of CEC and entered a permanent injunction against McClary that prevented him from using the Commodores trademark except in instances of fair use. He can bill himself as “Thomas McClary, founder of The Commodores” but not refer to a performance as that of “The Commodores featuring Thomas McClary,” for example.
The guitarist appealed that decision, as well as the district court’s denial of his motion to dismiss the matter because CEC failed to include Ronald LaPread, another founding bandmember, in the litigation.
An 11th Circuit panel on Tuesday affirmed the trial court’s decision.
“[W]hen McClary left the band, he left behind his common-law rights to the marks,” writes U.S. Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus. “Those rights remained with CEC.”
When the band’s six original members formed a partnership in 1978, they agreed that if any of them died or quit, the majority of the partners retained the right to use the name The Commodores. Their 1979 deal with Motown Records also provided that bandmembers could perform with other groups, but “in no event” could they use the Commodores name. When Lionel Richie left the band in 1982, another agreement was signed and it provided that “no Leaving Member, nor heirs of any member have or will have the right to make any individual use of the Name.” 
Eventually only King and Orange remained as original members still with the group and they transferred their common-law rights in the trademark to CEC, which registered four trademarks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in 2001. 
While the 11th Circuit acknowledges that the standard for granting a motion for entry of judgment as a matter of law is a demanding one, it agrees with the lower court’s judgment that the evidence was overwhelmingly in CEC’s favor. (Read the full opinion below.)
“[T]he various contractual agreements executed by the parties confirm the group members contemplated that the marks were to be jointly but not severally owned and, in addition, that a member leaving the group would cease using the group’s name as an identifier,” writes Marcus. “In sum, no reasonable juror could have found that McClary retained a right to use the name ‘The Commodores’ on his own and separately from the group that has continually used that same name.”
The panel also held it lacks jurisdiction to review the denial of McClary’s motion to dismiss, finding the issue of whether or not LaPread should have been involved in the legal fight is not inextricably intertwined with the permanent injunction. 
This article originally appeared in THR.com. 
The exclusive right to use The Commodores‘ name and trademarks belongs to a company run by founding members William King and Walter Orange, a Florida appellate court has ruled.Commodores Entertainment
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ausetkmt · 4 months
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Legendary funk artist Sly Stone, who sued his former manager and an entertainment attorney, saying they diverted and misappropriated royalties owed him for more than 20 years, was awarded $5 million by a Los Angeles jury Tuesday.
The Los Angeles Superior Court panel deliberated for about two days before finding in favor of the singer — whose real name is Sylvester Stewart — and against ex-manager Gerald Goldstein, lawyer Glenn Stone and Goldstein- affiliated entertainment company Even St. Productions Ltd.
“They just wanted to punch this poor guy in the face,” Nicholas Hornberger, one of Stone’s attorneys, said after the verdict.
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Hornberger said the jury would have been justified in awarding even more money. He said the case illustrated how many artists in the music business, as well as the film industry, are victimized by the people who they trust to look after their interests.
The jury assessed $2.5 million in damages against Even St. Productions, $2.45 million against Goldstein and $50,000 against attorney Glenn Stone.
The former frontman for the band Sly and the Family Stone, testified he filed his lawsuit in January 2010 to get what he believed was owed to him. “I couldn’t get any money,” the 71-year-old Stone said.
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When another of his attorneys, Robert Allan, inquired if Stone received any royalty statements from Goldstein or anyone else from 1989-2009, he said, “Not that I know of.”
According to Hornberger, Goldstein used the allegedly diverted royalties to live a lavish lifestyle and purchase luxurious properties. Attorney Gregory Bodell, on behalf of Goldstein and Glenn Stone, said the singer broke promises in a 1988 agreement to make new records as part of a joint effort to revitalize his career.
Bodell said the singer owned a half interest in both companies and was paid millions of dollars during his association with Goldstein and Glenn Stone. However, the jury found in favor of Stone in a cross-complaint filed by the defense.
Also Read: ‘American Idol’ Lawsuit Claims Label Shorted on Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood Royalties
Stone formed Sly and the Family Stone in 1966, and the group was successful for a decade before breaking up in the mid-1970s. Their hits included “Everyday People,” “Dance To The Music,” “Family Affair,” “Hot Fun in the Summertime” and “Thank You.”
Stone developed a cocaine problem and eventually fell on hard times, during which he lived out of a camper with electricity provided by a family in the Crenshaw District, according Hornberger.
Allan said a second phase of trial to determine other issues in the case will take place later before Judge Mark Mooney instead of a jury.
Goldstein is himself a former musician who was once a member of The Strangeloves. He co-wrote The Angels’ “My Boyfriend’s Back” and “Come on Down to My Boat Baby” for Every Mother’s Son. He also produced music for the band War.
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Spring 2005 Mixtape:
Aphex Twin Analord 1-5
Hanin Elias “Apparente Mas” (live)
Roxy Music “Avalon”
Boyd Rice “Black Light District”
Unsane Blood Run
Cure, The “Boys Don’t Cry”
Techno Animal The Brotherhood Of The Bomb
Willie Hutch “Brother’s Gonna Work It Out”
Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions “Choice Of Colors”
J.J. Paradise Players Club “Cotton Balls”
Vast Aire f. El-P “Dr. Hell No & The Praying Mantus”
J.J. Paradise Players Club “Drag”
Rolling Stones “Emotional Rescue”
Sway & King Tech “Enough Beef”
Common “The Food”
Slick Idiot “Forgive Me”
Sequence, The “Funk You”
Michael Gira “Game”
Tom Tom Club “Genius Of Love”
Pig Destroyer “Gravedancer”
Renix Crew f. Oxygen “Iron Shield”
Steely Dan “Josie”
Einsturzende Neubauten Kalte Sterne
Pigface “King Of Negativity”
Alec Empire “Kiss Of Death”
Sun Ra “Lanquidity”
Los Nosequien Y Los Nosequantos “Las Torres”
Usher & Ludacris & L’il Jon “Lovers & Friends”
Lo-Down Clique “Mad Fright Night”
J.J. Paradise Players Club “Magic Skin”
Coti “Nada Fue En Error”
Alec Empire “Night Of Violence”
Lee Ranaldo “Notebook”
Canned Heat “On The Road Again”
Imamu Amiri Baraka “Our Nation Is Like Ourselves”
Fonda Rae “Over Like A Fat Rat”
Ministry “Primental” (live)
They Might Be Giants “Put Your Hands On The Puppet Head”
Yak Ballz “Queens Life”
Merzbow Rainbow Electronics
Deep Throat  OST “Run Linda Run”
Cop Shoot Cop “She’s Like A Shot”
Dire Straits “So Far Away”
Echoing Green “Story Of Our Lives”
Kool Keith “Takin’ It Back”
Talib Kweli “Talk To You”
Everly Brothers, The “Talking To The Flowers”
Pig Destroyer “Towering Flesh”
Gil-Scott Heron “A Very Precious Time”
Juanes “Volverte A Ver"
Jesu “We All Faulter”
Little Brother “Whatever You Say”
Nine Inch Nails With Teeth
Phil Western World’s End
Sun Ra “Yucatan” (Saturn VER)
Nas “2nd Childhood” (9th Wonder RMX)
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nekosd43 · 1 year
I just need to vent
I'm so depressed. But it feels different from my Capital D Depression because at least when I take medication my Capital D Depression chills out.
Like it feels physically different. I remember what it felt like before I was medicated, this does NOT feel like that. I remember how I would talk to myself before and it is not like that.
I honestly don't think i can pills and therapy my way out of this one.
I can't get out of this goddamn funk because I'm stuck in a living situation that is actually capital H Hell because somehow I am perpetually unlucky.
It's the first day of school again and once again I am at home with no job. Everyone tells me I'm good at teaching, I never get negative feedback when I'm observed, students and parents like me BUT SOMEHOW I never get to keep a job! Somehow there is always someone better and more qualified than me! HOW IS THAT STILL POSSIBLE I've been teaching for 12 years!!! I've taught literally every grade and every version of language arts offered in our district, from newcomer english to APIB. But then I see people fresh out of college getting hired and I think - is it me??? Am I doing something wrong??? nobody tells me I am but I can't get a job so clearly it's me???
I live in one of the pockets of Red in CA so our district is very conservative, and I'm hearing talks of book bans and parent rights and CTR and I know I'm not Out but I wonder if it's that, or if I should even be staying here at all.
But then I can't leave because I can't make the money to afford moving!
My normal outlets and coping strategies don't help because it's inescapable. And now internet 3.0 is sucking out what little joy I was getting from those things.
I make things and I want people to see them and say something, but I spend hours on a painting and I get no response. I ask questions and nobody answers. And I think "ah, but you should make things because you love to make them, not because of the attention it brings you" but YOU KNOW WHAT IT WOULD JUST BE NICE IF LITERALLY ANYONE TOLD ME I WAS DOING A GOOD JOB AT ANYTHING?
I'm so TIRED of clearly being good at my job, being good at writing, being a good artist, and yet I get NO acknowledgement from people UNLESS I have predicated it with self deprecation or shove it into people's faces and ask them directly "Hey tell me you like this".
And I KNOW this is 100% not because I'm bad at what I do. It's because the way things are structured now on the internet makes it basically impossible for me to be seen by anyone who isn't already looking for me. And maybe I wouldn't be so dependent on it if I hadn't come from an adolescence Old Web where it was a lot easier to discover and talk to other artists and I had people communicating with me directly about what I was making instead of just liking it and leaving it in the void.
And I WANT to decouple myself, I want to not feel like I NEED the numbers to go up to be happy, but I can't STOP sharing things online because I'm becoming more and more isolated and it's the only way to share things with the people who DO care. Friends I've had my whole life are moving away from me in the physical world, and online friends i've known for decades are disappearing in waves because of policy changes and then they're just Gone. The internet is the only way I can keep in touch with people but it's ALSO my biggest tormentor because every SECOND someone isn't talking to me I feel as though I'm being purposefully ignored.
BUT every second someone IS talking to me it becomes a guilt spiral of "ah shit, how have I guilted this person into pitying me because Evidence shows people would MUCH rather not talk to me." And I KNOW that's not true!!!! People have lives outside me!!! But my world is getting smaller and smaller and feels more and more empty and the best thing to do is LEAVE and let my world get BIGGER with MORE THINGS in it but I can't AFFORD to leave and nobody around me is obligated to drop what they're doing to make me feel like the world isn't ending.
I don't want to feel that way but I do!!!!! I feel like everything is on the verge of collapse, and who is going to need ME when the world ends? Nobody! Nobody will ! They all have someone else they'd turn to first and I WOUDN'T WANT THEM TO ANYWAY! What good am I??
I just need everyone to stop what they're doing and HOLD me and tell me I did the best I could??? How selfish! How self centered! Who am I to ask that!? The world is ending and all I can think about is me.
AND IT'S SO FRUSTRATING BECAUSE I KNOW. I KNOW IF I JUST HAD AN INCOME NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING TO ME. I don't feel this way when I'm working, even on my VERY meager teacher's salary! But I can't keep a job long enough to GET OUT OF HERE. I just work JUST long enough to have hope, and then I'm unemployed again!
and the worst part is i know i will be refreshing this all day hoping to see SOMEONE, ANYONE commenting. because number goes up. and that will feel good for ten minutes.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Roy/Jamie prompt: Jamie goes into another depressive funk but it's worse than the one he was in during Mom City. Everyone is deeply concerned, none more so than Roy. Jamie won't talk about it at first but instead of being a bull in a china shop, Roy is patient and actually suggests talking to Dr. Sharon. By some grace of the universe Jamie agrees, but asks Roy to be there with him. With Roy faithfully by his side, Jamie explains that the memories of losing his virginity in Amsterdam that he'd been suppressing for so long have come roaring back. He explains how his shit-stain dad had not only threatened him into doing the act, but also the lady of the red-light district as well. They were both under duress, Tartt Sr. didn't give a shit and now Jamie feels completely destroyed. Roy is distraught but determined to help Jamie heal.
Ah Jamie with the sex trauma, I don’t know a lot about aftermath of this kind of things so I really tried my best.
Roy is glad Jamie is talking to a therapist. He started to talk to one also. Needed to confirm he hasn’t done anything to damage Jamie more. Jamie insisted he hasn’t but he needed an actual professional to say so also.
Dr. Sharon has been great for Jamie’s personal sessions. It’s gotten better to the point where he doesn’t ask for Roy to be in the room every time.
Roy still drives and waits in the waiting room. Jamie almost always leaves crying.
Now any time they want to do anything a bit more complicated in the bedroom they plan it out a day before.
It’s been great for Jamie, he likes small amounts of spontaneous but the planning processes really makes him feel like like he’s in control even when he’s not.
Roy has told Jamie he doesn’t mind giving up control in the bedroom. Jamie doesn’t want that as often though after a few experiments.
They’ve always been big on aftercare, but now? Through the roof.
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one-album-wonders · 2 years
Welcome to March Madness of American Rock Bands
This March, we will determine the greatest American rock bands of all times through Tumblr polls! Over the course of the month, you will get to choose among 256 bands to decide which one is best!
So how do bands qualify?
All of the bands in this competition are from the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. I actually tried (and failed) to have a band representing each state, but I believe that the country overall is well-represented.
I've allowed the broadest definition of the term "rock" to include bands that have recorded popular music in the US from the 1950s to today. Genres and subgenres represented will include acid rock, alternative rock, art rock, blues rock, country rock, dance music, electronic music, folk rock, funk, glam rock, grunge, heavy metal, industrial, new wave, pop, power pop, punk, reggae, r&b, rock and roll, rockabilly, ska, soft rock, soul, surf music, yacht rock, and more!
Every contestant must have two or more permanent members and a band name to qualify as a band. Some of the bands may have an individual who is more recognized (such as Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band) but are included because the band is recognized by name. While no artists truly works alone, any artist (such as Billy Joel) who recorded only under an individual's name are not included, even if they had a regular band that they toured and recorded with.
As noted above, I tried to find the most famous bands from each state. I also included every American band inducted or nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Most bands that had a number one song on the Billboard Hot 100 were also included. I also included some of my personal favorites, but nothing too obscure, I hope.
The bands have been grouped together into four regions: CENTRAL, NORTHEAST, SOUTH, and WEST. Because California and New York/New Jersey have so many bands, you'll find a few of them competing outside of their logical region. Just consider them on tour.
The bands will compete in groups of four with the top two vote recipients advancing to the next round. There will be 8 polls per day for a total of 64 in this round.
The bands will compete in groups of four with the top two vote recipients advancing to the next round. There will be 8 polls per day for a total of 32 in this round.
The top 64 bands will advance to the National competition which is head to head knockout polls.
March 15-18: NATIONALS ROUND ONE (64 contestants)
March 19-20: NATIONALS ROUND TWO (32 contestants)
March 22-23: SWEET SIXTEEN
March 24-25: ELITE EIGHT
March 27-28: FINAL FOUR
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